HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1902-1-2, Page 12)
8 1htI1wT, . 2, 11002.
All Winter Goods
Bargains in Jackets
All must go now. Pnoee away
down. Long Coate will be the cor-
rect thing next Season too. \Ve
have a few left. -all going at re-
duced prices
Bargains in Furs
High -claw Caperines and Huffs,
from 610.00 to e 25.00, going at re-
duced pricer. Don't miss this mon-
ey -Saving chance.
Bargains in Millinery
Clearing et half prioe, Children's
Mod Ladled' Hata.
Bargains in Dress Goods
Extra value 56 in. wide colored
Howeupuns, going at 50o. yard.
Handsome plaid -back Cloths,
regular $2 00, clearing at $1.50.
Bargains in Clothing
A large stock to choose from
Reduced prices all round.
Suits, Overcoete, Pants.
Boys' Clothing
Regular 12ic. Prints, the best,
feat colors, all shades, at 10c.
We still give the Coupons on the Chairs.
Save them up. More Chairs in this week.
Smith Bro's & Co.
- -MORA' -14Nlid. Accounts'Pmsse7-A
eNber CWsess Tra.eaelsd.
'flee town council met last Friday even.
♦ oemmontcetlan from Mr. t:arrow, town
S elfaltor, informing the coaooll of the ds
I.s la the elevator ow, and dlecusslag
e ared, polo% In the case, was reed and
referred to the epeotel oommitlse.
At the request of the collector. the time
limit for nUeotlsn of taxes was extended to
Ike let of Fsbewry.
W m. MoCaagban, of the pumping eta
d oe, was granted • week's holiday,.
As appltnUoo from Mrs. E. MoKlonoo
for remission of fare* was referred to ti.
...re of rsvlsioa.
Dr, J. L. Turnbull applied for se extra
water service te supply power for so xray
sarrioal apparatus which be in patting in.
The mater was referred to the water and
Rahe committee with power to set, Mr.
Humber dissenting.
A oenemoalallon from F Campioa,K.0
steed that George (furrows. of the town-
ship et Aehtleld, had met with an anldeot
by reason of tele, compelled to make
a devtadon to reach the Mutlaod bodge
while the G.T. 14.. brides wer bees, renewed
Hie buggy wee upset and wrecked and bo
was tbrewo oar and severely injured Mr.
Camp ort'• cleat 000etdered the tows and
to• railway oompmoy were both liable for
dunces., and offered to sedle with the town
for $75.
The ooneoll Destructed the clerk to Inform
Mr. Campion that they did not reedier the
°erpored°. was liable, as they did not
•u►beriz• the removal of the bridge.
Tee following soo.aals were sant to the
finance oommitte• : Junes MoVloar, build
log a ebimoey •t weigh scale*, $5; W F. &
A. Health, 1e•tber, $6 07 ; Canadian General
Eleotrlo Co.. Terouto, supplies, 16 42 ;
Jamlese. Reid, muted work, ate., at pomp
bones, $15 50 ; A. Id. Polley, livery. 55.
Tao water and light oomml%tee reported
that tkey bad assborized the purohas of
two transformers and the 000nwting of the
reeidenose of the jailer and J. A. Moloteh
wttb the electrlo system. The committee
reoommeadd that the application of Mr.
Smith ter water service for the summer
hotel be granted and that the work be done
w early to the spring as possible. The
revert was adopted.
The publlo works committee renommeodd
that the application ot E. N. Leyte for a
sewer en hewn street be received and the
matter looked Into; that the appllntln tor
eosaectIn with the sewer for the summer
hotel be granted, and that P. MoGarthys
application for • galley at the ooroet of
Wellesley and Kirin atrium be laid over
for further oobetderatir r. 1 be report was
The court of revision recommended the
following eternisation. of taxes : Mee Lobe.
$6.30 ; Mrs. M.l.illlvray, $6 25 ; Mrs.
Hydop, 55; Surreal Weller, 56.75. The
eoart rentnmeedd that as sodoo be taken
1. regard toe the applioatiene tor remotion
et dog Mx or Goo Asb•an's apphalloo
for remission of taxes on his store which
was damaged by fire. Th• report was
The spatial oommitte, hatter smoldered
E. N. Lewis' rommuolattoe regard lbs
bsrbor imoros•menr., reported that they
enosldrred the scheme feasible and reopen
mended the appointment ot a oommitte M
take actin In the matter with a view to
■oIIoIbiog the Government'. attention and
assistano• to the undertaking. The oem-
minss had testrooted the stere to notify
Nee beard of trade that in the sweat of she
Grand Trunk Railway Co.'. .mating a new
statins the eonooll would leave the assets
most sit lot S' (n which the station build
lag is eitu•ted) sett 1s at present for a farm
of ten ,..r,. A grant of 510 bad beep
tssde for eta poultry skew. The roman nes
rocommeodd that Theodore Hale he re
twined a day policeman daring the pleasure
of the counoil, and that his duties be defined
and his salary fixed. The report wee
A motion wee pawed amending clauses 3,
4, l;, 24, 28, 33 sad 42 of bylaw No. 8 of
Following are the proposed ;changes in
the bylaw
3ao cucas--8trik5 out all words from
"corporation" (4th hoe) to "and all such,'
oto. (5th 11e•) ; also leay• out words "ex
apt as aloreaid" (lute Ila)
17TH cucss-Add after "works' (3rd
Unit) "wy ea such occasions as the Donnell
may specially allow."
24ra ct.Aess-Add after "racing" (led
line) "en the publlo streets" ; also at end
"lead In no aw shall any hone or animal
be drlv.o at • treater speed than 8 miles
per boar, and .ball slow up al all atrial
oradoes wttbin the said corporation."
29TH cl.Av0s-Add "without being cloth-
ed In a proper bathing soli."
30TH CLAI'MI-Add after "M.yor"' (18.6
Ilnel "Polio. Megb,rat.
WILD cucss-Strlk• out "market' i2od
line) and add after "iapeo''or' 18th Ie*.)
''or day pollee."
42sn cucss-'lo be amended a3osrdlog
be statute. widest is ems dollar In place of
two driller,.
Ogre moose -Add attar "Mayor' (7111
tete) "Pollee Magistrate." -
A mutton wee passed that 'Theodore Redo
be appointed day policeman at • salary at
►he rate of $3.50 per year, his duties to be
to enforce all bylaws authorized by the
ooatwtl and to take oars et the Agricultural
The °ouooll then •djoureed.
Mo1.n.T, Dss. d0.
Tw,.rr-nrre Ar1XIvL.*RT, - A vary
pleasant tr.'s% took p1•.. on Marrieds!.
farm, Colberogeo Seturday,l)eosmber28 h,
when 'hoot forty relatives sod friends
assembled at the residence of Mr. and Mrs
Henry J. Morris to celebrate the twsoty•
fifth anniversary of their wddlog day.
After the guests bad arrived Mr. and Mrs
Morrie wore colied into the sitting room and
the followlag address was read by Mise
Lydia Bock
1'o Aunt Annie and Cools Harry ;-It
become* sur pleaant duty, on behalf el your
relatives and treads wembled here this
eftors000, to remind you 'het we are oot
forgetful of the fact that you heves torsed a
gamier of a century to wedded life. In the
varied walks of neighborly and soots) Inter-
oourse, you hays contributed abundantly
toward makins It. pleasure In the circle In
wbloh wet have moved. We do not forget
that when the laugb was merriest your
happy presseoe added pleasure to the ,cone ;
and when re visited our homes your
words of oonsolatloo and sympathy made
obs sorrow lighter. R.00IIsetlog the plea
ant years mads agreehls through your
acqualorana, your relative* herewith ore -
emit to you this sliver tea service, and
desire your aaeptanoe of the same. This
gift, a memorial •1 twenty -bre years of
wedded life, is pretreated as a token of the
high esteem le which you are held by your
many relative. May 11 adorn your table to
the future, and when looking at thee. gifts
at your gelded wedding, we shall be re
minded of the scene whish took place
twenty live years before - the deligbtfal
occasion we eehsbrate today. Wields( you
both • long and happy life.
Morrlsdale Farm, Deo. 28t1s, 1901 -
Mc Morrie replied lo behalf of himself and
A full range of all the Authorized and Recommended
TEXT BOOKS for Collegiate Institutes, Public and
Separate Schools.
Scribblers and Exercise Books,
ranging in price from lc to 5c,
and from Sc. to 15c.
Lead Pencils as low as Sc. per
O.r Tlalap'es \ Ran 100 M. Quirt Hoose Square, Odderich.
Mrs. Morris 1.. a very appsupltate masses,
doeskin, the Woods for Guth very baud•
some presents, aad ,puke feelingly of the
Homy plesaat gatherings of the past to
•ddittuo to the handsome tea sluice tdr.
sad Mn. Metre received • lases number of
beautiful layer promote. At six o'oluok
the guests repaired is the dialog room,
which was decorated with evergreens and
dogs In the middle of the table, wbooh
wee deoor.Nd with holly, stood • turgid
fluent four-story oaks, bearing the da'ss
1876-1901, with all the other viands sod
delteoles of the .oaeoo. All partook heart
ily of the roomy good tbiags provided by
the bootees. Tao ,resins we* 'peal pleas
ankly in games and social 000rers,tlon, and
the party diepsrsed wtshlog each otter •
happy New Year. -Cur,
The Christmas entertainment of Se.
Uerp s Sunday echoed has been changed
Isom Friday otgbt to Thuislay might of this
week, la tee sohcol room.
The pollen of North street Methodist
obutoh wee oacuptd on Sunday by Rev, R.
Whiting, of Mltoholl, who delivered two
god devours**. Mr. Whetter also ad-
dressed the Sunday afternoon meeting to the
Tomperanoe Hall.
The resditien at t. ofard's "Angels Guard
The*," at St. George's oboroh on Christmas
morning, by Mie* Duaogb, we the ylollo,
and Mr Cuff, oo the organ, we ysry muob
appreolated. Mia Doaogb also assisted in
other parts of the coustel service.
News has beep reoeivd of the death of
Rev. Dr Flannery, • well knosu member
of the Roman Cscholia clergy of the dloow
of Loodua. A year ago he wart appointed
to the paeterais of Irishtown, hue shortly
afterwards Ill -health compelled him to giye
up his work, sod he went to Ireland to live
with lib sister Hie death took plan there
e a Saturday, December 2151. Dr. Flannery
wee • large hearted, whole waled roan, pee
saved of brilliant talents and wide learning.
The Paris Methodist oboroh ha decided
rte //Iv' • f.bilos banynet to their pator,
Rey Dr. Wakefield, oar Feb. 18th, 1902. if
Dr. Wekelleld lives to complete the present
conference year be will bays preached In the
Methodist oboroh for the long period ot
fifty years. • d1►einotioa occupied by oo
other Methodist mioisur, sod perhaps no
other minister in the 1)omicioo. Notwith.
standing Dr. Wabel•ld 1e seventy yars old,
he is hearty and vigorous, and ha►ooeptd
an tor itattoo to remain • fourth year to his
present obarre. For about thirty -bre years
be has oosapled the patinae of chairman of
the (lista tot with whish be was oonneotd,
aced twin was preeldent of the conference.
No other man In Amer -o• has •t tended the
three ecameoloal 000lereooa, two of whish
were held In Leeman, 1•:oglend, and one in
Washington. 1)r. Wakefield began bis pas-
astoral wort to Ser.tlord Ie 1852, and the fol
lowing ere some of the place* where he ha
been stationed :-Ingersoll, Woodstock,
Aylmer, Que., Aylmer, Oot., Niagara, Wel
land, Drummondville, Thorold, Sunoco,
Sherbrooke, Quo., Jt Mary's, Chatham,
Hemiltos, Uoderlob, Mslb.uroe, Australia,
Dundee and Pees to 1893 and at present.
JACY9UN-00AD.- On Christmas Day, by
R... V.1. Oaten. A. Kersey Jackson. of
Rluevale, to Miss Mlnoe Coed. of Trow-
. bridge.
WILSON PATTERSON.-Is Colborne town•
ship, op December TIUI. at the residence
01thefbride, by Rev. James Wilson. of
Ole000a brotber of the gram.'John Wil
sonto Miss Aimee Patterson.
8MITH-COTTLR -At the residence of for
bride's father. Clinic., on 25th December.
by Rer..1 Greene, Chas. Smith, of Clinton.
to Miss Ida K. Cottle. daughter of Oer.
MoCREATH-YOL'HO --0. Cbrtetma Ere.
1901, at the residence of the bride's father
Park et.. by Rev. Jas. A. Anderson. H. A..
William Junes McCreath. or New Bruns-
runswick, New Jersey, to Charlotte Mar>
tldalme►, eldest daughter of NA ell -am
DZI.AN T. -Is Dublin. oo December 18th,
Mn. John Delaney. m-ther of Mrs. Woe.
Doyle, Goderlch. aged 71 years.
FRANKS. At Woodbridge, on Friday, D)e-'
oember 27. Nellie Frank•, daughter of the
late Ileory Franke (for many years teach-
er In the Uoderh:h online sohooll 1s Aar
45th year.
WALLIN.- 10 Leedom. on Tuesday, Doeembm'
24th. James E. Wallis, •no of Jobe Wallis,
Kest sl.. Ooderloh. aged ':1 years.
Aorta`our New Year's resolutions should
bootee to your
your taaorlrl wade at Y. 1.
Pndhaw'a the leading tailoring eetabl eh
meat. Ha who:A io guarauteed.
The Huros poultry show U being held
this week at the town ball
The selectors of jurors for 1902 tlolebed
their work oa Saturday after • otos days'
The Star blook has aooep•,ed the °hangout
of The signal blook'e Luckey players, but
theism* has out yet some off.
Robs. McL,•u is still Maytag horses for
army purpose*, and an inspection will take
piste bore tea Saturday, the 11th.
Hoa. Astbotr Petr,
Attorney Ironical w111
rimmed Hoa. thrush]
Feiqubareos a. Premier
of Prince Edward !eland.
A Junior hockey league hes been formed,
oomprtslog tour clubs, all of town, and •
sense of gems will be played for the local
Tte sporting *seat of the week Is the
bookey match on haw Veal'. night between
the Wellingtons, of 'l'orooto, and the Gude.
rich twat. The W •Iltugtoos ars the to3iur
ohampluw of the Oot.rto Hmksy Atom*
Members of the 33r1 regiment will be
Interested to the anooaooemsot that Copt.
C J. A Cuoutoghsm Dunlop, lav adjutant
O 1 chs regiment. is going out to Routh
Athos. He is solletlog as a private In thS
ooatlogsot now being locoed to Canada.
The regular meeting of the C. 0 F. wiU
be held o. Tuesday next, January 7, 1902,
when the leatallatloa of othars w111 take
plies. As this wilt be the Bret meeting to
the new year, • full ad emdana le desired.
.1L+. TAIT, Cble1 ; THue. Bl'eauwe, See.
The friends of Mia Franks, of the public
school ta:bine stab, were greatly shocked
and grieved to levo of her detb, wblob
took place on Friday last at Woodbridge,
where she was •taping her brother. Part-
oulare of the sad and unexpected ocrurence
bays not yet boo reoslre1.
At • spsotal msetiog of the public sohool
board on Mooday evening. Mia hkeltuu
was appointed to the position on the oen-
tral school staff mads recant by tn. (testis
of Idles Franks, aad Miss A W Ball was
. ppoioted to &Ilse Skelton's room In St.
Patrick'• ward school.
Hester 'Times We regret to learn that
I Mr. S. 1. A, B,yd, principal of our public
school ba resigned his position. Mr. Boyd
has Kean very sucoeseful in hos work hers
and the pupils and parenue will be very
sorry to hear of bis intuitions. bVa under
'sand Mr. Boyd hes a desire to go to Dakote
and eater Into the newspaper work.
W T McTavish, of New Ontario, Rainy
Rover District, returned acoub two weeks
ago to his foru.et home and b:rbhpl.oe,
WDegham. slur an absence of over nye
years. He has teen visiting Irteads and
r.1•tltss at lIlar•et points and is at pees
rot to town wtth his uzols sof aunt, Mr,
and M•e. R Hsadersoo. He 'perks trebly
el the new cosotry atd its bright prospects
In the Dear tutors. He would advise all
vouog men todo as he did -160 acres of
land free nod plenty of work and good
wages. 1'.'s ',loitered wound that K. Te
will net rotors ohne, bee that be but tepee
for the girl he left behiti 1.
Cowywiotrrs !e.
Anyone..ndtng •.setts and dw.rrtpt inn mal
quietly aee•nain ear upinion free whether an
Invention is probably pateatablr. Coommunles-
tlnn.strictly nonedential. Hand d.ok on Patents
NM free- Oldsw aases•nn r7 for seeurIntpstente.
Patents 1aa•a.yarough Nunn t 4 O. rectors
,pleb/ egret, out charge, to the
Scientific _American.
A hen/some!, Illustrated weekly. I.arwe•t rlr-
_.. 554.41.n of any screnUllc journal. T•rm•. 13 a
ear friarm.,ntha• St. Hold bye/1 r
t newsdeale.
UNN & Co.3612 New York
Braiteb 01150e. tat F St.. Wabinetuo.). C.
Thin Hair, Discolored Hair, Etc.
He '011.L he AT
Thursday, Jan. loth
With HAiR GOODS, (adios' and Gants' WIOS, TOUPEES.
description, etc. •
Ile can improve your personal appearance.
Plain feeturee and disfigured heads canoed through the lofts of
hair made perfection.
Thousands owe heir fine look. to the skill of Prot. loronwend.
` Human hair ADORNS and l'ROTKCl'S the heart, r
Don't fail to see his new PATENT
HAIR STRUCTURE, patented all over
the world.
Secured at Hotel , J\ OU' . 5 i t
-Eessessb•r for ear ear may
First close cut hair, e.prnially grey and white hair, taken in exrhange.
McKenzie-I II
Wish all their customers a happy
and Prosperous New Year and wish
to extend their thanks and apprecia-
tion to those who have contributed
towards making a record breaker
year in the history of their business.
We can say we will Ifo all in our
power to give our customers the best
at lowest possible cost throughout
the New Year. Quantity tells, and we
handle the quantity and give the
The Finest
R togtes in Primes from 85o to 05 00
It's $ Pleasure to Show
F. B. DUNHAM, Phm. B.
Corner of Wrist at. and the Square.
jtejor Quiz (ex Confederate) - "Say, Pat,
• you at Boll Sue 7' Paddy -"O; was,
sass" Major Quiz -"And did you run •"
Paddy-"Faltb, 01 did. sur; and all that
didn't run are there yet." -Harlem Life.
Heretofore clergymen bay• been granted
a redacted rate on Comedies railways, plying
only one sod one-half coots per mile while
other passodgsrs were assessed throe omits
per mile. Alter January 1.t, 1902, clergy
will have to pay full fare, as atter thee dot•
lbs railways will entirely discontinue,* the
issue of reduced rate ticket..
These make both useful
PR the next two weeks
will give
with ev-
ery pair
of our...
Shoes a beautiful
picture of
Queen Louise.
What nicer Christmas present
you give a lady than • pair of
famous Shoes 1
We have taken great caro to select our
stock of BLIPPEIRB, so have
a splendid assortment to choose from.
Nine, warm all felt Slippers. only 16o. per pair.
Felt Slippers, with murk solos, at 26c. and 50, .
par pair.
lieu's Leather Slippers at from 50o to $1.75 per
Fancy Velvet Slippers, for children, only 26c.
per pa r.
and acceptable Christmas Gift..
Sole agent for Queen Quality and Walk•Over. Cash Shoe Dealer.
The Ontario Oororom•.1 has passed an
order In Coupoll Incorporating the Algoma
Tobe Words, with an authorized capital of
Stratford is oeordsrlug an offer of 512,000
from Mr. I''4r Deg i• for public hbraty
purposes and Klogstos has an offer from
the ams gentleman of 510.000
MIke-"U is 'wise, Pak ; was obey au'
wan gar•rI. Hie bridles* - "B•gorrab,
thio, am 01 an emote or an mut, Ot donna!"
- Exobants
Gable (referring to Egyptian pyramid.)
-"!t took bmdrsds of years to build
them." 0' Selma (the wealth► cootie odor )
-"Thin it war • Gerot'mtat job-sh ! "
T$.arU051 50. tie
tad es Wien' mfr I
A an Sweep of All
IT is not the policy of this store to carry merchandise from one season.to
another. Goods bought for a season's trade must be sold that season, no
matter what sacrifice we have to make to clear them out. Because of this
policy we quote these sensational prices on Winter Mantles, commencing
Saturday, January 4th.
Every Jacket must find a new owner before the month is out, and we are
willing to sacrifice profit and even a part of the cost, in order to have them all
change hands, We have made the prices low enough to make these the biggest
Mantle bargains ever given in town, low enough to clear them out in short
order. The sooner you come the better will be the choice. For easy selling we
group them in two Tots, and the prices have been cut just about 1n two.
Mantles That Sold at $5.00 and 1$6.00
_ Vow_ Selling at Your Choice for $3.25.
Ladies' Winter Jackts in fawn, grey and black, Beaver Cloths, frieze and rough materials,
lined and unlined, every garment new this season, semi -fitting back, 27 inches long, sold
at 15.00 and 16.00, on sale, commencing Saturday, your choice $3.25
Mantles That Sold at 17.50 to $10,
Now Selling at Each $5.65.
Slylish Winter ,Jackets, beaver cloths, ker-
seys, covert cloths, and rough materials,
all new this season, semi -fitting back, 27
and 36 inch lengths, lined and unlined,
all new garments that sold at 17.50 to
$10.00, choice of the entire lot, com-
mencing Saturday, at each $5.63
Mantles That Sold at $11.50 to 115,
Now Selling at $7 75.
These are the last of good Mantles. All
are made from good rst-class materials
and in the latest styles, blacks, fawns and
greys, beavers and kersey cloths, mercer-
ized or silk lining, sold regular 111.50 to
115, just a few of them left, your choice,
commencing Saturday, Jan. 4th .... $7.75
Three Lots of Mantles that were Carried Over.
We have a few Mantles that were carried over from last season, most of them are
Children's Garments, and will be just the thing for school wear, they go on sale with our
good Mantles on Saturday, January 4th at these little prices, \
Children's Reefers $2.00.
Six only Cbildreo'e Reefer Jackets, nary
bloomed blank, pearl and Ivory buttons,
radar 53,75 and $4.00, your choirs*,
commanoing S a 0 u r d a y, 12.00
Children's Uls$ers $1.75.
Frve only Cblldroo'. Ulster*, made from
good quality tweeds and ulster oloths,
email sires, regular prime were 53 00 to
116 00, your °Wipe, oomm•oolag $1.75
Odd Mantles 75 cts.
10 Ladle' Meat's', black sloths and tweeds.
odd garaot• that were earthed over,
suitable for rough wear or °odd be reds
over into ablldras stab, 75 as.oboln
11 Boys' Overcoats at $1.25 each.
We have 17 Boys' Overcoats ill stock, and
by the end of next week we do not want one
of thein. They are good garments and will
stand any amount of rough and tumble wear.
Most -off -them are small sizes. Commencing
Saturday you can buy them for
One -Dollar glPid a Quarter each.
17 'toys' Ovoroo•ts, made from lung tweeds and fele se, dark
rnlnn, will wear well, worth le the rrgolar way • t
S2 60 to 64. ohms of Int, oemmeoolog gatorday, eaoh $ 1 ,25
Two Dress Bargains.
With the Mantles we will put on sale Two Special Bar-
gains in Dress Goods. Both lines we are selling at just
about one-half the real value.
Ladies' Suiting at 48 cts.
Ladles' alt -wool Salting., cheviot ff. oh, dark alert, heavy enough to mak• up
wit►oat Itoiog, new material, .111 make a sorrleeabls and stylish oast unto,
good value at 51 00 per yard,on eels with Mantles n Batarday,at per yard 48 Ct S
200 yards of dark eolored Tweed Dram Unods, neat wall tlieek., make capital
**knell drawee for oh Idris or kook abs t skirts, year doles. oemmasdeg
Petardsy, per yard , 12 Ce
&5ayy trey &stets $3.51,
The other day we Nought
some very fine grey wool Blan-
kets at a good deal less than
their value. They aro mado
from the best quality wools
specially for the Yukon trade.
The mill had a few fairs left
over atter they fined their or-
der and cleared them out at a
big reduction.
Pats Wool Yukon Blankets, extra Targe
silo, and heavy weight, r.ry nee q.a8ty,
if bought to she reveler way would set
•ell for less than55 00 per pair, a w1e,
noe.1 beasg Saturday. at W rl 33.50
Cs.f(Mer Com[, per yard,
Oo Saturday we will pat n oda 400 yrds
of fanny l:omfortsr Cov•rr.g, fall Doe
yard wide, good weight, feet peters, and
1. • variety of faooy patters., real value
1e se least 124o, 4at,rdav asd se
Ing as they last. Wiper yard sass 1 OCr
We hays two IadW' 7.r J•ekete is see/1 at
519 00 s- gases, •hay ea}r• 36 helms long.
Rued with good gsaltly farmer's Sallie.
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