The Signal, 1901-12-19, Page 7�_----- _ - . _-
anrt 1-0--w—
rt 7.— AL T..r 1
`— 11111Y AvVLY for Hall It llaaud Jury
1/veru t Act Wltrl it',i,k,
Adventures of Mtn From New York, Deo. 17. -Former ;1r.lg.
taut Pr(mwutor Ju U. Noouuq
Brandy Puts Lighthouse. applied tO Jlistless Gllbort villins ill
the Wort of OyaV "-lid Turtulger, Jer.
*my City, yoylorday, fur the adm!r-
THE STONY OF THEIR RESCUE, Lie,`" boli °I Orr. Eliaatieua Huwu
the Urn /xdtrtg ,nn invutltigatl:,u LY
Ottawa. Dec. 17.- C;tpt. ICuenig, uq Juryof the ebargo against
who wf4r rout tram gnubeo to rel_ tboar of auurderfdlt tier llto-,lour-old
Wlhter• 1n,Lor Erwin opposed
cue the light -keeper aqd big armlet- the Intl„/1 be•emu.n hu raid the lie.
alit, of braudy Puts• wLiu were bukeh police am dull working on the
adrift In the Yoe foi two days, had takOn unita lamliti the terttmuuy
bout fat 4A iuterertiug report to the before the t%,Wrouer'd jury
1)"I"Irtment Of Mrr We. huoulg took wh,uh uxun"ratad Mrs. Dale 1121
u large ounoa with a Crew of Blue Mufloluy night hod put been rucdve,!
luau frolic bt. Jean Port Jull aqd eft lite ,s[rtua
vvillty'. its says: Mr, Erwin waW the core ngnlnrt
"At daylight. with the helpr)f a Mrr. Dale would 0114 Ix, ready for pre-
horge. we dragged tiles Carlon oqunl 2eututk,n to it," grand fury for n
ate Julln and a half ornr ihu .hurt week at le4yt.
JurticC Cdllnafter consulting
Ie., when wwet water and flout- a'Uh Judge Blabs,
nig ick -It wits then dn,ul low w;tteIr, aul,l: "!t there is
r. likely Lu be a delay (It morer, ate than a
Uu ilia tide beginning to rite we week hull
suuu encountered rulue heAvy leu, plrutk,u (if r may till
tt tskiu the tits et-
e'heh we partly draggod the cagbe 07,,,W. 7110 Grand Jur rum of
ort -r, somotimem breaking thru igh. laudo 0f thin matter Y may &aid
"Atter working in the Ice fur About two, ball Waylie bvfure�tbsa olid `
ttvu hours I perceived two HMrs. Dais WL" real�a[.ql Mary's
ubr�w.t of I'"-f•ltnr Lighthouse "sP,InI. liar cuuurel told s lir
rinn'"UK upon the fluatlug ICA. We tinct Elis wail hysterical at (carter
u:lut,t for them ns quickly qr possible, uud tre"Ir ly war Overcome bynjter !
utsl found Mr. Itichanl and his asalrt- grief over the death u( her child. e
+tut, who had undertaken to crud
over to the shore In a !wall bout,
ural were trying to haul It Ther
til,. CASE OF EAST f��EMNN'Yt d
p,ect of Ica they were On. Ther wpra w
very grateful for the aaairtauce the
de{xtrt"'Ont had me promptly rent r
tiu-Ill. Mind
took them Aboard onr caner flit +vlinJ a Blzflk
rod 1N,4die,l, ,tell gut over the IOU Dad for Four h!
%.(Iter, riaciting the ,:hove of St. An. 't
,tri It few mlgntas after nine o'clock Years, r
the same morn a
Lost Taieplr ffearlrgr,_ -- t!
"lir. 1llchaw lnfurmal me that he WAS A PRA ISING
and blr cumpanlon bud been la kir LAWYER. aft
tit Open hour ftte or di hours try- 1'anoouver, B. C., 1)tc. 17.- th
hiR u, all fur the Pilgrims A(tar Dur a cuau of As Burl- res
ho G,und that owing to the large mem'i lust and fuuaid Gr
CuwuI Ittuu of loo at ltlrer du g"up ae Iuar eve' be "al one uterod to Coq ell
tin cuuhJ But lau•f torr. led It wtu Ixfu tuts dertauµsd to 'uw µ'eriwiu-
blu" log a gale from the northeast, etas City. tirelto ,h from iter". Yr
+,ccurgpunhsl by a hw►a'y suuartt,rm, U, TUtw,uay Ian n cues rly.drn,rt/d Den
he Vila before the wind taylog to man of " all ,sl 6r. h -dread r
n.,ch lite Pilgrlas. It was very dark office. Thu ,,.,,Or tali 480 Ke buuu til
:an'J he could see authlug Itlaead of a Practising Lawyer lu Ix-rd,-eu, au,
brat, but all of a ru,hlcu lac found 31:'.'.• uuti telt los 1",mq uu A let cur
tdmrult lu culm..wnter, and l,aw,.11- t1f97, to go* ldr Office. T' uu all mkt
+tta•!y tUlerrod tlwt Logy were uu tile- Wee �It b;auk, Built uwakralig, Ar' it —
e dWe of enc of the Irl,tnla I• ,rtun= wl" frim a Qrilo ll, he IOU" utl, tial
xtaly it war the unu on which the "''it atoudl,g to the !treat out Ide 1
1' WI= light W situated, but he only ,f". (h,otor's office. Ito examined it Jeer
build [,1116 out two gh(hts Dad a Clay rniluured li2andr w•11h tu-i"ur stir of ,• tin
hater• as the saow•■torm ^Obtlnued, 'lull r,mademe•gt. Intottr ttiuu; 1,,1 fro
"Ad he did not dare to Imre whero ulultW Uutt hu hind for dlptrto , (j eau
ill* b:ul Landed, hav,ag n0 IMra tib aTur
w'ncre they were or w here ttley could tiwn tnc l•'r`By„ r River c ,SUN srnure, c`,tt
'titter themselies before the weather Imt now carrhw to
ch:angnL haat rlj;aili/Ijget. nim nut ti,,- ca
In to -inner or heath. Dr. IC"I'Ll" bwlug fut:y I>$prossed s'i'r,
"They bad ruse frozen bkeaal,but nu tr u s rtur tratb of the afdltur v male
lire. Ttnlrrt ntghi they tlutwer: `01"j'101 - ,Br- B Y' culled Into cuurultu- fact
rum-' ptLCO f bre td by phtclag them :uta lei, Anti careful hagwr•y had
ur,,*r their Trete to get wtiistd Bp ,ts c!1 uetull uv4lLable of til,• 1>.I i
by lite be -it of Lill. fr Lo,1l^.r. 7h y ke,,t e:irrfuilY p`c`sw4- tu,"alt ill} t"ft rr Wie
w.11king ul! r g,.t L priasml 4111 at ;wVr•t revIL-Wing Lbc facts read Le- of tt
-Iwt &tau lay shag to iler► Ike
u. s t tt,a k lift"' _'_'Lilt: '---Alis+ictl _ Ile s
y t.eJ mode an attespt to VLWL a at Now
etpl^re the ulnad tbry wpra nn la a'gtat. %4V"tn:a.tur Last rosin"
Alto hullos ui f1n, Lrg the llghlhuurc, ti, I .L:1' T!re tvubj,ict did ntrt ahead, alert,
but „e litg to the Sturm and ul[ficu;t Wive murlt diafljryel►ttd, anti to t
ul h -lung Over the r„ok, And not t.. K#-rdl In a cunfiJeuti ,l unto t„ rN. a
--tas..I.y knowing where t e were 1113. Ua htndulf that lin retired the lo- wom
�J--___.__v1:d1dJ Bullflt•Wo-b,.r-- b1MN!
In, it mxdred aw ,Dgst some' tree•! ricjC..-DQ4F._ _
+,mi sumo falling b::nnotjes ihey built Oa cuptrag to la1m6PIt ua tots- 'I?t
s{, u Jut find remained there. 1:ten w i AteluwB L ! µurlll It firxt uekh,i Gree
arilti tilnWl, uJ u till, holtev . and un IxiuA
d'.1 n,t Baru to sleep. Mr. Hlchard's N+ar 11'rdt,cluster, he gaze,l In i
a.w,sts"L, a man named Gust', fill •tm lJobb,rrrt"Il"d a.Ju-4 What luirt of �I1�
h-11,111all Iri the dnutc. Mr. Mi,rtrsitHd... 1t. wits In, jj
hichsrd Aroused him, u11c"ll u la 1[11 was informed li wns in C'anwitt,
fCW_"4rnlDg him of the darhg,-r ut `D'I .nrr Ih,• it,hl is r",nt and bee,
Beek 1'rylecltos of (loverur of Kur. y u L u
dofaG. ,Abu kepele 1.urauere.
Although She Said He Way Cairo, DOC. 17.-Derprttchoa received
C from Khartoum state that three Awful Blunder Made by
Her Child's father. t`li� Sultan at 1))a�fur owr�rbru`putly a
Pnrrawl that they 0rorw N1 the tloudss Physician
A ('.utter and sought the protection of
VERY Sl RANGE u governor Of the Province of Kordo-
CASE. I fila.
Roadlue. Pa., Dec. 18,--J It was reported that All D►gar's PAINT STUCK 1U ITS FLESH,
mugtruut'r court ruura war o� edtxl lgoopssp �mtwle`erto cross the frontier
wlin buriuere and dt WD the governor New ]'ark, Ike. 1T._Coruuer Zueoa
trayslilug We" "'patched a comet corps from Kur- was notified Iadt night that a two -
during the trial of o. C. t,raou, A Itolatf to repel them.
I'rivato &dvieer from Ben Ylrar-� buy had been burned or
by Al" -s agent, who war uCcurad Benghazi, the - bulled to death at 44 First Areauo
nY 1Lars t.arrlu 1. lrksu uL O"Pite'l and Only town in 1•;ust Trip-
tuthur of bar chill~ being the ulltnua, aays some sheiks, having while utxlork-Ding trxatWrnt by all
,),tars Did, of Cluvei;tu'l, UWu. lId way Rxe"b"Ytwl the orders of the vall to oast @We pI Wallin. The "cruors
tury. lUg foe u Sow lurk eurrai foo- whereupon the`antives attempted lVLLrxl the trtby there. The flesh
fury. under ltd 1
lLdn 1•riou Is 111, a brunette, Immediately
mmo i them. Turkish truupr were t>br and the lower part
gwlu bsteiligeut, !file tewtitnayl that ua I itfi role elfwe,anter tookrried to `hlacee. and u711ou Aro k Ir I,urlfel off.
rho night of dopt. 7th, 11sA1, run su/f' Turklrh soldiery were killed 1qd `toe ,ln tr.Y wits tike son of tiulr
nil aunt attendo-t u theatre; that I native 1080 was Considerablyti Det and life wife, wbu live oil
wut'u they returati,l huwu they greater. inn seieaNl flunk of the tenement.
p,.2tud " "ulej, slid an •the rlepr ----__..__--.---
rlutal a BplDnor auk' that the child had
young Wan ; that he fol- been sullied with eouvalrjuus tel
luwe.d ku 8 ; !tier l tipmf to them aqd NEW C. P R
ask.wl Lu me oar humus trot tbey P. 11v INE. Welueedly night and he called Ju
walkod 4 half bitrult before any reply Dr. bamuel t,at"hnuau. of 613 hart
war s)atle to )ilia; that finally she Third street.
raid yeg" ; that he w/ at into a Oigar c '•Dr. l.audmunn &liked us if we
r Luer fur O,garr; that theyy walked .Survey Made Across the had any tent water lu the Nuns","
lowly tit 94. anti that air"} he laaal sold Splutter. "uud my wife told
augtit up to lh.•m Ilia aunt excused State of Maine, 111M there wits Boole, Istt rite ruulil
hCr"ell W gu to her hum" and that heat sumo water over the
SDnd lit" and rho ouu • ural "tore
y L men walked In tiro kitchen. Dr. f.ulWswnn ref 1
.1'I"rankltu street to toe lull road, It war hocomrar to
.1lere 'lid girl Il,)ad, uqd t>bera she WORK TO BEGIN IN THE SPRING +>aiulsllatel Y fiat It ready
eol.,rud that the urrault took Place, y me ho wanted t,i bathe
,sultrug In her ,misfurtuue. Calmle, Me,, Dec. 11f. -The Canadian too baby In hot water. ml put the
In bathtub un the goy @love nrrl
ldlrr i'rfoe,f that she asked PacUlo ItAllroad has surveyed a lighted, the gas beneath it. Whou
Irl aall monis ",true; that lac told route aoruss [Maine to form n °eq_ the water began W get warm, Dr.
fie a4d the flours) ho riprereatal neeting Ilmk bettven Spinner lifted ¢he bub put
0 ine Duro" u1 the parent. Later, party of Its tum tato the tub. Ile nehj nlu�Ithrre
hu luyulrati taut the !tures wneru syrt gm and Protide a ttwrough flue mtipl,orti
Don gullets were mold and obtained th ICar treffht, frum tit* Atlantic to Itand fig lie Leak with l,ir
iu Dame of the agout visiting head- tlae Pacific.
Tile road new crossed Maine from When "team began to n.livesi
err were two, father aaad " _mattawarak from floc tub rho vvunua who Ilvoe
aft Gryeu. Tnjr was alit the name tent, treetie ' alder next door t'rrhed-the donor's attett> .t
a lenity arrangement, on Marne Cell- yuuug given liar, A w'aa- trial tracks. Dt/ bulldlDg a Ilse from lMI� to It, and my Wife said the t
al ww r"uru out for young Mr, Mattawawkeagg W Princeton, too Y Wight bu scalded. The drie-
een'a arrest uud h,: war taken lulu Canadian Pact to Itallruad can be In- fur told all w hi W keep quirt. tie q
oLudy at Ilarrlgburg. dependent and Can make ounflectloux said ho knew ltlr narlrieam.
MIon Price jAabwl to identify Grace. whlch Will give IL through traffic b The baby was crying ` and tile
, Ureru awraro,1 Jll" Price be hall a s)turter aqd easter route. y duCtOr wild the water was dot too i
er spoken to her in laid Ill e, a,r1 It it understoW that work will be "clot- Ad he had his hand in it, and t
Mile W her freely, begun I❑ the spring, The line will WOuI`l take Lite baby out of tike
y, ru that site cwrm a Wtberto undeveloped Itab Inot
ad tiro proper tcua
uW hate a olaan0e to reeugalselite oped part of perature was reached. Fiuully lite
CO. Ile LOW Air friends he would Mtilne r
ry tial cesu to court &W Bot per- - --- - -- bnby cried 'to more, and the doctor °
any hetlleweut, as he was fq- f lifted him out of the tub
. f
vat. At the trial he proved that W EE S STAR > LEO SHRIEK We put the baby In belt and sat up
W" In Pilt+burg ort t, gid 1111 night with him Thlr morning 1
500, &ad ti- worn the "Oman nest door wed Pr
!r•uii %mobs W Char- chingla9 the bell cloth" rhe
Jere and Lubr, t to tYashiilglu,t, Pa, how til bob r sow d
way in llruw,araiuo_ 3110 miler Brought Husband Back to Life This r r back was burw' *
m Iteaditig, on the Bight the as- Paint from the batntub was
It 1. alhgo,l W have taken rtictlgg t0 til" (lard.
mac• ieverll Western witnessed on Operating Table W.. Whorl we looked at the bathtub It oil
tried to thle, was black"Ded Awl charred Then we til
trdg" Ermlibtrout then took the no
that rho doctor tied kept the J1°
(ruin th" Jury end directed a baby nested over the gar wbile Ire it
't t,! "Dot guilt welted for the Water to get but. µ'p to
Y•" Judge Er- AFTER HE WAS THOUGHT DEAD, toil. him to -day, sae h" said l,a 1ta.J 1
at bald tivat If ever a per- titought toern was no fire ender the mit
'fence hall been established 1t New Turk, Dec. 18, -!'Ivo ducturr tub. list he had to) d ow he knew ills till
D .
kin e In this caro. He add- am quoted uy TitZmar Hal,1retb, a buetnera I insist on ONh
hat hu cuuW 'nut neglect this raclag I" Y having him or- ape
LII. alt Authority fur the treated, Coroq"a"' tin
Y Of CAlli 9 this, attention elatcw0ut thet & mlraCIe Wad Work _ Just before tor, child died, Spinner
tie CO aluuity to the lied plc- W by a wolu.&B r acruatli-teat by it said, he called Dr. P. T. Leydecker, Iiia
of g"rl rts-1q No the u uea„ also wad Brought to hLu at an,
trr•I+tlh p oking u putt Urat oauud vu muuue '. of tJrcon,1 street. The doctor said the• n/
g p" strangers- y Frank 'lay- child was dying aa•1 could not be 'i
whin- Y (ilii-utit`Tcbotir-ILW 'Or. fi.lurst4'r brutbervia-jaw, ar s,trtd: When he Saw the cid n tufek
r 633 be re -and yoking them sell to trate been ultleao fur sere" feu turha) awes bun h, dr I1"ImP". Th a ease rhumld minutes Dur y and"'clowed Jill, I,yc tar
n e(fiCleat al a7.a 'Wt; tit* afternuuu 801 He Enid it was the worst care he had t
atning t0 young Y, Eau W have been prunouu- ever seen. Mrs. Kpinner corroborated TI
on tn•iu'gort n t,,• practicnan.d w uuad uy ,live .pW"eteta4r Wilt, were her busbnnd's statement.
k! h, Ip r lire k it nit •' Operating ua I11m. lie !a Coroner Zuoc;a a eubpnenn age
fury 11rt1tKpt eFgttltted- , r+cuaerlag rso-Ay- a - to be directing' Dr. L••tndsman to rein at til"
an a4w ul,, wnu (s htmself s racing the C'oroner's oftlee to -dA
moa fatitl lr ltw own"! of Met ti,uu time 7• Mean= 10 o
((11 +wt.+ saea�n* h s Dr. Weston, Coroner ZraCea•r -no
t,� PC�` 1 ureth, s-rrd alio wish H.!- [Tt6 C,�' will make an autopsy, on car
ttJJ L r at Gravesend aFilhi and y.
I " r Arimuti U, GravereceJ. b'ella 1
l:re,at 1'ler lu Aa Balla me sioaelare,
Now York. Dila;. 14. - Anuther lut-
porLU"t rtUp full been taken tit dr-
"UhViryt the new route w Ireland
subsklized by Parliament, Which may
at no dlrtant date provide the
Quickest way for mails And Iia"
retiKers between Lon,lun and New
York, wtY" A LODdp4 d
�Vifie Suspicious bout His
Late Engagements.
the Tribune. °MPAW to now York, Dec. 17.-Iteluttuus are
Zh., contract for the erection of Slightly stralbed In trio falully of
e pier a thuurab.t fret long tit Norman C. Townsend. Miss Bertha
ilestlare' near Wrxfurd. lien been Fraiser, loading woutan or the "Power
chis 4 Tills pier IS It iN,rtion of
til@ aohemb In which the Great of Gold" outRlNaBY, who also L lead-
S"'Ithern, of Ireland, are concern- iug woman in a counnblul 80neo.
eh A fast
line of steamers Is to
run betw,.en Flshgttaral, on the t° i[r. Townsend, has M,en doing
Welrlt elxtet, 41111 IlurrlurP, And the "oma serious thinking linen Mugdry
idea !s reri(xwlY entertained in u411t, So liar her huebaud,
crrWin quarters that this Is Lobe When' rows days ago, Mrs Town -
tile American mail route of the reed Accidentally cauKht eight of a
future. ticket giving admission to the maa-
yuorlade bout or the llulmet Club At
019 SWiNDEE SUSPECTEO tier pe [fall, Monday night. rhe hold
iter person, like a woman of dlrore-
• than, Arid made n note of it. living
A Woman, who was food of mamq°er-
adow, And If Mr, Townsend had lmvit-
r(Get Married Q ' od, her to go wtth him "he wtvuid not
Dick Scheme "are raid Itlnt BAY- But the Invita-
tion cattle not. On the contrary.
Studied by Officals, while "Ile asked him to take her to
the theatre that night, Mr. Town.
read hemmed and hawed, As hunbeinds
have done before.
OFFERS A BIG THING. "I am very sorry, my dear," raid
New Turk, 1)r,. 17. -With rtruugr Ttila se�i1, '•tint I have a meeting for
lnNulmJtlreuesr nems' club to attend that
Peculiar to the went night, and, after the meeting, amp.
baDk * of the Itpdron )fiver, where ler•,.
nothing strut t of a trout Is wel0ome 'Indeed," raid Yrs. Townciend to
to do business without telling the hull site'h Id hthis er
peills saplelnus." But
authorltier all about it, in the woman wile Can CloseherA ttorney-
Lleneral Gray is sitting up night" ell- ,mouth And wait. dIleAric to "Certain where lurks '+htrt Wats a GorNrous our.
tie African In a benevolent marriage Monday night Townsend climbed
ttnh'etpS-Atrtteh tnsurea-'qulel. weatttt la --draw_ n1OLLI ,.. fur. managera'
o those jvhu enter tbo holy state meetings must be attended In car.
,.der its moat benefloent auspices. fret C"tame. He wore a shirt of
The United
Endowment Company of which he was
Aworlea In too lead was u ig affair.
fond. It
Wing title of the cont and ith ell- gorglwur affair, with em-
pany with en- broldrrrd cotta, the sort of cuffs
urgnrueut of the heart. IC lr tocol- which stamp a manager of the first
purated under the "no pecuniary rank. HLr wife Dyed his
enefit" how of the Atatn of Naw Jer- Ilona ynletly and offered nopCorn-
eS'• [tm 11114 office Is In the city Inept when lie kissed her
f Newark. strangeand started forth a fi°od-bye
to say, the of- upon the adv?D-
loerr are all said to be Western men Carrs of the evening.
men from the corn fell Pampered no Ilial not been Vore
oest, whero 1de .IIP also wan In or ping drene ss. Bho
lead are rte t! ' k sr
alrie dogs In the great A Acau called a c••tb And hallo the driver ret
exert. her down at the door of Catitral Hall.
Jehru,e or the Cornpan. Whpn they reached that scene of
revo4qTho aoheme of the company,-icke all" hada the man tturchastr a
tlinod in Its circular@, whlGray. am"enc entered,AIR) a ani � and Paying her
e Attorney -Gen Is "sold to be f heavily ♦"1)'ed.
ruripj; with A . erAl,uI and Ilkewlae Found Favor In ilia L.laht.
11"Ploased frown, In brief) as tot- The sort of rho story soon le told.
loll Y Factum cwt averuu. Which, being in-
ou Juin the concern-tako out a furptilts ,mu k,v! thAt It r to find
rrty rhige, Insurance, aS it were. For favor hi Ute atitht o(the tricky Main -
to r p ths you pay n regular ns- 49*r. HO Invited her to Supper at
smrnt ur prrmhnm, otter til" fresh Itector'a 8t1n
Of t!t&t In a life insurance cum- In front of Corbett,m hotel maw the !►arid Dug
aY, If at the end of two years gevlted gulag in there. Tuwtl@end
1 elx Maurits YOU have marrbal consented. In the
1 bare procured oils new member 1tAlpt! Gen,dwlD find H(`aerl Ettall 10� n
the cumlenny y/nt .would receive a whom Towne"•
us of g;l,g00 with Which' to nd knew, and Towaaen.t
Iteaseike�t ------ ruggpated that they dlne together.
Tntxl 1•rrmulmR '> - _. Nor'., s.bkf tit" e"at•ked weataa, .
>A207. 'Coro" to my horo,e and all of ms will
t" total pro,minted which tiro sup. hate a CORN- little tm
P"st'tl to bring forth (him small Iw• `dire whlmlbercd to tile l Aacker m:f<ntnwho
eeable mom Amount. to $2117. Ho;; drovt• them enviftl to
company makes tip th" ditferelme Own door. H" did nu! notice ownwhedre
Tie of T1t8 ep'Pete otTh" business they ware until they odlgbtecI In fir
t to be dropped luto every Idle "f hiN door. Then for the first time
that I,RsneR• It IN suppose,) to be
h" renhztwl the nesnt little trop which
" u had been Bet for him b
from an attack of t SP� bs thOro meml,erm aha two. Y lila better
m appt>D.1lc;on- uUl f KEO IN UPE and do ant 1 Krf,w (slat I r elbi>LW at the
rotting asleep Ttte next morning the ^Y1 Itt ,re _ 1'a,on wail 001 o a str,ue coq_ N COURT• mnrr', hold In Email Istrt rh"na'" and dPftl� (Allen ln. When
m what :w ate shim wan nt�jealous/ u(t.un at the uitj of last week L h 1 Go
weather alhey a and ton' tornp ! S Interest on the money isnld In. saw Hutt they wcrY a,•wcthify ot'or i'rumplfy tefrl:lel ,tu oxt 21st, is,"r. ;11 HusbanU ; malt. bfr physician, who deckled that an If tqo Curol,nny lapses TS•fnrP ter handl Bpprn� �' Keen realized what
Mf It war vvident from this h;r mirid tato opt -ration war Pxp(ratbe u( ill crest) they withdrew Ills.
- to aFHe from ilre light -44, u .the �+ twcewary to sate of the flit y In"I'th" Instelul y nml icytt the field to the
avrlat pod of i orlg Pilgrim 1•han L tarso a b3wnk`--agst 4UP-4-41-4HW -itet•s- - li0rrl ta11,011. tlw Patinut'r lite. mcmberm-put titnt la Another T"wnBPnda.
Tory 2turtexl foe tbo I ghthuure arnf wnn.tsrrirg ower the Perth eaklpnthy �� - Tl- phyNkasq who had been at- Young Loafer Well Wflackl d matter. Mrs. TnaTnRrrNl says -
b and it locked, fo tau leer Ilriag the life ut another ierw,p. 111 ,r teaalujg Taylor called in four Cllr It Is Got•. 1'uurhrem who y she will aC-
per huvl„ f err, on foot flits latent Ana Eel company her bustxnnd after tole when
-- �9
c4,stt1 up nrul guns ashurp, ,Pl,rg raid t e was n lawyer. Tit, lack hu c Jecladtiag two Brooklyn our-
mr- �y F5 Itl�ther. lg&tlon of the he has business away from Nom" after
--it+rer.l the dolor J would rem''! wr;. that lin went A `HOW NOT ON THE BILLS, Bruns, aa.l about luta-past two "Get-marr{r,l gnlek" eunerru. Hµ n)mifneNN hour". Mn Tuwnernd
open ea l la the ltght= 1a►t.a u`a tick Taylor war placed on an tin- enme nc"'"m 11 lot of circulars, con- u much to Soy• tart he le keel
ts,ure fuuruf loaf. wnU•r, an•1 avuu 1, Wurnlr, Jets t,.a Ir r,,� has
watch mute the K of Anguet 21st, lfi!)T, roll Victoria, ��'tevenin ,Bile rome- operating table !a the y "ulttrl with (0mmtsrtunr Battle, of up a to of thinking. >!nq
m a>m[orlablo for the carts entir'd on b the Tueulre Inst evening, of 1 .0 the Banking
nuti Irt*trrtgc" Depart-
uwe 1n•u1g. y hr,l+;e kir the teas* w110-apyroecbtd inn a atln _ «� ffALO 1USTtCE'S METH00, mrnt, an,t, ret Mr.
+npreme C'oart, aha aakrvi A m to de Dunne at twcuiy ruiouWw a tet grpwerel al+out tjrUree Bbffalo, Dec. 17.-Yunirdlmrnt wen peeted. ITrtajt So_wnrJ<
['uaantitnr; Attempt (end a Prisoner on its„ charge "f 01- , til"` Nur ' Intr,•sting drt'rlolimeatE aro e
lir. ltichnrd ran the Ilghttwnee [h GuUlol lr• Ile attended the prd.min- agbt' euW�ed a few exciting mo- TAS is ,curd wthm they became calrulutrirl to fit
t my hearing, End w;tr on ilia way wuutr they litre hops fur when alar 1 at too coudltiob of the til" crime was
ill' "I fink! m:wt, feeling Burr that It home when till' peculiar Ill;ufY en m, fluDt. Him Heart action rveakeae�,f• metal
would draw altentbn land
resolt In buroitushag tickutr to see a mere out prompty In the case of
n..;l;ance Ireltag sent to there. Tyle 'ver him, for he rempmb^rs nothing Illeatreal Performance. Thera ens ;ted in moment eom."d. All at Albert i3chuuck, •r. years old, in r +� � l
nen day, Mr. Murrill, the lift rim's "Inch. Strung, mss aetounlr,I to 7sluyal for theca u little du" wa iemPtr dree@ the wound were Morning Juenice U,lu`. , fl0U6N ON THE `
g IParu that Pr"idhnt bfcKfnlry half 'lruuaa to wJtieu a father, mother. n ibarefoarx and efforts were made tO-day. fi}{tl a court CREOITOflt
hghth•,wa+ keeper, wl,h four or tlae
freudr atteroptivl to cross overt"" 1,r .'D deck",,! for a slrup•l them, ant} ^well moa, ,iud fimutber woman were Io stimula Alm. F'lalifag thrlr (lcnupck was at ;,K
see what was tbr. molter The work- had since br,nn neon"+ihut"J, and that tiro dramnttc ix•rroone, lahors were \appnregt[y in colo, the �t
t Y I reridrnt Ifcwer,Veit w+iw holdfng the y ":law Grace !loaaton, formerly pb* PAciaus art net Cohen aqd R'itq ' t
el in ton Ice lrnm halt-fwst wevnn r,.igr of ,ower. fie war equnhy Tir° i y ec a [ow mutnents de- tit
111 ton a".rrtlmg nntll three clock f ua adtres, N a rtuat ruwhiJe to ckitxt to tires the news to litre, 1 i years old, reapvd;Hr�,. fur lu,ug_ Ti cy Must Fight in tilt; Court
h, ill" nftrrnt,.,n, but were ohll a"I aurprls..l to learn of the Ppani"h- lite person of her ltusbalul, Gcrorge F.Iy Taylor.
u. 8 ,tea, ratan uud the flo,er-liritb.h warm. 14truny, unit to a ergtall brunette with µhu went to er In not toW b Lyceum Around Use entrance to the
kr gtiio by ,in Account of the heavy htrong 9-1ve the nnm(•o of Re, l w1tOm fin was caulk, H1ldretli, ban, he y yceum '171Cfltre, Tits otter lx,ye far the Remnants
y rna,muier,id, but they null relnUvls !n lI[lrrls itg, whilo G. E Ys, one of the tveru never arrested nalurr aril were
as.•n Mr. Itiebsrd &rid the man, and r(fiPl sad an nnetc Barney, Jun., fh'e mot Mrs. Tay to In another room
were al,ln to report that they were has b^ it t been
r ceiv bat so for po mother on to eta itrfyuf(orte edTY1a And toil[ her that r husband had let orf with a reprimand, but Schanck,
Ther• ter safety. Lt was if , lutentluq reply till" been recetre,t paRwed away. Mre. ylor screamed It appeared Ind been arrflated once OF PAN•AMER{CAN EXHIBITION
wifo nn1 another needed no "neons- and fell Into n Rwoo
"1 Mr. MorHn and Irtw friomM to __ ngefgrnt to do her viguruar and self- To several lnfote fur tl 1Rw
ween an0t,r attempt clic reit day, ��t._ lK sacra in Graceeend y teMa HII- g g• iitm mother aP
but Dur arrival with n large .Inter t �1 -I r g otfr. to theme wor y Pc&rod and bP Buffalo, Duo, 1(1. - Fun -Americas
'1 U U Oyu and eloquent tongue told rhe war followed: �r' rjbed what td ggtxl iur the privtlego ) Y x,,,ltlun creditors are to fight over
lin""" and mama experienced men re- out to Acconiplixh it to the utmost. 'That Pavishing him. !
het 41 them of further tire. Mr. Mur- r scream brought ht�ylor to loll µ'l11 you 9'%e Wan ; good e)rtnk- Prue or the`enle or "I 'buildings
lin and he friends dewrne mnelr ere- Hiss g t1joon was nutite,l by Arany life. H1s hrsart began to lgeat and Ing?" Inquired Justice l(ocl a The compAny itself will eherrfully
/11t fur the efforts they made to res- q gteriuK the l'iciorJn. She etou l near Ire t>penP,t his p ra. In A fel► Bare 4 re fled the mother r with i o0o Into
coo Sl r. ltichard and kir pion ,with PUllnlall'$ Wid`UW WIIi HOt ihu enettul entraocu And nppharpll latex his heartYWit@ beating fairly eagerness. P tray Ute U3, court and lel
on rv'wrarees they bad at their did- mach dfstnrbed• t3I1" griiaprti the strong asst Nei waw able t" taut.' "And will you rano ixa the lrlbuuala of just say where
. _`_'_ ___------__-. •bev tJgntlr b hfa* HII
""` Let it G0 to Chicago.
fd(arilin �AOTHcii ANI) SISrEhS 1N CASE,
K tit*terweat Iw We CCtnsur
tegatry at st, Loots. Cit!cagu, Dec. 17. --Durk rumors art
attir,r o►1zr tfhr tBurt4i re cams M
St. Loula Dec. 14 The second 1ib �e M. 1'ulimtin, Jun., come (rum
tar's"'('" of the tetanus Inquiry tom-_ IN) Pacifte. It to said that tut
Uns"Inn, organiser) to fix the tis- iriduw of that t4mdwhat erra-
prq„nrsibtlit , for thirteen dent!," fol- tic w,d of thu groat bleeping -tor
1,144 the awe "I city anal-tuxta. �aLld"r will Clot p"vinit her ruin Iter
w a� upacarnool in Maror Yells' of. rd's fmdT ter tits talk"". 4_1; u
Martin 8chmhlt, ti Lavin'
for nodal in tiro i'u'oruta -Unit until
Dr7 becleriologlst, testlf.ed that '°la" w newureei of what n10 c,msWcr,
Am•'Ind Ilavu►d, city INaeterlol_ 'a fair put4kin of th,,, ,wlnt,•, of which
°girt, had directed him. on Oct, 3, tin wtas fxrrtlnlly shyt roti by the
-t-)_TSt t0 fur dintribution.the.HOPI terms of his fatber'r will.
r"wn from the horse •Jiro,"which ""'Thai-lhIijWhyliLlt{.4jjj Is (llititel
lu,14 been shot ti tit" do fgmtngt itself tial
ouual• y before be- lrvng t>Pcrr a4vlrrs
It had tatauu t'cr.•t Thr whk>w Of c;eorge Y. full
"Dt. Ri►vol l tot t 4 m Iit, til,- elder, aiwnv.v hits hall n "' ft
"lj,al tie roll'' Enid B hmidt• .p,l i,, her heart ror the Pullman
Ind.), a/ thnrnm old he enfHy- twat.. (ism 0, ,wet i,is"a,q,.
eft, . horse had not 0, yntl,er 1)id,.'LAllol Klsher.
rrhr t"1 with tetanus on .Sept., .5,
___ �.e ton dr ins wrtw wade.__ Altt,,"rgh tory were cut „(f with
unfit lbw serriaan waw prrlaonl>rlsaa/l to p:,ftr�' Jj. ;OUT ft-ttrrtr-rnrrtfrer
tell Ase on human beinAw, but (Ik1 not, mint Pitile�r o �Ilihm In ttr
1 telt that t o/arl� out quostlon Dr. mutter of worley, and wtteD Iieorg.
Rn it" nyder.' firwt wife etmileatt•d to n divorce lit
Thr wlluer rePeattir] his reeput order to enable to marry Mrs
aanertl0n Mfore the coroner that Torah L. Brazell, It wow ntt-or till
the polRr,nni serum was sent nut
to Phpskinbs wlthrmt having bee0 mother And 1>•na 1>rrwndwl to grant
IN•r A handrrirn^ seltipthent.
drt bone treated on VlItlea Available.
t. ,.tT,� hand, are Inclined t+r on ill
era aa•allnhle.,
t1N{r laratherm' clalm) with spartan.
WANT i1.t)i] ryyt. Illi' xPvpity and ter &tddr, by ttrr
r .term" of their father's will. The
♦ --- '"tat" m la ton handy ref it-rhert T.
rrea Maar abot In Chlea n de. f.!aeOI0, find Frank 0. 1,uwd b, who
tt + lw the Iroshilir l of Florence Pullman
('hleallft, (tlse Actlttn, ionto "i whom Ara Inclined to har.-h
r.rn'n,� ' a w] ,' lnhn Millet, the MP&Mres.
(' t wise "hot by ROM. IIPr I anRP C-nwid� ri d Rrr^n
cis "rotor gardener, Drat lhlw tPhrthrr the nN>lhcr find w4tuw or
and impression that'1f111er the dr-enasPd yoolrg than art, go n,
' w th�r�
f ow) R ft In t Wore 1s*Alters, has 'Atte op"n war Is y question for th, I
�+,(Ifl(Ib he 130perlor C'ptatt for future to dreNp. The wld,iw i.a B t
mm�gPw, libeled to b,) In 6w),it slnhtw,rn mCctvl
'p b4 tlDg 0conrrlKl stat In -the
willlL,,I", n NoT. ccur, ed "ZI�er br"- � as her rlster fir the Tits of enn
thus apse pa t R"t 1'riiln"tn, wfi, 61wn`y3 BdA lwrft
err l"I h"ras sad � t►a46 y lit wish a Itartfxan of Jana, brnthor, her camwe (
fnrmlmnG" to fq,,,ntre • Ow at the tw �ott"IAK 1 very wtrnn9 on the Pa• ,1
)Nlllrr rllrad t y. Chao Plfln Mdn of tl>e rnttntry.
}PI11v" rove the wnnndw, And,nRC Y„nn9 Pnlimnn'R tr,ly still tlrw In
t'rt1 rrrn fort ry11) ry/ still,. (KAn lin (� }w• l� "elft f $ wlllMrn Ml'Tnrt"*rn nMH n
both lia I'l to the grand Jury In Mrv. Pltlimnn trod brr dAnglater•ln• t
law AldJust tbetr tfltfPrwmeea
Y- hn4d and seemed dreth refused to Rive the nn ” l a rrel save ? ' Uan munt-y Wrall y,.
to b,' Concevall of the tq Nubs." tete Ju lice )p, Ilnnli
ful Dg something p the Dhylaw. b who said: led lits 11 replied Mre. 8clruack, "unit i tale f rrherec are kinds of clatmnnts.
ci her Brews. Thn NrgnC1 peeved blether -in-law, but ho said: clll Kit him gage bond holders, the
chi. vonlPthing was a rawhido. afar. ,te soon sae Taylor came back to retty." sow° of Bowl rat- second wurlg�o" lxond holders. title
IN,v and the brunette finally !merged 11(e they dresne,l him wound and did The' prh",ner was turnn] cool to "ten e -VO, re. T ne nutid b
from n pined of refre,hmhmt main- PTerythlng to help him. Hp tw t r a lin lash, wlw o•vn rho land, de and the
getting twtter r now Sln rk sou Horde good tier promise, ml tllo older! stand
tnfnhd b.v one Mink, nod mtnrted rapidly. asst 1 br11pTP laid Albert acrose her knee and Luke prCv "dente cater ever t
Ronthwant. Arm In arm. 110 will tin up In a few weeks. Mc RIR- f r"once (On tent the bond.
'it down a ticast god,palabet" the lieu holder are ndvieliYl that tog
i;arnPy•r fIr t Inetndnition of ds n- te•r was nncrsnarlons for R"rprnlmin- old du the mart good. AlhPrt txrrAlx cover Ot11
9pr >ynx when a shrill, fnmiitnV ntpw• acrd whoa site, teatne,l, on rc- "'' fy wltwD sits the tn, Y gat" receipt" and
voice Rmot" Ids car nn,l n sharp, viving. that her humbaad was not a doze Wirtcrinl; whacks werealuld le are
netp0lptgoi dill) b ddl g inlhat
anhamilinr Irish caught him acrons- dyad her joy knew rte tiognds,' on he n to howl
tont orgnn. 7110 whip qulekly wan -_-_ At the wrre.lublun of t land owners are reported to Insist
main to Aprcr:bn Another "trete and ante Mrs. hunrk lod her week ng `Ihaeetmtort Ileo preceded, leo Ileo of
res rie.3fertrt Irel'3'A ttw, bnnvrPk--ot-.the POLICY CHIEF HELD. prisoner out by the par while the true, tllergi Ott at their ttlm` I,finnnot
other woman. TW"Ce aff,vo the raw- _ ___ sPectators anti pul:cemr•n Applauded, to the bund". t t further, the lieu -
hide rose null tell b^tore the via 1119 Profits in the dame in New Then Justice (tuchfunl faced tee Ors ]Hetet that their claims come un-
ifm.r recovered sufficiently from York. Other Prbaoners, wit, hrtd forgotten dor taro t thea pthei of operatingme ex_
tlu-tr Rnrpriao to protest. theirowntrouble and were grinnirtg pen,rrn and thus ore preterre l W
N"w Turk, Dec. 1T. -The reprenen- DunlRhment of i3ctlunct.
Thn rotor' ft?-. got "octroi of taCivew of the Parkhurst &)etety I don't know whrrn your 1(CenRe Anything else,
mf>ttt'nmtt Taartrtc;--lPeel44ww*I Aatl and vt flit �a _ to l;rin coats w rte aak1. " if 7� The rftuatl0n, then, is etmply that
lore It from i& better half"" haml. tl aticy- 1-ri,vu : who nt ts.litfiTon a first clans law eui[ is In sight,
H"r cnmlmnlon anw her upp„rtnn'ty YPstPrdny made oils of the mot ntf d gar
JWWO Of rw%l,:.M "_e.
.asst e-empeloi. Parnav then rarrf;l,t srnsittlonnl raids in the blstury of K You probably wouldn't be
Itis wjfe's arm. and after a moment tilts city, deelarp,l to-riny that evl- here ttrthf, m n• tw,wp,l
Rhe brenm- tom il f Arul the men roll wO p POISON IN 'I-1111- Tt:A.
pnrnthe ' clef, ,1rneP o n wtnrllintt charitlts)M held their treads to signify their it pro
thonah by this time the boy was born obtained, and that n death elation of ton fact that a Danl.•� Iliad Girl Clmfeeres That Ilrr Mxfher dada
tinalll.r�f pAy1leatt�3rll (, MJ"'a Ilouetnn brow hnct t"xu struck at pollcy come tP hNlgmeht.
parsnn�xj.ip pptrim foreR'tnrlttfrrg- Two irafew were takem Her floor it In.
her flit In Forty-third Rtiirt. frr>m ttm al'ag'id Pnite $mature, Dec,. 1T.-Juli,a 11;Id ,lily r
It h x(mply a efts" of „ term, and )n the larger, accor� g DiSREOARDED WARNING Is loader arrest, olrArgw/ with at.
rL.•trney "rill, n few memento trtt;T. to Supt. McClintock. of tha Pnrk_ _ temp, to kill her another,
"Anel oanRpl"Ro Jenl,rtwv at that. My huret Society, proof waw found that New York Mxji of Wealth Hire In w LetTl" lfudgrly, w,t,, eiuw p,iMrs.
wffr halt b^Pn threatening me with "AI" Adams, who wall amuse the Turk h Dr. W. W. lh. Jamie.R,a was rnU,n-
thio for mrntth,• T'hpro wax no ren- men arrewterl, was the head of til" Oath. to Uw homo of Mrs. Blul. Oq
ren for this trouble to night. i was PI>fley GtelnrNr In this sty, R RNiuhllnl'ork, DPd, IT. -F Alward B. T1leatla)' awl foutrd )N•r uneoll"ulous t
nowt with ton - nit womnn IenmP g• a retlred men-hanl, WIN, until frothing act the ravutl. Lie VAI A trunk was frnrntl in tills room, viltfl him
wife And fitmily, IIRR bHatpl.een ,ilii emetic bed Lie VAI r
hi of the rpetnnrnnl with b"k,re ua1 it was broken open by the rald- Ilvtn a mimrtnrrst
this afternn(m. It'll all blow over in erx, won a l they found evidence KlghNtrr,tht etr`esrin,fe>h}rwrt- Ave. that q� a woman was suffering from v
a day of lo,a
to allow that In eight months In rote, dor n 46 Ile notifit•IJ tike pu,h•e,
11197 Adamee tPcelpts fr,rn 1x,11^ llnths, iiic of in tike Arlat$h That afternoon Julia lfadgelY c
ployrrs worn more than y y. Fteven-m atreot &gel ryas Luken to Lilo
TO RIVAL THE SALOONS. Other evi,lenen was frxtnd� its ��p Il � ren ay^ IANC evslfth police elation and it
ell 1 went t„ m)„In n swore cunfessiun, Nile c
agr.•1. to show that ementiy the holt the boats At says thl her father nrNl Mother (iotheniwtrlf, fMe. )R.-(IJty Cohn- Profits on the gryiN, Amounted tp halfwt A Weicek it" rompinku•d Of float not lived And
fur ten u
ell haw dockhd tea adopt rystemnte 87.:*o daily.feeling 111, and waw wnrnrd n,.t to pert!, Hm Ilvlgg with her Gather en 111
efrOtts to Amon take a bath, but Its went ,nit frit M liv n the weer that her prorlrie the wnrfln- M'ChnPIRJtnBp men arrested was '"el', aromatie spirits of ammonia. fates told her to come t* j;yru_ fl
Ciaswes with �^nnnbl►ng nrrl tnfln- rgen. who Is sail to and after tnk'ng n lirw" of It lin bald
njf ntmurm^ntm In r>r•ler to otfse!t bo a hrother-ln-taw of Depit.v po. h" telt better. euRe anti ilpy on her mother. And that U
lin Cronin l plo M tho sa"ooaa A Ilcn Commlaw[orror Devery. H" went thnrxr9h the varlons fur if
She Girthrr Era x a
Dolle" Commtsstoner tjrxpw If ehC dill not hu wonhl "hoot kir. n
litlnt clm(miGwlon of ctmncUl"lis nt►1 if,erpfiy nn. r+onn^etPd with a Turkish /stir, threo y that he horde l her *
workln men line ngrre4 to hpirin no meed thin afternoon that h* hod and expertettppd ten Powders which, he
aR Marie In Ri 111 rf/pate that slow saki, were tr
�" -Jy--prwvl:il x11 wnd,d Cap talo Coate
lin Pirko an! 8+ of the were shij, chi until an attendant Aftr�flitln9 n week At tow Zi
P p nin wQn to t In- li`"Rt Wrth fitr/•el elation. In wfiisre war' retahl,R Alm ,lc vin houao It
nor rohrertw, pvenirljf HriU to the didtrlot the rald oeo,rrrl'd yewtpM*y, rmm� ant• het Mt"r Ap of h"► mutlil Js" *wears,
mnRt•umR, muniPlpal 'plIlYgroands. and that has had ordere,t him to ap• Wlthnnt n pourfw) one of the puwdprw do hrQf er
where children will'"" ten word he fell "ler Int" rrk)thrr'R ten. The mother
ryiht lit rale pent for trial next T1t1>sdaY, ill^ *ttPthrlant'w arms. Ecprr fqp. l markrri tont ton tea motasther
fanny In
tnnlPtpnl nthlMls nrl ri fart vols In tow a& Y. wait mad" to revlvp him, and'a ph rt
sntl It waw hoot lip In
r+f . (nrrnt kladw a LIrKe park and were f n otipeed^to da•r aeooN at clan, i r. 8t»nn, afro tivM la the At Mrs, work to arpus* her. nst
he appnMfr of m 1ny new branch" Tnpedit'r a np01pta showed that nn,l sly,
of the pubito Ilbrar7l PN were >r1'i•.b00 atsd laton ayartnrenta, wail Called in at that alrag Wiwi will r.rovpr, aeys p„
that Moad9yl. s were S11.00- Ofleft- that Mr. Altaulding had mala the girl f.nnless ehst wi
1' Ams* he arrived Aia(1 �' al hod gill'" her thrre Powders. The in,
s girl is 1.1j,44 years old. : de
t ..« - - . . ,-I -,
Nas Inoculated With Tuber-
culosis F room a Cow.
, Cw York, Lec, 17, -Dr. George D.
Ilarey'. of Brooklyn, asserted yen-
tcrduy that Misr Emma H. King.
who, he aaY's, war inoculated by him
Oil Nov, L;kyd with tuberculuerr
germs from an laleicted Cow, luW been
rcus,vlsl by hiw [rum her home, at
�• lil Carroft rtt'cat, brooktyn, to
Jorh"y City, in order that the Health
D,•partmout urlglht sot Interfere With bid experjandat.
M,1rs (Ling. Ur. IlArney nays, bas
derekrpof tuberculoels as Al rosult u[
I no [eoulatfui4 sed ho Is now treat-
,ttd her to bring about her cure.
11" ssYs Yui In certain he will cure
her. haalog deutonetrat"d that Dr.
K/xh'e theory of the Doul-Intercom-
muuiCabllity of bovlao tubercuiocia Is
all wrong,
In c
Dornaro Mi- King.;' said Dr.
Barney yesterday. Some permuae
think 1 aft atter notoriety. but I
am not that khtc,1 of it man. You
Ilon't know how I dread Publicity.
I am working only for MY proleeeion
and for humlutity,
Wn Ilavo the, ar/l,)avltR of two
rPhyil'itlninnrltaavver!that oubl(mhiss in hI
hnw dnveloprrl tuberculosis. As Golan
as, 11 tlN,re ICc nfRu tprt mthat y tmiPn«P�n and ndvllvrrt me to take ltigN King out
if the State tp &told compbrations
Rl(h the, nvffiorltlea I have clone no,
Mt will shot tell where she Is."
'barged it'Ita herraudlnfr Ills ",a_
therti-t)aw for o f llr,(N)(),
Chicago' Dec. 18. -Proceedings iD
I]" suit brought against "Dr." Jolla
ilexrinder Dowle, head or the Chrlr-
lau ("athohic Church and the golf-
.'tyl"d "'J"ll 11.," to force it receiv.
rshfp for hill Zion lace industries,
'Cls bcgnn In Court to -tiny. A bill of
'"Irl flied by Dowle's brother-
' -Low. Samuel Stevenaon. Was
larging I)cwl0 wit), defraarilgg Atm
i lam, (Ilx)• Accor, ling to the bill,
Owl" ,tplrr"nche,f 1lteveneon In Des
lin, h:aK., and persuaded him to re.
114111111i ,t lace I n dress earning $L•O,-
trisy eathat laacnyii'`Gthem�edIowlegsar
"I Rave her a wedding dower of
"IMMKI, which was to be returned
him In ton form Of stack to the
on i,CA Imlmxtrles. The pl,nioliff stud
was lily bellef that he was Devvis's
If �r� i hie twinarm thate tywt • tr rr mt,
it Ih,wl" nil right In tho company.
evensoD charged that irowlp on the
flit Of AtrKart R. 1lK)i, ehnnged
Pere (in him when hp muppowN, he
to r/gni*g Joint pnrtnerwhlp axree„
lntl, '!)r."
mia')Owls entered a geleral