HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1902-1-2, Page 3Sozodont
Tooth Powder 25
Good for Bad Teeth
Not. Bad for Good Teeth
■oa.dmme lAstvaild $So. Lairds LINid seal loeeesr
At all vesee erh e .,i fetmeie of the t ;.., ' • , r... postage, ye
AfirsrdreeMe-ems.rr.erreer.o.c.._<..c.a•: eeeeev-e••«ee
• MrObine, Cacalne and kindred Habits In London
and Paris.
IV, two greatest evla of modern quare supply cam be had by visiting
vlewt l from their effect. epee half .. dosed druggrate. But not a
morel uu t pny.loal mets, are the uior- little of the morphia, that le used by
Ohm. urwl cocaine tabu. lodulgeoce the worphta maniac is brought prl-
hm these drugs Ir uut confined to the vately hoot abroad.
lower end inure vioiour classes ; In- Opium r;mokers are Numerous.
deed, limy ore the dlrrlpetions of the
Intelligent and ru-oalled upper circles Very similar to taw morphia tea
of rumety. The meu and women wbu party le theeeplum-smoking party.
reek solace for their Ilia In soporific the opium Liget, fatal a• It Ir, le
tor rtiwulIther drugs are often people alarmingly un the immure lel itis
of recognised lutehectual ab llty net
high rowel ,tund,ng. Fur the must
part they keep their vices from the satisfied with their surroundings and
public knowlalge, and It often hap- liable to fits of dtpreiwlon,
pens that the public first learns of The effect of opium 1, peculiar. Not
their addiction to the drug hetet by (rally is the drug extremely comfort- ;
the aunouucement of their eeatu lug, but it influencer the ininglnatk.0
"from an overdose of morphine taken I to such an extent shat the victim
to relieve pain." is led lh believe,for the time being
The wurpbwe heblt has of late be- that sire 1. in i another wurld - e
mine a fashionable fad to sumo civ- world full ut beauty and gryety.
elms of London society, and "mor- Fur the mdxnerot •the is treed Iran all
pbine tun parties" arts all tke go. I her troubles. And nut only this, the
They are especially popular among a I mettwry L refreshed the woman at
certain class of idle women wbu
make some pretension.. to social
prominence. Al u supported cure for
the "blues," a never -tuning panacea
for every form of depreesluu, mor- the part mire vividly than any other
plate, one of the gloat deadly of drug., drug. At it later stage- that be
is unfortunately increasing In popu- when at excess of opium tae been
larlty by leap.. and booed... The par- cjnwmed-the smoker becomes in-
tim. In which this daugerous tolsun } SeeNb1e and remains In that state
figure so pruwtneutly have only late- fur several hours.
ly Dome tutu tueLlou-they originated Thome women who indulge In the
In Parts., by -the -bye -but the amount opium bidet are as a rule beyond ro-
ot injury and misery that they aro call. Ad with morphia. the craving
reepuualbie for le already beyond all for the drug increeees rapidly, the
reckoning. victim b.ing quite unable to con -
Wart Ilappeus to This: tent herself with a moderato dude.
A •umber of ladles who, owing to the Stw generally loser all her refine -
similarity ul their Ineivieuu; taster Ment end all tier sense of self -re-
am' wsaknraeer, are lu aliment) Fspeot. She become,., indeed, a dlf-
with arch other, form theulbelves fureat being. Meutally and physlo-
Lnto bat may be termed a morphia ally she le ruined, and it le seldom
clue They meet ut about o'clock very long before she goer to her
every ufternouu, (*deniably to enjoy
nothing more harmful than tea. the
members provL.ing the gh.stly enter-
talument In turn.
Tea L certainly cousumod, but only
to aloud ett.grwlon oa also part
-oe-thes Lha repast r -'--`-'s'er'e t ooatae Iujectloas.
progrerrer the poster.' producer a Another dissipation of London's idle
tiny syrn.gc cuutaiaing morpt:la. The set -and the !inlet has obtained a
rlrpearaace of :lee little Iu.arumeet' strong foothold ou this hide of the
whioh has been eagerly waited fur Attuut o -la cocaine injection. The
by the whom company. 1s the siga►1 practice can b'carried on eo secretly
for teem gueerte to lay bare their
lar gid, Hutu suns duet alto will
uever pay you. Among my regular
cuetasser., some come with o story
tlutt they have left their purees be-
Idod, and rwuetltiug like that, and
wish me to trued them. I never do
that wttli a cocaine or a chloral
taker uow. I have been bitten toe
often. Every ether druggist will
tall you the wash"
Cause Physical f).geoereey.
Tide 11. (telly the beginning. The
moral effeute are after a time fel
lowed by very decided Dhydeal anew.
Ftrrt comes Wdoecribable deprerion
of oplrtte', sleeples.mess. distaste for
[cruet '1Wtr le often t-uuugh followed
by complete) mootal breakok,wu,
rtrwetltuer by ruk;ale. Ho much has the
habit grown that a new ludurtry has
noting up Lu Ertglaud during the part
few yeure, the estabieshment u1
"burned for well to-do narcotics.
Thee bower are wt usually reglr-
twed under auy ant. Many of them do
not advertise, but are enpplled with
patients by their private connection
or doctors. Othere advertise regularl7
to medlcal papery as great hotels du
La ordinary organs.
The °mains habit has not reached
the common people. It le doubtful if
in all the long list of victims you will
find n single mechanic or working
woman. It la peoele to whom ord -
nary drunkennewr Ls repetitive that
iaraotlsm appeals In the moat rub
ale way. A few dome of cocaine enable
the busy society woman to get
through her eeueten all ri ht and she
can miWtaln this habit often enough
for nevates together without even
thane ttearest her knowing IL
Cocaine Injection le not the only
nor the meet Jeweler form of narcot-
lerm. Iu great dtstrtots ether drunk-
enneSe to general, even among the
pcorert. Yon can get drunk en ether
for a trifling most. .and you can bo
drunk and 'mbar again several times
in a day. In the ben country In Bre-
land opium taking 1s common among
country. Its devotee.. are in almwt ti'e agricultural population
every instance women who are die -
one stage beteg able to bring back
to her mind fnetdent• which rho has
lolly rim o forgotten. It 1s character- t
Odic of teeing thiat It will light up i
Two Kindred souls Iniplsge.
They had just been Introduced,
and, as she looked into his thought-
ful blue ever, the young girl felt
that vile had at last met a man of
thigh Ideals.
"Are you interested In the eleva-
tion of the masses, Mr. McSmudge ?"
Om asked, after she had worked up
to the subject by easy convereattonal
et ages. a
Intensely, Miss Gushingtoo," he
answered. "I have dedicated niy life
o this great work. I am just now
otorevsting myself In circulating a
pamphlet on the subject, which I
shall bo pletwed to send you."
"How lovely," she murmured. She
knew that rho had at last found
e kindred soul.
lint this world is full of bitter
disappointments. and It was a hard
Jolt to Ethel Gushtngton'e finer sen-
atbllitien when a few days later she
received. with compliments of John
W-wley MoSmudge, a catalogue of
passenger elevators, for which he
was agent. -Salt Lake Herald.
grave. The opium habit le prac-
tically tucurnb'_ . and It is not too
much to say that those who aro
clave. to It aro well aware of the
arm,. Tilts they cu hurriedly enough, tied for a time even the ueur et
u.nttoue aol to Ines a moment. rel friend.. of the drunkard have no sus-
intersse is tho craving- to put them- jno:on of It. It hon none of tee
.Ates soder tie tallueuce of the repulrlvoaess of ordinary lntoxloa-
polwtL Thin hostess then goes the tloa. Doctors aro ltr chief victims
Soutd of her visitors, giving each an
writers and potiticiane come next and
b}uctioa the more artirtlo the temperament
Very fregnentfy a guest is r.et the greater the peril thea new hablt
menial with' ono Injection. Nuc present..
h oe accustomed herself to the drug CoOalne Injection Is. without ques-
stn.l a shall doge hes no ep- tion, the meet dangerous and must
preciable effect on her. She subtle form of Inebriety known. Cuhu-
1 rie. for I is' e - Iojrt•t lona. pared with It, seven morpltlnomusi:t
She then guts them if her bootees 1. hnrmless. It grows on ono with
Is devoid ut sense, which she geuer- i amazing rapidity, amd gives little or
ally Is, and thus envoi' another nail no warning of tlia harm 1t to doing
Le her co:fui. The women who re until the evil Ir accomplished almost
B urt to this peocoeuiee belong to beyond recall. With most narcotics
that numerous tody who. bereft of you have (snick peeving.. of coming
e lf-oon.rol and feather-brawe.l to a evil. Let the uveraGe man inject a
degree, canaut nye ',About excite- dose of morphia and he will find the
meat ate' wle, thirst for now sense- temporary ease followed by exoru-'
tions. They atlovtd the morphia elating headache, by raw nerves and
tea party to Brite away -as they by fearsome deproeaiou of epirite.
foohrhly th nil -melancholy. With- .Blit with the cocain... at fleet there
out the morphia toe party they L none of title. You feel young and
would not cure to exist. Life to them vigorous again. fain is deadened.
le an lisuffer*Wa bore.ho things that troubled you seem
In a very eliort limo the poison t swept out of your life. You have a
tore Ite work. Teo woman whowsa -ionise of self-satisfaction, of bnny-
dtpressed nml dull -eye 1 when *he nncy, of ease and of pleasure. In the
entered the r,om Is full of life and normal man or woman there la often
gayety, else taike wittily, even brit- at !beet no
Iantly, her eyes are bright, her
greet reaction, although
In fil
sleek. but a moment before ghastly , a, Re in Query nervy, poison,
white, are hushed, her wholecoan- the effect.' differ according to Indl-
tenanue to animated.
venial temperament.
Pse m,• 1'. we of Death. A IMar+,)' t•rartle•.
Rut what a price oho pays for this nut the pleasure parses very
Mange! Submitting herself to the
Quickly, crew muco quickly than
Influence of morplea at these parties, with opium. and the rick n► is al-
ae /the (fuer every day, the drug most Inevitably driven to renew
when administered In fairly largo
the injection. In teeny cases from
quantities quickly loses the desired twelve to twenty doses aro before
effect and tiro wretched being meet long islets lel n single day. This
have more. Throe Injert'ons once a covet. money. tbmtlne hydrocklorate,
day are trot ennoygtn for her ; aha in- ! the form of drug used for this pur-
Pete the fluid morning, nfternoon and poem, Is very expMn'he. Wholesale
even!og. To get 'the poison she will It cowl, 23 shilling.' an ounce, and
sncriften everything -her dearest retails usually at about three times
po.aewslon., her money, her Jewets, t aa mech. In one known care a man
her all, in fart. Tho result le file- 'pend' es morin as 10 shillings -a
artroue, The poison obtains a com- Amy on hie cocaine.
pieta mastery over her-ehe can no T1he first hnrntfdl result seen le
more retest It than she can fly c0 often enough not physical, but
moral. Gocalne,'-even more than
tl he inevitable oxoneedpurnee • la I morphia, destroy, the morel Renee.
)mat she dies an early death, wreck- Titin IR no figure of speech, buts
c.1 both In mind and body. Nothing f 1nfn ettttetneut of an ohe-erved and
Is more frightful than the might td ntdentnble fact The cocaine !lend
one of these women when she le de -does not become violent or brutal.
algid her favorite drug. Fillet with On the c..thtrnry, he germs morn
despair. who la capable If not watch- gentle and more refined than ever
ed of dewtrapuig hermit at any mo- before. Ills nrttetlo perceptions
went. in her rage she will tear ter Ore In every way quickened. But
hair and scream am no madman could
though he Mer hitherto hien earup
gnreem . ulouely 'sonnet, he will now often
Needle's to remark these parties .tent witlioat aflame. He often oeema
ars ooi.ducted with the, greatest sec- to forget the meanlrmlf of truth. It
reey. The servants are sent out to. id yet n molt point with peycholo-
the room, the door to locked n.nd even giwte how nal why tills destruction
the master of the bootee has no know- of the moral eenRR Is accomplished.
ledge of w)ptt Ie gedng on. The lett- Dot that It in eccoumpllehed admits
tabdlt" of hie wife, hrought about of no denial.
be the fatal drng-for aha rehilar- Many of the cnsee of kleptomania
. &tion eikftadonel by 'Morphia Is In- which excite so much enirpri.e and
variably (Allowed by tlie'nowt awful ninny of the unaccountable crime.
de*ression. He wets down to "nerves.•' among well-to-do people nre Rattily
Be would do well to get home pools dee to thin. As one rlrusegist pet It
Dna 4a4. Not that he weep' gain mush noniewhnt blinds "When It percnn
by an doing. however, for the morphia comes lit hero and sake for cocaine
maniac, an a rule, earrtes a little ivy morphia or chloral, I, of course,
sorters on her person. inclosed In fill in the doctor's prescription.
leather eawea, these •yryinges are Tale 1. my tatalfl s. Bat I take oars
very dainty article+. to keep n elope eye on that curto-
ifnfortanately morphia le not dlf-' fiver's finger' all the time she lain
(lona to huy. If one ehemlwt will the et.we. The coan.lns feted will
not will inefficient to meet -the re- steal nnythlnsr If she thinks she
qutremeets of bis customer an ad.- oan do 1t unobserved. If you let
I C.C. RIOhlbrds k Co.
Dear Sirs, -Your MINARD'S LINI-
MENT `oar remedy for sore throat,
°olds and all ordinary ailments.
It never fads to relieve and Cure
PAGE METAL GATES •^'.alee in priori
n no* min srnr,l
50 ti‘. "moiler' ranee. Liebt, sed yet timer .enaeb In sap
porta boor) men nn the end while h- w ep •ron rl the
Omit. withect mweowe then. t''' oat They ere neat in
riwill I..t a lUwH�o. f 1I art nae neer ret rl.•tNy,
wpypUMelw•sMo.n' bhT•hho oIlnwly nroil mt.ottuelnryt-
( alere=1erM•r 1 p1=04,,, fr•enaLso Cmake iItrierwazi,
•nevHN, e 1
..r rr, a.
Port lllulgrave.
tiliUaa IQ11fia luriK11.
The !.:Icer'. Wit.
Three young etudente wished to
have a little amusement at his ex-
pense. One saluted him as Father
Abraham. "You are wrong," said the
Pecnrd, "thin is old Father Isaac."
"Nay, said the third, "you are both
mistaken, he le old Father Jacob."
Eyeing the would-be wlbr, the Elder
gravely replied: "I am neither old
Father Abraham, nor old Father
leave, nor old Father Jacob; bot I
am Saul the eon of KWh, eeeking hie
father'', amen, and lo! -I have found
throe of them."
Tate Laxative armee Qnt.In. Tablets. A11
dr lets reread the wooer If 11 tees . e sere.
VK. urea.. iseaten (e oe exalt box. Sc.
Connick kelatet His ex-
perience with tSrlght'tt Dis-
ease and Deihl s kid-
ney Pills.
Suffered will' that Dread Malady r,,
Y'ttleeu Years -t rented by Y tee
Diaereul Doctor.- Llt.r.uy
K•beued from Dertb by
Dudd's Kidney rule.
Middleton, P. E. I.. Deo. 211,-11.r. 1t.
li Cunuick, the well-known black-
amlth, of this piece, known all over
the Leland ass the meat whom Dodd''
Kidney fills saved from death as by
a miracle, has often b rel Interviewed
regarding ills care, and 1r ever ready
to supply the facts.
"1 had been a vjetiw to kidney
trouble for MUteeu years before 1 took
Doxil'" Kidney Pills," said Mr. Con-
t kik in a recent Oouversation.
"Did you kuow It was Bright's Die-
euse, Mr. Conalok.?"
"Not at Bret, I didn't, Lit when I i
found It out I was startled, I oan
tell you. In those days, you know,
Bright's Disease was Incurable. 1
went to flue different doctor.. They
could du no good. Finally my wife
and 1 ,went together to one who told
to right out there was no use tuklu(f
my money. 1 could not be cured. J
felt that it. was all over."
"liow .11.1 you Dome to take Dodd's
"Well, one day a onstomer and I
were talking of the death of a neigh-
bor, and my ourlomer said he was
quite sure If he had taken Dodd's Kid-
ney Pille he would hive been cured.
That net me thinking For the last
.tx yearn 1 had been forced to hire a
men W do my work. Well, 1 began to
take Dodds' Kidney lids, ane before
I had ftnlehed the third fox 1 was at
work again. I can aloe a horse as
well to -lay as ever I could in met
"Do you mean to may that three
boxes of Dtxkl'r Kidney 1'111e cured
you o1 Bright's bireeee of fifteen
years' standing 7"
Yes; sir, that's exactly what I
clean. I was so stiff and sore 1 could
not .Coop to pick up anything --
couldn't put on my shoes. If my wife
was here she would tell more about
Dodd's Kidney P.11s thin 1 cunt' -
Mr. Conntck is now fifty-eight years
old, and the picture of health and
Thought They Meant • Men.
Softly (who has fallen overboard
and been dramatically rescued) -Did
-your-aw-faint when you heard
them yell, "Man overboard?"
Helen (eobbtng)-No-no. Cholly. I
never once respected they oould
leave meant you.-'Ilt Bite.
We offer One Handred Deities Reward for
�tpy of Catarrh chat cannot ba cured by
Hab'a Catarrh Cnre.
P. J. (MENET k CO., Toledo, 0.
We, the undersigned, have known 7'. J.
Cheney for the len es vear, and believe him
perfectly honorable'. all Istnlneestruwetione
and ananilelly attic to carry out any obliga-
tions made by their firm.
W VAT & Ta11AX, W hole.slo Drntrtrlatn. To-
edo. O.
creation, Kiwwta i MARVIN, Wholeole
Druggists, l of o, O
Halle Catatrrh (lure 1e taken Internally, ail-
ing directly upon the blood and mornue nut.
race of the system. Tesumoolai...ent free.
Vi -Ido per battle. Sold b ail druggist.
's triunity Nita ..n the bet.
The Czar and the Goads.
The late ♦telt of the Czar to
Parts has filled the Parielan papery
with aueodotes. Here Is oue of the
Czir's former vlrlt:
Otte day he drove incognito to the
house of President Loubet, then Pres-
ident of the Senate, and while his
companion went In to announce the
vent, he amused himself by putting
his head out of the carriage window
and looking at the people who passed.
In spite of his Incognito the t zar
was recognized by a whistling urchin,
who. seeing him eluting alone and at
feleure, deemed the occasion appro-
priate for a friendly chat. So he ap-
proaohed, took off bis cap, and said
oheerfully :
"Good -day, sir. How 1s the Em-
press 2"
The Czar was naturally much as-
tonished, but he replied) with a smile:
"Thanks, young man. The Em -
reed Is quite well and has enjoyed
ei r p very much."
The boy seemed glad to hear It,nod-
del a farewell, and went whlsttln(t
on his way.
The (sir, In narrating the Incident,
said thee he woe much more embar-
rassed than the gamin appeared
to be.
"A Little Cold, You Kaew' will
become a great danger If It be al -
hewed to reach down from the throat
to the lunge. Nip the peril In the bud
with Allen's hung Detente, a sure
remedy containing no opium.
Cheap (louses In France.
An Inhabitable flat at i4 a year,
with tiled kitchen ROA three or four
rooms prepared and floored In oak,
sounds the wildest Im;,owelteltty in a
orowded Induetrl'al city. Yet comfort-
able, welt-lrutft flats have been built
at this price Int the most crowded
quarter of the city of Lyons, and
this where the prlge of land on which
the flats were bunt was 23 to 85
francs a egnero metre, which Is ra-
ther more than a square yard. The
company that e(arted the venture
hue a reservo fund of &40,787 francs.
tine pays a steady interest of 4 per
cent. We, says the Westminster Ga-
zette, ought to add that the profits
have been largely Increased by cheap
restaurants 01 connection with the
Wits, where at gond meal can be hail
tor 11-241 the cieuree, Thin Interesting,
Infnrmntlon le given by the ('Q -oper-
ative News, whish la Ione in its praise
of the Lyons Eoonbmio Reining So-
THoaeoar, Jan. 2, 1902.
Does Meat -Eating
Cau Appendiciti'glVicKIM'S
0eef Is eaten, fowls and ducks, mutes(C "
Appendicitis is the malady of the
day ; It le the mat pruw.neat malady
la the courier of the discus )unit u(
the leeruod eueletleie its course utast
be numerous OMA
R,' lel ally OMR,' the the-
orIer emitted rerpeotimg Its
'ince are manifold. •
Al. Metchwkolf, In a recent cuw-
mumtoatl to tu the farts AcwleW) of
Mencius', attributed an .Important
pert lel the developmtwt of appeo-
dealtls to lutettluul worms, unarides
ahmd trloucephalee, etpoctuity thelam named, which, by uuuetug erte-
n .um of the nattettUutl emcees mem-
eraue, create un e.tey weans u( lufec-
(b it by the morbid germs ouutalued
W the Iurtertiue.
Northern China le, perhaps, of all
o ,utttrles to the world, the one In
which brimhe 'atheisIt the Most wide-
ly ',proud, and in a recent c.mmual-
oatl •n prievirted to the Academy of
Medicine In reply to M. Metchnikuff's
communication, M. Matignon states
that upp.•u Ileitis is very rare there,
eveu If It Is hetlo.d at all.
Among Ilio Celert'aim fombrlooldemailparasites ere fl among ninety-
five to ninety-eight per cent. of the
clilldrett and among seventy-five per
cent. of the adultsEuropeans. Among Europeans
tho proportion a only twenty-five
per vent. In sort, It 1. very rare to
find a eldnese wh ,me dtgeativa tube Is
not lutes/Led by these parasites. The
*soarer lowbrlcolde, is the common-
est furs ; erlohocephales are &leo
met with.
In 'Otto of tate great frequency of
lutestine' wean*, M. Matignon due -
leg the fuer years that be spent in
Northern China never met with a
t lr.gie one.. of appendicitis, tither In
the Fr•ncb miesi, a Oe in the hospital
at Nnntang. Nur did he meet any dur-
ing the tisane perlperiodamong the little
lntera.tlutl>il community of 120 per-
sons who were under hie care. Three
times veiny-lnetehe assn of a young
Rusebn girl and of two Laznriet mite
e lonrlN-did he obeere° abdominal
pains having a distant resemblance
to appendicular collo, bort they ap-
peared to be due to the presence of a
toenla to the Intestinal tube, fie they
were not reproduced after the expul-
sion of the parasite.
The extreme rarity of appendicitis
-not to say iia nuts-existence-uwong
a people whom' digestive tube Is In-
fested with worms. appeared to M.
Matignon to be in conflict with the
theory of M. Md tchnikoff. which ten -:s
to attribute to L,mbricohlo an im-
portant part in the appearance of
He ousldere himself inclined to
favor the theory of the influence of
au excessive flesh diet. wblch has
been incriminated by Keen, of Phlla-
delphl,•a, In the deet place, and mince
by M. f-aoae ('hamplonniere, of Paris.
This hypotheets Is 'strongly supported
by what he has observed in Minh.The diet of the Chinese in the,
north, says M. Matignon, 1e not a
flesh diet, bat rather vegetarian. At
Pekin mod In the country very little
tau and especially pork. beltsg
ferred. Europwaus alone eat beef.
bI•'ut 1s a l ixnry which only the well
to do oats afford, and Nita eonsliwP-
tlon 1r extremely small. The great
majority of the population. who are
poboilure,d Iran
t ywateottrute
; it Iltto rice, ea
bags.. sweet potatoes. tnirulpr pre-
served "a ht •aunur..," au.l at gtusn-
tity of garlic. The Chinaman also
tats u great deal of Malin flour or
wheat flour, of which he Makes cakes
and b'iur and unleavened dough,
cooked by steam.
It 'ls possible 'that to this diet Is
duo the admirable "liberte du ventre"
of the Chinese --to use M. Matlgoon'e
expreaslon-and the coneegnent ab-
eum)o of appendicitis. It cannot be
denied that the preceding observa-
tions strongly support the theory
which attr.bster tu the stimulat-
ing influence of an excedrlve flesh
diet the frequency of oases of appen-
dicitis/ obeervrd for sown yeure past
among civilized nations.
It would appear that ounipreseea of
alcohol may b used In the, t rentment
of appendicitis. At any rite, M.
Filatoff .o asserts. Ile began to
%eon number of odds and endo to
"'Alt ua so they are yours dt sort, and
!lay now,
think of Wm?'
• Ile Is nue or—
(hat over lined,' s•
ambltlour amt clean.' already low ereeak
"'Do you mean It 7" ' It 50 ap to 116 00,
"'1f 1 (WW1 wouldn't') vase for 81.137,
all the way Lout Upper N..
for Ills wedding,' raid I, an,
then convinced the fat u)an. Vo.r wav
"He toll me that he war tit. well
bride's father. He would &temp' tee
look upon me as kite own roue its e•
was proud to know lily run -In-law's
fried -be 'limy mart maks his Enure
their own mud -would I, as a favor
have ease one more drink with him 7
"It war approaching the supper
(tour, and 1 filially pervaded sty
slrter to come downetalrr with me.
The Crowd around the bride and
bridegroom was so dense that we
could not penetrate it.
"Wo fell in with the people who
were going dowu to eel per. laid
tamper war all right, though we
use this treatment from the dry didn't know a blessed roti In the
when hol, need w a tonin file oohad dined at 6 o'clock
early alcop'rlud of whitlow, appeared
al to W order to get there, and we were
room. We
him to be et:dewed with specifics pro- hungry,
pertler. Tide surgeon, In fact, eon- 'ilio conversation around us war
elders that It suffices to keep the about church auolals, challenge
finger In a small glass of brandy ter euchre,. and a Mee. Souse ody who
half an hour, and repeat the bath won the Whist Lieber prise by meth.
several Clines a day to put a stop cele little better than downright
to the pathological prooeaaea on the cheating. When we went uprtalrs
point of breaking out. gain the bride , and bridegroom
This conclusion led M. Ftlatoff to had disappeared to get Into their
havo recourse to the application of travelling clothes.
compressor of alcohol in the case of a "I was feeling very comfortable
boy twelve years of age., suffering and I again went over to the tat
from appendicitis, lel which be war man and clank hands with him.
eent for In consultation. Here Is les "'I ham nn old friend of the
method of procedure: A compress of groom.' atW I, 'and I haven't yet
gauss folded 1n four, aaud, wide seen the brine. I Intended to oto
enough to cover the entire 'stomach, , Iter when 1 did.'
is thoroughly 'steeped la alcohol at "'Klzser, my boy, (kisser her. Silo's
93 degrees, slightly squeesed, np- my slaughter. She 'won't mind, nos
Tied directly on the skin and covered 1 zee bit. You fur' errand on this etalr-
p way an' when she comes down you
with flauuel. Over aril is gel+toed an ! tlszex for yuureelf an' you kisser for
loo bag, and the compress Is change,
every hour, no soon lel the alcohol
has evaporated. Opium to admluls-
tered at the same time.
At the end of two or three days a
very marked Improvement was re-
corded, and the chill completely re-
oovered a 'Mort time afterward.
1 oto not think that In this case
the ourntivo rule should be attribut-
ed to dile alcohol alone. It has hap-
pened to all physicians who are not
convinced of the necessity of an op-
eration In every case to wftnees the
contraction and cure of appendicitis
tinder the tuition of cehl compre'sees
and opium, and it would appear that
In the case cited the alcohol acted at.
a refrigerant. -European Edition N.
Y. Herald.
•N•••••++ ••••+++•••••••++
"Speaking of the generous ase of
oue words," 'alt the old conductor,
reminbceatly, "I allow old 0111 Ma-
gllilcuddy was about the commaad-
Ing general of the grand army of
profanity. Old B.It livod up Troy way.
which may accourt for his peculiar-
ity. Bot that's neither here nor
"Ile used to come down to New
York pretty frequoatly during the
winter , )rid a mooned run living
over In Brookly a. B.11 used to open
up new records every time he tra-
ve.let' over to Brooklyn. Ho said he
dime blame New lurk people for
.weaztng at Brooklyn; if Ise lived
here he'd sooner take a trip to
PhtIneelpphta than he would to Brook-
lyn. I R taw that's about right, too,
fon I ksr,w myeaeif what It Is trying
to find anybody living in Brooklyn.
"Why, one Hituday, when 1 wa.off
the run, I set out from my home
In 'Vest Eightieth street to see
a fellow living In Brooklyn nnbouro so nYr
property be wanted to well. I tools
tiro elevated town to Ohrtntbern'trent
and walked over to the bridge. Then
I rode over oa a bridge car. and took
another car for the street where
my man lived. • I hail to tdhange
three times, and it took inc two
hour@ from the time I struck the
bridge to the time i rang the door
bell. You ca.n bet I was pretty
'1 aekod tho man Why the dld'nt
iive to a civilised nand, and he nicked
me whist was the matter. I told
him bow long It hail taken me to
rowel him. 'Yon could have got here
In fifteen minutes' from the Twenty-
third etraet ferry, New York wide;
he MMM. 'You've elected the city when
you could have Dome in a 'straight
line.' Aeid that'@ all the ratl.fac-
tkti i got.
S0. sue I may, i don't much blame
old Bill for using language when he
haat to .twit Rrogklyn I remember the
last 'time he wee down here Ile
was going beck to Trey on my train.
He hail Jiet come from Brooklyn, and
hie wan meting the air of the conch
rn blur. It looked like a ,'cooking car,
which it warn t. In the entno ear
At the Merat AIM of a crimp Or MIM' was a minleterinl looking chap, who
Pain In the iowels take ferry Davis' listened In horror to Bill's talk.
PNMikilter In hot water, wweetesed 'The mininterfnl fellow wtnn,l it for
and you hard mawtored tier difficulty. a Willie, telt fleetly, after the tar
There tee but one Painkiller, Perry started and RIII (ereb more and more
Davis', 23 and 00o. profane, he 'stepped over to 1►f•.g11U-
cutely and said, holding out a wnrn-
teo Long • Jeb. { - Ing finger, 'Do you know, my poor
Prlmm--Ona mark of the gentlemnp friend, yrnr are nn tlmw road to hill T
1e that he always keeps hie hen i. "Bill started out of hln gent at 1f
Glenn. he had been Ant. 'Nat my finished
(:hmm-Oh, I don't know. I know Inlet,' he gild 'I Jn't bnnght a ticket
a gentleman who never wa,'hna ills for T'r),9•'
"Wllllame lutd told me that elle was
a peach, and with this parental per -
Marion and the courage of wine I
was determined to kiss her. The
guawie crowded the dour with rine
and uW show, but I stood on the
'Suddenly a commotion In the upper
hall bruko out and there were cries
of 'llere they come 1 Look out fur
"The brido came first with Dee of
ore loose ragbau affairs with the
loud- drown over her head. She
busted down. Um stairs, and when she
was about to pass met 1 said
"' One minute, please , I want a
" 1 grabbed her around the waist.
lied back the hood and- well after
going that far 1 had to kiss Iter.
In fact she seemed to expeot 1t. I
thought tbat Wadhams' peach looked
Tiiit eel.
• "The cyowd at the foot el the
eters yelled approval, and I let her
go, pretending nut to )tear the fat
man's plaintive call:
Kltzer her again for me, my boy.
" Ile might do hie own kiwies. Aa
I stood there, sobered by the view of
tho bride's face, a little man slit
side whiskers darted past me, and
eryone pelted blur with rine. I
vaned over s rail and anted es man
who was that. He eyed we rusple-
Wusly as Ito replied .
"'Why, file groom, Billy Johnson.'
- trick leo bits than a minute to
bolt lnttd the men's dressing room and
get my carat. 1 didn't give my .liter
time to put her rubber, ou. Chucking
them In my pocket, I (hurtled her
out 'of tho house Le a rush, feeling
like a thief. .11 wasn't uutl wq )lad
walked two bock,. tea: etre .u -o.
''1 don't know what to make of it.
I didn't roe any of WUliamr' friends:
''Of twuree note' seed I. "Wet
haven't been to Williams' reception.
1 led you to the wrong church and we
followed the wrong crowd, ant I don t
want you to meutbn the thing again.'
'My vieter's Idea of the humoreul
cu.igre.Wlat out ani tend elm t m. ver irtmh, oft a level wLh your chins. is 'sometimes, etrung. and vile just
could blvd my wets to the cUurcb and I'm not up to mingling with that •'wapt d hyo. erica.'
then to the brlde'e house. kind of a crowd nnaupported. You "I'm gid et wasn't William( wed -
"'You must come, old man: said tl� ,kava and prospect around for ding,' 1 Mid.
he, 'eas' uI waist you 10 et 107 the Shaws or the Butlers or the And- Why 7' who luted
bride. She's a peach. lou'', find the arson, or some one whom we know "'Well, you know Williams said
ohuroh about two inches off the i and we'll mato up a little party by theil the bride was s peach, and the
may. Don't mistake another church I d•trwelves " fat Iain, her father. You know, said
• +
• How He Obeyed alta Injunction of the
And the Result.
••+++++1-+++++++++++++++++•••••••444-14+++++. ••+++++++++..-
Tate ofticta1 value 01 c.1 Ilingat eaaso there was a very noticeable
lie.,-., t.......a..i vura.,u.y odor Of moth belle in the air.
by dulereat txwlrtr nail es It 1. just.' "After walking about eight Macke
wsuee fur a damage rust, 1 want tU we reached the haste. A group of
tell you how 1 reudertd myself Ila- Roger', statuary teamed out of the
We for AMU an acteen wltuout glv- front window and from the open
said a
mg you the rigut mimeodoor came the eubdued sound of
rug expert. "'fate joke war rather I votes,.
more ah me thea 0e the girl, because I "Ae we entered a malt at the drier
Bride's Father—
Prlmm-Ob, come, now!
tllimm-Fae+t. He merleyew OM In New Art -tell -And there nee worse
hie factory.
N. Y. Herald.
Pwsl.htng the V,eleelle.
sue was awfully
lamely and .he due. directed um to the dressing room'.
not know that I tad no right W kiss i R Iaep{i I camp down to the ladles'
woe ' dreoing room on the second floor me
"I havo always lived in New York, „Later said to me:
UAL/ 1 know abvubut b nothingnLUUI Joe, I don't ere it single soul
Brex,Iclyu. Ween l received an link -
here whom I know. I am but going
tattoo to the w+ed.Yng of my old duwu untU some of t1'llliamr' friend,
friend William. to Mies Bridge, of arrive. Thorn icemen all say "bean"
Brooklyn. 1 taliptrunxl Wielams my with a conecloua gasp and shake
tortures yet ?
ta, Satan -Are there 7 Why, over
Mee" the Omsk � there In that ,'NM room heave a
f t ' 1
awl Works 11, r0. l a14. Mtneh of *minty of e p ey ng an
T,•xativs RroreQuleln. Tahls4rare a soli nndl.es gams of proyress►va euchre.
la res►. 71.Oa... N• ray. Prise le melte --Baltimore World.
around tho corner for it. You don't
care for the church service, no juin
arrange to get there at 8.80 when
that part of the stow will be over
aid follow the crowd that comer out.
it will lead you to the bride's hone,
which le °sly three blocks away. Ill
never forgive you 11 you don't come
and drink my wife's health.'
"Such ae Invitation as that was
not to be dodged. The wedding was
►set Thursday night. 1 twr.uaded my
i .ter to go with ret and at ono
r.. ;to past six wu left our home
in ,iv ening dregs.
11 Williams hod been married up
a tree It would kava been easler for
his friend.. We exhau.ted serpent
trolley lines, and after leaving the
last car and walking alt Week's we
cisme to tb• church at Just S.10
o'cleek. We were exactly 0:1 time.
"The bride and bridegroom hail
Just driven away and it large array
of men end women Ln their Moat togs
were filing out. A few got Into car.
rb.grv.. Moet or them walked and we
fell into Ione.
"I didn't. Iinmpen to sen any of Wil-
liams' tri^nd,. 11. sheer very un
kindly weld that thfn event mist
have been the first of the Heckel
season for the brtdc's friends, be.
s I
"tfhon I reached the parlor it was that Lt world be all right, 'e I stop.
t111e1 entirely with the bride's ped this bride on the way obwuetalre
frlencle. There was aenerous look- and kissed her. She wasn't a peach,
Ing buffet In the rear neem. and with that's a!1. If Williams. had married
'several others I drifted toward It- i her i d never gone there to call.
i lutd been travelling for nearly!
"My deter seemed to think lI was
h and f sled thin all very funny and perhaps I would
weenie' once na .ople if have agreed with her If I hadn't
Ur ume. i ! ktvnel the bade, She wrote & fell
'A putty, fat moo, Wit -
who o eeh ly . ex Isnatlon of the affair to WII-
wet's a rneoye, of the hdweahold lI int and tinned bit wife rent a joint
caught my eye, noel between us we
letter from Atlantic City yesterday.
mads a small bottle look empty inn
They knew about tko other weld:off
rffr. and they austrod me that the bride
Only nn each oeoes1)1 ' as this, miss ung ITT fMv� tate swD
my toy, do I npprovn of mint,' he ihnaces at another Brooklyn w'cd
said, is it indeed
happy epos. diryt, yon trans be sire." -N. Y. Sus,
"'T\ls Ir Inle'd a happy occasion`,'
Bald I, 'anti let's have one more, for
I am tired.'
"We drank to the bride and bride-
groom and the puffy man 'queened
my hand alfectteaately and (old me
to tome to him whenever I needed a
friend, which 1 thought was mighty
kind of him.
"1 wnudnrol around for half err
twos withitut weeing n fam(tar face.,
Then i 'tvent,np to rt•pert to my win-
ter. She docketed to wall until some
of our friend's arrlvaf, and 1 write
to the men's deeming roam to emote
a cigarette. There was my fat friend
III. Only Way Out.
lila IOvbng_.t$)ouae (who has been
talking for five minutes without a
braik)-I'd like to know, now, what
you've sot to say for youreelf When
you went down town I told you ex-
actly he kind of bath sponge I
wan tug you wrote It down, and
now you bring me this &seeable,
p11,y d gvs'l for nothing --what ar•
you throwing that sponge up 1c. the
Mr. Meeker -11y dear, it's tis only
thing Icon 4o.-C9hieago Tribal,
In Spite of at Least Half a Dozen Imitators, -Ur. Chase's Syrup of Linseed
and Turpentine Has More Than Three Times the Sale of Any
Remedy Recommended for Throat and Lung Troubles.
Have you been imposed upon when asking for Dr. Chase's Syrup of Linseed and Turpentine by being
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The teen of Dr. Chase's Syrup of 1Anseerl and 1erpenllne has become so ntllrersal that on all sides
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stealing, or even worse? For bookies the, injury done to the proprietor,' of Dr. Chase's Syrup or Linseed
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Are" yon being dceelved? Have 70n flitted' for Dr. C'hanc'e Syrup of Llnnrnl and Turpentine anti been
given an lodtet nn or ,'uhetltuto7 Tliere 1n no (nett alwout the vis tare of thin great three and lung
remaly. it Is too well known an it thorough euro fur ItronehIt le, camp. .w3i ea dne ct iwh, withaw. eneotte end
eolole to need further words of rnnmmetsletinn. What ere want to dkt le to warn ,nn ngntit.t theme 1st -
telltale. To hn eerteln that you are getting the genuine, bo euro that Drf'hnee's portrait nue dg'ns-
tnre ere on the wrapper.
iir. (7hnee'• leyrip nti,ins'sed anal Tnrpentlna hat rrnched phenomenal ,'alae, M'enmwe 11 curio when
other rrrn.•.ilea fellit ie tar -reaching In effect, enring the col i API Will n, the remelt. an epromhmq the
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A hen I.rmre and ,t.efnl ('hrletman present for mother or grandmother is Dr. (]taw's Last and Cone -
` ne-piste Raeelpt Resit. Illustreste4 folder free.