HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1902-1-2, Page 9W. Acheson&Son JANUARY BARGAIN SALE. Commencing January 6th we place on sale a large list of Positive Bargains, which prudent buyers mad good housekeepers cannot afford to overlook. HERE THEY ARE : FIRS. Ladles' Astrachan Capes 28 to 30 loobm loot. sotto lined and full .weep, molar prim t f 1 .50 $16 00, sole pole. $ Ladles' Astrachan Jackets 28, 32, 36 limbos l.og, farmer's socia and block sotto lined, regular e $25 and $28 coats, ()Morino at 220 Ladles' Black Gauntlets and Grey Gamutlats, all urer, minim nim $1.00, sal. prim. . Men's Fine Wool -Lined Frenoh Kia Gloves, .11.......... Caperines. Boas and Storm Collars in Sable, Astr•obao, Persists Lamb and Klectrio Seal. All at cora reepoudiorly r.duo.d woos. Men's Fur Coats. C•If, Coon • 0d W alleby, $18 ! 15 and $20. sole pries .p COON COATS, reoular $38.00, at 11584 00 CARPETS 27 luobes w.'d., extra heavy, Kogh.b Tapestry Carp.te lis large roots of pot. teres and odor., and saltobl. for SOC any room, regular 65o quality.... 36 Moho@ wide. exlr• heavy Uo1op Corpeta, perfectly reyersible and blear foal oeloru, special $1.00 Glove, at.... .... 75c regular 50aquality, of per yard.. 40c W. Acheson & Son. SPEAK IT OUT. If you're anything to offer that will .Id toe mime of right, Spook it out. If you're any truth wlcbia you that will lend the world • light, Speak It our. If the fire le la your spirit and the p•esloo to create, You wall fool it, you will koow It. Then to labour. Do not wait. Go .Dont at with • porpoise that will oouquer rime and Fato, Speak it out. Sbould your hoar. metals a message, make it tares and make it Meer, Spook It out. 11 114141W Had U it's Lr.e the woel4 wil1 listen, do net fear, Speak 1. out. Lo the realms of soul, expression 1e the dam'. noting need, Toll your thoughts by art or muse, by a word oc by • deed ; 11 there's light, or love, or beauty to the product, mm will heed, Speak f1 out. I)o not sky theree notelets/ new ! Some thoughts boor telling o'er and o'er, Speslk them out. Just be cure you soy them heeler than shot e'er were sold beton, �- Speak them .as. De yes mak. !be wakliogaOlI EMS all the changes hate hoes nag! Bull we are but babes In Process. for the world as rel 11 yours, ; On the Future's lips are tweeter songs than ever hays boss smog. Speak them Sal. Then are other means than tongue or pen to tell the thing. you Niel, Speak them out. There's the chisel, there's tie brush, by which your dreams you may reveal, Snook chem out. Mould you hove oo gift for thee*, yet do not deem your quest m visa ; Rea worker, for by aotiens men their sods may best amain. the Deed M your laterpnter to make yoal merN plate. Spook it out. De you thrill with God's great purpose, that Impels you to aspire! Speak It out. Does the hope of som.tblag better bare within you lite . fin ! Spook t1 o0L Never celled the world for leader*, teachers, • propbete, as today. • have, for loot of humankind, • • ehmriog word to soy ; 11 raw brain oont•Ins • thought to help apes the upward way, Speak is out. -J. A. I'.rxrgaroo. Lot COUNTY CURRENCY. Brumfield : A. Mustard, of Bruceeold, has leased W. Jewett's mw mill fur a term of year*, W,.gham : Amon Tlpling has purchased the flour mill in town,whlob hes boon offered for eat. lowly, Rruweo : Mies Kate \l llsoo, daughter of Mrs. Jas. W•I ion, will team) school at Drayton for 1902 Hayfield : t.itele Jobanie hl array, who Sas twee 111 for some time with an atomise le his knee, has died. Clinton . Friends were delighted to see $Iso MoReori., who la visiting hero from Aberdeen, S. Dakota Brussel.: Mise 1).re Smith has been re- e0gaged •l Mather in Platbytll., promoted oo the staff with toorea.. in 'Moly. Brussels: Thos. Kew. of Whltecburob, formerly of Broomall., and Mies Ray Cottle, of W hlteoburoh, wore married on Uhrotmoa day. Wiagbem : A K. Smith will re -open In Ib. Chisholm Meek, to 15. store r.oently 000apled by theMleeee 1'o.* ase dreeemak• lar shop. Votes : W. IhElas y is mewing old acqual.Woee 1 1M wee a reeldeet of Varna ever forty y.,..s ego, but M •t present liv. log In Y.le, M ioh. Bromide : DeWitt Holmes had the Goren o1 his left hand damaged In • maohle•while employed le F. Adam's shop. bstTl• INNS.- eesistteg Io tiee m•nufaoturs of bute.r prints. Brussels : Diphtheria has •ttaoked the family of John Long soil they are now quarantined. The patient, Miss A, hole, Is g ettlns along Wooly. Fordo/lob : Chao.. L.pp.rd, toaster •t Molesworth, sod formerly tt 1611 plasm, was married on Christmas day to Mies E. Coop.r, god bon. of Howtok. Waltoo : Jam.. Campbell has sold bas farm on the MaKlllop boundary, oontatolog 140 sores, to his o.irbbor, Arobie Clark, toe price beteg $4,100. 5saforth : Mlse Isobel Wilton, daughter of C. Wllso, was the recipient of • preemie 1a the shape ot • very handsome new piano, from her uncle, Robert Prise., of L'bicogo. Ethel : Zack. McKee ma (lbristmm y .:tor at Kabel and looallty. H• bas beta to Mabltot• for several years. Mr. MoKoe i. • ma indoor of David Milae'e of this plooe. Ssolortb : Ills. 011ve Mullett, daughter of S. Mullett, of this teas, has oolleoted and transmitted te Toreato the very sub- stantial Sum of 110 as 5 Corlstmas gift for the Sick Cbtldrea'e Hosptal. Wtegbam : John Bllledoo, of Hontsvllle, Muskoka, visited big toter, Mrs. J. Flsuty recently. They bed not seen mob other forovrr thirty years. Mr. BJlsduowent to Muskoka about forty roan ago. Morro : On Cbru/mat day Cupid mored • victory at Alameda, Asslnabola, N. W.T., when WM Reb.00a, ooly daughter of Simon Forsyth, formerly of the 6th con., was gaited in marriage to Antos McMaster. Walton : Robert Clark bas cold his farm, 000talnino 100 sores, lot 17, on the 17th oonosesi00 of Grey, to Wm. Streth, who owns the lot just north of 11. Mr. Strath will now bave 200 acres tea block. Clinton . Oto Monday but week, as Mas ter Walt., Holmes was oomloe down street • dug ran and caught Olin to the oalf of the leg, tearing the lob and in6.otlog • wound that will keep him te the hones for a.vorai day.. Varna : At the residence of Joseph Harvey, on Christmas day, at i.lf•p•ss two, R. J. Beatty, fourth son ot Mrs. George Beatty, was united In the bonds of wedlock te Wei Jenny Harvey, youngest daughter of the hoot, Hill's Green : While out hunting o0 Cbrb/mas day, John Cochrane, of the town lute, was lucky enough to oaptare • whit. eagle. A. Itis quite young, sod had jam lett the nest, be is lotto confident that h. oab easily tame the bird. McKillop : Jamas Morrison, eon of John C. Mormon, of McKtltop, who took 96.25 Point. on bis September white oh...* at th. Iran Amerman, has been angaged to take !turfs of eh. Carleton oha..s faotery, near Lotow.l, for next mouton. Zurtoh : The boo. of Mrs. H. Stelck was the memo of a tory pretty owl happy r.eeatly, when ov.r one hundred and forty guests aseembled to witness the wedding of her oldest daughter, (:xxl., who was oott.d In marriage to .lobo Hey, of Zurich. \Vioghom : William Hied, formerly et WIegbam, had his hand .everiy injured whits operating, burr planer at the farsl- car. factory. The maohln. made • o•aty .ash in trio palm of Its hood, outting out a lugs pl.oe of the 11.15. 111 will bo laid of work for • while. Hallett : Humphrey R. Snell, eldest son of Jas. Small. h.. •ooepted a responsible position as herdsman for .1. H. P.ti., of Burlington. Mr. Petit is one of tb. !argent and beet known shorthorn brooder,* to Ont• aro, Analog • herd of 125, n.orty all Imported •oamals. Brunets : The sad Iotolhig.noe was re oohed last week list Mrs Argo, oma Moorgnm.ry, formerly of Hruseels, hod pureed •way at her home, Meltat0e Hat, N,W.T., a elotim of that fell de.troy.r, oo0ecmnttu1. D.oeued was .Mater to Mr. W. F. Vaaitome, of Wlo.b.m. Cranbrook : ,)no. Hunter hos the con trait for two loe brir•k rwldenom to be .rooted next year, oo. for Aper. Barron and Otte other for Fred Oxtoby, both well known residents of Grey township. D. A. Lowry, of Brood., bas the belch work. Mr. Hunter has jam olo.ed • busy season with • rood r.00rd. Seaiorth : Wm. Paterson cat the motor• 9Ba- 10 hate the .od taken off one of Soca = = OT1R Business has grown to such dimensions that we have decided to move to larger premises, and will to consequence offer our whole stock of Pianos, Organs, Violins, Guitars, Music, Sewing Machines, &c. And all other Musical Instruments, at Genuine Bargain Prices until the 15th Feb., 1902. Remember, this is a Genuine Removal Sale, and the chance is one you may never meet again. 8EATFB SHARPENED iN LATEST APPROVED STYLE CEO. W. THOMSON & SON Mask and BIeyole Defiers, - GODKRICH THE SIGNAL : GODERICH ONTARIO. THURSDAY, Jan. 2, 1902. 5 5o lager. wtlb • shaper in 15. farulture factory .ow. days •go, sod 4. still *tumbled tor work. A young lad named Stoddard, of N:gmoodellle, oleo met with • p.tulul root - dent In the eam. place, having had oue of his heed. maimed. Morris : At the 1'reebyleriao manse, Brimmed., on Christmas day, • matrimoolol album. was . nnuwm•te1 by Rev. Jou. Roos, li A., betweeo H. MoC.li, o well koowo youog (*ottoman of ire 'lib hoe of Morris, and Mia Hanuah, .'doet daughter of Hugh Forsyth, formerly of the bah line, now In the Northwest. Brunets : P. 91oguarrle'• tattle daughter, who took IR recently wish dtpbeberia, died on Christmas day, we are sorry to my. No other members of the Mindy h•y._esken 11, fortunately. The funeral took plane eD the Muumuu of Wedneaday,R.y. J. Holiness ooaduoting eervloe a1 the cemetery. Da- mmed was • bright little rid three years of ase. Hayfield . While Julio Watson, of Bay leld, was to the village a abort time .go, he loot his puree uontalolog over $40 After • vain "Bort to find the lost treasure, he went hoots feeling very blue over his loss. For. tuoately, the same evening as Fred Burdge Wes poising along the Street he found the lost article, and making inquiries soon di. covered the owner, who was oommuoloated with and his money promptly Warned. Cllotoo : Friend. of Mrs. (Dr.) Fowler, Loodoo, (formerly of Cllotoo) will t0,lrst to learn that .h* mat with a serious accident. She was oomtug down stain with • lamp to her hood, whim •he tnppeksod tell to the bottom Furtuoalely the lamp was ex tl•guhhed to • fail or She might have beta eerlouely burned. At IC was 000 rib was broken and ahs was maob bruised and .5.k• en up, She Is manned to her bed but I. delve as well as o•o be expecte.k Brussels : Saturday morning, Deo 21st, doth claimed • worthy resident of Brussels, in the person of George S., only son of George Rogers, at the age of thirty years, Death was not uaup.o:.d, however, as Mr. Borers had been In failing balth for some time and had been 000lned to the house for several months put, 000rumplson befog the admmt Demme! Has a very ioduetrious, geotlemanly fellow. and had beep superin- tendent of St. John's Sunday @about ter some time, • Crediton : Mr. Bloomfield, who has been prinotp.l of our public school for the past three years, is leaving to t►ks aha prtooipal• ship of the Bndgep public school. Before his departure he wi made the recipient of testimonials of esteem from ►1. (risotto in he Methoduit cburob and Ola school pupil,. He leaves • boot of friend. to CredlNp. Mies Wilson, who bas leen first assistant teacher, has hooded to ber resignation to the Irnstees. Mies Wilsoo wan • good teacher and woo many friends while here. Brussels : Leet Saturday morniog, Ua "ember 21.t, A Shraohan'e More bad a aloes mill from • serious fire. Alto, the Construm wiodow dressing had been done, oonsletlog largely of handkerchiefs, oto , • large lamp had been pot tooth* window to melt the frost o8 the plate glass. Io some manner the goods o.aght ere and only by energetic efforts were the flames kept in the email compose of the window. The plate gloss, which woe only put In tut fall. was wrecked, as were the other paw, and the whltew.ar and other goods :o the neat display were de siroy.d. Mr. Straohan's lam will be about 1200, which will be covered by insurance. Dr. Graham, who owns the block, had ho property Instated also, and the otoeeeara repairs will be made as soon as poeslbl. The fire alarm was rung hut the engine was n ot neooes•ry. Trowbridge. A beautiful wedding took place in Trowbridge on W.dnsad•y, 1)c "ember 25th, when Minnie 5!otori*, moond daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Code, was united In the holy bonds of matrimony to Abraham Kersey Jackson, yoo0ge.t eon of Mr. and hire. A. Jookeo., of Btuevale The ceremony was p.rform.d in eh* Methodist obnrch, F. J. (hum, of Looknow, cousin of the bride, ofoiating. The bride was the reolpl.bt of many very boutlful and useful rifts, among which were • number from friends in Wasbingtoo, Edmonton. Calgary. Detroit, lrrgoole, Toronto and Galt, who were unable to be preront. After the wedding trip the happy oouple will reside on the 1st oo0ceeelo0 of Morn., and the loos to Elmo of one of ber fairest daughter. will be an equivalent gain to Morris. Th. bride o • sister el Mr.. R. Stew•rl, of Dod.rich. MUNICIPAL COUNCILS. ..on[KI�H TOWNSHIP. MoNDAT, Deo. 16, 1901. Council met pursuant to adisuromeut ; minutes of last meeting read and pawed. Moved by John Middleton. sw:anded by Jas. Cor, that the 0011.0ton time be exteod• ed to 30 Inst. to oo11eot balance ot Laze.. Moved by John C. Wood., seconded by Jos Joho.too, that the following aocouets be pall, vis , for grovel : Wm. Mersey, $9 72; A. J Courtioe, 112 04 ; Chas. Johnston, $2 - 58 ; Mrs. Drysdale. 14.80 ; Jas. MoDoe•Id, 124 ; S. Walters, 12 16 ; W. Muroh, $4 Iib; W. W anon, $12.18 ; Jas f oaaolly. 14.20 ; Thee NI airs, $6 ; W. Johnston, 12 04 ; J.. IfeBrl.o, $4 14; J. O Knott, $25,x0 ; I ) Uox, $6 ; H Hskar, $8 70 ; T. Bottles, 16 ; E. J. Elliott, 36ats, ; N. Hibbs, 112 66 ; Fletcher MoCarrby, 19 60 ; T. Harrison, lumber, 14,80 ; Star, prletlor, $2 25 ; S ,1 Andrews, Oho 1665; Peterhorough rimes election .applies, 15 70 : Seeley & Davis iron and spikes, 12 15 : J. A. Cox, banding .now (*moo, 11932; A W item, rent of hall for oo000il, 130. Adjoarsed to meet per statute. NIXON STURDY, Clerk. A+H.I$Ler. Connell met on December 16 h. Mem- ber+ all present. Minutes of previous mamma recd and approved. Bylaw No 9 was florally pained, appointing p,lling worths and deputy returning officers for the year 1902 as follow. • Pullin. ■ub•diet. d oe No. 1, Bamforde barber skip Deegan - non ; polling •nb division t-Tta ay'r . ohool hones; pollirg sun dlviston No. 3, school house No. 5 ; palling sub division No. 4, Foresters hall, Port Albert; polling mmb•dlvlston No. 5, .*hoot house No. 2 ; polling sub•dlvision No, 6, hones of H. Molotaeb, lot 6, non. 13 (W. D.) ; ratline sub division No 7. school house No. 12. Deputy retorninp ofaereNo 1 A Delaney; NO. 2. H. Molthea ; No. 3, K. McIntosh No. 4, Wm. B. Hawkie. ; No 5, John Styles, No. 6, H. McIntosh ; No 7, R. Hamilton. A number of cheques sorra 1. .wed w51ok .15 to tOo ae.eelai statement In a taw .fay.. rhe counml then adjonruad. Wu. STarnatu, clerk. GODERICH TOWNSHIP. FRIDAY, 1).e. 271h. ORANntMUN KLc.•r OrrlciR11,-1. G. L. 189 has Plotted the following offi oars for the yrar 1902 W. M , John Sturdy ; D Hall Roiledrs ; meoretery, (leo. Cant.lrn ; Iln. .1.., ileo. Vienne" ; treasurer, R H. h:IIlet1 ; 0. of C , Tho.. Kiltou ; INtar.r, F. Creighton ; oommttte., Thos. Harrison. P. ('.otelee, Thos. ('horohld, Jas. Elliott, W. Emerson, Wsnni.o --An Intereeting and happy event took place .t the home of Jr. hoard, on Chrlelrae, It Awing the moi r iage of hi. WV SECONB DB*PONDSIINT. *may persons become despond- ilfeR 11gealss they have been unable to Ewa a permanent enre for Fes. AIM (Beit Rhenm) and kindred Ma diseases, sashas pimples, ase blotches. "(Amax" Iron Toni. Pills will positivelyonre these ailments and make te skin healthy. Eich box contains ten days' treatment. Price ed mote, et all druggists. or mailed on rs- esipl of pries. Address: The Dr. Nall 1(¥i&fae Oo., Hingatm. Ont. wooed youngest daughter, blies Ito, to Ch... Joshing, • prosperous young formic of II ullett. The bride luuko.i ohm -ming and wlp*um. to . dress of oiram 0Mbmete trimmed with eat o, mod u.rry.o4 a ninth of bridal ruses, and woe given rosy by bar fa: her. Mrs. Y. Funk, Uolb.rne, played the wedding maruh, tl,e wiremooy baiog petlurmed by :he Iter. 1)r (aaurd, In the pre.enoe of about forty seat• After • sumptuous wedding dinner ahs evening was spout la "(totid reureeti'0, alter which the happy ooupl• drove to *Lem own how to nutlet,. The high esteem In which the bride Is held was shown by tee tern number of handsome promote she received, and the cengratulatlous of their many friends are I extended them. ------- COULD_ COULD SCARCELY WALK. TOM Una was la . tory Bad Way not at wet feamd • rerlect fore. Aruprlor, Oat., Dm. 30 (Speral) most eigmtio.ot .tatemcnl is being pub• Belled by Mr. J. H. Martin, of th1. place :- "For eighteen years I bays suffered with a severe baokaoh• whlob was so bad that 1 oould scorooly walk or lie down et tame.. 1 tried many mediums. but got no bettor tilt 1 tried Dodd'. Kidney Pills. As soon o. 1 began this treatmoot 1 oommeuoed to Improve very rapidly, and pow I o•o do my work without any trouble. They era the greatest mortician 1 hays ever used and 1 would 001 be without them. 1 most heart ily reoommeod Dodd's Kidney Puts for baokaob. " Those who koow Mr. Martin know that he mean. every word he my., and his plan statement meet carry great weight. Dodd's Kidney Pills are very popular in Arnprior. BLUEVALb. Trtet,Av, Deo. 24:h. James Mitchell is is ck with rheemoti.m. Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Lewis ars visiting rotative. •1 Mitchell. Allem Denman, ot Mount Finset, Is visiting his parents here. Mies Kathleen Swann is home from For• Out high school, for the holidays, W. Ssewurt, teacher at Lorton high school. is yletueg ht. potent. here, Mise Mabel Uoultes ho. been sick for toms time with inflammation to her eyes, Vtotor larmyo le home from %Clinton Collegiate lustitute for tho holiday.. James Metier, of North D.kote, is visite ing rotative' In Hluevate and vicinity. MI5. Bane Burgess has gums to spend t5ti holidays with relatives at Toronto and Orono_ Misses aes.ie and Haggis Dimeet and Mom Harriet Sanderson, of Toronto, ars visiting at John 1)aneot'a. The Canoe or Nervous Headache. This most distressing and common malady doubtless has its argot in toms uobal000ed condition of the nervous system. Probably the simplest, safest and moat ethol.nt rem. edy la Poison's Ni rodlike. Twonty drops in sweetened water gives immediate relief, and this treatment should be supplemented by bottling this reglon of pun with New !line. To say It sots quickly bile to exposes the result. Sold everywhere in larRe 25a bottles "It's not lost that a friend gets." Rather give too l than too little valise I A safe policy for. Illaktes,-..who lx their own price on - "The Slater Shoc" *m. Sharman. Jr. 1 r umbago is Rheumatism of tine beak. The cause is Ude Arad In the blood. If the kid- neys did their work there would be no Uric Acid and no Lumbago. Make the kidneys do their work. rya sore, positive and .yy cure for Lumbago le Dodd's Kidney Pills LIPPI N COTT'S MONTHLY MAGAZINE A FAMILY LIBRARY The Best in Current Literature 12 COMPLETE NOVELS YEARLY MANY SHORT STORIES AND PAPERS ON TIMELY TOPICS 52.50 PER YEAR ; 25 CTS, A COPY NO CONTINUED STORIES EVERY NUMBER COM E IN 1 JUST RECEIVED- . a Urge asseete oL • R. B. Smith JVIc1(IM'S Store. A Regular Clean-up Jordan Block After the holiday trade there are • number of odds and ends to clean up. We have made our profit, so they are yours Rt coot, and leas in many lines. FURS.- All our furs out Sae quarter to price. 'rimy were ea .lrdy low ea.y5 printed. \N a have • lot of oap.rioea, ruff., etc , ;from 12 50 up to 116 00, They must be all cleared at 25 per cent. off thine prices, t het Is, the $2 50 ones for Ill 87, and the 116 00 noes for $12 00, sod all between procel all sante rate. CLOTHING.- W • hav• too many .yer0oate and will put the prises your way thus . -$6.00 beayer oyerooae, velvet ooS.r, ly front, well made, her 13 90. A $12 50 very firm bearer ovetooat, beet lining. and tailor mode, tor tg.ix. All Do w N0 proms at same out. M.n'. •11 wool double breast sults, pttoA vale. . t $700, for $5.50. Men's olster., ro:,: yalue a1 $5 00, for $3 90, and oe through the S tock the some cute. 11 you want • Milt sr w overcoat we know It will well repay Tout.. see ear stock and prime. JACKETS.- From 50o to 110 00,211 eut prima, mil than prlo.a imam e0I to two, Dias 1., the 50o mortal for 25o,, tied the 110,00 jaokel for 15.00. Had all betwsan prfoes at soma half prices. Bar'gaies is all Iilluery seed Dry Goods. McKim's Busy Store. 1808 --o-- 1808 ..L/STOWEL , Is moving torw•ad. Wloter term begin. Jan. 6, 19)1. Our olio. are reasonable, our coarses of study thorough and praotloal• send for our Journaland see what we tomb. Students may enter at any time. Two courses of study, Commercial and Shorthand. C. A. FUMING, A. L. McINTYRE, Pore. , Owen Sound. Listowel. Xmas Perfunies... The cheapest and beet ever brought into Goderich. , . Pure Wood Alcohol for burning inSpirit Lamps, &c. . . Agent for the celebrated " Honest John RUP- TURE TRUSS. i : J9RB�►�1, MEDICAL HALL, . -and -Druggist- Sole r t st- Sole Local Agent. S M The .. London Daily FREE PRESS Two o'Clock Edition, $ .00 PER YEAR This edition Is published especially for towns, villages and rural districts in Wntern Ontario. It gives all the news up to ONE O'CLOCK each day. including Foreign, Oanadlan, American, Dletrfet, Local and Sporting. It contains eight to twelve Pagett Ave days a week, and sixteen pages on fiatarday. Half -tone and other illustra- tions of important doings and prominent people appear every day. The Saturday edition alone Is worth ilia p�l7ce. ' Subscriptions received 0t ono time. Attire -so - The London Free Preen Ptg, Co LONDON, ONT. Mention 11'. oaper. I T H PICTURE and ART .. . DEPOT .. e e .e. ...,•,‘,..I Mouyenlr (Tondo,. and Uhris'ma+ Garde. "nitre!), new. SOLD HERE ONLY. 20 per rent. off all fine Chir a, Leath sr, Savor and Cel:ulold Good., 50 per bent. off all Toys, Games, Doll. and Pioturs It.tk., GOING OUT OF THiS LINK. Tey for **mit and suitable promote It wall save 700 mcny. 1e1 SMITH NEXT TOWN HALL. NoMETREASUREE RSI THE I.ATK D. K.STRACHAN'S MACHINE AND BLACKSMITH SHOP UNIYER NEW t ANAGRMRNT. JAMES H. JOHNSTON, who had Moen with the late Mn. ST1tAr'N ow for several yea's. and le thoronebly eon versant soh h all Masson of work that h:... Innen Anne In tho shop, venoms to itnnnnn, e that he has taken phare* of Inc astahlish menet and will carry on the tontines.* in snob a manner as to retain the oonadener anti patronage heretofore ot•an4e4 to the late owner, and will be pleased to have as moor new 00atom.re ea will fawn* him with their patronage. 1n addition t0 bolo Week toe Plow'. Street Wafering Wag - nee, Norm Powers, etc , he will oomtlnne M An GoNaRAI, 11,A.'.KRMITHI\0 and Ital'AIR Wittig M ell kintio MA ('IIINR TI HN1'Nl), (DRILLING. PLAN 151:, TRiteADIN.l. and all kind. of ma ohlee work done on abort notice. He bas aloe aAAd • Oreeelaes NRA VI Val PLANT, and all work In that line inclnding Meta* reirtng .nii braked' all line, ran be attended to on *hon mottos. Lowe Mow em aheepawed. I41rNr will hie found rialto tMaoeabla JAMES H. JOHNiTON, Thane. D. K. 88traebae's Muddies age Mootea Smith se. visuals et„ aodestob. Clearing Sale of STOVI3S. .1. H. WORSELI, woke. hie many cnelomen • Marry \ma. and • Happy New Year and w.nld Intimate that for the baI•noe o1 the veor be will hale • ()rest ('Isarieg Sale of Heating and Cooking Stoves. Ev.ry Slave 000 In stock will h. sold •e Whelsealo Triose to olaas them ent bolero the New Yeas. Got Sargafao while they last.... J. 11. Worsell Tho .hasp .Mvo and f areae. man 9 J BROPIIEY&1ON - TIIt L1An1Vo - ll�utVera\ Uwee<urtt. wiNA Y.t\xOtJt rt•ertil, Orden carenelly 'attended to at •11 hours. &Ware sir day. Sae bee ftfllwug. CANTELON'S Pastry, Oyster Patties, Tarts, on Bread and Cream Rolls,fiflce Pies 21E1 Lady Fivers, Kisses, Macaroons, Maranon, Brandy Snaps, Etc. afe as good as the beiImadolin any testy in Canada. Gentafair kende the trade in WEDDING CAKES uI fancy designing son ornament iug Had almond icing Give him an order and your sat- isfaction will be assured. :21.1 D. CANTELON, WEST -8T. Clothing 1 have put into stock a litre of 1 ady.made Clothing of first class manufacture, and at prices to suit the times, Ordered Clothing Is still my specialty. A good range of clothe to select from ; and workmanship the test to be had. If yon ueod an overcoat this fall call and Noe me. A number of lengths of piece goods to he cleared out at (met. H. DUNLOP. West Street 70�'rsv/ Dietui - Firs @BJaI ut Cs. FARM AND ISOLATED TOWN PROP- ERTY INSUILID. Value of Property Iaaure 1 up to Janitor', 1901 ey,Na.ny6.M UrrICKite AND Dinxell Iii. J. R. McLean, pros. ; T. Fraser, vloe-pies. ; Jas. Connolly, 4. Dale. W. O. Rro•dtect, J. Watt, Jas. Evans, J. O. Grieve. J. lea•eweie directors, W. O. Hroadfu,t, Soafurth• Inapeo. tor 01 loess ; T. Z. Hays, Seatortb, secretary. traeettnr. W KNTe, J. W. Yeo, Holmesvilte ; Jamas Cumming Egniondvills ; 1t. McMillan, Ssa:omit ; R Snaith. Harlook Pokey -holders ono pay aremaments and get their cords recelpted of Mr. Coati. Clinton, or titon MoLean Bronl'al ' ase b( Clotag more, 0•• .'. ci HELLO ! THE OLD RELIABLE. ALL KINDS, OF: COAL ALWAYS -ON HAND .:m111IagT craiitoll Hard Coal Il$ 7115 MAltlEST All Opal wok*** on the Ianties Beales' ware yon get w011aa for • los. WM. LEE. Orders lett at LE3 R 8Sip8AAa'R Store promptly attended to. Wet Weath(r Shoes and Rubbers. WE have what you want and what you need ni our Quaiit.!Shoes and King -Rubbers Quality TIii'y are absolutely the lest made.... . 1 OUR Shoes are known for tisk Sty -6,1r -it. Comfort andDurability. and our ROW, for there Fit and Shape. and befog sale of PURI OUI*, will wear twigs as kW aa ordinary ruTibers. �- We have a largo aseorttnent of, . Ladies' Leggin, Overstockings, - Wool Soles, Etc . . e l'hooe Bootle aro the very beat good. that money can buy ' The STUB PROOF RUBBERS for men are here at last, and we Igvres Porn iv'Pv TIOK, or, 11 you can't call to Hee them, drop us a card for catalogue. ST. GEORGE PRICE g+ HOLE AtsENT FOR CEO QUAL1TY SHOSH. ¶ANT A STEP•LADDEII? We give one away with each pound of Pure Cream flaking Powder purchased front us. 50c a Ib. The step -ladder alone worth the price. Try a package of our Hop Tea -not a medicine, hut a care- fully selected In.lian and Ceylon Tea blended in a scienIfis manner with specially prepared Hops. Delicious and healthful. Now is the time to buy your Garden Seeds. We have a full sew Ttment. Telephone No. 91 Stry=YB dr, CO. Til E GROCERS. ASK YOUR DRUGGIST FOR MCLEOD'S ; SYSTEM ; RENOVATOR, A Wonderful Tonic and Remedy for WEAK and IMPURE BLOOD, KIDNEY and LIVER TROUBLES. Manufactured by J. M: MacLEOD, Cioderich, Ont.