HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1902-1-2, Page 11intoQ the courtroom, being ioterrAtmd io dnother came. " Ah, my prayer has been anmwer ed," declared Mrs. Roth. "Tito Lurid ' has sent my protevtor alrpudy. Then the woman apprtaclled At. t�orney Della, and declnrad that It s the 7.ord'd wish that he appear at, her co d r a° el w [,lout nay tray or cutpliewtlon. Attorney I)e% lup g&1M In surprise at the pacn le, careworn -appearing wu- tnare bedcra him. Suddenly hie was ween to throw off film overcoat unA a momrot letter the ex -city attorney nntloosnec•d that he was there to de- fend Mrs. Roth. Sal she 1s a witch. Thea began u further effort to vouvlitce ,Justine Dooley that 12rm. 110111, war poeses►ud of extraordinary hypnotic pkinvcrs, and that her weird practiced lutd tkrowh ler neighburm Into a .tato of intense fear and excltempnt. Mrs. Roth took the stand in hpr pwn bo liAlf. Ste• told of her Strug- gles to bring up her family of chll- ctreet I have atom on the cold street corners for Roars,'• she said, 'stalling flowers so that I could brand lop my ohildren and provido for them n _Lome. I am at the prezant, time -tlaYing off monthl7r�Oltlso on my home, and am the romealt of my present truu til-• I have been ordered W [rave my home." Al this point the Som -•are broke duwn- and wept several minutes despite the effi-tis of a reprementativo of the Wom _XP Protective Asmuclation to Comfort her. "I Ant not a crasy woman. Neither am I thane Iwr a witch, an these women would have the court brlipvq" mniti the defendant. "I wam Ih,rn lou tirrmany, and my father w'aq a cobdlel in the Germany army. 1 wti, nurse f/e 1 nerertll 'IM I Ill tit P txlm 111 liullan(, for years, &MI n Nucc(-mmful one. I am fumdiar with hyp,uAIAm and know hew to "am It. It 1s tho Ityysterlea o: th'a SCleece which puzzlit my Deficit- lore And snake them ItelYeve I am a witch in their Igleelraaee they mi.. conketrued my effurts to benefit them #trial have, brought disgrace upon My- WIf and family:' Attorney Devine made ppn eArnert plan that deterhdant, c(Rnplatnant.r and 'vttnemnee nil shake hands. Mrs. K. Donovan, the cosaplRlnitnt, how - Over, refused, making she feared the woman, and the sawn was finally con- tlnuM ten days with tier underetnn.l- log that Mrs. Roth c,xtflne her hyp- rlotle efforts to her a" family. - BHNIN'S N901SIBIRTH Opinion of Clover, Naval Attache at lo:,don, WAS . LVER MDRIE EFTICKAL WaslJngtba, Due. SO. -In an Inter- vlew this evening Commander RJch- ardmon Clover, nava_[ attache at the American emblasy to Loados.-who in hpre on Jeavo of abience, declared that the nnval furor, of Great Pril- ,tin arta in a far moro effective amt efficient condition tllna the Conlin- antal Powers balieve, and that never in her naval development Ilan lJrit- nin boop stronger on the "ea". Ito - coat torpedo boat weeldente hnve mall" little dmprevolon In BritiNh oaken eirclom, tin dpclarts,' and their programme onll" for thet continued advi'noO of the hlghpgt class of bunts of the awiftpot possible spew). Com- mander clover added: "The naval fornp that Grant Rrll- nin IN Capable of exerting In pgnAl tn- day to that of any lhroo Continental Pnwprx AIM weeks nnver in a more erfipwnt condition. The iirltlsh mer- tice hills been severely crillrixfwd, bat mach Of thin crltlrimin nq to itis pffl- elenek' In tine to It V,lhty Of the Nnvnl LpAQnn nod the prema to (IF" PrOr'atA In the mind of tl,e pub:lc Brit;dn'" strength, 1n Ordrr that I"i'90 Approprgntion" may bo SrcnrM for tvnnding than navy and to con- tlnnn the pulley of mnintnlning It ,I,,nI to that of tho nombined "lrpngth of any two world Pnworm, Th" mlicy In Pritnin mrvmm to b- to ImprOs* tha public with the week - nam" rnthpr than the x(ron;:th of the Brltlsh aervic*, with a view to me - curing eddltloreSl mhipa through mi„- Appr'll*nninn In tiavir114ftle mind that the "Ire” not keeping pnrp with Ito rs to thn tin IInn. ,,_"t-1_arw ant P,d1oy soma to be, to "'"TMtlmatp rather than undereatl- EI'll qqpww"N� - �, 11 ,. IN Gave Cow to Boot for a Span of Horse. I THEN SAW HE WAS CHEATED. Altoona, Pu., Dec. 31. -Mr. ,W Stef- (I'll weut to the Canoc Creek quar- rlen on Thanksgiving to spend the - tray. Being am American of but recent Origin, he may not hate thuruughly unuerstoat the sncreduees or rlgnif,- CA1100 of the occasion; but be that +u it may, he matte remarks while engnn ge,f lou celebrating tl.At led oe Anion Sardis" to ouulrout film with a proposition. lir. Steffini rind he owned a cow, but found her to be un- prolltabit t becaume his wife refused to milk her. Thereupon 8nrdlssa offered' to trade a tram of horses for'Mrs. ritefflnl ant the-Oow, and a deal was m:tdb on the spot. A few days after the transfer of the guilts 13telitlnl'm horses went , lime, and Its drove them over to Bar- 1 dlssa's, v7.'.ere be protested that be had been cheated, and demanded Ilia wife and hist cow back. �_ tiaralirsa lemed him Into the h";6 where tb.i mea Out down it)a mea , the prinelpal part of which was a fine kteuk cooked by the fatly who '11mrom in the naso. Most11a1 beck from the table, after having s:atlsfled his appetite, and enid be felt ketier, but was stuff hrom In bin deter- mination to have the trade declared Off. Then &nredlmeu aeknowlodged that th" cow bad peen JaIle the day befor Wore. n A d that she had furnished 'the steik .which the sleltor halt an much eejoyet Mr. 8tefrlaf ,grumbled some, an:1 finally Iy Said e would ie sRtlsf' il to return thn tk,nm If he couldJunt have his wife back. Vale prottodi-. lion was spurned, and In a fight which followed the lady fisslsti'd Mr. Sardimea to knock Mr. 9teffing down and pound film full of dark - blue lumps. Steffinl then went homy to bed, sad 1s still the owner of the lame horses. it may be that Mr. Sarellssa :an,] the lady vera not wholly Justlfled In tlmmphig the diemat:efied man ala they did. We can hardly blame 9teffinl, In r.ovV of the fact that the horses went lame, for conclud- Ing that he hn(1 leen cheated. line must Indeed be a poor wife who Is worth tie more than a team of mpav- Iub(1 old hormes, not to mention the cow. On the other (hand, however, -wo are force,] to concede that Stefflnl Ind It certaln advantage In winking the trade. He could look the llor9ex over for blemishes. Mr. Sardisma could not do this, except, perhareq, with the cow, antt maintain n menh- blance of delirater. So we are led hip .to the conclusion that Steffint had only himself to blame if bowels cheated, and we eertntnly Shall not orltldte thA lady fn,r her objeet.on Stul, she ought to have nlrxprrxd the proprletlex of gotta to South Dnkota for a few weeks. .-_ ­­ _ ....__ _. SENT BABY BV MAIL 1•01100. a killed Upun to Ilelp live, 11. O. Aulhorltlr., IWIlanopulle, Dec. &I. -Tit" Poet - Office employees at the Union Station qui station found a strange pack- age among ttie-Chrtatmas packa4rm I whnn thoy came to assort th(•,1t at midntgght last night for the wniting trninq In the atatlon. All the offloem wero crowded yesterday and many pinetfi9em w*r* prn,tM at the enb gtntion. Whon the employees crimp to nswort them they femind it basket on which there was no address and no Stamp, and none of the men 000ld re- mpmbpr taking It In. Examination mhowsif that it was covered over with Ilnen. Whales htrnod to one aid* a gmnll bottle of milk fell not. Thin Ipd to thet Opening of the bamkpt, and n bop hnbv. probably a work old, was found msntly wrapped tip In flannels nn(1 wlelopinq soundly. Another ISM- tlO of milk was, found In thn bnmkpt. That pollop wpre e.nllwl anti took chnrgro of the Intnnt, beat thO Poset- offien pmpin,ve(q► are at a - loin to knnw how It got Into thn offices. it 1S mnppoeed. though, thAt thO mother pat It through the window or quiet- iw rnterp1 file room avhlle, the mi,n wpre h,er kind (Irt.n+lt'A the" hnmkrt with flip ftnoknQ(w which worn pllsll Iry n limp an the rinor. Thp station poliep any they anew a wninnR npwr the Frob mintion Just hrforn Still tims- kot wait found, Mit nothing mhnnt hpr attracted pwrtloular atteatlns. SO'KHT SAFETY AND MET 919THII Two ,Men Jumping From Motor Carriage MANCLED BY AN ENCINE. Three Childless Perish In u Ilurnlua Iluure 111 ItuIIalke This llurulugt .lespauese Linker un Fire lou a Great e'turtr 011'1•urt Tuwuserd. St. Lour, Mu., Deo. 81. -John W. Tuylor, chief engineer of the ter- minal railroad asauclatlun, and N'm. Austin Kent, whore Rothe Is In Louis - Ville, Ky., were grvund to death be- neuth the wheels of a Wabash switch engin" ire North 8t. Lose W, lust night, after jumping, pautc-stricken from u rwtflly Mining motor car, which threateued to cullkle with the switch engine ut Lite Stay rtreel eruaming. Th, en t hild.en Crerukited. Buffalo, Dec. 31. -Throe children tart their lived In a fire fn the two Story frame bndtllaiat L'7 Lombard street, shortly before four o'clock this morning. They wore three dons of Medury Urazela, wlrl Occupied the rtvwnd flour of tho building. They worse Jumeplt, IU years ; Frank, 7 yo,ara old, and Adam, about 2 years old. Their forms were blightly burned. but our unrecognizable. The other members of tle felutdy had n marrel- fume emcape, aad I a mother unci a baby twu days cid t:td to be carried out oil a luattross. IThe fire is sup - plaited to have been tca,sed by an ut'erheated sluv'e in ova first floor.4•.. F,I.0 Ill r res. Seattle. Wrastt., Dao. Ill. he Ny I„ra t usea !►arena liner SLI nu Mato just r,•udered by Justice Barnots. Deo. LS, IhOt--Mrs. Ursula asserts that the slu)pisau simply Abanduaed the saer- euntUc Ihuare forever and reuwluet Duke thee vert of filed days. Hla Orace was burled In Kemal Ureen, and Mrs. Druce alltges that there to nothing but lead pipe fu Ids oofftn. She coca got a permit to have the sarcophagus opened, but another i, legal barrier was restated, and It In now Improbable that tho outsl.le worl•t will ever know what that tomb contains. While the Probato Court decl.lon bar failed to rnlse the veil that row era a mysterious double life, and whlle mcorem of prople In F.nglaud be (leve that the [taker street merchant and the e•Iermtrla noblemnn of wet— tack were one and the Same person, It t0 certain that Mrs. Druee'r sailor son will now nevor be declared the rightful heir to the Kre-at Dukedom of Tortlaud. CHRISTMAS IN THE HOLY LAND. Ho. the D„ Was Spent in Bethlehem. CHURCH OF THE NATIVITY. Scene of r wonderful Gathering( to honor the Day -Order ur the t'ree- e culundad8'crvirch-!luny Allare Occupied. New York, Deo. 31: T1s World prihtd a cablegram from lielhl, new, rhowlug titre Manner In which ('hrh..- Dear eve and Christmas Jay were killed year c,Lb:ateJ 1.1 the Holy Land. According to due desyalch from detlelallew the sky war clear auae ,he air a.tlly on the Jay btlearke Chrl.t mar. At au early hout crowds ww nwoGed to utrearu In from Jerusalem said all the ae,gubring towed, Many .ravelled from ' Europe, home �►ilrw-wi-pert lbs-"Rf- fres - fro.,-- AtssF, ..- --The Lupo ; detail, of tike oonflagratlea, hick ie Ovate our naval strength, hicb CH90SED WITH not right 1710 people bore e - by the Nle.lm,•r Kurth 1'uc,fic. Jdlun- prorset with the btre aglh o tthe auo S/aro left this port for Toko. ,only, .especially since it,,, Spanlmh- hum:, a week ago last t)Weslnewtay betnlenem women. . utile mever•il thousand tour of c- At the cnurea of Nativity at Beth too am] general freight. She p Ibliem, the "lli-bit, Ureeks and Ar f American Nur, when actually bol- WITCNCRRFTO at fort Tuworeud flying signals of as p, but the cer•oasouies which ut- dlrlre•rm. Tae storm suede all fear to acted the thsa ounJr were those at go out to her, until the British %fee- ter i ter results might be ubtaluef lwfore Consul eh irtero.g the, tug Wildwood mu °tatg crowds flocked w the asas- and went to her. lie was Loki that air nt C'hurcb of aha Natlrlly .1n•.. 1�(ang site wan afire, cad gave the news to CIO the cave, believed by mobolars ! Congross were the Inglreadslon oun- lou be `the actual birttrplace of Christ. to Seattle. The Nbinadh took out the It wild brilliantly iliuminitted. most valanble Oriental cargo ever Daring the forenoon it multitude of t vo.ved that we are not so strung. TLB Ciau have uadlau a el.kors ave Abroad the Uultosd Stater is reckon - wndr au advance io prfi•e,a ad ad lite seventh naval power, 'be- Tile new protocol between Cull ing outrankod by all the Continental Chicago Woman Said God i navlee, laoluding Italy. Butthis The procession eelca then appended. the itch eticoFted by Turkldh ltol- vlow IS tot accepted In tho United IMI Ifil Stater, and figurate of shlps building Would Send Defence, and tonnage Indicate that the Ur,lted . Status t" note' either fifth or fled with ll lm re 1 t that F le NV - 10 I r ed a .w nor Osrmnny for tohrth plaoo, outranked --- by ()rent Britain, France anti Rushla. Thorn are eight parer of smallp,,,tt Germany, hawever, hits a more e•x- AND A LAWYER APPEARED. tehrtve d programme of -lucreuske oes t the Untied Stater ane] will prA,utily Falward Onslow Ford, It. A., tilt• load us 113 A few yearn at leer pro - . rent rate of building unleesr liberal Roy. Dr. Flannery, formerly of St. approprlatlucw are made here for REJECTED BY PROBATE COURT, naval development. Stop fru ship the, 1`10•1 hours F - e X uy She Is N IV ItWr Sh new ♦ a t>s 1■ of our navy equal In Ilreake Duwu ue.d 'fells of Iler every respect those Of the foreign services, but ws ILAN" compurative- htruatohrm It,r tier F'mualay'-IJyp- ly few. Abroad tate United t states, rautleul Its the ('ase. while. of course, reckorrel as it naval Anna Marla Drucr, affecting relative- pxrwer, eanntvt be saki to ba counted Chicago, Dec. 30. -Because she haul In any ahmbinatlonr lbat nation, prayed for arairtaiaeu in her trouble might make agalnrt olllerr. The Mrs. Ifeelon Ruth. Will Curies street, SletiWah war dill much to enhanco our Standing before European tut- mnyr Attorney Miles J. Du visa%. was veil p)werm, but we are still regnrd- rwnt by tile Lord to the Court of ed as entitled to no higher rank tluue Justice Jumer Dooley to dufead her Seventh place, which would place um nearly aloagaiide of Japan. agaWdt the okargos of witchcraft "Britain to -day to stronger than brought by her ustghburr. iLny talk'' of the moat powerful c6nlin- Thu soe13o, u dramatic one. occur- ental Powers, and Stronger than thew with arx.ther power Included. rod in the Court of Justice Janice Dtm)- Site has 80,000 men afloat, and, al- loy yesterday afternoon. On the tlwntgln tier naval reserve Is nut so. belachea rut almost a dMou wit- rtrong and perhaps well drilled a■ 11640810 who had swuru that the dtt- that of France, the roal strength of her personnel Is In the trained, tile- feudaut lead attempted to hypnotise cipiined men afloat, who are being thew. Weird twee of wit -cite aft, constantly increetred. Her channel Iespootlam and other ulyrtorluus 1`100t IN A magnificent nggreg°ithud tiuugs wero told Hill honor by Idle oaf fighting force, eonwtantly kept at Situ mem4ml. sea and ready for any assignment. 1 am a defemtelean woman," the 711e ships are alwayd to excellent victim pleaded when the care agalumt condition, and reports of weaknesses her was called. "I hate no wetaemeses auld ruttenn*es are wittttwtt the to speak for me." slightest semhlamee Olt truth. Theme "hove y'ou not even a Iawy,•r to reports tiro circulated by the Naval League; an Organization for uppeur for you?" asked 1114 Hunter In is kindly tuna of voice.- the uphullding of the British navy, with and Dnohcerm of Hesse. branches throughout tho British Is- P"I F'Nllh Ill 1 p J.Urd, land$, In fact, the admiralty will of - "I havo nobwly but the good Lord ten refuse to officially deny State - to hm Iloilo a," nuswerel the defend- "'ants or reported ('Procter In .the Bri- ant. 110 is with m. at all Aimed. lie tlsh nary, and rather encouraged n will send momebudy hero to help me. fee•Ilang of depre•c•fatioa of Its strength S Wivethan prayed to film to®a near me Ilytag It. . and to assist we and I know .Ila will ars of the Erie. not The Berlin correwpost4p t of the w. trifled nail several outer fire- Shae h� had hard^ d�finlshttd bee state- S �iAi P1Tio,- I ibenTw7reh-_Attorney Devlae wulkal puts, M. A., Maluate, from ,the_ Pres- legtmintive regulation of trade 'om- - - ffti intoQ the courtroom, being ioterrAtmd io dnother came. " Ah, my prayer has been anmwer ed," declared Mrs. Roth. "Tito Lurid ' has sent my protevtor alrpudy. Then the woman apprtaclled At. t�orney Della, and declnrad that It s the 7.ord'd wish that he appear at, her co d r a° el w [,lout nay tray or cutpliewtlon. Attorney I)e% lup g&1M In surprise at the pacn le, careworn -appearing wu- tnare bedcra him. Suddenly hie was ween to throw off film overcoat unA a momrot letter the ex -city attorney nntloosnec•d that he was there to de- fend Mrs. Roth. Sal she 1s a witch. Thea began u further effort to vouvlitce ,Justine Dooley that 12rm. 110111, war poeses►ud of extraordinary hypnotic pkinvcrs, and that her weird practiced lutd tkrowh ler neighburm Into a .tato of intense fear and excltempnt. Mrs. Roth took the stand in hpr pwn bo liAlf. Ste• told of her Strug- gles to bring up her family of chll- ctreet I have atom on the cold street corners for Roars,'• she said, 'stalling flowers so that I could brand lop my ohildren and provido for them n _Lome. I am at the prezant, time -tlaYing off monthl7r�Oltlso on my home, and am the romealt of my present truu til-• I have been ordered W [rave my home." Al this point the Som -•are broke duwn- and wept several minutes despite the effi-tis of a reprementativo of the Wom _XP Protective Asmuclation to Comfort her. "I Ant not a crasy woman. Neither am I thane Iwr a witch, an these women would have the court brlipvq" mniti the defendant. "I wam Ih,rn lou tirrmany, and my father w'aq a cobdlel in the Germany army. 1 wti, nurse f/e 1 nerertll 'IM I Ill tit P txlm 111 liullan(, for years, &MI n Nucc(-mmful one. I am fumdiar with hyp,uAIAm and know hew to "am It. It 1s tho Ityysterlea o: th'a SCleece which puzzlit my Deficit- lore And snake them ItelYeve I am a witch in their Igleelraaee they mi.. conketrued my effurts to benefit them #trial have, brought disgrace upon My- WIf and family:' Attorney Devine made ppn eArnert plan that deterhdant, c(Rnplatnant.r and 'vttnemnee nil shake hands. Mrs. K. Donovan, the cosaplRlnitnt, how - Over, refused, making she feared the woman, and the sawn was finally con- tlnuM ten days with tier underetnn.l- log that Mrs. Roth c,xtflne her hyp- rlotle efforts to her a" family. - BHNIN'S N901SIBIRTH Opinion of Clover, Naval Attache at lo:,don, WAS . LVER MDRIE EFTICKAL WaslJngtba, Due. SO. -In an Inter- vlew this evening Commander RJch- ardmon Clover, nava_[ attache at the American emblasy to Loados.-who in hpre on Jeavo of abience, declared that the nnval furor, of Great Pril- ,tin arta in a far moro effective amt efficient condition tllna the Conlin- antal Powers balieve, and that never in her naval development Ilan lJrit- nin boop stronger on the "ea". Ito - coat torpedo boat weeldente hnve mall" little dmprevolon In BritiNh oaken eirclom, tin dpclarts,' and their programme onll" for thet continued advi'noO of the hlghpgt class of bunts of the awiftpot possible spew). Com- mander clover added: "The naval fornp that Grant Rrll- nin IN Capable of exerting In pgnAl tn- day to that of any lhroo Continental Pnwprx AIM weeks nnver in a more erfipwnt condition. The iirltlsh mer- tice hills been severely crillrixfwd, bat mach Of thin crltlrimin nq to itis pffl- elenek' In tine to It V,lhty Of the Nnvnl LpAQnn nod the prema to (IF" PrOr'atA In the mind of tl,e pub:lc Brit;dn'" strength, 1n Ordrr that I"i'90 Approprgntion" may bo SrcnrM for tvnnding than navy and to con- tlnnn the pulley of mnintnlning It ,I,,nI to that of tho nombined "lrpngth of any two world Pnworm, Th" mlicy In Pritnin mrvmm to b- to ImprOs* tha public with the week - nam" rnthpr than the x(ron;:th of the Brltlsh aervic*, with a view to me - curing eddltloreSl mhipa through mi„- Appr'll*nninn In tiavir114ftle mind that the "Ire” not keeping pnrp with Ito rs to thn tin IInn. ,,_"t-1_arw ant P,d1oy soma to be, to "'"TMtlmatp rather than undereatl- EI'll qqpww"N� - �, 11 ,. IN Gave Cow to Boot for a Span of Horse. I THEN SAW HE WAS CHEATED. Altoona, Pu., Dec. 31. -Mr. ,W Stef- (I'll weut to the Canoc Creek quar- rlen on Thanksgiving to spend the - tray. Being am American of but recent Origin, he may not hate thuruughly unuerstoat the sncreduees or rlgnif,- CA1100 of the occasion; but be that +u it may, he matte remarks while engnn ge,f lou celebrating tl.At led oe Anion Sardis" to ouulrout film with a proposition. lir. Steffini rind he owned a cow, but found her to be un- prolltabit t becaume his wife refused to milk her. Thereupon 8nrdlssa offered' to trade a tram of horses for'Mrs. ritefflnl ant the-Oow, and a deal was m:tdb on the spot. A few days after the transfer of the guilts 13telitlnl'm horses went , lime, and Its drove them over to Bar- 1 dlssa's, v7.'.ere be protested that be had been cheated, and demanded Ilia wife and hist cow back. �_ tiaralirsa lemed him Into the h";6 where tb.i mea Out down it)a mea , the prinelpal part of which was a fine kteuk cooked by the fatly who '11mrom in the naso. Most11a1 beck from the table, after having s:atlsfled his appetite, and enid be felt ketier, but was stuff hrom In bin deter- mination to have the trade declared Off. Then &nredlmeu aeknowlodged that th" cow bad peen JaIle the day befor Wore. n A d that she had furnished 'the steik .which the sleltor halt an much eejoyet Mr. 8tefrlaf ,grumbled some, an:1 finally Iy Said e would ie sRtlsf' il to return thn tk,nm If he couldJunt have his wife back. Vale prottodi-. lion was spurned, and In a fight which followed the lady fisslsti'd Mr. Sardimea to knock Mr. 9teffing down and pound film full of dark - blue lumps. Steffinl then went homy to bed, sad 1s still the owner of the lame horses. it may be that Mr. Sarellssa :an,] the lady vera not wholly Justlfled In tlmmphig the diemat:efied man ala they did. We can hardly blame 9teffinl, In r.ovV of the fact that the horses went lame, for conclud- Ing that he hn(1 leen cheated. line must Indeed be a poor wife who Is worth tie more than a team of mpav- Iub(1 old hormes, not to mention the cow. On the other (hand, however, -wo are force,] to concede that Stefflnl Ind It certaln advantage In winking the trade. He could look the llor9ex over for blemishes. Mr. Sardisma could not do this, except, perhareq, with the cow, antt maintain n menh- blance of delirater. So we are led hip .to the conclusion that Steffint had only himself to blame if bowels cheated, and we eertntnly Shall not orltldte thA lady fn,r her objeet.on Stul, she ought to have nlrxprrxd the proprletlex of gotta to South Dnkota for a few weeks. .-_ ­­ _ ....__ _. SENT BABY BV MAIL 1•01100. a killed Upun to Ilelp live, 11. O. Aulhorltlr., IWIlanopulle, Dec. &I. -Tit" Poet - Office employees at the Union Station qui station found a strange pack- age among ttie-Chrtatmas packa4rm I whnn thoy came to assort th(•,1t at midntgght last night for the wniting trninq In the atatlon. All the offloem wero crowded yesterday and many pinetfi9em w*r* prn,tM at the enb gtntion. Whon the employees crimp to nswort them they femind it basket on which there was no address and no Stamp, and none of the men 000ld re- mpmbpr taking It In. Examination mhowsif that it was covered over with Ilnen. Whales htrnod to one aid* a gmnll bottle of milk fell not. Thin Ipd to thet Opening of the bamkpt, and n bop hnbv. probably a work old, was found msntly wrapped tip In flannels nn(1 wlelopinq soundly. Another ISM- tlO of milk was, found In thn bnmkpt. That pollop wpre e.nllwl anti took chnrgro of the Intnnt, beat thO Poset- offien pmpin,ve(q► are at a - loin to knnw how It got Into thn offices. it 1S mnppoeed. though, thAt thO mother pat It through the window or quiet- iw rnterp1 file room avhlle, the mi,n wpre h,er kind (Irt.n+lt'A the" hnmkrt with flip ftnoknQ(w which worn pllsll Iry n limp an the rinor. Thp station poliep any they anew a wninnR npwr the Frob mintion Just hrforn Still tims- kot wait found, Mit nothing mhnnt hpr attracted pwrtloular atteatlns. SO'KHT SAFETY AND MET 919THII Two ,Men Jumping From Motor Carriage MANCLED BY AN ENCINE. Three Childless Perish In u Ilurnlua Iluure 111 ItuIIalke This llurulugt .lespauese Linker un Fire lou a Great e'turtr 011'1•urt Tuwuserd. St. Lour, Mu., Deo. 81. -John W. Tuylor, chief engineer of the ter- minal railroad asauclatlun, and N'm. Austin Kent, whore Rothe Is In Louis - Ville, Ky., were grvund to death be- neuth the wheels of a Wabash switch engin" ire North 8t. Lose W, lust night, after jumping, pautc-stricken from u rwtflly Mining motor car, which threateued to cullkle with the switch engine ut Lite Stay rtreel eruaming. Th, en t hild.en Crerukited. Buffalo, Dec. 31. -Throe children tart their lived In a fire fn the two Story frame bndtllaiat L'7 Lombard street, shortly before four o'clock this morning. They wore three dons of Medury Urazela, wlrl Occupied the rtvwnd flour of tho building. They worse Jumeplt, IU years ; Frank, 7 yo,ara old, and Adam, about 2 years old. Their forms were blightly burned. but our unrecognizable. The other members of tle felutdy had n marrel- fume emcape, aad I a mother unci a baby twu days cid t:td to be carried out oil a luattross. IThe fire is sup - plaited to have been tca,sed by an ut'erheated sluv'e in ova first floor.4•.. F,I.0 Ill r res. Seattle. Wrastt., Dao. Ill. he Ny I„ra t usea !►arena liner SLI nu Mato just r,•udered by Justice Barnots. Deo. LS, IhOt--Mrs. Ursula asserts that the slu)pisau simply Abanduaed the saer- euntUc Ihuare forever and reuwluet Duke thee vert of filed days. Hla Orace was burled In Kemal Ureen, and Mrs. Druce alltges that there to nothing but lead pipe fu Ids oofftn. She coca got a permit to have the sarcophagus opened, but another i, legal barrier was restated, and It In now Improbable that tho outsl.le worl•t will ever know what that tomb contains. While the Probato Court decl.lon bar failed to rnlse the veil that row era a mysterious double life, and whlle mcorem of prople In F.nglaud be (leve that the [taker street merchant and the e•Iermtrla noblemnn of wet— tack were one and the Same person, It t0 certain that Mrs. Druee'r sailor son will now nevor be declared the rightful heir to the Kre-at Dukedom of Tortlaud. CHRISTMAS IN THE HOLY LAND. Ho. the D„ Was Spent in Bethlehem. CHURCH OF THE NATIVITY. Scene of r wonderful Gathering( to honor the Day -Order ur the t'ree- e culundad8'crvirch-!luny Allare Occupied. New York, Deo. 31: T1s World prihtd a cablegram from lielhl, new, rhowlug titre Manner In which ('hrh..- Dear eve and Christmas Jay were killed year c,Lb:ateJ 1.1 the Holy Land. According to due desyalch from detlelallew the sky war clear auae ,he air a.tlly on the Jay btlearke Chrl.t mar. At au early hout crowds ww nwoGed to utrearu In from Jerusalem said all the ae,gubring towed, Many .ravelled from ' Europe, home �►ilrw-wi-pert lbs-"Rf- fres - fro.,-- AtssF, ..- --The Lupo ; detail, of tike oonflagratlea, hick ie pemn certamcv mingtul with the raging to the h A 1, arrived lee night orlgtet oriental dre.res made the by the Nle.lm,•r Kurth 1'uc,fic. Jdlun- ,ceue varied and tivId wiul colors, auo S/aro left this port for Toko. w1we Ll Lite thrgxog were seen marry hum:, a week ago last t)Weslnewtay betnlenem women. . utile mever•il thousand tour of c- At the cnurea of Nativity at Beth too am] general freight. She p Ibliem, the "lli-bit, Ureeks and Ar back from iea and yesterday urrl ,nt'ntana eacu tiny" It place of wut- at fort Tuworeud flying signals of as p, but the cer•oasouies which ut- dlrlre•rm. Tae storm suede all fear to acted the thsa ounJr were those at go out to her, until the British %fee- t Catholic Chumh. Throughout the Consul eh irtero.g the, tug Wildwood mu °tatg crowds flocked w the asas- and went to her. lie was Loki that air nt C'hurcb of aha Natlrlly .1n•.. 1�(ang site wan afire, cad gave the news to CIO the cave, believed by mobolars tba Scarth d mci le, then on her Ova lou be `the actual birttrplace of Christ. to Seattle. The Nbinadh took out the It wild brilliantly iliuminitted. most valanble Oriental cargo ever Daring the forenoon it multitude of trot from this poet. 1►rtKalc crowded Use great square TLB Ciau have uadlau a el.kors ave frouthlg the Church of tie Nativity, wndr au advance io prfi•e,a covering kite huumekops on every Side. Tile new protocol between Cull R D�U�L LOSES Argeutina iter been signed. j The procession eelca then appended. the itch eticoFted by Turkldh ltol- ��111, IMI Ifil USlE U�S tS r tfk'!e 16err. preceded ,toy the Kawamsemv or . official guard oib the Patriarch and, ll lm re 1 t that F le NV - 10 I r ed a .w nor convent. advancl to the church. The Oukc of Portland Can F'�t'.uwip¢ the in�dotnl procession aloe that Thorn are eight parer of smallp,,,tt nit the F nch Consul and hid Staff, In uniform, with un escort N'Jw Rest Easy. of mounted, gnnrdm, h taking pre- Falward Onslow Ford, It. A., tilt• celence no represenlin France, the . recognized guardian of "thillic In- Roy. Dr. Flannery, formerly of St. tpredaff in the Holy Lamf:L.,Fouowing REJECTED BY PROBATE COURT, idea entry Into the ehureh'ensue the The Urltusby Sun has surpeude(l Iheautifell service of resters\and the London. Dec. 30.-Apothor claim to im,n&llrti in. Throughout lobe vening w Brithsh peesaga.Yd dukedom has the eburch was well �}� with 6c tlapsetl. Tho case of Mrs. Florence cruwdh of worshipperm. At 11 o'clock matins wore. ■ ng, Anna Marla Drucr, affecting relative- and a few mlmttps before mldul t ly the title until estates of the late nil was hunh„d. Then on the mtro trite hon - Dn1ie o 'ort aad, has jest been set- tIM In the Probate Court. After u trial lusting several days, before Justice 14•traem and a special jury, th(- fuha,og wa■ officially made that Thomas Charles Druco (A Deo. C8, IbB�. Infcreatlully, the verdict carries with It the declaration that 'truck) wall Put and could out have - been the fifth Duke of Portland. J,u.es both Fights. Though the estate of Druce waw also al stake, It is conskierw of lit - lid Impurtunce when Lunen In eon - 110011,10D 1SLh Lbe toatast for the t,tl.. by the Jury's finudttgathe will aeade b'Y Druce lit lbillJ, un,J a cooled writ- -Lea in 196&, are declared vadat. Thur the plzautilt carer tht right to claim Jur tier sun both the euvetod title of ,00bulky and We Drucd prupert - Nut u Jew great families w�l:ng- Innd Ircathe eerier eater the rerun, wr tied eotnngscuonm of tba Duke of I'orll.tnd aro so many and ru iaf.uea- tLul tout the trial Inu1 raindicatluns throughout the king,lum. Tuough u threat hese been made that the case Will yet go to tho Houma of Luaus lur fhaal otwisiun, no one believed lite result will Its utuerwlme than an the 11rubate Court. Throughout the trial Mrs. Druce acLud in ,Lu extremely eccentric maturer, :Laid aIle has left the lwprem- man that her mind nes uabalarn:et, IAet, thou, tier Irieadm and support- ers any that her vumedtk; truublem uu,l her Icyrul uoultsrtr a4acl disaa- r in profound &doratiou to usher in Chrletmss morning. Immprdintely nf- terwarl the Patrlearch nsoen'led the lelgll LaMar anti began to celebrate high nuns. Thenepforwarl through- , t; risimills4lay-evetvsitwt-Hrthe sacred a diflcp was osoopl d by prte.tq smying manses. Many devote" who took their places At 10 o'clock on t hrislm in eve kept their vigils till 11 o'clock nn C'hrbtmam day, anxious not to miss one moment of the cerp- montes on the site of the birthplace 0 f Christ. I MISTAKEN FOB OHBA. Girl Shoots Map Who Re .- fused to Answer. - . -- •t 'Prams Chrlminlar m'raaedy-Bop Ae- rldenlaldy Wounded, Ills F1lther Fires Into a( rowd -Bank Cashier KIIIJed by an klecrtle Sheark.1 Dick Bill, Minn., Dec. 31. -Frank rooder serratike Lite averages human killed last night near this place by k"Werattutauw. the daughter of his brother-in-law, Tho clutru.+ eel forth by Mrs. Druce T. S. Mills, whom he and his wife .aro Like niudt eeuanLoaa: Llai, were- wero _ visiting. _ Mellr and Koval over given publkaty lit l nglarrl. She went to town In the evening, .,laid A tlkt wtuow of the Illegitimate ROD Of upon their return, by way of n juke, TlosuaA Charles Druce, who kept s Royal refused to anmwer Mrs. Millm, largo INlzuur in Baker street, Lon+ who called t,9 him aA he started to ,Ion. TLIs store wait hoaeycombol enter the hallway. lleatrice Wild, with. towlergrouirl pammagoe, which a 14 -year-old girl, thinking It some Urk;n frequented. At times I6 would Onp on mis'hlef, noizrml a idiot gun not Ile setui for weelim, land then nal flrM, the entire lond entering wuu101 muodenty emerge la,W hen I" heart, killing him instantly _ rrmnthig-room mid Trwundo tkueloomm Tiv„ flat tv„y til reek.-......-- -_-. - U Ir�Aad Somas Rbwmt fw• only Orantt >Sallne, Tek., D&. 8f. -1n a ao ho freight wreck near Silver Lake Inst 1•931r,x K30.1 Shut Out. night. 15 cars were derwllel and five per -ons were more or less Injured About thsl enoe0 ptrioJ the fifth The Texas nix] Pacific "Cannonball” Duke of Portland lived its buronin, dine, which had ieen detached anti 1p,(,ndur at Welllack Abbey, nal at went hlkl With w wrecking crew, wne Limed eneuplod his town house in dr,ralled wh10 oreturning from the l.olotu, The latter place wassur- frAdght week, anti four mon were rounded by WWI Wallin that Offee- injured, none fatally. lively Mazt out prying eyes Into his rmovementa. loot things were A 1'rgki. Itow. different at Welheck. There a' the NOK,Ioebrn ti', Texm, D. -u. 31. -Am a wn vecenlric uoblentroad eonetFile ted oraw(1 of more were dimchnrg sing poin- ubterranean pasnagoo, mato-like In tO1S In eplpbrfitIng Chrlmten.", ant ray chernoter, anti It was hi" custom to ballet *track Mltohon 111x1, Mfed 13, oLiiappeor epi reepppar in a my p- Inflicting a mortal wound. Th- boy's terfhtlm way. mother then fired into thin crowd In rngt It 1,4 the a Inlm of Mr iorore with It shot 91113, merlounly wonnd- thal the Duke Ipft WelbAck Abbey to Ing 161 Lae, Rnnben Mandlmr and rwt- tard"me plain Mr. Struck, In the Bakpr gnr Moove, nil negrntaw. The boy In Street petabllehmmnt, AAd that whoa Bond rend oats of that npgrneg Its dying. Iola GrAoe grew weary of trade he rrlra4M AIS Steps to Ills country Kfile ,* a w•r hle. h""00- wft~ Mf thin totaling and Altron. Olio, Daft. 31.-•n. P. a11pe1- N Ig,nn of rommerep, alle"rrstn, 0r, enahitw of th* Cithsen"' Nntlonnl rhangel I ileesme Agntel that high And Rank, wan found doaA in front of the mly;hty Duke of f3/rtitod. trAult In tho bank last tdght. He The Dake Mod Dee, e, IWM, and wan had horn killed by an plwotrie *htrnit, mlucepde] In title amt p"tat*" by a throngh handling w anokpt of nn In. distant rVIAth", het AS lareare, the onndr*rent Inmp And opening the inerchant, haA *x ed some -rears ♦Ault door aa t this eamtime.. Chas *artllf--at, hate6rabs to the dvCi■101 forming a currant which killed him. -any O*fiff" baa at If officer, was lytnQ _besido ms, -_ Obtalued untrolling Interest Ike u o 1 hnd be•rn bit ea this caused In- Ilia Teterboro Light & Power DO. 11 FIS OF NEWS Mr. nests. Elllott'r store at Cran- �reCelt'rgl onp or two tthcrtp shots 113 - ilia lially, anfl shortly' nfterwnrds he dall, Mau„ wait r)bbml of $1,0WID FROM FAR AND NEAR Unlou lia°k blils on Christmas a girt. Department. Twenty-five g)poum aomilaniee in wounds. 1 j;nt Into enmp by myself." .'a.. else United Stator have been oonmol. npgyWM elated with a capital of $10,000,UM n Ih f u Tplr p y Its r m SchfL•t sun n that the William Waldorf Astor tine donat- Ctevelaud staffersm s fro' I ed 1'10,0ou fur tits itrumutiuu of Oermau expurlN ; haveion pill civilian r.fle clubs In Cue United greatly, K l ngidom. Mr. W. E. Tracey, of Wuuulpsg, died Tito Canada Central Runway Co. uuddenly, is applying for a charter to hutld Britlrh grocore four ouwlketltion of R road from French River, Out.. to %ttcuuver. cu -operative starker. mpnted with between Folk*slonr kind Mr. Rtet,ort Rtgrer•d, a Wlenlpeg Mr. John MoCuul, of Fort William, prluter, dropped deaf. died At Ottawa, witeru ho had gulls TLB Ciau have uadlau a el.kors ave to Larne him brother, ai r. C. A. Me- Ctaol. wndr au advance io prfi•e,a M. I', Tile new protocol between Cull Edward Letuarne, of St. Mergar- Otto. Wastminester, loan accepted an Argeutina iter been signed. appointment am orlranlst to the Car - The London -Brighton il,,etrie road hogio Mnrlo Hall, Pittsburg. lipexpseted to make W sullen an hoar private Fostnr httJ ,seen firing ander Mr. UllbOrt Parker will be ban_ Sir William Van Horns bite return. ousted at Belleville on Jap. lith. e1p to Montreal (rwu Cuba, anOl re - Otas ll lm re 1 t that F le NV - 10 I r ed a .w nor p A prosperous condition of buil- newt o13 tho lrla13d. Ilam will visit Euglaud next muut W. Curtis Wakeifleld, of Now York, Thorn are eight parer of smallp,,,tt W the °auto of the Amorloan who at Winnipeg. Ilan leamel Dillon Park, near Windsor, Falward Onslow Ford, It. A., tilt• for the coronation year. soulptor, Is ,lead. Rev. Colln Sinclair, or st. ,niomas, Roy. Dr. Flannery, formerly of St. and tits wife and sorr are dangvr- Tflomas, died In Ireland. t tely III from polsontag as a re - The Urltusby Sun has surpeude(l wilt of eating canned salmon. publication. Joaques Francolr Heart Fouguler, Mr. A. J. Magurn haw aoeldlrel the imbllclrt &till former member of Events, the weekly paper published the iYench Chamber of Deputies, Is In Ottawa. Bond. go was born Sept. 1, 1818. Tito winter In very severo In Eng- Inns; ttopyrighted article in the Na - llonnl t:atOtte United States Senator land, the frosts being accompanied Mark linnaar or Oblo, p.gyr a high tri - by to, good deal of fog. beat(- tie the memory of the late Presl- Tho Dominica Coal Company Is dent McKinley. shipping coal to Quebec points from Commander BpaLt, Mr. E. Adams, Syduey, via Portland. Ottawa, and Mr. James Stewart, A by-law to enforce compulsory Klugaton, lhave been appointed a vaccination ham been Introduced In commission b, Inquire into the Mar- tha Montrend Council. ins City disaster at Ooderlph. lion. Robert Rogers denlee there to Robert 1!•aul, of Ill) Champlain any trouble to the Manitoba Cabl- street, ((Wpbee. who, Is suffering from net on the prohibition question. O'Incer, Its being treated by X-rays, Tho new city olrectory, just (iut. anti It Is declared he le greatly bene - fited after live ah,ys' trial. given London a population of 46,937. Tho census figures maty It 87,000. ]l[rr. Daffy, a nlmgreAtel resident of Mr. George \,bun, of London. Pittsburg Townmfilp. near Kingston, who lived alone. was found dead In hall lust four children by llphtherla lately. b'ld by a neighbor. She was aged 66 yearn. Death was glue to natur- It lm re'porlel that the CTalneer al causes. Court will ethgage an Americaa fvl- Timor at $15,000 a year. former Tresllent Gruver Cleve - (hnve-nor 'Shaw, d Iowa, wM onto- land tins• accepted appouktment to the Industrial department of the coed Mr. Gage am United States Seo- National Civic Federat on, created retary_ s)f Sit® Ttrinwrv._- The Superior Court team pronounced labor and capitalistic leaders. All the reparation of the Orupd .Duke the others chosen have nceepted. and Dnohcerm of Hesse. Detnll, of a plan for the re -or - The action by the) town of Goderlch ganizatlon of the Erie Telegrap'i and Against this, Elevator Company war T01pplhone Company, with a capital settled at Woodstock Assizes. 'of $821M,01n involving; n trnn-fer Mr. John r Allan, or Onondaga of control atm r to tho Amertrnn Te•IS_ Township, Is dead from wounds re- phone rind Telegraph Company, are COW fn a shooting acc.dent. given In a cireolar to tree mharehold- A fire wagon and a, streot car ars of the Erie. co11W1vd at Toledo. (alaplalu Ward The Berlin correwpost4p t of the w. trifled nail several outer fire- Times ears the Ansoclatou of Ber- men Injured. lin Merchants has sent It memorlal The retirement of ltev. R. J. Hutch- to the Federal Gmtncll advocating puts, M. A., Maluate, from ,the_ Pres- legtmintive regulation of trade 'om- by'terlan ministry to J lie the Unittir- bimttions in order to avoid the ar- lana caused murprfmo to III,, tifMlal miring of prices find eonee- ,great rrlendrJn Kingston. Oquent dimalArous nuctuatfihue. The National Association or Crel;t It Is understood that the ltichellen Mau of the United States hold that c edit 1 W & Ontnrio Navlgatlon Company will make O"wegn It rt of All d 1 WWI SlAYERT IN IFRICA Paving the Way fur its Tota Abolition. SLAVES MAY BUY FREEDOM. Borlin. Dec, U -TAO text of an lm- perutl edlot dealing with the quo* tion of uumestla slavery lie Uermau East AfrI A new been publlost" Ill order to puce the way for the u1Nllttlutl of dumeetle slavery In Oer• ma11 Earl Afrwa. It Ir decreed that the fU11uw'ltg rogutuJJ0US hcuall bn la- eludel W the colo. "Neither by mate of a ,oIau'r self. nor by auto effectod by r0lalluus. our an payment for debt or ful(Ylmeut of other obltgationr, nor ala punisament for adultery shall a relatltoorulp of slavery bit netu wurward establ.suel. "Every domestw slave Is empow. ered to terminate tits estate of slavery by paymeut of a rues tit money for Ilia redemption. The,nmuunt of this rum khall be Jeckied by lite coin. peteul Administrative authorities. "Every slave wits has paid the random appointed shall receive a car• tiflcate of etmuacipation from the au- thorltlpd. -Every dowuitic.slave must be per. mltted tO work for hlmself during two days In the week, or to use for Ilia own purposes the eorrerpitudlng proccavls of tit.a labor. Lt rU fur as exidthag custom In In this respect moat favorable to th.t slave, It shall continue In force. In this matter, as well as W all other difference, be- tween master and domestic slave, the decision mhall lie with the competent aathorltkr.a . "Tho master of a domestic slave isander obligation to maintain film furl provlao for him In old age and In sk•kntws. This obligation its not caticclfigl by emancipation granted during tlw porlod of old ago or eick- ' nems. , 'The transfer of tbo rights of own- eralAp can be accompliehatd only with tho consent of the clave, and before the competent authorltle*, upon whose assent It, Shall be dependent. Ileforo acm)rding Such coirwinit, the aulloritieme shall, hosidw deciding ,Other points which may nppear tm- porinnt, carefully toot the legality of the ownership, and shall take head that members of the same family be not as F&t*d from nae another w7 o tiielr eassaiat: - -- — "Tito rights of ownership shall be forfelttwi in the event of the owner's committing ao,v grave breach of his duty towar.Lr hill slave. The oompe- ten't nnthoritkw #shall officially on - quire Into caxcS of violation of duty whlr•h roma to their knowlodge, and aro In Such chem entitled to effect to Iiberat6in of the Wave by IsmutnQ n eertifleato of ema.ncipatlon, anti in such cases the former owner shall not hnvo n,ny claim to compen- �a t ion. "Off'Pncrm against the provlalnns of the• odirt Shall bus published by a fin-• net erceeling 1500 rupees or by Imperlsonment for n period not ex- epegllnR three months, except In those cn-s wbrre a hpavler penalty is In- earred by virtue of other law." r s aou not Ire _sztsutlsd ct life season oT 10 and Ahus affO a DIED ON BURNING STEAMER. business men who Jo not protect their creditors by carrying Incur- better necommodatlon for summer ao<e, travel from that section of the state. M,'�ai/, 11esp, Dec.8I.-The stern The Nmlttt's I'allm, Rl leau & South- The route w1t1 TorontoKg to Chnr wheel sloamer Sum, plying between ern Railway Company gives notice of o lie, to Prescott. Oswego, to Kingston, and nn application to tho Legislature for on to Preecntt. this port 841.1 Fulton, Tenn., turned Tho Berlin correspondent of the to the water's edge a4 5 o'clock to- m ce en t a of time far the then- London Stnodard learn- that Orr- (lay, at Icer moorings at the wharf lkae, . ant and completive of their on the elf front. liow . -- �' o apses el t.6"tth ata a{llmR- TM boat arrived from Fulton about Tile Iknuitiou Government Is about tum to Venezuela. 1fnind Venezuela mlinlghd tart ivedalghwith lion aifteon pns- to adopt n more rigorous Immigret- comes to n el(-rinito and sestimfnc- seel"191 all of whom were nate torp arrangement with her German on tiuu {wlicy, and air. Smart, Deputy Creditor- wjthfn n ver a board when the fire broke �uut. Mluheter ter the Interior.. wdl,Zmto y short time, Of these three are known to be lost,-'' England to lnvusiJguto the pros the correspondent says, the German 1). H. Rainey and wife, of Oki River, pect" there. Government will be prepared to re- Tenn., aim] Mrs. G. M. Time, of Rich- Mro. P. J. Cosgrove, aged 67 years, sort to forcible measures. ! ttrdson, Laaultg Ark. Tllelrcharred Froutenao street, Kingston, Raniax Injuries from whloh mite soon after without regaining cfpusuuss. __- - - -------- e Northern Pacific Railway Is i1 4 to dllultm Lits maiw line t» I gton by tri miler by building The Stockhulm Board of Guardians_rel"11-i.,. 114L♦O Imma reeoveved from ns pu N el the results of Its pn- this) wreck. The three-montiae'old gulry Into the alusls of pauperism, child of Mrs. 71mm In nitrating. It Is it flndn that drunkevnetis Its rpspon- hellovel that all the other persons on alblo for 52 per cent. of the -cases. In board aeoapet. The fire originated In 'a per cent. .of thpso annex both pnr- a p110 of Scott cotton on the bolder onto were drunk-trds, In 39 per cent. dock, anti probably was stnrted by a (71111.7 the e h 1St r and In 7 r nM per c nit Spark from the harnnco. The bowl only the mother. The 0hfldren of such Iva& valued At $10,000, argil wax about the 1.1 I-I:lleudbarg cut-off across parents have to be supported by the halt Intntrei. The car N 4,ma Pall •y. Tuts cut-off will lits poor rates. I go wax totally 110 miles long. destroyed. Junta B. Nets, of Champaign, III., --- __ __ _ ____ ____1 raton n s. Sampson, len hi Hear Admiral HORRIBLE BOER BRUTALIT_ISnmldon, Ilan received a letter fromES Mite. t±nmgn which oho rays themental eondltlo of tho ndmlr8l Isbeyhnd `ratite" -TOWARD BRITISH- WOUNDED, A former Germa Government em- ploye(•, named Vo ig was sentenced to three months' t Imonment for selling oftkaal secrstr ,to a Journal- --- . Int, Dr. Hamburger. 1'olght admit- London, law•. 3O. -Lord Kllchwler'm teotel Colonel Benson for about an tett hJA guilt. mill despatch, Magistrate Bartlett, of Wlodmor, pts pmtb4liehel by the War hour, but he was still there when a ()file(', gives the report of Major N. E. floor Lark off Colonel tienson'a epxlrs tine reported to the Attorney -Geo- and nitern; thou the ambulance rrnl's Department that he ]o°tit ynl Field ArtClpry, g D as exam- a U. S.A., Ro ca Inn' and we) wire removed. Idld InM the gam pipes awl finds t10 hat- rempeoting the conduct of the lloers not nee the Qua removed." ural gets 14 twin~ evported.fromlaimex to the officers and men wounded in Prlote 1< ll rem 4th ILd. KI to tier Amcrlo;tn aloe. ag's Jnm,•r alcSlufur, ex -Mayor of Mont- thin, nation with 'Col. Benson's 00 -humin ROVal Rifle Corps, statow tate Boers at Brakenlaagle. MaJor Young says; took all his Clothes exoppt his shirt. rens, who nptve•d n" nn officer of tke This man 1s not al Spa First Aalminl"trntlro Dnttntinrr ldttr-' "I have seen the wonttrtei officers yet.q+ to wile to at Ing Clio Fenian rata campalgn In nd men of Colonel Benson's co,uma. 1880, IiAm been prtaentel with n vent. -five 'nuts-commbsiunod oftl- Cold-blooded warder. Fenian raid modal and ribbon. oe and men mexle cum eluDlt of 111- Trooper Al,•xn°'ler Main, Lad ISeat- sMr Street; King- 1 fish horse, st&tem: -While lying on Mrs. John Neill, KI g- troy ent of a mitre or lesm serious thn "ton, died Suddenly while awaitinggrow d thn Boers owme clove up naUaru� nearly all of three haul been wad on1 Ntafoot fifteen cv twenty the homecoming of her husband, a commorcinl travpllpr. 1710 decenged rubbed tN whatever money they pus- Yardx °way from whores we were win" n native of Ireland, b'it lived sewmel, nlser of their watches and rt- lying wounded round the guns, All p wero wounded at the time., nail n0 over half n century to Ktttgston. vut,t paloert aA very large ptoporttun one waw firing. I Saw Lilo BOerm there Inland of Ln Costa, Government re- muived. and In w-oamem whare-tla at If officer, was lytnQ _besido ms, -_ mervat6o13; 13pnr the mnath or ehitr- 1 hnd be•rn bit ea this caused In- wcmnrhwl in tin leg at this time. He __ lotto Hnrls•tr, Southwest of Flortdn, must leave, there at ranee, under Or- tic,orc agony. ,` �reCelt'rgl onp or two tthcrtp shots 113 - ilia lially, anfl shortly' nfterwnrds he .der« Ir •,a" +"or enited Stairs-Ttearttrt jtlarou- rtwt. sat ata -1 ea--vteww by from +IIn3 --i -.+ev+x+IF rrertvett tInIM mord -. Department. ulse Ilia ouleltrm amt ureu Bt wounds. 1 j;nt Into enmp by myself." .'a.. A deep h flab to thn f,On.lOn Dn11Y reLltuu to tho nF(rt m Juue cuspx. 1 drrgt. Kptic}, 7th flumNnre, eta pq: I 'I n Ih f u Tplr p y Its r m SchfL•t sun n that the weak, lmpremsorl alt I itis , ell that the wan woundoel In the head and n Intp Amprlenn Legation ham nrrnnued mtau'mputn w:ule LU wo era true, beat brfnre lite itoprm nushod rho i s and out wtlfu,l uxa prat. milt es i witNcov gulls. y ggl, tin .rel with blond. A Door ' ---- terms for the vele um of tiles fltene, 1t tlr wrntM tTiAt-1,AfOrim 1" t"O ti,. op as me Lljs_-.a/uu..t!'tty nt ' .. up. took Sway my sarbtne land rem _ , _.. bell Dnlgetrin, an•1 Sf1*m litunO tv11I if LnNteml.•u,m .if Ills Sltel. I vpr, &till a"k,-d sun 'to pact up my hands. I rould not do le be tk,leasO_ on Tuur lmh wide - thim, being too Uncltott, 4th ltat Kfw ", �_tvvak with thn tow pr blood. IIS - ` ZVTiie1 its deeoribitl nus n apav eyatrm - -. 1. ltlTj'IIt- Mo Corp"(, states: ' I watts lontipd my own rnrbino and alm"d nf'*tit"te trTmarahhy Its hpiog Axperl_ tha }torte CUnre up, nn,I nu Old Ikn; from Ills brpn"t I% III-- kne,pling, and mpnted with between Folk*slonr kind with brook beard and whimkerm, and im.lntlnQ nt my I,r, nwt he flrwl nn(1 'right Dungpneam. The eontnet In nlntawl to wearing geggengs, whum I should bo It mit In thoarm just below he pprfp(tt. i.loyds' nml npvk,rnl tohlp- l mhollld,r, ,Nothln was taken, and able to rccugulze ngul13, allot my ' K pprn arr Intorpntel In the expert- friond, Privalo F. Foster, 4th Iles. 1 Its not (ourh(xl anv mores, menta, no detnlls or which have been King's Royal ]title Corps, by putting Tli'1n-per J°ml*won, Srottleh Korea, MwIp public. the mt,zzls of his rifle to him ride. mtiys Uhnt the iF„er* took his hoots, A despatch from l(nmMm"n, Fnat private Fostnr httJ ,seen firing ander Rnti thoy hart him shattered arm In Afrion, mtntex thnt the first foromo- mnnilm wills getting off cover of an ant hoap till the Ikiers himn , lian hnn(10 tire for the naw Uganda Itellrond ( r. film arm has been re. took tho position; left then threw M,) m,wM. ran aw eh f Port Florence, tit terminun of the line, on Vlotnrin Nynnza, on away Ilia rifle to pat blow hands np, I Prlvatp Pw lith, amt Tin. King's but wax mlot all the 0eun.•. Whon 1 I Frkluy. it trnvprh(d '8'' tulles from iht,VAI Rifln Ct�Q�I, gays ; "While pylon` any or tho woundpc) move i on the I woundod, the Br)stw tvante the e0jmti' t. nrk nn tAp railroad was x1111 took field after we lend xtopp(gl firing I my bNita off. Alar rltggw "-nil commenrwl In IV& not fir_ that' kept Sniping nt them." ' Ing any m•,re, but w twnevpr it wenand- The Lon,lon lawyers of It. lit. Private N. If. (irIvrmon, tecottlmh ', awl mare ahawed himwhlf they fired At John Dix, who In charged with 1'1r- fiorgp, i,tat(•n: "An Octobt•r 110 I him; In this way npve l were killed. cony cmmmlttowl In the United wax wminek•cl and lying by tho side Ano man, who wow wnvinw R hit of Stntra, Rau) who Is Risen sneumed of of Colonel ik•nk,uh. Whpn the Roero I blue wtuff will, tho Iden of gettleow I wrmking the Rrandlnnvian Am,•ri- eamo lip they wanted to b'agln to; an ambutanee, r•cplvwt abut twenty j known Ftnnk At Whatrom, Wnsh., 4Ry they ttlnt. folonel i10nachn mtopperl them, I WN'Ttto," will not npllpnl against th, m tolling.tholip had received n Ipt- i'rivate Tlell, 4th tin. King'w vat nxtratlltlnn dorlaran. tpr from Commandant Orhbelnar, Rlfln G,rpw, 25th Mcgnted In Tilt- Cloclunati Engntrpr pnhltxhpn a saying the wounded w(alld bi rr- ' xfates : i was werf"I=l thea hip with Q>lorspl it0riemld t O ,rael 0:1111polln dpapnt0h Intimating that Avkdpaee hnn tw!en found to protp "P"etawl. Colonel tlSnsoO asked If he i hi OCtO Whon eoabl mer, Grab -[muse, they said they that Adpin tip Algnngnln was the , pomp tip they ton, my i>d I wO"I,1 I'Meh film, And brn,tght ap I Wilahly, tihnghtf,r of the Duke Of Orlenly. nf- hnrtlnR my , ""'no 0110 who wan in nnthorlty. bat I v0ry i ter LOW% T'hllinpr, hpr mother dying mach. xRvt i dh not think It wan Grub-lnar. , Wntellaw and naerm e at her INrth. TIM dorutment wne found 4"blon,el Benson told him the wo'endpA ' roan." M e nperpt vlreavver of RIO-sbt l►rr.-Iii _ - � � J wwvw ort to 11" trwteTIM. R04 hO ae1R'j Thee iw Dot_ -7/'.4 clock. he would do Ala best ; he himself pee► I mvotsa I �4 Joame. 41, . " ft W law Isle e�M.4 We w I ow �L• Law. . -- `- - _ --..___--_ C7 �t u YsarL 11 - -. �.-..�... -. r