HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1902-1-30, Page 8Sheetings. We are showing a com- plete range of English and Canadian Sheetings In zit widths. All are good qualities, and you can depend on anyof these giving satisfaction. Plain Sheetings. 9/4 Gables s, sad tree frees dremd1gblend' , will blen • evilly sed wears well, 20 and 25c extra good values •t J 4 bsaobed Sbsetlsg, hest C,anadiso mak ye, eels finish, ori drwteg, will wear 're" . . 25 and 30c Twill Sheetings. Unbleached Twill Sheet- ing, best makes in Canada, wash and bleach well, firm, strong cloths that give satis- factory wear. 8/4 width, (2 y.rda). 190 and 23o. 9/4 " (2} " ). 25o and 283. 10/4 " (24 „ 1, 30e. Bleached Sheetings, twilled, English and Canadian makes, firm, strong cloths, soft' and free from dressing, will wear well. x/4 width. (2 yards), 250 end 30o. 9 4 " (24 " 1, 30o sad 35o. 10,4 " (24 ).33o. 1 8 kTaub$DAY, Jaw. 30, 19' 2. THE SIGNAL : GODERICH ONTARIO. DOUBLE COUPO canal,' Laav ON ALL PURCHASES Friday, Jan. 31st, and Feb. 1st. .wu-tingannaf'i.-. - 1 L4Tta tImeans, n all your purchases on these two days,, we will give you an EXTRA TICKET to the amount of your bill, which will count on the chairs. Clearing Wrapperettes. Balance of our Foy W'r.ppete•ttes, LUG were 12i and 153. clearing at.... Sale of Cloth Remnants.- l'mooeo for waists or suitable for child ton's Jreu.i, in press (foods, Tweeds and Cloths, going at HALF PRICE:. Hosiery Bargains.- Specsl extra heavy woolen Hose, sty_ !allot "'tet,to olear at . 2 pain to r Tte best heavy ribbed How, would 1n_ be cheap et 250, to clear at, • pair .V1; Jacket Bargains. - 12 only, Jackets in oolors and Wacky, sites 32 to 38 loch, to clear et, each Ladies' Capes and Furs. - A taw left, fur !lord and fur trimmed, handsome goody. It will pay you to boy now, get the next Weis months wear end bays for asuS fall, at the prime we ars aow gnat- $1.00 12 only, short Jackets la black and $2 colors, to char et ALL OTHER JACKETS AT REDUCED PRICES. Millinery Bargains. - Balance of '!'rimmed Hate, ladles' and ebild• re'c'to clear at HALF PRICE. Gents' Furnishings. - Boyi Cepa regular 35o,•ad 400. to clear at Mal lice of meal's Lewi .. Clothing.-- lo lothing.-- io this department our range 1e very complete, and we will nave you money o3 (,vercosta, mein' or boys' Sults. As to Our Premiums We have given away over FIFTY CHAIRS to our customers thiamine!). They have found it pay them to do their trading with ase. Our premiums represent in aocomul•ted cash dbcouot to you, which it le worth your while to save. A coupon on every cash purchve. CASH OR PRODUCE. Bro's& C tions will be Oreg. end the l;rand (Resumer. Mr. Chatter, will deliver au eddtess. Tickets, 25 mate. THE G T. R. 8 fATION.I To the Editor of THt 61UNAI.. Sia,-! would like to see thaaomno.l take up the U. T. R. sletio0 water. Ne,rty Iwo years aro 1 was at • lowlier where too LE&BURN. Tramway, Jen. 28, 1902. ,loho Ltoklater of Stretford, wee b shortly to come back ben to reside with leu !amity. was WO tor wveoI-d.y. - week and bas leased bre Worthier James' tum for period of years. BENMILLER Moo oar, J,.n. 27. Miss Ada Fisher, •p.nt 1., auk visiting (Heads at the Nile and •ttendiog the Jus. Hey wheel cosy Abe Akam, who for • Dumber of has been vat west. Is hale visiting his ter, Mrs. Peter Plebe', sr. Then was • flood atteadaao. at Court Benmiller, No, 86, C. U. F., in tattoo n'ght. The foliowleg aero sleeted,! W. W. Fisher, l' R. N, J. Kervagban, V U.K. ; 1' Meedd, rtuplaio ; T. Llano, treasurer ; .I ,tenet, F.S. ; A. Malloy, R J. ; A. Minds!, non. ; P. Fisher, U.1) ; 1. Breen. 5 W. ; M. Ohler, J. W. ; L/ Brea, J B. ; W. !Trammel, S.B. DUNLOP Ydxoar. Jas. 27th. Mr. O'Reilly and Dieter, of Aehfisld, were guests at James Yosog'e last week. Mr. and Mrs. Mao(,are, from neer Holmesville, ware vuitore at W. E Venus's. Lvyel, last week. S 1 of the orchards around hen are getting a preens/ -•mosget them W. H. Jewel's and A. C MacDosald's. Mr. and Mrs. Wm M•oM•'h, of the fourth nncesstoa cl Goderich townsblu. were tran.tent visitors bete 1'bureday of lest week. after • month's ant with relatives at Mit. shelf Mrs. Watt and chit 1. firm Dear Toronto, me vWW/n of George V ottone,d's. herr. Warwick, rat Morrie, Ti+ited Kra. Ow. MoDooald on Saturday. Mlig Bell,.ol near Belgrave, rutted her glmt,5 Mn. Aire. Motlee, able week. Mr. end Mrs. R. N. Duff and l'layloo visited at Daytd `tproul'., at $engrave, this knelt. Yr. and Wm. R r. KID, and children, and Kn. tlwalams basin cad 55tt treg,-wtt of Ood.neb, visited retains' here last .week. Last week sicken* 1n several (.mines caused en active reunion In the ranks • 1 the s'ok onmmi•tse, whn had quire • week of Ir. The old tonic Is stttl in vogue.. • remedy, bot ,rm. of the nurses' at yen ate not 1,. strong as in the long ago. BLUES/ALL. Trrel•Ar J.n 216t. Min I: ty 1liment was visiting !need. in Wingh•m last west. Miss Fleuty, of lVingh•m, visite,t�llse Mabel Thomas thio week. Fork Soott was .t Seaterth.8is owing to the Illness of his mother. Mr. sod Mrs. Daniel Leaf' have returned CARLOW. MONDAY. Jan. 27th. A. Young and R. M. Young were in Hamilton on W'edoesday last •ttendiog the funeral o1 the young son of Rev hue. Vooug. There will lie a onion meeting of the congregation* of Siwth's Hill and Aubut oa Monday, 3rd prox ,to ooasider the call of • clergyman. Dr:ncrx uN Pttolui:moi -The Lterery Sootety lote.d to oommenue their regular meeting* by botdlee ♦ debate on Monday ,,conn,, February 3rd., on "ProhibitionTheir ne x' meeting will be held oo February 21.t. sod w111 be of • Iltelary en•raoter. Admission, 15c. All are torted to help by o their attedwn. UYYTan Sr rents. -Carlow Lodge. No. 376, A O.U.W., will bold its annual oyster supper on Thursday evening of this week. !(upper will be served from 6 to 8 o'olcok, after which • program of phonograph ester CAUSE TO REJOICE. The earth was not made is • day, neither is rheumatism cured in • day. Mrs. Jacob Dairmeid, Black River Bridge, Prince Edward County, Ont., suffered ink iew pain is both limb for a year and a bait, •sd two phy.ctaw were unable to glw lier relief. Ralf • bootie of Dr. Hall's Rheumatic Cure gave her ease and five bottles, with the Climax Iron Tonic Pills, affected a permit/mit cure. Her many friends are rejoiced at her recovery. This great blood purifier w - h put up in bottles containing ten days , treatment Price 50 cents at all drug •tors. or The Dr. Hall Medicine . Co , Kingston, Ont - STARTLING PRICE IN %LL PAPER! FIRST SHIPMENT TO HAND ' "Measure twlcc, cut but once.•, Experiment till you find -the uniformly good make of site-- the aha pe, soot and width you need. Then stick to it dank speculate. Youl'llknow it always 'fti the Maktra' price the sole 4 ieSlater Shoe" Wm. Sbarmaa, Jr. • Sole Local Agent. VICTORIk OPERA HOUSE! TUESDAY. FEB 41h. A TREAT FOR LOVERS OF SONE ANI) MUSIC The De Verne Sisters in a varied program of voeal and leen ..meatal solo•, duets, trio' and quartette'. FOUR ACCOMPLISHED MUSICIANS.. a000mpented by THE KIN° OF FUNNY COMbDIANS. BARNEY REGAN, Willi zUS WHIRLWIND OF FUN AND LAUO;1TER. Bee Bills for Particulars. oltiaena' uommitlee had all ilia papers sad had bully arranged every detail with the r►Ilwey. The only pulut •t which there wee any differesoe was that the U. '1', K. wanted the blink aaasasmeal of some 418,000. 1 Wok, left at tbat amount fur leu years in oon,tisrallon of their erection • 'tattoo to mob et least 45 000 The or uooll would not do the, but welt, w111114g to eltow the proportloa epos the 'taloa ground cad present buddiog to naou. 1 ae• au olieot to holdtog out .fur .heir conter,tioo, and be'iove the preaeot council are more in favor of progrs'e and would •ubmtt to the railway's demand, whish slim. reasonable. Th• ti:I'ab'e committee even Lob so far as to have plasm prepared for ib. ,ratio n cot the appropria- ttuo made ey the (1.T.R 1 know •bo that the council and committee 'flanged fey for tee new location of the etatiam, whtub wee quite a•th.teotory to the railway. Let u• hays the .tattoo. I'aou eaot Gtdrrieh, Jan. 28, 1902 The Collegiate Io,titute Lanny Sooiety will bold a promenade on Ftlday evening. Fire ! F!r8! Fire ! Belling off all old stock. BARGAINS IN GROCERIES! 1 em dtspoeleg of the wholeol my stook, which was partly dam. aged is the tenet fire, and prion ars cut sway down. A great chance 3 lay In • supply c f (irooeries at ,t small figure. Jap. Tea for laic Ib., worth 25c. Baking Powder, worth 10c, for 5c. also 20c size for 10e. Granulated Sugar, 20 Ib. for $1.00. Yellow Sugar, 22 1h. for 41.00. Corn Starch Sc, worth 10c. -'rib wale is gohggoe tit the •tore lately foeopted by k,O. THOMSON & SON. I shall move to my owe stand again as soon as tb• present stock 'a disposed ot, and will open op with a oompleto line of fresh goods. CEO. STEWARI Huron- CountyPackingand Cold Storage Company. The Different Branches of Business to be Carried 9 -11 -1,Y -The The Huron Pork Packing and Cold Stor- age Co., Limited. At the meeting of the directors Wild la Chown on Monday, January 20•b, tome three propositions were made to the direc tore from outside cepa/snag, the one stated Wog ag ton b• e totes op. It s con. 6deotly believed that the stook will he rapidly taken up, and work on the plant commenced at an early date. 'lite company have accepted W. R. Bel don't plans ler the .1.011oo of • group of buildings for handling the d ffennt lines of Into produ:e. This will loolod' a pork factory, with •• y Ur handling 1,500 hone portrait, together with a limned number of cattle, a poultry fieishtpp station equipped on plane .f•er the style of that in nee by • Kane.. city puking house No industry connected with the firm is more profitable than the raising of poultry, Ohne fa, when farmers have ti facilities for nahing them properly. At this plant •l1 poultry trill bo received sod y roperly ktlled,dnwed and orated, then shipped to the Miles ei es and Great hrutn. h Rendes list -idling ,.g fowl for the farmer, the its l u ng will be (quipped similar to the • hove referred to pecking hoose, where 1,000 000 broiler, are grown aod marketed •000il y under • system entirely pew to Ontario. Along with the haodliog of bogs, cattle and poultry, • modern cold nonage hnttd• ing will be erected, with • ospaoity for handling all the butter and apple' Huron 0000ty and the trtburaty townships ono produce. Farmers have year after year lost so heavily in apples that many have concluded that 1t does not pay to grow them. Al though "tweet everything has been done by transport companies that no be done, vet thty onto.. do all, and this put most be done by the farmers if they wish to reap the benefits from a system of shipping the Gov.rnmest has done so much to footer. it has Vireo estimated that in 1899 Huron nonniy Int In apples alone over 4100 000 by not hiving • Old rootage station. This station .111 mod packers througboub the o:,un'ry to its own shareholders: they will proper'y (mai. rad t iTie apTer, mart ing each barrel ex.et y a they earl for. W hen the apples are delivered at the eM- lion, farmers .11 ho p.ii • rat price for each grade: 'he apples.sot to our storage .Mils, sod as ws. the sister ad,e.Ul be '1'o open the Wall Paper Season, we commence sel ling all left over Wall !'aper at half price, except our 5c anti tic papers, which will be at off We have many $, 10, and 12 roll lots, at less than half price. Alt Borders to match the above at half price. A lot of Odd Borders 1Oc and 15e per roll. Watch this SPADE during Wall Peeper Henson if you wish to Save Money BALE COMMENCES FRIDAY, JANUARY 28, 4902. All Paper. m.rkod In plain flemn■ In 'thew Window. PORTER'S BOOK STORE, Our Telephone is Nn. lor0 H. Cpurl. Mae Square, Galerirh. ehbpped wherever they oil be soli to the most advaotsgwce vetoes. Farman need no arguments to convince them of the beatific" they will receive by having tbelr apple• bandied to the moaner. It a simply what we hay• long desired, t ut hitherto rave not been .hie to reach any defnite station. With an outfit of buil4,nge for eavlog our produce, situated in the o.nte• of so fertile • district as Clinton as, a soar beet f.u'ory cannot sorpaw, it even toast, it. Each Ione it will handle w1.1 sit• um so supreme in the prioe we tow ren. ve. Alicia dap.tatton how tau dtrtrior yi toe the counties where beets are grown, they concluded it would be much more profitsete to save those products we already rave then to eater • 6.1d wh•ch is fast Slime up and which onto, not 4100.000, but 4500.000 to build a plant and equip it. it 1• 000tidently believed • like foorease to price can be mad• in apple, batter and poultry, as that aocomp'uned by handllog hone. The ermined tort of these bntl4 logs, when fully nlutpped, is 475.000, with • owsoity for making an •noose turn over of 41 000 000 worth of farm produo•s Thew buildings will he *Boated In Clia• tan, which will be easily eoo.,sable to ferment Lving along too various branches of railway leading to Kincardine, (odertth, Enter, Stratford •oil Brunets. Already over 420 000 worth of *tock has been sold, and as farmers in general desire to maks ane of these butldings the oomin, season, It to confidently lettered every dollar of stock will be cold in a few mrn'.bs. This Is uedoubtedly whet should be done, thereby savingIntroitsof other chargee canned by sling borrnwed money. If dollar of stock Is taken up by the time the buildings are eomp'eted, there ono be no denbt of • ten per cent. dividend the first year. Mr. Belden, who hu hien connected sotto title line of hnunr.. for some yea,., is e practical farmer. and on the aooept•oce by him of the LO moo of head of the orgame log staff of the •b.ve oompaoy, he hoe rseigned his emotion as dtteotor of tie Farmers Po,k Ra oiy et PsTmerston. TTe entire trite work 'n e nrantioal manner by subeonblog 41,000 Hearne the utmost faith Is the baleen be will divot• lib entire tame in nuking this 0empaoy • strong corporation. Keep Your Feet � � t warm at Night A Hot Water Bottle---' 1)U 1'1' We Them I:ROIU THK t.'tI BAI'EST TO TUE ASST F. M. DUNHAM, Phm. B. DRUGGIS T. Corner of West at. and the &ru•re. Chas. A.Jnws, who had bsea to the emu ploy of W. A McK'm for some month., left on J.turday for his bonne near Seaforrb. He hoe not bleb to good health, and will apes l • few weeks recuperating, r A Slash in Axes. THE odds and ends of our Axes we will clear out at a reduction of 15 cts. off each Axe left. We are ap- proaching our Annual Stock -Taking, and all Winter Goods we want cleared out. That means, our guaranteed Black Diamond $1.15 Axe goes at $1.00 our 1.00 a. " " 85c. L, 94k, .e a. to 75c. as 85c as t• ee 70c. as 75c el 1. .. 64k. And one of extra value we will let go at 50c. The Stock will not last long at these prices. Sleigh Belle, Ska'e' and Comfort Mitts nil enos under the vim' groat re duotlon, W • sell a good 11 lsob Leather Halter e, 50c McKENZIE & HOWELL THR PLACE TO BUY ALL HARDWARE CHEAP. TSLsrNEE au. ss. HODGENS BROS. fed S55T e, February Selling ....°f COTTONS. OUR first year in Goderich has been better than we hoped for, and this busi- ness has grown steadily. We are not satisfied to stand still, but want that growth to continue, and are planning and preparing for a bigger and better business, and a better store still. We always make New Cotton Goods the prominent feature for February selling, and will be ready Saturday morning with full assortments of all lines required for early sewing. Today we print a partial list of new lines received this week. The goods are good, the best we could find, and we have been care- ful and persistent In our searching. They are qualities that it will pay you to buy, and will give you your money's worth and satisfaction in the using. From this time forward Spring Goods will have first place in these columns, but winter stuffs will not be forgotten, and we will tell of many a bargain in them for people who shop here. English Cottons or hong Cloth. We have imported the most of o c White Cottons for Spring direct from one of the beat makers in England. We tried a small lot last season, and people who have used it prefer it to any other make. This season we have imported three special lines to sell at 10c, 1lc and 12 1-2c. You will find them extra good value, easy to sew, and they have a bright finish which they retain that cottons made in this country have not got. English Long Cloth 1Oc. Fine geality Eagl.eb Cotton, bright "beer finish, even thread, mien ex• oetlent wear, bought direct from lee, tee makers. per and... tics English Long Cloth 11c. Very fine quality Engl).h Lotton. br.ght Haub, fine even thread, soft for way sewtnfl, vary (tumble and Fine quality White('ambrio, soft and lu'I 36 inches wide, specie' value, clear fialmh, strong end Har 12 1-2c per yard . ......,..... 1 Ic ebb., special, at:per yard.... English Long Cloth 12ic. White Cotton 8c. Yard wide White Cotton. goof finality sod weight. soft bolsi, epeeist value in per yard Cambric 121-2c. 8c Extra fine quality Erg kh Cotton, bright ('embrio tiobb, even thread, and a,ft finish tor easy sewing. fall 36 niche' wide, very durable. re- tain/ it. bright finish lifter being washed, uncial nine. at per yard 12 1-2c Best $2 Shoes, too We've been telling you a lot lately about our Amerlcaa meds Shoes Inc Mea and Women Walk Over end (Jona gelidity. (Then are unquestionably the Anew linea of Shoes made is the United States.) Don't for a moment bns.udb$ .1 the foot that we •bo hive the hest 41 S0, 42 00 and 42 50 Shoes for both Men and Women -Shoos ttyheh esnneb to please the most critical eye sod s'ardy enmesh to stemd the test of wear. We have all leather', all shapes, ell alum. We neo and will sere you ball a dollar an Mere cad Wemee's Shoes at 42.00, 42.50 and 43 00. Drop In Auld 1s4 w. •nrprke you with the alerliwg valises we efer. Why mit this week ? WALK OVER We cannot say half neer ngh taboo. the gondnsas of these tan beautiful lines. Nothing mals In (Toad• tmares with them for style. finish, fit or wear ; the ?try Ia'sst style, the very lint n viola and tis tnntt of arm kmarnh•p is charaotertstlo of meet pair. Every day adds to the army of pleased wearers of one two famous Amartoaa Shoes fnr mon and women. WHY NOT YOU Large Bottle Good Polish, 6c. Repairing. P. T. IiALLS The Square Goderich Cambric i5c. Extra floe quSlry White 1'ambrio, got Able for fine mewing, soft finish, round even thread, one of the beet lines we ever carried, 36 teeing 15c wide, per yard .. Heavy Factory Cotton 5c. There are lots of stores selling this Cotton at ec and ?c- The wholesale price was over the 5c mark,but we cleared out all they had and gokit at a price that lets us 8(tl at 5c per yard. asavy Factory Cotter, fall yard wide, *oft end free from dressing, MMB MI6 end bleach well, regular Si and 7o quality, oar mortal pries. Yew New Prints and Embroideries. The first of our New Prints and Embroideries -- 1902 selling came to hand this week, and will he ready for selling on Saturday. We will have more to say about them next week, but in the meantime would just say, if you want to see some handsome Prints and dainty Embroideries, call and have a look at these. Half Priced Mantles. This Season's Garments exactly half- price. Not a single Mantle is to he carried over, that we have determined shall he the case, so con- tinue our selling of TIIIS SEASON'S GAR- MENTS at exactly half-price until all are sold. None are reserved, and you can get a good mantle for little money. $ 5.00 Mantles for $2.50. 7.00 " 11 3.75. 10.00 " " 5.00. 12.00 11 6.00. Until every garment finds a new owner. i Sheets, 85c Each. The other day we got a chance to buy case of Sheets at a bar: gain. They are made from Heavy Bleached -Twill: Sheeting, are full _length and 21, yds. wide. To buy sheeting by the yard of the sante quality would cost you as much as we ask for these ready-made. On sale Saturday morning, at each, 85 cents. Furs in February. There are two good months of fur weather ahead of us. We can save you money on good furs if you buy now. There are still some nice pieces Left, and we will give a straight discount of 28 per cat. off all Small Furs, such as ('aperines, Ruffs, Muffs, etc., for the balance of the month. HODGENS BROS. • THREE �A's e e ADV' Ts A ACTIVE Ac -'VTS WHLN PLACI. IN THE SIGNA FIFTY-FIFTH YF HAVE THE WEEKLY Mntnwer R Gunmetal. Feb rail Wheat, a Flour, family per awe.... _2 Flour, patent. per cwt x Bran. ill ton.. Shorts, a ton ............., r. 19 Horoeninae. per cwt 1tyr. par bush 0 Buckwheat, per bush 0 Gas. 5 bush ............ . . � Peas, a bosh...._.........._.,- Harley. Per busk H•y. a ton 1 I'utatose. 5 bush, Sutter. Obese& oer IA .... mann. trash unseated, a dos..... Wood !'els -..� !Ave Hage - b )reamed Horn Hama. ..... _�.-...�. _..-- H•m, par Ib.. ., ...... _...�. _. Lard, per 10. Droned Beef, fore quarter Reef. Dressed H. hind " Cattle, Export .• Ordlnsry .... TO ADVEKTIBERE Notioe of cnengeu mast be left Othoe not later than 8 noon. The Copy for must be left not it ter ohm Clay noon. (astral A.dverti aooepted no to nor n Wedne each week M uelo. ISS COLBORNE. Teacher of Fletcher music method calve pupils at her studio. shove Mr 'neuraoc. oMce. tlemtlt ,n street. motion apply either at studio or at , Ht. Patrioa • street. IV• . GLENN CAM PBYLL, Organist aed muel_al director of Not Methodist church, teacher of piano. gan and theory Pupils prepared ft aminatioee of the Toronto Cooees. Music. Will be pleased to r.oelvt trots from all those reualrles such tion at his new etudto over Thomeol More. 1'.e of piano for pr•otine m ranged for. 67 Tenders Wanted. rpEyi DEM WAN! RD. -SEAL! I dere will be reaped an to F NCI •ddrtmeed to Trustees of Unto section No. 1, te est Wew•nosb, for floe of a brick school house at .' Plane and epeelb•. time eco be mea informs Ion obtained on •oD bicarb It. \A ILWAIN. Secretary school Bond. For Rent rn0 LEr-THE STORK Ob W 1 formerly 0000pted by Andrei ase the rooms above the sides Brett rVNInr. tr Iipt LET. -COMFORTABLE 1 1 Ins base, wit h mite sere of land town of Ood.roh, two?eateot t o the good baro on prembeee, and •ome oho Apply toll. 0. HAMA, Herrbter, tto ecu For, dale. LWR SALE -TWENTY-FIVE V half some of Ian 1 at south end Dat outelda town boundary. Appl UNLOP. Weatst. VARY FOR SALE - LOT 1 geld eon,. (lade.feh tp., 113 cleared. bel►noa hardwood. with • le Illy of cedar on In. In good state o tios, about five acres fall wheat. and able fall plowing done. Comfortal house, large barn with stabling um driving shed and other outbull tingt two acres orchard, mostly winter fru watered never falling ecrin ( creek walla Seven miles from Clinton r from Reydetd. l'oesesston at any t seaahle terms Apply for further p lc CHARLESSIMOVB. 71 Bt. Uoderloh, FOR SALE THE RAST H, the wen half of lot Id, oon. 7. t wonnb cam rslegio acres. Apo' RI FOWLER. Dungannon. or to 1'1 Barrister. Ooderlch. i'OR S A L E. -LOTS 95, 96, 117, r .nd 110 In Hutohison's sort Ooderieh. For particulate • ply to PHILIP H Barrister. Ro., Oi March 1101.1900. eubllc Notloe [)ROF. S. L. TAUBM. MANIVAITURINO OPTICIAN Awl srrCI♦W"T. All kinds of Spectacles and Eyegls to order Spacial attention given to eye. Orders by mall promptly attendee ware of parties using my name. as no Irsveilinp agents whets%er Satlefaotlongg uaranteed. F.tabli RICHMOND STREKr 134 Rl • W. T ARD OF THANKS take this oout,rtnnity e,f teni thanks to the Or r District Mutual/ Yoe ('ompenr, of Galt, for the pt very utlefaotory ..ay In which they 10.. .n 1 damage by fire. which ,call about Jan. 11tt,, 1112. OI:OIt(E AC Ooderich. January nod. 19)1 !;harass R. Bhaw, general agent, Orders by mail promptly attend Insuranoe, etc. (IHAS. E. SHAW, ORNKRAI. NJ ASCE and teal estate agent. door east of P. O.. tioderleb. Ager leading mutual fire 1341ino 01 nom u leading stock companies Meroantile and manufectoring owest rate'. Call at office. W• R. ROBERTSON. Accountant and Ineoranoe Hooks and amounts made up. Buildings rented and rents smile Fire Iasnranoe In Rrlttsh and Companies. °Mow- In 1'roudfoot a; Stye' •1 trent Ooderloh. F• J. T. NAFTRL, OF,NEI SURANCE and Real Mets ? Ira, 141., Aooldeet and !'fate Glass e ffected on mutual or sob pian tater toadble. Be ) English and Canadian owml ree ed. 0111 31 next door to narrow t Oaf le sr Hamilton Street. The Royal Victoria 1 surance Co. of Canada Office at Montreal, Capital of $1,000,000, an Agent, for Goderic district.. The remunerl a good man will be mad factory. Apply to Thomas, Superintend Agencies, 8 King St Toronto.