HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1902-2-13, Page 8DOUBLEw
Friday and Saturday, Feb. 7th and 8th.
mamma %MP
That means, on all your purchases on these t W o days,
we will give you an EXTRA TICKET to the amount of
your bill, which will count on the chairs.
Clearing Wrspperettes.
Eals....f est Fauty Wrapp.lettea,
Wen 1% anal lbo, clearing at.... IOC
Sale of Cloth Remnants. -
irises for w•lete or suitable for child-
ren's dreamt', in dress 1 •odds, Tweeds
and Clothe, goidreamt',
Hosiery Bargains.-
Specal extra bevy woolen Hose, rt5c
ladles' e'zee,to olesr at ..2 pairs for heti
The bet hairy ribbed Hose, would 19C
be cheap at 25o, to clear at, • palm
Ladies' Capes and Furs. -
A few left, fur line! and far trimmed,
handsome goods. It will pay you
to boy now, gee the nut three
menthe' wear sad hay• for next
tall, at the pekoe we are now quo'.
Jacket Bargains. -
12 only• la.kety to odors sod
blacks, eine 32 to 38 inch, to
ahem at, each . ... .... .. .
12 only. short Jackets to black and �2
colors. to CAWat ......... .
Millinery Bargains. -
Balance of Trimmed Hats, ladies' and child -
no's to clear at
Gents' Furnishings. -
Boys' (raps regular 35a and 400, to 25C
Clear at
Special Hee of mat's t ops at....... . 2$C
Clothing. -
In this department our triage is vety
complete. and we will ease you
money u1 Overcoats, mens' '.br
boys' Sala.
As to Our Premiums
\1'e have eiyeo away over F1FiV CHAIRS to our customers this .ealOO.
They have found it pay them to do their trochee with tar. Our premiums
represent an sooamulated cash dlseouae to 000, which it 1e worth your
while to save. A coupon on every u.ah purobate.
SmitfrBr&s-& CO.
Nelsen Trammeled as IM Last Kessler
All ►he members except Mr. Knox were
present at the m•etlog o• the town ooeooll
en Friday "vetting Iset.
The Mayor stated that he bad comment
owed with Ottawa to reference to the rr;;
metal artistry, and he handed 1n the lot
lowing letter from Mr. Borden, Minister of
Militia, Io reference thereto :
"In reply to yours et the 23.4 ultimo i
tare to say that no enquiry I am Informed
that setlsfectory arrangement hes been
made at liodsrioh fur the •caammodation of
*he militia there by renting •.utteble bu.ld-
lag. I.1.11, however, take 000aston at
once to ask for • report opoo the require
meats of Ohd.rtoh and 'enmity. and take
w on &orlon a. seems to be necessary, A.
toe ammo I. now .boot 10 opoo I.1.11 hese
the advantage of being al le to oomrno, cote
with Yr. Holmes an I obeli be glad to do so
al els 000veetenos."
The letter esu sent to the seeotalcommit-
tee with Instructions to Interview Lt••Cel.
V.rooe end to get •11 information possible
ta pl•oe beton the Minister of Mrl;tr• when
the municipal deputation fres to Ottews.
The Mayor also read a letter trom Mr.
Laois, Prorinolal moololp•I audunr, stating
WWI he had received not toe of the 000nc ('r
aurae in engaging Mr Wllllameon and had
n ot fled the• gsntlemnt and also the At•
br»y (leoerel.
The trsasarsr's .tst.me01 for J.nnery
was se follows :
Helenas from Deo.mbsr $ 3,093 45
Nee•rrident totem $ 4 72
Water rats. . . 2,399 63
Pleotrio light;rate... 669 87
Bills payable .. 13.000 00
William] osmatory . 6 60
Mathieu food Interest. 225 16 16,305 88
Salarlse $
Pelletier sod advsrtis.
log 41 00
Legal orate 100 00
Publle work.... 32 75
Charity ..... ... 3 6h
Debenture interest 525 00
1,11. payable 13 000 00
Rook Wartime ... . 165 60
Waterworks m't'n'o. 178 92
Electric light •• . 96 47
Polido school. 446 71
$19,399 33
212 64 -
E'.;trio light capital. 8 74
Leo.] Impr'v'm't int . 106 29
Stoking fund depo.'t'd 890 18
M'soellane„us 48 26
Sproul gloat. ..
Council chamber and
ethos expenses
60 UO
15 51 15,931 22
a 3,468 11
The report of the Felton of alettl.nd
cemetery showed tour interments during
Mot month of January.
A communication from the m.oeger . t
the Huron and Brune Loan and Ioveetment
Co. notified the courted that the agreemen•
of the corporation with this company 1...
the epode' stoking fund deposit at four
per cent would laws on April let, •tad
asked it the Beane committee would coo
emir to a renewal of the agreement upon the
lame terms and Inolodtog all the stoking
funds .t this rate
The Mayor asked 11 therm was anythlog
10 chow why this money ehoold be any-
where but to • chartered bank, •s provided
by law. The moony should be put out o0
mortgagee on farm property at once. That
day • loan of 52,000 of town fond• had
Dere effected on farm security at E4 per
cont., mod there would be no d,tboalty in
employing all ohm town foods :u this way
Jam. K(l,ot •skeet permission to oat down
Fume large pooled trees in front rf Mrs
Kiltot's property on the Horoo road. The
request was granted, the work to be done
under the eupery;a.00 of the street teepee
From the dlsoossloa of this matter the
question of the Kell Telephno. Co.'s as....'
10101 came op. sod the clerk was asked to
see what arrangement the town had with
the company.
Tax oolleo er Held war em0owsrsd to
continue to hey and Dolle.t taxes yet un-
paid. it tratuptred that it Is the Intentlou of
the chairman ot the fie.,', , committee to
propose that hereafter the taxes be it di ,o
two Instalments, • system whinh, it re
claimed, will he eery for the tetpaver and
will Peva the town • good deal of Interest.
The folios ing •co•,omis wets referred to
the finance committee : (Vm. Kirkbride,
rIack.mlthiag, $380; 0. N. Davis, reptir
foe, oto $10.20; Jae. Morrlsne Braes fate.
('e , Toronto, account rendered, 5114.59,
Allan & McIver, hardware, $5 26 ; Iturrttt
A Demon, ledger, $14; i):..1 h 'Turnbull,
mediad attendance, $2 ; Canadian General
Electric Co , Toronto, transformer, $10016.
A anent from the (lodertoh Helmet Soo.
Icy for the usual grant of 5200 for the
T,',',;;;;,February Sale
r�'�a. - �1
yy��,P •r•'•�e'aeraa, •wane.iaremt
Every February it is our custom to have a ('I('aring Sale Of
all loft over goods of the following lines :
Fancy China, Case., Nick Naoko, Cop. and Simmers, Cream Pitchers,
flattop.' and ('000s Setm... .... 1 off.
A line of Fanny 1 ,odleeticks .... 1 off.
Old lines of No:. Paper, regular 10o and 15o toes, sale priori , . j off.
10o maitre Envelope, whits nr cream, sale price ...So a paokage.
A Special lens of Bored Note Paper and Envelope, Embossed Uodertoh,
regale 30, and 3.51, sale priors ... 15o and 20o.
baodmaseer'e rotary oaaesd • little diem,.
Moe, dueler wb ash It was held be Bis Wor.
ship that the seamier band ooa meta eheold
be held mote regularly tubo they were last
year. Notice of the ocgterts "heeler bet lily
en 1s the papers, se that the people world
know when they were to be held. He wee
sorry they could out wake • giant u1 cuter
times the amount asked.
1h. oomnitttee on 11.0 breakwater scheme
reported, to the same "Neat as ban air u'y
been published in '1 lit `41u•nl., arca the
Mayor and clerk were ioatruo•e t to .Tiro
thecouncll's perttioo and to tiease the
Government to tit a day for the ree•lrlee
of the deput.ttt r.
Mr. Elliott moved, seconded by Mr
Murn, y, that the deputa,,o3 to 0 '.OI
ooaslet of Mayor Crmrr..n, for tie. uosucd ;
8. A Mallow, for the B turd of Trade, bad
Copt. Shepherd, for tee mariners.
Mr. McKay! wee In favor of •,mall depn
billion, bat b. thought six would not he ,o,
many, HS named the Mayor, Mr. M ,t: -w.
D. Mollilliot►ddy, Ju. Mltchtll, Capt. Mo
(.rotor and ('.pt. 81.phard.
els. Huuthee pulatsd out that thtru sere
et ur u:eitree thole the Mgkwater scheme
to L., brought before the llovernmaut ; *bore
were the qu:.,done of the aria e•y 0i. 1 the
rebuild! tit of the oomntarubl docks. The
heutitioo ehouht La large vcuugh to b•
.',l. to 'Rood to all -
these matters, •i.4 he e
moved to give the .;.e-
o;el sante* tee power to
e.'ooide who ohuuld go.
Mr, Thunman' sooner*, d M:. Mamba'',
Mottos. ii• Pommel! bead t zee et Ottae• au
;Yet tiresome oce.e.oni to Weigle. th-
Ooveromenr, and the Mtut.ter• ,l d out eek
u whloh poi Boal pa, y• m it boloaged.
11 t 111.1 soot went to eta h to a 1, bol N
:boarght tie (ouual slioul.l baud let. lout
%brae representatives.
Mr. Marney mad. wane remark &bout a
o!.put.tteh wbioh had stare • tiff to O.taw.
at. or the musty whlob they wen to ask fel
Huron County Packing and ' Cold
Storage Company. waraiii
The Different Branches of Business to be Carried
on by The Huron Pork Packing and Cold Stor-
age Co., Limited.
aw...1•srrut4wtr, QaturattArwerisugorkm,.,
At the meeting of the derectors held in 'shipped sub they eon he sold to tie
Clinton on Mooday, Jaooery 20:b, soma most edyaatageous orlon. Farmers need
throe propositions acne made to the three no erg0raeats to °envieee them of the
tors from outside capitalists, the ono Mated hematite they will roGetn by havleg their
below being the one taken up. It is ono, apples b•rdted 1a NY meaner. It a simple
bdently believed that the stock will be what ae bow. lusg desired. out hitherto
rapidly taken up, and work on tLe plant I ave Dot bees able to reach aey definite
ecmmeoc.d at ao early date. &tattoo. With an outfit of buildings for
The company have aoaepted 11 - R. Bel seeing oar produce, situated ie the emotes
den's plans for the erection of a group of of so fertile • district u Clinton to. • sugar
buildings fur handling the cliff:root lines of beet factory oanaot surpass. 1I eves equal.
farm produce it. Estate hoe it will handle all give us
This will loaded" • pork factory, with a an lacrosse in the prior me bow receive.
capacity for handling 1,500 hogs per week, Af,er a deputation floes this 0.1,1.1 visit.
together with a limited cumber of conte, lcv the counties where beets are grewe,
a poultry tiolehier elation eyutppod on plane they concluded it would he muds more
after the style of that to me by a Kanas, prott.0:0 t0 sato *bow product,' we already
olty pack tog house. No Industry connected raise than to enter a field e:htcb is fait
with the firm is more protit•bie than the hll.ng up and wbioh costa, not 5100,000, bar
✓ eliving of poultry, that 1e, where farmer, $500.000 to hall a plant and ega'p it. It
Imes facilities for fiuiahiog them properly. 1e coa0den•ly bettered a like snow• la
A' this plant all poultry will be reoeitted pees can be made in appleo, batter and
and eroperly kllled,dr.ued and orated, poultry, as that e000mphab.d by handling
then shipped to the cities and Great Firlt'a. hogs. Tb• estimated cost of these build.
Be.ldes handling fowl for the farmer, the loge, slims hilly equipped, Is ,75.000, will
building will be equipped rimier to the a oapsolty for maktpg as annus' tarn over
above referred to packing home, where 01111 000.000 worth of farm products.
1,000 000 brollere are crown and marketed These batldings will be Ousted to Clln•
annually under • system entirely cew to tan, whlok will be easily aocseeeble to
()uterlo, rumen living along the various branches
Along with 'be handling of liege, o►t1e of railway leading to Kincardine, lioderieh,
and poultry, a modern cold enrage build. Exeter, S ratloed au,' Resumes. •
Reg will bat erected, with • o0puity ter Already over $20.000 worth of stock has
handldtg all the butter and apples Huron been sold, and as farmers fo general desire
oounty and the tributary towaships °•t to make use of these buildings the eomioz
produceseason, it le uontl..ently Telleved every
Farmers hove year after year lost as dollar of stock will le wad to• law mouths
heavily io apple.• that many have concluded Till. 111 tmdoubtedly what ebould.be dome.
that It dues not pay to grow them. Al thereby seeing ia:o:wt ked rather claraes
though almost evervtblog has bets dote by }amused try uyiug b.rrowed matey. If e .y.ry
transport companies that can be done, vet , dollar til .tock is taken up by the tim16.
they owns* do all, and this prat must 8 + bail doge ars competed, there o.s he se
done by the farmer. 1f they wish to reap doubt of • ten per Gent. dtv.dend the feat
the benefits from a system of shipping the I year.
Govrrnment h.e done ero muck to tos_-r. t air. Bdd.n, who bin bran renovated wfl•
It has been ewtimated that In 1899 Huron , titin Zine of bureau for some years, Is a
s 1 Obi [tall farmer, and en the a_o.pwtee by
not haring a cold s'or.ge e•►tion,• tie t h en o t• ro *..ion 0 •e.
station wail send packers tit;tugbe$ the Ileo serif of the ab•:ve oompsoy, be h.s
onu0try to 1te own shareholders: th.y,r=t11'restored 5re no.nwn u dueator of the
properly grade and peck the apples, mate Fumere' 1'ork Factory at Paaaere:os. Ho
Mg each barrel •rattly 05 they 001 :•.r, entire this nOrK 1n a practical m00oee by
yfhen the apple, are delivered aSthe .',•'1.eobeoritiag $1,100. Ilev•ng the utmost
11on, farmers will he psi 1 a set ,tette 1--e-lames o the- heeler* 1. wslL.daxota_b.
each grade: the apples sent to out Mtora. • , .0(1.• tIo.e in makIegtBYoompeny a'etteag
' tattoo, and as the winter advance., will bet.ortiot.t:on. -
Are You Going 'w-um-1w1wa2-1ZVI
_. .
to use CEL'thNT?
r,i ; r
If so, Why not use the Bes ?
The city engineer of Toronto gives by test a atitterueot that PEN-
INSULAR PORTLAND is 47 per cent stronger than any otiter cement
sold in town
That means Peninsular will cement more grttel together with a
given quantity of cement than others, making as good a job at less cost
to the user.
That shows why our Peninsular gave us ouch uniyerwl satisfaction
Rate can give youllother brand* of Portland Cdt ieot ilt test cost per
barrel, but Peninsular is the cnenpest and best in.Nte-eed- =>d4 guaran-
tee entire satisfaction.
Kep your red
Warm at Night
A Hot Water
\\ 11.1.
We Have
Them -'
t _ CHKAPksT
F. M. DUNHAM, Phm. B.
latus er of 11'.01 el. and 11. E,4u.ne.
be.' already b ru plao:d .0 the sol a tea
Mr Thompson-'rhst le a lake rert.
Napa C.motes-Hie roaring to m
Our deputation. That deputation '1
from this testa et ail.. (r.soght•r). `
The motions were 164hr/rows sod t'.
welter war dropped on the understanding
that a epi .a1 meeting of the council will b.
8.14 10 decide who will eumpore the depu
le oonorotloo "soh the report of th,
Deana ootnmltte Mr. aIeK.w reported the
loan of 12,000 of the e:oklov funds to which
the Mayor had referred coulter to the lytic.
tag. The loan was approved, e0hj.01 to tLe
title •tad yaluatbea beteg tenni satisfactory.
The spools! committee, 'spurred that 'kJ
had considered the letter of E le. Burro,.
regarding a lean ie moose him in establ eh
tog a carpet factory in llod.rleb, and had
giyen Inetructioes that he be oo itie4 tba•
.t present they aero nee prep ,r 10 *Ow,
tete his piepuslttoa Attar '.other oou
turrets with the Hoard of Trade to teased
to the proposed new 0. '1'. R. eta:loe, the
oommlttee reoammeeded that the coon° I
110 TO.'SNAPS!
For Cold Weather. -
HERE are a few lines of winter goods that may
interest your this cold weather, at AWAY
A few pain of out regular $1.50 line to clear at...
A limiters number of pairs, sizes 6 and 7 only, regular $'2.00
and $2.50 lines, while they last $1.25 per pat
Meu'a two buckle felt -lined heavy Shoe% taw this season,
were $1 60 per pair, reduced to 81.19 pe
Men's four:buckle felt -tined heavy Slinger, this wagon's goods,
regular 12 (Vitae, to clear at $1.49 pe
wolf6N'S FELT FOXED bLIPPBP.S, regale 753 Bac now 50' per pair.
axi.9ifilthe r4a3q
Remember our
two famous
made Shoes
r pair.
r pair. 'de
Wert for Women and
• Walk=Over
• for Men.
IiPAlRlhlp_.: P. T. HALLS
Qoe.'n Quality
and Walk Over.
at oaee
than $7.
that Hr.
the bylaws
Metiers. Ham
emoei►ted with
ee oouooll. The
ed that the seryl
policeman creased n
To. report was adop
A let of supplies r
works and .1 0trlo lig
seat to the water and lig
Ibe williugn•se to great the re.
mop tun from tasa•Ina for u term
on the company'a property,
e oompaoy would agree to build
w .1.1100 a1 a ooet of not leen
$10 000. They reoommetd.,l
bell be enraged to prepare
coseolld•ttoo and that
Mersey and McKim o.
to the writ and report
mittss further report -
1 Theo. Bale as day
• 31st Jauuary last.
are Se ask for Masers.
Statements prepared by the tows tree.
serer with information regarding water
end light 'stem este referred to the ee. e
eemmlttee tor a report.
The Mayor urged an early meeting ot the
1aaare °email'tee to look Into the question
of the as,.esmeo►, as 1b_ &senor was
starting on be rounds. There should also
be • oonference with the eotlellor In order
to hey the area -4'0H° bylaw sod other
mai ter* closed up.
1 The council tb.o ad ourtod.
e0 for tte water- The 1t art Huns Teachers'
deoutms► was will bold Its annual convention
rummer?, who ea May 22nd bad 23rd.
Assoc &tlon
la Ooderlcb
Sr. NO. 13.
■0MILTet IT.
OurJ1' eekly�
os eaPavr 10111Si.CM111�e*.titie4
ud et.
UR weekly/rt$sdget of Store News is to give information about our goods
and our' pr es. In every case we endeavor to make it truthful and ac-
curate, Thef'e is no exaggeration or no juggling with rices, no inflating
nk u are getting more than yo really are; just
Iplain statements of what we are going to do and w a w ne. You can
Iconic anverify them any time you wish. This week we tel of more New
Goods t are attractive In every way, and of some values in last lots of winter
'stuffs that can honestly be called bargains.
We have sold n good numhrr of AXES, MITTS and iIELLS at
the reduced prices. *some left yet, which will be cleared at Bargain
• .:.. •twrw.ws
ler 's
All left over Wall roper
ARE sen iltrrr,trd in vote- fr//ore. % Art ten ,errrrlt,d it the
n!rairt of /lye? bar ye. rr:,v enytbinq lIov! 1i': great new ariaal
hart brergbt a4o.vt lite ,ontwitr.f iv cc -bit/' 0..0 fir, ', and tl•..e
.0,, irwe to lfr P D. yam r,tr:-/r tea:rtr it ar"1 f:r•r $ '/'her there rt
r.� (ttlfre, .,(oq, yg tikiI an tbAz: r,., »: e reaa i:'a Llurc't regv.ar;j.
A FEW E44A44'li{:s i-(114-11102 r II
,OVIMMAMMellia lean
New Romantic Love Story b.• Room T:'RKTNGroN.
/,;tt tier yI
"Th.. Gentleman fro', Ie!/aen,r'" an,/ • •,1lr;:firer B,-iz rasa',"
a ale of love thwane 1 bait triumpher!, of gallant men and helutilitl
women. It deals tvi:h life in Inliiana ;.' the time of the Mexican War.
True Story of the Standard Oil. n,' iw M. TAR -
BELL, asl1,r et' •' hdr rf Nap./n,..'". Life of Lintel," rt:. A
(frail tit, , humin nor:, tel t:,. first end e,t11 the greater of all trusts- not
e ,w►„mi: tree i'r, bit x, ca.nine hit'rwv'.
t;r:a1 = cl the Old Wasters. Cittta-Morris's Stage itei:oilec- -
B'' 1') 1 1.1 FARt7R. hymn- titiI.s, Sterid of !'obini, licrn-
irte an.i ht 1, ''nl par ere nes \1i: hrlm- h:r af, film. Sid..n:•s a: other..
r-to,RaphaJ,kem;'randr,ctc.,lhci: a, mile of millionaires. Rc
reCit picrare. rcpro.Iucctl in tints.
Mr. i oolcy on His Travels. Isar
, sera a;11,nl th_ t'. plait Nc.v 1'rirker,
I'nila•itipltiewr I1-»sutrte.t, and in-
hahi'snt of('hica,•nan.l Wa,hinFton.
William Allen White on Tili:nen,
Platt, Clerelin,l find °theta.
ew Embroideries.:. -
Delivery of our New Embroideries was promised -for
the last week in January, hut_.they dict not get here until this
week. If you are interested in dainty Embroiil riels we
would invite you to conte and see them. There are thou-
sands'of yards and dozens of patterns in the lot -almost
every kind, and many qualities in the strong anti substantial
Cambric, and in the fine and delicate Lawns and Muslins.
It is not likely there is another such eottection in towli, and
as for the values, we are satisfied to let them speak forthem-
Fine Cambric Embroideries at 3c,5c,7c,10c amt 20c.
AND Muslin as 5c,8c, lac 15c and 25c.
Fine Cambric insertions, 3c. 5c,-._1Ocand I5c._
Fine Muslin Insertion', 5c, 8c, IOc, 15c and 20c.
All Widths. Good Qualities. - Newest Patterns.
Two Specials, Oneat Sc.
the other at 7 1-2c.
At 5 cts.
1100 yard. .•rone Curb,iu iZmbr.fderies
and tnlertions, urort'd w.dthe and
good quaMies, Cam eAlfcs, all new
patter0a, extra epactal value at },r ec
yard. .
At 7 1-2 cts.
500 yards gond ge•hty Cambric Inser-
tions and Elatog. sait.hln for trim•
ming untierwei,ekirte, and children*
garments, good assortment o1 par.
tern., strong adgr a, assorted widths,
mitre apaotal value at per yard.... 7 §c
New Prints.
The advance shipment or
our pringprints
They are good (finalities, and
the patted ns decidedly new -
fine, soft, wide cloth, and 'fast
YOU w 11 Teta better -
select el it i!1 now than if you leave
your 1,11\ III" illitll tater. All
ale famous - t nr-tl - (4i,mTTr'C;
and the price is 12 1-2 cts.
per yard.
Oar Telephone i. No. 100 B. lour. }HolumN.p1 ,alsrMh.'
Ito• st:thaf of '' \1 ;1;, trct-t Stouts,"
The' rural Runner. • Serial Tale
of ,'o Illi. hilr.n `I i'p,lt.
&Assepias. Dec:ge•Duskaftl, Men.
Child St i -'t.,
Emmy Lou Stories by GEOR(IE
Jlfeoroted p„pr r,,. An ,,/47 in f. / r./11,,4,, t,,. ,..., ,.., flew rr eey era-rn
5 5. MCCI.URE CO., tat•ts!t F.agt 5th i:trcet, New York, N. Y.
mit at any price' !II! BEST
sac -aha.. aaa•r.-
The Navy Prints 12 I -2c.
These are not ordinary
1.21 -etc. I'rints, but some that
Were made up speciaily for
on of the big Wrapper fac-
tors They are pure Indigo
wide and at 1.2 1-2 eta ppeer
yard, the best --Print -Melee
we are likely ttr'avc this yea,
son -stripes, dots and floral
Mill Ends at 8c per yard.
00:0.le0 •e -1.),0
If you want a good Print for working dresses or aprons
get some of these before they are all gone. They
are mill lends, and lengths from 3 to 10 yards. The la
most of theta are dark colors, regular 1 oc for.... v
The Cottons.
Just a reminder of our three lines of English Cotton
or Long ('loth that are such good values. They aro easy to
sew, have the appearance of Cambric, are perfectly pure, and
the best Cotton value we have had for many a long day
3 2I Vi vA *Twos IO0Ic and 12 1-2 Ant .
Last Things.
Winter Stuffs are geting
down to the last ones o
line. Wo are willing to
very little money in order to
get them out of the way be-
fore the season is over. You
get bargains. We get room
and money.
Last Things in Mantles.
Mantle stocks are getting
down to the last few garments,
that is wily we have more
titan-eut the prices in two in
order to clear thein out com-
ulet.ely. The assortment is
broken but so are pnces, and
you never bought good mantles
forso little money before.
Mantles at $1.98.
Vein choice of the femme'■ M.n'Iee
11 at sold at 55, $6 sed $7, all .tv
bah up to date garments, joat 18. 1.98
I.•. eon., each. ......
Mantles at $3.98. .t
The last of opr Mantles that sold at
010, $11 aml $12, now clearing $c3.
01, 7001 oholoe .D 98 A
Last Things in Furs.
The last of our stock of
Caperines at prices that slake
it well worth your while to
buy now.
t1,;sp rty, Openly le, Persian Lamb
and. Alaska Battle, (Arcola, t2+• `A
.hep,, reenlist $32. for .p .50
One ably, Electric Set and Blue
Opbuttoseum to Canaries, regular 510,57.25 ,
Osie may, 1y, Astr abes Cowls*,•p
(toms down well over shoulders,
mco curl, r4.,75enter 56, redasd to E
1).. only, Elmore, Seal and Astr&.
Than Capsrins, reveler $14, re 59.50
ducal to .p
O8e only, Black Coney Capone,
regnitr a5, redacted to 53.85
ice only, Kleotrle Reel Ruff, bead
and 6 toile, regular 56.50, re-
e- 54.65
dnaiad to
(Inc only,host quality Alaska
Sable uf, long .haps, thlok
hushy ler, regular 120. rednoed 15
to.... ..
(Inc only, Ohio Noble Koff,
thiok booby fee. bag .haps,R ,5
tall., regular 58.50, r.d•e•d in 55.8
I ) no only, Ohio Seble Ruff, dewin
reviler $6 60, redwoodM .. •D'*•
sty s
11 s.wo
Felt Wheat.
Irlour, fatuity. Nrawt..•. «.
rlour,ateal, per
Bran. tn0.. _.. ..�
noorte. a too ............. «
Screenings, per .wt
Icy-•`. per bash,
Ituokwltet per bash
eats. a bask .............«
a heal*
l9udt flatlet, trey Dtuh
a•( 1107. a
iela(1,..Wr 10
cattle. g:
.. Ordlaary
Notioe of (manges mast
()tlioe not later t
noon. The Copy
moat be loft not lr
day noon. Casual
acoopted a0 to no n
each week.
with Helotstuan of 1
again and will be ple,ed t
rens. Orders left at the etc
BAN, druggist will roomy
Towhee of Fletcher must
dire pupils at her audio,
1•.OranGe *Moo, distrait e
mafiosi apply either at stud
tlt Perms['. Street
Orgayat seed muslol dire(
Metbod,•t oburcb, Isobar
gets aad theory. Pupil" p
0minatron• of the Turon,
Maio. WIIl be pleae.•d
tions hem alt those repo
floe at hie new studio twee.
store. Use of piano for 1
roosted for 6711
Icor Tse
geld cos.. Ooderieh
nalaooe hare -woof
tlty of cedar oa 111, 10 go
Hos, about five acre. fall
able fall plowleg done.
house, large barn with 0
dnvina abed and other o
two &erne orchard. mostly
watereet never fra11eK s
wells. S -ten miles from
from Bayfield, Pesos'.
.enable terms Aviv 101
to 1'l*AItI.KS 91ONS,
r the wast half of lot 1
wanosh rompHnng SO w'
fol' FoWtrt. lionesses
tarreter Oodertcb.
r and 1te l0 Hobo
Ooderlch. For partWuta
111 rn,
Marsh Iltb. 11100.
l l ()UM,. AND LOT
11 number 716. Angle
recently oconole, by Y
la a tory deelreele r
PHILIP HUI.T, eiollclto
Sets 7C ft
taub110 F
ed Annual Mettle
Bruce Loco and Incite
?artb••r &dloaro.ed to •ri
n'eto-t p.m W. L. 110
NO (B -1 8110
1 theaterlod,
bee me reeeally. A
reenter, t at 1 bate be
every 1 hlog has d0 go, 1
my present stock to
making out ped
closed our hooka. The
customers who hate
would like if they won
unpaid accounts will b
collection on M•reh
Prescription Drug elm
the Port Dever,
poderloh 11.11 say eon
Parliament of (7ansda
an Aot sxteadtsg the
t.ent and oompletinn a
name to the Oraad 1'a
reducing the enema
authorlaing the 00aetr
thee and the lane Of
such erection and for a
Baled at W oudetooI
her, 1001. W
rani ra,-rl•at eta
All kinds of 9pecta.
to Order Npeclraa'te'
Oarders by mall form
Ware of parting tieing
110 tesveeina apote
sal RICHMUN') 9T
1 tisk. Ih1e opptrt
thanks to the Gore 11
Mice Company, of 1e
very ••tlefantory wr
toes and demean by 1
about Jas. 11th. 1909
Hoder(oh, January
Charles It Shaw
Orders by mall t
ANC's asd oral
door east of P.O.. 6
loading mutual Ile I
lending .,net amnia
Msroantlis and
°west ranee. Call 1
Books and aroma
Binding* rented
Iflre Inaarann. 1
('.nmpan lee.
(Mie•- In Proud*
teom Gederbh.
F1r T. NAI/
. IURaNi;u
Ilro, 14•, Aeefdear
•Chat• ea mutual
.a,nt -011th*..
lir Reruns, and
1e. M.
RIM a• next dont t
(seer. Hemlines t