HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1901-12-26, Page 6€.42,144 464-71,4 4t 'L A 41,.t(d/�T1�. s / / •• + *°Q°+++*++++++ M ++++*+°s • I TIIE EARL'S DAU6IITER Indtffereat oomplimsat his wort.eon- encs, begged that he might boar fur vn royal. but Inquired, anttourly: what pu'psre his father had derlr- Ill�111K1 "Have you a btadache, Camila 0.1 to elseak with lent. Thomas?" Mr.kwith a Bainbridge returned e to lila PLATTSVILLE Far Colonel Bulnbrldge'r altered deck with a slLk. but cilli with a S. BARNETT, OF , ONT. Woke hail Linn the rubjeot of unl- degree of sstlafucttou. liere was, serial comment sinee his arrival at perlutpv. the very remedy for his Cransltuw.. nasi hu had been oum- ebb waning youth uud premature --- melee In sett -defence to attribute mum; the menu.. too. by which Cared Three and a -half Years them to the effect of the late hours heaven dowtgued to lead him into 1 by 1)0 ides Kidney Pills. ho had kept tiering the reta.ou• W "� m"re trifle. Magg'e'-1 did not they well Loa night. Whitt n lovely prospect we have from here! It le n tht.ueand pilfer that l'rtutrhaws is not nearer some good town. it it terribly isolated." "But Borthwick is not muoh more than nut hour's drive.' tepl set Mag- gie, "and you can get everything there that you eau purrlbly weal." Colonel Baletorttlge Inughe.l. "Bah! my dear child! why, Borth- wick le nothing bet n stupid little pottering country town. 1 don't rup- pore there'd n pair of gloves fit to wear to be procured in the place. No woman of fashion conks Brest herself front a hole like Borthwick." y- "Oh, no; 1 ruppoe,. not. 1 know so little about .nett thing.," raidMag- gie, timidly. "But you are happy at Craushaws. are you not 7" he resumed. presently. "It le pretty lively here. I suppose? - for the country, that Is to say -dur- ing the rummer and autumn weath- er. la the winter It must be unbear- ubh•." "I - never find It ala" replied the girl, whuoo heart had coautut. ieel to bent very repi.11y tit hie 4neetiu:h, so Hignifimnntly like that of her aunt L •sty ; "bat I have always lived here, you Pec." 'it might D.t vastly improved," he went on, drenudly; "there 11 no crognet-ground, and the paddock at the back of the castle would be Just the place for archery.• It was a :Melaka of my father's not haying a billiard tab'. on the lower floor; that stupid orangery. which 1r no gool at all, and little ornament, J'trt takes up the room required for it." "He week, have had utile use for It. you eye, cocain, at he never play's baliards himself, and yatr visits are so few and tar between." "Bet we shall change all that. per- hnpe, by and by, Memel•.."' he said, with n bright glance•apward. "1 sup- pose you think me such an oil bache- lor the;reAs no chane of my ever marrying; but more wonderful thlage have come to pass before ,y�, yet- y _ _ _ y _y _ i+t 1p Maggte's simple, old JashIooe4 notions. derired from tato h emelt' ex- perience of Aunt Letty eel Aunt Lisle, did not carry her beyond the exploded ideas that 11 Ir the nevi - line Kathie() of tnau to mete lore to women ; that an engage eat deliberately entered into is es Mend as n marring's, amt that tie rhtgr Uel( la a death to ilrgnl ndntlrall *a and excitement, and a resurrection, to all the dome'st1 virtues that eau be. crowded int() one female form And feeling like this, rhe was hor- ribly aahamet whenever rib. remem- bered that she ltd outste .peal the Privilege's of her sex In ranking that revelation to Aunt L.tty. But there waw no remedy for It now, and no comfort, except in the thought that she had not wilfully done wrong, and Mies L1uyd's prom:.e of secrecy was sacred. Yet her Melrose and nervous anx- iety Increased as the time for (clone) Baiubrkigt:'s arrival drew near; and site seemed to realize how much miller, U disappointment came to her, It would have been to bear It all alone; so that wheu elle greeted her soldier otusin, she was, in reality. looking paler Dud leen well than site had dune for some time before. Calorie] Bainbridge. in cumpnny with hie friends, arrived on the. slay appointed, for he was as particular In private as in profeerlonal lune quite enamelled by the which halt been extend- otud, would lave beer. ,t the regularity of tens, a hoepltalit ed to him ashmmed to u the home nun- meat by (Caring himself any of th airs of a flue gentleman. He dal not notice tee nusual tim- idity and quietness o Al re's wel- come, nor the subdued a resedon In her face; on the cootrary.�frettl Ross -ora alae wan delicacy of Ethel Carr's complexl and the trained grace of her move- ments, 141s little cousin's appear- ance and manners struck blur as bring far too robust sad uulr}r for those of a young- lady,=situ tie - fashion of ber dress seemed equally to offend him. "I say, mother!' ho exclaim abruptly.. one day. as he followed Mrs. Bainbridge into ler privet. sitting -room, 'when aro you going to let Mag-glu have some new things?" Mrs Batnbridge, who, with the tracer of conskieral,le beauty. and without being patltlecly unladylike ler father been et curate), was O b had r el. mach, as hes been said, In good stall one of those stout, rote-comlolex- { �� rwlkl had inte syr. opsaad whdsr- lonett Toadi.rlfied dnmer whom enc y eonsidlerate enough with yourde "Ott. yes, 1 have no complaint to make on that score. haggle Is most affectionate and klud : sae Is a thoroughly goat. honest little crea- ture, and 1 Ivo Ler dearly, which Is. pet -taps, the reason I perceive her faults sooner than 1 should Mose of another person." "Yoe can satrcele call it a fault, Thomas. in mY Limo It was consld- nred a desideratum In young wo- men not to bo too forward in their manners." t • "Oh. !•y Jove! and so it Is now. But Maggie certelnly wants a little polish-vt'Il neter got 0 proposal if sib este Icor face eo tie- terminately against small talk." "(Ar Maggio will not go log- ging for a l.usband," said Mrs. Balu- bri(Lra with an oracular emit.. "No! not If I len prevent it," re- "rl a Is too r e heartily h sed h.• non, ry- e -deed l. good 'for flat." And thew he saunt- ered off to Jule his cousin In the gar - don, while his mother hurried away to repent tin important conversa- tion watch they Ittut le Id together to Ods father, for with her all hie anxiety abotrt MaRgie's drew and breleivlor tended to but one point - conrlctloa of the peculiar Interest lie took in leer. That he was tnterested in her was tndieputables tough in a very dif- ferent manner from what lits par- ents imuglnrtt. Frim his boyhood he hrul seen this girl growing up'peeltic Lint like a younger deter, and his earliest m.'morkts of Cransl.awe were associated will. her bright face and winning ways. After a eerticc of tt.rer• years in India the had return home. about a twelvemonth. previously. to aad his childish playmate changed Liao a woman, but ready to extend the same affectionate welcome ti, him as of old. Ile had thought then (with -the meswery ud the pallid facet he had left b'ttind him fresh kit ,hie mind) that he hat widow seen a more a tractive countenance then that of d if Celine I den- ting ave n. A be kxt. 0y, quitted kh. D would !1. r,ttntry cousin, an (tali' • had ever stood In gee of flag In tear with Ma i4 riders. It matt nesnrelly I b •en at the int of lite return ev eat .1 e1 of esti let, esitadc tL , ce til to orae and taken la a !n eco 1 tween the oo at that per bu liar stay at ('rnn ws was neo c r Ilmitcd, and w h au it, ti. rejoin hie battery wskote he left behind him an rrats.io wllloh, even at that date. .. have been shocked to disoever• Since which time he had m eil never suspects of having any bine saki w}lar to poor Maggie•. deft blood concealed about their Is•rono ct11' .1s deposited her comfortable self In an Hr did net lore her lees: on the wrmcbalr. ales lien regarded liireeenttreary, the wore_ letltwterly he .on over her epectdacte* with uamal- came to know her character• the mated surprise. but mere estimable he and lit to be: " New thinge, my dear Thomas ? but his organs of eight and hearing. new clothes', .1 , you mean ? Why, rendered foo iahme by the aultra- your eow.tn brut no less than four refinement of the circles In whlcl dreams made laws month, tine I be- lieve the one elle Is wearing this morning is put tar for the fieet time," Really ? We:1 ! I don't knew how it Ie, idon't pretend to underetand such things. but It iloewn t leek right to me. Ought net ladles' dresses to lieu. Rome IOybs and toile b: h'nd now - a -d ys, and little crinkley things all round the edge of the' •kart?' Lady Ethel s dreusem beteg the. only ones the man had ever taken the trouble to observe. had been made roreewhat after the fnsleinn he at- tempted to tlr'erlts., nail the remem- beano. of theta wee stlll..-running_ wally In Colonel R ilafnbridge'. heed But " lobs" and " valla" and 11Ltle erinkley things' were a paraphrnOn of the last Parisian mode, arm a flight of dre..maktng al- together beyond the comprehPnekof of hie worthy mother. "My dear Thonns,' Rho exclaimed, inure amuseve than lntereottd, "I really don't krr'rw weat you are tnik leg about : Magghr's drug" npp"ari Very neat t, m'. ami very eultable for a girl of her ages and Jennie Rine nom, who came over from, Borthwick expuewly to make 1t (Borthwilk wan tulle nears t town. distant about ten miles from Train/shawl). sale that site was cutting all the Indira drew., now t•tactly in the Panic style. And 1 know that Jennie luta the fashbn books regularly from Lon- don. on de . What faultth retof d n lmi a can a n Ln r With It F' (Il, none, mother, it is very imit- able for her, as you env ; nal, after all. 1t Agnifleo little what tine wears In the country -•Maly 1 Anted nave liked Grant and Hammond to ere Maggie at her beet. nttd-ek net yon think Bae Is Just a little hrn'opi' In her manner. for so young n girl --a Ilttle off hand in her way of ans- wering. wed No on ? I may be tee par- tlrtlier. bet It slrlke'e me so." • "Toward the other gentlemen, Timate? -well, parasites Rhe any I.r but 1 am rare. eon always find_ her SOZODONT ler the TEETH He he moved, began to be shocked by the ronttelty of tier address, and tee obgotete. not to sey eulgar, faehton .f her clothe. Every one knows what a drew.. Int the materials be what they may. tumed out by n country dreoomaker looks Ilke-how it bulges out wilt res ever tt ought to lie flat anti turns nil a woman's curter into squares. and makes De unfortunate wearer appear about no easy as thong" k,ttnlrl to a suit of armor. Mine Jennie Ransom's productions (al- asmich she did come all the way from Borthwick to make them) were no 'sorption -tee -4h.. general rule. and Colonel Bainbridge's mind, al- ready filled' with a fairer and more fa atonable Image. had no Insure to ',einem on the dhrm•ctl)n of the gen- eeette, self-denying. womanly heart that beat beneath those 111 -made coverings of silk and merino. Yet he was pleased to hear his frtntlds speak In warn terms of Maggle's bloom and youth; and as ter gained her presence on the no - carrion alluded to, and threw him - eel( beetle her on tate grata, the old brotherly fro ling returned R0 strongly Upon lam that lie longM to make deer a confidante of the nne- Iety then preying upon his eplrits Thi Impulsive, tender nod compa.- atonate little heart, he thought, wilkeli was always ready to ll.ten, even to a br'iar's tele of mle cry. tow with worth' be so .Ore' empathise tare prolonged pain of suspense ire- ..notoneta by hls uncertain hopses. Tho girl changed color eta site maw Mt tali figure 'sate from the e'reaeh windows of hie motley's moz-iilu ero0m and aetvance•.1 toward her. but (binur! Bainbridge uninterest- ed tem IAdolrtrtt or toon er1 to observe the action. "A glorious morning, Maggie ' he tereetmel, nn He ntretebsd hit huge limbo Indy ion the smooth tweed, " but nlmoet too warm for tramp- ing over heather. i feel sadly m- et'aedt to .*site a IOW >9onri to your compnny Instead." She .11 not appear to notice the "O!1, yes, I know," she answered, confusedly, as she bent her eyes up- on the work In her hands. "Heaven forbid I shoul d wish to oust the dear oil people from their phtcee ; but Crnnehaws may own a younger mhtrces twine day ; aad If that ever happens, 1 shall make It as bright and pleasant tot her all eon It would be n Jolly place to lite in fcr six months in the rear." "l ncle sad punt have lived In it all the year round," suggested Mag- gie, who coupd not help. thinking what his p (rents would say to hear m. speak so i.ghtly of his ob.lga- t ., a toward ('ranshaws. r yrs -but then they are old people, who have never been used to mix Ip gayer aches ; you could a youth�I girl to be eon- Fttt avila1 esaTles -them ow, tell me. the truth. you really be:leve that not ex e tenter- ,.w happy. Maggie; d n girl, say f `oar own age, could .etth. hereof down here at Cran- oshpwe end llyn through all tttg weary_ Muni'of eprttnft, summer. autumn, aht•I winter, scar after year, with - elite whether for something a httl thrice than the company of leer teband and the prospect of these verin.ting moors?" 1 know. really can't "Olt don't t r y tell," faltered his bhialitng cousin But at that moment the voices of Sir Chart •. 'Hammond and his other friends were heard In search of him. and he rose t pin them in their morning's 'port." - --'i'hlnk welt of -then" hennswer i toIs feet, In 1 lin os h rose e . . �L R R let me have ,'air deliberate oonclt on. A great deal may depend upon It, aiagTe; you don't know brit wlutt I sl 11 b, gild xl by your ans- wer In one •f the attest important occasions of m, life." And so he left her, Jestingly on file part it le trite, but with a first con- vietion on here, that Aunt Letty's surmise was correct, and that she Mould very soon be told that her eosin's future happiness was bonne her own. And thinking on hit til r'1a. Diggle. shell tears of eat- : and gratitude. '0 Let us send you one of our free booklets explaining our method of hand reading by mail. It contains valuable information that will not fail to interest you. North American School of Palmistry Canadian Branch, P. O. Box 225, Hamilton, Ont. cit, CHAPTER VII. It was but a few days after the elreumetnnces Just detailed that Mr Ititnbrllgo called Ids son Into hie e tody. - "Cnn you give me a few minutes of your time, Thomas ?" "Certainty father," and to a eco- and the door was eineel behind him They were a gait contrast, this. father and son ; for Mr. Balnbrldgt was a email stout man. with the reunited shoulders aequlred from Moulting over a desk and plain un- nrtstoorntie features; an.1 as h. eat opposite hie noble -looking off- spring, whose personal app-•aranco tutd been all derived from the take' elite of the horse, n stranger would tare found It hard to believe thee were so nearly related to each other. the wayof nee. lie entered or' his relf-iwposel beelines* with alac- rity. a "1 have Just been looking fever Fur there papers," be saki, „ Brhe title deeo1 the olo hum at Itrnckenhnugh. our Wigglier single poeseeslen, you know. 11'r it poor place very poor indeed, end we've only been drawing a pound an acre for the best part of It for many years peat. But Taylor, who held It up to Lady Day, has just va- cated. and Robson. the Glsrgew nutnutnoturer, wants to take it on brace for the next fourteen yearn. Ito had two other farms about there, and Brackenhaltgli Waldo. hie pro- perty. Only he won't give even as much rent as Taylor did, but pro - tutees. on the other hand, to use the ground for arable puristic t Now my difficulty Is this, lireckcntaugh ought to bring In a higher r. nt than Rob- son offers us, and so Maggie will be losing by It for the next fourteen years ; but still the place want drrtlning and a down other improve- ments, and U I let It again to a sheep godlier the property will go on deteriorating till its worth nothing at all, iteb.on will do hid duty by It, for hies un afftu nt man amt au honest one . and tf Maggie id cheated out of pert of her rent, she will profit by the lose In the end. But 1 should oke le have your ideas on the sebJ.et, 'Phomas; for two heads are better than one ; nod it's anti to -day Mee. Barnett states hard to choose fur another per- positively awl In the etrungeat and son." most grateful terma that the cure 'Colonel Bainbridge had listened to Dodder Kidney Pills brought her .lis harangue with the utmost as- three awl a half years ago was tonlshment. It was the first time In absolute and permarnent; that rhe its life that his father had sea Ise today stronger and better than pealed to him for advice about any- site had been for year■ before tak- thing connected with agriculture ; Ithe )Illy. Nothing could be itnd considering that he hail ciu,sen' more ore convincing than alis good wo- hlt profeseion at an early age. and usenet plain nue 1 truthful statement. followe.l It closely ever since, it was awl it proves beyond doubt the but natural ho should know uothinZ lasting character of the cures ef- of sttch matters: I footed by Dodd'. Kidney P1118. Ho rcmnin l quiet 1111 Mr. Bain- bridge had finished speaking. and then, ns might have been expected. Ito replied: I ignorant "1 am really p totally gt rant of everything concerning the Wel- neea of a farm that I. am afraid I can be of little service to you. 1 hove never seen flrackenhaagh,you know; too my opinion, If IItael any, woull be utterly wertltlees." "Don't you think. Ir le time you began to think of such things. -I homes," saki the old man. gently. " 1 May be called home at any mo- ment ; and if Cranetaws is nut to .un to waste after my dealte ypu will bo compelled to euporintcud the farm yourself." "I tiust that contingency is n very long way off." replied Ito son, affectionately. "That 1s as iio pleases. though whenever you are 'neater here. I tope that you will be a gruel one. Not that that wane my reason for introducing the aubJ';t .of Bracken - Laugh t0 you this morning." con- tinued Mr. Bainbridge, a slight :le - expo of nervou.nees becoming ap- parent Ir' las movements; "haggle's interests are very dear to nee, Thome!. anti I should like to feel that you oWA them eo, awl hu lie Rome degree.' ••1 .1o,' exclaimed the younger man, firmly. ," Have 1 ever given you rru,wD 'o think otherwise, ? i ea as fens' .t Maggie as though elle were ley sinter, and you may rest admired that l &hall never divide her :ntereette from my own." Mitts he .ail thinking that the old man was troubled by the Idea of what woull broom. of his orphan niece after his aw t. o leave own, d b'All whom to ! you," continual Colonel Bnln- +wea a wttl become sacred charges o not, and I shall 1Cunrd their hap - 'nese with the greatest care." '1 nm euro of that, my son. But iaggt? Ll the only child of my holy - tater : her poor mother used to be 'h+' l'inyth!ng of my boyhood, as She leas been of yours and when She lay lying she said I had made loath easy -or Her by the promise that I would -ear Maggie no my daughter. Now 1 reel an thought my death -bed would Ir• reveler If [could see her future tot teelded tr(ore Ilie down upon It." " it may bre," eel.] Colonel Bain- , Mitten, encouragingly. "Maggie lends enther a socketed tae here, but I should think alio was a girl who :attracted a good deal of ndmirntloo. "I don't want to sec her marrieds to it man win, only admires her," , replied the other, Impatiently ;"my fondest wish, Thomas, Is to leave her settled here at Cranshaws." r Proof of the l'ermaaeucy of ala tures It:fleeted by file (:rept ���a`a�tedy--A Most Convincing t'uu- ■gwlatfoa of an lutereetlug blrlr- Maui Published Id1 the l'tatlevitle Kehn, it May, 1808. Platteville, out., Dee. 16.-lapeciuu -Soule three foal it half years ago, The Platteville Eche, the Iuenl news- paper. published quite an extended account of a meet miraculous cure of • well-known and highly respect- ed lady, Mr*. J. Barnett, who had been extreauely III for years, and who clahue.1 to be permanently cur- ets be the ure of Dodder Kidney Pills. Tele gds. 1 lady, according to Iter own stuteur'at, had been a ply - mica! wreck, .. illi uertournees, rheu- matism In the left arm, pains to the small of the back, up the spinal column and Irick of the head, through the eyes, left side of the body and oeeariottally (i.e right side. Bite had no appetite and could not sleep at eights. The phyrlclans h.ui giver' her up, and in this p;tlful and h(pelesr coalition. Dot1d'r Kidney Pills found her and -completely re- stored her to good health without an ache or pain. Her appetite re- turned as her general good health ►tuproved. She used In all but twelve bezel. of Lo.ld's Kidney Title. ids was In the spring of 18'9(4, A Kew Potato. There will always be enough trouble to go round. Some people would like to see hea- ven cloned ,wt Sundays. Every man believer that be is an exception to some rule or other. A man doesn't have to be getter - one to ive you has word and then not keep ll promise. A man Is never so bad that he can't be wore., nor so good .bat he couldn't be better. . Vaccination won't keep a thief from taking things. -Philadelphia Re- cord. I'AKK NO TICF. During the eerie the space devoted to advertising MINAILD'S LINIMENT will eontaln exprerrions of no uneer- tnin round from people who speak from personal experience an to the merits of this best of Household Rem- edies. "',tt Crenshaw'?" repeated Colonel Bainbridge. At first he had some :n;I'tlnr.t idea that his father de. Arai to oust ham from his heritage, ant settle Crenshaw Castle on has cotuin instead, but the moment his eye.; met those of Mr. Bainbridge, the truth flashed on hie mind. "Do you want me to marry iter ?" he said quickly ; anal then, eruct by what appeared tp him the absurdity of the ilea, he Buret out laughing. Yet there ens that nn the face of Mr. Bainbridge which nlmont beautified It ; which certainly mode hie friends forget that It was home- ly, and which, Joined to its kindly ex- preselon, Impressed all who saw It and that was rho etngfp or a settled rind abiding peace, such ns bad never eoftened the dark features of hie son Indeed, an they now appeared, not- withstandtng Ian disadvantages of ago and person, the father tookel al- iment the yoneger or the two; for to many a tussle with the worii and thought, the brew of Colonel Bain- bridge had gained deep farrows. which time, need a bract at reet with God and Itself, had smoothed out of the fnrehrad of the other. And thin fact seemed to strike Mr flalnhridge as though nlnrnet, for the fleet thee, a• he fitted his eyes and contetaplhted the careworn PT- pre..ton of the men who had thrown hlmaelf Into a chalr beside film. "My boy," he gall effectiouately as he touched his hand, "there are more linen In your face than there shank' by at your age. Yon ere .tot ntmcenling anything from us Tlktnas; y00 aro In good health are you not 7" Perfectly ern, father." replied Col. flnintrt:lge, muting himself. "i hay. the strength of it lion nal the appe- tite of a hornet -if that I. eufllcient to motlnfy you." "The reaann greet deeper. perhaps" raid the old man interrogatively: for to Ren the lay when his ser 91100111 feel R" he del was all he mewl t0. Ilre for; but we know what Englimhmen are when any one, even n parent, attempt" to probe their meet wooed feelings. Colonel flnin- brldge ant bolt upright In hls choir nfttrmal that If anything wan to biome for hie wrinkles it ens the ellmato of imtla, and petting on 11 look of the most perfect lndlflar- 11OZ000NT Teeth hider 26c SILVER GIFTS ARE IN FAVOR. easteletaeleataaAet qtr The Jewelry 'norm are ehowlug teeny novelties in the way of wed- ding gifts, uud by far the most (edition/tole are those of silver. The meet uwtlue are of antique silvea with 0 pertly gilt (inlets in old Dutoh dengue. A very beautiful service wee among the gifts at a recent tuehlon- lblu we dilie at I'itlladel,:hht. Tun ex- treme utatncee la eIitpe of the rugae bowl with this sefvlce war much onmmeutai on. it was a perfect re- Vruductlof the plue.ipple. As As 11 Is iu vogue to ure, acid pteees lu ril•er as well us in liana on the tea tubae, Il n111 be proper to mime' bine the antique and the Dutch all - ter. Toe caddies make very attrac- tive additional to the tea table In Dutch silver. The Lit w Idea In glassware maker a most desirable gift, and nue any bride in ty be prowl of Tele enaw- eietl glassware it shown In olive unit bonbon dasher. A particularly effed•- tivo oliva, dolt hAr it design in lame - ia•rrlos lu wreath form, with a nar- row gilt border on either ride. Perhaps. the most acceptnble of glftr tire the beautiful pieces of bric- a-brac In Royal Vienna were, and the shops are elbowing an unlimited variety. TJ,dse effective. bronze electrullerr aro also there to tempt (emend with their flowerlike globe. In 'addle, 1111er slat racier they certainly make at pardonable extravair aoct•. Tues. clectrollere are far more dainty in design and coloring then the majority of lamps, of which the bride 01 old war ulwuy■ generously supplied with. I will not chew without telling you of another gift )tilt ordered for a bridt, of the neer future. It 1■ n fruit compote M hutch sliver, supported by three .mull cupids. A Left -Handled Explaaelton. A servant girl. who. always at- tended divine eervice, bat who also could not read. had. from constant attendance. got the service by rote, tt nasi could repeat It e rerne ly well. But a few Mundays previous to ber marriage, she was accompanied by her ,weethenrt, to whom Site dial not like If to bo known that she multi not mei. 141.• therefore took ul. the prayer -book and held it before her. Her lover wished les have a eight of It also, bit unfortunately for her, she held it upside down. The man, astonialtsd. said, "Good heaveatl why yon have the bark the wrong side upwards" " I know It,' replied elle, confusedly. "I always read aq for I am lett-handed." Minard's Liniment Cures Cords, etc:. A Parrot In a Whirlwind. Here le the latent parrot 'tory: A certain retired General of the Indian o ale") Pascal a parrot, and ail p my w it very Irascible temperament. The parrot was a valuable bird. but was rather aMIAMI Ce by reason of Its ex- treme tatkativenoes. Ciao day, wide the General wise writing hie business letters. the parrot kept an a contin- ual chatter, very dleterbtng to the writer. At Inst the (:.•iteral eotlld stand. It no longer, and, Jumping up, he eels.," the elge of the unhapsey bird, w-idett h'- whirled tig..rtoiate ✓ osins' and round. at the .ume time rwertring vlgornuoly Veen h., wt the e,mo time peened. At length. how- .vd r, n feeble v' leo cam • from the In- terior of the aiR"General." Il in- quired in qua%erten rio •enta, "where were you when that cyclone struck UN ?" THE NEW COINAGE. It Wtl Not be Ire .ty TIII About Jan. 1. Tire new coinage. bearing tile King's likeness, will retake Its appearance with tJte New Year, and there will as a. rush to seoare the coins with the date 1901. the first year of the King's reign. A striking feature will b.' that the fig's head will look to the right, whereas on our present coinage the Queen'. head louts to the left. Tthia change le in accord- ance with the ancient militant of re- versing the profile of the Sovereign with each eueceeieve reign. Unfor- tunately for the younger folks. none of the new coins will be obtainable before Christmas. Fur many years the Rank of England has made it a practice to Leslie a quantity of bright new coinage. which has been mainly used for Christmas gifts, but in future. so it In nnnonnceil, no Ruch tome will be made. Many will hope Hutt the Bank may be induced to re- consider its decision as. to the young folks, the dull and time -worn half- crown. or five -shilling piece. can nev- er have the same nttrac(lveneet as the bright ane newly-Isdeted cola._ Nothing could have grated so harshly on the 'feelings of the elder Bainbridge as that undleguised and hearty laugh. Had he been a world- ly man, I should have sale that he considered Maggie Henderson to be perfection; but even as It was, he believed her to be as innocent and free from the taint of sin as 1. pos- lbl•+ to n fallen creature; and that my men could ridicule the Idea of en alliance with her Was Incredible to I'im. Hail hie son looked surprised or thoughtful, or protested agalnst hie chances of snorers, or a becom- ing lova for his young coueln, hope •tail might have romance belles' and p t reuneion hone done much. but In that genuine math nil concealment was impossible. It was evident at unto that Maggie Henderson could never reign at t'ranalktwe. Colonel Bainbridge saw that he had hurt his fathr's feelings, and haeten- *1 to apologize "My deur father, f nm sorry flat f laughed. but pray (Hernias that Idea from your mind forever. It can never, never, be. 1 could an mon think of marrying old Hetty the henwife, whom I have known ever stnot I was putt Into Jackets. Maggie and I are Inc too much like brother and deter o become anything nearer. it would be impossible!" " f nm Torry for It !' wan ell Mr. Bnlnbrkige RAM in reply. "She "mews nothing about It, i ups," reeumal his son, antlntltly. " Oh, no 1" was the prompt reply, 'or 1t meet be remembered that Miss Lloyds had ;lever even mentioned that 'he had spoken to Maggie on the 411 Wet. " Tlank heaven for that "' PJReu- kitel Colonel Bainbridge, Lir it would have broken up all our pleasant In- •ereruree. Father, I can't imagine what PMml.l have tett such an Iden Inoar head." " It neemel feasible to me Thomno w sin I. a sweet. Iov*N. girl, and f .oppose you till (parry Rome day " A dark stead. immured over his .ones fere. (Tb be eeettened.) IIjlnard's Liniment Cures Distemper. ISSUE NO. 52, 1901, Barnum's Monkeys "All well—all happy—lots of fun". That is the r#gu:ar report from the monkey cage of Barnum's Circus ever since the keepers began dosing the monkeys with Scott's Emul- sion. Consumption was carry- ing arry-ing off two thirds of then, every year and the circus had to buy new ones. One day a keeper accident- ally broke a bottle of Scutt., Emulsion near the monk- l• cage and the monkeys eagerly lapped it up front the flour. This suggested the idea that it might do them good. Since then the monkeys have received regular doses and the keepers report very few deaths from consumption. Of course it's cheaper to buy Scott's Emul- sion than new monkeys—and that suits the circus men. Consumption in monkeys and in man is the same disease. If you have it or are threaten- ed with jt can you take the hint? V-.--,-. 1I it: This picture represents Mark ti the Trade M t a of Emulsion and is on ale wrapper of every bottle. Send ler lice sample. SCOTT & Int) N P TORONTO 1ANAn4 yoc and jt..11 dru gists. Bl't1NE,s9 s000ICPTION WHY Sol 1 follow the lenders and rou.ert your nes Into aora[rny 7 The hitsrehelder. 11,,, nal stow all information : .lath edit tun. 4..wwagrr epero.ed by mart y iI(•tit•ral: 1hr.. ollera .'sends fiaJway ,.ewe t'nmpni Tdwuata Itef.reneee-Qatari. tad Imp•ra., )Mks- Agents wattled. — - ent'IT FARM FOR PALL --ONE 05 THE finest 1n t0s til� a..rs Peninsula, st Inoue, 10 tulles from Hamilton on two rail. ways. lie rem in all 3.S of hl• h 1a in four, meetly peat hwa W (il .e sold le ane paw el or divided into toisof Lt to N arr.. tc suit yur shrww. This 1. a deckled hardens Address J.set nae Cerpeater, 1'. u. hot MIS, Winos. Chita/no In Nhoplandl. Eaerybo•fy le in a hurry. We expect every person tease our - steles) to be in perfect humor. A nippy tiny In as had for the mere not it is good for the cheats. Rich customers enroll the sales- people for thdashh who mutt think and think before deciding. Never were there .hewn so many novel dell'arte In Handsome Jewelry. Delivery wngohe have taken en the holklay rime. But even It it nothing to that whk'h must follow when the "hold till the 'lith" pack - Agee. are let loose. Pair ones are already beginning to ttitt7k oaf -new- -whew,. lor'tmtty decorations. A women on n etrtet corner, look- ing one way an 1 then the other, In not necesr•trily demented. She Ie p.rr.hahly trying to dlo'ekls• whether to nue t the vasa or to !v tacit first awl let* at the Zink button" she thought of for Tom. Above nil. don't buy lite animels for people, nnlets they ..peps it (airi• foe Mash in rinse of minors. consult their parent.. A veritable snowstorm of hand- kerchiefs dletingeishes one handk"r- retiP( department. Any number of beautiful things are shown In Vienna bronze. Judging by appearanceo the W- ilmette of the swinging door In it *rated book to many. Minard's Liniment Cures Diphtheria $100 REWARD, $100. The rattlers of this raper will be pleased to lease that there is at least one dreaded disease that selener lee been able to cure In all IIs „leges and that 1• I etarrh. Hall'. Catarrh Cure is the only to ittve cure taw known .to the mal ,sal fraternity. Catarrh being a cones 1- • in iond diaeit'e. req nine. t moat Ito l tonal treat- ment. Halal Catarrh Care is taken Internally. acting directly upon the blood and mumus rurfaeee of the system; thereby destroying the roundel ou nt toe dieaw. and miring the pe. tient ,.treagth by buil.iIng 'p the constitution and as toting nous,. in doing Its work The proprietors hove so model fa th In 1ts curative powers 10.t they offer One Hundr. d Pollen for an caw that it falls to co e. Send for list *1 els t at�nOoid wnbl►1y d..ruggl.ts. Address F. J. CRICKET t ('o., Toledo, 0. Mira Wln.lew's Soolblrgf Syrup should al ways be used for children teething. It soothe* the ohlld, .often the me a, cure.. wind rolls and le die beet remade for diarrhea a Twenty are omits a bottle AIrene MORN (;00h MKN WANTED have you • paying occupation for the winter! We will pat you in . way to snake good wages; we emit o7 veli on salary a"d commission; handsome ontllr furnished fret; our etas -Hua- bears oar -..b.-rtwn ..pdwrdldty ; wri.e and ttet terms amt particular.- ('base Brothers Company. Nurserymen, Colborne, Ont.; e.tabllehed IS years. ONTARIO SCHOOL FOR BOiffr. tlighfield Hamilton itl•ORY and BAILO R:RY men en the +•aR. (loon /aeN.M. Magnlfeent building Ithe. Manta of tea tete senator Turmoil. and lovers! acres of beautifulroup s r ,, emending tone top of the, mono oho Splendid home for boarders. Apply for prospectus to the HR.' M nem., .1. 1(. ('O1.1.INMON, N.A., 1..1. Otero Math,seltal fiehocar ot(lueeo'e (oll•ge, Cambridge. TURKEYS WANTED tee will p..y you 1) cents per pound for Plucked O'.keys, large or small lot.. Ker boy all kiwi. of Poultry. \t -e pa) freight nn81 sand check or moue. order ,.. soon ae we receive the I'oullrt. SAMI'P.I L. LM,K'IM L. (() , (-ommleeloo Hers -haws, London, Ont. too One -tided. Ham Jones, In ono of his sermons, took women to lack for spotting, more time hi printing then he pray - Ing. "If there's of woman here," he Pcrenm,wl finally, "who prays more than Odle prinks, Int her stand up." Oaold-fnelel gooeimen of femi- nlnnelty, pInrr (1.• eorrlesl, shabhlert of clothes, arow" "Vire spend more time praying than prinking?" asked, the preacher. taking her all la. The poor ('malice mei,, she .II'I-prayed all the time, prinked slot at all "Yon go etrnlghit home," nduwnishel Jones, "and prat a little time ten your prink - Ing" Mtnard'e Liniment Cures Garet 1a Gars U13 R bitanok PAT Etft TITERS; ,� ,, r �• BE514/T► r1A 01)T' f : �RERS O TME CANADIAN RUBBER cO.— PflILS IIXD ruse MODE 0t EDDY'S INDURATED FIBftEWflRE NO HOOPS, NO JOINTS, NO SEAMS, NO LEAKS. are vastly importer to the urine sry Woelenware articles for domestic use. TRY THEM. For eat. by .11 flet tease dealers. WIVES ►Y ANT 111USS'S of YOLTl(PA♦MII.Y DRINKS. Ih•t tsfer signer ren h. tes•..04 rtwa ally a SISTERS 1 1 Sst.i•.. bmaela r 1 rtes MOTHERS f A4 •r dr,.k. Faller. Iotptt U rr... .andr 1.. twatl.ue�tA,mi dante•.trd. Writ. PA MAIL,' BROTHERS R xf E (O1 r Jdrlaa .tient, recent, con.