HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1902-2-13, Page 1THREE ' •A.8 . s ADv'rs Arte AcrivE Ao-yrs WHEN PLAC& IN THE SIGNAL I be 1'014 THE) I.iaADINQ. NEIWSPAPDR OF HURON C�OZTNTY. FIFTY-FIFTH YEAR 2869 LOOK AT YOUR LABEL I IT SHOULD BE MARKED PAID FOR GODERICH, ONTARIO, CANADA : FEBRUARY 13, 1902. ...1902 D. M°GILLICUDDY, EDITOR. HAVE YOU RENEWED YOUR SUBSCRIPTION FOR THE SIGNAL" FOR 1902 ? THE WEEKLY MANRGT REPORT 2 Fall Wheat, OtrotaRlOe. Feb. 16 2 w1 76 Flour. family per cwt.... -... _.. 2 10 to 2 10 Floor, patent, per cwt ..... 1 60 to 160 Brae, • tun_ _ .. _... _16 00 tole OU Shorts, too •.. _.. ,-.. If 00 to19 W Screenings, per ewt try.. per bush.... buckwheat. per bush Oats. t bush ........ .. ... _.. � Peas. • boob....- _ ......... -. , , _„ Harley, per bush Hay, • ton Potatoes. IF bush, Mutter, .-....Y Cheese. ter Ib .................... Emil, freak aapa.ked, • doe..... Tela Live Hon Dressed Hoes Bacon. --,--.._.,-._ Lard, per Its........ ............... Droned Heat ton quarl.r Dressed Heel. hind Cattle. Export .....,.,,.,,,,,, " Ordinary 10010 1 CO 0 60 to 0 6) 056 to 055 SS to 036 75 to U 9) 60 to 060 1 (n 1010 SO 30 to 0 3) 16 to 0 17 10 to 0 11 17 to 0 18 10 to/IX) 50 to 600 41 to 060 00 a5 75 50 to 700 12 to 0 10 15 to 0 16 13 to 11 00 to 550 00 to 653 75 to 4 60 00 to3.0 TO ADVSHTI8ER8. Notioe of anangeo meat be left at this UHioe not later than Saturday noon. The Copy for changes mast be left not it ter than Mon- day noon. Casual Advertisements •ooepted uo to nor n Wednesday of each weak Idltuatlone Vacant WA NTED.-A 000D GENERAL SEK vent at ones. Rn -ell family. Apply to mum KAY. M seen. MR. A STRKHLER. PIANO TUNER with Helot: moo of Toronto, Is to town again and will be pleased to call on hes pat trona Orden left et the store of Mr. F. JO K• DAN. druggist. will rewtve prompt attention. 89-21 MISS COLB()RNE, Teacher of Pletcher music method, will re- ceive pupils at her studio. •bore Mr. Naftel'. Insurance °dice. Hamlet o0 street. For Infor- mation apply either at studio or at residence. St Purina • street. W, GLENN CaMPBKLL, Orgaol.t and musical director of North street Methodist church, towhee of piano, pipe or- gan and theorn Pupl!e prepared for *11 so. m atpatione ofrte Toronto Co•(.rvaory of Montc. Will be pleaaed to receive amities - Dona from all those re.nIrlsa such Intruo tloa at hie new studio over Thomeon's music store. 1'N of piano tar promotion may be *r ranged for. 6711 For Rent LET -THF: STORE ON W E9T ST formerly occupied by Andrews Brea.. WO the rooms •bore the .ton. • ply to HUGH DUNLOP. 67--1-m. MU LET. -COMFORTABLE DWELL 11 I°g house. with one &cn of landin tho town of Oodench, oon•eeloei to the Nooses ; good tern on prem(..., and some ohoIce fruit. Apply to R. C. HAYS. Barrister, tOod.rkb. 6111 For 8a1e. FOR SALE -TWENTY-FIVE ,AND A half sere. of lent at south end of town. set out.lds town boundary. Apply to H. DUNLOP. West-si. 65-1m L•ARM FOR .TALE - LOT 12, BAY field coo.. God,•toch 1p., 113 acres 185 cleared. balsooe hard wood. with a large qquan Ilty of cedar on ill, In good sate of cultiva- tioo, about five acres tall wheat, and consider e d. 1.11 plowing done. Oomfortab.e brink' hone, large baro with stabling underneath. driving shed and other outball (lugs. About too aoree orchard. mostly winter fruit. Wel watered never felling s, ring creek and two wells. Seven miles from Clinton and three from Hayfield. 1'osseeston at soy time. ren amiable terms Apply for farther particulars to ('HARLES 81M0m412. 72 fit. David et„ Ood each. 9-5.11 FOR BALE -THE EAST HALF OF the weer halt of lot 15. oon. 7. West Ws- wanmh nomprlaiog50 acre.. Appy to !INN. RY FOWLER, Duoga000n, or to Philip Holt, Barrister Uoderloh. VOR SALE. -LOTS 95. 96, 117, 118, 119 and 118 In Hutchison's survey. all to Ooderloh. For partloulai. • ply to I'IIILIP HOLT. Barrister, to„ Ooderlch. March 1111E1900. tett k ubdo Motto* NO1'ICK 1s HERESY GIVEN THAT the Port Dover, Brantford. Berlin and Ooder(ch Flail .ay Company will apply to the )'arllamrut of Canada at Its nest session, for an Act extending the time for the commence- ment and completion or iu work, changing Its name to the Grand Valle Railway (7omp&ny, reducing the amount of its ceplal stock, and •uthortz n* the oonmtru, tion f 1ts line to seo- tlono and the moue of hoods with respect t0 'such section. and for other porpoises. Dated at Wood+took, On ario, 17th I) oom- bor. 11111. WALT. ACI t LITTLE. Solicitors foe till °.epany. [)ROF. S. L TAUBK MAN1 01111 RING ONTO' IAN AND EYx aPECIAI.I.T. A11 kende of Are^acles and Ey°gleams made to order Special •ttentlon given to fitting the eye. Orden by mall promptly attended toflo- wers of parties using mo name. as I employ no travelling sweet. whatever Satisfaction guaranteed. Eeabllehed 1873. 151 RICHMOND STREET W.. TORONTO CARD OF THANKS I take this opportunity of tenlertng my Manta to theOore I) stria Mutual FI e Insar- aeoe Company. of Oalt. for the prompt end very eallefeetory wa In which they paid f se lotort damage by lim re. which 000urrad on or about Jan. 12th, 1902. GEORGE ACHRSON. Ooderioh. January 72nd, led Charles N. Show, *eneral agent Ooderloh. rs Ordeby mall promptly attended to. Ineuranoe. .to. CRA& B. SHAW, GENBRAI, INSUR- ANON tied real Nate agent. OIS.. tee door east of P. 0.. Ooderieh. Agent for rho leading mutual are ingura00e oom..antes and leading stook oompanle. Afercaetlie and manufantnring risks at o w..t rates. ('ell at omni. • W R. R. ROBERTSON. Aenou°ant and Ioannooe Agent. Books and amounts made up. Buildings rented and roots °olinted. Fire Iesor•ooa In British sad Canadian Companies. tite fens- In r=idfool t Hays' odic*t'-11 North VI 2. T. NAFTIL, ORNERAL IN. • _-rURAN('E uA Real Stat. agent. vire, 1411 *widen and Plate Oa.. ln111100 e e R.oW se mutual or rash plan at lowest rate, 1nab». 17o i lenglhah and (enaction oom00,.s rep - tee ed. 012I es Netdent to harrow R ()arrow, Bar I. or Hamlin* Mtr.et. Medloal. -R W. F. OA1sbOtw. PHYSICIAN and amersos. Ogee 1• Bask of Oom- ores holed mon ligea Ila u r'Md6ea. Man et. °W. Toone Night1t. GOUEHiCH BOARD OF TRADE. Aaaual tee/lag for 11.11- The President's Report. I'M enamel [nee, tog of til. Beard of Trade war hold at the Court Huse op Moa - day •vealag. There wa. • large &Mindanao of repreuutallvo bugloss. mil, who took a lively Interest In the pruoeeding'. Alter On reading of the mioutes, the ueureary, Jas. Mitchell, read • list ot the meotlnas bold during the year and a sum• roan of tun work dote by the Board. One of the members voiced the complaint that the town oounoil of 19111 had no sympathy with the Board, and fur this reason the eforu used to secure I he oo-operation of the two hod's» In meteorite cur th5 town's In- terests had been futile. W. A MuKtm, treasurer, presented *0. 8n•o0al statement, showing a baboon o1 $17.29 on hood and an aotlye membership of 49. TO. Pres' ions, R 8. Williams, thea read Mu address, whicl he oommenoed by 000• gratulatlog the mailbag upon the Inor.ased lowest meaitest 4 l• the Hard and Its work. The present town oounoil was desirous of co operating with the Board la all matters caloulaad to promote the wt' fare and progress of the town. and • wrest deal could be done by united .Hort. At the present time the matters of the oew station and the breakwater were of great Import - son, and the Board oould be of material •eaut000a to booting up the oounoil and assisting them to 1h*tr ndeavors to carry those mattes to a suoou.lul oonolustoo. A refennoe was made to the abouit1iog prcep.rlty of the Dominion as shown in this growth of Its foreign trade, and the develop- ment of the oou0try to the north of us was mentioned as • soorw from whlob Goderloh should derive • large business. The Board had taken an interest In the Algoma Control Railway sod tis. Manitoulin and North Shore R•llwate,_aod ten work on both of thee* roads was progressing levorahly. Appilwtlon was Wing made for a obar.er for the Huron and Brune Railway Company, • line along the lino shore to top Ouderioh from the north, which It carrl.d not would vies direct rail commuoioatloo In a direc- tion whloh would be most advantageous to this town sod dtstrlot. A company had also been formed for the construction of an e lectric railway and was being ju.had for. ward with vigor. Such • road wou11 be of material advawees to *be town sad dig- trial ertriol Jn lul811meat of a promise made 1& 000- nectlon with the Alcorn• (7eotr.l Railway the steamer Oast:rage had been out on the route between lasts Erie and Sap.rior, all tog at this port, and for the reining nano another boat, a large s'de•wheelol steamer, In every respect 8ret-olaes, with ample at oommodatioo for passengers and fie ght, would W plaond on the roux, g.ying • bi- weekly service in each direction The Windsor, Detroit & Soo line weirs .1.o to haye two passenger beats running from Cle•slsod to the Sault, in all giving se ample lake lwlltttes. Cooing to the remit of the put yeses °porseionsinour distnot, the situation wit fairly sotisfaotory, the eosble @emotion belay the lose sustained by apple buyers last fail. The grain orop g d was the lightest for some years. but the prim» were lair and mads the result as to cash removed shoot an syarage. In By, stock hogs were in good demand and over $100,000 was oatd in this town to the formers for this branch of their business. Indeed, the live .Nock trade of this town was growing rapidly. and the past year had seen oo leas than $55.000 worth of hones purchased and snipped by our townsman, Mr. Robert MoL.an, many of them for remount. to South Africa. This was in addition to about $50.000 worth of oat(e and sheep he had handled. As to the town, continued Mr. S8IlUses, it °mariposa to Improve. We have not had Leek { OST -BETWEEN NORTH STREET 1 ohuroh and West street, • small Whim with "Peva McConnell, Port Albert," on the fly leaf. The Seder will gladly leave 1t at THE Rtpxat OSI... Tendert§ Wanted. TENDERS WANTED. -SEALED TEN - den will be recel•ed no to Feb. 21th. 1902. addressed to Trustees of Union School Section No. 1, West Wawanoeb, for the arec- Don of a brick school house at Nile. Ont. F'ans and specter.tione can be seen sod other Information obtained on anpliceti t to R. MrILWAIN, Nile P.O. Aeorntary Mohool Board. 67.3t, Publlo Notice. NOTICIt IS HEREBY GIVEN TO THE poliry holden of "Tho Gore Diotrlet Mutsu Fire Insurance Compare of Get, that It has declared another dividend of twee 1; per cent. on all premwums on the mutual or premium note plan. for the year ending Dee ember Sot, 1901, unless otberwl.. arranged. It. 1. 1TRONO, Max ager. Char:co N. Shaw. general agent, Oort.,lch. Orden by mall promptly attended to. 68 Im The Huron and Brace Loan and investment Co. GODERICH, - ONT. OUR SAVINGS BANK. We are prepared to receive Depoe*to from Trustee'', Parents or Children, in mums of from Fifty Cents to Three 'Thousand Dollars, and allow compound intereot, added every six months at ratee as agreed upon Chains are given Depositors, so that they may draw upon these depooito at any time 3, 34 and 4 per cent. interest allowed on ieposita according to amount and time left. N R -Pennant to • late Art of Parliament married women and minors have the right to deport and draw out money in their own nam.. Deposita can be Dent by marl at the risk of sender. Remove from your hon*ew temptation to burglars and food for tho flames. TO BORROWERS. Thim company im prepartol to loan on LM short/sot notion any num upon first class' eaconty. Terms are made 10 omit. borrowers Straight loan. and simple interest. MORTGAGES PURCHASED -For further particulars rill at the Company's nfflro,, corns, of Market Square and North Street, (oderioh. F.$Jeb1l1, 10L4CE IorroN, P1100t.orNr. MANAugll. • tailors this year past, and that to Itself le • clear indleetio0 of its sound oonditloo Toe result of the °ensue showed that to pep• elation we had a lilt!. outer Lbw held our own, end tho060 we should all Oka to see • greater Improvement in that respeot. It is at least aatielaotory that we did out take • backward step as so moray towos did. Oar meronants have load a fairly prwperuus year, and basions neutrally has been ac- tive. '1 he value of the outward shipments per (1.1' R. 1a sold to haus been nearly $2.000,000 eo the visor. The inward ship. menta have also love, uu.adiorly large. The busio.s al the Gunsmith station u understood to .toed that of • dozen other town betwsaa Chia aod Hugolo, • strong argument to favor of replaying ,he preeent small and inmavana.t station with • mod oro up-to-date arroo:ore. Nsw building. are going op, notably the wormer hotel, and this not deserve. • page 10 itself F,r twenty years we have been agitating for this desirable Institution and it is with us at last. 1 look forward to its Milne of great value ao many respsots to the town. A new armory is to los built, and In addition to this and the proposed new station, a hos- pital is to oontempiatloo, and It may not be out of plan for t0 a Board to offer a word of commendation to tae ladies who have undertaken this heavy task, and to wt.b them • sole 000ylgdo° in their labors. Uur Industries have been awns. The output of the Organ Company lou boon about $65,000. the goods being shipped to all the British orloolee. They have em- ployed an average of seventy bonds. The Eogae and B,eyol. Works have been fully employed, their output Wing over 1100,000 for this year ending 0a 1e. October 1.e', and they ha.. work to band pow amounting to over $60,000 --employing forty-four hoods tee stoma twenty i0 1900 The furniture factory, output over $40 000. hood. em- ployed forty. The kaiti[og faur.ory has put oat Dearly $40.000 worth of goods sod am ploys an . f seventy hands. The (;odertoh Lumber Co. cuts about three ml- 1*e feet of lumber and makes •bout 1; mtiii'1n tangles, and employs •bout sixty bands dunog the season. The Godarlob plwlog mill has been nosantly busy, glv tog employment 1,0 an •vara„• of thirty moo, doing • boatman a year of $50,000. At our last meeting ft was noted that the "Big Milt" was lo the hands of • new com- pany, and 11 Is pleasant to record that the Manitoba and Lotto Huron Milling Company is now in lull working order with an math," nzsd capital of $400,000. Over $100,000 Mut been spent to • oew rquipmuot for this mill, and it is said to W the boat .qu,oped mi)! In Conad• today. Its capacity is 1,200 barren' daily, and at this moment it is busy night and day. baying • large special erd.r no hand for the War Office in addition to its already large sod iooreasing trade. This industry la • great boon to the town. The Ou.tnese done by the Elevator Company was the larg.at In any sereno ono. It was bu'It, 45 vessel. ucmuv to G. in 1901 with 2.568.321 bushes, se against 984,747 tteebel' in 1900. The ship buildiog Industry of Mr. Marlton deserves a word, Its possibilities are groat, and with proper e0co0rog.meot it Ie capable of very great development. 1'h• 001101k for these lied other lndui'riea is bright, and with improved harbor iamb - ties, and the oo0structlon of the road. already mentioned, 1 think we may solely take an optimut,o View of eur tutors. An sea of prosperity may be ahead of the good old town Let us hope that It will eo e ventuate, Mr. Williams closed his &dines, whloh was recelyed with the heartiest •pproyal by *ion present, with an expression of thanks to those who had given bin their good will, and assistan.., and a wish for the continued usefulness of the Hoard of Trade. 1'he ofho.rs and oounoil for the present year were then elected, am follows President, K S Wlllt•me; vlee pre.l- sit nt, J H. Colborne ; Nes , W, A. McKim ; secretary, James Mitchell : mem boo of ousel, F W. Doty, 8 A Mo0aw, Ale Saooden, Wm. Campbell, 1.1 M. Killen, Chas. Loa, Joseph Beck, (; Potter, W. C. Goode, U. A. Humber, C. A Nairn, J. T. Goldthorpe. Ou motion of F Jordan and 8. A. McGaw, Messrs. Robert Moles., Oso. Aohteoo and Capt. A M. McGrnor, were elected as honorary mem• bars of oomoo.6, the meeting desiring to re- tain these gootlemen on the oo°noll. S. A. llotaw was named as the repr*ssntartve of 'The Hoard on the de,,ut.tloa to Ottawa regarding the breakwater. The new 00000 1 will meet on Monday, February 24th. AROUND TOWN. CANTATA AND GROAN RacITA*.-Remem. her the cantata, "The Water Fairies," lo Kooz oburoh tomorrow (Friday) evening, to be followed by an organ risotto' by A. D. Jordan, of Brantford, asefsted by Miss Blaoabe Teeple and others. Admlulo., 25 moa. ew LIVIRY Bcarvasa.-The Newgate at, livery liable' are again befog opaned for huaioesS,- the new proprietors beteg .1. Hamilton, V. S., and John Halliday, ot Col• borne township. Messrs. Hamilton & Halli- day will 000doot a livery, veterinary and sole business. NEXT MONDAY EVININo,-Throe who heard the bra of the course oflsoturo by Rev. Dr. Daniel In North•st. Methodist church were deliihted with It, and another treat may tie exposited next Monday even-- log, when Dr. Daniel speaks on "The Chinas Problem." I)EATII Or MRS. ADAMS, EM10to.-0o flaterdoy the death raeurred of Christens, wife of 1)r. H. Aflame, Embro, at the ego of fifty-five years. Th. deceased was formerly a readopt 01 Gorlerioh, and was s sister of D. C. Mackay, high ooneabl.. Mr. Mac- kay attended the furoral, whloh took plan at Embro on Tuesday. Dila) AT LONto)N -Thorne.' Homey, • well-known r..tdeot of Aehleld, died at St. Joseph'' hospital, London, on Monday of this week. The remains arnyed in Wide. rich by train Td..day evening and were then oonv.yed to Ashfield for interment. Mr. Huron was Orton sixty years of age, Haart climate was the moos of death. Hoc'wit Nona -A feat game at (,ltnton loot Tbursdsy night bewail Clinton and *ederioh teams, re,nitel In favor of Clinton by ono goal. The moors woe : ('lin ton 10, Goterinh 9....i. the jonlor Mime • game ease played Saturday inning le- tween the Short. and the Harmony team, the latter winning by • score of 3 to 1. MH. 1)ANHnw ME0T11NEn - l'he Tomato Nat said on Monday : " Already then la *elk of . S0ooresor to Mr. Joan* Wein, and It Is gold of Osgood* Hall th.1 Hon. .1. T Darrow, K C., of lvedoneh, will moan the neet appointment. Mr..1main Britton may be mooed to this Ceart of .Appeal, where the salary Is $1,000 tee., and the sew Mips given the 'money la the King's 11noh division " (*Ln DAL.T Ito? ATTIlefrn;.- We are re- gs.sted 1• say that it het bola welded to bold • (eel-oesteaaW e.labsaM.R of the e+teblisbmeat of the Galt Collegiate lead tuts this year, and th.5 all old pupil. of the sohool are invited to nod their namse and addressee to It..d H.mlltuo. B A., Colleg.: ate Institute, 0.11, that they may tonne due r-otioe of the time uhoaeo and the ar rte./sweats made for the event. DID WHET VuMSTOCK.••Ao extensive sale of purebred shortboro stock wit held • Borobr•.larm, Steu8vtls, oo tl'edoseday o Ism weak, which was •tterdsd by • large Dumber of farmsn and bre.dera. This top primp paid wee by E, C Atoll!. of t.odericb, who paid $650 for Hroadhook's 20.b. Th. first twooty animals brought at average of $433 molt. lime forty -ria animals were catalogued. Mr. Attrlll bought two beside the one montloned above. AT THE HA11.B00 -large queatltl.. of stein are befog holed to lbs dock to W used In tilling :a the newly 000atruorsd Government wharf saws the Eytern end of tee harbor.... loe outtiog bre 000tieued throughout the week sod an unusually large .mount of the beet fen we halt. seen to years is being stored....Peroh are being caught to loge numbers with took end hos lust off the p6.,.....l,nm the recent oold spell with easterly winds the lake has been frozen as far aero.s as ow be seen from this . hole. Dip 1N Ria YOCNa MANHDub -Douglas Johnston, son of Alex Johnston, died o0 Thursday Iast'ta his twen,y fourth year The young map, who was r robust, had been bo declining health for sours years, h. Moses finally developing into coneumptioo. •fbe remains were interred In M.nlaod cemetery on Saturday at.rsoon, the funeral taking plane from the family enaction at the *)'Mellows' Hall. Rm. Jas A. Ager son conducted the asrvto.., sod the pall hearers ware Harry Sturdy, D Sallow., F B. Holmes. Bert Smith, Thos. Johnston rod Chas. $w anon. thorn ur Mise EDITH BROW -The death of 111 se E lath M. Brown, • d•uehter of the late Jawse Brown, recurred oo Moo• day morning sr the home of her mother o0 the Hurou road. Min Brown had been t11 for • long time with lucg troub'e, ono the end came rather ursrpectedly Sue had beep visiting her brother on Stratford during last week. Besides ter mother she leave. several brothers apt' eaters, who bays the sympathy of their many frleode in their bereavement The Lomita' took pease yest.rdsy afternoon from the taro 1► rest dance, the In:ermeat brieg made in Ma,t- laed cemetery. H. K JoR1,AN TO LIO'S GolagatoH.- t1• learn with regret that H. K. Jordon w ill shortly Ieave Oodetich sad has handed In ht• rest..oatlor a of the positions of organ 1st of Kooz ohuroh mad bandmaster for the (iodattah Musieal $r.Ny--weiob lout= s0 ably filled donor, lou residence in toot town. Boon In muuorl and In social cirol.w ba departure will be .milt' regretted. - He is without doubt one of *tie moat competent tOULcu0s we have bad an Goderoob, and hie plate will be hard to fill We understand that lar. Jordan Is goon either to Brent lord or to Toronto, but hie plane for the future are not fully matured, TiHVACANT R0A;l3TRLR.HIP.-In the Legislature on Mon I.e. in reply to • quite ,top by Mr. E,IWr (Saute Huron), Hoo Mr. (;ibeoo said : '• A registrar hos not yet Men appointor' for the county of Horn,,. wh,oh bas tato Secant moos January, 1899 In large counties divided tato two or these ,1 .o.Lt u.00,.. there is frequently eta r tonna s d.fhjulty to demdmg se to the looallty from which appointments shall from tam. to tame be made Toe duties of the position, however, brave been efficiently du- °h.rwyd during rho vacancy by • competent ex-ofoio registrar, .ud It a 006 expected that there will be muoh further delay In mak log a permanent appoiot,neu6." '1'H6 KIND'. DAI'oHTERN,-!'here was • rood attendance at the aenual meeting of the King'. Houghton, whroh took plane o0 Wednesday, 5th lost. 081 tors for the year write eIsots'd as follows : Provident, Mrs, humors ; ecce president, Ms. MoUdlicud dv ; anrstary, tors. J B. Whitely ; trees- ur-r, Mrs. Nairn. Duru,g the put year, through the agency of the K,og'. Dough tars, maven families were /obeyed, Wing wopplied with clothing and other neons .•rise ; and nthor road work was done. l'he sum of $79 59 nes raised during the year, of which $61 13 was 50006 its charities, The society will oe pleoaed to soot pt 400. tions of clothing, oto., at any time from 11cereousd. wishing to newt in the work of ro N.w' PHcrro STUMM-R. R. Sallow@ is now rosining his patrons at his fine new quartets on West arises wb:h he has had ▪ peoially fitted op for photograp',lo work. The reception and show room, operating, developing and finishing rooms are •11 on the ground door, so that for ordinary nttinge there will be no stair -climbing. Up.talrs !hers are dressing rooms, • workroom for the manubooturs of frames, oto.. and other 000vooil,aoee. It may sot bo gee.r•lly known that Mr. S.Ilow.' work as is photographic artist has been remgn zed by some of the Feet publications on the continua, and that his reputation In this way hes geared him many ontside customers. Local work, hoer - Oyer, receives We beet a, teotton, and be fo- v,rn all to visit him at Ms new studio. ('orddr,IATp 1N.TIT'°T• TRr'wTNEo.-The fiat meel,og of the 1), C I frost,* hoard as oonttu uwd for 1902 took piaco on Wed, n eeday of last week, The secretary pre• stinted oertitoatss from the town olio Is, county Mak, esc • of the publto school hoard and secretary of the opar•ts school board to the effect *bat Sheriff Reynolds, R.,. Dr. Un, ,lodge Matson and Judge Doyle were .ppolnted trustee; by then bodies. respectively F Jordan wse slee- ted chairman of the board for the yeor. It was resolved that the meet Ingo of the board be he'd at the rens time sod that the onm milrer's be composed of the same persons as Met Tear. The Nom of $25 was voted for the replenishing of the library and appara- tus, and two small 000000!5 wore noosed, MISS HATTIE 1VII.ttN*,N 10 Dun. -Oh Tues•l•v a telegram e.. removal from Min• neat „lie ennt.lninv lorelhven,e of the elenth of Mi.. Hatti. Wilkinson, whtnh 0o-urred In *hat alto on T1..day motions. The ds• oeaserl yours, holy was tha fourth daughter of Mr. and Mra James Wilkinson, former well known t,.'.lenu M GoJerioh, She had a wide 0tr.•le of friends and acquaint. ann.. here, .mono whom she was very pop- ular, and the news of hor death was noon .d with deep roarer and with /mums fret Ingo of sympathy for her parent., brothers and sisters At:on' the time of the removal of the lamely to Minneapolis, two pianism Mao Wilkinson had an ileo,.. .nioh pre Sated her from undertaking the j tnrnsy to the Woo with tho not of the f.am.1,, sad although oho of ter wards pat *As.ly reo0rerId her health was nevar folly mowed. A HO.rITAr. row POOR Oow.DMPTIVev - The mnn,0rence of W..1. Gage and a W• (nest by the late H A Massey hay.enabled the Nmtlnn.i Sanitarium Assnolatlnn 60 ethos at (;rovenhnrsr • fres runemmetive hospital. and an appeal is •nw tieing mads le the puhl:r Inc alit In (nrniabuag U. Tblo bepital has Wet belie to oast 1be premiss need for an Iuslitwool wbtoh will put w,th- tn ria Al of the oil Dred poor the means which otherwtse they soul l not procure for the amsboratluo o! Ihsir °audition. It Is a work witch mould enlist the sympathise of the public, and of is hoped that the moat' which Is so urgently unlit' will ba prompt ly subscribed. " He givns twice who love. qui key." R S. Williams, manager of the Mak of Commeree. Godertub, is the loos treasurer for the National Sanitarium Assoc• latto°, and any contributions loft with hies will be remitted free of charge C. C. I LITi*AKY &NAV'Y -'the first 01mMlsr nieettug of the Collsgat• Inetitute Literary Somety for the present term eau bad ou Fridayeyeotog Int. The program was a good one, end tilo numbers were ail w ell carried out The pew preeldoet, D. Allison, oc0upiod the chair and delivered hos inaugural ad.ire.., which was brief and to the point. An muru,Deotal Wootton by Mtn& Etta. I'ye stag followed by • estimation by Mus F: tun Stratton. Prtocip.l Strang answered the quesnous in the question drawer, and followed this up by reading a p.,rtloo of .o arrlole which he has been pre- parlog on htm old sobool days at Galt. This was charmingly written and was Iiereoed to with Interest and dellgbt. A solo by J. P. Brown, a reed,og by Hugh Bate and &n lo• .trum.otsl duet by '4•ssee Vera Whlts.y and Allot Smith were cert given. The oh for of the G C.I. Journal, George Webster, p ted the drat tease prepared under Ills direction. It contained ■oma n'iner skim sod bis. Toe last number on the pro- gram was .• recitation by Miss Thirea Lewitt. Tito HOo'gtY t.11Aut'x B11.L.-1'he last •••emIt' v of the season was held In tie Odd - fellows' Hall on Tpe.day evening under the •usploee of the l;udertob hockey league, .od was • most eej,yahle .Heir. T was a large attemdanoe, Including, brides .boot two hundred of the youth and beauty of the town, • numb. r of visitors from .ur- rostseasg towns. The mune was supplied by the Seafurrb orobiota• of Bre p nowt, who oodered ieleotlone of the latest and moat popular omen and gave exoell.01 u tud.ouoo. Dancing was oommanmd in the hall proper about 9.45 0-x , and won the lengthy program was kept up until an early hour. Ao intermission wit called at midnight, during wh:oh retr..bmeote were served downstairs The event was • great atones to every 0059101 and the stewards ore to be congr•tutated upon the regularity with wholly titery'haog was sornod out. The patronise•.■ were Stn. A. (..; Hunter, Mr.. Dudley Holmes. Sirs. R. R-yonld., Mn, Noire, Mr. MacV,c■r sod Mr. Mc Kim ; and the steward. were Lame' Pa. .nn., H D. Stratton. H. L SI°rey, D U. ,clow.grew u• -1.1ety. K. Sahel, Bee. - South sod E Stewart gege 1 la new paper work for t ye.,. to Toronto, at fire* on The World sod latterly on 1he Globe The Godsricb Engine Compsoy has assur- ed the 000tr•ot from the fort Stanley Navi- gatlen Company for the towns and boilers for the 1st ter oompaCy's new .twiner. The angle. worita 1s sin supplying she m.ohlo. ere far • new passenger end (relent steamer for the Dominion Fish Co. The hull a to W built in Oodericb also, by 1V*Ihaw Merltoo. 11'e have renewed a oopv ot Tb. Moos, published of H•oaab, North Dakota, by 8. J. A B, yd, who is well koowo In this county. The leading editorial intimate& that The Moon is to continue Itepuohoan Io politics, and trom this tone of 1 he article we should judge that teens wit! W oo doubt hermitic at to the political leanings of 'the Mao in the Moon." A few nights stow, a man named William Muellbbeney left the House of Refuge at Ulin'oo during the Dight. His aneow» was not discovered until next mor0tog, end when • 'north arse instituted ho was found dead by ,he side of the river. An inquest was held, and It was found that no blame whatever oould be attached to myons. H• bad been out of his mind for some time be• tore, CHURCH NOTES• Th s oew Methoket church at WIngham is to be opsoul nett 7unday. Lent commenced yesterday, and roniose were held in St. Osorg.'a and St. Peter's ober ohm. Rev, Dr. Daolel, of Nortb.et. Methodist church, and Re.. W. (i Howson, of ('leo. ton, will exobeogs work next Sunday. Tb• speolal services well be oontloued during the week to Victoria street ohu'oh. The pastor will preach next Sabbath. All are welooms. Rey Fathers Wet, of Ooderioh ; McCor m'ck, of Ashfield, and Hanlon, of St. A°ruettoe, attended • coofersow of the priests of Stratford deanery which was bid to the Daly of Str•ttord last wink. Duriog lent there will be pubilo devo- tion and wotructlns ■1 St. Peter'. °very Monday and Saturday, at 7.3C i•.x. Next Sunday, at high mase, the anbjsos will W, Why footing 1. observed, and the tut, --teThea .heli they fast no those days" (Mark 2: A0. P.... H. lrvioe, formerly of Nile and Godeirloh, and now of Lletowel, hos been invited to b.00me toe pastor of nos of the Bramp•oo Methodist °burnbies alter the prevent 000feranes year. He has ao- oepted, snhjwt to the motion of the transfer and ata tooiog bomm.tteee Brampton bontg i■ the Toronto eoofereooe. Rev. Dr. Gifford, of the Ontario .treat Methodist ohuroh, Clinton, prewhed to large oangreg•tlons in the Viotoria street ohuroh o0 Sunday. The Victoria street people were muoh pleased with his sermons. Subscriptions for the missionary food were taken, and the 000gregatlon's glviava n this fund will be oonsidsrably to .xu.ss of tut year's. Th. pastor, Rev. J. W. Robin - /ion, pr.a bed to Dr, l;iford'a 000grega*uon to Clinton, The fourth convention of the London 000 teres.. Epworth League will be held In the SV.Il,ogton-.t. Methodist okuroh, London, on Tumid.), and Wednesday, March 11th o wl 12th. Among tho.e on the p aro Rey A. 1'. Crowe, 'Toronto; Rey. W F. Wilson. p,e.'l Hamilton 000fereoo° ; Rey 1; W. Heedarno, St. Mary.; Rev. J Lt. ingeto.e, Windsor; Rev H. Irvto., Listowel; S1' H Karr, Bruesis; Mrs. I. K W.Ilwlo, $..forth ; Rev. C. W: Brown, Exeter; Mies M Washington, Ulinton. Arrangomsha have been made with the railways for reduced faros for the delegate.. Th. entertainment in 81. Georges school ✓ oom Inst Thund•y evening, gotten op by the Voting People'. Guild, was fairly at tended and • good program was rendered, oonauung 01 .elections by the Blsoketoae orohe„r•, rsolatton. by Mr Flo.koo and Mae W'. Rail, 50nge by Mr CFH, Mase Par - eons ann M s. Kate Ho•kon, o mon solo by Miss N.Itet, violin selection by Miss Doo• N th and instrumentals by nod Doty. The aacomp•outa wen Mtee Dont gb, Mos N.f el, M e. P.rsooe and Mr. Cuff, and the dots. of chairmen were dinobargej by the rector, Rev, M. Turnbull. The r.gulor quarterly :terriers of Vlatoria. . t, Mothndl.t ohuroh were hold on londay, Feb 2nd. Rea. Jostles Grego• preach ed both enormng and mooning and •t the close of the 'morning service th• sacrament win administered to • large number of com- municants, The morning Inv. feet was .1 - so largely attended and proved to be s sea leo of sweet delight to all present On the Monday evening following. manic to the special meetings In the church. th. official hoard mot at the home of ,1. Shannon, Cam• brie road, the pastor pre.tding. le was found that the ohuroh was In a healthy 000• dttion, both temporally and spiritually. A unanimous invitation was extended to Rev, W. F. Campbell, M.A., Pn. 1)., of the Westmoreland avenue Methodist ohuroh, Toronto, to become the pastor for the onm Ing year. A reelutloo was also pained unanimously thanking the present pastor, Rev. .1 W. Robinson. and his esteemed wife for their faithful and snooesetul labor. luring the post two year., se to • largo mesenre the prosperity of the ohuroh 1s duo to their faithful efforts to ext.od Christ's kingdom amongst u., large additions having nese made to the membership daring Mr. Rnblonn'. p•atoraa. While err/trotting to part with him at On end of • two Tears' term, the fact was emphasized that had he not rnetv.d • unanimous inyHstion from the Wedtmoreland avelma ohuroh, Toronto, thes, board would hove given hem • strong rnystalon to remain for a third year ; but as Dr. Camphelf•s term erplrml and as Mos hoard hart some year. 590 given him AP In. vitatlon to hemme their pastor It wee de- nlded both In the Interest. of Mr. Ruhinenn and of the work Moro to ask th. authort.les of the ohuroh to rive us • straight transfer Dr Campbell nem oroepted the Invitation, subplot, of roarra, to till, transfer and sa- ttning committees of the ohuroh -Cor. A tsocuL Evsmiso,-1'M msmhms of Ne. 1 Division, Aomnt Order of H•berniaos, entoraued their gentlemen and lady tr ends on Moudoy evemog at their rooms OP North street, which were handsomely decorated In honor of the visitors. The evening rose °coopied with • progrem of mato, . peaches and rniatfeoe. Seim were 0.0 ,.r:but.d by S. Brown. William D.yl., W',1 tum Dalin and D, Neville, and recitation. by M'ea Mary Farr and Andrew Lynn Miss Lens Neville and F Holmes gave an 'n.trumwntal duee, and a wooed Irlo by Misses N. MoD•,osld, Lena Neville and dagga Wehh was rendered In an excellent m Speeches were given by J. 1) O'Connell sod J. F. MoAvoy, and the benefits of membership to the A O.H. were pointed out. hi mob of rte moos.. of he eveoing'e sotertatoment wag doe to the chairman, Jos 'ph Kidd, whose over fl.woog good baro^r was infontiou.. I'be large Dumber of guests prowl], motored neertily Into the .r jnyment of the ietl.iti.. of.the evening. V 0.tore to town lotonging ro this order will always be weloome et the mssttol of No. 1 Diviioo, which are held on the a.ond aod fourth 'fuse lays of *soh month. LOCAL NEWS IN GRIEF, The best made clothing at the some prior as TOO would pay for D'ferlor wnrkmon-hep Is what ,ou get at I'ridhom'e. A large Penge of suiting' to choose from. Remember the bargain' at Twicen big bre sob George Stewart, grooer, le book ht hie own stood, P ones are now finding the bargains at Potreo a fire Stls. This is the week of valentine., fancy and oomtc. Tomorrow a St. Valentine's Day. Ws regret to lava of the oontioued i1L n ems of Mrs. (,osford, of whose recovery the Phy.ol•o hold. ow 0o hope. K. W. McKenzie has sold Ills horns and lot on Brook street to F red, W. Doty, manager of the teoderioh mains Wilke. (2, Blackstone, we are pleased to be Ode to announce, has reooyered from hu recent attack of pneumtnio and is again atteoding to business. J. H. Tigers, of Dungannon, and O. W. Holman, of 11•yfleld, ars to represent the Wes* Horon T.aohsrs' lo.tltute at the Enter meeting of the Ootar,o Eluoatiooal Association. . • Exeter Times : Mrs. W. C. Huston In go- ing down the hack steps of bet home had the misfortune to slip and fall, esoaoi°g any broken limbs, but ■ustaiotng eoms very severe bruise', l'he Orangemen of West Bruce at their annual meeting tut week resolved to jolo In the monster 12.h of .1 till oolohretion In (:ode riob this year Perth county Orangemen also have decoded to oelehrate here, ()relg R Macdonald, Ssaforth, have leased the store adj „Ding r.hat whtoh they at pros. ant occupy, in order to have more room for their ever increasing trade. They expect to go shortly into the wholesale manufacture of clothing W. C Myer., of Brantford, well known In (indertoh, has been •ppn.tod by the firm of Dooming. I..mv & Co , bankers, of New Yolk, to take charge of their busmen in the State of M,ohig.n •t • good salary. He will rends ,n Detroit, Tho Brantford Courier nye : " Mr. A. 1). Jordan, the Wonted orga0tsl of Brent •venue Anton, has received an offer from the First Methodist thatch, London, whioh he hag under consideration and soh on Brantford friends will he sorry to hear will result Id hos aomptaecs " We have rottenel, with the compliments of the Hon. CI,H,rd 8dton, ■ copy of an All., of 1Ven oro 1 seeds, homed by dens tion of the M muter of this Interior. In ad .1ltlnn to maps of .11 the I'rov,nnee and nl the Western Ternton,s, th.,. Is mach nee fol inrnrmation oonoera,ng Western Cen.da e nd other of the newer portlen' of the Dom inio R^bort H. Coots, son of Robert Coals,et ('lessen, has Men appointed a moolae editor of Th. Leber (*57, oto at Ottawa in sti onion to the lobe H A Rarpor. Mr. Coate is • grottiest* of 1896 or Ternea (Jeivon,ty,wh.ria he took a onnr.00f st.ndl.. w hich especially at Mm for the potation to whist' M has beet sailed. Mr. (eats was es DEEP-SEATED PAIN. The 1611,11.. of • Pneal.e.t room, Nu of peeper. sod flew we w*5 ( ■rM, V,Ilago 1)a Autos,,., (line., Feb, 10. - ISp.m01) Mon. Any Dowd*, the preel- nnnr o1 the l'oao,al of Avr,an' tire for the Province of Vneheo. w.. formerly peat. most., of thit •,Ilene, He .eye "Whmn in Otraw• s,m., thea years son 1 • nffer.d very greatly with a doe° seat./ pain to the small of my hook. A frl.ad of min., .1. G. ,1.rdin., rel l'oruto, recent. mended Dalt''. Kidney fall., and to my great joy thin aired m. completely. "1 hod Dodd'. Kidney Pills a yalsahle tonin, and have need them with splendid remit. when fooling tired and ran dews through nanrwork. "When In fares u aeorotary to the Can- adian esmmisN.o 1 was neves without 1 ..." NEW ADVERTISEMENTS - FES. 13. Furry Buyer Pleased -Wm. Sharman, jr. 4 5V. Will Not Keep 'them -W, 0. Prid- 'ham 4 Clean-up Sale -W. A. McKim b Wo May Nut -James Wilson 4 Embroideries and Table Linens - W Acheson & Son 5 Peninsular Commit -McKenzie & Howell 8 Piano Tuning -A Strehler 1 Our Weekly Budget -Hodgen. Bros 8 Aunouunements-St Geo. Price 1 Lost-Sic;NALOffice ova,.,.,• 1 l,ervaut Wanted -Miss Kay 1 Announoemont-W. Burrows A Son 1 Huron ami Bruce Loan anti Investment Cu. -H. Horton, Manager 1 ANNOUNCEMENTS - Everything is going lase 08 fain.'tt bar. pain abl.., bot they must go taster. Oysters, always Irish, at the old tellable orator house, Victoria Restaurant, Woes - et., in bulk or ..rv..1 •II style, toe cream, fruit, cu0fsottooery, olgare etc. U. Biec;k, 011)51, 1VANTED,-t_'boics roll butter, 18o ; No. 1 mink or fox, $3.50 Our slaughter sale of dress goods during January and Febru• ary Is worth oom*og mil.. to see. G. E. Ktivu, W ingbam. "Biu M1t.t.' PI.ODOCTL.-Any quantity of the •'B,g Mill" bran, short, end their famous 3 bar and 5 Star grades of fioer- the very bent on the market --for sole a1 the Feed and Seed Emporium, W, Boowowe & Suit, Hamilton atom. 21 COMING AND GOING Chu. Andrews was with friend. In town over Sunday. Miss Ethel Sharman has rod from • visit of several weeks at Uuelpb. Miss (7amaro, loft on Tu..day on list aooual epilog trip to eastern points. M. Stapleton has returned to Frederic, Minh , aft*, • visit to his home here. Miss Ksiurah Brown went to Toronto last walla to pursue her studies la anal muslo. Mrs. J. M. Boot, of Seatorth, has been the guest of her aster, Mrs. Peamore, during lbs put woe's. J. B. Hawkins lett for lbs West again on Monday •tar spending 1 weeks here with his family. Fred. Snoopoo, who le attending the Central Bunaees Uollegr-Strattord, was hum. over Sunday. Wm. Hunt, piper. tab Destald Martin, Soottish dancer, bole of Ripley, are visiting friends in Uoderloh this week. Ed. Campion, lr , has taken • position al th. (1 T. R. nation otfoe, soo0esdtng Gn, Morgan, who haw returned to Toronto. J. 8. Coeford, of the Craig Shipbuilding Co , Toledo, 0., was In town dueling the Past week visiting his mothar, Mrs. Cos• ford. Fred W. Wise, of Piot ford, Mich., who has been 'pending sit weeks •b,t,og rela- tive. here and in this vlctarty, left Monday on Me return home. F.J. Slecghtholm, of Strslhroy, and C. W. Nash, of T'rooto, .pent • few days to town the put w..k. They are envoged to Farm- ers' Ioetltote work as lsoturers, 1). Johnston, G. 1'. K. station agent, Melton, sod James Johnston, of ('levsiand, U., were home to attend the funeral of their brother, the late Dougl•o. Johostoo. Will MnH, Greene, fireman on the 0. T. K., roamed to Sarola Thursday lase, afar • popding 1 days at his borne in 001• borne. Will look. as if hie work agreed with him. PORT ALBERT. TrcetAY, Feb. 11th, Mr. and Mn. Gay, ot Dungannon, were in the village y..terday. Don't forget the p!aoe, next door to Me. Kim's, for cheap shoes. Paid', fire Sale. Mrs. D. Long returned to Goderloh yeater- doy after outmoding a week In thia ytolnity. Mr. Huston, who is sofwrlog from • nauseous .ore in her throat, 1. very 111 .1 present. Mr. loubt, of Pine Blom, who was visit• log natives here, was unable to return 1e nu home until Friday, on *00000t of the S torm. There eau 00 serum In the English ohuroh hero on Sabbath last owing to the snow blockade on the road. Magna here and Dungannon. DUNGANNON. NOTICE. -The local agency In Dungannon for THE Su,N•1. is at the offoe of .1. G. Ward, .1. P., conveyancer, to., who w111 reoel•e orders for subscriptions, advarttelhg and fob work. and 1s authorized to give remlpa for amounts paid for the same. TUESDAY, Feb. 1116. Coo v,i,cw'iN,, -The numerous friends of Mr...1. G. Connor will be pleased to know that she Is improving, althoupb still in poor health. Motormen. - The exoss.lvely wintry weather *kiwis has limo most unpleasant for . bout • week has somewhat .bated. Boob nem in all la departments, ono* to the had condition of the roads, was tint molly galoe, and communication with outride loeahtos some prevented by the .freta of the furious storm. Magrte.N.-The munlolpal oounoil of West Wawanceh will hold Its *soon/ session ie 1902 to the town hall on Tuesday, the 18 h Inst.... . Division Court will be held here on Friday, the 14th of February .... A m0ettn• of the W C T U. will be held In the Methodist ohuroh en next Friday after. noon. A large attendance' of women, moat hor and condition of roads permitting, u sotiotp•ted. All who can possibly attend are resprotfolly Invited. I lecgAME AND INTIPMENT.-1)n Friday last 11 rues I atolls M.•z', the beloved wife of Richard Rood, of Wee, .v.wanwh, rte. parted this life at the age of thirty two years alter a.hnrt Oleo's. Har remain. wore Interred In Dungannon oemetary on Sunday •ft.rnorn, being esonrtsd thither by o largo o nmhar of ntrowtng relatives, friends .ad g ymsathizinv .c9oa,maneee earl nwtghbers. The taw -matted lar, •0rv1•inm her bereaved hu iand and an lolaEt, moonily horn. The Rev T McNair, a.nst.d by RAY M Gnld• Miro, onndnnlod rho abaft -pee le a solemn and trnpr.se,•s manner 1 hs beret wee has. band and relates* at the deo.aeed have the sinnore sympathy of the eommonity, as ores evinosd by th• large attendance at the In. torment. Th.denewswd wan highly ..teemed Mho was ready to doporl and be with hoes, although le wee hard to leave her beleval husband, her leant and Moods. DIED. WILrE.INRON,-A Minneapolis, Mlnn., ew wok e. brandy et - - James