HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1902-2-13, Page 6r.a a• • to" WO" 11.1. WPC,,i "'" itagt, 'rt• • -0- no; "1,• et, itiatikr, dear Iles, tiruialy, for ,',our advbie about e0c MO SOON CEYLON TEA. 1 haVe tried It, and newt my it is most dellei ma MY ked LOW says that brenkfma Le euenething to look forward to. * • * i * • ME EARL'S DAUGHTER 1 4. 4 Ic+4:++4•444-4te4e+4e++4e-44644*+;e64.4;-+oe Why, or wherefore,pu were zzling quesakew reserved for the . future ; the present wed alone l boeti! ber ; a& 1.1 the promot Wan a 1,1(ov-crea- ture In dletrese, entailer weman Put- ferin.r--ria I a wild melee etruck elag- We's !H./let - suffereig, tom, hew, leech In the dada. Way tot 1111P hnd derie, and wars doing •till berself• VI'Ith that, every throb "1 ray,' AIMt holeuey which lind been torment log her Wort throughout the evening died out of the girl's heart. and in their stead reigned a great worthy conapeedon and 'cave of pity. And aa that ferillug gained pre- dominance. Mauch. loot her thuld- ltY, nod. going up to wluire Lady Ethel Alp retained her geol. • ..ho kenit doehn bir the table. ane, with a rweet 411:1111...W.. half shy aud half determined. mkt, gently: "Don't cry, &twirl -prey Jon't ory. It wouki make him -it would melte se all so unhappy to thluk you were so." • Ledy Ethel bent her arul eyes upon the meeker with surpriam It 'wan Dot often elm had heard a woman's voice appealing to her In tones of affection; not often that idle had met 10 Innocent an] pure a ginace upraised to her own, or encounter- ed a stranger bold enough to plead with her as with a sister. She Wan geperally exceindvely Imuglity an.. stern with any one who attinipted li to take a. oarty with her; imot there wad 1110411,thing brown eyes -Lady Etliel /lit not re- cognise It at that moment. but it wax the otynterleatil 11=11t of syteert- thy-which attract/xi leo, at- elie luul iteld.en felt uttreetee tuward any girl before; an:I, upite&Witrie--- lokieg the familiarity of her up - peal. she placol her hauil before heo r own tot aud cum.ueneed o t weep afraid'. See hid onion for her tears.; for the gnany.r awl excitement of her urittatioweo merriage e werwearing off, anti leaving her, net any a. nal te.e penmen could itnve warned h •r tlint Mie would be left, stranded 1n1 a Ph. rc herren both of ire empathy and Oho - tion. That her husbrind loved end weried and tenoned lit bereethat-tio upon tied* er hourly priof his pas- sionate attachment,, and thought no lottrtill ion of tlife wort h living that was imaged out of her presence, watt only an agorarritirm /4 the tetnlelt- meta tete heel breught mem herself, as no woninti will need to Ite iaforiu- eft ; for the exlstence bereft of all that it hide dear le ler twereetehle- that which in compelled t., suffer caressed' ebnoxletur to It. Al' terouch that evening, daring welch Mnggie had been aliently put- ting up littie prayer.' te e vn trip h o elibilito the evil feelings of L Jonnu f or the happy con.lithin of her coisin's bride, with W1111' 11 her torart itopmed filled burstine. 1.311S Ethel h paseted a itunered time@ tbrough the hist Interview she tint! held with her poor fnther, and hearol thUt e alwer th a he hol ni eh. to her Insolent remark that she was not likely to look long emough upon 1 WI ground to learn to love a '3100 like Colonel Bainbvidge. "Ethel, that prIle of e our* will anme day be bet/to-lit deem. I Prne that, wheel It ie. your life's Impel - nom !toy not be overall/gine/I at the some time." Wandering about among (Iowan mine and Prortelari society. with a haminome husband elevated to every winh. Lady Ethel had nurred her ro- an/vette morrow for tho triescherou desertion of tile MarquIn Lnear• ram without reolizeihr the whole let the bargnin Abe hail made with Co' onel Itaintoldge for the mitt -five Hon of her outrage.] womettliotel But to -day, when he Jind hrongl: her home 10 itle own psople, whoe he expected her tit call her people anet aware of their deficiencen, sin, striven no hard to conceal every thing that wan not hint as 1111P ha been mord to wee it-thits 3 been' 1 &wakening which /she had never quit/ belleved In, although elle had talked so loudly on the eubj. ct. And it hail overwhelmed her. 'Phu child of roliy andermelaion.,r her own prkie and strelf-ledulgence had had her eyes fully openoi at lam to the fate She had deliberately, Carr nti out tor' herself ; and eke e fonnk from It nil from a scorpion Rio had no fetrnebrIwtmeretwite Wee destreee ; for elm had cut herself of! form her own eueinciatese to enter it family which 'the felt coulii Dever be oongerShl to her ; It la no won• er. /Sotto' ,gretultowe eymptithy even thin little,-Tgliiirarit *bleetranger weemed, for the mo- ment. ea something too sweet to to retreated. But only tor a lenient i-LinlYll:thri laint itechlentallv lont e0Infirtnl 01 henvelf boil .1te lool nn o intentioof adding to it the 11311 toelf-renpect And to she olaelled awny her newly-rInen Omen awl, 'nnoverinir Maggio,. effectionate nil/loos with a deomit e In tagli mild lightly : Enhappy--w t none nee I Pray don't tnke such an nissurd him Into your 11041. 1 am only n little over- come by the fatigue id my journey a041 atoll be MI right to -morrow." Still Maggie lingeleed by the table Her feminine tact t.old tied tritely F.theen nonehnlance eeeo i nly na- muted : and she longed to leave her more componel " tinre tho enntio n-ould look rather giorirey, peen fer the flied time at night,- ch. /aid. t hoinght fully " It le largo, yon see, noi difficult to Heil well, and mv /twee hag an old-fashloned (netlike to introolueing "Pew" Tamen " Oh! It' Is not that, I van astaire your " I know It ha not, but It all adds to It, snot coming to the ontary, too to which you Imre never been accustomed. and among a lot of rtrangers, of course, would make you feel a little lonely." " Lonely -child ! what seetee 700 know about being lonely ? " I feet 110 somertues myself,' re- PlIod Maggie. eimply, "even though III" Amn og my beet (Inc. We all 'have thoughts. cemilionally, In which no one else ean aluire-no one on earth. that tai to one." "Yea -I suppose so." ".tmi then the only way to get comfort te to tato them istreight to 11 lm." "What did you any ?" ''To take them to our Saviour." mild Maggie, In a low voice. though elle grow very rod the while; for elle hail perceived, from Lady Ethel's,/ foregoing quotation. that the free- masonry which axbits between all tho.eit who had a common interest in ‘ppintrnon good was wanting hero 'ttle yar-of course," replied the bride. Indifferently , and then *lie weleal: "If you are 'folly going to be soleind ISA 10 inonmon Lender for me I width you would do it at onco for I think the time must be getting on." 'line. I come hack. too?" !motto.' Haggle, wistfully. Poen. was uom,.. thing In this bertutifui. defiantly un- happy bride which interested her "No; you had better not. First Impremitonn go a long way . and I am not inlet room of mynelf to -night. 14.3 me. go to rear now, nn.I I shPe all e 3. oil agnIn In the morning" --etecoot night, then. dior Lndy Ethel!" and einegtoe eyest gibiten- ed while whe hehl out a timid hand. Tito beat of Lady Eiliees nature ea - to the rfaee. She Watt la woman after alt its wit sh sod done, and e had a lp ”1, howeter m:glit. upon oven hems, refuse to listen to its tiletates At thew/see/it moment 'the acted junt as It inomptiet tier do; and aa mese rose also, and kinaed iter on the ince. "Ooset ntght ! flinch that. I shall like you. Ilia don't judge of no' as psee1Y-flift --fire-trill begin. afresh to -morrow." CHAPTER XX. -Maggie e Dendrson Was down very enily on the folfewing meriting. 81*.' tiOt airpt Well, ter the Interview alio hail huld Lady Ethel had 1.1% a deep impeemilon on her mind tier ell- ttee-reirtr-dirte-fett eirawu In inexplleable mauner to- ward thin spoilt. child of fashion. the 14.1j/11"1 of 111.r ccruain Thomas' tiff etions, and to bo drawn toward be: seemed like deserting her owe rand.. I.ke going over to the enemy agelaat ber oivti biulsotl l lite heart Nature had been fighting rigninia goo.. all ',Iwo long. and 5(111111sorrow hod nearly gained the victory cit.... Charity. Maggie c old not hi hi whiting tither that Lady Ethel 'appeared loss Interesting in elier eyes., or that she was net the perman, f all othern, alio 11.'- [r. 41 to be lioet interestel in Omni she wee angry with herself for hav• tilir given vent to the feeling wide!, Ito I come. epoetaneouely to her. Lady F.:11,11•111 hyaterical einotkm war tkrubtl.ms, an alto 1101 affirmed, dee "tit Ohfatigue Mi,' fatigumho had entire-a/me, awl ought to have bot' treated like th unrenoeting folly of a chnd. It eat 1mm/we/le that. so lately snar- 1 .1. an/P poseenning everything In At, world calculated to make ft arti• luta happy, eha could have any cause N. giving way to :sorrow, Maggio contended that rate had /..!4-11 .far too quiet( and ready with b'''r ',menthe, and watasel lt, in fact. eel the thought galled her, and pre. oniteri hen from ideeping. fee an mom ite tho world wag fnlrly 'wake, she role and 'fireweed hereelf, trio] crept featly downetaire with the hintion of getting out in (1* fresh lir and walking off elm. effect', of her viell before slue mossiest under the ertitinizIng gaze of Aunt Lett,. 11 on+ a el,.rtr, role morning in the ommenrement of Arnie But Mug. hatheetor -Hee -eeist 114,,1;oei reared toothy. awl. siecusitenneit 0 be put In all torte of weather, en anti oftwalkel mile or two eercon the moor, befere the eloier o mbere of the family heel left their 15 Allir •Weitineret -Up in fwr Ann -don plaid. oho rarefied Inddly out upon' the terrace. Prepared to take an boor'. er.c.relse hefore breakfast, tint wat.i.actr.„areofirisii ejle.ttlater ['els Itainbriolge walking up and lotto. with hle hamlet In hie porkete, es thotigh waiting for her to loin him. Maggie'n first Impulee wag to retire agnIn; It WW1 herd enough. 11,1 ler present eiretimetnneea, to meet him in the family eirele--linoter even than elle hall calculate/I upon --but ehe felt net though mho could not (runt herowlf to apenk with IiIm alone. Anil yet there wao no op- portunity for retreat, for he tornol at the opening of the door awl came quickly toward her. while 1134' felt her stupid cheekto finale up at the mere consteousness of be ap- proach. "Why, Haggle!" he exclaimed, ap- pore*, ly air inneh sterprimel an pleased to WW1 her. "nre you too imunti for conetitntIonal this fine morning? That'm famous; we will go togeth- er I wan Met longing for emelt. one to talk to:" nnd he took her huinl, Ito pinceil It snuirlY IOW" Id. erne But the girl drew hackwnr 1 -it woe no comfort to her ; It wee misery to feel It there. 813. felt Page Woven Wire Fence 1. 0.1, roll/0do tone• for tinkling lonek OWIng 10 thP Pontlnursor nr *pleat spring No 7 'pars- trp will wit/one/id 'strained COM one ode ordinary 140. y wire will only Wand a Motto .4 1,70* primula flenntnon win...hone/111nd or lent W1111.11•Mghten flt14 WIth flf lit strain ref rposin an Pc'?. nee. are now vory know they hare ninny. leen th4, boot 1114jP Nero.. aro nand by all VS‘t,nflialt railway. 1131 telliWLemeao4.imgaWs141"1".1"1, 4 that Me mold have uo part In t oeuP4vereuroti:e. ItTeeiniecreeforwaraerdeoulautel hezif comilltuted that they must li all or with/tag. "1 neier expected to meet ane one," ehe etaiumered, as she tenor both hoe handle bolore her, rtad rolled them round tightly in her plaid. "It IN to very early, not w7clou'icdlocbok ;,a3 lbtoth.ought everyboey 'Every bo iy es...ept Mbar ilendroson tnel ono other, I ruppente.' rejoined Adonis' Balubridge, laiegieug. "Ali, Maggie, my tittle °Duette have I caught you out? And wile tho fa vorod While? Not one of the roue Appletems, I hope; for lem left yeur guardian, you know, outer ana Intend you for ronettlitng a good aeal bet- ter than nnestreas of that tumble- down old place. tioreirap.cleugh." **Oh, it Is no 04/0., Cousin Themes, indeed.' replied per Maggie, who, betide% the deities to exonerate her - "elf and the fear led 0.4onel Been. bridge should press the queetion. was starlet with confusion and dietrees. "I only Plate out for a little want'. I ,..Nafteevnerdolntmett boilmaxorgetobr,..eithiusial,teti ."1 companion, affecting to tIliebelie tt-r, "we won't my anythengus about It ; and let me tell you. 4.3.. Who has had ix • experienee worth matter/ that I dou't belie h,. Would have cateln tine morning all. for It's a great deal too cold f that kind of thing rind rove 111 reared at the idea of rod moor aml fro bitten fingers, flo let us go for nitro little ecouninly walk together I nivel ; it ht a long time. Mace y told I hay.. had a walk. Sings Withal react .hall wi. go, round t farm or down by tie, river? You het better lead the way, for It ta an age. WAIN% I wee here thit I nee tm have forgottim all about it." Thus adjured, Maggie turned e awey from the termer. rin commenced to tread a path whit" led through tile shrubberies Cranehaws, and acetone the moo land. Now. thin Is what I rail icily wild Colonel lialnbrlege, ad lie pave 01.01e to her side. ''It rem•nde 111 01 WA tine". What a eplendid air th lia! One decree eo itraw in a dotugh of froth life with every breath. He I wish that Ethel was strong en omit to got up and enjoy it wit un" "How le Laily Ethel title morn iner said Itigebe feelieg that Lb lesion en led for an Inquiry on the /object, though she dreadecl intro tu ing it. colonel Rainbridge seized the rat- ctasion with alacrity, for that he rnigi.t be able to talk free'y of the thought upperrnoet in hle mind hnd 1•17thapninlii"onit°Itilehjraenson for desiring A walk, allil has lit tie , appeered a very proper per -on for the Inflictien. It was metter of course that girle Map feel interested In the sayanR4 ant loinge of ono another. '''Thank you: • am afraid she is not feeling very well; but it wil: take more than one night's reet to itatee her to overcome the intigue of yesterday. I have toet her that -Ito meet not get up tete nioraltig By the way, id itegle. I don't suppoee my father wilt be very particular :itout her appearing at prayers and Mble-rendlng. and all that sort of thiug-will be ?" "For tele morning. Cuitsin Thomas? Ole ho, declitelly not ; he In always, ready to make excneee in a eriee of Inflow"; awl I heard Aunt Llziee "AY denude last nigth, that she thought Lady Ethel ought to ;le in bed until she _ie_lt_._q_u_fte_recevered ota." "041, yes! --yes, ef course:. -lint- 1 /ain't mean that exactly. You nee. Maggie, my wife. has been reared la a very different etyle to what you are accuetomed here, sine all them continent prayeroneet fags and psalnosiagings are quite nov- eitiee to. her ; in fact, I'm afraid sbe won't be got to Jule la them very enelly. It's all very web In the country, you know, where one ham lute of time, but to people who have been toted to a town life it uppears perfectly °Muni." "'Absurd, Cousin ?moues?" The awed tone in which the girl betele him let hill this word ehained Colonel Bulobridge lute/ eilence. He, too, had been reared, an eke had, la the naidet of worship, which, if it left mope for longing" alter a Wont more perfect and soul -inspir- ing, was at all °veleta pure, both In its eiloctIon and Intent. And there had beep a time Ore when he woaid have been a/shamed. to siSenk of the meanie by which him goot old father trio, to hail the minds, ol Ide bousohold hotivonsward bat •••••••• or- 4. V: I FORTUNE: i LLLINO • • • 1 •I •""" ***** 1111 r. TURPENTINE IN RUSSIA • •••••••••••••••••• • • • • •••• EXperlments et a Ilium liontaelieff, The A Hues' in writer, tells in the February tit. Niel/oder Young -Man 11111 COWS ere id this 1110641111114 to hear gunme- n might perhnps interest the read -1 el Rheumatism. tn... wept of eoneultlug the Fates: thing about fate realism 10 'Nona, Lialment s, Celle end ientryth leg failed (hie emawy land, still at lull of oast- 11.- 111",16" °el° ern hoe, motto's's' au I traditions. Of harm: • M14." PM* ••"I 4/4./ eur.d ocoirsie, It la, noirodays. a pas inse alel an times/meet in tinged in chief- Boliwevain, Wen., Feb. 8.-depeelall duriug C11E14'411 11,111:Lys, aud -Five years air./ Mr. C. 8 fil ideal, of prin.:el.:ht. :toy. the Ian of the thiug than thist idace, then quite a, yeueg min from any tattler In the truth of the and became aluseitt a cripple wilt Rh not Itit own There are a good many ways of are -omit of Ids exporieece la very loolug into tho book Of into •tid iniererting. Ile bays : I w1.1 'tee give a rioirt description ' For (*bunt is jeer, and a half of Qie two toot are most lu favor had a atm pain lit iny right tale/eider. ioneng yuung 1. lke. Now Year'e Eve 1 &ore touch wor.,e in 0.11 weather, tine Twelith are eau/metered the tine 1,, whi.er OW so bid (fiat 1 Could bent on:084041e di LW! year for these marcely wee my arm at ail. When I ier titutollig experluients.- Went to Wet 1 w.v14.1 hate ILO take VO V lienever al number of young peto my left hand taint hold my right re ple eime toge.her ,iutriug tide time ehouller to turn over. The 'iota Mt id Die year, weedier it be fur daue- was swirly iii.beitrable. Wools mu- lti leg, tag games, just spending not exprome it. lifted' will if I had ve plenstipt (.1 @IA.'S to ge.her, some to endure lock pui Me my life 1 at sine di' the pArty 4* euro to propose Wool.' rather hive goo or efitte-readitig,- or "gadai,:' it " I 'was u11111-ic.t. -0 cripple eel could caned Rueda. not c nai.LuI ing very lAtteriy. Seeking to know beforehind the Everybody had in elfag to tell see neme of one's futnee rovee.heart, le a to 410. One wild 'Rah oa Spirits of ,veoy gagging experiment, an,1 there Terpenthave I till to. but telly grew nre tete InoshOthl tgilft4 to erode worse. liteakiaa...thi.. 1. tried .very Th. first le mottaged thus: A sheet other linloseet awl tial 1 colild hear of toper le cut up iti.o about 01 in• get, bat •111 to no purpose. four Auld a heti inches lung, on every Nothing NCI id to give inc tits "a., of whIce n outan le written. A illobieet ri 11.1. 1 -Winn growlug very by wetting one end of the atripti uf was 'lever goleg to baidn Is half filled with water, and downhearted, pa it 1414iiitecil auarettalfnal paper there are melte to adhere to to cure my drealful polo. the rim ulf the tosiu all ritual, the e Now it happeciel 'that we bad dry ends pointing horisoateilly to- some of Dethre Kidney Pilli In the ward the centre. A hutstiell contain- tioare-we always! k ee them -Mei tg a Mt of lighted wax taper Is having tried everything else, My tb..111 eat tilleat by one of the party, father suggearted ill it I t k • some. 1 the water navies previmuely been commenced,- and when I had taken "'lightly -disturbed with the fingers so three doges I fill .me bOter, and us to give D. a rutaoy 'novenae/to I kept on 4111 In a few 1410,0 the wile &onetime. the KWH will pees by was all gone. tr.ateuiri n,,,rnatmr; apretty wlt114uto liarni, r again. "Thy in la live ear. ago, and I have 'cog while be- ; nre hail the eitglitrot pale or .eche fore ono without igniting it but the ivituv set fire 10 la believet. tO be _ _ . Olio 44 the person who le to play, al Engitah Spoke. by 1 lt1,000,000. Ir . minent pert in one's foture life. The next gamete:et of importance la „.,""' lilarig.c" "1 I ...toli ituee ,ng th to narcertaln In "what threetion Ile• i r'ur"lwan iniinthleio hal Just been ID - '00r fate" -that is, from which 111r:ilea., by u Froticli eta t ',titian. peularle-lcierTIUje-te-ra°111111"rnariver."111. oblill'etalitieod0ltin- 1:1:111:wl%rale&r:11/1")...,71/:•iung161iiit:rxilisottiasooge:"Iwnpvtrthialei,enwoni,,,romirdt.. the following way: You step out- . 11. Ituatilau t...,mcal next with doors and throw your elipper high 10.1 I -4"Y Chia air; than, the quarter to peruoin third iv itli PO, which the too points whim it alights Let (085)4e(00,0001.00L.T4r. 'Clii,nd Freneli next with Ste- le that whence will cocas the per- ; soli who le to Ione ace your future. 1 15 Self ti•rfuf but tlissee of regeoet, and when he hal half resolved with himself to give it up, ()ace and for all, the woret the flesh. and the devil, and to make an open profession of thee.* eentlinents ootocience whispered tee hlm wore the ooly once worth holding; but he had fallen In with a woman aflamo feeling.* were utterly oppooet ' to all religious truth./ ; tine having bele/hot his tali de lioart upon her aatural nouty•fer- getful ot the ehortooniinge of iter mind, hie well wan reiapeing Into the frame Indolerwe am hers. But the etartled voice in which Maggie Henderson repeated after him the word "abeurde' In a Men* recalliel him to Innieelf. "Well, not abetted, perhape(T might r.ot to have maid Hutt), but very un - emery. and can do people net &Wily gees' when thrdr heaarte are not in, that kind or thing; auto. 1 souk, not like my father tn be RIP tsoYcvl, or make a fuse about It ; aod neither, I am mire voirekt Ethel, though I havo not mentioned the ct 10here' "HO *pi be very marsh annoye4-1i 10 rt'fumes to attend prayern,' Maggie, quietly. "Bid look here," rhowned Ce,!.'tnel flatnbridge, who had an idea, and by no Inattne an oryoneoue one, that to millet hl'. cousin's Wee to gain him canna "It ean make no difference to hem, yoU see; and surely It ix better she 'Mould stay away thee attend untelMalele." why ethould Lady Ethel be unwill,ng?" Tho quentien 19/111 ft Pimple nae, yet Ito felt puzzled how to enswer it. He could not //hock her by tee formation thot hie lentotlrol Wife wan callow' to everything connected with religion ; that if Pilot mid tier prayers, or read her nible, It wee In the motet formal anti unthinking manner; and that rate never enteral chureh eteept to ilienipate the ennui by which *he was Invariably attacked on !Malaya. And sio he murmured something Mout not being weed to famile prayers, and that they had been nuperealed In the High Cheer!' by Mateo awl Evensong, anol entnething further about ritual and Intoning and the A/artifice wick.11 aubjecte he fro O Tory mlety hininelf, but whieh fterved to ono ey the notion to hie henrer'n mind filet Imiiy Ethel had Men need to an lofty a at ylev of worahlp that mho would be linable to prny in the library at rranehows. (To be Continmed.) THE ROYAL SUNDAY. How the Protest, lithe mad Queen teed te Keep Sunday. When King Edward and ',preen Mex - undo" were UK Prince awl Primers 01 Waleo the followiug tuteroithig account of how they were to the Itaiet of spending Monday appeared in The Quiver." The .vriter says: "Sioiday with Their lioeal High" neseer the l'rince and Princem of Wide, la, mimed to meoh the same quiet way as with Her lifejesty th• Queen, inasmuch ad religious eere- moniee are faithfully observed, and the herneeliold nutt servants are Roared all uonecotenry duties. The mutate wend their way, ati the hour -thoren- etym./melte* towards the little Church of St. Mary Magdalen. In the l'ark. There is a private footway direct from the ,holiee to the eharch gate; by thlm the Royal Family and gireittsi often proceed, driving roond by the rowil only In rade of unpropittoue weather. Outs - day afternoun.homeetly spent in the holism or park. Dinner le peered at half -pact se•en. Occasionally, how- ever. dinner in a little later, as the Prince and PrIncesse may be attend- ing evening tort -Ice In onset( the vil- lage churches near. The "mall eta - Om, /come two, miles away, where the !loyal Fiimily have their own waiting monis. is clotted on Sunday an no train whateven ie ram 0/1 thAt day. By thin moan.. the chirreh Is kept clear or an attendance prompt- ed by corkselty, and alert the men employed have the entire dny'R rest mewed le them. In fact, no un- necesaary work in any "hero or way la performed on Sonday in any OOP part of the Petersen dem:tine. &today at IlinrIteirongh lionise (lit- tera 'lightly from Sunday at leanii- 'Ingham,- bat the dee- is spent In comparative quietude. In the morn- ing. Their Royal Higbee/twee attend divine meek, held In whnti le known as the German (teethe/an' chapel. After luncheon. the Princess and her dein:niters may possible' attend one Of the Wort End chierchee to hear ' 1113411P portlar preneher. or to to preeent nt a cliililren's service. In every wny. the Prince nnd Princess have alwayn fnithfully obser•ed the ISabbath, and we. as a Christian maY rongratuinte ournadyen , thnt emir future Mete and Queen will tdendfantly uphold the nanctity of the Day of God, and the doctrines/ of the Christian Chorch." Thai Kinn Oct• Voiceinated. Precautions ngainnt smallpox ars /)OW being token In the very high/hit circle& The King hinieelf wan voicein- toted before he went to HaDdrIng- h the, but hie nrm has not been very much inflamed. The Duchess or Con- . naught has been vaccinated no less then three times', its the first and he - mod time there was scarcely any re- mit ; while the third time wan so aucomerful that •he Is only now ep- ee/Tering frogs rather a hitd arm. Moreepeeple- ars being vaccinated than ever before, and it i• quite the exception now to meet any one who hon not undergone the inconvenient operatioa. Moreover, so deep-seated le the convictioe thnt this Is • very necessary precaution that a number of well known people hove been vac- einatedi wire than once.e-Loodos Deily Mall, Jan. leth. Vain Internal and •141Presal applicAtion we have fooled Perry Davi"' Pain- killer of groat valim and we coin re- commend it for told',, rheumntIon, or fresh wountin anal britinen.-Chrint- Ian Ern. .1vold erbtaltutem. heard the mei cionoillan mutter, In'litingry ace, nt• droll : "I'm here to earn my brew] and but- ter." And then In got a TOM item h allemonies 10,1,1 ettekv. and Net•eis to tear holes in your throat. Are yoe awari• that even a taut/born and long neglected cold be cored .10 Allen's Lung Italsam? Cough and worry no longer. Her hense of eissell. A tittle girt west hito a neighbor's hotter one day, and some apple pap- illate lay on a plata on the taiga Af- ter sit ling a while, alio said "I etnell apple.," "Teo" the lady replied, "1 goons you emelt them apple portage • d1 the plate." "No, no," 1014eh., " 'talon, them I emelt. I smell whole tippler.," - Minard's Liniment Cares Diphtheria, Expiable, i oronotkom. e++411++++++++1-+++++++++.4.4.• CELIBRATINO i BIR I HUAI'S. i When le Veer,. 1 And Does Each .. 1 Abdo/ You Better ? 4+++•++++ +++++++++++l, 111 direollose otteadily atilt sure - le the world le giltIng better. It in getting hetter "noodle, physleally, 1001.117, indastrkilly- In overy Mr- e ty leo nonee awed ilevelopmeatti are tem- porarily discouragoir aud some are herd to unoteretaud-but, as in the g rowth of child froux feeble w- hiney 14/ 'mature suaielsood, the tee - dewy iv constantly to a better Mote. Hump., measles aud whooP- liqg cough ourrespuna revolutioue, ✓ trikes tied trust fonuatious In so- ciety, limey of the aloilt important &Sau- cier fur linprtoreuituit are ignored and inisunderrioud. '11... earth wormier that the boy dire up whou he g.es fibbing are Me golutety essentt to the agricultural growth of the tuition. How Melly radio, the inipurtaoce of there lit - 11.• wriggling wooing? Mow 111 )117 pooh. know thot the duet ia the nir give.' color to the enuligie , ooltsre the clued*, mikes the , fruitful militia' pro Itrie it, misty have thought of the Mi- tre/ode/are gool whieu comes into the world beeehe ttee 4/: tantis/real lielat celebrutl g each peratinet birtlidao 1 33 toga is Yoii ur irthday lins not every single birthday "wide ,you at least for a time a better man? li'(. 10,1)- ignore the beginning of the uew ye 11, for that is 11 iery general velebratiou. No luat. IgliOre• lila own ItirthiPty, the day wlitch itegles nit of his year* on earth. Ana very few hunt 11 Iseluze, In full on each recurring birth- day to ueike good rerolutionr, de- termined tlint they tell try and .10 eel ter. Even u man's apparently selfish birthday rmodutione tire good for nil tbc people. Ile revolve,' to succeed twtter- tie. t meaner that he tumid work hard- er aud add to tile productiomeate of the race. , lie revolve.. 10--bi- temperate, exerehie self-control, to give up gooibliug. or in some wny to .tui - prove tuiijseIi -every such regula- tion, multipited by nolligne, is weed for the whole race. 01 the 1,400,0(/0,0410 halt/All Offteldl, on the earth. 4,000.000 0.1 an aver- age celebrate their birtitlay• every Out. ;tory single day 4,000.000 01 latent n beings &tato it new yr:tr. Etery elitgle day that greet nuMbrr of (I0. ltdform fool resolutions, and de- termine te 4.1, better titan they have deme. N./holy can eetinvite the pewter for good un earth oi tine (-militant ex ere Ise of the greatest monition! e the alit to ..10 right. - Whenever yenr friend has a biro, day, encourage Min if yet" ean In tin urabl. human temiency towani goo i resolutions. .1 nal e hen your ow,. birthday comoi make up year. min t that. as 141P Jell- drop la the areal 01 humnoity, you will do what yen eau to mike. yeureelf a better inee or 'roman, more worthy of th, r0o lie taken by Your father and m .1 anol snore wilful to the other louees winil" Who cling to thin tt so of earth With you. -N Y. .7 It user be or intereat to point out at this Hine th a * Moat ex- , oe.e_ _ liY1,11111. corona t ion tan record were MI:1111!il ESP' CHAN-URA. tluit of the present tear of Russia ISSUE NO. 7. 1902. Thal Cough Hams 011 SLIPPER' th. DEw You have used all sorts of cough reme- dies but it does not yield: it is too deep seated. It may wear itself out in time, but it is more liable to produce la grippe, pneumonia or a seri- ous throat affection. You need something that will give you strength and build up the body SCOTT'S EMULSION Imems Nearly 3il1 ESCAPED Kruger May 'trek Aga Remitted to be scan Leononils dlers-- No Fre will do this when everything else fails. There is no doubt builds up and about it. It nourishes, strengthens, I makes the body strong and I healthy, not oniy to throw off this hard cough, but to Fortify the system against Further attacks. If you are run down or emaciated you should certainly take this nourish;ng food medicine. COTT itlioWIL,dTheLum rid CAN f. SEEDS 1,000,000 Customers Yr-KA..11renned of any sairloatia •a a -A A in. ••11 nnwhildr,uut SnOr• Vb. 414.4.1141 July 10, awns moo 1.•.:11114.1.1.P.Mre,:e111411d tree, I0 WORTH FOR I5c won wpm nunalp1,ZigajaiT”1.• ataidonisie••• SI OW to tar 1/1M mnalt• term. or ea r,,. inand her 1.101 7-r•Ov It nu 1.1.4 woe'. • poottly.lr.Ala nta,, with... ea rural...AWNS 1* 1/11.. ls Canadian riAnno. - s, Ave: wall.; Upward of I 7,111(X) Otiti wan' 'pent nestpd d r by the tio‘erneuent ulone, and fully wtwo NETUYN-LfifillEtfia the beet - esalt buysok Patent Lichen/a eiteltavett a.ent rcmpany, Toon to. Casale. another 05,1100,01R) hy the public authoritiee of Tenons Itusrian towns. The repreeentativel of other powers vied with each other 111 lavish otolays, and, counting the P31314 "pent by other persons, the coronation or Nicholas II. cansiot have cost leer than L.I5,000,000. The coronation of (Aar Nicholas I Was also a very expenelve affair. The then Duke of Devonehire wan the Braid' representative, find lie spent fully $150,00 of his own nioney in connection with It. The coronation of George IV. wa• the mot expensive in English annals. mei Ma coat only el:1.500.000. Of title amount 11125,000 Waal expended 011 the coronation robe. and 111225,- 000 on the crown. Tte. cost of the coronatiken of George 111. did not amount to half that of the coronation of George IV. Tbe whole cost of the corona- tion of William IV. amounted to only O1lS0,000, end that of Quoit Victoria to $350,001. e Pre NIor toe oa4 cash price and gct our elan fee fial Monkey Brand cleans anti brighten, ererything, but won't wash clothes. Mm 'ea thogies. A girl who had been very clever at Millegs came home, the other (My, and add 13, iter mother : 'Mother, 111. graduated, bilt now 1 WIell to tali.. up pee chsaogy, "Jitet wall 13 minute," maid the mother. "I hive arranged for you a thorough eouree bi roantology, boll - ..logy, Mitchology, di rnology. patch - °logy and genernl ilotnestioology. Now put on your npron and pluck that thicken." Matthias Fahey, Oil Cit y.- OM. --_.------ - Joseph Snow. Norway. lbs. PA Rev:, II. 0. A rolurfrong. Molgra vas,- - . *1"1", AVEATM, RADMARK/.lgP.. fae•14/procured and ca• bit Chan. Whooten, Holgrat P. N. S. d. Hookl•t a1,i. n. 1,... sehantre see bootterot Company, Pythies Pierre. Landry-. henr.. rokein,nehe. ildiap, Toronto, tint. e. it. StrA Witailow's Itambilnd Syrup Otiatil4 Thome* Wittman, Sheffield. N always bat used for chit/bee lorides. it soot has the child. eaati.n. heroic, room win 1 rode and Ir the hed rotuwly roe oi.irrh.es. To Test Rage. P1100 an egg in a 'mein wnter. If quite (retell. It .11 sink rnithily. If not so frenli, It it III sok ,t sh ,rt dietenco. If It floats, It le ft bad fax. Or, apply the tongue to the targer emi of the egg; If it reeler mama, it le fresh. The shell of n fresh erg leeks dull. That of a stale one, glossy Ilitid the esit before a strong tight; If the yolk appetite round and the white 'surrounding it clone, It la probnbly fresh. It le Judicious In cooking to break the yaw fleet Into it cup th's pre- vents all possibility of *poling nn en- tire dlt,4t, shiuhl the egg prove of doubtful floohnesa. LA DIMS -COPT LETTKIte AT Rolle for ateulleattert. As4or Simply Co.. Dept.*11 Chtearn. to flt per ocartaend stomped envelop.. rtUIT FARM IrOilt NA Lit- ONE OF TSB Anent sn the Niagara Postnatal.. at innna, 10 tulle. front Hamilton ea two rte. way. 130 anew in all, 36 of ablidi Ls ta fruit. wooly peashas. Will he aoldtom mold or c11•1411.1 into 101.011 1. io ...no mit pi, charm TM. la a dealdad Lamaist Adore. Jonatona Carpenter. I'. boa 1111. Wises. Ontario ' SALESMEN good. hv anmpl• to whoisaal• and retail ,.„7,; WANTED '° 4irereas,,m,arit ni!i 47.1 tit.rarden. in%Sois..r 41,11.11ri CAIN•DP.X PIFti. Co., gurrieua. New Laid Eggs, Dried Apples, Poultry, Dairy and Creamery Pretoria, Feb 7.--4 der cover of itarkno heavy rainstorm, tie it blockhouse ou tint but wero repuleed to have been the enj ply tangelo; w Lich 1.11arkb1.1 The, Doerr, ti units to 4•roas th., homes every night I. eausilig an alarm h poets aud flatteniu •teat1 of cutting the Anot her cuueldera eerie lw reported uu tbsjor Leader. of Li Guards, went out troops from the cie Eck/mien and Uhl J.ct of altacklag let which war said to dorp. On the way a ieurprised. and Malin big from the prim/ had moved his fore Alberts' c0wman/1u ettartoed blot plane latter place. Allier taken tempi .tily 1 dawn [Intim the the Bone horses Hurgliere made a failed to wIthetat the mounted men, ekottlm ly right home. Tie lioere killed rind 1 mandant Alberts. The 'latish low 1 wounded. It has been dee'. Ben Villioen, the IS 1 --TM Captured atter florae Art .1 Pretoria, Fete 1 under Col. Kiel, 4 ant's Horse anti of the Royal Ho ag mounted three-daystrek liontes. 1.000 she good eattle. TA.; er. The Hoeft A picked up thei r - - and welt. . Leyde Kit BrUxiiell. Fah. correspondeut 4 . guites that in Leyda, the MOW Traub% maid quickly en postal Boer leadern lu nittet teignirwit Dutch eorresnam thing (moiler teal received very front Month Afr reassuring. The yenrn, if no Klement Liniment eurre 1)t -temper. Butter, Honey, Etc., WANTED. Will by tall,A,tht ur Corresiamdencs invited Jottre .f. YOE, 02 Front 'Street RAM. • Toronto. Oat. What in Etroert. The woman emeildate wan Marling out. "And now. John," aiher PN11111. "Itiv" II1/1 1111 11n innall change you have." etvlint ?" nekest the huidinnd, a. hr I‘P'(!oniii;711 uorane";if the nicent Mittard's Liniment (ewes (target In vote. evei ever Itearetotetantiny for Cows. Of Two it was two a.m., and tire man Rat irti 011•11 skx•retog with his hew% in his imitals. Prearaftij policeman came leteurely by. "Hey, eve." lei maid to the rattier. "what are you (hang there r "Thinking," repin'4 the men thlek- ry;--mtre- aor trtrtirw tt- mlotrt hare been. "Thin le no timefor thinking," Raid tire irunrdInn. "Yoe r. In the 11011,111 ff you Ilve here." "Vie rot ta think a while first," kette yeu got to think etenit ?" "Well," explained the men, look - (ng wearily tip at the officer /stand- ing over hlm now, "I've got to think whether I'd better gi in and let my wife murder me or Jura elt here 1 frpez. to I ea is The average would be Hs. nante, but I'd ilke lei do It the way that would please her beet. Nee?" The policeman maw, and, much method the kindly ellsosseei mon it I protean, he railed the holy np and mionitted tete rinentloo to bor. She , honk the men In. -N. V. Herold, De•feess Cannot n• Cared sliwynlanci are] reir..nuttp.4ot rebyar.h„tt,h,e AI A portion of the ear. Theis Is nnly one war tn Purr eteafross. tont that ta enrotttn Efiratoed,h7iinnditilints: nrith;senn'lli"ZnIntlicinilanifnft.afmtle'l yon hove a runineg amiol Ittipol.f.ot Apar Ing. Inand When I s entirely rloued. 1 •aftidellai 1. the molt. rind unless 11,, Inflammation ran tr• /atom font ow I 114*14,1.. .o,,.r,,,11* condition, hc•rIng nel Orrirnyerl forour nine moon out of :111 aro rootlet' he l'otar,h widen la nothing tot an Inflioned . oniit on of the moon,. an/am.. We will even/to Hundred Dollar,, for env ens, litatlionni traii•nd hycatarrh I that ran not be Pored by Hall March urc. Mond for ele"ises tre'F J. CHEN c0.. T turd a O. field hy 11 roggIsui, Heirs Family Pills ars the Mat. 111a Choice. "Who 1. your eholee for Governer. Crete Dave ?" "Well, mitt ; den at dig time m9 le free nn' mien; but I'D Nay die much : De eel non mighty herd up die yenr I"-AtInntio Constitution. 1902 1902 BRUCE'S SEEDS We are the Pioneers et the Seed Trade in Canada st.-75Thive made our business a 'mono. Our knowiedg• gained from the experience of hell a century we give to our custom os In the rages ot cur Latitiegue, which we matt fret/loan who apply for it. the VirrWer, the Gardener sod 761 Amateur Inc all served, •nd served .74:177v 'ho patronize the •• Rept' Seestamen." '-7:-.4747rriesiled to aN ports 01 (13. Dora t.'1717.17," JOHN A. BRUCE &CO St ICED MIRCHANTa Hamilton, Ontarle, Eve, yt isifterent. Jark--When n man Is In love every- thing 13 he different to him, la rry - Yes, it'i t he name way when he knorki him head AgnInet 11 grin hrneket. Hinard'a Liniment Cores Coldso 411, o r Load in, Feb. gatem Wolm- rat arrived at DLitt of heeding ac, Kruger, Dr. L., leticher. I hreatens Atte. Wrialiington. Pearson, late lite] been in the engaged in wor 110 111/111. fleatIon to l'r ilicating nn int :,rmeel force of New Orleann talillshed itenr that elte melee aro Ishii General Pearso in hew Orlon' the President has Pent other the Poen/lent 4 received no re /tenet inthe ieg hDtlf 11.; ilritish camp peal." He Roo - mitted to etre Port Chalmet• neermbled nt .nildnetneite.Rtbra l it iito t comintiniehtio mission to mo. VenniOnne10e t ir1/l% nrt7 the Britinh c Medi 1,, Ottawa, It' eeived at the fax of Basler intom rsidn g,ro en: nue, etuty there, f tC)r.0401r. IirTrity, Cit: .1 the young Pluton for h PAILS I lie 113s fin.1 eesorditin mniter, In hungry Accent* droll: "I'm hero t.s enrn my brend and but- ter." And then he got ri. role. One ourh e of Sunlight Soap is worth more than REDUCES EXPENSE TWO Ouncee of impure soap. Ask fer the netages Par. ff year reser eannet \ Lena IltentlIte, LI111110, Terente, welding his sail • trial maple of emlight boar will be met simply, writs ta name andaddress, dm free ef omt fiND MADE Of' EDDY'S TUBS 1110 HOOPS, NO JOINTS, NO SEAMS, NO LEAKS/. INDURATED 1113REWARE are vastly importer to the °rain ary Weeditsware articles for domestic um. TRY MEM. Ter eel. by ail first 'lame dealers %Innis n Mont rent, committee, c n mortime erixell Ca nr stoned the / monument Par. Dist, lovuinn, F respondent rrefipotyde the moat fie attnntion in lug haw bet tAln'to refuor regarding Though the meet, rnbil ensel Mods tho Thecae denote the g item, pope plv to tips eludethe iambs in pr