HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1902-1-9, Page 1THREE .•A'8e. ADV'T8 ARA ACTIVE AG- 4JT8 WHEN PLACE /N THE SIGNAL ionaL THE LEADING Nf]WSPAP ER OP HURON OOUNTY. FIFTY-FIFTH YEAR -2864 GODERICH, ONTARIO, CANADA : JANUARY 9. 1902. LOOK AT YOUR LABEL! IT SHOULD BE MARKED PAID FOR D. MCG1LLICUDDY, EDITOR. THE WEEKLY MAHROT REPORT MUNICIPAL ELECTIONS. Gamatolt. Joe. b 1903. Fall Wheat 9 74 w 71 flour. tamlly. Der owl........ _2 10 10 10 four. teeb Per owt-_,.__..-_- Y 50 10 80 e seta i em y _ . 15 03 00 ai u Morasoinge, per owt 1 W to Rye, per bush........ 0110 to Huokwhest, per bush 0 65 to Oats, a bush .................r-.• 86 to Peau. D busk.....- ......... _ .. _... 75 to Harley. per bomb 50 to Hol. w ton 1t 'd) al Potatoes. a bol., SOW Butter15 10 er Cheese. pIl_..-..- • ..•••. 00 10 sags, blob11-�•• • illi..... 14 to Wood 4) to Hides.. ....�..�..•,m, _ �•• •• 30 to Pelta a ...... 4l to Wye) Howe __...•.. 75 M Dressed Hoge 00 to Bacon. ••••. ••••, 11 10 Ham. pee Ib............_«....•. 15 to Lard. per Ik 13 to Dressed Hest fee quell. 00 to Dressed Beef. hind • 00 to Oettle, Expert 75 to Ordinary 00 to 00 6) 51 336J 60 00 3) 16 11 16 00 00 60 25 Y 18 16 11 50 5) W 60 Loot 1 IST._ DURING NOVEMBER. A yeartlag steer. marked .It4) ring in left ear. kayos. getting lens. of 1t comm un loaf• with W. O. JONES, Carlow. 64 1c !Situations Vacant. BGl WANTF•D -A WIDE AWAKK, Intelligent. boy. about 17 yawn of age. to learn a business requiring dee meobanlesl skill. A good opportunity b open for a suit- able boy. Apply for further partlouian to Tu. Kitimat. oodwbh, Oat. Tender. Wanted. y,FENDERS WAN'OF: D.-9EALKDTitle i dem w111 be reoelved up to 1544) February. Iv01, Wdr.seed to the chairman of the build- ing committee for this erection of a belei Preabytorlee church at Byfield, tint. Plop sad epeolOoaUOM cal lK oxen and other 1e- form•tton ohtaloed o0 •vpll0atlun to JA9. DONAI.UBUN. Hayfield, oh tlrmae of building oommittee, or to the architect. JOSEPH A. YIIWLEII.Ooderich. No teener necessarily 000•pted. 61 lm Cad of Thanks. CARD OF THANKS. LIDta aoD RUN 'rLaura, -1 desire to return m7 thanks to you for your support at tbe polls oo Monday. resulting In my elect on as omen- ollloe. and 1 assureou my boot sirs will be put forth for the advancement of the town's inure/ea ROW. THOMPSJN. 1 AD1ES AND GENTLEMEN : I A 1 take tble oppprtmlty of thanking tha electors for their very generous sn Dort of me a4 the polls en eioollon day. with all my Loony faults. !also thank the elector' w4)o voted 10ateet me. hotness It la to the hest inter•at of the town. ted knowing It to be for my Jano•t- al ten.Ot. Wishing you ail a proaperoue Feer, T •m lours, J. C. MARTIN. CARD OF THANKS. To the Elrotom or Colborne Township Latium, •ND O.on.rwIo, - Permit me to thank you for tee oordW support whloh you Rave one dnrtas the recent municipal contest and the ver large vote welch 1 redoes'. 1 need ooly eliar that I •ppreotate tree poet Ran to which I bare been elected on the council board. and .111 sodeavor to gtvn the best oossltNe service to the interests or the 1 owaablr. 1' Yours st°nerd. It • E. U AIT THRs MUNICIPAL ELECTORS OF 7t6TOWN Or OODIRiCH1 Lamb. Awn 0.oTontex. I take this op psrtanity and privilege of thanking you for four feorross and unsolicited support given ihi again retarnmg me a. • member of the footmell board for the enacting veer. Assuring /oar that the oonf d enol so be tt o w ed will Win alto. me to duty In furthering the Interests Of the town, I remain. )'ours sincere) C. A. HUMBER. - P'or Rent rI�(� LET.-(OMFORTABLB DWKLL- inp hoose. with one sere of load. 1a the town of Godrnch, oonveabet to the Square good bare on pnml.es. aad some °bolo° fruit. DDI, to R. C. HAYS, Flarrlster, (loledcb. 6117 For Bale. p11AN Y 02 MALE -APPLY TO J. 1L RUNCBIAN. Newest* street. ' IOR SALE -THE EAST HALT OF r Om weal half or lot 15, con. 7. West We- wanosb comprising50 arras. Apply to HEN- RY ROWI. KI, Dungannon, or to Philip Holt, narrater OoderIob. tit 1 , )00 CASH, OR ON TERMS T() �D 1 t salt, .111 puroh•ee that large atone house with six -roomed addltioo,.Ituated on Notes Street. Half an more of land with all toe outbuilding, thersoa thrown In For further particulars apply to T11E0. J. M(u)tt HOUSE, Bayfield 1'. U. 30-tf. 'POR SALE. -LOTH95.96, 117, iia, 119 1' and 146 In Hutehlsoo'• survey, all la Ooderieh. For particulate apply to PHILIP HOLT. Barrister. to.. Ooderlrh. Marsh Ilth, 1900. 06-tf Pubuo Notfoe THP. ANNUAL Mkb.TINO OF WEST Horan Chasse sad Butter 00, Limlt.d. w111 he held at (7erlow on Monday, January Ip, at ?o'clock. All Interested are requested to attend, J. WHA YOUNG, Secretary. too IHR ELECTORS OF THE TOWN 1 Or OODERICH. I telco this onportoelty of thanklag Toa for obs unsnimou* 'import "Ivan me Mt election w del. Although 1 old not solicit any votem you have placed mea the head of the Bet• and n ow that I am elected 1 w111 eve what time 1 coo and do my best to he of some service to the town. Yours isltlOalll, M,11161114191. WPST HURON £URICULTURAL 90 (7IETY. The manual enattlarg of this society will b h eld at the Town Hall, 0oderirh. on 'Wednes- day. January 15th. 1901. eommenelnir at 1 o'olo.k f.M . for recelvins rhe annual report, electing *Moore and traneacfing any general business. A large ettandanoe of members is specially requested. Itou have any com- plaints to mace or eoge,tlws conifer or the coming tall Irate, please be on hand. By • order JAMES MITCHELL, See. Ood•rteh, Jae. 0. 1909. PROF. S. L TAUI1 MaIotroor RING OPTICIAN AND ■ye .r.CtALI5T All kinds of epeeta0lea and Eyerla0.s made Le order Ppenial attention given 13 fitting the OTC Orden M mall promptly •trended to. Be- ware of parties ral°g my name. as 1 employ net Invnlllnr sweets whatever. Setiofsotion ``n•ranteo4. estaMlehed 1673. 464 RICHMOND STREET W., TORONTO. .osteo.. COURT GODERiCK. NO, 32, C. O F., teed Muir r.ea)ar regular. oa North 41. '1stR.E it Tuesdays ofever, .eth. VWitleg �ru�MS. ualwar. wel10m0. *edloaL• DR W. 11 oA Low, PHYSICIAN r✓ le fts.t of Oem- lR'w lett Mss iN .Rph•w Night �O M IYltle et. Vr 'POg.e f10. Result 01 the Polling In Gode- rloh. Preen. Morita ted Martel Defeated -Sew Mee read the roll - Mayer Teems Sleeted Reim In Colbert., Elec- tions Eluwhor.. Mayor -Y. 0. Cameron (aoolamatloo) Couootllon-Gee. M. Elliott, W. A. Mc- Kim, /lobo Thompson, W. T. Marney, John Knox, C. A. Hemb,r 'flits will be Ih5 oomposlelo° o{ the God.- rloh town council for t4)• year 1902, The voting for ooaaelllors on Mo day n• seltsd as follows OANDIDATa POLLING lU.-DIymIONE. • Al. 1 1 3 4 6 6 O. M,ELI.urrr....65 73 71 64 60 61 47- . A. MGKrr....66 75 00 18 61 66 if -- R. TMOMPIWN ... tel El 60 47 61 68 44-41 W. T. MLRser ..74 00 56 50 30 72 33-401 Juux Kxox 17 61 67 57 21 54 10-360 C. A. Humana 46 61 41 50 38 50 20 -311 J. C. Martin 41 37 65 60 31 60 27 311 Thos. Nortel.... 43 46 41 11 14 63 38-300 N. B. Smith.. 16 4; 40 40 31 51 18-974 M. Nicholson 21 35 31 16 31 27 31-177 Three members of last year's oounoll ars returned, MeerMarney, Koox and Hum• bet Councillor Caotelou did not seek re election, and Councillors Martie and Na(tel were detsaled .t the poll.. Tips./ new oanaidatee, Elliott and McKim, headed the Het, and ex -Mayor Thompson goes bock to the oouooll with • hires vote to his credit. Perhaps the moat 0oteo:s feature of the election is the defeat of Mr. Martin after Eve years' service at the oounoll board. Mr. Mento, was one of the stroog.st mea at the Music• MISS COLBORNE, Teacher of r:etoher music method, .111 re- ceive pupils at her studio. shove Mr Naftel'e 1°e°raeoe oeoe, 16amllt In *trait. For infor- mation apply either at studio or et residence, lit Patrice • street. Publle Notloe. APPLICATION TO PARLIAMENT. N°tica is hereby glean that an application w111 be made to the Legislature of the Prov. Moe of Ontario at the opal session thereof, for an Act Tn Incorporate a Company under the name. "The Huron aad Bruce Hallway Com pa0y." to construct, equip. m•toteln and oper- ate a railway between • point at or near the town rf Wurton. In the roasty of Hence. and • point at Or near the town of (iodation. lathe wuoty of Huron. and passing through or near the towns of Kincardine and Southampton ; With pow er to oonetruot own, equip. main talo sod operate 351., .Eph and retention. and systems 1n oonnecuon therewith , and with power to oarr7 on business se an Ex- press Company. b We rd da of December. A.D. 19)1. HAMILTON. ELLIOT E; IItVING, 6361 Solicitous for Applicants. N0112KIs HEREBY GIVEN THAT the fort Dover, Brantford. Berlin and Ooderlch Hail .•y Company will apoly to the Parliament of Canada at Its next session. for an Aot extending the time for the commence. meat and completion of Its work. ohang4ng Its name to the Grand Valley Railway Company, reduoiog the amount a is capitol stook, and authorizing the owatructton of Is Iloa In sec- tions and the tome of bonds with respect to such sections and for other purposes Dated at Woodstock, Ontario, 17th I) owns- -tear, 5 0). - ---WALLACE & LITT Solicitors for the Company. NOTICE Id HEREBY (:11 KN THAT en apppllwtloa w111 be made at the next ....ion of the Lerulatan of the Province of Ontario for an Aot to l000rporate • company for the following pur9000!, omong others , t0) To construct. equip, maintain ted oper- ate penate an electric ratleray, raliways or radial railway system from a point In or sear the town of Goderinh. In the county of Huron. to the village of Dunrannoo, le wild county ; also with power to count ruot. equip maintain and operate a line of railway from equip, In the township of Colborne, to a point in or near Auburn. In said rmaot7. a0a thence to s point 1 ornear the village of Rlyth. and thenoe to Walton, on the northern grave! road, and thence through the township of MOKIlIop to the town of Seaforth. and thenca to the town of Clirtoo,.o4 throne through the towoship Of Oodertch to the Hayfield road, and thenoe to the town of Ooderioh : also with power to eoostnat equip. maintain and operate the following branch 1000.. viz.: north from the •1410.90. of Myth to the town •,f Wingham,north from Walton belorementloned to the Pillage of Hrossels, and thence north to the village tf Wroxeter : also nom a point when the sa1d railway oo°neos with the Hayfield road, thence 'tooth to the village of Hayfield. th000c southerly through the townships of Stunts , Hay and Stephen to a D0.114 at or near 0111. thence through the county of Middlesex to the city of London : also with power to oon- tante. equip. maintain and operate a line of runway from Dunlop. In the township of Col- borne, thence through the township of Alh field to a point in or near Kinner.line, in the oo0nty of Woo., thenen k, the village ,f Tlv- erton. In .aid county, thence to a point 1n or near Port Elgin. In said 000017, thence to a point In or near S,uthempton, in said oouot7, and thence to a point In or near -.Marton. In the said 0000ty or Bruce, and the.^.e to Owen Sound, In the county of Our ; also from the town of Ktnear4'ne thr,ugh the 0011111 of Brace to the town of Walkerton, in said cont ty ; and upon and over noon striate, highways and lands as may be authorized by the moot nlealfties, companies or individuals having jurisdiction over or owning( the same. th) To enable the tympany to make ar- rangemeate rwarding the use or sr utel tIon of street.. highways awl lands, and to Impropel- ate laude for the purposes of th. oompeny. Irl To enable the company to amalgamate wig!, admire theetook, bonds franchises and assets of. and to enter Into traNlo or other agreements with other corpora:ions, oompan les or person.. 441 To make payments. In paid up stooks or bonds for right of way. material, plant, rail wa stook or other Ben toes fnrtherini the undertaking. lei To menafacture.. )) nr lease electricity or elentrio power to any persona or corpora Clone along any part or iu railways, and to construct and operate telegraph and tele- phone systems In oonnectlon with the roll way. If) To rnolve assistance from mnnacrpall MEMOS tedivld00.1s by way of 504.04tn, bonus- es on the guarantee of th• oompany'• bonds or otherwise and for other purpose.. I.1 To build, asp rel'. own, charter or lease, navigate and uao seam and other Ie, and to build, con• -runt and msinuin all oeoee•ary wharves and warehouse., piers and dook., for this purposes of the eamp.oy. IA) To armoire land for the parpoee of ron- strnctingand operating and with power b ronetruot and operate, hotel. at such places upon the line of railway of the oompeny as may a9Mar n«0e•eary. patrol at Ooderloh this 11th lay of Decem- ber. 1911. M, O. CAMERON. tlol(01ur for Applicants. , Insullaanees ete. CHAS. R. SHAW, (ANIMAI. INSUR. ANCE aad real (mute agent. 08)00, fes door wt of P. O., Ooderloh. Agent for the leading mutual fin In.gren00 0omMiniet and leading stook eom1enles. Mercantile and manufactories rlshl st 'neat rates. (:Ill at °MSoe. ur R. ROBERTSON. • AOco0ntanl and Insnrnna. Agent. Hooks anti ptwtnnta made 09. Bandage rented and mote nolimtt t. Fires linranoe In Annan and Canadian (1-omp•n4ea North treat Mlep n�� dytwt t Hass' etfllOILK F• J. T. NArrRL, ORNERAL. IN. SURANQM and Real Rotate agent, r1re, LIle, Aoolteat and Plate pleas Insomnia 6451054 on ninths' or Mak fan al teweet tater• rigs. Be r NOM and Oawtdtan omneenles ren agegel= M6hr'0W R. ()arrow. Bu board mad Rave a great dui of h1 hs dutl•s as oounolllor, and we retirement will M only temporary. COLIW RN I IIH W Ne r11 P. or Reeve -Major Wm. Young 260 ; Jo.. Taylor, 221. For l'qunmhurs-E C Ater111, HIN, 240 ; Rattail J•weil, 219 Robertson, 217 ; Joe. fleth•riogto Jacob Mosier, 191. Fifa four oleo: A0Hr1El.D. Old oounoll is •looted by aoolama Reeve-Morgau Whoa. Cou12o111or.-Jnho MoIntyr•, Jol ley, Wm. Punta, Thos. Statham. UUDERIl'H TOWNSHIP. Old oounoll n-eleoted by aoolama Roev-Thea. Churchill. Councillor. -James Johnston, Jo Mitten. J. C. Woods, Jamie Goe. OTHER !ELECTIONS. CLINTON. - Mayor Thee. J Oou.00llor.-A. McKenzie, T. Me .l. Ford, H. B. Combe, C. Oyerbur Stsyes.o. All by •oclamalioo, Suntan' - Mayor - J. H Hi aoolamellon). Coanolllors-M Y. 11 B. Goan, EJward Hamilton, Joh J. (lest, J. A. Stewart. A toi •x , 0d $8.000 for drainags purpoi oarri WI HAP. -Mayor, R. Vanston.. otllors Thos. Bell, K Molodot Holmes, Y. F. Va°etooe, Ur. A. J J. Elliott, ' S. All by aoclemalioo HLYTH -.Id council re earned b motion : Hee -Wm. Sons. Coonc A McNally, r. Milne, A. W. Joseph Sather.. 1300.08 .. -0.. ooun311 re -oleo acclamation : Res -J T. Rues. oillors-S. Wiltoo, . Henderson Donaldson, N. P. Gar BAYeirdM-Ree,. - lchard SN Councillors -Geo. Erwin flioherd Tbompses, Mort Ell tt. All °lunation, ArncaN-Vdl•ge police tr .tees by automation : Altred As Ith Vanabint, A. C Jackson. E05r0R-Keev-W. H Levet olhor•-John Muir, John Wood, Jo Wm. Hardtog. WRo1ETEa-Old council n-elee soolamaolo0. RENSAI.I.-COnDOiI for 1902 oleo &col•mattoo, W. J. Miller ie rely. McArthur oomoletw the required Of four 000noUlors. Lur.Now-Rcove-W. A1100. tore (by aoolamalio0)-Geo, Lewre Troeeyen, J Brown. ll, Sheriff HAY -Reeve -I'. Lamont. Coon() Wm Cr°sls, Wm. Solak, Alex. Th J. K. Gats. ZOnIOd-Pollee Irast es -J. N Chi. Grob,' St EPn.N - Reeve - Henry FT Wuertb, Stephen Webb, Wm. Year! WENT WAWNOSH-Reeve- W (Juills°. Couootllon - W. Comer O'Connor, Chu Taylor, J. A. Ma All by acclamation. In Eat Waw•oosb, '1'uroberry, Hallett, Grey and Usboroe the old haws been re elected by aoal•m•Uo°. AROUND TOWN GOSPEL TEMPERANCE MEETIN,. Or. Dante,' .111 addrew tis meetln) held In the TempitraatieHall, North mut Sabbath •tune•.. A wog real wmm1ece .t 4 o'clock ; at 4: meeting will wmmeow under the oh Mop of J. R Tom. There will be goo and au .zoelteoe address. The meet clomp at 5 o'olook. Ml ars lovlted preesnt. A ('.'0011Krlo1•-Wm. Campbell ported by THE RIO NAL last week se sold at the nomination meeting 1h had the authority of the town bolici saving that the whole prooedure in � tion with the granolithto walks could wt and the amount saddled upon the Mr Campbell °orr•ote this, saying i dud not mention the town solicitor, b this as his own opinion, backed ul prominent •ollaltor, G.C.LTRc.TEe Boma). the lar log of the Collegiate Institute true the following acooaots were pae,e Poetlethwaite, draylog, 40e; H. lceura.o«, 869 ; ,Jamieson Reid, echo $38.52 ; Globe, •dyertbing, Star, reoeipe forms, 12 ; 1). St br°•h.., eta , 13 45 ; N. 1) R•,us•i dries. 11 75 ; F. M. Dunham, oh 820 63. The statutory meetng of t board will be held at 4 P. M on W edoeeday la February. THEIR LAST MEETING.- rhe beat of the t,wo oounoll of 1901 was held day (mooing leak A11 the members C,unoillor U.otslon were forwent. fioeooe oommlttee reported • num • oo0UD1. the payment of *bich w dared. The following a000uota we for the tnooming mutat! to doal Canadian Goners) Electrl0 Co. , T • nppllie, 13.57 ; N. D. Rnagvi., ha $3 04. The inaugural meeting of oouoofl will be hold nut Monday u *t 11 o'olook. THE MARINE (;ITP INVESTIGATION reported Irom Kingston that the of the C M. R. A. there object to nom names of the men mentioned u of the oommbsiod to eoquira into th Mance City attester. They oommu this faot to the Minister of Mari In reply were told that the oommfsa Dot yet been mud, hot that the would fit date and plats soon. Com Spain, E nA•m,, Ottawa, and Jame art, Kingston, awn those named i been appointed • oommlesioo of sou A NEW YEARN GATHERING - Year's Day a family reunion took the residues of J. C. Martin, A street. The party lonluded •bout five, tha hoot's. mother, Mrs, E being to the number. Among th gores were Mr. and hire. Miller. Redford hotol ; Me and Mn. Sou daughter, of town ; Mr. MIA Mr.. A. daughter, of town. The evening w e njoyably epee@ with mesio and amnsementa, the chief attrlotion bel Miller'. gramophone, which render thirty hoaottfalselections. A Now YEAH. (bnrl.AORAttoN,- 11 o'olook on Ni. Year's night the the parsonage of North •st. Maoodbl war dlsooysr•d to M o0 fire. Tn, was sounded, hat tome tittle delay arrival of the fire h•tgade was oar their going to the V1010ria 116. parses fun they found where tho tDas re. Hoverer, •hon they arrived en th they gntnkly got the flames ander There were • nnmh,r of hent In th leg, but they were resented from t eeriest is Is not knows how stariel. A !Moan WEDDING. -Oa New afternoon • double ereddlag took ah• rreldanea a Simon MoCollaan Holt townahlp. he two Asgntitrs MI flea Mies Clara to William Moll tarns township, and Mia !Proems t ('hnreh; et G,dettol. The doubt nosey was performed by Ray. .1. W. esu, pastor *1 Vsetorlu,I. Methndi,h la the premise* of the Immedlat. Ir the 5esttea•llag parties. Af time to Popo hie eleeLed) Pb0 . tom Ales.. o, 197; ed. ;fon: n B,tk• dot : Mid• acksoo. V. J. C. oadfoot deLlaD, o Weir, 1.w to ',..:-.0", as was r, Wm. in". ' •oola eall Lr7 ,L„ ted by C mu lobo inbury, lsc. nos., 14111.,*. m. Lee •mlosls, iambs,* memhon M.nieur On e 'vie eti o t5twarde guests partook of • sumptuous dinner. The bodes wets. the reolpea1s of many bud.. 110m1 ple.enu. A 1ATISIACToRY ASNI'RANCE. - Mayor Wilson aa. r1e•Ived the folluwlag letter from Mr. l'ler,u•,of Naul1 sus. Muls,io rept y to • oommu°Icatrou from Hie Worship .y SAVLT :ITE. MAKI., i . , 8, 1901, J. WUwu, Iraq., Mayor Uoderloh. UEait Sla,-I •m obliged for your folio,••Living msntluutog thte aen•tru0ttou of a new sum mer hotel at Gaderlub. I am glad to learn of this 134411oe to your footloose fur enter. (atnment of 'rooters. Ws intend t0 put otsamers on to our'1'oledo and Lake Huron lion which will provide) the but a000utmo• dation and wok. fait time. Yours truly• F. H. CLatwt•a, President Algoma Central Rttlw•7 Co. A FORMER GODEYIGH But W ronin.- The aonouoo.meat le made of the wedding of Harvey Hermitic of Moos.j•w, N.W.T.• formerly of Godertah, to.Mies Edith Mande oslIIJ, 01tW trths residence The ot remonthe b idi father. Walter K. Kidd, oo the evening of ���� YelledDu. V of L kefie'Ar officiated, a.� Mated by Rev. Mr. Fox. About seventy guests were present. The Drld. was given •way by her f•th.r,end Was attended by Miss Ida tiond•auCona•, of Courtrlght, and her ebur, Mess Draw Kidd, u bridesmaids, and little Eva Eva Kidd, daugbter ot 1Iw•r I Kidd, as maid ot b000r. The groomsman war J Herbert Kidd, of Toronto, brother of the bride. Mr. and Mn. Henning left for Cleveland • London and we,tern plaow, , prior to their departure for their future home la the Northwest, FORMERLY or Hotton. -1)r Luno•° Mo- Leod, of Urtio,r, who spent his boyhood days In Egmoodv lls a.4 s hyfield, died at his teem.... 00 C•oleld •veno• oo D.com ber 29 He ecu one of 4h. be,4_�p4�r4 week. ID the uwvoidable abseoos of the teeter, Rm.!. Seager, *1 Toronto, 000upl.d the affair very acceptably. The program ',blob was very wesmarled rried out by •tun .cholane. wee M to{bps• ; l srol by the remotion byl llnlle by Uurothy Tsouott, Holmes, •loan duet -by Charlie Turnbull aad With.,se Proudfoot, sword dulcetby Lalu Tweedy, tableau, Eason," by the girl. of Mrs Salter's Moss, recitation by Aline Sturdy.. dtslogue by Moo Dolena Reeves and ()moil rod 0, song by Mood Tilt and Norio Craig, recitation by Mabel Doty, rsoltat.,,te by Grace Seeger, violin es1su11o. by Frank Uoty, rwilatloo by Gladys Platt, moor by Beatrloe Well., reolt•11oo byJubooy Feli.ir, piano duet by Cholla Turnbull and his teaoher, Mr. Cull.bothCull. tableau. "Night •Del Morning," by bother l'coudfoot and '1'10) Macdonald. A tow wommuts after the comp platiou o7 the pro/nm Ratite Claus arrived and, makioq hie way to the plattorm, Moen the distribution of prizes from the well loam Ohristmi true. A present and • bag of candies Wore provided for each scholar, and all woof home happy. Blobs �"otais Uneof the mosURON t BUYS. --Saturday progressive of tD• Uid Boys' Associations is that composed of ex reald•Dl. of Haran county. Tk° sunual mI•tloq of the asaootation was held last Bight to the Temple building, and was large ly attended. Mr. J S. Wllliwo oresldod In the absence of the president, Mr. Hugh MeoUath, who I. ountinsd to his residues throagb ilium. The yearly (09034 war presented by the secretary, Mr. E. Floody' and wasvery gratifying, showing that en ath are now 225 members. The treasurer, Mr G. A. Smash, B A., reported Inat there b • satisfactory balance in toe treasury. The following tillers were elected for 1902:- Hon• presidents, Col. 1V U. Otter, J..S Wtlli.00. Hugh b1.oM■th ; prssideot, E Floody ; mos president, Dr. W. Sloan • rotary. K A -Walk-if ; treasurer �br' amath ; .Ewuttve oomealtko, J.A YoLares, E.J B Dueo•o, George Deacon, J R. Lyses, W Pe 1)0410 •t, W. Scoot, J S , 14 R. Loa,. T.Church, (7 1. Row, TDomi Yollalhc°ddy, H. C. Lou..C. s..Tb McDonald. C. R. Cooper, Thomas cool• and T. W. Gtbwn. It was deoided to hold an at dome. or 41.cqust In February, and the matter was left 1n the hands of the comm't'.°e to maks arreng•• merits A resolution oat pawed expressing the hops that the retiring president• who with an accident nwntly,wonld hay. a .peed y recovery, 'I lin LATE MISS FRANKS.-hUrther par- Oculars regarding Oa death of Miss Franks, which occurred at Woodbridge on the 27th ult., have been ressiv.d since oar tut issue. Alter le•vinq (50407 11 oo the Neturd•y fol• lowing the o;oame of whoa 1, abs nmsloed with her dater l0 Toronto until Tuesday evening, and then went to Wo•dbrdy to visit her brother, J. 1V. Franks. Rho had Roo. ea t, or some moot.., and as unfavorable symptom. inor.aud her brother oo the day loluwlng Chrism'. Wr't.•ded her to haus •doctor. Early the out morning ahs was taken worse, and the was spin summoned, but oould do nothing for her. At corm she took a weak spall and gradually sack until dee h came at 3:30 iu the rt ern000 t The oaure of death was hemorrhage of the stomach, She was buried on Sunday attenoo° In oho mon inert, at Maple, beside the remains of her mother and father. The latter, the late Henry Frank., died suddenly to .lute lot, and Miss Franks never .este recovered I from the shock which hu °De.peoteh Aemite mowed bor. er. Ilse Moods here, who • had row° t. respect and esteem her, reosivea eThe Ins intelligence of bsrdeall with the deep- regret. For needy ten years Mu. a.k• bad been 0o the mall of the Cental ar, ol, and was recognired •• a0 eH.ei°O W '' 'r. She was also a yr°eA memMr of the r nit 0t N'orth *t. Methodist chorea Gd baro y evening net • memonal eerv4o« was held , the church and wits attended by a large c •wre*atloo, The choir gallery and the cul ,'t were duped In black. Th • tutor, Rev. Usulel, took i has tea: the wore. ; "- oncoming them which aro asleep, that ye •0 0w 001, even as others which have aro h• . .' (1 Thew.lonlau, 4;13.4 The muttcal rube wan •ppropriatn to the solemn mouton and at the close the uriaol.t pl.vpd the D. March In Paul. Tog FPINSTERe' CoNv TION. -lot yry laughable &Heir was the Sp .seen' Cumin tion at the Opera house -on ridgy lit in aid of th• hoop:tui fund, and • good sum styne,ted as • moult of the e' , is of the Daughters of the Empire. D .es of •0tique assign and varied hue nod ed the spinsters • eight toed .hold, and wh • the unrgeousi • (1) ads* .led at • meeting of the Voting Lodes' thin le Hles.edoe,n Denoting Snolety and greet. ono another with multitudinous eortuw and bowing. 4Mt fen bogee, end lasted right up to the time of the dnseraotion of Prof. Makeover'. Rdmod.losorpe when the worthy president of the aforeeald .00lety eotsrad the m •gioal mochin.. A large bowler dbpiayleg the 1.q•nd, "Faith, Hope, Matrimony," In bold lettering, .trunk the keynote of the alms of this singular club, and the proceedings of the 'pinnies D R D that, the ao ent should be planed on the last of thew three genus. After the meeting was called 10 order 1. tibe .prield.Dt._c.kaLOdarinl • TnsephToe Jens Green, Ph1 secretary,Prl. °ilia Abiga,l Hosie•, oell•d the roll, the eat)ous m.mh•n te.pnodinq In their name with •one roar 1st or quotation to keeping p q P R trst IHYAf a report mbow«duro of es* oandllares for D De li"°uty powder, fhwere tor b•ohel.rm, and other similar Items, soil the minutes of the pre.•edins mooting 'corded the appoint moot of a oomm'ttes to frames petition ti P•rl•+meet looking to the amellmatln90 01 the usbappv condition of the members 04 the Slagle Rl isedneas Club. The pros.ed inge IeelaAed • retnnn seleotfnn by Cleopatra Sharps upheld the opposite form ot applies!. A rapping was beard just then sed Prof. Makeover Sas announced. He soured with 3onsidlrab)e gusto and 00troduold his K•modelosoope, •u iestcumont for r., y• ostiog uId muds. Uf nouns then was • rush to try the maobtns, and truly then eult was magioal. Old maids went to, and coins out young farms, men, olowa., twine, Trays. Patti., elooutiootsts, etc. The product of the witchlike gave the following selections : (:0,0.1 solo, H. K, Jordan ; Highland dams, the Misses Howrle ; real. tattoos, Mies Dudus; song, Mus Palliator; acrobatic aot, Fred Munro rod Reg. Harrl• son ; song, Eva Ausebrook It was mad• • 000dltlon of being allowed to eater the machine that the correct are must be given. When the president insisted on golog iu at the age of t.5uty the result war disastrous 'o tb• machine, and the curtab fell amid the general oo°tuslon. Th. quaint costumes, •udaolous words sod actions, innumerable geoufieetionm and wharmouloos Monitor of the spinsters made a tout enuroblo truly i°lmltaole and ludicrous to the extreme, but the selections oleos, supposedly by the ds, were of gmulne m,rlt•a•F llowdlop ante th every.day mimes of fns •'spnnun ." Miss R. Ball, Miss Doyle, alter ()arrow, Mite Amelia McLean, Miss Ansel, k, Mies 1, Masson, Mite Horton. Mus Yargar•t S,reng, Mus Heys, MiMona 1leetherald, Mrs. Henderson, Miss Holt, Mess F. Ball, Mee. I:. ()arrow, Miss H. Doyle, Mise E. Masson and Mime Mutely. Sherif Reynold. made • peerless Prof M.bovr. PK1ar'ITATlo, tSp 9cr1 ER. -After the lnrall•uoo of inn new tatters of Court Ooderlch, No, 32, if U,F., on Tueedy emu Ing last the rettraug sanitary, Thomas Burrows, war made the recipient of a testi mooial from his tsllew•momb•n in reoog°I tan of hie eervices rs rho lodge, Ho sew press°ted with • handsome C.O.O. pia_, •de°m�AetidZr�Z6e yo�Towid� odd/see: To Thomas Burrows, Esquire, Haoordbgr Boo Boo- rotary of 0.0 F, No. 40, Ooderlmh. Your bret°nn ot On. Court desire to mark your retirement from the oliico'ot rpoordiog awntary, whiah you bay* fitted such woe ,:•nos for some Years pest, by the, permutation of a small token of their 1. 'rho honor has fallen upon me of making tbl• prea.atatloo. It affords me muob pimiento to now make 1t. and to say, not only on my own behalf, Doe for Ibe whole Court, that w• highly recognise your past unselfish servioes, and trust that you may live for many tomtit)). what you now have to the fulla.t e1te01, the esteem and •ffoottoo 01 your comrades of No. 32. Sigsel on Mbaif of the Court, ' Jay WIIAON, District Deputy, JAMES S. TelT, Chief R • At the conclusion of th a pleauot affair Mr. Burrows Invited the boohoo) prCsent to an oyster supper, which war eerved et • r.. .- ••• Diarfot D.potya.ted as -chairman, and Jas S. Tait, Chief Ranger, occupied the vice ohalr. After the supper short spppohe• were mattby Munro Wilson ano Tait, A. Davison, F. Humber, T. Burrows'a,d .I, T. Newell. In.tr°meotal road° was funlshod by the Blscketooe orchestra, and Harold Blackstone reederods few Tonal soles. The jovial autism, c000lud.A a welt.p.oi evening with the God of the Oodertch Main Slatloe a party for tb• lit seven years. membsea of the party fest his less sx deeply and teD to kie widow ant •vary sympathy. At thn 74440016 0f oho publlo Ilbrary A. lluft, hbr•r an, hu Dese appolnte afat 000etable for the purpoof prat peao.and order In the reading root the approaches thereto. COMING AND GOING -- - Miss M. halllo left 012 Monday lo tourer, B,C. kid. Haml•n 5pe41 New You's De her sister, Mrs. Stovey, In Seaforth. Visa Ella Demos. of WiDgham. is • her 6000, Mr.. J W. Venaaur. Mrs. K B. Smith and Mrs. Ellis gone to lletrolt, where they will rap future. Don. J. T. Burow, 51,1'.1' , left om day for 'Toronto to attend the meet the Legislature. Mn. Jss, Breok•0rldgs ♦i•It•d ship- last: week, Hutohlnsoo, 03 l;ny ' Mrs. A. Fowl!. lett Monday moral Chicago, when she will spend the r der of the water. Mie Elna Guest left on Monday sumo her duties u subool Woolley tutor., of Grey. Mn, M. V•nstone and Edith •. guests of the former'. sinter, Mrs, , Pull. Porter's Hill. Fred. Eagle r•turo•d to his home Pomop on Monday after • ten days with friends 10 town, Miss MoMuroble, of Centreville, U•kou, "1"gout of her •sot, Mrs Merrb Cambria road, Minnie /n bell left on Set u arks. her new position on the staff WIB/nun publlo school. Rev. Allan Seeger, rector of Se. Cy{ church, Toronto, spent a few day 00 rIoh last week visitlog his parents. Miss August Taylor, of the 'Topp publlo school, spent •few day Imo w. the reaideeos of Ur. and Mrs. 'Taylor. Mrs. Maloolm, of Sarnia, reb°rn•d last week after a Omit at the home pareot.• Mr, and Mrs. Jw. Edwar tow.. Will Br ydges has gone to Rook : 111,, to tek• • course which .ill qualll (03 Ike potato° of V.M.U.A. 'Ayala rotor. Alex, MoUon►Id returned to ht. m al Ino Law School 10 Toronto o0 Mc *fur spurting his holidays l0 this borhosd. Mien Ethel Marrow sod Miss Qaeeat, by elected 0..• Uosu•with DavL, • b IW-.. Jam ...02.1met !out W. Phy0oimas:of the olty, and for a long tamp a hoo, i° fowl health bond polities. Dr. A O A YOUR LABEL and if you are ill arrear pay up at once. Also, , this illota- 00.00. e.eloh, ,y. MO oh, P. (lough. Norris, :ouooils --Rov. to he 15 the Erman f muco m will Rest to be ecu r°'i havlo9 .0 "he tot for 400°10- 16"P- town. :hat he at gate i D • y Dosed Hort/ o, wmenl 11 t`gl' )dd, rut, In0sw Ds first nesting Fri• eloapt The ber of ie or with : oroot0, 'doers, .he new uraing It is e of the e abr. n;0. d ion had Mendet 5 Mtew. hewing 1)37. New Place at notate' twenty- Martin, many ot the Ile and end i moste Other os Mas. •beat -A bout baro at ichuroh i alarm in the seA by nags bit- •yew ns. control. s baild, the his flery fin vow, •leen " . 60,1e- a9 mu• er, ('OL AasNe n este. Rabin. elrareb, Ised. of ahs IS the proper time to renew your sub- scrlption for - •,. _, , t v All remittancelt should be sent by postal sets, P.O. order or ex se order Mildoctor THEt'IGNAL U LoNierich, ORtariu - 'Puna tall e° 3/107/17 to wmmeow work w publlo wheal tewahere b the1 oro earl of the county Mime Nellie Harris hos returned after spending eeversl week■ In ford hospital. Her many (Pleads are p to know that she 1s again a good heel Mn. C. Campbell 1e1, oo Mond address a sense of Women's lo•tlt01. i035 to the counties of llarOn, Un' Bran°. She will be away for three t Among the holiday visitor. 00 tows A. R Robertson, L. D. 8., of Kingstreet, Dr Robertson ts doing • pond basic KinsvUle, and does not find time for R huhd•vs' Brandon Sun, 1)u. 21 : Mr. R. E. left this morning for hie old home to rich, Ont., and, judging by the fur "Ulok" was pubobwlog before h• le does oot Intend to return alone. Mite Ella MoMntn, who virile, forum, forum, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. MaMa township, during the bol returned to 'Toronto on Moud•y to n her posltloo •. publlo whoul teacher. W Glans Campbell returned to tow week, having almost folly recovered attack of solation, aid Du n,sem work a. organist of North ones. Met an/ a private t 11011. for to m A. U. porting and I1Ne dacght Nmq•, Mao„ an mpeodl09 • month in the guests of their relatives, Mr. a°! G. M. Elliott. It is twelve years slot Sperling was In Coderioh, and he o quite a number of changer. Peter A. MaTayuh, of Horon tow oouoly of Bruins, spent New Year'. I: town with his meter and brother.to-la, and Mrs. R. Henderson. He rel home the following day acoompanled nephew, William 1'. MoTavleh, of River, ANNOUNCEMENTS. singing of Sites the King. ---- - HOCKEY NOTES. The seniors play at Stratford tonight. The Horton Jordan block would Ilk• to •mows. 'notate. with other local teem.. district lemon. calked of has not mu tonal -zed, and the seniors will have only exhibition am.. this ssa.on, R A big crowd turned out at she rink on New l'eer's night to sae the famous Wel 11ngton. of Toronto, the ubamploos of the OH. A. 't bey found 00sned that the •talion from the olty were only •bundle of mtleb lhataoold be buten by any one of • holt. j sur teems to Iowa. The hums dozen played team I. ed all .round them and the fares • mo o. of 31 to 4 In favof r o ended withhu Goderich. It i• said that only one of the visitors unloo9•4 to the Wdlf°gtone-IA Maitre, who played •good gems.. "Willie"(thumb Lark, formerly In IDs limo of Moetrmil here, w•a •member of tb• tom binetloo. Those who hail expected to see a fort game were disapp'nted and disgusted. A loot! junior league ha• been formed team., of four viz, the Harmon Club ammo, obs Elites, H. K. Jordan. teem (.1ta. the Shorties), and the Dollar higbttee Toe last Dame °Haile, ed, •n tradition says, from the foot that the team atoned one on Its. with • ospinl of $1.80. A schedule for the raison has boon •rrang°d, and the emu 10 far pla,.d Indioate that there will be a lively fight for th. champion.on ,hip. Four emits have these plated to date. a Harty nays have beaiea the Shorties an the Elites, the Dollar Eighties have boa 0 the Social's. and o01'uestl• 0t he the F, tea defeated the Shona. by coots of 4 to In • keenly untested game. to coo, otion with oho gam• 00 New Year's mgr , the hookey club h•oissued the following tau .moot : The (todei •h hookey club desire to apologize to th publlo who attended the hockey match oo ew Year's night betwreo team • a. tun; .rtip tpo..d Ie be the Wellington of Toronto. Dr. r. 411,411, the president • our team, when in Toronto on Uhristmas ea four members of bo Y a Wellington team, who faithful) promisor' to sum• up has ,d pray it the gams was arranged, and It -u os. that understanding that we went abao and advertised the game as between the Wel- lingtune and our own team, On , end• Y• U•osmber 30, we received a tel*g' •Irom ons or the plyets giving um the Dan . of the men who wore to enure 0p hare, id there were four m.mbera of the senior tea on that flat Hoping that the Dublla sell teolpl the explanation en the pare 0f the (lod•rioh team, as they , srtllBly did not In- tend to defraud the tonna l0 any wave and ars very sorry that they did not have the pleasure of 'situ /sing amore 'molting game, DAN MCIVER, S.o.-Treas. - MoLsod was born I° (Jape Breton 1848 toting 1 descendant of three famous Su. titan r1•n., Stuart• Comoro° and McLeod. In 1850 his parent. moved to Hamilton, O• t. i0 he hoybood days he attended the ria mooA►flle school, and at the age of fifteen entered the lisvli.ld public school. He taught school for Nva years, mad i. 1870 entered Trinity Ualyeteittf, Toronto, grad yattruywhh tba dagrse-. ..-1iMuird C M. la too spring of 1873 he went to Detroit, when be had slued resided. R. will b remembered by many friends to the neighborhood whore his earl IUs. was R y spent Nom SCHOOL Boo - '111. regular meeting of the public school board was held on Monday evening. All the mambas wero y g' present, The report of Inspector Talley upon the work of the model wwoe botl w reopived. The oonoloding paragraph of the report was a. follows : "the students io this school passed a very satisfactory exam- testis° and pay evfdenoe of haying been wnfolly trained. They were also mhah interested In their work Although my dote. connect me only indirectly with the public school in which rhe model school le situated, yet 1 cannot help saying that the teaching and dteotpties in the dlRooA t divlsione of the school are unusual) Accounts of Bull/anus & Lisbon tor ms- terial and repair., amounting to 824 57, were referred to the eoetiog•nt committee Account* of Rhynes & Cornell, 82 ; ,Sturdy Brow , 86 ri5 : The Star, 83 b6, were ordered '0 be paid. Thn bol then ad+ourned ate The The natatory mutat of the board of 1902 will be hold on Wed'owd•y evening. 15th inn. I1oi-TRo1'r --A pretty Now Yeti's wedd.og took place •t the nsid•hoa of John Halo at noon on Wednesday, .January 1st, his youngest) daughter, Mus C•thenoe !1 u- K,11,,, tans united to the hoods of matn. moray t a Ito hert E. Trout, of N futon 'The neremony was performed by Key. Jas. A q Men.O aB the presence of pearly an. hundred guests. The bride was prettily gowned In white elk organdie, with a plc tors hat, and carried • bouquet of hrldal ropes. The brldeamatd was Mies !Margaret I:ampbell, who also was handsomely a, tired, ,1, K. lialn, brother of the bride, duoharred the dtvirs of bast man, The wedding mmroh was played by Miss M M3•P Donald. 'When the nuptial knot had been Oed the petty sot down to mn ,ic'llene r• pest, and at 3 15 the happy a,uple left for the r home at Wurbn, followed by toe Np.cl•I tour d.y,' cheap sale before taking •t the new bargain store ° Square -big bargains. .1. W. boom) Oysters, &twry■ fresh, at the old r oyster house Vlocurla Rest t mt., In bulk or .1 all styles, los 1 fruit oohlwtiohery, 01 NTONE gets 1L°' G. B 1VANTED,-('hofoe roll butter• 180. 1 mink or fox, 83.50. Our slaarhte of dress gouda during Jaenary and 1 ary Is worth coma, miles to esut G. R. KING, Witt Mr TUC wbhe't to seooeese WO)." rocs of the lisimoral Cefe and oho reeer.11y that he has sold the bushes. 1. Edward, who will n.ndoot It future He thanks him friend. tor be untige to the past and hope that be o00tnioT, to the new proprietor. sell Ileus. 111.7 Ladies look younger--whlob la the of n°. and •II. Take the tronbls of r 1'Ru•'. DIIRnN \g LNU'6 prlvt. •how ro Hotel Bedford, (]odwloh, en Tha laouary 16, sr,d See the many bs. I°ventlOos to mtvlw of human halt Ings, wigs, hangs, 'wit0h5., oto., • .9.00 hb 0ew peteet arnotan. A big swell antiunion eomlog Opera se Thormdsy, January The famous Boll* Morrlsee's Big Mlnetreb, the fussiest lady mionre pony av'r en tAe road. ('rnwAsd grist them •v.r�whe', •Del all the 6 ••trete say they ars the bass( that hat play ad thronsh 1'ma•At. Ths at pupa. The most heautlfTl and mat spoola111ns and oostames 5750 awe t supe, Nee programs for partlealut oars ywir sotto lowly. W. (Ilene (omphnll, mutest Ain North street Methodist ohneoh, mean fromMais*• elm tusks' Illneeson Monday eaadler ran will be; to really. any persons desiring e *donation in any of rte brenehsa, pntae*d for Toronto) ('o0servttory Imattnne• to he h611 In Ood.rleh net Y,. C•mphell'n dye .r1 as (.lb.• teat°. unreels• and Wednaeda •it.. Blyth, Touchy and Werin ay moi Godorleh, Thursday Friday and Sat For arms and tome of eteAy Rood wt•hss 0(a host of friend.. '1'h. w,A• dl1r gilts were numerous and neatrtitul, and bore whnesn to tie esteem !it which the bride b heir' by her fries& In GoAerich and ehmehere. MAKI%1 RAPID i'R(NiRElt. --Gond grog• res* Is b«roe m*d« In the "milfactlon et the new summer hotel on the Irks frons. ie 15 expected that the roof .4)1 ton cnmp)It le this'rook. T•, pee if gond work and first• oisas mseerlal were brine put Ino theP building, • Milton who tek(m some lotersst In the mat er had a0 snit near from an out side piece go over 1be building prlvalely, and stamina into It. o°natrnonnn The engineer made a tl orough .nspeotloe and his report 10 the oitt►•o was ver utislac. y tory. Mr Smith nae Assert of some reports to the effect that the building le not what it thatlbe would like the mut to he, and ho aenetor , 10note cn°n• oil to . weil t • pnotloal m.e, 41. whn ken.. s...mo 1 abut halldfnw, t0 rn R down noun and mak* an luspeotirn, so u to y generally. He wants the inspection to be mad• at ono., before the instd. work 1. comm.eesd TO how the Immense amount of material Man In the ooaaraotion, Me. Nmhh "le that 3°0•Cti bet of IumMr will be raq•ilrad In thorr(temrilwlllate lbe 1 ,000 arAs of w.11t : 130,000 briok bereel y P 16,000 pehwde 11 sells w11) he "'MOM DM 1Syht►n, who hal hod 4'oniy throe lie sons on OHM music;' a paper on Woman'. R rho& by Sophia Stook up ; and a sunt, "No One to Loire," by the members, charm• irgly inheem onions In its render;nw. Ths .aside° appearance of a moose, lost after tome marriage 'LABOR,' had been rod, created •medley of shrieks and orles, and entire ring to a premium t• havens of refuge. Two new candidates for admission to memberehi were b1roA0nad at this jou tars, and after being oateahlsed set., •/e, occupation (M erhtnh the answer Was "man- hunr.log") and a• to whether or not they had had any love •Niroend It an fall par Henna. of same, they W8rI admitted. «A P,.Im of MorrisR a e,"ar04 os. the'•P&In, of D 7 sharp was reed by K.Moos Raoharl Sharp.. °nt•tl' no of the marriage market Q were given, In whlnh • nnmher of •Ilgihl• - (IHderloh Mohlnn were goofed a'•Mrsiy &ttaoUvs," "fluctuating," enme7ahle," net .f the market," nnthinq .doing•" •'corn.,.4," "In ,le ao1 " ••to he had for oho ashler," etc. Needles* to say this port Of the prneeMfn/. emitted oensid.r*M5 amnesme00 A p.etln offssinn by R«Gy Rohhatt was 't& • unto "Why D.n'r the Man Propose," was 91vn with a goo,' deal of emphasb hordoring to lentos despematlee. Now' et a town with a anrpl°e of mon ecu v*A eel, h d.11ght and .n *vldsee de•irA to be off Immediately. A dui ays*sl t1 the (ieo.rfrh baehelnre ecu oue9 to the tons of • I) my darling (71.mentln.," and then sum• • debit* on the cognition 0f dress r1- I form. Belied& Rla.graes read a paper edyeeatles a reform mad Reboots' Raphael - LOCAL NEWS IN BRIEF. A pall on R. J, !Wham will mimeos you that nowhere can you get better value In ordered clothing. Style and fit the host. Th. (Aldtello+m an(uneKing tor •bell to be held o0 the 23rd loot, Os Monday, being Epiphany, sarvloo was held In 1tPeter" ohoroh in the morning and 57'04119. Mn. Webster on Friday lit slipped on the sidewalk on West 51,1.6 and 1n tb• fall her right arm was broken. Chu. Videan is nursing an injered hand. It wee caught In one of the carrying onps at the big mill and was Melly cat bhre the machinery could be .lOppsd 1 he ilaoihtars of the Empire wilt meet on Monday afternoon next, at 4:30 o olook, ID the library of the enure hones. The members will pleew ooUos the ohaeg5 0l ditto' Thn many friends of Miss Minna Stab es IOU Fee pleased to know that *h* hu again taken • 1•••""°•"•• o1.rk a.a t.s,.k-°leper with the motile firm of (len. W. Thomp•oa 4 8°11. Warden Holt r.Mine, the sad saws yostaiday, 0t the death on the 31st of Ihicembwr lit, of "BM" Rad, see said* semen fle•td`(IoA.riehDbell at Wallah Er. . AT. N.ntloo'. 5 S. ('HwrtYMMI To.., - The 1 Christina. rnt.rrhl0mea4 of Bt. Gsorws'a Sunday wheel you hold Ie the 'shall TOWS ea Thursday DIED. t'itKBAIWA. At Montreal, ice Sued. tth. Alm& ointrt► .oto., of th 11.or . ('r.be.aa• man •last pf I1.s ----"' --'sr H�� Mover. letirmnamat .. orestag of last 5ple9 The vary obi ld board ■ p.• tying and r Vas - with tinting have de to Tues. 0/ of hoe town • O 9 for main• O as. a the • the . Mo. o To. y4.1t South Gee. orday d oho rlao'. (lode. rvllle • k at home of her d, •f Island y him •1 di• Ladles o dy, Bsigh. Rob. their ousb• home Strat- leued the •y to meet - e nd reeka. WWI wills. e el In many 51111 b God. - Gun sit, be her b, of days, •um• o last from ti tole hodl•e tiara. ir, of town, Mrs. Mr. oilcan O ship, lay to w Mr. 0rned by 311e Kalov sleek• o the ra1(1, liable West - ream. WCL• N'. •bra• thorn. • paw pablie 1 te J. l0 this their tt will Sign - desire 1siting oma as May sutltal coyer• 0d lin- to the 6th - Lady I Oom • hones. &ding • ever reflood •eloo• n any . 8. for of ed him vering dsawed nosteal Pupils ex•m- O July. Cho - name, n4n9.. 5rday. oral• huge