HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1902-1-23, Page 5TILE SIGNAL : GODiERICH ONTARIO. W. Acheson &Son JANUAY BARCAIN SALE. Commencing January 6th we place on sale a large list of Positive Bargains, which prudent buyers and good housekeepers cannot afford to overlook. HERE THEY ARE : Fla IR, S_ Ladles' Astrachan Capes 28 to 30 tootles lung, satin liued and full swoop, regular pato* $16 00, sal. priori $11.50 Ladies' Astraohan Jackets 23, 32, 36 lathes long, tarnlor'a satin and black satin Tined, regular ..20 li'25 and $28 ovate, °learlof •t .D Ladles' Blank Gauntlets rind Allay Gauntlets, an .lour, regular 11.00, sale orlce. 75C Men's Fine Wool -Lined Frenoh Kla Gloves, all .rase, our opeotsl 11.00 Wove, at.... sees / DC Caperines, Boas and Storm C011are 112 Sable, Astrachan, Pastel Lama and Electrio Seal. AU at tot• respuediogly reduced prices. Men's Fur Coats, Colt, Coon and Wallobl, 118 15 and $20. sale prloe..... COON COATS, legator $38.00, at *34 00 CARPETS 27 Inches wide, onto heavy Eogli.h Tapestry Corpse in large of pat• taros and calors, and suitable for 50c soy room, regular 650 qualityVG 36 inches wide, extra heavy Uuien Carpets, perfectly reyereibla sod clear fast colors, mutat 50o quality, •t per yard40c W. Acheson & Son. MA OR'S INAUGURAL. Met RIiR111ar Meeting 01 the NeTown Connell. 'armrest Dlaby fills... -sae Nr' - ben Plante gale Ike taolseM .f the few Ys.r-retlil•ss 1. Coal fay Revell ed. Slime Ibe reduettoo Ie. the metnberrhlp of the torn Doused it has beet. • matter •f complaint that the taws business has uet been discussed at the ..said mambo's, but Mist • custom ba. Rrewa up of raters -too Gael WADE to oommlltfe, %bete lke real disco ssion*Iaka plate. This 1st tnot trios but routine work for the regular mimesis •( the sunetl, sod with the d.cltue of speo taoalar Natures oam. • dechn• of publlo to tweet sod finally almost • oompl.te creels Mon *1185 attendance of eltlaeos •t 18. meetings : .0 much so that i1 &oyme, mat side el the corporation ofoialr and one •r two habitees of the council chamber, appeared as • meeting there was speoalatton a to what axe l• Dad to *nod. It may be too mono to judge, but It looks as if the old order of Wore had pawed away. At the first regular meatlog of the n ew council there was oothlog aeosatlooal on the carpet, hut nevertheless the proceed lags ds..toped s 1 neat little debatet over malt•rs wbuh accordion to Ile •Id style would keys been referred to oommltt.e without question. Ht. V1'orsh'p Fortieth early showed • great lti••t tor information upon the gn•.tro•s which came up, and the resnle war that the m.eYng was anyetIng Let .1 • humdrum on problem will be to provide /4Simoomedation for the ctliz•oe who may wish to at1.od 1h, meetleg.. There were not nearly ensue' Mete M to r'uo t lost lfrtday .yeoiog, sad -hheNs *tending room there was not too much. All the m•mhere of the (loaned were prem• rot After the readioy of the minute, the clerk, at the re.taeet of t8. Mayor, read some of rhe rules of the amoral . mg the oo.duot of the mee•Ing.. Hie Worship then gave be lesugsral ad- t dress. He sold : fo 1 desire to dlroot your att•nlloe for a few p m.meote to some matters whist) I eoocairs e to in of paramount Imp.r*aoee ►s our town, al and wble, ehoold reouy• *mar earnest o oonoideration durtog rho year. Fire►, hew• b • atom the root thorough and oomplet.' Investigation of their dealicg' with Ole messys and securities ot the corporation. This course will, I true, 1 uur exact eoanalal states, give us v•luabl• hints as as to the finanolal manaIoment of our •Bain, put us right If we here In soy way gess astray In making our sinking food or other lnveitmeol., and close the month of gossip. Somewhat kluodred to the matter with which I have just dealt Is the question o1 our assesement. A. you are aware, the amount •f ear oontrollable revone a ex eoedlogly small -so small indeed that the anoun) Iote,..t en tor permanent debt exbauto.t, sod tberefot. it becomes ogees - cry to look : arida lit Into the goessl. ti as to whether or sot our assessment, from which our revenue is so largely derived, rota upon • props bass. From certain figures with wh eh 1 have been sup- p.lei, 1 Burl that the easement of p.roonal property 1s less new by some $2,000 than It we. la 1895 tele year in *blob some of our most important toluenes were *stab hi8ed)tnd that the i000ms assessment ti les. by nearly $9,000 time In 1895, while our population has ,narrated daring that period by 372 souls. Th. re may be some satisfactory exp aoatir.t of this diminution. At all estate It shrill 1 be ti gs.r.d into and the goe.tloa of whetter the tocome cress meat has toyer beta placed upon • really s%tefaotory and proper fouodaboo, as pro- vided for by statute, should *ogee' your •tiontion and he pureed upon by you and anally settled, sod this pa ticu'arly as it 1s quite freely stated and Is matter cf publlo comment (with what &oourocy 1 do not pre- tend to sy), on may have heard It your - waves, tb ,only those the amount of whose incomes 1. outer of oommnn kaowlndge pay the t oontemplat.d by law If this sboutd be .. o , • ay apptied,for th es parties and •II others who pay • fair tax -tor Instance, the ptor man, the owner of his little bous. and lot, which le usually asserted up to Ibe sailing point, are being compen•d, most *Wordy and unjustly, to pay more than their fair sh.re, to other words r s sir mode to h'sed lot those *bo should but do not pay. w !r 1 now desire to addretes to you • 1• orris upoo • subject of ouprome moment an my prate of view, to oar town, sir hat of makbg Grdertch the, lower terminal r lake deep -water 0lvigatioq. Our future roorees and prosperity Lrgely depend (for, wing to oar som.whst peoul,r geo0raphto- posrdon, we cannot commit to .row to oy groat extent from the aid viten tie to y our °enven oo' agriou!tur.l population) p0n our ability to make our town manufaotaring sotre, vet bat we what Is population We oan get the populatldp 11 we oan furnish work at • fair wave. We oan do the If our Truer and rail o..mrnunlc• ,lone are improved, Oar hot duty, them, is to endeavor to induce the government to put our harbor to e ach • oonditloa, t.y the oonetroctlon ot • breakwater or breakwater., as to enable the larrest freight vessels to make our harbor with absolute safety. Erery town, I think, without exceptton, on tb. (ieorglao Bay has been giving attention to the question of Improving its harbor faoddteiaod large goy. moment grants have been mad• from time to time and muoh prosperity has resulted to .nose plass, end atteatlon he thus far, by reason of the 'Minnow, labors of their album, boon diverted from our town, although nor n atural advantages are greater than theirs, in many reverie ; and It to beyond Shona mon that if • breakwater were ionstroot.d here, so that;large yes.cls to a heavy sea could steaky tnem•lyee before igtenm& the prop, our harbor would he much preferred to that of soy no the (ionrglaw t,.y. We must, ,len, be up and doln. If we are net to Ise the trade. W• hay, legged la the race already. The goesti00 should be dealt with 'mhos' a mo ment'e noneoeoeary delay. W. ran no (loch.. secure the co operation of the Grand Trnok aurborltle., the manufacturing interstate of our town, and Meteors other la fineness that oan be atttzM when we make ourapplloattoo to Parliament. I would suit - moo ►ho appointment of • committee of this consort to act to ooe)neation with the board of trade and the ouireoe' oommltt.se, first, M proeure all avulabin information that may hear upon the sahjsoe, and thea make ell necessary arrangements ter an appeal to 1'•rliamea/. W• hare also to onn.'der the question of the lnwo'• position with referenors to the oommerclal docks whloh now, 1 ondsntand, ri quire rebuilding. Ths •lrssm.ot with the Uoyernmeot made io 1883 does not, I think, hind the town to de anything more than keep them le repair. if this he so, lien the Government should be asked to Ina • sem In the estimates at the ap. titer, porm.l me to oosgntalat• you open your selection as the t.wn'e representatives a0a trustees for 1902. The patter. te whloh yea heye boon elected is eat ot honor and Impeosaoee. No man, no mater hew gnat Ilia wealth, bow ftuuhed he *date nos, how high his social standing, nor hew pre eminent his ability, should onodder tb• Oleo of a mantraps! oouooiller as barna beneath lis dignity. 1 kaow of no sphere •1 secular employment to whloh an Indivr,lnal oan do mon goad Man to moolalpl work, than In blither port In the management et Ibe affe4e of the town 1O whloh he how. The a patriotism-10041InIts character, 1, may W. but noble and trim patriotism for all that. I firmly believe that yes will appreciate lea reoponeinditea yoe have o adettaken and, oastlo* &tido all pereooal and party ends, devote yourselves no- mulagly sod vigorously to the in that hare been entrusted to year Bare. The financial position of a oorporatten, ea of as lndeidual, le iterate of supreme Importer -se It 1. o matter of Inters -at to ' reports, and as w• ars n.' an exoeptlon to Shia Int I rale It is becoming That we should sly earnest heed to it, and the putioolarly be:nu re a fooling o1 unreel rerardln, title queanan some to pervade the 'Mede of a oonslderable number of oar eitlzu.. i lay this down as an axiom, that 1t he the duty of • mason to preset a ober sad unambiguous statement n1 the town'. •.aces to Ito p•eple To arras for the orlo- elplo Is aoaasswary and Idle. Malthus it to ay that almost the very wont 1•e,i0* that resold exist among the •Ieotors wield be that Moore was a doubt about MY.1, Iowu's 3oanc,•I stability. Such a minding."' might and mast tritely would retard or kill g enie enlnrp•i.e that If enotommatad weold e reslly oohs• M our prosperity. In abort, we oao mike no great •dvane• until we know molly haw we steed, and. in order that i his desired result may he aoeompl Wheel, I would ask the o.unoll to pose • reselun•n for the appointment of the IJovanment auditor. I deelre, In express and oo.galy• seal laoiueg., t. Beets Mot such e.uree of merlon dose Ont moan the anrb1sl impale tion of wroog!oleo on the part of any •1 out e®elal., who w111, 1 lade oarrun, wed PI Anima �P°���b��OQ AADS DIGESTION Thousands of people are actually starving. not for want ,of food, but because they cannot digest and assimilate the food they cat, therefore, they derive no nourishment from it. Angier'. Petroleum Emulsion helps digest and assimilate wholesome food, cleanses the stomach and bowels, and routs thb digestive organs in a condition to perform their functions naturally. It tones up and invigorates the entire system, and a gain in weight, strength and color is a quick result. 0017011 COVED, DIOHSTION HS.PZD : - / hat'e had a had cane for nearly two years, and nury/hine / look did if no rood area / tried yew. Petro/elm Emit/clan, rr/riat Aat,tlnrod cured nee. 1i it very p/ea.rawl I0 take and / find it aidr direr' Nan. 1 jJarl mach better is every may .rinse laking yew- tele - beveled Eewwlswew, F. FLETCHER, Hw.wber Ray, Ont. All Mssbw sell it. Two .ttra, to et.. sad $1. on • hoes.. Re sore you get ANOIRR't. YOUR NAM* ANTI Aimilt FAO no • prowsl rani will Mini yon a fro ropy of a .shobe boot wrtltled, "Abs•, Vow Throat asd e a It tolls hew so M 7.0 rare far 131, Lamm 1aWwrr„siea• 1.o Organ• 0 glues reed advise es to Diet saki Hyrie e, also I z.moo•, which w alR�f►Rs► Cain KAI.corrast ■onsora ran 1 proaohlug session wtlioloat to provi the rebuilding of tires. (locks. We should afford every mow too o the Improywsus o1 our railway I-,. Our mauutautur.rs roue: b. *,conal the beet water and reel o.rmmuateatl tau give them. 1 hetisvo I8. furor dovstou that there is waro.ly auy advantageous plane to Ontario thrill rloh fur lnamulaoturlug lodurtrms. rapid dilute op of our groat N rthwes the d•vetoymeot of New O.,tarlo sit as Mutat tlliwit•l,J. 0.10.0 w the Eaters for the manufacturers of tho lay, so that it behooves us du all In our -power to aid mai,uf.ctureo gltloh are already a stautisl aliment in our tow°, cud °unalvee to the utmost to loduoo oche locate widow our limit,. 0... way t coa,pli.h tble btu make ours the rale. the best harbor on the lake or bay, and otter is to low no oppottuuily ot euots Ing railway •oWrpns.e ►has meet with . pprov.l. A. you aro doubtless aware, an app ton is now before Parliament for tllo situation of oho alsotric railway through sod adjoiuluv counties. Ooe of Its obi it to unite this county for all time (you remember that there heed best egret for Ito di.memb•rm.ot) and bring • portion of it Into easy oommunlca$tof °d•rloh. It will parry trelgbt, make emotion with the C. P. ft. at two and U. T. R. at 1 outside pointe, su des good ultimately to ooaoect with Manitoulin and North `Shore Itallway Wrarton. The advantage of such a ros time to Uod.rich oan ruddy be o0n0e1 and tberelo:e It .hold motive trout us s awo5taDoe as w• may have power to gra Now these are, in my judgment, the matters with which we ere otl'e1 opal deal thle year and if we make .abstain headway .tl h re.peot to them wi thrill h acc.mplehed moth 1 would recommend that a thoro 'miasma M bad of our wareruork. a leOlrtO light ayeren,s and a vigorous mot made to place them on • pay bails. You are aware that there is mu alk thus days about municipal ownersh S. bay• had an experiment of it here • 8. m.,ult bas leen unsatid►etory. I ion 01 the remora for our failure. 1t may eayoidabty It may not. Let us try a eke discovery ot the difficulty, Let to for light. These are all the points, •xc•pt some stall wish wh ch I will not now both 00, to which I dwlred to rota, sad I w lose with tat sta'emepl, and I have coat you will all with mo is t liking of„11, that the must rigid ecoun art be practised darleg the vrar. W. permanent .tebt of about $20),000 and ating dreir ot about $20,000 (•bis exclu • of tie $50000 elevator owes) we mu ut our fool down upon any but .he abe all mono al expeo.litu,es. The eatlmat at, b.yrepared with nue gre.tast oar d limy mutt net be yxa.adad. Forrhe would suggest, first, that the bylaws aloe consolidated w that the duties • town smployet msv be stolutiy defined d mond, tout • r..oluuob be sero nn the minute book of the council that o npleyee a tb•cor;.orattoo be Derm'ltod t edge the credit of tie tcwu for one Jolla t that all supplier, (unites in • matter gooney, when the proper committee i1 t alto the purchase and report to c001.0. ) ugbt by tender, such rendere to b. •rive rd in the ceslomary way and when tea properly uf•eruarded, and that, to th rube• of supplies, all things being .qua • preference le Burn to our town In. ante, as I th:ok it 1m but fair that, whoa er at ill expedient, the town moos -nld be distributed In tow sincerely hope that my view, that o o little parks may be properly Look er this year, will find accepta°re war C00no1l. They hay. never' yet t dab look betaine! and shy moray -att. pr1 1TbIE has b.eo paid Hire 1 oily la.•anoe to which 1 would be de to spend a little m•n•y this year ould, therefore, suggest to the . 000nm t It 1.t Itself a little Isom hero, emplo metrical gardener at a fair 0105. son i1e ter 00 w- • w.l: mora Go tea Tie t and Mae near Prov - to three 1110.. exert re to o as tend the unto - 001 'too 1.11 the a, t• w.lt u:la very with on the d Is tb• 51 d as yd, u,h ut. naw 1 to Mal are ugh art et log ch ill ud ow be ud as of III 10 be int rb • et ol- ea r. be of 5u 0 r. 1. be ro 1. • 7 on and h sea 1•• 7 • • n d d r J m m 6 Iv utD m die •t ►h •o rip et pl ba ur rn bo tie la Du th cb ev th tw aft t8* r to the teed w the •p there will be 0001440g of beastly for us sal o1r summer visitor• to enjoy. Now, gentlemen, I am obliged to you for > our •tto:a ion. I have given you my views, It is for you to adopt or repudiate them •. you see fit You oat do muoh without mt. I oan do tittle without your a,eutasoe. I feel no alum, however, respecting our r'- latiooa during the year. I am perleolly satisfied that I shall hays your hearty so- °p•ration and'ood•will, I toilette that ru proceedings In council wi'1 ber conducted wit.b dignity and imiartelt' y and I do mot nooerely trust that we may .500.ed In In- delibly stomping upon our work In 1902 the mark* of progress sod proiperlly. [CONTINr'zD oN rant 1.) 0. N. W. EXHIBIT ION. THUlt*DAy, Jan. 23, 1903. 5 Societies t►ro1ahosl SIN Freston, to devise •n b tle:as.►ee end ebonite. In *slatted loete- ••tau as will prologs th1 b.ot' Ititti.e foo Largo cushy of maw owl labor. Too; JI .tory• uu local ooyalderattwo dem yid "t att.uuoo, .pert hum General tinea, 14 rho socovealut maoagcmeut of any 1x11 leer• Oe.. of 1bw• nitwit rash limed ,.f the IVs. 18 4 ng Swte,y bas fogad it difboulty 14 to taut Mat, uwi„e to the ahem.. of terrr:or) 0o toe west, meteor to draw our patr,oago ba h in stook and vats reoelut_, Iris . iu,n leaser d's .D.• than other 1al,.. '1'o inset th. ohy.dbou 1. to Gott of attendeuee we Lav redwood our dates from two to three Jaye but with .o psroeptibl•Inorwu •:th.r io exhibitor' or spectators. W. have also dropped almost eonpletety the footers el special attractions, rod made sp..d testa the met prominept feature, but this, too, he failed to produce the mach d•,. sired Inc,,...:to (tomo,.. Your inventing board will have to wrestle with these prob- bm., sod we cau Duly hope that they may be able to do w more suuu.sefully theta we have. 1'. le claimed th.t. In yiew of the //real Importanu. •aucceseful 1.11 fair mutt be to this as well as to auy town, the town ouuo.il of Go tench might I.arly be appealed to num* 1.. uur relief, and help place the 'to• cony ua a clear foamy. 1t re of course pot hoc euary to prove that the note ,nd.bt,d- uses that your boords have tarried for so many yore 11 1 mill Inoue which renders doubly drtticult the pos.lb'Lty of suooeatful manegemeot, and from this tucubus we have round it apparently lmpoomble.-to relieve ounelyes. How far you agree with tilde prop. -al we would like this anodal meeting to say. la oouolu.too we oat only 'sprees the hop.'8.t you may bat ,I'r to ct:uu.o r Loard fur 1302 wb,oh, with motto wisdom and ex- pert•uou than we have had -though they will not have • nosh .arur.t dt n.ro tor suo coca -will be able to dry... ways and meaus which tool m.ke our (*.S.W. F:xlubtttoo, whit n should tie, sacoed t., no lair to any town In Ontario. After some dracue,iou, the reporte were adopted a rood, and the elcuttoo of *thefts and directors war doh prooeded wttb, re. suiting or follows • Prusideat, J C. Monk:, Goderlob ; 8n► sloe president, D. W DF. Clark. Uoder,oh; esoond yios proudest, 1. Salkeld, jr., Gods rich township; dir•oton-Uoderioh town ship, Thos. Wallis, John S.Iksld, John Sowerby ; Colborn.,•J. T. Uoldtlwrp., Cal. Vsrone, 18. F. Young ; Uud.r•ob town, (.'. A Humber, W. T 51t:ro.y, John Knox The arranging of dates and th. ray Icon •d prise het sod rules sen left to toe halloo of art., new board. A op -color from Supt. Creelman owl ti official program of the Canadian Asto.uano t of 1' ..n sed 11,08 b zoos, relative to tee annual miring to be hull In Totun•o ou February 19.ud 20, were Loth diacooted. 'l'De neelmg wag of the °p.ct,o that cha..ges in the 000tlucs of fall tale and m the re0ni•tlons governing them, ate a matter of necessity and must be reached In the uear future, and hems it a d..inabto bat the moodily ha.. • reprearoht,vy at 'he A•roouttcn meeting. The Ho•r' i:otta i! Soc.e:y hovwg appo,nted Theo. Halted as their repreesnt.tit,, the monog appointed •Scoteta.y NI trail! to ropreseul the Agrtoal- Moral Society. ---- ---- -- - The sonata treatise limiest cnpclad•d to homes*, to' new board as enc! met and domed H. L Wataon as treasurer, Jana Machell a seoretery, and W. Lan. and W... It. Robertson anduors. A m.etlog of the board, with that of the Horticultural Satiety, wtil be hell its the court house o0 Saturday eveoing, March 1st, to brain ih• revision rt the pr's* let, and rseotve the • t Valuable Adore* re abr•aratle.. K.8 seat ep•rtosly, mid take very Itttlr razor. Avo d d •sap fent, think water boo tautly, .ud rlwaye tely on Polvuu's N.rvtl:or as an ab.olu'• fel:overn( rheu 4.4110 putts. Ile'nd flee tlatee.ireugee Ibsa o her remeJles, it pow.* uvsr to s u etmoly heyomit belief Buy a largo 25 omit bottle n I.y, test it, and 111 11 lhie Is to. so. Pal.on'. h)r'titan always Cares rhoumattem. Netralgia is Rheumatism of the face. Uric Acid left in the blood by disordered kidneys lodges along the nerve which branches from the eye over the forehead, and across the cheek to the side of the nose. The cause le the 'ornate In all Rheumatism- disordered Kidneys. The cure le like- wise the aame- Dodd's Kidney Pills - roc) 1 with a Cold and then Fight La Grippe Who is there that las not proved it so? There are more physical wrecks to -day through fooling with a cold than from any other cause under the suu, Uwanta GRIPPE Capsule treatment doesn't fool with a cold for a minute -it at - asseatMeeting elf tae Weal Mures Agrl- rultural'aoelely. rhe an• al meeting of the West Hnron A'riooltara Sortety was held 10 the cocoon Member on 1 ednesdey of last woe:, the attendant's bong, as usual, somewhat small. President Martta occupied the chair. The financial etat,mipt and directors' report were read as folio*, ; (;opgatrn, Jan. 14 1902 To the Members of the West Huron Agrtcil; tarot Hocloty. (;r,T1.RMoN,-10 conMrmity with the act under Wh10* we exist, it lo our duty as your officers and direotors for tri• year 1901 to submit to you the following report, includ- ing the trra.urer'e rtatemedt showing the dominoes for the year. Ono, again we are not able ,to point to such a measure of surge as we amid wish, but we feel sure you will agree with as that any 1a lure in finances has not best from lack of earnest effort on the part o your hoard, but rwh•r from a oumbtn.tte of those dlffioul$i.e whloh are to•eparable the 000dnot of f•11 (aim awl whioh_f luintly tar the skill and reaoaroos of eve the moat aacoeoofnl lata. 10 will he seen from the treeaorer'e owe. meat that more were 2176 warier In all claves tact yaor, AS oompared with 1038 In the year 1900. o gain 01 338 entries, while the total amount of prizes &warded was shoot the same as befo,., $1440 In round 6oures. The gate reoeints, eto , fell off from $781 74 on 1900 to 3757.10 io 1901, hut the total re- osttle wore practically the um*, only &Moot $18 lees, A earths, comparison of the figures may suggeot changes looking towards the lin provemen► o1 nor finanose, and the growth of out exhibition. As will he seen by circulars and Ills annual report of the (enaction Assoolatiop(i .t Fair. and Exhibition,. published by thi Department ot Agrlcultuie, the question of Irl. manegemeot io •tt.raotior widespread attention, anti the Department is uniting with the repre.,nstives of the various "Normal Calfskin" - a porous leather. 'Permits your foot to breathe. 'Allows perspiration to escape. Keeps your stocking dry, your feet cool, clean and hardy. To be had only in - "The Slater Shoe" Na. Marnfa& i ire • Sok Lug Alert. lime Ise C1r1. Nagle. Ilptl, standard. To the first Erb B.yth gale wboattmsre flow door welt-gsvwTtia . ao ar for • year free. Tose m goa8oent 1 Q r held. good till the Bret of April, and will not b. renewed. Harty op now, Lls ! 7bi. 'he °hence of • lifetime. 4nnuno iz C05.147.cent-; The Division_. belwtea gond an l Iod,Oer•al Drugs and Medloines is atrunglr defined here. The **dif- ferent kind are never ordered and neper permitted to form part of opr stock. Only glared* of andonnt.d panty ars cffored to cualomers. Oar .took of Proprietary Medialnes 1, vary here. Prinss not sow. F. JORDAN a MEDICAL HALL. NEWS AND OPINIONS VATICMIAL IMPORTANCE THE Ste. \ ALONE CONTAINS BOTH. Daily, by mail, - $e a year Dally and Sunday, by mail, $8 a year The Sunday Sun is the grent.••t Sunday Nowlpaie r in 1110 World. Price 5o a copy. By mail, $ a yeef Address THE SUN, New WORSiLL'S ....10 THE PLACE To 1,81',,,. STOVES, FURNACES, EAVESTROUGHING, ROOFING and DAiRY TINWARE evil "--kills the cause and prevents grippe, catarrh, consumption, nervous dis- arder and -general -debility. Dtn't be without Uwanta Capsules. 11 your draggle, hasn't riot It, rode.* 75 cents for. box direct to UWAKTA M•P'G CO.. Ltd.. Ottawa. Oast. 1 Before Buying 1 'az" Smith Iflc K I M'S Jordan Store. Block. WINTER GOOIDS - MUST GO ♦ems We bate a lot of Winter (iooda and they must go before stook-t•tlog, $5 00 Overcoats for 33 75 7.00 •• 5.00 10 00 " " 7.60 12 50 „ 900 Bays' Overcoat. and Reefers at sane cut Woos. bleu's and Boy.' Suite at substantial reductions. Ladies' /octets at half pr'ou and les, One -Fourth off all Furs Lar already 1uw priors in Fan are farther r.d.omd by 25 pair rent. $16 00 Fon for $12.00 $12 (*0 Fars for $9 00 10 00 Furs for 750 800 Furs for 6.00 6 00 Fun fur 4.5C 4 00 Fors for 3.,00 3 00 Furs for 2 25 2 5) Furs for 1 87 Bargain. to Dress Goods. ljargaln. in Hoods, 'Toques, Mitt, etc. All winter goods have their walking papers, Now 111 your Olm. McKim's Busy Store. 1908 > 1802 7 T 77, , *moving forw.rt. Winter term b.•rine Joo. t, 1113. Our ru.00'are ru.00uable, our cooties of ■ tud h y t °rough sodraoUnl S J•.urnalan.l see what we tnaoh. '8tudent. may ...erre any this. Two oo0rse• of study, ommerchal and Shorthand. C. A. "LltMlNO, A.l,. MoINTYRE, Prea , ileo,. Owen Nounw. LI•towel. J BROPBEY & SON - Tut LISADINQ - urber(a\ v'veee\ors, l�.motAmers. Order. rar.rully aatesded te Ir/ all hours, .labs or day, gatber wlre.I. CANTELON'S Pun. Sl Bread and Cream Rolls, Mince Pies and Lady FinEFS, Kissel,- - Macaroons, Marangaes, -Brady-Snaps, Etc. see our line of IIEATERS and RANGES sees We will save you money and give you the choice of the best lines on the Canadian market. I•:crry Stove tor y 1 .uaranteal. . . . ILEE £ SHFPBARDI GODERI('II. Clothing 1 haveut into stock task a line of Ready -mode Clothing of first clan manufacture, and at prices to suit the times. Ordered Clothing In still my spools ty A good range of clothe to eeletct from ; and workmanahip the hest to be had. If you treed an overcoat this fall call and sew me. A number of length, ' of piece gootla to be cleptod out at cost, H. DUNLOP, Wast 8trest :Idaho btu! illre Insurance Co. IFARM AND ISOLATED TOWN PROP- ERTY INSURED Value of Property Insure I up NI ',Inner v. 001 ' e.4,1sM isle orrice:di AND DIRECTORS. yaw Connolly, McLain, �Dale.T Fraser,(roadtooi s•J. Watt, Jas. Roan', J. U. Grieve, J Benne woo. dlr.•ctor•; W Broil Ito .t, deaf°•Ih In.peo- for of losses ; T. M Hoye, 8eatorth, secretary. treasurer. Aontehg, J. W. Yeo, Holme.vllle; James ramming Monad ; It. MuMill.n, 8eafurth ; R Satoh, !lariat Policyholders can pay asa"*smyots and get theirards recelpted at Mr. Coati Clinton. or at Moan Broa' Palace Clothing Store, Godes Soh HELLO[ THE OLD ELIABLE. ALL KINDS OF Oro se goal an the beat mato to any city in Canada. Canteloo buds the trade in WEDDING CAKES in fancy dontvnrng anti ontam ink and almond icing. (tiro him an order and your Wootton will Its tenured, D. CANTELON, WEST -ST. eta - sato COA ALWAYS 'ON H D TI1R RICHT Scrlltoll Bard Coal IN THIC MARKET All Cool w,tg$hed on the Market Scales where you got moo Ito, for a ton. WM. LEE. Orders left at LEE o 3 Z'P$,08.D'5 Ston promptly •ttendsd as. Great Suc- _ cess.. e 0 1'It Business has grown to such dimensions that we have deoitde�{p move to larger premises, and will in consequence offer our whole stook of Pianos, Organs, Violins, Guitars, Music, Sewing Machines, &c. And all other Musical Instruments, at Genuine Bargain I'riees until the 15th Feb., 1902. CoaIf Coa Just 11.0elved goTons Massillon Lump Coal, The feat Nnft foal in rho mark, 1. for domcetio nnrrsoe, oleo several cars of Scranton Hard Coal NOW ARRIVING, ALL COAL WEIGHED ON THE MARKET SCALES. Soetohty of otos i. Itknly to . ,n.. a rod famine doting thi next two moot he, world therefor* stet.* 9orehase of your Coal now. Wm. Campbell. U.dmrleh, hey. 13ea 1901. &*member, this is a Genuine Removal Sale, and -the chance is ono you may never meet again. 1 SKATES SHARPENED IN LATEST APPROVED STYLE GEO. W.. THOMSON & SON, Music and Bicycle Doalere, - - - - OODERICH ANT A STEP-LADDR? We give 0110 AWlty with each pound of Pure Cream Baking Powder purchased from us. 50c a Ib. The step -ladder alone worth the price. Try a packago of our Hop Tea -not a medicine, but a care- fully selected Indian and Ceylon Tea blended in scientific manner with specially prepared Hops. Delicious and healthful. Now is the tinlo to tiny your Garden Seeds. We have a full ase.-rtment. Telephrenn No, 91 ST' 7 dt co. THE GROCERS. ASK YOUR DRUGGIST FOR 1cLEOD'S ; SYSTEM ; RENOVATORS A Wonderful Tonic and Remedy for WEAK and IMPURE BLOOD, KIDNEY and LIVER TROUBLES. Manufactured by J. M;_Mar '100, Goderich, Ont.