HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1902-1-2, Page 5THE SIGNAL : GODERICH ONTARIO. v • W. Acheson & So JANUARY BARGAIN SALE. Commencing January 6th we place on sale a large list of Positive Bargains, which prudent buyers and good housekeepers cannot afford to overlook. HERE THEY ARE: P u RS_ Ladles' Astrachan Capes 28 to 30 Moho. lour, satin lined and fall sweep, Metal pilot $11.50 1{16 00, sale prim Ladies' Astrachan Jackets 28, 32, 36 Inobo* long, farmer's satin and black oaten hued, regular cwt 125 sow d 828 cwt., ole.rinr .1 E20 Ladles' Black Gauntlets sod Grey Gauntlets, •11 mere, regalia 81.00, sale prim. 75C Men's Fine Wool -Lined Frenoh KM Gloves, all trim, our ?�e�w� special 81.00 Glove, •t......,.... laec Caperines, Boas and Storm Collars 1. Sable, Astraob.e, Penta Lamb and Electrio Seal. All at cur• r.epondierly r.duoed prlo.0. Mena Fur Coats, Calf, Coon and Wailoby, 818 t 15 and $20, sale prloe $ coot, COAT8, 'avast 138 00, at $34 00 CARPETS 27 Inohes w!d., extra bury English Tapeetry Carpets In large roar' of pat. terns and color., and suitable for t1� any room, molar 65o quoin}, 50c 36 boob.' wide, extra bsavy Uolop Carpets, perfectly reversible and altar fast Delon, regalia b0o.gaslity, at per yard.. 40c W. Acheson & Son. SPEAK IT OUT• 11 you've •oytbtsg so offs that will aid the Matte of right. Speak 1t oa1. 1f you've any truth whim you that le dl lead the world a light, Spook It our. 11 18. fire 1. In your spirit and the passim to create, You will feel 11, you will know It. Tboa to labour. Do not wait. (le about 11 wltb a purpose that will 000iuer rime and Foto, Speak It out. Should your heart °octant • message, make it torte and make r1 ole•r, Spat It out. 11 It's sew .nal 1f it's true the world will Ileum, do nor fear, Spook It out. Is the naive, of soul, expromeoa to the dowel. eating Dead, Toll your thoughts by ort or mod°, by • word or,by • deed ; 1f there's light, or love, or beauty In the ,manwill 111 bled Speak it out. 1)o not sty 1here's nothing sow' Some thooghta bear telling o'er and o'er, Speak atom out. Jut be our* you say them belay thea skier e'er were said before, Speak them oor.. Do you maim '8. waklrog'. plea that all the Mangos have `men rung! Still we ars but babes la Progress, for thew world as 7.1 is young ; Oa tie* Future's lips ore sweeter wogs than ev., have berm .cog. Speak them out. Teen ars otbor moans than vogue or pen to tell the thtage too feel, iip�.i it3tim but. There's the ohiml, there's the brush, by *hash your dreamt you may reveal, Souk them out. Should Soo have no gift tor thee, yet do not deem your quest in vain ; Be a worker, for by ration& men their sada may d be . !w! the Deed your lntorpnter to maks youi mewoag. plain. Speak it out. Do you thrill with God's great purport, that lmoele you 10 navies! Speak It out. -.__lima the hop• of eamstblag batter burs ' within you like a fire! Speak It oak. `11.,., Dolled the world for leader., tractors, • propbets, as today• /11 you have, for loo• of humankind, • t- -- Martertim word to say ; -Ural brain 000tels" • •.Mg{bbee-bele spin the upward wsy. Spook it out. -,f. A. hbataTON. COUNTY CURRENCY. -- Brumfield : A. Mustard, of Bram6eld, has lamed W. J.wetts saw mill lora term o1 year,, Wisgb►m : Amo Tlphog baa purohased tho flour mill in Iowa, which h.. hoes offired for sale lately, Brussels : Mies Kate Wilson, daughter of Mrs. Ju, W:I,.., will tomb school at Drayton for 1902. Mussy, Hayfield : t.ft mala .gam who has beta 111 for some time with an abnegate 1. hie knee, has did. Clinton . Friends were dellgbt.d to oto elm MoKeoeie, who le visiting here from Aberdeen, N. Dakota annuli : Mie 1)tr. Smith has been re. engaged ao ►e•oher to Platbvlllo promoted on tb• Miff with lo in saltily. Rrosels: Tho.. Kew, of Whitechurch, formerly of frumle, and 111.. Roy Cottle, of Wbitooburoh, was married on Christmas day. Wtagb.m : n K. Smith will reopen la rhe Chisholm block, to the store re000tly • 000sofed by the Misses Pore as a dra.0mak- Ier shop. Vera.: W. MoKi000y is ronewlof old acrloalata.oea ; be was a reefdeat of Yalta oyer forty y•.'o aro, baa Is is prem. 11,. lox In Tole, Itiob. Hrnwh : 1)e Witt HAMS aN Eke fingers el hie 1.1. hand damage/ be a tieasibee wide employed la F. Adaa►'ss8M, Mill ..r.ee, awlatlog 1a the aanafaoture of bizarr /nits. Bruassls : Dlpbtberia bas attacked the homily of John Long .od they are now gauaotioed. The valeta, Mese ey mole, is grating along aloely. Fordwide : Charlet Copps/4, toasts'. .t Molesworth, sod formerly ti this plane, wee married on Christmas day to MIs. F. Cooper, god goo. of Hewrok. Walton : Jame Campbell has sold bar farm on the MoKlllop bounder[, °obtaining 140 bores, to his neighbor, Arobi, Clark, the price 'ohm/14,1W. ,..forth : Mies laabel Wilson, daughter of C. Wilson, was the r.alpieot of • prosiest Ia the shape of a very handsome new pl.00, from htr uoole, Robert Pringle, of Chicago, SNe! :Zack. MoK.. too Cbrhome y stet lead looallty. lie has bee. fa lt•almia for 1 years, Mr. MoKee 1s semi la•I.w of David 14I... of this pl.a•. deaforth : Mtaa Olive Mallett, daughter of 8. Mullett, of this tows, has ooll.ot•d and ire o mlttd to Toronto the very sub stontial mom of 810 as • Corbtmat gilt for au Nick Children's Ho.p•tal. Wingham : John Bllladon, of Hunt.rllle, Muskoka, risitred his toter, Mrs, J. Fleuty removal'. They had not seep tomb other for over thirty years. Mr. Bdbdua went to Muskoka about forty years .go, Morris: On Outshoot day Cupid scored • victory at Alameda, Anlaabol,, N. W .T., when Mho R.b.00a, only daughter of Simon Forsyth, formerly of the 6th cot„ was aeltnd to murlsge to Anus McMaster. Walton : Robert Clark has sold Ins farm, 000tololo0 100 sores, lot 17, of the 17th 0000ession of Gay, to Wm. 8tratb, who owns the lot just north of Is. Mr. Strath will now have 200 acre to • block, Clinton : Un Moody lost week, Si Mos ter te'rlter Holme was oomlor down street • dug ran and caught blm In the calf of the log, tearing the Bob and tottollog • wooed that will keep him In the house for aever.I days. Varna : At the residence of Joseph Rarve , on Wrhtmae day, se belf•pase two, R. J. Beatty, fourth eon of Mrs. Georg. Beatty, was united In the bond. of wedlock to Yoe Jeaay H•ry.y, youngest daughter of the `our, Hill's OM.: While out hunting on Quietism day, John Cooht•ne, of the town Ione, was lucky •sough to captor* • white eagle. As It is quite touog, and had am lett the out, he a toute coohdent that he clan wily tame the bird. McKillop: Jame' Morrison, eon of .Sohn C. Mor,w.., e1 MoKillep, who took 98.25 poioto on bis September white chums at t h. Pan Amerloan, has been engaged to take charge of the Carleton oblate !eatery, near Lt.Iowel, for nese esa1100. Zurich : The bows of Mn. H. Stelck was tbis sone of • very pretty and happy ✓ ecently, when over one hundred and lorry gneat assembled te whnse tho wedding of her eldest daughter, Load*, who Was oottod in morrlage to John Hey, of Zurich. 1Vmgham : William Bind, formerly o1 Wtngb.m, had hts hand nearly injured while operating: boez plater at the forst. tore footor7. Th. mwhies made • pasty g ash in the pslm of his hand, outting out a large piece of thio flab. H r veal be I old off work for white. Hallett : Humphrey R. Snell, eldeat son of Jas. Soon, has aooepted a responsible Position as herdsman for J. H. Petit, of Burlington. 1dr. Petit le use of tino lu,et and bete known shorthorn brr5dern in Ont- ario, having • herd of 125, marry all Importol outmode. Brunel.: The ad lntslllgeoos was re- solved las% week Hall Mrs. Argo, nes Montgomery, formerly of f runsls, bed pp sand away .t her home, M.diaine Hot, N, W. T., • 'loom of that felt deotroysr, 000mmottoy. Deaseed was a sister to Mrs W. F. Vaostoae, of Wingb•m. Cranbrook: JOo. Hooter has the oon tract for two doe brick reeldenoes to be erected neve you, the for Al... herroo sad the ether for Fred ()ruby, beth wall karma rNldshts ofGrip tiebihlp. TE ICiew,v,` of Hrn.0Is, has the brickwork, MK Moto bas just closed • hoar as aWW4 sj neord. 8eatnrth : Wm. t••tenon rad Cm mister. shoe to hate the cod taken of Great Suc = cess.41* • • IIR Rosiness hal grown to each dimensions that NI,_ we have decided to move to larger premise!, and will in consequence offer our whole Stock of Pianos, Organs, Violins, Guitars, Music, Sewing Machines, &c. Aid all other Mrsical iistrdueits, at (genuine Bargain i'rices until the 15th Feb., 1 t.H)2. Remember, this is a ()ermine Removal Sale, and (he chance is one you may Dever meet again. SKATE RHARPENECD iN LATEST APPROVED STYLE CEO. W. THOMSON & SON Yee mad *gels DWers, OODICRICH THURSDAY, Jan. 2, 1202. les doom with • shaper 1n the forattsre (outcry some days ego, aid Is still dIea91e0 for work, A young lad named Stoddard, of Egmondvllle, elw met watt a putout anal - dent 1r. the Mime plat*, Seldom/ bad oa. Mil Itis hoods maimed. Morris : At the Preebyt.rios mato, Brussels, eo Christmas day, • matrimonial G illum. was coniummatei by Rev. Jou. Rose, 11 A., between H. ktoC.lt, • well known youog gentleman of tri 7.h (toe of Morris, and Mies Hannah, •deet daughter .1 Rutin E'orsyih, formerly of the 6'h two, n ow In tb• Northwest. Brussels : P. Mu(lu•rrle'e 1ttle daughter, who took IR reoeotly with diphtheria, died on Cbrlst ort e. day, we are sorry to say. No other mummers of Ilse homily hay.. Oaken 11, fertuaately. The funeral took pito. oor oke afterouuuof Wedneeday,Rey. J. Bullosa 000duoltog savior, .t the oemstery. De awedsou • bright little rlrl three ye in of N.. Bayfield : While John Watson, of B. field, was to th. village • abort time ago, b lost his purse so0tololog oyer $40 Atter rata effort to dad the lust amours, he wen homefeeling vary blue ova his loo. Fe tunately, the same ey.olott ea Fred Burda was passing along the street he found th lost arttole, and m•king inquiries soon dl covered the owner, who w.. oommuolwte wllb and his money promptly retarded. Ciento, : Friends of Mrs. (Dr.) Fowler London, (formerly of Canton) will roust t learn that .he met wltb a serious moldent She was oomtug down stairs with • lam 10 her hood, when she tnpped,aud tell t the bottom Fortunately the lamp woo ex eleguhbsd In a fail or sbe might have beo eeriously burned At It. was one rib w broken and she war uinph bruised and .halt eo up, :eh,'is oonboel to her bowl but 1 doling se well as lh dao be expecte do Saturday morning, Deo 21st daub ol.imed • worthy readout of Wawa.in tbe parson of George S., only son of George Rogers, of 18. age of thirty years, Death woe not uo.zp.c:.d, bow.ver, as Mr. Refers bad been In falling health for some time and had been maenad to t6. house for . I months past, ootnumpt.on betug the •Ilmeat Daoused woo • very industrious, geotl.manly i.11ow, and had bean 'unsafe. teodent of Sr. Jebo's Sunday aabool tor wine time, Credlten : Mr. liloom6aid, who has been prlootp.l of our publio school for the put three years, ie leaving to tor. the Drloolp.L ship of the Brtsg.a public sobool. Before his d.puture he was made the recipient of s ttlmont.b of esteem from his friends in 'he Methodest churob and hb aobool pupils. He leaver • host of friends la Crediton, Miss Wilson, who has been first amisteut teacher, has haod.d In her resignation 10 the er0ateed. Masa Wilson wan a goad teooh.r and won many friends whit, here. Brumes : List Saturday morolog, D. camber 21st, A Strmohan'e store bmd a aloes tall trom. serioCoasting.eSre. Atter the Coasting. damn" had been done, oonslatlog largely of handkerchiefs, etc , . large lamp had been put m.the window to molt the frost off t.8. plate glow o some manner thermos!. oaug6t firs and only by do efforts were the homes kept to th..mall oomp•sse of the window. The plate gle, whloh we only put In last fall, was wrmked, as were paws, the other p, and the whltew.ar and other goods :a the Deal display were de etroyd. Mr. itr.ohan's boss will be shout 1200, which will be covered by insurance, Dr. Graham, who owno the block, had his property In.ur.d also, and tbe necessary repairs will be mad. .s won as poslbls the fire alarm was rung but the 'opine WIC not neoessory. Trowbridge . A Luattlul wedding took place an Trowbridge on Wednesday, Do comber 25th, when Minnie Victoria, "mond daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Cod., was united to th• holy bonds of matrimony lo Abraham Kersey Jackson, youngest ,on of lir. and Mr.. A .laoksoa, of Blu•vole The mammy was performed in the Methodist "thumb. F. J. O•tea, of Lookbow, cousin of the bride, officiating. 1'he bride was tite recipient of many very bsantltm! and usefulm rifts, among which were a number fro_` friends in Washington, Edmonlo0, C Detroit, 'remote. Toronto sod GAIN ••7 r• • • e 0 • 11 0 u as were unable to be prevent, Meer tap wedding trip the happy 0oaple n1111 rtaM ., the let oo0oeerlo0 of Morris. tied las leas b EI..s of one of beer fairest da!IbNly will be ao equlyaient gain N7Mit!{e, Theiiee�e • sister .l Mr.. R. Suwon, of Uederloh. MUNICIPAL COUNCILS. uODERIQI TOWNSHIP. MONDAY, D" 16, 1001, Council met pursuant to adjournmeut ; minutes of last meeting read and pared. Moved by John Mlddlebo0, moulded by Jo. Cox, that the oolleotore time be extend - .d to 30 root. to collet balanco of tale.. Moved by John C. Wood., seconded by Jas. Johaetoa, that the following aocouote be pied, viz , for gravel : Wm. Money, 89 72; A. J Ceorlioe, 12 04; Cha. Johnston, 82 • 58 ; Idre. Drysdale, 84.80 ; Jae MoDoeald, $24 ; 8. Wolters, 82 16 ; W. Morph, 84 80; W. Weston, 812.18 ; Jae Co aonl l►. 84,20 ; Tho.. Main, $6 ; W. Johnston, 82 04 ; Jas Maltreat, 84 14 ; .1. U Ebltolt, 125,x0 ; 1) Cox, $b ; H Baker, 88.70 ; T. 8.ttle., $6 ; I•; J. Elliott, 36,t., ; N Hibbs, 812 66 1 leacher McCarthy, 89 60 ; T. rtern.eu, lumber, 84,80 ; Star, private", 82 25 ; 8 J Andrew.,. tile, 86 65 ; P.torhoreugh Timm election supplies. 85 70 ; 8.01.7 & Dora iron and spike., $2 15 ; J. A. Cox, bundler snow tattoo, 81932; A Wtlton, rent of hall for ooaooil, 830. Adjourned to meat per statute. NIxoe STURDY, Clerk. A'lIrJZLI1. 1;ot000d mst on December 16 h. Mem- ber. all preeeot. Minutes of previous mating read and approved. Bylaw No 9 woe Malty paned, appototlog lrlllleg north■ and deputy reternlog offioors for the year 1902 a. follows • Polling .uh,divl• .ion No. 1, 8.mfora's barber oho,', Daaaan- nos ; pnliteg rah -division No. 2, Finlay's ti,hoot Jtoow ; potltrg- urn ittyHton No. S. - school bons No. 5 ;elllag sob divlsiOs No. 4, 8.t.0ters' h.11, Port Albert ; p0111 sob•dlvhlon No. 6, school home No. ii polling soh -division Nn, 6, boos* of H. M,loto.b, lot 6, 000. 13 (W. D.) ; Doltlaa enb division ,a:, 7. school house No. 12. Depu'.yreturning nffi.,ara,No 1 A i)runa,: No. 2. H. McPhee ; No. 3, K Molotrish ; No. 4, Wm. 11, Hawkins ; No 5, •14. Molnto.h ; No 7, R Hamilton. A number of 014040en were is sued whtoh w111 appear In the financial statement Io a few days. The council then adj-,urnd. War. &roteaas,clerk. ..toad youngest daughter, Mise lip, to Chu. Joehog, • preeper.,ua pima former of liullett. The bride looked ub.rming sod winsome to • dray of carom 0Nbutere trimmed wt Vr eat a, and oarryaud a auueb of brldol rote, mud wea ge.. may by bei (sitter. Mrs, M. Faruk, Colborne, playad the wedoing moron, tt.n oareaway beteg prlormd try the Rey, U: Gifford, In 1be patience of Mout forty Meta After • sumptuous wedding Limner Ins evening was spout In aoolal rroreati In, otter wbiuh the happy couple drove to thntr own home t le Hallett. The high esteem lu which the bride le held was shown by ton loris oumb•r of bandeome promo. she rocs:ved, sod the uoogr.tulatione of their many frinuds are ezteoded them. CUULU SCARCELY WALK. Tnfs Hau was 1. a ter, Sad Way tot et Last gonad a Porker. Care. Arsprier, Oat„ Deo. 30 (Speof•1) -This most uondluast 1tatem,n1 1. beteg pub- lished by Mr, J. H. Martio, of ill" place :- "For olghteen years 1 have suffered with • severe boukaobe whistle was so bad that 1 oould warmly walk or lle dowu at ►ties. 1 tried many mediums" bat got no better till 1 tried Dudd'. Kidney Palls. As woo as 1 began Delo &rearmost 1 oemmeno.J to lmproes very rapidly, and Dow I can do my work without any trouble. They are the groatest mealoloe 1 have emir used and I would not be without them. 1 most heart dy reoommsod Dadd'e Kidney Pt11s for beokwbe inose who know Mr. Martin know that Ire mane word he Goys, and his Otto statement most awry great weight. Weld's Kidney Pills aro very popular io Armpricr. BLLIEVALE. Tultv,er, 1)eo 24:8 JUDOS Mitohell is s ok with rovum.usm, Mr. and Mrs. L.niel Lewis are visiting relatives at Mitchell, Albert Denman, of Mount Firma, le visiting his parents here. Miss Ketbleeo Swoon is home from For- got high school, for the holidays. Woe. Stalwart, teacher of Looao high "Moot, is visiting bas parents here. Miss Motel Coulter has been sick for some time with nal emulation In her eyes, Motor Jermyn Is borne from Cliatoe Collegiate Iostltute for the holld•ya. James Meaner, of North 11.ket41, 1. vatt- ing relatives 1n 8luevole and vicinity. Idles Bells Burgess bee gone to spend the holidays with relative it Toronto and Orono. Miner Jennie and /doggie Daneat and Min lionise Sanderson, of Toronto, are slatting .t.Iobet il.mant . The Canoe of Nervous Headache. This met distressing and common malady doubtless has lt■ orrgio in some unbel•med oo0ditio0 of the nen votes 'yat.a. Probably the sleepiest, safest and moat etbolent rem• edy is d'obon'a N. twills.. Twenty drops in eweeteoed water give Immediate relief, and t61a treatment should be supplemented by bathing the region of pain with Nerv. 11101 To say it sots quickly fids to express the rolult. Sold everywhere in largo 25u bottles "It's not lost that a _him! gets." Rather give tot, much, than too little value! A sift policy for Makers, who br their own pehcti umbago Is Rheumatism of Iso beer_ The cause is 1Jrle Add in the blood. If the kid - 'icy, did their workar. would be nu Uric Aoid and no Lumbago. Make the kidneys do their work. Ike sure, positive and y cure for Lumbago le Dodd's Kidney Pills LIPPINCOTT'S' MONTHLY MAGAZINE A FAMILY LIBRARY The Best in Current Literature 12 COMPLETE NOVELS YEARLY MANY SHORT STORIES AND PAPERS ON TIMELY TOPICS $2.60 PER YEAR; 26 CTs, A COPY 140 CONTINUED STORIES EVERY NUMBER COM IN ITSELF JUST RECEIVED �II a large as.ortmeflt of Xm Perfumes... The cheapest and best ever brought into Uodorich, . Pure Wood Alcohol- - for burning in Spirit Lamps, dec. . , Agent for the celebrated " Honest John " RUT'. TIRE Tftl'SS. F. JORDAN, "The Slier ('hoe" MEDICAL HALim.- emist and Druggist. b R. StB.OtC.ith McKIM'S Sm Jordan Block. A Regular Clean-up Atter the holiday trade there are a number of odds and ends to clean up. We have wade our profit, so they are yours at cost, and less in many linea. FURS.-- All our furs out ems quarter to prior, They ware already low entomb prined, W e have a lot of o•perlo.., ruff., .te.,:from 82 50 up to 816 00. 1'h.y must be .11 cleared at25 per mut. off these prima, that 1s, tb. 82 50 owes for 81.87, arid 1b. 116 00 ones for 812 00, sad all latweso prank as sun* rate. CLOTHING,- Woe h.,• too many eyeroo*N and will put the prim.e roar way thus :-85.00 buyer toe:owe, 'elvmt ooNar, Ily frost, welt m.de, ter 83 90. A 812 50 vety Ilse hoover overoo•t, beet Irmase and tailor made, for 89.00. All between some at same out. Mtn's all wool double breast .01t, good soles at 17 00, for 85.50. Men's aliases, rood ydue at $5 00, for $3 90, and on through the .tock the same cuts. If you wmot a suit or w overcoat w. know 1t will well repay "motto sae ear stook and pilots. JACKETS.- From 50e eo 810 00,►11 eat prime, and Mort prlrts &gala sot in two, that is the 50u Juliet for 25o, and the 110,00 jaol.t tor 85.00, sod all between prices at Mims bait Prier*. Bargains in WI Millinery aid Dry goods. McKim's Busy Store. 1808 - +- 1802 ,.L/STOw4 ^� lei'/F C,irrlll/ is moving forwaM. Winter term b,.ias Jan. Dur ratty ora reasonable, our COSMOS of undo, thorough and proollool, .send for our Journaland see what we tomb- Students may rioters' any time. Two courser of study. Commercial and Shortbemd, C. A. FLAMING. A. L. McINTYRR, Pres. , Owen Soiled. },lebwsl 1BROPREY&SOX - rue LOADING - -` wave o.\ ll\Yext or* R81( TA 11110 okT1tY S . Orders urefelly•'attewde/ be al all Years, &hent er dor. Quebec aereet. `OANTELON'S Pastry, OysterPatties,Tarts, Sion Bread and Cream Rols,Lnce Pies cad Lady Fiaiers, Kisses, Macaroons, &magaes, BraIldy Snaps, Etc. WA Sh[%i% Jr. - Sole Local Agent. The.. London Daily TwiWO fin, .00 MUM Tilts edition le published iape.clally for towns, villas,. and rural district* in Western Ontarlo. It gives all the news up to ONE O'CLOCK each day. Including Foreign, Oanadlan, American, District, Local and Sporting. It contains eight to twelv pikes five days a week, and _sixteen page. on 8atarder- --- Wait-terse and other ilhtstTa• -- lions of important doing, elf Vrorninent people appear every OODERICH TOWNSHIP. FRIDAY, ilor 27th. ORAnogl(•N KI.sttt' OPyll:kwl,-I. (I. 0. 189 has .leoud 18. following ooh tere for the year 1902 W. M , John Sturdy • 1) M , Hall Rutledge ; seoretary, Oeo. Caatolon ; fln. oto., Ileo. Vanhary ; troo.arer, R H. Elliott ; D. of C , 'into, Klltott ; leotur.r, F. Corghtos ; oommtttee, Thee. Harrison, P. C•oteloo, Thos. Churchill, Jas. Elliott, W. Kmsrron, WtDDINn - -An Int.reeing and happy IWMI took plate se she homo of J. intrd, oe Christmas, It being the mktr,age n1 his NARY BECOME DESPONDENT. Msay persons become despond- ent bowies they have been linable to Aad a permanent enre for Ecz- ema (Halt Rhenm) and kindred skis diseases, such as pimples, amid blotches. ''Climax" Iron Tonic Pills will positivelyonw ailments and make the e skin healthy. Each box oontains ten days' treatment. Prioe 46 Gents, at all draggiet., Or mailed on re- edpt of�ppries. Address: The Dr. Sall lbiieiae 0G., Kingston, Ont. day. The Saturday' edition alone 111 worth the prlre. -- RitbscrIptlnnn rerelved nt any time. Aeleir- - The London Free Press Ptg. Co LONDON, ONT. mention 11,1. nnne, are an goof as rho beet madelin any city in Canada. Cantelon leuie the trade in WEDDING CAKES in fancy doolgmng ono ornament ing and almond Mang. Give him an order and your eat• iefsctiou will be assunrrl, ; vj`s, D. CANTELON, WLcRT-ST. Clothing 1 have put into stook a bine of Read -made Clothing of first clues manufacture, and at prices to Butt the trues. Ordered Clothing In .'till ray eltociolty. A good range of cloths to elect from ; and worktoauship tho best to be had. If you anal an overcoat this f.11 call and saw me. A number of lengths of pier* guide to be cleated out at coat, H. DUNLOP, (McKillop Ibtlul Fill �(p p� CR.FARM ANDM 4LTEDR1 OWN Paop. Koirg 110817 -17-g to` oro ' la,w.,y it orVICKI'S AND DIltO T)stS. J. H. [ Ma Ls.a pre.. ; T. as. r, •loo-pres. Jae. Connolly, ii. talo W,. Oro. H•dtoot, J. Watt, Jas. Yvan', J. 0. Grieve, J. Heaoewet., directors; W. 0. Hroadfo,t, Seofoctt, htapoo_ our of tomes ; T. E. Hays, nesforth, etoret•re. treasons., auxNTn, J W. Yeo, HolmOSvitte ; 2.mer Cumming Kgrioondvllle : 11. MoMllt.n, Ite•forth : H Stu iib, Horlook PoYoy-hoidere w0 pay useesmento and gat their code reoelpted at Mr. Coats'. Cliotoo, or et McLean LIMA' Palace Clothing ewe, Goo , ric HELLO 4 THE OLD RELIABLE. ALL KINDS OFl COAL ALWAYS ON HAND TRIINBEMT Scrafltofl Hard Coal IN TRg H4.Rili'r AU Coal welsh ad ea the Ream - sealer where you get MOD lbs, for a ton. WM. LEE. Orders left •l LEX gt szaiy ulyi Store promptly attended to. • Wet WeathA r Shoes and Rubbers. PICTURE and ART ... DEPOT . • . . 11�• H.ed•p.iotu 1 Souvenir Cste.du. and Chrtsema. Card., •nttr.ly Dew. SOLI) HERE ONLY. 20 per cent. off all fine Chlra, Leath er, Silver and Celluloid Hood., 50 per tout. off .11 Teye, G•mm, Dolls and Picture 1ig•kt. GOING GU r OF THIS L1NE. • Ti, as ler.1.g.nt mud suitable pretest* ft will eats you money. !Ai KKXE;T0.Wk BALL. O*S 'HUMETREASURE" RANGE • TEl I.ATK D. K.STRACHAN'S MACHINE AND BLACKSMITH SHOP UNDER NEW b ANAGEMENT. JAMES H. JOHNSTON, who had been with the late Mu Rena -Ian for avast yeas, and 1. thoronrbly noir versant with all elaseos of work that hare hewn ,loos In the nhnp, wloher y announce that he hu taken nbarge of the etabll.h. most and wit carry on the tendons In ooh a manna*. to retain the Oonedencc and patronage heretofore extended to the lateowner, owl will bo pleased to have.. mesa new anatnmere tut w111 rave hem with their patron.g.. 1n addition f0 Snip Work foe Plows. Strout Waterlog Wag. one, flou orae Powers, etc , he will no0finne onAnpkNRRAI, RLACS:RMiTHiNGand ItRI'AIR WORK of all kine., MA. (•IIINK TI ItNryU DRILLING, PLAN INH, THROA))IN,t. and all kind. of ma othIllit He has slort t added•••fir firli st-class I'i.ANT, and all work to that Moo, to.IiWetg Rlernle repairing so4 hrakeref eifi kind.. con he attended to oc .80rt aortae, Law. Mow - ors shampooed. IYleert will he tomtit only I.,ona AAllot The 1x1. n K, atronbon' Martian .44 Ok- Smlth Shop, Victoria 1,. Orderly*. Clearing Sale o/ SrOV S. - .1. 11. W0R.SE1,l, eviahee his many cnatomero • Merry \mas and a Happy New YMr and weinld Intimate that for the E•lenoe of the Mar he will have • Great (:learteg Rale of Heating and Cooking Stoves. Rvary Rwvs mew la stook w1)1 be mid at Wholesale Prices to alar them out bolero the N.w Fair. Lol sergalma while MNy lull..., J. t1. Worsell, Tbe cheap stove and forage* man WE have what you want and what If you need in our Quaiityi5hoes King_ Rubbers Quality They are ehaolutely Illi bat m& le.... . OUR Shoes are known for their Style, Fit, Comfort and Durability, and our Rubbers ire• Chore Fit and Hhape, sad being male of PUKE ((1,M, will wear twin* art lone as onlinary rubber., W a haloKara a aseortmont Ladles' Leggins, Overstocking., .._.- These ,roods are the very best goods that money can but -T1» STUN PROOF RUa*ERS for www see hep. at I..t, and we Ipyr,6 VorIt I.+rerT10 , tfr, II you can't call to see them, drop um • wird for catalogue. ST. GEORGE P HOLE AGENT FOR KING QUALITY SHOE. #ANP A STEPLADDER? We give one away with each pound of Pure Cream Baking Powder purchased From us. 50c a Ib. The step -ladder alone worth the price. Try a pactage of our Hop Tea -not a medicine, but a care- fully selected .Indian and Ceylon Tea blended in a scientific manner with specially prepared Hops. Delicious and healthful. Now is the time to buy yonr Garden Seeds. We have a full aeairtment. Szv er2"azC C. Telephone No. 91. THF. GROCERS. ASK YOUR DRUGGIST FOR NCLEOD'S ; SYSTEM ; RENOVATORL A Wonderful Tonic and Remedy for WEAK and IMPURE BLOOD, KIDNEY and LIVER TROUBLES. Manufactured by J. M: MacLEOD, Ooderich, Ont.