HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1902-2-6, Page 5Y
TBuawDAy, Feb. 6, 1903. 5
W. Acheson&Son
Seheol ensaagemeak 2,086 79 A statement from tale antlnr'cewty aegis
e 12 066 63 tie, etas beet to the dormice u.•Wwl•.tae,
1265.004 Tttl'RIDAI"
4382«I A letter from Mr '1'':rrahee was 1 at.
67116 *tattoo art he was ut.well sod ala *tore
51 16
684 66 sot title w •ttead at the oe use,l kostd ''hu
3...door921 38 Oa mottos of Mr Holt, two railed ty Mr.
U so.114neoue great.
Mnotulyal atoveromeut
Stationery, .to
---- _'____ --.- -- Misesllanuns
Lunettes sod enmities
Couoty property
Reams and bridges
4.3.997131 31 61
n.l ho.
Bills payable 8 000.00
!'ural $69,565 53
The w.uoty's available assets amount to
$26.736.88, end the debenture IiabfUllw
are ):15,000, .bout 173.000
Gaoler Griffin reported that six prisoner.,
all miles, were in custody at the gaol, es
follow.: RuLt, W.Ilrce, Tuokeremiib, for
Tomato,/ ; John Ju6Datou, Cavan tuwalhtp,
for Iusaulty ; Juba Parker, Mitchell, for
vagrancy ; Robert Baro,, London, for
,.annoy ; Wm. °Laud, Nova Scioto., for
vgrenuy ; Hooey Miller, Men., for in-
sanity. The report %a sent to the euonty
property committee.
Mr. Aueley, road .0d bridge oemmis.
Metier, reported the issuing of orcers
amounting to $118.77 .loos els December
report. He had iuf.rmed the bridge commis•
tamers of the counties of L.mbto's and
Mlddlswx ot the motion witch had been
taken by tits oouoty 1n the matter of the
Aux S.ubl. bridge, end they had promised
to bring the matter before their reepeotlye
oonootle et their January meeting. The re-
port was sant to the road and bridge oom•
Reverts of the ieepecter, the physician
and the a•«per ot the home of refuge were
read and sees le the louse of pelage DOM-
The report of th. inspector, Wm. Ce.te,
save the Weems statim' : 'Total number
•f inmates admitted slave emetag of hooey,
220; number of lama.. let of January,
1901, 80 ; onmt,.r %omitted dating ibe year
lone re -admitted), 23; born le home, 1;
deaths dirk, the year, 13; abso.oded, 3;
eleoharged, 101 camber 0t inmates 1st
January, 1902, 78--47 males and 31 female.
Toe Iumaiee admitted during the year cane
from the following muolulpelinw : 110
Kirke 1, Hallett 1, Howlok 2, Grey 2,
East W.waoosn 2, :Stemma 2, West Wawa -
'mesh 1. Stanley 2 (1 re•admltsed), Ooderlch
tows 2, Climes 4, Seslorth 1, Brunels 2,
Wroxeter 1. C....me of pauperism -old age
6, etchers 6, injury 2, weekneu oI intellect
3 destitution 4, Manta 1, e...mt. 2 The
expenditure during the year oo the hoes
earl farm was 14,119 27 ; .ddiog the value
•f proenloae o0 bind 1st January, 1901,
81.118.56. and ton per omit. for dem mut' oil
or „ pl. meats, 875, makes .*total •t $5,-
312 83 Deduu1t.g expenditure ou capital
.• o 'uut and Mrmaneot improvements,
$318 09 ; v us of provision., etc., on band
lit Jene.ry, 1902, 81,181 r,5; produce sold
dueler 1891, .et other receipts, 8270 53 ;
reo.lv.d from paying patients, 8222, and
unexpired Insurance, $72 33, leaves the
net smodnt expended for eunuort of the I. -
mites dumpy the year at $3.248 03. The
number of inmates during the year
we. 73 62 ; the .rete. get expense per inmate
per ''•y • •. 12 112 cents. Tb. expenditure
of $4,119 27 wa made up as follows : Weed
Arlo, $111 13 ; stock, team rid Imp!emsot.
881; salaries (inspector, keeper sod matron),
18700 ; phydoian's salary. appliances, etc.,
8275 30 ; repairs to buildloguud turnoture,
889.88 ; provisions and clothing, $1,759 35:
tool and Tight, 8439 10 ; book.. stv100ery
end pestate, $14 30 ; supplies tor attck end
farm. $85 47 ; o0 emits' account, $138.85;
Laiden .I. $295.65; permeoent improve.
men's, 1179.24.
Dr. Shaw, physician of the home, .poke
in his report of an eptdemlo of 1a grippe, to
many cues complicated with pneumonia
which was the otiose of the high mortality
during the first bell o1 the past year. to
April all the inmate' were vamioeted who
had not previously gone through the opera-
tion. Or Shaw reported that the custom
was growlog of making the house an emer-
mengency hospital for surgical oases during the
past year, one cram from Brussels being
particularly noticeable. Two ossa* suit.L!e
for tits maternity hospital also had been
admitted. In all these cues an *neo as
recovered the patient. skip out. At the
time e1 the phveleien's report there were
to the women's hospital five and six patient.
to a room 14 by 16. Altogether there were
105 patients an the hoose during the year.
There bid been thirteen deaths : two from
old age, one (rem gangrene of the toot, two
from apoplexy, four from Dancer, one from
pernicious anemla and three from open•
The keeper of the house, 1). French, re-
ported the fnllowlog ornps had been raised
.n the farm during 1301: 290 bush. ort.,
S5 bush. barley, 8 bush. beans, 8 barn.
.lever seed, 40 bush. onions, 1.080 bush
marigolds, 160 bosh. sugar h.ete, 650 bomb
turotpe, 8 bush tomatoes, 12 hush. ►Trete,
15 bush. heats, 5 bash. parsnip., 4 bash,
plums, 524 hush potatoes, 25 quash, 780
head cabbage. 100 head o•untower, 1,050
Ow. raspberries. 15 oltroos, 18 tons hay,
j sore one's fodder.
Reports from the public school Inspector.
were referred to the education committee,
Commencing January 0th we place on sale a large list of
Positive J argains, which prudent buyers and good
housekeepers cannot afford to overlook.
PIT RS. `. �Jot .
Ladles' Astrachan Capes
28 to 30 loupes load, saltu hued mud
full •weep, regular price
$16 00, .al. 00u. $11.50
Ladles' Astraohan Jackets
28, 32, 36 inches Zoog, Limoo s Betio
Ind bleak satin lined, resulrr $20
and 828 4t•, ulterior, at
Ladles' Blank Gauntlets
and tirey lieoir:et_, all •1n,,,
regale 81 00, aria once 75c
Men's Fine Wool -Lined Frenoh
Kitt Gloves, all a vs, our „fSc
spectra 81 00 tilos', .t....
Caperines. Boas and St2rm
Collars to Sebl•, Astraubaa, I'ersiru
Lamb air Eleetrlo Seal. All at car
r.epondmgly tattooed prices.
Men's Fur Coats.
Coll. Coop arid Wallobv, $l8
and $20, cel• pros
COATS. $15
COON GATS. regular 838. d0, 4, 4134'00
27 Inch., wide, extra heavy English
Tapestry C.roste In large rears of pit•
eros and colon, and suitable for 50c
any room, regular 65o quality....
36 looh•s wide, extra heavy Colon Carpets,
perfectly reyereiblo.nd ulnar fast colon,
regular 50o quality, at per yard., 40c
W. Acheson & Son.
Ropers or Ise 1 &melee. field Ws
Amoco the mute Important ootlose of the
*smote oouaml last week were the granting
of $1 000 for the proposed ooety hospital,
wblob is befog promoted by the Daughters
of the Empire to Go lenob ; the setting
apart of 8600. the same sum as last year,
to .0pplemeot the pay of the men of the
33ra reetrueat at the I drill, rod the
panting to the Horon,Breca and Middlesex
Eteetria Railway Co , trader certain mn-
ditloo., of pc mission to ley tracks oo the
Meittand tr.dge at Gedenub.
The oonead met on Tuesday afternoon,
January 28m. As repartee last week,
DJoeld P.Lt.r.oe, of Kut Waweemb, was
*looted Weirdoes and took tee chair
Messrs O.ntelou, Hloke. Bowman, taller
.ad Lockhart este sppomted • striking
The sound' then .d j corned.
w KLNLt4*Y,
The striking committee retorted. The
steedug committees of the courted for 1902
eteeowt!'ated u follows :
Ex11CUTIv. Also SeacuL-M.urs. Hays,
Coosoliy, Kerr, Bowmen and Miller.
FtNaoca AND EDUCATION. -Messrs. Holt,
Torrance, McLean. Spokm.o aid Look
RooDaeD Barin*AeD COUNTS Pao
-Messrs Ub.moan,Lam•.t,Caoteloe, Hick
rid Fergu•eo.
F..IUALIKA?ION.-Philip 11.4., Hugh Cham.
Mrs, James C:sa.oay, David Cont.l..u, Wm,
Lome•t, John '1'orrsoo.. Huth Speakman,
R.oherd Lltske, T. K Hate, J. S. teeL.an,
W H. Kerr, James Bowman. l'uo41d
Pauereon, Math. Lockhart. S Frage/an.
R 81.11.,.
WAaL.N'e Coaetrru -Messrs Cents
Ion. Speakman, Miller and }fiche
Hoces tar Rertua -Messrs. I'eambers,
Miller and Fergusoo.
A letter from 6' Proadhut, to behalf
el the D.uebtm of the Empire, ..1ng aid
for the P14900ed oounty hospital, was erne
to the •:•codes mmm'ttee
l'ommumoetloos from J. Rees Robertson,
regarding the Sick Cbtldrea's Hospu•1, and
from The Muaic•pel World, reque.t.0r sub-
e0tlprloo.. were sent to the same oommu tee.
A letter from /See. A. Avleswortb, were•
tory of the Provloal Teachers' Assomalloo,
eating tt• muse' to appoint one or two
delegates to attend the meeting of such
aeeoolauon In February, was sent to the
education resonates
A oommuuloetloo from N. Ii. Cowan,
secretary of th. Gcurio good Roads Assoc -
tattoo, skate the muno.l to appoint one or
two delegates to the me.Mog of the Assoc
tattoo to W held soon, wee referred to the
reed and bridge oommttte•.
Memorial. from York °panty, regarding
legislation ; from Kent moony, re.
gardln. but lerlelstlon; from Water.
loo comity, seeking amended legislation re
prdi.g railway compass., were sent to
the special committee.
A letter from the secretary of the Huron,
Bruce & Middlesex Electric Railway Com.
may. ask leg for metal. goal privll.gee, esu
sent to the road and brides committer.
A bylaw passed by the council of the
township et Kest 1V swami to Outage an
original roadway esu 1.4.4001.4. and 10.
mulled was asked to modrm the same.
Sent to road and bridge oommltt.e.
Apul.oettoa for the position .f county
auditor were received from P. Ueaeloo,
W. Clegg, W. S Lswrenoe, G. W. Holman,
J. McIntosh, M, Blaok, H. W. Hall and J.
C. Merriam).
J. H. Tigert applied to be appointed on
the board of oounty examiner..
A depgttttoo appeared before the couooll
in the intimate of the apploatlon mads by
the Huron, Ilruoe and Middlesex Electric
R.tlway Co. The Wardso ..ked the county
road and bridge commfntooer to report on
the suitability of the Maitland bridge for
electro railway traffic.
Messrs. Lens and Spackman were appoint -
el auditors of cr,m:nel justice unmown.
Muttons 16.t the usual grant. be made
to the publto 1brarlu, to the teaoher.' i0su'
totes and to the farmers' Institutes of tee
musty fur the year 1902 were referred to
the mount,. committee.
Collegiate Iesuto'• trustees for the three
w horls of the county were •ppolnted-Rev.
Dr Ure for God.rtob. B S. Hays for 8.. -
forth sod John Itsodord for Clinton.
J H. Cameron rippled to be plead to
t►e muoty board of examiners.
A letter Irom Alex. Elliott, *freeing to
remove the 0411 bridge now on the Bsydeld
✓ iver, and to provide a roadway for publto
travel while the new bridge is b, - as mooted,
provided the unruly will give him all the
old material to the present bridge, was
sent to this road and bridge committee.
Ao appl.oat.on for a meet to the Prison
e n' Aid Association was referred to the
wont to committee.
A dry:ttation was then heard In regard
to the trapneed to build • new bridge ,urea
the Maitland Aver between the townships
of Colbert° and Gederiob, but tb• mond'
refused to do anytblor at this s.mion.
Toe treasurer's report wa promoted Ind
seat to the finance committee It included
an •betr.et slat. trent, se follows, of the
reeeipte and expenditure for 1901 :
Belem* from 1900
County rates
Iwpd tax
Registry office
Redemption 1000ael....... ... ,
Slaking foods
IMvieion Court pity fund
Administration of jostle.
Gaol .mount . .. ...........
Roads and bridges .. ....
M iicell
Industrial home
Bills payable .
36.611 69
182 61
6,146 00
6,(x)0 00
Land tax $
Registry n(fioe .
Reden.ptloo o.omo0t
I/leuion ('outrt jury food.
Adm eletr•tIoo n1 justice.
Owl amount
226 10
33 55
18.082 96
7.111 53
2,218 03
Angier's Petroleum Emulsion, which now_eniu}.a world-wide reputation as a dependable
remedy among doctors' and the public generally, is known to be without an equal for the
treatment of all throat, lung, stomach and bowel diseases. It:. action is positive and cer-
tain. Itis-especially indicated in the treatment of consumpt.,n and chronic bronchitis.
We have letters every day from people living in all parts of Canada, the United States and
Engi:.nd, who, out of heartfelt gratitude, write us of the benefits received -from the use of
�Y }IaF�ua�s�l1z;e;k
From the innumerable letters received we have selected the few following, %%Inch arc from
well-known Canadians. Read them carefully. They arc true, came to us unsolicited, and
we believe are proof positive of the value of Angier's Petroleum Emulsion : -
uu.ED SEVERE LA GRIPPE COUGH:- Dear Sirs; / was very ill with Brion', with a
violint cough, which gave me no rest, and a severe pain in /he chest'ar►d side. / w'ar advised to
take Angier's Petroleum Emulsion. / took the first rinse at night before retiring and rested com-
fortably. / immediately began to get better, and believe your Emrl✓rosy saved my life. MRS.
PA Till.: Y; /8 Trafalgar Ave., Toronto, On!.
=GAINED WEIGHT, STRENGTH AND COLOR: -Dear Sirs: For some time / have
been troubled with a .revere cold on my chest and lungs, with a distressing cough al nigh!. /
thought / was gnior:3/0 outrun/Minn. / loll in weight and .rlrnfglk, and the color entirely left
my /are. / have been taking .•I rrgiei s Petroleum Frnulsinn and have gained in weight and
strength and my calor has retnrnrd / have recommended ,your remedy to several persons. You
are at liberty to publish my testimonial if you wish. fO11.V F. JONES', Clark Street, London
South, Ont.
/hav, turd a sample bolter, town targe bottles of Angier's Petroleum Ema/rine and a package of
the Petroleum Tablets, and with voltresa(Is. My gain in health and strength has been com-
mented on by friends. R. //. Gh'O 'E.56 S. ollard ,ty., Toronto, Ont.
1, SPLENDID REMEDY FOR THROAT TROIIBLEM : -Dear Sirs: 1 enclose yon a setter
from Mrs. Cameros. who speaks in the higher/ terms of Angier's Petroleum Emulsion. For years
she has tried d (..'rent rrrnedi..ft Logi;'e her strength, but none of Ikon have done her as much good
as Anggerla's /61r olefins / mnlsinn. Af/:'r using /he sample we bought several large bottles, and
consider it a splendid reedy for threat troreh/err, and for giving strength and tone to the system. /
should not be soil, iced In learn that 1/ has no equal to this respect. / cannot speak too highly its
its favor, and wroth yon .very $mesa. 70HA' 14'. ADAM, i7 Carlton .St., Toronto, Ont.
All druggists esti Angler's Petroleum Fernlelen. Two stem, 41 elite sed 81.00 s bottle. M son you get ANWAR'S.
YOVV NAIhP. AMt Anfy9E,4 ow • po.'sl asses: %lir Wort ves • free mer M a vale booklet eneltad, "AMMrr VOOR
AT ARD l-1IVOlt." rt fess Mew 'n rare fere flee rhyme, Lewitt sr totem/me agfms. M dv peed ...lies e•
• ed Myglswe. Nen Place's**, which ore Illwatr.;ed.
L.avot, trio couootl pawed a tes,104101i
expreesla their roto► at Mr. 'l'orratiue:
ilioss and their hone thst he would l0 b
* hate time be teewr•d to hu u.u1l gaud
A !otter from J. I' Hammel', of Vara.,
rel.tiug to pedlars' licensee, was mut to the
e xecutive committee, and nae from Ben
V'oeg of Cuiburus to reference to Young's
bridge was sent to the road and bridge mai.
Stetemsote from the Collegiate 1set1'
tutee art the touoty gave the billowing *a•
I 1 LL' es :
M- Or-
* r 4 S l8 S S S
84 42 E $
• tri N w
• sr,
$5,916.76 $5.841 03
.. I m
o 8-
4. is
9 `o °o
c'3 7.
Total Dost of mslnWasnoe Inset three years
A E §
of co
i • o
o •c _.
.e r it
44 • i a
e = • P
V o c
a 4 g
e c
sePO W N S Of
e r.�S Or r,n o N
^ .o
N .+ aD
0" a•
Of ncr;�
Er, cos.' E
11.. --
e o a
c •
M 8 '�
5000 8 0 0•
Proportion ohsrgeablo to county
and Bleb School Troe'•.e. Report passe'.
1 he r.por. tel . he special commit .a re-
,>t.tuu.ended nu notion 0.sardt. g sue Willi/on
from Waterloo mow y ballet the o0 opera'
Hon.. .04000UOIl 04'0 ,egard 10 Lgula
Itoo coutwraing railway c'u taoge ; Ibbs 18.
pe 1 Io'a of the a -u0 y of Koul to the
Lr• m WOO Pat lionisot, r.keog fur as slim•
moo of the period' f.r the lap•,rtanon et
m..b.aely Iter nee la the rowel; sad
. ou pment at beet alb:ar fw•orked. houaaed
• u 1 forwarded by the Warden and el.rk;
and that the Warden mud clerk also sign
the p161104 terwar ed by the oounty of
Yotk asking the Demluloo Parliament to
appoint a rsilwat oommtealoo. The report
was primed.
J. H liameroo, of Bruowle, and J. H.
Ttrert, 0l Dunemouo, were appointed
county ex.mio•u fur 1902.
Two mass were then token for county
auditors, W ('lige, of W.srham, and 1'.
C.steloo, of Citaruo, befog elected.
The road and bridge committee recom-
mended tea' no action be eaten cel, h retar-
mm to, the dummno'oatlon from the good
Root. k•snra' you asking fur th.• eandmg of
dolomites to Uc'e.e ; that the reumet of
the to. whip of P..t W•waooab for the
aanatlo.,og Of a Lyle% to a We • Oert.40
road be printed ; that the matter re Stanley
bridge referrod to to the appltoatlo0 of Alex-
ander E bete o., left with the county emelt,
tier to ma►• arrangement• d ueosesary ;
that the •pplloauo• of the Huron, Brune &
d '1 t Road Company be
U art leas x h es rto W 9
granted, sut.jeut to such restrictions and
regulations a. may tit necessary to properly
e4 040411 the public tutorials, provided the
bridge ba fouud capable, or can be made
oapalle, fur toe above purpose, and that
the road and bridge oommlttee, to-
gether with the ouuo.y whetter, have a
draft agreement prepared 000t.lnIug the
necessary o,nditioos and 11111100one for the
protection of the county and submit the
same to this muted at U. next .eulen ;
the o.uoctl havfog the right at any time
atter the expiration of one veer from tis•
opening of the rood to %noel this right or
Ir.uoh.ee upno giving the Company twelve
months' tutlos in wrlttug If it. uoot;nuenol
la not satelaotory to the county council.
The commits* reported titer. Mr. Ansley
had received tender. as follow. for bridges
over the Reynold river near Clinton and
over the Maitland river at lower VI 40gha.0:
For •upent'uo• ore -Hunter Brlo$e Co„
Roe 83 976 ; Supply Co. 1V 104•01,
84 398 ; 8 re ford Bridge le., 85.025 ; King
B• do Co., Clev'I.nd, 0.. 85 893 ; Handl
ins Bridge Go , 85 720. The •ooeptaoce of
the Hooter Bruise Co.'. tender of 83.975
was teoommeoded. It this oompaoy do
n ot give eatIOfactory amurance, the tender
'n be given to tbei alt lowest tenderer.
For eubetruoture (per cubic yard): Rowan
& Khoo, 91 04. earls*., {6.36 for Clinton
.nd $6 tor Woghsm ; Charlet Barber,
W'ogn.m, $4 60 for Wingbam ; F. Hutu•
ridge, sealer: h, 84.75 for Clinton and 84.50
for W.ogb.m ; Reed & GO • Goderloh, $4 80
on. C intoe ; S J. Andrews, Clinton, 84.70
for Chilton. 1t was recommended that the
t+ndsre ot Freak Oottendge for both the
Clinton and W mgh.s nrtdpas be amepted ;
that 0o notion Oe taken u. regard to the
application of the reeve of Culoorue regard
mg Youngs bridge. The report was
The report of the county property com-
mittee mefai0ed • renommeud.t toe that
more enommodation ba proy.ded in I)
McDonald'.. 18., for polar• .nd d. cements
To. Dost would not exceea $40. The report
was adopted,
The thence committee r.mmended the
payment of a Image 'somber of amounts
and that i he Warden and tre..arer be author•
Ized to borrow the sum ot 820 000 'u mut
he oarreet.speodtturei of .he OWper.tioo.
The committee oxo d great satisfaction
with the very ttfiaient manner to whlob the
treasurer's statemeol had been prepared,
g'viog full info•m.tion concerting the do
rneee of the oounty. The report was
t amed.
On motion of Molar. Holt and Uhambere
it eves direc'ed Ow • telephone be plaoed
in the house of R. Henderson, turnkey at
the goal
The following bylaws were passed:
No. 1, to apImnt auditor* ;
No. 2, to confirm bylaw No 12 of the
towebtp of Etat Wawaneeh, ablator tip N
original road allowance and opening Up a
new road ;
No 3, to reduce the 'ken.. fee for hawk-
tr. and pedlars from 850 to $25 ;
No. 4, to au'ho. 7.. the Warden and
tr...surer to borrow 120.000 for oounty parr
The oaancil then adjourned to meet 00
•hes 8r., Tuesday to June.
The house of rouge oomm"t*ee reportsn
that they bad met no the 27th foot. .nd
cringed tenders for wpplio. ter the hoose
for one year. They had 400epted the tend.,
of A. Couch for beat, front quarter. sr.g5 50
tier owt. ; that of A. J King for hre•d .
$2 35 per owl. ; and that of J. W. Irw.o
for the grocery supply. The committee heti
hid .n artesian well put down to a dep'h of
22571 fret et . oat of 8268 71, and an abun-
d.nce of water was found. A new pump
had been purchased which would cost abou
$75 The lighting of the Louse formerly
cost 8180, but an agreement had been E16.11.
with the company, to run the fifty light.
Installed for $100 a veer The telephone
service coat the county 860 • year ; this the
committee thought too nigh • rate, an•'
they were trying to secure 4 reduo',nn A
cow had been purchu•d lately for $33 an,
the aupp'!y of milk for the house ens now
sufficient. tient. At the time of the oommlttee's
visit eighty Inmates were being erred for
and the pbvoiolan reported that their gen
oral health was as good as could bo ex
A deputation representing the Daughter.
of the Empire wetted on that 000noil and
Judge D.yle and V1 . Proudfmt arida d
the onuarll In behalf of the proposed ho'•
Oiled, asking for 4 liberal pant to supple
imea4 the money •.Ire.dy raised by the
D.aghrers ot the Empire.
Lr.-Cn1. Vetoes addressed Me tomcod In
reference to 4 grant to the 33,c1 regiment,
and was supported by Capt. Grant, M.jor
Yonne, Major natal', Myo Beek and A.
MoD, Allan. The metier wa referred to
the executive oommlttee.
int eta
are simply kidney disorders. The kidney,
Alter the blood of all that shouldn't be
there. The blood passes through the kid-
neys every three minutes If the kidneys
do their work no impurity or cause of
disorder can remain in the circulation
longer than that time. Therefore if your
blood is out of order your kidneys have
failed in their work. They are in need of
stimulation, strengthening or ddctoring.
One medicine wilt do all three, the finest
and most imitated blood medicine there
The executive onn•mittwe recommended
that a grant of 125 net made to each o1 tri
Teanhere' Inetltates In the 0rn0• v ; that the
clerk order eighteen copies of Ti • Mun,niDel
World for 1902 for the ori of the oounm:lnrs,
clerk and ; that s grant of $20 h•
mode to the Sok Uhd4ree'e Hosp,tat ; that
Opt animal groat of $15 be made to eonh
public library in the mooty ; that a gran'
of 825 he made to e.*h of the three Farm
.rs' lastilutes, and 120 to *ooh agrtoul-
torel sod hoe, (cultural tmt.'y L 1800 Gni•
holding exhibitions In 1902 ; that $10 be
granted tor the purchase of a+were for the
Court Hoene Square. •0a $10 for the
Prisoners' Aid Ae•0olatlon a that The Gods.
✓ ich :iter be awarded the n0ntrat for the
mooty printing ; that the ooen,y license fee
to rollers be reduced from $,50 to 120, the
former figure. and that a retried of 1'25 4.
made to porton* who have t.ken out •
lio.nse for 1902; that th• following.menn,•
be paid to the 4.f.rewf. Collegial' Institute.
.f the 0.o a • besu M * 0. r' a' an' •
presented by0017. nthemh: 9esfoars,
rehm., $2 346 57 ;
ttlletnn, 82,090 53 ; linderloh, 81 800 ; that
the noenc,l '.pttmnr light . i)•.ohmeu se a
county pupil of the Owe? n AerIoolteral
Colbge ; that • grant of {1,000 he made In
the proposed onus'► triose.. to he paid to
the proper authorities' when the h0 (ding 1,
taken of the ennerlornr'• hard• In Its nom
plated form ; that the ogwal grant of 8600
he mad* to the 33rd ,.anent to sopplem.nt
MNr pay •r the .panel drill. The report
esu paesod.
Th. edoratlna n.mmlttee re1newm.t.ded
Mat no anion he t.krn In the matter n1 the
proposed appointment of representatives to
attend she l'remlasial Aomoelatlas el Partite
R. B. Smith
Forced Sale
In taking inventory of stuck we find many lines of
which we have to make a forced sale in order to get
their places for new goods, as well as to get some
money out of them to help pay for new goods.
OV KRCOAT'S-Wer• $12 50 for :a 50
" 10 00, " 7.50
" 700, " 500
500, " 3 J0
Bt)1'S' REEFERS" 2.50. 1 75
M EN'S ALL -WOOL SUITS 87 00,for $5.00
I o,... a pure wool, tu.l 01., h, well mode
double bream ria''. g'od Itulog, Wry'
good yams at 87.00, now for 415.00
JACKETS -W• hams only a few left end
wo may hes. the one you went. Ant
'ticket w• have at %elf pnoe, and lone a
low u 2b'. Jackets 25o e.oh up to 86 00,
°steins' price. were up to 812 00. Jacket
cloth from 26s op These .re good •troop
cloth. for Ririe' or boys' wosr, regular
Floe, 750 up, now down to es low as 254.
about • thousand yards of our best Eng.
lush diesels' to, good patterns, very wide,
a ',dry soft Dap neigh, nod the prim
is.15o Engl eh 8.andette for 1210
ENGLISH CAMBRIC -A very doe white
cotton or E0gu.h uambrlc, nothing Moor
for spriog making up 10t• shirts rid
uud.rwear and nblldreo's wbitewear, bet.
ter than any white cotton we ever had at
10., and equal to most good. at 1210, for
Print., S. to 1211.. (.'r.4000.s, all prior..
Art Muslims, .II prices, Glcghams all primes
New Simone for evening weer at 20o to 40os
These are the (Idiotism 1''tenoh good..
Come in and see our Bargain Table. It may be money to you.
McKim's BUSY store.
1902 --- I C
• moving for ward. Winter term hesins Jan.
9. 1901. Ou' rates are reasonable, our coulee*
of 4tnd, thorough and pr.olln.l. Mond for nu r
J .urnaland see whoa we teeoh. Students may
s iter at any time Two courses of study ,
ommerofal and i)borth.od.
Pres., Soo,.
Owen Sound. Listowel.
- TI.. I.KAI/I'.i -
F UsCA! \t)r- .utvd
-trteii•ou oixvvK•
Orden carefully attended te ar all
boar.. night or day,
.t..e•er Ntrrrt,
Pastry, Oyster Patties, Tarts, Ston
Bread and Creani-Rolls,Mince
Pies and Lady Fingers, Kisses,
Macaroons, Marangnes,
Brandy Snaps, Etc,
Bon As gr,,..l ro, the boat made in any
,Ity m t';w;ul•.
Cait.•lun lu'uls thus mull, in
I see our line
of. ,
We will save
you money and
give you the
choice of the
hest lines nn
the Canadian
4,14 t.
�.,.„1 Ir1, 11
1 have put into stock a line of Ready made
Clothing of first class manufacture, and
at prices to suit the taboo.
Ordered Clothing
I. still my specie ty A good range of
clothe to select from ; and workmanship
the best to be h.d.
If you nett an overcoat this fall call and
see me. A number of lengths of piece
goods W be cleared out at cost.
Weer Street
MI:Killep labial Fire Isatruce Co.
Valois of Property Insure' up to January,
J. 13. McLean, pre. ; T. termer. vtowo.we. ;
Jet- Coonony. 0. Mals. W. O Breedfoot, J.
Watt, Jae. Evans, J. O, Greve, J. B.1.11swe s,
dlr.cturs; W '1 tiro, fro rt. leafo•th. Inseam
tor of losses; T. S, Hays, 44eafurtb, e.orelary
tree. tater.
J. W. Yeo, Holmesvuls ; James Cammtng
Egmondvllle ; R. MuMdl .0, 01esfortb ; R
Smith, Garlock
Pol.oy-holdets os0 pay ss*esem riots and get
their cords remoter' a. Mr. Coati Clinton. or
sat hMeLeao Bros.' Palace Clothing tltor'e, God•
In fancy designing and ornament
iog and almond icing.
Hive him an order and your sat-
isfaction will be assured.
Scrfflhlall Bard Coal
All ('ml eelgghad on the Mart Bale.
where you get 200' Ihw. fors too.k
Orders left at LEE di S3.EPE.D.D'S
Store „-„minly attondwt to
Sale.. .
OTT it I3us1110s8 ha. grown to such dimensions that
we have decided to move to larger promises
and will in conoequence offer our whole stock of
Pianos, Organs,
Violins, Guitars,
Music, Sewing Machines, &c.
And all other
Musical Instruments,
at Genuine Bargain Prices until the
15th Feb., 190'2.
Remember, this is a Genuine Bargain Sale, sod
the chance is one you may never meet again.
\Toni.• and Bicycle 1)eal,,ro, - - - GODERICH
We give one away with each pound of Pure Cream Baking
Powder purchased from us. 50c a Ib. The step -ladder along
worth the price.
Try a paeltage of our Hop Tea -not a Inedicine, but a care-
fully selected Indian and Ceylon Tea blended in a scientific
manner with specially prepared Hops. Delicious and healthful.
Now i, the time to buy your Garden Seeds. We have a
full awn rtmenST7.71Z7ZY IcX• CO.
Telephone No. 91.
A Wonderful Tonic and Remedy for WEAK and IMPURE
Manufactured by J. M:;MacLEOD, Goderich, Ont. •