HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1902-2-6, Page 1THREE " A'8''
ADV'T8 Awe
OODwOH. Feb. 5. 1902
Vali Wheat, 0 75 to 76
Flour, family. per owe.... _..._2 10 to 9 10
Flour, tent. per ewt -.50 to 160
Bran, patent.
__ _ IS 00 tole W
Shorts, 0 ton .......... _.. ___.. 19 00 tol9 0)
Soree0inge. per ewt 1 W to 100
Rye. per bush
Buckwheat. per bush
t)•ta.0 buns......
Borley. per busk
Hay. • ton
Potatoes. r bush.
t'beeea, oar lb...................
Erna. fresh animated. a doe.....
Hid.. .-.
Live Rove
l(ree.ed lions
Ham, pea lb.. ........ _ ..._ . _...
Lard, per I0.
Dawned Beef, fon clearer
Dressed Hoer. Mod
(*ettle. Export
I rrdl'lary ....
060 to u to
0 55 to 0 M
36 to 0 38
75 to 0 6)
60 to 060
00 talo 50
30 to 031
15 to 0 16
10 to 0 11
14 to 0 16
60 to t 00
60 to 500
W to556
50 to 7 e0
19 to 0 16
IS to 0 16
13 to 11
00 to 5 50
00 to 6 53
75 to 460
CO1.03 Or
Notioe of cnanges mast be left et this
Otnoe not later than Saturday
noon. The Copy for changes
must be left not it ter than Mon-
day noon. Cutts) A.dvertieemente
aooepted no to no• n Wednesday of
each week
Teacher of Fletcher music method. will re
wive pupils at her studio. above Mr. N.h.1'e
Insures°. et c., Il m111 sn street. For Infer.
!nation apply either at etudau or at I r *Mance.
8t Patricia street
Organist aed muel_el director of North street
Methodist church, teacher of piano, pine or -
gen and theory Pupils prepared for all so.
&mtnatione of the Toronto Conservatory of
Music. Will be pie seed to receive applies.
none from all those r.ualrleg mob lastruo-
tion at hie new studio over Thom,on's music
ewe. Use el piano for ratios may be .,
ranged for.
Tenders Wanted.
1 ders will he received en to Feb. 94th.
191x., addressed to Trustees of Union School
Section No. 1, West Wswaoosb, for the erec
tion of • brick school home et Nile. Ont.
Plano • ad .leer I bee hose eon Maes. sad otber
Information obtained on appllcatl a to
Secretary -bhool Board.
For Rent
1 formerly oonapted by Andrews Bro..
also the room■ above bks steire. A Pb to
1 in house. with nae acre of Mad. la the
town of Oodetioh. con realest to the Square ;
good Darn oo premlese. and some obo!ce fruit
apply to R. C. If A101, Barrister, teoderlrb,
For, Bale.
halt acres of lent at Wath end of town.
Just out.lds town boundary. Apply to 11.
DUNLOP. West -et. 65-Im
Geld coo,. Udderich tp_. 113 acres lel
cleared. butaneo hardwood. with a large yuan
t lty of cedar on in. to good state of cultive-
tluo, about fire acres fall wheat. and consider
able fell plowing hone. ('omfortab.es brlok
house. large barn with stabling underneath.
driving abed and other outbnll tinge. About
two acres orchard, mostly winter fruit. W.I
watered 00110 ?alline rrioogg creek sod two
wells. Seven miles from Clinton and three
from Reynold. Possession at any time. 000
seeable terms App!, for further ppaartlralars
to CHARLES 817d0N8. 73 8t David .t.,
Goderich. 11546
r the west half Of lot 15, oon. 7. West Wa-
wenosh comprising 50 acres. Apply to HEN-
RY FOW LEN, Dungannon, or to Philip Holt.
Barrister. Goderich.
L'ORSALE.-LOTS 95. 96, 117, 118. 119
1` and IM to Hutobison'• survey, all In
Oodedoh. For particulate • l
Barrister. ko., Ooderleh.
Morel" 1111. 1900. 69•tf
Publlo Notloe
All kind. of Spectacles and Eyeglasses made
to order Mpeclei attention given to Minor the
Orden by mall promptly attended to. Be-
ware of parties tieing m, n.me. as I employ
no trwvrlliop agents whatever
9atief&tion guaranteed. fotablished 1873.
1 take this oDnortnaity of teetering my
thanks to the Or r I)Iatrlot Menial P1'e Neter-
Mice ('ompant. of Galt, for the prompt and
very setl.feotory wayIn which they paid my
lees end damage by re. which occurred on or
atom Jan.
floderlch, January lied. 19)9 -- ----
'hernia IC 85.w, general agent, 0.41,1.8.
Orden by mall promptly attended to.
Ineuranoe, eto.
V ANCR and nal mutate serent. Office. the
door east of P. 0.. Oodotoh. Agent for the
leading mutual nee I ymarenan nom noses and
heading stock companies.
Mernentle and manuf•ctoring risks •t
oweet noes. Call at o0oe.
Accountant and Insurance Agent.
(looks and anoounla made up.
Buildings rented and rents eolleeted.
Piro Insurance In British and (7anadlan
Onevs-ie I'roulfoot & Hays' office, North
treed eoderloh. 42-tf
e M IRANOR and Real Notate agent.
Plan, 146., Aooldest and flat.Olu. Insurance
arsee'1 an mutual or cosh plan •t lowest
rater [ meni We,
Ref aglitb seed Canadian companies rep
on ed.
Offl o, .1111w. M Marrow & O•rrow, Bar
le or HrNsstt wtrssr-.
The Royal Victoria Life In-
surance Co. of Canada, Tiea(i
Office at Montreal, with a
Capital of $1,000,000, wants
an Agent for Goderich and
district. The remuneration to
a good man will be made satis-
factory. Apply to H. C.
Thomas, Superintendent of
Agencies, 6 King St. West,
Toronto. 2t.
ASSOCIATION - The Baok of Montreal.
Godertoh..Rl rawly• subscriptions for the
above association and remit them fres of
charge to the Ir•eesurer, L', -Cot. Irwin,
Governor G 1'• (Oboe, Ottawa.
Dist IN DITIWIT.-MIN Leiters lobelia
Moron, s daughter of Mrs William Mor•
gen. of mire, did in D.tnat oo Monday
after • long Blame, .t the .g• of twenty,
two years. She was • member of s large
family of brothers and sisters, of whom one
brother and one sister, Imelda tleit mother,
melds las town. The funeral w111 take
pleas from Ow lentils, rigidities. Wilder
arise, this (Thursday) afternoon to ?Ash-
land oemat.ry.
Fi.00a not 8017Th A,klt•A.-Last week
the British War Office, through the Domin-
ion Minister of Agriculture, pleoed an order
with the Manttob. soil Lake Huron Milling
Co.. of woo, for • little over 150 tone, or
1,500 berretta, of flour for South Afrios.
lb. order h•a already be.at filled. the last
et It being shipped yesterday to St. Jolts,
N H , wb•no. it goes to South Atrlca The
o0mp.sv "spews to reoetye farther orders
from the ems sourest.
DENT.-Torwte Telegram : Acoo-ding to
INS GOt 1µA2 rloraL Me. M. Hispine,
one of the oldest Greed Truck oonduotors
and a resident of Toronto, had resigned, and
the •ooanoy would De Bllsd by one of their
cirtzsne. 5ureriute0d.0t Jones. of the
middle divl.loo, whoa ..an about the minter
today. said he knew nothing of is. So lar
ea h. knew Mr. Higgins bed not renamed,
and, of oour.., no sueoeesor had been ap-
Pogue" roll HURON BuYe AND (:Igtx -
We add not 1e fall maims to the boys and
girl. of Huron when we mentioned .oma of
Om awards is the Mood000ld .eed _grain
competition. A complete list of the •weeds
shows that four priors o.m. to this county.
10 the fell wheat oumpetltioa-5th prize.
Resale Brimioombe, God.rloh, 510 ; 8 8
pr..., IT. J. Armstrong, Constitutor., $5. in
the oath\.competition-1st prze, Wilbert
Pro.w,'lioderiob, 525 ; 2nd prize, Jobs Mo -
Donald, Porter's Hill, V.O. Huron did
well. "
Sra'e SALM -An important sale of pun
bred shorthorn eattle, draft hones and other
stook wall to held by Messrs. Salkeld Broe.,
of Goderich township, en W.dnesd.y nest,
12to Inst. 1'b• ole will take plans at the
farm of lease Salkeld, lot 5, oonc•eslon 1,
Goderich towering), uommenmog at 2 O'olook
r. y., sharp. For the oonvanl.ocs of oat.
ride buyers a conveyance will meet the
morning train dos at Goderich at 11 Ate ,
whlob twan.cte at Clinton with the morning
trains from the north and south. Lunob.00
will be served at 12 o'olook, O.talogaes of
the stock to be offere4 may be obtslo.d o0
sppfiwtlon to limbo Salkeld, (iodation P.O.
A MP-\',A,a r100 Till I'A[1n1 Cuma.-
AloOg er05 . renewal of suhsor(otloi 'MA
Sidney Mal,omsoo, of New Weetm1Y,'er,
Auotlon Bale
the property of Salkeld Bros.. consisting of
nine ohoice bulls ranging In nee from nine
months to twenty 'eoliths 011. three females
about two years idd, also some good horse..
Sole will take pleat on the farm of Isaac
Salkeld, Int 5. oonceesion I. Goderich town-
ship, one mile south if Goderich, on
et 1 o'clock p.m.
Terms of sale Eight months' credit. Ina
oount for cash.
Writs for catalogue. Address
Box th. Ooderloh, Ont.
Pubile Reties.
TION EXPENSES. furnished to me
nodsr thevisions of the Ontario Election
Ace DyWm. I'rondfwt. Reg
financial agent
for J. T. (Jarrow. Bari.. • candidate at the
election for the West Itldlcg of the °ounty of
Huron. bold on the 4th day of December, 1901,
(tent of hells and naminatee room .. 5132 34
Telegraphing and telephoning 18 M
Idrery and drivers .. 196 20
Printing advert wing. bill parting .,. (111 15
Sta•lonery and camp. 18 tD
Personal expenses 60 00
154!1 13
WO. or
est oro..
y'inancW Agent for
J. r. narrow. Req.
0o,lerl00. Fob. 5, 1002.
Tbe annual meeting of the Board of Trade
w111 be held in the Court House. Goderich, o0
Monday evening next, February lith, et R
o'olock. for election of °Moors. ooneldering
reports, and general buelneee. A large at-
teuri•nne In particularly neutral.
bottlers a "The Gore IH.•rfet
Mutual Ilia. insurance n Company," of Onit,
thatImoIt hdeclared another dividend of ten •
ty per Dept. un all premiums on the mutual or
premium note plan, for the veer ending Deo
ember 3196. 1001, unless otherwise arranged.
Ch.r•es R. Shaw general agent. Ood.rich.
Orden by mall promptly attended to,
_. 6R Im -
1 B. C., oame a meseswe of "kind regards to
all the boy. and beet wish.. for yourself,"
widen both for ourselves and for the boy. we
heartily 000190oo•t.. "S.d" says Me atone"
h. "ooutd tumble Into town owns day and
hay. • isms of hockey with the bay&
Two year. apo," hu 90 5 on to 1sy, "we
arranged • game between Vanoouver and
Westminster, and Y It has (roam up now
there Is a chance of the game coming off this
year, providing It dew not rain before to.
morrow." 111.5 we could seed you • oar -
toed or two of good Gederlub lo., Std.
Notice le herehy elven that an application
wlh he made to the Iegisl.tnre of the Prov-
Inoe of Ontario at the next ~sloe thereof, for
an Ant to In-orpor.te a Company under the
name. "The Huron and Howe Railway Com
pang.' to oon•truot, senip, malntale and open
ate • railway between • point at or near the
town of Weirton. In the eonnt of Bruce, and
a point .t or near the town of tloderloh, In the
county of Huron. and ppeweing through or near
the towns of Kincardine and tionthempton :
with Dower to oonstrnet owe. eenip. main
tale and operate telegraph and telephone Ilne•
and systems In oonnectlon therewith : and
with power to odor) on bnedoese as au Ex
hated e ripp
6361 Sollrltare for Applicant&
the Port Dover. Brentford. Rerlln and
Goderloh Rall ear Company win &poll to the
Parliament of (Maeda at las newt session, for
an Act ettendiag the time for the commence
moot and °omelettnn of Ito work, oheaning Its
name to the wand valley Railway ('ompanl
'mincing the &menet of Ita capital stoat. and
stunt -wiring thn onnetrnrlmn of 144 line In pec-
tins' and the mann of honds with reseal to
such eeetlona an4 for other pnrpneee.
Dated st Woodstock, 0.'arin, 171h D.o.m-
bee, 1001. WAI.1.A('R Pr LIT 01.E.
Senators for the compeer.
R1006N ;ENUAuLMINT-0! the famous
DeVero. Sisters .04 Harney Regan, Vire
torts Opera Howse, Monday, February 10th.
Owing to bad weather and to Mr. Began's not
beteg able to pet here, we hare made
arrangements for them to appear here
again next Monday .Seeing, when the tam
our taint comedian trill positively appear.
They w111 give ao ecu a change ot program,
both roost and lnatru easel. 'fhoee who
hod the pleasure of b rise these young
ladles no Tuesday oglbt a wrtaloly wdl
pleased and this should urs a crowded
bones o.xt Monday Mght. ll those bold -
log tiok.ta will kindly a their seats
at Porter's Book Store trty. dose 25. 35
and 50r, Plan 6. now spa. Vlutax,
PtwrgNADE AT Tee Cou.w,1A -The
Collegiet. Io•titute Lit Soot t oom-
menosd the term with • promenade the
• eembly room on Friday evening ass.
The promecalers had neat eng•gem • t
Dards, oo which was printed • Het of we
chowo topica for 000ver.atloo, as Proolbi
Clea, Hockey, King's C.,ronatluo, Sleighing,
The Islander", The Man from Glengarry,
Your Hobby, and others. instrumental
mosso W05o 1 h
1 re • ed by • number of the
pupils, Including solos by Moises Tye.
Evan., Saulu, Dyke, Aeh..00, Aloe Smith
and Whitely, and dusts by Norman Allan
and Reggie'iys and Min Edge and Percy
Tye. The evening passed very pleasantly,
and was, we trust, the pr.lud. to • series of
auoceudul meetings during the term now
enured u000.
Wirt CAN\tri Lome M.Nsy.-From t6m
legal column of last Saturday's Mail and
Erasers we take the follow's, question and
& newer: M. A. R., GoderIcb,-flu.-My
husband is • tr•yoller, and gate 5100 pet
month, end $100 per month fur espouse.
We nen Do children. How much of hie
wase" am 1 legally entitled to olarm! Aoe.
-Yoe ere tot legally entitled to any por-
tion of your husband'• wages. He le bound
to provide you with a home and such pease
G aren as are euitctle to your position or
station to life, proportionate to hat 1000010.
Your husband eons the moony, and has
the Mew right to retain it sod spend it.
Notwithstanding ell the legislative change.
that have been made 111 the laws governing
the relationship of husband and wife, the
husband L.4111 the head and ruler of the
CANTATA IN K. t 'H 1'R. I1.-Th.n►tltata
be bit given 4t Kees eSureb on the 14t1 lost.,
with a obores of sixty Iad1' voices under
18. direction of H K. Jordan, promises to
be • rare muetoal treat. As before an.
souno.d, the soprano sololsta will be Mats
It,. Acheson and Mi.. Mary Price; MIN
Bison)" Teeple, of Brantford, will take the
oontrslte solos. Mr. Jordao and the mem-
bers of the obores have been preotistsg dill
Rently reges malt* obo will les will worth
neariog The cantata will he followed by
an oras recital, at whluh A. D Jordan
of Brantford, will give, by special rtaa.st
• part of his t'•o•American programs. He
well ae esehited during the nettel by MIN
Teeple and others. The proceeds will be
to aid of the Scorch choir fund, and as the
admission will be ooly twsnty•8ve cents the
obaroh shoot 1 ba filled.
URBAN 1)14111, 1M 0*I14IN0 -An othol•i
balletlo, Issued from Ottawa reeently
contains • statement showing the urban
and rural population of Ootarto by oenau.
diatriote al enumerated at the ..pens of
1901 and compared with that of 1891. On
10rt0'6 total papulation is 2182,942, of
w hlob 1,247 190 are 1&•ted in rent •h4
935,752 i0 urban district.. In 1891 the
total was 2,114 321, mods op of 1,295.323
rural and 818 998 urban. '1 he rural pope.
lation has, therefore, IeN.od by 48,133 In
the lent decade, whilst the urban population
has increased by 116,754,' leaving. a net
Increase to population of 68,621. Flow-
ing .re the figure* for the Hares rtdle t
1901 1891
Ranl.Uural. U Rim
rban. Urha
West .... 12.069 6,706 13 547 6 474'.
East 12,444 4 823 14.166 4.802
South13.825 3,625 15.948 3,236
Tnc OotirgLlnw6' RAI.I. -There was •
brilliant g.thsnng io the (Mistimes' Hell
on Thursday eyeing of last week, the on
nmion belnv the 1 ball gone by the
members of Huron Lodge. The •ttendanc•
was Mtge, swam 150 perces being present,
including go... from Sealortb, Clinton,
Rayfield, London, Stratford and Eseter.
The dancing took plaos In the lodge romp
upstairs, the London Harpers farntenina
excellent music, and the decorations of flags
and ill -aperitif, with the bright Noes and
handseme costumes of the ladies, made •
very pretty scene. About midnight re-
freshments were served In the large room
downstairs. whloh also was prettily demo
rated. Denoinp was oontinued until shortly
after 3 o'clock, when the guest. departed,
u niting in deolartog It one of the bs.t-
coodaotd end most enjoyable assemblies In
which they had ever taken part.
( ;eurt M.ttleed. N.. 8,097, A.O. F , gave
an oyster Stipp)r and co0osre in the temper
aoos Hall nn Wednesday evening of lam
week Atter the bivalves end other priori
thing. bed been dMepnsed of, Mayer
C•meron...umed the dutim. of chairman
and opened the second part of the program
with a brleht.11, There were • num
bar of excellent phonographic seleotione,
mnsin by the }Backstops orchestra, song.
by Harold Blackstone, and pretty denote
by Misses Rolls Howrle, Nellie Warwick
and Edith Leonard. At the onnolwlno of
the program • vote of thanks, mewed by
.las. Mltohell, was tendered to •11 who had
swatted In making the evening • pleasant
one for those who attended. Court Malt
lend meets In th.Orange Hall on the fleet
and third Mondays of each month The
(Court has forty four member. l0 good
standing. and we lure that there are fret
quant initiations of new members.
Sisk of
m'natb�nl W. s6tight
Mi.b., is the defendant, and the claim le tor hers 0 Franklin, was staled th m. maws to Hon." '1'ne hothead must pay to the wife
130 costa of his unsuccessful application.
H3.000 damages. 'femme. Mulvey, 01 to
roo'o, and 1 W. Hance, of Windsor, noes
duoted the case for the Uarmoua, whsle F.
A. Hough, of Ambentbsrg, with Mr. Cam-
bld, the well known marine lawyer of De
troll, acted for Mr D•vid.oc.
SAYING (30011•111111. -Au Impromptu Inch•
eon woe given at Hlaoketoou s re.tanraut on
1'ue•riay •venlog by the employee" of the
Goiter -oh Organ Co. to J. J. Wright, *bo
has wuuptd the posilioo of feremao of the
fiot.hlog department for nearly four years,
rod who is leer 0q to take • position las
Toronto, hu former borne Mr. Wright
was very popular among the meu and over
forty auembld to wish him .uccome In his
new position. Mayor Cameron anti James
Mitchell wen amoog the Invited guests.
The manager, Alex. Swodere, 000upid the
chair, and speech and song made • very
pleasant'wing. During the evening J. S
Barks road an address and J. 1:. Suelgroy.
presented Mr. Wrl.bt witb • very bond
soots meenabaum pipe. Mr. Wright, in
replying, alluded to the very plea.ant
relation. whloh bad existed between him-
self and the utanaesment, and said he would
always have warm feelings toward the
town eud its people.
IT ISN'T (loon MaNNEae -The Klee/au
dime Review bee been giving some •dvioe e
;he boys of its town that might be asetul in
other place" than Kincardine. 11 gays •
"When a fnoodly match of hooky, base-
ball or soy other game Is beteg played here
the small boys ought to- knew that loyalty
to the home team can be expressed In some
Ver way then by rldioeling the ybltors or
sing Um referee. 'Radio.' le ell right
ata prdteo.00•l match, but 1e entirely out
of ace in friendly gamee. It quarrels with
goo l..ie, rood m.00ers and hospitality.
Itis 11 to be • t
o bwiastioi11 our applause
and endo0ngemeot of our own te.m,butone
can be eft that w.thopt stooping to derisln0
of the visiting players. We trust the hays
will rememMr this when the nett game of
hockey at pile i and for ail time to come.
We would redpmmend that the releros or
umpire stop an►t,g.me at wbloh soon • dem-
onstration totes Islam and refuse to an 00
until such prantjc.. Dense. Dr. W. J.
Hruoe adopted this Method quite effsorlyvly
at a baseball match Mat sommer."
THS GRAIN Movtwr,T -The movement
of grain eartw•rd from Chicago by lake dur
mg the past season of motivation rwohed
be enormous total of 81 122 032 bushels.
Of this iciest bus ie.e Canadian ports re
oened lees 'ban ooe.fif:h, Buffet° taking
two thirds of the total. At the latter port
,here wee received from (:bioapo 54,746,-
849 bush. Is of .11 grabs, through Canadian
norm I hero was rawivd 17,108,421 netball'
From the BRars. .yatl.ble It will he seen
that Depot Harbor, or Parry Sound ea It is
more familiarly known, Is ...b.uoioq the
great proportion of the Canadian business
from Chicago, the grain th're going r.yac
he Canada Ailaatio to the e.ehoard
Depot Harboe's *bare of the (hale over
seventeen million bushel" w.. 9,744,701
bushels, of which wheat mad Dorn formed
the prmoipel part. The exec: shipments
from Chicago to O.nedt•a pert. are .s fol.
lows :-Kingston-349 250 bushels of wheat,
149 750 bushels cern. Depot Harbor -8,
887 Mrreis flour. 4 295.943 hnenels what,
3 897,191 bushels ooro, 1,389,705 bushels
151 ,862 tratllets:I Ta-x-
3ff t
702 bushel!' eau Presnott
-87 300 bushels
wheat. MNland-499.615 busheln wheat,
1,485 000 bwbeie Dorn. Meaterd-222 500
bushel. wheat, 182 398 bushels nate. Gods
rioh-71 500 bushels wheat, 574,850 bushels
ears. Other C.o•dtan porta-199,770
bushels ooro, 22,000 bushel" rye.
M,Kimor INsrwoNer Coyi•ANy.-Th•
annual meeting of the MoKlllop Mutual
Fire Insurance Company wee held in the
town hall, Seaforth, on Friday last,•t which
here w.. • fairly large •tteedono• of mom•
hen. The principal bwloets before the
meeting was the election ot tires directors,
one for Goderich township and two tor
Hallett, whtob resulted in the three retiring
directors being re-elected, namely, Mr
,lame" Connolly, for Godertob township, and
Messrs John Watt and George Dale, for
Hoilett. Mr. (Morse Murtha was elected se
one of the auditor". The direotori and
auditor"' reports wine red and showed the
comptuy to be In • most sa.atfactary and
flout -slung condition. Last year 699 new
polices were issued covering insurance to
the amount of $1 034 780 At the close of
the year 2.169 polaris were In force, oneer
,ng insurance to the amount o1 53,174,130.
Thea.sete of the oomp.ny.mnantd to 5104,
126 41, of which $8 301.76 to °ash in the
bask ; $94,787, residue on premium noree,
and $1,037 65 unpaid assessment'. The
totel,bo .. during the year amounted to
53. with one claim of 51,000 unpaid At
• subsequent meet og of the director.. Mr
J. R. Ma e•au was re-eleo'ed presldest,_Mr.
C. E. Hay", secrstare-treasurer
Hroodfont, inspector of tows, and .1nbn t,.
Merriam', &editor, eo that the Whoa* for
the coming year w111 be the same or those
for Inst year.-}i,rpositor.
TIIR ('ARMGNA 1.111.LIR1nN.- AA Toronto
on Saturday Judie McDougall heard the
argument nt onanw'l in the o616 arising out
of the oolltolnn of the Cormon• with the
ham Shenandoah and the test barge Crete
whit% happened in ,Juno, 1899, 01 the St
Clair River near Morals. The hearing o
the e•Idonoe took plan noently at Wind
ser, an' the argument wee onneled.I on
Saturday. This Ie • tenet aahbnrely oon
tooted so111.1no °see. The Georgian Bay
Navigation Dempsey, the owners of the
U•rmonc, watched for two years for en
eppnrtonity M angst the Shenandoah In
Canadian witard, and snoo•eded when .he
welt •fonnnd while the water was tow over
th. L'm. Kline last summer Capt David -
nos, the mllllnsalre shipbuilder of Roy City,
Mi.. Minerva K. Bailie, of Goderioh, Oat..
by the Kr... Hi.00p Coda.. The oereq•oay
wY witnessed by a Itrge number of their
friend.. and after the ceremony •
sumptuous repast was partaken of. The
residence sees very prettily decorated
and the uuptisl knot was tied beneath u
la•ge floral bell. the beide was .[tired IQ
white silk and wore the oust -emery yeel and
blossoms. Her little maid of honor, M .a
Lelma Greer, loukel sweetly pretty Inu'3sm
ouoevslltog and carried a basket of p.ek
carnations and fen., and wore, as the gift
of the groom, • pretty enamel and pearl
broach. The happy couple were the re•
oipiente of • large number of handsome
presents. The bride arrived from the east
on Monday evening and has done been the
gust of Mr. and Mrs. W. A Franklin,
86 Kinntoa-at. The happy ample left by
the Charmer for Vanoouyer, where they
will In future reside."
DEATH or 00110.061 Courr..-After • won
Motel exhib,tloo ul vitality, Gordon Coutts,
who had been at death's door for some two
months as the result ot oanoer, was released
from its suff.rtog on Suod•y mooing.
Tbrougbout his Illness, though at time. torn
by intense pens, he displeyd • oslmness and
fortitude which were the marvel of those
who visited him, He oomtorted hie o511 -
dean, spoke obeerfolly to hie friends and di-
reet.d ell arrmug.meote for his Newel. pre-
paring quietly and peacefully for the end
which be knew was oomiog. IN was of
Soottbh birth. and entertained an enthusi-
astic leve for hie native land, and for things
of Soottbh origin. He was • member of
Inverness Camp, Sono of Scotland, and the
welfare of the Camp was one of the ohlet
obJects of hie e Ita
ride during hi. lest
nese. 1n religion he was • Presbyterian,
sod to polities • Conservative. He bad
been • resident of Gotta -to' for nearly belt
of the sixty years of hie life Hie birth
place was las the neighborhood of Balmoral
Cool', Scotland, and the memories of hie
younger days were °barged with reoolleo-
tone of members of the Rayl family rend
ng there, whom h. 0, qusotl, .ow, He
eft 7,.otlond when r young man and commis
to that country settled first to Beotiock,
Grey county. Hts wife predeceased him,
and he lutea ham sone and three daughters:
John, of fort Huron, who was with h m
throughout his Illness ; Gordon, W'illom
and Hobert, of the Scats of Virginia, hod
Peter, at home ; Mrs. lay.tt, of Chtoago,
and Muses Minnie and Loos, at home.
The 1 I took puce at Tuesd.y alter-
n ates'
lternoon to Maitland cemetery, Rev Jae A.
Anderson being the othcaottog c!crgymae.
la spit`p of the bitterly cold weather, there
was • Ilirge turnout of members of lover
nese C. , at.the head of whom. In acoorJ-
ante wit • request of the deceased,
marched per Cr•tgin, playing Scottish
Inc. Thep II be were six members of
Inverness C• p, Mayor Cameron, Jas. Mit-
chell, Wm. Tele. .Jas. Tot, A. MOD.
Allan and Was.'tdol'augbae.
,RoyAL rUrl.s. -The Huron lfstriet
U'pocil of the Ito 1 Templar" of Temper -
&toe me: 10 the 0J allows' hall,S.ofortb
on Wednesday, J•n ry 29th. Thera w
• good eepresentat.iooaton-
present, 'nosey aoao-
ell to the county being repre.nt r& The
appointment of uommltt* . and the noep-
tion of thein reports on the .tae of the
order, eau" wok cad otbee-
onooected wit the order took up the tome
et the beg[nolo of the soma]. The rola.
Don t.( the Gov
dle0t to th
question frame tip
silo- considerable
favorable to the im
Legi.l•ture of • p
depreciating the referee" um system \ were
doompassed. After the doomand Metal tion
commaof ofo.r., abcomma•die nod to m t at
1Vrogbam W,lune. The foil wing see ,0
inflows for the year 1902 : I) Writ Sete
(:oueoillor, Mr.. Colon C.mpbel Goderich
eVice Councillor. Mite C• •e Johna-
e tch, Varna ; Dist, Chaplin, N C iI, Se
forth ; DAIL Saay , D. Jacques, .ter ;
Dist. 1reee., W. Johnston, Vertigo; iet
Herald, George McGregor, Foetal!, st
Deputy Herald, Mise lazy Molina, A
booby ; Diet Geard, H. Cork, W Ingham
Sentinel, 3, Walters, Goderiob. T. H. Mo -
Callum, of Exeter, was eleotd di.trint rip
re.entative to Grand Lodge, to he htld .t
Guelph this month An open meeting was Io 'he to
held isen hail In the evening, g and
fairly war
f v weR .uandeJ The doorhr sews
,.ccupti 1 by A. Hole Mrs. Colin C.mp-
bell, of Coderioh, D.ettict Chief Templar,
gays m. eaoellent •Mire • on "Home Iuflu-
anos." Short •ddr.eres were •Iso deliver•
ed Messrs. Revs. Mer.. Larkin and Wallwio,
of Seaforth, and by Rev. Mr. Andrews, of
Varna. A piano solo by Mise Sperling,
and vocal ndsotlooe by Ihs Kintail gpar-
tette were well rendered and were pleating
to the andieooe. On the whole the meet• meow., le was • eo., owl Me good •eteed.eee
and the interest manifested show that the
nrganlzstion ie In gond working shape, and
1. doing a good and healthy work In the
CHANGE» ON Tug Pc0LIC Sc,iooi. Sun, -
Toe public sobool board on ltnoday sy..log
had to deal with two tab/nations. The
principal. Mr. Stewart, f. Myatt, op his
peeiNun in order to pahue his mores at the
University, and Miss Reek le retiring from
the teaching profession. All rim members
of the breed were present at the meeting
except Mr. Mi -an
1, the No
p p ctyslL sport
for the month of .lonu.ry showed a total
ye attendance at the schools of 466-
220 boys mod 246 g.rh The attlndanoe
was 93 per ant, of the eotolmeor. A reso-
lution was pass d asking lespselor Tom to
onk loto the matt. r of tquehziog flim into
tendanee at the ward schools. The abovo
mentioned resignations w.te then t -ken up
and were swept id. Mr. S.ewart ie to leave
at Rater and Mu. Rusk in three weeks'
time. Min Sharman .poised lar the 'mutton
of principal until midsummer; Mb. IVlnni-
Dole B.11 and Mos Helen Stewart applied
for Mise Rusk's position ; MI.. Mclvnr
applied irr • room in the oen'r.l ethool,
and Mum Vesta Wot.nn for one of the ward
•ohnol division'. It wee decided to A1vor
11., for • 00(00(Ml, to he engaged uottl mid•
summer, the engagement to be (outland if
the pemtion be e•tlel•atorily tilled. Tho
salary 10 to be 5700 per annum. On motion
et Mewr%, Nlohol.nn and Reid Mies Stewart
was chola] to summed Mu. Rusk ; awl
on motion of Meson McKim and Reid Min
%Vion!feed" Rall was appointed to Mos
Stewart'. room. 0a motion ot Motor.
Hall and MoKtm Mir. Vesta Watson wee
appointed to the i0ntor room In St Patrick's
ward school. whinh Mu. Ball hat been teaoh•
leg eines New Vales J A. Fowler was
appointed to eh• puhilo library board for
the year, 1902 03 04 Some soonest. were
pasted and the brood adjourned to meet
again on Timidity, 18th test.
non, sed,
by this
re and
or onoslder
m tate asst
with Iesr meal
A GnnzRi' If (3(611. Wrnnen AT Vp•
101111, B.C. --The follnwlev from The Vic
torn& (R.0 1 Celenlet of Jepo.ry 16th w111 be
read with intermit by the fr:•nd■ of the
bride In Goderich and vicinity. who wit
whet, her every happiness le her Wester
home "A very pretty wedding took
plane at the restdenos of Mr. W. A Frank•
11. lest ermine, when his seeosd sew, Al.
In tailoring asin everytbiog else. there are
two alas... the best sad the not Quite so
,1rtod The bust to tailoring le to be had at
dee the 25o. ohddren'e shoes at 1 8(1.1'4
fin sole.
1o.-outtimg a0 the harbor commeooed
See the 25., 50o, $1.00, 51.50 end 12.00
tables at PRlcs'y Bre stab,
A change of •d. for W. Sttoman wan re-
ceived too late for this week's moue.
The regular mooting of the town oouootl
wilt be held tomorrow (Friday) evening.
The annual meeting of the board of Trade
will be held .t the court house next Moo
Jay eveolog.
We have a lot of slightly damaged boots
and .hoto wbioh we .re almost giving away.
Pus r, the rhoeman.
A new life -boot has arrived for the use of
the Cuderioh Illelsevlog orew. Toe boat
was nuosbruotd at Colllogwood.
Work on the summer hotel Is going right
ahead. Moet of the partitions are up, and
the first floor le ready for lathing,
Jam.. Smith's business block to Clinton
that was burned to March, 1900, has Mea
puroh•s.d by S Y. Cooper, who will rebuild
1'be t;oderioh hockey league 1. lesulag
invitations fro an assembly to be held to
the 04dbllow.' ball on Tuesday evening
M. P. Gordon anI
o d Goderich boy,hair
b.. 1
a re elected Mayor of K•mloup., H C,
delwtlog his opponent by • substantial
Remember the entertainment this (Thun-
day) evening io St. George's es500600om.
Admission only 10 oe0u. Come and enjoy
e good program.
News received this week from Gorow•ll.
where Dr, U. J. Hamilton is down with
smallpox, 1s to the effect that the case le
progressing favorably.
The inquiry at Kingston Into Dm los. of
the schooner, Marine ('Uy was concluded
last week, but the commissioners have not
as yet reported their dsotmeo.
The appeal in the sulk of Helmet en Town
of (iodation Is set down for hearing at the
next tom of the Supreme Court, whtoh
otens at Ottawa ea the 18:h lost,
The next looters in Dr. Daniel's courts
will be given at North .t. Metbodlu church
on Monday evening, February 17th. The
.ubl&t will to "The Cbmese Problem,"
We have bee° working each weeping
marking down the polossi of shoot, and are
now ready for every Comm's inepool
Come and sea the b g hareems .t PRIce.
K: C. Attrlll .tten4ed the I mooting
•1 the Haab ey Breeder.' tioolty .t Torous'
I to this week and was elected second vice-
president of the Society and delegate to the
Weeteru Fair board.
MOTHER Kxr.ro Tilt CHILDREN. - Tbe
application of Andrew Smith, of Blyth ei•
entity, for the ous'ody of hie two children,
aged six and efgut, on the ground that hie
wife, Sarah Jane Smith, at • .plritualot,
has been refused by Mr. Justice Britton, at
Osgoode Hall, who uses -':,ma very strobe/
language noe tenas4 • ~min spiritualist
work entitled "Bible Morale." The judge
finds that Mn. Smith le • l'renbyt.rlan and
n ote .Dlrltasllet, and adds :-'•Her brother
and easter are spirltualuts. The deter
claims to be a 'medium,' and apparently
Imposes • lot of Donlon*. on her friends u
onming from the spirit world. Mrs Smith
does pnt know what to mete of all that, and
in the meantime does her housework, ie e
member of the Preabyterian chetah, oda
Cate., clothes, acd oarrs for her children a.
• g' o,1 mother should. It ie, f thank,
deportable that respectable people like Mrs.
Smith's father And brother should permit
to their house each • honk as the ooe pro
duped, Bailed 'HMIs MoraleIt le the
moat blasphemous production that has onme
ander my nottos. There is no 59141001
that Mee Smith ever read It. The eh'I
dren are too yr00g to know anything &boat
the matters of whish that book treat,, and
from Mre Ytnttb'e etatemeet ander nath 1
am bound to helloes she has no Sympathy
with, even 0 ehe has knowledge ,0, t.hs
contents of that book. She would, i feel
erre, ea 'ooe else her children poison ..
teach them the Nikons there 'et.." C. n
clotting, the wont mays: "It may do 00
good, but It mss do no harm for me to may
that the father shoals swept the permission
attested by the order and via t these ohll
dreg frequmrly. And when he goo. he
should opossionaily tat. something for
them, clothes, tors or suitable nook', and
te•oh them to Inv their mother as well se
their father. The mother •hoold not (Nett
Into the minds of the ohlldest hatred o
their father. And when the father visite
the children the ebeeld net call her father
and broths. as If to so•rd against Martian.
If tee sight of the hnehead le hateful to her
let her net see him The ehlldree'' later
sets ate paramnont. The parents both
have • thane* of helping the .5111,.. to
be woeful members of sootily, or of ruining
The ladle. of the W.C.T. U. are holding •
parlor meeting, at the home nt Mrs. Wm.
W'ar0ook on Friday evening, February 7th,
whoa • plea..•t program will be presented,
the most Impo dentitettlre .1 wh1Db will be
an address byDr.(S
(Sallow nu esteems,
ro tea,
from • medical standpoint. Refreshments
will be served during the evening All lo•
teratd in tempsranae ore fovi•ed. Volae
levy 000tr,Lut.loa11 will be received to aid
funds of the Society.
Miss Nellie Harris is visitEI g her friend,
Mi.. Ida Holmes, at Clinton,
Wellin ton D. teen eon of�. B. Davison
wee home Irons Woodstock for •• viae last
A. 1). Mcleod is spending a few days at
le visiting relatives •sod renewing am-,.
qu mtencee.---
and Mrs, E. Dowoleg rebores! home
last tilt after • volt of teetered weeks •0
Mr. • d Mr►. Jamieson Reid and Mr.
d Mrs. Ghee. }told left yesterday on •
1 to Ile Ott,
• mndee
MI Petri Wynne b•halm
to for • couple of weeks, as
ere dorms Gm 'elision.
Mrs. J J..loins, • former resident of
Gderioh, ho hes been ler some year.
hying ear the border, is visiting Mrs.
John F. flat
Mrs, Gorge 'ndd.'who has been visiting
umbel!, F's.t street, re-
turned to her hem°\ •'Wanona Villa," near
Henault this week.
Mayor J■r.kson of C ton was • caller at
The Floral, office Mit- eii. lei-wwi
member of the deputall ',blob walled
upon the empty amused behalf of tbo
proposed new bridge over tbe'M•Itlrod.
Mr. .od Mrs. Andrew Whitely .0d their
.u0, Maltlsnd Whitely, intend to remove
shortly to Pembina, North Dakota, and
take up their residence permanently et that
plans, where a brother of Mr.. WWtely
resides. \\
gore t
their fa
her sister, Mrs.
l'Rt' E's fire sale b
has sen •R rtnA Baroes
. .
Every pair has been re.m•rked. 0.11 and
get the bargains.
Jost arriyed--the newest English Import•
el Puttee' belts, pocketbooks and ohate-
.clines. KIDDY 660.8 STORE.
See the 53 00, $3.50 and $4.00 shoot which
sere slightly damaged at the Bre. They are
'nape .t present prl0aa, at t'Rn'r.'0 Or. sale.
Oyster., always fresh, at the old reliable
oyster house, Motors• Reil•urant, West -
et., in bulk or ti all styles. ire cream,
fruit, oonfeotiooery, edgers oto. C. FILMIC •
Weeexb,-l'hniae roll butter. 183 ; No.
I mirk or fox, 53.50. Our slaughter ole
n( drew goods during ,loon•ry and Fehra•
ary is worth coming miles to see. .
O. 0. Kim+, W-iogbart.
(lro. W. Ttwgroo & Nos have still some
mo.loal Ilstromaots, musical geode, sewing,
machines and hieyolee from this repent Bre
to be dlspoeed of at •penial priors*. (0l•e
them a Ball and secure • bargain.
Three stutters *till to dispose of -$3500
cutters so $25.00. A few second hand onto
ren °teap, at your own price. Two new
wagons at cost, 0. I am grnoe ne' n( them.
THS 1)0101611061 ('ARRIAo■ WORK!, .1, 0
llRTMSRR, Prraetor. --_--
COUTTS In Ooderleh. on Snndsy morning
reamer, and, Cordon Colitis, e'en 110
)sen. 1 month end R days.
HUNTER -in Lneknnw, January 31.1. 1932.
Amy Hueter, beloved woe of Kenneth
Hunter, awed 76 seam.
MORGAN, -In Detroit. nn Monday, Febrnery
)rrA, 1901; Lenora too' elle. fifth d•ng-tor of
Mrs. William Morvan, rived 22 yeah. 3
months anis 911 does.
The funeral will take plane from the family
reeidenos, Winner street, nn Tberoday, r.D.
118.011190 s. es.. to lionised 16660..,.
Anoououement-J. E Brydg.. peg1
Anoouooement-K64d's Book Stunt 1
Annual February Sale - Porter's Book
Ston 8
Aououaoement-neo. W. Thomson & Soo 1
Public Notion -Chas. E Shaw 1
New Gods -J. H Colborne 4
Cement, Etc. -Allen & Molver 4
AnoouocemeoN-St. Coo. l'rlce 1
For Early Sewing -Hodgen. Oros .. 8
Hot Soaps -1'. T. Halls 8
Annual Meeting -Bond of Trade 1
1)s Verse Sisters -Victoria Opera House 8
lo My Old Stand -Geo. Stewart.. 8
Eleoties Expenses -R, O, Reynolds 1
Pelltleae to be Predicated 5. the ■1at.4er of
P.0.11e Werke.
There was a large att.nd.nos at the meet-
ing to the town hall oo' Friday afternoon.
called for the further discussion of the pro-
jsot for the Improy.ment of Goderich har-
bor by 18. oonsh uctlon of au outer break-
water. The gathering included a goodly
repreeeotation of both the marine and the
general business interests ot the town.
Mayor Cameroo presided over t6• meet-
ing, whluh atter some discussion of the
& Meme took Into uoosiderat000 ways
and means of having it marled out.
A oommlt,w, compoesd oble8y of
mariner., was •ppoloted to draw 0p • petl•
Don to the Minister of Public Works, ask -
in the Government to make an appropria-
ro ria-
tion for the purpose. The oowmlttlet after-
wards met and red ted • petition. throe esp.
e rste copies of whloh are to recelvs the mg.
mouton of the town OuuO.Il, the Board of
Trade and the representatives of the marine
Intermits, respectively.
The petition, which Is addressed s. the
Hen. J. 1. 'forts, Minster of 1'ublle
W'orb, ails forth as follows :
'' (1) That lake Huron le one of the
barefoot Inlana lea.., acd the port of liods-
rlch Is the only harbor south of Stokes' Bey
on the east shore with • eulholewt depth of
water for large•sizd steamers to enter.
"(2) 'tat morns year. ego the Domini°.
Ooveremeot oo0etltuted the said port of
tioderlch • harbor of refuge, and made loge
appropriations towards that end. but re-
peated Instances have ooenrrd, and eon -
Dismally 0000r, when vessels hav, been us.
able to enter the harbor to rough weather
with • west or northwest blow, and have
beeo formed to seek shelter on the oppoelts
shore. the Net hes militated greatly
against the good name of our harbor amongst
maro0.n. acid deter. v..selmeo from Doming
to our port, thus 0ntalltog serious loss to
the elevator, extolsnot import and looel
milling Interest.. and to the other mercao-
elle lad Industrial enterprises throughout
that Iew part of W..rere Ooterlo 'blob
looks to (ioderloh for shipping f•ollit es.
8peoi8o oases oan be oltd, anion all tend to
(ween the benefit that should accrue from
the large expenditure on the harbor th.t
already has boon made by the Government.
"(3) To obviate Gm difficulty and
Manua suggested io the foregoing p.ra-
gr.ph It is .baolately osoe"ory that an out
side breakwater be 00 .4 tto
b foo eft the west
of the premiere harbor entrance, as such •
on0.tructtoo will enable the largest vessels
on the lakes to ewer with safety l0 any
mares of weath.r, and will materially mint
mite, 11 not entirely remove, the necessity
of coetl000us dredging to °ow:motion with
the harbor ohaooel, whloh, we understand,
has now • depth of some twea0ty fest.
"Your p1Hrronsr., therefore ask that the
oon.rroolloo of much • break water be oom-
meoced at the earliest possible date, and
that an appropriation ten mads during the
present seeslo. with 48.4. end to 'low."
Tell f61•w Tbey .lelp ■.b, Tbr..ah th•
Teething reeled.
There is Scarcely any period In baby's
early life r.1mrlog greater watchfulness on
the part of the mother than when baby Is
teething. The little one often.uffer■ much
pato, Is oro.. and restless nay and night,
requiring so much cars that the mo5ner is
worn out look) • ter r10. Theteathle
seg pe d
is often •000mpsotel by stomach trembles,
sometimes 11iorrh,ra, sometimes oonstlpatloo
and often 000vulslnoe. The prudine
mother will •wteolp.te these troubles by
keeping baby's stomach and bowels In a
healthy condition by the use of Baby Own
Tohleta In emery home where these tablet.
are used baby ie bright. good natured and
healthy, and mother hu real oomlort with
0. Mn. 0. 5'ordy, Ooderlah, says: -"I
hays been ening Baby's Glyn Tablet. for
about a month. He was teething and Was
ranee and fretful at times and was also
quite oonetipated. The tablets quiet him,
reduce the (ever and irritation of teething
and gently regales• hie howls. 1 am mooh
pleased with this medicine and recommend
(t te other mother.."
Mre. •1. J. M , l.oderlob, says :-"1
have never found any medicine equal to
Baby'. Own Tablets for teething ohildren.
While my baby was teething she was rest•
less, feverish awl sleepless. I saw Baby's
Own Tablets adyertlud and got • box at
r. Wll.on'o fro. store. After giving
t m to her there was a great chance. The
fey was reduced, ahs could rest better and
slept well at night. 1 •m much plead
otof lhl• mediae*''
B.hy' Own Tablets Is the only medicine
mold ender en absolute guarantee that It
°enteite neither opiates nor other harmful
drugs. They are for children of all ammo
and dissolved in water may be given with
perfect moiety to the v0oogest Ir.fant. They
are a speedy relief and cartail ours for
nolle, .our etcrosoh, Matelots, constipation
and simple levan. They break up oold.,
preyeot croup and allay the Irritation ac.
nnmpanying the cuttlog of teeth. Pelee
25 OA. a box.
catarrhal Mase. sold Tbelr Seamedy.
The poi.onou. secretions from osouth .re
dangerous Moatea they affect the stomach
and bowels, giving rice to an unhealthy
oondltnn of these mons, O.rorh 1e the
enures of much III health and was oendd•
eyed pr•ntleally Incurable until 11 w.. dem•
°narrated to the satirisation of the moodiest
panic..loo that by the use of ('otarrhoaone
any own of nasal or throat trouble ono M
permanently cod 9010►Iv mired Catarrh•
ozone by its oneenal merit has enlisted the
support and endorsement of the most prom-
inent medloal authnrlttee, who frosty state
that any one giving ill a fair trial b eon to
receive permanent benefit. Bold for $1.
Small size 25o At dratgt.te or Pelece &
Co., Kingston, Ont.
You trill bars to horny 11 yen went to
gel newts of the .nape at IrIWtr, ere sal..
sse the oheap
Mn. Kirkman. for Irony years • tesoher
In Seaforth Collegiate 1seeitsM, dthd es
January 26th In Toronto, whom .0e hid
resided oleos her enurement trim leatlw
IW seem ser.