HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1902-2-20, Page 3HINTS FOR DIRLS. ►fff►►►►►►fN►►►f►►►ft.►f►f►f►1►►f►►►f►► I PARIS STYLES TO DATE ----ft FASHIONS IN 1 How to Preserve Health and Good Color. Yale, Hallow, or Anaemic (11r1s Re. *lured to tae Wight Vrerbuess or Yuutb by 4.*(meal Iteaus-tiuod Meati Weida the 'teach ut All. (From The lean, Orangeville. Dat.) litre lie/ le Uruwalee, u( Orauge- tele, is a yua.4g lady well kauwu to the readmit., w Cur Lowe and greatly ortecmam ey ell her ucyualetutleee. ldku tJluusetielr of ether youus girls thrw,gaout t:.atlwlu, Mlrr 13ruwnlee tell .. Outlet to +temente. ur wutery Wool, one ter a t111., at. she rays IOIrmel, Ittesrd rn44 W4441J moor again w,y.y ruuurt haat tu. l:xperieuced lieu 311•. uruwulee's cutout fail to W ut benefit to other pate cud allu.rute girls, and ter tine reeve') rile WW1) convents! to glee u etate- tueeul to the otau fee putatealluu. "fly plumose' Neel .111/se itruwwulee, "came uu %cry gradually, ,and at first it merely muumuu am tJr* o it was a I reeling ut eepreeenee teat tiroluers. I kept gettu41 meow', hotelier, .tel fill.,hy brad to give up a Wald poet - Lem. i. was at timer t}otelel wllb u ttuoMmug, rur►lug heeteacoe, use' up11uute guvo out ; tee least exer- tluu ureal rue, cul my heart would beat pllllsully, lly 'Immo meeweel to ked like weagttr, and et other einem tiers war u tanking reasutlun welch J can reareuiy de.,eribo• I war (reeled by a m'.1 Beet,. aud took leg luress fur *Jur t(.► guwur an and the otbeles geed not listen. The 1�parasols, then. are to be daintily .doruedt by rHasid enibrotdery sed Patellas, but applied In a new lora. Bo you Paris, Jan. 4._h'row a carter point of view we seem to be goi FASHION'S HOME L to Largely for burrowing (rout alt Old bulls and route, 1t weaned till Import- periottr and other teen. There see to be a ktud of missies and )umbel up or the centuries sod nationalltt till on mimeo lately to the questtua of oveu- g' lug attire? I plead guilty, but truly ter at albs, the ratios' par excelleu0e of wags he tau were 'a Moonlit homy bull. Nut that Us Impllur want of ur g nullty ur no Idly on our part; our fashion mange take cure 01 Utast. Vele image, tions are so vivid, their percept, pewees so keen, Ula) they clever glean the beet Irma everything a everybody and aeeltui ate it wit their owe fresh stud eternal Idea untU they 'make It suttee!, fur pretr- eat day newts and tweutleth err tury pereuualitl... 1 tient sure) ore aI4eweturs and their euetemp tart.* maul* Sol !lettered wee Obey 11444,010 the use it e make of the woven/re How we ge 1.0 the King Lumbi and the empire pi -4141l41 ter u luvellu*t e40114ng garb, uur plctu taque coats sum gruelleUy main tea versed. From 1w,utee we get awe.( I.lItle ovule:es fur the, bah frocks of the "J cue rube -Hut hag 4(44441 tt,u rue• tut .4 ,1wuy lu roc lige tote. a rum U1. Jul, .u.4 uu.1 11. La.u,k, we lip. elf that ant tepeeespecially at. 1 knew that °g in gay needle's* yule are Deter with - ea art dautees on the "lapis." IN.14.- at I dut►'t wean carpet dances.) 1 men- u tented the veiled drawee* of tulle and v, Dat la my beet, they are •till (ar- ts (titer lu Parer, especially fur the "toilette de Jeune (tile," but newer a' than those of two or more hnrmunle- re Ing agues aro those which bare ly standee of the rams color only. ,Nay • (WO or three toner of abell-pink or sea green. Tads glees s delightful eltaugeuut s, t )r M bhalnrrlar KQect over a taffetas f t at. u r sat I In slip. The high waist belt Ir grner:My of gold Y or silver tissue, antethe flowers are 0' pet Just at the Cup of it. Parisian u are very fond of employing black ore Is white la title way, with them til • )Nature it ever new and dile. 'Ph lace dresser mint 1 r later u( Mou'relble-de-.ole between a may as well t ou'd read tittles. anti give eyourselves. some n- trrestin4 and !moquette( enjoy - meat for the relualulug (lays of frost and snow. I will de10rIttw a few 1 have seed In progress at lovely art depot In ibe flue Belot Honore. lona were that you willbe able to read betweeu the lines Dud etOIYe wale artistic tropltee for yuur*elver. The embroidery es eerily done on the mounted paret- w,l, at. the York le ready stretched, as It were, and the wrong, or Inrld°, m'ly lx, cuvrrdd with houUI lite, Or puffing• of chiffon to meter the big .tom crumpled round the handle. It !r perhaps better to work It, and have it mounted, Inst the other Is predicable. The d.slen may, be of garlands, or Dell., Napoleonic wreaths, any of little multi -colored gathered -up rose. of chiffon, or you TO CURB A COLO IN Cl'lt DAY rake (orad... Proem gulele. Tablets. All raindety rotund lbs sweet if.1( fau.Iu.gre, W. demote deem are N es Hob ins. 41kr. bl� WOMAN IN PULLMAN CARS. When 11114 woman who 4144*, st re - theturned to tier city (run a It to the Paelflo Coetst, told her 'remit) that she was the only woman in the Pullman car on the Pantry from San F'r.an.1'00 to Deaver, th'y w:r,' sore! for her, and offore.l sympathy lu gin Prone gaunt libel. "Nut I ur ter euJoy'd a trip more.' rhe evelnlnled• somewhat to their *mss, anent. "it war Jurt too Natty + for auytWag.' ' I would be trigtteue;t to death," sell n Muhl young women, who had meet. been 'vert of l'ltt4b0rg "1'd lucre gear Into another car. Think of riding for two day. with nothing but men ab,ut." "Tete men were lovely, stud I had an experience with a carrel of Ivo• noir, when 1 we at oat, ' sell the re- turnee traveller. ' \ever before .lid I know bow sclflr11 women could be. You know that there 1* only one drwelug room for women In n Pull- man , tsar, but It has two looking r s e a u ntarb4Wy here (// r• them and the matte, It it aoftenlog; if , r`,\S lg und It le a great Improvement to �'( „ line ee all r' yokes, with i whether for >� *terser ur' Yoker, with white elution. � 1 Pink w 41+1.x1 mearlunall s y. flat It has ,•.• ruttier a wax -dull effect while while d la flattering. Puffed glerPer are very ✓ touch "ill" 'ignite In Purer; they here �^ • 2) w hero thrrntenrr) In the (.shine IOW - t",, \� 4 d stale for a king time, bet only tat,.. / �'• y appeared to real life.• u They urn decidedly becunung to trail )' *fender Ile Woncn and on those " l f rather \� Irerhnpm look better r than the tight *kill. i- � p ut the Cup on h „ • . loving f the bouffant ua- •' )ler Ir though ��, 1 tis the big puff \r !� t, way t It 1 1 t !�►l�+etEiw.+�i+.aserr�.?�'�XP:�'�'.>s��V�re'�i+.Y� GOOD -BY, SIDE-SADDLE! The Man Fashion Equestrienne la Very Fetching -A Uracetul Habit. Neeneu who reit. itrlrhle - and WODten'Weed. aoeurdlu41 to report?' tiles' now ouurtttute 14144 )luijurlly of "lw, 04)44 1 am glad dd It. 1 think rquHrtrWn,trr- wutt*att 3)440 rWe eilutaid adopt It wv0 their emuucf4u►- ti. ry w•h,'r,'. They wuull 01444 tt suck lien fru,( 1)tu'thruhJmu of tau ride- we lmprovew.-ut over the old way ruddle largely to Her. 1'ai,) Tucker- they w✓ul•s welder why something of team one of t11*• leading spirit.' at the kited h id not ttppenrt4l lung nape" "1 eupp.we the /pother of security Tuxedo. that paaruliee of burremeu one lets *thee attired la the new n4*4 hwrl•wo,lren. It wits to hos et- hub" W 04 44 kit 1111"" recommends. forte mere tluu, to those of tiny thew?" "Indeed it V. [ will venture to say usher eteulb'4' of her ret that the that there'aru hendrede of women protruding furh4un of riding astride wbo are 1^pt from learning to rkle c:u1r1 into yugue•. I by four of the *Odle. It tut only )les. Tnok14rnu111• W110 lr reeo1nlserl look* awkward ,ted &tngor•ous, but 11 ,id One of the leudere of rtiehtun at u nwkwur 1 end dangerous." '1�1x,mlu as well se A 41raue•ful rider, , "The new habit doer out reader le the wife of cue of the ,ilrecture ' lltu wearer ourui,ltuuw," she contltt- of Tuse.W 1'urk, and her sacral purl- nevi' 'It a ,1 one In snc*h a fnsh41 Oen le euel, that white.trr iuuuva- that Waists, one observes very o4orely lion she uuskee'or eta d speueor fur 4t a''4) r'•reot,v' b., u4nlugulsbrd Irma V if of r•ueltua with merle iii nterest.-Her ce.atumr. "utas fam44(011" InuutuU 1 lar not "Then ea teeny Oink that riding only Inspired ..sinus 4n 4r4wt, bit est e's, 1 Hume 114 furor ?' hetet Ter, BeL .' gr: the by she will 1 has ereedy5 fel 04/44 , it o 11no ta•11) r gradual.Why JtIding aastdride inti to Cutlery the newly he n tenth. Mu► every t ;iiug do r40.tmmegd ft ex- t'u1:14equentle lire Tuckeruut. ferb eory.t c,rtn.ne•. Tb. change '111 lute not a little eluted. 1 tine goo' eft. et when it dues conte." "flow del 1 polite to adopt tit reel_ •'\4)d that s-" ins; coa,tuuta 1 now ore !" rhe r•'- � "The iteding of hundreds to the pietted to a earreep/ud,tt. ''N'rl 1 number of women who ride. Many le might ray that ,it Wur the remelt ,f the timid woman who will not heel- ao'crlartty stalest:" lute to atoll hers..!( of what b stet. �� ° "You media you felt WWreaura in • metre to beetle of the mut heal'4- the side•..W.11e?• fel 4.( .xerotes when she kuuw• that • "Yes, e.peoially'at the b inein he can do it In police safety to her - Of cestrsr. 1 outgrew that, and with If" prectice bee/tin.-am that I felt no re. Tuckertmn's eyes Cleaved with fear when wt horseback. Bret my epi tnsausni mhp. unahwbteilly telt. early esp-rernee yet oke to titukl 'rale ld lewd., the uew riding duel I cu3uo to the cunehlriun that stoor:taitire a* +l(s11 tl 41111 habit mcoolie the riling co linin. woolen were being p. rev be. I neer be a little Sao- oeutpclled be force of trad.tiun more gDiliP, . t 1 believe that the Mee of thu.n auethen; else to use num u ttw, all. -tile with all Its dlecomfurts ml.itake," arP mall) numbered," •.tn,l theft yu., sol ub,ltt righting, Thr a •t m,• worn by lira Tucker. \ ''' Chu ern.•. eo soar irie>I}1m ray." mew eels l.f a neat-lItting waist, N'e'))" ,n,rlrrely, ' I be((rn trying 1. Ir.,tt'-rne.t :ch after thuya wbkh to. eyolvu eupa4U41ng 41'tler. tt41tht oun.tltutn n mart el t e K O r • dila Cull arlrWu in the natural position on rl.fhlg habit, d a skirt wrier este • i �► a horse'*, beak, am anyone can flee. I )rv.t be '1'm,ozl ed 4)r a eombh,attas Thu 1idnemiele wart a Crib ate to the : rm, of trnwrrs and Niel Skirt. It b so over uaode.ty, if i I ‘714.1.1.11* C of loaf;, 101441 ago. lI'ci000, of it wo- lands that It 1 not Iq ` of )the )wevuDt the Pasy nein I meet (wed of horseback riding haves • bemire to be 'Olden r au easy post - ay suffered diecontort and a enol while riding. n slaps u( the ( thenreelct.r to areltrms dangers skirt allow, It to fat In folds wisp J ° J e I Mace 1Wernd4lea were invented." 11144 wearer la In the dice On the / s Your riding coshln r teemed the skirt 4 ns iii dei :144 4)1\\ l 1 m belt / R •If not otos !/ Opted be a number of Tuaedoet • i so' thean the titular Ali- . 4 skirt, a member 01 'tee/1040e, ,eat without ally imprVeenaent in ley cometluu, ' Alai 1 begun .o fear that 1- our , iluuneal to.be art !nettled. Oue-day u Irllyid *vel;, metal to see Wo e4r,kn 1 very 11lg,4.7 of Ur. telliettwe l'luk , PUte, ,tad what she sail lntcrertt•,1 no mutber ire mucro tl.,t she 1.u4get f u four buttes. 1 began lukln41 elan, cud ID lis Course ear a few weak.: ' there was no retina to 41oule ,hut they Were helping nee 1 coutlnuc,l 1 t1.khig Lilo pias fur 11 c„upie cif t/ hNn1a1W or more, when 1 tell 14x. i Well (add strung as e.er 1 lied been. It Is about a year settee 1 gave 1111 n Letting the plaid, au.l 1 tette ma e11a,e felt tlw nee., of any 81*"Ilri:e. ' 1 Welk Ur. 111111.1u:a link fill.+ +t a gr.wd nsudlcl/te, au.i_ ritnlld Its tali- t on by tale pate and t4.oulu git•4M,'' - br. N 111L,sa.. l'ule fids au..k • vier, rr.l blokat with .eery, doze taken, ..i them restoring the Muter" of health, a utxl the tutg..tueis au] Ir44*11.•r4 et' ]uuut l0 poi' and sallow t'!4/'e'k,.. r i1`hruugu tbetr active uu the bleu 1 i, the•) cure rush dire,a.ier am tulnewi,l,- ti ierruesseee, bers.inc4,e, tloruw.a4.4l, , --„ at}spepeiLt, ret. Valle' ,4a,N•.•, Ilearl., t ruub,ur, dl.c.14gr .•: th•: ki 1:1e,ve, etre .. Tares pi.lw a4tu Curr L111 seltlaeate e . telt meets the'. ,44114* v1 ,n, molly ho- n4lu a C0tlelanl' n.l,,ere. ,,1.1 4i h r huxw, the aar.srp.•4 ,ur.*4nd which et leery, lb.• fall u;a11ae-Ur• lean:ens' Pink teed fur 4'at,' Teeple. 4'.u, 44.' w aeleurod from drlgpeetx, or ell( l.e sent by1•a mitt, p,rt pat i. 4)l :W a ,, 1.,x, or rix bares for 02,:,0. by Ad- dre4e11:g the Ur. t.i.l...tae 3ac.aitene m Cu., Ilruek.lite. (tut, •TI TALES AdouT tf1i&DITY. li o til - pe Of u,u0 at„u..r Iruekr; t\!ll,nlu u1 Ora4T, aro wo Is-uul04. ur (Ito volt ue,u.uLgl w,.ar1 w ee uw•y old Loco to (twat,,, W taco w ivied solely arvuu.4 uur et,r,ute, at, ae.ett a?,u a j. w,-ll„1 11,44 or two leurly' an one trwuu..g. air. supe, rum old 1 roams ur la..lein are •t '4144 d...lgeerr, the •Ids,., Iwckuu( a 'wise g..5Ltutlr. err• al• thou41ha u lest u) t,.us„ wort,der, and uuu o 1e latent Wear or uul.uur la th apw.vuh' "tb.," whicu 11t,Io trey tire i. l•aderodtere.4 or 440.ea uu ul urtr of ti.1..41r, in swarms. 1 here •.•u anal n 4,t-cr 4)14 belts ami ue,rk- loi,u.,• und on I•ua,•k• rchlets. At tie tegotseng uI lhu »litter tt was he 11.ur du lis, then the Cniriuu'r edelwsloe, New the Irre, ' - 14 rtts.J of its *114,41 fertunee ly, Is u.r fn*Monate° - p. t. ler, we tenet ay er 1e1e u+hawe,l ui our borrow - g prop.n,nl.e. rntueer d., we hog t vuce.4.e:. to. fl et. it g Lot 111..1 I, (1.i g , 1oek unlet r L..au 1.11. r un 0t. aire,t 4S arrr•tUrt ltifuree, welt tar 41(•4.,,4 1114,41'. Ir, un.) elh,uweure, ur kb.c,lul.) err:team! hair. t'retelo 1,4.0 rm :,u: w,.rk, re arc e:, yuck at .•,,tug 1,eas an.l 10ll,u41 exacey ,ie'bli to 4(.4 in copying, and furl lee to '2..,14111 Amer ua.1 ul.erat,411r -4- 1kfiLL_.t'4y not►p be la.♦ .e, the. t, .rue 1101 414.11.41 to.. prowl lin go - to h. ra fur tuner, we sieve the cow-' trt.ug 14.410uµ these the l ,'ate. )auk.' the lb/ag friar eery uWC. . verb :s 4).t tweet shit cue c..u.o of ,; beauty cue g.uerel bet:outlet:new. i as 11 '!7e-01• till* searou'.' 'teem' • the . .y have the Mre t a, ter gentrum proportion' they at., e 1 1 es we have 4)r' a year and more. I do not to t! W 1 to „f coon.., refer tot : r eve, that diubtlese led revival, art or bouffant to the elbow, or half o , the whole sleeve hast A %',,iuntluuu• F;deel, .rinletlmei :;•rived et by overlapping (r414,, sometimes by a pout. Towards the *slit and toot the hand the mit- ten realm V 41111 much seen, and It Inure or heir covers the hand se far as t4:o kauc•k:e*.. I•'or.0Tenine drerrua 1 there are little globe shaper! slseree, honctimer covered with narrow vet - vet 4, lues, ora ruche of the net. There are lovely proem satin ribbons for smiting the high draped 'belie, and they are made Int.. big twee and elesux on the skirt. "ketIng and auto car -Ing are at prevent largely occupying the time of the letrielens, tied they bring In their train alt sort* of original, and m•tny eeuentrb IIaye you head I wohder of a Auetrtan skates, Incrusted with w t have the appearance of dlnmonds, bier have !wen flewhits Deur the ice at the 'Petals dee Cheesier Fe,vsees " 'They eel, I believe, (rum Vienna, n the pre:loam 'dollen are really ma of i1..lt*mi:t.n gleam, but they have a Fury 1..k.•, I»,drliernl herr*, adtpwertng spark* of light one fire, am tate wearer skims along. For Lair ulnm,tt4lI*tm, 11.•• n"wert coat 1e sled,. to white sue le, it le smart, and It that it Is ale warm n to ,demo fur ht>,leek,..l and accnntpanled •.ul,' keel of white he.u4gear, 110,1 a white chiffon, 411 el: *potted veil, tied la :t bi41 how b•neatl. the chin. lig pf ti 1)w:ture - 144.11110 of here.a ray* (1114 )4ttl(' fe Mavis run ,- "al • ded•1 tie .t a ort*t I,,: th•:al ht:•g:'r ui..0 f. , u.our•1 ir•i,ete It tleJ uutr,.ry. There nor ra 41.:aa coffin: On of oi,t - , Amount ul ('Leer Cod. a,p4e are much nems nfral1 of wear - »' )pata a:;... lin,,e•cidl. t' Is this lo Iu14e491 le the 110.1i-11 14.1.4., awl Iva tor) g'*.l 16 4441, for '•4th ih14 d.4yw, g,K,1 f.•r the eine, leai,.n 1s•,.raltb txh4„tic.1 lit 1,,AL:on lately br al a .44:144.41 girl wee..uiurhg 'I'• He -..ebeaaege r.ar all urpanu and Ri. weult11y, Inn e.ltJrwt near re u irj- Ar 444N' 'at':i tt,1',4 , the e 1' • stet;• K:all�ry' m Ogle parelt:Mee 4mortr..1. attr•ecte,l her »'1 nate!) 1,4), 144)41 rhe '.411)4*. tuck to 41 ,tr w4are...eh tueei Dt:._^ • "it'4t. nue44 .1 k111,1-Tnci,"'eieCTTtcfi e., glee, rather wtetlu4)y, el imagine e4Y t4:a t:. her might ranee b.oktel like that • rel had he IIsi.' • 1 Th As sleet of the pillar.* were lick- per et0,1 the riot -ire tet., parch:tree ell 11.1 eatnl.egae, hut, before going away, etc Aller h. bought true at the hntralirt+ x1.1 male 1 tits:. tire. tar Ile• ;air. trait for wW:•n she ha./ fell *u 4truug nn attracw,e. To her a4toni.iunuut '4.e fume' Cur own tune 144.4x,,.1 0 11,118. 4,0mber an 1 Iesrne,l on inquiry that the e.rlgteal wail one u1 her threat nncrsa.vr, Attothcr OCC4;t Ct.'nddence of. pay. t-ir.,tugteel ptienot4Hnun happened a few score et. to tt esiuth,ru stale*. tit,n and (N1,anue 3, 4144 emir family had .Iways leen 14 runt 114 lien na.i4e r..zte. Timm geftleustu War mar - „if -1444 outwai et. and lettere - weiult fust be:ol*..' o.f In a ntusee i hist for Beers and lnteafe.t to menet' nay of value. • 'Co his suri.riee he unfolded a let- ter, yellow rand lime -stained, what' trees written in her own Reclean setae•-wrl.fng, or immure! to hay leen 3Pltten by bitty *oatmeal' tit (toe wee two gimes;It mo 14114)144 W h)r h. The rlg,e,,titre of the eutll4anl 14 Wolf nus the 4an1r all Millen, to e" nr..rkedly cb:ar0e,erl,tie that h c"4441 scarcely 44dit..e lee own bun did e01 pen the letters. Theme lila not for the ep.rtr gist miler* are a great nrerralty-, d,• much tel Iiih.e11 •atw..4*, ht -r -e .tet It tn.y he the re.,e.4,n utter •r , sees ag that, ulcer: hes been eo eeepreeit during -tee war time. w. Ne wile .wt. the bet:hunt. :skiing tint*, wh r11 are new the Ce, end i4inrmtlre-brrieeeeei les.w44. to the ph.. 14 to gu In lar ih, m cunt ', to m ! it n rh"l'rtul ,r.n,i,tn ' /'S• cert.. le; met 14' romp cum. Munn et • .ft c',Inr!n;: o; the 1.1)::- I w4m4w •,* »414 4)r t4u•y .!0 the nr•4kuiaP i, tut (ere hi. ley tinted, , , h r e a ' • ,t' Uii , G E OF PING POND HE LATEST SOCIAL CRA There le brand new gala. in , fore the lire w1)4 improve their eta town. In 4)d, where it has tient).' The warming course ca been In vogue route Uwe, it is out be etrumwended for the ball• known as ping -puns; over .bcre It since the latter are guide of cello - 4s cahoot taablu- lei is nut particularly 1 tablo tenets Ir no Ile%. le ju►t being takett up and Ir reurcely kuuw•( New York, wluclt (;its O 11)114414 t4rrt. Ill /•:1il;l.aud pita� .M.... I. 14 craze.. 041 peeie play it e')ne cud d:u0e1•te1•' 4.1 i Ansae., nail there plenty of rue Tube (Clime * told and hent u,lght remelt in their s eexly vied etiment. uv, but tells { 'l'wo pereens &lay tete grime. One here t11a1 It - 10 the Keever, the other the striker ►ei ter.i c,ty out. After the first game the server ntrld44 of , becomes the striker -etre and vice ph good • vei'eri. Only underhand service le -4,4,118 permttttmi and there le no second their cervico 4).m In lawn tennle. On the 11111 w110ie the rules air much the same dare h.It* of far 'pens to ie cat 1141 out t1v' fir toque'', end tbougl It ,u.y 'rem stn niennnly, they ere. 1141.4Lowrr.. Seeing 1m Ir!IPving, and a lin Tnmlro�u''firit'oT inh,k, with elft» pith tool's, nn Prmine with ('sat %to:eta, or n atoleekin with 1.11IWe1m' are. really all (mite charm - 4 g_- at 11klnfobr barrow, ted, le latythe Vetere where all le freer and spring like, weer. ceraeul entero.' are seen, fee .Iritleg 1',t( in the afternoon. Of roma", hap1•1111 ermine Is Still a fav- orite. I heels that the Queen looked May keep to one color, say, y'enOW, for the wee banked*, or white, fur Scotch roses. The leaves are cut from panne telret, or may be of chenille, the stalks and (retiree of chenille or .traded dike. One I caw, on tern w -colored satin de chine, .- haul. 44enches. of Neaapolitiu4 tialete. dart attd pale, A .lower ISeslly Irritated, in gathered -up chiffon, the stalks and mLyx in Comilla and ilk. One, on pale blue taffetas, had market bunches of little common violets, and another, almost the prettiest, was on grey green satin. which hied white vehet ,and shaded cheullte - - - _ _ ._ , _ flowers, the Czarina'. edelweiss ` worked on It. It was a delicious grey green harmony, very quiet ! and restful. And so you might go on, Inventing and Orlpnatong • 1) ` 1-fa�`yfr .r el THE CARE OF BABIES. A (treat Responsibility !taste en All Huskers-ttauy 1)110141.1 Always be Israeli mud t heel Cul. Bohlen that aro we[l,'mleop nett, ewt- well, ,'OI. 0e14 *n.l play well. :Itched th.,t tie not di.ly, rosy-ch.•••k.v1 ulx1 plylul, need* Imme..lete attention or __IA.._ rcrtljls m..} ue surmise. 1'4u- ca4 int.; h. r..huu,d ..Tcrivy k. err reales eJ.... ' 11.;14.1 le Wale yet .ftaet,ve remees t 7. tr.hnm Pte", s rue r4enoy strewn.. Such latmculc 4)P. /��Isauy'w Own Tabtds. These Tabletr4n*, a•s..4�+y-cul•tNrprx.lo.nt s do. 'They ii flSY`b tgupt,yfngteltilttier tmrrrtrrrr tt,p signslite as9ierre thehl1114)t at.Car (tenemen ur st_•u1-4.1ta-1ruublo Rad by remu*tnis c 1 , an. ,reve Iromp W Use difficulty. All mother wilt, have tool Ude malle.ne praise It ,bud always keep Rea Chu Ileum lire. O. Mine", Six 1Ule Luke, Ont., A.,) n : "The Baby's Own Tablet. X4,eb t ordered 0e me just In t,mo 847 waby wait very 1b with integre- i tern and bowel trouble, bat i am )I''pps to ray the Tablets relieved Item '1t.7 a few dawn ail he. Is now dogs imbed 117, *.4th Just a Tablet now and then 'her► t little Teethe.. I -n'2 the Nether a eight children, nevi f meet *ay t have ever had a gledie1ne 1 theneht as much of as t1 by a Ow,, T.abI its, ani 1 have trityl nil the 011 remelted I think mothers might ales)s to keep thele In the houw, 111 nein Of emergenhy." Tbrse tablets euro all the miner ell - torten of children, such ns oonittlpa- tion soar stumkch, otic, dtarrhnee, latllge t on, mod simple fever. Thee eller the brenk up tirade, Irrittion.nt crllap, and the Slatting of teeth. They are for ehiWren of alt age*, and dissolved 111 water inn be Riven with a4.niate unlete� to the y0Slttsrst infant. fluid by All dragjtl.te et 2!S cent. a holt, or seat poet peel ow rnebe of prloe, b eddree etng ti. bre Williams Medi- • too► �IreckvUlik Q. ,'i parasol dealing, ad lib. Tb very little bees • of w•hielt I spoke. ld look quaint, swarming tap th panels of A para. sot, In a "cafe tee lull" 'Rade of 11 , ale b -i bort .I silk. having an it4OrustatiOn of ecr filet-Iaoe round the edge Tee hese should be worked, or, painted, In brown and gold tints. The lining and handle bow should be of brown chiffon, or crepe 'do chane. Tide would make a asefnt sunshade, "go- tug- with everything. Be1)4 i, t hero that the Parlstenne tueanr to cling to brown, .Specially In a 140)settc shade, for scene time to 00nie, a' sort of useful standby. .,y t, Ill 11nu�uUerm pl..y' 1i. t runa old• u or two women to 1 •up' et a time. to v1.i411004! huu.lrede 144(4,, mu,- ltut do you tetuit tit. woman whp e•rmh*d 10 !te faredn1Uut4K. int 1e to r le the drra*ing room Ind will let Neter gaol.. -:(10 indoor 41au1,'-bol another in until rhe hall ntirely fin- may be played in no) r.•aeuu atm I+luvl and 110 .roll think he will till* utenmlim for play0.:r it requ•ra• Dc hurry the least little bit b • u*p but a emelt tiutl.,y of mulles. 'Cue 144:‘ levo are '4'yru usher Wo 1 u.._.... .. eeptk,n, however, yl that no Tolley- 4ng le entered. There nee "deuce" and "levee ani "mete' ant ail that rt of thing. ?110 London Field in exhauetlye article on plug -pang t1 t cn fra; outside to make them/eels pre. reelable? If you ,i, you e;on't worsen_ At it te, you don't know h sort who travelled to the toast month ago. "There Wns a woman who Wait eel lett the •g Who co,ldWart pprinkte all day wl.loet improving her.t'if » bo teed to get Ott) the deposit' room Jl4t nbuat the tlmo the rue star1041 She would lock the dour nut stay there for an hour. Other wo mea took nrarly as long, and It was 10 o'4*lurk before 1 ,Kot n - chance to drree. The porter sympathised wit, me, and entered into n lunepsrlu•y U, d.'privu the portly matron of. her monopoly. lie fisted the lock m0 that the ire - •i g room dime rou11 not he to. k"{ 1; • peon/Ilea to tell me, when minut a in fifteen see and in the Inorning he broug 1l the wont. \ • "I burr! 41 to the demising room pre - pard to weather a 'gale of frowne and, storm of *nils for intruding I tried the door, but 10:114 not budge it. mal-IIl1.eopporter. sj1PIm114*" beried at Jennie' On the door.• •' "Then he put I1IR shoulder to It. and the door gave way. The woman war too httlgnnnt to 'peak and did not reposer her humor for the rest Of the trip. font talk tb me about CIN+ uneelflshnrem of ova Men. They don't know the meddler of the word -when they are rl,fo41 ei a Pullman, -New York Tribune. When 'They're iteaslck, IIere is what n'veteenn sen cap- tain &nye en to how meaelekness nf- focts women. They suffer more gen- ernll) Chart mw,. )put they dun't mak", such a fuse cannot it. A assn g..ar to bete, where 1114 `pieties the time green- ing Anti ewttttring niitlT"116 ill nbin to cent(' out deck Again. A woman tight* the malnelr anal she 0:114 fight 4)e, lunger. Then err bee reenes atutukly maudlin nal pathetic. Alm'nst invar- iable _*110 nets the.' ertewtfr*ne i 'Pier people die e t eea*lckt,esi Y Now far are we (rote allure?' 'ifow long be- fore we nh'ill land?' When a man le reel and sick ho doesn't case when ha i. gui.11g•_1**, Innd-rather ho that the s guilt_ ect i%wn�'T41'T , rd Uub tial just put 11, leu Sete. it has }veno--pruph0r4u1 that w the game will sweep the cuuniey N hero ar'it Ilam lu k11441an.), and 141.84 interest in tt w.)1 become at. w spread rte 4n golf'. N-hetlee it hum a the -wrwriter_ uualiti,:a of gulf re- t :tine to eo re:'u, ti, far, the 4;,11,1*• 111 a luta beau eun140ed lar44ly to 4 the' a*hfunxble .. 1, thrat Net which fellow 11. A big' NportItig (Timer • here Co tattIltt $130.00.1 werth of 0E140 ten is 1) 4raph,ril• 11• b Ilittltittl:,11 1, and Christmas, :eel the game v. e 'not letroeueed here till elle. fall, The galue IN iilayabit• on • ONE WOMAN'S EXERCISE. Her Pawls a Hood thie tor Health Seekers to Adopt. No mat ter how stormy the weather ▪ Certain j-ouog north *We matron regularly walks flre melee every day -that be miles" it be ao windy Oa tO make such exercise an imposort- Witty for women. Rata, eauw or slushy streets h v or thee determined pedestrian. About 8 amock every afternoon who done mum a skirts. tied away Ina) goes /droll about It, ror she le usually borne In about nu hOur and n half, bringing with her a coo. which Is ay as appetite what' morns everle thing but the moot substantial kind Of food. Teas appetite she does not t`drtuy to the fust extent oa conttlg Parlieennes, and they are even more welcome In our dear but dark Lon- don than In clean, mediae* l'aris. I have seen several reel hunttlig pink, of tucked crepe -de - chine for cheese, end on/icemen tutted down with n. gerlane-Jet, or Wick el.k niet-lace. The latent had of crepe -de -chine Is very gain:, anti there tot a new, soft-fluithel taffeta, which le so rich It etnale alone, but geed Itotc most delicious folds, and the 1,010PA 11) whieh It Is mule are revisiting; especially does my nand revert to n wet cerise end a tonnto- reid. For evening troche. enema lolly. the pestle and indefinite shadeteftre yiefiling their /else to snore deelded eiders. FOr day gowns. and the long wtth three little fer-otged (arrest eollars, Mel soft beaver hats en mete, the tender Melte/ shades see still Hare seemed to devote too worth e. Noma tee Cough ass Werke iltr the Cole. OM OW ye 1.1iforrotail: iiitre.teue mill • aheoltittsty lovely in bets, when help- & Ins to opes Parliament the other la dee. ta Little ("epee of Nantes with tome canningly arranged yel- lovrish lace.** the collar sod fronte, 104 are greatly green for doting In the I Ikea Blouses are all of it light and ad airy nature, they are a roe °tome ale Ht." with the coley of the open bolero 1 nature, or refutnInous, warm make, is lite barred. Wooten of a few sessoes beak W would open their eyes at the ath- ea erial dainty confections over whfch we wear our coats thrown open-lf m We do not remove the co its entirely Ite end dleplay the bloused in all their batuty ta afternoon con- go aorta or receptions. tie Behind the 'scenes, they tell me te that next miason's permeate are te op. be conopicuous feature. It would me event peeviOus to repeat thin tope, ta who, In the land of our Lady of the p bite mail dinner Ls served an hour ter. Hart of this time is mooed taking a nap, from which eh* wniumin time to get ready for the eau* tneal. Ilet young matron In tiaelftion lOwed the. renew' daily for the ast couple of years. acting on the bitis. Two years ago rho wan fer rom being in good physical condition. isted co -at spiders/ale (verse of &Ming exercise. and toelay has the tafaction of /teeing his Wife tel efeet Pratte. decked with the re- arkeble goal looks. which ale in- elted from her mother. 'Nothing could ineesie me to (roo- my dally wnlk hat noWP gale, she silt If women week/ tete mere to tle* thee Wield more eerily . fits in their deeires, biseidee env/Oyler- roving their health. ene lend of Maw air te goal, even the monk *noted Waist air hut Chleare amen to tie efrill of It "meet la &vows. ere more concerned with on muff. tban eutishades at present. in had I not a good reason fog iro Men Ing. I shall breathe It into Hisser the et those wao go is her seedivrorafe 1 ordinary' dining - la W Lennie 11, A net supported by movable posta' le stretched *trove t e table did the ban le batted bite nee forth fterOttit (110 'het. The ti pug /due- led, le slut inaelltidel ..ourtii Of Jort•iiiltilttn Wesel ttte fro no a teeter racquet. 11. in inn el. null Instead of gist *deluge a wilig1 14/1:e tellaul fe toed, tightly etretelied, ns it drumhead. When tle. Lund which gnvo the 114 Ltigliat tome. Yoe lat the bell wall a pling, It etittlett /lying bark with a pottg, and between the music of the coded anti the solaces reouired to return the ball, your ' ears, eyes del musclee are kept I bumf. Tee ball le mi Important factor in the game. The nature of Its con- etruction luts lind much to do with tanking the game poesible and pope - ler. Tito hall ie hollow and Math, Of fen botinclug qualities al a rub- ber Will. WO moreover le so light thnt It will not break glnee. Being comparatively liarmierie when it hitn ntrytitieg, 1404 flail 111 lts chief recommendation. The ovine of the new tnlie. (twin nay that a dining - omen table Mina nine to moven feet long nud half the width le the beot looter Attu tiles) tient ".wermIng the battledores Cr iliCiaile-rolifriTiTerettee -------------- .r then Mill excellent gnme has failed tiz Cully, any headway became, •,• Oa a ie„ waive! entail the abaso eetahliehiel avorite, bet in tee case ping-peng o Hitch sacrifice le call- ed for. Tot. p yearning for bile lined.. le by ho aria to be garotted by the flambee people playing. given the facilities tid billiards wale! hillInrd-romii in ever, semi-detach- ed villa bo an Imp() ible as a pr sate, theatre. Wit tot suc- ceeding that ping -lion am it ;riffle. 10 In the rem evict manner **intolerable. to billeted., I' er- Impowelbh. to the ordinary ho as - felt creveig fee an PVP lug amusement enenieng phyi.ical ex - !prime of All exacting nature. " Wherever hereell beings' assemble there the fang and the pang of the le new deemed laappropriate for 0. Aviciaion asked, "Liu you peal p1.4,.. .1...mt?" fee, not. being tante haft. or blind. pet ne. a water of aiunre -perbem. merely AM, 11 liell-pr,ftte-• tee measures In many eases. F.arn- w h the ping -Ring erase, we believe, foe t them of the but - tern eleroent that affected bridge mere'. because it wee the fashien- able th to do Theme play plug - ping wi mach greater sort, and certainly et not Iowa skill, bemuse title would linposeible. There In of an salmi/elan to formulate um mini rules for ete genie In Engine - aloe of allowing tire tla th pada the Field Pertripie tt iv thieve\ by this mean" protracted resit. will CPedi• tO be. !twee 40() and even 2 strokes 00.. cite wieh easelosis player.. ho some. !Now triumph over the bril one% anti them* are deckledly num 'onoue to spectators; but this only g es to prove our ease an to the ilmi of the teens. The Tolley might be ej taste but it le certain to bo fat to the ballm. 'mime some very ,differ- errt metered to tbet employed le in- troduced. Whet the sneered ben did for lawn tenets the celluloid hale NOW eons -for piegemere. _ A Wrong Idea of the Nerves. The Action of the Heart, Lungs, Stomach, Liver and Kidneys Depends on the Nerve Force -Extraordinary Results from the use of Dr. Chase's Nerve Food. TIIP10 la Mot a ;angle organ of the busmen body that can perform its reactions without a liberal amply of nerve force -the motive power of the body. The moron, ardp/11 ehould never be thoeght of ns a 'separate part of the body. lee branches extend from the beret' and the spinal coiumn to the tips or the netters aniitoes. Jute as the blood le curried by the aeterlei '0 every nook and corner of the orjectem, so the nerve foree, by Means of nerve Aloe* III dletributed and nerve force is Just am important to life as is goal, rich blood. When the nerve mete are wanted hy over exer.lon. worry or Mouse, more replete then they nre repeterele the netion of the heart become, *fewer. the hag. b gl 1 to weekea. the stomach f 114 tote) its duty, (henry) and Id et ye (WIPP in their work al 1 hers. and the exeretory orgies! get feeble e at tufty be it sufferer from w k . ane on of the nervem net mny hare been attreniting the troth,. te th- infra - *eh, kidneys or other orgies. Nerve's exhaustion le marked by reirtieseneee, dIstirraid /deep. tare •id, wenry Doll's 4, headache. eyrie Pee. and 1 co day mine numb ty to ion e ntrn te the thought**, abeent mIndednee., '-• week n el m mory, telt. h ng of the anal • ate'l 17 nis,"eidd dv /dermas Rad jerlepas of the einem in 'deep, dizeleres. irritability end g corny ft rebating.. Tbrosigh the merinos col th • nervoue syntem Dr Chnee's Nerve t'oo.1 carting new !lin and energy to every Organ of the body, It derengthenq the Melon of the heart. itolgotates the stomach. Maltese the k1eneye,e liver end bowels more netlte, age beetle ep the entire oxide's. if you expert mee any of these oymptome of nereous evhanetion An can rely absolutely on "Dr. Chalk's blood and crest! ig nerve force. !terve Food to cure you It does ttot ahuninte, bat thortag ly emus by forming new, red eurpnelei,a le the Dr. Ohase's Nerve rood. SO coati a box. 41 boxes for sa GO at all