HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1902-1-2, Page 1THREE weAt8►s ADV'T8 Ann ACTIVE AO -MTB WHIN PLACA IN THE SIGNAL TH33 I.:E1ADINfI• NEW®PAPBR OF HURON COUNTY. FIFTY-FIFTH YEAR. -2863 GODERICH, ONTARIO, CANADA : JANUARY 2, 1902. LOOK AT YOUR LABEL I IT SHOULD DE MARKED PAID FOR ...1902 D. M°GILLICUDDY, EDITOR. WE WISH YOU ALL A P ROSPEROUS AND HAPPY NEW YEAR. THE WEEKLY MenneT REPORT GoowoH. Deo. 31. 1901. Fall What_ ,,t 9 71 to 71 i . `utile. per owl.... _1 00 *0 1 t0 hoar t. per owt.._..260 to 1 el aM..-.--.. .....-11 00 to14 CO Sten ...... •...-.-.-16 Op tole C ) per cwt pp9�trr 1001.1(0 bikes$par. pbush 0 606 w 0601 • heck ........ ......_ __16 b 0 kt • bask....._..._ ..... _.._,76 to 0 9 per bash 060 to060 • tee 10 00 toll 00 • busk,, sew So le 0 3) Nor . ........ ....... ._.......- 0 10 to 0 16 0 10 to 0 11 bank aapa.ked. •dao.... 4 Live 4 DDs55esdHogs Sween,. •_ .-- et lb. Ikeord Beef tees quarter Heemed Best. a.U..le 5104 Qdl awn 60 e0 a 00 60 10 600 40 to050 50 to 6 w 50 to730 12 to u 19 1310016 13 to 11 CO toy 50 00 to 6 33 75 too NI 00 to c ,U Pubuo NoUos HORTICULTURAL MEEr1NG. neonatal meotlog of the Godertoh Horth oolturalS.dety will bo held lm the oars of tea Beorsdar7 la the Court House w the eve d egof Wednesday. January8, t!H• at 7:30. for resolving reports and °fend. s` °fillers ia.d al- W.Id LA s, tl.oretar v Lo. U. 10)1, �] HST HURON AGRICULTURAL 90- �7 LINTY. The annual meeting of this eoolety will be Sold at the Tows Hald ttoderlcb. t+0 . Wedoes day, Jesuitry 15th. 1109. commg tot 1 o'clock ,-.M . for receiving the annual report elotiag aeleero and transacting col general burnoose ♦ large &H•adeaoe of morn ben u L•U7 rpoested if you hats ay com- 010ts to maser .ageations to offer for the .eml.g Fall lair. °teew be oo hand. By order, MITCHELL, Sea Ged.rloh, Jan. 6. 1009. PRO/. 8. L. ?AUBE MASVracreatgo omTIc- IAN Alen 111 .rIC1a LHR. A11 Muds of Bpeotaclet and Eyeglasses made to order bpeol.1 aue.lh,n given to fitting the . ye. Order, by ,.ail promptly attended toBe- ware of parities using ray name. as I employ n o tnvMUlo.' &Nests wbu.ver d.tlef.alm g(ruorante.d. Lt.bllsh.d 1873. 131 RICHMOND STREET W., TORONTO NOTICE OF APPLICATION TO PARLI &MINT. Notice le bomb, gives that appllo•tioo w111 be made to the i egtelative Assembly of the 1'revlooe of Oo'.rle at the next Ssselw there of for as Act to validate and confirm • bylaw of the Tow. of Oderloh. granting • loan cr 910.1100, for the portage of Wilms in est %bllsh log • hammr Hotel at the said town. and to e othodse Om Ismms and pay moot of debentures therouder. ARIIOW t:AHROW t O solicitors for the Town of Uderlcb. the applicant Doted al Owierleb the I5..h Nov ember. Ivcl ATTFK1MN, LADIESAND OENTLE MEN1 Kra 8. A. M.00LL, h czte0ding her thank le ear elttsene ge0.eal7, sake for • outlou earns of Moir ratrosa(e. Orden promptly at- tended to Mor.0klag up Dew furs or r.model- Bag them b fly style. Ornament., etc . etc . funUbd at her room.. god floor Blake's Bloot• tor• ours and Montreal sL Entrance us Mammal et. 57-5t. jfodsuss COURT OODRRICR. 140. 32, 0.0 F.. hold tbs11 regular mesUa( oa North 8,. lac *ad lard Ta..dartof.vee7 mssl5. Visiting brethren &ware welcome. FOrt' MHO. VARY !OR 8LL.Z.-LOT 12, BAY 1 field .o... Sedeetch Ip., 113 acres les °Mored, Mla.o. hardwood, with • lase 500.1117 of Cedar ea it), In good state of cult) Tattoo about 1 &orae fall w5e•t and consider able fall plowing done. Comfortable brick house, tante Ova with staining underneath. dvt.g shed and other outbuildings. •5o01 two acro orchard mostly winter fruit. Well watered- neverfoiling molar( creek ad two wells. Bev.q miles from Clinton •od three from Boyfeld. Possession at•07 time. meson- & hle terns. Apply for further particulars 10 CHARLES 8lMONB. 71 8t. Daeld et., (6de- rlob. 6) 1m FOR SALE. -THE RAST HALF OF (be west b011 of lot 15, bin. 7. Went Wa- ereaesb. oomprL1.g60 acne. Apply to HEN- RY rowtKR, Doogsaaoo, or to Philip Ho11, Barnet, Odrtoh. $ 1'500 04801, OR ON TERMS TO mit will plinths's' that largo . eene nose with six-roomd addltloo,dt0•ted Gs Picton Street. Half an .oro of lad with 011 to outbutldl•4e tkoreos thrown le. For further particulars &mL Barfield i THEO. J.�tOOB- HOUBR$ALR.-WT895.96, 117, 118. 119 cad us In Halobleonp'"V survey. all In ee Godertob. Fp•rtloulai apply pplPP HOLT. 8arrhtr, &e.. Oodierfoh. Marsh 1411. 1000. - Ode llisdloa4 DRw.F. OALLOW, PHYSICIAN and Morse's. Oso. le Bsok of Oose- meres bendier, wing aide of Square. Sleet calla at reelde.M, Eight at. W. 'Poona O. Insuranos, *to. CHAiI 10. SHAW, GRNRRAI. INSUR- ANCE •0d reel ..tate agent. Moe. the dor cent of P. 0.. Ooderleb. Agent for the leading mutual fire Iesu canoe coin ?ante, and lending "took eomp.nle•. Merwntlte and meaufaotnt ing risks a wawa* rests. Os11 at osbi. _ Moro. MISS COLBORNE. Teacher of Fletcher music method. will re. bile, pupils at her eredio, •Lore Mr. Rafters l0.awace office, Uamllt sn street. For infor- mation apply *ahem at studio or at t- tldanus. 8t. PatrIOe'e MreeL W. GLENN CAMPBELL. 011001st 004 Methodist chs,.0, pl orle0e and direotor of North et. d leacher of pl00oforte, pus will be pleased to re- ceiv. psp14. 1.mr0giton given either at tomato or at par II% howl, as desired. Studio at Emerson's Iloilo Stare. Nostra. 72 tt PMbli. Nouns. APPLICATION TO PARLIAMENT. Natio. le hereby given that an appllcatloa will he made to 1 ba Legislature of the Prov • Moe of Ootarlo at the next session thereof, for an Act to lucorporsle • Company under the name. "The Huron •od Biome Oollway Com pony," to oo0atruot, equip. maintain and oper- ate • railway between • point at or near the tow• cf Wooton, 1n toe count of Bruce. and point at r • Dear the county Iowa of (ioaerloh lathe e county of Huron. and pawing through or near th• towns of Kina.rdine and routhtmptoo ; with power to oo0atruot. own, equip. main- tain and operate telegraph sod telephone Imes and .• I systems o cen0ectlo0 therewith ; and with power to oarry on business as an Ex press Company. Dated this Ord dal of Deoember, A.D. 19)1. HAMILTON, ELLIOT & IRV1N0, 63-6t Solicitors for Applloaate. W. R. ROBERTSON. Aceonotaet and Insurances Agent. Rooks and accounts motto 09. Buildings recited and rents collected. Fire Inenr•oee In 91itieh and Canadian Ont!es. or.: Proodfoot & Bare' °Enos, North frog Gdeebb, 4041 F• J. T. NAFTRL, ORNRRAL IN- K and Root Estate agent. TN* IAN, Aoeldentand Plate Ola0s Ins0ranre affected es mntoal or Bash Plan WI 1001.1 rata[ amnilhle. Be 1 Kariba and Canadian camomile@ rep re, el. Ogl 0. nowt door to Harrow & Harrow, Bar threw Hamutm Street. Mottos MORT'GAGR BALK OF VALUABLE. PROrERTY IN THE VILLAGE UP NAYHELD.-- Vetter and b ,roue of • power of sale non 'ail" eco • "rum mortgge hes 0g date th0 Dab of 30gnst. A.D. Ilei 0ed which w1l1 MIS. ttma of ..., MSN will be for Mk by pebble section by John ,eet eneor. at Pollook's hole', in the Blitylleld. le the 000at7 of Huron, on Month day of January, A, D. 1974 e 19 e'elee5 saw. tea fallowing orogen', nowt, : Lola enmhwI naw and two In 15. /Mp N the village of 11e71e1d. In the estr.ty of Heron, eo.talnIeg 1) &was of land, ITC" . cwrcz{1JM 1-'4.7.7wlth Mme ., arssg �*ad stable. 7 M e &beet 41 er. e MN to • desirable property. Twetu Ib• t of he pnr 1 5solicl- _ awl the ages within era imply to the swam /nag SNloltr, day of ileeemper, NOL Ss. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT the Port Dover, Brantford. Berlin and Ooder(oh Rail Nay Company will spolr to the Parliament of Caewds at Its next *emlonfor a root .:tending the time for the oommeoce- mot and completion of its work. changing 14 name to the Grand Valley Rollwy Company, reducing the amount of its aplul stock, and authorizing the 000strucuo0 of lar line in sec - Mote and the 11100 of bonds with respect to such section. and for other purposes Dated at Woodstock, Ontario. 17th D•cem- bar, 1901. WALLACE & LITTLE. Holloltors for the Cowpony. IN THE SURROGATE (x)URr OF THE COUNTY OF HU1RON. IN THE MATTER OF THE 011 AMMAN - SHIP oo THE INFANT CHILD OF MICHAELJ HALEY DECEASED. Notice I. honby given that after twont y days from the Ore publication of this notice. app11- ceitoe wilt be mods to the Surrogate Court of the county or tOuroo for an order appdettng a gtownies of Margaret Haley, • doughtier of the 4)1 Michael J. Haler. deoeaaed. 16.td 1615 [.bimbos. A. D. 1031 PHILIP HOLT. 3t 0011.110. tee Applicant. NOTICE Ii HEREBY GIVEN THAW on aWlloaioa will be mode at the next . emion of the Legislature of the Provisos of Ontario for an Act to i0oorporate • company for the following 90(9011., among others lar To oo0stract. equip, maintain ad oper- ate arate on •1•01ilo railway, railway or radial railway system from a point In or near the town of Gderleh. la the county of Huron. to the village of Duawannon. In soldcounte :.1.o with power to c0netruct. equip, mal0tai0 and oprataa line of railway from Carlow, is the township or Colborne. to • point In or near Auburn. l0. 1d county• ono thanes to a point In ree0r the village of Myth. and thence to Wotton. oo the northern gr•v•I road. and thence through the rowoabip of McKillop to the own of fisatorth. and thane. to the own of Cliron. sad the*ne through the township er Goderlch to the Hayfield road, and tbnsoe to the own ottiderioh : also with power to eonatroct equip. ma,nta)0 and operao the following Mooch lin.., viz.: north from tn• village of Myth to the town Wingham,nortb From Walton befonmantiooed to the village of Brume's. and thence north to the village t Wroxeter : also from • point where the said railway oo0neml with the Hayfield rod, therm.. south to the village of Hayfield, tbeooe southerly through tee townships of Htanlee77 Hay and Suchen to • point at r now. Park- hill, thence through the county of Middles.: to the ohy of London : also with power to owl - ,tract, .quip, maintain sad operate • line of railway from (Dunlop, In the township of Co1- borne, thence through the tow,shtp of Ash. field to a point in or near Kincardine, to the ooantl of Brow. thence to the village d Tlv• .non. Is Mid county. (hand to • point In Or rear Port Elgin. In said county, tbeoce to • point In or near Southampton, in said eoo017, and theme to • polDt in or near .Viartoe. In the said county of liras. sod theme to Owen Sound. In the conat7 of Grey : also from the town of Klaoard!DI through the county of Roma to the tows of Walkerton. Is said coun- ty ; and upon and over such streets, highways and tarda oomanieo be or authorized dvldnels the baring jurisdiction over , r owning the same. (11 To enable the 00m9007 o make ar- rsmgemeets regarding the use or acquisition of streets. highways and land* and to ezpropl. ate lads for the porpoise of the company. tri To enable the oonep•0y to amalgamate cel h, sceptre the stook, bonds. franchises and assets of. and to enter into traffic or other agreements with other orporntiofs, oompan les or persons. Id. To m.ko payments in paid up stooks or bond* fur right of war. material, plant, rail way stook ur other ..rri0el fartherind the undo. tat log. fel To manufacture. 011 or loose electrlolty or elotrie power to aro persons or corpora tlon•along any' part of lar r•Ilwaye and to construct and operate telegraph and tele- phone systems ln oonoecUon wit0 the rail- way. ifl To receive assistance from mnnloipali ties or individual* by way of subsldlem, booua N on the gn.r•Dtes of the oom9a0Y'1 hoods or otherwlm and for other purposes. IRO To build. 00lafre, own. °h*rter or lease. navigate and use Steam and other vessels, and to hulld, oonstrnet and medntain all eeuemearl wharves and .0,150uees. piers and duke. for the' purpose of the company. 15) To acquire land for the purpose of eon- e trnotiagand °Der•Ung. and with ower to r onstrnct and 01,ers'.', hotels at pooh places upon the line of online of the om9an7 0s may appear 00001ar7. Dated at Ooderiob this 11th day of Decem- ber. 1901. 61, 0. CAMERON. Solicitor for AOplloaots. ANNOUNCEMENTS. Remember toe entert.lpme0t thio (Thurs. trey) evening by the Mission Reed of North street Methodist oboroh. Everyone Is In •It'd. A Iwo quantity of Bret -°loss honey has just boon pureheed at the Moper Leaf Ornery ; we oan now 611 •11 orders. U. M. Km.i.tarr. Ovular•, .Iwoy. fresh. at the old reliable oyster house Victoria Rett t Wait - et., In bulk or served all styles, toe Dream, fruit oonfotioaery, elfin oto. C. Ki.4rx- eTti)1 W507013,-Canlce roll barter. 18a.; No. 1 mink or fox, $3.50. Our al•arht.r sale of does, goods dorm' ,former, cod Edina ary is worth manor miles to see. G. E. Kim, W ingbam. Gentlemen who are bald or have this h alt, should eliderloh, ooon Prof, orThuredl.!, Hotel Hedlerd, ,laen.ry 16, and we his wonderful dieter's le toupees and 0191 worn on over 65,000 heads. Krplanation and dee.estr.tle0 frets Private apartments a1 hotel. Don't Nil to see his new lo•onti0e, Wanted till over GIs world. Clinton New Era • Mrs. 1.. Rwee.ly tad Ismdly hays aft M reside In Ilderleh for tbo winter. where Mr Keened), 10 em- ploys,' she will h. earth &seed le tows se well as him Baler, Woe Minato M.Ksy, who aim mama to tee05 In Ito 1e.ler*b pahho sonnet for nett Mer. Thy are beth held is very high 'Worm as 0111 Dae here .ell WW1 seems. h We metal .(orale will be wed ,.grat8•d. M O CAMERON 18 MAYOR -ELECT. A targe Nemb,r of N.y.laeea for the reuell - 4chsel Trustee. Sleeted. There war a large attendant+. at the town ball u0 Mood•y evening, whet oomioatioos were reoel•ed for th• various muololp•I offices. The tollowlsg nominations were banded in YUR rAYUR. N r Carregu., prepoeed by F: R. Nat. son. seoo0ded by 0. C. Black. M. G. CArz.00, proposed by A. P. Mo Lem, seconded by Jae. Id tobell. DUDLeY Houses, propoael by Wm. Wal- let:.. emended by T. U. NOLO. Jas. W11 -10N, bi proped by A. Saunders, sinusoid by F . W. Doty. 700 COUNCILLORS. Jan A Mel iota, proposal by Dudley Holmes, se0ooded by Wm. Campbell. NOBLE K. SMITH, proposed by r lex. S.uo- ders, .e000ded by W, C. hoods. Ugurue PORTER. proposed by Wm. Camp. bell, seconded by C. A. Humber. W. T. MURNgo, proposed by Dudley Holmes, se000ded by Tilos U Nallel. W. A. McKim, proposed by W'm. Camp• bell, seconded Sy Goo. C. Klaok. ROBERT THuxraox, propoesd by Jobo Yule, se000ded by M. Nioholso.. W, J. K Bottum, proposal by Wm. Rueopomaded byN. D Rooms. M. NICHoLsore, proposed by John Bola, ee000ded by Geo W. Black. DAVID CANTmLON proposedbyJames Colwell, 'mended by J. El. stroap. Geo ELLIOTT, proposed by E. K. W.t- sm. seconded by Wm. Campbell. C. A. HUMBER, proposal by W m. Aobe• sop, seconded by John F. Bates. JON• C MARTIN, proposed by Wm. Aoheso0. se000ded by J. H. Wor..11. JOHN Kscx, proposed by hes, MoDoaald, 5.000dd by E. J. Kamball, THOS C. NArygL, proposed 'oy Wm. Campbell, soonded by Dudley Holmes. J W. SMITH, proposed by David Reid, *monde,' 'ry ,john Bain. • W. C. GOODI, proposed by Dudley Holmes. nomad by John Yule. 700 PUBLIC SCHOOL 'MUSTERS. St. D.vld', Ward -Row,. McL&As, pro- pos.d by Ja. Colwell, seooedd by. J. H. Armstrong. 8t. Patrick's Ward -Wm. AoMoos, pro. pond by J. C. Martin, seconded by C. Blake. St. George's Ward -M NIceot_voN, pro - toted by John Bun, .e000ded by Otto. C. Black. St. A.dnw's Ward -H. W. BALL. pro• pond by Harry Hutson, .000dd by A. R. n1ut•ie. fin.moial statement was mode o01 it was impartible to get at the soma* foots. 'Thor* was not . bylaw oo the books authorizing tn. Mayor to borrow • dollar for grnnoll0sio walks, and he mentioned other irregularitles whlob he claimed had bean o01010)41ed by the oouooil. He had the •utberity of Olio town solloitor for saying test the whale procedure In 0000eotlon with the gr•aollthio walks could be upset and Obs amount cad- died upon the town. Regarding Mr. WII• eon's mama for not *unclog again, he sold that • member of an Incorporated oomp•ny war not dwiu.litled. It was only • petty excuse --he knew he could nut stand against Mr. Cameron. Mayor Wilton -1 wee afraid of you. R.v.rtiog to flus fioanoes, Mr, Campbell stated that aro money bad been reo•ived this year for a Wilma homaes'd still the bil- liard parlor was dolor bashes. For years there Lal not Moo any loveltlratioo Into the ligbl and w. ter .00a0te, to see what rates were belay °barged or who mus pay - 1u9 rates. Everything was in the hands of the treasurer. The law respired Unit, • quarterly statamant should be sent in to Ohl. oonouil by the banks which held town Node, but there had Dever boo any eaoh state- ment from the Huron and Bruoe Loan Uomp.nv, where there .as money deposited o0 the slaking food. '1'b. speaker censured the oouncil for Got settling the cool cosy. Toe result of the oouooil'. stubboronees wa an ezp.oeive lawsuit. He meorion.d bri.fly other meters whio0 be held bad not Dean properly 000duotod, and 0000lu led by with- drawing to favor of Mr, C.meroS The chairman then lotroduoed Mr. Cameron as the man who would be Mayor for 1902. Mr. Cameron mid be ea not en At the clots of the hour for remota, 0omioations Town Clerk Mltohell rod the list, sed d.olord Messrs, Moloso, Acheson, Nicholson and Bell elated o school trustee. by acclamation. D. McGillicuddy was then moved to tie chair, sod • motion was passed that each somieee for mayoralty should be allowed fifteo minutes and sash nominee for oouomllor.hip five mutates. Mayor Wilson was the first speaker. H• woe proud o hate the confidence of th• electors as expressed In hle re. nomination The two years during which h• had filled the Mayor'• chair bad bon full of good work, In the co0struntIon of s 1 miles of oianolltbio sidewalks and In other direo- nooe. Hs th.05.4 the councillors who had helped bim In the wore of the two years Reterriov to Mr. Campbell's letter to the pre.. Ib regard to the 60.011•! statement, Hu Worship mul.10.d a matter of extra ordinary 'Iponges that hod been incurred tad claimed that the dshcit for tn• year was • very small one. instead of the large one wblob Mr. Campbell had mode out Ther. was • report to oiroolattoo that the money for the gra0olitbio woks rate oould not be oolloted because the bylaw bad not Moo legally passel. He offered to give 950 to •oy charitable Institution If anyone °sold prove that .tateme.1, Wm. Campbell said h• could pros• It. but the Mayor reiterated Ins statement that Om report ID circulation was not drrect.ad stated that the bylaw oould he pawed alter the whole work was finished. The •ztr.ordm•ry ezp.ndltota of the year *1.d los Incorrect booboo° the people hod &►ei for .id.walk., f -.r Improvement. In the waterworks and electrio light systems and for other things. The debenture* for the granolilblo walks would M In .nape to be Issued In ten days. During the put two yews there had bon more Improvements Man would b, carried out for • rood 10.07 years to comelo an interview with Tug 1 J IMAl. he (the mayor) had owed that he would again be a candidate unless sem. reason should arse for his withdrawal. '1'h• retool had arisen Is hi. ononentlot with the ralway company, whioh debarred him from holdiog rffi»_ He thanked them for h is r. -nomination, but retired in layer of Mr. Cameron, who be believed would serve them with ability. Docility Holmes thanked the mover and •wonder of hie nomination, whloh he took al an lndioation that they thought he had done what w.. right. He oould not grand thls year heoano of the 001i0n which he was biedootio1 against the town, and he therefore withdrew hie name. The finan- ekal staWmeml whloh hod been limed thli year war, he thought, the most extr.ordie cry ever toed In • town of this sire to Ontario. Eliminating all th• money relied for gran0lithiO walk., th• town had gone behind during the last year $4,773 35. No nn• 00olel oayll at this .1.7.me0*, and It meant that th4 *aloe of a cracking good tam had been lose in one year. Regarding the granoltth•c walk•, the town would be In • y•ry preoarloos position it say ratepayer should take thjeotion to the ooannil'e pro coda,.. Mr. Holmes critic bed the ..tile. meet of the el.yator salt, and stated that the 95.000 of Interest whloh toe own had mimed in this matter was to be added to the amnont of 94,773 35 by whloh the own had fallen behind during the year. Th• own had 990,000 of motes to th• hank, and he defied anyone to name another town 10 Ontario in pooh a ondlrlon. He condemned the suggestion that then should tip another c000lld0 ion of tie debt, and ct wired the (tarrying by the town of the $22 000 odd for ,ronol,tblo walks. The walks were.tarld 'hrs. pears ago and no debenton• had yet hams usno-1. When *lotion day came the electors should be Try oarefol to Ion men for the maned who world briny •bout & Mange and 1.0,10,.1. a surplus 1■ the own' finance.. W n C.md•all first p0 4 hl. respect• to M.yrr Wtlon for Rome remarks he had made; tad then asked, in ,.geed to the gran.litbia walk., why a dieonnt o1 tarty per omit. was allowed on the walks that were put 40.0 hely. the Mover', .ed Oenneller. 11.rtt.'. sad H•,mMr'• Durres *bile ethers did act get • cone of dlenna ; ether people had to pay •wery meet of *5. Nat, Furtber ibo original hylaw fled the dleenons .t toasty eve per mint., Mt they bat 05.0(01 it to forty per est.. for eke w alk. before 15,i• own doers. Ho defe0dd 55. 04.1010551 regeedleg the town'. 9..eres wh:oh he had eyes to the prey .ad held that it less triads the mark. The way the LOOK AT YOUR LABEL and if you aro in arrear pay up at once. Also, this is the proper time to rene'W your sub- scription for NEXT YEAR All remitt*oews .Loud be pent by postal note, P.O. ord,r or express order Ad (cross tf THE SIGNAL Goderich, OD1•rio trial now but the floe would Dome when he would bare to appear and give .n account of hie stewardship. die hoped that when be did ss he mold bb •hie to give • more eaths- f•ctory ecoou01 than bad been preowned so far that nigh,. Re thane.d them for the boaor which hal bon oonfrred upon him to electing him Mayor of his oattvo town ; ,.pemoliy for its 0000lmity and without solicitation on his part. No po11Uoal sigur8- oaabi ett•ohed to this election, and i0 proof of this statement he pitted to the names on his nomination paper. His energies would be devoted to the interests of the own, sad he hoped that at the end of bar term their con8dnoce In him would not be abated. He had had some elperte0bi in mualoipal matters, and the would be valu- able to him, as the oouotl of 1902 would not rest upon . bed of room.. The questions of the elevator and the coal mom were legacies for which the council of 1'402 would not be responsible. lie behoved that it was toe almost 014001moue 0pinton that the initiation of the coal oase was of an •ztraordloary character and that the council of 1901 did cot act In that manner as if they 5.d teen conducting their own affairs. He was 10 favor of • fair oompromies in the matter. Mr. Cameron admitted some ignorance of the town's financial affairs, but it was easy to see that the town was in an uofortouete oonditIon 8nacslly. Tres difficulty was that th• amount IG the control of the town was o small that no improyaments of any importaeoe oouid he gore on with wtthont- borrowing money. The quotioo was, le it not t me to stop Improvements anal the finance' ate In decent condition' Too), most remember that they could not eat their oaks and have It ton. 9 hey bad to foo • sericite condition, and this was the position he woul 1 take -he would ••k the anuaoll to request the Government to have an ioveetigato° of the town's •000nnts male by the Provincial auditor. He would .1. mond that before the couoil of 1902 Mould assume responsibility they eboold toot, where they stood. Could not the water. worke system be made to pay' The oon- soitd•tion of the bylaws should be complet- ed at en.., the duties of officials. should he defined, and It Mould be seen that every official did We dety.HiiYTtod the sleeting to look to their Interests and vote for the host man Irreepeotive of party prod! 'tattoo . The business of the town .hsuld ho done in harmony, arid with the •si.tanoe of all the cadent' an Improve, moot negbt be mado and we might hate not only the prettiest hot Ohm most progressive town In °otsr.o. He •gain thanked them for his "Motion and wished tiirm • happy and t.rmp.rnue New Yaw. The nominees for the 0oanoil Imre then nailed in torn, but • gond many of them were not potent. Ur Ho!m...aid he had boon placed in nomination for the purpose of •oplalning Oho anal nae. He withdrew hi. name from the list of oandldates. He then went into detail In explanation of hie pooilino In eon notation with his suit .palet the town. Whin the dispute as to tow d.lvery of the Boal had arisen h. Mil gone befnie'the water and light onmmittoe and had told them that what they wanted him to do was mor. than h, 1114 ever 000iempl.sd and that it he hy.1 carried It mit h, would los, money. Re mold get no utt.fa0tten from the 0ommlttee, Ho offered to put the coal In the shed for $30 and they would not At+ rapt the offer. He presented other sheen - at nos i.. o asttbment, but Choy vennld not listen to him Ti my had or.um.d R00 one of final and would not ply him • an'. He thought M had done .i1 ho (mld and he was rimy 'lorry that toe revolt was the law - colt. Noir the emns0tl was going M th• Snprwm. Court. tVh.t would the gain . They ..veld Meet Me eatt•f.et.iee oto throw lag 92,000.or $.,000 of nets opal him, he 8nsaially the tows wound not be meoh bet ter off than it le now. Furtber, the ma had taboo Bre ; if it bed hefts put In (5* Mai 11 would have takes Bre Harem/ they would have had to [oke It. oma. Mr. Oampeell--TIay should seer have bought that toed e1 o.sl. Mr. He1Bptu 1 mem* tbem.gelset bey i0g that kind of oval, but they would not take my advice. Continuing, Mr. Holmes said an agro10,0t for the romcyol of the mei had been drawn up by Mr. Carrow, he (ibp'peaks,) agreed to sten it but the oouoe,I **old not. He did nob think tome aim were fit to reprewOt the town. H. Intended to take ac' on .901011 the members of the coaooll for their illegal notion durlog the past year. Et Mayor Robert Tbompeoo, who spoke n olo, ea d the .8. 11 of the town had totem going on l0 such • way that tbov should sea that • council was elected for 1902 that would do juetioe to the town. He advised Ib, m to uhoose the best men irreepeotive of politic/a. He had not intended to roo, but ..wing his name cad Peen propu.ed if the electors deckled to plane him .t the onuooll board ha would do his beet to servo them. 1t war time to oall • balk in the matter of consolidating the debt. W A McKim thought that the 800nolal Statement which had been promoted was botb misleading .od untrue. Amens were set down without aoythiog dedun.d tor depreolatitu He bol„yed It would b, b.t• or for all oonnsrned 0 the hoodoos. of the to a were oo,duot.d on bu.lnevo methods. He old state the n.11 day whether he would n or not, but in any nue he was prepared batik up the Mayoriloot la the platform w • b be had prevented. John Knox laid he was prepared to justify his unction in the'. oat nue. The (10es110a In the first plane h been referred to the grow and light oom ties, of wbloh be was not • member. The moil agreed with the oommutet'e dncslos. The legtl p0es- Lion had bean submitted tie the solicitor, who assured the council that tl.y were in the right. Io the face of this •riv.oe, if be had taken coy other e7.•od than he did he would not have been doing right, although bni had stated the oouooil that he war oppnd to litigation. 10 the same way la could not bat vote fur the appeal He had atonye voted abovs-boord •od in the future would do the earn. C A. Humber, refining to the elevator snit, said he considered that the town war entitled to the lull amount of the Interest He war nos of the three who had base .Doused of agreeing with the.01101tor lo the settlement of the suit. That was nor true Hs went to Woodstock, but an Friday O (95* Mr. Grrow meted that be would not be required any longer and he mime home, and therefore he had nothing to do with the settlement and If he had been there would n ot have agreed to It. lo meant that the elevator cost the town $6,000 -Goo • bad prloe, but it wag s din.ppototment when lhty had been told it would not oat • cent Iu committee on the coal case be had asked if the case could ant be settlwd Dr. Holme• wax brought over to the committee and was salted if he would pay half rbc costs so far, and Dr. Holm.. said '' No." '1•be solicitor had told them they had a god case and thwy took his &dotal, although he would have liked to make • settlement. It was true the town had fallen a Ittt:e behind, but of be $90.000 whlob had been spoken oI $52,- 500 WO. 1t+ be paid brick by the elevator company ; and tem Wo had the pranolithto woks. 1he diferenoe to the rates for grans. hthio walks on different streets wail simply in sccord.noe with the law. Mr Campbell interrupted to say that the law bad been amended, so that the council oould py a proportion of the cost on outly angstrom,. Mr. Humber, oontmuioc, said they had oarred on the conrtroouoo of the walk. as requ..teed by the property owners. fie believed tb.1 three commissioners should D s elected by the people to conduct the fioanmal operations of this town (1. M. E 11ott @polio next. He said that although some Mamma statements had been made he did not think the town had gone under, He had been Insphol by the address' of the Moyer elect. He fit that he ooald follow him and if tt a people saw fit to elect him be would do Oho best he oouid. Lor. Nicholson recalled the fact that be had been on 15. oouncil (,fora, and if they would elect him wilh0ut oanyusing he would stand. He thought the council had been an expsosiye one, and [tat 1 obaoge should be made. J U. Martin said that when the financiers could Dot wee It oat of no nee for him to say anything on that line. In the work of his own department he thought he could make a good showing. Of the $2 600 spent by hi. department $585 was spent on the town hall, a oo y ezpeoditurs;.$750 for th• own 10.m, • secuesery yearly e zpebditore ; 475 yards of grate!, which ordinarily would Dost $250, had bon Ind down for 9118; $350 for sewer tiles and other supplies, leaving only about 9800 for all the other work th.1, had tees done. Regarding the coal case, Mo. Holmes' st✓ement wad' partially mor,.ot. The Do for had taken some ezoeptioo to him and was blaming him for the tarrying on of the bas. The truth was It was not poesih'e to settle with the Uo.lor- The tint intima tion hp had of the dispute woe when Mr Cantelon palled the committee together and told them of the trouble with 1)r. Holm.. on .°count of hie refuting to deliver the coal ,coordiog to 000tr.ot. They wont to Mr. t,arrow, whit told them cot to swept. the coal wher. W'iiiiv *5.1 F. R. Holm*, was bound to plaos the oral' where the (onmtit.o or engineer directed At the next meeting of the committee Mr, Can tel.,n said that F. B. Holmes had promleed to delver thermal where dirotd as mon 01 hie Iothor got cooled doom. Theo Dr. Holm.* wrote the cooeoil offering to put in the oust at ten ciente • ton. The monad refused, owteg to Mr. (/arrow'' •dvi0e. Tho next ornpo.silion woe • letter from Mr. Holmes . B-ring to lase the matter to Mr. G•rroov, Mt, Prostlfot., tunny other honest mor, The o0mm.tare met and afoot for Dr. H m.. and candidly toll him that they had slowly gone to Mr. li.nnw and got his asitia.. 1)r. Holmes then sold he woold not • biots • too to move the owl. The couooll 00009(ed the propoeldon and appointed the Mover. Mr. Muroey and Mr. Humber to take Mr. Holmes' letter to Mr. Carrow rod have 00 agreement drawn up. The agree - moot seat drawn op by Mr. barrow and taken to Mr. Holmes, and he refused to slot 1t. Dr. Holmes said it was a 'mood mese men* last woe drawn up by the water and light °committee that he had refused to sign. Mr. Martin and Mr Humber both said Owe ma no such mooed ornament as lir. Holmes spoke of. Mr. Martin charged Dudley Holmes with not .o6.g in the interests of the town us this matter when he was a member of the couooll. This led to a dialogue betwmo Mr. Dudley Holmes and Mr. Martin, and shortly alter Mr. Martin ocnoluded els addrem and the mewling dispersed. Up to 4 o'clock Tuesday .lter0000 vt . C. Goode, J. W. Smith, Jae A. McIntosh and Dr. Holmes had withdraws. CULHORNE TOWNSHIP. Nominations for Reeve --Jae. Taylor, Maur Wm. Youo h 1 g, N. John'. Mr. Johns has withdrawn. For Couooillors-Wm. HHI, Molt. Jewell, Alex. Roberton, E C. Attrlll, Joe. lletherisgtoo, Jaoob Moser. • AROUND TOWN S U. 9. OntogRN.-The following ofioen for Divorces' C.mp. No. 54, So.. of Soot, land, were Mooted fat Fnd•y evening : Cele(. Jae. Mitoheil ; obiefwu, Jae. Tut ; chaplain, Robert Cratgle ; p•sn chief, M C Cameron ; mortuary, W. W. Movloar ; 8maaoial eoretary, A. D. McLean ; trea surer, A, P. McLean ; marshal, Normao McDonald ; standard bearer, A. Chisholm ; 1. ti., F Lore; 0. 0., A. Johnston ; true tee., Major W. Young, W. Proudloot and 4. Stratton. jE SPINSTERS' COxvENTIoN.-An enter- tsIotheot under the ample". of The Impala! Order df. the Daughters of the Empire In tad of the ho4ptt01 fund will be held in the Vio. Loris Opera w attled 'rTbe ones on Friday, Jsauary 3rd, ipteetera' Cooventtoo. As our very beet Itt�l talent is taking part to both vocal and fns umeutal members in the drom.lio performsbbn��( eee_entertaining evening will be offer _.public, sed • large atteodaooe is h for in s(d of :Ins moat ob•ntable object. , AN EFFICIENT STA,► -G. 'I'. R. Ststloo Agent Semi on has received • Ineter from J. W. Loud, Montreal, freight traffic manager of the Grand Trunk system, mplossmg hie pleasure at to. ve•y satisfactory matoer to which the agent and his staff have hand- led the large quantity of ex-Isko grain which has passed through thte station dur onr the past se•otSuch • compliment t from h0.dqusrters 1e ezoeedingly rare, and Is naturally • source of ootoeiderable grail. 8muoo to those to whom it ie addressed. THE Lays Oroomo. McMAHov.-U.orre McMahon, rem of our oldest residents, parsed away oo Months., December 23rd, atter a long illness The deceased wa born In the °omity of Middleez lo 1831, but heft bean • resident of Codertch for over 6Ity years. He 1 three slaters, Mn Mc- Millan, Mrs. .Joseph Whitey and Mies Mo M•hoo, 011 'Meg to (ioderton. The femoral took oleo, on Thsrsd•y afternoon from his late rraideoo at the south boundary. Rev .Ise. A. Anderson cOodOoted the service, .Cd the pall -bearer. wet• I'hthp Holt, K.0 , A McD. Allan, D. C. MOekay, J. 0, Tom, D. Stoddart and Thos. C. NOftel. (.LAD TO Szz Tit. Rootaza -We were pleased to Bed in our mail one day Net w.ek • letter from • former well-known' townsman, Toho Sheehan, now of Memphis, Tennessee. 'I hst our old friend hu not lost interest in affairs here 1e evtdenoed from his letter: "Enclosed pleased find 9100 for RItisAi. for 1902. We would be loot with out it down he e. It did my heart rood to pus the old rooster crowleg last weak. Hoping to coo him bigger ren that neat June, and wishing you • merry Christmas, I remain yours truly, Joni. YIIIEIIAN." We reorprooas the good wishes. and will do our best to keep the rooster in tip top o0difluso. THUY LIRN THE NEW PR*APHSR - A °orreel oodent of The Michigan Christian Ad•ooate wares estihu.Io.r•o In speaking of the Rev. J. T. Ls Gear, well known here, who has reo.etly beoome the paster of • churob in Jackson, lid tot.. He writes: "Test new preh..' ! Well. judging from the sermon sod front what i tinge I d, Michigan 000l has • new •ccesalon of wh ch It may well be proud, and First ahbroh has • pastor of which it oannot be ashamed. Rev. J. T. Letitia is • soccer. How do I lodge ? From splendid perennoel, fine oratory, wide intellectual grasp, excel. loot modal grip. • devout spiritual trend and a strong hold already •ttalbed. The ser- mon was • good one cud there were no sleepy ones In the confirsgation." take 61r. G•rror'a f oleo. Dr Holmes denied thou. hat Mr Martin world not swept the denial. Mr. Martin -WS did sot en 1,10 littera then ; It was Mr Rolmro who started toe Rola. Cont nuns, Mr. Martin said 1)r. Holmes ato.meet that Mr. Ostrow had drawn np an agreement for the removal of of t.ne moil, whi th the committee F.1 re faxed to sign, was not orrot. Mr. 7'hnmp lee, who was Mayor (taco, said that 11 any senior -est wore mads without rhe proper delivery of the oral hm would sot don the check. Kr Mayor Thompson confirmed Mr. Martin's statement. Mr Martis• -Toa eoans! appmled the oe.e on Mr Martoa's Mom. The oouno!l flow made .n et tempt t0 settt. the oat,, but Mr Holmes would net moons, and hn (the .peak•t 1444 not hams him, as the jadg. mens was In hie favor. In the last appeal Om jur1g.. said the mai ma not without Iia difficulties. (Ino lodge wee In fever of the town tenuity, and (he ousel) had appealed the case i1 the Intermte of the tows. Alter th• coat appeal the Mayne had ordered Um removal of this oast, wat,h th• (bun had deeid.d beleaged to Mr. Hintee. iN. Helen asked the Nos M pay 10 et 16 NEW ADVERTISEMENTS - DEC- 26 A Ropily Clam Up --W. A. MoK(m. Pud6 Starting rhe New Year -W. C. Prtdb•o 4 Broom Quinine -W. U. Goode 4 School 0p.atog-Porter'. iBook S60e... , 8 January Bargain Salo -W. Aobesou & Sea 5 Card of Thanks -Jae. Wilson . 1 ?lotto* of Applioatioo to Parll.saoat - Hamiltm, Elliot & Irving, Sault Ste. Marie „ 1 Scleolr6o Amortises 8 Great Slinging - 0, W. Thompsm & `Jas 5 New. You -J. H. Colborne 4 •lonou0oement-431. M. E11tolt 1 Begirt the New Year Wolf -Alla. & ho - Iver 4 '1'o the Eleoton-G. M. Elliott 1 J.ouary Cloonan Sole -Smite Brae. & Co8 Election Card -Jobs Knox 1 To the Electors of Colborne TowoM*p- J.00b Morar 1 A Happy New Y ear -McKenzie & Howell 8 Cooling -Prot. Deve0e114 _ 8 Asoounoom.ot-0. R King, Wlogk&m, 1 A (aeon Swop-Hodreae tiros......... 8 To the 04.01.re-N B. Smith 1 Cord of Thank. -M. G. Cameros 1 , uern?Won of Mlsmes Pulley, MOrg.ne Strang, Emily Simeon, Maggie Sad - dart and Mom N.taon. 1bit program composed • °Ante•, "Mother tease and Sento Cletus," by forty rola and o•y. of the Sabbath 800001, dialogues .ad radiations by variousr 1 members ° the whool • pl.ou solo by Myrtle Howell sad • solo sweetly sung by Inde K■tblean Moon. The . 000mp.at.a were Mt..ee Hattie Sault sad Malted Tretbew.y. Telegrams were receiv- ed front Sent. Claus .t Intervale daring the evening and tmmedatelyl0fter the madam too of the program 10.1 91511.m.a himself appeared and bestowed gifts opo. teaoism .od pupils from toe well lades tree. Rasta-Peu.ow.-Tee home of Mr. Wm, Pillow, Aogleeea street, was tha oeae of a very happy e•e0t on this morns/ of De- oember 2410, whets his daughter, Mies Ed., woo torted 1a the holy bowls of m.Irta...y to Mr. W. H. Reed, of Ssalortb, 1a the primate of .bout fifty g...w. Tb. bride entered the parlor (winos was tastefully daoor.ted with rem• and flower) leafing oo the arm of her father. Sbe sea prettily gowned to • salt of gray, wish trimmings of whits satin 0.d o5lffo.. She wore • large bl.ok picture bat and carried a hn.goet of cream roses. Her sheer, Mlee E lith, was bridesmaid, while the groom P.O. ably supported by lar brother, Her- bert. The ceremony war performed by Rev. J. W. Robinson, after whim the forts sat down to • sumptuous repast. Toe bride Wa Ib• recipient of many band. acme .oar useful promote. showing the esteem in which the 1. held by hr -nisei. friends. The happy couple left m the an-sto00, trip followed by the beet wishes of the friend.. A (21111STMAS Evi Wmimeo -A very happy .seat took place .s the reetde..e of Mr, and Mn\Wm. Young, Park street, es Christmas eve, When their eldest daughter, Mamie, was nnitpd rn marriage to W. J., B olt of Wm. Mel:math. town, Rev. J. A. Anderson offtol.tlog. The bride look.d beautiful i0 white 'ilk and wrrid white oaroati000, and travelled iia • motor Vene- tian cloth snit with h•1 to m•toh. Tin bridesmaid, Miss Maggie Stoddart, were • pink silk earl navy blue tart and conned carnations. The groom was supported by Ole brother George. After toe oevemeey . boat sixty quote. tit down to an stormily prepared repast. Toe smut useful tad yuu•bit presents whloh aero rtwh.d showed the .aloes 1n which the riM and groom are hold. Mr. and Mrs. MoCreath left on Thursday, amid hosts of Food wishes, for their new home In New Briars- wlok, New Jersey, where the groom has been employed for tome time, Ebotlon Cards TO THK KLKorOR8 OF COLBORINE TOWNSHIP. LADtg3 AND ORNTLgtigw -Having been n ominated for the pottlo. of O000,lllor for the township of Colborne, and as 1 may not have an opprtpolty of seting you all innlvid- u•lly. I take this Opportunity to solicit your ♦uta and lonu.0 •e is ray behalf on Moods7, Jan. 600. 1901. Wishing you all the swmpH• menta of the wagon. It Yours respJ 0091 MOBIL I'RcME,TATION TO MANAOIR LRwmrr. A few does bore Christmas Mr. Lewitt, m 1 the Ooderioh Knittmg Co , was waited upon by the emp'eyees of the tooter', who presented him with a hond.ome mantel "look, together with an expression of the r en'teent tee him and of their approt.tlon of his friendly inter,,b In them. Mr. Lewitt, to returning thanks for the gift, spoke of the pies/into with which he ontempl.ted the kindly relations which had always misted between him and th• employees of the factory .!nos he had be- come its manager, • fresh Instanoe of which had lust been given. Mr. Lewitt hs. now Mon for floe year manager for the Knitting Company, ono to addition to the pl..eore which he feels In pn,+es.ing the oon#dwooe of his fellow-work.rs he has the gratl- 8oatloe of knowing that the foamy of which he Is the head Is one of the most prosperous isetitutionn In oar midst. NORTII xT S H CtIR1,TMAS ENTIRTAIN• KENT. -The Christmas entertainment of the North strait Methodist Sabbath school ma Mid on Friday mining and wa very 500• oes.ful Rev. 11r. Uanlel, pastor nt the ohuroh,0oepled the ohur, and the followls, program was mutterer' : Imtrumental duet, Mimes Irons Acheson and Vera W holy ; address by the chairman ; song, Kdn., Helen and Irene Prtdh•m ; violin solo, Fred 5gener ; imitation, Mise Rosa Aitken; oln, Miss Olive Rob.rtann ; recitation, Mon' Thirz• Lewitt ; chorus by • primary aloes ; reeftatim. Mies Nellie Jsmt.em. The last thing es the prnrram was the most 1m portant, int., the advent of Santa Clans .ed the distribution of prr.mta from the two well Woo Christmas tree.. There were • present and a Mg of candles tar sank pnpll of this ohoel, and when the work n1 dennd log the trews had boon anmplet.4 tot 1 sarl.factloe reigned saloon the boys .ed girls. KNnx l'rn0e!H S. 8. U.•I,Tra. Time -- Th. 1 Christmas tree entertainment of Knot ohsroh 8eb0ath .ohtal was held is *ho bo.emeot of tha etiar0h on Oho attestor; of Friday, Deesnber 27th. Ray. J. A. A• - dome aimed se chairman and the dlff.reat 0embe0 et the programs, all of which W1N ea1eadlagfy w.0 9aad.l.4, were eider dm rr0 THE RLE(.TORS OF THE TOWN 1 OF OODERICH. Lamas AND OrrTLILMts:-Having bees orad to accept nomination for councillor. 1 have decided to allow m7 name to remota on Um list of candidates. I do not Mused te de any binvsadng, but should you see fit to sleet me on Monday next. I prom es to serve yes to the hent of my ability. Wishing you .0 a happy New Year. Respectfully, O. M. ELLIOTT. CARD OF THANKS. Lanleat aNn GewTLcraw,-i tote, velae- tarlly retired from the Mayoralty of Ooderloh, In order to devote mon time to MT owe business, and glee what (attention j eau towards developing the proposed Hums, Croce and Middlesex Electrlo Road, which will be as much or more in the Interest of the town all rf I continued In th, mayor's Maar. lleeldee that 1 feel on04,nt That • nest -ohm man ha been selected as Mayr for 1900 in the person of Mr. M. U. cameras, and toss *5. rotere.to of the town will not stiffer at ►h hand.. Thanking yon, lsdlea and gentlemen. for the earnest and enlhuelati4 support whloh 1 have •1.07. received at poor hands. Mdie,s me to be yours sincerely. JAMES WILSON. '1'0 1'HE'8LKCTOb$B OF THS TOWN A. uF OOk)ENlOfdr -_ LAnrr• AND OENTJlMtw •-At the .em'. *notion me0i.tog en Monday evsrin9 I was Proposed we a member of the cermet*, 1.d having denied to @fond i respectfully ask your support at the polls sett Monday, If *looted I hots* 1 shall he of mat at the ossa• oil I turd, and no far as my time and ability will allow my efforts shall be oegrudgl.Ely given In behalf of the town. Yours elsOersly, N B. SMITH. PO THE RLR(TORM OF THE TOWN 1 OF 0001Rt0tl_- 1.0ntte ANP GINTI.sMAN :-1 have again bean pl.oed is nomination for the postmen of ouneillor, and again .01104 y our votes and Infinonoo In my behalf- I hay. treed be the town fotbf. 17 and well, and 1f •I.nted for 1902 i shall continua my .fferts to Ricotta s5te interests of the tem.. Years respectfully, JOHN KNOX. 7i`U THE ELiCCTORB OF THR TOWN I or ouDERICF. i b.g to thank lea meet Mesterei; foe kowtow *looted me wt*MMO .Oliellh5,m god by ..1545...• vete to *beg. 1. year olio. 1 trlet that my earls. M by s( &stelae to this tows donee soy term ul edge way he realised. Wishing yen all • h.DD7 and emperor' New Year, Mlles wee, Year ebedl.pt e.rvw. Y. G. N. 1