The Signal, 1902-2-13, Page 44 THURSDAY, Fob. 13, 1902. THE SIGNAL : GODERIUH ONTARIO We will not keep them ! We mean Our OVERCOATS. Including two FUR OVERCOATS. IF you want bargains, and big bargains at that, we have got them for you. Room must be made for the best stock of Ready -to -put-on Clothing that ever put in an appear- ance in Goderich. They aro made to our special order from fine Scotch and English Worsteds. We will tell you how they are made later on -in the meantime BARGAINS 'in CLOTHING is our song. Every Overcoat must go.- Our prices will move them. ('ome early, before your size is gone. AMERICAN HATS. p Qj {� Tne fins shipment of New Sprain/ Hats have arrived Sof l Ina(WU S1if1 Hats, connoting of the very Meet New York Styles in W. Ce PRIDHAM r rerfest netting Cloth's( Sense, 1Lclws°'o Block CLOTHIER AND FL'RN13HEK ASHFIELD. S I MONDAY, F.b. 3 d. Mr. Biwa, 12.b eon. ion, Is gating tone yatseble oder at hie mill lur mak! to sb!siles. Tb. Zoo Marsh ie ba.rtg thorouthl► rearrested sad will preeeat • b•outttol tip- presses whoa Salibd. Sept, Orem L.O.L , No. 1044, Intend to hays as at hems Friday seeming, F'abru.ry )7( b. As exesll.ot proem is beim{ pre pared.' CARLOW JluNuar, Fob. 10 Mie Ida Moyurebit, ot :Both Dakota, Is visiting at the home of her uncle, W. L Fergaws. Ale1. You"a 1 at Minted bis heavy steers to Stepbea Aadrsws. sit Godwiob. grittier 4i note pee pound. which he o••a• eiders a good pries at this Genoa cf the year. The .~ihbo good.113 cwt. weighed in the Oat accent el the storm, the ninon? 'both hies to have hoes hell Moud y • week sgu for the parlu to of di'cus.tng It.o ailing al • ch1,.1.r fur the Pre.bytertao congreg5ttoaa ot Carlow and Auburn was pits paid la iit ui e'y. Lost SIM soh Rev. Mr. Cochrane. of Barrie, preached, and h• will do the.smv epee Ms c Sobb db. The big s'o•m last wtek tanked the lea 1s tied pet • stop to oath, for seterel days. W• hid only one roil north and two math danag the week, the publ o toluols, both No. 1 and No. 3, were closed all wort, and altogether It wit the wont blockade (or mutt years. Thiogs an now re,uu:mO Ihelr norm.l coalition. The . wiled raw mat to have been had oe Moud.y, but ins out off uu•it'Tuesday of this week. Ire x nal, de PCRt.ISA an RVERY THURSDAY MORNING McQILLICesey --, 0ODER1011. THURSDAY. NM. U. UM SNAP SHOTS. -The anti -prohibitionists ' hope that it nil be a clear case of R,fer•Ered'em. -Toe Liberals in the Senate are now in a position to sing that good old hymn,.'•A Day's March Neuer Home.' !Intl bed. has made remark, recently with regard to the Gt•te, come of 'blob hove at- tracted widespread attention. Addreuioe the twentieth anal conferees of the Cbur:b el S3otl•id Youog Me3'e Guild. be earnestly sdvnel them to encourage all movements leading to make the theater •3'ye • bigger purpose in so3tety. He re feted to cooldinu the thAter as •o evil, but praised it as • weal organ. wb..'. It is folly for the chiral' to decry The noble lord's cont setwos are being freely orltloised on both sidee of the Atl.Dto, but he is o•.t wtthuot his defeudors, tooladeed, the whole ruujsetof pubho.ntertalnmrn•s and the right attitude of the church to relation thereto is u yet far Prem being settled, -Jos MemTm% reJt%ivuo is another el Smpliftntiou of the truthfulness of the cold ditty which says, "You Cau't Keep a G -al Man Down." He we'l't stay derail. -In Clinton • few days ago a young wo. mau tamed M111t1.I.E BILI. became the wife of a Mr. BILL It will bra regular chime of Belle. The .luesliol now is: Will the Rolls jingle, or will they jangl.•'. -The death of Mr. Jestice 1.1411* "Fighuug Pint" of the Ratia ukl day.-rr- moves trona Canadian public life one whose place cannot easily he h11P.1. H a friends loved him : his opponents respected h 1115 1'al'LR CVtr hl N a. Brookville Rtoorder,: The Well Street Journal In its article, uowittlegl, gives Cantle's psper ennoble. • bar.' kopek. "Toe Lours°tide Mills," It says. "atlirend Mere 1' 0 , us Ib. tweet Northern Reit way, hats • natural w.terpower of 20.000 horse capacity. and It is slid oan tarn our pulp, export It Into the "lotted States, pay the die v thereon, and still .bow • cost eh tet below any America' mills of the Ltt.r• notional 1Lp.r C,mpst.y." Think of ill it ' SUI, seder Cao& is paper oomt.h r, t h. Isom. Lwres'Ide malls gets ID ('.n,ni $2 75 per cwt. for 1*5 paper. whale of • er pay' Ing the duty to the Un 'ed Stiles itnlle its per tor Ives then the lotern•rimnd Paper t•omeany. Ihwt quotas vapor sr $3 00 p'e r i cwt. Scall the oomb nation. in Cards pre. (teed to say they are not getting enyt'tln,1 but • Idr viol bare. w'a0 Arrant our .1111)11 *11001 - mmmmmmmmim►mmmtmt!m� Are you going to use Gement ? DUNGANNON. NoricL--The leoalagency 10 Dungannon for Tus SIGNOI. U et the owe of J.O. Ward, J. P. °enverom:tr. La.. who will receive orders for eubeorip•. lone, advert.elog amt job work. and Is authorized to give reoelpta for amounts pall for the same. Mo'DAY. Feu 3.d. John Mtguold, In renew:no his eubacrlp. ting spe(kes to high terms of Tux Se. sot. Hs would Dot be without it for double the prix. AROITRATIU' -Oa Saturday last J E Tom, of liodatob, P. S. Ioepeotor, and A. Stewart and Jobe McLean, ot Nest Wawa nosh, met for the arena of ubi7rsb.Dr as o wrproper school sax, the ratepayers hey tem di ed a to location at • notelet urevtonety held ler that porpne. W oats not as yet beard deafean o1 arbors!. 5. Conroe Aon CoWNo.-Mr. tad Mrs. ('toper, of Callow, eller attending the funeral est the la's Mrs. les. McMsth at Ooderioh, drove to Dungannon to visit Mn t'oeper's uncle who, is v•w.11... ..R,br. Mold&h, of t\ tDgham, aocompamsd by hit belle (lot mar y Min Wilson,) visited h s poreuto on Saoday. W. wish the newly- ee1ded cent' a proiperoat voyage over the sea of matrimonial Lie -E. 3. B. from, M.P.1'.,' put your S.afottb Eeposltor : There is it le i tittle band in ours; We Always knew you Impassion it, some gouters that the high won'd get there, awl you have Of1tl of schools se I ►fad 1504 C for goodhe tIsititislly tutes are mato thedays there will be %scant portfolios in i coy ,b, chddree est town.u andGrvlltlepaiee the Legislature, noel you are able to hokl I end mere parucnisrly for those who Intend down any job in the outfit -tit i justice shop tagalong in the Inroad probeselon•, W ia• barred. -ler the. language of our old I uals.y ever may nave been the curl n yea's none school teacher : Keep to the tight and by, each U ties castew. A4eerdtriR to the tat reportnot of then mintuer of .duos you'll never get left. Llan the cla.ee■ of cur population tee bene- - that in the following proportion : Airfoil. General Dr. Wrr steno, to have 5, tura!, b 921: commercial, 5 448; meobsnt• many line as the proverbial tat Lent cal 5,054: professional, 1 953. and wlthnot week his last gun was taken, so we were eocupa'ioo, 1,78d. lo 1892. 300 pupils lett obs huh whnole for the ps' Goss of u,>(iriug told, and he was hopelessly tangled up in is the pursuit idiom. berm o1 asrlrulturs, the KIT, Hin5a'e latent blockhonoe r dune. number in 1900 had Inosued to 757 These The only chance of swaps was for him to figure* go to show that all ol.eees of the dig through the centre of the earth and otemmn'itly avail themed: , very tally of come out on the other side. That was last weak. Today U1 Wrr is out on the veldt M free as air anti ,u aggressive as ever, none daring to make him afraid. 11 tae of these days 1)c Wrr will he. goal enough to walk into the telegraph oth.e and .jambok the telegraph Isar to death we will all vote him to be • jolly good fellow which nohsl' can deny. -It isn't often that newspaper men de rain such powers of fluency that they are token from the tripod and placed at the head of a financial institution, and for that reacts we are pleased to note that 3. W. Eater, of The 8t. Themes Times, is that kind of man. Thew of us who know Mr Envy know that he ie a goad man wherever you find him, and although we regret that he steto down ted out from newapaperdom, we cannot but roegrelulate him on the Bpi p,intaent. His esteemed coutempnrary The Journal has this to say on the subject : In anther column le announced the fact the', A. E Wallene, president, and manager of the Alla Loan Company, who has resigned the position of manager of the company, will enter the firm of A E Ames & Co He will be sueendal as nanager ot the Ata Loan Company, while still holding the position of presi- dent, by .1. W. F'w,ly, present managing ec dirtor of The Time,. 1 rinsing ComfutiIy. Mr. Forty will remain m ,•oriteol e( The TIMOR anti ehang.o in contemplation in he proprietorship will be completed Mr y hes had along tuainees and 6uan experience and will make • wortty of the late manager Purim sswl h executive ability. the Atlas L an under his management will lin v continue to prosper tie in the e long Ire; ' g in the tinan.•ial end of • daily newspaper, gy and good judgment, will Mewl >r 5100 r,ewamler et err of Com daub andt bowl with his en 'teed frim i taking. rho advantage of Mete institutions sod more oarltca'arly the agricultural and meob- soioel, and they are not ny any means the nurseries for the professions which some are inclined to baluve. A ,.TnRY '11)1 A M"KAI. WHAT OTHERS ARE SAYING. Gra area 1. •' land, for witb ach.ng acne, • prompt .at • and ',inlets aunty i. needed. This is j 1,1 what Patoun'e mini.'. Coru and 1% art Eitreetsr ie-prompL,o push: to and permanese: All d,.g,rtµeesU 41. 4' aeala a Cbl11 t'elerlsary awlier, The Mlui.ttr of Agriculture fcr some .imo back kis tern fiadlor considerable Is uvtnleooe In the admioistrltion of the veterinary breach, ow,og to the ttet that the chief veterinary adviser. U:. A1cEecb ter, rre!..ied is Stootreal and wit not mote .d :,y his appolntmen: to give b'e whole ,me and 'tontine to the wars of the lot. usrtrunt The Minister tore the (tunr'oo up with Dr, McEacbreu, and came to tt 'ooctusios that of wee abrotutely aecamtary for the !slurs stfi oisat Working of the b: se :b tut the chief vetennay 'bottle' reside •t hesdusirtwe, and devote his whole time mud atteotloa to this work, as other Coven meat empletee are rsquisd to do. 1a con queens of hli c'rooro'lon with the Vetoed tat College of 51.(;,11 University and the men) large enterprises, in which he it em wooed, Dr. Mel ache') felt be conk; sot (0l rot theme rottenness. He tarsiers heeded u hit re.,gostlor. When aonetime this ter gtstion, the 5ini.ter felt Ihot recngoi• ion wee due lir. MoEwlun for service. • iler.d in the poet. ile ttorelore appoint• d him h000rwry ve:erlo►ry •dios,r to the Dominion ll.parto Ivo of Agriculture. I); J. (; Rothe'torA, at Portage taPrairie, who Lyes Is the tmploy cf the Departmeot during :he I%et s aeon, for the purpose of te.ticg with tul,eroshn animals to the United Kier - doe for export toCao•da. has bon 50po•st• •1 to nomad Dr. McE.ehrse as chef vomitory tr.eetor for the Daminine, 1• being ender.' mid that Fe will make O.tawe has ',eadqusrers,. and devote lila whole time end %tient:on to the work oft he Depa• tilent. il•. Rutberf..rd'e sell known rtfu'stion as m vet. ringry, and his ezpertrn,n in all public mm"ers, are guarantees of the tf11l est work no of the Department under the new arrangement. Hamilton Herald : Tate eppe.rcd the other d.y is a Now 1'u'k paper •o Amato/ .tory of an ambatnu. and wealth, so•:le,y woman of Ursod Rapids, Mich , who went to feria to boy furniture for bet fine new residence. Ilithr rto she had been 'phot with furottera made to (;rand Rapids ; bo' home-made good' were net gond enough to fit her •dv•noed Goo .1 position ; aothlne bet the hrest French styles would .1n Well, she invested • lot ot mnney In French fore tare, paid the besyy duty on it, and proudly lev.ted her friends to inspect her new acquisition. O.te of those friends was a oonnet astir In lerniture, MA it did not take Sim loos to discover the trade mark of s (;renI it.pld. manufacturer on 1 of the piece.. iia sail nothing about it for .ems time, bat the Joke ova. tco good t ) keep, mud now the wool+ town to nhooktmg at the lady'• ewers. We do ro' doubt the truth of Oils .'try, for a young Hamilton ooapl. 5.d • s+m 'a• ezperirnce Th y d,c.ded to boy roma sew fsrnhuri, a of to I ay It at ole of the ter Toronto depatttn.et stoles shote It had 5ese on d'iepl►y and hal taktn the0 May Only a few deye after the new faruiterb n.d been trnt.11sd 1n ,heir hems they mate the (hoarsen ties it had Neo mn01.1 urn ht • Hamilton firm, and what made Ito d:. a .vo ry molt mortify!' g wall the fact that they 000ld hive bought the Reels divan from the menetadllfir"ibr-tvernit0Lly-'rtytlr they pill Ia 'reroute Mnrslyyow Bair often save more Utah r.ilway Iore by dura. your buylog In Your own logo. waweuAu•RR Mrs ,w THI 1d41*L*TVBI. S ratford Swoon : The election of E .1 B. Pew., publisher of The Kington We g, by •oolam.t,on, mike, another v.lo dile addition to the newspaper men • ho support Ohs Government, There are ii leis th.n •'ghe off Ian now T. 1i l'r+aon, South Brant ; beorf,e 1'. Ors bun. Itrooky,ll. ; Jahn Alton Auld, mouth F:.e.x ; Soneel Rueall, Eno. Hawing.; E .1. K, Penes, Rini/woo ; R.,1. I'etlypia-•, Kett Lsmptoa; Andrew Pattollo, North (rf..rd, and Hon. J. R. 8:ettee, West Peterborough. BOOKS AND PERIODICALS. if so Why not use the best ? WF: aro handl ng ties Owen Sound Portland Cement end can rtoomuteui it as tn. very b or onout oa the sutk.t. I: is a cemrut that to kuoa0 the cuoutny roar, end it's y'tali• tier bays brat Nelly .pok.0 n1 by all who usod it. 1),u't experiment with so uokoown Americo Cement, le la riu'ia aul buy Omen Bound l'o,timid Comae: from u.. ONLY $2.50 per bbl. \1'e Lead them all to all 1\04 c1 GIVE US A CALL I Shelf Hardware, --mob- Skates, -Skates, X=Cut Saws and Axes. $ Our Prices will surprise you. ALLAN & Mc I V R - The 1.wViitig H.rdware Firm. Hooted (:o.et. et Hun t 1'ri v,. l�lllllllll111i111ii1111111111111 u1111111fi over ea oars direst from l oho Braes reeds - "eta. order to be in prosperous cooltt.on through• ou the county. I: wee decided uoani• moody to oel.brate the Teelfth ot July this year in t;oderoh. Ot tors were ekoted as {allows : C. M., A. Neville ; D. M., Oto B. Henley ; ohapl ole, Wm. Crate : R 8•. t'e r L. aeulos ; F. 9., Wm. Ander/toe ; Irearaer..1 .50 Brsocm: 1). ,t C , F. Davit; l.cterlli, W . Uea000 and E J. Elliott. A Suitt Ttnsu -Speaking at the meetire of the ebareholde+s of Ih, Kneohted Fu'b:ture Co), H►n,;yer, C M. B twmae, V.l'.P., was te.tioaed In regard to ties proposed C are ;railway, sit t made • few '.masks which silo greeted with spplau.e He said that in D,oemb'r Inst, while in ooDeultallon with Me. %•rgne at the Soo, he had told him that th minae nus sore thing. the' Mr Chinos hod rowel him the/ be had ell the dunces In .haps for Its preened railway. and that the wort won't' 14 pushed with sit possible d•.n•tch. Tne e0r.nsera w •r• at wo•k now Tne speaker besrtly :edered lir. Knechtete,srmssts in r'asrd to the iooremed i• dui cf the Ono b. r lends, p,o:i'iog the railway is I u 1t. 11e a+d the' h, was wormed to some ex rent there b'meeel tic ended with the felicitous !cur.kt the: as for as th• railway was enrcerno'l lo, lel aero th.' in tt a near lu'uie..w 1•n' would he cem'ng t Ito Hao OF LOCAL' INTEREST. CnrNTY ORA`•ui LODna -The entad mooting of the county tang. lodge et '1'u'.h Horan ea' held no the 4.11100 , e' Exeter. The repotte prnesttd showed the Tits Fgnhc.auv 81Rtnrstis.-lo S,rII.- est r'e Negev ae for February loan *Mole os "the 1'rop-ned Isthmian Shin -Canal," by 1\11G•m H. Bair, s member of th. Com• ml.sion, who rpeike "Htlf-11Pri8TRhMI author'.y •. an enetneer, and trom serail oberyatoon of the Nicaragua sod Parentel tutee. Frank A Vanierlip o,ntribetet th, wand paver on "The 'Commercial lo. vamina' of Europe." "t\ wooer" • City of 1' orate.," to written of with nths.i*ln by a long resident :here -Francis K L'upp. the *Allmon Wablegtoo oorreepondent There are foor short stories le Otis number. 11 inn Jamey, In "Fliokerbrldge," returns 1'the Mori in .510 he his woe lila beet su ares --the on'trist et a e elate type of Amer'r.n girl with o phew. of Ile 011* atoil, Tattoo of England. A new writer of ehnrt stone. opDtsr.In this number. "Crowned with 1;1 .ry ant Honor" Is w.i ten by Mary R A Andrews. it is a ptthot o .ketch of • yarn Wine Petnter'a romance. Cyrus Townsend Brody, who as arch/neon of Kansas ',Brewed one of the rashes of settlers in'o Oklahoma, tells o mo dra- matte tale, with the Toth" •a a mole In cid,nt Frannie Lyndo oontriho'a a rail mad ,t ntv. A 1ll•T1R Foil Itl•MINF4'. Maw. Youth•' (1,mpenioo .\ M•e•chu.etts b minas firm prints this paragtaph at 'h• tip o1 Its letterhevl. "Errors we mote them ; en dna eery one. We w111 onset• "elle entreat that It Moo write to n5. T,y te writ• good Detoredly, if you nen, hot write to no, anyway. Do Dot ,-o,npleln to Mae one else first, or let the matter pea. We want the Bret opportunity to mike right any ,njaetine that we me)' do 1 he 141,1' wires." deserves • veld , salients Taw poop's hove hat had n,,:a.lnn 55 wmme else. eel their hires to retie the sending et a h•r.h or hardy mote of nnmplatnt. It may bet see•eesry bo so cert 00. s right. In ashes. (pent lettere. hes there Is ne hatter rah est esrresp mere, than to mi5D the first on geed natured. rIosm t*trney nave or T111 TR eeeee Imdee Advertiser : lord Aber leen. /the M 1to elder s1 the Peebytele@ .b.,e i of Toronto olergymeo are talking of clothe •way w to grove oils servioee. la Montreal they have been •b.nloned, and the reru'ts are add to be sattsfsotory. Cray -side winter sesyln a ace tint for m.ey ,111 sod estirrbe: Bargains Still in Groceries (rale 1a lbs tats Mites Ila mlwerahle. Cm It he cured! Cee, le nee slily. Paleon'e hn-.•'I,n, give • complete knookout to pato In the be'k, for It pseat.rat .t throegh the Now, take. out the arnese and pain, levtgnrare, tared mitosis. awl moires yen fee' bk. . now w as Natalia cera golokly h*,.sn.a It le *tensest, mole penetrating, mors highly G oin-eubinirff tlnsn any other tome ly, D3a's sefier woo her minute, pt PIe,v,lln, gnbk and cob It is. foe, mere as yen Were bats, tt will euro yes. 25e. ONLY ONE ESCAPE. A man may break away from prison beet he cannot get away from the nature of rheumatism until he takes Dr. Hall. I:heum•tio Cure. It is the o'nly reliable remedy on the market. Mr. Chole. H. Clarke, Kingston. Ont., who for fifteen %Pare in socceesioo held the civic street watering contract could not put on hie hoots or walk for esveral weeks. He tried Dr. Hall's Rheumatic Cure, and three bottles. with the Climax iron Topic Pills. complete) cured him. This great blood purifier le put up in bottles con- taining On days treatment. Price 50 cents at all drug stores or The Dr. Hall Medicine Ochs Hiogstos, Oat, We may not IN MY OLD STAND. 1 brio pet is an entirely New Stook of Or. oel:ee this wo.k. t.•vag had my old stere refitted, amid vel he Oen(' to see a1: my old cla,10men 534 as m.sy 11(0 nave as pcestblr, who will realty, Wt' b:wt a't.otee. I we still g'ving jest as 000D BAR (; A b N4 is different lines as when the 1-.r wig es. GEO. STEWART. WORSELL'S ....1S TIIE PLAIT: TO GET ... STOVES, FURNACES. EAVESTROUGHING, ROOFING and DAIRY TINWARE CHEAP - he your nearest--Dcuggiat;..but you do not call in your nearest physician unless you have con- fidence in him, and just as it is worth much to go out of your way to secure a physician you can depend on, so also if we are not in your immediate neighbor- hood it will be equally worth your while to go out of your way and come to us, or ring us up, and have that feeling of nswnr• ince that yon are taking. no chances but getting what you want -and what the doctor ()f- liers and expect++-telt4'd Drugs Ly our new method to bo used in your prescriptions. The:very best in material and workman- ship. That's what you get at oar drug store JAS. WILSON, Tllieplese Pres.:riptise Drug Start. sir We do nM 5011 Stamp. or Perot , •,-Aa. NEW GOODS - For the Early Spring Trade.' Mill Wood FOR SALE The wove is cut into stove wood length and will be delivered to any part of the town the same day as ordered. Orden received by telelphone or left at residence, 1.28 Cambria street, will receive prompt attention. 'Phone 98. PETER McEWAN G.sterich, November 21st, 1899. 6,3-3m l R9PCk( ri r' o'er' 43 N. The Division b•tw.en good and toddler's\ Drugs and Medlel S. ts strongly dc fined here. 1'he if. 'erect hied an never ordered d t. v r permit' ed to form pert el stock. Only gond. tf ;sodoso ed Wit, ars (Anal to , u .'n t ere Oar stook r 1 Proprietary Medlolne■ Is very lame 1'•:ces +ve 1. w. 0 Cosmopolitan Patterns for Sale WHITE GOODS In Corset Waists, Night Gowns, Under Skirts and Drawers. NEW EMBROIDERIES 454 yards of Now Laces from 1 cent to 25 cents. 4000 yds. New Prints from ti cents to 12 1-2 cents. Guaranteed fast colors, NEW UINOHAr1S in all the leading patterns and colorings from 8 cents to 15 cents. There goody are all New sud will be sold cheap for SPOT CASH. examine thud before you make your purchases - 1* will lay you. tl'e fare still hilt of the winter stock • few Furs, one Fur Coat D130 ID ress (ioods youtshould f a dssee if they are ante III y use some J. M. COLBORNE About Toilet Soaps. We woul 1 like to convince you that this 1. by loam odds tbe beet pleat to Uoderlch to buy your tolet wave. If you w111 allow of to show you 'bat ws offer sod how w• bets souirht roar interest ycu will be(wevtooed. Let ustiy. New shipment just :n ow, 110 Orange Juice and Mont* Dew, a b •n x, worth at Irat double Our Ibc Oatmeal closing ort 3 for Ik .1 large liwkirtment et So. Wonderful Glue at Ito and:t5' per box a tan give y on besatifol French and Amrfnn S asp -Slash Rose, %sews lieu d'E•ague. Whtte Almond. Ston Carnation, and meaty Mite. Tau la the place fcr tether maps. F. JORDAN 511'Ul1 A1. bit1.i.. 1 RELIABLE ••••Ne♦ E never did advocate shopping away from home when you could do as well there as anywhere., But -_there are thins which, it stands to reason, 'one can buy better in a centro like Toronto is, and one of those is FINE RELIABLE FURS, because to get the variety and to get the guaranteed -qual- ity you must go, to the larger market. We are exclusive fur manufacturers. We make everything we sell, and we guarantee every- thing we make. We shall be pleased to welcome you to our showrooms -the largest and best appointed in the Dominion -if you are passing our way, but if, that's not pos- sible we'll be pleased to serve you through our Mail Order Department and promise you absolute satisfaction. You can" havo a copy of our n"w 1901 Catalogue for the asking. Wo are snaking a special feature of warm fin' .Tackots. LADIES' ASTRACHAN JACKETS. -Our special. $25 i.ADIES' ARTRACHAN. COON AND WALLABY .TACK• ETM $25 t" $50 LA1IIFS' ELECTRIC ARALJACKETB.-Plum 30 I- 40 LADIES' ELK(TRIO 8KA1. JACKETM -Trimmed .... - 45 1" 65 J. W. T. FAIRWEATHER & CO. 84iYONGE-ST. - ,TORONTO. About Your Lungs. 'hose A great Datil. is going on against the Whoa Plague, Consumption. W III you not join In for your two 'ahoy! tom sumptton swans to originate by the •b. sorption of tuberculous gums roto lungs too weak to resist their attacks. Oar Evulsion of Cod Liver Oil, uedoubeedlY builds up and strengthens the lungs, feeds them, tones t hem Then ars others but none better, to soy the lomat. Ile well advised, t'SE A FEW BO1TLES, hit forget our gurasteed CM Care! W. C. (i00DE, Chemist, - BLOOKBEDFORD Annual Stock=taking Sale.l We have the following Goods which we wish to clear out, to make room for new goods, at the follow- ing close prices : 20 Ssw Sere, oosert•d kisdi, were from 31 to 75, sow 25 oente. 20 Cold Mut Luitsrne, were 75 sad 51 OC, now ... 0 20 also,' Clothes Line, 60 fat, were 10 40 60 Happy Idea Bsok Saws 24 Leader Axes. were 65, sow 50 0 100 Ase H•odlee.. ' 10 12 pair Lined M11te, were 50, now. 20 dozen electric plated Tea Spoons, were 50, sow... 25e doz. 15 " " " Detest: Spo»o., ware 90, sow40 15 " " Table " " 51 00, how . 50 15 " " " Doreen Fork., ware 90, now40 16 s• " Table " " 5100, now 50 " Table Koons sod Forks, " 1 50, now 41.10 ' y. i ., ., „ e, 2.50 " 200 2 ., .• e. " 2.75 220 10 only, Botcher Knives. were 2.5, ocw 10 12 only Butcher 1'1 , were 253, now 20 36 Pedlookr, nworted, 15 and 25 nets. now 10 6 Not Auger, 1i, were 75:, now 25 100 Wire Soapy. for rope or strap, were bo, now 2 12 Steak Pounders. were 26o, now 20 50 Whips, values from 11 to e2, now 75 We carry the finest line of House and Stable Brooms in Goderich. . D. ROUGVIE, The Cash Hardware Store, - Goderich, Ont. 1 ANI) 1\Irll . OUR PRICES Ole train motto 1e " K K L I• A It 1 I, 1 T 1',' and t 1st motto hold. good 1n reference to all stock handlmd n. this .tore. Yon have neer gn•ran'ee of FOL SS SHOES AT REASONABLE PRICES. We are not aging oatc`npennie' to draw trade, although when we get A fortunate pit -ohmic, you will pet th. heeeAt. Watch this ■d. for a epeoial shoe at • spools' figure next week. It w111 pay yon. Wm. SHARMAN, Jr. 1 1008 -- . 190 8 L/S.TCWEV fllilt( e moving forward. Winter term begins Jan. 2, 1901. Our rotes are rounn.hlr, err enure.. f emir thorough and pramt,al. send for our Jonrnslsnd am what we tr soh. Student" may enter at any time. Two ooaraw of stud,. Cnmmerolal and Shorthand. C. A. MIMING, A.1, McINTYRR. Pres., leo., Owen eonnA. IA.towel. ii L1PPI N COTT'S' r MONTHLY MAGAZINE' A FAMILY LInnARY The But In Current literature 12 CoM►trre Noveis V MANY SHORT STORIES AND PAPERS ON TIMELY TOPICS 112.130 ries VICAR . 28 CTS. a COPY INC) CONTINUED STORIES NOMMEN COM IN 1111515 NEWS AND OPINIONS OF NATIONAL IMPORTANOE THE SUN ALONE CONTAINS BOTH. Daily, by mail, - $6 a year Daily and Sunday, by mail, $8 a year The Sunday Sun Lr groat/el Sunday Newspaper in the World. Prioe 5o a oopy. By mail S2 • yesr Address TH)e SUN, New York