HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1902-2-13, Page 2ItIt . -------- _._ - _ , - +!!!!!!!!!!!i!!!!!! PertY►ps Brat "went back to lair Lanllubu Lagirluturc will rpund I - 7i1.�8S,88N thW Year. The YrovlucW►I • lair. Srgna� 'CURRENT COMMENT Trtete8, layouts u re,e ill of iJi,- + Hnr Huliand 91vru Kruger Us: lain} 5 si,618. roue of when h will ive de- ender, r evemaaa ♦ to wave tial ? [Ivtd Trow Ilgtacr llo e-rnlfT TntHw+DdT noHNive i!!!!!la!ltt+t+!!*+est gat n. r>..•aaivooYLw. ,5'Ibinll ,x cause,l 415 deaths til yew There will be eleven DIvOM0 Bills Era.uued, the capturt,l louder, will ]x gat naw hnvu three taluare meals &clay. York btate Wart )ear, aind the grip betore the Dominion 1>urllameot w caurud about 7,000. the coming remdiun, three of which Ther 'I1t�Uusil,AY, ,'k 1. 1S, lt)tt :krnbr u( the nghtlag ►luerd will envy nru from lloiltreat and one from Iced him Tho collector for the tuwu of East Toronto. Bea PaleNtlne, Ohio, w•as Short both by 7s TIIK IWl'N 1'1• CItAZK- t Chicago titan If" @hot Illmaelf nam" uikt In hits accounts. The New York Herald ants sweaty- For G. B. Huslter, truce Neweastle•uu- 11ecuiNe hl.i landlady would not marry ek•vru torpedo boats are completed Lad Tyne, has been hxlking Into stall' him. tier pritun pled were d oubtleemd ottawa'r bill for fighting rlualllWS anal twenty-five more are alt course has lord already reached 1i-0 WJ A lit- ort cotadtructh>u and nhuodt ready. Fine building cotiditiurbtl in Canada, and fetching. Jn tl•• ,Igilauoe Ir gaud counmuy )et ant cos can be comm4rdoued ee thin ". that "from the natalo of fur lack of crown. It says trained thUugr, steel @hip„uAdlug 'can b'' A liunlrtx+l lawyer lute been sus- l'hu dale lin C'Anada chopper that# any pendoat from practice fur a week for Tai Ali Is going to stop the prno- e n cannot be had for life naval flub w,uein9 tide Juctge. Hlr name Ix Gran- UeP of Winding tilt, feet ala C9duede •mn•rtkl,, sad tkat tesraels In every otha whert, etre In the worl.l,” but nil the til ,of ants• Tutu dlouer uprising mat?' W plant In slut yet ret up to Product the Shaw, Lir Crallkmhaw, and he r - Rt lo-opl ,of are w Wer d do The 1,411 furcal to apdoglW. What will hfilo- remult lA sumo good. Isupluof til• New M'orW do twttake fad steel plates and bar+, hr rc•eL.mmeud" lh0 •'Ivglmlativo eucowrugemrot to the I -on to him tar a second oftener^ Caraegte say■ lie accumulated him kie.11y to naval rertice. Abu amount of $3 per ton "ln order to donkeys from fortune "without lntentlon or de� �atte�e.'?.�?_ - equallza the situation whit that pre- 11hodes iS Importing robably Laren etre," But` it was hardly without ''- vallfug In Great Britain, Merman) Egypt. Mat har p mottled. CU�I BASrET of and the Unitwl Statem," nod adds fuu,od, tel be uecrmmary mince Lite Un- � T Car that "with this nli ctlpnlnt-d. a rte,•I itiilt ytatrm (ealiand stopped going wit i>eWet's escape trout the Britlrl- i to hrrvl ,� l/.R-- Ihrn ship building industry can be estab- to aid the Ik,era. The 4WPPI) mums by mirlgll"g with ills dumparling t il_ +�.iKR �' "ha 1lglsd le Canads of s wiceetnfnl Ice kgot uli. suggest@ t.but he may hale read Of Thr fellow #vii It a NoLeIgh tt lin Ir. oro Habil." Why nut wait it year or two --- Ulysem and the CyclopR� i (, Apy man enn b• brave over a tele- roe for tilt. construction of the plant A worse evil than Chinese labor is - phooe. don wldeh alone Is ne•de.t to provlde the threnteniLg lite United Slates. IO Think of It ! Tho Britluh Cabinet --- • that steel plater lin ('&nada? Then there Illinois in 1901 tile, gala in the stem- puzzled to get clerks to fill 1,000 floppy mmy he blast .1 without the +at will bin no neem nor excuse for the tsar of inon.emplo)ed waslipercent.; vacancies. Of courage the salaries are nru of dyrgtmit _- Inst Wuunty of gl a ton on lite million. Aa ,.f woman 18 Ixr cent., anal of 01111- amall ; but hero there would b.• Tb 'Phe worst thing about snow- Is that ,at a matter of fust tltr steel rolling ,Iron 39 per cent. thousands ready to tako the rhllileem, it turns ter mlurlL. glv plant cue be equlpp:d In Ap short a of later Increases all limo fir the s lip-bukiding plant. of • •archduke Leopold ual,1 his wife - _ Thr girl Ish • ch"Wor gum does It tin both being Started tog•'ther the 00" Will roma of the people who nor tx:c-lase "lip ell "rNe": o. std travellexl �W miles In & balloon In would suppiretellt tile• other There fur' (were anti a half, going up to wortylug About till, church prohibl 8,me men, when th-'Y want to flat- Ia no .aa for a bounty on the slips• the height of 10,(1W feet. There must tion of certain games tell us whether ter their wives, ---I tl Lu Ica Jeitlous. tbern being already n bounty on the It tie been a great gale In the upper Lir not •'1'119-pw119" Ir A dPadly mint `� ytael and un the pig iron which f. F.zery time n woman wins a Pro w ru9l>ns yesterday. The question Is trout.1109 soma cern .reonlivo euchre prize @he Ie Ned a ••6 Che taamts of the steel. Let lir. Hun sclentious folks trip" ev ter try ra0mo of lb bounty scheme► A Toronto man W going another - - on the British Guvernme>nt. man for a cunsuternble "ism of money lterl!aps Roosevelt will heed the Fo,en the moist lienee people can n/ which it is alleged was to have been protect of that Ciocituiat er to +t renin. .irlft e.f things In a aitiow m> !!l'KIC'rHIIVO "S( IlkAlp:�." placed 0e, n burse race, but was nut. Crowd an.t forWd hie plauRhter to � , Ir, ntlon into the meth- ,lac money h retie to enn Rune. ot- cry W tide corobid h, ball al will bo Thr yo"nR min what lana A ♦eln of ,. Tlio lave of ker- il da of one of the \ew _Tank tyro wont great difference dues it make eery un-Itoueetelt-lake int him to •do 4tttieltmirenn against tthls>cAll -uRltworl d ale o t -rich It, atm it war to We bet on cax a u fiends sato adcertlre "Ise waw 90t - that lair @entlment b nil fu •ala• ht g "'I , . qukk" achf.mra has dirclorarl til ,>sle of share "@uze thing& It V a fearful next awful thing to Il'r better to inugti Over your ods r, Inst that no fewer than tweuty� h• a faA. Congressman Cochran,'of lathes than to cry over your own mile- fi six bank cashlogs were inveigled TIL+ 8tee1 Trwt hAp dlatribute l Missouri, has introxduced Into tb,• U. rortuuer, • tato Its net nud done fur -ruined. $100,000,000 in dividends On Its $I,• K. H(ma) a rea lutloh to Islvitit Oom i Tlsat is a story worth Wiaktug aktll,000,000 oayltallzat4rn, cuosl+l Paul Kruger to visit the Unitas It's all well erxwfRh to tnid they rI into yrn(r own hnndr. PruvWed they v over. It Inas a Syucinl leraun- fur tug largely of doter anft wltxl. Hutt I Wates, and to approprtati $25.000 !ua'l belong tO rs-fueone else. J, the general reader to whom It Is is a granas 10 per cent. Much of ties» rrrlll tit 517.- "' fan}• sex entcrtnl:,ing him addressed. If the w Iles of thaw• pruflt was matte by ag " What !" cxcl t•m v1 t hat ding -11 w ot - tt Thoughtful Pe>ple In tho United ,fid Jitst started :1 bxln ve s time• 0 gentry are steels er to rniLlend msu J), laid donuts abroad, steel of tar tt td to II.ave ,con- which the "protecteod" peoiple of the ttnten are studying with Romr mfm 'enn-?"-tiro seats sur thane string who nal tae etppos banN T" siderable knowledge of flnance,:tnJ Gaited 6tates are, ctutrgerl ; a. lit glvtngs the xtatisticd which show "7"Plu ain't string heanm," said the Iniluco form to also usher peoplv'p •.they words, the Trent taxes the that the lucre& -r, of child labor it, ,it, t ter : "th, M's butter beans,nn'-" n et own, lart"B consumer to tntke its big Pro -I the last devad,• has been &b.,ut 8. ,-Hin-knitter b,uux. Maybe y,,u',e money to speculate, to til r per cent. That IN nut n 9,rod found& tot a me all^omnrgarine beans thnl',d ,. how wary the average man Rhou{d rile, and In acidltiorn Loxes hid t0 en- promperity. faint- che•aper.'* C be _--_-_ side it lin give foreigners cheap pro I tion on which to Wutld — --- 1he 'world Is I4li Lir pitfalls fur ducts. {\'lien n grl.nt man Alee Rx years Jli,w n Fr schen tin ham glee a to d aha lir- light ha tenter behind him Iles the unwary, act by wen wtit. meek pe .n the pathT Sof men.-L)nRfrllow. to live otherwise titan by houestk) A Xew Jcesty hutrl flray.l lustre lio c(If c>f thedWtelegr any ; tin- Cocktails wt,n't help a login to emrniug wlint they get. Colnp.itl- itr,l $35,000 the other day• Ile gait slew of wlrcdew tclrgrnl,li carr lir $1-n-daY J( -b. b0aght u pair t,1 bfore Merciful thought of It. Rate rcatLer his nest` -__-. tion In honorable OCCupatioDs la ,Ilrnt leather GOON &ad sought out there ever a discovery flint 1 N10• The stuppod-up geyser is an ex- kex•n enough to jmt wart .uuWtfoda ill(, Ispurr of m:arringe I;eenses. lie tsxly had met kaownl till About years .Port in its w•ar. wen on their mettle. \lace betide lila• aal•I he alway- wanted shiny ahaeo, txfore, but negla td to turn it to -- luckless wigh<- whose cal erntess to (tem : ? The steeple Jack id one kind alt hlgli get money easily lend" him to tak- ' ,hurchman. �- :-IMI he was guing off to wed the girl overf"1 the brit lyId nut by the shurPPrr who. bad been wuitog foe Years for A Norfolk. tall.. min er roc Tdti• trusting •h,a maker Is apt t > salsa tons( that "there'd n Sticker g_3O from the Norfolk k Western Was to. solve a little money with get beaten out d lade boots: born every minute!" �.h to art housekeeping•__phe Itallw-ay fox a tot of se•rtpoar In AIN. -- M't,rklag far a ht iii9 wr>� a-iTuu' • which were lest es a trade- Now Lino A held may be wltlMpt A but and y[osmk, but it Ir that m1{y IV-wll hA11d c tIw mtinrY, Thal r ►bet- —_ ler 'than "bifawing In" his p11e. He'll IOL' sermons haze been fou hal In ices it wa>u't lAet.loug without weedy& . thing that w(arR, thee,'. in n Ivhlte get sbsg - weRlnu of & n"gro what ■idle tde Brcnume n man's hawse Is ills rA@tir A plunger rally win, but thechances zaliow eontalning them from � cad. -hat doepf't matrw him a rn,bla •h- are always very ni fell ug:a"-dt tutu, T ere Is always more or teas risk \Could time mluirter rather ,,nre1 the nud even 1,119 tvinnin m often pruve w 1' 0 who marry in haste ROMe- g in baying a p•g In a lute; Iltewioce In rnunry than the Sermonm note , times repent in Dnluotn. tilo means of hastening hiv w•r eek. ,;,king n wile by her picture. A Tu , through th 4t Tlie fortunes of war aro shade Z'rince katrom s to a ---- mnde by army contractors. 9ho yuuu;f man who wirhPm to le) in-rtillr, Pa., mnn advertlaee,t far n t' Itel $tntiw will boa tlying cur. --- the solid tuwuhaliun fur a casae tlilte recency. Ila IlxwGht he laud 11 %,rill spend 13 minutes in Buffalo, 'Hound motley must Tae the kind will do well lin leave theme schta►ad recur&] the woman he wanted; +in 10 minutes In I'ittatueR. =0 minatev titgt Jltigler ht n irllow'a pocket. aleierely alone. No faith in "luck' ,change of photographs wale litene In Cincinnati, attd a few hours In I -- edn overcome the chances a9alnrt Ind; lu twth, but, nlur! ivhen the), Fn often consists of havlagyrl- tuet he dlwoverel tilts the cnmtru xcvernl oRher edllew If he ld nen low o and five coat cfgurr n:tilWrl him in ouch v0nturer. Blactened ,ver -modest he will go home Anil after u, characters and ruined carper• all Il:t,l lied• that Star, could not Rpe•ak _-- alofu9 the Ilne nee the reellts of plduly, cud that she war unnMu t,. tcrltr n b>>k on the ,f'nitril $tintPtl `O l[att p, dint; there IS no @Int- disrrgurd of firra prirx.iple@ ifl- react or write. The match Is off. ImPtaTlr' tlarlty Ins •evil a shills hatehw:ay volved in trying to get (twruey with• )Loral: When yew rack n wile by ed- ,Piro price to ►pe Paid for the C&n- nnJ an Ire for-- tiut giving roller, therefor. ,erti@emenl state fully the condi• saga Allantle Rallwny by lite Dr. Wluat'a rho Rr of talking about Don't try It, boys lire man wlLh lhonm to be me0. Webb syndicate Is now staters at elrvnllhq the age P Every stage lho "combinntlorr" is a real 1.11• _ file,v o to ire abuuued fir you The British Government's note In J{ib,000,tX1f1, of wtdcb i-.000,- lute its whlgp w d s. n ply to the Dutch Governmeut's alt 1100 mutt lx> bald Incluse $alturdn) Tike ptarrled ma who wtnys out would shun the smallpox. l,•r to rend a deputation to nfgOtlate Imett. Among the Contemplated Im- late dlsetmominq the urations of the I:AIt(:K Mkp:T- with the fighting Boer■ to try to Prorrtoentx me A new elevator of ,idly may have totwhen lie gets w nkat 1•taiuco }hem to ask for terms of peace=.•'S00,� irtta4m•Id capacity at Depot tions. of ll►e nigh -- A Ne!w York silt -'snake+ saY will have a gond effect. It Is n no Harbor, anti Use constructiva o1 1, the size of American w,"ne1'm feet L o to all and sundry to keep their >00 11t w box ears, A party of - Any one coin be the foolish bad Its Increasing, anti that, whereas t41e homer cul, If they (to not wish to Dr. Webb's friends h-ul a run over the of a genius. demand asst t0 be fur ttvoo and tiny& them tw-ekPai 9ua} and hard. 11ne yesterday. Look out for your rlRhtx npdyo threes, It flow runs on fuure, fiver Wlien the BoprR wish peace all they A few such firmly ns those at \Vat- won't get left- \ had sizes "Though the pride In the leave to do Is to lay down their arms crbary, Connectlout, and 1'alrr"m, --- Arabian deilrncy oN the American abbot aha thlnbg U done. Tat lw[row is h,,tiwn-to pay liAc ?iew Jersey, will mike 190'-'. trip. rp- la divine. woman's toot Is an much a matter - #mrd Pnr for destruction of pro- --- rif natlonnl tx>nrt ns erPr, the fact Thr demand in tile. United $tate& cert )In the United Ntatea. \t'Ith Knorr mrnb Lien of bring a Christ rcmnlna ,lint, all thingm rnnsiderred, for bricig • work and lote•I rails Is so newt rn fire -fl htln n llanern, In- 1t11 Ile to look solemn. � f;ncte dam's dnnRidrrs have uncowi- gams that tt I+ aufd Importstlonm cl„ill watrrworkm, Id brlgndPm Fine feathers make n girl feel Ilk manly big feet• Mild tate worst phase of steel hf Irt■ amid perlopi rally it I I and electric alarm&, to say nothing Of a hint. --- of the eunditlon iq that their feet Are Ito necessary before lite end of til„ fin• roof Constr,ictlom of ImlWings, Citplot and the burglar both Inug E rtradily growing biwg'r.” $ Me of next Summer. A IearYng aoutheni the annual loser by fire otight to be fit locksmith&. --- `them try to Cameral tier truth fiy road, hntln9 found It Impw"elble 1° decreaal Instead at Increaelrlg. The horn cd a dilrmnla IN not rJtstring h`gk-ho is l th les, whish Proeuro the reapuire-i delivery on a IIR_ MMKI one to blow In. til the weight un the• ankle, final n10ek of 21,00J tons of domestic rally, The Archbishop of CnnterhnTY, In a>n `e delicate J Ante fit the rcx.tn Io arranging to Import fit (cant 10, fighting against a meaxaro to legal- An engagement ring to a uecenRa (It tlla TUM, with til -i• inrvitnWe res Wit) to" tette& Mn. tfohwab wleh he iso marriage with a dpoew"ect wUe's A(IJnnct to n hriaa l7piit. I salt of Iftcreaaing bulk +and browith coulit get back some of trip rails he "tater. Stwakn very strongly cif the Even when you pay malt for tb fit tooth th!.ee points, but many of has liven sitting to Europe for right euperfority of the morals or the Brit- mlnernl wntere are charged• the wnikers a 1 golfers disdain any or ten dollars a ton less than the ball pe,uple, an compared with th".e ':adtve any@ she has known You of the New World• where mach mrir• tier life." t such decelt. It fair to ndm{t that Unitel Abater pticet '•ole, nee," replied the hrntal ma the women'le feet are 0-1 outrilnninw Tlm"pe Blkllrs Inny have been a rlages are permitted. Tile Arch- •yi11 rd my life, ptiwnibly, limit not the rest o>f the b m1y. ' IC 1f a matter bad lot, but 'the evidence goes to Mabap i■ wMcome to hid view ; Met d Ivrea. That w-- ext hrrlhowlbl car c, mmon knowledge, to Anyone %vhu show that tliry made lie attempt we fancy people in Canada who rend it In novt thr Mace nor On con lmaa 1ravulletl niwrwllt that flap Amari- -tin defervi thrmaelTea n9nlnwt !N+e $nRl4ohh psepwr* carte wish rkzPrtse #inn, lmlt !law fulwd Aleoe. Pkat c can Iztrmau c,t to (lay ld (alit mi tar bmrsoin9 punas, nllhoti9h they weer � Ilse fregneory fir c"Pm 01 brninl make any ,,no, happy t>T fulRt.tabir nmld,•r lines Mull her pletere "f ally well armed. In view of that frust, wife -beating and neglect fA children L'Ratrnn9m. --- other nnll:,ft. TI]O average RltXr("e+' the conduct of f5ffdcer rif6nTlTir, lhert•In rt.prxttd. Rnrh uffelMM are err herr," paid aha ellto.r, "rc1li sirl statntlit almost hrnd and sh•AA- fix sworn to fit the Inquest, In firing vom dere nbv,o the waamen fit all Eslghph (inrnlivrl) edea In rhlR rvnmtry, n't „tar Nave etamlxtrrd thfMe h a 10ad Of pts a Into Jack Blddi"' st"1,•x tO mopaetNn9 else Irretead garden party, tier 4i,nilderd nre m where the any M „lull to tae dP b-•. ort a^" r whO WAR lying uncoslachoun on hiv ernw-.1 wire w Rimtmr k. icecnmt. n , rrtn]nly�' rrSTx>ndrd slam n brooder, anti fit till. U'sldon nud I arts face, and bttteri him on the held glove chops, where American" remort, an.rthrr t0 the family. AmerMn lana w--rn,tllRt; 'I could havoc P99 t wkWl the butt of hire rifle, wns Pero- w,•rr ata tarifa An ri@trich MfRa." ' thry will tell y,u Ihnt they arc IIx fneNim, hat lila Arrhblalxvpin front Therrnprtn Llan k1nA Pdltfx t,xik flatly ntrfictouo. When that Officers ,i,mor ham glass In It too. new jnirnnllxt aaldm and ndvtoed niligvsl to carry n Rluvo Chat Ix --- -_ C,. wrier fnr tarp mrigntinr Rer.tl lornger in (hl. fmgern Atal wider In Sworn to enforce Justice nre s" Its- (.f tie„ yr•w York. fouhay inperp. IhO well f„r tial .peclal cormfort alt tiled with the spirit of uuur-1Pr, what Dr. itryer rar-Grnoral fnr - traT,llere from the .4tate/i. Tu my im to ta. @aid for tits peuPi• 111"Y Ontnrin, bas fit lltn sancta- Just ns yno are pleamM wt find any ,A thinking titer*, in R"mctl,inrl nre mo ppoxf-cl to protect? slaw(, from P=A ,"n anti enmpmr- fnsltm year arms dimpleased at fine f(ci• nor women to b• proud of In their Julian Of ree0rdm life Inaurnner In p*r(ectlous.-inverter. large, ntPl urnrly ulwa,VA Rymm,-tri- Tht, greatrat wart In the North 1962 and 19M, Hutt there Are 50 --- cal arkl lnvnrinbly smart pltfvd feet. Just I,x,k at the foot of till Vellum west le rlevat(>ra And otoraget ware• pair cent. less mtrringen Among men Ip"rtx---TIIrR* polHlenl compo err Melt and lila lifatUte Aiadonn.'t : hoewrs,” mays a dempatch front Pin- of sisal "gem r,.mpnrnt then there remiml me (it tents. their ereata>rm knew enough to glue nipell. No doubt of It• The nil -fall were fort «Ire n + \Viet Is to Honig (N trntat them fret In beautiful pr-gi ,rlloln to y T R' Ilftaz-Yrs, the cwnrna soda fit ih,lr ticsltew, and hart the dotinty ev• haat totlxecnnwt IR ton 1OnR nsA too Mn mw' Tutt. w,ernW-• y,wtnW mala pertly --- trrmltiw -rf ihp small meedentAry e'*t•erwlve few grain. That fanner• eortntnly carne higher wages In 1911_' 3dexicaln or Cuban w, men. w•hn nre rnnax>t haul all their grnUr to the tlttn him rather carno,l In ISO2. DOOR II Nmanneeras as flattery -Hs the wearers slit that rrnlly tiny alems rnllwnv twdore the riffaw Of lake nava- It P„rt him morn to I1vP, In note of Minors. ' that erre erld "r want Ont from oar grthm, fLTVI It they 0"1141 d" Po' thrrr ths, ateeh.nnical in,entit.na whdeh ha To --- fsteops and fnctnrles" wrnil-1 mit tai rasa nn,l I,xunantl•eto rvNluo•al ills cost r>f pr,stn0ing nlmOlet Fnll�nfl n life's wpnry wsy et•o>ngh to move the mass. 1'1mut,v Of e•ory elawn "f g.xxim T Oarm ht- not nf- Out chat ty we flaunt, A 3(lmdsglppi white murderer hem- atoragn cat ewity in needed all AlornW ~ Writ the 1,1,1Rp neat t" fix hip hanging 1 foM to marry wM1 take rhanees at, Rnwlettm Is slap ptodern RPI" ,4e, the• rim* Any as that not for time that railway linen• from which to fill hie father AM? Or are the young wheel. - nf n nm9ro morArrer. That'• the train* Ito Port Arthur Awl Fort ladles "wore exacting In their re -- banginf Willlwnim daring the winter, and with galrementa, since Tnrlmrs linea fir ho• Malldr, dent; all men whoa drawing Cine otdor Ilse very tent. lalg elaesturs full of grain at filo ompkr)m@nt hilly• been Opened to are not stupid. _ . out they'll beth have to answer t0 fl can ingnlsithr pwrmnn Rlws time anal* grant law which they have points in the spring the altlppinglmal- them, by which they can earn nn virsho lmodit fes@ will be profitable all sumarez. Ila dvairsdest Brig f questionable charaster f r p6"'� � - q4 �1 �� Is "art X"04.h Society. PI art wety favors flower named. fuz) o Lady ROOemary Cairns, for y Lily Miller, and lady Violet wilt uchamp, I.mry lismetx'd little girl Laaty Iris Capell ; Lady Angel+a tsar' child it onllead Marigold, etuit if y AlgerlWu Lennox'r daughter of the name of lY). Ono of tilt- MiNN her owns the uncommon ualwe of i pmloe. Precious unmed have uuui- F elle rmr•sentativem. Lady Edward 1 c y anti Miss BrrylhChurchill. Alar Idf •r Mian Finch has the pretty mo of Pearl ; one of Ands France@ rPley's named Is GAruul ; and „ y LAMInliton'r little girl owns yin uncommon 11:1100 of Geral.-Maluly all ut PeupJet Sh 0141 Oehuol I)ays. ml 1 the 10th all., when Mr. Andrew negle wag passing from him cab the Central Hotel, a native of fermnlne, who Ig now n fruit mer• alt In Gla i9uw. tnado tine of the A4 sad un the pavement. then the al wly fledged burgess app Id nut radut extinim,ng. "Well do e for Rnufry Martin''# mchool "! t being the name of the mcholagtle ul abllmliturnt in lhP old city where fid h had been taught their letters. lin e remark struck home, and lhr n of millions stopped at once. and. Ing Lha speaker it hearty hand ak said he was happy to IIAYP all him. The native wag as proud H If he had been presented at court g h '1 he tier moo the Suna• a $tmociorth cbkidruu are nut lo, be •- uglCt Lila h) wt, about the busy bee y -utheriug huuc) atli Chu day lryw h er) upewag fluwrr;' fur It W out I eullflcally true. " liurgeutsldoubh Ilowere which hat• 1 pul,w uud pruduoo sal sued Offer r attraction w deme. They turn , to them to Chu Simple single flow- ( A�° . I 4 � moon Lold.-rrnt tt,�ar. - bull eaueh.r-Do you talk•, tide wumnn hett�r Lir fur worseT •„nut-\\'PIL her fulkr thluk IL's better, hurt mine think it's for ilk+ .r.-Itultimure World. --- Lir .%be lipal..• *%Vlsrly. "'A nwmal-You ought to be aaretul q , !•aur fogs, Il will bat real 11ot It could leave them. Lill when st►ota us comer again. V thel-\\'lay, U 1 did, he migkt think lilt khat need nay more.-Bruoklyu del s. I - -- t4 0, W it) 11 N'.o.. pili ,low dues It happuu, Elleu. Lbat len r arm going to prim)'er tusntlug to- •ht ?" Olt, I'w going to slate m,y mister. till have to stay at home with ml iwma." all, Widle'r Curiosity. hl laddie -Are you going to marry mil .ol iter Maude. Mr. Do Juaud? dt dr. he Juttufl-Why. Willie. that's tuauty qu(wtlou to ask sue. What you want to know fur ? 1VI.Ilu-C'auaq I heart her tel main- of - all" would give n dollar to knew, tl hl I Drcd ttie money ; see ?-Mather- to 0x11. \salute UlrJreted. is Utile while rather objected to -Ills; put. to heal In a dark room• Is malaima thought tho light not u nod for him, and tried to wake Im Anderrtand that its wood J11rt g a sale Irl tits daek ad Its the 1 gilt, t For: ' , said she. "Oo it Ir watch V4 I Liu all `be'` ime, and won't let Any arm Itp my little buy." "lives to watch IF the tim.', mummy ?" Yes. all t -alma." "We•B." atild the ittis man, th a s gh, "I would other that iron and grandma rodd watch' ais awhile, and (rive I loft a rest." Not Ike rruo rhlt•..sm 1 til, hat play tan's true lin til,•." lay 0ul T" l+o herolne Is a Chlcaw" w,nnau. altlwugh three Am""tit, nru •u,► d to elapse Idtvyeen the first and Lid Aotmi title hail the game hu♦ 1 in huth acts.'• fens 11 r-. ruu certitinly are a iwweh l" rata young Luau. bud rt, are you," said tilt, tu:ri ion, siw gvently pulled hie urm uway, Lid w'hnt'r more, you scent to L„ -ling." Y' Ile (iuemwd Wr+owt. Iritor-Am I right in presnniing t It wag your passion fur mlrutt6 nk tlint brought you hers 7" rWaugr-tiny, boos. I guerm ) er ,'t know did JeAut. It's ti,• host co un earth I'd come ter If I wet kin' ter boofe" A ltlliiot mt„•'rerapdvvu.. , tion --I nee that, it man '-:,,•it rt has lavente0t,A way W extract solaol from sawdust. nl;gr-Il I■ A mull blow at pro. ]Ilion when a man enn talo I, . I rip anw "fill rt, nut uud , •t auk Liu a ,fence railI AwIleswe lit�life t n11o,rv. 1, little Way Liu being taken t„ arch fur the flrrt time, un n"tiviumt e lwefa;e In the gullet), build h, s nl votes : ,-Wily. Mamma, what are that+,• p.,,,. o doing iro there In lobe hay mow - Tile Llttie Chr nicle. DWichr-Why cud she brntk ,•ff the ' tgai emrut t ' F,Uth-Why, they havo b•rn en. ,gal n m."lth and he m i -v mien -Id her she wa■ too good f"r him - uok ,. The Signal , m rVoLueaaD /r/RY•TBUttnitAY 11ORNINO • lar D. MoOkLLICCDDT. all nut uhl slugle Ilowerr proxlricu tie .QUP B[ettr-1 s•r the�,h:,t'C uumcd Terms •f aaksrdrti", ct>Lr wldah it co11rrrllWu tutu it ci ar After )Our LII -.1 m:um. "ley. Thr bee would waste his tilt g' I I rt, wM. in W•r.oas............' .. 1 e The Manager -\\'141, I k:,pH to gra. T Lr••r n, , .teti �, ^atheriug honey from Tiulets, fwd ouaw It Wilt draw better` that# he sit wnpt" � S ,met nal many other sweet-mentt•d a Ouer•ar. .... ..,.,,........ I.1 t4trsy:-YunkPrm RlntaSmsn. ,wen. Nur dote the Ives, Aoce>rding to a•1- --- - A.•••u.1ag @taw- uthits, flit indifferently fruw one jt t.egalsatMharra.,La .&I, •:-'. ".r•- ,, eelar-beari0g Il,rwer to another. It ����-0—V'�."�. p••r nn• r.it f1 -4l r.. rtla 'N ,.. , Into only one kind of flowers Liu u y for w h •na.e„a•ot la...r .n. )t r., :-. •, i TS e11wrm,rcarl. urneY• L o n lights un an n Wit bttile T 1 (l r fl e•mw car#. of sla ll.•• sal Hader. !v : w colo e,4 rho start tl Itxsalr with the �1f1/4� t, AK Lr1 e.er , eetur of apple b:onnomd, Passing W) A.e.tt+e,*rnu of In.t rt+pr :, p . +f' 't".n• V.c•ntvxlW. ,loom. W.roi., 1 trier flowery If ft udwhls Liu chaser B,i- , I b -,•re- V,,,•t.d, rod •a.•...1••.- , raft its entlru luau( ►s from cluver. a�� fins p- Wl. $1 Ica month. of I r. „ . !e sad JM M M •e mcvr � ,Is (F,me legitimate rune d u u + • M'u`tts should rewrite the h)10n. ad- l uroutu p aster.' H -mist. •" o,oil a nw. H for nr.a Tt'int.. aro r , • - pittlif It to gallows as revealed b)' •n•e-e.o mak. Inert raA sen r-r� ., ,arvvlu, Sir John Lubbock and nth- Feb. 101-Rro(11,48 of farm prtsiuce A Ir •r " a i ••'t'.' til• • 1.A t ail w,.. 1'r. The lace &till eayrler a aural }Lir carr.• 8011 Uusfeht trf grain, :.0 iwtde @mint -x a!� 1.1. •i'e.a...der tae-Ve,' t hlWren. but ma in the bit of ming of Wa), A few deers+aN1 h,': r, and lbs ow tt wn,l fit and a a,>.nP't.,�its. uveal Saturdsy'v ,Irl'iteries Of bat- iworal.,,If, +tn�(.tupawll gD•a,w•w•n::•/ way tar set tuella by Ur. \Valu. -1 hi- And poitltr)•• weni, I0 emits ta.►thas me. . oagii Chronicle. err, eggs .^rrlelC Wheut-='00 buph, 1. *OA fie fuitowa re • ts • '.. IeNa cited far I. Y til.'. Ili• Serrano• the Thlnll• White, ]00 buPb-'M .sit 7U te> 7SC- rrA Netrrr+fet«Lareya .slyer tafttxlsu. . • lo:) bushels at 1U to 7/c ; go- '. IW Itwes•olaatla.Uteattws. .r rate. A minirster was on a visit to an bushels at 87 to 67 1-_O. asylum in the west of dootlaud' B,a,Icy-tXA) bushelN at 5.9 te' 41tV• Pvlbwrliesysw►sfs*$Grsr*" Tint !•^-•t when he dam accvvteed by au in- Oats -:mill ouahrlr sold at 47 to 48& tWUlArly kr mail ww norlw a t ti•• • mate. who fancied he was of the "ay -W load. o uud at dl: to a314o err•1nas,al us of Lye Ism u r earl, a A.,' - a anmu profession. alid who expreofed lies ton ter timothy. a� IIs'to $lo I Nh�►cMaarn d address, is dselyd � I hid delight at rsoeotlug him. "I hue fox clever. t ' tib• ofd ad tks s•w ,tddrem ehoWd im• s ^ , been lowkint cwt for a brother per- lrr"wol Hogb-•1'riew easier at :.8 nun for soma tine•," said the tuna- to 0._5 per owl( raisll•hr:• Nour•. tic, "As 1 hall used up n' my suld Iwwtue-s-I'ricos easT. al &teal°t Rhe load. Car Iols 7. r.. is Ton T.l fir 1"S stela. 01, rr-n rermoas en' I dluon ken what ural Tao PK bag by pninrrd la•.d T-wv , topreaeh." Thu minhrter expressed ail,, ens) at about 81e par ling. I'Of&. . of Uodmrt•b. Cwb,.raa. Asad-;.: . Ulu rrgrgt, as Ito wAs nut nware toes Are brinat brought to NPw lurk �awanO•h. &&dela A need ala the !tart t,1 a Isom t$Yl and ny at a Cost of 0-: tier 1, al P,*(, •'+Orr ty At•l stet ail + empowered to tfeOIA •e�tp&kh on tt :..a reverend brother; he haat come blabber for freldbt. Ti -ie relailt r-te stuNa- quite unprepared to meet it, unit from Toronto to .Now York is 151 per Aa eaimOMWO"R H� 1�,,,. p had left all hiv r-•rttu,nr at Lowe. bualiel, eonsrd:aently prices are �� as But, looking at the large "amber .tit»IY to M GAMY here. TsMpktytaOadl<_._u_--- __ -i.- of Wellston then airing In chargeof (;utter -Pricer shady at 18 to ^-3C _ - - the attendants, he t-1ed to appease per pound, the lunatic by saying, "What A ulce 14go-)n nccuuut of th0 said wan- Tltl'ILfD.aY, 4F.B. ll 18(1`• congrt/etlun you love to preach ilitT, ,he dnc�rrinr c f eWRR 11.tve nut t0." ' Ay: t•usaponrdei Lite lutmtld. 11«au ae.arl) ale large, nu,1 rices were .._�jlttatYRLL1Nu otfDK._ "there are aalwuys plenty hero; firm al a0c per -i-a"n for styletlp -- � ---_ but, atween you Liu' me•• IL's no' a new tald In fact, „pedal cust.,rni•r■ GRAND TRCNr RAILWAT. very Intelligent ane, en I thucht pall as h1Id1 as ilio in One Lir two -- that your sermon■ would Ire Jilt instances, but sloe vend the ruling Ayuva the very thing." fl,Ture. �,.. n M r - Podlry-Deliveries wore not Iwed........... 1.:^ it-rt=kMusd-...........y........ - The ('lever Ant. nearly as large se they generntlyr,d................................. ,.Is , - are ov Saturday, Pricer were firmer 11nu sed Supruw..................•..1aM o " Altinntgh the bee is Osie of the meet fid fo4lOws: Turkeys, 11r. to loo per Dora". wo11derfu alt Inrectm un account alt lb.. geese, none offered: dohs, none ?r.0 a%A r.sp.r•_................. } a" the remarkable Inviligeuer It sh,ws offer(+t ; chlcbns, rOIJ all the way 1f.11 and Hspr•r...................... >RL+^ , dclmatuts are finding out things from 500 to $I.Ro tier pair, Lir 13C Nlted. .. . .... . , about the Ani that place that little lies Ib, All of g,"I ,,,,-Italy Auld road- "' fellow even above time IriP. Many Il at the latter price. Da;NTIRTRT. tralts of the ant s:•a•m almost human 7 to their nature• in Central Asia Leading Wheat Alarkets. 1 NiC110l.aON, L P.l.. ifreee is a species of ant of which aT�r &."TAL a011eson. • Following are the e1001og gneta- amfs•ot ,Ito the V 400 Aare • atori is are tool that are almost til• tions fir Important ceatrop to-dty (1014 fttllAs. lrowa and N.-. y.snil belief. These ants are small ft, Q-sh March• a,e,na►tr size, but once In n whG, one 0f them Ntw Yort .. -- 8t 1tyZi /rrarlar@a . (trgets to Stop itrowLng until It t- .. ... ... .. 75 1-8 --•- * Ig. YARD. D.D•O, hD.n.-pp gNTi 1• many times larger titan its e-mpau• Glikagu ••• 117 �(! ^ TJ• Rmrg•en-latest Nprr4 welt '. f head -a 9ena'ne not 91ast. Term #matt Tnladty -• - 1erandsnNlor•r•/1w•v onto, however, (nate go.ol etre of the Dulath, No.�I Nor ... T+/5 -Y - aslant LsNs a •pt- titlly. ��=M� kig fellow. When they dewire so travel Draluth. No. 1 haul ... 705-9 -- sem, -ndhs•►• (up u saxaadtetance they scramble upon the! k;agll-b I.Ivo Klerk Harkrt. TsldphaSteNaff.'�� Wank c4 thO!r big brother nod hr Par• x, TURNBOL D.D./., iT. Ji,� rice tial", to their destination. When London. Feb. 8. -To -day cattle are T 4 riY* It Witt setting as a rbllo4 borne he fa r-chutr,9rd fit from t1 to 18!Je `per d • W 6ar•rgaoa. Laab ats+^fesfrisdcr�t„s Ltath>n&i to guar.( Lite door of til^ lb•, dreraeA aright ; sheep, 13 to aarri fciial i"th Mounted o rind a alT. ant dwelling He @tats is with hfaelAg 1_,%o per Ib. ; lumbo. 1314 to. 14c p•r t,a.r., s,.,Jai attentitm stve* to std ,,Pad in the passage way an•] when pound; refrigerator beef in firmer • lion td til• nataral tt•t►. uBceH •m a11 Pnemy ApPrare foe louts aO fierce at 101-4 to 1Q7�lo po•r Ib. t.an•arwltlost. Llint tb” Intrnier fe glad to take to Forewtt. ht•e 11v+u Na,d1•. ZJMAU - 1p fill beets. «", Rrpsrt natal•, skoloa, Daew► al M W al fu CAY1t10N, Q.(tr-RAHItIRTILHi do a-aliuwa a I"* to I to F• eiter. Nouary, tn. Otsae ovw In lila Fluent Yount fly leorm. do cows perewL.......... I51 1t, SW Half, fgwam(Iodorloli - h aptaAam os W pmeked....... 4 I" In 1 H --- There are fenny ItteWteats l0 the ati,hotce.................... 7 sal 1e, / Is ( O, JORNSTON-llAttltim'1'Llt, a-, We ,.f A photographer. A man cAMP du fair _..................... 2 N to t @a �1s sitar, t',ommts.l,me . at• ]tam; , n In the ether day anti Irxoked over all 410 doatwn........ ... ..... to ban. UmcA: free. llan-;Itodm sat{ B4 A••tt the eemplem, nuking the price of each. d• cew• •..... stems. Galerrlah, Ori "ike yen want a pittl ' I ask"" a hull& 2 h to 9 is _ ttaf •• psed•n.•koR.toae............ %Sa N sat, TROttlir'o0'r R HATS RARRiSTF.; + "i don't pro nothln' dike what i domodiam.............•..••• f m w t ee A solicitor., n,AvAi" pnslte itrnrton its. , a ry al••ke"..............._... . 1e, u a 60 Xforltep• court,:atr. O4ice: `art, at.. ant," he replied eoaekf........ 2.,t, Ia tap I t(Ad him If he would Indicate what 1/1OIt w ....lows ............. H ala w er Ta clay r1m:f-L elfea. Private rt@us tr11liPl MIlob ewe. per cwt, ...... 0 n, 4 l .m Iawardratas Of I iter L a/A ie wnnterl that I might strange it. ... .. w. rKour)FOOT. sit r. RX % ` "I don't know ns you can•" he half• lAwbe. per owt a tis a s et, "for I don't movie "hl11' at all like kart•. thata� not Isms sham I4D @Men o On GAHROW t OARROW RAkRIyTr:l all what I wnnh" and uD to trO IM ............. At Wrnays• 9olidtonl. it ., Oerdrrkh. . 9ss•• fat. Par w. .. a 75 to U i. Uarrow, Q(L, Chwrla. U►grow, f L H. n ; i rfpewtmlrt w11ar d IMad alteadT eal,l• Bsts, Ilsk► nadir tN IM ...... a .s m • - Ait tie nxk>.1 mr to sit wMln he told mr. Dunn'o Kevlww. i7HIL}r Nl>t.T. Q. C.. RAItRN+T.. e•„ "Vo a ere, It's like tkte," be began. 1 tlohrtter. 464.0" ('01110 oto. (Mier ".. "I land n girt that I loved, and we Comparatively lithe change is aidecenrtnermae BOaarr. !hornet 4o loan •1 dl_ rias Roing to glt married. She had not -I in the trade situation it, Harr Iswntesof_tutertar --, n her things funds un, nmol we wa- -1110toW► tanll dldrtrect during til,• past j� i191, y R d101MC9 - RAHHtt n butt rntdT, when f>hw was taken 11l.weck. A few retail hvut+cd ra.-poc ...D len bolictt�n, N'nt.nsm 1ldillo. •' and died. Anti lvhat i wanted wns a miss for .fnm,nr} In ezcPax of the A/nner roiunn. 1711f8d Ttear arose' 4 nfcgt�goN. nl'IH,6v iIOiJslt*. Picture of me satin' nn her grave awmat m,wth W, 1',00 !tort mauulsc- _— weepin-." ILirerw nn.l p,hnrr" nee busy• hit 1e, IAO. SZAGF.R - RARRISTFIL. ROG id- 1 w-np touched fit the hnmaily atrrry (many came crderm nre riot targe. � !otter ,rotart and MAWQJaaow. 041,' alt- t>f tlfrlrf, nMl told him I oould Send ppee Hampton -trert "Tutalte the 1 oltorre of IlraAsirrst'. oR I rade• Rated, uOderleh. "Tit hnM to lsed 'a R man with him to the grnvO "cal! ovgwm at a per cent, is6weeL ltirtsai ew hive lila picture taken Ap he Ae"Irel. Montreal wholesale trade has been de soughed _ - hey "it'a Rome dlxtAnee," he still. "It's g4ilo active thin week. The cold O. WARn,rONvgv,lRrtSP-t•.,ANt• over in drelnr"t d elcProt It Inst coot weathtr had he.pTI the, sale(vf heavy is eeoebmoperfort.►,ng aiol rwetv"1 n Icwt to nand Ovrr your traps for recoff"ltamese of loan, aflldavi,- ail RO'gm t,e winter L., argil it look■ now as what 1 want-" . /�. Uses. d•pto4tions or arlewn deelsrafl•nI fa to ltlm i on41 It w0a1(i. If the retailers wrnmld have com- otwMntin` am sctlan, wiL •r pnr•a-dine'^ ons "1 lh"nght," hr nnawrrmai, "that parativ'ery small ntrm;ke to Barry lbs Hish C4nrt •f Jn-w••, Ili o'sand Ar►,. mebhe y(u eonld rig un a Rrava hrra �crver at the close of the Press ata- lMurt.illi:alsmmlonsysaa 011YardWeoMe In yr ur slop, nikt i would wPfep nn it, I •^n• Vn)ued continue verT RtOady. •:•ratM. FWtd•aos and r.0. addrede- "► Ing rind it wOul'1 do jumh Am well. tn't no Hamilton wtioleanle trade emcirm are gawr,oa, Ons. - IIng tionfilR for me to weep anywhere." klieteloping tial nrtivity that usually „� - - v __ -FAIlnburgh Re(A ma11. mark+ thin prrnal• of tilt- mnvrmr:1 tgaxf AN1 t!lgriiAlfttfl•. fax trio sprinR.aHldPrumntx 0f "pr1Rg _ ignn goods are gladly tiring made la ;j`�OAiT TO I,VND-A LAVOR AIIIOUNv V'ePPlnmtlon Rlnry•' cndes►n whkrh the retaiirre wsll,lm- :YI I d Pel vab Fn1"1• tq�M attest le•� Dr. fgbMrd• the Me.ileAl Health Of- Sent to recrlve them b•Pnnpe, ow;ng ssa fit wsnot Otl"l-sou tns'�m mmuscoL the floor, is telling a gaxrt story on on, to the fact that wisiltenal supplies belt tsuarrowtGsrrew. of bla officers. The Mher shy noya am now roming to h:ut•1, the whole- AOo TIONRRKIN(i. lila ekrotrn, n woman camel In Ired- swM tendo la atbvirnrd to nemmanA all , iiONAR (JUNDKY ARCTIC?'R/R ANit e of Ing 1wa> lit" girl". fiti0 wanted a the warelr>uso spaco possible. fO- t Yain,stOr,(Indwrlck.Oak r' ,attend, nnah certificate of vaccination In order Fording to trn,ellnrs' rapnrtR the tolnanypanoftheoounty. stint theyJ mfg%t be adfnitteA tet .ppr(rpptets for Nosiness cont rine@ -•--••-------------------- Rrh.nl. T'he officer asked to see the bright. TORN RNO IRV/RAL Ain .1',),.K marks. I Lot:-lon tra-k• reports to Brad- O and Iwnd Vs,n.l,r, Oodorl h, V , 1i r• "Oh, thry were vaeeinatmad Upon the street's are Lir n unifurnrly enenur• bag had rta.rMerabb rt••rlae,ty * the It •• U.mo•rnmg trwda, he U•-• a INeritl,m w A" Lnfirndow," wits the roply. aging character In W,nn,peg thore rn.rxe .hat tlnrevh "if. 40" nil ov' nlnR "i don't care whether they were haw bro n a m("lerntr 111011,111: fit nc- mtmi,m, antreo ed 10 klm. fir•#,,. left •t Tnecinatal upnrt the LaMarJrrr or tftlty to meet the current Armand 9""t's'• ROL04-a sent hT `011 ht kM "d,01 ) O&I.Tilar1a P.O„Mraniiv •!tradad w. ]o,lt tip rock rat the nook," same the reply. of trede. in wprinlr foods tho do- LVOR.(•MTitr A@ralnelsr. use s Loop "1 mast ape it lyeftwe yon got the maw( has been Inrwe this week no l .--, cewtlfloato." - sfliplownin are growing. Cw,ntry 1/AIttIAaR Left au. Tial childre0 AAA Mann vacoinatul mPrcknntw have (xderr 1 pretty __ --_-_-. - ym R ohlrlriW gn*rwniln0 am that stmnmer frPOly tar aha spring nna euro to be WN/, lsllt'R/l Of YA1lR1►� I^ Labrador. -Toronto Star. ale/ a big future dema00 • aaasA Otdauk •t► M a RHEUMATIC PAINS. Caused by an Impure C clition of the Blood. Llrlansuts and other old Iraskl Itet..edles Will Not t are -T@ Itlteumatl@ Talst Hud ►o lt•muved Y'roas the $loud ,120 lingering torturesof rhe tlsuu are tau #well known to seed seri ptu,11, but It W aavt rt, well k til&L m ldia,mal wtalwu Dud roew( that the prIL"ry Gaining el rhv tl.ut W .nayare or lmyuvori*WKL alive rwwL is that utladrela oil r er- uyl.-Y exturaal rvmutngr ,, ,,,,, pomlWy ouretime trouulf ou.y L11.ud that will rea11) Guru lua,,dma .r ua IULVZUI l uut,,•,u,u0 wi,learlch Luer uux>u ctu.a free " rll.Umatw tntaet. '17nr swrumt. ort auel most ellarttve way to d, W to take Dr- N lmhauur' 1'utd w•htiu are proved to Untocuts.l rota& Uf curamot rheumatlrul. trf them alter uU uthur mallein, fails d. 'rho carry, of Mr. 1'111111 r1•, esu+ all the p.oueurg of 60c ,a,x, out., W proof of thin. Alt Mr. k'wrrtaim is 7ti years of agl a m Smart as many m veil s50 h lair not always etuuu. wealth. Mr. FerrLe has the Id to ray about hid IIIMdr A,tL .,Fur Ilfteea yedow I suffered i from rheumatism. At tiulM I hate austere lualad in the kneet at athero the pals would Rpr my hltw Audi shoulders. I tris grad reauedhpd, which were (A no until I began u+1ng Dr; W yuck PIIW I took) login Or too and they Comp Y trouble aind 1 am now ae am aloay mels much younger. I great Ar•' of fit'ah la the pill know u. other cartes where th, be,n equally A& successful rain Dr. WII11AOid Pink Pilla nun it•h, fid bloal And rotrengtt o-rveswlth every dope. It Is W ity that they cure such tro rt,eumatl•m, eriet'ca. nenrnllt ney awl liver troublP. partial sal., Rt. Vitns'IdnnePa.n1 cry R'hr(ugh theta aetlOD ons V llwy reartatre the co!or to p. wnl,,w chwka nndcnre the r that. mnket the lives of e wonx•a ml+rrahle. The grmuirps hart. the full name, "lar. T Punk Pil4a for Pale PPtaple," c Imo,. bold by all ainalfws or se pnld At !SO ceOtr A box fir r 1far E:.5O- by n4lrt.*sinR the 1 haul Medicine Ca. Brockvil PLAYED A SHREWD TI How a Cos/Aesce wemav reached a PhilaAelphie Jai One day rrcrntlY A no'. n„wvps�vsr men ware in Mal J, anon r office, d"bating t n,nt> of women criminal• fel became so Interrrting t J"'icP" also took a Ilaad, A some of hL experience"- "Or xhrPwdert women I ever the beet of a Market street firm some time ago," said "She was ser)' ptrhmldy Are of t fa a cab $he mode pear Fro,gatdng ;;7,00. rind ter hhook for that nmoa•nt 1n Tate cheek. of r--. —sr the rear of the xtore. Ane b-rok was clo•a fit hand. a cl nroned to rrw> of the paper for the amount. "Meanwhile the woman ' 1n conversation. and appare Ing ever ae"IP Jnwrlry w V to !star@ purchases until rrh(rnad with the Inform" then check seats Cnal. J,xm pineture the woman nerme, ifP fnr the flr"t time thnt hn•i boats made M to the qv Of the check. and she boe•+ 1n URnant, rrtttrneal the 1 d,•mandvd her rherk. it plalned to her that they h f„tlowad a b v.ln-of calx!, pr"tooted not nnly the fire c r-tomern an w••11. "The woman left the xtor then a half hour later 'Nines i left the &tare•,' al hntve b••en thinking that nctrtl n little 110.1 hmgtily very erebmrrnsmin2f to h linnet v naw• taoe0tl. T1"w 11. the eherk' itis check -__this #too wlthstod a—LIE •woman domrtrd with hmr Tt wad afterward direnvet the few miu"tor aha• haul of the store she h -+et If {reels arovand to the b%nk. mnfley and then rota Irno- wtnre with' the old check that time irad boom 'a v Chicago Chredele. RESTLESS LITTLE PeAvIshoess Rail ltleepless blab'Flint ltetby Is f When table@ are retitle p,v-vimh It Is the euremt I of littler@ Well babies nl and are cheerful and P' awnke. When baby to cro mowers give So-called mu. "I' 'nes, which Conti that deaden but do alit trouble. What Is wgfiteil rin,• flint will Wo riffht of }iileo troublo ane, mato w,ll, rat well, find be c natural way. Mach a itnhy m Own Tablets, on, aud-•r an absolute Rnn, they coutnln 11c3tIlte t olh„r harmlpl drug+. 111 hnvu used them for Kitt of them 10 terms of wad hlr.. Aib(irt loung, Str( " hl y btby, w Ivo I N now old, iien always boors vm prcrvLsh. She. wan very and At Opt @e. She waR a Icsykh,g child pod crlel t t v. I did not know *lilt her. 1 trlvvl Newel abut they d 1 her no g, who had awed Bab)'R ad,lNert mat to try them sine" ant g them lmtby li wall, har bowels nre rut tram grown phimp nn4 I i ran chdlghtrl with the kn•p those on Isnnd all wlrr•nrver blhy gets c rrl:', I give her R t&hl all right." Titcme Tablets are it rine, In the world for Palle, diarrhoea, all at hl•a, constipation Red ailment* of Ilttl- "nre, chl6trrn of all tigwp, *I sautes or crnsiarrol to R br given with absolute Yoentont Infant. Moth try them will never A any othor mrill•Ine fs ones. gold by A I I Area 1, or amt post PAW at I by ndireasing the Dr cine Oo., Brockville. 0