The Signal, 1902-1-9, Page 7FRENCH SIRQUE
She Had a Narrow Escape
From Sinking
bays ]ler Lights Were Monet* She
(-wild Nut Render Assistance-
Probably 40 Liver Were Lust hi
the l'ulllsluu.
Bac Francisco, Cal., Jan. 0.- The
French barque Max, Captain Benoist,
which was In colltsent with and gunk
the steamer U'alle Walla, causing the
loss of about forty liver, and which
was towed to this port last night,
was badly damaged In the accident.
]let' Plebeian', mato of hollow steel,
%vete broken and twisted, and the lip
of 1t trailed on the water un the port
seta of the tws.1, and at about right
',Hitless with the lino of the hull. tier
et, in was twirtttj, and great gaping
h,1Jt had been tura In her bow. There
Was ono almost at the water line, and
'mother u few feet above. Only her
water -tight cennertWeuts kept her
from eluting.
Tne French vessel left Glasgow 1.20
.lnys ago, bound fur this port. She
has In ballast and consigned Irl Fred-
erick Henry. Her captain ]tad little
to may regarding the di aster, exc^pt
that hie vessel was closely (Mow-
ing the ruler of the road when
the eteetmer came melee the tows
ae[ her barque. Ho declared that the
tight.of the Max were properly Lurie
lug and displayed and twat the mem
of his crew saw the 'loonier fur a
long time before the collision. IIe
mud; "We could think of no reason
wTiy tjle ties on t ti a rteumer did out
wee ea, tad aa the verse's appruaoh-
ed we became &ext.(.. Them It: wad
TOO late. The eteruuer had tried to
cross our Dews. but Ieul felled. Just
bolero the entail came the steamer
e swung eliglrtly to port as
t ough an effort war being made
to parr to our dere, but the change
came tam late. The b►rgue struck the
steamer. almost nuadrttips on the
pont aide. For a stemma. . they hung
▪ together and then drifted apart. Our
verse) wets ei beetle, damaged we
til. ught the would rink, and under
the cnrcuwrtnncee we hal all we
- could do to take care of ourrelteg. let
daylight we had beaten well out to-
ward the sett end were safe tram the
breakers. but our veinal was to e
great measure unmanageable.
Oa litturday morning wo accepted
a tele from the Maumee Acme which
later was aided 'by the cutter Me-
Miss McComb Weds
L_Choke, -.
-1,few Torte Jan. 8: -With only beta
Triciads as witnesses, Louis E. Herzog,
-8f Phtlaeelphiu, an -1 Misr Yaola
Rayne, McCumb, of Dobbs Ferry, were.
married by the iter. Henry C. Van
Tryke in the Brick Chert•It, in Fifth
avenue, at half -past three (clock
yesterday afternoon.
By this marra:agu tba bride may
forfeit a one-fourth Interest in th.
estate of tier father. The eetate.l-
estim./teei at eleeala,W.l. 1t wilt re-
male for the courts to deet le whether
the cieuse in the will cutting her WI
with ten annuity ea *15,04)4) souks
she marry Mr. Herzog le to stand.
The marriage, which was the cul
min:atien of a must cuwplicatc.t
courtship, was as simple as it ramie
bo Henle.
It war said on good authority yes-
terday that a sue; to test (he valid-
ity of the wili will bo begun as rutin
as the neoeesary legal steps can be
taken, now that Miss McComb bar
married the men of her choice.
One of Mr. Ilersog's intimate
irleed■ said yesterday that the bride-
groom was opposol to attacking the
will, except ns ti mater (tf justice to
his wife, and would bo uniy Wu glad
to escape any further boturlety as a
victim of all "Incuugruous mixture of
eentiment not snobbery."
It Is the plan of Mr.. Ilersog to
mite the estate for the full where to
which she was entitled bef.rre the
marriage, basing her contention on
the alleged invalidity of the condi
denlgne.l to prevent the mai-tinge. If
her el dim Is sustained, it Is Intimated
her sit ro of the fortune will amount.
to tame thane, 090,0-,9 ,
In retching her .keleott to marry
the artist Mhos McComb disregarded
the wlehee of her living relatives as
well as the expr+•snot intention of her
father. and they sell were trying to
dlsseade her from the step when ehe
deckled to walk to the ilrlek (
with Louis Herzog.
he was G0 years old to accommodate
the eocuutrie wish .rI an lauclu uitmed
George M. lode, but he duets not 1111
why, "utas the uncle lie odd to hale
find five or six yteire ago, he nun-
tluued to priestlier the deoepttun.
AWucding tu "Misr Maggie" that
war, his home is un a suburb ut Al-
bany, N. L. Tree cat:martu uuele was,
he p:tye, neon a member of the stuu-
dard (hl Company, but whether ae a
rtookhukler ur ur au employee he
doe. nut say. The uncle, IL le relates], Kuhne's Wife Pawned Sheets
Lived in New Turk city anal was a
promlucut political worker in one of
ED aNio
the uu►embly dhetrlote. De it credited, to Get Medicinetoo, with beving beau a friend of
_tbhard trotter and John J. ticauuell.
Code's as 111 t ruse. Pretence.
"Mime Maggie" amens' that he
was bound uy a oedlcii in the uuole'e
will to keep up the pretense (hat he
wee a woman, but there U nothing
to show that the wumuu-man profit-
ed to any extent mom his year. of
deception through the will of the al-
leged uncle, fir he bas been working
as a dumeeLlo In the Maine cuuutry
ports al.0 war engage,] as a servant
when hu (met the young woman le
ham m+de ler wlfu.
eller Bernard uud "Mier Maggie"
were both employed at a farmhouse
ut Veuewlburu, iu Keuuelteo (aunty,
when they became Interested in each
other. Finally Coe ooafeeseh that he
wan a man and asked the girl t(e
artery lam. 13)10 consented, but the
secret of rex and matrimony was
kept for a time until the urrarege•
menta for the transition front fetulu-
bdty to masculinity and for the wed-
ding mould be en ode.
Cul,, or rather "Miss Maggie" Cute,
and Silas Bernard are both widely
known in Somerset and Kennebec
counties, and the oountrysllo he by
the etre with excitement because of
the .Trnngeness of the dlrcloeure.
Cosgresstuun .leukins Would Have
au Oath '1 ewe.
Weehlugton, Jan. 6.-Itepreaenta-
livo Jenkins (Wm.), of the Judiciary
epecl kI committee welch 1s framing
an anti -anarchist b h, to -day intro-
duced a meamure which In addition to
prokling the death penalty for am- I
saults on the i'reriuent, requires
Mien Imentee ante to tnko an oath
not to umeault theme In Cevernment
authority, and not to publicly up-
hold the subier,ion of the Govt•rn-
ment by rlulent means.
l•'rn.11y Lived Two Oats en Water
Alone, N hila Father seek In
1'ue notesh 's (trip- $21,0 a True
.lauuary ID -A 1'Illtul story.
New York, Jan. 8. -In a month
Charles Robert Kilhno would have in-
herited a fortune estimated at $21.-
000, left to him by lily mother. wlto
died eight months aiIo in Wnrtem-
berg, Germany. With the money al-
most in Ida grasp ite died on Friday
last front pneumonia. brought on by
exposure awl btarvatlou.
For two days he and ills little ram -
consisting of hie wife and three
pretty children, had nothing to eat.
anal rubeirtud entirely upon water.
Grief rtr:oken, they follower) hl. Laxly
to a little cemetery In Jersey yer-
toeday. They were all Incas in their
sorrow for their preclo d dead, save
for the dismal honing grave diggers
and :n undertaker's neeistants.
Their incest still .Lowed the rev -
Agee of starvation. althoorgh (Heals
have tried daring the last few days
to allay their sufferings of the week
previous by sending into their al-
most depleted rooms in the cellar of
the flat holism, No. 719 East leetli
street, weinte tem of groceries and
e(rpplies from the butcher store.
tion, there was little trope jor bis re-
Neighbors brougkt In half a dosen
baskets of food ChrWtmas eve, which
the family devoured ravenously.
Kohut) lingered until Friday. The day
befuru Dr. leheils gave the grateful
wife the amount of lhu premium on
Kuhne's life lusur.uv,e policy to keep
It from lapsing. It le feared now that'
In order to get the legacy which
Kultne was to have received on Jan.
19 the catWrco will hive to begin
an notion to recover It as their fa-
ther hoe a sister living in Germany.
What they will it In the meantime
it n mystery, us the Insurance money
1e only sufficient tu pay the funeral
expense*, and they have no other
means of support.
Illinois Court Stands iii With
Windsor, Jan. 7. -At a• hearing iu
the Wattle extraoatlon ease yester-
emterday Magistrate Carnett war glten
some rtnrtliug Intormattou relative
to procedure it the Idnldun Courts
Lot Springfield, IU. J. N. Watt., owner
of the Windsor laundry, a former
riehient of Spring.Iel1, was arrested
ul Winder' at the instate -0 of hie for
mer wife, wt a charge of abducting
b * , la 7 a^ -'ll uaug••t r, erre ne
When the evldeneo for the prose
cudiult war In the court announced
that a miry for extentUtl(rl had been
ttutd., out, but Watt* (entitled that
the dlvorue decree, 'wither r gave the
custody of the clte.d to her mother.
war obtabled by fraud.
Attorney J. N. 8relg, of Spring
field, woo acted for Mrs. Watts when
rite secured her dourer, told how
I: was obtained. It was the Intention.
110 mike to ask for the (atones on
the groui:d of lnfllellty, nut as this
would reflect (xi the ch. 11 it waw de
cleat to .•imply charge extreme cruel
ty. 1t was arranged between the
parties, he said, that no defence war
to be roads, and there war also an
understanding with the court. Mre.
Watts and ler Meter, the attorney
mil, swore to enough to secure the
divorce when It wax net contested,
although he ad ndtteel It was alto-
gether Improbable It could hate Been
Secured if a defent.e had been made
'We eft.= do_11yit_kort u1 tea n,r -In
our courts; Haiti Seek. "We fix
th:nge up beforehand. Why. 1 even
knew watt few Lite court was going
to allow me,' Joseph M. (trout, the
Attorney who tu•tcd for Watts, roe
roboretted Seneig'e evidence.
'Well, that certainly Is the moat
remarkable condition of affa:,,t I
ever heard ol;' couuuentedthe Magis-
trate. The case was ndj.ornee for a
week to give Attorney A. H. ('lark.
who appeared our Mrs. Watt., an op
portunity to proeueo rebuttal testi
She" Fell in I-r,ve With a
Pretty Girl and Told,
A ones of concealer] sex recently
came from Maine, nn.1 1. Loki by resi-
dents 01 Augusta, In the vicinity of
which place tee princlpaL eharncter
hie lived for many years.
llroanse ho fell 1n love n,trl wanted
1n have hen sweetheart for a elite
"Mime Maggie" Cole oast off to-dny
the pettloatts be had worn for fifteen
yearn while he mnsquerado.l ae a
woman, put on man's apparel and
tondo known his true nam,, whiah Ix
I-tyketer Cole.
Thn sweetheart wam BPorlflnnn
Rernntrd, 18 yearn net, of semerset
county, a tall and goo.] -tucking
biome., who to -night Ise Mrs. t+ylvee-
ter Cods, for the marriage was cele-
bentet to -day by et hoare ef the
Penni In Homers nnnnty. moth to
the amtonlmhnent of the people far
elle* etnundd.
Cole Is 30 genre 01.1, rind. either by
nature or from hie malt dl.mrmMlnR,
hem a wrenanb-h ince ant the man -
neva of the Beetle ewe lie explains
that be pct on woman's dress when
New Osler Constructor of the v)r'tleh Nary.
air William Whits, wbom.__he..tTyle. b'ltut>-he aimllnrly .IQIIQW@dH
swat in the onerous and reopen- i Sir William White.
table t of Director of Naval Con Mr. 1Vatte id 52 pure n e, and
«trectbr: at til'; Brltlwh Admiralty,. le Ilam nlready probably ha more
7, experience in the designing war -
Mr. l'htlpsWeitte was trained in tetewhyss than any other naval nnehl-
Admtralty Service. Thence he was twat eligible for the position outside
takenstxte'et years ago by the Into the corps of naval constructors ht
Lord Armstrong to be Chef Con the Adtulntlty, as all the recent war
R steps turned out from the Elewlrk
rtrnctor at the famous private ISIS- yard. for varlonfe foreign countries
wick shipyards at Newcastle -on- have been built under 11s .npr'rvisinn.
The President Will Send an
Ambassador to London.
Wushlneton, Jan. 7. -Thi American
lloternment intends to particip,tto In
Bio coronation of King Edward in
a manner befitting the digulty and
.mlortanco of a great nation. There
ie to b, a navel ll.eplay at Cowes
,luring coronation week, and the Ad -
mini ration lute dcterminea that
rlcan fluty *hull are alepre-
prlatrly rrpreeentrd. With that end
in VTeWe,irfrelearmhlpc emir to
added to the European natal eta-
tlon. The cruiser San Fraualsco le
in re/Winer; to go, and the magnUl-
cent new I, ttierhlp Illinois will be
the flagship of hear -Admiral A. 8.
Crownshield, who will be the com-
mander of the United States naval
,urces, Menet Feb. let the protected
cruiser Olt mpla, famous mix Admiral
Dewey'e nagehlp In the brittle of
Mantle Baty, will b' assigned to par -
dentate In the Pxerelo's at Cowen.
The cruiser Albetne and tile jedilb0At
Wilmington, .new in Europe, ell' be
the other roprewentativee of the
United Staten navy on that mansion.
There le et probability that the lem-
ony Brooklyn, Admiral Schley e (lag -
ship In the war with Spain, will
ag,eln go to Englane, also to do honor
to royalty. She Is now In the Philip-
pine*. Moult all the altiper mentioned
be ehosen for tins service, Admiral
Crowninihlelol will have six Amerl-
enn war rascal. In the grand prerade
at Coavem. The Inclination of Presi-
dent Roosevelt Is nitro to send rtread
army nM1 navy repressen,ntives, but
no names have been .uggeeted.
The President has determined to
send n special amiwtssii inr 1,, thn
coronation ceremonlrw, who will 1 '
nceredlted personally to King Ed-
Sl far al one iit ascertained, the
Prrwklent has not expremael prefer-
ence for any men lin' thea nffine, nl-
Ihengh there to a feeling In rfflrinl
clrrl ei that he went 1 h' Happy to
offer It to Grover llei/eland or An-
/ken- Carnegie. The man rrlPrtel
mnet not only here enffirl'nt d1e-
lnefTon (0 *matt • him to the hamar,
le11 f'1-nty of pellet° mennm le well,
for the personal nvpenmee of n sper-
Isl a18beMdor are always very Iarga.
Mrs. Kirhne has been the einitress
of the 1104160 ever since the famIly
moved there, keeping the hotoe clean
in exchange) for free rent. The fam-
ily were in better circuvnetancoe once
bort Killeen. through a number of poor
investments, lost hie grocery bast -
nem and '.vas obliged to move Into
the cellar of the 144th street house
test March.
He was unable to procure steady
employment anywhere, and for the
lam [tai) mohtTie the existence)I'the
family leo been /cry preoarinre.
For several weeks he was able to
earn only tj2 a week.
['awned Even the Sheet*.
To help keep the wolf from the
door, his wife, driven to despa.r,
sold match of the furnishings of
their humble little home. I•'.eu the
s bed were paw ed.
and the ctarpetu from the flour, to
bay food for the chtleiren, who beg -
gee' foe soinrething to Pat.
Ten days ago Kuhns was taken
III and ane ,no longer .ultra to.uven
'rack for employment. There' hold
been no coal in the Move for a
month, and he caught a chill,
which developed into pneumonia.
Ton proud to beg or to make her
pltlablw eoadli.or. keewe, Mee,
Knhne nursed her hud)and through
this critical illness unattended by a
-phyeieias,--ire wise -Wee* the--fast--b•rs a'.ng-lu Uta luta:her_
crumbs of food In the larder, find
tha fart stmt nnrned by pettentnie
the sheet on hie bed wan repent to
hey n simple'home remedy for lima
Iumpirel by the heroic fortitude erf
their mother, the children, after
crying their eyes ont the fired n gilt
that there Was nothing for them to
eat, resigned themselves to a diet
of water for their solo sustenance.
Their plight prnhnbly would never
have. been known, but for an ncci-
deulal visit of Men. Harriet Rob n-
eon. n tennrtt In the ttonse, to the
spnr'mnnts of the Janitress the day
War l,ristmns.
She P. the npertment bare, and
on the sick bpl of Kuhno a wintery
old cannel. ton tntterel and torn to
be tie any 'ommernial valve to A
pnwnbrnkPt We ekenn•I by the lack of
fool, the • liken and fnithfnl wife
were ethane. rxhti leted.
Kohne wee trying to buoy up thrlr
I merge by noontime them that they
woe l tee able to hare plenty a !thin
1 n few weeks when hie legacy cern,•
i dm'. \ter.. Ilobineon o illed In lir. eier-
net Peholls, of Wllnn nrenne nn•1 11Ith
mtreet, nth,. foam ,h' sick man's ren-
dition (Titled. l'nwmonln had affect-
' ed both lungs, and, aided by starca-
C. P. R. Rouodiiruse at Owen
Sound D mjlished.
Cblldres slaughtered as aactlnces Is
bee -pent tt unbar.
Landon, Jan. 0.-A traveller Just re-
turned from Hayti understande that
the eoterameat id making au effort
to put down the exec of Voodoo
Ism. white' have roue a fright-
ful height In the Isl: and tette
In the tlriuity of Por Au Prince
The racrtllee of ohlldrele In serpent
worrhtp le said to be oautumn, sed
cannibalism aecowpanlee the or.
The Goveruwent le desirous of put
ting a stop to Iaaulah sacrifice*, but
approaches the subject with hesita
tlou owing to drool o1 power of the
Voodoo priests, wl.0 do not scruple
to poison those who excite their
cufttnodty_ -
Ur, Vann Objects to Arin)! of
Wrinkled Dames
Goshen, N. Y., Jen. 7-1h. Jamas
Nicholas Venn, who is looking for his
fourteeutlt wife, Is so bothceed by
lonely weaken who want to marry
him on the spot that Ito 1s becoming
alarmed. lie luta leaned a warulug
that undeeirablo sum!n Meat keep -
Any young, nice leoklug, plump
blonde of sunny desperation maty
apply, but all old and wrinkled cense
at their peril:
" A young and lovely woman," supe
Dr. Vann, • el the Leman htert's de-
light, but the oat, designing• woman,
w•io insists on marrying you whether
you aro %einem or not, is n J•ickal
+0x1 a beaten* of prey. I shall greet
them ar such."
Dr. Vann tau++ n famous, hunter at
one time and devoted rear; to the
.••ipture of wile un!malh fur feta Rlc,',
he circus man. ► .
Dr. Vann was attired as usual In
a dile the and frock coat to -day, as
lin stool In the midst of ills prepara-
tions to repel invaders. tie 14 a little
man. wiry mei nervous, but very
nimble despite his ninety-four years.
Slept Between Cutti,is Un-
mindful of Spooks.
Morrirtuwu, N. J., Jan. U. --t tramp
pewter of llaltiwort, Md., has tee
queerest Ilalutattou tltat ttwu our
uud. That is, heed(' have It until Sun
tkiy afternoon, ween he Was lu,tge,
W the Herres County Jail, where he
will rest for tour dayre and until
tltu aecompaaylug +'ort., 1114.1.0, are
worked out at toe rate of 50 cents
a day.
lite former babitatlot was In Ever
g waiiin a twin. the
property V of tkdward-el• Clarkson Th,
v v• y
true place he cuulet null her hose. was
a entail, dark, damp roow, weaeureig
etoareely Haile, alt Ight excluded, e‘
cept that which gratgkigty skate,.
through the heavy grilled iron door
at the marlines. Her bed War sprat„
botweon two musty, mouldy Coifing.
and consisted of t.othing but straps
of carpet.
The mita gave hie name as 'Killian)
Jordon and Illy ago ur 31 years,
and says that b, hes Ikeue repot
toile' work on the staff of the tial
tlmoro American. A little over a
year ago he was working le Washing
au, L. l'., he says, and went Prow
place to place until he arrived in
Morristown, two Wetkv two '.VIi.m has
(wale lagan to run law he huutee,
0111 tb6 cheapest place to eat and
see, it When 1114 motley was gone, 1.
Wits a question ofl sleeping in the
beat elaoe l'rosldeoi•e tvuult furnish
That' the erases he look up his re-
shie t la the Clarkon vault.
On `'uuday morning one of the em
ployeee at the cemetery noticed the
mut len.e the vault. Ho watched
Jordan nulls be wean out of sight and
then ante red the vault. Great wee
lila surprtm • to (Uncover that It was
the abiding place of the mac. The
workmen at undo informed ]tarry A
Freeman. l'readent of the Ceme
tery Assoelatl'n, and a policeman
War sent to tl,e plane.
About 9 n'cloek Jordan ' returned
and rgteretl the vault. A herr min-
utes Inter a put u. n111) followed with
a lantern. Jordan was asleep. He
was flanked b a efln on each stele,
Iunder a motley aerie c Ileotton of bed
Owen Sound. Ont., Jan. 3. -With a
detonation that was heard for mike,
an acetylene gas generator at the
Canadian Pacille ruandlxruro explod-
ed to -night, caudng the death of one
victim and Injuring another. For
bluebell to the C. P. Ie d'wtrict' win-
-doves weer ibalterod by the -sepia.
viun, nearly every pane In the front
of the PaoRfa Ho , a -b1 7,
lerltig deel royed.
-Tie wary of the elptosloo la aa
follower: At seven o'clock, engine
eutered the yards, and the
engineer, entering the rouodliou.e,
asked for iaoro hgltt. A you* man
aimed Alex. Bennett saki dart he
fed tot understand tlx: generator,
and Thema« Burdon, an employee of
tire mechanical dep.trtinene, told him
to go trier and he would stiow' him
!taw to' operate Lite valve. After
Gordon had explained the working of
time generator, Bennett left hen, and
walked out of the rou,dluusu as fur
am the turn -table, when a terrific
etrploston leek place. Bricks' were
hurled leg!' in the air, alai the wo d-
wurk war rtutttered and the earth
wed bu Idlng's far Wuckr around rock-
ed with the fordo of the explosion.
A flying piece of beard struce young
Bennett, inflicting Injuries which are
not considered dangerous.
4,0,41..0 ,01y oersted.
Fearing et second eteploelon, it was
several minutes before anyone dared
the seaters tots the wreaked roardl-
itouse. A party finally groped through
the p'Otl-up debris, and found Bordon
tying in n pile of wreekago with hie
Clertics torn from bin holy, which
wee beeriest about the legs noel abdo-
men lei the *0051 frightful manner. An
alarm of fore had been tent hi from
tete 34, and the brigade responded,
prompt, vubltMg the flamer 1n the
Gurdon wait carrier! Into the C'.I'.It.
bock-huuee which adjoins the ruuod-
house, and five footers worked over
th... unfortunate mnhebut without
alatl. Ile (hoT at (1106 o'a7--k
Royal 1 rain Dario Yeil,
A feature of the explosion le the
fact Uutt the Loyal train, which was
e int ing alt rpae .tracers lutea-+* +gaeri
.listen00 keen the gas gen. ruler, suf-
ferer consider.tblr, damage. Nearly
nit the large pirate -glass windoWs In
the 0,1r "tori," Were, shattered, and
revere) lights In the car elnrnweill"
were also brukea. With Agent Corea,
11 correspondent Inspected the trnin
and f01111 11 that little damage had
The Venezuelan Prevalent, Wive Says He Har Crushed the Revolatlon.
HL tkin le tanned and 'darkened by
the mins of many summers. His
armament coneLete of many deadly
weapons, which ho tiered In his career
ad to hunter. The gum trouts are fur
wading through the mad. The doctor
thinks his determined attitude will
eenre away all the okl girlie.
"My first twelve wives were fair
and lovely women, and are undonbt-
edty ,tow wile the eengt-b e
Vann. "My thirteenth wife was not,
Band her nam,. 1 will not, m(n:L,o She
Is 'ting .to fey. Tire .flames of the
first twelve were Stlean Westbrook,
her stater, Nene), and her aunt, Mn.
Kato Westbrook, ell of Milford, Pet.;
Wen Mary E. Pesten, of lengmans ;
Addie Grabs= of Wl1Um
a.burg, a. ;
Sarah E. lreerpomp, of Philadelphia;
Maty Jane Colliding, of Phllndel
phla ; Mien Susie Ctnwln, of Metered,
1'n. ; Mie. Annie Harding. of l'hila-
.lelplln ; Margaret J ('ase, of ]len•
ver ; Mies Julia De Wet, of Indiann-
po1l.; Mho Grrtrnde Lnymont, of
Indianapolis, and the 'Belix of Or
(Inge county,' the thirteenth."
Dr. Vann," he was asked, "have
you thought of the re -union which
will take place In the Jolene, here
'after ••
'Ten, indeed,' replied the o1.1 min
'it -t were to Met nit lay fireen>itttt'
wives in any other place I fear the
green eye] winter weal l inter the le
!matte, but as nlf In boppine•le over
there, T metal depart thte life when
Tt1 Treatraidtjt
nene romoe •-trteeut te
pldttlon. 1 know that each of my
decease.] wive., wane] rather have me
he hippy than ploceling around the
world alone. Therefore i Intend to
marry gg us
ain, anti i trust my four
tpcntht w.m
ife ay tee in forth mat fen
taro a com oi!tto pinturo of all the
and the embodiment of their
Thn generator which exploded] w•os
pert of n tlgttttng System tnwtnttwt ter
the vnrk.nw departments of the e.I'.14
at thin point Inst June. This ware the
fired accident eenncoted with it.
The deed man had been In the em-
ploy of the company our many years,
nod was menial In Toronto nMeut
two menthe ago. Coroner Cnmernn
has ordlerel nn inquest, which will be
heel to -morrow.
Would Not he Mede Hobty's !root-
wa, eller.
Wlikeehnrre, I'a., Jan. 8. -Reinert
Ridley wan sent to jail to -day for
twenty days, b•ortone he pieced h1e
c.el.l feet ••et•tlnet him wee's Meek end,
when mhe p rotestn.t, Melted her out of
heel end world not let her return.
Thl.'reverend at threeo'olnek in the
morning, just after he heti got
home. and when daylight onme *he
had him erreetel.
Aklerm in l)nnohne eel I the 1 0nl.h-
reent war milt Inc the enormity of
the referee. The wife, finding her
hnebtnd hid to ern to pill, Intrrrrdlr'dl
In 11' tl. h pit. but the nllermnn wad
steiTi•T-nes. •
%ire. e'auce We• a Veritable Walking
Telt Certre. •
Toronto. Jan. 6. -Smallpox has gut
firm hull lu the city. TWO carer
were remorud to the smallpox hoe-
pltal ye'.terday, and Dr. Sheard tbtukd
both contracted the disease from
Mrs. Vauc ', who was In the city for
IL tray on her way home to Acton
from Maultelet un a what.
Hrs. Vance reema 10 have spread
the disease wiesrever she went, for
the Provincial iYeard of Health this
morales reports another caro at
Actuu and ono in Namengawaya. Mrs.
Vancei s progress through the pro-
vince hue been rather a realties mat-
ter. The other chief centre of con-
tagion le in the lumber region. Four
new emacs are reported this morning,
clothing, and wholly oblivious of the
dispdnced ghost. that might bo gib-
bering without, unmindful of the
squeaking spectres that might he
plotting to freeze hie blood with
horror, and hreUe«n of the (melte of
dejwtrtel millionaire; in adjacent
mnnmolenme, who might be Indig-
nantly preterit Ing against any untkly
tramp invading their exclusive sleep
gaartere. Jorrlrin nn"red peace-
fully through through the still watches of
the night until the officer clubbed
him into wnkefidnem, and carried him
oft to the etatlon hones., where he
wax nrringnal before Pullen .iustice
Cliff, awl committer) to Jail.
For two weeks Jordan heel live]
in the ghastly piece. Ho mingled with
the living elnring the, iny, and when
he retired to the vault he Invariably
carrier! stocks of food he had bogged,
end this he. moral In tho funernl
erne. IIe rlggre up a little table
with a square of broken stone that
had fnflen from a crypt, rovealing
the coffin wlthin.
I'or a stove, he heel adapted an oil
reside/Me device of trnmplom, nor] had
cut out one side of a flue -gallon all
cnn; through the oppodto sides he
had .:riven two little iron bars. This
'H'nndv Arley" stove furniehodheet
el a
nopinrn to eotek itis food.
A Doodle ateek la a Meer bottle
mrpplit■1 the light, and by its aid
Wt'1'nm renewed himself with garrote
.uL uthItaiss-
While rfo in the tomb had Its drew-
twtek•, Joreinn thinks it preferable to
lncnreerntbn In Morris Cennty Jail.
)carter of a Million More
Than in 1900.
Ottawa, Jan. 6. -TSO returns of
the Sault Ste, Marla Canal for the
.,rayon of 1901 "how that the re-
gLterod tonnage of vessels passing
'trough the Canadian canal aggre-
gate 2,401,642 tome. TheeV 225, -
Ate tone more than passed through
in 190J ; 58_,218 tone leer than the
retold of 1999, and 318,503 tuns less
Juin that of 1898.
Tee total registered tonnage of
-Idpplog carries' through the 1nitrd
Slates, and Canadian canals ats
emelt Ste. Marto In the reaon to
1901 was 21,61'8,978 tone, divided
among 11,372 steamers and 4,182
sailing vessels, and 1,187 unregistered
sraft. This Is an Increetst of 10 per
cent. over the tannage of 1900•
tc net lonnagu of vemselm pwasstng
through the Suez Caned In 11100 was
9,738,152 tuns. Tito net tonnage
passed through the Stmit Ste. Marls
('anal. In Ute sante year was upwareis
of two and one-quarter times more
ban the tonnage passel through the
Suez Canal.
Ilene lieeet, 'Toronto Actress, is n
lt,,,k,irt, e)wlne 540,000.
New fork, Jan, 7.-I1upe ikrOtlt, the
netremm, residing at the Tarte! Ven-
dome, Broadway and Forty-flrmt
,trent, filed n petltl in In bank-
ruptcy yesterday, under the name of
'Irrpo Booth Earle. Her reclealule.
eleiw Ilnhtlltlee ei 5.17,26), and no
available ameets. Hera has *raring
apparel worth 5200, hut th¢t to ex-
empt. There nre thirty-three creel.
term, the chief, according to the
.ehe•inles, being Tlwhitne 1). DeWitt,
of 111 Bro,uIWay, 510,000, for money
Irlrtn(rl to her from 1898 In 1901 in
hacking the theatrical prnrhtcttone of
"Whet In Pawn" nal "Wee en We.
men,' which tented the reentry for
seven week, end was then fore.' to
After ,lin goem through bankrnplev
she expesetd to fill nn engagement
In %rile. Two week, nee she got a
aurorae from her hnmbnn.l. Frank
Enrll. She formerly hurl two thea-
tres in London, and .nme years ego
herd 'be Ata worth $150,000.
Relig ous Riots -in the Istand
of Lewis.
The trees Tn a State of Mut-
my at San Francisco.
Oakland, Cal., Jan. 8. -With their
captain dead, two men In prison for
robellkoute conduct and a crew bor-
dering on mutiny, the subordinate of-
ficers of the French barque 0oennet-
able Do Richemrmt, discharging c(wal
.t Howard's duck have applied to the
French commutate, the commander of
the French cruiser Prole, lying In
tae Francisoo harbor, and the Oak-
land police for protection.
Mato Thioumtln, who Is In tempor-
ary cluirge of the vessel, 1. tattletale -
tug lits authority with a loaded pis-
ee. Tine trouble on board the barque
began during her 157 days' voyage
from teweene a to Ban Francisco, :10
.taya d t whittle were occupied in beat-
ing around Cape Hewn. The delay en-
raged the crew, one of whom knock-
ed the chief mats damn. Another
flatly reviewed to obey 'orderer. Cap-
tain Tboredeaux died last Friday.
end &ince that time the Oates have
been unable to control UM men. 'Pwe
ttf the mutinous sailors have been ar-
resttPd, nand If--theToon7 oasrts can -
mot deal wttb, them they will be
turned over to the affluent of the
Cruleer Protea
Man and Wife Exchanged No
Word Till i;eath.
Spring Valley, N. 1'„ Jan. 6. -Death
ham ('nhxl the long the ,partnership
0( 'Petry Emk). and hoe wile, Mary,
but it ham not &d(fal a jot to the el -
knee between them. For thirty years
living In the same house they spoke
no word to each other.
When Mrs. Enka, who was 79
yoke old, drew near to death, she
d41 not ark to eoee her husband, and
he dW not go to sue her. To the sue.
Nide of the townele epee, however,
ne (nil attend the funeral yesterday.
Mystery surrounds the origin of the
quarrel that divided the little home
ha Neatest, where lakes, hie wife and
their four caldron hied. tiosipu say
a mothew in-law was t1., flrebrnud,
halt It in thirty ynarie gang, and no
Otte but Feta really knows. The En-
ka« had married after a romantic
r oerrt,hlp, mei were a happy and
loving oogpIa. When the villagers
(lest heard that they had each sworn
never to sp enik n word to the other
they weld it wont,' tet last. But It
Dividing their little frame house
on the outmklrte of the village, each
Ilvel in hie or her part rind never
encroached on the other's. Mrs.
Eska cut her own firewood, carried
water' an'd tended her half of the
garden. Enka sewed on his own
buttons, darnel his mocks and bak-
ed him parteetkSi- "tire t'otltit rm-y- dt-"-
with Impunity every night in the
year. litres was no neighborly
borrowing between the two. house-
hold,' In one.
When the house burned a year
ago each received one-half of the
Insurance money. Each went to live
with one of the children, but the
silence remained unbroken.
London, Jan. 6. -Tito island of
Lewis (northernmost and largest is-
land of the meter Hebrides) has been
the scene, of serious religious rioter,
miming from the mean of the Frew
and Celtol Churches of ttootlnnd. The
Islander," refuse to countenance the
alliance, fuel when the minlater at
Nese joined the Gaited Church they
kre•k,l ham out of his chnreh.
A strong force of pudica were Pent
over from the mninio.n l to open the
doors, whereupon the lmlandere con-
Rrrgnted, awl throwing utility,' of
stones at the entt.tnblee, drove them
lasele the Iullkllng and botehnr.le+1
them with rock, until they capltn-
Inlel aryl ngreed to leave the 's -
inn 1. Every m,•1nM'r of the police
force was mare or leen ierloudy
we twill.
it 1. prottnhln thnt a detnchmert
01rsWill be sent to, subdue the
But Mr..lunu N 1 %%111 Remain la
1' sen for a While,
itnffalo, Jan. 6.-Thn property
known or the Tifft theme, on actin
street, near Lnlnyette Square,
wet sold os Saturday, the price being
In the neighborhood of 55(10.000. Thn
TIfft lkmwes rite w1:1 not be used for
a new hotel. Tho purchasers are of
the opinion that a flrat•claes mod-
ern hotel ,hoel'1 be erected on a
.tweet corner In order to give the
ne('e.enry light to the ronme.
it I,' not ,unlikely that Mr. Jahn
Hoed, the proprietor, may be left
In aadtettorbesl pneeessktn o1'0� boe-
telry for some time to oakae.