HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1901-12-26, Page 88 Tnomu)AT, Dec. 20, 1%11. THE SIGNAL : GODERICH ONTARIO. Sensible- -- Christmas Gifts! NAVE you decided on alt your Present Giving ? Visit Our Store and tet us help you. Never have we shown such a large choice of suitable gifts and at such little prices. Handkerchiefs and Gloves. It to r1 It n t, b A r b 1' r 41 (3 (,I t.t to be orH The Beet KID GLOVE is Gunter het, in Masks and soler*, s/.. 81.00 S000lal K I D G LUN' E, In toeal brown and r black, ae. , .)Bc worth 750. 1000 HAND- KHRCIIIEFS for you to shoos" from, from 3 5 for.. , ,c to 81 gash, The Beet SILK HANDKERCHIEFS, with Wash. a1 Dresses and Bilks.. 25c What makes • more •ooeptabls prewot thews • nee Silk Waist or • Drees destitute? We ma give you • owe Waist or Skirt lwagthtor.. ........ $1.50 Handsome Capes and Jackets. A B4 Reduction In t'rtoea on Ladles' and Obildraa'o Costs. How would they do for • gift to your friends Lovely Capes from 53.00 to $_'•.00 Handsome Linens. Lovely Centre P I . c e s, Table lover* sad Doilies, all Linen, :hand- made, with beauti- ful worked eauti- fulworked borders, B•ttenburg pieces of all kinds, _ UQ from 151 to .1' 0. sack. Fur Caperines. how If you want to do the right thing give • nice C.perfn* or Roe -won't cost too muoh either (spat. Rem •I.e• to ai .ss e'•perlae. tor *3.110 wo e:te M Gents' Furnishing. Ltteet Ties, 251 and 500. New Mottles, 25o to 51.50. New Shirts, 75c and 96o. hew Overcoats', New nolo, Latest Fancy Vest Dente' Nand kerchiefs a o d Braoae. REMEMBER We still give the Coupon on the Chairs. A few more dollar purchases may bring one of those Chairs for Christmas. Santa Claus comae once a year to gl►ddeo our hearts and give friends& chances to express their good will byRising present n. 'Welt Our Toy and Book .Department at the rear et tie Blom. Bracy. this there at • PActia. MILLINERY. Bargains in this depart- ment. Clearing balance of Hats at Half Price. Lovely warm Babies' or Children's Bonnetsand Caps going at half-price. ' liit99 -this Beaked. Besides km buobaad, elm leaves bebled her two dsua tters and two coos, Si whom the sympathy of the aelgbborbood to •ateeaded. BENMILLkR• Mot ase, Deo. ?3 MOM Fisher, of Lsnodoo, N. D.kota, eon of P. ter Fisher, tssom,ller, arrived in tows on Mobility lest. Mr. Fisher has been to Wrote fur over tweedy years. H• reports • mill winter so fu and that the weather woe quite eat wbeo be left oo Frld.y last. MtN1O1r*1. POl.ITII•. LN ItaNYILLIR - Our hollows are so sooner out of oo• trouble then they ere Into auother,sud all that caused by the •leotluw. Fur the legislative we gave Hoo. J. T. Ostrow • eubstauti•l majority ores the Tories, at Ws pulling •u'' dickies and now all the talk .t the vilt•gs store and at Jun Jewel's blaokemllh shop Is over sum impel eleotiooe. For the r.eveabip we hoar that James Taylor, from Luber°, Is to coo test the out with the p t reeve, Mr. Johne, pad as for **uoollmen, why I bleu your heart ' their name is legion, tor not only do all the members el the p t oouaoil e ollole re .l•oUoo, bot some of the rel:ows from the Id all lead 000cr 'ton shear* toter• feted he the time bridge that they wish to tie built over the Mettland river are oomlo■ out; also come of the Devoushires and one or two from Iddtl.odvllle,lo may nothing about the aolrants for municipal honor from the Ibl. village, the b.h oonowloe, Smith's Hill. Shopp.rdton, Dunlop, Rob Roy and the Nile. How It will be deotded is the problem, and as this village la te.dquarters for things political and mtmlolp•l, we would *dela" all interested to attend the "great oyster supper" at Gledhill'. hall on New Year's night, where they will have an oppor tunny to bear • lot of good singing and heaps of eloquence at the grand concert that the C. 0 F. teammates is preparing for the ecce Mon. N. -This Isn't an advertieement- ASHFIELD MoeLev, Du. 23rd. The Christmas examination of J.B. No 5 was helot 1)eo. 19 b. 'There was • large at undue* of visitors, who eiprueea them selves well pleaud both with the pro6oienoy and dioolphae of pupils. The t.aoter was ably assisted by Messrs '1'.butt, Hackett and Bowles, te•obere of adjoining mecum:. Ioureetlog addressee were given by visiting tuatara, Rev. F. J. Oaten and trustees. A violet was held and a very Intore.tior pro- gram wee elven at the close of the examine, Mon. also a l'hrutmas tree tor the children. The tollowing address wee reed at the close of the entertainment by Miss Anderson :- Tu Mr. B. K. Brown DIA. FRIEND t Permit us to address you today that in a formal manner we may ex prem 1, you o few word. of appreclelloo which are In our hearts. You base been • many sided mac m our mtdet, leo we must resort to divisions in oar statement. First. then, yourr.cord we taach.r of 8.9. No. o has been unique in the historyat rural schools within Huron county. In thew fif- teen veers I o, have bun faithful to a de gree rarely found The generation which he cow eetztog hold of the problems of life hes had the moulding IL6ueooeot your personal character as teacher, grwe:ly to ill benefit. We annot let you relinquish your position) here without thus recording the tact that you have discharged your antes with honor to yourself and advantage to theme who have enjoyed your lnstruotloo, In the second place you bay* had so -h en intimate oonce3' tion with the Sabbath school o1 Zion oharch that all interested In Its welfare lain in there words of .10. 'rest appreoietton. Su1e, ',dui work to Sabbath schnul demands high a'itI ill in the worker. This you have pos.ossed to an eminent degree, sad when to the rear feature your protected removal from es neo. a your onnnaOU11n with_llu sock_ department. we want yule to know that you will leave a vacancy herd to till, and the we shell fed at your departure many regrets Again your chetah relation with us has been • olio" one, and to meet, particular suoh as might be the envy rf os all Whether In preaching or to practice we hay. found your maceptlos ot the Christ life to be lofty ; and we hays been telped to the realization of our idea's, by your Chrutly Brine, As s man and citizen you have shown us how true patriota should live. And now, dr, we were mea the other day by dear old Santa ('Ito•, who informal um that your faith In hie personality was wan • Ing. He Iodated you were not altogel her at fault In this, as he had to some measure of late neglected you. Hs gave u- thia far uost and io.'truotsd us to try sol restore your faith la him by seeing that you reoely• ed It as Dear Christmas as possible W• hope, dr, you are now restored to and coo• firmtd 10 this faith ot your childhood, We ea not oldie without expressing the loys we .Brown, who hes n, ably eaglet, *•s good work. W• extend to 05-nily the i0 100'1 greetioge. Viola wherever your lot may raver of your many, many CASH OR PRODUCE. Smith Bro's & Co. CARLOW. M...na%, Deo. 23rd. One of the best eoterteio menta ere, held to Carlow was given to the town hall hese on Friday 'veoing last. 1'*rlow again ex Melted to those p- resent what our local Stiwe/ see do. The prooram looluded some 'mistiest drills, which were a credit to theme who took part In them, and oleo to Mies Dab, who Instructed the . hlldre.. rho hell was crowded to the door, and many were formed 1„ leave, beimg unable to get admittance. Alexander 1 ourg. superIn- tsedeot of Our eoheol, med. a very e)tioleo1 chairman, and, In rendes log a short &debase, se d be hoped that before somber year on, hall would be enlarged to es to •uommod•te thou who wish to be moment Notuithatandtng the crowded hall. Mr. 1 ourg succeeded to maintaining splendid order. At the 'lose el the program the chairman welled Miss Dale to the platform, and on candor forward rhe was met by Mise marguerite Hsohanea, tarrving • b.odseme Block and ring, and Miss Annie W. green, with a very prettily framed address, which she read as follows Dana Minn DALE, It le not without the deepest regret that we Isere you have decided to sever your oonneottoo with oa, sod are about to remove from our midst. the all feel that your departure from among us calls upon u. to "offer a street lose, al• though we may rest assured that our loss will be ethers' gain. Your 000at.tent Chris- Man life, your seal and faithfulness In Sab- bath wheel work, le worthy of all praise and deserves appreolatloo. We tenet that wherever your lot may be cut In the future you may bare pleasant memorise of the prodtalle hours whlob we have spent together. W. !eel that as . sabbath school teeoher your este elm bas bees to lead those entrusted to your oharge, and also your eo workers, onward and upward towards the heavenly goal. May your reward be the reward of the faithful and erne, and may we all, touters and "obelus, meet In the ()olden (sty as at ushroken band. Ao (apt, then, on the ere of your departure from sneer( us, this clock and rlo', pre - wonted to you by the members of our Sabbath school, as a small token of the love and esteem In which you are hell hp each and every member ot our sch sol kitty the bonds of love watch new bind ue be but strengthened by you departure from among u.. We wish you • marry (',rlet- mu and a happy New ''ear. and our hest wishes follow ton wherever you may go. Signed oil behalf of the Sunday school, Aldeiee DIA SOUND, Sap't., TAoe. Bpxi.s, Aes't Buret., MAarirtRTII 86,.HANAN, ANSI• W. GRIMM, Carlow, Deo. 23th, 1901. PORT ALBERT. \boomer, Dec. 23, 1901. Thee. Richardson is home from Maskok• ell a banner. trip. Don't forret the Foresters' oyster supper on Friday evening, the 27th loot. Mr. and Mr'. P. F. Huolin and family attended the funeral of Mr. Hamilo's mother, In Uonganoon, on Friday last. The Sunday school ohlldren In beth the Presbyterian and English churches were awarded their anooal prizes on Sabbath last, and the books gees mach pleasure and satisfaction to the reolplent.. Among the Christmas holiday seekers are Miss Cuonlogbam, of the London Normal Sobool ; Miss Tore Hawkins, of London ; W Hayden, of Toronto ; Walter Hawkins. teacher, of Mafeklos ; Mies MacGregor, of Ktotall : Douglas MoKeaxte and WIIB. De I.sog, of Godericb. There died Is this village on Wednesday, D1emher 18th, Mary Oger• wife of 'John Sande. The deceaed had been In ddloate health for some years. She was In her seventy third year and was • native of Exclusive -- Christmas s Goods. The Bell Telephone Co. Boolean bunnies a pleasure with an itixTlt.tne Diouf .0t In your °thee. it brings hod• nose. .apse many stay" and valuable time. Tbe Bell Telepbose G. 1.140 PORTER. lecel NI ensurer Always %boa BEST, elan the CHEAPEST, has been remarked many times shoot our store. We are la fa11 .wls7 displaying nor \mar Goode, and you are Invited to dome In and ass them It will not Ito necessary to p,robe.e either, but It you wish, we will pet amide anything yen may select until you de moire It.. OUR ART CALENDARS, von .111 go Into raptures over. Netting to sur pthem soy where i• Canada. Priem ruga from 5o to $2 50. a.. At this Store only 1 ANNUALS for Ill. year -Boys' Owe. Girls' Owe. 9.04.7 At Hesse. leisure Hour, Ohatter-ox, Chums, Rey" d the F.mplr., Child'. °amputee, Print, An., at as 'lose prism as iteywk.re in (.a•da. All the hew hook", booed up is spooled doe milt lose ler Christmas, and at god eeetleed NET PRICKS Over {e0 theo"a.d volume. to seise, from. W Imre In C.eeds ass you get roan M ee.M0 Mem. Oh yea, Hite i►• real Reek Stets sod not a WR1119 gem. Kibler. Prayer Rooke and',{1yeas Hook" for ell libertines. A fell mane of ►h• Now Hems Ronk fee St. Genrg*'s Cheetah. rugl.g Ir pries from be up. Ask to me t hem. PORTER'S BOOK STORE, Oat Telephotos is No. 100 H. Court Hares Square, Ited/troth. toe l iv. .dusI roureel May l;a 1,. assn Is t friend.. • Signed on bah Ill of 0 • e. b iol. church sod oommunity. Ai t, r. ()ARDNER, Lunt Ast,gt.°.. Deo. 19, 1901. VICTORIA OPERA ROUSE ! Saturday, Dec. 28th, 1901 THS GREATEST TREAT OF TRE SEASON LAWRENCE C. HALLS' SIJ BUM E HISTORICAL MUSICAL SPECTACLE LEtBURN• MotLAy, 1).o. 23. A large oo0tfngeot 0f 000 700517/110 0057 pen4tie, In. okarge of William Fulford sad Alex. Hcrtoa, were in i)uulop on 'l'u•eday Dight .1 lett weak, emitting tie arohlieu% sodiuoe of the trustees In prepartug tie Christmas tree and decanting the *tattooist, 'or f o r the I •xetnlnattou and pro grant oo the Wednesday alt,roouu. DUNGANNON. Nutter The lomat soupy In I)ungancon for Tug But N A L le at the ode of J, O. Ward, J. P., ou.veyaaser, a;,., who will receive orders for sutsurlptlons, advert'dog and lob work• and l• authorised to give receipts for amounts pall for the same. MunDay, Deo. 23 59 11004. ENTIRTAINt1ENT --There was • fairly good atuodaaos of the old sons of Dungannon pad oelphborboud at the utters Weariest given to the agnculiural ball under the •usploss of the teacher, All. rigert, and tutelars of the school Thursday evening last. The storm which had poor veiled all the aftent000 end suiting was very lenity *ad mush soot had fallen. but despite tbatlaa the attn.:dame of Waldron and arowo up people wee lalrly well Dal anted. The program wee taaeu part In !argsly by the scholars, supplemented by an excellent oboir of Du0g'.ouoo'a but vo:ca., Rims Augustine. Miss hallus, an able elooutlooi.t, of Detroit, mod oonebted t 1 choruses, boys' and girl. defile, • grand. mother's drill by girls in oestum., u hoop drill by girls, ruoltatlons, vocal and hasten. ment•1 solo", by the *etiolate, and stowed marked ability oo their put and coastal 'raining on the para of their lastruotot", The tropism es a whole sou certainly s suocue T. M. Durnis ..ted as chairman in a very ettiulent manner. The proceeds were 528. At the oono:ucon of the pro gram • vola of thanks to thus who by their efforts had beta Ioalrmasmtel in making the eutartalumeat le •o.e.aetsl wee uaanlsweee ly carried. CHURCH NOTES. Kev. H. Wbitl.g, of Mitchell, wlll,oaupy the pulpit of North street Methodist church next Sahb•th. The Marston hand of North et. Methodist church are preparing • calque program for their entertainment e■ Thursday evening, January 2nd. It promises to he one of the most Intel utea entertainment events of the season, Watch the bills for furtter perltc• Wars. We are in the season of Sunday setbool Cbrietmat ant er:elements. VtAorta street M.thodlet Sabbath school has its entertain went oo lbrlstma" night, the Knox church and Notts street Me.bodet sohoo:a hold theirs on Friday of this week. and Georgie eohool celebrates on Fr' lay stew log of next week. A very anoesuful Christmas entert:io• moot was held on Monday evenm7 at the Salvation Army barracks. There woe • large attendee** of members of the Army and others. A J. beeper ethateutly dist charged the doom of chairman and also "0 Incomplete List__. The Moly City H1H The Way of the Cross Most Sumptuously Staged Moelosl Prodao• tlno ever placed before the public. The Stemy, Same and Daily Life of Oar Savior, from His Birth 110111 the Crud. Brion and Resurrect jots, Reverently Aoted by Aotere el the Greatest Christian Ability. Don't Fail to Hear and See this Grand Attraction. of the many beautiful vents Hid ul Xmas Presents -1)e lta l in,,n thv stock of �eKKN2[E & 11O\VELL The Finest SIOC 'K OF Xmas Perfumes WE KVhH 11.11) Burgles In Prima from $bo to $600 It's a Pleasure to Show Them F. M. DUNHAM, Phm. B. DRUGGIS f• Cerr-er of West et. and the 8'tuare. took the part of Santa Claw, distributing the gilts from the Christmas tree to the children. A good program was rendered and the eventing was enjoyed by all. SILVERWARE Hear our GGRANl) S1'10'1.1('KD CA THEDRAL ('11017 and see the Heaatdnl Cateedral Some. the Gardeo of Itooth..mane, Jerneelem by Moonlight, and the Robbins Transformaelon, the First Easter Dawn -- Me mutt beautiful soon* over placed Spon the stage. Wonderful !Nearlp,lve Tahitian' and Vision Effete', The Angel's legend and The Pilgrim's Dream. Marvellous Fleotrinal Display and the terrible storm rune after the ('rn"I6xlo. of Dor Sayler. 'Then the Grand Tran-for.n. Mon scene takes plsor, The First Fasters Dawn, the mule and eluting beteg of a )nye"* strafe, The moat beautiful mune ever attempted then team place, Christ as. osadlag le Reseda. The ('heir with this ('(rmp•ny b composed of aeons of the hese Artiste me the .tag. en day. I)arleg aced between the Ants they will soder A Dream of Paradise. The Holy City. Proteot Us Through the Com- ing Night. Go Spread the Glad TIdInfs, esti the Greed Keeler sod Citruttsas revels. PLAN AT POR.R K S E R V R D TRR'SMONDAY. I HwATs, 60e All Meriden Britannia Goode. Silver Tea Set. " Cream and Hagar Sat. " Cream Pitcher. " Sugar Bowl " Bake Dishes. " Pie Plate. n 14 41 11 14 Berry Dishes. Cake Basket. " Plates. Pickle Stands. Butter Mahe*. Crumb Tray and Brush. Individual Casters. Bread Trays. Spoon Holders. Mustard Pots. Napkin Rings. Ilon-Bon Dishes..- - Salt anis Pepper Shakes. Button and Jewellery Cases. and other Silver pieces. FLAT WARE ANNOUNCEMENTS. Don't forget "That Dalo)y Widow." Victoria Opera Howie, New 1'ew'• Night. WANTED. - Dried apples, 83; turkeys, oadrawo, 9.;, Cath for butter end raw tore. G. K. Kivu, Wingbam. Start the new year well by rolog Co neo "That Dainty Widow" a1 the Victoria Op- era House, Wednesday, Joe. 1.t Let "That Dainty Wfdo." entertain you at the Victoria Opera Hoare, Wednesday, Jen let. 1'ou will 6114 her refintd ard Tory enter sin be. MARRIED. R08:? 1 -At the reeideuoe of the bride:, parents, Clinton. on Wedne'da). December 1814 by Her. Dr. Clifford. Wm. J. Ross to Minnie, only daughter .f Mr. and Mrs. A. Couch, all of Clinton, MULDREW-BU8WEI.L. At Tortuga. Nev. bib, by Raw. Alex. }valor. Wm. Muldrew,of Colllnewood. eldest .on of the late John Muldrew, of ltgmondville, to Mm 11 Bus - eel:. of Brantford, former.y of Dodo:lot•. SPKNCK 801.4LEY, On Wednesday. Dec. lath. at Knox ohorob manse, Uoderl),•b, b; Her. Jae. A. Anderson. B.A.. Charier 8)eoce to Mary Bolder, both of asterisk townabip. DItD• MOMABON. Ie r oter.,•b, cos Msedsy, Dee. Imd. Uoorsle Mm Mahon, aged 70 years. lCKItH. -In Colborne toe nth' p. on Thur,dar December Mb. William Kerr, age.l 79 yeareand 6 mostha IIAMLIN - In Dungannon. on Toesday, Ike. 170. led, Ariel" Handl*. beloved wire of Item Hamlin. aged, tI Tear* and tJ Cove. FIANCE -At the family res deaoe. (Alston. on Booday. Deo 19th. fury. eldest daughter of the Imo Wttttsss Ruts aburr,asd widow of the late Riess Raasa Pree! Free! FOR the next two weeks we �1 will give with ev- ery pair of our... famous.. Shoes a beautiful picture of Queen Louise. What nicer Christmas present could you give a lady than a pair of these fatuous Shoes? We have taken great care to select our stock of BLIPPERB, so Iwve a splendid assortment to choose troll,. Nino, warm all felt Slipper*. only 15e. per 14,"1 Felt Slippers. with ,•ork soler, at 26,.. gond h0, per pair. Men's leather Slippers at from 50... to 51.75 per pair. Fancy Velvet Slipper., tor children, only 2& per pa r. These make both useful and acceptable Christmas Gifts. Sole agent P. T. HALLS or Queen Quality and Walk -Over. Cash Shoe Dealer. TICT9RIA 0 HOUSE ONX N I O H OItLY MEN Y Belts ET, WEDNESDAY, JAN, or '02 VICTORIA OPERA HOUSE ! DEO. 3OTH. UNCLE TOM'S Miss Nellie Franklyn),i . CABIN. lh That \Dainty Widow. A TUNEFUL MUSICAL i/A1aQi. PRICES, 25,\ 35 and 50c. __---.1 at l'orteiNsiitelk Stem... ..--- P**IMvely the most oompl.te tuwluotloo of t.'oole'lom'o l abut over attempted A Fail Milos Company sopplesaseted t.y • Baud of Jetties tidog.rs, I)ogs, I)ool:ee, Pooled •od the Sueslo std Msob.u:o.I Ketols. Italia t Street Parade pally al Noos Oar Solo Cornet Bead of White Maddens and oar famous Colored Bend ; "Witty," tit* Comtnel Donkey; "l lury," the beautiful Shetland Posy ; • peek of Soros Blood Hound" •ad ether faateree. Seeing L bshovlelt ; nes and lodge for yourself. PRICES, 25, 35, and 50c. Theof lienees ltlbek Meek ItolmantItluitlitrmmmitIMPIrrttttitlIt cruse Its! Mounted Carvers in cases. " Bird Carvers in caro.. Carvers out of cases. all styles and price.. Pearl Handled Sterling Mounted Silver Plated Dessert Set -- a beauty. Celluloid Sterling Mounted Tea Knives. Silver Plated Knives and Forks, and Knives and Forks at all prices, according to quality. Fruit Knives in cares. Sterling Butter Knives. Pearl Handle Butter Knives. Platted Butter Knives. Silver Plated Berry Spoons. " " Sold lined BerrySpoons Sterling gold lined " " Sterling Sugar Shells. " Pie Littera, " Meat Forks " Tea Spoons. SilverPlatedTea Spoons. " " Coffee " in cases Our $1.00 dor. wear -always -came Tea Spor--., also Dessert and Dinner Sp. ,ns. Sidveroid Servers. Ri.sell Carpet Sweeper.. Scissors and Reiner Caae. Razor and Shaving Outfit.. Pocket, and ren Knives. Skate. and Hockey Sticks. Bells, Sewing Machines, and many other articles. COME AND SEE. II baying, ley r.arly and gnt a beauti- fel CALRNDAR and LETTER RACjt Into. IVs are always plea.erl to show e. hat we have, even if yon are not buying. McKENZIE & EO*ELL •- 111P- 1 Orr so F 0 -HERE should be no risk or guess work in buying Furs. Good Furs and bad Furs may look alike to the inexperienced buyer, and the do - wearing is the only proof of the quality. When you buy Furs you 0-- want to buy them where you can get satisfaction if they do not turn �- out as good as you expected. That is what you can get if you buy here. You can have your money back if you are not perfectly satisfied with `_ any Furs you get here, satisfied with the fit, the finish, and the wearing qualities of any garment. If we did not sell good Furs only, we could ` not stand behind them like that. SECOND DOOR WEST OF HAMILTON STREET. TELEPHONE No. 25 Fur Satisfaction. i • Ruffs. Our stock of Ruffs of all kinds is very large, and in Sable particu- larly, is the choicest you will find in town. Ptah bleak Opo.sum Ruffs, trimmed with head and claws, thick even fur, good quality . 53.00 Imitation blink KM. shaped, real for, nicely trimmed with Sable toils. 'alb 75 Good quality Eleotr a Seal Rot, 27 Inohes long, thick even fur, trimmed with 7p..- Sable tile, each.... ....$5.00 (trey Iamb Ruffs, ev.n earl, Ow" head, claws and t.11• ��1 ..... $3.25 and 54 50 ea►►- Ohlo Sable Ruff., extra large axe. thick cisme tnr, nicety trimmer: with thick baohy ta.l•, shaped, long (root extra special vela. at. ..18 60 0- 0- 0- E � HODGENS BROS. (/6b 8•ht. Rolf, think be.hy lur, shaped, long length, 10 large S•hle tail., each ....$6.5.0 Ala" kaFable Ruff., made from seleoted skies, now goods jest received the lest few weeks, some very fine please lo the lot, trmmed with think homily Mile 510 00, . 513.00, 51500 and $2000 Gaps. Caps for boys or men. Furs that have a good appearance and give satisfactory wear. l'hlldr..'. (trey iamb Cap", nice even earl, quilted *seta linleg, each ... $2 75 No. 1 rinallty Grey Ltmh f t.pv, nhnlne good*, wall madti and lined, moth 53.75 lien's Tasmanian Beaver ('apt, a oar that will wear well and have • *Dol ap- (»rance, each. ...... 00 Men's Imitation titter Car, desk fur, looks well aon wean well ... ...53.00 Mea'. Batmen Cape, very muoh lake • Persian Lomb, not gotta u fine . curl, satin lining, well male, each. 54.50 Men's Persian Lamb Cape, ohol.e sslected skins, bright and glossy, beat of lining.. seek $700and $1000 Ladies' Fur Jackets. The Fur Jackets we sell are absolutely re- liable ; so much faith have we in them that we are willing to give any reasonable guarantee as to their quality. We -buy them from firms who absolutely refuse -----to make up inferior gar- ments of any kind. Ltdi..' Aetranban.lanke's, 27 Inches long, high storm eel - lar, blank hrnoade, meroe- r'zxl lining, rood Hae nor!. well made, suoh ........52.5.00 Lollies' blank As t r a r h e Jeoket, 24 lochu long, high Moo Dollar, revsrn,, (veno e d satin lining, mule from . ofe pliable *knee, even glossy matt, each 530 00 Black Astr•nhan .Isok.M, fine even onrl, Melt storm enller and lure reveres, emitted satin IloIn , an exception• ally good coat, 211 Innhea long . .. ... .. ...531,50 B lank A,Ireohan .Packet., very fie, gnallty, mode from **loot skies, gluey even n oel, hest rinsllty mein lin lar, revere., high miller .5.37.7,') No. 1 quality black Artra:ben .r,' Jackets, extra oholoe good., ry„ the beet line we carry in 'jos stook, with or without re. par/, versos, high storm holler, r h tiin* r best quality eat). linter . $40. t '4Arr Caperines. ut 1 We have the most trrlxlv complete stock of - iy l'aperines in this sec- .he tion. All are this sea- 1 i son's garments, and the ave very latest style s. oir Style, quality and vain aro combined in any these. '----_._--- eatteMoe, amts quality Ask oban, and Bl 11.4. Seel. 1 A. of collar sal edge of to Aetrsohaa, whited front and back. tin heads and two large pushy tail., silk Seat 114.00 Muffle Seal Caperine, come" down well at nark, long front, tap of oollar, edge and frost el No 1 quality Ohln Roble, .ilk lined, 6 large treble tails, each 520 00 Electric Heel (:aperine, eon' and edge of Ohio H.h'7, trimmed with head* and Sable tall", each 518.00 Mark Astranhan Common*, (orentsr shape, high Dollar. gsiltad Brine. each 5h 00 Alaska liable and l'er*tan iamb Caprine, lady of gond geellty Persian Lomb, nollar and edge of Aloka 5.hle, cheater shape, sotto lined, . $42 502.50 ladles' Astrachan Gauntlets, good quality fur, kid palm. wool lining, per pair.... 54.50 Ladies' Persian lamb Gaunt- lets, nice eves "lefty noel, kid palm, wool Boise, miff heed with quilted setts, por pair .. .. ......110 00 Children's Grey lamb cellar*, kith enlist, good quality fur, each . . . 15 00 and 116 00 of -r -4111 1 1 a