HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1902-2-20, Page 2. .. . t -- ---._--_-_.-� ._. __ or flu • e 1 _ --_ _-• --- - give you f ►t ? • D sskw „fte - - a�lle4dg s'o, w de --1 iri?a .dilalrer o critically Surveying the sketch. "011, ---- been wflsued by the caiieclouuseu fouly were they permitted tlx+ urs of Wtnalpee lr to Iwve ki referepduln+ �Je' nbi,ut ten piluuAs" td/ ciliac � Signaj that he died in the exeoutiou of that the wood. lilt gore ll tuallJ taught ser p!oWrdte on the suavity car quea ion. Science in the Kitchen • tw"i"t. " loulE I'm l"t21g/Nl:' lar Quty which Iwyrd Uufterin thought w takv lulr►cco ser un e•rsuuth►1 part clan. • tunitihPtt pluughttivtn 4wll, rorutchlttg °; ■ rium os w highly of -but by movie unfortu. of their tducat Wa. hlr bend- UI pmthe bey, "1 burr to BIltor Tow"MAT mon" o Nut with;ta lull Jumt-m 11.'a "(:Cum. Chicago Ir taking to the refrrua' �: A l'OLIECTION hOR THE SCRAPBOOK po mu two month" 1 ore I one rays settle cejwtnerdill trauduottumr Cron- OF 1118 WISE 11OUSEWIFE. ns auob a/ that '-Lt14Mon ?It•lair BT u. ■o••Y.WCOIIOf. . ) ccrimig the inwardness of which terWast to Tulxti'mr; alai varluur duke, tiro. mustatter sheet only on L twits cull n•gulull,ufy against rwuk- Irfiuchlres msec tr, grdutet truly un Uoc U:uquis kuvw al,twlutely uulh 1ig, It rwtcdwl the suuith during the a vols set the pro Ie. XRT �� NOISELESS MAGt11NE•�N11p, rlillllatn.\1'. F'E14. _0. 11x11 fug, flat lila cunrcluurnrrr that ilia re+gu set l,luecn \sense. !t thea "kit- - q N htl,v rat the top of such, nod In- �_ naw,, sear w luelt'h ser ere" naso- tailed a tx4pularity it turd uerer colt liruwu Itread. g k,x+wu ►xtore, nitJ to which !lie According to the lust ltitllml stater her! n' cbco to reFFtr•+rrul nn rtPyyle %lu tern 1)evlers Ilctve lion@ .t,r,,l _ __ _ _ _. - __. __—_ . ttintedi with. the contalWuntWg clP- {,reruut age is racy now appwxlmatt- rrnrur thyro aro L'2,000 016114limils One to of sour "swim, ease+ Loup "( ,.tcgp• Tlxsw• are dt•Iatlous ad a rolled LI)HD 1)1'F'Mr:ItIV nl•.AI'll. ❑'eats which brought nlwut ►hc iUg., lir eery {xpulurlty caudred its ar,la@"es, 0216 cup Of ruinlwl sal+fur, to surto with meats. N11ktMUld-ilswsl'IrUer. ton \ow York. rrke wcxtern Mutual one Wirt of graham► flour, ouo lion- The cold time ancilla* distill war+ a Thu Marquld of louffurio nud Ara a"mletidrfon set notorious frauds must ,4.w•ufall," anvm the author. ""'hat her A sari[ remnant. q wu of ,+all., . Lave cautled hhu lite toodt profound Ili'- thunders of prierta, lila lugic of ti mllitt of rrxW, nun ilig p r;Rftr un.t C)Ilvrs, and esti laeessaat etcher and deg lF. H. Tcmpl l311,ckwlxo,U diel ill hike philurupherr, file warning of Plt)- f Butter a r,uuJ tucking Jlsh :seal {r,u► awl saltie, coil Ua prtho v, ,11 looker, l9andebo}Lo, Ireland, W dit.N ai•rllfication cold rill' bis high hamkeers, from wldch tile+ r.t"cul mleiair, tlw satire of wilt rind Litu luJRing b} the pilar walla h+e lu the bntl. steam sew Illutt kit" sell aN, u n�lunvilk-on r•ihlh Ir worth ,kty lagt. Ile woe iWte rnur 6i'lle al of „cud rued livilwltirt• nature to uLo• ext•Ime ,+f ►lug+ Ilse! cut bruit ,t We I-I.;gct rtlariev fur judges the killer-, bro n nue. oven a few wlnuto• t„ rlrlttre seas glad to Caccia" tvlth I,!d breywn use Aha t14;+. .Versa scalars flu IryitlC. Tho e9Lw sere Ilrof IwUed manse d hayring unlmlwlred. Itut is Canada from .Tuna : a`I. 187., to \u"• ,luick: la rll'etlltsldlNll, tamd►a pr lig It +rl „ge tw}'er's Itsouwc cannot be leis top of th++etcuwer twtll rerl•ty to di,h barn, nud the 101,014 tnkuu sett. From trot rooxleru rho enutx•r lith. lt+78, and C!""'Oht'IN In JJd_ Lord Lurferin married mkn910 lauded. • • • sws tklug hull C1:41i well, tl kw to *to,("). - u t lho bead or puddhsg. Lilo big rill Biwa of( n Wt to irl p yew bans Duly 1, ,sett tree,+we cunrtsaua ; the Pipe war use 1 - 1110 egg stent! upright, null in the wJib Uho that es[ u r str(* ts it blur, Iunth wntcbnl told carver since told lborrhot Georgina, eldest daughter of Irrcgor ILe budget cot the beau ; the with beret u hammer stack", In came drpartrrr (rum this i,nwU}' with thio trrhilctl'I lluivrul Il+ounluas,uf h illy_ Artrr sell hwr caeca raid ulotrut lice C'hIviaeu life. swill send cut a Ilttle hula Jr' -1) set them, from top to bxrltoul. habit war prtctiecxl IV the tory htw- rlot ,:rt Interest. 111 his PniInrnt poor' Icrigh l'urtle. (:ounty Iluwn, Find the Lost classes tri society.•', suwlting had rr[rreuduW lyeing fou lunovniluu• feu' Take two full-grown ( JLI'ur, Or tIto oolives itr'Jinserte! /land sectile Al tifeld a thio to the Imihe Iffirrtrni l �t. 1'etarr hirwuc cul all, Ala,ut slur time will care to declare that they en a- lit tawrhlns tads arW La t u+ mrU"sl "i ew to tlu• Fropird' Fit � Fiotun prated a must happy aur. O more If emiall ; dill.1sent thrW, e t 4.,M ou a beel of lettuce tenter Duel eg work. In former timer they cl.ipp'-d Lid Lufferin w'a• c uemuly pupa- nhtieter was Frenell was o++udider- ,,,,t trust -the people• It fe theywlw hisckls,up, etc„ suutll ser a,nterrl^Ilt ur over unJ aroused them a good berg, ('Oras►antinuple, Varix, awl tis }' ,•,I ,,hou tun; • and kir to Fraucr Ik,il them with n few bhce@ of Malt {o and fhlwt all flat surfocn@ ; nuts Illy \'lccroy of In,Ua, four Peopir topk rl Ina in (etnndn, nud her mer"icem till ,uulf hilt alwu�m been preferrINA It, cola. Yrench dnwrluR, rmnde with Ierooe metal plainer floes the work. Gr:tr ,rldP, /ser thio real w:us 1!ad b,•cs, Ie)rk lit water enouga to curer them, h'le•o instead of Tl-ogar. wheels„ with b0toutifully-cut trPlh I [ f . I,omlf of the ntflieta•,l w•omeu of sw,•kiag, sol '•Georgi:in Faighuil, re- 1. t iheyn bull sett" tender than lake (mr col us cur nlun+ lhnu tic }'cars• bulla Cacr her u title to fru runkeel I'u•siutiug sntuk'ng fur Its pl,pulnrltc, liecept reports fruun .toulh Afrlea Out the breastt Ih+ne. After lh(•y lyra da lino work l)( Aho fold cog xl;etd• + . m t at,in o e i lk ', htt,l 1'e:p d on • Uoe h r #I title set is rat:k S"•g.,m-tit ruutL" !n fusltiunable full show that while+ fighting hits re,lue,"I +seed the wum Ir lakeu off, put lit 1'u N hlleu Ihr uoor►lryr. turuiog ort Ilse Inthe Ir (A'uo no1+,+: in . l f r g m k }•• U.JI rna+rkinlg war furbkkfru. lie•nU lessly by the screw, with hydraulic u+ Ift him (or the more r,•hl+onsiht+• \asci dCrrrre.{ the AIMc,ntinunncv set the ctdccll>e IorGtl set lhg_I\rillsh LJ', n hilly ruin, rel eery [Ina -cut 1'o `r whiteuluC dtxlHtepr, u�c tills or niers/ pcxwer, mud liftinngg IN rh,ue it kit ilntJi. Tlo, up{ser classes speed- 18:5• disease ham reduced it by '-,59U• ,awugI to lasts dtiltlralty, Jurt +•„/loan+l: ,UUlrsulrt• half a I undo( by lite power oraua. Tile idnrk.niich dutl swdich h• tram aft rward,cFi11 d' IN)(►vl 1'11 h: lilt.\I>FL Pltcugh to flavor n little: rub Nume powder l-itlue do a pilot and a half t0 perform..A r.vent biographer mays coy came to regar.l mw(Ailig \rill' Thu deadly enteric fever tight•t for All Figy vrry fila+ whru dry. or cut „f water oyer n "claw fire. \\'hese asci to r10 nit oatthsg with sle,lilew u,nnde'a Imin silt iucn•nervl >rs.11_,- ,rlium an.l the twJ pe classes fullutc the Ilan/. flan When green -cilia glee" n plena- ,alt.+ parlUsl, tui l u p,+unJ of Iwo- cirri "ideal@; non► s outlliig tdf Inn. thin his grain) u( 'I""" I"datie" curl SII In w vett tn,.utl's, while the r�- rd their example. ehnly the lower ur- f Chloe maws through a steel boar frith Iliingt was rvlraunuufiry. It seat +cit flavor. Sown well "vitt' prPper der wi'lllug, rl{ming It In grn:lu- prtr(« Itscrrur.•.; Rllt17;;,18=5, thio fatal dors rhlrtaUlel true .w their plVet'. eyl lets n,slss tlmn a butcher rttak.•a +.o third Ilttle tehat be w•um called a{sea Tl'ur Englund rnufhrl lirelf trail tutu ' The ILlltuan Palace Car. (towpany atoll wait, nud a few ounews Of lAy d ally. Apply thin to ter• ntgw witk • •f Import," fur that pe•rlo,l being i with nII fresh butter. When all Is ex)oltetl n mtifr brach. It til Imizture Ise- I nye recctivee b being gradually elim- 1 sel•'11,7G9. nu,1 ,e( cv sesta I_8.- Lhe tuill le col tart century. has doulded to do away well, have 1 uid -uuugh to corer the• to ,lu. 1[e ,v:to, ubtr, ns u cow ,aril- t li has [tut eraulxsl ubsLon'ntlun that (,•semi" cleats. The coke )an risk(," Iq coxtx+r too ruff, add nwrP wulen mated farm maohlae work• all ij is titely y,u eg ucan- Ise d"al in it statew +. t7.t9{ Tilts i" :+ b turd to trade, l y chlrken, then tx:►t two eggs, allot stir UUIy re•ry heavy, rules will remote from other everyday things. 4t 6 tilt- Wtruductluu of tuboier"' info tht' tWal they block the promotion sy•- hl tomo Tweet cream. Line a five- tills whfiing; hence, Lilo saving of , titan ike still r with thio cuoflict+ ;,. i lieu Puitcy of tilt- fiurrrvnueat Ir Old world wan synchrutsoum with the - - . twtwecu the "ullbelearro' au,l Cb1IN team whk'd it senkm lit carr cut In quart {an with crust made lair! +sedn lutrur Is great. DR. I—i+.osw,aau IL. by imprforitsg the out-burot of genius that tlluitrin:tted �a Wrault, only morn bluorteiting; rift WHITE'S ELECTRIC C(1\11d tiuud in Syria. Th.wc whn r, mcitllr•r its uffloe rrrvles. step up young In til+) chicken and fiquid, ,•over wllh - sr:,ital+ortallou facllrluw Public the ►ixteenth century. Fpc•nner, -- - or t hP courtly "c,rsh,eu" w h,r ,mcupb d + ;,, } Ir estpclxhd coq raUauye, t"kewlx•ure, Marlowe, Fletcher, sell wets, nud pick your partnere. crust same a@ the lining. Bake till t•c Ihs Ilcusekeeper Says: Sure Cure cur Hwtdrrh+ and ski - uxt►rd. Pu came down to litter daym cruet is done, and y,w will hate a That parsley enteu with vlleegar alltieeua•Prrrent•rod t hr "1: c'r,gal throne• :it OltawLk, Pro' •, ,,..1ST, ]tuClnw's, etc., t„ make It Rall! Alm s; LIAM. (' mbfrtinf.rt u tnbl} Ilttle kleca at Ito• t,we that t:ulddwith• Lasalk Coleridge. :seutt, TLe theory that a sense's atenl- gocxl chicken pie__- x111 n•move lite uuplwwaut effects u.,tiiwl«sere ural, t'waforlln1r da,n,,•. i. h ► et"' of herrn I',.•er lu srn.l Cann.h1,le prlducts tv Kingsley, all wormtulopcd set the ingd, it put into huudes hud chat- ! set 0utluir onlous. I lAat•wlffellwr. I�dlem6k. eleat.r" -..,, !tit {,asst-,, ihrtw9 file Itritlbd market, But trade is two- ,Urine ser tht• gudderr. Carlyle, nut telt, may rightly Ise seized towake Delteloaf Hellen. That br.wwnx rubtot�l on rusty AkrRad 13 So-JIhnS . "'O from I,r..i worse V un a butthfidd, nud b}' Tennyern, also. were great pipe flutfrune will wake (beau smooth Ase"'ry, Iz Ne. John sit. Mootrorl. r-i.11s1. A'e-mast gat e..w4,tbing l,nck used tits kyr d of those whuiu de ApDlr-mare erogarltrs reyulred W11-11 the all.ged upigarian Attu ll exchange b•r what we send 'ONulrr*. hip!Ing, Tike Mark Tw:aln, g lk' tart applets. Tho receipt fur th,ro urxf cotta. . rltles" pal.d It i* Intal to lwug-nLo i+ a devotee of the c•,rnrob Pipe. War wroogt i, while if u tLlet luym calls fur rix hour Apple+/, per'lel, T21ri coast th pa:treeeslA )il,-1 t th Thp Jfgoal ::br,Nad. A reduction of tariff is us ThonviN Hardy profrra n elay,while nwrty Wr plunder In life indurative cores], quartered and steamed In is silk rlbbuns tlutt sere spat++1 with te�ii Lord nuffcrin writing nN the result .'wise! to promote trstde ns the re- 11r. Barrie sticl'r to briar. more• routs abl hold near the fire u( Ltd �yrixn c'po•rlenrrs: "Almost r. B (rio.tic story im told of Iii+ p+tyment@ the uecumulutioud must tk,ubdt• butler until tuft In:imh, add will rrerltre them to their frobhperm rosuwl/e rvrry hews" war burnt send lilt w:,vat m a anu.l-bar, or Aho rh0rtru cut ha Pouched, Ike u vicious one. une�ftwrth of a cupful u( sugar, juice Thnt aotu for 11•tuglitg paper icor of a rattan} -roto. Tho (cwrr M+'j^t` King F.lwnr.t \t[: "insring whl grated rl/d of half n It'uxln, a I t gRRY TBCRepAY MCRVIXU s rr •t cru se I wit + A. ad bull"+, / me atilt 4 it ri til • o o-oute. lT great+ r ells visit to Canada, lit 1'i i9, hr nn•f little nutmeg grat"L find n Plants 1 ehtxtlJ tr+ wild" thin semi rro11 In ; BT D. Ise*:LLICCDDT, _ r,f them stripped Owl mutilated In is lm,rty found thckilm"lve" 4,n the Tlu% New Turk Legislature ie tun- nlc l of dell and ground ciunan»11, 1 lilt• t -it. it of n Ilttle glue• will um 'r lit be• the vul,rrue of trade. Public ,r;,ir,Lo. mil Lox In+m human habitation. e+ldurinq a bill to provide, that juag- Simmer until very tiu••k, ill(•' odd rt prone It, a,n.l n little powdcrel alum rvrry lit)"mlble wa My Y,':ul h,1 maul f" dltorce cares shall not be teas" Tin adva es ...... , y M.i1lImPIMt Is o ppoortxl t0 "chat is rhe !'stare, tw he was then. pay{w.re,{ {snafu! tach Art hot Ixattrr aril I ' Ill [will It to dry. through rum,+ of thio street m) c.Jsrl larl'f-tinkering. Tet Il mums t hm.,kr, lit which all ngr: rd; bt4 ft roan+Larch that have been r„pkfxl to- (Lilt nn oxcLoDenat paste A+t all metltA.ls e•dwa«..,•,. ,.,•„•„ 1 s her u could nut aero Ntrr, Ic thio , itterwl uutll liuee wunthr after. tLe I kr.emwwsths, . { waw frxrnd that the whole party ha,l gcther nnth mtmN,lh. ('auk sell fvr I IF LA,a elf {mrporf may toot /,deaf OfaMo..tks w nal, l,e forgotten th•it Mr. Gladatone, +ill? ,+kir sew tail tx+tween them. p„ `,cyst'(' lr -files!. Thu m,:uure is tar two• /taut Pe, st Lr in the slightly n U•nrepi+onfnl of flour gre.idaliy rear. 1 id Irxllrr weer Iltrrall}• Pilaf t 141Y ................ those I i•�nluined hall nasty "'1i'+w+ b'mP scrim largely septal die e11►ure a delay to( thrvo epoletbr hr- beaaten ,yolks of three No, , rn,k cacti I mlxeal milli d:'If a plht of water. n , thio enlccesshtl lgnittun of that mulch rcourd e• Chancellor of Aho I:x to w• dad the lenrorrr fof til,• cabal'- lwuca ltltorc+ send rrmurringe. It Is attics tldrk, aril turn out on Iwli,•r(d nirall pinch rash of {five •d alum ANPNtrlwg t/st.o, , wwn+ls, cult ill }unit r rc .Lhe rig;y I 4 (' dish to excel. \\'hen cold furtu into and amain nud b Uerl flue ntinutee; &adothwemsmsl afire” sko,uan•- Inti hand wits a lih,•r catiri ly ,+r ue•:arl.1 chriucr. made reoluetb,n after re'duc• ,nite. Luta were drawn to Arcble nu intruder t0 bimfer ,tcielt m"trlatua.tal Lsfml tion In the British L•arilf, without 1„ms whom should fall the rrmx+asih:,, gaa11 ixihs, dip in crlwbm, than into lite adv ew cof n Hole trwwn miens pow nnsfwprAloetinee.r & UovnneI of cut off. no� the im+or wretcd In •1e- ,lay 1 cLuuCer PRit anA ertrmbs, fry in deep fat, ami u tow gralnw tyf oorrosivs ewh• fareanAsnb•s•r*wtletasioaos• Hoe.+Mas •r (atilt of Wei lx,u+ lu,%'!lg iusUseclirely ,4 r"er'uue, especially in the periu: y of striking it. The lot felt to drain nn butrhrrw' Alper press to Jietnto will t+remPtvs 1l latlfMltely. { ar'beasm a de the, Prine•r. NhPitereel 01,vo thio I Bneir@«darl•etfd14soserdudderisw ++'inch rucovedeel thio C'riweun \\'all Thu prufereiuwtl ugllatorr Way ralrtml lab :erns to Awcrry the Irluw wind by Ilk* eumpaplunw, he socre•s, rAdrMl.ernesla of hOeR renal, R, r., rimed ni ]tIa 1 stat IitUe• chllJrt•n col' T]t: t Ir hcow Ivo made Britain the fu71y accomsiishrd the front. -but elf- st:rea2i all much auJ ad lewdly all pltemt!oas Y•o.st RltaaJaas wa■i•d .,4 urL' lase{r of l li amad lit theme da } h D p v*@erarertr!ti r^•`'! s � Ja it cut more than Ivor J.vtrm ulcd terward d,,I,,rud that It was thio flu}' Ick,•, but toe lercl-beaded w Ic Z- jlilO � i ba"Ines+ .roil.$1pasrud wt rwamrhnrt f r.�:unJnnt ret Pun•. L'nurdn'r lila: most rxcitinR nnA nrrvons moment ,,( lila [?co"ItICe will lief gPt tutu a IlRQu_q... t ,a roti g stretched in the l-r,.wnd, :and ,nw SOME ADVENTURES Heolsi,nriellfor scar Ih.y l" . r +. :_ace Mildoter milclit well nfr,trd to of his tire. with Mhirh feeling:' nddm funk Ireuuere they are askerl to ray ))5,' I M '%FTC ! ezx«I dnoes. tl t a sat •",,mile mb rr men will, grey beards.” But w, he thio writer. "onvoltorm who have• } . OF FAMOUS AR11SIS. +l Tug j1a Rei/ ! J 1eAny. seem► l.rrm• eobjec w ell•p,,,.. had to du, and liL+ nciluu "rum prudu, - t 'ke a leaf cut ,K ser. laadrtol""" w►tether or nal they wish a Certuiu A■r •pthe soilLa tb@ubJ 1. f lly e., i. •n frxrnd thrmmrlvrm fns Pram the hnnntm law, lurtewl of Ila%Ing it fumed upon I SW or etbmake.titwrr ►welt*f amady- s t tive of cawtug v, r}' pr, milt :lurltulit- '""'k 1 l)f men, with nn Pxtremely limit td by art or onwp*sr. t+ be..luas:dera4 •* e1.lr.r . + titwy. Ho dl In ltd etlu,l skill In bf+ - vn1t(woly of matches; ti} mpathisr to the them. We :i4+A+t�itr`�Mrarr^++^"^^' I ws°Iarad °b6rsed sooeedtrlt•t P Y 1'\\1N", F.Ut,(.A,11(1\ .\\U (IIAII. fall. A IDOfit ►atCreitiug volume might) 4eoa1set4«1ns+mpwrNfgt»oss«stcd arWtratton between the• lien. h ,fill The a soft coal famine lndlca►tem weld' no sates few than tan . the Druiem ill the I.rl+auuu. Tae At' ER. Ise wCittoo Lou the amu•Log eip.ri- I'uruuw rrnuere +twrrrt. Leeslaehcrosin oel,sarr rading"'w• tluat Cu nails id nut reUrely lode eacewa Art mrtlsts fa mean 4 of rubJectr i Feil 1T. -Grain rroelpts were resra woo. Nm noise tar sr *_tars yc. AMINNIMt"irrrsdipm nt st. lIctert$burg, There- has ticeit a gex,el deal of �♦♦♦♦♦♦♦t♦♦♦+ti♦♦i♦i♦♦i+♦+ perident of the United States. Thi,' fur llrar pleturur. Mr: huughton..the I heavier up the strrot market this `vola+• iMfhuMkNesd esker rilsles• u1 imerrot antxif»stwr( in titt•ar Hiothw• t11- . murulug. 8,4UU bumbetr offering. benevolent isetlatlews. but me fulluwed by a Now(,t - iaT euddrn ♦ 3 rugiil"ry lull preuty - of Mott 'coal -in ]loyal Academic'". told /Pty :win": whwn ieculiar urilun Da`sbeets • CURRENT COMMENT- •"sling-tottt6 0l die welyadtnre•' 1'rlcus were a bteiL. emberlbenwb*kit44e+rTlvo Tnerner.t uaaefereece lit Cvtshtuutluolrle - { + ♦ lsritlsh Colunrbirt send \ora 8cotia- vebere It war soul kit the limn• h'• was are hd Dc Yarlm tiutgr'Ott", but wh, ♦ ♦ whim an sk lag. tab Cue file Al when' \\'beat -Nam steuAy, 4010 bushel+ r qu m,srlr as wall w/11 anter a sly a s r are lwntl rx osc te)d to 1•an dlnlve � ♦ but w cur as Ontario fs concerned W) war @tntcdtng en Aho A lit � whlto sehlrtg at .0 4+ 78.' pert bol, hPl. �alnla„g ms of tbo tats at r .aria *e•ts .4 it m ht about 'as well be fp the reareh of A ruit"10 background of I lAkl bu@belr of rest col 8s to 77C Pers poeaeble. regarded will' as ILIA01 nwr an 'dor Y 1 R n♦♦♦�µiN♦ii♦i4Nd+t♦r♦♦x Ig twrhel. aryl 810 I.uehclr of goose at w►e•ssebasN of addrw le desire 4. 11 ertreewor, the gr•aL Eltch:. L rd ill• openatiuu bo cause of tuberculo4t, Dfany :t Cac.nddan will learn will; tuuon.• dark piper for a eontemplateol ply MeelA•mdthes*w addrerebumld best,." Bcratfad-cls+gn��+vt+lw+a ,,_Lot la. A contemporary calls nttrntlon to . lure, he etxktenly came In right of 8To per bushel' u . ,KMw Of t)M dPwtb .yt tic.+ Ma iiia the rectae rltaation he war reeking, L•arle3-LOa-: L}', 1,1100 ha@hele tact anal {+ower, aid his rNp, ri• 1 1 .- +:.e opportunity "uch closely unitnl Yf Pufferin. Hr walk tt wievi fri'-not ser Ilarry Biddle, brother of tLe t"vu D veiihW at 54 to, 8'o per bumilel. t►"lforoa e•e 0o.b. at the 1'.rte f►ttnt h m ill :, p.•cuG;cr t"'r"r.nrlici.•m aff,,nl for the Mlu?fy set {•nnada. with tlr+ f Caro of u pkturooaluev mru shun at Butler. Iia.. •alsite try- dresse,l old woman In the, foreground !►kits-VCere «tPad}. 1.:%Jll busdrls J. A. f�+ resr•L rat in,u'Pgen br• t- I +n naLn utK for : i• •• ace v -i .,c_ si: Ing at 4S tt) 47c per bumhPl_ I p+lnted laral TrwvAling Ag**t tar tb•7 ,It s - - .-...-. -lig to ewalon Irbw justice, was pick-• "I asked the uhf lady:' Mr. Wesigh- � ole+ mf flederia►. Coulberns, Asbl•td s f Ix terms+l w plai.s L,o nay;.• Use, er• P:rtialre the moist wativUlct•,!'y Thr f ntievl Stater 'acts nary" has exl up in Tu u, weak fruw hunger tun continuoP, "tit remain re:ltatJWI- I y-Wpr stc;tdl .,n IewcJr nlhni: I awwneteb. r +alts barn tern ubtr Lu•J rr,ro 7h• �_ 111 I hs.l mode n rkotch u( her, n at rad to =11 .." t•,n fur tlmuthye Local poatwa@tede tow the Holo'" ser-eM ctoernor-General u. I:g•pt. %%1 re h.' fr,dn ]ISM to ISM) cost j ,,88:38,198. and almost frozen fie any* herpernt and p9 tar StO p.r inn fur ch»rr. I ew ,amoral to roemlve .absortrtl•s� u :.0 )Gila•-t'hrirtine ltrinw, nth•, were el- proposltfon to willed six+ cheerfully 8traw-Was, wteat.l}. J„ur loads gteru. pruroPlly ab1limht+l ih,• +1010 1 runtr,.I. I{;tr It ix•eu w,+rth it t•, lila people all he had burying the bodies of lits An use mrsimtteee wa•t be *Ad reseed ltlLJLW lit i "dointrr uutuy o'ear • ivaa'ntal lit u few nliautem, 'hu7►- Ysar. S.cc, acted nlsdit. "8 l.t #7215; .It I'nO o ntud rtartetf 'Ade ear amt l:rlti P>u` licit wko petJ cite Wllr.. -_ .: Irrolltfrs, Aad our unable to get ever, die asked me how bog 1 should Too” mroti,t, d;hlug at SIU to tell per title. D. MoO 1. grew lit F:gyP :,gIV. Mole thd•re seem^d. t•, bo l+ut 1/ Y rel clover, $-t-ot) tO t,44ti; timothy. lmislbMs OedmA@k. •+s t un that c:ueur wbic!, fOa1 or rhi'ttcr. That t" n cal col be. 'Oel chant a gnarled of tan Carta H naw „o, mur•1, lit rxlsl'-bcr, 1,11.1 ad •' "Ingle Imsdy, there were two di@- \A 'mmitcmis.,riery publ4du•m :I Im)r- story. It fa loudly to 4e wonder•d dour:' I reamwuringly answered. $_,50. tc, j,'t..:r; butter. Ix,uni rolls, _-- _------ -- iuot heads. sed, t+f cuurse.tti ails- tr.�lt elf the "mayure"ati' of Munt• "Three minutes or so later she 18 tit 19c; ertxsko, 15 to 19c; 8994\ Jtr. (ilalri+rpo rmuuYixl.__s114-_.�ttly i' - :.t_ tlta�wrm.-��eapl! are tlrlren to tlfUltNn\\. F_F:II _I►. 1Sx1_. asci roaxlit tem. The masa brI lit rrsT. - It�to"-'Lally' tlti"1(IT UT__ cfkc i_Mm' wgwla aAked mw -thin Lima with mast- wyw { �„ _� ._ - _ _ _.__ Par) In the, forming ,,f 11101,lr domain Pet y crime. f+wt 'anVlety-►f I Ilhou{d Ire much from Aho t'a'w to Gtlro:' \u /nava► $:"Is, arwl vverq-.,care war taken In "mfnfstrrrnveen" ar:d "hlrigroses"? - Lmrdlaa N'herLltarkeb. -- - - L'rltidtn Columbia ds the only pro- longer. t tot many sk so rs,' 1 ng uOta- TRAT----- 4tVIDlI. tear IL when the worhl next mates him :1:''(r educatlun, the bort ,.f teach^ion mail; 'but wb}' .b you ask ro ashe Fullowl are Lha ci�s,in9 q Alpe. `{,x r the Ibw r intrrrt$tm .lit ,ince of Canada wham urban popula- iotle{ + •Op : ilia o oi. tut 'moo tlunr at tmpoetupt wheats C"oca"s to- ORAND TRUa R itA1LWAT. • 1N Int; employivl far their fl:et:urtiun y •' {a fhb aflflicalt aarit.tCepwta w 1-:{L•.e I'rr+ton f ! ml"Ifeht to forwar,l ills-- may' of Vic nl iodic liuw will Lr• lien lucre two InJiri•luals tiubj9.ard - tivfi-8'steMa its rltTaf prrpntnton. wildly answrrwl; bald I'm siitlpg ou �mh•, 1�}.• ----- e" hall to be tall aft bo•cnuvee Rourke as cal-beap:"' Anaura rfurmtxd die ta•k IN t matter set frit/ birth to maturity t0 exn tly Tlwarp;h there are pnrLions of that Oar of Uach1 Mnrray's oddent ex- caw ley ..,......., j - tQ81 l -s til,• enure ln(Inrsserr nail trnlal IIC to Coekrnu arxt \I hetes Hauls tv.,uld Iwed .. ......... ..........1""UP very recent history, aaxl h,* title Province well adapted for agricnl- perlcneee was thin: He ha•l almost Cheseco ... _. 0781'8 07tl:rli .d and Rw[na........._.. .. .-. Lia [.,, Wo same Met lot appear on Lit,..aiim'- platform. torr+, moat of the foal of the conn- complete! a picture at a Pl a wv- Tulodo .... 089 UK71� Mired.•• .• 7uo perpetuated tone ,4 the I,n•ulest of (lxylh rcePlc lug til, Ir ___ eral miles nway (row the place whore Lululh, 1\a 1 nor. U71 017 Yalt cad R4yrere ...... tales •a nutrition tr.onn a single• olomach), the act" ed Is.rtlrrn ticrrfoyr, the T11R costlier of Vdn 1>"•tr•dt City try t'oroes (rum the Northwest Ter- ton Waa stnylpg, cad to avohl the fa- Ualutb, Xo- 1 hart 0T8 -- � Dvaar annexation ed Upper Iturm:11L. In a tr• It uatm natural to expect that I:ank wltt w•rmlLL�l Illi" br••ther to rit,rries and from tho United Statec back Toronto Dalry Nrrkets. luau and Rwerrs•..... ..... sit+ if trnlninp[ call lotto mix11f1•e1 In- t llCtno of cmrrv,og It Fill the way �t a sn.t Lzpr+a. t r , erenoe to hila ern ices ill In:Lt, the Ret nrnrly is mllBoa of the Ixonk'm Tan cors nqo the irrlsan population he lett It In tde euatoty of the Pretty Batter-Reoefpts iucrcrtmcd• during �I.Ned tits; I Timed bald; ►,crlte+J qualities. defector anit, Iva- nutter, ccrtifying l)vrrdra*n cheques wait act auxh loose than half the daughter of n neighboring farmer. the past week, tart market 7+ firm - Ou calling for Tide plcture on th„ fur all choice ades. Market Is \\'u aka thbe morliug the import denclt+r, the two w,ruhl have sltnwu ,o the Rm cant of j8e3L',0;10,'.,[d !li o1 DrnTl/T It T. ural ; in 11N)1 the flgnrom were h9,- following morning he naw to his overstocked with moodimme. Find atilt nut l•ceunmt that lord Uuueru, lion mime traits of character. A`r a ,+•mons pr,strathm. thein cnn ;;7 nud HT,NP.,. amazement and horror that his sales of thew grades are slow. )Te tl h'ICBo'ske 4 Lap.. will, rat call of the present year, m atter of fact they were diverse inti trdnder ? \ , beautiful painting wall :ill of anP quote as follow": C io;ee large rale. Dir DMvar, "cm*row. _ n+•Ign chit N,cero}mt} of Isx'Lr. Ile ,li;{m,t,iti„n nud (nater-aM'11111tke tie, \ \ Cvpenkin9 of \Ilam litrosuvelt 9ufng tfn.t. Am the Inlr cwtatinn into 170; choice 1 -IG i,rintm• is to 19c; n„y,l° .rem•e'ga� id •r1 wl l 00Peacce 'at by Lor+l Lan�•dvwn''; wlnosr kePPln9 ha hold commftt•'d low to mr,dlan►s, 11 lit I:ki; cream- p lour• null the (' emir-t.ener:a!shlp of elmoit stay twu personn srlerted at The Liondun Medical Thn finals to King Edward's •coropntbu, the the picture the previous evening was c•ry prints, •LI lir 22%e; do., odds. �iTs*ri Rwvmeoee . Canndat thaw T atilt will Ix+ cou- rrmirnn: The irentrnctl•,n and txrsounl nibch n Mricid^nee br•twr"rn thy, imiinnntwrlis sentinel! says: "8he not in gvldonce, lie asked her ninth- Mjl to Zle. M. MA999, 1).G.R. L.D.1 -1)&TA1. frrrni upon Lur.fitaaolPy' sed !'ren "r,HnrnrP which iortlflM oar In torr spi'Ear1 Of ratters mid the inrr'h, *r would proMhty here n 6,xM time rr what had hnppene!rl to blr Saint- y -New IoM its stow-c•oteli0gta , Le Rhear+,w tatax aL�wrrerrdwet •:• tun. Though wit re. art that Lord n:„ural Itmhtblll suetne»t to ILorr li a,u n gsutntitim, anti nlarketis U"4tdeoW.peratlous. Pr«w.+c•+erof'), llulis rm w',1 taut ren his In l trrnn ) hs l c,.nsum )thin of champagne Ina. g to o,h• u•, im rrwei,n "n Uto tulance I rtQ nqd wield bring back n rational .•\Nell.” she answered, ' ro las+In aatMnl tmefb • speriale O1pee t,r. "v, -a 1 Pe 7 d c at 24 encs QlLeier1 relhu9 lo• = zetrmsgeu w es .ase Arx•rry, it is gntt�f,a�,,\iK to kuvw ;,,,,1 (rrltnbillt or the other. � lit ler4�1 it to wonAir if there may' Anlerk+nddiagust for the flummeries day at .^.1 to ":r:. st ulPsaw IV that t VA -19 rEnM=R;'-'*Wl- neither y stir g t vexed to see the files _ - -. p iris[. r•lo,•IIr I« dlsexxtraglnR t++ tbnt$i• nbt ba ethLnC of cause nnJ rt[rct � ""kart {wrap.” That bar cut been � � To4lohpor Np. IR di"a reemeelL with the liunternment stbkl to lila pictute that rfie ClteesP�lhe awrltet Ir duct; jol>W - __ [ evho In Uer to moult and modffp the In dt. title effect court functions have load dusted It ; taut:' she mi"t"t, tear- Iota. 1056 to 10:1.•4c parr Ib. set b oole nor any uihtrn , Lnrncter ser ch,hlrs•n by perrwrnnl In- - -•- T x. T amiss LZL, D.ly a Listed T it tyf Ia•allh ttrxl wlr•ngth, err fturnc.• atxJ mirnl cantata Thnt it on nusny Atnrrfc`an rbflors. 1homP tally. "toe', she spoilt n' hot Aueter:' M:nallan LWe !+tock ]I srket. e1• ui .nt�ao* (L 10- mss d posd w+ e tIw valet" Ci his ret,Nn all R Ur. Ru@srft, of Brooklyn, who pro- On another occndoa, when Air. Ih.lawoet,e+f Nwirertl. oelA asd oo•++•'- ! s h 11 1 to attend them are Ren- 1. d London, Feb. 15. -Qt the are gout- , Is ls1 troth asserted es New er clan• "'r tlw rad of four yenrr. It 1r not to n tin euppoloi vl tll •.t ao, vnlunbee u mase will be allowed to rrnrntn fur any , bag tluw uuewplu}e,l Ihr ham 1'e-11 a public wrrennt in tone empkicity or I another ever Pince 1864), w1wn Lori , Palmerston oent itiin nn Br,tintl ( ono • i mlemiotser lit 5}ria, utter til•• Lelonki- i ors masencrem. Por risme years after that date• while the L1Ueral party was In µower, Ile filled "ariutim of- I flues, until, In 187'.:. It" Witt$ sent to Canrtda atm flovernl)r-l.esePraI Thar,• him rule was brillinnt alit e{ms,.h-mak- Ing, arra he Impressed the North Am- t•ricail continent, -is he ]tact pre- tlCumly Impresswd thin country, with __.. a iFf[ia br 11r6--CtRfRVmMt'tr_rttrtitttPs...- vy0m Canada, httlar a .bort tntrr- val, he pawned to the far more dlfif- calt post of Amtoassrulor kit St. Petersoburg, six months aflrr the Py(aiwg of the ,comic tsraty. Thoub;o. after two important ycara ,hewn" nxovCd to the «till murr, arduous F:m- btway kit Ustintantinopte, w•I.rre hr rettsadnfrl nil thrugh U,e lw•rool of e rela- te w whim til t F an at gvpl - rp•Ipa . _ts+tort•r[ _LirRat --itrrt,rttr . Turkey were of a Rlrnlnedl &not anv- tons Wool. After thin, Olnt, While still hirMlag tho posolton of Am- im•wstal+r, _rte. ._went -.._•-*m _ 146 oelebrste,d mlmwlon to SRypt• charged with the tank csf reorgan- lzfag that country, Phntteres,t Novel! wan by the retM,tl(w of Arabi and the forelW6 intoriveatlm of Raldlnd. A year nfterwarlw, Axl the retiremmnt of Lord Ripon. Its was appointed to mourcoload him am Viceroy Of India; thin appointmetnt. like those tit earlier years, coming from Mr. Olodwtone, whit^ Lord B4•ntionafleld had shown how thoroughly Lord lenfforin hart eMomep*er) him.elf to the opposltc, pasty when, five yearn before, he bad made bttn Ambad*atlor to the Caper. Loral Daffrorin was born kit Floe enoe, Italy. Jane :8th. LA•S8. Find throughout him long life, In oil Ilia actions the motto of him h(rs1eP germed to be the tole i)y which he always governed himself='Per %lam rectae -By straight ways.'• Ills rP- oeM as a ppblie man ham been abeC- httsly unsullied and �t is moot mad to he forged to rosiember that him i�rdk�2g ya11re lava beep clouded. t1�I1pptt11an(y by a i<reat dtrarmetb af- flietbp, thio Math of his el,110 lop.-wyodm taking Away may have t t• .ae =;f , o- + practicable to farm liabits which nay rtstrain tine in the imlulgerlre r nn b hereUt tendrnry, there le •ry realson lu lxsllcvr,'bul it it n matter f+f e"erydRy expRrirncu that Is'strt impos,114., to bull- up n good tubae r fn a drfretsre person ns It w to do ryy a good character by mut Influnl Pa. 8 +me of our noblest amt In every coy aur best men Isere urrnounlel p ilcl,u+ influeeers. sIt,6 Innate go.a u.,I.Lit* flourldldog lit aufavorrble a, tion+. 'PHIS [•Ii't.-, posted to give, himself kip for viii tkn, merely erfahr+d to ise talk ahrntt. Hattn¢',attalned him obj ho will be coolant,, to go away ba and Ptt town on t* bench 'near the door. Shockingl After nil Germanya fort■ to tax Canadian wheat ]tigl than wheat (rote memo other cot trier, It appears that tho ik fine been wide open all the time a that sharp-eyed Puatomm Offlel Pe,.ltle will) den;1I t use of have not bran able to tell It tr Mia! r••, trcr jt"Thnpe arra _fit .I" Yankee artlple-ttwt Ike the 1lprlltrtg Cf tbC dirt an fiea1Y seas brat Yehkre artMle! :originally a rrligle sett rite. I[llriot, p —` That Reelmored threat of w .rel thio first English ncclxrnt Ak the at on 1'n iretan.l would seem to ludlar prat lice-ry[ m,klu>.• any/. that 1 ( -Ill?L Tt+hiRun urfwrlf'Rllt+t r-wV "nppuwuc, or tohrsceo, Is of so pry- Irhlnnn�, d,mo rf the "patrlote•' rirwa emtimsettl.,n among them that hunRry�!-Pr Ihr+ c,ntribnllon of they think that their Coll@ are +R, hxlpel ser nt girls In the Uni mnrrrll•ntnly d0ighte,l thPrPwitli . SOtCo. __T : p -1r c , tA%,6 ► tvftlTrftfrR"11tt'y'mate-.1irrttn1w"MI TTTP: cit co14n alt 1 s n, o r ,raw L P hi 1 en.l of i n tat oast a y/ h Ir der h tP 1 are t 1 ,. to a euvertfh'r'• -Ace"ttilux to til,. I' form- IMF -*rr wrPriT-til aaax). 4wuUwrltyt -Lhe-fadlaae, .la. a. fs+r-clew- -}crit-yrnHcrl Mpt*fam,- I, storm, cast it Into tits air, Aral ume• Bold that mineP 'Dnmmany was It ern different occasion@ to pnelfy fenttrn these offlPrrm have rw the differcbt deltiea The Iroqunlm 1114, taxes on hobetes of hn tmm and DFikotn ladtans still burn tobacco chorneter. it now 0omts jI,f1O0 nn offeringw tri their gods. " impPr- olunro, the pollee In opening a c.ptlbly ►he burning of to bacco pstame,l report, an advance of 100 per C from a rellgi„os rite Into a dally practice of ple•amlre ; and the herb The State • 11apeasary system tmlrnl and Inhalwl by the InvnO* art Smith Carolina b to bR tested 'America was ere 1•wg to be the. solNocr the (hnrlem-ton Fnlr. Already ten ,r all mrinkind and thio Inopiratl m of penmarllte are In operation, and she *,orl•Ts opati•sl men.« ' wintio' will tw! provided for the tM The Orrat Plague of 1885 did Ipsco vleitows. it will be Interesting to, Increase the {r,pulrlrlty need estub. theme, who may go Routh to the Ilmh the soe cot tobacco. it witvs I to know that the doors of one l+r(tvttd that Its mrdical vietwro, fix.t thea" dls mPonwarles open wt gotten for dome time, really exletori, Io�lock In the morning and M enol that as a prophylactic tabecco •11lrtviow'n• F:very par•hamrr ive war• and Is. narqualled. It Ike re. qulred tip fill out a form rntl roorded that no tobacconist's houne, "Request to Purchase [nt"'ea .hood was Invaded by the plagsM. •' • Liquor&," giving dale, see cad Dotrturm, parse@ of the places atrlelPn, residence of the signer, for who must the eolipetors and benrtets of the' for w•hesar ane it Ike requlrmel, the q dead, gnr+ked freely to Prevent In-tllty nail Itirrt n"cgnlro.d, mail hi fretlexl." ChllArmu, its well em seaman. her trip name sinned throeel, , .igoatwre, of the dlspen"er or Proolte'd ; Recording to the auther, not clerk birlow. orec_ p r egg' Murray war wketcliltlg fm tear y, art e erally very proud of It, and on re- lie had exhausted his ennvuses.nud ed !inner to -day,' at from L:l to m.ee 11pe talahotSonsl•ea to Ise ,• -, id � 1R 8-4c per Ib.. dreamed wet ht; r►al** of ►o• RuwnJ NMJt. UW@ �" "" rot turning home are looked up to as In default of anythitig better,palnt- sheep, 12 to 12%c per lb.; btmt,e. 13% L•as'•s•wbtook. f rat 1)eopie or importance. Tt1e «rational eel ills next sub,loct ou a -itrotched to 146 per tb, ; retrl �— Lok pocket handkerchief. Thi■ plcture, grrutor Dert lr L=Yh1. amt American ihlmgtast" Is a mere figure whbh was exhlbtted to the Oram- quoted at If% to Ila per 1G ♦ ( A1fl•__ 40.-BAR1tISfRlt tart-► of speech. Tenor Gallery, was mean by a wealthy 1'oromto 2.1vm stooa .Marselt E. aftar. Notary, aa. OmOr over 1e.b'.. • Hal+. Pi(nare, 0nderleh. old lady, who expressed a wleh to swpsev mmNlm,okNms, swotrb N a to µ Y _ _ . _ _ __ ( i. The chance that the death of the purchase It. Mr..Murray thought It do median ......... iso be / N * O. JOr1NdTUN-DARltl8TX t, -0,-1 right to explain that toe picture , de aoweper cwt, ........ I M to 1 N + If�e e,L r. ''ernmis+lems, . 1L. Hos• y 'a Ira Int" Jnetbe Lister mPy necewltate bad been painted on one of hie Sewer' °esus pcek@d ......, t Tu w a N Inan. Urllr.r a ell. Hawntoa est pt. Au.irn• ! do choice ............ ........ so to / s1pp nn n Teheariag of- many cases In the pocket hatndkerehleta I do fate ............_........... 3 4e a 1 N Ir street", O,d.+ric++, Out. J.4 )or FII d Const, to the rant cost and On your pocket handkerchief I" eco amp&"..........I...... 1 w to tpy .; _. __ _. ' g [ do sews 1 o N s 11 ROIiRP(')O'I' a HAT>� BAR[tlfiTF.Li not inconvenlenee of suitors, is a strong the 0141 lady exclaimed, in dismay, ! do Da1b..... 110 w I tw P solicitor„, ,, -Tatem anb to�pror ton is 1..• mike a nment w alnet the to dela m 'then I'm sure you've ruined it, for a'eeors "lost �mms...... ..... 1 bio M 4 n Maritime C.v, r• Sia umce: N .rib et.. n, ,r rp g y 1t wlh never come oat:' eowedesn",o,-rr.rts,u, ow 00 1f♦ door siawat rA.,,+. Pool.ate►antis ",tan+i Nt oke w cotmnon in the Stoehere.................... .. 1 ski to 1 N moment Fara, of ,,,terewL ''..' practice of file Mr. B. W. Leader, A. ]t. A., has W IPKUUDFOOT. K C. MAI+ til* a fund. of amusia anecdotes of lits solts►r....................... z i0 to I w Court. It M to be feared that [ Mitum owe. masa... ......... Wes to sol a , ' rkelching ez inting hi Once when dneer,ewe. ser @wi s sr w s a ARROW a NARROW BAnitl!eTCt•0t, motnletimes thllrgs are not so ma h- LaIPIN, Pet Owl ................ i @r M 4 A ' A,ta^"'ri+ soih,/tw� + Z Oodrricl J:n he oaa painting him welt-krtOwD Y.,ws.gmeaaa netlew flan IWl T.Darrow,CyC.,I'harler(tirrow,fl.N. let- acct ns to secure the greatest de- plcture of thA Manchester ship a„d ep to MO iM 4 N to 0 N I — __-_ Atm gree of promptness attainable. And canal In process of construction, lop r. , Per Owl . ......... a 11 to a s0 PHILIP BOLT, p C., BARRI41+R. it- ooewslonally happens. In ths_91t two of the leflvTles engaged on the ftlmas 14at under lsulbs ....., a is w • M 1 aollottor, Notary PmNIe rote. 0Tor M."t work eiitmtercr n- To T+rd enho 0 ` . _ . I mwetloartbmasr as•e•s•• Hower. -t° leas at_. sera DrPme (Dort that the sereral bldg- P Bradstre*t's me 'read*. ! Mw raleeof Inter" _ ser lets lven b the Indlvi,lual judges and, attar looking at it thought- ! Lina cold winter weather ham stints• ICXI%-o,4 a aOLMIM RAfl t dr- [ Y fully for a few momrMs, Ono of laud trade In reamonable lines at D ton tiolfdtorm. hot*nse pebble, •to" toil lit Fi came nro not to bar reconciled them said: "I tiny, Jim, that lAokn's move O Rarw (M m Wentstrelt• Mont eat an Itel ed •• lel r w r d rt Ir to f MRa p B0. I wt mot won't let hl mru ve.' LhRT t o 1 In r N. D U t e a 4IDI (l[tNRU foto reemettt, anal h lfo tt or bio 1 erg �[ r a V _.._If1IR+"A•_...crlticdrot.__.xthidt._•ylrataad_...ma...Cl n spp stockw aloes of stw�IR gg0000dt, t►tir) ini?fiii 7R o• ., hire Bell, ni•ralf we[1 roasnt ilsed. more." Mr. LatdrCC says, than n g ['' 7 BAS 61A61fR )IARRtBTIf'" 1tr1Ts� ('rndd it not ire Firrwngel that Ihr column of adulnlleiTl In the llnies." At Toroutu un focrearesl number of C lgsltorJtonne> w°depDoa°RdIV I - Calb�o/ il 111" lidifci` o -u -M IlWt-'tbfetiirr nll(1 coma "..T?h-Wrt 111 rrPie, aslrrr, will 11 -IM -Trtw' r •trtod-to-1trKA*1rsPi'e 1rmat• tm7V.k,l. [T1Mbs fm to isiesd .+► t.1s tvr some -go dorwtawdWS- ase-, to-tpeyv sketching vn the Thames. he nakfW Ise me dRpnrtm*ats of trade. Tha orb K 1 � O, ingiAl A-fsrmsn - a picturemine man will) was on w Di+at:futx order tlrAad bd ' bean very aster some& de- findings before they are nn- punt Irndet with reed• to stand satisfactory. O, WARD -- L - st♦seat_- --flNY ivee,l nonradl t while he palntdl hit24 When the Budaeas at Hamilton coptlnaPs to ;� a "Noombrlever for taking a" 1011 oral sketch was completed Mr. Leader d4ewp farther activlty, ewpotei,tdy In r$Maimacm of ball. alleavits or &aces& to 'rhe [lope Ike a remarkable man In gave the man a few ve Ilia w fur him spring goods. Same IerRe orderm are sease.depeN(uensereolewadeelar*sl*" a ,s tr,nblr, whbh Ihr m.xi bnnkfall) IftinR tree it.d, malt jnhbe s h its rvrry Case ari'tr1g asy action suit or proleo I" (" nese n/nny retipects, end his Ibnq "/seer r,crlvdt ; '•nml now," he l,d ""in sea"on tc !xe well antl..li,vl with til* foor• Ontar�mAirmInJ &ojoUiae t„r r” rpte�s eat has 1rgRn mmrktM by a series of mile• n -going to nook you to glv a that result of travellers' efforts hlnoe the Omar, alt hseemetsmmeawWw ,rand prom" first of the year. Romp fair sized ship- mwa+eLed. Rmsidwmm God T. CO mddra ,iW (temmRa In an administration requiring little drawing to take 'oma o my. tlBllr of /inns « I meats have already been mode to amateos, Ont n h degree of legislative wad .i1Pio- various parts of the Dominion. Th• at runt , �kNl. It Leo XIII. be m Artats have many am/mHfg Ml' .iia- purC+t hilae nnplRnawnt @Ip'if ., es wh erode Cts Of the season's trade ani If- __ - A1rf 1 ____ ]1-__ to see l�) year 100(5, that vent will tre pinssing in pursuit ..f s, J(,.,. fo exrPe,Ungly promising Me i In the PsCUIC ('AMWt trhde orntres ��� fO pttND- 1LA1t61 AafOVNi Ayr to hlrn scam of nice exec clonal their art {\'don Mr. Tl.mghton ouCe otPs11=11 eds4Invest dantmt tow- twty ^ p naw a man ptrxighing In w field to ' "lasses li only mlxfrrataly activ*. I so not" ewpemMon graslass wryyma htterRoot, n v Itable "annus mlraWl- cinema wt London In fair for this to .lmcrhut tow rllmloal ihr dividing wall' yp11 M wa0enew. fnlr Ike." Ai. curry v knows, It will toe aril began to +teach him. This wan streveon' TiM sold weather Ike helping ����.• e :�trr—= taw, much for the Involuntrsry malel,'traders tat get Md of their stacks Aut•TIOVI(RlttwG. of hlor veilvPr juldl- t 1 wpac. IeleCLex) of heavy gnodw. rg.HVUAR GUNOIt*t' AVrTIO.YR[R ANl) who strafe kip to the nrlint nn,l said. l Valnater•Oo(Iericlt,OM- RmbsmtteR/ed 7 Pope Feb. Lit, 1f17R); set morn than ••no ou know what [. Conist do milk Ill Wlnpop tbwea bas ith mater• y fo In am ort eN the /mor. CSR M that, it will nim) too ills Iden jnbllee yen ?« "I hnven't the slightest idea-:' ste artlTitJ In bnsdauss withOst apy _ re- nm Cnr)trial q)r,elaimell to Plus iX. R special (estate. Mr. Dau bion nnswcrerl, with a etas [*oX RHftRAL A a'a li+Patlt amife. Foof-dry Failures. d and Lm,usr�Vaa�mator.n0.urd�•rrii, , u,d. Het, till Ur Aho (''-urirlory kit i►t+. rS1,113:,;11, "Well," the luirly "OlIgpMB Mild, uw,iwa~erdiaR+�etfe. blelirm( • Ila &M its ting and him diamond jubilee of eplarilpnev "i ronld chock you Int) the road." Reports Of R• O. non l (b. show rs• liabilities of Commte"Al faller// 011 sen thervin mttu4lctNn aU sash the Ipre•conined Archbisho or Damiettlt ")'r,m'd bPLIRr not do that," Nr. a ,,,,rusW is also. or•drn 1►h p i them tar In FRbrnar n e•Rwts kiln+', II,mrL or sent h sam(1 to+ bis .ddrvr 0 Or A} Ore ory XVi. on Jan. 1;7, IffiLt Rou911ton PRte,rt"d, "why not 1{�'.: R Ipaet to your plooRh, Pull I'll tell w j2.431.j05, wgalnoot >F ,YbS f10 Inst xO1tt. (I,. O'� Aie�mi o wed Ist. JOai., 'lap- year. Fallttvoto thin week nnmb*r and rnnmoo rated FRA 19{ IMtch n fax yen lit half en Iwdr." '240 In the OnitRA !Matas w aMst wlthitriple JuMIteP, If Him Ilolinesa live to 1'i. Mr, pnoehtou's surpriaR the mon g VIIttAo1 LrCt /Ili ,tbryAt, anti limit an hoar later was, '257 last�sar. kid A8 In taaladw ,. hUlllt'rlrhrmte It• *111 preNably he n4laR ,Inly matt��ntcrndl to Inspect the fill- �twt last �y LAIM elf u In history. label ptotgts. "How mock will they TI m @stoma gssmrMhI \ . .._.. .. _ 4 , r, .. - ---- - — - .mac...