HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1902-2-6, Page 44 Tiiv 1bAT, Fob. 6, 19e2.
Observed by
T•K man .b• AO. tooted Is observed by all where. er Ln goes
ale elelkw .em Il well coil Lill not bit expensive
te aware a stow OVh.Rt. GA t cr SUI, br tvey huh.. .osy. W.
wet to elesr o.r table* of ell winter ulutblug, therefore we Sava pa
He artatts d•we w low that all .breed taver* .'Wit to see the bat
galas we.r••i.rlee 11 iSo1000ICptyour will buy.
a good all wool grey Tweed Overcoat for
$4.00, others at $5.50, $6.50 and $8.50
and the very best at $9.50.
Mavea's space to tell 1•11•11311t rte .u.'.,but they ars 111 muted
.t b•ttoto woes
Two Fur Overcoats left, worth $25.00
for $20.
Solid Comfort Mitts are made of calf
skin, oil tanned, good knit lining, good
to wear and very warm, clearing at 50c
per pair.
?asinet idsettag Ctst►ug Heee., M. Lao. Stook CLOTHIER AN!) I L'KNISHF:K
int Signal,
u rosuaaatt
THE large and representativgather-
iag of mariners •rel member. of the Board
et Trade of Goderich that met in joint
.nano with the Town Council on Friday
afteru000 last to devise ways abd Mango(
biasing to the attention of the Minister of
?abbe Works the nedwesity of coostructisg
au rowels breakwater to lb/Notch harbor,
shows that the project is one of groat eon•
Oita w tits people at large.
Better harbor protevtiuu is cow rseog.
anted as • public duty, and to nearly all ot
the harbors oa both sides of the Lakes
.aorta are being made to render the en
traaca safer than heretofore. Wotb this
sad i■ Hew as expeodit.re of millions ha•
'been made of lats years, and the benefit.
that have accrued and the reti,fariton than
lute moulted have more than repaid the nut •
Many yeare ago doderich wee conetttute.l
a herb or of refuge, and large sum. of public
money hag,. been a .p.nded to making ,t
the rm bather that it is sudsy. but it ie
coatsuded that bettor result. would ,follow
from the prestos. expenditure of au outside
breakwater were nonatruetel similar to
Mae which bars e0 materially asaiote I
in making safe entrauces to other harbor,
en the chain of Lakes
Reosot years have demonstrated that •
judtciou expenditure in harhor•tmpr000
temente will iiutrkl♦ bring commercial result,,
and the business done by the Elevator
Company, and the ?lig Mill. particularly
Jenne the put semen. is in earnest of what
1k. Peters will bring forth, should the
proper taferiaeds ID She harbor entrance be
We understand it is the intention of the
}hint committee which has the mater of
harbor improvement in hand to interview
the Minister of Publie Works at an early
Gars te lay beton him the necessity for the
early eonetruction of the entente break
water, and knowing as we do that theques•
Men el transportation is paramount we
bare every reason to believe that the pro.
"noel will not be unfavorably received by
the Non. J. I. TARTS.
-The Meatreal !Star doesn't own the
laity, body and homes. if the recent mayor•
shy slestien is an indicater. -
-Tb. Hamilton Spectator is opposed to
Legislative prohibition. but it wants Ron.
M W. Ttoeft to enforce legislation in favor
-trhen • reporter of The Toronte Star
afar. to Sheriff Rash? of Oxford as •
.154 Rrntehman with an authoritative
Mien" he doesn't mean what he says, You
sealdn't make Alan, Scotch even if you
put a Mae to i►.
-W. 1' SAMUEL ex mayor of Orange-
ville,ie going to roma!, s Prohibition condi•
date agsinet T1r. Stas, M P.P., in Dofferin
wont,. The result should not be In doubt
With she EAntrs going up ago' -the
Bens, the bar ,Mould suffer.
Pentre"* Oe5Neytrtlyaw.-Th.
p.l.t.. i. %rint.4. 1. De flatten Inr Fehru
say. been.. of 1.e., .4v.etere and humor
free the pose .f Now asth.,a make the
"9lldw/aeer ifetles N.mb.r" vitally in.
bve*tlat 'V Coke A Pea," by Z.•.gwttt,
WW1 Mo Aash*,rtisa et a' .Jew anti
Nis A.slsibke Waggly o1 W. love for an
alegl Yb gal where nos pr.jnl'es w,omohs
ever ba.Ntw feedbag. le Ti.."Volley
of U• 1)4 " rtiom.. A. ./ envier pnetnree
0h• weegtl, .1 • lnkug pea.g aEla•er
t•sowsee I... Md limy "Mr. 11•011.,wrle'.
Wil.. Is M. title .1 • western .tory le
Bret lure.'. reptant vine and "Th. F..h:'
Is sae .1 R W. R.-ble'. hoot kumernas
1/Wean7l0T Mar.Az1X1 •.r. R.vi.w rot
Politaraav --T4,. .ember wood. usarly
twit • were el Illnt....d swim!. fee et
Moe mat *Mikis, .f the I. t k.t on " The
rleal•e' of Parte,- by Lots Pe•lun,
few er the Fre°ok Camu.r •4 lt•p.th..,
*be bee mads a sp.ad.l Med r .1 ti..I4.w,
e maEmes wa.lag let garb "Thr.ngl,
1)airs sad W•Mr I° Ohiea' M • wind aese.at
M 1h. fl.i.-, rebottles, by Mr. Reye., of
Ma Leeds. 'ateelen.ry S..4.y Cha.wllor
rMrwask pr...e.. • tes0h4..g Waste to th•
tesmo.y el este el I;wntda's °.Alma paras,
b.., Me tato lir. Rwae°.m .I.m., L
••e .f the hoot •dnralloul .,h.,.
1.. ee th, sentiment. has en illnstrat.ed
WWI. era "The Trlamoh of the Ktnd.r0.r
Ira PbIIn..•hv Mr. l ewreee. Rerpe.
watt Metes a swine' eetim°ts, with wire
MOS, of eve Oe°.dles paste An admirable
allele by Principal M.gp, of the Wesleyan
D.Iegleal ('rel see. M.,.treet .01444.4,
"The Sward of the f,nrd Vt111 Flg.d" Ale
•powtis th..v'Aeetlal vale* of the eM lora
Motor R.e1peeres. Mrs. Lao, RIAs Meyer,
SIM erigiestr of Methodist Ae°e.us.sss a
Nib oontioent, has a striking piper roe "Tee
Mother in the Church." 'The Goan'.
(Airtime,'" and "Dust That Shin..' are
faiioatieg'tort .:oro.., Lord Lorne's life
.1 Qu.su Vioi.ita, and other utportant
boot., •rm reviewed, and uurreot topic. are
1 Wu,sed. 1'oroat, . Welham Brit,•
Mu: a-1 : C W. Cortes. Halifax ::+, F
Hueelu. $2 00 • a year ; :' ") ler six
A (loon Nt•rar,a.-Aa while ea lifer
coot, • new serial and other neteworhy
femurs., make the February Can•dao
Megaria' decidedly •ttnotive. M. 0
Scott gives some t.Iormulon •bout Mer
0004'I relatingo with the C•nadlan Govern
meat not Whore g Tea to the publio. From
thle it •ppeare thea Marconi oil shortly
raters te (ttawa. •f-er • oo°taltatio° with
hie London backers. The article also Jodi
of! t T. .4 the rd lister. air yustog with
each et ter to we who will hays the credit
of coat:otlher the winless telegraphy ret the
ferries '1 ie ■ew serial Is entitled "The
Fx • Feet' rs." and Iv by A E. W. Muco,
whoa novels are well known, •speolally
"Parson Kelly " Its sce0we aro dud la
Ireland, Damien and -the !toad.., and It le
m.lnly • military •tory. Professor Stortt
writes t f tri• lmperlel problem and pointe
oat that the time ie at hand when it may be
•S.8•ty to defend the rights and I bellies
.1 tri• mother oosutry fr'm eoc:oaobmeote
•. tkt, put of the colon:... The Hou.
.I. W. L•o,ley traces Canste's R.11g:ou,
U.vsllpm.r', and pro'..ta against a..am-
ma Item the stettsl,,r of eculselaatlolem
that r.lyiou h.. developed. Mr. Longley
Lemke 'nook are not ■o devout and rel g
tau sed.) .. they were a century ago,
Nvrm•n Patterson d.sorrbis the lemmas
dela! bete .t Moeete. ; W. D. ►1uBrlde has
• pr•fs..ly 111 ted article ea p.sienssr
••••b.., wet and pr.a.ut. and M. 0. Suets
..flies •f Ne Hamitic, *spelt of Sable
1.'and The dc 'macaw • are se ;ntaestio.
u aural
Lamm' Howe J„akiAL.-Tho February
issue sf It. Lol,.. Hun* Journal opso•
with the Aral Dart of Mus 1'.otor'. new
romance of tSe .South, "Tbo.. Day. la Old
Virginia," Illasr•ted by W. L. Taylor,
1'tts le followed by Joseph Hletbeo'e tory
eit "The Girls of Flat,
" • tele o' tour
Ellie wire established "b.elors' bell,' too
the third lostellmar of "The Russel, Is
Cbissto," a •lever ..tire on the way they
le things Is the Western metropolis, A
west lnterestbq ind timely contribution is
"My Impressions et Americium Women," by
Rle Ezeelleocy No Ting fang, Chaim
Violater to the United State', Clifford
Howard de.ortb.. Madams Modjeaka'e par.
. Anse of a home In Southern California, and
Fr.nktm B. Wiley write. of "Tbe Summer
Hemet of Well Known'e
f o Is
p ,"
■ d
chew no whsle euuh Naneae folk se P.de•
rew.ki and !Harlon Crawford and • dozen
where speed the warm months. For the
c&ddran are "The Journal'. Puzzle Juhot I,"
a new game, and • description of how to
make "smoke plotares." The editorial
Page is given ap to the first of the "Mothers'
Meeting.,' • new department *Web will
•ppeer at Intervals hereafter, and 1
oleyer poems and chert stories ars prloted
to "Coder the Evening Lamp " to the
depart mantel leotlo0 Edward Howard
Griggs's talcs op education conduits ; Mn,
Sangster has • epeeist page for "''hen
Demi of (line.. Cams," and all the remote.
departments maintain the high standard of
the magazine. Th. valentine csver 1. by
Henry Hatt ; and the plutortel features
.aolud. • pus of most attractive Matrices
of dogs, and a double page showing "The
College 01x1 In Mule and Drama.''• By
The Curti. Publishing Comptny, Phila.
delphia. Ow dotter • year ; tee nand i
The Jasaary Meeting at nlrlh-rreaby.
tonal W. V. w., t 44..,
The Presbytery of lluroo mot in St An•
drew'. chalet, I: eth, Oa ,J.namy 21.r.
Rey. Mr. Shea, of Esmnn'lvule, was eleo.ed
moderator for the ensaog six mouth.. Tbe
minute. of all the emotion. within the
bounds daring the peel year were examined
and reported a.oarefutly and correctly kept.
Rev. Mr, Fletcher having reported that the
smote from the &egmenta,on fond to Grand
Head and Corbett, and to Leehurn sal
Union church, Goderioh township, had beim
dlesoutlauod, lb* Presbytery igeolee4 to
oro.s for their e0ntinuan... The auditors
.ppointed to ermine the tree.arst•'s hook
r.pertal that the 'menet reretto/ to tows
the Presbytery's expense. had Man $261 22,
%het the expenditure had been $228 30, lime.
fag • Wands *1 $32 92 Tbe report from
the W. 7.11 .
S wee
river eel ..
Amount raised by .00iet4.., $1,393, and by
mieelon head., $369. Thr.. •mnaots nom.
pored favorably wt•tt hose of 1900 The
Presbytery patent • revelation •ppreolshve
.f the women',/moieties In th• divine oxalis
.( ml..toe.. Rev. J. Audition urged the
Rea need of the home minion work. A
eommlttee w.. appointed to dr.ft • reeolu.
.ten regarding the death of Rey. .1. Reber.
*en, superintendent of mle.lnn.. 10 wee 45.
sided to delay tn. d!•cassloz ot the remits
re.pmotion Sabbath eohnols and other sub.
jets to an adleern.d moonier to In he'd at
■.neall a the A Ta..d.y .t March.
0. th...m. day the annual meeting of
the W.m.0'. Pereira Mlala.ry Society al
the Rare Presbytery w.. he'd In lilytb.
The moraine woolen was devoted entirely is
heart,. the gene.• report. from antdtarles
tied tnlaln, heeds and beel0e14, eonsent.A
with tk• in, sty. Th. epealag 4.s•
were use,. tt.1 by the pr...d.ut, Mr,. 1.a.
1.I4 Hamilton, ad G°lerbbe The memo
were highly att.f•etery 1s molt r..p..tr,
The t,...,., 1.e11er..1 reeeopte from all
worms as 81759.50, a smell Incre.a. nor►
lest veer. Th• *twins of ofB•er. for 1902
rhohel as follows : Pres,Mn•, Mn (Rev.)
N. Mites, Rimnrd.illa; let vies, Ms.
(RAP.) .1 Remtlton, G"derl-h: 2.4 gra,
Ms (Rev) !Mw*rs, Brimfield ; bed glee,
Mr.. (Rev.) .1 1 .r►Ie, Seafnrth ; ..met.ry,
Mr.. {Lewitt train, ('Late° ; tr
Mrs. piton Awn, S.atorth ; linen seoretar ,
Mn (Roe ) ,I R. flend*r,nn Ilen.al�;
weren't, etseppl.es, Stu. Kele Morel:m rs,
Clinton. At the afieraw° eeelnn Mn,
Hamll'.on ga.s the annual address of trio
prealdeu•. tektites for arbours "Thu Lott. •
uLsm tel Cbristianlry, ' She referred to t :e
tmporleJum of Great Diatom, the WW1 u
the Duke and Wallow .and how eoa:"ane .11
were to nes them Lu. Amor. So we should
11000, our K1n1, uor outwardly not .0
daily hie. Great Bntaiu save,Wh., we
neve we hold.' Cateda seqy., '•W. .r.
vuadiag hide the world" O.b•rsmpit • e
fell, bat °rest Britain studs b.uause n1
oolnoiee are ell u-Ited Chrlstlaei•y.1. 4s
poly as we are united lar Christ. H. el -m.1
reign supreme. "lh. speaker Ibex relerion
to mime& wort la Africa. Lie:eget, a.
pushed Seward .nru the tater:tr,ope-mug toe
way kr int..tonu..s Msey ,.oble moo a -d
acmes have ger red to Airica,e ors uuto deut b.
Mie Kole Campbell, o missotary home oar
farteavh from lades, gave a very traph;u
ani muralirg amount of her work, *moo •
ally during the fart as of 1897 and 1899.
To Numueb, their special field, through tr.•
generosity of th. Canadian people they wore
.cabled to feed over • thumbed du.y
They took forty oh:ldrer •od:k.pt Them.
I'hey pluksd up ahlldreu out of 'titer...,
ander hedge.. to fields, oar the etteeti, to
•yeti stage of st.rv&Ilou, rod v... *peon
eedleeltreatu.ent. Sleey died L•.m ea
poen, em.,'1,,roe, sm,llpez sad ncoi.ra
Mane loternu.a uaesg *we brought :alto
the pompouud and w I:r!e (radium th..r bode.
the mtweob.n,s sodgbt to titre these poor
eratores the bread o' life, acid lead them o
Corte). M•se N t.. 1 rah.u,, of Edmond
e111., Poral yarn ' Irlrg. yes to the •auu•l
wadies of the "morel society' hold
in 1Lre°to l..t M•i, levo• Wu.: plats
ug tad eff..u,• so.,c•unt of the meer0ur.
At the •y.utal ....tun Nev. N. st`.*•, ,'
E,Imoodville, an a delegate from l're.l.ytery,
oonveled trie gratings of that body to ter
WI Y.S. ret • few well c,.o..o erode
Rev. Mr J.ml sob, 1st. of lndie, gays •
very Meld d.sar,i'tjua of the ,:o°du'.ne of
mimeo in 10da, Where woman bas no
rights and U simply the slave o! hair hu.
hand, not allowed to read the ruble, nor to
go to the temple, nor to Study that, religi-
ous customs. Soo moat bi.burlad with her
husband'. dad body. W ole° stud to
leer et theor tole end are shade L..ets of
briomi. A womau must uot&Wereot yawn
twice to her husband's pr.se0ce .r he can
beer ber till the blood 0(4 21 from tt.5 soles
of her lett. Tomos are 18 000 wt ow. to
I.dla uuder eve year, of age. Thr often
give th.me.lyes to a life of shoo e t. sue
the vote. Cnrisn•hity make, • ch• •r,
.u1 vv.. Inman jo.t rtrive Atter s
tog "All the way my S•y:or lead.
11,.. Campbell exam .puke very graohta.l'y
of her work a India. There are 1000 WI
drso in the orphanage to be oared for by
Canadian women, After otlleotlon and a
rota of tbsnks to .11 who helped to make
.he =mitre r euccap and to tie people el
Illyth for kind hu.pitality, the I1.•zologv
closed a very.uc„esetol aud profitable moo'
ug. l.odeaoh well bo the next nl..z of
meet iog.
Me Cella the rNury •1 111. {:real. •ulrrrlag.
sad Maw Me Waa fonplolely
liots,ruwx, N B, Fee. 3:4-(9peaial),-
N tu. A Brows, of thus place, hu suffered
rear tat twin far yews with scat- c,. Tho
story of Dir enemiep ant cure lie relater
a het owe word. as follows ;
"1 bad sciatica to my beek•a4 hies* 16.1
:hat I oouid not wait without euffenog ae
'04 .g my rod talus that seemed I ke krar,
roomier threat/I me. 1 cumm.eel a treat.
moot of I)odd's Kidney Pride.
"Bdo,e the &et box was mod 1 throat:
I bit ase better and by the ..mw 1 h.4
tiled three ooze. I was sore of It.
"1 oonticuad t1• t..atmeat, and soon the
polos .11 lett me, end 111.., had no Mum
.1 them sauce "
The a•aaa Mertiag .r the ('ewgreaslhsa
Mata Lest Week-aepert, Promoted
'1'h• annual meet,*. ant En ix church was
held fn the Ieuture ren a Wednesday eget•
:nes of tut week .tib 4,, payor, Rey. Jas,
et Attdsr.en 10 the chair sod H. 1 Strang
uv secretary. Oa behalf of the session,
which 000.1.1. of eleven ellen and the
pastor, the latter reported : 47 hew name.
were added to the m.mb!r.hlp and 35 were
r•moyed-even of thee. by rleeth, leaf,na
the membership at prrseat 571 ; hap•iemo
during the year were 11 ; m■rrteere 17 :
hur:e1. 30. 1'he report Dolled attention 10
the email proportion of children attending
the Sabbath ureic.., and urged upon par -
tante the
Important)* of truuiuE tread anti
lien to woieh,p in the great congrrg.ttnn.
Th• report of the Sabbath nbool was
preiented by J Elgin Tom. ,1 he avereee
ntterdenoe was 272, an morass' of 26 over
lost year's aver.... The isar..es i. .till
going oo, al the average attendance .luring
the month of J.ou.ry was 312, which, vela
:, a pastor's Kbit claw, lsoro.•es the aver.
• te •0 357. E•ghteen from the Bible cl.....
lilted with he chareh during the year.
AI•z .*'rai'''n, the trimmer of the school,
reported $302.. the receipts tor the year,
which :rcluded a grant of 8134 from the
oonor.g•tion. The coatr:bu tAle 04 •ha
scholars go to m:..jonery and b:nevoleut
Ml.. Jennie Nares pres,nled the report
of the Y P.8 C.4. There I. • memhorsh p
of 67-50 native &red 17 a►ooiate Member..
The roue p . worn $98.
The W.F.M.8. report was read by Mw
Tillie Stirling. Fora.115 to
y Demes on e
roe $53 wan secured by monthly collier
time and $70 In clotblog were mot to the
The Mo(i'Illoray Mission Band reported
thronlb Its vine-pessitoot, Mies W.1g10e.
The .um of $38 was retired in cosh, end
boxes of clothmz .0d toy. vaned at yrs
were mot to ladle and the Nrothweet. •
In the sheeooe of Mies E Matson, the
secretary of the Ladies' Aid Society, that
report was reed by Mr. Strang, It et owed
that 865 were handed over to the managing
hoard to be need for the interest on the
oharoh debt.
Mrs. Captain Gibson being absent thron,k
Illoe.., the report of the Relief Src'ety w•e
presented by Mr, Strang. I spoke of the
gnrd work done in alieil!tloL diatlaas-
am°a/IVO .poor.
J. K. Tom, treasurer of the 7Oavregation,
prrented the report of the m.n.g•ng hoard,
The oralnery receipts of the year •mounted
to $4 048 and the expenditures to 83,933,
lo oonnee too with Otte report • motion
was introduced to adman t4• price of rtes
°AureA sittings, which at present are at the
'tory low uniform rate of 82.50 per numw
throughout all per.. of the'ehur,h This
w•. dt 0e to looreue the revenue nem) esary
to mist the lnereaang expenses to connec-
tion with the church debt. The motion,
however, wag voted down, and • resolu-
tion parried to commies the ern ion ler
an Incre..e to the °ontribae.n0The
treasurer of the century fend. Mr. S'r.rv,
reported Lha riming the two years le
which too tuna was ie operetIon the .nm of
$4,041 Ws. nos cited. 01 this $567 were
given to the common fund and 83000 to
the debt Isn4. With the balance on nand
and with ane amounts .till rnmieg to it
1. •tnect.d that on a .hart time Another
$1,000 will be p&Id on the dent fond. For
Mem ks Ibis oemfrt L life when E
poem b °,ste4 with pain Donald
1M1sses„ Ammer, Harrewsmlth, Ont.,
WWI • saMrer from rh.enatl.m for
Mom advise[ to take Dr. Hall'.
lgM,ntrMnl Ours be,t1d e., and two bottles
of this mesderlul preyrratine, with twn
home of Carew Tran Teets Pais, mm -
.wad him. He hu not had a
el soak sine,, and attends to hie
Imam regelerty. Tbie great hlnnd puri-
fier r li pat op la bottles ooataieei*g tort
days kreahmeal Trios 69 ..eta at .I1
QR Eisen .r The D.. Hall Metdtr•ine
kt l alplths, Oat.
rttmrtrrrrrrrrrrmrrrimrnrrrrrrrrrrmmrc � N � W GOODS ---
Are you going to use Cement ?
if so / For
Why not use the best ?
WE .,u beuJ4.og tl.e Owen Sound Portland Cement
sad cAn te°Ommand It the Ihd very bat Won.0t uu the mrtkat.
10 1e a mutant that M kuoau the country over, and We quell.
tie bays baso h poly .park a of by all 10 used it. D.,u', eopur.muit
with es uoknu•u Amerlu.n Cement, beta:rtu'io sod buy 001011 $ouad
Portland Cement from as,
ONLY $2 50 per bbl
\Ve lead them all to •11 lines 01
Glvf US
Shelf Hardware, --�
Skates, X=Cut Saws and Axes.
A GALL t Our Prices will surprise you,
The loath., Hardware Firm. Houoet Goods at Honest Prove. '�
_ 'Yuen. 57. -�
NiiiUlUl 111111111 u1 i 111 111111111 SSS4 l l l 111 l�
rte past year th•:total payments for all
purposes were 37,101, of wlnub 81,3944 were
tor missionary sod bso.yolett purposes.
H. I. Strang end J. F.. Tum, the retirlag
managers, were r.'01.cte 1, sod William
'Warnock wit ori...o to till t'tu pl•ue of
t) U Strati rloo.ased.
bore T\E'•1i/ and Mear..aree
\V rt the:, attendant dampers may he
t'osddy •vrre1 end :.11 44*d by tug us•
of l' .loon • Net vil,o.• F:zr.dent to eargl•
with-t.o times better than • mustard
pt..•sr and mor, eon veei.n• for the outside.
Nervittne pace' rates the t,.10,s insteath,
oaths. the poo, alley' I.e.mmatoa, and
cures are tbroet sad hcars.sss .Imply
b.o.u.e that'. what it is male for. Toe
large 25 oat bottle of h.rnhte a ss.x•
oe'!°d as a hoa•ebold Iloememt, 1t curia
every thug.
W.Acheson d Soo have had some lmprovi •
mento made •t their store, 1°c:°,aug addi-
tional shelving. - --- ----'-
Mill Wocd
The al ove is cut into store wood
len itb and will be delivered to any
r part of .the town the same day as
• ordered.
F Orden received by telephone or
abbleft at residence, 128 Cambria street,
S\swill receive prompt attention.
v 'Phone 9j.
Children , PETER McEWAN.
Never Catch Cold
Mrs. Tabb lives at No. 1.1
Charles Street, Toronto,
and iu speaking of the
treatment has been to her-
self and her children, says :
" I strongly recommend
Vwanta Capsules. They
have proved themselves n
never -failing remedy in our
home for Colds atid Grippe.
I would not feel safc with-
out a box in the hou',t:."
At your druggists -r;
dents * hoz-or ly nail
CO., Ltd.,
Ottawa, Ont.
,V1 FP)
n ince
CO 's:crt r.,
--The - DWI
between go• sod indifferent
Drugs and illfdlcl
4..tronoly de6nid I.'.. The tod&
f.nnt kind ars never ordered *red
Dever trermtr. .d to form pert of tor
stock Only good. of aodonn•sd
parity are r•ffered to ripe rr,.-e
Our .too ,
k f X.
ProprIetary Medicines
Is very lug'. Prices ars kw.\
¶ E
never did . advocate shopping away from
home when you could do as well there as
_anywhere_ Rut t teres am things whie,h,. -4t
stands to reason, one can buy better in a
centre like Toronto is, and one of these is
FINE RELIABLE FURS, because to get
dui v nary mitt to get the - guaranteed -final-
ity you must go to the larger market. We
are exclusive fur manufacturers. We make
everything we sell, and we guarantee every-
thing lie make. We shall be pleased to
welcome you to our showrooms -the largest
and 1)est appointed in the Dominion -if you
are passing our way, but if that's not pos-
sible we'll be pleased to serve you through
Otir Mail Order Department and promise
yotf absolute satisfaction. You can have a
copy of our new 1901-2 Catalogue for the
asking. We are snaking a special feature of
warm fur Jackets,
l,%1)IRS' AMIR ACHAN JACKETS. - (her special.. 525
ETs 525 t0 =80.
In Corset Waists, Night Gowns,
Skirts and Drawers.
4500 yards of New Laces from 1 cent to
25 cents, 4000 yds. New Prints from
cents to 12 1-2 cents. Guaranteed fast
in all the leading patterns and colorings
from 8 cents to 15 cents.
Theta good. aro all New aud will be sold cheap for SPOT
CASH, oznmmn them before you make your purehaeee-_
1t will pay you.
Wit hare still loft .f the winter stock • few Fun, one Fur ('oat
839 for 1120 Half • down cloth Coats at half price, and eomn
prime Goods you should ss• if they are any use to you.
Patters for
About Toilet Soaps.
We would Ike to o0eveace you that
this L by loud odds Om bat pleat, Is
Ooderluh to tuy your to.Ise soaps. liras
will allow as to show you what wt, diet
and bow we have sought your interest
you will be coayooced. Let us try.
New shipment just la
Oreap trice add lloraisg Dew, ;°''„'7.
worth et least double
Out' It: Oatmeal closiat ort 3 for IIc
.4 large a..ortu,rat as Sas. Wonderful
a slue at 2.‘: and :' 4. t er boa
We can give you beautiful French and
Amorist* Scary-aluh Roe., Vincula
Violet, Pe.0 d'Etpegne, Willie Almond,
Sewing C.rsattoe, and many other,, u1! get our jf raraateed C lid Care !
This Is the place for toilet ,nary, 1N
About Your Lungs.
A great battle is going 0o against the
White Plague, ('eusumption. N111 you
sot join in for your own toasty 1 C,,..
gumption seems to originate by the ab.
torptl..n of tuberculous grate tato lungs
too weak to resist their attack.. Our
Emulsion of Cod Liver Oil, undoubtedly
balid. up and strengthens the luore,
feeds them, tones them. There are other,
bot uoor Muer, to sey the least.
B. w ell adr:.,J,
W. C. CGOODE, Chemist, - B720Ro
Annual Stock=taking Sale.
We have the following Goods which we wish to
clear out, to make room for new goods, at the follow-
ing close prices :
20 Saw Sete, assorted kinds, were trout 35 to 75, now 25 Mata.
20 (.'old Blast L+nteror, were 75 and $1 OC, sow . 60
20 pial Cloth.. Lin.., 60 fat, were 10.. 8
50 Happy Ida Bock Saw. 40
24 leader Axes, were 65, sow 50
100 Axe Handl.... 10
12 pair Lined Mitts, were 50, now 25
20 dome el°atno plated Tea Spoon., were 50. now 25o dei
15 " " Dessert Sp ..as, were 9U, sow40
15 " " " Table " 8100, now 50
15 " " Damen Fo.k•, west 90, now40
15 " o• + T•bl, " " $1 00, now. 50
3 " Table Sete.* aol Fork., 1 50, now $1.10
4 •. w e •• .. 260 " 200
a a '• G.
2.75 " 220
10 only, Homelier Relives. were 25, tow 10
12 only hatcher ('la,•r., were 25,, sow 20
36 Ped look., ea orted, 15 end 25 oats, now 10
6 Not Augers, 1f, wers75.), °ow 25
100 Win Snaps, for rope or strap, were 5o, now 2
12 Steak Pounders, were 2bo, now 20
50 Whip., values from 81 to $2, now 75
We carry the finest line of House and Stable
Brooms in Goderich.
The Cash Hardware Store, - Goderich, Ont.
m. Sharman, jr.
We have the large t stock of BOOTS, SHOES and
RUBBER GOODS ever shown in Goderich.
It comprises goods of the following well-known makers :
J. & T Bell, Walker Parker Co , "Empress," The Victoria
Shoe Co., The Slater Shoe Co , The Williams Shoe Co. and
E. T. Wright & Co., of Rocland, Mass.
In Rubbers we can give either the Canadian Granby,
Berlin, or the Glove Goodyear Rubber, of New York.
Wm. Sharman, Jr.
is our motto.
Coal! Coal!
.100t Received
80 Tons
Massillon Lump Coal,
Tot beet ;oft (bel In the market for
domtullo oarpeees, also esyeral a- t •
Hard Coal
Ncernlly of oars is likely to rause a oriel
(.mine daring the next two meethb, would
therefore advise purehase of your Dal
Wm. Campbell.
00(1101oh, NOV. 13th 1901
1s our Olson Heap, s1 ba •
pound. of whinh we sell • barrel a week.
Thi. Wall nor only wrap. ea we carry
everything that nen be foiled Is on op -
to -Aute arnnety ,tore, and ear prim
are right. The farmers know that they
can away, gee from es a seep tar Ndr
predane. We draw the Hee at °e
lesotiaa.. trade - everything gem )
(lleeww r peewees. ward.. sten .r
°helmet able (111.a. We deal In all
of them.
T. G. TIPLING & 00.,
Redford Medi. Oederieh
W. Acheson
Commencing January 8th we place o
Positive 13argaiiis, which pruden
housekeepers cannot afford to
Ladles' Astrachan Capes
28 to 30 loch.. lune, altu hued and
full sweep, regular prloe
815 00, sale prin. $11.50
Ladles' Astrsohan Jaokets
28, 32, 36 Moh.. loo., *6101,i setts.
and blank satin Iced, reviler
V5 $ZQ
•°d 8imam, .u, ulteriora
Ladles' Blank Gauntlets
and Grey Gator tato. 4.11 alto.. 75c
regular 111.00, sale once.
Men's Fine Wool -Lined Frenoh
Kit] Glove/, all •0o,, our %5C
'Romeo $1.00 Glove, at.... ....
Lame, a•
Men's Ft
Call, G.
and $20,
27 looms
tern. and r
any room,
36 ln.:bs@ wt
perfectly r
regular 504
W. Acheson &
Revert er the Jammer, sea.ton. Meld Wt
Among ebe muse Important aotloos of the
county °outwit last week were t6• granting
of $1 000 for the proposed ooaaty bospttel,
*Ston is beim promoted by the Daughters
of the Empire in Golenob ; the settlor
apart of $600, the same earn as last year,
to snppl.meut the pry of the 0140 of the
33rd restma •t lbs 1 droll, .cid the
grantug ao the Huron,Brueand Middlesex
Etestr,, Reilw'v Co , under certain coo•
dittoes, of t,. mtestoo to lay tracks on the
Mei tiand tr.dge at Gedenob.
Ti. ooneo l met on Tuesday afternoon,
Juicier? 28th. As reported last week,
Dooald P•ttereen, of Kest W.wa.o.n, we.
elected Wanda and took tee °heir
Mesut. Centelou, Hlok., Bowm•o, Miller
mad Lockhart wit. appointed a striking
Th. souaoll thea adjourned.
The striking oommltta retorted. The
aia•dteg cemmittwes el the oouoml for 1902
•r.aasti,tted at follows :
Exacortva AND Srectel_-Moors. Hye,
Coo.olty, Kerr, Bowmaa and Miller.
Ft.ANc■ AND EDCCATION.-M...n. Holt,
Torrence, McLean, Sp.okmw and Look
-Mews t,kamt irs,Lmest,Can aloe, Hick
sad Fevta•oa.
Eard.urtTioN.-Phlllp Hals, Hugh cb.m.
bore, James Geneo;ly, 1).ytd Caatsleu, Was,
L.mat, J.,bo 'lorraso.. Hugh Speakman,
}Collard Maks, T. E Hata, J. 8. McLean,
W H. Kerr, James Bowman. lluo.ld
Patterson, Mstb. Lockhart. S F.rga..s.
R Miller.
W1aD•M'l CoalITtaa -Messrs Cate.
Ion. Speakman, Littler and Hick,
Hoes. or Reran,. -Mosso,. Chambers,
Miller and Fer.uoo.
A letter from ''. Proadltot, In behalf
el the Demeanors of the Empire, .ekroa aid
for the prepo .d county bapital, wee *ens
to the •Secutive 0000'1tN
Commumlo.tIoo• from 1. Roo. Robertson,
rewarding the Sick Children • Hospital, and
from The Manic p.l World, squwt.0a sob.
ecrIprtoo., were sant to the same commutes.
A letter from Lia. A. Avl..worth, scare•
dry of the Provl•oiel Teachers' A.eooatloo,
asking tee oouard' to appoint oats or two
delegates to attend the mating of such
aseool.Uon In February, was sent to the
•duction rsmmrt1ee
A oommuulo.tlno from N. If. Cowan,
e ana.ry of t6. Outarto Good Roads Assoc
lation, asktog the ooune,l to appoint neo or
two delegate. to the mreHog of the Assoc
tattooto Oa held won, was referred to the
road and bridge oommitte•.
Memorial. from York o0aoly, regerding
rallw.y legtdaloo ; from Kent 000nty, re•
g ardln, beet Ieisletlon; Irom Water.
loo county, reeking amended 4.gu1.tio0 re
carding railway oomptiolss, were sent to
the •pedal committee.
A letter from the eeoraary of tri• Huron,
Brum & M,ddlaez Eleotrlo Railway Com.
may. ask log for mutate roe' Drl.hbgee, was
eat to the road and bill*. committee.
A bylaw pawed by the council of the
township of
orleioel roar
ooanotl was
Sent to road
auditor were
W. Clea,, N
J. McIntosh,
C. Mornsoo.
J. H. Tags
the bused of
A deputed
in the inter*
rhe Huron,
R.11w•y Co,
r...4 and brit
the eulteb,ht
slwr no r.dw
Mews Le
cid eu lltors n
Motion• It
to the pul'l.c
tutes and to
*nasty for t
the el*0,4..,
.°hood• of the
Dr Ure for 1
forth sod Jo
J H. ('a:n
the county t
A letter Ir
remove the
dyer, and to
travel while
provldded the
old mac•rla
sat to the r
An •pplio
.n' A•d A.
.Zscut ve co,
A d.pate
10 ens trope
the Yentas(
of Colborne
refound to d.
Toe treat
sat to taus 4
an .brtraot
re..lpte aod
aala.ue Iron
County retie
Land tat
Registry 0lli
loter..t ...
Stoking lar
1Hvi•io0 Cot
Il.ol &Dano
Lto.o•w.. .
Rods and h
Miacol laoeot
Industrial n
t>•y •bl.
Toni ....
Land tax..
Registry 45
Interest ..
I)lvisten Co
0.ol bottom
RLAD Ti -i
)I NL IS:l U
Angier's Petroleum Emulsion, which
remedy among doctors' and the puhl
treatment of all throat, lung, stomach
tam. it. is eswcially indicated in 41
We have letters every day from pcopl
England, who, out of heartfelt gratitu
From the innumerable letters receive
well-known Canadians. Read them c
we believe are proof positive of the va
vinlexl rough, whreh gave me no rest,
lake Angier'., /','Ira/tan Emulsion. 1
forlah/y. / immediately being 10 get
/'A T///S' I; IS Trafalgar Ave., Toroel
been troubled rail/, a Beene io/d on *
!hough! / wa.r,trair.4' into roxrUU,plian.
my fare. / have been taking
strength and my color ha.r rrinrnrr!. /
art al liberty la publish ray Itstinraniad
South, Ox!.
li'1rPa0vnacrwT IN HEALTH Alit
/ Aare woad a saddle battle, t rr'o /a -r b
the PNroltun' Ta!•/err, and with ,g",'o
entitled on by fritndr. R. 11.
from Mrs. easierax, wha .,peak, in the
she has triedd'f.'renl renedier 1agive ,
as Angier 's /'r/rn/rwxr Emoihio,. A/1
(mistier it a sp/errdid r,enrdy far Ihrtrt
sharld not be surprised to /rarer that i1
Nr favor, and wok you every JxirlSs.
All aregt..b alt Angler's pe'lrelmee rmrd.lnn.
NAIllp AND ADDREM4 *. • postal cn-u wit
AT ANO 411)1010." It tab how to rare it
�.l sad Mygllds. N*i Meseri.sa, which sre bloat?.