The Signal, 1902-1-23, Page 8THE SIGNAL : GODERICH ONTARIO. 4 BARGAIN DAYS! FRIDAY, JAN. 24th, AND THE SELLING TWEE (FOLLOWING TO CLEAR UP BALANCE OF' WINTER GOODS. Rale of Remnants at 5c a Yard.- Ee+s o1 Prints worth IOo sod 1240, 1n lengths tram 1 yard to 5 and 6 y.rde, 5e Marian s►, par yard Sale of Cloth Remnants. - Plena for waists or imitable ler ohad- re•'e drams, 1. Drew Goods, Tweeds sed Cloths, going .t 11ALF PRICE. Hosiery Bargains. - /Spout extra beery woolen Hou. rnt5Cc_ ladles' s'zs.,to &wet .2 pair• kr !.illi 'b. beet brava ribbed Ho.., would ,a b. °beep •t 250, to oleo: at, a pair Ladies' Capes and Furs - A few 1e11, far Heed sad far trimmed, kudeems goods. Is will pay you te bey mew, get the oat three maths' wear and kava ler next fall. at the prase we are sow quot- Jacket Bargains -- 12 only. Ja• kite lc color• and b'ick•, slew 32 to 38 inch, tos1 00W Wear at, esoh 12 only, abort Jwkete 10 black and $250 W ore, te clear st ALL OTHER JACKErs AT REDUCED PRICES. Millinery Bargains. - Balance of Trimmed Hate, ladies' and chlld- rea's is oleo at HALF PRICE. Gents' Furnishings. - Boys' Care regular 351 and 400, to clear ars.. 25c Mpeoial lige of mos's laps at...... . 255 Clothing, -- I. this department our range le von, complete. sad we will save you money 03 Overcoats, mon' or h rya' Sulu. 1 As to Our Premiums W have ‘Iyea away ever FIFTY CHAIRS to our oatomen Ma teases. They bays feud it pay them to de their trader with a. Our premiums sepr•esat as soosmoaated cash dlsoswst to yoo, which 1t le worth your while to save. A ooasso ea every os.h pnroDate. CASH OR PRODUCE. Smith Bro's & Co. LOCAL NEWS IN BRIEF. The Panama route would crrtelolr be the bb.rtest for else proposed Isthmian canal. and }nkat oortalaly tee shortest roma to sattetec- li{eMa to clothing Is a go to Pridh•m's for all tailoring. th. Groins Perce'e $6,000 fin sale oom• assess Wedsmod.y. Jesuitry 29th. Des's •Iss it. Corp E. Tweedy .ed Bugler W. Ell:out, of N.. 1 °ompeny, are taxing a oour's of i ishmetlwi at Wolseley barracks, Leaden. • sl6o.rs of Hares Captor, R Aclk:- wart I.stailed by C. A. Humber, P.G.S., wi Tuesday evsoing last at the Masosto Mann. Gerdes Ceuta, wbo has hewn lying at the peat of death for levers' weeks, to still k°Idlog out, although there is ne 'tepee( his /wovery RememMr the oyster supper aid oonoort d the Temperaoes Hall next Wednesday overuse ander the simple's of Court Main lied. AO.A. A meeting of the Godeelcb bowling • olio w•11 be [laid •t the officio of W. Lao. this filename) evening, at 1 e'olock. A 1.11 a►tosdaos is r.goested. !oversew Comp. Syne of 9oottend, will .el.btsl. Bora' a.mvre.ry by holding • medal es Friday evening nut. In.tid of on Oho 30th cat., as previsosly .sneonosd. Oe the svaalse et the Clinton meteh itd w eek Ed. C. Aunt! fell down the steps at the risk, •profoier lea ankle sod breaking sae ef the Leaden.. It will be • week or two yet before he will be able te be about ~lig Bed el the sones of lectures by Rev. Ile. Daniel In North-st. Methodist oburoh will be gives next Monday ...wine. The wibjset will be: •'WbIteBHd, the Prince of Craters." Therm should be • large whew A few weeks sen a eh•nge was mut• to the make-up of the 11. '1' 8, trains by plaiting the emnatnr oar at the rear, instead of nest to the baggage ear. A ao.d many Wayell•n hays not yet become •000,tomsd M the Mange ant est Into the wrong oar, Tt• ()mobiles Order of Home Circles held M• r regular sweetie' n •h. T.usp.rsnos 11.111 loot Mal.) night P..• Lesd.r H -n Wereell I•awlled Its .IIS tore ter 1b.1 ysmr. I!t•. Worm!' was also eleored r.prsowl tar,v. t. 'he O's.1 Coalite, which m rte Ia Tor men is Marsh. A..si tb•.. who p.ewol the D.eemb r •aa.Wtt.a of bb. L°edonNorma Hamel, the results .1 wbloh have jaat been pub- lished, ars Lottie Betty, Iflyth ; L, Cue aloeb.m, Port Albert ; Tone Gordon, Shop aardtos : Nine E Lockhart. St. Helens ; Isabel MoN•b, Brussels. Mies Maui" Campbell. alter oommeooley her work in the Wingham public school. received word of her .ppoletmsat es teechar at Arcola, Ass.., • position for which she made application moms months ago. '1 he ovtegbam ironies* kindly released her from her eng.s.meot there, sod after spending o low days at Isom* she left on Tuesday for the Wear. Mies Campbell le the pi teacher of Arcola, sod will have the task oI orgsnriag the wheel there. to tla•up.: t• Mankato. WE. Wi.gham Times. is eoemo hard to dispel from the mlado oI the people to the surrounding 000str7 that we hays smallpox in Wlagham Osly this week Dr. Bryce* wrote Dr. J, K. IfsoDorald medleai health effioor, waving he had beard there were a number et came In town and desired full particalers. Mrs.' J. J. A.'llott received word from her mother to C1 fiord ,hat she bad heard of smallpox 1. W ioib•m and to send the children to her at once, Another report got over to Ooderlob that the (eateries were olo.sd as well as the sohool, 8o the stories have gone ironed. Ws wish 11 understood that then le not and has not been • ow of smallpox In the town. if. hops the people will u freely deny the story as they spread itit appears so standee te report the rumor e1 smallpox, that everyet• tells what be bas beard sal and as it gee from mouth to mouth It grows COMING AND GOING _- Gordon H.adenoo was to Toronto this week. MIs. Davidron 1s speeding the week in Idre H: leer Mason Cork, of Toronto, is •lalling Mks Eve Aob.10L Chu H. Humber has berm vidttcg 1.'es st Fort Roues the p ■t week Walter Sbihingl►w, 01 Cbls.lburet, au the retest of his relative, Rohr. Henderson, dile week. Mrs. Henry Stows left on Tuesday for Plot Mound, Man , to visit ler eaugbter, Mrs. Cuter. who Is 111. Capt. Lawson lett vesterd.y atomic' to attend the Ur.od Chapter o1 K.yal Arch Masons, meeting t° lbgooto. Miss Fiaten*, returned to New York ea Saturday after a virile .1 is 1 months at tis home et lio.. J. T. Garrow Fred. Sbs..on left on Saturday to spend • few wenba art the Stratford Boatmen Col. legs. To. hockey olub will wise him. D. B. M.K•y, of the Ged.riob Organ Company, left Mooday on a Disallows trip t. Lrudos. Hamilton sad other Provincial elites. Mn. 1$sl•omsoo end Mr,. Headsman hats left es • visit to Mr. and Mrs Sidney Malcommoa at New Wwtmluter, B C. They will a sway until Msy. On Wsd.e.dsy, Jsoauv 29:b, as 10 o'clock. Ow big firs sale will oomrurnce •t Fount's Rlswoed Campaigns rstereed to Chicago en Monday after s few week.' holidays st home. avows EYES. ROSY CHEEKS. That ditpp "nssd•up" feel - and pallid faoe eau be quickly exeb.nged for happiness and rosy cheeks by a coarse of "Climax" Iron Tonic Pols. They build up the eciasWation, make saw, rich bleed, streagthea the nines and improve diomeom Beeh o esntaiaa Ira days' treatment. Pries 25 omits, at all drums, or mailed on receipt ofMainline O Hall STkRTL1NG PRICES IB --14L11 PAPER! • FIRST SHIPMENT TO HAND To open the Wall Paper Season, we commence sel ling all left over Wall Paper at half price, except our 5e and,6e papers, which will be at off. We have many S, 1O ad 12 roll lots, at less than half price, All Borders to match the above at half price. A lot of Odd Borders lOc and 15c per rol LEtBURN. Movpay, Jan. 20 h. Mark bottom hu gone to Dunc•snon to reside. J, 0. Stewart visited hie ai uses In lap - doe lest week. Pates, the Goderlab taboo man, bar some wond.rfsl values In heavy rubbers. Jest the thing for present ns.. Mr. and Mn. Archie MacDougall. from Pertee'a Hill. sopped • pleasant vle!W of rsveral days hen, the questa of Hugh Chi holm and other friends. Boots and .hoes at your own pr.,-ee at the big Bre ale, wbton (somblaeeee Wednesday, Jann.ry 29th, at Patcs's, Godericb. Walsh this SPACE during Wall Paper Keaton if you wish to Save Monty l'lr EAPII "Linc a , n, OCONME NOES FRIDAY. JANUARY 26, i002. All Papers marked In plate Ouse. M Maw Wades". Keep yoar Feet z � � warm at Night A Hot Water Bottle - WILL DO IT. We Have Them-0 ltt&�isit' EROM THE CHEAPEST TO THE HEST;J;,,th 15 ;per cent. off Ladles' Fur Mantles on Bargain Days. M/DW/NTER BAJ?GAJN DAYS 15 per cent. off Ladies' Fur Mantles on Bargain Days. IT I5 our custom to hold a three days' bargain sale at the close of each season. We do this in order to clear the stock of all remnants, odd lines and broken lots. Each season's business must stand on its own metits at this store. We want no left -overs in our stock when next fall comes around. Then you must find fresh, new and bright stocks here. We can't have them if we carry any winter goods over, and it pays us better in the long run to turn the last ends of winter stocks into ready cash now, rather than take chances of carrying them over. For this reason we will hold our first Midwinter Bargain Days on SATURDAY, MONDAY AND TUESDAY January 25th, 27th and 28th. ,._=,p:4 Every department in the store has been gone through, and every remnant, odd line and broken lot gathered together. They will be placed on our counters and tables for bargain days, marked at prices that should clear all out before the doors close on Tuesday night. We wind up our year's business on January 31st, and must have all stocks down to the lowest possible notch by that date. Here is a list of the lines we will sell. They will be ready first thing Saturday morning. Dress G000ds for bargain day's We have had a big dress goods business this fall and winter Now we want to clear out last of winter goods to make room for 41pring stocks soon to arrive. You can save the price of the lining and part of the making too if you take advantage of these offerings. 35 yards daik grey Cheviot. b2 oohs. wide, End brown drew Ts,eod, 64 Wins wide, will wear well end mak• a stylish skirt all wool, so:ablo ler eklra. IMV 65c or suit. regular 503, for bargain 32c lar 51.00, bargain days days Heavy Arent for salmi, does not rows I Fine gndlty Ladles01at1, /.MNlbls lining. all wool. beck and chalk gem l maks*, handsome and ••rvdimsrls sslM, list ends of $1.00 Iinee,for bargain{i snd only, reenter $1 50, for bar• 75C day', to clear, per yard 67c gain day. . .. ... ..... ......,. Homespuns 75c. We want to clear out all our. Homespun') on bargain days. Every yard must be sold. 1 only, (:epodes, Electra Seal wit\ 50 yards good quality Homespun Suit:riga, Iat ends the Imre we sold at 11 15 trtmmlage, reenter $6 00, bar. 54t, •50 and $1.25, shades of grey, brown and blest& Wain Wilms 75c gam days .. dale, et. Furs for bargain days.," We would like to see the last of our Furs leave the store on bargain days. Prices like these ought to sell them in short order. Remember that all are reliable and depend- able qualities. 15 per cent. off Ladies' Fur Jackets. On bargain days we will give 15 per cent. off all Ladies' Fur Jackets in stock. There are just a few left. They are good dualities that will stand no end of wear. If you are thinking of buying a fur jacket do not miss this chance. Caperine $4.65. 2 only. blank Aetrachas Calamine*, circular shape, blab oollar, regular 95. tog bargain dry., each 54.65 F. /. RUNBAI, Phm: B. DRUGGIS T. gornes et West •t. and the Bnaare. Fire! Fe! Fire! Selling off all old stock. BARGAINS iN GROCERIES! 1 am disposing of the whsle of my stook. ',blob was partly dam- aged In the recant See, and peons are oat away down. A greet obwoe to lay to a supply r f Groceries at • small flours This sale is going on in the store lately occupied by CICO. W. THOMSON & YON, I shall move to my owe stand agate me tone es ins present stook Is dkmad d, and will open op with •.S ssl•te line of ireek goods. Lod only heavy Mae S.... 54 Isohac wide. .2 wily, Imitation Electra Seal C►perismo, reel fur. light fur Dollar sad edge. Fancy Plaids 25c. regular is 014 ler Waist bard wonted Bolsi', will stand no end of Sys $3.00 bard weer, regular $1 00, for bar- gain days 65c 3ooly snit ends black Homs.pan, slet. qualities that will wear well, regular 15 00 and 56 00 the suit, lit sods. on 53.50 bargain day, each •p End only, t xtra good quality black Serge, rough cheviot finish, very stylish, last end, regular $1.00. for bargaii 65c dors .. Dress Goods at 20c. 200 yards assorted fanny Deis. Goode. last ends of line' she, sold at 303 to 603, ail daring at ore price on bargain 20c day., that price :. CEO. STEWART Victoria Opera House WEDNESDAY, JAN. 29th, 1552. LINCOLN J. CARTER'S GRRATRST SCENIO and RLLI,TRlCAL PRODUCTION, The HeartC :411:1 l ctabAn'" ) Chicago... Positively carrying a whole Car Load of Scenic, and Elsstrioal Effects • Tele Uemp.sp biased red mteeteed by Mr. LI sale J. Garter the same m sat p'yd "UA1 URR TIER DOH E" here -sad w111 p.eldvely gaarsotee this the beet attraetlan that bee ever played greet of Tetanies The Compeer am ma direct ire the i.yo•om Theatre, RmR•lo, when they are playing title week. THE SARK COMPANY, THR RAMR BORNRRY AND kl.RCTRiCAL 6/f•• FOOTS WiLL POSITIVELY APPEAR RIME PORTER'S BOOK STORE, Plan at Porter's Book Store Our Telepkewe k Nn. leo M. Court Halm Manns, Gnderioh. I Friday Morning. 100 yards cf lenity Plaids. • esitab'e for children's drowses, regular 40o and 25C 50o. oleerime b.rg.0 day., per y Aad only, Cheviot Serve, oleo shade of myrtle creep, 38 cab, last of the lite. regular 603, for bargain days, 39C 1 wily. bleak Astnohu Mag, very fine quality, regular $6 00. ft r bar- 33.00 gain days ........ .. Electric Seal sad Blom Orme. aperlms., eircular .haps. regales• $10. for 57.25 bargain days .i Girls' sod ladles' Sasses• leasstYta, Imam palm, unlet 51.45, fee basalt. 73c r 3 Grey Lamb Caw, Matra Seal sod Blue Opossum ap•rlas,' for bargaln days WI' tails, • besdsome Ramses, 510 regular $14, for bargain days.... 1 only, Electrfo Seel sod Aa$racbaa Copings*, long frost, very stylish, lar 2 sada Camel's Hair dross goofs, one shade &hr. x16 00, for bargain mel5 1 1 .50 of rd. that other dark grey, 44 lochs* •p wWo. very stylish;material. last sods of n, . , regdst 51L 2 Ohio 8.bI. Ruffs, 116d.log bargain very thick, elect twit. • 55C large Oise, 04 Wide, lea', teenier de SS 60.131 bargain days. .p.5., 5 3 ends Felt, 72 isohes wide, manta and ' Black aid Amerioms Op m Week ref.. gold .bads., to clear bergats days, iw6 at 50C regular $3 25, barrels days.... 32.00 New Mantles at Half Price. regular 51.50, 75c 3 Girls' Grey Astrasba. Male, reialu Wire Wan $1 75, fur bargaia 75c. days 10 °sly, Boy's ler Caps, wedge 0c shape, will wear well, tareela days 50c .efilelltk seri Crate apt, ►ate 51 00, fir Weals days, eaek W.� yy; B y's black earl Cloth Cope, dewing argils days, at each a5C On bargain days we will sell the balance of this season's stock of cloth mantle! at exactly half price„ There will be no reserve, but every garment on our racks will go this way. We want to clear them out to the last garment and should not have one when bargain days are over. You can easily figure up the saving. It means that you get a $5.00 mantle for $2.50, a $10.00 mantle for $5.00, a $15.00 mantle for $7.50. All are new this season. stylish, up-to-date garments, and were good value at their former prices. Remember, on bargain days every cloth mantle in the store at exactly a.:: Half Price. Lace Curtains 51.20. 7 pain only, Laos Cattalos, 34 yards lose. 54 itches wide, worth, regular. 51.75, for bargain days $;.20 Comforters $1.00.- 3 only, Comlorter., limey priotedasNea tope. wadding 611.4, last oaw.f 111 26 wad $1 40 lines, i -.r b.reele 4.75,...51.00 Carpet Remnants. 15 slnrt ends of Tapestry and Wool Carpets, Wog t he of from 24 to 8 yetis, will be told on barest• days ab ems• third o8 re,utar primes. 10c Fingering Yarn 5c. 300 skeins of Scotch Fier. rag Yarn, soft Bniab, will wear welt, regular 103 • skate. We hare leo much, to pelf the b.lanoe of our stock on sale b.r. pie days at per skean . 5o Two Hoisery Bargains. We want to olsar out our cadre stook of NYo0140 Hare this 'sister. That le wby we make thew low prise. 11 pairs Wool Hose. Plein and ribbed, all mixes, last pair. of 30o, 350 and 40o lues, on wale bargain days. your 'tholes for 25o 100 pain Woolen Hera plain and rib- bed, some of our beet maks*, ail riser, regular 50o Tines, choke., bargain dsy3,ia Cba lien's Kt I biotins, smelt sires, retina, 25o and 303, Menem day.. . 10. Cloth Capes 51.50. 7 black Cloth Capes, 27 'o 30 inches long, fall swap. rrgolar 113 50, dear. ing bargsto dsye, at esoh..... ....$1.50 1 only, Pis d Golf Caps, large tree plaid. long length. regular 59. bargain day,.... *al 2 only elderdnwa Driving Marquee. 1 pink. one blue, on sale bargain days at 'soh 750 76 yards fur and imitation fur 'frim• minas, sods of line, that sold at 2.51 to 50•, choice coo haraalo reqs . 100 1 black and 1 moored mores° Skirt, res wide frill, ale $2.25. ! argalt day - $1 1 only tweed Skirt, brown mixture, all wont, velvet Wading. lined with gcod Interne te, regular $3 25, for bargain days $1.75 1 wily, -irkssted Salt, °oat and - Rktrr,sis, alcor made, for bargain days $3 60 Doable foil Hamel *heeling, 1u11 two Collars, 3 for 25c. yards wide, reeler 66o, for bargain days _ 450 Ov. r 200 Linen Collars, stand up sad I 45 yards wool Eolerdowne, smarted tura down, •1l ease u let, olarlag fanny attar., regain 40 and 45e, bargain days, •t 3 ler AA for bargain days 26o fancy wool sb---- swlr, good gnalttk.�-Underwear 75c Suit. slightly damped, for WattsWattsdays, Spans of men's fleeos•lined underwear, eeoi' good qualityee ity and ell wide, oariwg bargain dye per snit 75o UNDER% EAR, 480. 100 suits or extra good quality men's Sawa lined Underwear, regular prices, 75o and 863 a germset, elem. Isg bargain days at esoh 48e BOYS' UNDERWEAR, 26o. sew Heed Shirt* sor d Drawe, Wit garmsete of limo that sold as 30. to 403, elating bargain days, at mood Ales Wrapperettes 124c. 125 yard. English sod Amerloan Wrap- mopartitio s. patterns suitable for waists. dressing eacque.or wrapperettn, lit wide of 18o and 203 haw, olearlag bargain days, •t 124 APPRRLTI'1. 7,. Blank and white check and blue and white stripe Wrepperette, 3 paaterel, ranter I0o and 124o, for bargain days..75 160 yards dark rhak•r Vassal, obsolete r•estar 8o, bareal. 4t„;... , ..... . Cream and Maoy• Setas, salable fee liaisons, regular 1210, bargain days.... • 51.50 Wrappers, 51.15. Art Muslin 9c. lite lad chis wrappers must Ri ii RF gain days. Wrappers made from dark Amerloan wrsopereti.n, feet colors, our reveler $1 50 P.ae, bargain dais .. $1 15 15ledisa' WIa',, made from American autos fl.nnele, Im.d• fast colora,ng Art Mayo and (anoy Draperies, ware' able for comforter comet, ropier 12i and 16o, bargain days' - ART MUSLIN 124e. Extra prod quality Curtain Mn.Iln, 40 ioohee wide, regular 25o. for bargain Bayo. 124o Slat 51.25 goods, bargain day. . . .75o Featly Waist Materlal.,a'.orted s'r p e, Caps 25c red and dark lawn grounds. new gond., last ends of 1 ns, loonier 501, fir bargain days ...... ... Blankets for Bargain Days. Do yoo wart to rave men.y haying blanket! 1f so trait this stere on bargain day.. We will show yea beer you tan do IW Yon c u bey 11 35 A I.nneletts Wankel, for $ .91 $2 7S W hits Basket, for $2 10 3.00 •' " 236 3 fi0 " „ " 286 4-00 a .,' w. 315 15 per cent. off Ladies' Fur fiantles on Bargain Days. Ladies' Cashmere Gloves 15c. 60 Min Cashmere Glares, bleak", 511 Mac Malast pain of Iles. that sold at 26e and 30o, ol•artag barbeln day., at dor pair - ISo Corsets 50c. as pairs o1 (Jereees, etosd•rd 51.00 goods, no 20. 21 err 22 in at, filarial bargain days, at 60o Children's Vests 25c. 20 ohlldres's ribbed Vesta, odd Stas., regular 30o so 45o, elearins bargain • 260 dye, at oaoh 30 men's and bnyi espe, the Int of oor (smhtnadnn Melte and Over Drawees, regular b0.•, cholla bargain traveller's samples, skarn,/ M low SEW than half pries es bargain days, eaeb.60o Ulster Cloths, 50c on Davi a 1 n We want to sell 100 yard/ of Ulster Cloths en bargain dsye ant are sad iog to aka Ire. than half prios 1e order to do it. Will plane on nor tables Colored Ulster Clothe, earls end plels elethe, suitable for girls' orate and oln.1., sold raga• larly. at $1.00 aid $1 25 per yard, for bargain days .... 50e f3lrla' Ulleters. --With to olnths we will all tales fluter* Int smell glrb. They an made of strong tweed sod sold .s $3 50 and 54 00. For berealo days our price will be $1.25 sari': Remnant Table. • psi A epeeist baton for btu days will be • remnant table Yes will `d 11 at ►a rear e1 the ears sad an It will is r.sawaste d all kh•do. ntberod Isom all ever the store. They will be marked °keep ammo a wake skims soli quickly. HODGENS BROS ra es on Bargain Days. TELEMONE Ns. 25 u lk k' w 51 ICi WEST $f IAIILTON SI.