The Signal, 1901-12-26, Page 4I; 4 TIMESDAT, Dec. 26, 1901. THE SIGNAL : GODERIOR ONTARIO TUANKS! WF. wish to return thanks to our many customers for their very liberal patronage during the , past year, wishing you all a merry' Christ- mas and a happy New Year. W. C. PRIDHAII Men's Clothier, Furnisher and Hatter. Vhf /MIRY THURSDAY IT tis. Meau.LOfw tiODZRICH. THURSDAY. DEO. SNAP SHOTS- -The compliments of the ammo W all. - The municipal candidate, are looming op. -This look. like the beginning of • good old fashioned Canadian Winter. -Utilizing the river for municipal power would keep expensive coal suite out of mutt. -For apolitical "him been" the Hon. G. E. Forms is doing gaits a lot of talking these days. - Sir ARTHr$ Biota, or SOME other equally able gentleman is writing rather clever *peaches for (!sows of Wale,. -It this litigation doesn't stop noon one of these days either the town will own the elevator or the elevator will own the town. -We bars'' heard anything bright at breezy from the honorable KETHoLE Tay Lott, for lo, tnea many moons. Why is this than -It is satfafactory to learn that at the recent Mi ux;s demonstration to Toronto the audienoe aWitist do any stamping while the Postmaster -General was speaking -Our old and esteemed fellow Canadian, J. 1.. H BsaossoN, will now have an opportunity of being moat beautifully trammed to tho King's ladle in the Beau. hermits :bye election ; He should know enough to stay dead politically. -This changing of "God Save the King" to "Gott Save Our Lord the King" is a humbug of humbugs, and will cause a good many people 1W quit singing the so-called National Anthem altogethet. It may have leen good form W put on such flummery a couple of hundred years ago when it was looked upon as treason for a Scotchman to sing 'Bonnie Prince Charlie," and for an Irishman to lilt the "Wearin'ot the Green," but even in that day Roan's Silage didn't fail to lampoon the thing when he wrote : Who' will not sing ' God Save the King" Shall hang as high as the 'steeple. But while we sing, "God Save'the King" We'll no' forget the people. DUNGANNON. Nonce - The 'local avow In Dungannon for TIM BIONAL la at the orate of J. G. Ward. J. P. ooeveyanoer, to.. who will reeeiva order, for subeorlptlooa, advertising and lob work. and le authorized to give receipts tor amounts mild for the acme. TUESDAY. Deo. 171h. 91.1a1.1.rot AT WHITICHUtlr'H.--Smallpox 1s mid to be rile a1 W bltseberch. W • have e ek received full particulars of the matter, hut our Information 1s that three or mon oases of aha diems hew. developed. %Ve trust that proautlon will be employed to stamp out the disease. Novas -Mrs. 1). McCormick, of Hamll too, b visiting her Mende Mrs We tweet tat have to record that Mn. R. Dur. e ta (see Wilson) 1s very 111 The town• ship atuoll of Weet Waw,nneh mat ye.b.r- day. This was the last meeting of the term. Nomination for Use ooenoil of 1902 w ill take plea' on Monday, December 30th Fie partleulars of method madden see the minute* of the matter. Ar, -inners -D.alel Altos, of IAe.eyllle, ogle day recently had the misfortune to meet with • bad •ooideat. While engaged In telling • lodged Ince, the tree 1.11 on him tad broke rots shoulder blade la two plan. Ur. Gordon, of Lsokoow, was called, and atlendtd to the injuries. Mr. Alton's mazy friends will be p'eased to know that he is as well as can be expiated under the olrours d andle last Satord•v ev.nlog while In • friendly souffle watt Thomas Ryan. W. Begley had his kosivo•p dislocated. Dr. Bice wen Immdiately oalld and soon had the bone r.plsod. Willie will need to be more o•relul In the future. (lrrom another correspondent.) ,Wm. McArthur her gone to Goderich, where he has secured • position In the Doty eugln' works. Will Sickle was up from Toronto last week, spending • few dava with hid brotten, Harry end U. G. James MoMeth was called home from Clinton on Monday by the serious Illness of his fathrr, Willlat. MoMatb. H. J 11 okle and . neuter left oo Toes- day owday for Toronto and broke, where they will visit relatives bettor returning to their home is Gladstone, Mao. Evangelista Fisk and Kir . , who .re Don - du, -ting a series of speotal ser at Luc.• sew, name down oa Wdnedaaftern000 and held • **retie to the Methodi chard) here. Among the list id *avow elul e audio at the School of l'harm.ov ezamloaUoes pears the Dame of Herbert W byard, baying pawed with lint claw honors. Shake : old fallow. Max and Ebon. Wilson etrleed on Sator• day night from Mooarjew, N.W.T , befog called home by the Illness of their dieter, Mrs Rohr.. Darn:o, and Mr. Dena n, who W bees eat .t Memejew all summer` le ensuesd this Naslag. SUDDEN DEATHS -Th. death of Mrs. Rods Hambl tee, of Luoktow, occurred oo Friday morning, the 13 h lost , at the home of Thos. Little, where the d..-oeed was staying, having Dome from Luokoow with her adopted daughter, Mu, Flossie !iambic ton. The deosarei was a good Cheat's') woman, a n,-fnber of the Methodist church, and had made many friends. Sbe was ,red arty•stz yarn sod was taken 111 only the evenlnr belore ber dawn. The determent was made oo Moodey at Drayton. The seryme at I.00know was conductx11by Rev T. K. McN•Ir and Rev. U. A Herds, of Leoknow Mrs. Dago Hamlin suffered • stroke of paralysis od Twitchy morning and passed away about 5 o'clock in the afterecoo. She laves eight children : Alfred. of Daley, Dakota; ,lobo, of Virden, Man.; Ieaao, of Swan River, Mao.; F. win of Ripley ; P. F., of Port Albert ; . Samuel Pentland, of Swan River ; Mn. Sickle and Mrs. Sam. I'eatl•ad, el i)un matinee. Deceased was seveoty•Iwo yearn of age and was for many years • member of I)nogaanoo Methodist obarob. SoAII.I'U\ AT WHtTzrnrra it.--Wugh•m Advance : The discovery of 1 ossa of smallpox at Whlteoborob and in Fast Wawanoeh has caused considerable excite mese. Wild rumen are •flat: at one elm' It was stated that there were from fifteen te twenty oases. Oa *agony we find that tee' outbreak 1s not early so bad as reported, and as action has been taken by the boards of health to the vlmnify, 1t is hoped that the disease may not spread. It appears to have been brought In by parties from Mantsabe. KERB Is A POINTER. Have yon cold hands and feet, shills, pains in the back? If so your blood is impoverished and your oen- etitution run down. "Climax" Iron Tonio Pills will positively restore perfect health. As a blood maker and nerve strengthener they are unequalled. Each box oontains ten days' treatment. Prise 26 cents, at all dntagists, or mailed on receipt of price. Address: The Dr. Ball Medicine 0o., Hin jston, Ont. SkatesSkates! • Skates Immffmnt No. 5 Acme Spring Skates, all sizes; 40c. No. 10 Acme Spring Skates, nickel plated, $1.25 Royal Hockey, 1.00 Perfection Hockey, 1.25 Ladies' Daisy, 1.50 Perfect Hockey, 1.50 Majestic ' 2.25 Dominion " 2.25 Lightning " 3.50 . MAMA We have a full line of Hockey Pucks, Ankle Supporters, Shin Guards, Hockey Sticks, `kato Straps, etc. A lathers Calendar gives with every purchase. N. D. ROUGVIE, THE GASH HARDWARE STORE. ACROSS THE ATL ANTIC. No. 9. Leaden, Augnst 17. -Left St Panora, station of the Midland at 930 a se by the Glasgow uprese, with three carriages en the rear sad to be switched off •t Trent JuouUoo for Ltverpool. W' pass en this nuts Si. Albans, Lutes, the hh tori, town et Bedford, Iwtoester. Derby, Matlock, Rowdily. Hu&ioe, $tookport, Warrington, and reach Llverposl at 4:35 r u lkrtWOOD Loudon and Derby and Intermedtet• .la 11oas, rut pale through the moat beautllul dbtrtos of arable laud 11 at 1 bar eeeeeseen, with aquaria fields. well.trimmed hedge, fen Noise, oe, every spot of broken land planted with trees, and not • west of any toad to he seen. the t.rm butldlogs •re o/adient, tees dtstrtot to we'l watered, end tot a die •aoe of upward. of one hood, ed miles it is • psuoram• of tine taros end beautiful laodsoat.s. What • contrast to the &deka we passed through yeiterdsy ! For .bole thirty miles alter leaving Pule, di,. the lend 1s almost wholly used for /townie j �• fruit asd ssg.tables. The land is • limestone formaltoa, good arable land and one so badly oultivetd. But what war odd to us WWI p.selae for mile after mile without see lag • house or • femme, with the patches of wbeatout and •wsy: then we would come to • rural village of smell houses with the grain ,tasks around, and • little courcb In the osotre of the group, and • 1.111e station oo the railway. Th. oozy fumes are along the mato roads. They house their cable •t Dight and herd them to abs daytime. This system prevails for shoot 150 miles ; then we pale through a district of obalk hills and valleys sett) we reach the ooas1. From Derby to atookport we paw tbrougb the Peak Matelot of Derbyshire, with very tine scenery of mouot%In and valley, • very popular resort for picnickers. One thing strange to us woe the chalk mills palled o0 this route. Liverpool 1s not • eery antra, tive otty for caudate. bot it Is a gnat bueloese oeotrs. Its mummer) dooke, with the Tait •moue' of ehippine from every clime, make the name of Liverpool lumtliar the world Oaf I% It has two very large .tattoos ailsoent to the main street, the Central sod the Eoohoove. Aad for heavy draft horses the brewers of Liverpool take the buil over any 1 have W ier dee D. The public building, are /oodi the 5•. George Hall large, and oo the square are some fine monuments, ons to Wellington, ems to Disraeli, and squeslrlao statues to Yiotorla end Albert. The Walker art gal. lease of palatines and statuary are evoellent Institut-Iona. They contain • vety fine oclleonoo of statuary to marble and bronze, and • very large oollectto of gland o:l paintings ; In feat, one of the most three• give pictures at the Glasgow exblb,Uoo was lent by the oorporattoo of Liverpool. 1 may hers state that all the Dtoturts u: the art g•liery at the exhibition were loaned from c.rpar•tloze and ,odividua's through- out abs oouniry. The matures belonging to Glasgow were left In the olty gallery. In my wanderugs tbrougb the art galleries, I have seen only one picture that repreo,at d nature tratbtufly, and that was In the Welker gallery at Liverpool. From there I went to the olty ball and gallery of wax- work. This is • very` good collection of Ilfe-s'rs'disusere., to wax, of notable men and women of the past and present. Those figures /tve you a mooh clearer conception what these tilted people looked like than of the pictures of them that you see in wrImtrtrtmttrtrrttrtimtmrrImrrtmmi a prl An use 20th -left Liverpool at 4 35 limbered In Queenalon lisy at 8 A M. 111 be 21st ; took many passengers and mooh egged, oo board, bol had to wait lora mail train. Several -ram boats came al tilde, mantel by womeo, w ith various k de of merohaodue. Two of these women were ramal kable, one helm' a first, ala.s y dor, w.th any am'uot of ready wit .sod bel. age She tied been •tt.adlod to the wants qt ladles fur some time. when someone sang'bp5, "This gentle- man wants 'something." She replied, "I'll •ttrud to the gentleman, I'll attend to the g entlemen I Inv, the g,oI1eetteo, 1 love the gentleman. 1 would not .Ivaos, gen Woman for • dozen ladies at any tithe." So the gentlemen tried to banter with hdv, tut oh ! It ()sine from her 1,ke a ayalabohe upon his devoted bead. He oovered eels tea with bar hood,, and retired oompletele 000pluseod. The other was a handsome young woman, well dressed, modest In her demesoor, ani beautiful In fo:m, feature and complexion. A London gentleman that stood by me says, ' I.nok at that girl, look •t her tea tures and oomplexioo. She would easily take the prize as Doeeo of Beauty st any Jklety di IgaLoodoo.' 1 ,greet with 1 that tht... se of London were deficient piper it wash the belles of e mad steamer arrived c to the ,hip, and all hands carrying the mail bags •board. The s r was ho.sted, the ,hip turned round, and steamed slowly for mate, until the mail was all aboard, then the steamer was let loose, and we soon Int sight of the beautiful Cove of Cork. Aad that evening w, had our parting view of the Green Isle. Suodey, august 24th. -Today N-beerd • good see sermon, by the Key. Wm. Pet tenon, lately of Toronto, now of Philadel- phia. He is • tali:nted, genial .on of the Green IA's. Acpoet 25.h -We passed Sandy Hook thte morning and bad a good ylew of the Shamrock and her consort, the F:rloWe rot -yard the beautiful scenery ideas the bay and tete /dimly landed et 11 A.vt My trev'ening oompanlooe left for (:.Dade, but 1 stayed In the r l y. Next day I took train 'or the dock et West 22 s4 street and oar fed a steamer tor Copy bland. This is the people's popular watering place of New York. I will not attempt to describe it ; It would eek, volumes to do so. Suf- fice It to say that the swarm here 1, Immense ; there are four steam railway., two eleotrle railways, sod 1 lines of d immers. Jointly they are capable of transporting 150,000 persons to and from the Island daily, Every variety of ,port is to be found here, the high tower, the big wheel, the switchback, the merry -go round, the shooling•gallery, the dancing saloon, tM bowleg saloon and every kind of fake to win the dime. Evrry amusement 1s dupil cared many times over, There are • nam• her of hotels, great and small, and restau- rants and mode to every quarter, but sea bathing 1e to. meet popular •mnesmcni. lint we see sone of the lour hundred .t thl. o lene. 'They .r• well dreamed. reepee'et le looking pimento. I returned br steamer to the tidy. Almost 30th. --As i had some by the New York Central, 1 denidd to return by the L.blgk Valle,. We took puwge by the Black Diamond Klemm, which stop. et thirty of the prinolpal stations ant of the number of 145 we paws between .1 1;ety and Buffalo. 1 left 23rd et rat weal b steamer for Jersey (Pry. and the train left a1 12 noon. This railway paging through e stretch of easetry of great mineral wealth, chiefly of ,eel end Iron, and for trendy of mountain, Talley sod stream It im herd to sere•... We arrived at Buffalo at 1025 ; et 11:30 r.w. lett by the Chlo.ge Kepnee of the Lehigh Valley, sad laid off .t Lando, TINE ONLY ONE. The maa who says that all pa- tent .,admin.. an worthless is a fool. For Dr. Hall', Rheumatic Cure baa me equal. W. C. Switzer, Nar- rowest* 0., suffered with sciatic sheasneeers for tan years He tried every knows remedy recommended foe she caw of rheumatism without obtaining relief Big bottles of Dr. Hell's completely cured him. This greet blood purifier is put up in brittle& enetaining ton days' trent meat. Prins C.0 rents ct nil drug stores or The Dr. Hall Medicine Oe , li niptoa, Out, Begin the . . . New Year .. Well 1 u i i.a beide 'ha New Y e.r bet er iheu Luytng y ear wad • BISSELL CARPET SWEEPER ►'hey ease Llex, Saye heal b, and reeks housekeeping • pleann. Cutlery and Silverware W• h.v, • large and well -assorted stook of Table and Pookel Cutlery, Silverware, Ric ire and Scissors, that make Useful New Year's Gifts. E Cats aid See Orr Gaels. We Nisi be Messed te Rllro Tem Cold, EE EE Skaters' Supplies We ohm a large stock of Hoaksy Sk•tes„Aome Skates, Reek • yy SUoks, lldookey Pecks, Stu Guards, Skate &reps and Skate Waiteres. ALLAN & McIYER, 1 The Loading hardware Firm. Hottost Goods at Honest Trice. Phone 57. ?�u1Ulu1U1111111u11111�1111U��1 for a U.T.P., and got home safelyoa the 31.1, Slime erriyln/ home many persons have been eequlrlog ,boot the accommodation on British railways, and as dome here a very erroneous onocepttoo, I will try to expiate bow I Nun t them. Oa ell long &stenos trains that run between the pi loolpel cons. of Eaglsnd and Sootland, from London to Ab:rdeen, they have corridor oerrlegee, with first and third-olu, dining oarrtaa.r, sod sleepers on all eight treios. Then ts e lavatory at each end of every carriage and a guard van at a.rh end of every train. The cotridnr is aloeg one lode, not along the centre, as in the American carriages. Etob apartment will seat et,ht, with a glsced door on the outside, and • door on the oorrtdor side. Now, • family or party of companions can eooupe one of these apartment*, and eat, driek and be merry, and cot have 120 eyes gaziog opoo their actions. Some Americans prtf.-r this style to their own. There are no second lase carriages now on British railways, Short distance train, are the dime style es they wen fifty year. ego, with apartments that sat tea, with no aocommdaroa, but a /Timed door on each' side The fint•clasa are gorm nutty upholstered, the third class not so grana, but vett' comfortable. These B it'sh passenger trains have a very imi• nifioant appearance, compared w11 h an Ame:ic,n passenger tr.ta; but for speed, comfort and safety to life and I.m',, I thiik. they ere sapstrisr. Yours_ u 4. Sns MUNICIPAL COUNCI „I.IG.h'i k. ('Al.l..eu, I)eo. 16lb, ('olborts. c< a .c.l met ,u the towabta. hall. All the members were preeeat, and the mit. stn of the last meeting were read and pase- ed. Tho..at Ge 01 appeared before Ile ems!' ell with a complaint that hie property had been damaged by water caused by a di'ch belog dug on Beomiller Hill. Alex, Robert- son moved. moonier, by Major Young, that the Reeve, lids and Jewell be a oommttt.S to loves t'gots the ¢atter Carried. Alfred Dodd sad FNderlok Kur'sohiaikl wok 4d a case of damages, the'r homes braking through a culvert In Salttord. After hear delimiter, of Uodertob, state their WO the ooanril deo dad to investlget• the matter. Moy•rd by M.j,r Young, second ed by William Hill, that the nomination be held at the township hall oo Monday, the 30:b foes., at 1 o'olock, e. e , and if • poll be demanded an emotion w111 be held at the usual polling Waage oo the following Moo day. A very large number of a000uote were pawed and will appear in the yearly statement. E. W. Mi•Dorttoit, Clerk. Oyster., alw•ye fresh, a1 the old reliable oyster house, Victoria Restaurant, West- er., in bulk or reeved all etyla, los cream, frail, cooilotiooery, cigars, oto. C. Busk g• STONE THE I.ATE D. K.STRACHAN'S IIACIIINE_ AND BLACKS/1111 Mt UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT. JAMES H. JOHNSTON, who had been with the late Mis. 8Tnaitlaw for several ya's. acd le thoroughly cosh _ versant al h ail damson of work that bays been dose a the .hop, .Imes te announce that he has taken charge of toe s..,abllah_.,_svv, - "EDT sad wilt carry on the 1 ruiner le ooh a manner as to retain the confidenceSee a r m a n , r. ----------------- CIIRIS TJflASi WE have just put Into stock a lot of fresh new goods for Christmas trade. A LARGE SHIPMENT : HANDKERCHIEFS. 124 doses at the following prtoes : Ur. 4t, 5r, 81, lot, 12 •, 15; 18; 20; 25; 30o. Embroidered sad lave edger. 1 he greats l value ever seen hen. to sasbm,r' and till, LADIES' PARASOLC MUFFLERS. from 2)r to $1 00, made for l:hrletmas trade, from $1.00 J' $4 ',U. surpassed le valise. Just the tbta. for • Christmas to no. GENTS' UMBRELLAS. frames,somethingsaw, trontury runner ut $1.00 to 112.75'U`10° FURS. C.p.tues-$6 50, 10 00, 15.00, 17 00, 27,00, 30.00. Ruffs ----From $2 W Io 12.00. C . Just 15 lett, the balance of our season'. Hook, wblob will be LADIES' COATS sold at prime to clear. Every ooze must be sold a1 wine prloe. Two fur bears Ids yet. Ooe 25.00, the other 28,00, which Is much lees auto real value. A big bargain for some two persons. Ws were la Toronto last woek sod @sound between $400 00 and $500.00 worth of goods suitable for the s.asoo In general stook a1 away down prices, wblob are to be wild at sway down prime. J. H. Colborne 'Phone 86. Goderich. Merry Christmas Is Coming ! t The Happiest Time of all the Year, . . And Your Attention is called to our stuck. Perfumery--• In the greatest variety and fluent talus we have ever hail -10o to 6400. Some in Leather Jewel. Hand kerchief and Glove Cases. The fiorst line of all -SEF. THEM. Great values in Xmas Packages at 25c to $1.00-Beautite at $1 50 to $2 00. NEW BULK ODORS - Pink Peooy (hen only), Czarina Carnation., (,`rarity Violeta. White Heather. Lanese rafters peek la Norm reams,. A DAINTY PERFUME I8 1HE BEST GIFT. Wo Line ( W You Gifts for Smokers A fitter line of Case Pipes -$1,00 to 1300. Nice Xmas Package. of Cigars - tisc to $2 00. Cigar Cas... Cigarette Cases, Smokers' Sets. FINE TOILET BRUSHES IN EBONY, eta, NICE MIRRORS. GIFr PURSES, TOILET CASES, and other lines. NOTE: For that stubborn coli the beet treatment al a hoz of laxative-Bnomo-Qutnioe and a bolts of our Ifehite Pine and Tar. . C.600DE, m Chemist, BEDFORD BLOCK. Call and In- spect. e and patronage heretofore evaded to the 1cteowoer, sod will be pleased to have as mane new customers vers tell favor him with their rat ronsge. lo addition to Ship Work, Ice P.ows, Street Wering Wag- ons'forse Powers. rte , he .111 roatuua- todnH,NgRAL BLaCKBMITBI\pate REPAIR WORK of all Mad,. MA• ('HII'g TURNING. DRILIINO, Pi.AN- 1NG, THREADING. and all kinds of ma- ohioe work door, on short notice. De bag alio added a trat•claea BRAZING P .AST, and all work in that line, including Bicycle repairing end brakewof all klad•. can t be effendi(' to on ehort notion. lawn Mow- er& sbarpened. Intoes will be found quite rrasonable. JAM11;8 H, JOHN+r0N The lase D. K. Stracbana Machine tad Mack smi h Shop, Victoria et,. Noderlch. Vv WE never did advocate shorting away from home when you could do :: well there as anywhere. But them are thi •s which, it stands to reason, one can buy t 'tter in a centro like Toronto is, ,.and one o these is FINE RELIABLE FURS, because s get the variety and to get the guaranteed al- ity you must go to the larger market. are exclusive fur manufacturers. We make everything we sell, and we guarantee every- thing we make. We shall be pleased to welcome you to our showrooms -the largest and best appointed in the 1)orninion-if you are passing our way, but if that's not pos- sible we'll ho pleased to servo you through our Mail Order Department an(t promise you absolute satisfaction. You can have a copy of our n°w 1901-2 Catalogue for the asking. Wo aro making a special feature of warm fur Jackets. LADIES' ASTRACHAN JACKETS. -Oar special,. $25 LADIES' ASTRACHAN. COON AND WALLABY JACK- ETS... $25 to $50 LADIES' ELir.CTRIC SEAL JACKKTS.-Plain 30 t„ 40 LADIES' ELEATRIC SEAL JACKETS -Trimmed 45 to 65 J. W. T. FAIRWEATHER & CO. 84 YONGE-ST. - TORONTO. ASK YOUR DRUGGIST FOR MEOWS ; SYSTEM ; RENOVATOR! ) A Wonderful Tonic and Remedy for WEAK and IMPURE BLOOD, KIDNEY and LIVER TROUBLES. Manufactured by J M. MacLEOD, Goderich, Ont. BOOTS, SHOES, RUBBERS.' We have the large t stock of BOOTS, SHOES and RUBBER GOODS ever shown in Goderich. It comprises goods of the following well•known makers : J. & T. Bell. Walker•Parker Co , "Empress," The Victoria Shoe Co., The Slater Shoe Co , The Williams Shoe Co. and E. T. Wright & Co., of Rocland, Mass. In Rubbers we can give either the Canadian Granby, Berlin, or the Glove Goodyear Rubber, of New York. Wm. Sharman, jr. "GOOD RELIABLE GOODS AT FAIR PRICES," is our motto. Coal! Coal! .lust R-celvel 80 Tons Massillon Lump Coal, The best Soft Coal In the market for domestic turptew, alao several can of Scranton Hard Coal NOW ARRIVING. ALL COAL WEIGEED ON THE MARKET SOALPS Hoarolty of oars le lithely to one • cal famine coring the next two month's, would therefore •dvlse poroham of your (:oaf DOW. Wm. Campbell. Goderloh, Nov. 13-h 1901. A Great Snap b our G1n.er Snap, at fia a peand, of which we sell • barrel • week. This i.a'e our only snap. u we cant' everything thee an he found In an up. b. -dam groom y store, and roar prima are right. The farmers kenw that they nen alwys get from se a map ter their predate. Wo drew the Ile. 11 so IeglNm•te trade - everything goal ; (11 answer' n, petitio.., garden doff or ohnloset table Chtna We deal In all of them. T. G. TIPLING & CO., itedford Meek. G.derleb. 1 Before Buying I see our line of BEATERS RANGES.... 'We will save you money and give you the choice of the best lines on the Canadian market. Every 8tnve folly Guarantee,,. . . link SHRHARD., fODERICH. Mill VVood FOR SALE The al ode is cot into stove wood Inn=th and will he delivered to any part of the town the same day ss ordered. Orden received by] telephone or left at residences, 128 Ambria street, will teoeive prompt attention. 'Phone 9R. PETER McEWAN. G„desiob, N.vsssbsr ,1st, 1800. 6e*3m