HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1901-12-26, Page 1weeks
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. . .1902
OODWOH. ileo. *4. 1901.
1.11 Wheat 9 72 to 71
• sir, per ewe.... _.. _f 00 to 1 CO
sir, 1, per ewe 1 60 W 160
�.. U 06 te11 00
Otos, --- --_.. USO tole 03
Borers per •wt 100 to 1 00
Ry par bosh 0 r0 to 0 61
Bos&wkest, per bush 0 66 to 0 51
tO to 0 to
75 to 0 y0
60 C.�e� 1 000 tooll 6000
�olatose, • bosh., caw 10 to 0 3)
15 to 0 16
oar lb....10 to 0 u
fresh .peeked. Ip des -.- 17 to 0 17
.... _.. `._-..... _.. �W to t 00
.,,,,--. _ ..--.-..- _. 50 le 500
........ 5010600
Hoge., ....... ...... 60 to 7 SO
Beebe. _- It to 0 l6
Ham. Der 16.. .......... _ .-15 to 0 16
Lard. per IS 13 to 14
Dressed Beef, ten gawky 00 to 5 50
Dreamed Bf. Mad 00 to 6 53
Ordinary 75 10 4 660
Publlo NOUN
[RDF. 8. L. TAUBIi
l mehorAOT((51Ii0 orenClAN AND SYS
All klads of 8peoaclee and 47.Nl.sses made
Weeder. Special ansetloo given to fitting the
otters b7 mail promptly attwd.d to Be.
ware of parties using my time, as 1 emplol
no travelling •g,nte wbaever
4lstl.fe0tloouaranteed. Established 1972.
Notice V liegeby given that application will
be mad* le eke Legl•IsIIve Ass.mbl/ of the
Proviso* of °W'arlo at the next Sinaloa there
of lot an Act to validate and confirm • bylaw
of W Town of Uodertch. granting • loon of
$10.400 for the purpose of aiding In ,wtablish-
fyy• gemmae Hotel at the said town. and to
•alhorizo the tet* and payment of debentures
Solicitors for the Town of
Goderlob, the ■pplicoot
Dated at Oodeefeb the 25th November, 1901
Mrs. 8. A. epRIOLL, la ezteadlag her thank
to our eltlfe.s generally. asks for • motion
use of their p•troeage. Orden promptly at-
tended rotor m.klag up new fun or remodel-
Ilag them In ear W la Orsamcnts. etc,. etc,.
cumrhuted at hrooms. bid door B ak•'s
Block, ass. rows and Moatrw•1 et Y.1rano.
oat Motetreal et. 67.51.
hold their regular muting o t North 9t.
1st dad kd Toesd•y.of every swath. V1Ntteg
brethres always wet wane,
For Sala.
field Don.. Gedwtch tp., 113 scree 18S
Wearsd, haloes. hardwood, with • large
quantity of order o. 14 1• good Mused malt&
vatlest emelt agree fall wheat sad moulder
able fall plowing done. Comfortable' brick
hoose, large lora with stabling underneath.
driving shod sad other outbuildings. About
two scree orchard meetly winter fruit. Wall
watered - Dever Wharf endo([ creek sod two
wells. Heves miles from Clinton and three
from Belfield. Pon.esaloo at any tIme, re' an.
side terms. Apply for further verttoulars Ito
CHARLES 81MONS, 72 St. David et., Uode
rich. 63 1m
the west half of lot I.S, °00. 7. West Wa-
waoo.h. oomprisieg.A) eon.. Apply 'o 118N -
Hl IOWI.KR. un.geuoo. or to Mita Heft.
8•rr1tor. Ooderlok.
tit I 1 1 5 0 Lsa1L ASH0)11 hase, OR ON TERMSth.1loTO
moor sones with ax -roomed •ddltton,altasted
on Piston Strut. 1101( an acre of land with
all the outbuddlo.ts thereon thrown In For
further particulars apply to TI1E0. J. 100011
HOUSK, Barfield P. to Mdf.
LmORSALE. -WT9 95, 96, 117, 118. 119
I' sod it" l■ Hutohleon'e survey, 'fd
Goderlch. For pert*nlas apply to
florrister, to., °rich.
Month 1416, 19[0. Re-tf
end Burgeon. Moe In Bank of Com -
morns building, weed side of Sours. Night
cone at reeldenoe. 4141. s'. W. l'aon" 96.
Ilksuranoe, etc.
ANCE sad real estate agent. 0Moe. one
door asst et P. 0.. Goderlob. Agent for the
leading mutual Ern laminae* oom,r•etes and
feeding stook ° mhanl..
Mercantil* and manufacturing risks et
sweet rates. Call st °Moe.
A000n0taar and lneur•noe Agent.
Hooke and a000dn10 made up.
I(ntldinge rented and rents oollooted.
Fire tnsuraooe la British and Canadian
tree a1. rtaedtoot & Hayle 06*08.1-11 North
GRANGE and Real Moto* sweet,
rlre, Life. Aonldeetand Plate Ulus inearas0e
effected on mutual or rash plan at lowest
rater osaIble.
Ile r Koglleh and ('anadlee companies rep
ret ed.
OM :. next door to Uarrow R O.rrow. Bar
driers Hamilton Street
In (6, nedfler o/ Me Olsard(anSkip of l6r in-
riItft rAifdrea ofHorner Newton Dar of
the I1vws t,J oderirk, in LA, County
of Huron, gentleman, ltereae,d
Notloe I. hereby given Ihst lifter twenty
days from /the first publication of the notice,
•Pplloetl.s will be road• to the Surraute
Oourt et Ossa of Huron. on behalf of
the Treat Corporatloe, for on
Order the seM Corporation (tnurd
imo and 1v Newton. Infant
oh l Id Horace N.wtos. 4seesse 1.
at oh this IKh day of Deoem
their Sollaton.
Under sed by virtue of a pewterof solo ton
'tined 15 • *nolo m tearing nate the
IMh A•) of An.V5t A.D. 1 1 and *bleb will
he orodueed at M. time of safe, there w111 be
offered fee salt by mobilo •notion by John
Fergnmes. •uolaneer, N Pollook's hotel, in tho
village of Barfield. 1n the *flat/ of Hume, on
S•tarday, the ttt6 day of Jago.rv, A. D. 1902-
90*.at 12 o'o.eot .0.n. the follow<at prtp•K7,
namely : Lel. somber@ oae and wo o the
Atop "Y" a the MAIM of - Ba/'leld, 1n the
nonety of Heron. simeeleleg le &ores of land.
metre l es.
tram* cast
kit baa
soil le
f or g{{{
ear f
thenM earl a -hail
IID teat with fr.rno
rhe kar. stable. 1 he
tf air a
b �fE6.i
i'/ WiN.I..S8 or Goo par
e ate veader'..054.4-
, M..41h. [alis* within
Between all stations In triads. also to De-
troit, Motto, dad Pt. Huron, Mich.
81NOLE 7&RE,
Good icing IMo.mber M and 15, valid re-
turning on or before Deo. 11. 1901.
Good pang Dec. 11, 11, M. ft. 15. 1S. 99, 00, 11.
IMO, sad Jan. I 1901, valid returning on or be
toreJan. 9, MI.
Good going Deo. 31, 1901, and Jan. 1, SAN,
valid returning on or before Jan. 1, 1002
rang ANn orris TolINI.
(food going Deo. 7 toll, 1101. vaiid returning
on or bacon Jan. 10, 1971.
Purchase your tieket. •t the Iowa ticket
egeocy, whloh will *cable you to atop o0
(ward trate on arrival at station.
Oflto.hours. 6AM.ll) 16rM.
1).0'.A.. O.T.IO O.T. It. Ticket Agent.
/ Saturday Coto lost, a red pocket book
ootalning about six dolars, • baggage check
and return Greet from 011.to0 to Toronto.
insider suitably rewarded by leaving at tau -
Nat oaoe.
Towbar of Fletcher mos* method, will re
Delve pupils at her audio, above Mr. Natters
loeorenoe omce, Hemllt a street. For Infer
ot on apply rather at studio oe at i endence.
8t. Patriot • *meat
Organist sod musical director of Northa1.
Methodist churoh, and teacher of pianoforte,
will be basad to re
and theory.
c l v organ D
cele• pupils. Instruction given either at
studio or at pupil's home, se deslr•d. Studio
•t Emerson'• Musla Store. West -et. 71-11
Pubile NoUoer
lb, tort Deo* Brantford. Morita •ad
eOdewiob K•ti way Ctmleav will [Daly to the
Parliament of Caudle at I* mixt erasion. for
an Aot astendleg the thee for On eernmeeoe-
menr and oomoletlon ot i* work, changing tut
mance to the Grand Valley Railway Company,
reducing the amount of its 0091*1 .tact, and
authorizing the ea.trur poo of 1* lime In see -
Hound the tree of bonds with rempe :t to
such sessions and for other purp40s.
Dated at Woodet*k. On'arlo, 17th D•dem-
Mir, 1901. WALLACK At LITrLK,
Solicitors for the Company.
o`+ww solus apply N the andloe
rer wtp tbe�g� erg' '
JOif oNtteftKGO>RlN, R[LfirPidOy.
urtd tate 17- kr of Deesni•I , 00l 86. tot
Take notice that all sortiei"la4ebted to the
ciliate of the lar Thoms* F. Velars., former -
kr of the tows of Oodenob. In the oou.ty of
Huron, physician, who ,tied on or •bout the
17th dor of November, A.D. If0I, are request
ed toeettl their lad tbtednesa with the under-
signed forthwith.
Dated 18th December, A. 1). 1901.
1t HolicltOr for Executrix.
Notleele 0crobbyr giveatbat cher twenty days
trent the first publication of tide notice. spell.
eat ion will he mads to the Surrogate Court of
the ogvote of )fordo for se mire appointing a
guard 11gams of Margaret delay. • dsugh*r of the
eaPiyfoha.) J. Haler. dea'wd.
d lath Doo.mher. A. U 1001
P1111.0' HOI.T.
3t %Bolter for Apparent
an .oplirstlon will be made at the next
session of the Lettelature of the Province of
Ontario for an Act to incorporate • company
for the following purposes, among others r
it) To construct. equip, maintain and oper-
atean electric railway, rnhwsys or radial
railway .7q.tom from a point In or near the
town of Goderinh. 1n the county of Huron. to
the Tittage of Ihinnnnon, 1n said °minty : also
with tower to conetruot. equip maintain and
operate a Ilse of railway from Carlow, In the
township of 1'ollwrne, to • point In or near
Auburn. In said minty. woo thence to a point
to ororer the village of 141716. and thence to
Walton, on the northern gravel road. and
thence through the township or McKillop to
the town of Seaforth. and thence to the town
of Clinton, sod ihonee throexh the township
of Oodorloh to the Itsyfinld road, sod thence
to the town of Ooderioh : also with power to
oonstrflot etulo. maintain .od open[o the
following Manch filet, vie.: north from the
village of lilyth to the town of Wingham north
from Walton b.fonmontloned to the Tillage
of Rrnesrle. and thence m vrth to the v.lisge ( f
Weenier : oleo nom a point where )ho said
railway °ono** with the Reynold road.
thence south to the village of Hayfield. thence•
southerly through the townships of Stanley.
Ry and Steehen to • )scent at or near Perk.
hill, then.o through the county of Middlesex
to the city of London : also with power to con
strent. equip. maintain and operate o line of
nllwy from Donlon, In the township of Col.
borne, thea* through the township of Aeh•
fiebl to $ point In or near Klacar.ilne, In the
noonty of Rrnoe, thence to the [[hags di Tiv-
erton. In said county, then* to s point In or
near Port Elgin. In said musty, thence to e
point in or near 8 tntho-np'on, In said count),
and thence to • point In or near .VIsrton. In
the said oonnty of Bruce, and thenle te Owen
Sound. in tho county of Grey . al.o from the
town of Klnoard'ne thr3ngh the [mutat of
!tracts to the town of Walkerton, In said enmi-
ty ' and upon and over .non street". highways
and rands as may be authorised by the muof-
°fcollt es, ootopenlr0 or individuals having
Jurisdiction over or owning the same.
.r.1 T. amble the oompa07 to make ar-
rangements regarding the a*or sognleit ion of
streets, highways sad lands, and to exprnprt-
ate lands for the purpose. of the Dom pa"y.
(M To wnahte th0 o0m9aor to am.lg*mete
wh h. acquire the O ni. bonds. franchisee and
assets of. and to enter Into tram° or other
agreement' with other corporations, oompan-
lea or persons.
KU To make payments In paid up stooks or
bons for right or war. material. plant, rail-
way stook or other Dery Ines (crthertnd the
le) To mannf•ntwre. 8011 or Zeas* eleetrlalty
or .l00trio power to any p*none or currant-
orroration along any part of ler railways. and to
nonionot aaa operate telegraph and tole -
phone systems In connection with the red-
et-w• .
If To resistive asale*n0e from mnninlpol
tees or. Individuals by way of.nheldIeo. hostas
ee on the guarantee of M, nomeany's hands or
otherwise and for other pnrpn*rs.
i*1 To bnlld. .ognire, own, charter or leans,
oath/she and net seam and other vessels. and
to hnIM, oonetrnet and maintain all n00eantry
wharves and warehouser. piers and Aceta,
for tho humour of the eempasy.
(h) To enquire lead for the purpose of (AM
pfrnotingsad operatin` and with power to
cenStruM and operate. hold[. at mesh places
upon the flue of railway of the company u
may • n
Ila •OnAeMoh this 11th Ay of Deeem•
her. Ifni.
t'nllrlter for Applicant/.
amain of l l'rrlslraas Promotion Ex
•wl.atla0s Name. .f a.ueesful
The fullow!og are the cam.s of the pupil.
0bo paws.[ tn. promotion ezuminatlons
held December, 1901. The risme. are ar-
ranged In order of merit lo the miss of the
Meador. IV clam It was amply • teat exam.
Senior 1V. -Mark. obaie•ble, 450 ; to
pm.., 2i5 -Sow Bean, 342 ; Lena H•rlood,
; Morton Croley. 317 ; Bell. Wiley,
291 ; Blanche Keox, 284 ; Willie Control*.
267 ; Mary Pe)ley, 263 John Wor*Il,
256; Preston SStreog, 242 ; Walter [faun.
den, 235 ; Era Garottes', 233: Lotto&
Todd, 2.30 ; Myr'le Howell, 229.
Junior 1V. to Srnlor IV. -Mand. 8te.ett,
Irene Bissett. Jessie Strang. Alex. Mal..
van, Susie Noble, Norman Rombsll, Bruce
Anderson, Mabel Pollock, L:11•aa Nrmur,
Catharine Lewis, Dikes Reeves, lite. Mo-
Creatb, Donald McKay, Mia. Cart, Ve.t•
How all, Cootl Farr, den MoKl.00n,
Scaler 111 to Junior IV.-Edrie Tye.
Beatrice Harrleoo, Charlie TuroIall, Llzzse
Carrell, Clarion* Young, Harry Reed,Cl.re
Swart., Adel.tde Naito, Roddy McDonald,
Rrel►o MoDonotd, Flotenoe M.adsi, Ida
Thom*, James Wiggins, Gladys Whitely ;
Ehel Hoggaith. Freak Cuff, equal ; Trema
steer Thorns.. W1.ale 10.d, Ago* Dun.
lop, Balls Memo, Allan Walker, Miry
Wyllie, James MoVio.r, Mont. Book, Her-
bert Andrews, Myra Morrow, ; Nellie God
borne, Elio Robissoo, equal
Middle 111. to Senior 111. -Fronk Doty,
Lizzie Kerr, Arthur Ruoolmao, Helen Shap.
hard, France. D*trlub, Archie MoOIILyray,
°lady. Platt, Mslrtlle Rhyeas, Phoebe
Basoom, Florence Mot/3051d, Sam Audrewe,
Nelle Graham, Carl Worssll, Ermeet Hos
ke, Horry McCreath, Cr [sera Lan talon,
May Cornell. 'Stanley Masson, Carrie Copp.
Vera Elliott, Cora G.vea, Nis* Soloman,
Willi. youth, Hugh t)mndeoo, Mason Kell.
Grade 11 , Junior 111., to Middle 111 -
Ora Bates, Martha Mo(lymont, John Mac -
•cloy, Pearl hoox, John Salaburv, Viola
Pa mlogloo, Rett. Clerk, Gertia Gimbel cad
Brace Reid, equal, Ma'ai Mollunsid and
Olive Smith and Etta 6.0.tooe, equal,
Ballo Hoorne, Crowd* Compbell, t;ea*
Clat,Abigol Orinkw.ter, L'.A a Clerk .ad
Robert Carey, equal, Adele 10'' OIon and
Roadie dolmens. equal, John MolvorJock
Period! set.David Auk's. Albert Knm•kaw.
Arthur McOilllouddy, Boob kil.O.Irs.
De.ud Nicholson, John MoN*ylost Brost
Third Clam -Grade I. to Grade 11. - Jr,
111. -Morris Madame, Agnes Hamilton,
Mary Thompeen, Ne11 Maoa.l•y, Meivlll
Aodereon, Reygle Platt, UertIe Muonion.
('lues* S'ewar t, Elmer Well. ; May
'Domenic. Creek Murray, equal ; t% Ilhe
Barley, Herold J.k*to., Gerald Hay. ;
Wri.1 Cordingly, Archie Tom, Kl.onor
it siker, equal : Grace Vivian, E Idle W at -
.on, Myrtle Nine. l Fto Sallow., Aliso
Mstohall. equal; May Wll.00, Mary Scrim.
osier, notate, 1anott, All* Fraser
Cbrel.od R (hard., Maggie Molter, Moho
Smith, a oma Douglas, Jolla Lewin ; Lobel
MoGulre, Gladys Hoggarth, oval; Ernest
Bates, Flouts Colborn..
Grade I-Seolor 11. to olid III, --
Cecil Stewart, Maud Beacom, Hattie Beloh•
er, Thomas Elliott, Pearl Evans ; Viola
Jobnston, (era* Wise, equal ; Alonzo
Youog,P.•rl Maotlllhvr•y,0ertle V•n.tob.,
Grace M,010, 4. ; Nellie Handers*, Alex,
Motto., equal ; .1'1111. Martin, Gordon
Drink wither, timid ; Ernest Colborn., Bert
Murphy ; Harold Robm.on, May ?deo-
Bride, equal ; Mm• Kerr, Nelson Murray,
Rose 1)e Peachy, Murray M.aD.o.ld, Wil
trod i.wit:, Emma MacLeod, L'zz'e Muir,
[da Copp, iia Allen
Tb• pubilo schools will re open on Fit
day, January 3rd, and parents are unready
requested to est th.t the oalleiren are at
school the Oro day. R. ST,wART,t'rtnctpal.
The Brnrklya Times of t1.o.mhsr 7th h.s
this fell0wiea Item ding • former well
!trams Hereelte, whet praotlud ..wilei..
for many year. 1a /Worth i At • heege.t
Oleo by the S•. Andrew's S*lity of Newark
Ie that olty, Thursday silent, e.. of tho
spoken war 1)r J. M. Campbell, of 569
Lotman' street. Dr. Campbeli tespeedod
ably M tis beset "1'k• World'. Greatest
bwg•wrtler, Rebore Berm."
SI '.(1.V Ar iritmorN MOOTING -A gospel
temperance meeting will be held in the
Temperance 11411 nett Soodey afternoon,
commencing et 4:15 o'clock. Kay. R
Whiting, of Mitoh.11, will addreas the meet-
ing Oho] mesio I. beton proylded. All
.re Invited 1.0 be present.
Iltavy CHRIsTMAn MAIL -Poetmeeter
Galt nates that the quantity of mall matter
poising thtough the local cffioe during the
oast week hu henn the beavlest in year.,
being fully double that of any C6netm•s
time sioo. Mr. Galt has been postmaster.
0h, Ih,t it were enumeration week. Verily
the proeperi;y of this country doth stn•
Hutrvr. -"The Holy City, or The
Way of the Cross," company will not •p
pear at the Opera Hous* on Saturday as •d-
vestleel. The managor is arranging to
bring them here on some other oleht than •
Saturday,* as to wive eyery person e
chance to are this beautiful prodootloa.
Look for date later on ....The old favorite,
"Cools Toms' ('.bin," will be oat on next
Moody evening. Set the brilliant strut
parade ml moon.
C 0. F. Oetio so. -A8 the regular moot-
ing of Court Goderioh, No. 32, 4.. 0. F., en
Tumid*, 17th loot., offso.rs were elected as
follows for the year 1902 : C. R., Jas. Tait ;
V C.R., A. Ridden ; F.S , A Saunders
R.S., A H Davison ; ohep•, F. Flume* ;
S. W.. R Evans ; J.% ., T. Morrow ; S,B.,
W. C. Taylor ; J.13 , .los. Stewart ; trete.
urn, W. Looe, 0.1) , Mayor W il.oi ; C. M.
U., 1)r. Taylor ; trustees, J. Martin, J.
Stewart and W. Leeham.
A.O.F. UrvtcgRo -Court Maitland, No.
(1 097, A.O.F., hoe *looted shears as fol.
trig' for the year 1902: P C.R , Thee.
Kouahow ; C.R , Wm. Ko.eshaw ; S.C. R.,
Geo. Rita ; treasurer, Joo. T•noort ; *o
rotary, M. J. Whitely; St. W. Geo.
Smith ; .Jr. W.. Wm. Danks ; Sr.
James Donn ; Jr. iL , Jamar Smyth ; trus-
ruetam, Thos. Kneeehaw, Wm. (Make, .tae
Richard. 1 auditor', A. Kneeohaw, W. 0.
Bse11a, Chris. Johnston ; medical nttioer,
J. B. Whitely, M.D. ; organist, (ler. Smith.
Son. of KNOI.ANn.-Liverpool Lodge No.
140, 8 0 K. B S. on 6Vedee.d•y night of
lot week eluted othews as follow. for the
sender: term : Put president, .1. Richards ;
preddens, Thu. Kn.s.haw ; vice -pried
dent, Chu. Hymned.; .6•t�in, W. H.
haw ; tr.ursr, ,l, P. Walton.***
tory, Fred Platt; tnrreeo, J. B Whitely,
M 1) ; 1. G , Jos. Nohle; O. U , W, Pre
Moos ; first void., Ben Hngg•rth ; *mond
golds, G*. R*ttt.. At M. meeting of the
Huron 41.lrfot ledge on Thursday, 19.6
lase, R Warrington. of Liverpool lodge,
war, Mooted di.trlot deputy.
COI.I./,tIATS iNwrirrril COMORO. remit -
Ther* woe • lug* •t tramlines •t the 1,.110glale iestltate nommen*menl on Fnday
evening, 13 6 Inst. The distribution of
prlrw dad parelmen* toennowsstel station,.
war an Interesting preereding, and In •iAt-
t1in • good moaned and htar.ry prooram
wee presenteti. The program woe ep.eOd
with • vocal solo by Miss Irene Stelto
16. re, ting of the O. C.1. Journal by ler
odd*. Frank Hdwarel, was followed by •
Ghouls from the giro eleb, offer *Mob Prig
.Opal Strang dateib.Wd tie e.rUdea/es a.4
pylon, There were a Inge *mbar of *r•
tofloa to nonneatiou with the Dm
e arten
tad and Uolyessity eromi••liles. The
awards In the school examinations were ae
follows : Peter Adam■oo memorial •obolar
ship. : Form 111 , ma, hematites! -Edwin J.
Emmett, ; 2od, Lotti. StoMatb. (As mother
Mr. E*orett nor Mies Mutnath returned to
tin school this term, one of the 000ditiune
of the sobolanhip woe not fultill•d sod It
was therefore not •waded.) Form 11„
general proSoleoay-Kate Webb. Rev. Ja..
per Wll.ou's prtas (volumes of Yb,kssoeue,
Tennyson and Losgtallow) : trorm 11., son -
.r•1 proficienoy-Ida Bate.. Teachers'
prism : Miss MoLsllae--Form I , senior
divImoo, ,topography -Edna Straituo and
Allam G►rrtek, equal (*oohs oopy of E
lion). Junior division, alp•bra-Mabel
Thurlow ("Black Rock.") At the co0clns•
los of this portion of ilia prooseding. Ker.
Dr. Daniel was ealled upon and gays • wit.
ty address . Miss Laura Jeckell pave •
bnmoroue reeding, and the program was
closed with • oornet solo by 11 K. Jordan,
elitists elicited very eothuslee6(o applause.
C. 0. H C. -The mauler meeting of the
Canadian Order of Home Circles, No 146,
war held 1n the Temper** Holl on Monday
evening December 17th, when the Oho*.
were Moot* for the eorulog year : Leader,
J. A Walker ; vise leader, J. E. form
r*. sec, Mrs. Colin Campbell; fin. o"o., Mre.
W. Warnock; treasurer, Collo Campbell;
chaplain, Mr..MODermld; M. Mn.Otoddart;
and if you are in
arrear pay up at
once. Also, this
is tho proper time
to renew your sub-
scription for
AN Matteotti,' skald
be met by paw nolo,
Older . , "mem
Goderlch, Ontario
W, Mn. Pennington; G. M. Carl ; S., J
Brydgee; Hostile, J. iralple, Colin Camp-
bell and M. CarL
Srrrt.nrg1IT 17 TIM EL/VA10m ScIT,-10
She case of tho Town of Godorloh vs. the
Uodorich Elevator Company, whit% was on
trial before Mr. Joe** Forge** at the
Woodstock non jury assizes last week, m
0.0)5maot wee effected whereby the ('om
pony agreed be magma $2,600 of the amount'
of Interest which was to dispute. The main
foots of the 05.55(8 well kilos. %Vhen the
Company was formed 10 1898 M build an
elevator the town took $50,000 of &took in
the concern Alterw.rds at was agreed
that the town shoal I withdrew thio 850,000
and should Instead guarantee the Company's
bonds to • like amount. A defy In getting
the Company io good working order was
caused by the necessity of dredglog the
harbor, and in the meantime the town was
paying Interest on the 850,000. The d1r
put.e was* to who should pay this lotrrest
u111, whloh had grown toa6out 87,000. Ht•
Lordship strongly urged a sattlement, and
on Saturday so agreement between the
parties was arrived at by which the Com•
pony mom* $2 500 of the Interest and the
town pave the remainder. Accordlutly a
judgment 0u consisted to by which the
Company pays to the town 852,500 on
February 1 next, that being the $50,000 of
stack which the town temporarily took in
the elevator Compact', tog.lh.r with the
Company'. *aro of the Intreat. 'there
upon the town w111 guarantee th• bonds of
the Company to the extent of 850,000, as
agreed. The Company le to base exemption
of taxes for ten lean, eroent for school
taxes, nod Is to have free water for firs pro
*olio*. His Lordship 000rr•talated the
coonial and their clients on the settlement
of what promised to be n prolonged and
very costly lomat*. Mob pony pays fe
own outs, •:Dept that the Company pay.
the extra ooste incurred by the holding of
the trial at Wood.tnok t.5tead of at Gods
rioh. Hon. J. T. Darrow oeodaoted the
uss* for the plaintiff. sod W. Proadloot for
the detendan*.
Father, ere the heartfsit wt.6er of your
Wilmavd ohldo, the
u•to school child -
Feu of 1901 '1'h. children presented Rev.
Father West with • boeutttut Reotlemau'e
travullloq oompantoa, the preee.trtlon be
low made by Muds EIA• Webb, Lily
F.Ikier and 1J• loan. "(Sod So,. the
Kt*" 5ruught the program to a close.
AT %S0014TO'•g *Nu -W bile
t he Go len* piety were to Woodstock last
week In 0louectloo with the elevator case
they rsoetvad an Invitation from President
Wallaoe of the Iogereell SW sot Ktilw•y to
visit that town. A Dumber of the party 5o
opted the iovlat;oo and were •000mpwted
by Mr. W•llooe, who showed thorn around
end totroduced them t. the Mayor sod
other prominent citizens of Ingersoll, The
Mayor and oounoil of Woodstock also treat-
ed them very hospitably. They were dile•
en around the oily and given en.pportuoity
to laspect the waterworks system, the
house of Industry, the fwtnrles and other
potato of mitered. Most of the Coder)*
party renta.a.d to Wooderook until Situr-
day morning when the settlement of She
o... In whloh they were interested permit-
ted them to return home.
DitAru or 5V11.1.1A5, KrIlt.-0n Thurs-
day, D.o.ml err 19th, death removed one
who formerly and for many years was pro-
minently fdeotaled with the buds*e loter•
este of llolerlch, We rain to the lets
N Illium Kerr, whose death 000nred at the
home of his daughter, Mrs. John Hunter,
Colborne township, attar a loop Illness.
Mr. Kerr was born seveaty reins twirl *go
at Ann*, Dumfriesshire, Scotland, and
Dame to this country in 1856. He spent a
year In Hamilton and then Dame to Gids.
rt,b and atoned In burioete en Kingston
street, on the at. where Uratt's hotel now
moods. H. did • large bulliess In the
gromry line, supplying all the country
stored as far u Luoknow and Kloo.rdio..
Later be built the afore on the Square late-
ly °ooapied by K. E. Smith, and oenduot•
ed his bu.isw there for soma years until
hit retirement •boot the year 1874, when
hs went •outb for the benefit of his health.
Five years ago he returned to Goderlch and
e ta* then had been living will] his dough -
tors, Mrs. Rhynes, of town, and Mrs.
Hunter, of Colborne. Two years ago he
contracted asthma,and finally ouocumbed to
the dl iter being oo.6oed to hod for a
long period. Mr. Kerr was • Presbyterian
and -n member of Knox church. Beside, the
two daughters above mentlooed, be 1
a son. Kobert f.0 Kerr, who is livlro In the
South The Immoral took place oat Saturday
sftern000, the Interment being mads - In
M.Itlaod cemetery. Kay. Jas. Hamilton
000duoted the fareral sorrica and the pall
bearers were Messrs, hely, Stewart, Mc-
Manus, Taylor John 7.Ikeld and Joaeph
Aeei.'Ito Evrts7N.:-1 hs home of Mr.
and Mn, J. Shannon, 79 t;embri• road,
was the scene of a most enjoyable' gather[.[
and entertainment on December 16th. The
moving sp•rlt Io the matter was •J, 6V.
Htoderiek, who some time ego woo choir
leader in Victoria etreot Methodist ohoroh,
and wile, In bio litres, hearted, generous
*tare, oonoewed the Idea of treating the
choir (and • friend each, whom tb►y bad
the privilege of tovitlog) to an oyster sup
per. Mr. and Mr.. Shan000 kindly offered
the um of their home for the ocoaston.
Sayan thirty was the hour appointed, and
at that time the guests beg* to pour lo.
sod the stream continued until between
forty-five and fifty o1 the choir and their
friend. filled toe spacious parlors sed stand
tog room was •t • premium and • raid had
to be made on the neighbors for chairs, etc.,
to meet the neoesattes -Jibe occasion. Sap-
per we. *n.4 from' 1O - •oij,30 and all
appeared to thorouglt'h�� dant
repair of turkey, go
coke, trait, oto., etalIr
jostles •Irng thl. IIs. +no low'A'.
parlors where the l,to 4n,gram woo
* *awfully reodered 'o,t 1, judgiog from
the repeated encores and the unstinted
applause followinp each dumber, gave pleas•
ure to those who listened. Before en'nrlog
upon the program Mr. Shannon war unani-
mously chosen a chslrmao. Chairman'.
address, J. Shannon ; vocal solo, "The
Horned Owl," E. C Beltran ; in.lrameotl
duet, "Re*bade," Mieees Vida Bell and
E M Shannon ; vocal dust, "Heaven is
My Home," 1. Wr Broderick and Miss
E. 0. Shannon ; short spesohes from those
oallod open, responded to by P. T. Hallo,
G. 10 Elliott, A. J. Cooper, Tho. Wootton,
mod Mr. Ask •vith ; vocal solo, "Rain on the
Roof," Mr. Shannon and daughter; lnstru
mental duet, "The Roo. Course,' Mines
M. Seoke. and R M. Shannon ; ladies'
quartette, "Gently, lord, 0 lieptly Lead
Un," M.I.ss Drew, Stokes, S6 and
,Johnston ; inetromrotal, "Tie Storm,"
Mies R. • M. dhannnn ; vocal duet,
" Dayid and Goliath," Mesar.. Broderick
and Belcher ; instrumental duet, "Ma.
nark►," Mimeo (1e11 and Shannon ; vocal
duet, "Ship Ahoy," M E. C. and K.
Beloher ; reading, "Re Polite," Miss Milli
gain ; reading, "Dutchman 'Setting' the
Hen,'' 0. M. Klhot.t ; qutenni", "Bright
Sparkles In the Charohyaid," MN.* Shoo•
non and Drew, Messrs. Broderick sod
Belcher. At the conclusion tt the program.
.11 hands were •[olo Invited to the dialog
room, where they thoroughly *jotted
oysters, biscuit, sardine., anA fruit, which
were served in ahuodano.. Mr. Shannon
and family wish to thank •11 who in soy
way aide,1 In making their home j"yous and
happy by their preaen*, talent mod ambet-
.nno, and wish all • merry Uhri.imu and •
happy New Year. A very hearty and
an%043)o08 vote of thongs was ore
. entad to 0,1r. Broderick for his knot -Mesa
le prevtding en* a arrrept000s nowt and
moor esioyable evening's entertainment, to
which he re.pondrel In • very happy and
lnterer'dng manner. A vole of thank. we..
•leo a000rded Mr. and Mrs. Shannon and
danrhter for throwing their hems open for
the pleasure and pnht of all who attended.
Mr. Shannon replied for hie wife, daughter
and mit. After all heotllysinging. "When
the Roll Is Called Up Yonder," and "Ln
the tlwret Hoe and Km" • kindly good
D ight was spoken and all repaired to uhalr
homes evidently well pleased with *ono
* rase and overynns aim. it was an 0005
.inn t hat will live la the memory of all who
had the plemere of Asia/ premier, le the
Sean are rolling en. -COM.
FATTIER t3 C'T's FLAW? DAY. -Do F(Id•y,
the 20 h, th. eve of the patronai feast of
Rey. bather West, the children of St.
Pebr'e suh*1 rendered an ex*Ile01 pro
gram whloh they had prepared for the Dates.
ion, reflecting much credit on themsslvin
e nd their te.ohen, the deters of At. Joseph.
Notwithstanding the ioolemenoy of the
weather the w6001 room was orewded with
the parent. and friends of the children who
also deaired to do honor to their pastor by
being present en such an moan*. The
Iollowing program was preserved by the
pupils : Chorus, "Feast Day Song, child
ran ; "Festal Grist ng.," Mary Griffin ;
reolation, "Manta Clans' Mistake," Evelyn
Doyle ; song, "Johnny's Speech and Song,"
Eugene Demi; recitation, " The Kash
Young Moa*." Lilian Eon' r. ; chorus, "The
Starlit Dell," ohddren i.r*ia1lon, "Ugly
Minos," Mona Kidd ; duet, "Murmuring
Mee,' Fine. M.Oonaid and Mollie Nev111. ;
women recitation, "let's Try to 1)o The
Right 14ny.," Masters Orli,. Deo, Cbf.
Webb, John Pose. Eddie Kuntz, John Grit.
6o, 10 Klely, E. 1)..n, A. McDougall, ,John
Hood ; re0l1atinn, "The Cat That fame to
School," Marjorie K.Ily ; oalletheoio
.x.roise, ohlldren ; •d4e..., Motor
Y. Kloly; prmwn'•tion, Edna Wehh,
i.tly Folksier, 11. Dean, A pleas -
Ing feature of the ornoeedlnps was
• presentation by Ih. pup 1. to Rey.
Father Wast. The following address was
read by Meter Maori° Ki14y P.sosit
CNn Ain DOAK FATHER, -We, the Bolo
ones of yoor flunk, hall with 4.11,ht your
cwt day. With feelings of genuine pleas
en we weloome yo0 to ear *hoof. We
walonme you as the kind father, the zealous
and soli **Moles inner and the faithful
geld., et nor Soul. We are proud to have
you with as, pleased 10 6••a an opponent' y
seeming von of nor 10•ii and reyerenoe
and of premising yon oar proy.rs. We
knew the fatherly Inters., yeti take In nee
Von have one hese • Inures* visitor Ie
ear school, eneear•elng ns to oar *Meaty
O odles and slweyr showing • deep Intend%
le eke 0Aeeatlen lel*nde4 M h, es for the
duties of life, It s pray. Reverend N other,
that von may as. th• return of many foot
Mode, may long M .pared to waMh 0,,r ns
sod t* sea us Frons le age, Is meetlty, la
I..rmhp sad la esefebsess, Seek, Reversed
wee reutved •t Porter'. Hill 00 Maod•y
which Dame divot from t Yutoo, Wer.
there SUY ouvgI. It 1
Tut SL'
will.t. be published on 1'Ileum
av•In next week, and we would agora eek
our correspondents and advertisers to mod
In their oopy a day earner than usual,
We have had almost Ideal C6n,emu
we•thsr with the sleighing whloh both
pleasure seekers and those who hays *ad
nese to do like to turas at this season.
At the meettog of Koreas Council, No.
10.3, K. T. rt 'I'., on Monday mooning, the
e lation of ot6aore took place and all the old
uth*rs wen is eleoted for another term.
Brussels Post: Ed. Bryan., In 0'. B
Hanley & Co.'. drug store, applied to go to
South Afnoa with the tblyd 000tingent, but
was dissuaded by hu relatives. He le •
oraok shot mod belonged to the cadet oorpe
at Uoderiob.
In the ('brlamu ex•mioatlons of Trinity
College, T,.rooto, 0. E. Hoit's nameappeare
in the 11at of •uo*.sful oaodldatm In the
se000d Seer, with swoon:* class honors to
modern laoguwss. In t6o diviuhy Wass I.
.J. R. Nat'l, of (iod.rich township. cad F.
W. Hovey, of Clanton, were suooes.ful.
J. H. Colborne 0u at Hurteton • lot
week visiting Die brother, who* dry geode
store then had be* badly gutted by Bre a
few days prevloui. It le susp.oted that the
fire was of iuuod'n•y origin. and three iI n
have been arrested and committed for tr
0o t6e o6uge tt( robbing the stole on the
o lgat of the tire.
The ['ort Doter, Brantford, Berlla d
O.d•ri.h Railway Company will apply to
Parliament for an act ex teodte5 the time•
for the commenoement and completion of
IUD work, ohapglog its same to the Grand
Volley Ksibway Company, redooing the
%mount of Its oapltal stook and •utborizlog
the 000atruotloo of 1t. lines In .*tions and
Ohs issue of bowls with respect to snob
Manager Doty of the Esgioe & Bravais
Co. went to Port Dalhousie on Monday to
look over the Domloaoa Govrumsnt steam-
er Lord Stanley, which was taken there for
repairs atter her mishap In Toronto harbor.
It is cow, of *corse, too late to bring the
I.ord Stanley here for the winter, but she
may be brim/tit here early to the spring to
be lotted out.
A progressive euohre party was elven
last lbunday *ening, when some twenty
couples enjoyed the kindotes mod hospital•
sty of Mr and Mrs. Dely,bt. Patrick's street.
The fins prize was won by Lionel Par -
e ons and Miss Rea Salkeld, the 000solatlon
being awarded to Fred Bropbey and
Miss Cepha Fisher. Alter inooh.00 danc-
ing was engaged In lentil the guests depart-
ed W their home..
Harry Bisok went to Hamilton ter the
0.91. Jas. 1' has returned home for
the .Inter.
Mis.Jeesle Thomsen ie home from Berlin
for the holidays.
Mies Joule Robtrtaes is Tome from
Exeter for Chrutmee.
Jas. C. Masson, ot Toronto Uulveraity, is
hosts bit the holidays.
-Harry St 4.. I.s'4ouzel, of New York, b
viuUwg the o4d tewc.
Mr.. A W. Cornell and child are spending
Christmas to lerooto.
81. Campiop, jr , of Toronto. U among
the Christmas visitors.
11 Ferguson Is spending Chrnlmae with
his relatives In Detroit.
Mus McLellan is spending the vaoatios
�. 7t bt r home In Si r•tford.
Mus Mabel Strang has returned from her
v*It to New 3 ork State.
Slue Skelton ie spending the holidays
*i0, her broth,r In Detrol[.
John R. Bain returned home last week
• iter the season to the lakes.
Mies Frock. left os Satordy tor Toronto
to spend the school vaostion,
11 in 0:i vs Buchanan, of 'lpronto Univer-
sity, is horns for the holiday..
Capt. Wm, Baxter, of the slimmer Geo.
N. Orr, is home for the winter.
Miss Rose Strang, of the Grimsby high
school staff, Is home for vacation.
Pani Turnbull, of Chatham, spent Christ.
may Gay at St. George's rectory.
Stewart 5' rats*. of Oshawa, 1. spending
Christmas annnr the parental roof.
Stuart Lane, of Osgood• hall, Toronto,
Is spending the holiday season at home.
Chat. Rabb has finished hie season's work
on the lakes and is home for the winter.
Mies Louise Andrews, who Is teaching at
Zurich, la Reseda* the vocation at home.
Orlaodo Orlffin, who hoe been .slang this
year, returned home in time for Christmas.
Mr. and Mrs. J. A. MoIoug►Il, of Grand
Rapids, Mich., are tbe gse.0 of Mrs. Keely,
Mn. and Mrs. lobs. Stewart are spending
the holiday .seen at Trowbridge and Blue.
'I homes and Most Smile Harris left Thera
day morning to upend Christmas at Worst.1
Miss Beatrice (Jarrow returned home last
war•. after a stay of ,,viral week. In 1o•
Lindsay O/tlslams, 01 the Grand Bee.'
publlc wheal, le spending the vacation at
Herbert N./liver, who 1. taking • medical
eOorm 1* Detroit, is among oar Chutma.
W. Y. Hayden, of the School of Den-
tistry, 'Toronto, Is home to sat his Christmas
1)r..l. M. Ternboll lei; Tuesday mnr•tng
to oel.brate Christmas at his home in
John Seidl is hems for the holidays from
Pinkerton, whore he wields the p.dagnrlo
Mies Gwen Colborne le home for the holt
deye from Toronto, where she le attending
V enl ty ,
Mies Ethel er
Rb s, who is attenrll*/ the
Normal galla[., Hamilton, le boom for the
Mr. mod Mrs. J. E. Tem and the' Manes
Mabel sed Jean Tom were visiting In Exeter
lase week.
R. R. 'felt sed A. .1, DIokeon, of Mc(llll
Cnsr.nity, Monteesl, _era borne for Iho
Christmas amoral
Mies delle .Inhnets., .f Chlcage. and
Mies (]root .lohh.ton, of Bwlln,are speeding
the holidays hire.
Don't forget amid holiday feetivltles that
Prtibam's is the p'.ce where you eon get
the hest mad* boarder tailoring. Natty and
stylish garments at rsaeenahle prunes.
A Merry Christmas.
1'h. Lake Heron and Manitoba Milling
Co n now shipping floor regularly.
Th. town 00aoe11 did se/ hold Its relator
muting last Friday, hat will moot tomorrow
(Frida,) eyening.
David Thompson, who dtiv* the stage to
[Ashram. oestrtrtlete the rumor that email.
pox 1. pr.yalont In that ntlagr.
The ('hristmwi traria thf• year bee been
reed, and the msrehante have hal • bney
sad, so doubt, • profitable .won.
I6 to reported iI►a8 s molt e) mil smotter 1 tawdlag Weathers[ ladles' Dellen, Toren
Maitland Humber, of Stratford, le among
the fled.rioh hon who are .9.edl05 Christ.
min in lb. n14 town.
Ed. Robles*, mat. of Gra err. Ro*d•1e,
has 1.1d op Ma boat at 0)wee S000d and Is
home ler the winter,
Mlle flat* Reynolds, oho hes leen at
No/10 DV a of A lloan
atloo to Parllamt-
Wallace & Little 1
Professional Card --Prof. S. L '1'anbe,,1
Begirt the New Year Weil -Allan alt
Yolyer 1' 4
'the Season's Oreetlnp-W, Aebeses Z
Soo d
Thanks --- W. C. Prldbam 4
Fur Satl,faotle.-Hadgeaa Bre•...
Uool T o m's 0 a b l a-Vlotorla Open
bon* 8
That Dainty Widow -Victoria Open
House 8
Lost-1)tuNAL O84 1
to, retarded home last wo•k to snood Christ-
Mrs. Christopherson left last week to
spend the winter at North Bay with hoe
brother, 1. l'. I )e t lor.
Mr.. Mark MoKeezl., of Ch1 o, has
been visiting K. W', MoKesae and other
relatives in this *action.
Mies Flo. Connolly, who has boon somal•
log St. MargareCa College, Toronto, is home
for the Chrtatmae season.
0. F. Blair, tarrt.Nr, of Brussel, and
hie faintly are ap.odlog the Chrletm•e keel•
day. with relatives In town,
The Mi.*, May -and I7wtao* Ica
T.uzel are borne from their *hoot. In the
soothe/10 put of the Donato.
Louis Thomson, of Uwe. Soaad, sod .f
Mr, and Mr.. C*. Thome*, Klein •Sagas,
1..feodi01 a few winks la awn.
Howard W. Shannon, of 'rho Rochester
h:v.ntog Tumee,1s spemdine that holiday with
pie paten*, Mr. and Mrs. J, Shannon.
Ju. Sallow. arrived hams lost *eek from
Medicine Hat, N. W.1' , and to ep•ndlng •
few *mita at Ne old hem. in Colborne.
Mrs. Jaa. Robinson and Maes Adele lash
on trrlday for Toronto. 18.y will spend
toe winter to Toronto and Pert Hop..
. (Dr.) (;otdon.nd ehlldren, ot Look•
oow are oelebr.11og Christmas with Mr.
and re. W. A
H•rrl.oa Victoria arse[
Mager tiolt.1, of Trinity M•d1oa1 Col-
lege. orooto, 111 .penllnr the Christmas
Mama Ander the paternal roof In (lodertob
kir, Yrs. .John Robertson, Pioloa
.t., left nd•y morale[ last for D'6rel10,
when tis
y purpose spending din the minae
with rola' vee.
M urdoo Mcleod has returned home from
1 hlosgo. • was In the hospital there
with .n alt,ok of typhoid fever, but 1. now
In good health again.
Wm. Rutledge, wife and family, of Clta•
too, and Mr. .od Mrs John Halliday, of
Detroit, ere spending Chr1tma. with Mr..
Corleben, Feat ,trent,
Hector Maya has returned home atter the
m•soa'a wiling. 1f this weather (metastaee,
we expect the dates for 66a annual doe nom
will be announo.d.shortly.
M 0. Cameron sad Mies McLean left for
Toronto 1'umd.y morninv Io •lit Mr
Common'. mother, whop* boon an toyalid
In St. John's boapital for some month..
Capt. John McDonild, of the *6r. Kola
fag., bar returned halm.. His vwml woe
frozen In on the The river, near Chat-
h.m, and he had to male home without It.
TWO week. age The Mtar announced
that M. O. CAYMAN was k possible candl•
daft for the mayoralty, and ohne that time
we nave learned that that gerltlman has de-
cided to stand. Of course, Payor W itso.
will have to be taken into account, ellbuld
he desire to keep in the running. but in the
event of his stepping down and nut there is
no doubt that Mr. wotilrl make a
strong Candidate. His previous Municipal
training would be in hie favor, and` the fact
that he is a lawyer would be of considerable
value should complications arise, 5. they
boredom frequently in late years.
In the council we have heard of no change
except that, owing to the injuries rec.btly
sustaino I by Mr. CANTst.ov, by a fall Prem
a ladder. he may not again present himself
to the electors. Mr. CANTIL1 N is an oitl
and experienced councillor and hie retire,
ment will be a distinct lose to the town.
His five colleagues, however, will, we un-
derstand, face the music, and in addition
we have heard the names of N. 11 Swint,
W. C. Goon., (AV,. I'u&Tgr and W. A. Mc -
Km m.ritiortwl. And there may be others.
Tho year 1902 promise, to be a very im•
portant one in the history of the town and
it is to be hoped that the electors will
gather to the nomination on Monday Dalt
and make a *election for the municipal
beard that will be in the interest of the
town and to the benefit of the people.
To The Editor 01 Tu. StpNar..
Haying only this forenoon o1aloed • Dopy
of the 15th December financial statement for
this year, I have not been able to go very
minutely Intro the examination of the nate
mental, .o as to at*. • statement as to how
1 arrive at the flours' given below se yes 10
to prom this afternoon. 1 will glue the
detailed statement leour nett Issue.
le your lues of fyeoember 27th, 1900,
there was a communication from me whey*.
in I showed oonoluelvely that the **ell of
1900 had run behind over $20,010, and this
•at.neat was •abseyuently proven to ft*
oerreet by the auditor.' report. 1 now find
ny 161. year's statement that the 000noll
have •5110 ron 6.bled by from 88,000 to
810,000, and there w111 have to be added
to this defloleney the sem awing for Interest
by the Elevator Company, say mom* $6,000.
whlnh .111 make • total deflation* In 1901
of over 816,000, maklg 1. the last two
year. the large defleleney of about /36,000.
1 shook' like to know how long man 16*
corporation stand this, 1t I., 1 this!, date
some eeonomy should he shown In rennin,
the •Rain et the awn and some madame,
m•dt to mak• both sad. meet.
Wii. Caweam.L.
Hu.n Plume /nn Brenna TWIRL -Th.
openio. mom for hinder twat, whloh have
jos% been *hollow' to wholesaler*, lenleate
that price next year will show • mark.A
• 41,5,0e on thorn of last year. Steal hoe
.dv•n0er) 1*e outs a pound emir lest year,
and that Arlow for mondani twine now quot-
ed Is from ten to ten anti • halt *ate per
pentad, nempare4 with seven •sa three
quarter mints • year •ger, •M•ntllo romp V
mach loan*, as evhln*d by th• faet teat
pore Manilla reps is dew qualm] at fl/team
and • half teats • paired, beteg as •dosses
of ten oriels for th• year, ROA deal rept W
. d.aimed tamely time elate.