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The Signal, 1902-1-23, Page 7
k; w,. r .ser.• •oft :r SCNEEPER9 ELECUTEOS Commandant Kritzinger May Share the Same Fate. YEOMAN STRIPPED NAKED. • gerllla warfare to Cape Coates. tt W asserted by some tlutt he ,s tally a Cape rebel, uud jherefure a BrLthh subJoot, and ye ruck deserves the fat, of Cominsiedaut !Atter, :tooth". C•epm rebel, who war hanged last October. On Chrlettere Eve the Purl.. Rappel Printed a despatch from Deplete, Natal, stating that Oen. Lout Botha, the Bore a ,wivander-lo-chief, was holding five British OMorr•, and hail notified Lord Kitchener that If KrlttInger was reoteecod to death they wouki be dot. Small liatcbes of Boers -Captured- Ii•sutue Imp d --(loud of the I1Iocktiuu.rr-Eight Nuratsel olaa - 1'nthsttc Diary uf 'snul;.er cud Itauahler-Natal yleueerd. • Ladybraod, Orange Bever Colony, Jun. 19.-811 Yeomen belonging to Major Heath'. command, were cap- tured Friday. They were ',tripped by the Boers and rent back to camp naked. Naturally every preeautloo 1+ takeu to prevout there email cap- tures. bat the mountainous. rocky nature of the teouutry ascot -ides lieu 'towable heilug places for the Boers, which maker It exocsdingly dUlkult tw guard against thew. Frequently the British (lank guards' paw out uf might of thu mala (enema, dlsap- lottrtng *motto the bills. whereupon the Boers come out of thetr biding placer. 'surround and capture them. the coluwa at the time nut being aware that the captured have brats mode. The Boors. sett/ -know every putt, then prod:mai ta( other Soho; places anti repeat tie operation Ten Bre.e.b tuhbers came lute tamp the other day wltlout a •lind u. clothueg, the liters" hating rt lievee thew el It. tugether wife their borer, rales and ammunition. email batched of maamsre are ar• rivtiog here tally :rum tau mimosa op•rattng neat by. Molar Lteatu ckp tures via Buena :aorta of Kurreua- bug. wlecre heavy itrtag war beard y odtertlety. Nattvw report that ex-Pre•ideOt Steyn war at Morgenedaw Thurs- day. Doers Try Io1;tt 8.atb. Laelybran.1, Orange River Colony, Jan. 19.-tdmsll Lo.ttes 01 :timers have made many attempt/ lately to break through the dame of posts and get Into the uoutiwasteru dletrict. Os. Thursday three separate attempts of tide ketal were reYeille!. Col. Baffin'. volume. welch is operating • near !'k:lcemarg. etiolated tour Blurs .oe. Thursday. Cul. D_Bsle tow driven Com- ment/aut. /Aerates foxed tower.. Boxoratkerg. Col. Doran'a column attacked Wee- vel'r (x,wnuaa.o, twenty-four miles, front ltk Iwaood, Cape Colony, Fraley segbt. One Doer was killed and els utlhere weretaptured. Threenattvee and a number of horses were rase taken. The Baeutue continuo to be greatly tmproeerod with the resolution of the British. Got erum eat tnconducting the: war. It iedUficult to satisfy the demands; Tor labor from the JobniAeeburgand Kimberley unites from here, owing to the largo number of Ha/autos being al- ready employed as driven and leaders with the British fighting columns. It waw found necessary during the rlearing operation+ In the northeast of the Orange River Colony to born all _the native Mateo 'rams. Wel w eOlp- meo•inr'r their cattle, the leader's oI rno• Brttlsh columns gluing receipt..- .hi eceipt.sal strafing the natives into the refu- ge() camps. Since the line of block- t'ooweem has been matntnlne.l froi' Bloemfontein to the Baetulnnd bor- der. large gnnntitioa of grain nave been going through. Wheat and mrnl- lea aro here le grant gnantitlre awnitinq rail 'raneport. The crops now being r4 gored are -t L•e tarot nn retie -el. There Pe roughly speaking [2,000 000 worth of *heat now In thin reentry, all nv llable for the (love - -meet. Will 'tend Slight Nene.. Ottawa, Jan. 19. -At fnreehndnwr.l the other day aurthority has been given by the War Office to hereate the n'nnber of Canadian nurses who are to be sent to l4o'tth Africa, no that Instead of only five, eight will leavn by the Allan Liner Corinthian from HEWN' nn Monday, Jana/try 27th. The addltkrnal onto *elected are Mine Pope. of'Ottawa; Mien Chal- mers, of Adolphnwtown. Ont.; and Mew Margaret Smith, Of Ottawa. Reelgnr•t (natenl..:ou•. Ottawa. Jan. 19. -Information from private wnireee conveys elan Intelll- genen that two CAnaallan off%eere, (:apt. Lawit•er. 4,1 Ottawa, and Capt. Crltehley, of Marren/A. havn restarted their cnmmi,'sions In the N. A. C. Their reasons for title' action are not known. A Mother's Rserlllre. New York, Jaa. 19-A special de- tnwtteh from London to the herald ant's: it tread be dlfflelilt to Invent n more pnthetin war Incident then one which ore':rrv1 In the experience of a onrtatn attain attaalli"tITerrefige1 W'thnrn'e .tnff, and re0onted by him In a private letter. He wan detailed to search *lonely farm honer. hat evidently the ap- proach of the Itrttell aoldlere Until he: name known. far the hams, wen empty, excerpt for a wldow weeping over her dead child. Needless to My the nerewmnry search wit ri nrincled with no little Inpon%enlence as p..alhlr to the poor wt.mnn, who was I the obi ret of marl] sympathy. Rnt far from bili]e comforted hy the klnrinewe with which aha was treated, her grief beenmv nhrcon- trollablr, it ons then sliftnevered, upon the woman being mentioned, that she wan the victim of the R rr llbeln whleh have been eo f'e'te eir- cnletel nhent British enldlers, for on horning of the p rntlmtty of the hetet Fncll.h the mother bed kl•1'1 her Utile girl to prevent her wafering the hrntnlltlea which ehe had been tel were meted old to yoifng giro by Britt/1h srddlrti.. Therefore her fe Iinge may ba hang lnel when she dtvenvered that t h terrible eacrtflce heel been mode without necrewlty. t'heage• ARala-t Krteaingr►. Natal Again Meuaced. Loudon, Jan. 19. -The Boers are now conceutrullui; 05500 worn on the Z atnl frontier. Oen. Botha, with about 1,;s00 won, In in the ex- treme mouth of the tryheld dlrtrk:t, with half his bureherr at luhlax.ttye and the other half at Babautugu. The enemy have 000 purr -Von and two field gaud with them. They aro reported to have made enquiries as to the gurrleons at Helpwsker and Rumored Strong Stan on the (toil purely Welsh Yeomanry re• glinted to goo to the front. Although recruiting for the pew Hoare" only commenced on Nrw 1'tear'e day. over 80U uppllca- tbns hove been anile for eervke In the new rrglwent, many eominii from turn who have already taken part In the eitwpnlgn The regiment, an soon as the numbers reach the full axe plement, val. proceed to the Cur ragh for a overdo of training lu rid- ing aid musketry. BRRijN'S CSTOR IN THE GING. Pomeroy, two email placer to the east of Lt(tyuultln. Tills, however, Sugar Bounty Question. would rather ludicute tlwt the t Doerr intended to glee these volute u wide berth. &erri`ttiered Boer.' •tate that a great number of fiotha'r men are eumtoee i a Natal rebels, who will not hear of the surrender oaf their Trauevual bretbruu, although the latter are anxious to yl. W. Felty B[ lino Transvaal wen attempted to cutut. 1!t the other day, but uuly ten owuuped the vigilance of the Natal Boers. (ben natant. Scheepsrs 14aecuted. Graaf Reinet, Cape Colony, Jan. 19.-Cuwwnudaut lioheepers, the well-knowu Boer coauluaudupt, wits) waw captured tart October whip wounded, and wile, after trial by court-martial, woe seuteueed lu death, woe executed veafterday. At lila trial (tcttecpers admitted killing a mules, spy, but denied ehz uttier murders with which ho was charged. Ile had tied strict order., from De\Vot to omelet' all Brltleh 'subject' in the Colouy wbo huduld- etl the Britieb troops against the Boom, anal to dwartlpy Ouverumeut bulldWgs, stud therefore be had hurtled down Guvernwa'nt offices, uud destroyed railways. 11e dental that he had exposed 1110 primuurr& to lire from their Own comrades. tie admitted Haat on two apcasteue he had flagged natives for report- ing the prem.ace of herr 011 farm+. but It viral at the request of the farmers tlwmseiver Ulat ,be had In- 1lcted this pu11hehmeut. IkW'ct dere had been to treat such le- nts sever, ly. On one occasion Der said he only flogged 1t .cunt, whet If he had acted Wet's orders lie would have New fork, Jan. 19.-.A Clre Town ds'- inteh to the Ban repots !lett 'the Boer er,mmnndent, kriteinger, who weft nnptorel at Ifnttover Road, tape ('e.l may. Minot a month eg; !s ehargot with hese mentere, eft n'te) thin to train -wrecking noel .malty to prisoner's. Kelleinrt^r 05.14 one of Woolen hen already retool a e,mplet the met successful floor loader% in Yeomanry battalion, bot this will be Coate Settee of (.ward.. LoOdou, J 19. -The South Afri- can situation !las beau clearer) by the awattag W Pa r(sasieu1 and tbe p ib- ,lsatlou of su em,ertant eerier of blue Duska, The uerpatebee of Lord Kitch- ener eh: Lord Milner reveal eubetan- 11.mi progress lu the working of rail- ways. the 'reopening of Bluer, the oosstracatusi of the field et hootile op- eration*, en: the pacification of the country. Thera are also u sal dem- Ale of the hoer charges of rbartem .and Inhumanity by !Willett soldiery, K the cuntnadlcllun uf anyt g so inosodible be needed, and dotal! in- lorm allot' respecting the oonce•n ra- tion camps and treatment of 1St r women and children. The c.. Ulatlt effect of Oily mars of nut,tentic in- tchlegnce 1s that a great anti-Brltleh U(ML.ea- the Coat luegl .tall_Days, n o ra _u d etre when there store - hoes, of official Infurwation are ope11dk Tho only feet which tole again,' the snnn.0 cmrnt of the conetntra- tlun camps Ir the high wortnllly, but the explanation of the merllv-u: nu- thorltIer la that in the eircum•cancee it Gould het be anything eioe and that everything has been done to a:inimise eufferiug and promote for health and comfort of the homeless; N./waits,. Tito la.ett despatches from Lord Kitchener lodieate r. steady p hires, 111 clearing the coc:.try .nud it remarkable Increase In the mobui.y .,f the Brltlrb oulumns, and create a etr.xig Impres.lon that the fighting Ie nenrly over. No (lope of Indepesdrnre. Durban, Jan. 19. -On several oc- c'urluus the belief has tiepin held that at n pleating of the Byers In the field to thecae' the qutetiao of surrender, Dolarey from th s Western Trane- vadtl ; Births from the Eastern Trntwnenl, s'A ex -President Hteyn from the nort 1 of the Orange Riv- er Colony, al. appeared and collect- ed town foe tate purples of the dts- custton. Tlutt ,the meeting had no remit 1e said to have been due to the fact that there le absolutely no cohost, MI amore the Boer. in the (held. Althintgh 11r. Kruger In Europe may tentatively talk u( terata., the Boers now la the field will not accept any - tithe' abort d complete and atholuto Independence. This they no longer expect, but. many prisoners state thy. they ore only continuing the etrnggle, to quote the words of one prominent among them, "In order to make the Irate of independence as ex- pensive as possible 111 the Britisb." Anxious fur Wer to ('ease. Halifax. N. 8., Ja•, 19. -Dr. D. H. Muir. of Truro, who we 't from here lathe West Indies as eblp'e officer wit dre yc.; ret tory, M hack. Ile epoat oue day cm 1)arrell's Ishan 1, Bermuda, where n..arly 3,003 hoer pruooers of war are In custody-. Dr. Muir Saye tee sanitary arrangements In the Boer enclosure _ark.. my good. The prisoners mosattegat in tante. Those who do not, are In small huts erected by themeelves. Their rations are a good ileal better than theme given to the eoldlers before the Boers' at- rriel. Nearly every Boer tgBermnda, the fleeter ways, is anxious for the war to aertwe, end they are ready to say ray, Nearly nit of them are adult men, Rad the few boye who aro prinonere are hlg enough to have helped In the .upplying of ammunition to active fighters. lion Bestiality IeMaily lint. :LAX MITI CATASTROPHE, Will. Cullupsed and ylrsy Fuuud Death 111 the Ruins -Ten Hein, s Recovered- No 1.u1h lu berry ut I'prlslts& of Natives wt Nnoire hes. Brussels, Jail. 20. -The Intt•rnu- 'tlounl sugar conference re -assent bleed to -day. The (•orrespondent of the .tge0- elatel Press lues good authority for saying the Brltleh delegates defin- itely announepd Great Britain's. In- tention to impose a countervailing duty on sugar, unless the bounties are withdrawn. Tine conference adjourned until Wednesday, lu order 10 1111uw the delegates time to communicate with their respective guveruhurnte on Lille and on otter new d.•veloir O muta, :vhk'h occurred during the recess, Fie: 'L't1 (catastrophe. Belfast, Jan. ::0.-A wall of the Smithfield flux mill. collapsed th:a wornieg, burying the operatives, who Included many women. As this dogwatch 1e ,rout, ten bodies haus been extricated trout the rulns- 'lusy el dialog Dented. London, Jan. '30. -The officials of the ludla O1tice here declare there is no truth In alto report :rum Chloe - ea that a natio) uprising' has oc- curred at Naelriabad.ln the tjmerc dlctrlct of India, nud that the Brit - lett troops there have been defeat- ed In three eugagemnent•. BOUND, MEO, BRAINED. Brutal Murder of a Rochester Jeweller. POLIC 'PIE. WITHOUT A CLUE. ▪ Rochester, Jan. 20.-Tbo murder of et - es and blat- tslty, as foveal (ire. '9191) Brum fouled of too rate In hi we iensllere of the a few =Mantes bet eveutr'g *ached: in front store, his skull ly otherwlee be bound and to crushed b rod ids mutUated. He bad ALAS! POOR PUMP! Sister -in -Law Brought Whis- key to His House. HE LODGED IN CHICKEN COOP. Mount Vernon, N. Y., Jan. 21.- Faawily ties between Mr. and Mre William H. Pugsley, of South Felten ureuue, East Mount Vernon, are somewhat broken. According to hire, I'ugeley her heehaw] Is at preeeut living in the chicken coop, while she anti her .liter reign iu the house. Thos .tate of affairs hag ezLeto, for monad thee, but it .5.1 not curve to Tight until to -day, alien !'ugeley had his 'niter -Le -law, Mrs. Allis Brown, arraigned before Judge Bennett In the Count of Special Su.tions, charged with dieorderly conduct and trespass - lug. Derma the tratl Pugsley iuter- ruptal the proceedings by Jumping to tale feet, stud taking 'several yerlr of sash rope from his pocket be acktwl the Juttgu to hung him. "1 would rather die now than to think tat lutuz•oating liquors being drunk in my house!" be exclaimed, while the court officers tried to quiet him. The troul.ie In hit family commenc- el lust Thanksgiving Day, when Mrs. Alum liruwn, Mrs. Pugsley'■ Me- ter, name to live with them. Pugsley rays ho cavum home and found sill empty whiekey (lark on the table, and, nm he lig a temperance advocate, the thought of Iatuxlonting lemon, being drunk In his h•ofee was more Utas he could stand. A heated argu- ment followed. during which Mre. I'ugriey took her nietur's part. That night Pugsley went to sleep le the chicken coup, and wee* then he hen made it his home, leaving hie Jambe to his wife and Iihr slicer. lie 000kod bin own meal., 111141 made his bed; In foot. he lived I,ke a bermlt lu the dingy ten by six box. 011 Muuuny Mre. Brown went to the chicken coop, where her brother - Ir -law wags living, and started to give orders. Pugsley ordered her off the premise'', but she refuses to go. Thea he hastened t wn to court and heel n summons sure. for Mrs. Brown's appearance t lay. The Judge enepended entenco on Mee. Brown. after war ng her to keep away from the fags home. Duke or Abrutaf's .Tans. London, Jan. 19. -The Dake of the Abruul had definitely abandoned his project of furthering polar eipetll- them for the present. He liar Net been promoted to the rank of Major of Marines aud at the request of the King u( Italy he will eut two entre lu n voyyage artond world on board an Italian war p. The Duke will be In Amerlcau tors in the summer us 11)03. OUR MN POPULATION. Some Interesting Facts From the Annual Report. INCREASE IN NUMBERS NOTED CENSUS TOTAL NOW COMPLETE. Parliamentary Representation Will be Affected, HOUSE OF 210 MEMBERS. llutarlu Wilt Lore II. New 0runswlek 1, Nova Scotia '2, 41114 Preece KJ - ward 1slsnd 1 The Yukon to Bove,' Rep native. Ottawa. Jan. 15-(Special) - The Census Department gave out to -day the official figures of the census of 1901 for the whole Dominion. The total population 1s 5.389,686. The population of the provinces Inas fol - knee : 1891. O. E. I. 109 078 Nova Scotia 450.308 N. Brunswick 821.63 Quebec ... -....1.48ri.535 Ontario .., .2.144,321 Manitoba .., ,,, ... 152,514 Or. Colombia ...... 98,173 N. W. T. Yutoa unorganised Territories r..... 82.168 Total 4.883.289 5,869,866 The unit of representation is there- fore 23,387. 1.. Is Barad by dividing 65. the number of representative. In Quebec, Into the population of that province. 1901. 103,'259 459,574 ' 8:51.120 1,648.8'98 41042.9f.: 2 '254.947 177,272 158.941 27,167 _25,546 gigged and I.Irt umrdere% lief es- caped. To -night the whole pollee otee lues been turned loose upon the • a, but they are without tbe'sllght- New Orleans, Jan. 18. -Captain L. IM VU.hern, recently from South Af- rica, Wixlwwr to eorreet the assertion made in him name that no men 'reline to fight for the Bogie could be land - rd Ili Month Africa. Tho assertion was monde by Captain 1M Villiers that it body of men coukt not be landed to- gether. owing to British martial law regulntona, but men anxious to fight for the Canso have found an.i are finding their wny there every day, no tiro atattatiea of Lord hlteh- rn- r allow that he hem onetimevi. k'lle'l ant woendt•'I 14:1,000 Dorris while. the total population In only 110,000. N rl•hn,en .50A Irt.hwira. i Lathe% inn 18 -141r Wattle Wynn having been appp(rm'tchat by the War ()Mee. hen volnntaered In .nine n Wrldh regiment of Teomnnry for wrviee nt the frost. Reerntte will he drown from all parte of Melee Mr wl clue. John Maquet, a n'ght watchol 1lieeuvered the crime. Maquet • vera) wanks stud other. b.g mita lnhwctite on ham -list teat lie visits t regular Litervnli durla4 the night. t war Itis tint ca11 tu•unght at Mr. Brown's adorn. Tar place was rather kirk wilful lie opored tit dour. (Alt as gleam from the opo.1 stove tk,or stewed him a portion of the interior. Ho walked uvcr to close the stove door and eoll:del with a chair that r 'truck a 111. w -a m was In t Y Toon 1 girt. Without walling to taku n r,ew- atrid look lee pulled the burglar alarm ,tad ran tc the ..trio. The cntlre heasi.lunrters force of peacetime came tumbl►ng over them - sive]] down F.Ielsange street to the Four Corn..re. What they saw wan aged Mr. Brown t.wtltng in front of the tall office wife, tale gray hair and long wit:a•k'rn uaatt,:,l ss11.1, blt.ol and the lop of lits 1114111 ilternty crushed In He would have faliin to the floor had not the shewrage been clime that he frit over /tamest 1t,. The old meta wan gagged firmly, a hund- kerehtef watt Mid elo:ely abut his melt 1114 erten were fa.tr•ge11 behind and his feet were tied together. Pile Moon had rpetterel nil over the .torn furn.iturc. There was no often of a bludgeon or hammer, hut the prik'P porters to b' able to say that :t hammer load Man nee.!. One of thn thing,' fleet discovered seatthat ant much of .the - thoueands within reach had been sto- len. The only articloa of value mits- Ing was a 5250 diamond pin and him key,. They had removed the stone from the netting and thesetttng alone remntned. .tang to the floor. The -showcases hell not been dt.tnrhed, Not nn nrtlrlr had been moved from the spot where It had been methodic- ally placed .day after day by the oid tenger?. The police et once started upon the theory that the murderers hnd hogged and bound Brown and placed him In front of the miffs to worms him to open It for them. He hnd evident- ly retested to do this. They then proudly tried tortirrn to Indere him to eonfeai the combination. and, fa11- ing, they killed him to avoid fit -turn dete'tMn. Within fifteen mtmdes after the finding of the body State .street ons denmely peeked with people am far nn the Four Corner.. The people on their way from church *topped to 'icor the nwfnl newt. Severn' women feinted. Mr. itrown, who woe 70 yenrx old, hod born prohahty On best known of any of the torn! jewrlern for almost half a eentirrv, and ons rich, felt hotly wen removed to the paddle morgue and the poloe took charge of Jibe •tore. n. Thi• Montreal iltonreen Thentoprlenl ( °Lego line rrr.elvrd n gift cf 4-10,(101) from Mimi F.11tn. Dnnnan. The leaders' of the brie -node who 'suave hell Mew atone arm Mme. T-ilkn prifemerm for twenty weeks love finally -ac til 1n writing the ouel 'inns ter lfiil retMaiw of their rnt'tlhee 'het were prsacribetl by the • ngi•nte who here been nejntleting for the w. sen'e fresdnek. The annual report of the Depart- ment of luehaw Affairs fur the year twhdtag June 8001 last was dlstrlbu- ttd to day. Mr. Jawed A. tenant, the th0puty Minister of the Departwcut, satyr that the work performed and the re►ults ()blamed 'low that the tedium" turouglssut Canada continuo w be low aWulug and Cuuteutuu .aid to be more self-rupportlug at they taere'tse lu uumbere. Thome en- gaged W agriculture are aloptlug the .ttttaa wutu)tts as their white breth- reu with very pleat/lag remelts. The mein features of the policy followed ey the Departaeut are the (laity of .hely abodes, to careful safe•guard- ung of Um it interwar with reepeet to oho al(twlattou or sale of their hutdr, their iudivldual and direct respOudibllhty to the crown. the en- •swtusont of tgwwwl Ieglelatlou for Weer protectlou against their owe weakueem or aggression on the part of the etroitger race with a 'slew to •llwrveto tuaily adsutning the re.Ion- Wllltles of cit,wurhip, the grout utg of all nemesrary educatlomal fn- emIIUsa and limiting ouch materiel asaletaoco as may be offered t.o the needy to whet utny tend to make Hutu self .upporuhig. The report ays that there has been no more potent factor In the elevation of the LhttSaos than the religious In .traction afforded them by the nth- stra arles of the various churches who have twee and 1111 etre devut way working to inculcate the prin- ciple of Clirlrtlunity anions these (Duple fuel who more largely (•o -op- erate lu the work of thtir eocular ducullon. The 'milder are slowing Ltirt'ared provident•e of !mints ano greater melt-relutnce. The vital statistics 'thew that there were last year 2,233 births and 2,5.7 .tonin. As compared with tits there her been an Increase dur- ing the year eater review of 146 In oho cumber of births. and a de- ereatw:.-of 817 le the uumber of deatla. A gratifying feature of that Increoao is that It has (tot been mutilate] to any particular province. but proportionately dletributod throughout the lhnnioion. The follow- ing table givor the lallan popula- tion by provinces; 1900. 1901. Ontario................., 20,703 120,763 .Quebec .. .., «..w 10,785 10,863 Nova Scotia .......... 2,018 2,020 New Brunswick... .,.... 1.6:19 1,655 1'. E. I..,. .. .. -re 808 315 British Oolumbia .., ." 24,528 21,876 Manitoba - - :.. 6754 6,810 el. W. T.... ... ...... 17,714 17,927 Outside treaty Malta 14.566- 14,668 Total.'... .., ... .,. 99.010 99,527 Thee shows that compered with the preceding year, there hoe been nn aggregate luerrnwn of 517 in the Indian population. The capital of the !mwltnn treat fund has now increafeed to $3,911,193. HURRICANES IN COLLISION. British Steamer Adana Has a THE LATE BOM. R. R. DOBQLL. T EE MURDEROUS CRIMES Farmer urders Suitor for Doug an d ear s H- t FARM HAND KI 'L.S EMPLOYER. Cletetaud, Otto, Jan. :...a -Maass So- phie Zaulwy was elicit on tho•treet Mel eight by AlusanderMuure, her nice. 1'1 u sa'riousneei of the wounds are tot yet known, out slot rtrk- tug lac girl in tate chin, the erecoud entering tier buck anal breaa1 g a rib, Moore lett the girl where elle II, went Ro Itis house uu Antwud.► sort©t, took Whoop tuts tllud w1t111 aw !,our. The couple had bmee en- gaged to be murral, but the girl rweully broke the oogagenhent, Wan Wort, Ontu, Job L0. -Julio Gar- -lraat *but .d histaatty early yesterday morning by John Bauman, a farmer, olio lives roar title place. Garwood, who lin41 been paying nttoutottx to Batman's 16- 1 our -sed daughter, called at Bau- man'ag house before daylight rood demanded ndmittttnce. Bauman re- f,,te,l to admit has tlsttor, and. af- ter tlrmaaung that ho leave the premises, opened the taut, having in hie hand n.hot gra. Seeing tlarwesel draw a rove:ver, the fired, the charge .trlking Garwood .in the .1011. breast aril calming instant deans Bau- man: gave I t atielf up to the authori- ties.. 'keret-otter, Mass., Jan. 20.-itameou Reatcrnt, 81 ports o:d, living between Rutland and Princeton, was mur- dererd at ht4 home taut night by Lem Heplttxxl, who had been employed by him on the term. iiapgood at- tnrkwi Bea•ernm In bed with nil nxe ani Phot him with n revolver, and later ("untewsel Ida (grime to a daugh- ter of the murdered man to the house. The murderer made his ee- rape, nom!ng In the dirertoa of Wor- cester. A CHICAGO LOCK -OUT , 7!o representation by population w,ll therefore stand as fol;owa : Members. British tbhsmbla .. 7 Nort Mn:.':obi Ontario _... 88 Quebec ........ 85 New I3runewlct ..-.... ........._.,.__ 13 Nova Scotia Prince Edward Island -,w.,. 4 Yhlko% 1 10 Total 210 1111:4 shows that British Cbtnmbtn will gain 1 member. Northwest 2. Manitoba 5, while 1 goes to the Yukon. Tito losses are 6 members In On- tario, 1 In New Brunswick, 2 to Nut's Bootie, and 1 In Prince Ed ward island. 'the representation In the pie/fent Perilament ns 213, In outer words, while 7 will be (Wiest after the rrdt•trithttlon, 10 will hate tc be dedttetet, makings dif- ference of 8 lees than at present. WIII Do a le -Track From Chi- t Cato'iMontreaT.-____ tloten,eut Against haloalui. Mel by the Iloyenit. Chicago, Jan. 20. -Fire hundred cus- tom clothing workers, the maturity et them women, have been lock 41 out, AMR It Is maid the number will be largely Inorenfnet In the near future, At the remit of an nrgsnls/el move- ment to stamp not enloalem among the Rnrmegt workers In ('hlrng t. The Chicago Fedtp's(L ,q of Labor haw taken up the fight of the (loth - Mg workers. and yesterday declared s b0y.ntt numbed the concerns re- spoadble for the lookout,, Strange Experience. Voir More l')estruyers. Olesgon. Jan. 18. -The British Gov- ernment has invited tenders on the Clyde for the outnstruottou of tea torlwdu-boat destroyers, larger and stronger, but .lovru► tlian tbose here- tofore built. The idea el the Gov- ernment 1s that the reduction of sowed to twenty-five knit• wUl be more than comlx.nwatod fur by impor- ter power. More reltabtllty and greater coal room. VIIENCES OF A WRECK, ttew York, -Jag --20.-The Ilrtttut] steun r Minya arrived to -day from Chinn, pan and other places in the far East, Captain Smith Bays thnt from the A rem to tine port he lind tempestuous rather and relates an occurrence wl h he says was phe- nomenal. 1t wan a colt on between two imericnnen. Ills ve at had been ex- periencing heavy ga •e for 21 hover preceding thea ocCurre ce. At 11.15 a.m., on the 7th inotant, the wind was bluwlrg wit hirrricnne force from the sohsth and a terrific black storm from the north seats seen to approach rapidly, when at 41.55, It fell dead calm and the barometer was At noun precisely tho tWoo winds met about a quarter of A mile from the vessel. Tho impact of the winds could be seen to churn the sea Into foam std It became rough and confused. rising to a height of 50 feet above the, sea level, pre- senting n mart dnugrro me (ippeor- once. The vessel noon got into the broken water. which came tumbling nlssard In every direction, but with - met doing mach damage. The spring of the Rtatacln4t-gena waft !Italian- end a ■tern loot wits smashed. the nett floated -the eteward'N pantry ami ilestroyed.the stores. letter the con. (nylon, the scale from the,porth proved to be the nironjtitst. End the Wind, within n -'few htimktt f With' blowinig with hswrleaee toren from tame die= fiction, nnd.•tty' tits •ofelenk He the ofternonn tlha) Qre\ WOO "anteing moun- tains high. In the midst of the grill Cnptnto tImtttrtrted'to' wow tro,' but the .shove -Alit eget-- steed- the force 01.211a.wind. :After. -the •Amen nnhn mime fol._* altert,..11rpe... •-Oa the following day the steamer- seed lama--iresold legs: sppaiettMY It vet sel's deck bead. PRISUNERS QUIT PLN ITENTIRY. Eleven Desperadoes Tunnel a Way to Liberty. THEIR DARING SCHEME. Crawled forty Vett Through Air Chamber Alter .rising Their Tuuuel, Sawed OMCs Oratleg end W hiked Away. MAMMOEIt • fRf ttT ENOINES. Chicago, Jan. 21. The manage - meat Of tbo Grand Tr k hoe decided to have a double track l the way from Cldcago to Muntre . A large portioo of the syelem 1e now dou- ble -tractor, and tate work will be prosecuted with, vigor in hlllgg up the gape, 1110 ltrgeet of whkui. are on the Grand Trunk Weatrrt. Of Me 8:55 mi.oc between Chicago l'ort Huron, 161 are dsuble-trackg and work le being prosi'cuted on mph o b.tween Durand anti Rattle Creek. Tlho double track now In opernllon on the weetern rail non- ettttN of toll mile.. between l'l.aengo next Sellty. Irl., e.od 81 melees between Port Huron and Darned Thirty mllos le being eoaetructed between NLIU- well and (Iratagcrl, Iasi., through South Beni. In the prosecution of the work ietween Durand and Battle Creek twelve new Meet bridge, will he eonwtrurtet. The greater portion of the (trawl Trnnk proper from Port Huron to Montreal (5 slued.) donhle-tracked. The nfflnlillo hnve old]) d..•l,lo I to 4111d metrrinhy to equipment, and eight new mammoth frright engine have been receival e a a 'starter. - -- T. W. Quayle ham been appointed dA! editor of the Ottawa (11I,"n Mr. Qnnvlr line been In 0ltnwa for Hoole yenr.• and In a native of west- ern Ontario. Tacoma, Wn., Jan. CO. -Eleven of the moat desperate prl.ouers In the United States penitentiary on Mc- Nu111's Island, made their escape be- tween 1 nett 2o'clock &today after- noon, anal tap to a late hour last eight were still at liberty. It was tate meat daring anti successful jail breaking ever attempted In that State, anti the character of the men implicated maker It doubtful whether tnuy will be re -taken without loss of life The men at large are: W. D. Sny- der. Idaho, rubber ; James Campbell. Nome, pickpocket; Tbowas Morton, Nome, burglary ; Frank Ainsworth, Nome, larceny; Mike Williams, Spo- kane, cotnterfelter; Harry Davis. Nome; Frank Moran, true name Ed Osmell, Spokane, coxnhterfelter; James Murturty, Spokane, counterfeiter; J. P. Stewart. Idaho, counterfeiter; Bruce Kenwrlght, Nome, manslaugh- ter , James Garrull, Alaska, murder. A hole to the brick wall of cell No. 10. occupied by Convicts Snyder and Dash, reveals the method of escape. The wall was about. a foot .In thick- ness' and the floor of the mill Is of toenail thlckneis, covered with con- crete A tunnel was dug at the Juno - tion of the wall and the floor, atop - Ing outwardly until It formed a con- nection with the air chamber abotrt two feet below and two feet out- wardly from the corridor wall of the trill. Through this air cham- ber the prlioner' crawled about forty feet to where It opened Into the boiler room, the opening being covered by an iron grating. This obstacle was overcome ley tbe use Of maws, and the prisoner.. had then only to walk out of the lack door of the b>tler room, across the yard and scale the board fence. A few yards from the prison grounds the donne growth of timber afforded them temporarily, a safe retreat. The pprhsiners took lilvantage of the latitude allowed them during the d n'tnr .sour to ootteentmate their - psnns. The guards with the excep- tion of two who were on duty on (bit wall overlooking the corridor, wore Citing- dtnnerl ii- (h.-intoe-- roonn. A dinner gang was at work, putting the table*, In order and the other convicts had the pri•ilege ai the es -welders'. One by ono the men-1611P- pod en-U 11P -pod into cell NIP. 10 and crawled though the hole urmetfoed. When the guards came out and lined the prlemen up for dinner, eleven were nt lasit ng. Warden Palmer at once sent a squad of guards In pursuit, and made a tour as the Leland. With two launches, three rowboats, and thirty Lawn guarding the shore line, It Is believed by the officers that 1f the man were wall on the Island at 9 o'clock Inert night, their escape will bo blocked. INFANT MORTALITY IN RUSSIA In Some Ill.trlrea Iteeehis Flgure of .50 Per lent. St. P.teritiSr=, Jan. til. -Tit(* areal - cal reports' presented to the tonal nntleoritkw by the doctors of the Zemstvon reveal nn alarming state of thing,' with regard to thn Infant mortality. it appears that In many of the Government,' the proportion of the children who die during the first year In as high ns 110 and even 30 per Cent. In Iw,httrd i'rteet it In even higher. The report., ncerlhe the terrible nx,rtnitt;: mainly to the Ig Alton of the pet tanto and to the fart hat the mothers hnvr fre,psAnt- Iy to ealte't their ehildren In order to woe In the fields, in support of this vie* It may be printed Hurt that the tietth rate Ia eonnldernhly higher to earlier. than In winter In spite of the er'terlty of the rllmnte. Another int a appears to be the growing prnrtlrte of empinying wet nnrsen, with the rcanit that the nhtr/mi awn e.hlldritO havn to be fed by nrttrivial menu In thin en- neetIon It In paint . nut that the rnte of Infant mertalit, le meth low- er 1intong the Mehammay pop'mia- tion. where Inwobligee er yr,.lnetker to were. her owe nh114ret, 10i0 Of the (iovrrnmrnt.u. for exam #1 the tete of Infant mnrtnlity neo the M••htnmmrdtnit 114 only 111.4 per bort among the Christians 842,t SHOT GIRL ANO HIMSELF, he Young Woman js Dead, Man Lives AND M YET BE LYNCHED. lillleboro, „ Jab. 20. -About 9 o'clock hart al • t a horse without n ,+river stopped , t Cundt(Cs livery etuhle In e : Coftes, elaht natio. souththerut*1110 u of h1s olty,nand In toe baggy which Its was drawwng wu• found (bit dead ' of U�el Clifford reclining in the me of Fred Brockman, who was unou olous. TTwo bullet holes In the he • of the Aka two slight wounds In :rook - men's head and an empty re • ver In his Sant told the story of a` a - 1y wllelt torr .lWmffoen ea few events in the baster 11( oho village have done. Brockman watt restored to oon.clousnses aqd 'admitted that ho had killed the girl -`rt note ons found written by Brock Maw elating bike intention to kilt hiniwelf, and that the girt desired him to kill hor flirt. It wits ajWressed to "Kluft Friends, Brother and Slater," and Meneel "'Fred and oertl it" In it Brooksaso stated he wee in debt, Taw Inst line of the letter contained a request from l;erste Lobe burled be- side' Fred. TodnyJ Brockman walvel a prelim- Innryefnminntion and wan placed In Jail here to await action of the April grand jury. iin exprt'aaet a wleh that be had sucos'te•l to killing !enema. and spoke highly of the girl, bat of- fered no explanation or stntemer,t no to the cause of the shooting. Mies 1Ilfford was 20 yearn old and hiChly r'sepeotet Brockman Ie alio ab.,it :.t) yestrs old and of good fem- Ily, though he hes been drinking re - cantly. There was much tnik nt lynching mmong the (offren people, but no outhrenk la probable. KILLS GANG'S LEADER. ▪ r▪ ankfort, ind., Jan. 18. -Clem I'rtltt gang. died rr►rly thin rnorn- i'rudtt gang. died aerie thin morn- ing from the .(facts of it revolver dint fired. hy William Pltt•er, a y(xh•ng farmer, nn hone hefnre. Last nlltht the gang Invaded the hexene of %linen) Pittarr•'whnre a donee was in proerp.s. They broke down the doom. omnebed Ilia fiwnitnre and In- •nrlled the ilnneer.. Pitteea remelt. stented anti the ging atteckmt him. biet hwitnntly shot Clem Pruitt. i'Itt- tm who is eerliriwly hart, 1t here In Jet) mender the exam of a phvalrien. 'tteklic 'sympathy le overwkelathgly t bis favor.