HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1902-1-16, Page 3Sozodont
Good for Bad Teeth
Not Bad for Good Teeth
Ileerethieg Particularly Well Worth
Bacterial( at this emulate
Lampe are loth useful sed orua-
meaU . lout u p:stain awouut of wire
must be glieu teem, 'au teat they will
do their utmost toward ughtlag the
home in the bust mousier. Daily
ewer rlwukl be gtteu to them, mai
to du then w the beet -wwnur there
should bo certain toter provided for
the purpose, and these tools 'Mould
not bee used la way other wily.
Fleet of all provide et tray muftl-
cicutly largo to hold all tbo ueCea-
• wary articker, au well as two or
three lamps. Clean cloth for wash-
ing the chimneys earl mai for dry-
ing thew, roue) soft paper fur rub-
bing u[i the charred
Iwrtlua of the
walk. u pule of sharp scissors for cut-
ting levee thread's and a box con-
taining two or three wicks that have
Nen boiled In vinegar. eo that
they are ready for Immediate use.
Irregular care tis alarobt as bad
as no cure at all. Tho lamps. should
bo ktpt perfectly clelan, and they
.eieruki be filled every day without
fall, er rive they should not be used.
A partly -filled lamp la the lamp that
kr apt to explode. if the wick 111
rubbed glean every day there will not
leo danger of broken or smoked etdin-
2 net's, that will surely occur with a
• neglected lamp.
♦•eee••H•••••♦•••••••e•••••••e•••••••••••e•♦••••••••s♦ A small institute should alwayabe
k t f t 1 ti o different
parts of the Mum. A soft cloth and
plenty of soap will keep the chine
nay lu gond order.
Let a certain part of the day be
set arida for ails daily duty, and
when the task has Igen accumphlth-
ed put 2211 the neeeasnry articles
on the tray' where they belong nuri
put the tray tet mn'e in its place,
where It wilt' bs ready fur the next
tiny'' work.
1 or a redeem.; tamp one r11ou11 be
selected with n '.reading shade.
Tice round globes that are now eo
generally shown are uture orna-
mental than useful, and, while
they are very pretty for the parlor
or .!tang -rout, the library should
be provided with n lame that will
give• out & clour, strong light.
A green Phade 1s. best .for the eyes,
end this should always be well eou-
✓ idert+d before the purchase is
made. Never !purchase a yellow
shnde for a reading lamp, for the
Ilght 1■ ninrnvt as trying as:when
a whiter eh ole is meet. Many per -
sone become nauseated when red
light'. are fre-•l'- used, and a blue
. hada given a cell tight that is not
always, pleasant.
-(he best lamp Ie
one that can be fastened on the
wall. with a reflector placed back
of it. These nrey be purchased at
a._seaider.tis•-.prigs.-_and _ "holed be
nerd In every kitchen where the
light le not ptffICtently good lobe
- ▪ • - s e.
sodont Tooth Powder
reds Liquid and Powder - 7Se.
lo sur b ma,l for the Q
. D rr mice. . amble kr he a
Y t t IHr +re, is..
A new method of determining the?
character of tile subject from his
hands has been duloovered' by a
criminal court Judge. 'Die fact that
the weaeurement of the middle fiuger
giver the b.+st means of identification
has long been recognised and Ir now
Ll use tato world over. These measure-
ments afford more certain means ,
than the best of photugruptir or de-
reriptioo of criminals that the pollee
officer can get. The theory of the
Judge referred to le that the !lands i
indicate the character and that they
are more to b' relied upon than the
laze, for the ratansu that people from '
long being agc'tutomexl to the Idea
that others try to reed their facer i
control the muscular movement of ;
the latter se tint it deceives even
experts. Not so with the handr.i
Even If lie were eonialore of It it 1.1
dmsbtful if the moot expert criminal
could 10 oontrol her Iodide an to de-
stroy the telltale matrks and indi-
cations of character that aro there,
.1t.played to the Initiated like the
page of an open beer It le claimed
that the peering emotion', as well
ea' tbo general character. of the sub•
ject are- -bPtrry-e*-by-the- motions
ehape and manner of htddtug the
halide. The judge who le reipon'tl-
ble for the theory calls It "expres-
Mon of hand election." 11. says he
ham made a etndy of It ter'several
years and has formulated rules for
interpreting the shins that are neve
er-falling. From the hands of cam -
muscles to the -band, wtdob are used
for claming awl opening them anti
moving the m „kleivIse. When the train
Is healthy and the mind it culm all
the emeses era acted upon equally.
When the brain of a chili is healthy
and the chile 1* asked to meld out
her hand he bolds out a eymmetrlcal
organ. But if the brain le more or
leen Waterbed there will be more or
less distortions of the hand. Thos one
who duet's very little brain work, very
little thinking on profound subject^,
will hold out a haud somewhat like
the ch 1d's, stiowtng a calm mind. But
after u hard day's work Ir' will twee -
ably drop the th•,mb, which would be
an indication of fatigue.
?hose who have studied the way
people hold their hands will tell you
that It In n Iww'h better Index of
mental phenomena than Is the face
-Upon which wort people rely, but
which 1s often deceitful. Anyone
who cares to matte a few ubrervu-
tions can verify the following
Pled urates In Vlager Tips.
Fleet, select a man who you
know hair intelligerfce above 'he
av eruge ; a persue who is gifted
vatth exeeu•tive anttlty; "En11
will final that he liar a strum;, firm,
well -shaped tpand. full of character.
t evoi d, take one whom you know
has oily sufficient Iutetigrace to
tut, drlhk, bleep and do manual
labor; examine her hand and you„
will find it short, clumsy and th.ck-
ret. betnetlmes 111-rhapcd or with
twirled flutters. Lock- for peculiari-
ties; you will find them. Follow
(his practical infurmat.oa. It will
help you;
Tell me by whet Chidden mage
Our iuy,roerione first are led
Into liking or diet klitg, oft before
- a word is ratlj,
' Scientists have found in d:wect-
itig flug%'r tip* of the blind that
they cuutaln brain cells of percep-
tion. or gray matter of which the
brain Is ctrutpu.e•l. Tile wuuderlul
perception and keen eenwitivenerw.
of the hands of the blind have lung
HAND IN rniorrr.
ep or was 1 Ilte^ 1
Often Leads to Merlo- ua Trouble UR-
I.** Prompt Steyr Are 1'akru to
Check It- Iluw 1111s tau
Best Ile Dome.
Indigestion la a trouble that 1s very
common In tallowy awl early child-
hood. and unless prompt measurer
are taken to control It the rerull Is
often very serious. It prevtuta the
proper growth of the 01211.1 and
weakens the oonrNtutton, .0 that tie
Ir unable to realist other Wreas'e will be served to the bunt w.It lir
that are inure dangerous. Fortuante- ka'ated on SLuW eitgeet eohvent"ut
1y, however, the trouble 1s 0110 that to the stripping district. A takeout
Le easily (tontrollet. Proper food- rertauruat, it Ir lae4ldl44 to ex -
not toe much, but absolutely pure- p'uln. lis a place weer() the patron
a lozenge
a take ear
t ascot la
u fresh air, mid Baby's trio may q
! nt u! y
p Y
T+tetras, freely auhululwterad accord- which may be iota tete al a riuglo
Ing to the directional, will routs put gulp. if he prefers it that way'
tate sufferer right, and mega both In, may have lits dluac'r la a cap -
mother and Mild happy. Uri. W. E. rule. The people titles have become
Imssum, of Kingston, out,., is one of thoroughly accustomed to the tab -
the man,y mothere vele) have proved IoW stet bks' It and woke uu attempt
the uuth ui this rtutewont. She , to Cater W the deyruve, l appetite •'tthen my late, glee was abouts that dense/tee menethuig bulky Thom
three month.' eke, she had indigos- who have not aa:ouettieeni them -
titre very bully. She was vomiting. ..I'"r to the howecyntthid doe'o 01
and had diarrhoea aluu,et outtrtant•
ly. dite war very than, weighed only,
four pouLdr, and &IUK)ugh rho had a
.6. +' ,+'.✓�d �e Ills Liu W Mises 1lbwrairA.
!( rP� of FYI/r`rr'e3 cr'e'f�'s ee'`� '� r'd The reek war kn.twu to tie+ l:c tout. 1
In (lc •ru'r t w • un 1 wee ap reel ,u
secolndr centuries.1414
It nwar, introt.0 ,'•t
Into Logien l by the thee) of Lacier
In 1447, awl nee there oalnt ,b♦
"Duke of Exeter's daughter•'' it vete
used In the time of Henry 1111.. nu 1
war to almost eourta/t use t:uritie
the reign •.i tills 'bath.
la the veneer countries of Europa
tit u rool was much treed bi both
civil and re-ligiuur $uthorlties (m ex-
tract tonfeaune or reeantatkmr. It
lia.0 now b.. n ai+lirhed In every part
of the civilised world.
As un instrument of diabolical tor•
tura. the thumb crow was capable of
Inflicting the most excr,wlatln ;
agony on its victim. It conalrtal of
a clamp for compri'rslog the thumb,
t the inmate of a screw u
It WWI a favorite method of aortae"
In Lipialn, and was occasionally used
In England. In Scotland It. was made
lice of In the ware aegalnrt the
Covenanters. and the famous Car -
stares was thus torture' for an Mor
and a half at Ilelyrood to obtain
the secrets of the Argyle party. The
tlunub crew was one of the simplest
instrumento of torture, but It was
capable of Inflicting untold suffering.
A Vleudtab Device.
The iron clasp, sometimee called the
"Scavenger's Daughter," war a broad
hoop of iron, consisting of two parts.
faw4000(1 to each other with a hinge.
The prisoner was made to kneel on
the floor and to contract himself
Into as emite a compete as he could.
Then the executioner. kneeling on
Ids vlctliti r shredders, and having in-
troduced the hoop under the tatter's
lege, compressed the victim Blear to-
gether until he was able to fasten
the extremities over the small of the
back. The time allotted to this kind
of torture wan an hour and a half,
dmring which time It commonly hap-
pened that from p'ierei of compres-
sion the biond started from the nee -
tris. Souletime@ the preserve was
so severe that blood 'smarted from be-
neath the flinger and toe nailstbf tee
Breaking on the Wbeel
was one of the horrible modes of In -
Meting the death penalty in France
soul Uermany. The victim war tied
on a wheel with his arms and lege
extended akxeg the spokes. As' the
wheel war turned around the exevu-
tlooer fractured the vlctlm'e limbs
by micceeslvp blows with an ir,m
lwtr. These were repeated until death
ensued. Sometimes who executfuoer
war permitted (0 .how the victim the
mercy of a speedy death after a
few blow* by wirikLttg 241(0 4214 the --
head ur stomach. Occasionally L
France the sentence oontalnee a pro-
vieknt that the victim be eteatlgled
after a certain number of Wows lied
been struck. 1t le oatd that when
Yeatkut, the envoy of Peter the Great,
wait put to death on the wheel by
order of Charles XII. of Sweden, the
latter cashiered the officer in
command of the guard for permltting
the heed to be •trbken from the
rearm-leed body of the vbtlm before
life ons extinct. Breaking on the
wheel waw abolished In France dur-
ing t revolutlegi.
--Buffed 1n
llnlll0g oll war another favorite
nests d t turo during the mkidle
ageis. The tem war placed lu a
huge caldron of oil, under which a
fire was lighted and the oil slowly
brought to a halting point. Other
barbarous Mildest of execution were
pnar(ng melttxi lead on the victim.
milieu to
dater, tcnring• tar des wtth red -
11,t pitrer', quarterlglj.alive, tese-
Itutf to plecr+ by Irrrses Impale-
ment on sharpened a , which of execution le vlvld-
ly described) by Henryk Sienklewlcs
in hits trllugy et Pollsh romances.
Under C'uarlee V. of Spain impalement
was effected by driving a pointed
Mute through the heart while the
victim was being burled alive.
Burning at the stake and the ap-
pllcatlon of fire In every horrible
manner that - would add -til the
t,:hlcago is to neve One to Servs Up Compressed
rE/.•s!w?d�ii'i+.al.�i'2t1dd�t+".+l?S'�i�Z fil�
and Condensed FooJs.
l'hl:ugu lis to !Neve a t
tuuruut 1n the near tutu
plena of th.' prospoetevu
tomo out rtyht. The u"
where tuu.letufie in vow
ukl roe ly palatub'e. It tasted like meat, yet
U tato
p- ac u
t form
nutriment, however, find It heel to
break away from the cntleg li abut.
This bringr about the 11N'crsite for
ravenous appetite her [04)11 did her ; prorltiirit the meats' for diluting the
no good whatever. I heti tried see- tablets In water, Its which forst the
ural metlichiee, but they dot not help I large maj,rnty of the titbloki re.+ -
her. Then 1 head of Baby's Own tuuraat. patrons, 1t it expected, will
Tablets, and procured a box. After take them. There 14 one them ill
giving bar Ute tablets fur a few days, favor of the dilvteal form that p.'r-
the aomittme not diarrhoea ceased, I Il U to the I
cal -
rhe butt."u (0 improve at once, and rtes reetaa2„.•(0
grew plump and fat. 1 always. gee bngeet t than l+ that the meal lasts
her the Ta Wel. now when .he to -It- The tabloid restaurant viae possible
ung, tad lir result Is ulvvuys good.
X Disease That Has Long Baf-
fled Medical Skill.
. by the: luveutiou of compressed d fools
Baby's Own Tablets aro the best - erred fool•
ever were supposed to be derirabie only
child." tier an emergency rattan, but some
There toWeta ala promptly cure all ,-uterprlelai>; indivie,ual found that
the mance r stomach,
ofh, little Does, • the teinpresatel footle would appea
such as. sour on, ala Ithe ,edea. to a certain portion of the public
cube, 0Comp nyin, allay the Unto. teen *here there was an abandanee
tion accompanying They mg 'the cutting of of restaurants of the ordinary type
teeth, eta They are good for ohl,ir. Hence, the tabluld restaurant.
deem of all ages, and crushed to n
powder or dissolved to water can be t1 iti Sell Condensed 1,0041•.
given with absolute safety to the' Tilt- projector of the tabiolt rem-
youege4t infant, if you cannot ub- tauraot recently explained the nye
tale Baby's Own Tablet'. at your teems of he. peopuseel novel pl000 0
drltggietr', they will be rent p ietpaW ontering to tho hungry. There oil
at i::, cents lye; by amkIreesiug the b- in cenuextlon with the meter/in
Ire. Williams' efeilicine Co., Brock- peeper a department for who end
ville, Ont. + t of the bottle+. 041119 and package
A GUARANTEE -"1 hereby certify , In which the compreae.e.l food tis p,
that I have mule a careful chemical i s for the market. A randy rale to
nnnlyelr of Nov.. Own Tubletr, theme V eonfidt•ntiy expeeted, ane
which I personally purchased in a.
lain of the b efiest+ of the concern. Th
medlelu• I halve Weed fix a i a few yearn tura. Omer
Its uuwpweltlum 1. nut mo !nein.
'Thal is retail) poetise,' expialneel
the caterer, "the luur:r of most of
our (teller. You gel the tesla! of
meat anti the emelt of went, but 3021
Mao get the inurement, of nuts, with
name of the linneful effects of meat
Oar duce m•1 eyed quantity In food,
but nutriment. You get it from pro -
tow', wleoli forms the bails of ell
emu reused and tabloid Wallah.'
All of tho meteete of the (unitary
prepwerati4wt of cumpreereal foods are
net deulgwl to the Inquirer. The
brown gravy 'served with several of
the euugreee d duller le not alone
rich la ,otter, but 1■ most pwelntablo
Mid ronl(werel favorably with many'
u lhef'e pet eotuuoattien
1'rutoee Orel( conies In sealed cane
mud eorreegsonde to I.au Melt meet an
beef and mutton, without partaking
of lie bulky nature of an!mnl folds.
For mesa t •e, there it held to be as
sut•l, nutriment and surteuanre for
the Menne body in it pound of pro-
ton" as dere would be la flue limon
that attwunt of ineat.
Looks elks 1 d 'Gurkey.
lu 1. pinrattee prutoae looks like
prostate.' chiek,•tu or turkey, whit+ It
resembles in color. lus.I what 1s more
it keeps up t+r de••eptt.nt by
being al';filly fibrous. Consequently
11 1+ t'ary la errro a21 cvo,mp d
ehtsk••.n salad uamte from It, while
comer.ueed 1)4010 , hash also Ilan
m my udmtreea
1 'Who likes compressed foods best,
• men f,r wome1Oi" wee asked.
I thick women molly prefer them.
• You will find that women, as n rule,
needle. little food, and consequently
they Are mete minified to Indulge
111 only a in. derate amount, If• they
knot% that is of the weal. Our pat-
ronage, of course, will come largely
{ from men, but theme who are steady
( cubluin•re will talk to their friend's
e of the value tai the dishes, especially
' to dyspeptics, end the tIme In not
fax dietant when women will be our
✓ meet regular attendants,
1 'rlrblele Nave Pleasant'taste.
t " Cempri•estrl footle are the most
e dlgretlbl •," coutlllued the reetuurnnt
4 -Le that the cry
from the dye -
11 aide them.
uhf sodenisry
heist* In nn
a•etuetonnl .'-alk, would i>r' glad to
lid u pluco where h . d.,P .not have
o to gorge himself to saN.fy elle ap-
p•tlt.• ns. rustnip life.
•• Mose et Ute tabloid foods'ar pra-
1 digeeted. For instance, br. enema.;
15 111)14 comes lu *mall boxer, or 1,11
tablets,' le compered of nut. and
oereale, 'sterilized, In which the fat
15 redid.; Inn state of natural emulsion.
halt or witnesses who coma before
him be is njhle to read the character
end to arrive at n knowledge of
what la ptareiug In their minds at the
Hamra time. There moue mon ninety
times out of a hundred are able to
so control their faces that they' are
either blank masks to the observer.
or eine they convey a wrong'mpres-
0lou of the pataslone that are suer -
leg underneath the exterior.
The plan pursued to r.uti'n man by
tae hands Is to watch how he holds
race L at I:art de munrtrattng who
cause of *twit • fide pereeptlon uC
We touch. A phyriclau arrirt,ug in
au autopsy on n person blind trout
birth fuuttd that the tuner eurtae•e'
e1 the index finger contained u
meet coattail, and delicate ramifd-
catiotn of nerve tdaueute, dainty
auel minute nerve twigs In immense
emintitieb, Ldiig from the
main stem.
Through constant use the finger
tip* of the Weil acuities this eau -
Me. M. A. Gauthier, of Burkingha^t,,
Gives is lex perlenca fur abe Ben-
efit et Other Sufferers Irrom This
Tenable )Talady.
(From the Post, Buckingham, Que.)
We venture to ray that In' our town
of :5,0:.0 Inlab(uutts few beefless
amen are better known than Mr. 14. A.
(i utttler the young and hustling
Catcher of Slain street. He wasn't,
however, n+ energetic or as !hurtling
a couple .of years ago as he le to-
day, and fur a good reason,- he
wristlet web. Having gone into bust-
neinere reaching his majority ills
desire tie Lifcceed was inch t
Recd wee paid to keeping the body
In the state of health necessary to
"tann Moen, and Its consequence of
sunt derelupment. Nhen we .w-
khowledge the preaoe -bt Wee
' fine, bublle nerve. of Intelligence al
Uee hand we can no longer doubt
that In Its lines, tuuuate and cote
tour an. Intek end force has iut-
printed aneTatereating 1t .tury, and
that the hand gives forth It. own
The "unci' maid' of Edinburgh are
u). In arm, o,er the Hnutlay tram
que'rtlon, and a bitter fight ate
HAND 1\ IIOAROR• begun with the corpuuration and the
therm member,' ellen lie = .a �s a (i+abW.Wrianr uo the one• rWu and (Inc the Putt cannot do better than give bridal neer. As one of the potty re- r+`c e
- Mr OauUiler's story In his own m ,skid, It int "certainly eeplen- /91411. At a whole•, tM the en- law, it wee frequently resorted to
11 ce cad the tramway cumlKasy p
Ute eller waits: Tea," raid Kr. (hwUnh•r, "f.r .;W ore. of work." The from the lightened Rottxttw condemned such In that country In trials of state. A Thls
Unglue! hat been adopted e .
n - I !te'm I ed ttm entire oar nal practices, anti until the thirteenth royal warrant sanctioned Its use In and Is In oto In this country ev
the extra demands upon the system fake the anuric teals.
It becam" run down (4) such nn Px- Through the gate they went ill cT 4b3tt--Instrum-ut for extracting cure 1 elsewhere In Germany, but It wail,
tent that ey,llep y or failing sickness pm(,. {yin same car, the Mlnneapilln isotone teem unwilling intoes+ee liar" not florally alrollmherl In Hanover until
resulted, and these lapses Into un- girl in the read. Al she entered the "en iargeiy used WI utany ewntrle^' 1810.
cunecleubneee p-cuming alarmingly Pullman she turned laughingly nnct I Uie pas*, and it still endures to In the low countries and In Spain
frequent he consulted phyektane and Mkt: :.'+n' extent itt the earl. The ancient torture wall cnrrled on to a great
took some nt'. urn, but treeing
"Just look at that. seotlon' T:ri. tta,etia•ne were, privileged to torture extent by Philip Ii. It NAP a part of
beneficial results. Finally, neelhg Ili. dently we are going to have a bride-� 41ree Ln order to extort confess/Ione. the }edictal aye! --m of France until
William,' fink • 1 1114 adrertlsed as a and groom with us on the way up." Slaver were also tortured Ln an- 17811, and ons in frequent use to
cure for falling sickness he decided to The section In queethm was hellish- et nt Rom'•, and occa.donaliy freemen tlontlnml, being nbotlshed only in
glee them a trial. As to the remelt ly decorate! with white #bbons and when It became necessary to ex- 1708. While the use of torture wax
t t vWnnceof hlg11 tree- repugnant to the genius of English
drug store In Montreal. My aunlvsir 2 this. will b+ no IncunNWerable par
leis prove. that Lir Tablets sun
absolutely no opiate or narcotic ; followln(t; *) Tt of tarn witch will pro.
that they can be given with perfect elate'be put before the customers o
safety to the youngest Infant; that the new restaurant las been -pre -
thee are a sale and (Picket medicine pared by the projector and Was
for the trouble' they are indicated shown us a sample of what cowl
to relieve and cure." b' furnished to satiety the appetite
(Signed) ' _ 1 amt eurtttta-the em king w_eeagsh 81
!MILTON L, HERREX, M. A. See Chicago citizen+ who.may desire t
I'tovinci:el Armies for teueb00. adopt the Improved method of eat
Dec.Montreal, 23, 190L
o- man, ") lilt]
f I tea
se•for tablfood
pele .•Leat
I The profewe+tnnal nett -
d ± liable', whose exercise . e
e tre
But They May be as the Result of an
Elaborate Practical -Joke.
l-'omprowal 1'ef.t ea k
Compromise] feeh bails
Compressed fricassee
('ompreeeed roast.
Cowpreseed mock turtle
Nurt roast
It Isn't nlwaye necessary to be Gratin° of cauliflower
married• le order &ns o ..y • the rtdi- Protose nut meat
culous di comforts of h wedding jour- Protest+ haste
nay. Twit fact has been discoverer! Nnttolene
by writers of (lotion before this ; but nankeen benne with protege
It was borne In upon u young hely Spina
where home tis in the Mklwny district Tomato beefsteak
-recently it. a way that rho will not A sample of the compressed beef -
soon forget. The whole affair was n steak was also *town to the Jnv'e'tl-
ke but •in the end tho gator, and he wee permitted to try
jokers found they
than they knew. That, !weever, le_ 'Ince comprereed beebteihk looks like
euticipaUng the story. + ffnmbnrgtr etenk, and It 1s decided -
nh eronuet
}The . tablet chastely resemble.' earn -
mels. are pleasant to the taste, can
15 b9 served plain or not, as prefeere 1,
15 rani you may make n ple•nemnt bever-
e VI age out (111 hT fRaretetng-tn wetter.
LS e flatter myself novo Hutt the
15 menu of tail'Ll (mode which I have
15 arranged lncludru e•verything neree-
15 nary to create nal 'sustain health.
strength and n normal amount of
fl ih w-lthrnit dlenrrangtng the -dtgr.,-
d e apparatne In any way, et pro -
well Intelligently eaten cons.
gITPlata( 00
t'hkala•r Chroeleie.
The young Indy lin question went ,
dowse to t!Outgo some months ago
to visit relate tee While there elle
stet -n nametape of young pereun■ and,
ns. she 1. m mething of a practical
Hier. erhe hadn't been there Ioug be-
fore several of them were "just acn-
tnr for a eerier to -gee sveat."-----
Ytnrelly their ,i.pportoti.t' Qa>DT A
day waif set lir the tire -ores depar-
ture, and the orowd went down to•
who station to see her off. Just out • -
side the depot alta was-;atroduoed to pa g -When tee law. W_
a young mall, the friend of one of the
boys, who was alto on tits way to a ,,r -{ahrererrel .r r � er'r''
Minneapolis, and who intended to
Texture ne u pundshmeut and a Ju -I tributed greatly to Its suppression
agony of the victim were ever fav-
orite modes of torture 1n the dark
ages. One of the chapters of Pon -
Ma's history is that oo rtatning the
recce, of the terrible tortures le-
fllcted in that country by
Il'loggleg With knout.
There Ie scarcely a mode of tor-
ture that the mind of man could
devise but what has been praotirerd
upon counties thousands of hap-
less vlctintw In the past.
The usual mode of capital punish-
ment in England for many eentIr-
ie'@ leas been and still In liarf(Q ng
the knowledge of the new way to "" aemrly dour years I au era flowers per um
read the human mist 1 tt �'Irt rmine I tramwayFirst h mpanyewho, takindrawn g tY..- epIIrpry or falling flue, which took , everyone In It wan craning hie neck e.e tury torture oxine to have been
that lie le e n , d 1 I me without warning and upually In to fetich sight of the newly -made unknown under their laws.
whether the wit nese is telling the enemy by suryris•, tnrtltnted 21 ser- I mot Inconvenient lacer. I am haat , benediot and hie bride the moment lleretIcs Pot to the Torture.
vice of kein.l►y carr yeerterdny for tet! p 1+
truth or nut, f twenty-four years of age, and I think they ehoule appear. I About that time the Roman test
first FFIm+ in the history of the p can law beans to 'be adapted to
False NUuesea haeny Known. Sabbath observing c11y. started business to«, young and the Then came tin ester, and with
Par of falling spurred inn to granter , grander) trent nor depnslted the lug- Deny, one at a later perked ter -
The pereirere hand le rosy to re- For 40111,•,tino• past` there has been
Ifrrrts p. let n then woo fpnd for gage nno wraps of the Minneapolis tore came to be largely employed.
Use Templar trials In 1810 and dorm/ c t In case@ where, to the Inter, -
tee Tudor period torture warranter of ttumanity, electricity Ir empl •.
were given to the lieutenant of the wt. in the middle egos. In Fnglnn
tower anti outer officers for mer everytown, ab ant the tumor'
against sante priwonere. Sim`Ivr war- ant nnorlal I e had the reel
rants were leaned In state trials un- tri lin rig! and the gallows arts
der Jnmos I. and Charlie I. Torture ng
was inflicted In England nu late as I to be @ern ahnoet everywhere. In
annc of the earner reigns little re-
gard warr-patd to In nran Ilfe and
victims were hanged by thousands.
It le recorded that daring the reign
of Henri - Neels -72400 orteslnals
were executed. In that ago the
Draconian law that every offense
merited death was very closely ob-
nerved. and offenses which are now
treater) lightly were then punished
i by hanging. Mnny viefliws were
the wheel and trilling in nil. Other en-- ;u°gen buttntttxahmoaftere,arid executlef t
genlnus Inetrnmenti osier-vtevtnitet y
and put 1n use from aline to
Vwrtoua Modra of 1•unls Aaneut.
until their name inn legion. There lleheatling, which inn once quite
wag a distinction from torture for general In Europe, In still In prno-
-t1tn- Plvfew f4-e'vtsaatlntt +,Lleac-e-1u+t� tit Fr,.neve and the reign or
the creel panlalumeotM and anode. id the guillotine (luring the revolut on
-the-btoodiPwt period*
.tf fuudes,1 -ttmesa-In- England and
l*rotlap.l • beheading wax popular
for a time, ail the • fecottlah Mahl-
e+e•' sof the eIat+enth century tiger-
cwt tis u_ }a u 0 protnlnau(ly.
wan* w e w ^'a.
--Later on minor nffenite In Eng.
at emelt said, to whi.•h the strain was hind were punlehed try muffle lion,
bound f v conte RttI1ChM1 tis, him nrmn branding. whipping, expuoeure in the
and lege. It wall menet chiefly for ex- pillory. nn 1 stokes. Krim., of there
ono ., utol0s were trotght to line
waw wlrPleltPei es. pwl{ed-e►wtll but happee-nlnefiner bbrolete.
eogotze. When 'h" wirnees is speak- coneelerable friction between the
Mg that truth an -t t+ m,kIug lin effort company, who are merely' the lass•we my coneltutl a, nnu the consequence ' girl In the bridal elution. It wan Ln unlvereal vile In heresy and er nn witches. Thr, prnctlrP Is not
to eeleen1 an thin We hale!" hang Y was that I !sesame sitaPet to thane "Why," she stammered. "That ,terlt+eh,mn-trfilM, as. „n *a Ioe the,-
y g of alae Inns, marl the corporation in nttn -k., which comp without any isn't right. t don't belong in there" pun.Mlnnent. of crinllnals, antt this now Meowed to any etrtrntrlrn to th
regard to certain {mints connected 1 wernine.whntifeeyer, leavingp• form 01 artvagety, which tmdhiree rope, its use wins prohibited In the
with the h -ter me ter- The trier grinned, andnt aatd moment
Uriv tarot the middle mere, marks lipenish Inquisition, where it bad
When the system was converted Able sick anti weak after theyTiad lug. Be tnraM away, a Imrmrnt d been largely emph'yPsi, In 1876
into oue of cable lyunlage the levee's peeved. 1 got to dread their recite- Inter deposited a gentlemen's suit that period's darkest ch pters. cruel instruments I 1 sen.
contracted to pay 7 per cent. on the renew eery much. !consulted doctors endo on the floor, clone beside the i During tin mtdole ager+ torture be -
capital 'nobly, amounting eo over and took tlu•Ir remedies to no put- little s ltchel that ihed pr: ceird It. came a part of the legal 'system of Many and various have been the
C .pltnl1r .I but r.crntly the lessers,
pose, the fits milli troubled me. I i Then this young ma„ who was tweet European countries. The Italt. Inetrumrnim of jn.1lolnl torture, the
on the groomd that the cable system esu Dr. Whitener 'Pink 11'Is 'elver- Irouo.l for Minneapolis cut Into the Ian municipalities* n4uptecl it early. most celebrated of whish are the
la unprofitable, reined to pay the (Peed and determined to try them. i convereetIon. "Here, porter;' he in (hnrminy elntxmlee a)glaratu' for rick the thnniberrew, the Iron clamp,
amount to (nil. Judgment• Wee inner- dhl so and the medicine helped ine c:ulel, "what's ell this tommyrot ? We Infliction exletedl in the dungeons
d lntely taken against them for L10,- wo math ihni Igot More and kept on le that my berth T" q ' of the (pedal cavtlee and in the
[eking them. until toetny I am asI "Yes, snitt tt sullenly le, rah! Up- vaults beneath the town hallo of
0110, and the corgs,rntlon ihrlxtrnuti r teem. The little Ixtiv lien the six -
Nuremberg nod katerb n. Ilsrrlhle
HAND OF CRIMINAL will, yes, letter, nt n 1 ever was, and i Pe trR l
to enter Into {arseeeeion' nm not tis vttird nt nil by Ppllspsy ns. ;lower,' nnd, with n {tvffaw that rnnl•1 torture.' wore Intuited in he six
- — �, tis a vs been heard for block!, ills hlur.-
loosely at his skis Cie behind lib back Til n the leee'eea, in a Iw1t.' Thn fPatt mitis tits Frtztmt tin n(tauitt Iia tee and seventeenth centuries. It-
er are quiet! crosser" hpfore hem. tome , I rk, retest the question of. Thinking II ere may lis' others mime- coated attendant•
made for the far- ons rehires' to a fine, degree by the
y ramming u+Mlt►y 444.F4+u1--1* o0.l■ ng tarty attain t...1, I F.tie any ',teal t,r lf.., 'h..r _soul ni the CIn pattrt mnsterm u[ 11tH art
Sat when be LI giving Tnlaw wrftlrnce nlnpl wuldttkmal i1roflta "alt doliA,_pbetle�and tel to boll vide! Inky ll roes of aereri{Ye 'ac-
tin thnmT► >s beau and the ttngPrs i►r_.: 1t tnrcr f►rr(tttiwr teed H(Ptlt t+*
The quotation was pending n de- give this frieat medicine a tele!" , pie:unet" called a Toto rem lir' cording to the offence.
are crookal. elslon on the part of the rorpnra- crowd , anti then i ognn n rho,%' r of
If yon will ober/ere a enIminel In fir. Wgtlnm+' Pink I Ills rare a greet- Tbr• reread degree Include crash•
The dock who Ls quartet with a grent thin when inn Saturday an intima- t1TP cure for all 411949/14104 art ;leg from rte.. F:verY man In the• party pn't ung the thumhn, fent or heed in Iron
I li n t iia portets 1• very t t Lh tit d dP -lee fieri
crime he will hold ont ltlm hand with
the fingers more widely sepnrraled
end In n posture reset so rep'•llnnt.
Nrariv everyone 22111 recognize the
Rrawping hand. It, hewrver, Is net
nhveys an evidence of avarice, and
weal be peon In matt heegnrs.
That the Ilan! smite{, I le. PIpI•ewa4VP
M emotion may Heem surprising to
forst penple, but It le easily explained
When you ronseler that eerry fusels
in the body la nee el by an Impelse
from thee bruin the remelt) for the
ex rreeelvenes. of the hand sipper -
elle There are a large nn r of
y(rrP, oe 4n -lire tallier- cases. every
form wan applied which 1110 flendloiii
Ingenuity of min eon1.1 invent.
Hon reached the town, clerk that the IrwrrnyPrlehed_aali tlol, or a. _ erealt w sloe n Puo n e o atmera ue nod e r R -
The rick ns. an Lae/tomcat of tot-
7tnd i1 1 r ted I u bl nig frame
✓ ewires of earn w.wekl 1DIig2n ua 8nn= 1gtrt lied a -tAy tt g tea R.fas''atmer' t with tart e rraegtrmr,
ItBattirRi 'veru ted rr{-4iM--bPrt•enir: north her wrap. s.
tiny. e�vfttPm. Every doss melee new, N'lib 1'I re us. Ited Ue trona
In order to pt'hvent interference ' h, red hlrwxl, and give); trine to the "Demi' l' .',ell the mnroullne,trnv- and „�nce•rft,. Tottvre was silll
wltlu their design tier. IeaePPs en -
nerve'', One miring eurh tit nes no eller. 'a' primitives' In the ,Aeon' In (iernwmy
treed a caveat In the bill chamber 11e vis, R . Vilna' .hhnei' rnlysift, I "Thank ,Ion,"' ftn 6tihm Rlrl. enema I t
o f t11e Court of rtalene, whlwh ef- In 1770, hut it wne els dished In i'ru s. 1 tl for
tt•atually debars tin corporatIon
ann mt*t, et s7Rateell, inert trrnen n, aa� nolle th form �-� Fred,r1'k the tire'tt to 1740-
Finally the 'nth' etwrted nndt11Plr "
taking out nn injunction ngnlnat the
a e*for, etc.
Thew.' 14111a are nl20 n' 54. The example of Frederick con-
rnre for the nllmentn that mak the tormentors were nompc11a1 to loaves IN
company. live* at .'t mans women n can down sept the roftea thrown on{ of
On this Intention of the company mierr,y.. see „tee 1w brute, the
tratenlf known the ftPnlor hilt vvrappe'r ermine which henna the lull the wlndow.
trate heel a mrriing, the remit of name -Dr. .1111 ' 1'I iF eel* for I Pat the troubles of that very much
which wee to risk the company to •
t tlteg 0 me ssinne (1110 1e untrue rico.
^tent t -Afterward the ribbon@ were torn , Will Never be -
Mee People. en n r nnm+rried eowule were not yet nt an
✓ efer tl n nestf t o arbitrntfon Pn)n ite", Can hP pent h d from end. They went hi to "Innrr together,
q eremite.", ns. will 120 sent by mit., that the solicitude of thele
,n . en
lewd Ponreon promised to 11011 n poet peel et 50 cent' a Mx, owl ^ter , enet founda
aerial sitting in the Court of Sea- bevels far $210 by addrowalna the hlendft hail preceded them. Por they i
were shown tun table decorateei nn
attend. Ont. had been the sleeping oar section,
The whole gnretion will be fought with (thee ribbon', end bride's. roses.
oat this; week Int the conal'. T)nrtn/f the flight, Paoli time the
The corporation may avers all fur- One ^^d Twn.Trotk■ (triode train etopped,trlegrema were repels-
ther Remittal by getting poseesalon ; eetwigo, ymr honor, this man waft WI lnqulrinit nnxionsly mitis their.
of the ears under their judgment ; nne and two -tenth' drunk Islet welfnre' ; and altogether the trip wne
but once raw:'knnnll to the ndvan-• night," a policeman toe1 the police I one long to be remembered.
tag, of a cnri to the kirk the foike court h^IRP yeeterday, when a 4e- However. out of that mock mar-
nf Ankl Raskin will rinmer for It. erfplt oke fellow named Kelly was Mire trip m•ly grow the reel nrliet2,
notwlthstailing what the city montane' on n charge of vagrancy. 1 for the (h s teast man'. btl'teeee Ilan
father.' or min(*tors may say about "What's that 7" askew the coast, brought hent notch to Mlnnenpnlls of
the tweaking of the longest cora- __.. Noire .est ... r• late. not an annenhncemrnt 1' expret-
mdndeeit.-Iewrion Express.
sten.' hitt the company refused to pr. Wifrnm:a' Mm ilelne Ce„ Srne1rv111r,
Page Wove"' Wire Fence
Owing to the earliness a the (nauseam enmsle,
considerable ally warms mesa he merle In all tonere
for swe tmetles and expaetlnn, whlrh makes as nw
dinar, who tepee nateretreshlesa when 11 tented•
4t becomes an tone ea H. prere n� little Telma Nate
�rve-Veils reel,. It eleaar end wolf-reenlati"r The Pak0
e1 "Pate w1r., whit+ is +11)40 40 atnrn4 se w lien We wire
r ^t"'
,same sato Yf Iragen
"el W also,nur.,ant.
"flow 40 "Well, your honor, your theory le
that Ifet man takes' ten drink. he's
loaded," replied the policeman.
relenting on Ills fingers. "Kelly tole
nie be had twelve drinks:*
EMIT !refit drawn for thIrty Attys.
-Washington Time&
-ad shortly.-elinneapolle, Journal.
Tales Ilisstles II MOO Tahlet• .411
drabbieto refund the nester If It fall. in clue.
W threes signature Is en each Del. Us.
whit* I am 'keel not erav•
Iliteps the Omagh seeing ef the seel&
and Werke Iftte te• cote. The Perverts on many rt good man e
/evade* Ammo (Moine Tahli4 MOO • cele erave
la seeder. Net:tow No Par. Mites elesseta Artichoke! by wi 'ow's wvoili.
Colds That
Are Being Contracted liverY Day The Treatment Previcribecl by an Eminent Medical Author
and PhySician- Timely Action the All Important Point In Treating Colds.
"Coles thee wie never be (aired. ' A etartling nerd, Hi know 11 to be true. Seareely a day passes
but mese death from sioneumptkne pneumonia or similar ailment erupt rodtem the truth of this Mater:tent
It la well to rememher thet ft eewlycontracted cold can, in alincert every alfla. be cured. It is the neglect
ed cold tent lend.. to death -the cold that rums on nod on -the mild that is adottel to hy free,' colds trove
thine to time.
But what triritment Le to be chorea from the great number of et mailer that are rervornmanded ? You
ran Des common Neese In buying meek -Inv, just an pea 03.21 ill tiI4/ pmehrom piano, a Mope(' or a sew
long martens. Find rant what treetment has the boot ...weird trt the pest, trendy the teet of time end get the
opielon of people who know from XpaTlailea
If you, apply thin tent to medicine.. for cough*, cold.' and 'similar ailments. yen, will ',elect Dr. Clinsees 8yrnp
of Linseed nod Turpentine. because of the eitrnoiNlinnry merit which It poteweees, and which have become
known tri the peleic genernily through years44 trial Tit- snles of this remedy pre fair in elicesea of any simi-
lar peeenratIon, and have never been fah large an during the present Peniern. These two fnete ere, we believe.
the strongeet evidence that can be !reduced In verifying the merits of any remedy that has been thoroughle
tested for yenre.
Dr Chamois f+, rep nf Leieed rind Torpentin" le prized espeeinlly heennee of Its for-rentehing effect'',
even In the moue istritmei eaten of bre whale. wh.ioning r;Tii cro ip and nethinn. It le not a mere relief ter
ererghe hot netts on the whelp eyinao thoronghly. curing the mei end removing °beet pnine, Norrneas of the
brenee et t ea- . en 1 el intliimmntIon of the respiratory Organs.
ailet ft word of w.tenins. There err °thee per pore thin. of t omen Inf. non II (triplet pot lip in ImItnt nf 11p.
ella 410'9 14Y1,111. L eierel mei Turpentine. lb rere o nee witting the gement,. PRP pertreit it I WWII*.
tIrrn Or A.W.Chafa' tal tha wrapper. Twenty -rive r i•nt I a belle. famllY OW. three ilMeA AO notch SO emote
At all 611101i19141. tar Edinanann. MOSS CeIsPellO. Toronto.