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T11s; s1111tT WAte'r.♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦e♦♦♦♦Nt♦♦♦eeevee♦♦♦♦♦♦4♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦t♦♦•♦♦ttt� (time tint'ti" polka" may become due.
Sozodonst flus. rn a ns.r.rlagr om O. Jnst .f
I -
It Will Ue is Ureat Demand Tills thO luwrunce ax.[,yuul+w ap.rf} *f
un Inisureave iNdle).
// Wluter Questions of Etiquette We have rola ilW phnel taweek-
rxlNal UI Within, the ae.t wCHk—
The now flannel walrus mint, with Tooth
tucked pates and !,lulu Lunt, with i C Z ,,,, IN, cuuntluK ulNou ru ,pcno,w at
i 7 �� j the Name rate am we hsra balsa an
/ buttupr soca lite luck, us," flllaxf for ♦ i
%� / warhing, provided the colon be of powder • rolling mrais it
t4N♦♦♦♦♦N♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦•♦♦♦♦4♦♦N♦♦NNs♦♦♦♦♦♦♦t♦�ttN "U( reOurew it will Ile uro:retwary to
the sort th at do put rude. Theme limit title number of cardiae,, as we
wt►I"to are made wlthout Lulug, there Kindly Inform Ina of tJNt 4, sire with the bwterr cilli" they will lea &Lill" to arch only eq usaUY
Lelug the rdrldrt rhu11 or it IluuhK Good for Sad Tooth duller ad tlw ush7 at a are tukltyf their departure lgrwh puliclur during a given period. We
I Allfrom the stock downward toward lhu
Lust, but terminating Just ut the Not Bad for Good Teetls chwuh wMiding aid tfiu alder bi ani. toile rtllaal&texl that rw aide than
L.yoke, procorrluu ; title proper willy for the Tltere !r a rule al present, that y, 'I'alra atrrrlrare a Meratfr
1-r j Even the sleeves of there Wufrtr p••�^'t4na•scLrt.Llm.4.drv.ar,wal lr4le to clear her tell uvtlr the tate lr cwt correct to vier when u lad)
urn unlined, hu'J the curie ora stir- agda.emb,. II_d..p,N. `'mo"t"'' Or thruwu back, and the {aper way to introduvoll to another lately. teat shall tato plwe among our mentees•
mere jA -~�~ for the bridegroom to drede ul a late a tory g+,ral rule to follow In there -ttwt lr at llrrt-tail tae girl must
11 triled will: material Ihat will not I HALL t RUCH1fI., Montreal. December liveddl ig.-Enalulnr. drays, when there in a little uueeer- I have behwlged to tae voclety two
shrink, usu.04 with another thick mint 'rr W former ruler, Ir to do jtefarr at lei11rt before site can avail
I - The dutiur uT all usher at a wM1- Y
/ nese Of Flannel, stitched along the W tbu tory slri►►ple cgry-honk maxim, whntet'er ala wt the new sumer lt.rrrlf of tilt rluaiivlal bebefls- It
ealges. ' that without Iola wnrri roust be dLI,) ounalrt trI showing tit" guest■ I
nINI ahs lurrlurr oast al their earn. time, u rhe oss u the before that
aft" where trare to alt data to getter- I
Thu wash flannel waist to very art- Lutvlurable; but, given lour ear an es,• g It im Nut itcre►uat•y fur you to rise flaw, caul ke,pr 11p her membership.
fill Unit decid"d1 Ptt It comer la ally superviseall Ila" dile hr se the
•e•a• {. /• I lite doecken 11local.il.k Iluuud, 1p I s:nt4al, thea kite woman who yields reoeh'ihig of gue+sLr at flit house, es- when your brrtear b ruylug gaud- {Nylag all nor:r.,rrarY doer, who can
elf to the promptinger of her heart, azul W,rtLrg the gurwtr lit the bride, etc. ( by to Iter other guests. I data der $_W at. the wcPirat2� Of
�\ 1 French flannel unit In tit" outing I Accepts the hardens, light err heavy• .� proper order of bridal prucermiou her lou year*' n,e wlwrruit when
/ e would. It lr sada uy In any vinyl, ms{flu a Ientla tun hn p lett Ilfe. When a IaAly IIAr a gentleman tlw $.W will come W just as good
J I g I P W the ushers, who enter two by two;
way, though tumto Incliner towaM I friend who calls, Sunday ahorn'on, , us, eater.
,qJo ie�i/,moi .r+ the tucked front dud back, and It h.I marwlug 1I.W. App•+'el• then the brklerwuidr, fulluwsA l) the
+ r It, her place, to ark him especially I "A ws-rmrwulum of all there palate
buttoned down the back. if your linen Is nut marked nowa- bride dud her father. The brides tuna mol
Thule who du oat fancy the lack ob►yr the big laundries put hldM,ur we+nr tltu veUr thrvown lack from the lit Dail t)n un errnung, us, rlwuld hr ie taken coca they register as
` buttons cion make the waist with s l- hierughyphfod oil It In order to Idea- race, fastened under a rprry sat flow- d0 w U lee Ir ou inclined without � w wlxro, tad frtlm tial time on polls
Only a Working Girl. find the throat In getting firm all ver buttoar extending from the tify It, Menstllll Ilk., the designs on err us, u wrestle. In the afternoon a ial Itrcllameti,in :' t im r tile
piase,erl, in every dens "i l o it's r ase -
g g `# torr w Iw iteeurslty fur the gen• •mile, to eirig thew into the cos•
I know I vain only a working girl, round. throat to th" belt. The waist ham a (Ieupntra'r Need Ir. Even thea you wedding the brldrgn,um mast weir tidiness lar ask If he way call titt any piny of their 1•le+rl mrd. We help them
Aad I'm tat rstiamel Wray Muarige, of the throat In excellent few auto pbaits for fullness Just at onuth,t be rure'that ),w aro wear- atri pet trumers, Prince Atbert oust, evptaht If he la In tit" hault of ' to 11011118 PraH,rtr to build and lheta-
I And to lie make of there that In toning up the mue:clem• Take care WICK Dido of the throul, and ut the Lt your own linen, white four-in-h:uu1 tie. For an even- g• 1
to emptily only a conal who under wulrt these ptittr are again IULI w1 6 he wkly. way U, eli+wre thio, In Ing wedding a full drerr sulk IN necer- exiling at the h ads +all suuda) sitar- tarp aaJ irarliew, and lit every pOs-
Air ea living, clay by day. stands her prufebrluu. neat precision. Titers) it no other fact, r to mark every Article dim- Nary. . --- ttaa0 ; but the yowl,) July may err- rill" and conceivable wa,Y reek to
Throat inatemage should follow the trimming down the (rout. for the ele+-' tlnetly tour characteristically will, fet.arn art lite to du t, 1f rhe pre- further their ttutrlmunlnl lweslblll-
N'lth willing feet I year along i � herr itis to all at that time. 1 I ties."
In the pails* that I mutt tread, throat exerel•,e.,. The operatur should guncs) of this walst depeuds wholly visor tidtbild or moue ram. Is it proper for a gentleman to --- i "Hut,' I lnquirPri, "if at the end
Prood that I have the strength unit . n"" the+ wringing movement and upon the general net of the, collar, I Thum the mnrkhag ut tiara ham he
vt-"ur a white waistcoat with Tuxedo It n girl wtth w1N,tl a yaatng man' of the two year" she were still on
skill should ruble the throat muscles by the way Ilia sleeves are put In, tilt; come a much more imlmortant matter to IJha theatre? What klttd us, tie'able
To eara my dully bread. massage from under the chin up to trimnerr of the b.hck and the ryuare- than formerly, and It to worth study- bass serum, urwit to
during the having
to oln.l u suitable, diie verban , or
the back of the ^nrr. team of the coat sleeve shublder. A inn, accordingly. ltetuduilr. - rummer astir law R, call u1inbed � fiavfic fw[rtel one, di,t, wit him would
flgoruur masuage, with so upwnnl witiet properly ftiteid on uveae Imes Markin la embrolder is of course, t tvluto uxedawalatcoat is not correct . and lit mistily lair a pi he Iforhitended I bit her is xtes with
what would
1 belong to flue "lower clunes"- D 1 Y g y Y with a TuxP1Iu coat, neither Id a to ab mo, would It be proper for Ism � be uta• stator with the Ladles' Sel[•
T►aut'r u piiruru ear u/tuu west- rotary mutton Jost below the ear, Ir Ir oalldd the F;nKllmb waist, fur ft Ir Infinitely preferable to using Indel- wWto tip. A black b,w knot to cor- to mute u viii' without list flrsol writ- Avadeting Sit iety?"
TIn"ru are some who racer at work-
also bcpeticIAL Ile accepted nue ubrowL ,hie Inks. Nova• iday• the device Is em- rest. In rummer when it mare Infer- i Ing unit t.htulufng Icer permfamlwill At hearing which Mr. Gustav
Ing girls Astringent tokens are useful where I brukiered right can the ►pokfy of the mal style ,If deers IN allowed, u white I, lh,tip,t, Ycwnglelb beamed whlldactloa.
tr they Darr us oa the street, the skin Is t:oticeaablo,flabby. Cordaro W&Islg. shirt, about an inch from the lower �Patrta,fat im u,motlrned worn, but ! 1
They they
al nal In 2 the street. -- y left la4d trigs -of the button. if ttte y(wttg mealy law aNno the "Now, thet'r art the beauty of the
Thu Dung cornea ut New s'ort's Trio Initldr pray tin halt an Inch never to the theatre, unl) when din- young gettteman to tet her know ire- wtwb. Maim",' he mall, teJumphaut-
And ttwar laps era ruoru will curl, L lielts is Vogue. Y frig home. flora hr calls, it will be moire cour- Iy. ",,1lf mile don't find anybody to
ArN1 sumellmcw we lit us, them ru) - R UXI are wearlgg corduroy shirt In height, or. It preferred, ane and a —_� lotnod Ln titan to allied a note say Inge , ault her, or the fellow 'goes back'
":flh�r only u corking girl." The belt which at title very second waists for their trumps dally in half hes. Mueograms usually run WW ysea klrully Inform m* whether I that he ti►tetY101 tel do No, rather I loan her, rhe W permitted to with•
lroWr the center ut lie curl l's at Fifth avenue. They select the dark from IaDoh up to four Inches to
green shuder, butN,ue.l down the height, tarounHirg tae etiquette ivldlr calling, I tical• to call without at /fest notify- draw her ceilings, with Interest."
only a working girl! Tltank Gad, tentbn, tat art of It which IN tither friends-ladles,come In, If N ling her ; fair alas± may hate Nome rea-
\\ lttt willing ueuldr dud heart, P frost with big sneer butwur, nod 1 Oil will sldrtr these rhauld be Pm- Mf t HAD RAZORLESS SUAVE.
Able W roto w) deity broad, Intereetexl in the winter ehirtwutrt. they, choose liar, rinwgu J,lucr, tentlo hroWcred n white ; un btu" and 'w prv,prr to rhe and fntresducp; also ani foe wlrldt to b" apprised 'Lt —
Alid la Ilfu'r halts lata. my port. is tiro O&Lo that ung two 1Aicklem, one their lig rarmylikr. fastenings. Ther" white *hlrl b btu,+; anti on real and when others take leave, lg It proper advance of lair coming.
You could offer me sea Lite . In the middle of the front anti One 'are browns, too, browns galore, to white shirt In,nd,�If desired they _- Now lie Would Like to see Investor
1 would be more proof to owe;
Corduroys, nn:f the wufrtr that are may ho dotes more limn one colon of vier.
1 stand as, high Is) .right us, God 1n tho sloth" of the back. This may Ydlr��' 'all -R"- - &-"--1✓ .P.r'-P1 A16'1PAgEze
midst, [rum nny'of these tire Ruud• Aa ' It would not be well for the man
An tiro queen ulvie her throne. be a shaped bell, but It naumt be Thu corduroy watt it very much I Iit-They any iN wife drove him to (� INSURANCE SOCIETY TO w'►nu .invented the ruzorlerY method et
shaped by someone wilt) uwlerrtundri liked muds ria a Norfolk, with a drink. N. I shavings and who has been adver-
Xe ,elle felftr, who pride "arse les t111a how and wherefore. , wide plait each ride of the middle Slit -Yee, and t • lowered the re-
living throughout lite country ills
Ugrn your wea Band Mirth, ' kite back vial nr,e Paula visa of the cord. PROMO WEDDED BLISS. I "PUYy, rare, ywuk awl sure" mP,nar OL
P I Ttr+ brooklet to the leek to the ease middle of the front.- Tire plalt la
Ault halt wills. worn on those who of than belt with two buckles I,
stitched upon enol I.Idu sod to very a444444i4444t4+bt4i4t4444 removing hair frac the ftwe, to "all
u ave I tiro one that W for dhow. It to I lit the btlleu of the Assistant Attor-
Na ht efee but hoariest worth alts I flat and train, not hose, uncertain 4 ; ney=General for the 1ort-"filo, De-
ulf upon a ribbon and taker ItN ,1,11•.• t •
Your castle birth we Italian ft) ,corn, iinil HUMORS OF
gright in the middle us, lie !,act• It baggy, utl Nouns plaits aro + t L.*a.Ys fl0 Order 1011 a asitias itis AvOW fwrtmem t protest the
cufraud not e
oV I enforcement Ot Uoe fraud ureic,
For we lia,►d blur w our creed- may be one of those long, narrow t ben. n be Itase. + I { Old-1Malds Ip.
"That aWle are gentle nave lite ane Iwekips which mato the waist took ♦ 1HE TEA -TA LE. 4 against hero. Ho would certainly meet
\flu a patio deer." ten lengthy &all slender or 1t may In these daya of chohix the mat- t (Nqw York Herald.) ��pq with the warmest welcome ever no -
Iso a &Luse up -to date thing. ter or calor can always be arranged, ottFtt4Ntttiti+++t Ota ,Lr-. da'rr??p"�..-'O,-.w � s- �.2e�,a2o�2PPL�'3t9► (uurdexi a misguided inventor. and In
We are *o the "lower clawes," which the ulgnulad negro ahrsaeags}l
But the id tier ureal tell one Of alar tory newest of the back- and It to elapse flim; , got crib- t ci rt:aiu wurtey uld Sect tea I who serves AtU,raey-General Types
Y 'Dt of -flu• -waist IAacklcr looks Ilk, threw remelts from t111+ judicious, ora of rib- ' Insurance ngulnrt alit waldcalwud, the t gas young girl was umia o7
King bwklew and, Ia1Pe+1, It 1,+ three t&Y- bon and visor. J who 011.2-1) 4ititwl tars dough r'r help for the luvelorn, hope fur the for n gni rrertpt, who the burfoers the \1'hetswlrluure wrould b,tn prominn
ll,sty when the, lain to Glary
Lime down uy earth to dwell, tenet utuferneath I.a mime way. ,'Isf- Upon the shirtwaists there nn+ '"ke",leJ to tea. 'Pur feYLhte bit d tiN,k.ng sun sto;•ped trratching Wait
Fut with the ricb and mighty, LDa there are there clrculnr buckle+ cur graced with, both L ker'r bre ubluve l and the unlovely -theme us," keit up Into the young girl's Ince rent censer of the rrcepuua aommlt-
Nentti cast lace daxur, , "hoax, and few aro rho dressy RA1rLg and taus, -made soo:►cr. 1'he uuu vena+ of the 'Ixnerl enc ear nrtl of y tee. Tile inventor o the '7nwrlese
y Im caught in buck c trash'on through the that do not Nlaow from ouu to -three y 1 am mach rea to ma "N"h&t text ?"
But wl.!r tit" pm'r to"1 Jowly silt. ?hey ma tx in envie, which sun cur uwervred to le' de+ut,ul( Is), F'Iret Amurlcrin Lndwm' Self -Ar- " 1 blioulel prefer a main with a stark Ineth(xl" knows h,,w to catch the
Ire choose tins make His home. ! P of thew. These as,^ seine he In Ina- h•wae.f chielly to the b&ker'r duan- ting Society, recently locortwrat- moustache," hearing which there cum I foil of g public, us, to rfiwhi by the
are so pretty. or In steel, which Ir ribbds. Ilk c or materials lith heavy, In tine The. uul man, Wald iooar it us) o, at Albany uudar the laws of the u suppre•rrnf giggle from the data. I following Oil
-titch Dar
ribtoein, tit chiffon or In velvet, and longer. Sta of New York. " A dark mouDtacht•," echoed the uppefared to t'rrluug newspaper,.
He was axle of the "lower claueq" in the hearty of the handmomert ones f' printed In bold black type and wits
And tial W toil tui beeped; ^tihul'r wrong wl' lite ranee, Is) etch thereat and In ex Oct.0 rsrlA the undermeoring under the most
k1, poor that oftentimes He had titer, nePtlps tae fashionable romp. Tam't" lion I. the society on et. ]0 " A dark nwuslaahr," scratched the
barely there never was u season , 'Oh,, nettling, John;' said Tum. tanned hp following dos er, which pen• forcible axyrerslonr and the whole
No place to fay Lilo head. 'g R followed by exclamation points
Hs kuuwr chalk IL lr to la1[or when the nrtiltclnl ro.eg was one-half ••Wee!, the maw that cation eat Our 1s being Istrlbnted widely through- " How olt? nmked the mattbA.
And tw the long day through, - - as much nu,tght alter nor a smoson Nascy's bmikun' will deter get wr -out the rl1e. and one of which " I am not par•tirulnr," replied the "Throw away your ravers, gentle -
when it w,tr nosed In more ways. The woo Maggie:" found Its ny to my door. girl. "Anywhere from twenty to men• throw them away. Try my pat-
--- ']lie Inco ,rotors, whose names thin r" eat subrtuitoc. once, Only once• ger-
newest cfhou mete show the roan 1'td, nal euniedhat akin to an In- y tle•men, &nit you wilt never um" a
- .I!AICJIAlI Jik:._AIiIL. uostltng In the tulddle of the Chou. - Cid"t Of � ►a:r amltlaaj. nature mA vacant 11�-Z14�I'Irty
y- appaas at . east- of _Ltta.11sculus�--._ef.-J-_ Immaterial., ant - fe and
and, ba+rides, they chow n race ttnng- which uce11rsetl ata fatmhudry to aro alt woe lttg people, comp of prrferterl," ,,raped the pop. I+ j -�
ling from the ehoq until 1t hanall the North. Trio p'oughmen and then, middle a eel men, with ruin. An oM thiol will do, Oh, ally (cure-ptver weave out, and always
milgsaeflk Which Anxiety sa a Wor tat the end of a ribtam. A thou that other servants about the pace were it", among wit the profit Is to old thing will do,"` hnnimrd th0 (pale , CPLalntl tis power. ,!'rite to ms.'
a►'orate. And tuts all ptupte wrote. Mall was
wAm pleoMl upon the bust ad a gown enlertuiaud to tea one Furteru Eve ix, dlc Wed, niter payment of tea- yoke rnxW the ruin\. delivered by the hundredweight to the
I don't support there's anythlsg worn by Ile pretty ]Iiia May Goeiet tShrovo Tuesday/. When tea war cruldg policies: A Aerials@. dtusisesu. I Inventor. 1'cople wrote and called
- - In. lite gips ua Itslf -the._ Writ _ _
recently hn,t two narrow ribbon+ ready title mlrtrerr vitt to Rate "Sax;' remuuhtrrtt
Tastenel to it, and on the oTh�r end w-- If term*- - _ Notice to.the alone ! t1-hI[._TungllPb, t the sit gr ever d tit" en 11 lu me -
worry that a seeable chin doer! It "Uruw In your chairs noo, and he! n~. IR h i yoke. Tills r a I. ,OR
us bums- wTh-ad a greater rti n Chub OofumbW
of the rib`aon•i there hung n velvet P We hereby beg to no try the .tin- nems. Thin fs x eor nlitin dt)ing T1no Allurn�y lieuerul'N O(flce al -
Come" sit gra.fu:ally we don't dig- a raise, dappling billy four lachaw b •- y-oursel'N, and uiiisi a be bmagh(u'."
cover Its presence until veno other An.lrew, the urrnroan, he.pwl him- oilcan pubic that a ociety baa IAisipteN touter liar lit of theFttate I w,a)r keeps in' touch with everything
low the C!noa. Bo mare, In trimming been organized by the n ue of the of New Turk, nasi here n our char- Out of lite ordinary that goer through
canoe *rya lwlta a spletulaJ smile/, sort to x cake, of slaortbrentl, dna au -
n your hnndgome shirtwai ts, to Ism" First Ams)rkah Ladlem' �:- f -Asset- ler," flnsii:n a formldn a document the mrilr, Knit secured one arf the
i/y drat ! 1 declare yau're gut u p other, anti an(Aher, till that good R
nrtifieiar roves In plenty, for you get lad fag ASNuclutiun, for Ulu pit ro of brier" tluc merry qurartette. "mubvUtutes." it cram u little o�
double chin !" and we late tier forth- ter flnP.rt rennit9 in that mnaner• ) probably fearing that he would prut,cting and assisting w en In 1 had been w•{taemr-,119 tike final lung cake sd dome Pubdtauce thsti
with, aye, even beybu•I foregivenem", detour tile lot, 6nnded him a pint,
Tito tact is, dear ladies, we should "Made:' velvet hew" will •bit spry their prutrlmuuful affairs. formalities of tion registration of an luuktel aump'.rtauNly Ilk, paste" stone,
uI torr bread ash ] urea of home-made
Iewk eor best between rue Year* much worn end the velvet In thorn ♦good standing member for wo netlre� member if the tk knit
Attsls" and Ile &c,"Iln uyang circular dm-
scopor, gray lsq- P+V g VroNw
of J3 and 9u. Flirt. Theu why In mast tiA. of a ♦cry hlgtn quality. To Try some o' thin, will ye, An- ywtrr, tii a ritlop toe! ei can Lod[ei Sett-Apstetlnlr Society, fetid thcat.lt wrurtu tin rostrad firm-
. tr• extremely up -to -elate theme vel- drew, t You'll find It vera nice I,. $1 and ..3c. for a constitution ^tat I h4?Wl how let Mr. tiu"tav Yung- y back &nit forth across the slllu
guWotys' name .are we either too tet rods and loo p". Indepd the whole and 50k. monthly dupe, it entitl lleb tell you wiry much a society ofte•• the face had been lat:terel, an-
-_-_- W-foo-sur"KUY lit utiahlle'agcY t deet,"- - -= - FDwet two y _ exist--li+a.'4av lj4Zs the derived result waa.tktilned.
Wil do we tial a alUttl and lelow bow, mast ts6 satlfFltfitsiS ttlsisad of __- theins you, t it r (
7 R -Itle
velvet lined, and they mast ba large, from $:200 to $30J. I procgperous exist and Jewelle , nrr! lie niptlsengrrr cane, ncroaethe gum
the belt ami wily, Oh why, Joey f 1 ` Andrew. ' 1 dlawn earn for ony o' pe understand that this circular o r of tlut officers mad chief pro- rtitute for u rasor aril was nine]$
the face un f ares and netts lu,nw not at all suggepting the skimpy lit- •Jour rnaey brow! : I'll flat tat' s
therlf little l nev . au that mend v velvet bow worn upon the shirt- bit tapir o' tl"+ blip!" might lmprrwg you as being a fraud , err of the organfzntton, alta kith Dae.+sed. Hr, revel flap c,rcfilar in which
watt A, year a 1 L Lr or a hutubuR, but we went to as lm t rxp'nnntiult almast coal fur I it war wrul.pMl urN1 cam delighted.
out sy+►rr run everywhere ? -�-__S - ^$__.. __,________T im . ---- � efts+n that eonntrZ-pee- -� the pulAw that cis are a' legit!- -cos Inn gave it to tier--. _ He had lolig Leen llwkilig, be raid.
Because. That'm why. You recugulze Drudge y of a Wife. D w rMulre fo b^ praveed W partake ntnts body, acting under the Tawe "Tl chlef aim of the society I.�to fur something to obviate the danger
tike reason being a wtasau. 1 kuuw, 1 have lived u gad long Uml In the rtily of whatm•er is going, but m New tort Btate. and that our help -' acts fuel girls to find Booed � of cuts, gusher and the like, yet
air! It's queer you didn't think of wtx•It>r I hove suede sequu,ntuncem by a farther whllut entertaluing
some hush etc and estabAsh comfortable , would du the Job acrd war beside
q Y boob are alone open for leo to-.
Ictal before! 1 recant, the uecknrul hhr'hundred; Irinda*-,.ut ,u many. vlPltors to tea, "acme did so In a ala• Iw �s• ^ens nick, sale and sure." That
1 tion to any one who deialres to to- ! y• q
throat tlituuil ise rice, beautiful Luukmg ick ulolu 1111 LI1N people 1 titer un -h a meaner by exclaim to ,t.� I him, maP ty Is no JAkA any more night he took the circular and the
from dL "to (F0 than eat any other !care known 1 cull aearely ray Uhat —0 the guests: Igate, lit marrl a I^ a Joke. Its n u urates of the ratwrlews method
rerlW of a wuw:ttl'r hre. hi g '3tick In, Mae, ,ruck In ; Mr. Broon's 11he condition of society at the pP •
i Ur numoer ti[ unhappy marriages I ):,•scut time• which forner girls to r,tty meriou thing when n woman Isamu with film.
But It Is In tau full opulence of twvo personalty w-itiwome d has been list" twit scones &held o' yr." 1 marches middle ge anti finds herself Tate taext mvr tug lie came to the • \
• % hard for n ttan
her scout that n wtrunu'r throat +try small indeed, says the lute Sir Sandy Shaw, an lrorte«t country; I .a I enough prr S, DI , nn old nits, d with nes pros- aria:, with ups) aide of him face
her bat re truly rinaatng. ,flatter Be«ant. By far the larger "bodd's,' g.dng up to London for the y ug t for l n a ' im pacts before her ut the charity of , phlnture+d Lilt, laud told m harrow- ;
andflr.4 ttm•, wan inviter by a frt:•nd to ne•ctopitles, tar leu v -_ y
It is a mirtutic to consider an foody, t of wives hate otceyted eaeeF for the future, Iu'i lithos or the D rhouae. frig tale a mispd the
confidence. er
iu,l teyr at am Iain al l a Sandy it wont, And
ehxiguted, crauelike deck elfin,, � )' the p,.atlla of huusrkreper and nit absolute nooesslt �"' ✓ Love Only Ina dental. Nakl` Ike had road lite cls -War over
art unxi. Isle have karat I -oil* • for the at4=r w rm" gm all talk w:hU•+ the I and- h
. gracefW ne►rthotle. y ra that the bib will -• G^ atoll In r several tiniest to erandl, a It.msel.
!taw, I've uuu to considerable a:'W,Imando and cidirrea 'AIN happt- lady and left est the two friends tea "Ae2ttlmerrt Well, guess not. with tine situs opernhdl, and they,
R &Lawn lm their own. L111_v lend tela ,act the, tyro friends percehing the radv:i, age*$ to be Thlm Is tmrinevm - girl tly busl�rees
trouble to dtmt•over how to ward derived and assist In this psWe ef- after lathering has skin, hall wren- ,
self there nlRoutiuuWe 'Ysaus brmace- At:uhy elf them have kelt Ineruse noticed n pPrullar ezpren"Ma on Thin Noclely IN orgailx, onmtrlctly ,tied with the little cake of, Rome-
8andy's face and asked what was fort. ! business rind les, Ilk an trance �Lhin that Iex►tex] lite u
wiRh Ulo Pahir rt Intention of ink- D
lerto" tlt.al vette just under the All Information and px Iapatlons 6 p mice until
yaw o wemupu, alum usleew you'to lag n bun• b,nntlful, which became wnmlt. D company or t le Iro Trout. limit dont tun nearly removal the ride of his
It a.;nt]nuul fe.h.,t for thamrelteN, &n 7s, wt'gen[locne;' pielAmed Fundy, cars tin had farm th1 rty handing N;ny, nntrrwllanl rao, ttnt tit rebn't 1
patience to Follow the directions lace, but without making the slight -
patience ns the "floe members of rte him eyes fixed upon a lar,;e dish or you this circular, or cora Mr. --, any rltrh th'iaW its Love anti senti-
don't .read any further ; hot If you Nu. Enol -- street. went, last tit., rsL imprPtlNlon on at two day
house; for all taeno Imtroam the Igttuopm, tit" principal feature on y aris inc•L1enL*Im, ere -
du, In falx weeks you'll marvel at Title. dslntty ya,thful little gown k je t .. - growl, of h:atr: HP said rude things
tette change, that tin. It You ig �-a Af1Fm, rod- rcr6e:.-watt rr �`uy � h"� -= a -fit thea LAble. G[Plat BUlhl mm� d1v.�gr Hopin}I yea will glue title mnttpr ly ltcldrvilnlN.. wfsr(i_.it._ a- ,
Inndlao to - k, ` - btmt Vie IMvretor of the-rasorlers ----
1n time. FIrwt, let me may the short, narro vest amt collar of tucked Th vt, as, hes d,u,lgmv an I monot,ny, >9 �'�Tr n r^bbTt. ; OW mM emiekiprnt n, we rpmaaln, poor girl mnrrylftg.. - tethol that was strongly fndors-
mouse IInP. Thr straps. necktie^not t• there a•me lit n n►nn'm work? Where chitihem form part of tui fraternally yours, "Marriage, for our east side girl �'
Rock neck shoul.l be regarded with p . company at the, te•A table there tin a,l many tineas over by the welters
Think ti( Ila nr,nulony nkat dna P' Fluvt AuarrleaK Ladles' Stir-AsgUl- nla",at dpvmnlrat er{xm than dot, 11n-
te+nr atul trembling by its possess- lair are of ♦Nuel or n darker i of the letters that began to your
try of a city rlergyrllnn'R Ilfr, Whip 1rnArinbly coxa^ little hre•rach of etL lit Aasorlwtlo&• lewd, t)f courNa. Ulu is hukyept)nglt
mu• for the short-naeltexl woman dwde. nal-tto modal wtdch nerves to Net till g to be a ten thousand dollar beauty I h on the AV@iott y -Gene ovl'ser
every day he Ina to tramp nmund q
lora( ty anulldlating . dot the uble chin - �- --- r of the- the ungrateful alums. Th nit o tit^ w-rio"Is trrx[ght" "le. r•uunt ih wumany flight" oftemtnprmtI or clever enu,agu• to wLr the love of palet s t ltile�In" ntor�s, ndvertlae-
early In life, an.l worst look for. I w tnehbnnblr, or In wlh•Pr, which mntotony and dituivrory of the sex• A Rlrrn 1poklnR old army afflrrr fount! Sir. Gustav lost eU and Mr, n man JMa by her little tricks furl ( me , whkh rewf: "Try my pat -
war.! to cream:em lit the neck and to a fait with so manyawomaatt, tar goLttg Ma dally roundii. Think of at tea cmc afternoon 'nt m hleu'1m Abrahnin „alter skiing a land offure n11 a. Hat when girls work hent elft boatltute otecA-only once, gen- .
drudgery of the hvwlvr lett A ptecis of cake fall. The
all day, in fru torte, foal sweat shops, ; S..- -
to a flabby Hader chin ,,arty lit tile A back Intuklu tint is cora 6y the mupoto[ty And hint Imminent; In one small front room of thmer ane! -
fOrties, untew she have the pall- ninny or the moat fashionable dress- modld'.or, alwAym drawing up ,adieu it. #ami : Intl" five-year-old, noticing lilt past alai tenelnent• the m"ht tray ice fill
levo mtch time to eithertI Yntor alh.�nee or never
cases, the wtsdsnu and the persist- ere In ink mtrlpm; all the parts coming dot -um -ata In the lddoo.im Imal Jar- it, sksA1d: �• practice up tin catchy WP,va us, to
logpther Al 0e ml,ldle, but hes arat- grin. fit). The Monotony of life, I am "Pick it up, pirAvr." h,,,completi o the society, pending Improve what gocvl looke they have. I officials unlit that the remark was
rtico to fight Ott the settling down D the ev,mplptlem-! waw told -of inure sufficient!. &Leine the literal truth
and relaxed..eoaditouP w1ach lead
Ing top nal iottom. Tide maker a g11ltr-,nrr, IN pretty evenly ladlpd Thr o1:1 tth the ualootnttngly it 'w girt hna rs-laticr•P t)8 frirnda
to these Most ayoeodurlble condi- WLIA Iwtklr, narrow Just whore pan out to working fain or wekckdPrl vette. evompllM with the rrqupnt, when commodious Wait elegant offices elru- to prootic thto dot aid ,.lip 1s half � tea prt+clw the luteulor being
tions I would have, It narrow --at the middle What I have said over And ovpr til" child 101d: any good Iaokfng nl"• neeln't worry alnnrgevl alt fraud. h onn finally
&I"1 ,1.. moist stool maintain, "urn► ent It." The most prominent rharactrrlmtlr mer In about the future• but saji, Nur 'le•efded, howo er,' that the Inventor
Tan neck hl properly -he column of of the bnrtt. ^k^ y 1'mbnrrAgming as trip, Incident err- f thick oflce war the vociferou" IN ht)mrly anal plain, And has not n 'if the razorlAs methal had violated
the hrtul, and w,hep galla symmrtrt- I Trio front es,f tit+ tauklo had bettor tnlnly was, the stern Old sotdler merittching of a very lad leen drlrpa cent la title world save her weekly the spirit, If no the 1AL1er. Of fire
cal- should be t► little wider at the be email, unlemn nue In Palliser very - I rnatdn't here smiting at the comm&nd- violently over & IMiger by a middle- Inc, and hr ham accordingly Loos)
bnsA and at the top, with the tlrpelrr or very mit" Ip after PrrPrtn. CRYINU BABIES. I Ing nttitndp of the pert little fellow. ^gpe] man of nerdewn mien. Four young ; vv`nge'r' hl.wAlletnl.-N. Y. Man's Washing-
grn:lemt of Inward sl toward the The wldo front clasp ban a Wray {perPt)us, three girls and a man, mat I What Chance lists ,)bots tin letter,
copes Another Indy had Invited n few
Middle. of mating to, abdomen Prem premi- - on a red plants worn, waiting their I "Not w ghost of a chance. Aa east -----
mat, and is riot lveromlaR to a"tsty. TkeCty of aw /efawtls N.lere's felPnrte_to tea end Tamm}', her little wttfr the mea -of ttm mA _-
The ti Irst A e -Wee. - - - - ton, ane ct)nsekgnentTy Tnia(rsoiecT to •y pro. tR(Ta ftl1i FtrTi ItFIC 1b halt, nflrii,jftt to H,rrrg t'1rwwR'tt RPply.
g Tlr little muni Iwvr•kle. the marital- not of DtrtreRa• a be on him boat be•h Mar. Trip convpr- This yoxrng man looked tit the relltng money to buy the furniture, and the 1 Lt Hung; Chang visited hlluterphl&
The first line of Age, according to , hon, the clrrl�, the elnap, the lit- Pnttt)n at t&hlA having spoon, ant- awuf the girls "LIced at the floor land very leant sup can cumfortnlly bP-' tit September 3rd, 181)6, )pit Chns-
the French, in the mark around the Battles never cry unless there is
tip no -Matter -what ornnm"llt, so motel, our young frtrnd waw entlrviv, will, the, tetTulPs of tightly rolled gilt on W$ -00. Our N•W-noo for fur- F. Warwick wnm Mayor. a pro -
throat --the necklace, no they call It. , tong nIt Ig small, Iookit well I" rotaP very goal renson for it. Tire fa
+rRatteah A. few minutes Aft&rRrdw umbreilnm tritest out tl,ee faded red nishing thin nonerfeary l)_W Is very epPsL,n started down_ Broad street. -
Thts line Is followed by two others nil waists and can in, drawn flown cry of a baby In nature's warning It a mafh^r naked the servant for a mossm In a mmi w.rre hrnmetais ear- afm�le. It was -soon filter thin that ayor
and Im "ailed thA,'pnug bracelet. I In file mlvorsnl point. Nfggxaltlent.thcreimpnnrl+cingwrvu:K. Llano plate. ,pill* Ilorpn, nrtiftrinl rvmepg, ntM seri "Whin n glal j(lln• ihr soclpty the Warwick ppinthig to the or*cern
It duns not in thea ler►At Nlgnfty I t►dd Wedd,nx Illnits• nhet fadf•rt, hloamrd n xon the dpNk of >R II
erepitudr, but rather tv11 of that i Every nuttt►er ouaght to getto work "tau pun have mina, mammals, said r pays nn Is, perkrn ter of LSb the w-Yh r E the streets, ends: ` i
fullnPmat or npa11ty that comes Junt At n certain Lrrotion church, the Tommy "thrre'n nothing on It;' tun gcrlt", Anel n pretty ye"nng girl flftq revntn per nulnth 1I11PN. At the ]'ane Excellency. Philadelphia a
hmitahnloly W rin•1 out wlu.nt that A little girl wng invltett to rorty steal cto"r• tor, Watching the hand a xplrat4ln of tab tpa" mho III ramou" for list npnatiful women."
brforn the waite, nod that endurem, gaidrn troop not being In evidence, one • d
call the b/ridAnIMALU cut ou a lock of something wrong may be, If the At n trlend'P hang^ on "hntm,Mk that drove the noisy Pers. entitled to froom $" Irl to $'.00, ex I Ll wmrr gnlr+t a few• minutes one If a wavnAn tnactre hour tea tete fere - n Alt wall Ivo rr-Ions, ao ortittt+r-'rrr At t1y WTITeTI An"rael d. wn,lin a ue lhe+n mnd'+ Ihr+ fnm,nh" re
of heron,lf, far lett) the sixties. I her hair And handed It to the pro- fretfufnees aNnl' irr,tiiiuu are nu. night. After ten the company
o pony In h R IN `"
w"I" enppllrPd In by the ram nn In flet, that ones might have thought Lhr+ mtrnnegth ..f ihr strlpt} be ihr 1>iy
Tile Vellum bracelet nerds app 'Ars' evlmr'ttve hnmloan•1, aha, to ihr amueP• caused bycxtctwr sourcca, it Is eon- p ! I "d have, nit *ren any yet:'
I WAIO&, 44 &ll alacut. t1e`tilY lmlx[O- vw-ryksiewaeo general and by the ymengrtPrP 1n .- _. - ---------- _ _.
serer, AO or A!s. tNtetl tt rihacvs no FM Yl+•+4h"or +nB ►y- uirtlonl&r; ani! inn went "UiaT and
viers w ria which nnrwered nil the f I
alga of Approach before culture
R !o ill. TJ& only �tatC,awl .Jwldculus inricpwa" Mwwvdn the (knish, when the -R ? r , "
PlyN1cAI and lacAt ru pplol will Mott forgotten. rot the DTA he find Po carp• thing tOlb im to aim:n,mter . Bnby'N ••meldptn bannock" wan put on the
keep the nark et4em r, Pwlth tial rNot lPoneOwn Tablets withuut the ell hlemlgirdle. It
Young. The rtrrrlrrg hrrrwltl given Halt long h to nt w chur(tlmilaih ll m delay. - l3 pieces, was ent
Pttlr uoonetthetIdeaobp- I
nrr exceedingly sltnpls- end can
be terga, English town n rhnilar gnnm For Indigestion. idee,I:emnt"s, the p R
followed by Anyone. I dary anasp. Thr, rpiontlo n war to findI Ing that this formers a sort of ,'dream i
I this ring, And an the clergyman WAR Irritation accompanying the cutting eake," to put under that, pillow on rP-
Nech Exercise. I lorginning to hemme Impsttlpnt ane,or teetw diarrhoea, const•pnt,•.,an. thing. Whpn the 11111, g1r1 was given ,
First movement : Stand erect. or thaw • present took a gold mounted co le, anti sings • levers, thcNe mar- her portion Rhe agtd :�
19tretch this neck to the right am far uuvl",cla from uta pyo, forcrl out tilelvedbue little tablets hate given rp- "No, thank you.. m&am I could not Croup, Bronchitis, Whooping Cough and Severe Chest Cold*
Nag possible. Hod(] n few seconds and hell In txouNaaMe of ranem &list mewed int nny more.. '
gleagn wait hearses the elm to the hua-
ten than tar tic uUirr any. itpimnt ►pant, who, with nanny thanks to the many pre+otuun Imaby lives. it not The hoar. a d anknet(] her
to what are Threatening
ten times originator of tltl- happy thoughL-Rttr a Clalld No rnllel "soothing" It WnP far. nn,l wstAcT h,r to pot 1t •
' Sreoml movement : Throw the head baths the parson continue the Per I anerth•inom; much only Nlupify tuill pro- In her pocket.
tatckward as fur as, you can, then Tien.•. Iduve urnna!urnl d;•ep. llaby'a Own "i enn't" rrpltpd the mile "It's It In the alit iters of v►At tort, exjleiNltra to aOld and dampness nod ch111M1 bt)dlos. Townrdn night the t
forward. Be acwrPfol In the forwnrrl A ring of lentficr, ent trnrrer•prrP- I Tubletm art, guarnalced to contain na inti Already ; hal next time rase hnarmenegm comes And the hallow, Crove v or g g
movement that you da not form n ly fr m tit • hrl'M+grrapai•Pglove, call on,• op; ,lilt- or other harm'tiow drugs; they hack to kstnnorkn i'll bring a ling- tut, rinnger And the Pud,IrnnesR with which lite little one+ Herr sometimes;Temn hpr'* tinitiety Mflhenforghp knows I
double ,ship. All thence movAmrnts cs rARlt)n. wrrvPd AP Peib"IfUtP. It I promote emend, hemalthy steep be- tilt r'--Ppap11 s Jonrnnl•yo,i think of '
Should be praetlrll bribee a amen e I r ll nhnAWny mna i and tMk�rm lonump they Ru (Ilrrrtly la thA rant of - - -_ the thouRnrelot of time•n that Dr. Clump's Ayrnp of Linmeod and Turprnllnif ham saved ttte liven of the little
local evmrAlakss are of the greatest 1 11 min had Rotten r+rrythtng really, bnhy troubl^a. DIRNolted in water ; 'Pnalhlr ItmehrlAra. Anew It In eCnrewly to ht, wrn,dnrpd tit tlul,t mothers hmrk Upon 1t with Ct)nfidetiew And aatlPfactlon,
throat. erything rxervrt the fill At the yrtrragnat infant. Mrs. „'atter Brown, well, tiprP is AiWAyA hopes for DR CHASE'S SYRUP OF •
Thit's dMel!ralme: Draw In w deep i nprxrintel hoer the larM, Plicuslas MIIhY, 4111"., Pity"; "I have never bawbelyrwa
breath And ettpel It fioWly, stnghig hosrPPif to her family, hurrl,•d to ihr spend tiny medicine, for hahy teat dud lie-T1nPl's so. it's never nhgainle-
e>a ePf fn that they will marry.— LINSEED AND TURPENTINE
o-/rIv r t'iQMt twenty t mrP chttroh. Th^ PeTvu r wn+ ptviegp+APd AP steel genal as iteby'g Own Tnb- 7
�tting And ,1111111. Tam will soon with until the hrl*oxnoom h•,d to fern. ketal T w•m4d Trti't by witmal nliffl.'• brorw7ft t.lfe. from In an Went rtprdirinr for chtldren eeMa,IPp It In rnmnrknbly r IAt to take ant Is parferntly ftPer little
the ring. Fern gevwi,t he wall. Itah,,'R Oevn(J'eMrtParo far motional.- hln it IR oar. nal tun few rpmerllevfordLrnP a of the thrbiUf r d InnRmwhlrh lhturn hit -nip the ro41 ace
TO OURS A COLI► IN ON V, DAY �nPhtvgM-then off kith h'r glove,' nli drug star•R, or will 'tin sent tit- ' steps the Cough D
Tait* iw ("It wltIt talks keit nn l reatol wills; rtv't on receipt of prier (_b eentm n sad w'or\a ON Its* 1.014. writ An Ills- r nigh. Titer" are olherprr•pnrntlona of llnmrerl. Its' star" von pint, Dr. Chnow'm Syrup of LlnmpP(]
fettle dRMraOQntnln• TaNM. .VI pp amt Ca- saline, with ilk ►
.n4gifUrefsnd ih. mnner lr a ran. to,-n•o, � twn' cyto. there was tlis rlag.-Nt. tit) by nAlremala¢ thr fir. Wflliama' l,mxatl•e Hpmognlnlnr TaAlrt..,,re a r014 f'r portrait nnrl g nntnrr of II-. .\. 1V ('hn.ra m the .bottle. ltrlee _b Ceate; family *Na►
K Orev.'s stasaasn Is o• each boost. tde, ipals filar. Medials* Cb., Brookville, Oat. (a some der• No Care, Ne Par. PNea ll wsta three timers as much, 00 Oests, All dealers, or F.dmanaon• F1•ttes A Co., Tornnto. . , . , • .