HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1902-1-30, Page 1THREE "A"8.'
000611011. 2a.. N. 1901
Fall Wheat, 0 75 to 78
Fleur, family. per owe-. _.. _1 10 l0 110
Rear. patent. per owl-- .-__-9 50 to 9 50
Stan, • .fetoo,,,-. - -- -- 16 00 colli W
r s • • • • - • ,--• �- -. 10 00 tel Oil
per cwt 100 to 00
Rfee Per bush ....... 000 to 69
Beet wheat. per bosh066 to 55
Orme. .„•_. JM to 37
Peas. •bask.... ... ...... _.._75 to 9')
Barlett. per bosh - 0 60 to 60
• day. 1 ton.......
10 tot 00
War. li1'eatatoes. 1 busk„ 30 ase 30 to �)
, .... 8 16 to 16
(Reese. per 18 .... 10 to 11
/MIN" "MINK •S ML... • It to 18
Wood �-• 60 10 00
Hldes,,,,,..,w�....,�.•�.�•••• 660 to 00
Pelle II 10 to
live �a toe. 5 75 to 21
7 CO 10 60
Me.•..,,.._._*mom•i.�� 0 I1 to I6
18.. ••••••• 0 13 to l6
L*rd, car Ib. 0 13 to 11
Droned Beet rase manse
Demised Beef. Wal
S 00 to
000 to
0.4'116. =ifort err..., 3 71 to
°l'Uaary 300 to
Temeker of Fletcher mesio method, will re -
delve pupi4 at kir codle, above Mr. N•flei's
laseraaoe es01. Hewitt to street. Por dfor
motion apply tither at etadio or 81 to @idenoe.
Bt Petrloa • Street
Orgeoist sad muolcal director of North street
Metbediet oburrh. trosoher of pl•oo, Aloe or-
gan and theory. Pupils prepared for •11 ea-
ia•pe of y the Torooto Coo.ervtory of
Mole. Will be pl°•eed to r•oelve •p.tlee-
tloce from all those retolrini euoh lo.truo
Hun at his new soothe over Thom•on's ma.lo
-store, Use of piano far emetic. may be ar
,!masted tor. 67tf
Tenders Wanted.
1 dere w111 be received on to Fob. 21th.
UO:, addressed to Trustees of Coln Sobool
Section No. 1, West Waw6008e, for the ere,
Hon of • brlok school house. 6t NU., Ont.
Plan. and .perlao.tloasosn be seen and other
btortamloa °b144"111,6 •peppllostl • to
laeretsry 8dhoot Board. 117-3t
1 dere *111 be received up to 1518 February.
10x3, addreeed to the chairman of the build
No committee for the erection of • brick
Presbyterial obarcb at Hayfield, t tot. Plass
•ad •p.oIOeeUoas eau be seen and other lo
formation o' taloed on aopitestio. to JAS.
DONALDSON. (Reynold. ch donne of building
oemealttee, or to the architect. JOSEPH A
FuWLER,Oodertch. No tender necessarily
accepted. 611m
For Rent
Ikr81111 oosupled by Andrews Bros..
the Nal
ms above the Amertic
■ DUNLOP. R -tam.
1st- with ooe.crs arksa. is the
tgodoown of b, non verdant to the Sq oars ;
bars Mpr'emlees, and memo choice fruit.
pN to R O. HAYS. Barrister, Ooderlch.
61 tf
For sale.
1felt scams of hind at meth ewe ort town.
Dasst outride town boundary. Apply to H.
UNLOP. West -et 116-1m
That well-known property at the corner of
Vaetorla and Bruce streets In the town of
Oodertchbelong.oc to the 'estate of the late
D K. Ht•arhan It 000tprtaes a two7lory ms.
ohlse sad blacksmith shop, oontaleing •slit
sole palmetto for lever•' moth used maohloe.
and implements : • two story store and dwell
log °ombined, and • story -and -a half frame
dwelling. The bulidiog. aro In good °ondl
Hoe and •re welt situated. A .pleedld .poor
enmity leo/Need to •0vo6e wishing to invest
Apple' at premises or address MRH. SUSAN
field con.. (.odetioh tp., 113 acres (80
Bleared, bales°. hard wood. with • large quart
ot rrdar on Ill, la good state of cultiva-
te.., about flue scree f*11 wheat. and consider.
able fall plowing done. Comfortab.e briok
horse, large barn with stabling ned.reesth.
driving abed and other outball tinge. About
two acres orchard, mostly whiter fruit. W.I
watered- never -fathom string creek and two
wells Seven mile from Clinton and three
from Reynold. Poneesion at any time. ria
eoaable term* Apply for farther particulars
to CHAHLE9 11111,10`16, 79 Bt D*vad .t„
Ooderlob. 06cf
the weal half of lot 15. eon. 7. West Wa-
wanosh comprising50 erre. Apply to HEN-
RY FOWLER, Dungaaaoa, os to Phlllp Holt
Barrister. Ooderlch.
1L'ORSALE. -LOTS 95. 96, 117. 118. 119
i aid tog In llutohlaon's survey. all In
Ooderioh. 70r partlonlaus apply to
Rho -later. Lo.. Ooderlch.
March 1111, 1900. 80.10
Public Notice
Notice L he rb7 given tb.t a discount of 10
per .sat. wilt be allowed off 611 water rates
for 18. year 190: paid dart,' the month of
January. W. L. NORTON. Collector
All kinds of Speot•nlee and Eyeglasses made
te order Special attention given 13 fitting the
Orden by mall pprnmmptly attended to Be.
ware of parties using my name, as 1 employ
no tra•etlln/ agents whatever
Haile/action guaranteed. IFtabllahed 1673.
I take this opportunity of ten tering my
thanks to Metier, 11 .1, of Moine' FI e Insur-
ance Company, of Galt. far tho prompt and
very .5tlefut0ry was In which tne7 paid me
losoil 4.m•ge M fire. *blob 000urred on $r
about Jan. 1101, 1901.
Ooderioh, J6evary 21ad. 111
chariot R. Shaw, general agent (loderioh.
Orden by mall promptly attended to.
Instaranes, et*.
and rota rotate avant. OBIS. tae
Acer wt of P. 0.. 9odarloh. Agent few the
&sorting mistrial fire Iewreane nom melee and
leading .took eemt.anles.
Mereentlie and manuf•oterinr ricks at
aweret rates. 0.11 et .Bee.
• AeeaaaA•al *Gd 1 ON up. Agent
and 11199111110111 MON asp.
Met~Mnill Ogg* la cad Canadian
Mae re P 44111 • illlee ease, it n
• DURANCE and Real Rafale agent,
el. Aeee ldeatand Plate Oise. India -matt
M maln*1 or oast ales at leanest
en h■n*Ilnh end c.n•dlan ormpanles rep
n M !lttuast AMMAN,
M /arrow to Os, NatMaw. Ra el AMMAN, 811118.
A kpeetet *sellsn of one Tow. tassel! ea
Tuesday E.anlag.
There we • special meetleg of the town
caution on Towle,/ evening a which oso
side,•hie business w.. treneoted. All the
members were preens.
The tint matter brought up gess that of
the mutilates! hh•ooes. The follow•., letter
from J. B. Laing, 61• Provl.olsl umalol el
auditor, who was in town last we. and
bad •o 100,651 Interview with the comma,
was reed
Toronto, January 25th, 1902.
I.1NTLA$ttt,-Referring to my interview
wat0 you on the 24th tool , 1 am gull of the
opinion thea expressed, that the .tat• of the
town's finanota la such as to demand greet
oars to the headline and if peelbl• au lo.
crease of Ievepne on ON one hand and •
diminution of expenditure on the other.
How is •n more•.e of revenue to he ob
tallied' Clearly only by an Norse.. to the err
•eesme011. Coe this be done without lnjory
to the town's best interests! Local intones -
goo toduose me to think that while the
n•jonty of the ratepayers are sufficiently
taxed tare le • .lase that dogs not cont,!
but* the proper .hare 1n the matter of taxa-
tion. There- is also the question of solar,
log the ores served by the waterworks
department. Your solloltor 1..yldetly of
the epinloe that the council o.a pear • by
law oompellug the nee of the town water
within certain defined three, and prohibit
log the ons of spring or well water within
the dittoed area, 16e el.utrlo light depart
meat should also moo e Its .h.r• of moan
tion with • ,i.w to Norms* of reveoa..
A000rdmg u the trwar.i..tatement your
a0000trollabl. •xpeodttur. as 321.551,.46.
Addles official y1•ne, 32 5L8.46--324.060 •
32. Your Dol *Woes roll lama remt1Ioas of
tale for the year emoaots to $27,713.54.
1'bl. leaven • nominal 'melee under fhb
hood of $3,633 32 Your debenture debt
proper is 3176 912 93 Your liability for
elevator note duoousted at Ronk of Moat.
real, 350.000 Your ourrent disooaoY at
sem. Bank. 319 500 Yon, local improve
moot .t same !Seek, 322 465 90. Your utak
mg fund securities, 37,724.06, and nub In
Huron cad Brune Loon and Investment
Company, $21,962.43-$29.706.48. The sit-
■.tioa is ooa watch will require careful look •
low into, and with • view to oomlog to
oorr•ot 000ulauons la the matter 1 would
advise that you employ • lint olase account
ant who to oonlu0otioo with your own of
fic.1. *111 first oommanoe with the WWI
meet and ooll.oLor'e roll., then t.k• up the
waterworks and "Iemon II/hs departments
with • view of Improving their .ffoienoy
hod , and then make an audit of
your treasurer's book., /clog back from fi,e
to tee yeas as m• be found o.o.ma•r .
7 1
Mr. Neff. the lorooto s000antent men►me.d
eit our lest Interview, 1 dad 1a sot ayell•bl•
His term., V he were Ghia te NM, wield
be 115 per W ani a psweee. 1 would
therefore name as the .oeountent recant
mended to you In tide matter 61r. T. (i.
Willum.o0, of Torento. Ho he done •
good deal ot work for the Department. and
always well The Government term. err•
38 per day and sitoeea 1t you decide to
go on with the Inquiry as above you *111
please send m. • oopy of the motion and 1
will tisk the W.ut.oaot Governor In Conn
Want .weer t0 name and prove erox
erty and pay menial CLOROX A. GREEN.
Port Albert. Ont. 116
AuoUon Bale
the property of 8.Ikeld Oros., consisting of
nine ehol'e bulls neglog In age from nine
month* to twenty months old, t6ne r melee
about two years old, also some good horses
Hale w111 take place on the farm or lasso
Salkeld. lot 5. ooncosion 1, Goderich Lowe -
skip, one mile eolith of Ooderioh, on
at 1 o'olo-k pen.
Terms of male Eight montes' credit. Dia
taunt for Dud
Write for catalogue. Address
Box 50, Ooderloh, O.t.
T1106. GUNDRY,
Publle Noone.
Natio. is hereby given that an application
will be mode to the legislature of the Prov.
Ines of Ontario st the next Mesion thereof, for
•n Act to Incorporate a Company under the
Deme. "The Huron and firma Itallway Com
pony,' to construct, equip, maintain and oper
ate • railway between • point at or near the
town rf Weirton. In the county of Hence, and
• point at or near the the. M Ooderioh, In the
nongty of Huron. and peeing through or near
th. gown. of Klnosrd:ne and Southampton :
with power to oonatr,,ot own, equip. main
talo and operate telegraph and telephone lines
•.d systems In eonnectloe therewith : aid
with power to oarry on hulness as .o Ex.
prow Company.
Dated this eIrd day of Deoember, A.D. 1931.
63-64 Solicitors for ADplioao9.
the Port Dover, Orantf,rd, Berlin and
Oodorloh Rail ear Company w111 apoly to the
Parliament of Canada at Ito nest Norton, for
an Act extending the time for the oommence-
ment and oomuletion or it work, charioteer Its
name to the Wand Valley Railway Company,
reduolno the amount of Ito capitol stent. and
authorising the oon.trnctann of It line in Imo
tiros' and the Ione of bond. with respect to
annh "notions and for other pnrpoeea.
Dated at Woodstock, Ontario, 17th I),o*
her, 1901, WALLACE R LITfL1W
Solicitors for the Company.
J./ and Souses. (ldee In Bank of Com
owes bnllding, whet @Mo of &rare. Night
salla at random*, Bale 5'. W. Pees. Il.
The Royal Victoria Life In-
surance Co. of Canada., !lead
Office at Montreal, with a
Capital of $1,000,000,' wants
an Agent for Goderich and
district. The remuneration to
a good man will he made satis-
factory. Apply to 11. ('.
Thomas, Superintendent of
Agencies, 6 King St. West,
Toronto. 2t..
oil to appoint Mr. Williamson. his uoder-
stood the. the Dost of the inquiry la not to I
seemed 3500, uol,n some more time is
taken up with the audit than is now an11u1-
p.ted. Mr. Williamson oso Nays for
lroderioh any tome attar 1702 February,
bot It is n.oeseary that 6e should be wa-
gered as soon as porimbl .
W. A McKim moved, "emended by 0. M.
Elliott, that the L eutenent Uov.roor to
Council be r.quetad to appoint T U. Wil-
liamson to oouduot that enquiry 0o the lines
suggested iu Mr. Laing's o.mmunloatloa.
Miers. !leeway and Knox moved that
Om matter be referred to the special oome
mimes. They wowed further loformmlon
before Inournog an .xpeodlture of peeibiy
3500. Mr. Humber voted with Messrs.
Muroey and Knox fur the ame<Im.ot, which
was lost by the Mayor's you, and the
mottoe was declared carried on the Nato
Tb• following resolution was then carried
unanimously : Moved by W. A. MoKlm,
emended by C. A. Humber. that tais roue•
o11 realizes the neowsslty of making %.ry
•ffort towards Indoolag the Uoveremeot to
goosed •t an early date with the oonstruo-
ltoo of • breakwater of snob a character as
w111 enable the largest freighters o0 our
lakes to enter our barrier in stormy weather
with safety, and with that object In view a
oommltb.e co0siguog of Counollton Humber,
Thompson and Elliott be and la hereby ap-
pointed to oo-opereta with • committee of
the Board of Trade and Ibis °GING. ganeral-
ly• b procuring all necroses lnlormaleo
upon the motor, •, preparatory to an early
appeal to Parliament.
R. 8. Williams, president, and ether
member@ of the Board of Trade were pre•
sent lo the Interests •f the breakwater pre-
set and were melted to address the 00000al.
Mr. Williams promised the support of the
Hoard of Trade In whatever aotio0 the
.ousel! might take,ln furtheranos of the
scheme, and then asked Capt. A. M. Shap -
bard to give his •lewa oo the matter.
lop!. Shepherd *aid the proposed break•
water was the only thing which Uoderloh
harbor now needed to eoable It to compete
with icy of t0• other ports on the lake.
Cestelal) somethlog would have to be done
here to ger the trade of the big boats,
which required an anted" breakwater
to shelter them before making for the nor
row en:rsooe to the harbor. All the tort
on Lake Krle were building breakwaters
He thought • breakwater from both sides
of the harbor would be oeoessary here-
oee Ede to reach out from tfalt's point, the
other Irom the hrhthoaes point, 611.8 an
outran*. In range with ihs inner piers. 1e
had boom said that It all depended upoe the
shipper where a beat was to be sent This
was not altogether the case ; the captain
had something to may about the ports at
which he would rather tall, end the oap-
tale would prefer • port to whin eatranos
was easy and sale. The nater ends of the
breakwater should be 1,500 to 2,000 feet
Meisel' from the Inner pier. ('.pt. Shop -
bard replied to • number o1 gestations from
the mayor and °emo lion and throw • praise
del of pr.oltwl light on the <e{motion.
I). McGillicuddy, A. Mclt, Allan and
Wm. Le also spoke lo support of She pro-
Engineer Brough thought the plan was •
good on., bur he belayed It would be better
first to ask the Government for .n investi-
gation Into the echoing. Information was
required u 10 the action of the wad, the
depth of eater, the beet method of coo
• tructloe, lib., before they would be able
to ••k for . certain appropriation. Some
of tills Information oould not be obtained
until Jones.
R. Holme., M P., said be wanted to co-
operat.iheartaly to anything ler the advanao-
meat of Uoderloh Mr. Tarte bad !Mown
his sympathy with the transportation prob.
Ism, but he believed with Mr. Brough that
the data to be presented to 1n• Minister
• hoald be rather definite, 6 the first quo.
!loo Mr. Tarte would ask would be as to the
cost of carrying oat the eob.me. H. had
eked Mr, Tarte to oome to Uodertob, but
had net retorted • definite reply as yet. He
would do everything In his power to uslat
the ooanoll In the matter.
Wm Campbell tbougbb the Department
could send op one of Its engineer. to procure
ibex Inlormatlon desired and to make estim-
ates of the Dost.
It was deeded that the committee is this
mater should meet b the town hall on Fri-
day .t .3 o'clock r. M., when all who can give
any Informuion upon the subject are re-
quested to be proem
A letter from E. h. New. le regard to
the same matter was referred to the oom-
A letter from Mr. (,arrow In reference to
the bylaw In the granollehic walks matter
was read, and the town °Metals were le•
/greeted to furnish Mr. (Ostrow 86 coos with
the felormatien M require for the pr.pan•
Hon of the bylaw.
A motion pio•Id1eg for the paroboe of
supplies by tender (except In owe of
emer/ency, when the proper committee la
to maks the purohese and report to Doan•
oil) was paved. Another motion which
was passed called upon the lreasorrr to fur-
rnleh the °ouzall with list. of water and oleo -
trio light taker., with details as 10 the
amounts oharged them, amount. In smarm,
oto. Tb. domino. committee was Instructed
to look Into the question of placing the is-
te.ment on • saldeotory bald". A dept
lotion from the munch was appointed to
wait upon the county °eneoll In behalf of
the H., B and M. eleatrlo railway's appll•
o•tloo for rousing powers over the county
Mr. Holmes, M.P., read from a letter be
had received front the Mirin. l)epart.meat
to reference to Ws gae•tion of Improving,
Uoderinh herbor'hy dredging not soma of
the Islands at Ike est sed of the harbor,
and .leo r ding the neoemalty of rebuild
Int the ortbwerk at the eomeneroial dock.
Th. Mayor hod • • letter from Mr tsar
row, enclosing • bylaw to be vetoed by
the oneeol4 giving effect to the agreement in
the salt of the tows veno. the elevator
company. Ills Worship found that the by
l.w, as drafted In ucordanee with the
judgment o1 the Court, provided for •z.mp-
tlon. In favor of the elevator oompaoy' for
len yeas oommenoing with the present
year. As the n0mpany has eejny.d these
•semptlnns over sines the bolldlnr of the
elevator, this would mean their rnn#lnaanoe
for twelve or thirteen years altogether, le•
steed of ten years. The Mayor propmeed
that le the event of their palming the bylaw
they pr000n • 705,80tee of the payment of
the taloa remitted up to the present wear.
The matter WY left over for seethe'
meeting, and the....08 6dio reed.
D.ATH or MRs. YAOMATw,-The news
of the death of Mn- James .I. ManM.th,
w81eh recurred early Townley moraine of
this week, was renmrally nnexpont.d, •e leer
kris* of her 111nw. She hal been ,.neatly
-enfin.d end appeared to be routes 'lose
steely whoa • madame °haage mete *hien
alokly bn.h
rgh1 sheet • Mn
l resale. M.
was • daughter of Mn. C. Crabb,
her lath.,, the labsCrabb,
betas ems at the aunt k..v. real
dent of Huron In hie day. She was twenty•
ewes year. of age. She, leaves • motber-
1ee little boy four years ot age !mildew her
bus6•ed, who has the sympathy of all in
tits bereavement. 1'b. funeral will take
plus from the family res:d•au, Kistatret,
Om (Thursday) afternoon •t 2:30 u'olook.
CLOD or TuANin.-The Floreooe Night.
locale Chapter of the Daughters of tis. Em•
plre desire to express their lh•,ks to oke
gentlemen who participated in the Interest -
tog ream of bookey on the 27th Inst.,
whereby the funds b the treasury were to•
WILL CoNDulTroa Au0.B*1WK LIAVe!-
"Mite" Higgins, unit of the oldest oonduo-
tora on the mato hoe of obs U. T. R. from
Torooto te Puri Huron, hos realised, and
we learn that the position will Itkely be
offered to Conductor 1'. aueebrook, of town.
Cooduotor Auebrook is popular both as •
railway offload and as • gamic, and we
should not lako to have him leave Ha'.tiob,
although (n soother way everybody would
be pleased at his advancement, se well de-
investigation Into the logs of the •oboouer
Marine City, with four semen on board, off
Goderieh lost fall is prooeedlog at Kinert on,
when the •iatime of the diameter all had
their homes, Commander Spain, Edward
Adams, chairman of the Hoard of Steam
host Iopectore, and Patrick Harty, laepsot-
or of lightbou,oe, are oonduotlrg the I.-
vsstlgatlon. Caps. Crat5le and P. D
McCarthy left Monday morning for Kings -
too to gin evidence,
Much 0000500 he been aimed the Uod. rich
friends of Dr. Hamilton, medical health
e Bier at Cornwall, by the news that he was
ill with email.pox and we quarantined in
his own house. A few cow of • mild type
of the diatom' bad developed m Cornwall
sod at was in has exertions to keep It Le
cheat that he Memel( contracted the
disease. Oa Suod•y prayers for his re
oovery were said l6 St George. church
Mrs. Shampoo and Mise Ham•Iton are also
is C'orow•II.
Guist: Wco'r. -R. Percy Andrews, who
for several years has owned on • meat
Mimosas oo West.treet, nes toned circulars
to his ouetomers •000uoomg that •iter
Friday of this week he will dieoontlooe
bustn•e., For some time Mr Aodtews has
been thleklnr of going west, and we uoder-
staod that .S 5000 as be oso wad up hie
affairs bete be w111 remove to Winnipeg. H•
nos been a reliable and progrwav• business
man and • good cit:zeo, and both he and
Mrs. Andrews will be meed by their lode.
rich friend..
Nies STCoio,-0o February 1 W. Glean
Campbell *1(1 open his sew goodie, over toil
beautiful new store of Geo. W. Thomson &
lhese loom" • e
been .pea
up for the purpose, to very neat style. and
• re adwirab;y adapted to the requirements of
. nob work, befog well hotted, airy and Com•
modious. Mr Campbell will, therefore, be
in . hotter paettfoo than ever to tarry M
Ms work, both In Conservatory oouree, in
which he ties had soots marked I0roree in
the past, and in other branches of mueloal
study. He will be please] to have all
interested persons Dill o0 bum at the sindo.
will moon elsewhere In our oolumn• to. ad -
...whoop eat o1 the Huron County Parking
and Cold Storage Co. On readier It osre-
folly std 000sideriog the question of storage
and traneportataoo, it is not difficult to ars
rive at • decision in savor of investing (0 It.
When we know that m:ll,00a of dollars are
touted in told storage in Great Britain,
and by ateam*hip companies and railways,
0o order to handle our product. sefely, we
ran easily see that •11 this extolls. le seed -
lees, unless we sen our products •t this
end of the road. In order to sector, •
e pl..did market and nave our prodaots It
le necessary to have this oold storage at or
neer our door, and although many towns In
Huron are perhaps more ds.rryisg of It
than Clinton, yet for reaching It silly from
•1l parte of the °n0ety It perhaps will De
well to have it planed in that town.
Lows BowLIRN Magi -A meeting of the
lind.r.oh lawn bowling oloh was held on
Thursday evening in the ,Bine of W. Lane,
with • lair attendance. Although not
oslled epeoifirally for the purpose, it was
decided to make it the annual meeting, ani
officers were elected as follows for 1902:
Hon. president, Judge Masson ; hon v,or
president, Jules Doyle ; president, Sheriff
Reynolds ; vice president. W. Lone ; wont•
ary•Irwurer, J. D. O'Connell. W. L,
Ellet, Wm Usa.pbell and Job. Galt were
Merited the managing committee. The
membership fhb for the year wee plated at
33. A oommlltee was appointed to look
into the question of !fie lighting of tb.
ground,, 5o that play may be continued In
the evenings. Toe appointment of skip
was lett M the managing committee- W.
0, Eliot was appointed se ins club's repre-
e ntalive .t the annual meeting of the
Western Ontario Bowling Aenoutloe.
Tllc (.otNty ,,uuNC IL. -The o00nly ooan-
oil met on Tuesday afternoon, all the mem-
bers except Mr. Terrane, who i. .tet, hetng
to mtendanar. In the *Motion of the War•
den the expected b.ppen.d, 1)•nald Paler•
eon, of Fart 15 •wanner,, plop elected by
soolam6 Ion. Yesterday morning • large
deputation comprising memhere of the town
°en0ul and the Board of Trade of (ioderioh
and others wafted upon the moaned to the
intere.0 of tin Huron. Bruce end Middle
sex Eleotrio Railway Co., rsquestiog per
mission to ernes the M.1tlend river over the
Aelttor4 brides A Mel), Allan, Council-
lor 0, A. Hamper, James Mitchell, N H.
Omen*, engineer for the e•.mp•ay, Mellen
Dolton, Reeve of A•h6eid, Major ,lne. Reck,
Mayor(Amuse, Dr. .Holmes. R Holmes,
M.P., A 8aund.rs and It Mctlllicuddy
.ddresstM the °ounol. The meet inmate"
was ieetrooted to report on the eult•blllIy
of the Maitland bridge for the purpose Indi-
m•ted. in the ell noon 'dottier Lege dols
ration waited upon the mooned to oras the
pecersity of h.114lnv soother bridge
ower the Midland between Colborne
and Ondertch toe reship. h:Igb1. n gen-
tlemen addressed the ennead after which
Mr. holt mowed, se.oaded by Mr. Casettes,
that the roomful on Thursday go In • body
to the plane where et is proposed that the
bridge shall be he I• and make en inepeoune
of the Ine.11ty• This was defeated on the
(*Flowing vote: Yu --(;•melon, Connally,
Ch.mber•, Hnl'. Lament, Mc Lean - 6.
No - Bowman, Fwgarer, Heys, Hicks,
Kerr, Lockhart, 60.44.,, Speakman --8 The
cannot! p6..ed • resolution' •t the Deotmoor
meet's/ to v.dt the place to .inns .ext, and
the r.enletioe te still in .Root.
tome new ensign of the amp adorned one
end of the room : and the well-koowo yet
.nr•pleasiog Simeon Boors. the chalmiog
Htghlan 1 danorog, Ibe skirl of the pope,
manipulated by Piper Cratgls, tn. many -
colored tartans and Piously nape of the
legates, and the voioie5 of leotImente of love
fur and pride to the laud of the thistle •p•
pealed to everyone with Sootttah blood io
his roles or admiration for things S3011158
In his heart. A little diversity was .ntuaed
into the program by the iotroduoLioo of •
*melee Irish jig, very oleyerly performed
by Kdith Leonard, and loudly applauded.
Iroise Sults, Lulu Tweedy, L'zz:e Green.
fouls Cl.rk, Olive and Ell. (ioldtborpe and
Bella Howls *aye a number of Highland
chaos to the delight of all. Wee Edna
Stratton rousted with root expression, and
songs were given by Mae MoKerz • ; Miss
Johostoo, of 1' ,Iboroe ; Mies MoCaul, and
Miss 1'.tt, roma. The singers all reoelved
greet applause and Mie Pattereoo rave as
an eno0re " Annie Laurie." Rev. Jas. A.
Anderson gave a short but eloquent address
In.plrtog food remembrances to those of his
byres who owned Sootland a their birth.
velem'. The ribbon drill by sixteen yauog
ladle we ezoeedtngly pretty, and " Auld
Latg Syne" 0000luded the morrow. Durlog
the intermisslo, refreshments were served
in the room oowast.trs and at the oo0oloeiu0
of the program a pleasant hour was epeot
by Dome ret ah, young people to pursuit of
the Terpsichorean art.
Yrtd8m ran wph a .dos
neat ter oroweatherpl/you 1 suwitlly 5e 000 of0700 s
Bellew weight and via. vers•. Su whatever
you want fes tore tattering line call oo 8101 and
leave your measures
Wm. U.sbam, of Bevil., t now on the
(3.1 R. office muff Mr. 1)•n.00 has no
turned to Caledonia.
Horace Horton, manager of the Huron
. ad Brno. Leo Company, has been to very
poor health the let few weeks, and is con-
onfined to has hone..
M. King's D•ugbtere wall bold their
annual meting for electtoo of uhoere Icr
the en.urog year In the grand jury room ire
Lb. court house on Wednesday nut at 3
1',m., when • lull atteodanoe no requested.
Cha. Wallis, Fast street, was very 111
last week as the 'mauls 0l taking some
medicine for rheumatism which had been In
the house for some weeks and which had
d.nloped foto • rank poison. l0 p•ye to
be careful about the tektite ot medooloma
We anderataod that the oompany wbioh
will le at the Opera House on I oesd•y
eVenIog nut ars all Irish this will give
our people • chance to w whether or not
there le any truth to that tamtllar guying,
"There's 0othlog too good for the Irian."
Rev. J Greene, of Clinton, will preaoh
we Viotorla street ohurch out Sabbath.
Tn• eiscrament of the Lord'. supper will
be admin, r1 atter the morning sermon.
The love feet will oomme0os at 10 o'clock.
Stomal serviette are still In promos. All
ere welcome.
The Opera House will open iia doors merit
Tueedey evening, F,•hru•ry 4 h, to one of
he very best companies oo the road -the
D•Veroe Hasten• accompanied Ay that fuony
• 0d'oratorio king of ail comedians. Harney
Roman. These people are ander the sole
management of ,Shipman• and that in Itself
is • euar•oles not only of • good perform -
arms but of • packed bows .s well.
Blyth Standard : Mr. James Emigh ar
rind .t the home of his parents hen one
week ego last Saturday our feeling in the
best of health. Early last week he grew
worse and for the greater part of the week
hut little hopes were entertained for his re
Conry. Let Saturday a change for the
better est In and he has eiooe been steadily
improving. For the pee, year he has nut
feed mon or less from Bright's di
which is the Des of his present serious ill-
ness Sino• last spring he has been em
ployed in the bog Bou• mill .t Ooderioh,
where he had a good position. Seroog
hopes are now •otertaloed for his ultimate
THE R. 0. R. Aortal, KvrrriNn .lannary
the 26th lit the day n. *nigh Mnntla's eine
delight M honor the national hard of the
bud of "(rtwa heath and .hags, wood,
a..1 Lot Friday eveelog the members of the
local ramp, S,O S„ wet with their /Heeds In
the 1)Idf.11ows' Hall M *peed the evening
In model letereeane end entertatemeet, sad
• most oro jnyahle time was spent by Seery.
MID In the large gathering. A rood pro-
gram was rives In Om ledge teem upstairs,
l'1elel J. Mltdhdl presiding. The hand•
Tbe Waterloo team played at Seaforth
Thur.dey Dight. and defeated the home
team 9to2.
The jeteMtr league rams !,night between
the Dollar Eighties and the Harmony team
will be a warm one. Tneee teams are keen
rivals for UN championship of the league,
and the ems that wins will have to play for
Wises Clinton hockey.lob oan defeat
SN(erth team 14 to &alerth defeat
8tri.1lerd 6 to 3, and Stretford defeat (lode
noh 6 to 3, by what c.o Clinton delea' the
Uoderloh team when It comes here 1 -('lm
ton New hrs. The ()oderieh team w111 give
the answer to thio 000undrum when they
play in Clinton.
Two games on the junior league schedule
were played the pat week. On Thursday
night the Dollar Eighties defeated the
Shorties 7 to 4, and o6 Tuesday evening the
Shorties beat the Elites 4 to 1. The Elites
have withdrawn from the Iacono, and the
gams on 'Needs" evening was just to help
fill out the schedule.
Tbs match between the W.Igb Becks and
the Wood Bites, on Monday eyan10g. was •
hnwhpr eooetu. We that the limit-
ations of our spree will tint permit our gib
!tithing the report of it which oar st°tong
editor was preparing The event certainly
de• place In history, and If Wo Mn
keep the report warm until next week we
may serve It op In our next Issue
There was • good exhibition of hockey at
the rink on Friday evening, when the game
with Waterloo was played. The visiting
seven were • ornate oomhlnvt.ion, and the
home loam put up • good gyms, pertleularly
In the 5eui54 half, There wore Some
°haremm on the local teem, Donald Mciver
pl•7l07 at point, Allan moving up to Dover
point, and WlgnnS taking Fred Shannon's
plane on the forward lino. Dae Mciver
mane .n impartial and elliolent referee
Tho first halt was 1n the visitor.' favor, by
4 goats to I. After lbs halftime (loderleh
htlgh'noed o0 sod tied the Waterloos der
Ing the amender of It.e game, eanh team
soering three times, making the total "note
7 to 4 to favor of the visitor.- The teams
Waterine : Uoat, Magmata ; point, AIN.
in.nn ; onyr r point, Forrester ; forward.,
Yonne, Sayler. Leahy, Roos.
God.rloh : Goal, Campbell ; point. D.
McI•er ; eover point, Allan ; forward",
McCarthy, McUsw, A. M,1,.,, Nigel''.
Mn. (lir ) Clark, formerly Miss Nina
Mus Mildred Campbell Ido yesterday
afternoon to .peed two or three week. in
A (3 Sperling has returned to his home
at Nang', Man , after • mo0th'. •istt with
his relatives here.
R. Holme, M.P., was 10 town fhb week
0o business fur his cooeNtu.ou. He met
the town council oo Tuesday evening and
the uouoty coupoll ea Wednesday.
Mies Ethel Aobesoo went to Port Huron
last week to meet her sister, Mies Laura, of
the Horton Ladle' Symphony Orchestra,
wbioh gave • performance an that oily on
Friday eveolns.
Theme le . treat in store for you U you
buy your dour at the Maple Leaf Grocery
N e are **thug the best grades of fi ear oat
be market at • low price. U. M. ELLIarr.
Uy.ter., always fresh, at the old reliable
oyst,r house Vutorla Rostearan0 West -
.t., 1n bulk or erred all .tyle. loo cream,
fruit 000feuttooery, osgars etc. U. BLACK -
WANTeu,-l'bnloe roll butter, 18o ; No.
1 mink or fox, $3.50 Our slaughter We
of dress good. during January suet F.bru•
ary 1. worth coming miles to .e..
U. E. KtNu, Win/bans
P. T. D.AN, grocer, wishes to inform the
public that be will bold his removal ole ter
two weeks in his new stand, at the corner
of Square and Montreal -so . and will open
up oo Saturday, January 25th. Coll cad
get pricer, Y hi will mill oboio° groceries at,
lowest prices for cash, and delvee to sem all
his old ou.tomers and as many new Dol as
pouf ble,
Nemec --The looal agency to Dungannon
for To■ 8lan•i. la at obs om:e of J. 0. Ward,
J. 1', con vs7anoer, a.c.. who will remise
order, for eubsoriptlone, advertising and lob
work. and is authorised to give receipts for
amounts paid for the same.
TOintAY, J... 28:b.
l'outioT WAva.-We are .t time of writ-
ing b.viog lb. °oldest dap of the season, the
thermometer osolll•tlog socol zero and the
wind intensely told.
KENiwatw.-Any person in This vicinli
wishing to subscribe for that old, reliable
and up -to dere paper Tats 141,6,11, should
call 00 the went .t 1)ooga0000. All order.
for pruntmg w111 be promptly attended b
and thankfully reserved.
ConvAL&ctiw,-Wo are pleased to stet•
t6•1. .11 the subjects of v.coinalon who
h.v• rsoeotly uodergoo• the operation, al
though many of tbem for the time Wog
were very unwell from effects tbereol, are
oioely recovered and will pass muster for
another 11010e. ■ I
y r Also that Mn. A.
Poet lend, who ba been very III from • coma
tel cation of disease., 1. improving in health
..l he numerous Irtende of Mrs. Richard
Reid, who nu been very 111 and who w6g
for some days very low, *ell be pleased to
know that present and nations are that her
rot -oration to he.tth is probable We 510 •
surely hope that she will soon remover her
wooed health and strength.
14CCIAL Fv(NINU. - One •venIng Not
week John GLoo's employer@ who are en•
gaged 1n o0ttt0g wood for bon lex a bosh en
CO,. 6, W !t lot 17. spent a pleasant time In
• house is that neighborhood until the wee,
ems' noun in the ennrniog, .rd .Iter eojoy-
oa themselves with their •esooiatee wended
heir way to the shanty for next day's
work. which, by the way, is • reminder of
the primitive days in the woods. J. titans
some time ago purobaeed the timber In the
bush •od has out .bout 400 oorda of hard
•od eat wood, Wm Stewart, with his
.•w1ng machine, le one of the staff of wood
moo. Mr Gleno has the oo0traot of supply
ins gars• • number of the °Weene of Duo•
Retinae and other, with wood. ,love, do not
forget, nut party, to bring your b.skete
well filled with trod Conga.
HITHie AND THITHiK,-,)ame. McMath,
of Clinton, last week vl aced the homestead
owing to he fatho 'e illness. We regret to
bays to state that rhe veoer•hle gentleman
is .till le • poor state of health and is
sweeter 0 mind and body. .. A. Harelip,
of Ripley, vetted friends here and to the
vloinity during last week ,1, Walsh,
of Stratford, lite Insaranoe .gent, 1. here
on his otlime' tour Mrs, J. Wilson,
who loos ill on her visit, has recovered and
I. ft for her home In Zephyr Net we• k
Rev. K. Feldman', B.A , and Elder J
Bennet', 01 Pori Albert, attended the ses-
sion et Maitland Presbytery held Mat Tues
1.y, 2let test, .t Wtogh.m .J U
Word, .1 1'., returned home on Thursday
last .Iter having a pleasant visiting tour to
reletiyes and renewing •rgmaioteuoe •t
Wlnoham,"nulling at the sanctum of 'the
Wlogh•m Time.
Mise Mabel MoKeeme is yarilla, to To-
Mama Mende Malt left on Satard.y for
Mass Aram Washington 1a •Isiting friends
.t Rlnn•.1..
Lewis McR01 left bet w1r6 in tali s a oral
ties le Tornntn.
Men 8.0.hr0041 has r,lnrned from • visit
to Orangeville where she was the guest el
Rime ('LI'e -.January 23 •
200 yds. 100 yds
A. W. Sproule.. 18 26
I),. Blm 28 23
0 Elliott 19 45
L.13wkle 22 46
A. Leber 25 19
J. Bleck 24 38
Matt Sproul10 19
T 0. Allen 15 39
B J. Crawford34 37
J. Glover . 7 30
Hie attention was drawn G. ol•use 2, sea,
124. Ft S.0., which read,'''16eelection of
directors shall be by ballot. ' A vumber of
the directors, the suret•ry and others
logistic 0o elolatlog the law and sleeting
by • etaodlog •otos A polloybolder ob-
jected, stating that 11 the) proceedings were
not carried o0 a000rdlog to law he would
try to void the election, and requested the
secretary to note the election. The ohair•
man then dlreotod the scrutineers to dis-
tribute the ballots, whlob resulted In Mr.
Batlattyoe being elected. Wm. Soothers,
8', Anderson, I. Fisher and J. MoLe•a
were nominated for the usual term- Mr.
McLean oritloizod the method In which the
work we done, •dvoo•tlng fewer directors
sod fewer meetings and that Formate should
oak• policies. He claimed that directors
should not pronoun,. on their owe work.
Before taking bis .eat he withdrew bis
nam• as osndlda.. The chairman declared
Meters. Stotler., Anderson and Fisher
°looted, Mr. Ackert, from Holyrood, ad-
dressed the meeting •t some length along
the Nae tines se Mr. McLean, advocating
the employmeot of agents . Mr. Ackert sod
Mr McLean 5.0 among tb0 largest polloy-
holders to the company, The auditors were
000splouou. by their •hem's.
TpatiD•V, Jan. 2816,
J. B. Hawkins, of Uodertob, ices In the
Port for • few days lost week,
The annual tea of Christ ohuroh was •
suooe.e this year. The supper was good,
the prooede were better and the program
was beet.
- A blank omelette eollarette with for trim•
adage was found o0 8aodey morning last
last outside this village. The owner Dao
bays it by catling a1 the poetofftoe.
TOrMDAY, Jan. 21st.
On the 17tb Inst. • meeting of the
Liberals of the township of Ashfield was
held In the commodious house of Mr, John
Style. The object of this meetlog was to
aecerta(0, If possible, If we could 011.01 ono
from among ourselves whom we will ottani.
moody support as candidate for the I.00.l
Legislators at the •pproaohlur oonventloo.
Upon the meeting befog oalled to order Mr,
Morgan Ualtoo, Rom of As06.14, was •p•
pointed chairman and Mr. H Maol'bee,
seoretary. A number of gentlemen ad.
d the meeting, their addre.en bearing
on the evidence of prosperity In the °Gantry,
the existe0o• ul oral •0d religious liberty
•moog u1, and the desirability of securing •
1 representation in Parliament from the
agricultural clue. Agrlouleure belog the
chief (oda.try In (otano, It was claimed,
should have • larger representation In our
boost Parliament, Many good points were
mode. raft I v
sol pp favorably' on Coo t
merits of
the preens Uonrtmeot, •eortbleg to I6
honesty, ability and prngressiveoema. After
dne oonddetatioo bed been paid to the con-
onditlon of our ProVluos, ue Institutions and
laws, It was formally mond and seconded
•hat Mr. .1 N MoKenzle be ealeoted to be-
, tone a oand•d•te for the riding, subject,
however, to the .bolos of the annual oo0-
v• noon. It was thea moved and aeoonded
that Mr. Morgan Dalton become our candi-
date under the conditions. The former very
generonely withdrew and requested his
Moods to support Mr. Dalton, o/ whom
he spoke very favorably. Mr. Dalton was
than unanimously selected se the gentleman
whom the delegates from Ashfield w111 gap
port when the proper 000a1io0 arrives.
Great harmony prevailed •moog all the
Liberals at this meeting and unstinted ooe-
!Heooe was expressed in the geotleman
MONDAY, Jim. 27.
Arch. MoDoagail is 111 at present.
Dr. Freeman, of Clinton, .pent Sunday
a1 Wm, Elliott's.
Tom. 8111016 was the guest of Clinton
friends last week.
Jas Harrison bas taken up his abode es
his farm, Luc line,
Mies Martin, of Hayfield, visited .t John
Torraooe'e loot week.
()olden and Mie Pearl Newton have re-
turned from Goderlob,
Wm. McDougall, of Egmoodvtlle, swot
Sunday in this vicinity.
Mr. and Mrs. Jae. Pickard hays return•
ed to their home In Bay brills.
Mrs, I). S. McDougall gave • elect
euchre party last Thursday evening.
(Norge Little, after • week's visit at Jao,
1'orranne'n, has returned to his home 1n
W Ingham.
Mr. end Mies McPhail attended the wed•
ding of Mies 1,10ora, of Kipped, • short time
ago Mise McPhail played the wedding
Henry Hastings 1s in our midst ohne
more, living on B. Plokard'e term. The
people of this •iolalty are pleated to sea his
genial happy countermines ono. morn.
Mn. and teles Vsestene, of (1'nderlch,
who were enjoying • pleasant visit at Brse•
62 side, have returned owing to the sad •Dol.
29 dent whioh bef.l Mn. Vanstooe. grandson,
54 little Lorne T*hh, terminating his life,
71,forms■ MoI)ougall droves • fast, stylish
37 Sam. A few .tante ago, when nU, driving
he had &.light smashup of the cutter. Ms.
leg to torn back about half • mile for •
sleigh to 0on0.y isle company and matter
home W• didn't hear of any doge beteg
J•noy 27
A 8. Tarreleaven 18 26 44
A. Maher.....36 63 68
1' F.Iliott 18 46 64
T. U. Allen .,,, 2 39 41
.1 Glover 1 32 3.3
I1. Hackle sees 2 17 19
W, Sproul es18 9 25
(Prom another oorrpo,dent.(
ANNtAL Norm.; -- 1 he annual meeting
of the West W•wenoeh Mutual bin Inger
ante Company was held In the Agricultural
Hall on Wedoesdy. January 2'iod, The
auditor.' repere showed receipt .luring the
year $0,771 48 ; expenditure, $3 227 69 ;
cash on hand and i, hank, $5 543,79 ; pra-
mlom notes, 3148.879 11 ; tout, 3156,107 45.
The minutes of last annual meeting were
read and adopted by a email show of hand,.
A pollnyhelder asked whore the mlootrm
last read were obbslned, •1 the, was not •
secretary appointed at that meet.ing, neither
was there -any person on the platlnrm oak.
leg minotes at last meeting. The secretary
olalmed that he was seoretary of all meet-
eshinn, but did not 'tate how the nitwits'
were obtained. The n hating oeateeded
that the hudnsse should be dose •,•cordis*
to law, and appointed Mr. Wilesa secretary
and Mr. R•1110 chairman. Daring the pre
oiding di.on.lnn offensive !alienate wu
need *hick should not have been allowed.
Nominations were nailed for to fill the
veoseoy caused by the resignation of Mr.
McLean. J. M RnMrta stated that all
thee was required wee • show of hands to
ratify the heard of directors In the appotnt-
mea. of Mr. I4*llantyoe. A oopy el the
✓ evised 51tatee was plowed on the table Ay
• pelloyeold•r, who regimental the lhairmas
to read sect. 126. Mr. Rallanlyee and Mr,
M. McKay were nemiested for directors.
The chairman asked for •'tandly vete.
Cramps Are tt6t. Burglars,
They come unexpectedly and when they are
least weloome. Re armed with • hes minute
mire for cramp. and keep Poison's Nsrvlllee
handy: 41 sets Instaotaneousiy. Ner.11lses
anodyne power 1s unique, for lex oomposltloe
ermness the highest medical pretenses of
the sae Poison's Nervthns le s true oom-
fnrt In the family for 1n all d gement. of
the stomach and bowels 11 Is an •beolu1
speolfio. Nerylhne has By. times greater
medicinal vales than any other remedy and
is sold Ie large 25 coat bottles. Try It. ...
CARMODY -• MrORROOR, - At Seattle,
Wash,. rat Toosilay, Jan. 7th, Ay Re•.
Pother Miller, C.14 5 R., James 8 !tar
oody, of Butte. Mont„ to Ella May, rimmed
dan her
r of Copt. 0. W. MoOreor, for
merle of Ooderioh.
WILLi/*Mt( MoINTYRIL On Wednesday.
Jan 92nd, at the reside/one of the !.ride a
mother. Sort hootpavenue, Toronto. by the
HP, A. Logan (i Is, W. llrslum WIII
lams, Arlingtot, of Toronto Non of Mrs. .1
H. Williams, Ooderlehl, to Flora, eero.d
daughter of . A. McIntyre,
YOUNG, On Tomalley. Januar, 91st at Ham
ilton, I)ouglase, youngest eon of Rev. Into.
Yonng. NOM A year..
M1cMATH In Oodsrinh on Tneeday. Jan
9Mb, Ieanstt Rllrabeth, (Nettle', beloved
*10, of James J. Ma,Mah, eget 17 years.
The femoral will take place from the reel.
donee of her Armband. Rest straws, on Thane
alloy, Jan Mtn, at 130 r.W fhbade rind
aequatetanoes w111 please nee at this letlma-