HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1902-1-9, Page 41 f� 4 TslfawAT, Jan. 9,1,1902. THE SIGNAL : GODERICH ONTA RIO Starting the New With a big sale of men's and boys' Overcoats We have had an exceptionally big trade in Overcoats this season. The reason is because we keep the most fashionable and good reliable goods, and have been selling at a very close margin. W. are sow gulag Is °tear our eotue stork of Overcoats, jut at the time yon oeed tbw, at great e•orlfiol.g pekoe. 11 you want one 0001• early, or your alis may be goes. Our popular Ragrlanette. made from dark Frey golf sloth, 48 looter. Ions, y.rtl• nal pookete. Food hotel!. raised seams sad velvet troller. Regular pries $12 00, re- dacted w .... ...... . ... .... $9.75 Ohtseterfield. made from dark grey cheviot, box back, •Ilk faced. amebas. Boma, auk •oltobed, regular $12.00, ridged to $9.75 We have aloe • taw Mil whlob we will .ler at $5 00 and $6 If you want • map you will set It here. Chesterfield. suede from deck grey golf clout, box bask, good mohair sleeve It.logs, velyet oollar,kas been • greet favor Ito. Regular $10 00. for ... $8.50 they fries* Chesterfield, Duffs o0 sleeves, oresuept pocket*, well trimmed, vol. vet Dollar, veru warm aod extra good to wear, regular 110.00. reduced to.. $8.60 tfoys' Overcoats and Reefers all reduced to ridiculously low prises. Now la a splen did opportunity be maks the bevy comfort- able for very little money LADIES' FURS. A few ladle,' sable mugs Cir WS, ell of whwb haul been greatly reduced, giving so opportunity to weave good lora at a pry low print. We bay. 0.e elwtrlo seal Jock sr, size 34, and 24 boohoo long, Ns. 1 far, regular prise was $4(` 00, redassd se $32.60. Goods bold at the Above Prfoes Must be SPOT CASH W. C. PRIDHA%1. gkt t. srouJsem EVERY THURSDAY 1,ORNINLI ani s. 111•RILEEt.7ss eODIIUGH. THURSDAY. JAN. SNAP SHOT'S. -Watch William Findlay MAcLRAN atter the Tory leadership. -The last swioo of the present Legisla- ture is In session. and quite a number of legislatorel,* hording their slats down for the last Usha -And now BILLY MacLean lilts his bruised and battered countenance to the electors of Toronto, and 'aye to gentle 01: LIZ HowLAND• "You're no lady -Now that the elections are over and the ratepayers in the various municipalities have chosen what they consider to be the beat men, nobody need My the flattering unction to his soul that there will be no taxes to pay next year, or that there will be no fault to find with the incoming court cil .t the end of their term. • -E STORM Wt1:nt:cs, of Ottawa, who once posed as • weather prophet, now claims that MAuoel is poaching on his pre. serves, and that he is really the roan who originated the idea that electric waves could be used for purposes of transmitting sounds to long distances. If Mau uses success is going to afflict as ani any more of Wiootae' prophecies, we move that MAN - eon be suppressed -Let weak THE SIGNAL stated that D. C•ntelon, owing to his recent serious acci• dent, would not b.. candidate !or the town council for 1902. We further mid that "Mr Cantelon is an old and experienced councillor and hu retirement will be • die. tinot loos to the town." This statement of the ;nose did not suit The Star, which stated : "We utelerstand he (Councillor (`,ante Ion) will again stood for the 0000101, not• withstanding 1'e■ Sw1LL'e statement to tate contrary." In the last issue dTTbe Stars statement is publ shed over the sigusture of Mr. Can• felon which says that that gentleman h.. "decided to retire from the Town Council Board, owing to the fact that my recent accident would prevent me giving the time the duties would require." Which goes to show that THI SIIi1AI.'n pre election state. meat w0 correct, notwithstanding The Star's statement to the contrary, WHAT OTHERS ARE SAYING. IITTLINO A VEIID 0T15T10a. Stratford Baboon : Signor Maroon! 1s rapidly settling the vexed "wrap iron" a./wme.t question. Soon telegraph sod telephoto poles and wire will be wrap, In dad. Nn FIN 4LNT Loy ALTY Toronto Star : Some men would rather show 10.1, love for the Empire by eeodine other moo abroad to vet she: than by agree- ing to a tariff reduction on the geode tegy manufacture. TH■ arnVT Isar ItTEOr•:, Albany Timm-U.loo : Madam Sarah Grand also declares that mon are happier thus women. Perhaps this 1. tree. They hallo more to make them happy. Thsy hay• the witless. 1 'rEA1' 1501105 To SAT, Nebea k• State Journal • i'otatos have waw reached a prim In the dess.dlog scale where • moo In moderate °iroumate's**. see dome a whole one •t • stogie meal without bdingesu.td recklessly extr•yaganr. AN IVA.IVI REPLY, TN "Pat," said aa I,i* dergyeao to his fantetom, "I shall be very busy this .8.10.00. and It any one 0.11+ k do not wish to be disturbed." ''All rliht. sore. Will 1 say you're ant lo'" -No, 1'.t, that would be • 11e." "As' p3wat'11 1 say, your reverence!" "Ob. lost put them oft wltb an syaly. .ower. " Al supper time Pat wa asked If any ow bad called. "Fait, there did," said he. "Aad what did yea tell him'" "Sore. I gave him an evasive answer." "How win that quer ed his tevereeee- "He axed w was your honor In. and 1 sec to 6101, ssz I, " W0 you grand• mother a hoowwl' A 1,111111.7 OF T01 FLIRT. From Meamlllaa's Magardoe: Ruskin ad• mod every girl to have six sweethearts .4aoldea1ly. It w0 ezmlleot advios. That silirodged person, the flirt, is frequently a woman whose heart aohes for friendship, bat who keep• the richest .tore blddea for bar klrg whoa be shell owns. Tow who wets never her king, who never could be her king, :(all her names by way of rejoin der. Tbey overlook the salient fact th.t all she gave them was friendly interest, and tint wee ail aka l.tradd to give them, for a ooaoelous flirt -that 1., • woman who oorsptcuously pretends to lo,. - le u impossible as a n000l.us hypocrite. In facts, the 5111 1. the only remaletog artist In friendship, and world which knows not Mist frieodehlp is dpkeg good the deft. ele•oy by maligning be ON■ MORS ILL aTIUN. Woodstock Sentiosl•R. 'sw: An than (ration of the beauties of the lob preteoH•• system le afforded by Ito prrteet situation In wire got da. Th• Amrr,cao .teal wire 1 ram was gt•.0 by 1' regrew, fa addition to • high proteatty. duty, • bounty of $2 • ern. As • result It •a Lucien% le.illt•p 1t• goods fifty per neat. cheaper in Britain and thirty 5.. to Canada than In the iced States. la malty states the farmers are of • bee to boy wire ter fsooto8 purpose. ears t la se dear. And so all the war f reg .i i em sacrifices tho 0000mer lar tie oaks of making plutoorw. It falls oe build up strong industries which can meet the whole world mad hold their owe. It prevents the working of the law of the survival ot the fittest. It 10 a twuung of all the law. of miters and of common move. Programa 55111 Net fare Catarrh This loathsome dlewe is mused by germs that In•de the air passage. of the head, throat and longs, and neo be onred only by Inhalation of medicated sir. Stomach sued• lobe., atomizers, snuffs are lusffeotust, be. cense they fail to reach the muse et the tremh'e l,.tarrho,"n• 1. aaoo.atul b.oause it Is inhaled to erory part of the breathing organs, and has power to till the germ, heal. the Inflamed tissues and provosts dropping Ie the Ibrml. Cat•rrboa.as :male more than osloZboi.and equate romaM mucous .arfaoe with every breath token thr.ueb the tmlal.r, and •$lords Instant relief. It perlenly aures o.tarrh, esthm• and bronohitls. Sold by draggits. Tee mmtbi treatment, Foto. $1 00. Small east 25 oar, or by mail from Poison & Co , Kiogi• Ion, Oot, BOOKS AND PERIODICALS. METHODIST MAGA/.INE AND }tit leN FUR JANOARY,-Thts fe,orlie family magazine bogie. ha fifty 51.5 velum. with • notable number. MOODS 11. illuetr•tod articles are an Important paper by T. C. Keefer, C. M 1:., C.K., "Canadian Water Power; use on the late W. E. H. Ramey. by Chaaoellor Iturwash ; "The City of the Sateen," with bre WIPolsball-tones; "The Crusted. Mother," by "Paster Felix," and "The Italy of America" -all body Illustrated. Dr, Carman has • notoworthy sod eloquent paper on the "Morel Momentum of Meth- odism," and F. If. Torrington ons on "Chetah Mamie.' `Ilia New Meteorology," by Primo. Kropotkio : "Whet Happened to Td," by Isabelle Horton ; "The Conies - e mus of a Diplomat ; " three short stories; Current Toplos, with humorous cartoons, e tc , ewe, oemplde a spw-Ily good nom bor. November and 1)•da0Mr ■ambers @ tall give* free to new subscribers. Toron- to : William Briers. Montreal : C. W. Coates. Halifax : et. F. Hoesti.. $2.00 • year : 81 00 for six months. J. A Boyd, whose rWgnatlo. of Ms position as prdoorp.t of the Exeter public school was noted 10 1111; SIUNAI, last week, h.. gone to H•noah, North Dakota, to mi- stime the charge of • newspaper there. We wish Bro. Boyd every enwoes In the journal- istic field, for which he 1. well limed. POSTOFFICE STATISTICS. -- Mures from the Latest arport -I t he real master Si 1. From th. report .t the P,atwaetsr (loo- sest fur the Year ru(I ag June 30, 1901, we bays Lakes same Nurse uoaoerolog the poatut5c•s ul Huron ouuoty. The tulle',log table shows the groes postal revenue of *soh of the amounting nttioes of the ouuoty for the year m.utloued, the total amoaul of money orders :slued, and 1115 amount paid to the postmaster at er.h tfiiue (including salary, forward allowauoe, ell.waow towards trio, fuel and light, and uoorp.osatlsn on postal auto, money order rod savings balk bookies.). Oas or two aims In the moiety have been •cctooting daring only • portion ot the year, .ud thee. hayo been ot•Itted from the het. A VOUNTINO OrPICI1t. a ei� a ;� II 114 Aubara ...$ 358.78 $1'7.845.13 hayfield ... 632.63 10,618 49 lisle rave .. 560.08 4.282 47 tleomlller .. 106 49 3,663.47 Rluftvale .,. 335 66 4,480.82 Blyth 1,359 69 6,097 86 Broad/old404.84 3,721.77 Brussel.. , 2.041.96 14,177.22 lentralt• 316.15 1,663.36 Minton 4 347.71 18,530 60 t•r.obrook 189.65 4,57'7.23 'rdtt on 602.67 9,360.5C Dull wood . 371.0m 1,850.40 I)uoga0000. 662.57 13,654.01 Ethel 420.84 5,799.53 Exeter 2,305.29 16 388.34 k and wlo6 652.56 14,165.01 uodetleb 6.829 41 19,611 05 :orrte 901 85 12,669 75 Hensall . 1,275 74 9.331.48 Kipp.... , . 362 52 2,268 35 I.u•desber.' 396.40 5,114 91 ',ealortb 4,082 06 14,182.65 Yarua 483 07 1,777 18 W•Itoe 349.03 2,825 07 W Iogbam 4,144.37 20 316.68 W rox•ter 933.91 10.647.20 Zurich 680 59 8,733.85 tliga 8$8� $ 241.79 333.67 306.45 69.95 18285 602.70 19434 991 86 130 68 1,760 86 126.97 335.21 202.82 325.87 222.76 926 12 419.10 2,173 06 480.74 524 59 196.28 178 87 1.801.59 174.74 16792 1,561 91 447 43 393 06 Following ars the figures tor some of the n on a000notlaF offices of the'ooucty, tooled. log aureola West Huron and • few others. The salary is bawd aro the revenue of the prey low year. NUN-All'Or'»TIN1, OFFICLY. dal•ry and Revenue. allowance. Amb.rley $ 94 82 $ 60.00 Belfast 15916 9000 lii.ks 115.08 66 00 Carlow 105.00 47 00 Cenetanm .... 147 93 90.00 Crewe 20 00 12 00 Uryd•is 111.92 60.00 Dunlop 109 82 40 00 Egmoodvino . ,.... __256.00 Alordyce . 32 36 20 00 Hills Green 99 00 40 00 Holmesrill.... 170.68 86 00 Knorr/bridge 110.50 48 00 Klotail 197 50 90 00 IA•es 66;20 30 00 Laurier 52 40 28 00 Loohetrh 141.00 60,00 lny•1 6300 1000 Mstekieg 30.92 10.00 Marnoch 45 94 20 00 Nile . 104.92 6200 Pott Albert 114.00 56.00 Porter'. Hill...... 74 70 40 00 Prosperity 26 50 10.00 S1. Augustine 123.00 90.00 `St Helen's 182 00 80.00 S•Ictord 106 00 66 CO Sheppordion 40 CO 20 00 Summerhill 23 26 20 00 Westfield .... 225 41 3600 Winthrop ..... 13552 6000 WESTFIELD. '1 uravnAT, Jan. 2nd. Walter WI.htman, who has been the teacher''''QQQQ1 our pubho school during the nest two yeaty and a half, is leaving to wooedthe Stretf,rd Hosie.. College. Before going bom.‘tor tae ielid.ye Its wee _ ✓ ented by his • • pile with an • Idiom and a' oumor of 51f Henry Morrish. of Ueda._ rich, • former pr .°'pal ot the school, hao been engaged l y 1 e trustee. for 1902. tttmmt►ttrtttmttttmmttt tr►►►t►ttm Begin the E New Year Well► by giving us a CaII. • Money Saved is Money Earned, awl it you Make up your mind to give us a share of your trade, we will Save You Money. Our aim is to please our customers, and to do so we Must give E them Honest Goods at Honest Prices. .,,.„ a.m.-a�.w..rr,.urone....enwn,,• Give Us a Call E - - We Will do our Best to Please You • PORTA • BERT. Miss bottle prows 1. Wiese Irsa. New York. Mr. and Mn. James Hay pyo a meet enlya le p.rty'7wt evmlog. ','illi. Powell, of Exeter, is ',pendia, • feet days with his aunt. Mint. 1'. 1'. H.mltm. 1 h. Forester+ are to he om ted ea the .uooes, 01 the.r oyster eupp-r las Fri- day evening. Mies Edith Psllow and her brottet J• o pera • few days wltb Mies Beare Richard o ne let week. Mrs. Delos, and her twn daoehto's, Ethel and Oriole. of Goderich, spent • few day. here last week. • •OVIIMM/111/1181111111AASA.•••••10A•1•11111111161411166111141141.11,,W•• •• ALLAN & McIYER, So - The Looting Hunlware Firm. Honest Goods at Honest Prices, Pio II 57.die- ll • through the United States and Canadl.a Soo meals *he.. that in December the total freight !o ton• was 585.254, making the 1.11'1 for the year 28 403 055 ens-ao Inc,.... over last year of 2 759,992 tour, Tb. Canadian ooel p.eeed 2.821,027 toes of freight tor the season. The Uolt d States ousel opened April 26 tad closed December 11, being in °cerium 230 days. Th. Caoadtan canal opened on April 20 and closed m D.o.mber 21, • mason of 246 days. The nee lanais. Sault 9t.. Marie, Mlob., Dee. 26 -'rt. A Great Snap tetietloat rep, rt of the year'. nommaroa TO ADVERTISERS. Notice of oltanges mast be left at this Office no6t Lamer �Tii1a Sit4. ijf noon. The Copy for changes must be left not it ter than Mon- day noon. dental Ad accepted eo to no, n Wednesday of mob weak. Mill Wood FOR SALE The al ave is cut into stove wood length and will be delivered to any part of the town the same day .. ordered. Orders received by telephone or left at residence, 1138 Cierttbria street, will receive prompt attention. 'Phone 98. PETER McEWAN. Goderich. Novemlwr'_1o1, 1999. 53-3m Great Suc- 01711 liueineria has grown to such dimension■ that we have decided to clove to larger premise*, and will in consequence offer our whole stock of cess.. Pianos, Organs, Violins, 6nitars, Musics Sewing Machines, &c. And all attar 11 esicaI I astrinests, at Genuine Bargain Prices until the 15th Feb., 1902. Remember, this is a Genuine Removal Bale, and the chinos is one you may never meet Nolo. SKATES SHARPENED iN • LATEST APPROVED STYLE CEO. W. Txornsnx & SON Made and Bioyels Demises, GODERIOH PORTER'S HILL. TI:EMDAy, Dee. 31, Mies M1Qolre has returned from Toronto. Mies Maggie 'Torrance has returned from Clinton. Mrs. M rg.o, of tderich, Ie visiting to thin vicinity. Maes Elea Elliott, of God.rich, Ie the guest u1 her friend, Mies Burk*. Yr. and Mrs. John Placard, of Boy Mills, Mich, are tinting In 001. elodotty. Civil k:aglneer W. lfetiogs, of Toronto, passed through the tillage on Saturday. Leland Wigle, of Cleveland, Is spending his v.o.tioa ■hoetlng, 1l thl. violoity. I.e land le • game .port, but game is pretty 50&105. Henry Young had ■sy.n line bunko war• ✓ id by dogs belonging to Robt. Be•oom and ,l mo. W node, They paid for the sheep and took them home. Juni as YMd ! Perhaps ' Don't you tun the risk, though, but always buy the wdTt..td and etre-prep Dorn 11011--Putnam's Painless :.'aro Krtractor. More, safe and parnles. • Put- nam'• removers corns painlessly in tww1y- four hours. if your droigl.h (Ines not tell it, seed 250. to N. C. Polson A Co., Khios. ton (ht., and lbs, .111 .eod It to you pmt paid to any outdraws In Canada or U.S MY TYPEWRITER. 11 have • aim Will- carte.• And It It te my delight 1 o patter on It pilY And write, ted write (end write! 1' aides mi.: le my labon9 When Ilm In WorkmG vain' it m.keM A ORKsi improvlmeet 1 writ. So rate plans 1'. oPsla ea .eswiF,ly$ that when you bed you're STnnk;;; and Cannot GNC the l.t,4w jo.16)ab-.ad trnSb to Iack60' it's R.sy-V711 eagy - To ,pekoe. it toho;;;,$ko Now where m mirth's that ooloe o d--!'• i 1 1 1 1.1.e no my Ink •.d pee. A 011I•a1DBD BATTLB. If rtttach d by • wild beast • man weald try and &shed himself. if alRict- d with rhsaitaWm fight the disease. Ww Ir. Ha1)'. Rheumatic. Cure the SSW ie all owe -died. Thomas Todd, IAskwsster at Brewer's Mills, Ont., e altred fist twelve ran with rMema Via b his aheelder and at times &veld see work or riroom himself. Eight law rim of Dr. Hall'. with Climax iron Teets P11M, allrentwd s permanent core. The groat Meed purifier M put up In bsNlm e.at•ildcig tam dye tr.aomew(. Praia ail 60 seats at • .5111•. or Th. Dr. Ea M.YsMlo Skates -- 50 YEARS' EXPERIENCE 1S our Ginger Soap, at 5o. • `'pound, of whish we sell • barrel • week. ",„jThI. isn't our only soap. as we our? everything that oan be f. and In an up- ! te-date grooery *torr, and our prices :Ave right. The tumors know that they Joao always get from u. • soap for their ,�produoe. 1V. drew the line •t no jlegtttmate trade - everything( goes Glummer(' or potatoes, garden .tuff or choioset table ,China. W. deal In all - of them. T. G. TIPLING & CO., Redford bleak, GetMrlsh. pATENTsrn TRADC MARRS DcslnNa COPYPI.GHTS &C. Anrnne sending ..ketch and description may quickly ascertain our opinion free whether Y In root Ion 1s probably patentable. t'Am amnia& do ie al rlctlf confidential.n.ndt b.,ot on Paten IPRt gree. tfde t agency for eeeerimr$stents. - Patents taken through Munn A c to. receive Iowa.( walks. without ch.rwe. m the NOW Jimerican. . • London Dally FREE PRESS Two o'Clock Edition, $ .00 RIP PER YEAR This edition Is published especially for towns, villages and rural districts In Western Ontario. It gives all the news up to ONE O'CLOCK each dal. Including Foreign, Canadian. American, District, LApal said Sporting. Tf contains eight to -Willie panes five days a week. and stzteen pages on Saturday. Half -tone and other tllustra- tons of important doings and hent people appear every day. -The Saturday edition alone le Worth the price. 8ubecrlptlone received at any time. Addt'eee- Ths London Free Press Ptg, Ce LONDON, ONT. M.nthm 15!. 011007' A hendsnme;y IlIn.tr.ted weekly. 1.arew•t est enl.t Om of any •rientilo Journal. To e, t: • war; four mnoth•. IL Bold by anisewwdwa1.1, UNN & Co�ey nfi doer. ew nstoo.Cork a RELIABLE \F, URS! ***Heed er did ----advocate shopptiig away $ronin home when you could . o as well there as ,anywhere- _But_ there i . thing .whicl>, iL anon, ds to reasone can t y s etter jn :1 - centre like Toronto is, and r e otthese is FINE RELIABLE FURS, I . t use to get the variety anri, TO" 1St the rgilliM .coif quill ity you must o to the lar:er t. We are eidlisi a lin- manufacturers. We tt ke everything we sell, and we guarantee e thing we make. We shall be pleased to welcome you to our showrooms -the largest and hest appointed in the Dominion -if you are passing our way,..but if that's not pos- sible well be pleased tO serve you through our Mail Order Department and promise you absolute satisfaction. You can have a copy of our nasw 1901-2 Catalogue for the asking. We are making a special feature of warm fur Jackets. LAlij s' ASTRACHAN r1ACKKTM.-Our "specula $25. 1'ADIKW ASTRACHAN, COON AND WALLABY JACK - ETM..., LA DIEM' ELECTRIC BEAL JACKETS -Pain LADLES' ELECTRIC SEAT. JACKETS -Trimmed mar S25 i» 390 30 t" 40 45 1,, 85 J. W. T. FAIRWEATHER & CO. 84 YONOE-9T. _ - TORONTO. NEW YEAR'S I have just put into stock a lot of fresh new goods for New Year's trade. A LARGE SHIPMENT : HANDKERCHIEFS. 46 dos.. at the following pewee 1 Eo, 40, So, 80, 100, 12', 16o, 18e, 200, 250, 30o.. Embroidered said lam edge. lb, gr. a •.L value over Goon here. MUFFLERS. i 5t o �5m.1�i 4.lIs, LADIES' PARASOLS Ir.m 00 51.00 to $4 50. Just the thing for surpassed to value. present. 20.5 century runner frames and autem.tlo.ottoo GENTS' UMBRELLAS. frame., something seer, from $1.00 to $2.75. CaparRae 50, 10.00, 15.00, 17 00, 27.00, 30.00. Ra From $2.00 FURS. w 12.00. LADIES' COATS. Joe, 11 1.11, the bateaus of oar Se•so•'sstook, which will be •old .t prlois to clear. Every on* 0101 be sold at wine prloe. Ursa fur owe left yet -$30.00, far $20.00, which is much tem than real value. A bio bargain for some person. We were in Toronto • few week. ago and moored lot weep $400 00 acid $500.00 worth art goods suitable for the season 1n general .took .t away down prloes,whlob are to ne gold at away down pelisse. J. N. Colborne, 'Phone 86. Goderich. HAVE YOU TRIED .. Our Guaranteed Cure for Coughs, Etc. A 1. '0 1'/ Laxative-Bromo Quinine with • total* of SYRUP 07 LINSEED, LICORICE and CHWRODYNEorSYRUPOF WRITS PINE and I'AR (D. D. Co'.) A MAT, 111.1111.4 r0MaNATIJ N. In winter your House Pasta teed extra oar. amt atlwtioo. You often feel a often "f eotn5 help. l'ou might hare It In , . The Henderson Plant Food. PXRFECTLY SOLUBLE. NO ODOR. KEEPS YOUR PLAN1S HEALTH\ PRODUCES FLOWERS. W. C. (iOODE, Chemist, - BEDFORD BLOCK Wm. Sharman, Jr. BOOTS, SHOES, RUBBERS. We have the large t stock of BOOTS, SHOES and RUBBER GOODS ever shown in Goderich. It comprises goods of the following well•known makers J. & T. Bell, Walker -Parker Co , "Empresa," The Victoria Shoe Co., The Slater Shoe Co , The Williams Shoe Co. and E. T. Wright & Co., of Rocland, Maas. In Rubbers we can give either the Canadian Granby, Berlin, or the Glove Goodyear Rubber, of New York. Wm. Sharman, jr. GOOD BILI is our motto Jost Rally. 1 80 Tons Massillon Lump Coal, The b"•t Solt Coal In the market for domestic torpos o, also several can of Scranton Hard Coal NOW ARRIVIN; ALL COAL WEIGHED ON THE MARKET SOALES. Soarolty of oars is hkdo to ' •0115 • ooal famine during the next two moot hie, would therefore •dello purchase of year Octal. DOW. Wm-e_Oarrl pbell. Odsdsh. hey. 13th 1901. 1 Before • Buying see our line • Of IIEATERS and RANGES.... 'We will save you money and give you the choice of the best lines on the Canadian market. Every Stove Cully - Guaranteed. . LEB & SUP HLRD, 80UERICH. - 1 Skates ! Skates No. 5 Acme Spring Skates, all sizes, . 40c. No. 10 Acme Spring Skates, nickel plated, $1.`'26 Royal Hockey, 1.00 Perfection Hockey, 1.26 Ladies' Daisy, 1.50 Perfect Hockey, 1.50 Majestic ' 2.25 Dominion " , , . , 2.26 Lightning " ... 3.50 wuuuuuuuiuuuuu111111N11W W We have a full line of 1 Lockey Pucks, Ankle Supporters, Shin Guards, hockey Sticks, Skate Straps, etc. A Inks= Caladr Kiva with every sardine. N. D. ROUUV 113, Ting GASH HARDIHZ=! RTORE. W. JAS Commencing Positive houseke HERE THI Ladles' Astrl 28 to 30 toot loll sweep, to $16 00, *ale prl Ladies' Astri 28, 32, 36 loot and 51tok eat $25 and 828 Ladles' Maud and Ore, (lar mauler $1.00, Men's Fine W Kld Glove' sp•olel 81.0011 w THE POI. • Large Number sialbStIO. The annual wits! Poultry and 1'., St •t th• town hall o0 Thursday and Fri *bow was • 500x555 the go.11ty of the 1 but the etaadeooe The directors deco per mot. of the pet eras done by Sb.rp and was by mmpar log by pointe beim ttos this year sou t Huron, but It win rt. beet interests .sit year tb• •bar world (lo Thursday • meeting wee held .. th• Nett annual • ()thaws were elect. A. M. Todd ; trice bell; teooed v,oe third wins-presldeo t..y, (:olio W. Cal Bingham ; direct/pi stenos ; U A. Low W. Taylor, W toe Italy, Seatorth ; A James Howson, l John Moore, Stet Warnock, Jame. Moloao, Ed. Moor Hardy, James M R'obard l'oatlethwe Mc(.ogbao, Oliver Moon. J•throw Keii Following is the PRI ANDALr»IANa - eeok.d, J S How! Knight, J S Howrl BRAHrae, Lin UT L Ieweoe, Alt Baal H Vtdoas, C Keigt L Lew.•., H Vida Alf Baker, R Vide 11.. }Fos , H. t Ido BANTAM». Psstii Cenobite, W Iloak bee, J l'ostl.lhet Cent/hes ; pallet, C BANTAMS, BLAU, Puetlerthwate, A I stocker''', W Cartel W Cotter, J. Po Belcher, El notch.' Co rtes, Brrr neekerel, F Tor.bul F Tarnbail. DURK Itui. SII.v el So., Scott & Son, t' Campbell, Moott & let, Soon: & Son, So toy. Duces, Ari.uer Carter ; desk of 19 (tars, BROWN 81 D. Lowry ; pullet, OArI, BLACK Si, Lowry, B 14.101er be, a Boleser, A A. let, D Lowry. GAMS -Male, J. eo.k•rel, A J (trig: Grigg, Jae blears, J Orap, A J Grim Klug, Jam Munro. Gams, Ptt.I-Co Grigg ; bin, A J 0 pee, A J Orlgg, Et O.YE, DOCgwt,i OMER. MALAY 01 or. J A K,a, ; a Klee lboo, JAKi A. Broker, .1 A Kil HooDANs-Male, W Carer ; ben, W HAMeo a, OoLn W Carer ; bee, W lot, W Cuter. HAMIIURO, S,i,v Carter ; oeokerel, hes, W Career, W Lle1•5•r, Ed Bdohe Hs.ivao, Gott) Carer, C Campbe bee, W Garter, ._-_tarter. HArsoaa, Bttvi A Cana; am, °actor. HAisoae, Bun Male•., W Male w, W Carer, W M W Mali.., Kd MI 1 .ad 2, W MoI.eo MoLeaa JAVA.. BI.AnR-1 LANnewAtre, Mrr ewkerel, 0 O•apb • BUILDS For Chror the Diges nurses inc prescribe stubborn c throat and appetite, a and builds ant to talc( )p1041MF .SI eJ. dirt err Frady W,lfi,, All er•ggia. ee Yhlrtt NAKI t.wnhi.t enrolee 046.l.t eetl vs 1 • Axelg