HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1902-1-23, Page 6•
11{/ Ct(41/ 0 / ee''
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hie band beneath his 000t-tsllrrtook stop se, it le for the last time! we WEAK WOKEN
up • station ou the buartb-rug. and will forgM to -sorrow tint dills has TOn
Maggio. turning the key of for rood- (I! er Nob1.fur A !t exactly, perhaps," teapot. fled, like a lapwing, g(
to lbs tipper ,furies. rho added after a pSUs . ad elle rune
There Auot Letty followed her. *4) her
a feetvand rittl liar ter treaming
Bete feared lest •be strong rertralat 7
4erugh we
the girl had placed upuu her feel- had forgotten lt. I two . Wavy
ugh all tltruugh the breakfast- Jutl.s lure, Aunt Letty 1 owe "r' lira Maxwell Fells flow Much
tem" should result In an hyrlerleal mlalh to tho00 who have been Ulu
or fainting fit. 41.0 did not yet Parente to mo that I eke utd be worrN }'ale and Suffering may be
half know tho strength 01 Magjle's tla:1 uograt fol 11. to return for all Remedied,
ehnraetcr. , their kluduese, I permitted them to
Site. reached her bedtoone Net ay b• uttlwpPy 011 my aceoent. or even to
rhe had uttered it. Maggie weer ''WP'ct Hutt I war so upon 1117 own. •Very 1■ lag Statement by as
leaning on the chert of drawers, to Therefore, unless title mutter shoed. Blurs L.dy-bite Hae aeouad a Tans
Les forcibly dragged brler'. our no. *Sea for ell 1 . utre• W Baku•.. sad
wee to el.. a bereft; bee foto tier we will not talk of It again, will Nast• a;very Renton le Ceuada 10
way very pale. and rhe t tl, to woe, liuuwlt,
bate some difficulty in !/r athiug; I ,.Just am 700 please, my love. But Elora, Oat., Jan. 1S.-(SpeeCIal). -
yet, lir site caught right of Ler oh•U 1 enol.1 urdy we yell ti(►VDY " Met Maxwell, of leis place, hes writ -
etches couuteoaoca, rho Maggie p"1ldered for a moment and tau for publication .e very 'strong
tried to ankle. I Wten tllutrly ale deliberately
ntae letter lu wtuu111ihe realms that Dodd's
"Aunt Letty, will ttvu elate me annwe'red: lkulat.e Pflug eatlu euretl Iter of Fe-
qulte nlutte �ur a little a•Idle-uu, ••1 am happy. I sever knew until multi W eakt.tyrrtr utter ,lie had tried
y i ,a,,a.ar not alone; 1 never oan be that-IWIIM lo.m'nt how mush I owe to your alm.wt eweryU111ig slam.
�T.T11.40+r�rv� +41 t41..14fi�lt�Pl ***'i'fs but, by myself -1 shall bu all tight ; teswttitg. dear, and to your example 'Phut good luny, according to b.1
ao-, - _ - 1 again in en hour or two." I
without which i never rh.xlld have statement, coffered fur n ktllg time
nate!. hav- r,alrtd that all you taught ail' war with kidney trouble, enduring the
L rt nor our- 'the truth. I suplyoln this will b n grertust pain with a dtadurrr and
r THE 1ot1e with
di Is Ilex
.: u stunt ty
sit MIN Lloyd rets
Ing "tiered uelther comic
oNe rod lft Lite girl a
RL'S t;e.l rind w,rrow. \1'Itere
L.... tensed to intrude
air must not reek to egter.
+++4,46464646+++4646+4,++4,64.4.+++46+01 It Rite esI NI "I"'tl 1AuD 1"4 Ly
{are face peeped into her Auu: Letty'r
"He has written to bit. father. 13'411'11"w13'411'11"w door.
Al! his little schemes about Mag- Here Ir the Inter," replied Mrs. "Har anybody been inquiring for
(t1e, his hopes Of gaining a daughter Itaiebri.lge, ad she produced it. "And m"7. were her flr.l :mewed words.
for her old Mf-'. Instead of 1 sing a No one, my .dal tate ' i1'our uncle
A meet whatlid ea �r h .
1 from
fancy. r),e4.
1 n'erectly • of
I1 r
Out on the 1 m
Wen: utY
alio, were dashed to the gron have beta courting the la<I�' for rows e
elei, for he era too seorlbte time past• lie writer very entllu- breakfast and .enol Lizzie has been
.Isar -sighted to supports the . loud,k l alt the fou u ug with her
otartienlly abrlt her appearatt0e, loud, keeper, Ob : Maggie ! 1 atm o.
which be deuce -lees as perfect." deeply grieved about u,lc busduese!'
"A lover's folly 1" eeicelatel her Her niece closed the dour awl drew
hnebaud, impatiently We lied bet- uc.etrer to bur . but rhe answered
or leave that until we can Judge of nothing.
for onreelver." '• I du so feel fur you my d.trliug
it. my dear, Ttlomae would m+ young. a, full of 11fe tln•d ha;.pl-
ue -r be guilty of an untruth, and nolo! to lino, all your promects
1•o is y■ dieti.ctly that she Is very blighted In tho manner, it seems too
•d _ .J.uat_ listenhere: 'It ems! to be true."
a Impo.slbie for me to de- •• All my l"0 1?' to aunt ? Ii that
r loveliness) to you; It must the comfort you straw foot your own
be appreciated. She 1e a teaching?"
o:;.1 ', with blue eyes and " Al. your worldly pro 'rote, dear ;
aol eery perfect feat. I though I trust, iteleetl, that even
r considered to be the they fluty only be b lighted for awhile
0u'• He cold seer- You tette got over tills dlm►ppllntmdnt
than that, I thitht." alter It time. Maggie, and find .om••-
ery handsome," re- holy who will appr,ciate your affee-
with it furtive thou more than TiK•mar doer: at
glance now and the toward the tea- heart il.ope and pray ea."
urn ; "but you have oat told us her "Aunt Letty! tell me one thing;
name. Elisabeth." toil me the truth. Lid uncle ever
0 'ak to him about me -about what
Grr .. Yrs. -
tloo. "Cha he ,o much -wished 7"
11 at
Lady Ethel. reared In the hot -ba of
folly and fashion, would ever be co
tented to sit down quietly In the do
meetic circle at Craishawa, and call
him and his good, dowdy old wif • by
the names of father and mother.
No! he nest give up that klea onee
and forever. Thomas. was nu longer
a bolt, and he trusted he had (Morten
for his own happioeem; but that that
happiueess walkl thenceforth be sep-
arate from theirs. was without
doelbt. So that It war with a grave
ince he called Mrs, illi ,bridge to read
her eon's communicative. and pars
her opinion on It.
It war muco more favorable than
her husband's. W.,menike, the goad
mother will Jetzlet by the reverted
bennty' and the hlgheo+unding title,
and began to think at once whet the
people of Borthwick would say when
they beard of Lady Ethel Bainbri tire,
She was sett at all dismayed. either.
at the m'tl.n of entertaining a town -
bred yeunt lady at Cranstlaws (as-
tir, and even went sit far na to won-
der if her Intendnl daughter -In -lard
had any unmated brother that would
do for Maggie-
aggie."It le the Mat thing that ooukl pro -
Ably have berm -nee to Thoroare' she
a,mludcd, oracularly ; "and it may
be the making of. hie &Rolf . Maggie
will marry a lord next, wy dear-
( irk my words." •
Oh ( 1 hope -1 tribe not.' ro-
pile+tl the old no fervently. "Itse • ete,ugh to tae. Tbontna : but f
cowkht't pert filth my little Maggie
yet awhile. Pray dint pot such no
tl•'D. into the( ellel's head. 1'ttznbw•th ;
W ho mist whit till i non gone before
she lea ere ranehawe."
"Note .ie etolalmei his wi'e. not
to be r tooled all at once out of
her y,nrelt, "Toe weeid never
p, ea selfish. surely. ns to tie the
r, . el how do I co. ntrv-
a e, when she might have the
chance of getting a tale When
Thomas la married. Lady Ethel will
doebtlwe Invite Maggie to stay with
them In London ; and there k nn gay- E'hrl'w hdmiv will b • present. It b
leg- her. 1 k me nit b r la elle w a 1 .Il. loft -*n4- L wct.1 bI
for her. oBcome homie mv dear. 1 (Pittt. Cat 01 pbtce there, vette, among
tand-U 1 •t aA go In to homier/int. and eerie and countesses"
4•.111 the good wows to them at once. "New, my Amer, I think you ere
414111r, --It 1 sett lata gundslag. It ttarrY upon our L•sy MemTf tsa><
woeld hour. before they die-
coveroar secret." Ani drngg'nl(
her husband with her. Mr.. Rain-
briege descended, al{ pomp and flnt-
b .ant
*crib, b
b roan
guidon hair,
note, and w
b'llt of tart s
c, Iy say more
ilio must be
piled Aunt betty.
lrrldge. with great u,_
daughter of the Earl mei Coantea. , 11, LI niece's anxious eyes were mar-
e( Cleverlon. 'Her lather 10 dealt,' I Ing lee' full in the face, and Mies
Thumeo soya, 'and iter lit e broth- Lloyd, even hail she d tred, Oonld not
er, only eighteen months oI Is the have evaded the Inquiry,
present earl. but her mother s .1111 'My daring. 1 believe he did- jmet
tho countess.' nothing can her ' mention it ; bat your cousin's af-
of that.' feet -Iona were, doubtleee, even at
"And 11 Irl quite a settled tit g that time engaged ; and so he could
then ; you are sure that Thom r roarceiy have been expecte!, you
will marry Iter 7" demanded leo seer. Maggio --with a yearning
Lefty, presently. look into the g rl'a countenance, over
"As lure as one can be of any- which an expression of the deepest
th!og to the world. I suppose," re. - In war parsing.
peed her Anter. "They ere ea- 'Of course nut ; don't you nay
gaged to each other. st all events; thingore about it, Aunt Letty.
,end Thomas says It L probable the it a Lttle harder , but
marriage will take place shortly. bat owe 'thing left for me
that It will be quite private•, on ao- t that li to try and
eoont of Lord Cleve -doter recent well ai I can. And you
death." dear, not hlit er me."
to etch will prove very convenient vu, Maggie! when 1
l" Chir Instance," maid Mr. Bain- ce all I have to give
ereige, with what war. for elm. a fort or pleasure!
most enu.ma! degree of earensm "a. 1)u woulu, and, there -
o. ideace In
onion country relations to take part aek:og you, hd n favor, ,to epee
in the ceremony. 1 nese that Thomas to m, bencelur - ard, as little on
p'trticul•erly m,•ntione that none but this patter as m
the immediate member.. of Lady been' thinking
Aunt Letty, and
bust plea r11i ba H
to mention It again
to. openly and too free
-lea-L _my- <leer_eklldee
MIs Lloyd, in 'vivo, eyes to dt-O i
and weep over a mL fortune ap • eared
the very "luxury or wit•, "'wit et
you do 1f you lulu^ no one to w m
nn m
1t „.y make
there Ii only
to do ,uw, e6
boar 1t w w
must he int
"Hinder y
would sacrrk.
you any co
' 1 am sure
MOO Lloyd and Maggie were waiting
for them.
Mnggte Henderson was certainly
not looking w. II. The Meknes., of
deferral bogie had robbed her cheek
of much of its bloom, and her figure
of its rowels '.a. The neighbore said
never ben mei.nte.1 of ids parents
yet; 11. hug b'eo s goal too to ns:
and surely we may tenet him to
ehcro'e R wife for h s.elf..'
and ; thank God for it; but he hive
mule a mI.dake to this matter, no
has will Hui out to hie cost by and
"Well, I enn't think why you
abrin'1 set your face so against it.
where met people would be delight -
she wanted change of air, and her rd at the perop•'ct of mush it match.
uncle and aunt had more than once Aunt Letty, you liave mall nothing
urged a trial of the remedy upon yet upon the subjet. Don't you
her ; bit Maggie was remnl ite to stay ' think It Appears a most desirable
at Cranehaws. and hal b ten allowed connection 7"
to bare her way. She performed I "If Thomas le really attached to
all her ditties ao regularly as here- the Indy,' commenced Miss Lloyd.
tofor •; was co•1•tant in vi.lting am- in a tremulous vole... She Was wait-
wiging the farm -people, reading to her K nery4ualy for mese ulgn
tmin-1 of 1 ate Lama beliiud the
lisle!», and teaching in the t3rtn.hty- i alt t ut m
school. bit the vivacity foil spirit ten -urn; but. except for the clat-
ter , < tea -
of the a -ton s w 1
which end formerly characterised eitg r R
every movement was gone. and a ellese• fill there vena as still as
dull_ lletleseneu had token Lt. pukes_ Attached my dear! attached le
She wait am gentle argil am goal as nes name der-{t;"�T nee -may e
ever ; rather more mo. in feet; b?.t-I from has awn words. his. affections
her bright smile was leas often wit- %rem to be most deeply engaged.
exceed, and her gay laugh hail .end then. fancy what a thing it
erases! altogether. She ane nut- will be roe Haggle there to have
Erring the tortured of sit a cousin brought up with such ed-
cnntngra; why, nn i %vas telling
Pelee and mup•nee, than wlatch there Bainbridge. it may be the mak-
thele lie agony mere intolerable; ash
h ,pr which mho lend almost Ing e r her. We shall have you cores
thou; ht 41eM,•Ii nuthnrIznl 10 chi 4..h Ing out as a London belle next
were being slowly stnrvol to death. re �s0n, Maggie."
Yet no one eurm 01 the clump of her "Never! while I bare a voice
altered looks and manner except In the metier," exclahnel
Amit Letty-Aunt Letty, who, un- her uncle. energetically ; and then
krw,w°, shed tenr for tear with her Mei. Bainbridge abtnebnnl dang••r-
drtelin1 and watched eneh •hang^ in nus S UMM. and eoafined her twa-
be. I have
all over,
am Inure my
t1Mr neve,
Are voile 11
of It a1
he et 7 1t will ki11. you. Maggi
never to speak of what le weighing
on your mint!'
"1 hay 'always one Fri -n•1 to wit• m
i Can unburden It," replied the girl
" Look herr, Aunt Letty!' (ate went
on presently, tinting that bar nowt
iwenlon made no re•.pp,Dse to her last
words : - •• I should tete to tell you
d xnctly what I ; htnk about tel
matter : and then we will o,nmider
the ',object a forbidden "no,'
" N•1 en4. 1. to blame remember Mt.
eon.ln certaln:v 1.; not ; nn l I --I lu.p
i have not dyne very wrung In en
.sou . -
tin a testi{Fn wit ,
fee ire be ba
6 [
given m•• no „elle tent -there -fare. Chet
tl.onght must m. k' it reeler to Menti
then U It line b -en otherwise. :Id,
have bre;1 th'nk;ng eventide mo 0
t1E hoer omen it trvubtz--tt-appy
b:e-,kle those that NIme people are
caned on to endure."
Tlhe hack 14 fitted to the burden
1laggl •, and then le an overw•helml.ht
tmubin,to invade your quiet, Inez
poriencel Idle."
"'Aunt Letty !dr.) you want to mate
me mo.'s 41 contented and reb!liot
thee I am? if on knew what wick-
et thoughts I have entertainetdur-
ing the 'set few hours, you wool.
s(4' no occasion for It. Ilut In the
midst of my tagratltu.fo 1 recalled
the ennvereettioa wh.eh we had oft
liar day -the day I first told you
about myself (tdo you. remember T)
and 1 fe It so ashamed -ow bitterly
Whitt was It, darling? It has
slipped my memoey."
''About the martyrs. nod their dy-
h,m' for t]re tank ; an A t 'tote- you
her 01)1111(1 a yeah the anxiety of o. versation for the reset of the break -
mother. ; t fast hour to .peculating which room
They were nlrondy 'tented at the .Nie should glye up to the mnrrlwf"�
breekfnst table, when Mr. end Mrs couple when they clotted Craneliaws
I*+llnhrtdor entered tate r'om. and whether it ought not to be
"Srde yews-mT_. -. r• .. CO1n tete r f . , ..I }� and decor -
the latter eiu tnntly, ns *h • received
their morning kisses. "Now Jest try
to goes whet it in -telt you never
will ; It 1e quite Imp..lble,"
"Bbasom nam calved I" ejnwtllated
Min Lloyd. alluding. Lo_the�spccted
aor"1Chnmfvtt or w favorite he•irer,
"CAnwin Thomne le marrieldd'" Bald
Maggie H Theorem, with the intuition
of affection ; but she was scarcely
',rewired for the Immediate answer
'Teti, nit ate right ! only titfudy
your rosining It so quickly, Maggie,
He In not married, though. bit gtng
to bei, which le the some thing; and
to the daughter of aa earl. I never
was ei aatontehevel In my' life!"
"I hope It Mao turn out well," re
marker] Mr. halnbrt.lge, as he sank
with a elgh Into hie chair. tinge',
said nothing. bet walker) away and
seated herself behind the tea equip-
age, to attend to which was her pe-
culiar province- Aunt Letty's eye'.
invole ntarlly followed her there:
bet there waw something in the girl'.'
face that forbade eeretiny, amt elle
returned her attention to her ate
"Ton surprise m' greatly. Limbo"
she male, in a vole. that *hi...A with
agitation. "Rarely. It Iw very sud-
den. Ilan Thomas written to you
himself about It f"
very heavy trouble to Inc ; but 1 cam Iseruleoher that (wide her very 111. She
ray truly 1n the face of It the& I have Over paamlog ternsgh what le ulway'e
loet neither the beet Hope two the ,a uritloal period lit every wocas 1'4.
dearest F'rlert1 tdl(tt -I peewee:- life std ger troubled. were coated -
"Wank Csod." epteulatel Eke Lloyd, .rably increased bJ till... Indeed Nor
and when the girl had deft her she life wag fee a time in great danger
thanked Illm on her knees ; lye sage she usod heeds!'■ KIdus y
CHAPTER XV. Chile with the trued remarkable re -
It War, perluepe, au hour after alio meta, being almost tnetautly ec-
ho., accepted Colonel lialubrldge'r lite anus cured 11 •ery
nd Obi
.rt tie coin -
pi -epode' that Ethele
Carr entered t • Y
Ludy Clov,don'ea morning room.
1 ant l4
vw grateful. N b
"Are you ak og:tg .1, UertrudeT 1 letter *be
[ oat's; "1 ca.unot fled wordy
want to spook to you." to express fit• gratitude to 1301 for
There w,tr so lift „ differencehe be- 1111 marvellous uro. lh.kf's Ku12ey
twee•D Iter age and that o
hat ttf Nur Ince
father's wife that she always called Pills are the greatest medicine in the
Iter by her CI.rluti.to name Lady world. eepuolally fur horse of me age.
Clevodon ganced at the determined '1 0001.1 roarce'ly prove hetet or foot
feteturae of her stepdaughter, and 1 WAS R, Moly, and violent pales
grew uniesoe She felt certain site would shoot tnrottgh nay whole eye -
114.1 come with the Intention of tela but now thanks to Dodtl'e Kid -
speaking to her of the occurrence 1103 PUIe I feel well and smart."
of the Dight before, as it was not 'Plea oases and Its cure has created
lite flet tuns L.Ag £th*J had taken quite a eensatfnt cud Mrs. Maxwell'.
heti to task for light be'havlur, eat full and frank statement ..f the mat-
had n0 wish to Rare tfcandal ter, Inti bees CIM subject .4.f a great
afloat about her in tllu early months 'kat def eommwna.
D.k1'e KWriey PMN seem to be an
of An beo on thee prtnctple that the 1 infallible cure fur elrerrea of Vo-
f11v1 thrust has the advantage, and . m('" eta well 1411 fern ltlwe eetlsm, Mil-
le -tee, Bright's Dlleame awl all KW -
toy disie Herr.
forgetful of the adage "Qui «, a
c000." eke anawert.l the simple
i the
. t e4. with e4. !olds tesLsl o h
warm remark:
t whatyou have
1 know exactly n a
e,ome to say to me, Ethel. ate! though
i le altotr.-tlx,r out of your proviuw'
et m -thiol the circumstance. yet, ad
you X111 son bet I have no ob ee•tloa t..
fell you that the i►tuatkou (through
•'woubtle.e, sooner or later it moot
ate occurred) war hurried' on by
101 fooltnh Interest I take In your
affairs I Pty foolish because kitb-
•rto 1t has been a tl.anklew task as
you well know."
At these words Lady Ethel store!
uuaziel. She had sought Lady Cleve
Sou with the *)Is intention of In
(4rming hew of the alteration in her
prospects and to allude In tiie remit
st •1,•Krre to the Marquis de Lacar•
rag wart t1..' Inst thing to which her
p .NMI It art Rout.' hate prompted her
now, however, as ger stepmother's
not sentence struck her ear In her
urprte• rhe ejeculated:
"My affairs!'
'Y m. y.rtret. I know Wlat you are
very Letlependeot, Etettel ; but I have
been lett by your dear teener In the
Iw,dtlon of a mother to you"-tLatly
1'1 •vedon tooted be NO very motherly
1 -'sett! 1
t.ouid not have thought 1 was d4
my duty -after all that patine.! last
aw.n. and! what I have seen during
14 vldt here -If I bad not asked
1 tar what ware his IDtentlous con-
werning you.
' C4. 4c 'rtdDg nee."
it would be iisposable to d•
r•rib' how much force Lady
.diel' threw - Brits f1i1e went n(we
-lir how W1dt.• rhe turned
eke a living creature oudden'y
•reneformrd to morale -al except
her s• 'ea which g'owe.l in Ilgnant
r on e woman who had pre-
pared title Insult for ber.
"'You spoke to the Marquis de
cerraa concerning me?" she re-
tell, atter a slight pause. "Then
•11er that you took a molt 08-
warr, ntable liberty with my name
tertr le."
"A 11 rty :" exclaimed Lady Cleve -
'on ; "w. at tett Ifo you suppnwe'
g to p-rmit the man to
7011 an he di 1 last sea -
or the reception of so arleto- 4.t-. 1 wl,ebed 1 had some means by
beide. Oetio wife h to a.cort.i n how much my
Mmol neither
Maggie Henderson had faith wit worth ; and as I remain -
retried neither ryes nor tiler ; and, Wore. that Aunt Letty, .i saw the
fortunately for her maiden prkie, pilrpos0 of this 'sorrow. It wail as
bOtb. Mr. and Mrs- BatnbrldRis._ae•re- rarer yeee-'beads.' late" !tot
51111 la State Quo.
They the visit! have asked >r[ Eng-
iishwoman what rho thought tet Leve
•1 think it will be charm ee-
when 1t is Untitled," said the Eng-
n.-Etchn r
Il,hweymn sl.e.
MLeard's Lis -Wiest (karts Distemper.
Hew He Vele.
A Certain thief Judith.* of the Su-
preme Court in one of the Western
States was noted for the disincline
tion to admit that he was 1I1, as well
`its for his roundabout method ex-
One day he war approached by the
State Librarian. who oourteou.Iy
asked after beta health.
"William' said Ibe Judge. Can
Howdy. "1 nm not well, bit 1 am bet
ter than I was when 1 was worse
than I now are
Mlnardee Liniment Cure. (-target In
The Populatlopi of tIdea.
le to dis-
cover tint toe population u ns.
greater Iran that of }terata, Great
Britain, tiermteny, France. Japan and
the !'lilted States c.mebined. and
Hut Chin>LAeszi. papula LI ,s3 ear h1',
of bearing arms of ulmwt
000. In thee other elemental which
g , to make up a tbtion'e potential
strength, soon ns - cltdtt,y.-aadur-
ance, indifference to diraromfort, ab-
ility to sub*let on the smallest ra-
t!',rr (aril to thrive malt unw►nitary
o irrounling's. the Chinese are un-
s,ttobe i i'rum YL -'lit r.4 44. Nr..
York ('cutrnl's "Fear Track Series."
No. 118 of the "Four Track aeries.*
will be went free, p.etppted, to any
*441ewr, on receipt .4 five cents In
postage, by George }I. Daniels, Gen-
eral Passenger Agent, New York
(antral, (irunt Central Station, New
here Is no much thing se a harmless
cough. The trouble goes' from bail
to WI r.e uol•sr rherk • 1, ellen m I.uug
Re..•am curee the worst of ookds. It
mUlid li and ,tears the
zits pest -ages.
was g0
':e ng about
on, canning your name to be con-
nuctcd with h e own by every one
who maw you, hen 1 had very good
r' annnl for sU 'seting that he
ree n t. -
t tin1 t ql
meant nothing r by6
1 t .lto-
otl« teen the eel airy pit
nos.? Your eyes •ay hove been
d neer!, Ethel ; peril • , under the
Ir•ometaneem, it natural they
I;oul:l.- be,- bgt-,.P9)ne w .•e. not r'
- - diel you
auk the marquis down ' Temple
Lady Clevedon commenced o play
with an ivory paper -knife.
"1 mrppose It 1s not absulntoly in-
cumbent 00 me to divulge the rea-
onr-tor sverytlttag 1 do to my step•
laughter. One object, though, tier,
minty, was to idecover how far he
'availed to trifle with your feel-
''i am Infinitely obliged. to your
.ady.Mp for the interest you take
•0 what Concerns me,' hiterposed
Liddy Ethel. in et tette Of sarcasm.
too such °erupted with their own us
out � the croon for 100 to (rear. Shalt
rvflrettone to pass any on Iter sit- 1 Fitment from it ?"
an00. Magglo'n f -pure wan drawn up to
Its full height, her hand. were
44441pu4 together, her eyes - wore.
kited ng with devotion.
M so I.Ioyd regarded her with si-
lent admirietioa ; she felt her pu-
pil Nae outstripped herself.
"AMI ft area. to me, Aunt I.etty,
that /linen We suet endure whatever
pain lie sow's fit to send toe whether
we will or no, the only way we can
follow our love to Illm is to endure it
cheerfully ; to lift up the crone In-
ete'M of ietttng it drag after tie. And
1 Lave real etlm?where:' she added.
In a bower Toter; "that when we do
that iheartily, and with all the
strength of our p„'nr wII He ni-
wars boars the It.atk•.t end of It
Iitsaelf. Crooner, are ever w, meek
lighter when we carry them In rem-
otely, Annt• Lefty" with a 11(11
wintery senile stealing over her
piling features.
Ob. Maggio!" exclaim d Mims Lloyd
In n tone which weer alm041 rever-
entiaL "you are teaching me a leo-
son bo -lay which l shall not r•arlly
forget. My breve girl! 11oad no Idea
you were e0) Bon -hearted , 3 o are
a little heroine, Maggie !"
net at theme wool* Mnggl„ 100k-
nl lip In n hurried, fearful mann.•r,
as tic -Mai frightnn.'t! 0t 11. honor's
Mie WAN ealh•1 on to Wept Min.
'Reeve! Ilan -hearted n herolnet
011 Auntie! bow little you know of
the poor, weak. cowarfly epirlt 1
4400044 !" end, to Mime Lloyd's sur-
prise. In another moment elle was
wrhhlo4 in her Yip
All des hoped -ail elle prayed for
-rwll. tehat she might.. be enabled to
preserve her equanimity unbrok-
en, until sees had wattle' the pri-
vately of her own room. Anal there-
fore, she would not truer her-
/telt to speak or look up from her
occupation, Ant went on m cltant-
orally with star dullest trying not
even to blink or understand until
she had earned the luxury of doing
Aunt Lefty, wlu, was feeling the
oee+uAon almost as cruelly am the
girl herself, after having mad ane
or two tattle attempts, to turn the
a 0Vitl'sttlon into a Ism', painful chan-
nel, oat, pale and anxloua, on her
ohwlr, answering err stater•. ,pi' s-
terna In m0nneyllaelem. end longing
for the moment when mite mhoull rine
from the twhl" awl F l.'nwr them
it ennui at Inst ; ]ire. Bainbridge
',honk nut her ample skittle enol mlrse1
triton her feet; Mr. Bainbridge, with
One ounce of Sunlight Seep is worth niore than REDUCES
Two ounces of impure soap. EXPENSE
Ask /e, the Neaten Stn. tf yore r teen cannat *apply, write le
LIVER EIIOTHEit.A, f.!MTT D, Termite,...tiding h:. name and edema,
\,....\., aM a Mal maple of linaligbt bat will he gent L free of oast
Now It la 01 no •use your being
airy about It, Ether, -for to do to
vete my plain duty, and I put my
,wn feeling• In the matter entire!!
,n one ekle." (And here Lady Cleve
len bit ter-.- bit,, end loofa fdewaye
et the .rapercotter, and tried to get
..d..♦♦♦♦♦♦ ♦♦♦..♦♦.♦♦♦♦.♦♦♦ ISSUE NO. 4, 190'.:,
a,ua/Jt s •.-.0 u•.. al,e/t,, C..43 .41 w..W41U
quuuue 41) tuner ere u rNWts tend Vuvuur
try vlrtYe 1)1 marrt•ige.wtla tltu reheat-
ing wterrlgu. nue 1t b 41..1 avuvrui•y
kuuwu eA.ee 01400 Ut the wumdu 0110
are kuuwu W uertury ear quvvur w urn
1101 ea Ill raw.. 'Pavy ae.U( received
officially tau.Iaelyul4 .,1 u eueuurce,
uta c.uwu. Th., t•ret err-M,ereeiret
ut erotica, the pities, 1telu, umtatwe
mecum* wile of Ld0urd 1. 11, 1ut•I
apsek sit muco lls.,uuy w couquurlug
tt ales 141)4 .0 trylug tu conquer &Jot -
laud Utast be could teat ulfurd tau ez-
yauru 01 a euruuettou fur Mg girl
ureic, fuel l site head to du without this
apt. Worm W tliu pugwtut.
Lug !teary t ell. Nn k care that
Aute 4ul.:yu .usual be cruwued with
.31.eemu Wagnwvuuoe. lir ., aurid to.
rktUW .he wets1 how maim Ise loved
err 14114 haw very 10.10.4. lid (lofted tee
h6JWy it ltUWe. '/au lour wl.ur who
wvctwded Our were uever cruwneu
11. all. }cur uHu *hung, money run
.,hurt, and fur auu.b,r uteri) may
tutee lurked, eeeu W Illy W4rlUt'Iul
111411.1, at Attire of the '111111W1 ..1
thugs' Willett may huts Cunard hie
w .hvtli .r. W l,uchely vruwuing se
away holies an .04144 fury rapid, suc-
ctdeluu. At toy ruse, the beloved
eau.• 4eyWuur, the catepla0d &out of
Llrvee, tate gu'al.h (Catherine Howard
and um wary Cute -rete Parr wets
11.vtr consecrated 1s. publ.c 011 queen
comier(0 ui eenel*1)l.
lleenella M...1*. elft of Charles I.,
remade lit us ceown.e. She w 1►r 3 Wing.
whit war pretty. elle Rue u t rruch
prim:t o 44.41 a b,guttd Routun Catho-
dal trod situ. i.taI,awd to Luke part lit
a state ftiata,u w'iduh sweat com-
pel ler to partake of the eut•r.►mens
,K:ourdlttg to eleuruh of r.ugl:eud
ruphla Dorothea. of Zell, calmest be
reckoned auto'i4 life 04'1054, bee:luso
oh., vial; never called teueea of Lug -
lend at alt. Mille Uuurgo 1. was be-
ing crowned nal ano iittd, and -
bored, the Lady' of ,\b.deu was pa-
use lit her lung. nlollutot.o4a cuptly-
ltt'arollne of Brunswick is tho last,
a4. •e of 11.
and mart remurkrWe, Wrt w
usa•rownel English queries. ?Weigh
1'. . bac Coro"d from 001 sge 1hint u pup'
tear tndignatton to give up ttrot(ttl
of pause nal pomalticm aga•ast her,
nothing would Induce him to let her
*hare him turonatiou. She war not
p•rmittel to be present la Wet.
Detester Abbey at all Repulsed from
all the eotraisc'sw, aha returned to
her honor, to ole wltWa three weeks
el a tlolrot Icier, brought on- by
Iflunths of fearful exelteulent. The
drained cord snnppel. The brava
heart was broken at last.
Never thought 'of such a
sign for a medicine did you?
Well, it's a good sign for
Scott's Emulsion. The body
' has to be repaired like other
things and Scott's Emulsion is
the medicine that does it.
I These poor bodies wear out
I from worry. from over -work,
from disease. They get thin
and weak. Some of the new
ones arc not well made -and
all of the old ones are racked
from long usage.
Scott's Emulsion fixes all
kinds. It does the work both
inside and out. It makes soft
bones hard, thin blood red,
weak lungs strong, hollow
places full. Only the best lila•
terials are used in thepatching
and the patches don't show
through the new glow of health.
No one has to wait his turn.
You can do it yourself -you
and the bottle.
Minard's Liniment Cares Dipbtherti•
A Coilaterfelt. ...-- There erre a number of counterfeit
lemenlo,n of Canada two dollar j,111r,
In circulation Isere, and the publle 1.
warned to loot Dal for them..The
h111 ('4unterf.lttwt le a new imams of
the. one that bar a fl.hing scene 00
the face. It leek* like a wood est,
n,s1 the back is .,•ry, p or. The woods
'•11.mtut") of (Moeda" os. tho face.
leak AA though the Inlebail ria.
We offer Otte Hundred Dollar& Reward for
any caw of Catarrh that cannot be curled by
Hai '• Criteria Care
r. J. l HKNkY a 1 0., Toledo. O.
we, t.be nnderalgned. have known 1' 1.
00.000 - Cheney for the last IS rear* and belie. e le,
perfectly ho•orabie In all bushier. transact macs
anti anaueuuly able to carry out any oblige -
Wm; made by their arm.
WOWS & Tateas. Weub sle Druggists. To-
ledo. 0.
WALDIwn, KIYNAN a' MARVIN. Wholesale
Druggists, 1oledo. 0. '•.
Halla Catarrh ('are la taken Internally. ar•t-
lag direct') upon the Mood and luor..u. ■ut•
ot-blimase•e-'• TMelon•.la1. ret. free.
7Y• br,ttts. Sold by a:i d ata
M le
The observant man who is nlway*
aware of weal is retie on lib 1:
him, and always alert to, gather n0..-
ful Information- recently had an in-
teresting experience In a ('htcego
hotel, ray. the Yo,rth'e Companion
Nie attention Wan drawn 1. an obi
man. n stranger. who eat nett t.,
elm at the table.
"Jitc w' me," meld the observant
min, "butt du you know what you
are doing?"
"Yes. sir. I am wiping my eye-
'1)0 you know what you are using?"
"Yee. I am using n new two -dol-
lar idle. I never nee anything but a
new bill for that pttpoer."
"Balm isn't it rattier expensive
"It waned be, perhapn, if 1 took n
new bill every- time I wiped my
glasses and threw It away after-
wards; blvt It 1s pint am goof to spend
when I am 'done with It. i don't do
It for_ show- rte to make.
et eccentricity; bet i have found
I1' n 11tH' natural confuelon.) " I that there 1n nothing write no good
wit the manatee to him last evening, , aw a
perfectly new hent note for
and his ap.we•r-well, i suppose from
cleaning glees.. It Cleans them per -
what you line that you mem what i fectly, and erttchet the sor-
hta.nnswre' W1111 -MOV ed, haost aoe-ef- h -lase. , lthelte s -net* of-
o'pmed mtrprl.e4 that I Mould .have It."
'maglnel 1114 affections were engaged I The other man did *0, aO'I In torn
'n any either quarter. Of ',moon, I has pollee! the recipe on to hie
Inn sorry that there should have friends. 1t sorry be n new 'idea to
been nay mlwua4ewtae4 atg on deny me ny peew e , who wear apccteel s.
object, Ethel and !certainly should
:rot have mentioned It s, soon ; bit Mtnard'o Liniment Cores Co
to It Ie-" and here Lady Cleve,k,n ids,
mlIwi at the paper knife, and wait-
.^ to m,lllefole expcctittiet for -some Reason Worth Talkie/ About.
okra of her rhnl'r discomfiture.A little girl from it crowded true -
Rut if elle had expected to receive meat house, watt uh it hteil tellinga
yell a gretlf(entk,n she was .igen- friend In the College Settlement
pointed, rut• Lady Ethel. Yobs, when afoot her new traefter.
'al*nl In answer, was more than •yhe's jut a perfect lady, that'.
urbane -It wit, ,x,.l'I,riy mlrth(ol. l what err' 1m," saki the child.
(Tb be Continued.) ( "Huh 1 Hnw do you know she's a
--�� perfect lady?" quertloned her
SOZODONT Teo1h P.r/d.r frlon,i 'You've known her only two
25C days."
"It a ataxy enough telling," was the
IIopo•f"I 'er'1 Ima'rm• tndlwnant anwweY. "1 know nbe s ae
perfeet lady ]wean.., ■hr makes me
A eourtg woman wheel tencher of feel polite all the time."
Kalmar', Owl her way to the Phblp-
pinew, where mer im to teach, writes Nn; Yee c cannot R.I. " Any old
thugs to a friend:: "Dear !Matte: Yee, thing' merely by advertising. Many
It to trite runt 1 have nlgncrl aeon- liniments are advertised. Only ewe
tract to tetorh three years to the Perry Davis' Painkiller, lin. stood tib
Peel 1tp!no4, and that contract look* te•elt of slyly year.. 'Tia -day it Is
pretty big rind horrki to me now, more popular than ever. 25 'and 50e.
for purl mum the government will
bold Me to It whatever happens.I • Merely Iles Polley.
Rett 1 don't believe the Uovernment Aa -1 eertwlhl had reason is
wont!d force. it girl to keep on tench -
Ina If one of these brave, noble col_ yrn. Care. for urge -you were
onel.. or captnlnatanked It to let her an nicr (1) lee.
off on he could-. Ok, yon My Oleg! dK'-Rut 1 take It n point to he
Son know what we. taltlad...aOnat to etcry man, no matter how
gnI ng, and if i some A hR 1s..
\nywap 1 nm I Inflicts;
b.t.'k with a lit lltar7 title t0 sly
Price per
Hail's Family Phu are the t.
nnnve won't yet .key tillage
iina SOZODONT for the TEETH 250
me "Let mery, auntie! don't try to OtO Mtltatiioa, own, GQl,^--Atialttt
-- 11Cl.IVKRM 4 11A!n('KM.
Putt RkAL E9TATR 011 Meet
• nee. 0s. matter where It b4.. Mend demerit.
tion sed cash price mid art bar p;u• for find
leg cash buyers, Patent Exchange and latest
meet (:wmpasy, 1 urur to. ('quads.
1 etc- there or feeeten procured aril ez-
ppblt ti H.a.klet on patent. free. The Pmt. 0
E xchange end lotretmrmt Company. I'ytht:.n
Hoild lag, Toren•, l) -e.
MbMs 4p
tees Inch,
f amt
rev .
1,000,000 Customers
r e..4M r. -or -t of am rM•ro.n on 0.111
nee rev.. an reoohloor 614 5 for lie re MM •
heeded tilt anprwwl.nted da rt'.•'r%�'vm gee
I0 WORTH nFORn 15c
• 111 moil mem ..'.(rt O ter r
WIrtt natal , wwta * l es
W an rl,le m.►1• fmrrrr ..r 010+01)!! oar.
1M•btI with man.. rs,n Reel sampler
yo 1,h,. y worth ►role to go* • .sort
with. rp...n ,lit of bet la eta.
la ra•adled ram ..
*t - 1Y reit to
l.10. he.
This u reser
Th n h
!Hct rip
the Trade Mark ort ticott'e
Emulsion and is on the
wrapper et every bottle.
Seed isr ices setup e -
O.,. aoJ ji..11 druggists.
here you a paytes metupstlor h,4. the
wlnteri We will put yeti le s way to make
good wesst*: we employ both en salary and
e4. mmf.eisa ; hs.d.ome ootit fnrrh.rd Mr:
our ddiellne 11.14• bur .ale.men rlerdldly;
write anti rat terror n, d rartlrulare. ('►a.e
litealker. I'emt.or. Nereeeltaea, Celloeee,
Out.; eatableabed (s y..4.a
Sean 1n the Niagara P.alwla, u
Inos., to m11.. front Marmites ea twe ra1L
ways. ISO aorta 1■ all lb of .blob Is le foul
mostly pit. ha Will be weld In ser ear al er
divided Into lata d 11 to 11 ..sins Ic met par
etagere. This U a Mewled-8arrsle
Jo.ocata Carpenter, Y. U• bit los. .assn
Yea Meru all about Virginia lead., ro.ls
seethe, cllm•t., r..onrr•e, product., froths.
borne.. mode of ,ultlwat.nn,�p prime. Ma . b)
readlerthe VIRUUTA VAILM[R. Mend lit
4.. tires mo ChM' rtbserteitaw- s�tr.
OW .. rielterT N a.
1* e will pay pee Y rest• per
01) .r 1 tar Plrrk.A 111.14.)., large
tor a,ua11 loin,._ We buy all kindle
of Poultry. We pay' frelLht sad
Arad ebet•k Or menet order as
sour as we receive lbe Pointe v.
., BAML'Rl. L. LE.WD!+ r (-p.,
Ce10mla•iun Merehaste,
Loudon, Out.
tieshfisld - - tlamilton
Rt'OSY and HArt.1tRCItY men on
tier wide GOOD fa'sNce.
M•ralOMwt hauling (th• home e(
lbs late a•aator Tuner(. and several
scree of beautiful peas+. 414.401e if
he the toper the mammals .
Splendid bone fes Maniere.
Ap►(y for o
prospector to Lia Hams
.1. 11. ('OLLI!iMON, M.A.,
Late Open Mathematical arholar
op/Queen's (oli.g., Cslabrldne.
Mf1D6 OP
are vastly evertor to the *rein ard
Wsodsawar• article. for demerit le see.
Ter sal• by all first flaws dealers.