HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1902-1-9, Page 5•
THURSDAY, Jan. 9, 1902.
W. Acheson&Son
Commencing January 8th we place on Bale a large list of
Positive Bargains, which prudent buyers and good
housekeepers cannot afford to overlook.
Ladles' Astrachan Capes
28 to 30 Moho' lone, satin lined and
loll 'weep, regular price $0.50
816 00, sale price
Ladles' Astrachan Jackets
28, 32. 36 loupes long, farmer's gotta
and auk ratio lined, r.eular
825 and 828 Goats, Uterine sl .p20
Ladles' Blank Gauntlets
and Croy Gantlet.. all user, 75c
regular $1 00, sale price. ...
Men's Fine Wool -Lined Frenoh
Eta Gloves, all nee., our
special 81.00Ulu* at.... ,... /0C
Caperines, Boas and Storm
Collars in Sable, Astrsohan, Perstau
Lamb and Elsotrio Seal. All at cur-
reepondinely roamed price.
Mena Fur Coats.
Call (coo and W •Roby, 818 $15
and 820, sale prioe
COON COATS, roealar $38.00, a0 $34.00
27 Inches wide, sura heavy Eoglisb
Tapestry Carpets 11 large raore of pat-
terns mod o•lore, and suitable for rri_
any room, regular 65u qualuy....
36 lushes wide, •ztra heavy Colon Carpets,
perfectly reversible and clear tut colon,
regular 501 qulity, at per yard.. 40c
W. Acheson & Son.
A Larne !lumber el Well bred Mira; On
[t<klNtba- atteadaaee .rale,
The annual winter •how of the Huron
Poultry and Pet Stock A•eoclaioo was held
at the town hall on Tuseday, W edaeeday,
Thursday and Friday of tut week. The
•bow was moues so far as the oumoer and
the quality of the exhibits were 0000eraed,
bot the attendance of Tauten was not large.
The directors decided to pay seyeety•tive
per out. of the prize money. The judgtat
sou done by Ybarp Buttorseld, of .00 ea.
and was by oompuiwo, the system ct judg•
leg by pointe being abandoned. Competi•
tiee this year was 0005aed to the county of
Huron, but it wars found that this le not In
the beet latersets of the ezblbl.teo, sad
mat year the show w111 be epee es IM
Oa Monday seedy a wenaljg1Ql,
mutiny wee held and 11 was decided I.b.ld
the nest annual •how in t:odenob a[mla,
Officers were elected al fellows : President,
A. M. Todd ; vice president, Colin (Damp
bell ; seemed vine president, C. Knights ;
third vice-prssidant, John Howrle : wars.
t•.y, Colin W. Campbell ; treasurer, F. E.
Bingham ; director., 11'm. Carter. Con.
•taaoe; 1) A Lowry, XII Backer, BtuaL;
W. Taylor, Wareham"; Dr. Sat, Joan
D.ly, Seatorth ; A. J. Grigg, J. A. King,
Jame. Howson, CUatoo ; Wm. Labelle
John Moon, Slew ; local dtrsotor., W.
Warnock, Jame. Pmtlethwati•, W. M.
MoLeso, Ed. Munro, Ed. Belcher, James
Hardy, Jame. Munro, A. MoD. Allem,
R,ohard Poetlethw•ne, W. McCreath, A.
McCaughan, Oliver Pimple/tee, Ed. Rob-
inson. J.throw Knight.
Fellowlag le the
rkIzi LW,
genii!, C Knight, W. Taylor t seller. 0
Campbell, J 8 Howrle, 1J Radtkt. ; yes. J 0
liavbte, (' CsmpbelL
LztHOvNs, BROWN Roes COMa-Mal., 0
Campbell, J S Hewn' ; cockerel, 0 Camp-
bell, J 8 Hovels; hoe, U Campbell, J 8
tiowrl., 0 Campbell ; pullet, 0 Campbell 1
and 2. J S Rewrite ; pen, 0 Campbell, J 8
LEUHORN,, BxowN, SINOLI Core -Mals,
3 H Hewson, J Peeelethwmt.; cockerel,
.1 H Howson 1 and 2, 18 Hewrl. ; ho, tt
Holman, .1 H Humacao, J 8 Howrle ; pullet,
0 Knight, J 8 Howrle, J H Howson ; pito,
W McLean.
D A Lowry ; oockgel, D A Lowry ; hen,
W 'lay or, D A Lowry 2 and 3; pullet, 1) A
Lowry 1 and 2 ; pee, D A Lowry.
LaoaopNo, Werra. Moe. Cosa -Male.
W Career. meek W ' W
nee; pellet, W • .
Lgio[oaNs, Barr- C (,ampbell ;
.eckerel, C Campbell 1 ; Yr, C Camp
bell 1 and 2 ; puller, C ()samall 1 and 2 ;
pee. 0 Campbell.
Misoacas, Wrier-Cock'rel, F E Bleg-
MINORCAM. BLACK --Male, J 9 Howri' ;
000kerel, J 8 Hoene, W Anstey 2 and 3;
hem, J 8 Howrle 1 and 2 ; pullet, (' Camp
hell, .1 8 Howie 2 and 3 ; pen, .1 8 HowrM,-
W Anstey. Nr \-
OlNtiToes Britt'R
AND LACK- \\...
ANDALUSIAN* - Mali. Carling tiros
isoekerel, J S Hewre, C Kalwbt ; hen, C
Reinke. J 8 Hostels ; pullet, J. S. Howe..
BRAHMA., Limn -Male. Cartier Bros.,
le Lune,, Alf Barer ; cockerel, H V idean, •
11 Vidian, 0 Knight ; hen, Carhop Brno.,
L Laweee, H Vld.ae ; puller, 11 Vicious,
Alf Beaker, R Vlde.n ; bresdlog hen, Car
11.. B'.. , H. s ideao.
BANTAM». PiKIN Be,, -Mole, A Me.
Cansbae, W Doak ; 000k•nl, (' Camp'rll •
hen, J Pastleihwaite, W Doak, A
Conihan ; pallet, C' Campbell.
l'ntl'thwatte, A McCaagban, W. Carter;
cockerel, W Cart. r; hoe, A McCaughan.
W. Garter, J. t'.tlethwdte; pallet, Bl
Belcher, X1 Hatcher, tS Carter.
Cocuii., Bcrr - Me,.. 1 Torahs!'s
assksrel, F nutshell ; Yes. .ken Lamphrey,
DORKING, HILTS* - Cockerel. fleece &
Bee, Scott & Sea, Wm Lamphrey ; bee, 0
Campbell, Scott & Son. 0 Campbell ; pol
let, Soon & Son, S.tt & Soo, Wm Lamph
Postt.t►walte, Wm. Lemp►eey, J Hardy ;
p"ll•1, J Bardy, K Heyde's ; pea. J S•rdr,
R Hrydg•a_
WVANllrrrras, BLACK -Male, Kt 1luare 1
and 2, J Hardy ; cockerel, El Mouto, Jae
I'wtl•tbwaite, FA Munn; hen, Ed Munro
1 and 2; pullet, Ed M uero 1 aid 2, J
Poetl•tbwalte; pan, E1 Moore, A Mo-
Euler : Joeoob Cobbledlck & Yon hays
sold the Hour mills to Joseph 8. sad 1 bomas
Hi Limas Ur. Toole is the new medical
health attioer for Brunel., u 1)r. MoNaugh-
ton resigned.
Wingbam : Albert Porter lett for Detroit
oo Saturday last to aouept • poi lion in •
wholesale house.
Exeter : Oo Christmas Day, Mia Erie
G:Ilesple, third daughter of John Gillespie,
was married to Mr W•uuek•, of Detroit,
Brussels The Misses Roddlok, who bate
been worthy r•sldmu of Brussels Lar a
umber of years, towoved to London last
Brussels : J, 1). and Mrs. Ronald era .le•
Wog friends at Windsor while en route to
Colorado, where they au to bse•fis Mrs.
Ronald's health.
Brasilia Cleve. Ante, of London, son of
Res. 8. J. Allia, formerly of Brussels, will
teach school in Lobo township, 281441...E
county, for 1902.
Exeter : Mies Mable Fultiok has resigned
her position wltb Cobbledlck & S,o and
will 10 10 St Mary's to assist m her broth-
er'. dental parlors
Bearur t h : Andrew Seat, of this town,
hu attained his majority as a public wheel
teacher, haunt oompl.ted twenty -on*
years to the profusion.
Seatorth : Mr. Moffat, the new principal
e1 the Seeforth publlo school, and Sirs
Moffeit,have arrived In town and Mr.
Moffett has ei mmeooed his new duties.
Wnigh•m: Mtn MoNlohol, of the N•
Straw hotel, war nailed away to the death
bed of her dater in Bronson, Consumption
war the cause 0t death at the •ee of
Ethel : Malcolm Lamont, who Ilya west
of here, hart the miefortene to fall while
going home icon the nominoton last Moo
day evening and break one of bis leg near
the ankle.
Ethel : The eligibly located Cohn farm,
000tatolog 140 sora, adjoining this village,
has b.en sold to Andrew MoKoe,of the North
B..ondary, son-in-law to David MBs.,
.f Ethel, for the sum of 86 200,
Clinton : The other day Mn. Nlmmoae,
Maple street, had the misfortune de slip
down and fracture • couple o1 rib.. This
will confine Aar to ths house for tom. ilea,
but her friends hope fur her speedy reonvery.
(::ey : Mr. and Mrs. Wm. MoKelvey held
the twenty filth anetv.r.ary of their won.
dmg the lest Thursday in 1901.. The pro
ewe were very numerous and costly, no
eluding • 8400 mono from Mr. McKelvey
to his ohildren,
Seaforlh : Miss Sella Bethune left Iasi
week fur Regina, where .he hu secured the
position of teaoher In the putt o school 1e
C Knight ; hen; C Koiobo ; pullet, C 'Abel town. Musa hall W ateoo left theism
Knght, W Taylor, 0 Koigbt ; pee, 0 day to tab • position u teacher In • a hooi
Kwgot. • la the Fort William district.
OCPINtiTOKS. BLACK -Omit ova. CKa1 k$; V ma? Rich. Luker, brother of Mrs
oohed, U Knight. • Jae, Nantes., Varna, Is renewlaw eld au -
PLYMOUTH ROCK, BARRgn-Mal., J Mo quaiotenees after an einem. of twenty two
I:reath, Ail Biker ; oeck.rel, A Baker, years In ib. Prairie Provin.. H. speaks
Carheg Rms., J K Daly ; hen, A Barker 1 in glowing terms of the West and tad over
. ed 2. Carlow Bra. ; pullet. A Allan, A 91)00 ballets of grain this-ye.r.
B.eker, J K Daly; nen. A Backer, A Allan. Rarfidd : Jse. 1)30eldsan, of B ace
PLyMorTH Rocks, Wnitg - Male, A Miner, who ieotoiIy took unto himself
Badger ; cockerel, 0 Kolghr, F h: Bingham, wife in the
A Riker ; ben, 0 Penotog'oo, A Barker, p.roon of Mks Fra■tr, left last
week, via Cito;on, for their home. He I.
F R R.°gh.m ; pallet, (' Eett , 0 Pao 000duating a planing mill buiosas Cher•
e loltoe, A Busker ; pan, 0 Pennington, 1 and). doing web, and int^ode to ereot •
and 2. cow mill and thus out his own timber.
Pi.yr 1 and Koeoa, Hp,, - Daly
1keel, A Easter : About sight o'clock Saturday
[hiker 1 y; shad
2, E Dsiy 1 and'G: night firs war di..vered in the Nana,
pullet, J F Daly 1 sed A Rat/ker. dwelling of C. Stanl.ko, 2nd onnoeatoo of
i'luiows-Tamble,e, J A Lowry ; Jacob.
a" J A Leary, C Kslght; 1•mtellr, EA Scapha, about two miles from Eret.r
Mo- B.lohar win LAmphny, E B.lchsr • oti►U, i•he house was totally destroyed Mrs., of
DA awry 1 •ed 2 ; t°rbne, 1) A Cony 1 the oo0tents sea lived by the timely wut-
an1 2. - aa. of nrigbbon. Lou partly oersted by
lits -Mels, U Oempall ; 000kenl. Insarae..
J Hardy; ken, C 0Jampbell 1 and 2; pu11.S, Ethel : About 7 o'clock Thursday evening
j_$avdv1 pee, .1 Hardy. a��. the residence of Luo 0111 was totally de
pRA Fowl.-- W Malawi. W OBfar. stroyed by lire. The resides. of Wm. Paw
CANA*T-Dr Smote & Sos 1..d 2. son, almost adjoining, also oaugh; fin and
BANT•11 MAINZ - Mab, Cesium bre, • would have jean.000.umed but for dmk
e.okerel, J Mears ; hen, Cullsg Bros.,', nelghben who, by'hard work, succeeded i.
Carter ; pallor, J Moore keeping the fin under oont-ol, and no
BANTAM i:AMry BLACK BRLAIITID Rio- further damage was done.
M.ls. Ed K.Ioher, 1) Lowry ; 000kerel, A .1 Clinton : The choir of Ontario street
Grigg ; ben, 0 A Lowry, A J rings, Rd ohuroh, of which both had been member.,
rimy. I B•loter ; pullet, A..1 Grigg. surprised Mr. and Mn 1 W Roes by
DUCKS, Avi.aacuy-Drake, of 1901, W
Carter ; deck of 1901, W Carter.
BaowN BeaA.riD R.D-Cook.rel,
D. Lowry; pnll.t, I). Lowry.
(JArs, RLaci BKRANTID Rip -Mal., 1)
L.wry, S Kilobits ; oaokaral, A J urine ;
be., 1 Retorter, A J Grigg, D Lowry ; pal-
let, 0 cowry.
truss-Meae, Jas Macre, A J Grip ;
tseekonl, A J (trigs. J A King ; Imo, A J
Grigg, Jae Hamra, Jae Munro ; pallet, A
J Grigg, A J Grigg, Jas Hoare ; pea, J A
Mau. Jam Mauro.
Guts, PILa-Cockerel, A J Grigg, A. J.
Grigg ; hoe, A J Oriels ; pullet, A J 0rgg
pe, A J Griot, Rd Reloher.
OAri, DacxwtNo-Hee, A J Orlin.
OM SK, MALA? OR INDIAN -Mal., A Ita.k-
or, J A Ktor ; °oakeni, A Rooker, J A
Klee; b.., J A KI.r, All Rooker ; pallet,
A- Booker, 3 A /Clef.
HOODANS-Mal., W Carter ; cockerel,
W Carter ; hes, W Carter.
BAsstrui, GOLD.N SrAroLan-t:ockerel,
W Carter : bee, W Carter, W Carter ; pul-
let, W Carter.
Carter ; oeokerel, W Carter. Rd Keleher ;
he., W •
Carter, Wm McLean ; pullet, led
Recker, Ed Belch«, W Carter.
HAMBI7RO, GOLDEN Pawcn.t.an-Mab, W
Carter, 0 Campbell ; oo .,rel, W Carta :
bee, W Garter, C Campbell ; pallet, W
- __Lariat
SMART/RDSILvi[ PtlNatuaD-Cookanl,
_W Carter ; b.., W (Darter ; p°Bee, W
Molise, W Molwao ; cockerel. It Beleb-
or, W Carter, W Mei,•,. ; has, FA R.loher,
W Mol ., Rd Mauro ; pullet, Rd Batelle,
1 and 2, W McLw•n ; pee, F.1 Belober, W
' Java.. 111.Ang-Has, Ed Moore.
LAwnewo,n, FILMIC -Male, W. Tyler;
esoksrel, C Campbell, W `Tey'rw : ben, J 8
GAMS, Suealolir GOLDiws-Male, W presenting them with a handsome silver
Carter, W Doak, J 8 Howse ; 000kerel. D o•ndelebra, the presentation befog made on
Lowly, C Campbell, W Doak; hen, .1 8 behalf of the oheir by F..1. Juliann, and a
Howie, C Campbell, J 8 Howrle; Pullet, pleasant few hours was .toot by the party,
D A Lowry, W Doak, D A Lowry. Mr, Rue was also the te)Ipteot of • Morris
GAMZ, SIAIRIGHT SILVUR-Hale, J reolmtngohair from the mi loyal of the
P.tlethwa 1., C. Campbell ; ooekerel, C organ (oratory.
Campbell ; hen, J Poetlethw•Ite, C Camp h,rmnodvllle • Thee seas •ser totes
bell 2 sad 3; pallet, C Campbell, land 2 r m
GAME. BANTAM PILI -Male, O C•mpall Ing family gathering in Kgmondyllle • short
1 gad 2 ; 000kerel, A J Grigg ; hen, C come ago. This was the meeting of four
Campbell ; pullet, C Campbell 1 and 2 orothen who esti 001 seen each other for
SPANISH. BLACK -Male, .1 Moore ; nock forty years. The brothers are William.
seal, J Moors 1 and 2, L Lawson ; hen, J Unman. Daniel and John Campbell. John
C Campbell, J Moors ; pallet, j res dee 1n Iowa, William to ()nibs; Dan
Mire 1 and 2, L Lawson ; pea, L Latiumi.1 in Rrooefisld sod Duncan in N:gmoad
Poi -erns, W MTh Curren BLACK -Cook
Ile, and it was at the runtime of ,,i
end, hen and pul o', W Carter. tatter that the mitring took place Thee.
POLAND, GOLDiw-Male and oockenl, W men were all born on rho !lures farm, ori
Cant., ; baa W Carter, Wm Lamphr.y : he god °omission of Tucksmith, which
polls', W Carter. 's now owned and occupied by Mr. Melina
POLAND, S1Lyaz-Male and poo, W ('.r• sial. Over forty years ago the home was
M broken up by the death of the mother.
Trailer, ANY VAkIETY---Male, on,•kere', FRIDAY, Jan. 3-d.
hon and outlet, W Carver. N'KDDED AT CLINTON.-00 Tu•ada) J•m..
truss, 'I'ouiooes-Gander 1900. gander Jewell, of Seemlier. took to himself a wife
1901, geese 1900 and ono. 1901, Wm. Lam in the porton of Mise Victoria Adelsids,
pbnr. daughter of John Wright, of I:Mateo. The
GRINS, BREMEN -Gander 1901 and goose ceremony was performed a0 the rectory Ie
1901, W Carter. Clinton by Rev. C. R. Gonne, In the pee•
WTANDOTra, GOLDIN-Male, ,1 Paulo .no. of Immediate friends and relatives of
thwalOL J Hard/. W Dock ; cookout. W he oontreating parties. The bridesmaid
Desk, J oral ; Ass, td Robinson 1 and 2, was Miss Kate Williams, of God.rieh town
W Doak ; pellet, W Doak, 2 Hardy, J .hip ; and John Wright, brother of the
P.tleth traits ; poo, .1 P.tlethwalte. bride, discharged the duties of groomsman.
Wno'lxrrr.a,9tt.cen-Mal., W McLean, Mr. and Mr., Jewell will mak• timer home
J P.tl.tbwalte; cookout, H Vide. 1 ane o Renmtller, sod their friends wish them a
2, W McLean ; hen, W McLean, W Cartel; nappy welded 111..
outlet, H Videos W Mols.o, rte (D![It-;t_
tiveTaz 90rrlIL-Go. more 1. the
pen. W MoLoan.
WYANDORie. Bret-Cockereland pullet,
1 t'.eletbw•Ite.
WYANDOrrna, WRITS -Maio, J Hardy ;
sackers', .1 Hard', K Brydgee ; ken, J
For Chronic Coughs and Lung Affections, Derangements of
the Digestive Organs, and for all sorts of Wasting i)iseases,
nurses indorse and physicians everywhere recommend and
prescribe Angier's Petroleum Emulsion. It cures the most
stubborn cough and heals soreness and inflammation of the
throat and lungs. Angier's Petroleum Emulsion improves the
appetite, aids digestion, tones up the nerves, increases weight
and builds up and strengthens the entire system. It is pleas-
ant to take, and unlike rod liver nil, does not upset the stomach.
GAMED /If WEIGHT AND BTRm !oTH : -1 have tench
Jed/attire is realin, that / ha;,e received treat brwyft-frnwt the
*se of Aerirr'r Petra/rum /1,,,Ulrine. / war rwffersre fro* a
diner rnu,rcouch, and had ratidly Ince /tech follows»ir a bnNnr-
rhaer. lam senor entirely ►sleeved of the enc,rh and have prima
.molly iso wr,irht and .rfr,w,rfh. //FNRV BENNETT, d
U'rllrw(ene SI., Were Toronto, Ontario.
All AnggMs sell it Tse lion. NO et. sed $ t DO • beetle Re seam ren get A Mr.I In' IL
YOUR NAME AND Aetna riga a • sews' nerd will Wei you s teeo t.P'r of • ndwahl•
benne en* "Abets Yew Th.n.t .ed I.ewge " 1t telt, Iran le ran lar the 'iTI, Legge
- _ .. _ s * Italy Helot advice •. te DM sed Hrgl••s, .Ise r e.retwe. whkh •r.
Neter sapper under the outdoes of (:our
lienmiller, No. 86, ( . t i F., numbered with
its fellows in the leng Hato( seooe.see whloh
that roomy hes bite oredlt Naw Yoa-'•
eight was fitly chosen for She o.astoo,
oar did the weather or the crowds dlsap
petnt th' members Tn was served from 5
s 8, when the suoonlent blyanee, amid
the jokes of young and ell, disappeared
with a rapidity and gusto for which Forest
.n are famous. The gathering then re-
tuned to (lledhill's hall for the program
W. Bailin 1)vogannon, occupied the chair.
Recitations, readings and mneieal seiaoNons
were rendered by members and others.
Mayer Wilson, of Ooderlah, was tolled to
the platform and to a neat little speak, el
pressed his pleasure at hater share and
onegratal•teri the Foresters nn the anomie*
of 'heir entertainment. '1 he speaker of the
ernlag wee M. G. Cameros, of l.ederioh,
When the conotitntion in neglect-
ed. indigestion, aleeplemenesa and
nerronanees will Rarely fellow. A
Iberia is then healed, and the pro-
per medicine to take is " Climax "
Iron Tonic Pills. They bnild up the
get.... improve the appetite and
strengthen the nerves. R.aeh box
contains ton days' treatment. Price
25 emits, at all druggists, or mailed
on weesipl o1 price. Addreio: The
)Mimi Ho.. Kingston,
who ha. bees heart here bolo»{a D01810611
crape CM. OA LW..eaatnn, however, hu
spouted ae • friend of Forestry. end as
hed'Al•g • purely na0louol a •o'a' y, e,. ke
awe our mauve lend,'C.u.d• " Y.r Lett ao
hour be holt the audience with • polish. A
speruh, replete wttb iotorm•tlou aLd food
for r.aeotice. Mr Cameron may be sura of
a hearty rsneption should be .gain appear
i0 our midst. The Lusatia', rlu,ed with ins
Natloael Anthem.
Mr•. Meawe11 1.II A11 sulferlaw Women
Wiwi Meae Her acme sad WWI after
Years .r aaterlaa.
Elam, Vat., Jae. 6 (Sp.olal).-Mre. Mac•
well, of thla town, has gorse tor publication
• strong letter tdltog bet Ille•rleaos with a
well kaowu remedy, D,1dd'. Kldoey Pill..
1n part it reads u follows :
"Words outlet .Korea my gratitude to
God for my wonderful deliverance from pain
and siokoess. Every woman el my ate will
understand ms when 1 soy that 1 could)
soaruely move hand or foot but 1 would be
naught with •rolent palm all through my
system. 1 was dizzy headed and altogether
dutrseaogly sick. I used Dodd's Kidney
Pills and they cured 1110 ad 1 be'ieve they
will our. soy woman who may be suffering
u 1 wee. 1 am well sod strong today and
D.dd's Kidney Pills deserve .11 the coedit"
MONDAY, Jan 6,
EARLY LAMBS -The moo with the early
lambs to agile in ev dome. J. B E tear/,
of Meadowlands, rave no has some hoe nor,
dropped oo the 27th of December. Can
bayou beat this t
POelu' MiwrINli -A meeting of the rata.
peyote of to townships of (',lboroe and
God.riob w111 be held at Renmdler on Wed-
nead•y, January 15th, •t 2 o block r v., for
the purpose of dl.oussiog matters to 000ggggo•
Ron MI Lb the proposal for a new brfWge
over the Maitland ver. The citizens or
Gtatoa and to town of Goderich also are
Melted to attend and assist In forwarding
the project, the carrying oat of welch will
be beneficial to all the moalatpslitbes mo-
tioned. Ths meeting w111 discuss ways and
,nuns of presenting the matter to the
ooa0ty council and securlog the completion
of the maob•ne.O.a bridge at as early a date
as possible.
The Cathohoe of 1St. Augustine intend
ereouog • hoe ohuroh dorlog the approach -
Ing Cummer. It 1e to be of quarried alone
and will out about 88,000. The Interests
of the church •.re prospering under that
energetic mana,emeat of Father Hanlon,
who t& very popular with In, parishioners.
"Poor folks friends
soon forget them."
Superficial shoes
Lose customers.
The Slater Shoe
market cost money.
It is too valuable to
lose -through giving
mere finish at the
expense orscrvice.
"The Slater Sfioe
7aWptiar Welted"
Wm. Sharman, Jr. • Sole tical Agent.
A woman's reproductive
organs aro in .he most io-
tense and continuous sym-
pathy with her kidneys.
The slight est disorder in lbs
kidneys brings about a
corresponding disease to
the reproductive organ*
Dodd's KidneyPGI., by m-
otoring the kire
neys to their
perfect condition, prevent
and cure those fearful die -
o. -dere peculiar to womea.
Pale young girls, wore -out
mothers, suffering wives
and women entering upon
the Chane of Lde, your
bast friend b
a Targe soaotttnent
The cheapest and beat ever
brought into Uodench. . ,
for burninginSpirit
Lampe, fie. . . ,---_-_.--
Agent for Ere --- ebea -
" Honest John" RUP-
TUltE TRUSS. Vuomovea\ D•vree\ore. tonal►
R. BStore. Smith McKI]I'
S I Jordan
A Regular Clean-up -
After the holiday trade there are a number of odds and ends to
clean up. We have Made our profit, so they are yours at twat, and
leas in many lines.
FURS.--- All our lure out cone quarter to price. They were already low enough
priced, N • haw a lot of oaperloee, ruff., etc., from 82 50 up to 816 00.
1 h.y mast he all cleared at 25 par oeot. off these prime.. that 1s, the 82 SO ones for 81.81,
and she 816 00 ones for 812 00, sad all between price) as same rate.
CLOTNINO.- W • haw tor many oyerooate and will put the prloee your wa
thus .-15.00 buyer oy.roear, velvet ooll.r, Ily Noma Well
m.a., 1e, 83 90 A 812 SO very boo beaver ov.rooat, beet linings and mbar made, for
89.00. A11 between prime at same out. Men's all wool double breast suite, good vale
.t 87 00, for 85.50. Men's ulster., good yalue al 85 00, for 83 90, and en through the
stock the same out.. If you want • suit or an ov.rao.1 w. know 11 will well repay ratite
mea our stock and pelotas.
JACKETS.- From 50a to 810 00,.11 out prloes, .nal primes prlomean out la twit,
that is, the 500 ;wait for 25o, .od the 810.00 jacket for 85.00. sod
all between prtcss .t same ball peke..
Bargains is SMI Iilluery and Dry Goads.
McKim's BUSY Store.
1808 --.- 190s
O/WL / -�
le menta[ forward. -
6, 10)2. Our rut. are reasoternable,term betaone tns.orJaoate
of stud, II ,rough and preotical. Mend for our
Journ•lad nee what we trach. Student& may
enter at an) time. Two oo°rees of study,
Commercial and Shorthand,
Owen Sound. A. L. Mc1NTYRK,
Pr.. ,
Chemist and Druggist.
Orders carefully attended to W all
Ismer*, algal er day.
Quebec street.
Clearing Sale of
mean " seeding " tune for
catarrh germs -that dis-
gusting plague which taints
nine -tenths of the human
race -and when, you expe-
rience the first " sniffle,"
feel the faintest dullness in
your head, or have watery
eyes, resort to
They act like a charm in
clearing the head, relieve
headaches, reduce iuflamma
tion, heal irritations ; head
colds succumb to the treat-
ment surely and quickly.
Tour druggist should have it.' if he
hasn't, direct. unclose asci to
V'WAMTA It/•T•G CO.. Ltd..
Ottawa, Oest.
many customers • Meru X... sail a
Happy New Year sad would Wilma.,
that for Our balsam el the year he
will have a Greet Cleerlsg Sale el
Pastry, OysterPalties,Taris, Snort
Bread and Cream Rolls, Mince
Pies and Lady Finiers, Kisses,
Macaroons, Maranon,
Brandy Snaps, Etc.
aro as good aa the boat t0utlotut ally
city in Canada.
Cantelon tirade the triple in
Heating and
Cooking Stoves.
Every Stove now In stock will be sold
.t Wholeralo fries. to clear them
cot beton the New Year.
/:et Bargain* while they lar)...,
J. H. Worsell
The ohean sieve sad forma. man
The Best in Current Literature
$2.50 PER YEAR; 25 CTS. A COPY
ARE you interested in your ftllorer ? Are you concerned is tbt
affair; of life P Da yarn carr antbieg about the great mg who
have drought abast. the. ratditiani in which you. licv,Mi 4.41 ---
echo are in power to -day f Do yor enjoy rvbo/rjomt, animated ttellet that
are true to life l Do you rare for beauty in any form P Thea awe is
no shape for yet; Jos malt join the army tubo read McClute's regularly.
New Romantic Love Story by BOOTIE Tr1RKINGTON.
author of "Thr Gentleman from Indiana " and "Monsieur Beautaire,"
a tale of love thwarted but triumphant, of gallant men and beautiful
women. It deals with life in Indiana at the time of the Mexican War.
True Story of the Standard 011. By IDA M. TAR -
BELL, author of •' Lift of Napoleon," " Life of Lincoln," rte.
dramatic, human story of the first and still the grea:est of all trusts ot
an economic treatise, but an exciting history. -
Greatest of the Old Masters.
By JOHN LA FARGE. Interest-
ing and helpful papers on Michelan-
gelo, Raphael, Rembrandt, etc, ,their
finest pieures reproduced in tints.
Mr. Dooley on His Travels. itis
views upon the typical NevtYorker,
Philadelphian, Bostonian, and. in-
habitant of Chicago and Wathingtoi
William Allen White on Tillman,
PLatt, Cleveland and others.
Clara Morris's Stage Recollfc-
lions. Stories of Salvini, Bern-
hardr, Mrs. Siddons and others.
A Battle of Millionaires. By
Ole author of "Wall Street Stories,"
The Forest Runner. Serial Tale
of the Michigan Wood;.
Josephine Dodge Daskam. More
Child Stor.c:.
EMADi)EN mmy Lea Stories
Na,nsn f ysywrv, ler r b;nt 1.. 1%1 .o.y .,41,„.,,„„ rens j n to wry Barra
8. S. McCLURS CO., t41-155 East list Street, New York, N. Y.
In Juicy designing 11.111I •orltamel It
inn and almond icing.
(live him an order and your eat.
iafaction will be aaured.
1 have put into stook • line of Readywade
Clothing of first class manufacture, and
at prices to suit the times.
Ordered Clothing
Is still my specialty. A good range of
clothe to select from ; and workmanship
the beet to be had.
If you need an oyercoat this fall call and
see me. A number of lengths of piece
goods to be °loarud out at covet.
West Streit
Mcrlilop Maul Fire Insurance Co.
Ytl.. of Property Insured up ettio
WW1, RIM ANI) in ea. -roes.
1.13. McLean, pre. ; T. itraser, vies -ores. :
Os. Connolly. ti. D.1., W. U. earoadfott, J.
ett. Ju. Evans, J. U. Grieve, J. Benaewas.
directors: W. N. Brosdton. deafo-th, teepee -
tor of leases ; T. E. Hays, Seatorth. secretary -
J W. Yeo. Holmeevllle ; James cumtnlag
Egnlondville; 1t. MoMlllan, ie.forth. R
South, Harlook.
I'olloy-holden ono pay asseantaote and gat
their oarde rycelpted at Mr. Coats . Clinton. or
at Malaise Bros' Pel.oe Cleanse Store, God
Scranton Hard Coal
W 00.1 vrm(.lead on the Market amass
wires re's set WM lbs. for a too.
Orden 1e10 et LEER g$BpgAyg
Store promptly attended 0°.
Wet Weather Shoes and Rubbers.
WE have what you want and what
you neer) in our
King -1 IShoes
King_ Rubbers
They are abedlutety
the best made... . .
OrUR Shoes aro known for theiStyle, Fit, Comfort and Durability, and our Rabbets
for there Pit and Shape, and being made of PURL OUR, will wear twice as Isar
MI ordinary rubbers. -\ -
We nave • fame assortment of t
Ladies' Leggins, Overstockings,
Wool Soles, Etc •
There good,' are
the very best goods that money nam •b.y
The STUB PROOF RUBBERS for Melt are hen at Islet, and we INvnni
YocR Ir.,rr.e'y'tots, or, If you can't call to see them, drop us a card for catalogue.
We give one away with each pound of Pure ('ream Baking
Powder purchased from us. 50c a Ib. The step -ladder alone
tleorth the price.
Try a package of our Hop Tea -not a medicine, but a care-
fully selected Indian and Ceylon Tea blended in a scientitie
manner with specially prepared Hops. Delicious and healthful.
Now is the time to buy your Garden Seeds. We have a
full Metrtlnent,.
Telephone No. 91.
A Wonderful Tonic and Remedy for WEAK and IMPURE
Manufactured by J. M. MacLEOD, Ooderich, Ont.