HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1902-1-23, Page 44 T lunar tr, J.O. 23, 1912. 1 20 0/0 Discount Sale Of ilea's, Yogths' and Boys' Clothing. For seven days, from Saturday, January 18th, to Saturday, the 23th, we will offer our entire stock of Clothing at twenty per cent. discount. This 1. • genuine clewing sale of every srtlole of oiothior In the store. Illeu's OverooNs, Boys' Uveooata and Reefers, Men's. Youth: and Bovs' Suite, Men's odd Puts, odd % seta and odd Coats, at 20 per coot di.00uot• and some hoes moob Iowa•. 20 per cent. mune • btr urlog for you, and shrewd buyers ate sure to take advantage of tau offer. 11 you boy • Moil worth $14 yea 12.00 10 00 " 800 " Overcoat worth 1200 10.00 6.50 500 99 get 1/ el 44 46 46 61 61 64 44 44 for $11 20 i9 60 8 00 6 40 64 64 Bove' $5 00 Suits for $4 00 " 4.00 " " 320 " 300 " " 240 " 3.50 " 280 1; y.' Overotaa worth $6 00 fir $3.50 950, 8 00 Our Clothing Is all marked to plain figures 5 20 end you oars tee that you vet 20 per Dent. 4 00 ,8 every time. Come and see the btrgato. we are giving. Wo will make tt wo,th your while to bey mow. W' must olur out our present stock to make room for spring purobues. W. C. PRIDHAZ1. ght $igna1, le PURLM.im EVERY THURSDAY MORNING •Y �. IteitialtL7��i OODif1CII. UURBH*T: JAI'F.il►-1IIR REFORM CONVENTION WANTED. W E learn with great satisfaction that the Liberals of Ashtield are Anatolia to have a candidate Maoist in the field at the earliest possible moment. To Out end they have held a township mes•iog to determine what c'urse to pursue when the riding convention is called. We aro informed that a Targe and enthusiastic gathering wee the result, and that after s number of names had been mentioned, it was decided Oat the Ashfield de'tgetion would present the name of Reeve Demme u their first choice at the riding convention TheAshaeld meeting shows that thel people .re thinking strongly that it is time a Liberal candidate was in the field. Hon, J. T. GaRRow has definitely decided that \ he will not be a candidate in the future, and we are pleased to know that the public Intereek in the question is still awake, and tbmt peeking for a man is the order of the dsya Ik_ iH now be in order f'r other munici• palitioe to the reline to hold meetings and bring forward "favorite sons." Bat in any event a riding oonventioo cannot be bold too peon, SNAP SHOTS- -Keep your eye on WILLIAM FINDLAY MACLEA`t. He has eat the Tories of To "onto thinkinv. -To. question of Senate reform will soon be • live topic for discuesion by cur era teemed Tory contemporarily. -The management of the Conservative wahine by ALtt[ W'Rtn"T appears to be all wrong -We et Huron and West York for instance _ -The Albany Club of Tonmto doesn't Seem to be the heal, til, hackiwne and abdomen of the great Const Alive party after all. -We should like to see a pen fight to finish between the able and versatile editor of The Toronto Telegram and the only (;IL $ERT PARKER. -The Hamilton Spectator is wrestling with the problem why Orange West York went for LAURIER and French Canadian Laval went agaiuot him. -When HOOLAHAN Was 0.11110,1 why It wait that Laval went Conservative he said, "Mehhe it wag bekase it wouldn't be right or the Quebeoere to lave all to the Orta " -The election of Await ('AMP•BELI, in W..t York last week sends to the Com• esoot osoi mors one Tthe bed. piecee of psidiameatary timber that the Liberal party Gan bout of. Thin is the growing tights and.. Rachis CAMPBELL ie a growing .waw- --- - QUO WARRANT PRaCEEDINGS• \VE are informed that quo warrants proceedings are thrcateuerl against Council. lore Hntieto and KNnc by F. BAKivs% HotULe, the altered cause being that last year's Town Council borrowed a largiir AMOUR/ ear tale colleetur'e sensual return than the law allowed. If the old council contravened the law they should suffer, just as ex.Councillor ('AMriILL suffered under similar conditions u year or two ago, but every member of the old council now elected should be dealt with on similar lines if Mr. HoLODI is actuated by motives in Che public interest and be. hevee he has a-gool cause, he should include Councillor Mt-KNiY in the bunch of delin• quents, it they are delinquents. Hundred, of electors, on nomination night, heard Lr.-Eoturs' anathema maron- ath. &ganef the "old council " There wan neeay.ng clause in fat or of Councillor Ilya (RY on that occasion, and why is there a saving grace now t The old council are all tarred with the same stick so far as responsibility for deeds done in that body ie concerned, and they ehoukl stand or fall together. Failing to treat every member of the old owned alike, the public will be constrained to think that there is a mottvn behind the d0tor'afallare to go after the •'oki counc ►" in a bunco. WHAT OTMEMYARE SAYING. ON THE DOWN (inane K.n.as City doomed : An exchange la ments that Ni , one o1 Nature" stem spectacles, • wonder el bks ages, has become the propeller of base machinery sod the ex- ploiter of sensation meeker'. It bas Moo noticed for some time that N egw• war ge ag down bill, AOR[as WITH MR, stlTON. Ezeter Advocate (I;oousrvatava): There w111 be very general agreement with thm foltowlrg statement made ly Mr. Saitoo In a meet epeeoh at Winnipeg : 'Some of the woollen factories are c;esing up. They eay the reason is that they h•v' not saffolent protwtlan. I say IS is not. If they o•ooet live on • 23 per mint, tariff, the sootier they shat up the better." THt VIM' ,' I'TI.IRr 2A(-N/KY, Toronto Glebe : An industry new to Can ala, but nue which bas a!ready proved Ita po- anion and given vomits tor the belief that it will roach larva proportions, is the Bailey Cutlery Compary, of Brantford, the firm m.uuf.oturef" In Umtata' of shears, eoluon, razors, knives and other cutlery Although the oomp.ny hat been 1n ez sumo' lot some "mi, Its busies's has received chs gr.ateet impetus encs last July, a great, In fait, • bat • new and larger fantory hoz teen found to he &heolutely neo...ary, and til. building Is now to pour.* of construction The capital stock of th• company is 1200, 000, sod, In addition to providing the moat complete and modern plant, the directors have Imported experts from some of the leading manufaolorle. In the world, with tb• result that the B+iley brand of cutlery compares successfully with the good' Rent from any 101,1611 market As this le the first sod only venture of the kind in (!•nada. and as the skllt.1 labor required In this business le nee esearlly of • very high order, LM Impor'ance and value of such an Indus- try Is easily •ppreol•ted The Salley Company bas loosen • well illustrated cite logo• of twwty.6.• peep., le which their floe eerier" of good, aro at„wn, Too Merit ' pruner -me Wesed.took 11e.th.al R.ylew 11 Mimeo a eel holiday season, uermany Leve In Is the strongest A customer of ours who had used three other brands of Portland Cement last season be- sides PENINSULAR says : I ea, a+(•fed that rtltival'La. `will wase .• h.n1 a wall wills Ito• parts were ..... I." If you intend building the coming season it will pay you to use the beat. McKENZ/E HOWELL THE SIGNAL : GODERIUH ONTARIO dust nes all ever Use oono$ey are being Ages. 1 •d down sad wsekmea (brown out',Letn• Sttttl M111,ttttttir,mtffttf mrillnntfft ploymsot. ♦ Savant oanew Takeo iu rhu 'r r 1 r r r r r 1' ' 1 . how. that 1a that otty slope there are lot • 073 Gartons out of work wwNobodyMau take Winter Wants satlaltloo t of the misfortune ut any great teatime but 11 is well tbat the watts to wb,uh Germany is teduoed should bb ,` 1 widely Miura alter all that baa been tole us • roar the eu!lehte at menthols 1. thtit wee �•- HA DW E been followed theta to cutworm/ ugt trade and lout 111.. u' etiolate are als tha thank dr.wu between it sod our own Mothvr:eud to the duadyantege of the latter. Use 1s oomtlou.11y build,ug bleier and hleher the mild wall that surrounds it ; the other has strengthened berseil by throwing her Da dustries open to tae competition of the whole wurld. The progress 'bey have made has been on their own merle and today we see them reaoblog out still further in their ounuuest of the oommerotal world Times were Meter bene, In Britons. Yet Germany has greater natural re.ourcee and It i• al• milted that. to oomm•roial sud teohsloal edooattoa It has .dvoao.d !nevoid U. rival. We how that to view of preempt conditions we will not hear so much in the future about the progreselee policy of the govern meat of the Kaiser. • LanAL OUTRAGE. Weekly Sun : The Huntingdon Gleam r Mille attention to the otos of a habitant aimed Roy through who.* farm the Cao- ad.ers Paolfio Rail say passes. 1'roputy of Roy's was tit on fire by .pork. from a loco motive, whereupoo he sued the oompany and reouvered 8300 damages. The company carried the case to be Cowl. of Appeal., w hich upheld the Weirton . The eumpaoy then took the owe to the Privy Council In England, where judgment was rendered last womb. The Privy Conoctl holds that whets the Bre was caused by .parks from the I000mothv, it au not shown that the company had ant provided suitable tip - plumose to p-eveot spark", end, negligeees oo the part of the company not being proved, It seas not (table. They therefore Saye jodenient against Roy, •ud ordered him to pay rte cost+, which will probably ,mount to more than be i. worth Tilt judgment. says The Gleaner, upsets:whet nor brec rerardel as tb. law to the Provinrs of Quebec Surely atter the -2urls of this country hese been in operation for over a hundred years we should be able to ,.• Ile c:yil vee.► ',Alin our own borders without sending them over for fivai ad)udlost on to a u1 burial beyond ire seas It is nothing Tess Zhu an outrage that our 1.ws should con, pit this poor farmer to employ (000101 and d+lend at London a nue obit!) wary mart b,fors which it had been tried 4n (.,.Dada ea I dm Wed ler his tsyor. This oosstltutioo of Australia provides that no c un other thou thou to which the 000sUlu•Insal pose's of the Commonwealth are called in question shall be appulahle from the Aue mallet' courts. We hope the 1).minlon P..rliament will make seek repr...ntatlnns is will secure the mutton of an rgoally strong provision to the British North Amortise Aro. AN ADVOCATE or RECIPROCITY. Coioago Herald-Rseord : Although it 1a Moe generally appreciated, Canada ranks 'bird among the ou'tomare of the Uoit.d 9 roes. For the year tending Jan. 30, lace, our exports to our six prlseipal costomere were as follow.: Dotted K+ngdo'o 8631,266 266 German`` 191,072 252 Uaaada.0 107 789,233 Netherlands .......... . 84,352 470 Franoe 78,923,914 Belgium 49,390,259 F the Nevem moarhe of the current ellen • •r year te ' or. '1 1. a e[por a o Canada were 8101,768,306 A000rding to Canadian seatbroe the imports from the Clotted Sates are folly 110,010,000 mor., snoually than they appear In our govern- ment reporta. 'turning to Imports Into :he Vatted stats Canada reeks seventh in the bet of nations from which we buy, as •eoesrs by the following bgeiree of the year to Juno 30, 1901 : Dotter! Kiegdom Germany France Brazil 8143,365,901 100 293,666 76.454,098 70,643.347 B-Itt.h Jodie 43,865,674 Cabs. 48,423.088 Canada 42,890,860 From which It actuate that Canada gives France a close rub for tourth place to the ✓ ecord of hal trade with the United States, When it oomee to baying from an, Canada taker thirty-seven per 0.01. more than Frame. At prurient we sell 1;6 and a half times as mooh to Canada u we buy from her, and 1t le Inegaallty of ez.•hange that stirs Rao• mocks to count freer market all along their long line• the following table rives th. 'aloe of article. fort sad dutiable Imported into Canada from the United Mates la tine year ending Jure 30, 1900, from the offioial Cao• & dun year boot : Dutiable geode geode 8 53.897 561 Free geode 1 55,946.817 Total 8109 844 37s Our largest exports to Canada oonstets of manufacture,. of Iron and steel. Canada •••k•& reduction of our tariff on P.sh, lome•r sed oral, all of which we read. Unless we make some reolprooal des! with Canada we are likely to win her free list curtailed et our expense, while the perforce - tial tariff in favor of Id Itch goods may be changed s0 as to pat American good. at & prohibitive disedvantsgs In the Canadian market. If C ngres. 1■ wise It wit] made provieloa for the oegorletion of a reolprootty treaty with Canada before anything Inter. 'ones to give our profitable mutual trade a settees sethaok. DUNLOP Moir fur. .lu. 20. A trio of our elderly ladles enioyed a mose ples.ont sleigh drive te Loyal Wsdne.d.y Altera, oo of lac, week, befog the Rust of Mr.. James Yoaag, -_. M Ise Grave ImWMM, view smut plaasmg•t Ceristmas and New Year's vmw*Ioo, u turned to ()trews nn Thur.dey to resume her etadtsaalthe Presbyterian Ladies' Cel- le,* there Mn. Thos. Maoliride ilotmeriy Uora MacNeil), of Cookstown, is dowo on • volt to her mother, Mr,. Al .z. MacNeil, and her brothers Arthur and ('harles. Let work I\ -m H.dk.tt, .1 the loosed ary, Ashfield, dug & well In the rsreysrd of .tam.. Voadg, era, at Loyal Our •rohlteot h.s reoently repaired his windmill and is soap doing custom shop - Whit for Ida neighbor., and will shortly be dolor Some planing work, Wedn..day of last week Mrs. Gas, Stewart, of Goderich, with her mother, Mn .Toe. Morrie, was present, at the birth day and wedding anniversary of Mn. Ed win Morris. of Auntie, Manitoba, who Is nown tu4Ihg her parent.. Mr. and Mn, A ten, at the latter's r. Moon, The smooth anti,v. rimy of Sirs. Edwin Morris' W11- d;ng H. M.rl'h., b.e rented hie farm In Ask - field for • term o1 years and hoe resolved to b ke np his abode In Urderloh, thus he- nnaing a nttireo of our ooahty town. AN CRU ones. Evan 1f you are obliged to use rratrh.e Dr. Rail'. Ri..tmatic ('H1 owe 6x yen up. Thie was tie experience of .loin .1. Peters, Sitar - hot Leri., Ont. Re suffered with rhem•tiems in his legs (sciatica) fora year and lied to creel) about na er.telies all the time. Fortunately he triad Dr. Hall's remedy amid it only trio! thrift bottlrw to Mule him completely. This great blend puri- fier is pot ..p in bottles containing tan day. treatment. Price 80 tante at ell drug Hew or The lir. Hall Yaltinine Co .. [Tains, Oat, r SLEIGH BILLS. SKATISS. HOCKItY STICKS. PUCK'►. SKATE 8TRAI"4. STOVE PIPE VARNISH. Mr - HORSE 11KU8Hhh CURRY COBBS, We Handle the Very Best Lines of CHURNS and WASHING MACHINES. AXES. BUCK SAWS. \•CUP SAWS. FILES. SAW SE N. JOINTERS AND HANDLES. AXE HANDLES. AXE WEDGES. See Our Big Bargains in Lined Mitts. GIVE US A CALL. ALLAN & McIVE R - The Leading Hanlware Flim honest (loo,2, at Honest, Prices. '" Phone 57. �Ill��lulUl�i�U11��� �ljljl�lull�llllfi Best $2 Shoes, too A BIG IOc WORTH. We ate o8mmg the very test value in tudertoh 'to the way of • 100 FILE. • 1 We've been telling Too • I:t lately about our American made Shoes for Men and Woman -the W.:k Ore, sod Quean Qualify. (rbc.. are ouquestluoably the finest Ln.e of Shoes mad• to the Usited States.) Don't for •moment Irmo tight rf the fact that we also Lave rho heat 8150.1200 and 82 50 Shoes for both Moo son Woman -Shoes &tyluh e3.agb to please the must use, e,l eye sod e'urdy e h tostead the test of wear. We have alt lsathere, all chap.., 11 sizes. We neo and will save y. u half • doper em Yeses sod Weswh'. Shoe' at 12 00. 82.50 and 83 00. Drop Is meld let .. torp Ise you with the acerata& sakes we offer. Why net tale week WALK . OVER ' eP�l2 3V. cooaot ray half enough about the gnodueu of thew two 1aaotifu• lines. Notbiog made toC.eada cinioares vetch them f, r style, bnub, fit or wetr ; rte very latest style, the very beat n morbid •sed the lice.t of a of korai ibis is characteristic' of eve y pa'r. Every day adds to the army of pleased w.•rare of oar two /.moue America& Shoes for nits and women. WHY NOT YOU, Large Bottle Good Polish, 6c. Repairing. Midwinter Sale ! To end on February 1st with TWO MONSTER BARGAIN DAYS! friday, las. 31st, iM Setrrday, Ferru ry 1st. FURS. ONE FUR C0.5 830 00 for 820 00 ONE ('APERINK- 11700lor81275 ONE CAI'KR1NE- 11500tor 81150 ONX (,APERINK- 81000 for 8760 ONE STORM COLLAR - 85 F0 ler 83.75 ONE SABLE COLLAR - 812 00 for 88.50 TWO FANCY COLLARS. with alas Nils - 86.00 lore 14 00 UNE ELECTRIC SEAL COLLAR. 6 tat:s- 810.00 for 87.00. Ladles' Cloth Coats. Nice new Cloth Coate, most be sold a1 come prim. so odds bow email BEAT ER COATINOS•- *0001 45 yards will be sold ar 50 to 81.25. About 25 yards of Black Cardinal and they Astra Mian at sdughter prima. Tore places et light sad dark grey Kersey Stlrtiog, all wool, for 253. Dress Goods. A small lot of ell wool Homespun la dark and brit grey., browns, green and blue mixtures, toms Vs•atlans to popular 'mu tures, some drew and skied lergubs In black 81.esuse and Matslaw, from 200 to 82.75a yard. -A late per chase of Tweed Goods for 15o, worth 253.-A small lot of Prima of last ..a..n's •look. all of which w111 be sold at • big sacrifice. You are sure to get bar- ratos in thew goods. On Friday," -Jan- ..;31 st, and Saturday, Feb. 1st TWO MONSTER BARGAIN DAYS to clear out the balance of whatever will be left after the sale. New white geode la Corset Coven, Gown. and UaderakHltgr/ &amen already oo gale, and new Embroideries. !!1!REMEMBERIl1! our whole stook t. til heat ber•alo prices on these two day.. You w111 he sure to got real berrettas, too Keep the date In mind -JAN. 31st and FEB let. Co.mopotitaa Patterns for Pats - Phone 86 \u pattern mora than 1Do. J.H. Colborne. HAVE YOU TRMEI) .. Our Guaranteed are for Coughs, Etc. a hey e1 Laxative-Bromo Quinine with a tottl. of SYRUP OF L1N,EED, LICORICE and ('HLOI(ODYNKorSYRUP OF WHITE PINE and TAR (D. D. 0.'g) • MAW MIAMI rorax•Slox. In whiter year Voges Planta Dead extra oars and altoutioa. You often feel a need of Gone help. Yon might have It to , The Henderson Plant Food. ., PERFECTLY SOLUBLE. NO ODOR; KEEPS YOUR PLANTS JaELLi1lY. PRODUCES FLOWERS. W. C. CiOODE, Chemist, I. BLOCK DFORD PT. HALLS The Square - Goderich We have the nnua ung SaIe.- - A FARMER'S PLIGH T. *leases Melt Ms Yd •weflee-eer.Mvi'$ Worm avid was Molest •asperse. LA, IVtxnnx, gloss, Jaa 20 (Spec al./ - tied loader,' would he the •rory of poor Pierre Luster of tits taloa zrerw-itae►_legible- happy ending. For inane years he 'offered with as aggravated vacs ct kidney dimmers. His Dame we • en groat that he couldn't atteod Mi work on Cho term. Ho bed aro children to help him and he was very n.a.•h dis- couraged till at lint at the ego, of forty-eight he has been completely cured and restored to good health and 5Creegth, and can now do his work as well as hie Dodd m twenty- one. til• Wes • lora Weartsern. &Minim and great Wood is hie joy ard grv•tuds to Dodd'. Kidney P.II, for their cu'e of his case He used in all tee hex.. i TU ADVEIi4T1SERS. --- Iclear out, to make - ing close prices : 20 Saw Sete, warted Made, were from 35 to 75, sow 26 20 Cold Blast Lenteres, were 75 and 81 OC, sew 60 20 .sisal ('loth.. LIo.., 60 foist, wen 10 8 60 Happy Idea Back Saws Notice of crunges must he left at this (Moe not later than Satnr dny noon. The Uopy for changes mast be left not litter than Mon- day noon. Oatrual Adoertiaementa acoepted no to nor o Wednesday of each weak. l'.r• LI Staing. Thai'. Putnam's ('orn Extractor. GI yes corns tired feeling to about twenty-four house. They cone, queot:v get ( u'. u time cannot keep OD the pato any logger -makes 'hem weary -Xs Patnan'. Pain's.. Corn hxtrater that nor• i he. Now d- 0'1 (Greet. All drurgiete. 4t TE never- -. did --advocate shopping away from home when you could do as well there as anywhere --But there are - Things -- which, it stands to reason, one can buy better in a centre like Toronto is, and one of these is FINE RELIABLE FURS, because to get_. the variety and to get the guaranteed qual- ity you must go to the larger market.. We are rxc1usive fur manufacturers. We make everything we sell, and we guarantee every- thing we make. Wo shall be pleased to welcome you to our showrooms -the largest and hest appointed in the Dominion -if yon are passing one way, but if that's not pos- sible we'll bo pleased to serve you through our Mail Order Department and promise you absolute satisfaction. You can have a copy of our new 1901-2 Catalogue, for the asking. We aro making a special feature of warm fur Jackets. LAD(&4' AMTRACRAN JACK FIN.- Our special . 125 LADE' ASTRACHAN. 000N AND WALLABY JAI:K- ETH 125 to 150 30 to 40 45 to 65 J3LIABLE •••••••O - LADIEY' ELECTRIC SEAL JACKFTH.-Plain LADIES' ELECTRIC SEAL JACKETS-Trimmnd J. W. T. FAiRWEATHER & CO. 84 YONGE-5T. - TORONTO. f following Goods which we wish to room for new goods, at the follow- - 40 24 Leader Axel. were 65, sow - 50 100 Aze Handl.... 10 12 pair Lined Mime, were 50, sew 25 20 dozen •'• aero plated Tea Spoeme, were 50. sow 25o dos lb " Dessert Speen, ware 90, maw-. , 40 15 " " Table " 81 00, sow.: 50 15 " " " Dessert Fork", were 90, sow..., 40 15 " " •• Table " " 1100. sow50 3 " Table Krtvee and Fork., " 1 50, mow 81.10 4 '• " " " 2.50 " 2.00 2 " " ,. " 22.75 " 2.20 10 only, Raider Knives, were 25, now .... 10 12 Only hatcher ('i..v.re, Were 2,50, now 20 36 Padlock", assorted, 15 and 25 oats, now 10 6 Nut Auger., 1.1, were 75), now 25 100 Wire Snaps. for rope or strap, were 50, mow 2 12 Steak Pounders, were 2ho, now 20 50 Whip., vain.. from 11 to 12, vow 75 We carry the finest line of House and Stable Brooms in Goderich. N. D. ROUGVIE The Cash Hardware Store, - Goderich, Ont. Wm. Sharman, jr. BOOTS, SHOES IUBBERS. We have the large t stock of BOOTS, SHOES and UMBER GOODS ever shown in Goderich, It comprises goods of the following well-known makers : J. & T. Bell, Walker -Parker Co , "Empress," The Victoria $hoe 00., The Slater Shoe Co , The Williams Shoe Co. and E. T. Wright & Co,, of Rocland, Mass. In Rubbers we can give either the Canadian Granby, Berlin, or the Glove Goodyear Rubber, of New York. Wm. Sharman, jr. "GOOD RELIABLE GOODS AT FAIR PRICES," is our motto. Mill Wood FOR SALE The al ova is cot into stove wood )nn.lth and will he delivered to any part of the town the Mame day •R ordered. Orders rnopjved by telephone or left at residence, 1211 Cambria street, will receive prompt, attention. 'Phene 911. PETER McEWAN. tluderiott. November 21st, 1899. 53-3m A Great Soap_._. Ie oar Mover snap, at 5e. a pound, of whleh we soli • barrel • week. This Isn't our only soap. as we awry everything that, van he fennel in an ao- to•date erertery stare, and ear prlen ars right. The farmers know that they can always got from sae a snap for their premien*. We drew the line at me legitimate trade - everything ism • Olmsaware or pSM5.., oardes .tuff er ehotoeet table Oita. We deal In all of lbw. T. G. TIPLING & CO., Redford bleak.fled.rich. 0