HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1902-1-16, Page 8bt r 8 TaosaDAY,. Jan. 16, 11102 THE RIGNAL : GODERICH ONTARIO. JANUARY CLEARING SALE OF All Winter Goods Bargain in Jackets All must go now. Prigs away down. Long Coats will be the cor- rect thing next Setawu too. \1-e Gave a few left -a!1 going et re- duoed prices. Bargains in has High-class Caperiues and Ruff, from $10.00 to $25.00, going at re- duced prices. Don't miss this mon- ey -saving chance. Bargains in Millinery Clearing et half price, Children's and Ladies' Hats. Bargains in Dress Goods Extra value 56 in. wide colored Homespun., going at 50z. yard. Handsome plaid back Clothe, regular $2 00, clearing at $1.50. Bargains in Clothing A large stock to choose from. Reduced prices all round. Suit*, Overcoats, Pant.. Boys' Clothing Regular 12}c. Print*, the best, fast colors, all shades, at 10c. We still give the Coupons on the Chairs. Save them up. More Chairs in this week. CASH OR PRODUCE. Smith Bro's & Co. DUNGANNON. NOTIca.-The lour amain in Dungannon far Ten 8LUNAL is at the °floe of J. 0. Ward. J. P.. ooeveyanoer. to.. who will receive orders for subscriptions, advertising and job work. and le authorized to giv. receipts for amounts paid for the same. TrssoLT, Jan. 14th. The snow lest Saiard•y and Suod.y made travelliae heavy aad aopleaunr, but when It gets peeked sleighing will be .' elle.►. Rani/rout -- The usual meeting of West Wawanseb Mutual Fin Insurance Co. will be hold in the A & U. P. A. hall on Wed - sudsy, the 22nd last. Lacy' am -Rev. Ur. Daniel, of Gderlob, will deliver • leisure In the Methodist obarob w Tuesday, January 21st, at 8 r r. Sabjeot, "The Swing of the Cutlery.' Ad. miss!.., 15 o1s. Come sad Sear It. A ted attesdasoe 1e expected, as Dr. Daniel is ea able Iwt.aror. MtrroarcoE,-It 1a reported that Robert Filiation, an enterprising citizen of Aab• field, while away at Luckoow last Thum day, had the misfortune to lose • fine man, wbbol be bought last spring from Andrew 8Mwart for a lerge firers. She died very suddenly of lotlammattan. THE AOSICr LTrR1t. SOCIrTT.-Tbs annual meeting of Wawanseb and Ashfield Atm S ellar.! Society was held here last week We bate not heard result of mutts( fur. Mierthan that Wm. Bailey was reappointed president for 1902. W• presume that be is N. right prises for the smitten. Then was • obangs made In the fist of dtrsetoro. Flan Susioo or 1902 -On Monday, to neoord.ee with the meniolps'statutes, the fathom of West Wawaneeb, Mine duly leltlated as • mantraps! ooanoil, held the first ....boo of the year of grace 1902, whoa the following official, were appointed : Lbrk. Wm. MdCroette ; tree , J. U. Ward ; aeeossor, W. W ,Ison ; oolleotor, J. H Taylor ; caretaker of township ball, T. McRoberts, .r. ; beard of health, Reeve W. MoQaillaa, olerk .ad Wm. Bailey and D. E. Munro, and Dr. T. E. Case ; auditors, J. Bowers aad A. Oordoo. Other maaioipsl affairs brought before the Donnell were duly mouldered. An adjournment wee mad• to mut agate oo Tumidity, 18th of February. If the lint session of the coaooil e1 1902 be an ledlutloe, wit may expect good and bar - mouton* work. HIrMO' AND TiirTega -Mine heel and hostess, et the Queen a hotel recently left es a yeltiag tour 10 relatives la Hallett township and ether places. Ws wish them • pleasant visit and safe return Jams. Bailey and family lett here last week on a visit to friends at Seafortb and vlolalty.... Alexander HoNevin, aa employee In the Big Mill, formerly koowo as Ogilvie's, dar- ing last week was troubled with quinsy, and oat.. to his brother, our genial livery keeper, to ruaperste his health. He lett here on Monday to resume work Mr. and Mn. Jas. Wilson (the latter tormaly Miss Naomi Deyldsoo) o.w e1 Zephyr, and formerly of Dungeness, are on • visiting tour to relatives and friends ud ✓ ea.wbag former scgodotanees. W• were pleased to see Mem looking happy and well ST. HELENS. SATURDAY, Jan. 11th, 1902. Miss Charlotte Toeko Is at present en the doh list. Jas. Weetberbsed, ooaduotor, from the Northwest, Is home .t preeent. Jas. Miller end wile, (rem Manitoba, are a1 present vbltbng Mr. Miller's father, W. Miller. Rob. Miller, Mary ('lark and (lee. Web Mee ham again returned to (ldorleb w farther parser" their studies. Qsiw a member from around here took in tee Sootob ooao.rt Is Madam M Ibs 9N loot. and repor' • good Musa _ The schools sr000d ben rs-epsssd so Monday but the attendance was small ea account of .o many *1 the pupilis having been vaooleated. Miss ('. 11. Gorden, who has beep very sick with typhoid fes tomo weeks past has, we are glad to say, Improved to that she was able bo ooms home a week ago Friday. The directors of the public' library bavo decided to hold a conned on the 17th IDN. 'the program will he supplied by local talent along with some from Luokoow and Whhechureh. Ou Monday of this week, while Mn. S. Derain was dnvfog through the village. her horse took fright and ran away, khrowiog her out while tains through • rate aad inlonag her somewbat. LEt BURN. TNEIDAy, Jaa. 14'b. Miss 9ar.b MaKay, of Godericb, enjoyed a plsasaot stay among us last week. Slow the New You that reaweloome guest the meulse has appeared In our midst after some years' abenoe from the semmunhy. The township eleotlon of 1902 In our ward, No. 4, Culberes. was the same es last year la Its results, heaving the ward with out • representative at our township board. Mr. Mosier, oar resident ceodldat• for oouboillor, remitted 1y on. Sates, and bad every voter In the ward oast hi. vote, Jaoob would have baso oovoted among those elected as township oesnoillers of Colborne tor A. D. 1902. He male a geed canvass In the other ward. se well es In his owa,bat the others voted for their own inter- set nt.rset first and our ward got left tb• «meas last year. In the reeveehip oontestour townsman, James Taylor, was gala • candidate and again wan not .aooeseto'. In his own wall he got 46 oat of the 104 votes that were gtven. A. things sand. aeon ward In our township should hate Its apo oounoillor. This is sot the first time our ward has get left, mid as we said last yetr, we Miley' the Dotard* Uovenment should pass o law that to all townships each ward should hay. • ',cadent wasolllor PORT ALBERT . TUESDAY, Jan. 14, 1902. Mies Annie Cunningham left for Detroit en Saturday last. Mrs. H. Rlddel ie down from Brandon on • visit to her sister, Mn. Cunningham. Miss McKeozle, who has lately returned from Austin, Manitoba, and her brother Douglas, are bee visiting relatives. The anneal social will be held bare In oonneetloa with Christ obarob on Weans* day eveeing, the 22ed Inst. There will he an ezwllens program, after tefreehmeats have been partaken of the Nile orchestra, solo., recitations and ed dreams Proceeds to go towards finish's, the basement of the church. Admlssioo, adult' 25, ohlldr?o 15. day evealsg and wore well pleased with the program Jobs Barites, attesdd the quararly audit of the Canadian lhdjar vl Foresters at Brantford lest week. A oarloed of bugs was .hlppo1 from Bl.e• vale atattu to P•Imentoo ou Monday muroloa by Wm. Jawiu. No maybe was held in the Presbyterian obarob lam Sabbath evening owing to Rev. W. J West', having w mutt in Viutorla Hall In Jamestown. �t The members of th• Christian Kodthvrr Society spout a very mloyable time at the manse oo Moud•y sveoiag, Jan. 703, when they also stented esti care for the sew your. BLUEVALE. TtcsrAT, Jan. 141t. Mn. Bailey has been quit. 111 with pleurisy. Mr. and Mrs. John I'awsett are visiting relatives is Owen Sound. Mrs. Small, o1 Wingham, vldted her daughter, Mr., John Raby, Chu week. James Burgess left en Saturday morning to tate • amuse in Stratbrsy dairy school. Mr. and Mrs. H. Oilmen, of Alberts, N. W T., have baso vleiting relatives sear here. Quite • 'lumber from Bluest* Weeded the h.0 S. on0wrt In Wingbam last 'Thum ASHFIELD MONDAY, Jas. 13. At lbs annual meeting of Maple Grove L. 0. L No 1044, held In December, the 10'iowier offwars were elected for the our• rent year, y z.: Charles Potable, W.M, ; Alex. Hackett, D.M • W. T. Uardoer, ewnt•Iy ; W. R. UarJher, ohaplalo ; Robert Ritchie, F.S. ; C. E MaUseagb, treasurer ; J. Ferguson, 1). of C ; IV. 1r- wbu, I•otorer ; committee, T. Culbert, W. Ritohle, K, Uardoer, J. Good, A. Bamll too. DUNLOP. Ives/its, Jan. 14'h. Win F. Young and daugbter Helen Oohed relatives near Kingsbridge Chu week. Mr. and Mn. A. C. Maotlooald bays been vblsiur In l,uderloh. Both were muob missed by • large number of friends and neighbors during their absence. Masters John P. Toblo and Harry Wil- liams have both got their dogs to good training this winter to drew them •bout on tbelr bud albgbs. Both lad. have bad many fast drives up and down the isk• shore. They intend shortly to interview The Detroit Evening News ,boot gotag up to the North Pole with their dogs end alephe te tied their sags Billy Bounce, 'blob that wee Yankee journal sent up there • few months ago to are the seals and big white bear, ANNUAL CONVENTION Of the 511. sabbalb Sebwl association - The rreanm. The 1 oonyentlon of the Nile Sab- bath Sobool Aseoolatioh will be held la the Methodist oburch, Nile, on Thursday, January 23rd. Following is the program: 1O1NIN0 MISSION. .9.45 to 1015 ..-For QE.stlon Drawer, 10 lb to 10 30 Devotional Kzeroias, Led by Pastor. 10.30to11.00..How10(let aOhms toKeep its Oen Order. Mn John Dustow. 11 00 to 11.45.. How • Child's Confidence is Lost or Won, MIs. Martha Tiffin. £PT1INOON SESSION. 2.00 to 2.10....Appobntmeot and Report of Nominating Committee 2 10 to 2 20 Devotional Exerolsss, 2,20 to 2.50.. . Art and Use m illustrating, D E. Munro (Auburo) 2.50 be 3 40 Open Parliament, W. H. Kerr (Brussels). - Relation of the Sohool to Prohi- bition, Rey. M. J. Wtleos, B A. - How to Gel Young People 1a Love with the Bible, Joseph HNhertegton. -How to Get a Class to Ask Qom t ions, George M. Elliott (Ooderich) 3.40 to 4.10.. Latest Methods In 5,8. Work, 1. P. Shephard. 4 10 to 4.50.. Maes Mooting of the Children, Mies Cora Ferguson, Mn. John Graham. 1ytNINu SESSION. 7 30 to 7 40 Devotional histology. 740 to 8.00 .Qasetion Drawer inteodtoetlon aad Address by Prsetdea► Elect. 8 00 Relation of the 9. S. to the Stab, W. H. Kerr (Brussels.) Address by Rev. 0. W. Henderson, St. Mary's, Ko•Preeid.nt of Csofereow. The .passers lotrodooing the toplo" Ire expected to limit themselves to fifteen minutes each, the balance of the time al lotted Lathe topica to to wet In discussion by two nitwits speeches. _SchooLppening._ A full range of all tilt Authorized and Recommended TEXT BOOKS for Collegiate Institutes, Public and Separate Schools. Scribblers and Exercise Books, ranging in price from lc to Sc, and from Sc. to I5c. Lead Pencils as low as Sc. per Dozen. PORTER'S BOOK STORE Oar Telsobeme is No. 100 K. Court House Square. ()nderich. JOHN S MORGAN'S CASE • Neva Seethe Man Who Delights le Tell Wald Dodd', kidney nil. Save Done fur Mins. Bridgewater, N 9., Jan 13. (ypeolal)- No man could ba more enthusiastic in Els recommendation of anything than Is John S. Morose of this place In his eodorsatlon of Dodd'. Kidney P.IIs es a remedy for lame back. For eight viers Mr. Morgan was tortured with lame back ard kidney trouble. Hs tried different medicioes without r*colvinr any benefit till at last he oommsnoed to see Dodd's Kidney Pills. H. won began to improve and the improvement motioned as the treatment proceeded. He uteri to all twenty home sod gained la that time tweoty three pounds to weight. He le well and strong and attributes his remarkable recovery to Dodd'e Kidney Pills and no. thing else. AUCTION SALES• -Nine mostbe' oredit es IsraU\laa •p pauyd plat note". A dleoouat o1 5 Issr cent. cir•ttbt for u•ek. 1eusas GuMW'S, •001 Ioueer. HOCKEY NOTES. Stratford played at 8ealorth to the O 14 A. intermediate series Monday night. ma - forth woo, ti to 4. The Shorties protested the genie eich the Kites tiered on the 7,1' loit. The protest was allowed and the game will ba played off oa Friday et Ono week. Thursday Dight the Harmony team sod :he Dollar bight's, played • gams In the junior league series, the Harmony sive■ winning, 7 to 2. Tuesday Dight of this week the Duller blghtise and the Elites played, the more being 11 to 2 In favor of the 1). r:.'.. The oballenee match between the Star and Signal blocks was to nays ,ome off o0 Monday night, but • tow hours before the g ime war to oomm.noe the Stu. withdrew lino 9 goat bloat thea got on a game with • picked team mostly from the Horton Jordan block, which cadet with a some of 3 to 1 in favor of the latter. Following are the remaining games ot the junior league sohedule ; Jan. 16-ffaru.uoy vs Shorties. " 21-1 armooy vs KGtw. ie 23 -,Dollar Kigbties v. Shorties. " 28)-Klttes vs Shorties. " 30 -Harmony v. Dollar Eighties. Feb. 4-Itlua v, Dollar Eghtiee. " 6 -Harmony vs Shorties. '' 11 -Harmony vs Elite,. " 13 -Dollar Eighties fa:Mortise. " 18-Kfites n Shorties. " 20-11armo.y vs Dollar K'ghtles. " 25-Klitse vs DtUar K'goti, s. The Uderlcb seniors were defeated Is their game .t Stratford Ism Thursday even tag by the more of 6 to 3. The Goiarwh bays showed lack of pretence, and the game was not • droll -ohms ezbibltioo of bookie. to the first half Stratford scored four times and Uodertob once, lo the second half *soh teem moored two goals. Tbs teems were : God•rteb-Goal, Campbell ; point, Aller ; Dover point, lhemp.on ; forwtrds, Molvor, MoUaw, Shannon and Mo. earthy. Stratford -Owl, Kellar ; polar, Ewan ; cover polbt, Gifford ; forward,, Rankin, Lightfoot, Dillon and Farquhar S oo The referee was ('has. Ranklo, Strut lord ; timekeeper", Chas Weigh, Stratfor 1, and H. K Jordon, God.rloh ; goal umpire", J. I). MoCrimmoo, Stretford, and F. M. Dunham, Ooderich. Tb. Stratford papers devote ra_h •a oolumn or more to Tbnnday'c matoh wi•.b th'e (.ederiott emu. Follow.ug are some extracts from the reports Herald : '1 be many friends of the (,do ✓ ich hockey team, champions of the Huron dlstnot, will regret to bear that they were badly detested on Sratlord we last steatite by the Stratford intermediates,, coming ebamploce (perhaps) of the O. H. A. 'Term • good practice game, with a little elashtog thrown In for good meeeur...... rime were only three moo ruled of during the game fur rough play-Tbompsoo twee, (Afford twice, and Farquharson once There were a lot of tagbt-btve•he.ns lo the first half S'rat'ord *cored the first, second, third aria fourth gaper, Goderb b the bftb, making the soon 4 to 1 at half time, Lightfoot was respoostble for three Io the *mood ball S:n'ford "cored the first and fourth goals, lioderlch fns second and third. L'ghtloot, Dillon, Molvor lad Mo Certby bad one specs to their oredlt Button: This botsrmedlates did not hove 111 parties rotting their sale bills printed at this omoe will have . fres notioe inserted In this list tut to the time of sales. WIDNmDAT, January 22nd, 1902 -Ano tieragele of 16 head of gond grade Aberdeen o.ttf., proper y of Tarmac CARROLL. lot 6, Doo. 7, W 1) , Colborne. (1 mile from Smlth'e Hill) 1 oow dos to calve March 1st, 1 oow doe to calve in April, 1 oow due to oalvl ie August, 2 cows "apposed to be is calf, 1 farrow now, 1 otter rising 3 Sate old, 2 swell rising 2 years old, 2 heifers rising 2 remit old, 2 heifer. rising 1 year old, 2 deers rislor 1 year old. Mr. Carroll Is rot giylsr up farming nor selling all 13111 .took, bat es ae00ob of the shortage of feed will dispose of the above number, and they will be told without reweave. Terms: REGULAR MEETINGS WEST HURON FA RME1iE CLINTON, THURSDAY, JAN. 23 -TOWN HdLL 1.10to1,16-Opweg Business- Pres dent 1.45 to 116-"Tbs Fall sair"- W. Kenlghan, Bcomlller 113 to L30- Thames ion L30 to 101 -"Cold Storage and the Tranapor'a- tlon and Marketing of oor Perishable Products'. 0. C. Casten, Onlghnrst 3.09 to 3.15 -Discussion 116 to 345 --Skim Milk as S tc ak Sod" - F. J. elrlghtholm. Strathroy 313 to 00-DI*cnss:on THE WOMEN'S INSTITUTE w111 meet in the afternoon to the council chamber. comntenoieg at 2 o'clook. It will be led by Mrs. H. Elford. pre•ideot, 11°Imsavllie The spraken and their subjects will les ; Mrs. C Campbell, CI derlch- -Bread and Bread Making' Mia. Oreee. Carlow - "Weighing and Testing Milk on the Farm' All ladles are cordially invited. Mita H. EI.YJRn. Mile. C. CAMYerLL. t'reeideit, Secretary. EVENIRG MEETING In the evening there will be a o.ot mooting of the Farmer' leaitute end Women's testi tuts. when the speakers and subjects will be as follows • Mn C.Campbell- home Influence Mir Green- The Improvement of Time O. C. Casten- The Lead We L've lo F J. Sletghtbolm Training I:,ys for Budgies t DUNGANNON, FRIDAY. JAN. 24 t3 -.)TZ HALL 1.30 to 1.16 - Opening Business- President Ll6 to 2.15- The Draught llorse - A. Innis. Clinton 2.15 to 2.') Dbeccv':on 1:) told.) -Summer reeding of Mitch Cows 7. J. Slelghtholm, Stnthro, 3 00 to 3 15- Discussion 9,16 to 3.15 Problems of the Soil -G, C. Castro 3.15 to 111' -Discussion. THE WOMEN'S INSTiTU'TE. will mut In the ,Iltage Angst 2 o'clock and be addressed byMn. Campbell on Honeshald Eoonomin., antMipsssGreen, who will *Desk on The Care of Md" and Farm trotter Mating. EVENING MEETING A )Mol meeting will be be to the evening commencing at A o'clock, when addreeses wi he delivered by Messrs. ';',ton and Sleight. holm, Mrs. C. lAmpttell. M et Green Mrs. 11. Enford and others, who wilt take the same topics as the event.* trier lone at Clio too, A madul entertalament will be moulded at the even"tg mestl.ga, Keep Your Feet Warm at Night A Hot Water Bottle W111. 1)0 IT. We Have Them- KROM THE CHKAPKST TO THK BKST F. M. DUNHAM, Phm. B. DRUGGIS F. Corner of Wrest et. sod the Suuare. anything lite a walkover when they met the Ooderich puck Mauro oo bosh We last night. Tbe big end of the Doors was on the Indite side, but the game was hotly oon- tested throughout, although the alt 1, of hockey put up was n tl by any ireaoe of the A 1 Masa. At time. .hivaey predominated with now and then an auorean'zed rush by either forward line, In which more than two players seldom p•rtlmpated. The ver hors were no doubt cuofideot of oarrylog eft the Indiana' soalp pale, but with many othir teams of a similar mind, found that they had to shake darmined braves of the pole Delors they could 'manses It. They had mewl: W1 advan tags as far as weight was oonoeroel but they didn't seem to be able to get up such bunts of aped as their opponent., or handle their ., •1. with anything Irks the same .kill. Al buugo the locals worked hard from .tart to finish, the solsati6 part ot the game seemed t, have taken a ho1 d'7 The resent for this n very smile ezpls'sed in three words-iaok of praotio. Tod visitors got one beton halt elms sew called. Shannon sooting afar a brillaot rush. Mc- Gaw and McCarthy were lending lights oar the visiting tato'. The tsams Memel esus atm her vigorously at the oleof the game. JAS. SNELL, --ACE D.FORD, President Secretary PE MAR POR ND CEMENT NIMBI Is the strongest. A customer of ours who had used three other brands of Portland Cement last season be- sides PENINSULAR says : "I sen astloerd 11. 1 7E11051 1.11 w1I1 moke u hard a well w 111. Iwo earl. more eeeeeI " If you intend building the coming season it will pay you to use the best. McKENZI E a HOWELL The place to buy all Hardware cheap lure (tin for lea Wehner, Nausea. Maladies of this type yield lestaotly to Polon'. timeline, and :f you suffer p•riodt- sally from these oompi.lot., just keep Nervillo. .t band. A few drops 1* sweetened water gives instant relief. and la the Nurse of half an hour the cure it oom pieta. A large 250. bottle of Ner.11lne is the house will save doctor bills, aad a vest am000t of suffering ?Tory year. Itoysjt.n, the Ar'neo'an who lee' awl in Godcr ob and the surrounding oouotry last sprint, died in Toronto gen.rd hospltal re oently from heart disease A brother took the holy to W ircwr.r, Moos for interm.ot. Ueoeased was • graduate of a Tarklsh IJab vorsi y, and was taking the fourth year o' his mares la mediates at Toronto Uolver• Best $2 Shoes, too We'yo boon Miller you • lot lately •bout oor American made Show for Mew and Wpm.o-the Walk Over and Quetta Quality. (Tease are ougowtloaably the dam, lines of Show mads to the Ualted SiaW. ) Don't for a moment low sight of the last that we also have the bots S1 50, $2 00 aad is 60 Semis for both Mea ass Wome.-Shoes stylish ouough t• pleuro the moot initials' eye and -sturdy mouth to stood the test of wear. W. hare all leather., all sbapw, all s res. We can aad will 'eve you half a dollar on Msa's and . Wom.s's Show as {2 00, $2.50 aad $3 00. BFPO la and let es surprise yea wadi IN aserllall values we term. Why ace the week r WALK OVER ' We cauoot say half enough about the goodness sl thew two beautiful floes. Nothing meds la Canada compares with them for style, finish, tit or wear ; the very latest style, the very best m•tsrlal and the &test of workmanship is obareseterwtle of every pair. F:very day adds to the army of pleased wearers of oar two famous American Shoes for mea and women. WHY NOT YOU Large Bottle Good Polish, 6c. Repairing. P. T. HALLS The Square ▪ Ooderich GODERICH TOWNSHIP. Witt,nraDAY, Jan. 1516. Ws have to 000.ratubN Mast.r Wilbert Pr poo receiving oo January 13th • ohr,tus ea the hank of Montreal for $26, being the first pre to the oat elute of the Macdonald sited grsla oompetltlon for the b'rovlooe of Coterie for the year 1901. He Woe also nue of the su000.eful ones fel 1900, w:onbog 85, and was the only Doe is /faros oouaty; bat for 1901 we mottos that Master John Maodonald, of Porter's 13111. was sue. oe.alul la wlunng the re,00¢ prat,, Tbl. 1. prey good for Hume umpt.t. umN■r 1 k rem warms' No necessity for that. Pat• name Palate« Corn Eztrwtor removes •ll ooras, large or smell, In •boat twenty boar hours. This is reliable Information, Taus druggist will substantiate It If you ask bum - Bo sere and get Putnam's, i1 wase no pals. R Oka, of Loedon, who Is well known to poultry fanciers hers, baying ofbolated as poultry ledge at the f.11 show as several °omeloe., had a phenom»al manes" at De troll t linemen week With 120 estrum its won 111 fines, aloe seomad§ and 78 special.. At its last meeting th• public library board empowered the Lbrarlan 10 azolude youog penes ander the age o1 fearless, If toned disorderly or Wilier to overcrowd the roadie, room, and also requested the county judge to mak• the librarian a"p.otsl aout•bu for that parpo.e. The seormary was lastruoted to correspond with Mr. C•nsgts as to • great for a new publls Idly. library buildiot. DIED. MORAE.-1a Oodrlok. on Wedeeeday. Jana ary Mb, Hugh Alexander Mottos, seooad eon of Thomas and Ronda McRae, acted 13 Fein. BUSINESS CHANGE. sig -EDWARD has purchased the business of Ms. TILT, known u the " Bal moral Cafe," and is now fully pgepared to cater to the patrons of this well-known establish- ment. The stock is new and first-class, and the standard will be maintained and, if possible, improved. Oysters in any style, as well as Lunches, will be promptly served u in the past, and old u well as new patrons are in- vited to call. Nothing will be left undone to please you. Ice Cream to order. Give us a trial. J. J. EDWARD. -�� HODGENS BROS. 3rd Week�� Janvary Sale fad DNSpass N /AMOLTil-itis TH15 attractive list of money -saving bargains will be ready for this week's shoppers. January special prices are made to clear out all that remains of winter stocks. We want just as little merchandise as possible on our shelves when we wind up our year's business on the 3Ist inst. The more goods we can turn into money before that date the better we will be pleased, and have made generous price cuts which will make it more than worth your while to do your shopping here. 75c DRESS TWEED, FOR 45c. Jost about twenty -fire yard" left of this 753 tweed. 1t le 54 !ootles wide, every thread wool, Domee in aim dark sol - ore, is heavy enough to mok• op without lining. will t are ezcelienb wear and make a stylish. esrvleeableoostum•, For January sale, 45c. 25c DRESS 000DS AT 12ic. Jule • few of these drew roods that are selling at half price. They ►re from 36 to 40 inobse wide, gond weight and dark entree, they will make n.nitet drogue for Andrea goteg to school. The price was 2,5o, For January sale, 124c. dMarreMI -51.00 FRIEZE SKIRTING--AT--70c. Jest a few skirt length. left, heyy frit re skirting, all wisp!, does not retro re uwlog, lull 54 Mabee wide, gives .iosliMI wear, will maks • stylish skirt, dark sr sad bla._k_Nli, _ our regular glee hes been $1.00 per- ,-- - For January sale, 70c. MANTLE CLOTHS, SOc. A few short end,' of mantle clothe to he cleared out They an just the thing for children's abters and oome in Medea of greru, horn and fanny rotator.,, were good value •t their former price, 31.(10, now we mark them, For January sale, 50c. WAIST FLANNELS, 25c. Two ends of fancy waist Il oinsb , to mil at halt prior. good crudity, will weer well, navy blue and red groa.d with narrow whi • stripe, rsuler per 50,, For January sale, 25c. FLANNELETTE GOWNS, 48c. Ladies' flannelette rower, good tin I ry (1.nnal.tt., •e"otted fano• stripe*, fast orlon, nark, cuff, and front trimmed with frill the same material, For January sale, 48c. COMBINATION SUITS, 65c. Merle are sample suite of very Ilse finality natural wool, they hays .bort sleeves and are worth is the regolar way 11 50 1. 12, cash, be.use' he sleeves are short ere older them out, For January sale, 65c. WOOLEN HOSE, 25c. 75 ralr wool*. hoes odd limes and sizes, ladles' and Willdrou's makes, sold regular at 353 and 40o, your choles, For January sale, 25c. $14.00 CAPERINE FOR $10.75. Caperine el bine oposeum and electric seal, good quality far, long Iront, 6 tails, regular $14.00, For January sale, $10.75. ASTRACHAN-CAPERINE, 54.75. Good quality Astranhaa esp•rloe, Ns. ma Wltl, eirM1.1 *imp*, bleb .Morar 'AM .•.iasis.^ For January sale, $4475. $16.00 CAPERINE FOR 512.80. ---- OBIT 0.. ettra gond quality caprine, sl*c•rlo seal sed g��ohaa, long front and high collar. Domes dopa well ever shwldery regular $16 00, For January sale, $12.50. $6.00 MANTLES FOR 53.25. LII4161 mantle■ to beay.n and rough clothe, all mew menti this season, perfects Bitter, jest a few left, For January sale, $3.25. Pr' $13.00 MANTLES FOR 57.75. ,last a few 01 our goal mtmtles I.11. If we have one that lits you yea oar t.ke year shirk* of as; seat Nat mid from $1100se31500. For January sale, $7.75. flEN'S MITTS. Men's heavy Its ttod mitts, good weighs, assorts& farcy stripes. will weer well, For January sale, 15c. HODGENS BROS. •