The Signal, 1902-1-2, Page 6m.• e,4 , -1W
--- -f .
. t.•AiA ax..*
' tures $:,8,1313, awrh'nrry #61,785, to X"glawl. 114ey would not how -
The Ssgnai liardware $,11,037, louts anti shorn to Gerutauy,
or'In ,rest Is au uncoutroilAlsla Itt:4a
$11,171, wht-key $1',317, o Cans $'-'G -
ever; they Might 196P
Or to semi Other country. Oue na-
w metras,
595, pianos $11,889. wall {taper $i,
tuts another oculi eruct b] Ute
1348, furniture j20,525, wood pulp
Of .vuerican and
■r w ar.01ILLLCUAKIL01F. J
$13,10LI. other articles $119,803, and
English workmen combined to do&*
( o n P, n a tinKto
yultu u Ilit of small Items. our tin-
little work as possible."
_ - _
FRIDAY, JAN. 9. 190Lo. '
ports tram Australia were valued at
the Wes of lh: trader uuloaldta
Ins It to prov{,bvl "tor the resort.
$1:6,i67, of wh'.ch $181,7::0 were
Is that the wurkhegu,eu 811µh get
in•ePltr(tt YtrrtNIPIV seiP"l
free of duty, $200,008 came under the
a fair share of lalwr'd product, in-
. ItK.K1,IN bUtiAlt.
preferential tariff alai $1,624 under
.te&,1 of lettllag the kernel go as.
Awutog the prurooters of the Sugar
the general tarWf.
profit on capitut WIMP the 811011 Is
cumpatry which will }(root Its f.rrl
It will tJwr be seen that the teal•
left its wab•Y)d of labor. Of course
factory at Berlin Is lir• Will uta
once of trade between tie two ooua-
the laborer uramt pro.lw'u inure vulue
Hendrick of thin city. We thAlk a
tried is largely In Canada's favor,
thou he gel", or capktallsts will not
wide seltctlun line best, wade, fur
that La, wv sell nore to Australia
Into with h In ut ail.
Berlin Is surrounded by German
ilian we buy from that country. Dr.
go partnership
It la till) ealldU111er of ittc gaol"
farmers, some of whuu, were doubt-
Moutugue m therefore quite right
wilt, it, the Inst auaiyrls supplle+
less accustomed to beet culture in
in suyLlg lhn,t veiandu hum ou Inter-
the wageg fund, sand tlid producer
,Le Fatherland, and 131 y will
.telt in Autttralia's new tariff, for If
cannot get wore than the cuu-
knuw how to do Wile work in Mal-
tic' Atlsstraltaas favor us with the
"ewer provider. It seems to be
&tin. Tile Gprwaua have. its a rule,
flattery of Imitation tlwy may
iLgreed tluat tea ,British wurktuan
large G,wilier, and that lnet will
Mutt many C:uwdian products out of
tuns, In cares like that of th+• great
help to Make that LW+Ulrbd gu, for
tlbllr market. True, our total ex-
One the Ica til
Iytgiueers' strike, g g
women and children can du court•
lortd to Australia aro Small In com-
of killing till) goose that lai l the
6 weed-
tit&u a mau'r work in hoelli•,
Varl•oq Wltb our v: ports to Great
„urulLer ooua-
ilia a,pd Winning the beets, alt ch
Brlialn And to time 0altot Staler,
tries have gained by the pmmilar:-
cnbuol be grown for sugar in the
bu'l they (went 1n the aggregate,
ties of lite British traded uu oil mys-
rtatltth-aOJ-tumble style that nn-
and It would be much more agreeable
talo,. P,drticuh,Ny the item of keep- ,
sw-ers well rut/urh' for a root crop
to oro totem Increase than dimiu'd),
Ing prsluort down to or below [aver-
Intended for cattle -food. With
ilr Wilfrid Laurier Puts arraugotl to
,We capacity. But OV441 well paid,
lent Cot beets of the right quallt
plenty 4: y.
have a conference with the Ilremitlr
hu•I hu rd working American work-
anJ plenty Col capital w rue tile
of Avuslralia la h0dof1 at tlmy Motion.Rival
Luny be lu►uut-l-bv &n .....
•algae factory, the enlerprlre Ought
'lie Klag's coronation, and the result
duuul mdpleluu tlmt Catrueg.e null
to be profitable to all cmnurtts•d
may b, an arrangruuent under which
:Iw trade between the Domintoa un.
hese of him class get wore than
with It, and ochre lucnlitll) On
llzv Commonwealth eau ILaoInrgcl,
;heir Share, and that 110013110013 of the
Carlo can to work fa.e cer with
,ur1 Club millions should be equltably
the advantage of tie e'perie as
lidded between the men whodraw
acuuired at Ber)iD.
INt;O11K A\1) r•!CI'F;aaiD11CItF:.
tvugem and the m,•u Who cunsuroe
- L ----- .
to figancial muttemeut fur tilt
the [nook.
i Lou is- now completed. til,
-i;_--+--- -`-
The BrItl,Qj mint Is this whet( turn-
igur or the year ended .tune 30th
Ing out the tarot is"uu of the Coe»
.901, ha lig been revL+al. Iteveuu
Tho nceemslty of felditla the tog
coin„ bearing the effigy of King Fit-
•eras $3_,51 701, nn lassoes+s o'
to am to make n streak ut ate in
wand \'ll. T.he cuter now role}
$1,481,707 ova the. previous yellr
11. butian Iw+ b •vq pretty we,, oUum-
struck are gull ; silver ct,inal wilt tet
.and Ord nary ex •udt.uro wan $t6,
UUiI Lttlo the l'n W► termer and
mint la January. The purtrult u(
f6S,3(i7, testing u • plutl of $5,648.-
c'w it second tIALt rattle must
the mame idea in view. The of
tgo r hived it wad to be, u Very
1.13. But there, were ar Ital expend:-
falutfuI keut-ms of the rovetelgu a.
urcruurailways,casala, I,Lcbutd
'iter die Ix,t relLmh tallow;_ e
lie b tO Thu delocrtptiun of tits
digs. ctr:, t,mounthog to $ 69.5,48;
.vnnto film bite of lean. At the receu,
LIS Jn Guelph the subJeet was Jnr -
tlws gi\'ep fu the pro-
:aikvay subsidle@ cum• to $2,5
ussnd, cone of the Speaker@ ra)'Lng
C9118'111=171.17,!, 1l) Gnutie:
and the South African canting it
m "was told that kit the Ch►rAgu
I.F'1\c-p,uu piece -Every fife
an,] Halifax g,trrinua po.4L $1X)`(,(18
tkark •i list, very fat animals were
!Dural P1cce miss hove for till) ub
uringiug use total cupital expetxll
,•Jerk+ and hose it creates a friction
veto" impreomiou r effigy with til•
�P up to $11,116,499. Taking [(rote
coudAered the beet to export,
tt,serfp.ttotr A44.-
Zid itt$11Ufli •t
t•a �• they did not bring the high-
Brltc, Umn, ltrx F'1�. Def, Ind, imp,
- .
,.,•, ..... _.-..__._-+......_ r-._ ..�..-.:.,.
,it Pr r• The -&hook raiser had to
George, armed, sitting bor.ei„at+k,
Itttackuatt Wile alrogou w alt n snvru
and a broken slwntr up;,a LL i,r mild,
ars] the date of the yen ,vit11 u
;_- graining upon the edge, .
o- - \er tYu-
Tw ,Gun(1 ircr E t
1 P y
{ tonal Pltee shall !tato the tut ub-
1 vexes and reverse Impression nd
� Irecrlptton In all n "pacts Cots I.-
five-pouhal piece, with u grainin
upon ate edge.
8. 8overetgn - Every Sovereign
duzJl have for ale obverse impresdlvn
-,-_,.-�_ We aforesaid tttigy, with the In-
, swipilon "FwitcurN TII: D"Yi711rIM.
ands .,f $4:,4iW.33lt-..,I *1.531 C
•. f r Uil) addition to l net de i
, nisi , J u h, n b
't the Dominion nmannts to $2,9",
194, the debt at the end Cot the year
.m Ing • $
_ 80
�I14a6B - -
The in,wozA un the pull c d.•bt not%
oma n." to $108,7.914, 1.14u w,.l h
4 to be deducted $'1,784,1433 under
fir• hemll of Intere..t on tnaed4mouts,
i•inchutlly winking IeuKfs. In thin.t Gat
i re,, we ,lhould tw-,glad b, see mub-
Oman, Rex F. D. Ind, full.," and for
or'In ,rest Is au uncoutroilAlsla Itt:4a
Ut& reverse the Same impri un in
rt sopa• pure, which must b• paid,
- 1111 rMorctm las the fi\e pound Ilieos,
, •with a graining upon the edge.
rep wit tI,., are hard unit rev-
i halt moverelgra-Every flair mnv-
-,mex pcan CN tt 11.P the time wit
trt4ga Alan have the mime ubrern
liev-er come•hen the conntr sial.
wpah� everimpression anti lnarripil"n'
In alp
imrt• all the pt, is work+ butt can be,
r wctr its the movere all
( o n P, n a tinKto
Thr bronze• chine to be, minted Will
.m,hry �or every Haley fn tiwe et
bear on, , tie obverse the mnme. de-
ii' are tit kw•p its tel alltfayd til till[,
dgn end tnpertption as the i, plrcc
"I ordinary Income. Tlie country
Ins It to prov{,bvl "tor the resort.
lint ham little or no ebt is best
ttepresafon the figure of Rritnnni,
in•ePltr(tt YtrrtNIPIV seiP"l
- Aa&tad on a rock surrounded by tits
'- -
- >r- _ once, her right �Iuand hnldinti a sbleLl
A 111NF: 4►F tl F:A4,r
- - wbich rents afWalast the rock, wbil.
Mr F:. 1, Bo 4well, k# -h'4 for
- to ken lett ItiO�J die gtagta a.lrJ-
cumpPlitiop rhttwytyd 1371 (mfr
dent," and the `' rtptlon of til,
' o•umb"a, pre.aPntm gimp nacres t t
-- and' oar,
ought to Ltereame the confidence
aft t'attadlantr in fliP44Karm Ot ilrsis
e"unlry. He Plays that in a very few
Rev. D. Y. Lucas, (if (rlmoby, writes
);,are the Crow's.Nest Coal Comaran
to the Olobe that "a prphibltory law
will ire taking out natal sending
- will do us poor_ service_ unless tht
la.•arkel 10,000 loam of coal per y
---people are thoroughly arty( re,T` iO N
stout It Iporeurrr It If Wu ties heNo
unu sun itoPo to add flew(( unless the
any,cart of polygsmlo arrangement, I .- -_Vwa jwwsM
wool, we had toe begin a' ower
time we la"'
a w
or a woman of no anrured statue,
c+alro. Ito i►1 have to myuc+ese tine
utero Wee g gut lhhhugh. Uopgal nut hie
attain to the material powltillltlee
in, "ll), " hid knuckles, An'
Of the Liwl monogamic wife? One to
kr to keep til U►rnegle !n
hand Am tar beet its you can with After time cream hae been Applies l
, n , ,m t Ir
out hu yourself. ado off with & Soft 1 I
stL► r Send [otwa I Ia
g r
) 4aril
maim knocked his elbuw Coot o'
Bit at Wart the thing war dune, the
dNltused to answer No."
rte,l) wlr •rl nil ea' the were
Tliero memo to be little In com-
.teed. Toronto batchcn could
hese pone, had 1st laws Dteu in
wlr."I up firm nn' t•uld, nut' Ikougnl
war Lakin' a tura In the back lot tar
men between lbs author of Anlfel-
force. coal+l not h solus any as to
the date and try to touch them to hako of the flnemt'aorn starch one j
eve If the fences weer a' rlok
poti„t,r and those writers who al-LP4*P*440%^Arar►rV•rVeapr►
tl)' hack; hold them straight • to contacts, #,Pet quality. of pare oxide
.) bulaplled theta was LSU fat LII
hoot hs Sa1J that wig »hit /oak blm
lege that the need of the world, or
Tlnery for ewoclutioa as ruuoura
regularly m:alntalged you wl 1 tlnd
Often rt of it, is more population,
sY Pa
fid and,�o plat a treatm.:ot n" for
on laercase la your weight b furl) a
my go.xlfar_aTit, lwrlwit's Thr
hied thAt all meamures which 114L e It
tendency to dlalalsh the birth-rato �
ulandty. fru bead not be thin &a)
more tit" uuo r need be fat. It une'
Etert•Iee Ir peculiar. N'title It d1-
.At -W �W.".AtGJt.dLf Jt-xL
are essentially wicked.
dyrtem V ruts down from hard work
mlnirlter tho weight it ono Ir tun
when ■trsighteatting. It those et- perfume with three drops Ot ell of
u1m1 worry of uvt a Lkwo are two
Uhings tltnl must sac atter b + th,n,
stout It Iporeurrr It If Wu ties heNo
unu sun itoPo to add flew(( unless the
of, the Kearley tor. War eeley
-i tiviould ,L4 o to the r IIOUrI.
to have
a ,lu treatwt•nt begun. 1'Ir.t,
Circulation be amt 130
it Wilk# v. try weilpt CJlrtbtma■
leg ter sem
. few, but eareame that took
take a funk: aiW bllltd your syrtepi
tetko d
absolute -
al! that It mhvuld be It Is nDdulute-
tllt should
Ar. first pits& at Guelph, was tit+
Coul In electricity? lla:''.a- s ceAT
up as well as you cull. Becut1J, Joh,
Ulu '•Ilun't Worry Club" at ouuc•
ly seccwmry to exert the murolea
and get u good free breath Of Coir.
Then you may G gnu the troatwrul
Few people are aware that It Id, ,
tyuadlAm Apples herd.
London, Ontario, Is carrying nearly
famr omuctation.
Of course, you mutt d1.4 and avoid
gecesbuty to Drrathv well to have
{loud health and tow hate any ldeu
to«ba, Dee. ,30. -At Covent Garden
t. he Oatarlo cities
$3,000,000 debT
11 as unrlWw-that
all aelJs am munp
how tonally they are breathing. A
Land the other markets Canakillan sp-
are all bullpeted, and paying it off
Lot, ache like Fcuwn. vinegar, etc
full, deep remplration Is like it toric
pies take tine lead ll) quality, coder,
anti and Invariably bring
not ]tall so easy as contracting It.
Drink plenty Of mina, ,vat a real,(, goat!
moot, roasts and all nourishing lots1not
to anyone.
tin+ tort, prices.,
Torontu'e p!11 for entertaining (las
fruits are excellent; dor drink
tea or "toe, but cocoa Is not harm
A t:Lrtgb.l Free.
Ar the cold weather and swift
1'l) outo&-1 F'srnoen Market.
lire Y&-Recelprtr „t grate were
Royal couple totals $13 276.18, net,
81eep Ln a well -ventilated room, and
whsle o utuo Jack Frust Colpo aur.
flitgrrd and rioru. There to gulag to
Ilght on the street market thlr
after dedlmt $L000 Oovernment
whoa ar Ilrigg is til,, morning tot•
b.) a lot o! cumlolahoing And finding
Imiruing, only 1,i)lX1 Dtwlaetr utfer-
grant and $1(1'50 received for sale of
ezorMsre with dumb M•11" anti Indian
[nett with the Old grutivuuo, but
U we treat him properly he will not
Wlipat-Was steady; 100 btwht•Ir
Nubs before taking a bath, then ase
frictk,n with rough towels until you
b:• so vtJi•y revere to Cod.
of white unit 100 btwlwis of red
Chicago bA/ had about 10.000 mar-
are Ln a perfect glow. Then you art
Tial) north wind must be provided
for. Wo must build burriere strong
meiflnt; at 74 to 7Uc par burls 1 ;
-(XD bushels of goose at 611% to 670
ringAt In 1901. Tllat Speaks"ofwell
read U) alt down and partake of a
goold breakfast.
�Rougb to keep out him chilling laugh-
per bushQQi.
far tw popularity of one Col our
After this, It con work, walk to
ter ural laid freezing growling. Furs
Barley -Was steady; GOO bushels
(altJ.11t Rad most respeo table Inoti-
your placie of bumliumin. if that Ale•
anal wWlrny keel) ar warm. but they
settle[ at 57 to 8'3 %at ser bush, I.
tante Is too great walk part of thr
do not }protect the cheeks, so we (Ion
the sell, and, to prove that It Is
Oatio-Were easier, 1,� ,+l0
selltliw at 5.3 to 62%o per bushel.
Britain's foreign trade $97 it
way, and ski so n1i0it and n)orning
when luwhro(u time comes don't sit
mlghtler• than the gauzy stuff, the
w tut] blows It against our Graces, aad
Hay -was eaaler, "S loads selllnt;
at $10 to $11 per too for timothy,
heal; C'atteda's. $70: United Statex
iq the offlc0 all noon, but
a red neat'. chappeti ubeeks and rough
and $7 to $9'for clover.
$:)0. The Dominion 'la du. ng fairly
T,.ke r %%.lit.
lips ani the resaltr. He is a rel0nt-
Straw -Witt, steady, three boa li
well nowadays, and It will do Det-
nYen U It Is onlyn spend Ute Dlock
find back. Walk brl-kiy with heed
less old gentleman, but It we are
nein and amide the mull will
■Chic Cot $9 r load.
- - -Ins --
ter b and b
y 7•
erect, shoulders thrown back and
swat bother pr half rt, much.
The Imperial Institute at Routh
elloot nut•
The veil In Aoki weather become*
Kensington. bait been transferred to
Tho rich Broukllyn evangelist who
W110" you return [some At night
damp „and when it blows again'd the
lite Britlah nation.
married A burglar to reform film will
have a goof dinner and retire Party
,•Jerk+ and hose it creates a friction
1wobably tint] her work cut out. 3fte
may now doccend from the general to
One who to wctriY from uv-•rwurk Is
Vi noel! of rest land Aliould h,t•tp las
king as pOydthim
•Phis fit Seemingly trivial to us at
the time, but whop we have (i tend
The Signal
the part/color.
If you �'
y have a wh•rl t,.1 wlant
:h• warm houses tine face U unsightly.
� rnlieve uta shooks it w,wW be
time you can (ri It, but r, m, mlwr
well to rub a hltlo cream into tht•m
la rcrtrUas
lar. Roosevelt does not believe In
in riding U) mit er,vt and hr•pthc
through the nostrils. Out -hour of
b_dore g„Ing out, but be •Sure you
"the StrenoouY lite" hart enough to
adrulnb lettlnrg rhl}rbulldera alt.1
rlding and breathing thrtrigh tit,
ss u In worms tha[I nap+ at &II The
u very little, for tu., much wilt
piav-e a i land ad none. When elle dust
shipowners earn their own It\lIIg.
resat•, with Its lining, nets a4 a litter
for there LS duet even to l).dJ
w•eettlice- bfowe eg:ilust the face, the
Terra sf ssk.erfrnoa,
rant subsidies.
of the air.
If posbibla take exercise In a
cream Ca Lallee it, ata] We hall's
ppl.�.mestit.inadvamee.........:.:...:._ I U
Chargea have been preferred
A duet d•hme of the Buttals policemen
gymnaehim, but it a gymnasium is
tic t, available there are go«t ex.
erclsee to practice at home. Stand
[rouble In restoring the cOmplpxluu
to erste(•( whVl.,%. s
than . F t -.etre (rerun.
Y►n+mAs. ................... M
M. ran• b&
Owrar. 10
for refuAi.g to ire vaccinated. Tf)e by it chair, rusting one hand oil Take Y
u wldto wax and spermacll. Adverel* Rase
&et Blas- are actllig vigorously to the back of It; then, with the Keele ono sauna+ each ;_lanofln, two ouuct•m , Iwery a" "her old" &s.sne•yu ,y, Ya
ptetr the mpravuf at the plague. together and the toes turne■1 out, mwoet Almond OIL tour ouuces ; beat I perit.e ter ln► ilk-r11e 111 v eM^moi tM Z
Deet] the knee and sink toward over tha fire until atclted, then re- twe«•Le+tre«...ttie.« ureas by
the floor, bringing the Arm that is tuova, beat abuwhilo cooluux aid, edais.
er loam alreudv given $10, -free forward with ver si kw ee Un•i altlo by little, thirty drops of tinuw,� ears. ref eats un« and usdar, M ser
':;Germ )oaitt be -+►re,
the t;WvVrrity-OOi V111-
r4lag. Tea of ttie■i mor(mrD r w weeuue«r
t,ta • meet a rWle for Loth the
c+alro. Ito i►1 have to myuc+ese tine
iter, you a good deal at (lets(. of orange flower water. Keep well
•vd-•r sad butch , AS the waste re-
od conannner harder, however, if be.
Place tbo stands on the hips and corked In & toilet bottle.
m m rated muuey for - lallh•. I"
kr to keep til U►rnegle !n
hand Am tar beet its you can with After time cream hae been Applies l
, n , ,m t Ir
out hu yourself. ado off with & Soft 1 I
stL► r Send [otwa I Ia
g r
) 4aril
.tigland they wanted ly b i-mttdl
giving What pity that the Peo-
keeping the knees straight, touch well to dust a very little of this
u„atlty rot tat, amt ass expurl
tole to whom t money ought to
the fipgvrs to the floor in (runt. powder, which It perfi•ctly #lire and,
.teed. Toronto batchcn could
hese pone, had 1st laws Dteu in
Raise Who arms above the head, ' thorntorr, sate to pee with cream„
palms back to back; lower them to: quer tike face.
y that JiV best Cust(rmer west
force. coal+l not h solus any as to
the date and try to touch them to hako of the flnemt'aorn starch one j
.sac clubs aetd hotels, and it tics t
the Jiaposal of the odey.,
tl)' hack; hold them straight • to contacts, #,Pet quality. of pare oxide
.) bulaplled theta was LSU fat LII
the mjrlem IIp�l APe^r1,e small circles Of Lille„threxr Ottut>•+s. Take a \"sir
xwld dead Lt Imu•k to Jilin.' another
lVtrcuni erP ZLIas tit In his vire-
wit'! them, Bend the elbows.touch ftne lattice of silk bultiag cloth anti l
NeaYcf imtd that henry cattle ase
rywtem & srcels6r wYl ]aka aftm
this finger tips to the shoulders 'slit the powder through it, mix well,
((lose • mire{gpiea . kiss-.. trms..._atrla[!ns tcjcaLlall•ASY, l that'
my go.xlfar_aTit, lwrlwit's Thr
nr osty wit' Lu ed t. the
Rreathe In when you bring the arms' Mayhase been Left Lt Ute bilk, alit
aeoitum rwimal wj�■ what. the mer
@ams p h a* the transmi tor, hence
1313}, to the ehuulJcrr amt ezhal* �aRatllt ani again. U'itea this Is door
;.t pilled fur sat>I w'tiat brought the
eomparatl werscy is sec ed. Tinls
when ■trsighteatting. It those et- perfume with three drops Ot ell of
. g1nuA prtce;,in' Great Britain. it
tinning to a vee pitch rP ads us
errslsetl are prar+ticod sed tics drat I sorsa
utcloorm M,ught heavy. tat cattle,
of, the Kearley tor. War eeley
_ - - - -- ------
-i tiviould ,L4 o to the r IIOUrI.
to have
really a huge fro or was he rap
it Wilk# v. try weilpt CJlrtbtma■
leg ter sem
. few, but eareame that took
dynamical to tot attalped b)• MA`(_
a �k----�C__. every acre eieealack
Ar. first pits& at Guelph, was tit+
Coul In electricity? lla:''.a- s ceAT
And they required all the year
taudy a puzzle to many start► d men.
e'attlt of B')n 'lillett'■ 'Intelligent
..Opti he cu-etume r wanted Ivan
hnd plcinkindillsoml t Pd,
meet trial bFat
$10,418, rannerl m,mta $6R!), pdtt
-moat. T11e fat wti only fof:tlfa ow ikume daft oke British War al MuCallutu, a faur-out tom•
netiekL `_ purpose--fvr rl�LlWtlon. lurtment_ -will Open Its eyes t0 t n Lieu o' uta 9uarvly'm. Id here the
-rhe the Iran ons in Sally de feet that s gran to tfie hattol" it �p trite 01wee.a ort it veeStt-1311
_ - ---_.
. I Ty,p.m ibougllt what was fire-reet -AoldW nas by jai& av us: o'r a�O weel aft -a. tot o'
foe-1Ae Euglish tuarket was AIAIWrosvj& � enemy ate _i-Roo1.410 plenty of oliiss bal-
k, for the Canadian, and wiwl In the Nandi of a rix-foot-taetlttut. tlNee--b �allowr lit* saa'-$aid
rnlmlmpr a4etd tor. -'Phe cuneua e M -fir er, t l►7 Irmoi n�r�-7 gas 1f. -tae. _ .. ollenae?eaY_.or net
is butcher wanted was what the Ts not of a certain otaetthe Can-lugulscni
. Id not be, -educated to eat fat because ]n, a tat tt in Order.
nen , mO the producer must lake Pdu- height, whoa he may be s toed itai-theAto ..lie'* ya
utast to feed the steer requdre.l by rider, an expert marksman, and auld lrscliefor, clip tae be a wee
,]Like--- (gel., - phyricahy sound? ecceutric, bit at co IILAdy roun' u
bo- ,ras, 7 (•loci
lively Seeks of their fluty respecting
nl treasury and
city to (fir Pro/.�
-`--_-_- ---
t 111111.0 IN OM '1'at1S VU f1 KK,
The President of the Atchison A
dandy w1• awn talo Du to uu
It," amid he advises that the chiblren
At that rate l)1 consumption t tont
' "w fn olght %,itfor 6,00
In hie lam chapter of "Antietpa-
ennta Fe Railway says that wlthln
business wtmn I arrived, era
In Sunday Shod• should Im
taught ettrrin tem►a•rance
If affirms tlrnminora product
duns," In rho rtnighty Review, H.
u few years one of these three things
1 Itatl tae be haith h and hustel0�
Itti 6 1 g
and recitations, sl) t the {lune
d,f sea' -here ftrlColum e, Igclud•
G• (Yells donne ith the birth -rote
mart take Inco:
of Pooling,
it, Sandy's nbmrce. t gut along
ttootd old doctrines will b we Ihlydeu
erg cunt, gold, .Topp rand lead,
anal semi cam that omen of the New
whereby the rulrauld can rostr en-
he by rmiirJatild
gt1tl andhe air wtco 1J the tics
Imtirur, an' awfu' tn'en all tel' thew.
tO years n
T gat" may be "revived la our
trill M• $'O,( nnum (hest
(tepnbllc will rout t and lllum►n-
forcible c(wtrol)ls ams LhemavlYem
t4'eel, as (tie cnuW Jays ere set
sof4* stmt Imprinted, ua the allude Col•
)'arm hettrca an1 (100,(X)0 feu
me urban rookeries d all placer
for n disfsioA of traffic.
C=1 T1to unification of ownermhlp.
(111' its, 1 tlaucht it nDudr: t e tae
-r- the Tonna p,er,pir." That Im a ►Met-
Yearn hence, mo which will b•
where the brute can dr t to Ipn►tl-
(3) Tire tiaYitig over of the own-
muvu tlio steer out u' the lied
rate kion- If hat, children were all
aid out
a for wor , n ,
+ r 1 1 til
PI tic' will contrive n nl 1 •ie,
Y 3 b
vrshiP of the rnllroadm by, the Guv-
w e,
La tile kits: rt, t
1 b W t nide see
perwtadeJ of the hnrmfuinees of nming
rowtcis are cossed which are
Intlon that will keep rho :ack Cor
ornment to own nn'1 to operate them,
11ou I cud get It dune, for A Coy
Imitoxlenting Ilyuur, the snluous eaut
Coe,, 1 for the ls meat of then#
yellow or mean -while mu er on
am in done InGermany and _ other
our hired man, win a wee thing off
the hookso ap' had gaen hawo
t bar -room* would Poon be fro
Indus 1Pe. in cthese predb•tionm
Lim wore, They will see to 1t t t no
tarts of Europe. -- ---.
a �k----�C__. every acre eieealack
of patronn}m, amt the effect
tJ, tb__r1L1__be a Iipgi
,, rent calm make a profit out a
,,,, - .,_,�_ , ,-,_, __ '-_--.__
1A14• "O. wow! frit It's cauld In L110
different when the children nre market Int Irl sir Columbia tar muci child, so that child- earing sh
taught that the drinker in n com- /t chi, grain od meat produced ha cease to ba a hopeful speculation
paratively Innocent and'very much- `�A',`
Territo no. and the wealth O. for the unemployed Pamir, and they
to -be- Ittod slcttm of the conn witsole p ' e vastly Increased.
p will mute the maintenance of a child
taken hie money h e ----- . -. _
m n and es biro Ili our
the first charge t is
7 g 1 e c ear upon he ren
ti Ix pati
In exchange for it. Th corn wb(, who have brouuht it Into the world.
preach prohibition do very little In t'Ttk Ill)Illlt'It. Only in that way can progress es -
the way of teaching trm{K•rtluce. The �' r. Ben T111ett, the Englldh cape being clogged be, the products
young man who of ilia ow,u Accord hills agttatur, who complained ll) of the PPonrity it creates.
I'll elpbin that United States, wort-
refumes to take a -{rink Is worth aev- "Under tine really Yrry horrible
. - oral who go dry latcauw Utey caunut ' a were,, not doing nearly mo much mortality of to -day, the op0etacle of
-$, get a drink. Mr. Lucas says In file the way 4f urganlenton and con- 11 men?apirlted, underelrsd. Shen*ed
tent of tradtw nm EltgltNt workmen
I` letter that"'the children should Ire little man, quite Incapable of rarning
- i -taught
Who lvhd dune ander far fear favorable
ecu - ri decent living even for himeelf,•mnr-
or.y, and lttowu b words rt, 0OW111h)nd, tike New York Journal of
..- _.-_ y y rim] to some underfed, boor int,
over how they are to refund to lassie, na the dui ,eJ the coftee-
Cfilna $18,000.000 which they have Put dtwal op the cricket at the side
elved under tike indemnity agree- tat'► plate. [Nelly neer laid doun
unyt"Ing gently, tbo' I Itacl tried
tum t- ares Lire - amuun t of til °le, e(►e break her o the L&W c ] a►r,
ate a wo id
act I -lose std expense. Th r
• e Oa
ata l ,at there, Nelly;
is Im orttrg, unset Tltere was s g y r ' y ,
y we'1t line tae art the store moves],
titer( n W long ago, when a little all' hon I'll m+IInege It 1 dinna ken,
inwlfer o that sort did not cause for Usere's uu u uuw I can get
them lose sleep. In the Alabaaan 1ao help for praise or p'y, ma lam -
ill. ' said I.
claims case, Instance, they were IIOuta 1 Jenll (Dougal uyo cad we
nwarleti tunny mtlllon* mors than Jet
dinma b,rrow uuy trouble, nb.rot
the losses that could bo tracml; mu\tn' a stove. I can ties Insist ony-
LLing aboot u bound, an' I m thlakiu'
but ruboly ever h rd of any part
of filo tstodrlr beltlg etur..I. Ural )unit no mafator tqu, $pt --1313-.
twin mo tllat une o' the Inven-
five ehkeld mieht Iwvert aims -meds
- +erfderetcr(al end apt n[Htih rex __rLplle�__ I1A.L__ �- tttt{e . _TLe where til old comes apparatus for movie' stoves, an.
r+►n t timorer is 11►s Lest Fold prtxt" ... ti g ----he -- t __.. TrOrrf, M Ilett asn aasr- North tealn'..edoveplpi�"1T'"-'1rAi7--7R7r�-t[ 1
- woman, sad guilty of the iiree nt req nota' sicht o' bud feetln'a, aq' he'd 1
v►olwteha all the raise of }w1►tfc ccun- or twelve ,rgly,-aBing ch ren. In re- i• 7ta-tvnrtastiw-henefnetor In" dela
n+.' match nw he enn. Tho mduetli..n d
f umy." $,me of the aider x• pie �cC P garded as an extremely edifying spec• Fenton ITrow11 writes to the txetltrpe," 4DtwgA1 In a rt rang If'Alk
regutrea Iltlle Inmtrurth,n I pwllUc+t im Inrgvr Anil hl► portleal of the pro- m]tst, an' are talked o' tit" men h ism
71. -` , r I";164wl ,- 3'tto (Lc•Af t,d _:.dr'-z?ca- ttocttnn fir la nph lal,,.s ('note and the two parents conalder that turnips, enbtx►ges,vsrrots, a 1- y
r>tie: 4'ho IBng _--- ______.---_-__- n III as "brethren.") "Whit (her ye think,
('unnervativie party Cot C' undo tin- union nre strong, and they have de_ tui it rtalMDrittgttvn recesses as lytrtrift n° a lb1,1111 r -1---
lataw nil the rule" of ! Itical c'.011- ,.,,tui themselves primarily to mak- chert a dimtlilct claim upon leas terund growth, have been put into warm
only, yet R -V. D. V. ural giros n P y and pore ) atortge at Dawson this last autumn
strelopit Tory roto A Pver,Y ol,por. ing Production as exppnmlve as pool- i 1 nw.peroum people•. Renpvo-
tnr[iy, lust ,w if he •Col .never heard »ible; they seek to increase the teat lYlrrunis throw *Iemmekve* with to help feed the people daring the
- - -A taut ] y(u+a•+ proutt rtlm fallen came of thin wort, winter. nntl ftp the Yukop River �nt-
uf (het w, ra,•t, w, lope faith in the est• of labor-aavitl( ntschinrr, and qultw PnwM,mnle etfortP nre �-ar D . rroPe-� fir' ask" A" do•
pratt lest e c -tlrrter ,trig rvw w
of Promoting; t., "I nb tinence•. scot e1f� ���Waluctlon mills Tv istrehgthen 'thr�mnther war were reaped. Bitch home-grown
The remit ti that Mrtrvchemter ham ngninwt further evpotualitlem anti PrOdnetr are it welcome wdtlttlon to
had to g4ve a large contract for
protect the children until the,
the 8trnthroy pmwr, Piston PtrAw-
Ih. Mont r, of thin city, Powe
electric lighting workw to Oermanp.
ntlaln to nubile yea M• Yet wo pow.
berries, Ingersoll butter, and Win-
wt 'letoria, It. t', from Aan
the English bids bKlrrg higher than
Prfn1 to the muggnetbm of current
nipvg flour and suited onto, which
trona, & b nn Interviewer he "mal l
Ioth the Ocrm;at atal Aruerwan bldm.
,ythaionm, tlrat tow plsopip prom to see
help to - make ftp the nose(■' diet.
that til recent tar'.ff will greatly
The [tow of that work to British me-
rprwittlayp Just w)ctt a horrible and
Affect rad#- with C'wnnr4a ami the
r,Itanhen Is the achievement of the
crhninwl thing thin pert of rnmn,,
Unit station, Inst n market rouLl
' lnte!11{gpvtt crtmbfnwlhrn' lir. Tit-
seen tmm bhp eclat of view of enrinl
be round for nvwhlaiery, wheat,
lett talks nlr,ut. Dtorm, aashen
physel.dogy, appears. Birth gl\(t•m only
('-h'ctgo, nae. 81.-A rombnee start
nafwelnr'vl tnbr`,e. an4 other
And kafindo ,are {mpurted from
bhp bryfinning, the enn► matrrlal, -t
w1 tit TnnnmagAnchn, Nova llcotln,
xid. [sero flus r,)ntiarnt. The rte
%%%%% i
t�ermrlMl brrntr,rP Sr1�iPh trade
n rlvlllrirl men. T}in perfect civilized
wrap culminated tering, when the
twins, Alton N. and Donald M. Mcln-
� plw of Aa.trntha nre much stirred, taro
unions have made It tet, rx-
mnn Ie the child not 'only of Iwarrnt■
cosh, turf out licenses to wed rrpprr-
ovpr the new tnrffe'
pensive tat IRA narac t lire them by
hat of a twome and of man nitwatlKn.
lively Mina Nellie .f. Clark amf Miss
Aor(wding to Like Trade and Na-
alai building
F. Isk1 Isbor. Tho build) out loco-
A renmitablp pr,tbnpllity of enanring
Jennie Unnninghan.
vlgwtLrrt rptnr", Canada exporte,l to
motives for Jupnn, Australia, Intlln Anti riucation Anti prot',etdon,
Several years aso film twins left
their old home tit TmnnmAganohy, in
Anetrailn in tin flarml year 1901
Anel Africa IN being okme by Amer-
wltlp'nt any parnmitle tlepwakenee stn
Noon seotim, and went went to make
go,)dm valued At 142,11111,11', made cp
lean* i11111tc0d of ktlgR*hm" ass we-
pwtplp awiwidw tit* kin of thatchild,
their fortune. Before lonving, #-nch
of plwoke Anil il,tarlm III2017.175. ehpe*p
e'attlt of B')n 'lillett'■ 'Intelligent
will h#- a neareappery munition In A
hnd plcinkindillsoml t Pd,
meet trial bFat
$10,418, rannerl m,mta $6R!), pdtt
c"mlaination.' No d(ntht he and bhp
moral birth nrbl'r much general prin-
nftnr oinking its fortune, wt teems
}covin( hMween the pineal, In which
poke $8,881, wheat floor A -10a,947,
Ilrillmh workmen wheat be reprp-
elplrw no we Pineal pnppoos•d. From the
tboy shoold not IIn nn 1 IIII, fr old home.
agrieulhurml tmplements $141,761,
mainte-1 nt the American FrderntlOn
pint of view we nre discussing, this
1 u yonng main Settled In LAme),
Tooke $3.473, rarrlag:•w r:,r,50, M: -y
of Labor at Arranlon would he
efficient mutter who can mkkp the
cedar scanty. altaNotiall of where they
Mlrl np w tneep their
dtvr $L:2;SN8, tekrie of blryrdre #GI,
g1A(1 to have AtOprk•wom enforce the
beat of her rh0dren Ip Ihr rrrnwt Ion-
of own
(hrlStmaw one the day not for tin
YIW, clothtrlg $21,R73, eotlon falrrkcw•g„-rw*y,
system, bernne#- then
p,rtant sort of porprsh In the Rtate.
werddingp, Mut the trttin, worn de -
117$9,4140, ntht•r onttOrtw flgl4lh►;
1*rne, of - Nle .!emifroels tivw4-_wrw
Sion, be a taar,r **Gently to tM+
daypd, And It wrap not until today
,Are* $1[&.1[46, iwdY► rubber Asautao.-at>tn1MAsil
,Jan r �,- ygpb
,, a It lilt$dipa. Len tbe...W110 in'
that flan evmplp* met for the Asst
-llmc. in tecertal_ oitalre. r - _ -
'• It wed be nn' rnwtu' guld tlilnrr
• lute," srtys 1 , "an' we'd feel like
In' inn's wl' him."
'A sue, Jean, an' I'd ale a
"Ah, ha 1" says Dougal, as be tees.
laked his bre akfamt an' started not
L(w the wimimbea. whaur 1 tvaoinco
MIX. ---I't06; 4in137 get
bl:u;kla' &a -brush iia __Ili haat tht*
wtove biaeks&Sn' saq-iitL tlmklioh
on in says Dougal, dcaly
_Nwin' up h& shirt sleevltt.
any of* work. Whit wad ons W-4ird
M-ee-Ovils thiuk tae ace to ILL alp a
Job 7"
'Nv'er inch ger held wi' what they'd
think, Jean; I'll that, as I Clang please;
ma,w- I"uL Auto lite t/l.s... a'___iW� - xi&
wa' ftboot yer bubtuvssr aa' I'll at.
tee' tas_1kLo thwlt "- '
seely be had late w4j4: T ien'd
by experience there wig nae uirn ar-
1ula wi' him; moo I mtarttt upstalrm
tato mak' tho beibis An' rehl up a wee.
1 Itwd hardly been tip tllere Rauf ate
car ishan Dougal cried "Jean, Jean,
):st• cod►P (loon stere a meesit an' nee
gin this vttove's blackpd a' richt."
! lutrrted (loon, an' oh ! m.chty whit
A nicm ! Ther" wtoorl D'wgAl In the
wodntionl, blAckia' brush In band, the
stove oltiniw in this mkidle o' oke
flair, wl' reboot harif an Inch o' black -
14' on the Boards a'roun aboot it.
''Eh I IMtrgal. that 'If dae nicely"
' I- pret"I"4ltt' no, tae see whaer
d n{met the maticer o'blt►ctin' an'
dichttt it up wl' the brush.
'ell then, Jean, Dist ten' a wee
bit an' we'll hae this stove
1te c n se • •J
act RnF
y rinson'
Arae at sen ate the stare will set up,
kn' the first twat lengths o' vivopt, It o n. ----
"•llet ba on there n mpenit, Jean,"
says Donga Is w rale mI•ilow robe,
an he atar tI Patalrs inn fasten the
pipes in the c mnPv hnlP. Then win
an awful pas nn' thumpin• geed
an up there for her nest tee useep•
"Hoo are ye get ' on w tbere"1
I cried, no I h rd some &wo•
�r hila' an' dluttorin' )min acbtl til
•�-- - ____ - _.-_ -
-.___V rteltt, Jaan," aay bb; kn' 1
hVftT0d_A adgh-o'_relirt.-" ,y.e-haud
IIIA.ersomeusmot. of Leat, ta@tt _ -,
rtlw.t4■e t'.o Col. I.L. ;M w J �,.,®„-.
Acle.•, (Y" -w" rlr.�.te�11`sot e t
ill".It trusses
wwpr-oo M Mr4e,
}{ow.e• a. fee ad1 r'.pe ','I . yl t. -----
st�w. a tine. tl for 4.e, al, --___ -?--
a• -; rNat W mr1 1 ✓ . I wo,--
AN aload■f a ti,• tae o
mess„(. ta,a
p to•dais
elpaa •■d .••araN
IAW%l ■.A/,.. ►n e,+D■r tree one east pi
(sent ■O aelW
teal as
lmteet asM■M to
oasts per wort. tike not tvr {'r ar
bested -fear aha robes awn Mlav nit/
beptr n19st IsetltaMwr. krff r"%.
' Eebae"ben w11e halo M r.eeare 7,pf
re*r•wrir be, wok eo■fW • Mlrr
4'u,a u of W fact at ate atbr}r a, 1s,
wtP•a ashaaee of ader+r V(mad.JWA
Ike old and No naw waetsaP aborld ire ea
r.►wber'@ nota e
J.0, IA Toea►l, of GooltrtAr. ►aa tern 1p
Odnted +.Peal T,avelli■` Arent nr Im1wt Town
N„ps of Underla►, t:elborne. A■hCol arm(
w a w■rOaa.
Losk"Ll posema"t,s- ores the d1.trL-1 wp ■JM
empowered to reo•i,a ub..rttJ CC TUS
W s■wwul.aMow rt,
D. M ]vol
htlssbose 0atl is _
'TI&VvitLrHt OOtv't. ::Z`
_ - -.:,i,
- --TRVfvt-RAILWAY. -
U -16
d ........._'.....ttMata. __ -•mettt.. ...a 6• L.msell. ... ... .. -. I- la
■wd exp res... F -L
■ r.nT.
-MPTt ems FTprnaa.-... ..- LV a.ea. __
M••u and lexpr•ee.. ...... !
1 _ xed .. s,l )Cm
31. N/U190I,miOtr, J.D.K.1� naae7.L etrAsaom,
PR -.0" uyp�y. the v Moa.
()aid ihlli■*. t r-' cite sad li'Llae WKL a
i •tall
f{ T«re, Itarw.■e.
M. MAItRL 1).D.e. I.DJC- E
1.. I� - .r.,.r
for .at dames eesreoa.■a r
m■t uml • N . ("ata IN— -
• li uaral • C '.�++j! as if sal
�. Ind ( r•��ll�
�- v p
Telephone Na IA.
J> 1./-rlt
a L,Wom" 1will ;
00aarrtaet■! pEpee"" rIUY■
etM•M. S) .aw,awnmdaIeTetanalf lme narcrtl u.M
1111 ou
I~'.... birtsk- y-__--
( 0 -
Hall, mau■emNer.tlilr
STV koon,
con. � F.l�.. II.ItliiTdli M Mew, ,e,
street&, Gettierl: h, (h.L Ds
b1PLOUDtklrt .t _`IlrffiftLflQ
R. c
on there nnother meenit n' we'll I - B - r "_ _ _
he through wt' this huainee ' ow bti., rcF��e
•'Yes, Dnngral, I'm haudln ys I: »o ►tom r w to .i •t
Ass--_ -then It wgAl gt.rt- LItP rw-1
f►pe 11 Ft In t e. C ihump, way n fon f �ICIa� N.L1Re!.,_.1_
emten ItIn the chimnPv w'y, tv to.
off bneteJ the twat pipes I w1m lin - IL
lift liar bill when he deed tas help "Whit's the maltter (kion there?" AAL OSAAM -
tu er.. a munutucp , e as it, ren r vo ce n the'"�s�`4:�
Irerr h . w w, an w an amus , rocs ern b II.
mwemarlA'-�reveatsd to bisd4i�' �� { Per esai
gen^rA IOII. �0. ImutIllua Much' tike Alper here
• On, ay, ugal, bit wad It no' Ann only slippit lift,"' nays 1, In a
tee n better pla hie drop him a line onnm ♦°fee' a 1111.6 optrvmaa,iomR a &
whilr he win lest0w, an' toll Itim whit fXtun stairs Carton' i)ouiral, twit ateDS • ° t■r
It n tuna "]fry whittaker ! win there ::M= b"t.'A. a •
a help hr•,•d bPpn t:re mankin'f i IMas. d.eealet..a ar ..teaaa� w
dinna think he'd feta one mmert bit ever *le mppeerrable contrary truck ass44=+tn a.a.-■...w •. a
whit he cud apprecl:t to a bit wu�-or ns at,, VP PtpP1 ?"' any* hr, talitn' aff.f Arvaso,
pratnc. • - lib anld (ylt hat wt,' agartlA' lib held 1' w •'
"Ay .Iran, that's, rap; rlu' It mfcht no If he'd tak' Ilkn hair oat by the rrSeemed. Aid
rneonritgo him ane, thin! o' Some snits, Jlwt 1111 he clapllt hip hat on his Rsaasr, OWL
Ither w'y lap help Ilii irrei en." held wgitin thrills will an fine,) crani - �...w-.r.�.m..&.
Wert, T)ow{rnl, It and ire n flet nnetnUs. nn' Dougal ort nit up therm LOaHs t)ratfmAwra
w'y than► tae wnit till ht, wig t Mer again tae tin' the halo rangp o' pipes
then went, nn' then net up n g lytn' pt, that flute. Thea [ hrerti n kin' il}Ip- 4i
ronnnmpnt Ower hl■ rrmnlnP, tell n stat/lin' R•tun nn, wt,' i hurript lip- est ft ar
W n' inn ingrolouaneas an helpfa am
"tnlrP tar are whit It win. There win so relowas pose 00 samara
qualitleve In hPipfn' Inp sunk' folk'* namtral Rlekin' hiss Ferry but ropn'wn' aM4 M aaGlsasb,
wart PnAer for them. Mebbe while tin', tan' dlohtin' th" et►nnt Aft hip A414'rtox lsurfti .
ht, win PPevlrh' na"t"Iddy ever tilt fn wl' Ida mooty hann's. My I boo he rf`itIOMAf Gt)NDRT A11C71 tell A�
hint that IrPA h,•Ipal any O' him (iIA k 1 TMeaaw, Go"ai,, O■L ire k
fellow rrpllrrn ,.r did onything tar "I Is`h there wlanme a stove PIPs toleAny purielfMaae*,
lin thanknl for" In til* Mlle Ueltat 6twtya o' Amer ___ - re,.'- -
"Ynr tprrMk, Jran ; ver kprrict," to",'* says he. JoXX Mrrx$ uRratKAr. A t v , I• `s Aa It
save Ilia I. r ae1A akawtx,A,B.rt,iu,r. tl.v,
irrl RI"I n' kiln table n "1(9111 wn(I yn hnp Insteteml 1 sage pr.far.w n tice bre
thump wl' him nip, ve, then picked" 11 t, in n low, rant voice, for I saw Dou- tlastrerflr semis I• Coe ,w • [+ti i, I,, 2
the cream pitrhpr nn' tramr'd nn gal wilt n wee wroneht up. Na.ale wk- tkeretleb .wt,-mtrimtr, .11 ...1
ixtpnn o' rrenm inine hip rotfeae rt, "A fir ImOe, vol' n I toss ''`rs� M blm. torAeme lei .y
P pP gold b&ck1OR. ■.= �dme. er ep,l.," (assn tm G wd,l�w�
drop by neap, Ina mealltwtivn wgAd. T1or•y'rn healthier An' no saw mran Mera►P.O.,w •41 lw JGq•1•`
"Ye think nnn'a the time teal gts a onntenkerons y' 1+01 . County Aw,•tow.•sr, MA
Plpph watret them,"
tat word n' apyrnointron an, pnemtr• *nye hp, Pickin' up hie hat w' klattrrt ----
agement •" an' torn, an' throwin' It col the MARRt•et LAM '5W
tt•w a' ttrm tiros. wP'ra elgrlr tv' ' Fitd'+i w}minoi'}iter Nit be tteelatl --Y o/
my# 1. _ _. _tae Ieel tet. We, LAea nes. O.ft ARHI u
. �. !..x.
.. el. ,..1-v e,,•