HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1901-12-26, Page 5THE SIGNAL: GODERICII ONTARIO. THURSDAY, Dec.. 26, 1901. 5 W. Acheson & Son. WE wish our many cus- tomers and friends a merry Christmas and prosperous New Year. W. Acheson & Son. • CHRIST MAST IDE. "Because there Dau no room." The blase of .toter aro demos aid oold, The snow lie. deep over hill and wold, But • star ahloee bright through the dispe■log gloom - Rena for the Christ Cbtld, room ' Whore roan's distrust mod his greed for gala Hays frozen the floods of tender rain, Till Haws of hops can bloom - Room for the Chris% Child. room ' to homes that deepest grids bay. borne, 'Mrd silent lorew of those shit mourn, to the shadows that gather aroam.1 tb• loco &- Room for the Christ -Child, room Where nations are wirelike. 1,1.lor lib, Aid • try rings one trona the fearful strife - As a dying people ranks to it. doom - Room for the Christ Child, roan ' Roc for the shepherds of Bethlehem, Room for the angel. wbo our to them, Room for the Liebe, to the artistry gloom - Room for the Christ -Child, room -Willis Be d Allen. le Harper's Magazine. COUNTY CURRENCY. Ethel : Mrs. James Laird heft for Detroit recently, where her son. Tbomeee, was to undergo an operation. Clinton Among shes l m*sto last week wu two ~loads containing 330 Iambi by Chas. Wallis 1r Wffalo. Lcodesll•!Ni Z,.i'ie Johuton had the misfortune to less by death, • oasuey bird that was over 15 years old. Semmerblll : Meuse Saud MCRrien had the misfortune to 1a11 into a pot of boding water, scalding his log badly. 8ealorth : David Choosey, who have been • reetde■t of ICgmo•evale to semu tome, hu removed his family to Seafertb. Carlow Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Mortis, Morridale Farm, will celebrate the 25th enal•srssry of their weddlog, on Dos. 28. Cllatea : Collector Wheatley has r.o.lved about 113.000 of the town's 111x•4 but there le . 1 111. over X500 yel out to be eellaoted. Blyth : The following towhees hays been esgagd for sett year - J. Shaw, principal ; MW Mule Homilies and Mies Kirby, u• o 1Wls. Moats : MIs Magri' Wattles was wa- rted se Thurdav 12.h to Mt. Blake. They ge to the East ladles en • trip whioh will oxupy sir weeks 9e■Irtk : Miss Arises Hays, daughter of Thema E Hays, hu been re eopged for • third term as Nether to the Midland 'reboot, Saeed salary. at •■ roar v Seelerth : Mies Nettle Wilson, third daughter of Mayor Wilson, has returned borne, ■ftu spending a year with her grad• parents, in laflaoapolts. Mateo : Oa.lolos arca. lately shipped about 4000150 of roll batter to Halifax and llpbee ; butter is quoted at 14a to 15o. and NM hue Hoes from 15o to 16t. Blyth : Miss Graham, who was • member el the Blyth public eoheol staff for rho pest year and • half, has rood to Dash wood, where she has been ug■ed to Nosh daring next you. Brunelle : A hooters was given In Melville obeech o. Thurdav *yule, of rut week by Mies Campbell, • returned missionary from Ladle. Miss Oampb.11's home is of 11okowrth. Brussels : Another case er diphtheria has made its oppeerante In Brunelle, this time In the home e1 Peter Mollaarrle, • little daughter three sad a hair years of age Wins the esffrr. llraseeis : A woo! bee was held last week le the interest of J. H. Stratton, who hoe bow laid up with • broken leg, and quite a quantity was hauled from MoN•ll's base to town Semmerblll : Wm. Flint off, of Sand lake, Kent Co .143.1,., is visiting his deters, Mrs. Jahn Hardy,of the bis line, and Mn Aaron Holler, of the Huron road, whom be has not semi lir 30 years. Sommrhi' . While R. J. Draper's b,ys were worker v around the settles box, Caryl met with a very painful .00ldent. ie basis, the two oeatrs Sneers of hie right hand Lok s eff ; they fro healing sleety Blyth : C. L Laing. the new manager of 01. Bank of Hamilton. has taken oherge and our rat• manager, Mr. Bennett, Mrs. Boo. tett aid oblld boos gone to Mosso Jae, N. W. r., where a new branch will be eoend. Morro . A former resident of Morris is here o■ • visit la the person of John Ritchie, of Suttee Co,, Mlob., wbo is a brother of Charles Rtto0l4. h Is 28 years since hie moved from Morris and this is bis first .1.11. Walton : Mme. Chu. Malts, of Windsor. formerly of this place, bsa beep seriously 111 with whet wee feared •1 ons time to be oaoo•r of the stomach. We are pleased to stale that she is now In • fair way of re revery. bumble: A quiet wedding was solmm- n 'zeo as St. John's rectory, Bralsets, on Monday evening. 15.h lost., when Mrs. Weetherlll, • dater of Mrs. (Rey 1 Ahoy, was married to J. P. Jlmison, both of Wyoming. Morris: Tneed•y, 10th Inst., John Black, 550 floe, bed the oddest uo• to be struck en the head with the handle of a a/Indium while lowerlog • bucket In the well. The aid o1 a doctor bed to be obtained to stlteb up the wound. Sestottb Mn. Rase*, an old mod re- spected resident of Clinton, and an mint of Mrs. K. S Hays, of this town, died at Clinton, ea Monday. 16'h tut. She was sixty years of see, •n I bed reeldd in Clla- toe all her life. CNatoo: A quiet but beautiful wedding was oelebratd oo Wdneed•y, the 18th lost., at the residual' of Mr. and Mn, Arthur Couch, when their only daughter, Mir Mlnele, was united 10 marriage to Wm. J. Ross, book keeper at the organ (antory. Seaforth : Clothes line thieves hu been e ntree to town during the put week. Table leen and bddlog seem to be the particular prey of thew thieves. It would be wall for to ape to keep a oloos watch on thole olotbee Hue, until OW thetas can be roueded up and brourbt to ju.tica. Londesboro • '1'h• wife of Mr. John Man. nine met with a nasty •ooideot the other • wing. They had teen oar to Auburn •ultheg Heir daogbter, and on the way hoots tint hens gut cff the road and apse) the rig, throwing botb out, with the recant that Mrs. Manama had her right arm brok • es. Hayfield : A very pretty eveot took pace in Hayfield, oo Wednesday morning of lit week, at the home of John Frasee, mer ohent, It Ming the marriage of Mr Fraser'• n l•oe, Mrs Harriet Fraser, • p000lar yooag lady of this plus, to ,tam.. 1)oo.lieoe, • suosslul young business man of Brace Mines. Sealorth : S. A. Moffat Dasa to town last week Mr. Moffat has removed hie family from Varna to leaden, where they will In future reside. Mr. Moffat has returned to hie old love, and has anvagd In the Impls. mut bugloss again, 0•yinqq aocepted the head agency for Western (inure for the McCormick Maonfaotarlog Company, with headquarters at London. Sealorth : Robert W Inter has purohesed from !leery Smith, of Hay, the two year ofd heifer wblob carried off the first prize at tot Fat Stook Show at Guelph. This gee animal was bred and fed by Mr. Smith. She le • monster for her age and le splendid quality. She weighs about 1,680 pounds and le pure white In slur. She was kept Ir some days In Arohabtld & Cudmor.s stable and was viewed and admired by • great many people. Mr Winter Intend• to bay• her alaaghtersd and served to this patrons of his meat palaces for Christmas cheer. Clinton : Mr. Monteith passed away at his residues to Clinton on Monday, De. umber9th. Hie Illness was known to few, and hens his death rams as • shock to many. 11 seems that he had not been enjoying his usual reheat health for the past year, but was generally ah'e to get *viand until 'titbits a few days of his death. On the Wednesday prurient he went down town to vote for Mr. Garro., ThIB was the last time he was oat. Although he had no suffering he seemed to fa 1 wit It amazing ✓ apidity, bot was only confined to bed for one whole day Moore the day of his death. Wingham : rhe directors of the National Iron Works, after an tn.ffectnal attempt to plate the a seem on • Brod footing, have assigned to Mayor Clegg, and a meeting n1 the creditors has been nailed for the 26th Inst. The town Is well scoured for the loan Great Rer = _ moval Sale... OUR Business has grown to such dimensions that we have decided to move to larger premises, and will in consequenceofTerbur whole stock of Pianos, Organs, Violins, Guitars Aot Mabinm eets, Music, Sewing Machines, &c. " GENUINE BARGAIN PRICES until the 1st of January, 1902. This glad season should remind H!ONAL, readers of gift giving, and we would be pleased to have you make your defection here Remember, this is a (leonine Removal Sale, and the chance is one you may never meet again. SKATES SHARPENED IN LATEST APPROVED. STYLE CEO. W. THOMSON & SON, Mario and Bicycle Dealers, . . . . . GODERICH g reeted, orad already there are two applt- mots for the property, sae an Awesome firm, the other a Caoadlan. It is. however. • matter oat deep regret that the ehorehold .,e are likely to luso heavily us their 1u vslmeets, sod oho oredlture .111 have to ooutset th.otsalea with a very small per outage of ttuir claim.. Stoners regret 1s I.11 for the 'berth 1id.n in towo, some o whom invested all their sevlugr. Exeter : Few people have money to bare, mut metephorloslly, but a reepeotd farmer to this vloutty, J, F Mitobeil, seems to have been of this few. H. oame to Easter and drew 1500 Iron the beak, to loan a hued to pay off a mortgage. Wbne he west home be was going to put 11 to • drawer, but his wife, thinker( it wuuld be safer, put 11 to the 'Meg room stove be twew the outer mud latter lid.. Toe stove was very seldom used, but neat day • n olghbur's daughter ogee to to sow, anti put • fie to It. When the man .•ams for the money, the farmer, who La 1 not been home, Dame and asked hie wife for 1t. She told him, and judge of bis surprise and horror wino he lilted the 11d to fled only the charred reaming. Takiog thee. up ea they were smouldering he placed them un- der the stove and rushed out te his friend, who said : "Get into the rig and drive to the beak," which he did. When he are ✓ ived, oke manager of the book, kir. Hurd.,, told him to get the remains at none. H. then drove home again, only to tied that his wife, seeing the smouldering heap, had taken them and put them loco the bre, thus destroyer all obaooe of rewvery. it was • peculiar and eel toile mafortuu.. and moob sympathy is felt for Mr. and Mr.. Mitchell. A MANITOBA MIRACLE The Seery .1 t'. a. Malde■ is • W 1.1 Statement yet True aeye■e ■ aerobe Boleeevetoe, Mao., D.o. 23. (Speslal) - C. S. Holden, a farmer's goo, of this plane, ie teltlnv this story about h msolf - "For over a year and a half 1 had a dull ache to my right shoulder whioh at times grew very bed 10 oold weather 1 ado. et so savorily with It that I oould aoaroely use my arm at all. When I went to bed I Dud to have to take my left nand and hold my shoulder to turn over. '1he pato became almost uotear. • ,1e, words cannot express It. 1 rubbed o0 turpentine and other liniment and c'1 1 oould hear of, but grew worse. We bed some Dodd's Kidney Pills In the house and 1 thought I would try them. Alter three dues I bggau to Improve and in two days the pato was all gone. Two boxes tom• pletaly oared me." BLUEVALE. Trostetr, IND. 17th. Daniel Luria stilted as Brocade OR Setae day. Alex. MoEwsn his bought the farm knbwo se the Grabam farm from Ira Etcher for $3,400, Mn. Thome/ Cornell and th ldr•n, of Mousi'que, Micblgan, are wraiths the lady's father, Geo. Comore. Renard Proctor, who hat worked for Geo. Mol),neld during the put Bummer, returned to his home at Kmbaro last week. CARLOW. TOL',rAY, Deo. 1710, Mn. Radiomen left on Friday ISN ler Hamilton, where she will opine the Wintr with her brother, Rev. Jobe Yeas,. Mus Dais, who has been teacher of S. 8. No 1 , for the put three years, le giving op the position, and the trustees hay. engaged Mir MoLeao, o1 Dungannon. Ile executive of the Auburn and Smith's Hill Hibbatb school uolou met oo the 11th tut at Auburn to make arrangements for the coming 000ve•tlun, abRit Is to be held at Auburn to the near future. A further aoswuboem.nt will be elven. Alen. Young, superloteodeet of the Smith's Hill Sabbath shoo', woe chosen as president of the NILE. TrsnrAY, t)ec 17th. The sleigh bulla are ringing, so are the wedding belle. The Miss Snyder, of Rebel, spout Sun day *ooh their brother Henry. F. Boyd, of Ntaga, Manitoba, is •x. mooted to be with ns to spend his Christ- mas. As our school closes next Friday, we will h•vo to bid farew,ll to cur two popular teachers. Don't forget the animal school meeting on Thursday, D.oember 261h, as matters of im- portanoe well h. dlecu.sed. T Commis, a former teacher in our puollc school Is aspected b be with us to spend hie Christmas holiday. DUNLOP. MoNtAY, Dec. 23 SeuooL EXAMINATION -Oa Weineaday aloe f last week pater families mlabt have been seen wending hie way to our Doll.,4 oat learning, acoompeoled by his good wife and sundry bouts lasses and brew biddies --ail Intent on enjoying the program which bad been in preparation by the pupib. under the direction of the local preoeptreete, Mies ('aper. The teaoher was waisted by her fellow teacher, Miss Grey, of Sheppard too, In examiolog the sobolare In their dif (erect padre, a too. through which the pupils pained very orrditatly. After this a well arranged program of songs dialogues end recitations was glven by the emulate Muter Edward Shaw to good voice gave an aidren of weloome to the gathering. A reottstlon by Mies Oihv. Tlohbourne was well re.claret, as was also • duet by Jean Outten and Blanche Shaw A dialogue io whioh Ed. Lawson, H. tVilllame and C. Tehaorne took pert brought down the house. Local miasmal taint wee in good force, nod selections on the organ, the ciollo, the mouth organ and the oo mime were given. Among thou was a lope eeteet000 by Walter Edward. Mia bel Young, a little girl of seven, obold 1tb Mr. Ltbkloter to a pretty musical a>le on. She was the youngest maiden that the veteran mo.lolao had ever played with. At the oloos of the program the room woe d.rkeoed, lights were lighted sod the Christmas tree was seen In all Its beauty, aueSanta Clue b(meelf steadier in the midst talking to the chairman, A A. Wil. Ilam. With the asoi.taos of the ohairman and E N. Shaw, Santa proceeded to dis- tribute the presents, to the great de ight ot the obtldien. A trio ut Dunlop madame received each a nloe souvenir, and each of the tar nee • pretty rose for his buttonhole Then Soots received • ooll by telephone to hurry on to Carlow, and he had to leave. Among the ratepayers present were A. H Clutton and Thome, Tiohhoures (auditors of the section for this year). Robt. Vuald and H A Horton. The two latter gentle men are spoken of as candidates for the trusteeship •t the •notal meeting to take place nett Thursday, Mr. Horton beteg the first unmarried ratepayer to con o forward for lhippnettloo This is the first year of Mise Cooper's reeldenoe among us. She hes labored earnestly to tromote the studio, cf the wheel in all Its grades, and the re- sults have been good. For this entertain• meet she personelle e.leetecl all the presents for the pupil', and they gay. general eat(. (*ellen. Te all those that helped le pre paring the afoul room for the gatherieg and In greeting the tree • vote of theatre Is Widow! for making this entertainment nee of the host eyer held In the section since It. fetmatloa The fuse of •yepep.e rate.. Th., aria from the formatloo of gas ewltg In Improper digestion A very prompt and effimenl remedy a Poison's Norville*. i1 relieves the dl*Notien in steely. anti by 11. stimulating antine on the stenaseh, aids dlrootion. Norville* cures dyspeptic pains by removing the Ouse. Nervillne Is also highly rennmm.nded for stamp., moll,, summer onmplalnt and In- flammation. Sold la large 25o. bottle everywhere. HEART1 ISEASE Is • symptom of Kidney Disease. A well.kraoern doctor has said, " I ower yet made • poet -mortem ea - •mint ion i n • case of death from Heart Disease white- out it`out finding the kidneys wereatfeult." The Kidney medicine which was first on the market, most sueeees- fur for Heart Di..... anti all Kidney Troubles, and most widely Imitated le Dodd's Kidney Pills UNDER THE MISTLETOE. The Ashfield girl bone her stately head And floe• her pretty 11ps lo • firm, hard way, then lets 'em Go and sips. aid ape and sips. The Dunlop girl with a hungry look, Aod tightly facetted eyes, Southern bur kiss I;ke one closing her bock, Then right about turns mod bites. The Dungannon girl has • way of her own ; lo a soulful ollewing way, She *ekes a tries that's lust as big As a wagon load of hey. The Carlow girl gets • grip on herself And carefully 'okra off her bat, Than grabs the moo to • !reared way Lake a terrier shaking • rat. The Saltford girl says Dever • word, She's so send., timid and tame, But she grabs the jay by the book of rte peck Acid she gets there just the same. But II you went • perfeot kiss That will sat your head in a whirl, You roach the acme of esrtbly bliss When you kite a Uderloh girl. LOYAL- Tt'rsltAY, Deo. 17:3*. Alex. Robert/too, who hes been very 1(1 oleo* his return from Manitoba, le •round 444E0. Mrs. Jas. Clark, who had the misfortune to tall and break her arm some time ago, to reoovering mule. Miss France. McLean, of S. S. No. 5, Colborne, has been engaged .te teaoh out school here for the year 1902. The last mooned meeting was held at Coto low o0 Monday, D.oember 16, to dotal op Ne work of the ooanctl of this year Mi.e A Delo, wbo hoe u very .moues. felly taught our Bohool bore for the lair three years, leaves for the Normal school at London the fret of January. W• lose one of out beat and most faithful warkers in oonnecblon with our Sabbath school and church wort, Mu. Maly L. Green returned from spend - log the week In Guelph. W bile Were @hosed other clues mates attended the grand ham Tut, given to the Governor (lateral and otbes prominent men who attended the rat stock show there, which was one of the Mat bold yet In that o11'. Mere 4 a neater. Bemuse you haven't used ('atarrhozue le the beet ration why you should use It right away. It will cure the catarrh that maks your breath so' heavy and your hearing so poor. Catarrhoznns is • 'Mewl& ours for catarrh, bronchitis and asthma, reoom mended by doctors and druggtate ore • or - tam ogre. Henry A. Taylor, the oldest d-uvgist In Halifax, sacs "Catarrboz,o, gees eallsfaorio0 wh it goes. It is simple and convenient to use, and snloy. lolly three times the sate of any other catarrh remedy bold in the city.' Catarrho. zone is guaranlee3 to ours, and If It fail. von can hay* your mooey returned, Pnee $1.00 for two months' treatment. Small size 253. I )rugglste or Polson & Co , King• sten, Ont. They Waal • sew Bridge! To The Editor of Tits SwNu. Due KIR,-Ws wars pleased to see In Tits SIGNAL that the road and bridge com mitts, of the county ooauoll ad•ised the building of • new bridge between Colborne and (loderioh townships ; and wisely so. Ooe of two tbiogs they must do : either build a bridge or stop the road, am 1t Is no dangerous, Some Doe will be kil!e 1, then they will build a bridge oocording to the old adage, "Lock the stable when the horse I. etoleo." Mr. Holmes, 14,P., deserves the thanks ot the entire community for the in- terest he took in the matter. W • shall remember him next time he tante a vete. The township oouooil of (;olborne also de. serve all honor for the stand they took, offering to hit to the appro►oh on their side without beiog asked. And what do you think, Mr. 1; liter' Your old friend Major Reck addressed the oouooil In favor of a bridge. rte did not think be would have been able t, make • speech, but be did bit. E liter, we want • Pr,dge ; we want you N help gee 1t, we want it for our grand- children, and we want it for ourselves in the motet wet,, .0d ere want It now. Mr. E11 or, as the county counoll is oomtug to see use site of the bridge, we 8005 yap an invitation to toms with them. 11 N worth your while, u we found calling a mase.meetrng of the town. of Clinton and Gderloh and t,o*erloh lnwnshtp and (:ole borne •boot the .sod week to January, at Bsnmtll.r, to onnsid.r what we mon do eo help the county to build thin bridge. A HATIPATIR P S -Clinton papers please oopy; Ts Reduce T.., Seat Ueaesre *me a1.e Iv .'c half so hand neither 1e it so nonfat as before the 1nLrductlon of I'utnam's Pain- t... Corn and Wart Extractor. In twee'). four hours the torn is removed. fret y and small feet are well usurrtl on .very• tinily, hut i een'1 be done unless you urs Putnam'. ,,then are not nearly so good Putnam'e is the beet. Al druggists. "A good cause .malesa etrcLnga`rtra._" �r- 1 `�7'M- pm first that every vale is vsoe lh kpkdge a•hae i vait+e, tiaraegh Olds pace on the sole -� .$.5O. --SUM,- in d1 DIG Slater Shoe" :.- R. Slums'. Jr. - Sole Lacer kelt. R. B. SMITHS Store, No. 3, Jordan Blo©k. McKIM'S BUSY STORE Did You Forget ? There is someone you have forgotten, or someone to whom you must reciprocate, or some poor person whose New Year you can brighten.We Can Assist You. FURS. --- Another lot of those ruffs withcc 1.11s, worth $3 00. for.... •Z.S� CAPERINES.- AII styles oapermes, and the priors are lower thou von ars used to paying. We have them et $15 $10, $8, $4, and at $2.50 CAPERINES.- . Our special low•prlced °epodes hu a high storm toiler, deep up* with tails, good msroerloed lining, /sena worth 15. for ,J MILLINERY. - All our sailors and English walk• lag hats -the panes wore up to $1 25 -all on one table, and at. snob 25c� READY -TO -WEAR. - All r•ady.te wear hats,both girl' Half and women's, •11 new goods this price ought to go at -Price MILLINERY. - AII our trimmed millinery, all Half trimmed for Christmas trade, the Price eery latest goods BREASTS. - All our bruits, wings and birds Half Price CLOTH. - A big lot of heavy oloths for jack• Half eta end outs, must go, aid we Off think this will do It a•third to •- JACKETS. - Out of 10.5 we have about 30 yet. Half The woes are up to $12 50, for... Price HANDKERCHIEFS, - We will keep our well known repu tattoo up in this very appropriate line of pressors. Plain haodkerohlefs, embroidered mod hod trimmed, all the newest, trout 2C SUITS. - Ws have • lot of boys' two and slime Moue all wool tweed suite, single and double breast, • long way below the regular pries. %‘• got • barruu for a ohauw lot. Bay that boy a suit, make him happy and fate a doctor's bill. OVERCOATS. - Never bad we •ooh b•rgalu In .verooata. Tho Dios dressy ktnds as well as the big warm 00w, and the prioes are bengal& prices. •a we hese too many. Blanket Bargains Jacket Bargains Flannelette Bargains Cambric Bargains (clove Bargains Hose Bargains Corset Bargains Come early, before noon, if you can, so you will be satisfactorily waited on. W. .El.. McK=M JUST RECEIVED- 0 a large assortment of Xmas Perfumes... The cheapest and best ever brought into Godench. , Pare Wood Alcohol for burning in Spirit Lamps, &c. , . 1908 -- 1902 (//(Jj((i:-<• is moving forward. Winter term begins Jan. 6. lftel. our rotes aro reasonable. our moose' ofoiltadyanthdoteugwh haantd wpera000d, hS2:1 1 fosr mouary enter at any time. Two courses of study. Commercial and Short hand. U. A. FLEMING, A. L. MOINTYRE, * . t(eo., OwenPre Souned. Listowel. J.BJ?W&ZIN Clothing 1 have put into stock a line of Ready made Clothing of first class manufacture, and at prices to suit the tines. Ordered Clothing In still my specialty. A good range of clothe to select from ; and workmanship the beet to be had. If you need an overcoat this fall call and now me. A number of lengths of plane suers to be cleared out .t cost. H. DUNLOP. Wert Street Mckillop Menai fire lssarasce C.. FARM AND ISOLATED TOWN PROP- ERTY INSURED. Value of Property Iasurel up to January, 190t •.t.•s•,gLSS orrice IOM .VNI, 1,1111;Cr'Oie0. J. R. McLean, pros ; T. Fraser, vloe-ores. ; Jen. Connolly, G. Dale. W. G. Rro•dfoot, J. Watt, Jas. Ivens, J. le. Grieve, J. Bennewel., directors; W.0 Broadfon. elesf"•eh, Inepeo- of Waft ; T. E. Hays, Sesforth, secretary• taunter. - Tag LEADING - 1Ruu tra\ D'.reetorg. O. ---- TZmoo.V.Ners. gen or ee •- serf"; " Honest John " RUP- TURE TRUSS. F. JORDAN MEDICAL HALL, Chemist and Druggist. Orders carefully -attended tee of ell Imam. night or day. Quebec street. 1 T H %S PICTURE and ART . DEPOT • . . 1O1 Ha.d•paleted Sony..!, Calendar, and Christmas Cards, entirely new. SOLD HERE ONLY. 20 per cent. off all fine Chlea, Leath• or, 811yer and Celluloid Gods. 50 per not. off all Toys, Games, Dolle and Pieter* Rooke. 001NG U[Jf OF THIS LINT':. Ti, os tor elegant and •ultabls present*, It will pare ycn mr0ey. • • • 1•111. WILMER SMITH NEXT TOWN HALL. $(naris TREASURE (RGI: Clearing Sale of STOVES• - J. 11. WORSELI, wishes his many customers • Merry Xmas and a Happy Now Year ted wool/ intimate that lir the Aaiun* of the year he will have • Great Charlet Sole of Heating and Cooking Stoves. Every Stove now 1, stook will be sold 61 Miniver, Prices to Attar them out Wore the New Year. Get I.rgalhe while limy ISM..., J. 11. Worsell, TM.b•sf Nov and lessees Sall CANTELO N'S Pastry, Oyster Patties,Tarts, Short Bread and Cream Rolls, Mace Pits and Lady Fivers, Kisses, Macaroons, Maranges, Braude Snalis, Etc. OM es good an the beet ma 1011,1 any city in Canada. Cantelon le'1e the trade in WEDDING . CAKES m fancy designing *0d orna moot ing and almond icing. Give him an order and your sat- isfaction will be ensured. : D. CANTELON, WEST -ST. J. W. Yeo, Holmeevtlle ; James cramming Egniundville ; R. McMillan, Seeforth ; R Smith, Hemlock. Policy -holden can pay a.oeeemtents and get their cardo recelptd at Mr. Coati. Clinton, or at McLean Irma' Palace Clothing Store, code rteh HELLO 4 THE OLD' RELIABLE: ALL KINDS OF COAL ALWAYS ON HAND THEITIBEST Scraliol Hard Coal IN THE MARKET AU Coal weighed on the Market Scales, where you get 9(!00 150, for • ton. WM. LEE. Ord.,. left 01 LZE at 88=PKAr5 Stere promptly attended to. Weather Shoes and Rubbers. WE have what you want and what you need in our King- Shoes Quality King- Rubbers Quality They aro absolutely the best made. . . OOUR B.Aort1 acs. known for thait.8ty1a, Fit, Consto,haell - __-- for iher'e Fit and Shape. affil being male of PURE CLIMI. as ordinary rubbers. �Ya ease a•largo assortment of Ladies' Leggins, Overstuckings, Wool Soles, Etc f Thew goers aro I ho very beet goals that money can buy our Robbers wear twice as long The STUB PROOF RUBBERS for men are here at last, end we Levan 1-ot'a INNr6t'riog, or, if you can't call to moo them,Jfirop us a card for catalogue. ST. GEORGE PRICE. VOLE AGENT FOR IfINO•QUALITY 9HOE8. WANT A STEP,LADDER? We give one away with each pound of Pure Cream Raking Powder purchased from us. 50c a lb. Tho step -ladder alone worth the price. Try a package of our Hop Ten -not a tnedicine, hut a care- fully eel•6tetl Indian and Ceylon Tea blended in a scientific manner with specially prepared Hops. Delicious and healthful. Now is the time to buy your Garden Seeds. We have a fnll ass. rtment. Telephone No. 91. SlrvRSZYrn az co. THE GROCERS.