HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1902-1-16, Page 7_RUSSIANS MUST
Luck of Illinois Pro -Boer
7Yeneveat )liars lucrerelug lent.
Output - filed telu..•s heckle&
All -Water Ituutrs 111 11, (talo and
the Continent.
et. Petersb'rrg, Jan. 11. -Owing to
recent evWuacuo of a disposition on
the part of the populace to demur
ut the domande of the polite, Gee-
erul Kleigcl, the Prefect, harcausel
uutkud to be purte I, (scarring im-
peratively trrtnat uletalienee to au}
orders of the vomit, foiling to which
the delloqueut to puuishutle h iw-
prieuuwtnt fur three mouth. ur the
payment of it lou of 5tuU rubler.
heel. ... L... k.
New Orleans, J.411. 14.- (:.4.t 1,0 Vit•
herr. of the Muer army, wt,, is In
tale city, Is 1u reeipt u( a letter
(rum 13. C. Armee. of Idooneugtuu.
duclarng net be ban urguu:zee
1u Linine u oumpuuy of )0.lag melt
uel of whom retool in tilt) Gnat.t
titatw army durwg ti.0 rtvrut trou-
ble with bpa.a, who aro anxious to
eerie wile the lasers in boutb Af-
rkn, anti to know t( l;apt: De til-
ler. eau make any arruugcmeute fur
their tranrpurtuttou there. Capt.
Le tabors urs replied that it lm Im-
poesibte to gut men to Afree. al-
though he haw received quwerous ut.
fere of this kind.
4'r.. ant aa. .11nr• t1 urk le :.
Johuuneeburg. Jan. 14. -Tho l'h:un-
bur of Minas ham leveed a report
.Luwlug teat the output of tete mint••
fur December was 424107 outset
flee gold, agnlnet 119,073 ounces for
N sot W airs-ttnutrr.
London, Jan. 14. -One of the most
Lm, ta.tt .l Aloes -kiwi t•omm,'rc al ' a
te•rprbee la Europe her jest eosin.
mated here. It roseate. In the recur
Ing of all water routes for Amrrlcal.
carrier of grate ant eommt'!Itle,
from keiaod port* In the Unit..
Stater to teasel porta In Europe -
embraces the purchase by Americas
sasital of several British and other
Sta. led by a Kits; Sole Ran
to Her Dad,
ausuig. K. Y., Jahr. /t-
e ams be a weil,,Nng 10 Hawley, he.
the (irith/roon te•Ie, had a ba.
.-frlg{4t-.-an-a-ewealt -st a elan of
. mod ratead:age, which resulted In the
a':noenoewot of the eogegement,
ani at pee time he thought. he woul.
ilve .ioeg
to be :ranked.
Prellmlaary to making a formai p:o
peed W Mfr. Mary Nl..oa in thuatar
for of her home laxt eve..hig, Joseph
Jackson attempted to likes her. lie
vent 1g Vie 11ierpe5f&1 Tnmliiiirldy
the young woman ren to complain t,
her father le the kitchen, where sit,
found him cleaning a gun. By till
time tier anger had cooled, and am an
excuse for her .udelen nppcaranrc
✓ ho told her father Jackson waste,.
to nee the gun. A moment Inter Mr.
WUeon, gun In baud. appeared in the
tark -on, believing Wilson wee&bent
to shoot, ran from the house. Tht
father thought Jackson had becom'
ktwene, and made an effort to 6101
him. but this only inereteel the
young mans speed, and Mr. W14non
gave up the chane. )ties 1Vllson ex
pbalnmd matters to day, and Jack -
eon now tuns her father's consent to
wed her.
lieuyht He Owne.1 the ('lly Vi het,
He Killed Wife dud Oalld.
week, N. J., Jan. 14.-Althougli
the iamb murder trial was Duly
begin. eraay worntr.b the oat
h o t. mutt t mt0
Molt 141 tf all n r
Henry Scheeb, accursed of murder
trig 1t1s wife dad Araby, was ,wart.
lu his own defence, (lila afternoon
techaub saki he WAS 401 years 01..
used pea he told . about lits shot
area trado. 1Ie tad reene-lfed nOU0O 11
move June 11, he mitt#. Er6Ytim rust
he 41k1 after he got up' was to get
A drink of whiskey.
"What did you d0 then 7t' he way
"1 had eaten- facet "
At 43 o'clock he went to -the Rom.
Rrewery, and after that to a ea
loom In Orange street and drank norm
whiskey. This wo. followed by a
drink of Appa' j.!ttil 111 A111t11'PT eft"
form. From there he went home
Then he went out . again. and
smother drLnk The prb.oner detalle,
the huytng 0f .one hood, which le
left Lt1 the eosin for his wife A
trip to a nearby saloon followed
where he drnok ichrxoners of beer
'Where It'd your then go r'
"Toa saloon."
"Md you get Anything to drink
1 here 7"
'Yee Roma whiskey and abelnthe.''
From this eaMom he went to an
other, tills time In Warren 'street
tend had Another drink. Ile thought
1t wan nhxrit 11 n''lr'-k 111 the morn
log when he ere home.
'How end yews feel by that tinter
'i felt les If 1 owned the elty"
There we" n v' °lent quarrel wit'
Cis wiff, ha n.1'ba1, and he won asked
whnt happened next. "All 1 know;
lin tried to explode. "Wan sitting or
n teal.., and Wen. f eamw to myself
Trolled my wife was d.nd. i wadced
her nett washed the baby. 'then 1
drunk more whiskey. There were
elm° retort, lying in the room. 1
',Irked one np moi reel my throat
then t rot my wrl.t. thef7 d sew
rnmem4e Itx)k'ne In thrnngh'tbe 01.
dew. than 1 etabl''d myself over the
The 01* *4*rbon treaty between
Chill and the U R. hew been appMved
hr the Chtllaut ftoogrese.
I.rw)er As oilseed en hurge of 311.-
appreprI.4tl $15,000.
London, Jan. 11.-A, S. Francis, a
solicitor, was charged lu Bow Street
Polies Mort yeeterduy with wimp -
preprinting X3,000 of Nude belong -
tug to fur Ouutdtoes of Orkney, for-
merly Mies Owed° Gilchrist, the
(lately duuoer and aotrose lie was
her trustee under her marriage set-
tlement with the Earl of Orkney.
It war annouue,d in o,urt toeduy
(hat the nmarriag, settlement of the
cemetery coneeettd of the lease of a
hours worth 0541) annually, cud as
lu►urat3Ce policy tin the life of the set -
tier, worth 011,428. The rettlur died
in May, Ih99. Hie name was not men-
tioned In court, but the date of death
ooh:oldes with that of the tate Duke
of Beaufort, wbo took a grunt luter
est In Misr Gilchrist end gate her
away at her marriage. 1•'runcl. hurt
$18,000 by rpeeuluting In American
relieved 'bares.
if You Bought Little Louisiam
Lottery Ticktts.
Bu'fiIo, Jan. 13.-Portoffloe lnrpec-
or H. K. Cuchraue saki lett *eget
hat the Feeler/0 authorities, after
lx menthe of hard work, had euc-
••eeted in breaking up one of the
world rWIudhug gamer that had beet,
worked in several years. One arrest
.lir been made, but it be claimed that
nuugh evidence bag leen secured e
cause the arrest of navy barber's and
aloonkeeperr lu Buffalo and ugeutb,
d file aU:,gal swindle in aim .at every
mull city In the United Shutes, an.
.are Null many tickets le (email'.
The eau arrested lust teed is An-
.,:cw• eefford, Ho Is pr,pr(etor of a
diarber dal, at No. 169 Seneca street
40x1 nu liver at Nu. 521 l'roitirect
A1 Mine. _.Tiha police allege Ikot 4
,.rerki.-ut, steretarv,gcneral maniac
rearurer, d/rex•turr mutt thartees
.lie• Little Louisiana buttery tame
Any. whkh, the autlorltite claim.
its been {Ailing up eeuooy ter Its
,viler at Welt u great,rutq that he W
auk hdcpenueutly rich
Commixsl,ner Richardson admitted
latent to 63,000 ball for tis reap-
.rarsueo fur trial, to be held to-
morrow U10 a.m.
A Iteae Straight Swindle.
Not only dome Gifford's crime, as
Ju rg.d ugnluei. him, Involve pruqut-
ag lottery and further using the
nails to ursimihate it, but 1t is al-
l -gal that he cold lottery tickets and
,este- had a drawing or eel pre-
miums. Inspector Cochrane ertlmute.l
hat Uifford's income through the
mall may lucre amounted to 00111.+-
1:ing Ilke 63,000 a year. Gifford
liter in a ltatdeoan, home at Nu. 621
wet street, several door,' south
,f Porter avenue.
In every town where tickets were
sold stories were related of the fat, -
Watts sum. that were being made by
the people who invested In the lot-
tery. -e men Was credited wltb
wiut.eeg 611,000, another with $10,-
O0Q.. Bat it ban udver- besot Hume
anyone being In that particu=
lar village had won anything. In
one place the Inepector found tics
Ago: •
Little Loutelana Lottery:
M. Ottens &-Ck,mpany will pay 150,-
000 through the Union National flank
of Kansas City, to anyone who pre -
Ws s Ticket signed by them draw-
tttg `a prise and has failed to rece've
The Federal officials say that title
wo. (ho safest kiwi of an offer, for
es their Investigati'me prove, no one
ever tart a ticket that - o r -a --Trite.
There mny have been drawings, but
the ticket. that.w0n the nu,ney were
the onaw that weren't sold.
Lottery l':eke(s Found.
Three tinge of lottery tickets, con-
tatuing Mend 15,0(Xl coupons, were
dragged to the front room tea/decks
of tottery literature were brought
There were three sets of tickets
out three different lotteries. each
set coo.leting of tickets of the de-
0romtnati0a of 25, 50. 75 cents.
Yumas Tortured a Medicine
Man to Death
Denver, Col., Jan. 14. - A News
Rpeciai from Phoenix, Ariz., .ny
"Padre," a big medicine utan of the
Yuma Indians, who lives or a re -
Nervation near Yuma. Arisoua, uuu
beep offered as it- sacrifice _to the.
14ptrit, . x accosdattee - with_ llteir
cumtomR, and has expiated the sins
of the tribe, which are held re-
op.onsibie for au epidemic of emall-
'fill tSadt t.4 lratlt QlviAed alar -I1.
Mann' Intention 'versant der, ago,
and field to the mountains, Wet In
a half-starved couditlon wandered
back to the Indian village and
?Aat1Btrt8C M'rcy. He ons prompt
hybound hand and foot and convoy-
a1b7. a_delegatboh of Indians to
Mexico, where he wan 'pound to it
tree tied sweetly tortured to death.
"Padre" had a warm place in the
hearts of hie tribesmen, but the
clrcnmmtnneee required them to
make 1 kflce
n ,envy eacr- ---- A SLiCK FOROER.
(lot. 6111,000 he tioieernment Bonds
leve Heston (hunker..
R nmton. Jan. 14. -It heeame known
to d ty that government battle valued
it 4515,(1110, stolen here last Moti-
lity, write obtained from N. W. Berrie
ee Co, honker., on n forged certified
ohete* on the 7atIonnl Rhnventut
Other bankers had been nsk•td ti„
buy 625,000 worth of bonds end to
.oa'pt In pnyment a certified
choose ca nnother firm.
It Is nndertRrxrl that Harris & Co.
were tinned sip on Monday by a man
riving his name no Rrnce, who pre'
anted a cheque certified by the Na-
Don'el Rhea -twit Rnnk, n.king that
there i.e 1 til a1l.le. for bin gnlckly
In borsht ten 1:1,/100 government 4
err nerd. coupons dee M 1925 rind
Tee 1111,()10 ft' do 0. eoithwe'tern 1 1-2
enemies .due July 1. 1925. The ehewlne
referee ten* eeeeepted without 941*.'
tloe sod the bonds delivered.
And His Arrest and Convic-
tion Killed Wife.
Chicago, Jan. 14.- James Banuen
WAY permitted to leave the tenuity
Jail ycaterduy eat view the body of
lits wife, who thud a few hours be-
toru front grief over lair diegrese.
t touching scour wave prereuted In
the little home, 1,1/2.8 Archer ave-
nue, when the eehlviet busbaWd fell
eubblag over Iiia wtlu'r bier.
Mil to tlabik that 1 WEN tbucau.0
of it ail," Ire groaned. ' ahs war tau
,loud fur me."
Bun.uun was fur thlrteoa years
lead of the over -and -snort freight
department of tine Wabasei itallroiel
company in Chicago. He wan urrert-
ol at Wa home on Dec. 5th following
u ceoimb.ta ti mete by ural brother -
.n -Law, Huge basal, 11cotlovuu
p,aue, who haat bubo taken W custody
uy Detective N.eltute while endeavor-
-tag to ulrpro of situate goody.
Opeclal Agent James t1. Nichols fur-
niehee the evidence ,hath secured
the 00041eteue of Benno and tiui.,lu.
Both were seotewced a week ago to
a yearn inipr.to,nweut 1 the House'
of t;urrecthee
eeueked by Arrest.
When Batmen war acceded no one
ri owul nx,re surprise than his wife.
Yate unu trewWaeg, alto watched the
officials reareu the premised, final-
ly. It la reported, turtles up a box
• pluwler wlero It bud been
doh io die baremwtt of the bougie.
'011, Jim? why def you do ut " Mra.
Punneet exrlulmt«1 AA her army en. -
folded a aceueed man's neck. VI.dll:ly
affected. the repentant luau begged
tee dot ivaa to refrain from pro-
eecution of be, charge. However, Ban-
non was to et to time Earl Chicago
uvtr.uo police tattoo.
"i will edmi " weld Detective Ni-
chols, for years a head of the police.
fume of the Asa b railroad, " that
the 'right we call to arrest Ban-
non It war ono u( t o most unplea-
sant dude. 1 ever to perforin."
Vebile the acen.ed m was In Pri-
am his wife visited (rattldal anal re-
lativesla-line-.(fort to tartan her -
hasbatd's release on bail.'Otte had
to chlldrea and all her eIttteatorw
the time Bannon woo ae)•test41$4-
u direetol towards compo tLii
hurb,tud. Day alter day rhe w Ik-
el the streets 1., secure a boadrm u
al.d then ween her hoped In thio tar
tenon h:u1 vunlehed she devoted her
time to tripe to and from thee ponce
Motion. A
lkarryine a dinner pall, with her
shawl wrapped clueely about her, the
devoted women became an seeu.tom-
ed t ititor at 'the police .Latton and
each okay eche prevented herded( to the
dere rrrgeant for perml.sken to visit
her husband to hie eerit. Her devutloO
touched tum hear hen.rI.d . 4 the pate/lame
and their sympattti8; were areueel
fur the plucky wile ho braved cold
and fetegae fur leer uuband.
ANyN♦ . i .1.1(4141 ancead,
It was through Interco stun of leaf
.attorney, David it. Twume 79 Dear-
uore .fleet, that dyecLal A at Nich-
ols yeetetuuy Cuu.cuted to allow
tlaunou nue Irewlum frum the •minty
jell uut11 after the funeral. 1i: had
out seen 11414 wife fur u week be ere
tier death. Until that time the w
batt averbares to . fight
her own Ertel that she naive be a
comfort tm the primmer. Cleepleur
nights and painful meetings eau ex-
hausted and .lir.. laaanuu felt a -.
tIollm to nervous prostration. Fever
set in, and in her deltriem her hue-
Inndei name was repeated again and
again. Tuesday night she sunk rap-
idly lips 'nasal th..t leer husba0 4l the
brought to her hel.kle. When morn-
ing c .me' the physician, had given
up hope, and with the name of the
man elle lured on her lips at 10
(clock she dropped Into an uncon-
sciousness wlilth Continued_ ttnliliter
death a ehurt tlmo later.
lire. Bannon wan 110 years old. The
grief-stricken husband le twelve
years her mentor.
For the pest year goods had been
system Meetly stolen In the freight -
house, and until the arrest cf Slnekt
efforts to ferret out the perpetrators
heal proved unavailing. One day as
Detective Nichols was concealed) In
the freight -house he saw cases of
geed! being loaded into a wagon
drusen by n stronger. The latter won
arrectel. And gave hie name as Hugo
Stork!, a brother-in-law of James
tk,rllu, Jan. 14.-Atwrrespendeut
at Samoa wrttee to the Ouloguu Ua-
sette, giving It hitherto uukuewu ca-
pltalution of the killing of Dr. Mouke,
leader of a Herman scientific exp.d-
ltloe In the tienitl, Sea Island, and
him party by nether of St. Mnt-
thew'm Wand, lheut-arck Archipel-
The ourrespxndent Kaye that Dr.
Metko and hie party ruthlewly de-
etruyed a number of palm trees, of
which there were but few est the
kilned, and that the native' acted In
defence of their property. The Ger-
man punitive expedition rent to
avenge the killing of Dr. Menke and
hie party, which landed from the Oer-
mau cruller Curmoran near the
scene ul the !massacre, killed til is-
"Such le the Oil!Ir titan," says the
Vorvaerts, "that +nor colonial pol-
itklnnr are spreading." -
Former Thinks Latter Made a
Mr. Gilbert Pecker, who was Petar-
talned at a banquet by the Toronto
Canadian Clula recently, spade the
following rcferuce to 1:udyard Kip -
lint; In Mr rpt
1 view with Marto, and I say It
honestly and 1 FI01, It seriously, the
assaults made by tbe Imperial poet
ui the athletic quitllty which liar
made Euglan(l, if not t e nation web
the greatest tempernhlent In the
world the nation most courteous,
which Deere w Irl. lees anger the ns-
rnultr made upon It than any other
nation In the wore!. (Ilea
lou and I have seen the v
utrocloui caricatures of 1•:
mid° la foreign oountriee ; you
e, the
the Good Peopl4 Do Such
Very Funny Tht') s.
(Toronto Mer.,
The Queen Street Methodist t'huroh
hekl au eotertalum4ut last night
whteb Alli puzzle old-f:ar111une1 mem-
herr of t!,e church.
It war not it • dance," nor a "bull,"
nor at "Imp." It war culled a •cou-
vrrrastoue uta! reuulu11," but it war
not such a cuuversaatuau um the tatty
hal ever be/urs aocn. There was a
cuooert 1 the church, 0.dk,wel by -a
promenade In the Sun lay ecbuol rdout
below. !rash lady had tt programme,
on which 6110 entered the uuwc of
Iter partner for each -Let us say each
number. There were ten numbers
There wee 1101 an Italian orchestra,
but memo mus supplied by the urcbee-
tra ,e the Bathurst Street Methbulrt
C'buteb Sunday sclo,l. Number 1 011
the programme wee "March Lln-
earl." Number 4 war "March, Ntead-
lly Onwanl." No.. 5 Asir "Gavotte,
freer Forward." No. 8 was ''Marge,
Belle of New York," while No. 10 was
u selection, "Priers Ye the Lord."
Dangling from the cant by a pale
blue string was a pals blue pencil,
making the whole thing an evident
reproduction of a dunce programme.
Certain perilous of the room were
marked A, R, C, and I), and were,
according to the card, "rendezvous,"
where partnere auld he met after
eneh-let us say each walk.
It ware ti very pleasant affair, but
it wan not a dance. Evidently It way
Intended to let the young folks enjoy
as many tie p itelble athe sensations
01 a danr:e without dancing. It was
only a "pretend" dance ant too learnt
In It. The partnere did not clutch
each other. The rules of lids new
Rare seem to be 'teat the young man
can have the hand of tbo young! wo-
man ton his arm, but he mot not
reach uroand tier waist. Also, yon
mint net wiggle your foot when you
lift It, you most not keep tiers to the
Files Across Spanish Frontier 1n an
Paris, Jan. 14.-& eeneatlon has
been caused 1n society here by the
desertion from the army of the
young neilio'elre, Count Cahon d'Ao
vers, who is a member of a family
which Is among the leaders of 1'erle
The Count, two years ago, !infect
-pated eouserlption by ertheting la-
the rankle of a cavalry regiment with
the apparent intention of rising to
the rank of ofCeer. The other day
he was tmprhe ned at Niort for a
breach of discipline, together with
a ptebelan private named Claudia_
The two resolved to escape, _and-
T1Ie`y rcordiirljy broke (Trough The
roof of the guard hoose. Count .1'An-
eel'i had money and the two travel-
led together to Porde/int, where they
pstuttd,_..(Alfat.. d'An=cre. aut:ctpating
that *ratite -;would be Watehei nt
the frontier, brought an autemollh'
and proceeded to' Seale. 1t le be
Ilr•ved theat he 1.r at San Rehnstlnn.
His family are doing their ulmort
fo dlsrover hiss whereatemtu and In
thew hen to retorts. and surrender
htmielf. preferr1ng_.thl&t he be pun
fished rather than to have himself
end Iain relatives rlisgrao'at Hle ran-
ter, Counter 17mtnllily, has Q0n" 40
Spain to srrk elm. Ik'eerllon tram the
army 1e panimtstblo by two yens.'
knpr bron m on t.
!ember of Il,guus /'en/crones Eel Ire,.
In tt'sr.sw.
London. Jan. 11.-i'rivet., teingrnms
received imre from Warsaw ana.wn00
the .death Met night of Jinn De
lllorh• Connclbr of State of lto.wla,
political eoonomlet, t allrmd expert
and author etf "Th. War of the Fu-
ture." it wan thin hook of the deem -
dent, together with the p.mphlet.
"Ole Warren Kletler" ("Down With
Arms"), that tarred the mined of the
('.1r of Reseda toward peace and
prompted hie Appeal to the nation.,
resaltlreg In -the Hain° oe nterenr..
M. De Block's work, which oond.te
of Mx large volunteer and oontetles 1,-
200 Illuctratl•nr., has been translat-
ed into all the rendes Inageagee.
The trouble with moat me* who
ntwe do gond deader Is that they
wants the rest of lbebr lives admir-
ing these.
'd 1 tr 1
M. Jean De Bloch, who was the ac-
tual Councillor of Stats of Russia,
Arid member of the Comite dee Sav-
ants of the Ministry - of Flennce,
died recently at War,nw. IIe had
been a constructor and adwinletrato*
of railways', and had written many
worku _op social and economic ques-
M. De Bloch is best known from
hie six -volume work, "The War of
the I•'e' ire," written several years
ago , which he follows out the logi-
cal ,.ifeoti in the recent changes In
arm. and methods of fighting. Many
theorists have tried to do thin, bot
Irl. De Bloch was the only one whose
redicllone have been absolutely
rifled in the Mouth African war.
I have seen the very shameleseneen
of the gutter disseminated through
the length and breadth of it country,
in order to prejudice that country
ngalnst England. I net you this, is
there a paper In England, Canada,
tu.+trnlla, South Afrlea, one paper.
which caricature's disgracefully or
(1 disgracefully tsar senfuhy orf •single Euro-
pean nation ? And in the light of that
I say that the man we love art ti
• the genius, the true genies set
Tor the purpowe of advancing the
cense of imperialism, has made n 1nIR-
tnke, which makes one end'nnd makes
cue sorry, because It plays into the
hands of our enemies, totem' ie It pre-
judices 014-4 nay am -England and
-dere- we- here,'- oft
us, Inherit List mother ep4r t -that
Remnd faith In our-lnstltntlone, not
boned upon mnnnrohy alone, hat
Inmost oq the teethe, of theme Instl-
tuft•,n14. You and I. who Inherit that
merit ors have been W0$54e.1 In the
hotter' of oar friend.
Iles 11u.. 111. ftrother.
"i sty tb,tt he haw shot his arrrvw
o'er oho house, and hurt hie brother,
and tent Is n thing for which, I levee
and believe he will repent, and the
roan who hew hurt ww, who how
wrongf 4 AN, who haw slandered the
l•:nglish .plrlt by hie reference to
the 'flannelrsl fools nt the wicket
:Led the mml'llrsd rwtfs at the wool,'
will take It hark like a man, an he
Hie explanative Is not sufficient
Wino, that he menet theme who stay-
ed et home. Thome who nnyerl nt
erne are the olae.w from which our °t-
ricorn are drawn. Tleose who wtaty-
ot at hems. are as nulling to go no
Drove who went, and therefore i en
ter my protan Isere, where i have
n right to anter It, not against the
man who le a post and a gentile,
lett the town motto ha allowed a mo-
mentary dispersant of Iiln political
intelligence to lase him to make a
mi.tnke. Hn 1s not the first men who
Mom done that. i have in mine the
meeme,ry of a men wlioww nam.' nowt
be referred to thrnrtgnolet the Eng-
Il.h-mpvtking world while It Is an
F:nglleh epeelking world, who yet
made a mtstftke and dragged hie
party to dimnmter, (ientlemen, 1 re -
'fee to that honored name of Uled-
stnrtee Well, gentlemen, n mistake Ie
n ot a crime, nod an when 1 refer to
It you w111, i know, believe that 1
Moe no mintiest! fettling In my mind.
Thom things are matter. of hiwt she.
mad tide mteteke of Mr. Klpiing's wHl
also he a matter of htwlury, epi no
nano will Impute It to him as a erbee."
!nestle with your feet. We are told
also t t a taro bowl, containing a
h:trmlels average, stood with drink-
ing giawalarmta a table to the roam.
but etanlint,away from It you might
Inseglne it a punch bowl if you liked.
There was In All things a studied re-
emabin.nce to a Wicked, worldly dance
such an the Church prohibits. The
young people no doubt brut a delight-
ful evening. By the exereine of a 11 .
11e Imagination they might, if any
of them were so disposed, transform
the s0eno and eupp,N4 themselves
participants in none 1413(111 wicked
functl.,et no a Government House
boll err a party at the residence of
settee member of the English or other
dance -permitting Church. 'lb dellct-
,aoe7y flutter about the %a -inland
of thing -is forbhtlen, to talk of that
garotte, to meet at the rendesvous
-It haunt have been fine,
lint somehow it -remLuLro r -at a
different place and a very differ-
ent (letter, it temlrnle we 0f a coin -
premier made by the teenager of
etl theatre,
y r who, In rnnn►ng els
plaayloase ua liea•dajr .. Waist*, with-
srmt.'tI l .t of the consistence of a
Covenanter of old, sternly forted,.
smoking' nt hist. lettlehath liffeTfi4ftl-
since, although allowing It thrnnglr
the week.
Went was this entertnbnni nt In
Rev. V. 0. Johnston'm ch,irrh 7 WAR
It 'a perverted dunce? Wes It n
dance under an alien? Weida It in-
nre ner respect for the church's eon -
detonation of donee*?
There has con'' a great ehnngr
over the Methodist March In thin
eliy oh tho question of mmnmernent.,
nn'I we think the change Is In the
ri,eht direction,Many r lergym"n
end •good Methodist hymen have
long favored a reel ((aline ur *tx,ll-
tinn of the neememenl eleenen in
tit. rfls'Ipllne. Th' y ,,refer to nee
the Mainline ehnuged rather than
to nee It lgnor•d, and nuo•h rather
than Raw It pro,lnt'n n 'onto of hy-
p4e'rl.y Ih ten .earth. But the
Quern Rtreot Melhoillytn have et-
teekexl the erred in from a new
point, and k wilt ba strange If Nr.
.Tohncton anti 4,1. eoneregallon, In
*mite of the purify of 1h,•Ir mntitex,
,lo not roved n chorea of dissent.
Twenty sits Japanese merchant. w,x,
here h"rn wo-kl•rg at the than Fran
Marry Union iron Work*. who" were
(1111 .g the pl brei of aim • of the Am
erienn "feel workers, are on strike
for a whortew day.
tiling the "Muuts of luuucrully
Vleuua, Jan. 14. - Dr. Holzinger.
Viet -President of the Vienna Crlml-
ual Curt, ouwwttted sulckio to -day
by ehooting himself. He was 65 years
old, and fur the bust 110 yearg had
prenatal over all the moat reura-
ttucal trials lu &leagut. He wee uni-
versally feared by criminals uu no-
couut of the severity ',f itis reu-
tehure. The Goverumeut found In
hlw a willing tool, especially acetate:.
the Sexlultrtr,
On a dusk lu the room In which his
dead body WAS found WAN a paper.
rontalning it meet -ago to the effect
that he war afraid of losing bur eye-
sight. It concluded with them words•.
"I bat good-byo to life, and am tired
of the world," The Arbelter Zet-
tang says to -day that his coffin mCi
he followed by an army of 'pule of
the innocently oondetnntd to boar
wttneee against the dead judge.
Boy's Damaging Testimony
in a Divorce Case.
New York. Jan. 14. -Not only Mr.
and Mra Oakes and Mario Del ti 1,
oho co-respondent, were on the wit -
netts stand yesterday in the Oike*
divorce trial, in the Supreme Court,
before Judge Truax and a jury, but
the cha.1 Paul also testified. Hu was
the strongest wittiest, against the
11. WAS a trying day for Mrs. Oaken,
but .4414 proud herself equal to the
ordeal. '.Vitlt a titch 0f relief eke left
the court room late iu the after -
neon at the close of the evkleuce.
Mra Oakes .'muted a Ilttle jacket,
ata, turning to the hey, demon-
strated to them that oho txvld take
o11 her waist by uphooklnse It at the
back without the ab$'stalce ed her
mall. She exph.lue,l lele because of
tri, statement made by her maid
that rho could not undress herself
and lad sent her out of the r
while they were In London, when
Del S:11 escorted her hue after the
Sae denied poaltively that there
ever was the .lightest act of imre-
prlety between herself and Del S d,
er that ells had mild hie expense&
abroad,- but the severest tent el the
day for her was when her bright-eyed
nine -ear -old run Paul was spited to
testily against her; net the final wit-
u,se In tlto cane. A. elle looked at
took him, when lie the witness' chair,
her eyes filled with tears and her
mother love showed Itself plainly as
,he seal In a, phatdleg voice:.
"Olt please, don't do that ; don't
ask him to tetitlfy against his
mother I"
But her plea was not heeled, end
the little renew testified he RAW Dol . ides es her a
girl Choked to Death in De-
fending Her Honor.
(klcagu Jan. 13. -Confined in a cell
to the Maxwell tercet rtattva lr
Louis Thum., charged-1with eau of
the wort houand brutal Inur-
uere lu tie memory of the Chicago
puttee. At time weeny morgue her
Ida tk;ttut, Menole Lamm, 21 years
old, a pretty Norwegian girl. Her
body woe recovered from under the
ice 1a the Chicago river yesterday.
At time saws ra0Wo0 is held Rob-
ert hetrrlg, 22 years old, who rays
4141 Wow au aye-wltueer to the el-
legud murder, which occurred early
loath%) morning of tart week. Kelr-
Nig Is the accuser of Timing and to
the prevent of that precast Kels-
elg tole the police a rteriltug •fury
y Detectay morales. Hie statements
✓ esulted in the pollen dragging the
Chicago. Burlington ant Quincy slip
at Twenty-first and Sangamon.
street., where the body of Miss Lar -
eon was revov.rod anti removed to
the et.unty morgue.
Minnie Larsen, It le said, wintered
to oho steamer Peerleee, of the Lake
Michigan and Lake Superior Com-
pany's Ilse, tnoorol In tho Burlington
net rt Monday everting, and at 2
o'clock Tuesday nutmeg rho lost her
Ilfe, w le said, In•a desperate
- bhrug&he fur Her It .nor.
Keb,elg says that he intimated the -
fierce battle, and the says lie saw
Thome stragelo his ab;tlu, todeath.
Tho ' i also confesses that he a'-
Thome to carry the body from
tee boat and throw tt into the river.
A portion of hist se . temovnt wascor-
roborated by Mies • uterine Benne-
berry, connected w Is the 1111uota
Free Employment Ago. .y, 9 Cann!
Thome wan a cook on ,.ard the
Peerless, which has been led np
for the winter In the Bur ngton
slip. Ills wife lived w;th him, but
she was absent at the time of he'
alleged murder.
Monday afternoon ghouls went t
the free employment office, where
he met Mbsr Larson. lite young wo-
man was seeking a position and
nom She Accepted r ['lace.
offered by lhoms as cook on the
steamer. He made an appointment
to meet her at Twenty-first and
Sangamon streets that evening and
to (-wort her to the boat. 'file two
mot by appointment and the young
womb was 1u/dulled In lite kitchen
of tiler steamer. She Inter retired
to a room adjoining the kitchen.
About 2 o'clock In the morning
young Kel.slg was aroused from Ills
slumber by hearing Thome, It U
said. demanding admittance to the
young woman's room. Site, however,
refused to admit Mut. Then he re-
minded the woman that ne washer
employer and that he wanted her
to prepare breakfast for him.
"1 was Bleeping on the kitchen
floor: Kalil Ketoslg. "Miss Larson,
or Minnie, as lhoms called her.
came from her room nod asked
where the meat was,.kept. Thome
pointed to a door and said the meat
cod.l,l be found outside. The woman
started toward It, when
1 hews 1.e40rd thee Her.
forced her to the ground and chok-
ed her uptll she was dead.
r`fIe attempted to asenarlt her, but
she fought furiously until dead. Then
Thom. secured a long knife and
tfereatenel to k111 me unless I helped
him to carry the body from the boat.
First TTomm tied several pieces of
Iron to it rope and then wooed it
\around her neck. I took the body
�b th 1 d Thome took_ hold
the pier at Liverpool
a year ado. s mother looked at
him longingly, n 1 his voice was till
.f a tretm,r a►s h toll his story.
Iltch was Bnmewlta shaken on cross-
minnliun. His mo her'' eyes f41 -
t m AN he left c court room.
ace did the troy 1 k at hr.'.
I, wuu, l+ nn xra Inger, tall,
nn of coMmandtng
with Nark heir, dame all
em Malan a few wet'ke neve
of dr•frnding the
Oalee Ito denied that
tad her 0r nrted int -
her In any mnnneI'
y had been her
crop a at the nig
In I i 1 f
Irirre'rl d
the way f
for the pit .
heifer of
he head ever'
',roperly tnwa
and Bold he si 1
e.enrt throughout
ela(Mn of her e
eft. Oaken, "tont,
sixty, In a most e
ny haired mid
tic manner
farted hl" wife
ecelerd the
ng him to
the legs an
o the eh si4dere.
"We carried the body from the
boat and then oat upon the Ice of the
river. A hole had already been chop-
ped In the ice la order to secure
-tor vasa on several boats -tied -
up In the Slip Theme pushed the
body into the water head first and
It Immediately, sank. Then we went
back to the boat and Thome went
to bed. I greens he slept / the re-
mainder of the night. but I was too
frightened and rem.bned up."
Veered for His Life.
denied he bed ever req
t n vtelt Del S ,I, tin ha.l
singer at his home, belle
a-avettf'mrta, Int
time that 110 was it 'count
case will go to than jury th
noon, after the summing up
011. The
s coun-
Citizers Organize Vigilance
Patrol Guards.
Den ver,Jtime:T.-Multiplicity of mute
dere of attacks upon women even
Ln broad daylight iu thdir own homes,
of street rotes -view and of borglarles
and Rife bitwingr, has brought the
city of Denver face to face with the
Vigil/two Committee. An in the old
okays, wheel the streets "ran with
blood,'wi• I e e
n horse thL vee stretch
rd their lengths from the meet con•
vettlent tr'e, the Committee of Pub
lie Safety could find. when mur-
dererm found the shortest way to the
gall30'., armed (1itiseae fire to be
cotme their owe policemen,
Plane for pructleally taking the
gunt-d:ng of the city out of th a henole
of the ',etc.., who have proved Wkolly
snadrtlaate to put an eat -to the 'tei-
rorleln that prey/die, were completed
to -day at a mann meetistg. A coma.
m.ttee a .afety WAR appointed and
the member. of title I t dy were stn.
powered to call on any or all citizens
miff:-T'oemean wird-tarry a re-
volver (MAI knife. The resedutlonn
provide that this Improvise.) head
of citizen guard. Is to patrol the
entire city, both iuelne,n end reel.
rimetlat 54.44ete, The larger smut-
tier of men will look after the deep•
!ng population at night, but owing
to the lioltl fi yrott t ertm"h tint have
been recorded the v:glbnae•e will not
1,n relieve6T GTible the won iw etining
There will be it. day petrol that will
he equal to nil p,.,.ihh' emergencies,
Wlthing the Inert year there here
hre.'n thirty-two assaults committed
npnn women of Denver. In at leant
four of th.. caara the victims Imre
been innunieredin one of them hew the
author of the crime been brought to
punishment. Most od these crimes
have leen committed at night. Some
of them hear follnwee attempt. of
the vk+elnls to g., upon or return
frum v1eltw to the Nampa of neighs
horn, ten vlrttlms bring alone upon
the wtreet when attacked. In other
(owes the attacke neve been made
In tlnvlight daring the nbsenco of alp
members of the family except the ,Io-
tim herself. (k,ld-blooded) murder ham
been the price of real/tatce to the
The crime that finally turret the
et(4.0,e to nctlr•n wan the nttark
made upon Harold Frledbnrn, 14
.vwtre old, end hie .inter. The two
young pr.rpin were Renting when at
.orange man made ndvenees to the
girl. Tlue hey defended her with ell
hie might. For him reeletante he was
wandered nett then the risgewridwers
girl woe dr: red awry to a Bert
.pet by the murderer, who left het,
finally aimed I1fNesa.
Kelsefg nays he was
coolly by Thome and,
til own life, he decideed
for a
of his
()n that
etched con-
aring for
d o escape
the boat. Thome sent the boy
newepapor and Keisling did not
He went direct to the home
s ter at No. 567 West Herron un
t, ero he remained til Bun-
y he decided to Inform
the pollee o the alleged crime and
wont to the nalpnrt avenue sta-
tion, where h . told the story to
L ieutenant' Bala$.
Suit for Foreclosure Makes
More Trouble.
Buffalo, Jan. 18,-S1ortly before 5
o'clock yesterday afternoon the sum-
er and complaint In the foreclosure
anima urideb liens beenthreatened-for
some time agaln.t lite Yen -American
Property wan hl'xl with the County
t l.rk. The complaint le different from
deer usual foreclosure complaints In
that It asks for the appu)htmeet Of
a rr•cehwr Who will be able to nego-
tiate the snln of the pri perty.
• Tito . plaintiff le the .tensa Is the
FLl.lity Trust Company, as trustees.
Attorney t'renklin 0. Locke prepared
the complaint.
The complaint sets forth that this
action pertains to the Issue of the
ilrst mortgage 110n4,, Made In July,
1000, amounting to 111:=,500,000 In par
%aloe ; that the FWehty Trust ('om-
pnny, In Its capacity of trustee, cer-
Iflel to the Issue and accepted the
first mortgage as security.
The complaint state.. that 91 per
rent- of the principal haw been petal
nal follow.: On Sept. 14th, 1001, 56
.per cent.; on Oct. 26th, 'AA per cent.,
on NA?. 1st, 5 pee cent. This leaves
7 per cent. unlink!,
The beginning of (hie *titian Intro-
-111cm, nil .orts of complications, not
he Ir'art being, It IR RAM, the block -
,ng el the plan to sell the tinkling.
0 the Chicago Wrecking Company
nt Its offer et 690,000. The answer
'0 the complaint must be flied with
ha Trust Company's, Noyes. within
wrnty days, and will be awallet!
with Interest.
Claretwra Levy, a piing New York-
er who came to Hamilton, nr•rmnda,
•,n the .anomer Trinidad, seeempan-
tee by n r,r*'. 'AMMAN 0nhlestee Th-
elrre shortly after his amen}. He
' new very violent. Levy bis ma_
wee 4,1 New York.