HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1902-1-16, Page 1THREE e'Ar8 e e
ADV'T8 Awa
... 1902
(lODt.pWa, Jain. 10. 1102
Fall Wheat, . .... ........... 1 75 N 7t
Flour, familia. per awl.... ___ .... t 10 to 1 10
Fleur, F•tent per ewt.-_ _-, _-. t 60 to 1 60
• too...-- -- _ - 13 00 toll CO
E krls. • tau - . _ _-. 15 00 1016 C7
per owl 100 to I f)
Ityo pM bW -.6.... 060 too 6'
Book wheat. per bosh 0 53 to 0 55
Oats, • busk ........ , _ 36 to o 37
Peso • busk. ....-....-....-...-75 to 0 k1
Rode,. per bosh 60 to 0 50
Hy. • ton .....-... .. .. 1
Potatoes, • bush.. new
Butter. _.... -.
Obsess. Ilse Ib.... ......
a , fres\ imputed. • dna....
Woad-.--'-'---_ _-...
Hides. - - --- - -
Live Hors -.._....... ..
!)resod Hoge..
Bacon. ....... . .... _ _
lard. per 10. .............
Dressed Heel tore quart
Dressed Hees e hlad
00 loll 00
D to 031
15 to 0 to
10 to 0 11
IS to 018
t9 to i C)
00 to 760
12 to 0 18
15 to 0 16
13 to 14
00 to 650
00 to 6 51
76 l0 1 60
yearling steer. marked wtth ring to left
ear. A•yeoe spitting trace of It commaniwte
with W. 0. JON124. Calow. 6411
&Situations Vacant.
Intelligent boy, about 17 years of age. to
learn • business requiring floe mechanical
skip. A good opportunity is open for a suit
.ole boy. Applyfor further partiou'are to Tag
Stumm.. Ooder lch. Ont.
Notion - _
We desire to ezte.d our Muerte thanks to
those who kindly "'mitred to the removal of
00? 6.004. oot.h•ljbI of the recent fire, la
cludiog the members of oke Hammy club.
w\Ie\ I totted ole dispose or. sad prlom
aro right. They .re the Garland and Good
Cber. end 16. 7,0 .0 4 to my oaetomers have
boss aro arsons of advertising them. 1 trust
tee.e tattles who are Indebted to me w111 call.
tis tt le Impc.itble for ata to go to them .
Yours respectfully.
Take mottos 'bat I will sell by poblta one •
Boast the pound (agrtcaltarai groaodat to
the town of ()adenoid. on Tuesday. the Bet
day of Jaa try, A.D. 1977, st the hour of one
o'olook la the afternoon :-One aged bay mars
and a black filly about one year old tf pot
lonr replevied or redeemed by the owner or
..moose le his or her behalf, bypaying the
[ aulty Imposed by law. H i. K T A N B,
Pound -keeper
Dated this Llth dor of January 1101.
Tenders Wanted.
1 dors w111 be received up to 16111 February.
1c01, addressed to the chairman of the build
tog committee for the rection of • brink
Presbyterian church at Hayfield. i int. Plans
.ad epeolOcauone can be teen and other In.
formatloo o^t•lo•d on application 1 JAi.
DONA1.1)8UN. Hayfield, oh airman of building
000mlttes. or to the architect JuSEPM A.
r.)WL1R.Ooderloh. No testier oeoeeaartly
•ooepted. 61 1m
For Rant
DM bones, with o.s sere of load. is the
town of Oodorseh. 000 outset to the Squats ;
good barn on premiere, and scone obo!os trait
Apply to R. O. HAYS, Barrister. Oolerl 16.
For, Sala
1. halt item tK Mad at month end of town,
BMA eltellifie taws boundary. Apply to H.
DUNLOP. Wallet. 66-Im
field otm. Oode lob tp., 113 acres 165
c lured, bate.., herd wood. with • Lege gun
tlty of cedar es al. ieood .tate of cultiva-
tion. shout five &erre fall wheat. and consider
Able fall plowing don. ('omfort.b.e brlek
hone., brise barn with stabling underneath.
driving shed sod other nutbull lingo. Ahont
too acres oretard, mostly wlster frnit Wel
watered never failing r rag creek and two
wells. eleven milee from Clinton and three
from Hayfield. Possession at ser mine. ren
seeable terms Apply for further particulars
to CHARLES SIMONS. 71 8t bard at
Oodrl.h. 1161f
_` the west half of lot 1.5, ooa. 7. Wee Ws-
weaosb. oomprlelng30 scree. Applyto HEN-
RY FOWL KR.J)ae • or to Pilip Holt,
Barrister. GodIrloh.
FOR BALK. -LATS 96.96.117. 118. 119
and 118 1n Hotohi.00i survey, •11 in
Oodrleh. For pendants,' s applto
Marsh 11th. MM. Banister,ta, °°d 00-tf-
retlDtlo Notioe
Nottes Ie hereby gluon that • dlenonnt of 10
per mat, will be allowed off an water rates
for the year 1901 paid durl t the month of
Jaoo•ry. W. L. HORTON. Collector.
JAOtssry..seton of Gm C ninon of the
f apo Comae of Huron will he
b. lu oounoll chamber is the Town of
Oderteh, eommeoning at v o'nlot rec. o0
Tuesday, Oleo*.
?Mh Inst. W. LANE, Ole.
D•114at Geduld, this 13th day of January,
1. ft loon Chores and Hatter Co., Lim tel.
will he held at Carlow on Monday. January
20. at 0 o'clock. Ail Interested are ren omitted
t0 attend,
President R.
maxi rAOTVMxu OPTtc*AO-Aga -Mt*
aracl Al-I.v.
All kind. of Speotanl.. and Eyealamee made
to order. Rpeclas •nantlon given to fitting the
Orders by mall promptly attended to. Re -
ware of puttee using my name. as I employ
n o tnve111og &grate whatever.
Satief..tlon ted. Setabll.hd 1873.
f CoM-
mens ho1Ml west dela M $* &t.e le Bonk e NW"
calls at resides's Marls et, W. Tate• fa.
• IUaUranee, ate.
ANOE gad teal estate agent. Gate. tee
dor eget of P. 0.. Oedetlee. Agent for the
loading mutual fire I•wera.es nom )Son, and
leading stook 0om150ltie
MereaaUM gad moa$faotaring risks at
owest rotes. (kill at *Sees
Aeeeweta.t sad funniness Anent
Palle rested sed teats Polluted.
sad 000000te mads up,
(MmeBritishInenaee 1a BrittsA (tan•Alan
Wolkit1 Pe•OdfeM t Haff sleeelwNorth
J. . I. T.
F• N0111 ka4 Real Minato oust.
rit life A Aeetdoetand Plus Glu Insurance
*erected o0 Ma
*0.teal ow each . Ma* at Merest
stet .pm1
Ra I ApIt11M orris (MWlan esipa.im NIP
m*od= 1fapersw 11 Gamow. ase
Council of 1100 alerted lke 00.11 Wolllag ea
The statutory m..1og of the town oluo-
oil of 1902 woe held op Moodey . prolog,
Shortly after 11 o'clock Mayor ('.moron,
with a pat carnation ea Om lapel of hie
out, took fab seat at the bead of the oeuaoll
°bomber. All the oouoolllors were preen'
and there were eight or One spectator• to
witness the prooeedtmge. Th• disport loo of
the oouuoillors, mouldeaeal no doub•, plao•d
the three' members of last year's oeuooll on
Dee side of the roc m, laolsg the three pew
members on the other .td.-. artmenst.0ea
which 000ulooed • little studios.
Tow. Clerk Mttobell read the o.rtlacate
that Ma Mayor and six oouseillots had made
the statutory declaration of tfliw and prop-
erty qualifioatioo beton. him,
His Worship, add,ee.ing the °outoll, stat
ed that bs propo•rd at their first regular
mesti05 to lay before the council, for their
ODDald•r.tloD, coccal° mearurwi which he
thought should be dealt with during the
year, sad It would be for the commit to say
wbloh of his proposal, should be urri•d
through to completing.
Mr. Humber erpro.eed his hope that the
msssoree to be brought before them would
be mob as to oomm•od them..lvie to the
*enootl. He thought the composition of
the oupoll was tub .s to the marry-
ing oat est ►h• best proposals l0 a manner 60
benefit the town.
The appointment of • committee to strike
the ,t•odtag ommtm..a for the year was
th.at procaod.A with The °mono' got Into
• nit of • tangle over rials, but the matter
was finally am.Ight.oed out by the appoint•
meet of the following members as the
e triklog committee : Me..,.. Tbompson,
Elliot', McKim, Mnroey, Knox.
Toe striking oommlttui then retired and
e n their retail mbmltte4 the fullowlpg
Flesoos - McKim, Elliott, Humber,
Moroi'', Knox.
Yobbo Work. and Harbor -Thompson,
Edoott, McKim, Marooy;Kum Humber.
Water and Light -Murrey, Elliott• Mo•
Klin, Thompeoe, Knox, Humber. (And
that bylaw No. 6 of 1899 and amendments
thereto be .mend°1 in r..p•ot to number of
members on said ommate. )
Cemeury-Knox, Elliott, Humber.
Fire-lloroey, Koox, McKim.
Market -Knox, Elliott, 'nommen..
Relbl-The Mayor, 'Barney, Koox, Me-
l,oatt of Revision-Koor, Ell eta. Mo -
Km, Thompson. Humber.
Suomi - Humber, Elliott, McKim,
Thompson, Mornay. Knox.
Parks -Elliott, Morose, Humber.
The first named on each committee to be
ch.lrmeo and the M.yor to b• .1.01iolo a
member of all committees.
Upon the Mayor's regal kis sant* was
Teacher of Fletcher music method, will re.
cove pupils at ber studio, above Mr. N•ftel9
Insurance oioo. Hamllt ta street. For fofor
matron apply either at studio or .t tc Odense,
8t Patrice • street
Publls motloo.
Notice is hereby then that a0 application
will be made to the Legislature of the Prov.
Ince of Ontario at the next session thereof, for
an Act to Incorporate a Comp•oy under the
name. "The Huron ted Bruer hallway Com
puny,- to ooestreot, pulp, maintain and oper-
ate • railway between a point at or near the
town of Warton, in the county) of Bruce, and
a point at or near the town of Ooaericb. In the
county of Huron, and pawing through or near
the tow.. of Kincardine and tton'h.mptoo ;
with Dower to oo0etruot. owe, equip. main
tale and operate telegraph and telephone lines
and oystering In ceoaectlon therewith ; and
with power to parry on business as an 11 -
prase Company.
Dated this Ord day of Deeember, A.D. 19)1.
6364 (Solicitor. for Applicants.
l 'be Port Rover, Brentford, Berlin and
Ooderich IoW •y Company will apoly to the
Parliament of Canada at its nest •e..ion. for
an Aot extending the time for the oommeoce•
rent and oomoletlon of its work changing Re
n ame to the Grand Valley Railway Company,
reducing the amount of its capital stook• sod
authorising the 000structoon of its line In see -
Mose and the issue of hoods with respect to
such mentions and for other porous*
Dated at Woodstock. Ontario, 17th D•cem.
bor. 1001. WALLACl & LITTLE.
Sollolters for the Company.
an apphostles will be mode at the next
. essloo of the Legislature of the Province of
Ontario for an Aot to lnoorporat0 a company
for the following purposes, among other
la) To oonmtruct. eryolp. malnt*tn and over-
ate an el••otrlo-Tallery, rahwaye or radial
railway @ et6m from a point in or mar the
town of Oloderloh, In the county of Huron. to
the village of Dnemennon, In mid county : also
with power to construct. equip maintain and
operate a line of railway from Carlow. In the
township of ('olhorne, to • point In or near
A reborn, In said county, ono thence to a point
In ornear thn village of Rlyth, and thence to
Waiter, on the northern gravel road, and
thence through aha township of MoKtllop to
the town of Seafnrth, and thence to the town
of Cllrtoo, a al thence* through the township
of (3ode•leh to the H,yOeld road, and thence
to the tows et Gederteh ; also wtth Dower to
oneernnt e.lnls, maintain end np.rato the
following hranoh tin.., els.: north from the
village of IMyth to the town ret W logham,north
from Walton botorsmentloned to the vitiate
of Rra..el., and thence north to the v.lage cf
Wro:e'er . also f. om a point where the mid
railway nonnnots with the Rayleld road,
thence• tenth to the tinier(' of Hytletl, lhente
sonthorly through the townships of St.nle .
Hay and ytethen to • to'nt at or near Park-
hill, them,* through the ooaoty of Mid/Besot
to the of y of tendon ; also with power to coo-
•trogt, equip. maintain and operate a line of
raliw)ty from domino, In the town.hlo of (MI.
borne. thnnee through aha township of Ash
field to a point ,0 or near Klooaeline, le the
county of ))race, thence to the'11116.. .f Tiv-
erton. In said county, thence fo • point in or
near Port Elgin. In mild comity. thereon to a
point in rr near 8.nthempton, In said oonoty,
and thence to a point In or near .Vlarton, In
the said county of Brace, and cheroot to Owen
Sound. In the wow of Orer ; ate° from the
town of Klnoar4'ne through the conntr of
Brune to the town of Walkerton. In said coon
ty ' and,tulon and over noon .trees, highway•
and lands W. mor be ■nthortted by aha motel
nloa11Ues, companion or Individuals having
Jurisdiction over .,r owning the same.
(h) To enable the company to make er-
tsegomente r*gard log the uoe or acquisition of
street., highway@ and lands and to etprnprl
ate lands for the pnrpmes o M. nompaey.
lel To enable th. company 10 amalgamate
wi h, angeibe the stook, bonds. franehle.s and
assets of. and to enter Into trail(' or other
agwemente with other corporations, ompen-
los or promo..
(dl To make payments In paid up .tooks or
bonds for right of war, material, plant, rely
waystock or other art lode f irthering the
MI To m.nnfotore sell or loom 0lentrinity
or elentrie power to any perm min or nortora
tions along 007 part of las railways, anti to
opastrnot and operate taingraph sod tots-
otephone y.tems to ooneecticm wire th* rail
1 To voodoo ambtano* from manlolpall
tlmel0d1•Idnal. by way of •nhel4lea. bonne
ea es LN guarantee of the company's fontie or
otberRlgtt Nd fr other primae
I kNMT1.0I d, M4 aim. own. *hurter or IMImmowt
troomette,gw e steam and other roomette, ant{
=wee and maintain all n0mt0.ary
wkvarp wrOttnnw, ploys and Acta
fit of the tieor Ili* y.
(k) paa lt r* land for the pmrm of na-
me& opae*ting end witpth power to
a e, botob at .mnh plan
ra a( yptlwa7 of the enmpany W
M • lith day of Deem
bet MIL
Mt Appthwath
left off the list of members of the relief
oommttt e, u by Attu• of hu slit» he was
already • member of that uommttiee.
With thle oh*og• the report was adopted.
W. R Rob•rtaou was •ppoloted auditor
on motion of Meuse Bomber .0d Koox.
H. W, B.11 woe appointed auditor on
motion of M . Mutsu and Elliott.
Oo motion of Messrs. Humber and Koox,
J. E. Rrydges was re.appototed to the pub
lie library board.
Oo motion of Messrs. MoKtm and Mar-
oey, Sheriff Reynolds was re.rppolnted to
the 4)011.gata Institut• trust.. board.
Messrs. host and Humber moved that
•x -Mayor Wilson and W . C. Goode 6s .p.
palated to the board of h..lt6.
Miura, Mornay mud Tnompeoo moved In
amendment 'het l)r. hallow hod W. C.
Goode he appointed to the °pard of health.
Mr. Elliott was not satisfied moth either
motion os amendment, sod moved 16•t Mr,
Wilson and Dr. Gallo* be the appointee..
"friers was no ..00nder for Mr. EWtt's
suggeetloo, and s vote was Latin on the
amendment. Messrs. Thoensoo, blcK'm
sod Mammy voted ye., and Moue. Elliott,
Knox and Humber nay The Mayor broke
the tie by voting •g.in.t t°• amendment.
The motion, to •ppolot Meagre. Wilson
and lioode, was carried o0 the same rote.
Bylaws 000firming the appointment of
auditors, members of the board of health
and a Loll.giate Institute mums were read
three tlmits and passed.
11 was deold•d by resolution to hold this
regular m..flogs of the eouoeil on the first
end thud Friday of each month.
The council then adjourned.
The first regular meetmv of the minima
will take plea tomorrow events,.
Pcel.Ic LIBRARY -Oa Friday sysblng
next there will be an booties rule of maga.
tines anti newspapers at sits *eroding room
Tble w111 icolude the =toupees( 1900 and
some of the.. of 1901 and 1902.
LIO'Nba COMwasIontR9 APPCI.TrD.-
Samuel Shoo, Jos. Stumm. and Haab Mo.
Qum. have again bees .pio'.01.4 to form
the board ot ilosou commissioners tor West
Huron For South Huron the cumml..loo•
era are David D. Wilson, Peter Douglas and
Hoary Doyle, and for E.sl Huron U. For.
tune, O. Murder ..d A Littlejohn.
A HA.nw)4g DO.ATION. - Mn D. Mo.
Donald, ..*rotary of lbs managing com-
mittee of the hospital board, tut week
removed • cheque for 5100 from E S.
l'lonston, general manager of the Bank of
Montreal, for the foods of the proposed
Alexandra hospital. 61r. Clonstoa's yeast,
out gilt 1e remivod with gratitude as a
substantial aid to t8• hoepltal project and
as es example which It 1• hoped others will
follow in .ae.ting the most worthy object.
Oys•ria Scrrre *co CONCEaT -Court
Maitland, No, 8097, A. O. 6' , u arranging
for an oyster supper and oonmrt to be held
In the Temparwm Hall urs the evening et
Wednesday, Jaboary 29.16. Ater the imp-
ose, which will be served from 7:30 to 9
o'cl ink, • good program of vomit and metra -
mental muco, reading*, rsoitaticns, etc ,
will be reodsrsd by some of the boat fowl
talent Short addressee oleo will be given
during the *totting. All are invited. Ad
miesl00 25 mote.
To C.LlnRAT■ Boaxb' ANNIvrRelaT.-
Ths installation of ofoers of Comp Iuver-
pees, No. 54, Soo. of Scotland. took plow
last Friday .vning. There was • large at-
t.adaom of mambo's, sod every ofoer eieot
esu oreeent, making the Installation • most
suos'a.fal inaugural of the new year. Tim
question of the celebration of barn. •nor.
vsr.ary was discussed, and it was d.ord•d
to bold • sooial on the evening of the 30th
inst. A. Camp Ioverne.a immorally dins
Gout well, an enjoyable event on t8le oo-
autb. may ba leokvi: for.
A CHANue AT Tile IialmmitAI..--As a0•
pounced Int week in one advertising
ultimo', J. J E Iward has purchased the
Balmoral Cafe from 61r. Tilt, under whose
proprietorship is has b.eo conducted for
moms years and bas become well known as
.o op-to.date restaurant. Tree new pro,
prfetor is • Godsrlah young man who after
. pending s:me posts away from town has
d..odd to oast to hie lot with as again
He promise. to keep the litlmoral up to las
present high standard, and we bespeak for
him • liberal share of rte patro01y of our
A QrtcT WtoDt.n -On Wednesday
• furn000, January 8.o, the home ot Mrs.
Vhl•n, 1Ve.t street, was the some of a
quiet hat pretty w.dd.ng, her eldest dough
ser, Miss Jeanette being maned to Frank
Hayden Brown, of Kalamazoo, Mlob. Rey.
M.•k Turnbull, rector of St. Georg.'.,
of1*iaud, and the brld. was given away by
her tool., G•o. C Black, Tie ceremony
was performer' without bridesmaid or
groomsman, .od only relative and Intimate
friend. ot the 000tr•ottng parties were pros.
. ot. Mr. and Mrs. Brown left on the 3.15
P. w. train for Lnode,o sed Derr.rit, .o loud•
to their boa. at Kalamazoo. Tee brit•
outlet with her the beet wish*. of her
Oed.rlcb Moods.
et'eoded meeting of Heron Ledo.. No. 62,
10.0 F , on Monday evee.0g, 'Aare for
Lha ..enrol term were tnetalted by D D O.
M. Jmoob Taylor, of Clinton. The *Moor;
are as follows : N. (3„ H. I Edwards ;
V, G , P..roy Cornell ; iso. sexy. O. W.
Rhyo•s ; F. a , W. F. Clark ; tr..e., C. A.
Notre ; K M. N. O., Tom Nairn ; L o. N,
G., J. S. Pratt ; warden, Chu Rod ; ('un-
duotor, Robt. Campbell ; R. S V G., 11
Straiton ; L S. V. U., Jno. Raker ;
R. S. S , W. Woolpar ; L N. S.. Wm.
Compb.11; O (l., W. W. M.oVioar;.1 G,
A. Johan on ; ohapl•lo, A. Maunders
When the business of the eveeleg had been
cneolnded the brethren .at dove to • mapper
whloa woe hear fly enjoyed. Th. I). 1). O.
M was a000mponted by Past D. D. (4. M.
Whitomb,sl hraodnn, Men , one of the
14,vsman Grand Lodge offi.;.,a whom the
members of Harno Ldge were glad to wel-
II Aron Rrrnnt.t.• RwrtR'M6.T-F. G.
Rombloll, rel London, who is well knows to
(loderich through hie eonneotl,un with the
Kenoingbon furniture footory, has retired
from the office of mayor of Hot city of Lou.
don, whleh he had 000apled for the put two
year.. The London Advertiser, in the
*norm) of an .rt.iole referring to Mayer
Rnmbell'e ro•trem•nt, eye : "Mr. Ram
ball has, To many tolerant.., Aeon an ideal
m.yor and man. Ho 'e •benlotaly without
airs of affectation. H. louse the officio the
same sincere. unaffected, approachable,
man:y man u when h. entered It. Satoh
mon as he do mesh to make pahlle Ilf•
tolerable, and in doing so help on the gars
oral pr..perlty. Take, for 'noon.., hl.
onn.t,nt .fforbs to sedans mor. Maumee for
London while enlarging his owe. Take him
penman and affective interest is L►adon'.
railways. Tab the dignity gad fairn.ss
with whloh he presided at mootings of to.
netted : In fans, his whole neadect se
Mayor r.H.ete er•dit on himself and on tits
etthan •."
A Watr, natkvan PRowsrrrnt,.--0. fri-
day D. Jobp.tes, of the (i. T. R station
. ne Medved word that he had boon •p
petaled et.tfte suet at Haltom, and 8.left
mess moralise to take Marge A that 'Pities.
••ibs..11y" took • desk Is the O. T. R.
*Sae bre whoa be was bps bey, bpd be
bas done good and faithful work for .the
oompauy duritg the totery•n.og years. It
le pluming to 6a frauds, and they are
legion, to Tura that hie sarvioes haw bees
torsi/weed by promotion sea:rotor with 16
• •UI'ai•ntial tacreue o1 salary, while at
the um• 11me they regret the necessity of
his departure from •moog•t them, For
some years poet Mr. Johnston had been io
charge of the ticket busmen •t the station,
and travellers found him uniformly
Gatine00. and a000mmod•tloq, J, A.
Hulk• summed' him as Hok.t clerk and will
fill Om position well Mr D.vt•oo, from
C.ledonu, tak.t Mr. Berke's place.
Tan Ta.AT or Tall SnaeON.--Po•itively
nothing bks It ever smut 1u GoJarich be
fore. Hall & }Monett's serums •peo'sculsr
production of the beautiful soared hietortoal
oura and drams, "The Hely City, or Th•
Wm3 of the Cross," in three acuand thirty
one tableaux Founded on earth • greatest
i rugedy ; promoted by ohs on g' u1 11 atop
oonip.oy, • large company of '.looted
yooll,t. and •otos•, with .11 Me wealth of
grand music, magnificent soeoery. surgeons
outoms and marvellous J►eotrtoal effects
A production mote elaborate than any other
on the stage lino the birth of the rellgloue
drama. Endorsed by the press and the
Moray of .11 deoomlo•tiooe as the most tm-
pr..elve rtTgioue production of the ase
This as not a 9101001 machine, but the aolaal
play. Subscribers will kindly get their
sesta on Friday morning, m the pita b open
to the public to the afternoon. erica. 25,
35 and 50 mate.
lowtoofrom Th. Walkerton Telescope is an
.000uot of the wedding of a geotl.mu
well known lo (odsrleh : A quiet but very
pretty w•dafog took plasm to the Metbodi•r
ohuroh on Wednesday mornmg,(J.00ary 8),
when Mr. Frederick 6. Rumba'', Mayor of
Lnndoo City, and Millie A. Pardo., of
Walkerton, were united In matrimony, Rev.
Dr. Roes tying ass mystic, koot. At the
and if you are in
-arrear pay up at
once. Also, this
1t -t'i'e --proper time
to renew your sub-
scription for
All remittances should
be gent by postal note,
1'. G. order or etprweir --
orler...-, ...... Address
Goderlch, Ontario
ooaclu,'oo of the wedding ceremony the
entail party of warts, ooncetlog of tmmeAl-
. ta relatives of the family, returned to the
00050 of Mrs, Sh•n000, Colborne 'treat,
the mother of the bride, where • daln'y
breakfast was •e•It1og ahem. The bride
aka married to her soieg.wy gown of •.o:
onion lady's cloth, with Persian folk trim
ming., and carried la bee band • beautiful
bouquet of white rose. She was rives
+ way by her uecl., Mr, I. Sha0000, of Tara
The visiting guests were M1.. Lillian V..,
Davao, of Tara ; Miss Eva Lind, of London;
sir, and Mrs. A. Ltod, London; Mr 1.
Shannon, Tara ; Mr. J. Young, Seattle,
Wash netoe. and Dr. E. H Shannon, of
Cleveland, Ohio. Mr. and Mrs. Rumbell
1010D the 7:20 A M train on a two month.'
trip to Florida sod other points in the
feted S.•trs.
HoicticoTv RAL Sworn' -The •onoal
m..mug of the fiodenuh Horticulturist
!docility was bold on Wednesday even
log, the Oh Inst. President Tho.. U.
N.ft,l 0000pied the el air. TLere was •
tale attendance. The minutes of the last
snout' meeting were read •oil adopted.
Tbs treasurer's statement showed the fol-
lowior reoeipte : Membership feu, 1148 65;
LegiMative grant. 1108 00; county gnat,
120 -total, 1276.65. A000rdiog to the
term• of •melg•matlon, this .moaot was.
olid to the urer of the Agricultural
S pie' y. Officere were appointed as follows:
President, T. C. h.11e1 ; •ism pr..ldeoe, C.
Wells ; eaore4ry tresenr.r, W. Line; surto
tor, K. (1 K.ynold. (+II re elected) ; dlreo-
'ots,'T. Hood, R. Ihompsoo, W. J. Cox,
F. Bingham. J. A. Fowler, A. MoD. Allan,
.los. tVbt'ely, C. Campbell, W. Warnock.
i'resident Neftel was .ppoln•ed u ahs So
otety's delegate to the Cansidito A. ooiation
of Fein sand itxhibnloes, to meet in To-
roeto to February, and the secretary wale
imtrooted to notify the Agrloultur.l Snaiety
to t1i. effect. Thte oeneloded /he besieges
of ►bo meeting.
A letter R(1V Tile PRAIRIE,. thou:I.t'a.
-Samuel Oke, o1 BOi...V.in, Man., in rt.
newing hie .ubeoripti d0 to TIM Spinal-.
. aye- ''1 'km to h.ve Tour paper. ft le
oke a letter from home every week. Per
naps my friende would like to know if we
aro dead or alive. Well, we ars ail
.live ezo•pt Harry Washington sod my
own moo Charley. Tosy have passed
on before It Is torn,y y•.r. tis•
15 hot next Maroh *Moo %V. Robinson and
family, myself and family and Mr. Woh•
'ninon and wife oame here. Many have
M.,, the change. Mono 'hot time. I rip not
think that any of u. have Leen sorry that
w•ame to this omintr7. ilei..ev•In is •
thriving little town of nmotly a thousand
people. W• have 'avert elevators and all of
them fell of wheat 'at the present, tipte-
oan'I get oars last e000eh to tato it away
There will be nearly 1,000,300 bushels
marketed at Ode plats this year. amok
over the ..0otry and Ton see fine honeys and
large bares with windmill. on them -¢rest
imprnyamwt. for • now 00004,y. Th.
prow of land M Irl m ten to twenty dol.
lots •n ams et present and is .till g"tnq np.
Now, sir 60 'tor. i with you and .11 my
friends around Gndetio, • happy New Year,
and away of them."
R1TCA.. T.) ST Lorin.- ('ht following Is
from Theo Terre Hoot. (Ind.) Esprees ret the
29th ult., and refere to the *Moat son et
hire. P..mors, of town : "The Hrm of I.
S. Root C impart, will los one of 's mem
here Deo. 31.1, when (4.nr,Ie R re.mnr.,
fns g.eer.l hnyer for the hew.., will retie.,
hewing sold his Intnreet to Mr. (:..age Mel,.
Johnsen. Mr. femora name lam the firm
• year aro and rho grill hot very .oerretie
and erpert•nn.A bottoms man mads himself
felt and establa6.d • very nnrdl.I, Meadly
relation with Torr. Haute He earns hen
from the flagrant Dry (neda Courtney e/ St.
Teale, where he w•it buyer for • number of
d.psrtm.nte, In feet befog the bey* el the
largest line of geode that wont into hew
York from the Wtor, It is• hoot..00,,55
that "goods well booth. we half sold," toil
atwgwtJF 16e art bivalent ea to a
business aro that buyers. Mr. Johnson.
Wog associated to Nayeot'a with Mr. Poe -
more, was glad to rel Mr, Namur* air•
partner and buyer. but Nugent's have been
ranine more sorry ever woo mud finally
offered the inducements to persue le him to
return. It oeo be assumed 'tat the 90.
Laub h ere now strep/[harslet them•
selves for the season of tb.ir glut Louioi•oa
Purobue Etpwltion
Atte:IDKsT TO Mtetl SKIYzNO.. - kllta
Skimiog•' mar y treads will retest to
learn of the stoutest which befell hist o0
Tpesdsy eysnlog. She fell on the sidewslk
oA Rut street oubld• the public library
rooms and broke her right arm. 11 to •
peculiarly unfortunate sooideot for Mies
Skrmfng., as 11 will prevent her from
writing for some weeks. We •xtand our
s 7109.[164..
Tog Ni* C'orN'IL.-The property gull
float too for mbmber•hip to the town counoil
is the ownership of .n estate of the value of
at least 4600, "over sod above all chargee.
liens sod encumbrances affeotiog the same,"
or ten.n'y of property of the value of •t
least 41,200 The m.mbere of tits lioderlob
town oou0o I of 1902 qualify .. follows
M h C.m.ron, Motor, as tenant of tote
637, 63s, 639. 640, 647, 648, 649, 650 and
part 934 ; Wtllam A Whin!, uouoo'llo.,
as tenant of lots part 929 and past 849;
Charles A Humber, councillor, as owner of
lots 33 ood 76 : John Knox, 000.oillor as
owner of lou 944, put 967. part 96S; Rob..
Thompson. councillor, u owner of lob 324
and 312; William '1'. Mnroey, oouncillor,
as owoer of lots 40 to 47 Molotov.. 63 60 69
inoluure, R pt. 70, Md D. S , 1309, and
•anent of Iota part 123 and 1307 ; Oso.
Ellott, eounc'llor, as oweer of lot 841 and
tenant of lot part 905. 1n e...h outs the
*state mentioned is deplored to be worth at
least 4600 or 41 200, as the oadttioa of
nwoerehrp or tenancy nosy require.
The councillor. represent • wide variety of
oo4up•tlou. Ooo a • lawyer. one • grocer,
ones dry goods meroha01, one • botcher,
one an .uotloneor and one • mhohinut.
hour are Methodist', two Pr*sbyurtaosand
ons an Anglican. Three of lbs members
r..td• In St. Palrlek'a ward, three In St
David's ward, and one In St. George's.
A LONDON Wrnat.0 - The followiot
from The Loudon Adver'i..r of January
lid will be of Interest to Goderioh modem
O1 the New Yea's wodmge trial, were
• olsmo zed yesterday, none was prettier
than that of Mts. Neto. Miller, of Toronto,
.0.1 Mr. Leslie Wind Brown, of Brantford,
which trek also, at the r..'denoe of the
8,01.e brother•in law, Mr. Chas. Firth, of
419 Kin/ street. 'flee gloom is • barrister
of Brantford, and the bride, • daughter of
rias lore John K Molle,. formerly of the
low firm of Miler and 1)uoosn, of Toronto.
Her wed log gown was of whir, Psalm'
lawn, and she wore • bridal veil with
°rang• blossom'. 161m. Helen Brown, of
Toronto, who was bridesmaid, was bsautl-
tnlly dressed In btu. d mit?F1 trlmmod with
newt -too tare The do•tee of beet man were
performed by Mr, C .saes Winv.rd, of
Toronto, and the osremony was performed
''y Rev. Robert Jnboaton, 1).0 , pastor of
11. Andrew'. ohuroh. The bride was glVan
•way by bee brother, Mr. Armour A
Miller, borrbter, of Toronto, and during
the ceremony her si.ter,Mre. Charl'a Firth,
played Lohezorin's ssddmg March. A
d.,nly lunch was served, sod subsequently
Mr. and Mrs. Brown left for • short trap,
whloh will sod ot Brantford, their future
home. Only the beide'e and groom's rel..
•iv.. oompo.•d the bridal party, lent the
rood wishes of their friend., ..pecl•lly In
Toronto, Brentford and this city, were
shown by the very many handsome gifts
that they received.
V LRDIRT FOR nit DrrINOANT.-The ease
of Campbell et al, vs Youog, whloh was
sdlourzed from the December oath's' of
the throaty Court, was ..00loded at the
wort hose on Tuesday before ,Judge Doyle.
and judgme t, was plus for defendant ills
musing the motion with full County ( 'our
(me. Ths olalntiffs were Cornelius ('amp -
bell and K. A, (:rant, artesian well drillers,
who reside In the township of Ashfield.
Th. defendant was Wm. F Yonom, ••welh
knowo tamer of Colhoree township, The
(-1.106, 71 took • oo0traot 10 4,411 and case
an ketosis° well on defendant's farm, for
whtoh they were to receive $1 05 per foot.
The plaintiffs oldmed that they completed
the well on or about Lilo 4 h of Jane last.
and that the depth of the well was 117
fest, for whish they ol.imod they were
entitled to be paid, at the rote of 11.05 per
foot, the sum 4122 85 The defendant
claimed that although the plaintiff. slid drill
117 feet they mud or piped only 106 feet of
•0n well, and that from their oh•rge should
be deducted 45.50, bung at the rate of fifty
cants per foot for the eirre0 feet which he
claimed was not cased. leaving • bmisooe
due plaintiffs of 4117.35 The defendant
muted that he had .I way' bun ready to pay
this .om to the plaintiffs and paid the
amount Into court for the pl.iot.ff.. I'be
plalot'ffa contended that they eased all of
the well In so lar as It was neoeerary or
proper that it should be cased. That por-
oition of the well that was no- o•sed was
drilled through the rock, and they claimed
that It was Got neo ..wry or s0wrdine to
the most custom to trace a well under •Gob
otrnomoraoreThey claimed that they
had performed the work according to .gr..•
me0t. W. Proulfoot woe counsel for pl.m•
tiff, and M. O. Cameron for deter -ant.
A MIO.1nxT FIRE.-Tbs Asheeon block
. t the corner of the Srtare and West street
has had bed leek In the way of Cre., and is
gree oonthet bed scorohlog on Saturday
night. Shortly after midnight the alarm
was rang, Il having hoer) duonversd that
ot, Geurue Price's hoot and shoe store was
on fire. The seat of the conflagration ap
posted to be In the bank portion 01 the
store, and from there It spread to the front,
to the upper story. and to the rooms ad
joining, above Thomson's music' stere, whish
were occupied by Mrs. Dunham. Toe trent
w indows of Prism's tore were broken to
.nake way for the hose, and the fire was
fought also from the windows above, and
was soon con,rollod. Prie•'s .took was
oompletely rained, Thomson & Son re
moved their stock from the adjolotbm store
to plan.. of ealety, hat not before ooraider
able damars had M.. armed by smoke and
water. The god' ale* suffered somewhat
in removal. Gen. Stewart's greeter, neck
was badly smoked and was then @malted
with water 1r.•m the uppor story F. M
Dunham, druggist, oleo suffered from
smoke. Mrs. Derham lot everything In
her rooms upstairs from fir., *rooks ser
stator, and was unable to eau even her
olothieg 86. (Merge Price's stock Is a
total loss ; he has 13 000 Is1areew In the
(Inardlan sed Hartford companies. Oso.
W. Tho55ua A San..elmsted theft lora at
11,000 ; Insured hp the Anglo Amerloan rind
Penh Mutual Wee. Slower' ould not
*et imsl• h•.e lust ; h. has 4800 Insurance In
the Merchants'. Mrs, lOanham'a lo■e u
'moored by Iesoranee is the North Amerl
nail, and F M. I'tinham has Imar*nee In
the tame company to cover fats Ines, erhlnh
he..11mat.d at I hundred dollars.
1).n Acheson pot hie lo.. nu the btiildtngat
51,000 ; ►. Is toasted 1n rho (lore company.
A. wo write Thomson A Son anmennre ohm
they have *unreel • sortieot.ory isettlemon
of the loean.a, and Inspectors are dealing
With taw other Mogen
Tutee ofteo d•trer very tetchily, but when
wetldre...d wen nano in their verdict as to
the test plao° to get floe tailoring you can't
make muoh mistake by uolog there. Call on
P. J. Pridham, the people's clothier.
Brood is ..Ilteg to Muuat Forest •t 8o per
(food Frldty comes this year on Maroh
28th and Easter Sunday on March 30t1a.
llea't miss the Big Lady Mlotorela to
night. The only show of the kind ever here.
W • were p',am)d to see that ex Alderman
D. Conteloo was able to he out arlylog this
speedo) 8001105o have oommeooed in V.o-
torlemt. ohuroh, conducted by the pastor
All ars welooms.
Huron Hotel, (ioderloh, per K non. ..n' 44 00 to the S.ok C611dren's Hut-
total- 11 Is • good .z.mple.
Mrs. leo. Thomson, Elgin avenue, has
been morosely lodbposd the past two
weeks, leu' 1e oew somewhat beau.
Kobt. Mclean last week sold twenty -
sight horst to the army olliaere. The in.
epeotloo was hel.1 on 1'other afternoon and
Saturday morning.
Mr. Thomas McGillicuddy was pteseoted
with • e4verm'uoted umbrella by the
Bible ohms In College serest Baptist °botch
yesterday. -Toronto S'ar.
Canadian oesl-etl is ..Ilial( to Clinton for
15o per gal , Amadeu 20o In Goderiob
Canadian is 203 sad ,\maroon 25o. Does
the freight make the differeoo!
The ooaoty onuootl will meet on '1us.-
day, January 28.h Is seems to M g 1-
Iyy ooaoeded that Donald Potterson, of Etat
Wawanoqq, will hs sleeted to ell 16165 war•
dui .balite r 1902.
Theannual m..'leg of the McKillop Mu-
tual Fire lo.nr•noe Oct. will be held en Fri
day, January 17th, at 1.30 P.M., io the
town boll, Se•lert8. Eteorlea of three dl•
rooters will take ploo sod other busioes
wink). troo.00td.
The Epworth League sl (+forth street
Methodist cobweb on 1'aeeday •ve0iog 8.141
It. 50m1 annual r.o.ptle0 for students and
other young people. There woe • good at-
tend.nce, and the visitors were entertained
ni • meet hospitable mann.r and were to
voted to Wood the regular meetl0gs of the
Rev. Dr. Daniel, pastor of Nortb-st.
Methodist church, has .greed to deliver •
..ries of lectures la .id of lbs church fund..
Ths lector.. will be on popular tooling, and
the first of the ethos will he given on the
27 h ot this month, on the'object, "White -
bold, the Prtow ot Orators." Tokete pan
be 'soured for this 'emote at 20 moo, or
for the whole tortes of five lectures at 75
0.0 e.
Kveetal( Kevl16 P i l oroo/b. b
- Br•dburo'. Opera Hoa.. has probably
been the some of • mors beautiful or
tmpreeslve sotert•lom.nt than the sacred
opera, "The Holy Cay," which was pro
duped lase eresta. by Hall t Bennett's
°rebel company, the members of which
are, without ezoeptlon, most talented Doe
accomplished vooalbt.. "rho Holy City"
depict. bo ..ng lbs story of the We of
Cnrist, and to the voo.l grandeur is added •
sublimity by reaDstlo and appropriate •leo
Doti and .w010 effect E.psuul ly in thou
features repressntlog the app e.r.00e of the
angel to the shepherds and finally the oelse
11.l glory upon the triumph of the d1.Ioe
torrent wee this effect mut magnificent
1'ne entertainment le one that no lover of
mu.:o •bould miss, and doubtless • large
audience will greet the company nett Moo
day eventing.
Mrs. W. F. Smith is rafting In Detroit.
Capt. A M. Shepherd he■ arrived home.
Miss Nellie Chrystal, of London, le vld►-
log In town.
Mia. Wolter returned home last week
from Rodney.
Mies Kilby left Int weak to visit her
home .t St. Thomas.
Mies Duffue left on Stator My for Thomas-
ville for • holiday visit.
Mite Bertha Farrow is I.nme from Shel-
burne for • mw11,'. holidays.
Mae Ida Welsh, ot Stratford, is vintlop
at the home of her noels, W. T. Weirdo.
Bert Hole, who bas been op at the ,"Sar'
for some time, le visiting his parents, Mr.
and Mrs. H. Hole.
Mr and 11,.. ROW. Lennox, of Saltford,
are moot', this week to • farm In Iia•
neighborhood of Rarrie.
Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Wilson, of Zephyr,
have been visiting relatives In Gedetlob and
Dungannon the put week.
Geo. Eiward, of Grey township, with his
nephew, spent a few day. this week at Jas.
Breckeorldre'r, Rayfield road.
Rnht Hotg.rth, of Stratholalr, Man., is
visiting (oderlob and other points to On-
tario. During lbs pant wee' be was the
guest of Mr. and Mr.. Wm. Sharman, Keay.
Mis.es I)r.ce and Helen Polley and
Misses. Florenoe and Joan MoLoreo returned
last Thursday Irom • driving trip to some
of the northern Cowie. While In Loekeew
they were guava at the homes of Mrs
L'. M. McLean and Mrs. Cane.
Interview with rapt. A. N. ak.pkard Be-
gardlegtee rrepo•al.
T. folrocA1, bele week interviewed ('.pt
A M. Shepherd regardteg the proposal to
hated • breakwater outside ()Indere!' harbor
for the purpose of sheltering vessels suiting
entrap°. here, as earri.etd In • letter from
K, N. Lewis to the town ooueoil a few
week@ .go.
('apt Shepherd told each a break water was
•6.ol0tely eeoeeeary to abetter the mouth
of the harbor from oorlhweet Rolm. He
did not knew but there should be • shelf.,
Mao to break the sweep from the southwest,
hut of oonrs. the mor' boost winds wore the
more formidable All !forbore of any cense
queue* no the other olds hove them already
or are building them Th• old style yeses)
°nnld he at..red In • hea•y entrance s..,
but the motions larva deep draft steamships
are entirely different to their actions sad
now they sheer 0a00o1 be mo readily poo•
The first go ntlon • captain asks, sold
Captala Shepherd, when Wool to go to
Gnderich Is : What water t. there ! The
eaoonsl que.1100 b : is there • hreskweter
ntttid* f if net, he doesn't want to come
hors. Capt. Shophard'a hoot was os• of
the lull to ley op, and she drew, within
three Whet of alt.te*n Let ovary load.
Ho th'nfl that what we noted is a twenty
foot nh•dnrl wtth • hr,.kw.ter outside
from 1.000 to 1.600 foot from the outer tuts
of the pier@ to allow • large see el room M
'toady before making rhe entrances. The
( aotel.'s final remark was that the m)r•bes
of an sarlosar would be nrr.e••ry to deter•
m o. feat at great dlefane• and In what
m sank • tweak voider •e le proposed
should be bsil,,ohedd it be decided Se any
est the wham
Property for Sale -H Dunlop 1
Huron Cuuoty Council Msetiag-N,
Looe 1
Twenty per Cent. Dt..owl-W, O. PM -
ham 4
White Goode Mast Go -W. A. McKim,5
Form for Sale -Chu. Simons.. , 1
Cross -cue Saws and Axes -Attars t Ma
Iver 4
Notice to Water Takers -W. L. Horton1
Peninsular Portland Content-M•Kesele
A Howell 8
Third Week of Jeouary Solo-Hodgsas
Bros .. 8
But 42 Show, too -1'. T Halle 8
Anoouoreme.t-P. 'r, Dean 1
Card of Thanks -G... W. Thompson t
Son 1
A000unoemoat-J. W. Brod.rlok 1
Sale of Morasi0..-Pabllo Library 1
Pound Kasper'• Sal. -B. H. Ep.os
A Meritorious Remedy -J. M. MoL..d., 8
Notios-0. N. Davie 1
Oeo. W. Thomson # Seo are doing bust.
n oes to their pew 'ton, two dors north of
the old stand.
P. T. Dg*N, grocer, haying lewd the
shop on ooroer Market et. and Square w111
open out nett w..k sotto a full line of 40.8.
otos. grown.., .See .d. next wink.
Oyster., always fresh, at the old reliable
oyster house Victoria Rm.t.ur•ot West -
e t., la bulk or served .11 etyl.., 1ue orsam,
fruit oafeotlooery, cigars etc. U. Ht.A:L-
w l'0111.
At the League reoeptio0 on Tuesday eye.
ding it North •t. Methodist churob • stiff
f.1• het was taken by some ens In mut.ke
and another ens lett. The ham pea be
• xob.oged at this olio.
W'ANTr D, -Choice roll butter, 18a ; No.
1 mink or fox, 13.50. Our slaughter sale
of dress good' during January and Febris•
ary Is worth among miles to S.
O. E KENO. Winpb•m.
Half prlw sale for ten d.ys se the new
bargain store on the Square. lo order to
'oaks room for a stook of drygood., tb.
• ubeonber will cff•r hts stock of Motif
groceries and the balsams of Meths and
tweeds at hall pries. Thl. 1@ a genuine
sale me oonsen.e The goods will be .old
.t jun' half price. This extraordlnory
"11..p sate will oomme00s today, Thursday,
16th J.1Oary. J W. BRODWt:K.
iA-t8. Kantor of TNT Piox*t..
SIR, - Veer erday • oommlttM-.-Tate•
payers, by arrs0gement, weighed bread
from different beker• and found short
*eight in every ries. An odd loaf was Gp
to weight, tut the Funeral molt was,
"'here." Now It is time for our people to
oompl•lo when we know that the prom for
loll weight bread in other towns is five
cents per two pound loaf, whereas our
bakers all charms .Ix unto, and they aro not
particular u to weight, because we bays no
officer to enforce the law. 1 hope the now
coaooll will take this molter up sod protect
ht publlo against the bakers' oombloe,
Toronto and Lnndoo bakers will send bread
here delivered at 4dj oeots per two pound
l.af, .nd in mtg. quantalloa ar 4 pent•, but
our grown do not deal here u they do to
w hir town. in this way, bereue* they are
.fraid of the "'taken' oombine." let us be
un to date with all Minor towns and break
this oomb*o..
I;oderleb las. 11th, 1902.
To the Editor of To' en.1At..
Dian SIR, -f would Ilk• to know how II
le that I am not eleoted for Mayor of the
town of Uoderioh. I know more than the
whole oounml, hat yet I cannot be eleobed
for anything, I am not, never was, and
Dever expect to be. howllrg sono..e In life,
yet 1 know all .bout politics .nd municipal
law -la foot 1 know It all -yet when I
want to ohm my opinion on any one a0•
e ollalted, the teopl. laugh •1 me. 1 do not
knew why. There are come member. In the
oounoll who bay, been there for a number
of years and who have been • suooese In
every thing they hat, undertaken 10 their
own prbv.l• business, yet In my opinion
(•0d it is .000rd,og to statute) they don't
know how to run the town. Next yesr 1
Intend running and am going to try .nd
get Mx more men u good as myself, and If
we get Into the oounoll w, will show • stir•
pin.. According to statute the oounoll el
lost year could not show • surplus. tut we
will, and In • few yeerr the people will Save
no taxes to pay at •1l, if our annual state-
ment oats be relied on. W• du all our b. 4.
05115 00 Paper.
Ysnr. truly,
swarm Onus,
Oodsli.b, J.e0tb. 1901.
PAter.ry, Jannary 916, 1902.
Macleod Medicine Co., laboratory, God. -
rich. Ont,
I M. MAcLsoo,
Dear Sir, -I contracted scarlet foyer 1a
the beginning of duly, 1901 ; thereafter I
turned to dropsy My logs swelled twlg,
their usual size, I bad a0 footle, on them,
1 got so bloated all over that the heart's •o-
tino gave me 000eider•hle trounle, mood
by the oocr)malmt,on of water In my system.
I had no.ppetiu; the food 1 ate teemed be
lodge to my etrm.nh Idk • 6elI ; the gave
me inten.. pain. At this time 1 weighed
190 the. I was treated by Home of our
I"oal doctors, but 1 did not get much relief.
I mode Op my mind to consult • soutane[ In
Toronto as soon as I was fie to go. I had
given op all hopes of boon/ eery Inog •Ilv..
The ones at this time wan more like apple
jUire 'hon anything e1... In September
list a gentleman celled to my •lot• and en.
quired after my health. My wife told him
unit i was no better. He there and the
advised her to write for some of M..L•od'.
reined'.., ..1001 they would ours me,
ae they bort tumid hie owe wife seine years
• g0 of the same trouble 1 r...Mod at woe
to try your m.dletnss. i thonght if they
cared others they wonli surely oars me, i
wrote on Mnndey m0rnl.6. and three bot-
tles of "Marmot," and one of "Protons
Reeaream" were here at my honest nn Teem -
day nitrite. i) recisions were plain 5000Th,
1 h•gan them at once 1 had net '.ken
them four day till 1 Fagan to get relief, sae
the swelling to 1n down, and at th• end of
'Mao w..k■ 1 w..phed see nteen punch
Ie... i min •.tone yon 'hat 1 felt • differ
ant pout' from whet i dA •e the start
Aft.r aha i began re attend t.0 my Analogies
W neo•I. 1 .m sow le very reed health,
and free from ell eymp•nme of that dreaded
At i.*t well and feel sound every
way. iI 1 e•er meet wIth any neo affiliated
W I I esu, 1 will cattalo', r..nmm.edeat
remelts•. 1 hay. •lre.dy 46,.04 d • lees.
1 am, dear dr,
Years 61017
i►N J. 1lfld. ..a..raE