HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1902-2-13, Page 7SLIPPERY AS AN EEL,
Nearly 300 of His Followers
Killed or Captured.
Kruger May Trek Again Owing to Faction With the Dutch !Suer Delegates
Humored to be Willing to Accept t ansdowne's Terms --- Kitchener
sae an Lcunondst tape Colonists Detend Repel/ohm of British sol-
diers-- Nu Fears el Intervention.
Pretoria, Feb. 7. -On Sundae. un • The St. Petersburg correspondent
,ter cover of darkness nue during n
heavy rainstorm, the Bo ri attacked
n blockhouse ou, the Frankfort road,
but were repaired Their ob-e •t seem.
to have been the capture of ten sup
ply wagons wt.lch were rraUug n,
Waseca, I. Tile Boers have mute.' et
t, meta to .,arms the line of the blo, k
huuscr every night lattly. They avole
tousles an alarm by puling up the
poets and flattening the fence In
eUed of cutting the wire.
Another conelderaLle British nuc•
tare Ie reported un Wednesday night
Major Ltmdur. of the 1•'11t1' Ikagem,
cuarde, went out wltL mountee
troop.+ front the volumes of Co'out.
Ktkewlcti and Ihckiu. with the ob
j. et of attackl:.g qeu. 1»;ary'r taro•.
which wee eit 1 to be (lour Klerk.,
tarp On the way .t Bee: pale was
eurprtstel. wit! Major Loader. of learn
Ing from the pr1ruaur that Duarte
Ind moral hie force, but that Sare.
Albert.' commando war at Vtatory,
elw.ng d hie piano *04 went to the
latter place. Albert*' *eager wa•
taken eompl telt' by surprise before
(lawn Undec the fire of a pompom
(ho Boner horsey stampeded Th.
lturguerr made a smart light. but
falltd to withstand the charge of
the mounted men. partl.•ulerly th.
&attain Mona., who chariot gallant
,1y right home. Tile result war seven
lettere killed and til. I•tclneang Com
--matadaut Alberts. mad,
The British los., was oa
It had been &rale.' le'.' tv dee, t (:.'n
Ben Vlljeoen, the Boer cove:Ina wbu
was Captured stool tee day*
Bore &re111rr) Mlles.
Pretoria. Feb. 7.-A Brltlsh force
under Col. Kiel. connlNting of Dam -
nut's Horse and Batteries K, 1', H.
of tbe 110731 Horse Artillery, act-
ing au mounted infantry. pada n
three-dnyie trek and captured ea
Lorre', 1.000 sheep. hod 30 Render
good eattlo. 'Islay took tee) prison -
prison. re
a few
cr. The iterate Artillery lllrre's nit e
picked up teat rnew work qulekl)
end well .
Leyd. ):t►11 Itlowlag.-_ ..
I1ru.seis, tib. 7. -The Utrecht
eorreepondrt,t of the Petit -Base
eater duet in un fntervleW Dr
Lrydr, the dlpluul 110 avert of the
'l'ratotaiil, said: "We latent] .uto
quickly nu t.n..dWu 1u At(v ip the
Boer leaden, In lioutit Alelea of the
exec( eignificaance of the Anglo -
Dutch correspondence mei every-
thing cotoueetel with It. We have
received very recent informal
from emit% Africa, wldctt 1a very
reariuriug. The war will go on for
tee year*, If necessary:"
('enter With Kruger.
Lone in, Feb- 7. -Thu ,Ifuer dele-
gatee. Wolmr rano and Weasels, have
arrived at Utrecht fur the 'teepee()
of bolding n conference with Mr.
Kreger. Dr. Leeds, and Delegate
threatens' Attack hill t.), Camp.
Washington. Feb. 7. -Gen. Siamese
Pearson, late of the Mier amps, who
had been in this canary for a year,
engaged In working tip .entiment for
the Boer cootie, has sent a cummu-
ricntion to Preahlent Roosevelt, in-
dicating nn attention to organise an
armed force of hoer se ua{kathlsero In
New Orienoo to attack a camp en-
tnbltnhed by British meltary'egente
near that oily, whence Inor.es and
melee are shipped to South Africa.
tonere' Pearson recently hats been
in hew Orleanes. and his letter to
the Provident was written there. Ile
line Pont other communications to
the I'rp,.ldent on the subject, but line
received no re.rl.onee. nod the Pretil-
dent is hotiflel that the letter con-
cerning the proposed attack on the
British camp Is "a last solemn ap-
ponl." lie suggests that, ho be per-
mitted to tartlet the Brlthrh cntnp at
Port Chalmette with a force to be
assembled nt New Orleans, and inti -
metre tont lin will consider the 1're-
eident'e failure to respond to hie
communaeiotinn noi equivalent to per-
inbrsh>n to make the attari- n/rano
"rmment will, of canoe. sett that den.
taarron does not do any injwy to
the British camps.
Died in 111011•.o /:erel.oet.
Ottawa, Feb. 7--i(_-Ti'TAgfnlervt"
(rived at the Militia Department Otte
morning nnnouncre the death nt Hal-
ifax of Llegler Yuuug, of the 8r-(18psco &teleing his ..rattle at the fence, Itrnke
int Service Battalion, doing gar., eine grey Cholates the Zine. mixed up
duly there. Bugler Yontyp w.to it eon with the cattle, and loelug three men
of Mr. C. O. Yrmng, of 1'Ieton, Ont.,
11114 a brother -In-law to Mr. 'reeler
McV.Ity, City Solicitor. Thn remalno
of the young tsoLOer will be sent to
i'aton for Interment.
1Innumeto 10 the Wallen.
Mont rent, Feb. 7. -Tho Executive
('ommltt.e, rhirgerl with the erection
.01 a nvurumrn• In Montreal 10 the de-
raard f;ann.11an trooper/. here, nl- Kitchener, "tut as far nil i hare aft.seined the necereary lands, and the lorrtatned they conolat of _NII
internment will be erected within a III k111r4, wonnwled and prisoners, as
SPAT. well! ail about 700 tired bosses and
bel••', ,,re Ior..pp•.Int. ol. Irony cattle. r
bonder, Feb. 'f, -Toa r'.'.'.1 ear -rot canaille, were only ten.
ram 1 t f ll - unttng n
bf Lite T,meo e.,y. Nuvoe Vremya com-
ments ou the Dutclt-Brltrsh columunt-
catuus In a spirit which seems to in-
dicate tool the official dean, to cul-
tivate friendly relations with Ureal
Itrlotlu to nut without effect. Novoe
Vrrmya recognises that the tone of
the British note le extremely friend-
ly towards the Boors, but cooker the
mistake of thinking think this ehowei
wenkentng in the British Govern-
ment's attitude.
V11.I.1C11O19.MARK1'11.'tl DIARY.
The Verret nuldhe/'r Opiates of
Kerne lluere Ile Oft.
Parti. Feb. 7. -La Llbertecoottno.e
lbo pubI salon of tbedlary of Col. de
Vlllettol-Mareull, who was killed
wattle fighting for the Boers la
south Africa. In a note of March
I, 1900, Colonel do Vlllebole-MaruelI
'It has been ascertained that the
.eurreoder of Crania was otftckltI, 1
ie. not knew wham the effect will be
among the Muting clanre.. -1a for
the tuluman people, a farmer who
wan toad tie) n
thews lu our preseuee
merely remarked. 'Think of that!'
with the etcetera ia.1e(fereuce. I
twvu hoard so much about the )1a-
trk,t ena of the Boors that 1 am be-
coming somewhat extreme In my
ak•we in the other direction. The
11u•r door all he can to save ole
akin. eat lou must feel that he 1■ to
be catered by an obatable to order
to make the beat use of hi. cooleesb
reek his marvellous markman.hip."
On ]larch 2 Colonel de Vi.iebo(s-
Maroult at haat alerted is the diem: -
tient of the Moller, and he cdntinues.
"Wo bad lunch at a farm. There peo-
are terribly hey. At 1 o'clock
the afternoon a big fellow got
out of Ws( bed to look ani us anei then
tetted to it. They complain of
II near n road, and when you
tel them that they are thee en-
abled .to charge high prices they
bemoan the trouble It goes thew."
In an earlier 0010 Ito wroth : " At
ftr.t I believed. in view of the aet, Io-
Lhing sy.,t•'m ..f tie•' Boer-., that the
wonl,l divines .nthu-llsm fee offal -
Otto tactlee wJii,n the m•,ment Ar-
rived But when, with the utmr*t
tneocctat.ce, they nll•,weel the mo -
meet to -)aa., 1 -7rceived lltlt_tbt'
final rietory was pusaing to the
other akar, In spite of the mlrtnke.-
made by ihn letter. That t. exactly
what 1. happening. Tru Worths of
the Boers having Increased le pr•,•
pertain to the ,lyra spent to their
rhal1.0 postdate the rider/ate, of the
Brltlsh will be accelerated by the
taw of rtrntegto gravitatlun by rea-
son of lee very success."
En i:... le to meet Aeylm.
Montreal 1" b. 7--Tr.•ol.er L. W
R. Malloy. ., 8 0., who bot hl* , yo -
.h -fit in S .u(h Africa, lowed tttrmge
Montreal an ids woty from his hone
In \Vluelte'ete':, Ont., to Halifax, N
S. where he will enter th^ Institu-
tion her the Mail tor the purpose of
etntying the .ystr-m ef rending by
relied lettere, (_ught throe.
Cop,. l.i.rnirr It.•t11rNle♦ le (•H 11Nd N.
Ottawa, Feb. 7. -('apt, Bernier, t.h.
Wog beta In England ter ,e,me time
un bust:,*.,. lu oonneetton with the
plans t..r ids Mirth tole expeditto,.,
la expected In Ottawa In n few dos.
The captain relied tram England for
('anadN sb..ut two weeks ago.
tier Hoe a of anew 04 t e or.uraatuy JUSTICE LISTER NO MORE •
tont the .sulwtatueu u[ the ourrerput-
odene with the Dutcoh Uuverulueut • . e
would be commuulatted through Lord
Kltebeoer to the Boer generals puts
nn rod to the incident whbb began
with Dr. Kupor's delaIf the Duero have ever hoped for
(erase tnterventhon they oa0not weU I
hope lorlt any more. In there dream- ---------- -
rtaaueor It Is, 04 oouree, p{ku,rdide flail
Generals Botha, De Wet, Delarey,'
with or without concurrence of Mr.
Schulktur r and Mr. Bteye, may
glte up the struggle In del/petite culotte
their cutte will depend upon military
cousldoratlons, with which the clvl-
Ilan, even If he had the requisite
knowledge, 1s lncompeteut to deal.
Tbriets have tx, affect upon the
MOM u/ Eugllobmun. Abuse by Ger-
man newspapers only etrengtheo
their deter(mination to go on fight- ,
Ins. At tltb heat ul forage tuterven-
Uuu they Baugh.
11 tbe Doerr or any other forelgn-
ere suppose that Great Britain is un-
able or unwilling to carry ou the
war they are very much mistaken.
There Is a peaee party here, but It
duos not rest upon any (labellef la
the m,iterial resources of the British
Empire. Ite curdival principle is that
rer,wuable men on both sides wool.)
agree upon a psalm which would
make another war In Mouth Atrlea a
practical Impuwslbil i t y,
A Tribute to HeWet.
London, Feb. 10.-6 a n1--To-d a,.'s
oew.paperr, while exprearlog dla-
nppotrtment at tbe failure of Lord
Kitchener to cappture Dewet, pay
Just trttute to the vklll and elarlug
of the Boer General. The Daily Tele-
graph says It 1s quite Impossible for
an. EngUrbe/an to relueu admiration
for the latest exploit of the mart ex-
traordinary per.uoallty by far whom
the, war has pruauced upuo the Boor
tape ('Olen) United.
Cape Town, Feb. 11. -At a meet-
ing of citizens held here last night,
to which several thousand wore
prevent, a rootlike') was passed
rntuting the Pontine -uta! &elate/de -
ore of the British troops. Colonial
Secretary Graham delivered a
strong speech. '
A reeolutlun wee also adopted sup-
porting the attitude of the Lamle -
ion (lover:assent In regard to the
war. Times resolutions reprcruul
the united loyal feeling throughout
the Cape Colony.
Kru,;r tray ]cote.
London, Erb. 9--A despatch to
the Exchange Telegraph Company
from Utrecht Indicates the protw•
blllty of the removal of the Boer
haeklsarterc to Geneva on account
of friction between Sir. Kroger and
his aswoclates and the Dutch Gov-
Dr. Leyda, repro entative In Eu-
rope of the Tranovaal. Ir reported as
te•elaring that the recent proposals
looking to the establishment of
n In South Africa made by the
Dutclt Premier. 1)r. Keypr'r. were an
trent knuwln.lge of men and of social
cwulltlone, whoa must b.tve materi-
oll) atd.rl the uuurt la its .trllbere
tle•ne. HIe epe l.&l knowledge, too, u(
commercial and marine law wee of
grout us. to the court, all while pru-
perl) deferentl,el to tie/ea wt.0 had
been uu the Bench for .e leuge•r period
hie itnrleg pereuuallty wur not rutc
merged, while the record's of the
court bear etideooe of euuu,iuwr of
hie Judgment and of tie anaemia and
Succumbed East Night to an Bouncer. Probably no
tldng better Ste
t1, dlontee the respect and high opinion
Attack of Angina Pectoris.
Toronto, Ont., Feb. ,10. -Mr.
Juatb;o Luster, of the Court of
Appeal, died suddenly at hie home, 14
Weimer Wool, early ou Sunday morn -
lug. How sadden war the ruutmous
MOW bu guthered ftuw the fact that
the into Judge worked all day Sat-
urday at Osguode Ball and la the
uvuaiug dined happily with hie fam-
ily, 1. or eome time be had beau trou-
blci occasional.). with a pain la the
regL10 of lea heart, but lied attri-
buted It to Indigestion. Ito said
us Saturday woruing that be wile
feellag better, went to t7 _oo.te
hall, and remained there trues 11 un -
111 5.30 Ns:turning Mane at Montt
(1 oclock, he had ditutcr with his
family, tied waw w a pleasant, even
)ocular mood. Ho retired early, be-
furu a o'clock, and shortly after
uuwplulnad of a violent pain. It
drew so Wel that ler. Temple watt root
for, anti ho prououncel It acute indt-
gsettou. The pattcut'r condition was
not thought to be reruur, but the
puln coat weed and about .o'clock
in the muruing became tory much
worse. Thu pain war aeeuwpawod
by twlcnt retching, and Ur. Temple
watt sent for agate. ales Dre Iilc-
1'uudran, but before they arrived the
Judge war dead. The opiawu was
teprosseid that death rerultedfrlxn
the pros:co s ut glosses about the
heart. Dr. McPhadran stated
hurt night, however, tllat
he believed death was due
primarily to heart dimease--" an-
gina pectoris' he eumlet the tr.-uble.
At w n spasm ut the [tenet, wblch,
the doctor bald, ueually prevail. fat-
al In the ftrrt attack. Mr. Justice
Llrter, he thought, however. - had
had several slight ettacke of lt,
aod had nttrtbuted the pale to ludi-
gewteot. ilo had Dot consulted a
physician about !t, and had not been
under !Medical t •eatmeut for a year
peter to lite death. Angina pectoris.
Dr. McPhedran .aid, when severe,
causer Intone° pain. It was- it fleet
attack of It that carried utf Dr.
Thomas Arnold. tile tamuus master
ut Rugby.
Tepee of his family who were wltb
ureal degree he united the qualltles
of Impetuoelty and cool-hoadettner..
The puWki knew him best as( the
louder of ,lesaullr In Parliamentary
'committees, end admired the dart,
aud dos-wadi/eat with wtileh he fought
the Winter vatIva Cloternm•nIt e
forcer. Bullying, the Miplsterr,
when bard peer..,!, sometimes called
hlw and peel him a compliment by
the complaint. It was of tll_tlo con-
sequence wtutt came they gave the
courage and resource which over-
bore a dozen Ministers' lis commit-
tees composed chiefly of their rup-
peele•rs; the nouutry, seeing one
private member prevail over a whole
Cabinet of Privy Coutaelllorw recog-
nized In him a leader among men.
In the reselon of Olen he came
lute prominence in the newspapers
no provecutor lu (Ile lureetlgatiou
into the Bremner fur case. Atten-
tion war attracted to lite deter-
wina(iou nut/ forensic aba:ty which,
lu s{dte of the tufiu.uue of tho.e
occupy iug bash official positions, he
pre.eed that cure to a verdict. The
country laid not then become asu0-
curtomtel to ParllYtweotiry enlutr-
le. net It became later, and, more-
over, the connection of Gee. Mid-
dleton with the case excited public
curiosity with regard to the "proeo-
Tlu•n. In 11391, when the boodling
and departmental revelations were
taking pilace, Mr. Lister took u
lending pert. Tben It was that ole
%plendad fighting guolltles edifice,:
themselves to the best advantage
Thee temperof the committee( was
aroused by thio ounuplton and irregu-
larities wide were were belug dl.cor-
•riel in varfoui departments.
The members et the Opposition rots.
to the lull requirements of the
crisis Prominent among them In the
.kirmishen and plteiei battles of the
committees and o ton floor of the
House wait eleiglitina Jlro Lister." in
the committer room, latter. the t'on-
flicl watt hand to hstl, he was Jere
on the Floor of P.. tialusut..
But It was not atone a the cote
mltfet that'Mr. Lister equlred his
r atioOn the fl f Parlia-
o t floor Par
ment, whenever he .poke. h received
the closest attention tie d1 not oe-
cupy tho time of the House y -of-
ten, but when he spoke It vote with
full knowledge of what ho'wtie taw -
po 00n0Q
0 0000000
In whleh he waw 11e1d by the her than
tic, gemernl opinion which coeur., to
to re been current that hie Lord -
elates position might have been
etre more beneficlei to his eountr,
had Ida training at the lour and In
Parliament and hie strength of mind
:cul knowi'rtge of men been applied
111 n branch of judicial work more
immediately in troch with Iltlgnnte
thentreltes and with the more num-
erous memabere of the profession who
practice in the trial courts( rather
than In the Court of Appeal.
Creed of U. S. Presbyterians
Made Very Clear.
('hk.ag°, Feb. d1,-Tbe Record-eler-
aid rays: 'Ail elect infanta are
.,raved." Title section In chapter 10
on the salv,ttton of infante, attach
Star canted a great store' ed crttl-
eWtu tu.sweep 'wheel. the t'reebyter'
tun Church for a hundred years, lr
to We charged. 1t W to be so mod-
ernised that nose can ai.ert the
t'resbyterlan creed contalus an
"infant damnation" clause. A brief
cud undecl{rhrraWe report came
from Philadelphia last night that
the special committee on revadon of
the t'r.wbyteruan creed would make
Important ctutngee Is several medico*
a the doctrine.
Title revert contained the follow-
ing paragraph : "The committee hae
decide l tentatively to revise the doe-
triner of the third chapter of the
confession by declaratory statement ;
Aire chapter 10. nee. 3, -on the salve-
tlasl• of all infants; also chapter 16,
wt. 7, on good works."
Kaplrltis the t'ur.grepaa.‘'
A first-class student of theology
at 111•'Ceormlck Theological Seminary
i,dieyute.l last night the .lgnlficance
,.f tlil* declaration. ihn said the
tiara chnptor of the eonft's*inn would
reuuale ttw It s'L.xxi. but n "declara-
tory rt lewt'nt" would be made to
make el tr what it memo. Con-
cerning -the ".ntration of Infants,"
the creed mead* that ",ail elect In-,
flints aro saved," thus carrying a suf-
ficient hypotheels that. infants "not
elect" are not saved, hence damn•ul.
It waw explained by the theologian
that title einewn was to he so chang-
ed' that the chnrge "infant damaa-
tteill" could not be hurled at the Pre..
yterinn Church.
"It has been said for n he•ndred
re that John Calvin taught in -
damnation," anal the young
yman, "but this ,la false. Ile
t trach It. nor does the Presby -
Church tench It.\ But the Ite-
ommlttede wishes to make the
clear enough to liullcate
he church's nttlt e."
revere on the Po e.
of the test of fatten
ae,XII, .-ami . n
VI, Chapter XV. wan nl,n deft tel
decided upon. ',One refer/ to the nk-
thg of lawful the and vows; he
other ractLua_c tame the.c .brat
reference to th Pope of Rome
"that antichrist, t at man oil da and
nun of perdition." sac seetlong are
000sidorably meddle. In the text pi,.
meted by the Cnoimlt ee, but all the
changes aro kept sect .
London, Feb. 9. -From Wolve hoek'
Leo' Kttctfcner hes to -day telegraph-
„ long description of n combined
mnve•ment of numerous Brltlsh col -
ulnae with; the ublcet of securing
(Jen. DeWet.
!word Kltohenerfways the advance
began the night of Feb.:,, the whole
force moting from vartouw diem -tient'
Hud forming re contiguous line M
matelot Mall un the % bank of the
Llobenberg's lief from 14ankfort as
tar south an Fanny's Home, and
thence to 'Kaffir kop. The line then
adtnncel to the went, and the fol-
lowing night 1h1:' Bothh entrenehel
wail thrlr outposts 50 ):'trdn nptrt.
They belt the line from Ho1L•and. on
the 1$eiiI,ron-Frankfort delookhouue
finer. to Dorn knot, on Nie Kroonatad-
ttn-ttr'r tenekheenee Line, whir the
M41301114 were ohm working In ad -
entree, of the blockhouse linen to pre-
vent DeWet's crossing. The manner
was_°ontinued Fob, 6, nal DeWi't
wile within the enc „ridl'e, but, rent -
Igloo bla• rosltlnn, he ordered hie men
us.1)aper.e nn,I seek safety during
the night. DeWel hlronelf, with stomp
men nud a number of cattle, made
taw•...-iet(wltatatil,ilei a hlock-
lumee line, and nt n
morning. when It wns very dark. hy
nese, ...ed. Lyme', J. Gare a,. Secretary .T rea•nlr.r,
He suc,' ed. Charles Riflery +mith 4. l'o.nna.ter I icnenel.
unwarrantable Interference In the
nffnlr of the Transvaal. Some of
the Boer drle'gato'. It i. Rath, are at
varinnee with l)rLeyti*.
llow Kitchener la .wvInt( Ilan. y.
Lordon. Fob. 9...-'ol. Sir Charles
Vincent, 'J.' 1'., who has junt re-
teened froth South Afrlcn, snbl in
too course of a epoch at Eton Col-
lege Inst night that by beelneselike
methods lien. Kitchener wan get-
ting beck L500.000 n month from the
field canteens. Nen. Kitchener ad-
vised that people at home should
tot rend the . ,ldlers chocolate Hold
olgnreltea, its they can be obtained
at the field canteens, but to devote
the money to the soldiers' families
at home- Ninny persons think, Col.
Vincent said, that leen. Kitchener
Is very isostere soul difficult to ap-
proach. An a matter of fact, there
was no morn agreeable man. He
had extriterdlnary rlltgment, ands
wonderful facility for work. He
woke up every morning at 6 o'clock,
telegrspheil everywhere, interview-
ing heads of departments, and de-
ny n`clscF fn tilt eating the seat el to rnb-
lems of the enmpa ga.
Many attempts weer mode to break
throngh the tine nn the night of Feb.
7, rewrite Lord Kitchener. the line
of thr outposts! bring ntteekerl nt
various pace, thrnuthout the night.
Tint very few ekeepwl, an I ten dead
Doerr wrrr picked up In the morning
nene TTelihron.
"i did rot Jot exset rdrtnllr of the
Boer easnnftles," continues Lord
p.,nt en o he mem, g
rnrreepw,rMent at The ilegue, en ye
the, ttinot nett -worthy totters of the
retention Is the fart that nn III -feel-
ing has been eanret hy (trent Brt-
L•,In'* rrrnrni of the Dutch pertinent,
reseeding the Roth African war.
Thergh there tan grnrrnl die/Appoint-
Merit, entitle feeling le not dt.he:.rt-
en.v.l Modernte opinlun In n.Ightm,
the T1mrr' cnrre•pon.tent r,yr, enti-
tle/nee the nttthule of the Mer dele-
s.teem, a*reelnlly ns( the BriO.h re-
ply to tie+ ileteh note does not per-
clndw the reeeptnnce of proposals If
Made In proper form
Wee1. to Visit Pleat of War.
Landon. Feb 9.-A de.pntelt to a
news ngeeey from Brns*'14 nevi:
"Il 1. underelaed herr tont the
8entor-1)aino,t Constructing New
Nice, Feb. 10. -The ttperimentA 'f
M. SentoerDumont with hls dirigi-
ble balloon have been iltnppe.1 by
the revere weather prevailing here.
The surrounding hills are covered
with .now, and it gale to -day
t!teen tenet) to wreck the aero-
drome, Mennwblle M. Miaow-
ihumont haw been to Paris to over -
wee ton completion of ht• 'seventh
airship, with which he iw anngtttee
he will he nhle to make 60 n ilrs
nn hour. itln hone I. partly beset
on the light n0,9 of the tnntOen,
which weigh ,i( tet six pounds per
horse. ower, compared with 11
pound., the weight of the motors'
of 1'1" present lenlh,on. The steering
Barr delrgntee hewer defiled to mub' gear and propeller no the wimp nil
mit M the cnnIntl ,town In I those, employed on hln prpoent mn-
Lord fon•dnwne'o es eommnnt-ntlon to abut the balloon I. 17 yard.
the Pateh (;ornament. 001 aro pre• ;bhor, I chine,
pit ring te r,mmnnh'ntlnn to the
nrltl.h C,overnm.rlt seking permt*.'
rein to visit fkute Arran and Netting' ft le reported that life .fn.eph Rln-
fleet h ihn ohjo. t of th • pensioned 'tett. rr.hling near Nttttoe ilia hem
it le exprrte0 tont the request will frllen heir to n torten,. of #1:100(1
catch resented next week." through the death of a relative In
Mr. autinberlaln'e asno.itcement Is lsngleore
Judge Lister nt Ilia death were Mrs.
Lister, and tho children who reside
at home, Mime Btwslo and Mia.
Frances, and Mr. 1tl,ke Liotor. Tee
other thrro children are ('apt. Lte-
ter, of the permanent force, now of
Fredericton, N. 11., (Mrs. i)r,) Har-
rinon, 3.•telt Ste. Mari.,, and Mrs.
F. Wad.beil, Hamilton. The funeral
will take plaza at Sarnia, and it to
expected will be on Wednesday,
but definite arrangements mal
net bo ,redo until the arrltal
ref Captain tester to -lay. The
news of the Judge's death
.grread rapidly. and all day yester-
day friends 4 the late Judge con-
tinued to call nt the f,tmlly resi-
dence to express n alncere sorrow•
for his untlmelr death, niel convey
their °inferences to the bereaved
Mfr. Justice Lister's Career.
Mr. Jnettce Lister was the 111111 son
of Ceptaln George Lister, Brlti.h re-
venue .service, by hie wife Josephine,
second daughter of Captain .lames
Davin, It. N. Ile wan born near Belle-
tille, Jane 21, 1843, and was elucat-
ed at the Sarnia Grammer Melina',
tinter Me Omer, the fete Jinige Slav
He studied Inw, wan admitted an at-
torney in 1861. and wan called to
the bar 1875. He practiced through-
out Ells enreer as a barrtater In
western Ontario, and made it natno
for hlmwelf an an able and .uccror-
ful counsel, being frequently tem-
ploy.rl in the conduct of the Crown
luenner• at the County and City As-
rtsea. Ho was created a Q. C. In 1900,
and wan elevated to the bench an
Olin of the lnnticen In the Court of
Appnitl In June, 1898.
. Mr. Justice Lister entered Parlla-
vent In the Liberal Interest ns mem-
ber for West L'tmbton at the gener-
al elects,, of 1882, and retained Iola
NM) t anti) hie removal from political
life by his elevation to the bebop.
Ilia l'ullllrnl Activities,
These are the outstanding (act. of
n very active life. Juntteo LI.ter'a
jndMbtl career wan mo soon out short
tient It 1n as is publicist rather than
AA a )nave that he will be remember-
ed. T1..' prominence which he nttwln-
eed In political life was not nt all for-
tultons. Tho (u alltles be peonesonel
were the veru Ingredient. ,ef eue-
e.ea- They would hove given him In
any field of activity Into whirh he
had Mooted them the amftdenee and
reopen of Ma follow men. A .teals
will nal n clear vision were o,wn-
blne,l In him with a gonial though
reserved t.mpirament. In an ttm-
cussing. and With n iucent), and
.nreugth of expreaeton which male
him one of the most effective speak
era there. Ws speeches were devoid
of any embellishment or rhetorical
fancies, and ,were a good type of
the severely practical etyle of Par-
Ilamsatare 'peaking. which - relies.
for (lo rafted upon the directness of
its reason sal the manly earnestness
of he convictions. H • did not take
frequent part I. the dchates, ane
g ;orally it was some injustice or
meanness -partisan or 1odIstlual-
which brought him to his feet. On
ono t(eabbl11 be turned back from
Ito final readings a bill which he
concelv,rl to work an inJuetice to an
Iidirieunl with whom he had not
even an aCllUintaneo. Ile pot
(110 case so forcibly before the
Hoene that he obi/fieet trout Mir John
Tltomp.,on n stay 111 ton prteveerlingw,
although the bill had passel the oem-
mlltee and was being pr,mutenl by
prominent mcmbere..on tw,i11 bier' o1
the thetuler. On occnldone of iR(e
ltinsl ole tone was corm rind Judicial
and Itis won!. hid !Imre/tied weight
hr.c,lua.. his au•11t>rs believe.) that
the man wh., was tittering them wa.
vision t
solutely i
A revhdk
f tt, Chap
Noted Montreal lawyeru
pended for Eight Days..
lnlrnen.. Ills nature was divot and
nutwpoken, and abhorred with n
wholrw.me ehhorrenoo trickery and
el eeeptlon. 114 was a genuine demo -
era 1. .Nth perfoet fnith in popular
Institutions. fin wet it Canadian Awl
Liberal• in all hie eentimentn. 1)1n
friend's knew that hehln 1 his /Intern)
remota wan s genital and sociable
character frlp'y'knew that thin
Wrongly-hnllt min. with hl. erenarr
we nml determined month, hlalen
under hear) mnnoteeh.., and whose
eyes( nestled ami features flashed
with the hart Of battle, hrul an un
net eeminlr, affable, 000inl,10 nature
In which not n vin.11etive or revenge
fol thought found lodgement. 11. en
j117(.( i fiellleettmtwt prrpwl•rrkt emote
hie ('r'Ib rtgnm., nnol their eonfidener
nn one of the moot foreetni perron-
nldtlrw In the flail of politico, until his
removni therefrom for hin pinon on
the bench.
1114 ('wrrr., an the ll•neh.
Montreal, Feb, 11.-,tn unmetal in-
cident happened to -day In the Su-
preme Court, when Jas. Cratikeh:lw,
K. V., one of the most noted crim-
inal lawyers fit Montreal, was nue-
pendtM from practice -for eight shays
fax contempt of court.
During tho past two days a came
of Corriere to Taelnevusky, It which
he defendant contested a demand
of neweignmont mndu mien him, lite
been 1t e,wtrle of hearing be -fore
Judge Pagnuela Ye.Itrtity after-
noon It witness was ordered by the
court to gIee thin morning an ex -
erect from a Hato -book which Ito pro-
duced. When the ball wl(,,ees wa.
Placed ill the box to -day Mr. Crank-
=hnw, attorney her d,•fondant, ob-
jected on the ground that the
engqveto was closed.
T)10 Judge overruled the obj wtton,
and the (.44 .whig dialogue followed
Mr. Crankrlutw-Your Lrarddllp, ni-
th.ough my client, the defendant, 1n
n Jew, d hop.. -tinct Year-Lerelaielp, lu.
the exercise elf -your Lunctelo,s, will
ant forget that to the Brlti.l, Fw{lro
.111 persons, et whatever origin or
religion, aro equal In the eye of the
IBA I.orel.h'p-Mr.-irratticst iw,Tviittt
not allow smelt itulntlathene to be
made in thio court, Kiel unless yen
O)mebgius nt once- qua will leo pun-
trh.rt for your language.
mit that I have nothing to npnln-'
Oro fore I ant exercising the fent:-
tense 1 have a right to exercise u..
ail advocate.
111.. Lter.lhhip-Now, we will [Intuit
lhlw cyte, nal titan I will Ileal with
The eaxo wan concluded, and Nig-
event waw rendered against the de-
fec.lant, after wheat the beige in-
etritettrl Sir. Crankethew to return
in the nfter8onn to receive hie sen-
tence for contempt of Porn,
The conrt-room was erow,lrrl In the
afternoon. The judge wale thecourt
hot been greewsly 'emitted, and sue-
peatleel Mr. Crankwhaw for eight days.
Tim Into Jn,lge's iippolntrnent wan
the fleet made to the 111th .eat upon
the Overt of Appeal Donelh, it posi-
tion rooted by the (lntnre, (Intern -
menet to remove the dlo.ntl•inrt1"n
nets/leg fret* nn even dlvl'dnn of the
mart na prrrin,l.ly eeun.tltulr•.1.
Ins, na ire d)t, Imm.dlntely from an
nM1vn prenticn In the Perot/tee end Trainor to Northern Now York
from pnrtielpntlon In pelelle ntfnlre, !ante ere ngntn drlayol by n haavy
he brought to !tear upon the nock s snow storm.
Gigantic Swindles in Army
one Fleet ('a1,1 N1,000,000 fur the
('onlrael After 11 11.1,1 !leen Twice
Sold I:evult Aarlust tirudrlrk'b
New I/rgul•ttoes.
London, I•'eb. 11. --The apparent la-
cumpetenee and, It ter claimed, porch>le
dirhuneste which permeate the pur-
chasing departments of llritieh army
tar revealed have caused a publlo agi-
tation that augury badly for the
lVur Office. Judging from recent and
promised disclosures scarcely any of
the supplies for the army In South
Africa were recurred on business prin-
ciples. i peculatlag &Retractor's are
now known to have made hundro,lr of
thoterande of pounde by re -belling con-
tracts. The Opposition vainly en-
deavored to get detail* regarding the
new contract for the supply of meat
aaltouueeel by the Government in the
Wow* of Common.,, mita the view
of aovertatning if a Baring over the •
former methods will really Ix, ef-
The Ooverfftient ettccessfully avoid-
ed uu.weriug. but the Associated
Orono under -attends that the contract
In queetion was fleet re -sold al LIQ.
0110 preteens and then at £40,000.
while Cecil Rhode' asd the Lehrers
group e
'tangled Over £900,INW
and tJtus finally secured the privi-
lege of supplying the troops' In
South Alrioa with fresh meat.
These figures are likely to be
alertly published, and when known
will doubtless add fuel to the fire
of public iudiguatioq, which threat-
ens to centre around the Secre-
tarof War, Mr. Brodrick, ns vici-
ously es !t did aru•ind Lord Lanr-
doero when the latter was Bpon-
Nor for the early blunders of the
A dozen or more committees of
Investigation are now rett4lg or
aro In process of formalism. But, .0
the dulurdny Review Bays: There
are only tow often synonyms of
ublie ion.
"The fact retnalnr," adds the Sat-
urdayReview, "tent we have been
swindled on a very large wcale "
Revolt Agnlu.t Headrick.
While these stringent eritictem* of
the War Office are being publicly
aired, there lr proceeding beneath
the surface a revolt which threat-
ens to be of even greater Impert-
saco. Tim leading authorities of the
volunteer*, 'including many of the
eaventaetiere o1 the Ment known-
ne,wn re�if-�
menus, several of them being toti-etl
pe•reons and nearly all wealthy, are
noldIng frequent meeting* to decide
Lite best method of defeating Mr.
hrodrlck'r new volunteer regula-
tions. The committee whlcti Mr.
tirodrlek appointed to hear the griev-
ances. only aggravated matters The
commanders of the leading regiments
toed-- previous -1y, formed themselves
into a deputation to watt on Mr.
Brodrlck. and he temporarily declined
to sec them, but the Secretary for
War stole a march on the members
o the deput/tkin by announcing in -
tha !louse of Common. that he had
ep inteel a committee of has own. In
which not ono of the deputation
was eluded. illy action created in-
tense feeling among the members of
the original deputation, who pri-
vately declare that the new volun-
teer retail tions and the "deadhead"'
eommlttee were introduced for the
'oln purpoe Of making conscription
Noted t'r(mtnwl- bend:
London. Feb. 4 -Tits' police Here
here just been Informed of the death
hire n few days, ago of Adam
Worth elutes "harry itnement," well
known In .lmr•rlce In connection 4(1111
the Menhettnn Bank not other big
rubberise Worth's, nam.' woe fre-
enently menti not In eonnrnlln,t w;th
the stolen finln.bAtAttith )detnre, hat
11,e Lopata pollee tit the rumor of
Werth'n conAM'tlon with the theft
wnw never onnflrmerl.
New Jersey City Suffers to
Extent of $10,000,000,
Paterson, N. J., Deo. 9.-A great fire
swept for egh Paterson to -day, and
destroyed property valued at •i0,-
000,000. It burned Its way through
thus tunlncss section e( the city, and
dcmullwhed it majority of the finer
structures devoted to commercial,
civic, educational, and religious use,
as moll as 'cores of other hooses.
There was but email tribute of life
and Injury to the conflagration, but
hundreds were lett homeless. and
thousands without employment. A
relief movement for the oar* of those
an.belterod and unprovided for has
already been organized. The great
mwuafacturing plants of (be place are
wife, and the community has al-
✓ eady commenced the work of reor-
getnitatiun and restoration.
The fire cents at last midnight, and
wee only checked after a desperate
fight that lasted until late this after-
noon. Every city and town within
✓ etch of l'atereon sent firemen and
apparatus to Use relief of the threw.
testaiLaltiaoLoorallorlagaleelatee the
conflagration an additional Impetus.
llutldt.,ge 1)rstroyed.
A partial Iter of the properties de•
etroyed in as follows:
Public building. -City Hall, Pablle
Library, old Lily Hall, Police sta-
tion, No: 1 engine louse, patrol sta-
bles, llbgh $chool and School No. 1.
Cimrahes-Fist Baptist, Samoa
Prr.byterlan, Park Avelino lktptl.t,
cit. Mark's Eplecopal, and 81. Joe -
• Homan Ghtlhollo.
It.►nkw-First National, Second Na-
tional (partially), Paterson National.
silk City Tana, Hamilton Tryst, and
l'ater.on Trust.
Club -ho n.ee-Y. De. C. A., Knights
of Coltinrbu., Progrew Club, 81. Jo-
w ept'. 11/11. and Hamilton Club
Offto. tndid(ng.-IComalne Btdldlag.
Katt Ihitlollnf#, Tllnrehali and Ila11s,
Colin {sodding, OW Town clock, Old
Menet Bedding, and Stevenson Belie-
Theatre -The Onrden.
New,q.rrp••r.--The Evening News tied
Ousuley Chronicle..
Twenty-five Stowe. Weep dsotroy-
aL and 'nn r.timatn m/.In from a
general Inepeeti.m eif the Bering
rater ptneed (he number of dwellings
and npwtrtment halloo dentrnved at
601, and the families left wltllo,rt
shelter at 1.000.