HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1901-12-19, Page 60 MONSOON -Thr most eiloierus lee marl Tea In the world. TRY IT, sOtiQt+490149itnic*******Iikok '1444+11 II THE EARL'S DAU6IITERj• - - - - � 1. � � � . ., a •- t- .r_ -w- .,'Moto-.f.a..t..Y. Y.+� siestas -' a alieete golds Wille aad "and he never likes to p out 'Monte CANADA AT PARIS uelleelL •u Leu ISS F NO. 51, 1901. eleil.lrt+n ar.ghI throtut�&h the lutrl- lege or Mein& without me, you know. caW era a f this world• It blurt One do when we wars emote' faro y o y be no army matter, and a heavy re- uncle wall I recoil bra n mitotane iponettll ty Noor Cuptalu tervmt bas to them -and he raid -my oourin '14 ROBBERS OF 1 fancy, opdugh to do to keep him- rail war'-- An Echo of the Great Expo911lon • Mtaggle'r I.ghl laugh. again ripped uecd not feel bwhful with me." Of 1900• over, "Ile amid," replied Ala le. with a "Not Ike your women Thomas, me lunnging he that he Owed not, Speakteg of taw early Plantagenet d H 1 I and lead f If 'the 1 1 his port 11 r. JAI. Jardine. Canada's Commis- dear. woke! Mr Henry, In Ile • ulotomy tell straight just at preseut. Awl "What die he say, darling? you OLD ENGLAND. viP7r lr-frIfrel7r7r iii 7r7lr • ear. u r eo gout r y as have ha t e p ie euro 11 r r emu , tells au lrtereetleg Dtory Let Ise." e , • to be competent to be flea guide of if I were not Niece." • 1 tterulu llblrtaed try of Ure'at Ile so 7" ruse In her life If you are not a number mats M1sa Lloyd had expected to re- there," rxohrlmed Mies Lloyd, entht - Toronto. D. 9.--1 M dal). - The tho jutlgrae; could hot prevail ml a eteve a ready anrwor lis the affirms- Mimetically. "Maggie, my child, I gr.ut lturld'r ! .puett.ou lull w tom jutted to flat wry of th•itt guilty,,. congratulate you ; 1 cook) not con- leo,. Malt year raw very Wtlny von- Even unto the neem rigorous ad - any young. woman. Don't tut .mud d ttaln,'• remurkr that the you think 'Nor will he have half the plea- u,r .r utr Crurdtra Krwrdy• of rubbrr wax ell great that five; but her uleeo'r eynr had drop - peat upon the groutul instead, and the oilier deepened in her oh, eke "We have no tloulet but that he will make had w.lu happy, hu.a we, Maggie?" "No . Aunt Lotty," carne at net; but 4t a very rubtluod voice. "Your uncle bete been Calking vary nwiordy to we about Thontar this m rrn:itgg" couthlnevl Mit. Lloyd. tier - tow le dor stye was antluur to sound Magpie Hontleroon upon a certain tuLJ.ut, and haui not the leant Idea how to set about it); "he, naturally, leaks forward to hie own death ail on event which Let past eetenty can- not be ro very far die - ant. nod Is deairoiel to aloe lite ton centaurteWy settled before that time, and prepare.' to take her And as far set outward a(.I.uaracm► Him, the joy of their hexrts trust plaoy here as ewe as he vital) ter toof their f1 l flesh. For roily intoe y y gleno. )''cw C'rn,ttmlwwr is very dear went, there seemed every indbabie have quite overpowered the week-rr fuel el (auditor r to all ..f us now. Mug Wu should trot Ilkto see 1t Lot Ity err he. prophecy being verified, wtv'tt It must be, Aunt Letty, to knew ter par alta>gvttter tato a stranger's for Magg)" llenderr.o was no tu,llu- ,Wauredly that wlth.n a few minuted mixt, . t 1 t t fidelity n toward Mr.;flee poems to do" 1 t d i f Paris 'site it future of greater happtnera torr from all lett tr of Lew gluon tlutn that whloh Ir ipentng before rumbled to the guy l•'ronoh uup.tul. you. Thank Oo1 for It," Cutouts war wen repustsated Leyte "lent, Aunt Letty," rejoined the as as exWWtur nn tett uatiumf girl. timidly, "It le not it settled anti as a>, vlrttor, moueof our beret thing. you know; he her Melduothtng, & mple holing ulttvaded. and--" � Tit intereetr of the llumhttun were "But he will, toy child, be wilt. ' Iwkad alter by a vary oa{utble end Thomitr 1. a lutetltgeut company oI putlrltic goal neon, ands goat Cuuudta.iwo amuug whom ouo of til, son; and when ha seer that kir (nth - most ooueptcuuur was Mr. J. (4. JrT- cr'r hopes are set upon tele marriage, gine, of ;.O Crawford street, tele be will do his duty and ruake us all city. Mr. Jrrtitne`m Jutted Ler t'viu- happy. Ltravo It 1n time's loaner, and tul.wWrtor ',palled a tart anwuttt It will come right In the rod; you of hard work welch made great .1e- tuaixls oft Itis phyehat health mei ret mngt by le sr Ile-- and tAe-nenteDOe He is authorbty for the statement id eloquently unfintehed• that be found Dodd a- kidney Peels, "My darling. who collie live with that Bert known y( Cuttatdiaut mob - you and not lova you t" exclaimed .doer, Invaluable AA a tonin tiering Aunt l.etty, untot.•ntiooally conclude therm trying tiwee. He say., "They Ing it; shad then, with a promise to relieve backache Inetnutly fuel tone pr.werve her nlece•r recrt with the up the syrtete generally Al uettthtg remain - nifty depend npoa that. "Ilett I woukl never marry him un- Ethel ary r. tarns .v. Olt no. replied the girl, qu e y Younger try a gleam than I taffy die with anticipation before they 1 '•'risen 1t follow." that Thomas Inuit her several ttmex, gathering ring p her 1 r 1 Dodd's KMnoy Pied to Mr.Du- 1 feel c err she had already had htlf expired. kookout fur a wife Wats xtuJl be con- l ti t rt 1 Ixtxsexl Into tea pct•, tiro esteemed aryl popnlur F'r- rotary to the Cannelton Comnrlesiegm, west was feeling elder tba weather, with the very happiest retulte to tlalt gentleman. Ity healing and stimulating the kid- neys, Dodder Kl Incy Pole prove abso- lutely the very beet tomo known to meltoa1 .cteneo to -day, and both Mr. Jardine sod Mr. lltrpulr wore greatly pleased to find that their own fair ementry, en dlettnguleloee In many other ways. wits, through tills great lone^ remedy, earning in Europe a &Orlon, reputation In nodical lines. Very few Canadian are aware M ttet world wile reputation of Dnddb Kidney Fill•, ant m•uny who linen been abroad seetn serprlervl at being nide to pirehnaea their favorite meet - One enema anywhrr,+ In the civilized world. s e c et + y etc It will Come to Imus. Oh ! 1 should I •kt and Mr.. llalnbrtig'•, she embraoe j While u ars Mr. Jardine Intro- - •.e u t t .ec ■ew :: • nut e e s, twice teal• commend over her feel- Aemt I,elty pitted the bloemla& tutted to dive here with haul all the hasleaving Magg,e by herself upon Inge than was .evinced by that young cheek laid against her knee. with a your round, and not to be Cu-ontiuthe. very happy and o,ntented look In her She war glad to h • so left, for her head wa_s still whirling with the un- expected n:tnonioenront made to her. nod sen wanted' a Mlle time to, col- lect hen' tho. ghta before she mixed with the family again. It WWI the fourth of August, and on tlue eleventh he .vow to be there; and who.n he had seen and spoken to his father he Gtght speak to her. What should she sat to elm' The mummer sun waa beginning to decline and throw long shadows athwart the nushad,•d moorland. and turn its purge., glory Into the richest brown. The sheep. which had been lying shrl- ter.rl all day In the 'leather and the fern, were commenclog to bestir theno. Ives once no On, and speckle the hillside with dote' of white. Stray hares and rabbits- thought It time to peep out of their hiding - places, awl etre ferule see the trout leaping in the clow stream below. An..t eteti no. elm thought how peneeful tool how .1•':u• we leoleo- wape was to :••v, and that she might Iive her ill.• out rtmtltt Its quiet troautlew, ant beneath tits protection of one who were worthy of her rine fool reverence, n little herd begnu to dug shrilly from a neighboring 'bole an 1 Maggke's tioart ran over. Not In tears -there seemed too certainty for them-b►t In it egret of pr+ti u. 1e to the Giver of all root who h:u1 mrtppol out her pleasant life an He haul done the nmllmg scene borers her. She had a powerfut voice, with - tones as clear awl dulcet as et bell. and ax sli.i pealed forth a voloe of the grand hymn: "Holy. Holy. Holy. Lord Oed Al - lady. an 1 her naturnity high tem- per had been brought tato such con- trol, that seldom, If ever, did Its ebul- litions disturb the etuaaimity of tkc quiet Iwuseheell at tranebnws. 'They alight disturb her -own mewl, but on the surface there appeared nothing but sorrow for a n:tturr as yet Imperfectly medusa, but which, with few exceptions was most fright ani moony. Ttrs stint might. In a great mea- sure, bate born owing to example, awl the metboe by whish she had been reared. for it Im difficult to dwell among those wbo live la the presence of another world, and not be imbued with a deep tense of the rrsptmelbllity of living. At the rams time Maggie Header" eon owed much to her own eoargette srptrlt, to her ware' heart, iupttlaive feel:n(te, aad demure to mimes ber gratitude to those who had sup- plied the place of parents to her. By nature .be was quirk and clever always ready to see a joke, and very fond of making one, but site hrcl hes sorwcu ..i omenta when Ute young howl was too full to Iangh antl bo memo, although It overrun with joy Led gratitude Theme wove haggie's dull hours. as some croatlrrud them. for her aunt IJraoe'r oar,* wore erre. tesd core to her bodily ten bet sprite& com- forts; ani her unities. mead man at k• war, was of to, blunt aad roltgh u temperament to penetrate the finer aympithta ni k.s littler niece's nen. Bul there was ono Pierson In (Van elbewt who altvaye micierwtend Mag. hili, to w nom thy girl had in, .:hams hi dtsokiing kw tweet carred Int lags. end fr nn whom eb,e never met with nq,thing bat the keenest sympathy to return. and that one was, dear Aunt Letty,--- It .ett7r-It woe oe a brilaant afternoon to the bydnning of .tuguat fust .three• two, the suint anti nle!ge.- nu the lawn wh=oh bordered t'ran- shaw Cantle. b'o.etath the shade -,f wane far creewdlnq trees. Aunt betty, n veindelicate-looking ally reghing to go to London for the radote oe spas) the winter abroud.' "1 should thine thorn must be man; such," still Maggie Henderson ; "he will not have to search far." Oltfany who wouki accept ti►.e term+, my dear, but not many, 1 fear,: who wandd keep theist afterwards, ant'. your contrite hating travelled n great .1 e,1, will req,dre, pertapr n particu- larly Ovule -loving wife to InJuec him to mettle town contentedly as the landlord or ,aranetiawn. And yet it W Ida father's great Wishthat he .t.uultl do no. lot have never found the plane dull. have you, Maggie?" 'Oh. Aunt Letty, how can you ask m • emelt a guertion of my own dear loons? and Maggie'. 'styes glowot with affection. "hull, no; I ,.houlI Wank valent. No one into ever been Istpph•r In a place than I heave been at Oranedrawe. 1 keve every Toch of tit ground, every tree in the plan tattoo. I wouhl out excl,ange tdwt view of the moo 1.g. and elm rifer with Ito salmon -fall -(•to you rem•mhor when I caught the big salmon there, Aunt Lefty. anti he quietly walked down stream with my' lino and the flirt joint of my roil ?)-for till - tho fined sights that London or Parts enI t afford me eco more theta 1 wotrld exchange you, my own sweet Hunt. w1,o have taught me the feed of all my little knowledge. for tee• grnndcet friends Oat I cook! moot there!" And Maggie coded her harangue by throwing herself Into Miss Lloyd's outran -eche -el arms "Then my 1itil.• MASI& would he quite codte-ttt to e7r•nd and end bee IUe at Cranst.awe "" whispered the elder lady as djr prowled her niece to her. 'she would not think the pleasures (.rc too halter, nor the eooterty tow tnrignlficant cad small? Ne -of .ens roe not," tritium, r'..1 a h rntn• Ince• from the shelter of her artM'e brew "butt i do not saltpeter., .cunt Letty. test when It happtm.a-that Is when het le marred -many of we will ocin- tUrue to live on lore." "Not 11 Lou were to rhooar you as toe mistress of Craneltaws, my darl- t.ng r' Met"- stens exclaimed, hurriedly "Has Cowen Thomas 1 keq of it. own face. '11 woull be great joy, my daring. too grout to boar, pet•hnfr, were it net In general mercifully hid from w. But it W not absolutely neoessary It should be prieeded by a life of duffer - lag !" "Don't you think oo 7" a.•tkl the geol. thoughtfully ; "now, It 'teems to toe, Aunt 1.etty, that alt the 'mints and nptertlea of old glorified Min by un- happy Livia Ler violent deaths ; and th:tt if our paths were all eundt neo It weed,' seem as though Be bad forgot- ten ter, or lend nothinit for s to do for Him 1 The Bible goys, you know, that H' Cbns,teneth every eon to whom Ho dellghteth." "I know It dose. my' dear, and also that Ht'. cheatemiogs are not gritty- Oille ; and yet I should be sorry to Oink your life was not to be a sunny one. You see not destined, for a mar- tyr. my little Maggie!" "1 am not good enough for one, yon noon auntie. Yes, I know that well inveigh ; atilt. I bare often 'Oohed that i Ilval in than) days. that i might h'►ve mune means of knowing haw mach fry faith ts worth. Amit. 1 think til it I oomkt do it" ; and !dog- e -lees eyes rptrkled nt the idea of tmting hr ettength of min.). think we too. efacgie. 1 think tna,ere estimable of tkdatr everything that le rirbt-with Hee help . Mina Lloyd added, reverently ; "only soms+- timen n very happy life, free from all trouble nal Dare. lea greater tela! to aur faith thrum misery. borrow draws tow nertrem--Le_aim -ae our cmt,Oletlett bet prsoperlty and affluence are only too Ilkeie to mike urs forget from whom they Ooto.' Your future Is Pke- ly Ut bea n very brteht elms. Maggie ; bit dint Lowe to Him through it all. 'WW1 can wHt be safe." 90-F. Tv1► !1-T df reclaimed the girl. fervently. ' H•rw centkl It be etherw t e no that 11x,eesw has come from Him !" And then, there was silence be- tween them for the apace of some woman d nbeut fifty yearn of ago.` uuo•nnhttt, along whir h Aunt Letty wh Ise slmpl • cop •a•limed it patient relied teat babel to brush away a fnoe eon will h war ills had left Its tear that came gently courelag tr-tCes. '•at to a low garken-chair, down her cheek. ••mpoy,.l is need ework wh le Magee CHAPTER, V. H al•rete with n berekto -irr hand. -- In., etretohi d up n the grass -b elite ' lbw -Pune at Heat hen -Ann almost hero ter, long ; It threatened to break up B ie wets a fine. healthy ¢Ir!, with their pleasant intercourse. brown eyrie nand heir. a completle,' tike b'nsh-row. earl nssrnBy -a--m1eee- anlnsattd 'tepees"' 'n ; tett at that mi- mes a a serious morel mooned ter Jrays stolen over her. for the humid eAurit, shall I go 041 reading? rather talk, if you have no tifiree- Ion. Your uncle has been spenk- Mg to me of your coueln Thomas.. He kinede turned ,ber head away di- rectly. and looked out over the "Yee and he purposes to be at 'ran- haws on the eleventh. He brings wt.) friends w.th him this time -Cap- tain (kraut and Sir Charles Ham- niond. You retuember Captain orant. Magee?" 'Ore yes, Aunt Letty, quite well; he was here last. season -such a Lvely, gwed-tempere.1 young man don't you reioolleot the day we went for a picnic, &Wow lettere were brought out to us on the moore-atui .reCelved trne that required Mims,: /gate attentkro-hOW cheerfully ho left ese ag, although he had tici•rt en- joying lanwelf iamb before, and wertt home to write rhe answer ? I alwayw liked Captain Orant from "v44 he he not a rellidonamatilh," mid Mies Lloyd, thoughtftlly. "Itellgicme? No, oprtninly not, if you take the word literally ; for r,•11 - elfin moans strictness. But I think there Is mere deep feeling among yeung men than you eire them oredit for, Aunt fortty. This filiptaln firma, how retereutly he towel to behave a prayerve or chureh, although he ;atria bete been toughing only the moment bofore; and he alvraye j teed in the hemno when wo sung on eon - ,16.7 eveningie." "r.ut you don't oonelder that Hoge f101ifit to make a good litioammi, Mag - The girl trued out initehing. She he'd evidently no tender meniories nonneetont with the name el the pro mewing on pt dn. rind her mirth trouble which had gathered on her omit', brow. '1 really ooret irony. Annt Letty, ter never eat 41own sertiniely to confid- it row:tire* pornething more thus deetre to accomincelate himself to sozosou tit* TEETH 254 All 'Thy works ohall-praiseThylialilie President McKitiley MAW tieeply appreciative of the conoiteratiou ete generally shown to lime McKinley neeouut of hear well-known 41- %1110110W. and epoko frequently of the lianeinew she met with on all &blew. pastor. Rev. Mr. ilrlietol, tolls tho folkoring touching otury of Ms Wet trip eastward, which M- iami. from tho Preeldent'• own lips shortly before be tiled. The viteciel trait* stopped at a little town In Id° to coal. and tito President t out on the platform. to find hi ear wirroutithel by it throng of ei t people, who mode no loud Ale- rattkat tau appeetrouce and ley reeponse to lila greet, ed and wearlegoa great up to the, President. the Preeidentl"' be in - no n greetl straw h eye& este "Ile you "Ile Mrs. Me son," reap° ed tbe In earth and sky and sea, ' asked the lute °cutler, white to tracted the !mike of the car. Mr. Bainbridge. who wax In the "Yoe. my boy, rs. McKlale is "What, my little Maggie!" he "Then you'll 'setts. us from elle ofteeletoo alone. woe no Ono ire. won't you? If hien aster. wW but the bIrde to Borten to your ain't a-molo' to intim no IltAiPe." inlcilittration of reheard num totem bend of thou doweled the town fuer, rot it UR fire, awl carried off goo• ds. Their healer, Me Robert chamberlain, a goletleman of great power mud wealtle, war taken, triad euted ; but lie would nut be pre- vailed swim to diamver a.ny of his aeratonpliees. As Ithe tether robbers of oat perked wore very numerous, so wind of them weze very erect, and tho character which ono ot • their cliicIr our.. embroidered upon Mr ek.at in lettere ut ether might be to many othree; "I am cop- ulae Warner, cominantler of a troop • robb,•r*, an enemy tu Sloe, without pity and without remorse.' (Henry's elailiiii,t(t.:,rry.ro).f ()seat Britain," book Iv.. Robbery continued to prevail with - t m Wel on until tile present The beeped.. and daring with wheth it was ezirried on. some - t Intent la the very OPated tbe city, Hite even in tiro daythne, appeara to be incredible, and p••rweite of the very Mellott rata were molested_ Thus George III. nal the Duke of Yerk, when very young wero 000e ley • swore. To ores. uno ow Heath who ventured were always well armed. ani come foto had eVen proof estrrlageo There W n h owe still standing at WPC -known r,tistesvoue for highway- men. (The "Origami," Imo* 1 1, by Or Walker. ft metropolitan petoe witties- t I.:ape re 'race Walpole. In one of les lettere hi the Cncintesa of OseorY (MI). reletes how III was robbed -he - fere germ in the evenine sine' within twenty viola of the h lose of the IfInard's Liniment Corea Diphtheria ' noothing ate she strok- ed the head of browe hair which was avtin burled le ▪ very likely to do so. for hie fatlet It. sbcruhl like to know your thoughts upon the trobject Alaggler But to thief ineinuation there cam no reply. "aliened you object very much t, the idea?' shame:Med Miss Lloyd. Id ter a asommit's pause; "that lc I all went well awl your coanin wa willing to accooet te his father's de ire. wank' It ist Oft -agreeable to you ar look apon him as your future hus. bawl. Maggie r -Oh, Aunt Letty. don't ask me - alk nyh I don't koow what is The bluehing face was still ranneerti ol from view. but WIN Lloyd omiel feel the raptd pulsations of lieggiee heart so It preened agahmt her knee 1-`-iMilfieir-by the heaviseraTher dere ders, that the girl was underscolny violent emotion. "Maggie, my dear, 1 have no+ wountkel your mho maid. antionsly 'CM,. anti brokon voine. but the ftgi tattoo continued, awl there was MAL Inn to be done but to wait till 11 had enthedtled. When that occurred, Maggie Henderson voluntarily pripeal • 1,finillo•relliet over her face, nO lifted two shy. tearowollen oyes te moot those of her allot. One look wao muffle/lent to reveal her secret "My darling," said Mbn Lloyd. AI O ra killP1411 the crimes -on etieeka. et had Do idea It lad gone so far as thls. I ism so happy, Mamie." "I einn't know why I eliould feel oo antetmel to think that you have olio/wed Go truth." roanined 1Neggle. not hoer ttset atto oat but you gLoold know It, Aura Lotty• And yet Were tot AO real reason to he anham- If et Las always berm on good find weorbe and fiftentive to my whites thee it wan natural eihreiLl grow to mine him. and think Crenshaw" quite A illfferent place when lie le not horn And now, flee new ide* - of which I assure you 1 lout rover *went Po ertnettliere-fend thee uncle 0.0,41 dentre It. tnit-I Oen hardly be- lieve tifest It Is tree." "It not em ntronge wiles you onme DA.nk of it, my dear. Your uncle. hew hut owe clad to provide for het he look, on you no hie own dough ter. It io mattered lee nbovils1 veldt to non yoor intereerta united with theme of Ttionote. Hag your 00titan heel r hinted at each a probability to your' ooming curious to hoer if anything wIdeli eonld bo construed Into n love patwooleore. tool passed between the "Oh, no! oraver-inilesele he not I" rowerretol Meteorite who isle peered to imagine that Memo versild nioneh to hire if he had done en "We have never talked of verb (hinge; how notild you think leo kind to mon, fity denr-ls he not ? very ryff ...ells/mete in tee speenh owl "Tea," rtald the girl. with that attrnetion, flying to her cheek; the habits; of thaw round him, to Obtain as much useful information concerning yourself as you possibly can, then govern yourself accordingly. Our booklet, carefully printed and illustrated on best paper, explaining our "modus operandi," will be mailed to you free upon request. You will find it very interesting. The Not h American School of Palmistry, Canadian &sock, P. 0. Box 225, Hamilton, Ont. Wowing? Well. never mind. we shrill Lave no atellence for roe in a few days; for here is a second letter ter another Of his frien(K.- T -was Net going in to speak to Aunt Liz- zie about It." "I don't want an audience," sati Maggie. an she, raw and dip - peel her arm through that of her "So- north tho better. my dear. leke .youre are never lost, for 'rig with hie fino,er to the blue arch above them --'and a chorus. too, I reckon, If our ear were only quick •noussii to catch the sound of it. 1y, end He pays Hin mastery, too, as a Royal King ehould do. Stick to your songs. my daughter ; they're the only Qum, worth learning. for they'll endure Yvette Time Oswalt has Kiwi and fritherly ae the manner ef her uncle always had been. It wan the first time he had aetualle" ail - drowsed her by the natneof "'slaugh- ter:" owl foe the unwonted term of .udentment struck her ear. cenneet- ehea had Oat heard, Maggie's meek etnrt of pleasure and nurpriee re- solved itself Into a quick nigh of full I was cared of Aente MINA.RISS LINIMENT. Day of Islonds. I WWI cared of Facial Neural KINAILD'S LINIMENT. WIL DA Springhill, N. 8. I woe cured of Chronic Rheumatio by KINARD'S LINIMENT. chitin by BELL Pa's Advice About a Wife. "ikave you carefully coneblered air ing, go in and wet tor, my touy. atm 0.0 gentleman, thie toy alter he bad glace Lila suo a little fatrierle °tete father,'' replied the yuung "eou are getting near the age nt to mot around for a wife, aud I don t west you te midge sowilstake." el try not te, father." "No butterfliee of (million. my boy, but a girt of sound. 00.1t1 Wurtii eche has tome practical aecotnplleh "Never mind the piano playing and dancing and the entail talk. When you IOW a girl who can cook, my boy, It will he time to think if( marry- ing when you find a girl who ean make up her own heft, iznowv how to fret tbe table without forgetting ponwthlag, ttblo to Put Up the pre- nereem, and, above nil. or good at Hew• log. go In and win her, toy boy ,and you'll have me Mewing." "I have 1•4190144t1, father. to meek such a wife an you tieweribe," cad the young men with fietermination. "1 alta the folly of 'melting a wife in rwelety. I will go to an intelligence °Dice thlonfternoon mei nee if I can find one that will nnower And then I 11 heve mother call upon- her, and - "Young man., 111 break your neeb;_i_-__ "But you onid-' "Never mho' what I weld. I've CHAPTER VI. No further :elusion to the subject of her future proopecte panted be- tween Maggle Ilenderrson and her A un t Let t y, and an oocaolonal glance. of intelligence on the pert of the elderly lady was the only Intima- tion by whieh she conveyed that ste had not forgotten the revela- tion made to her. Bot nite.r nwhile even tide furtive token (of sympathy crated on the girl's feeling*. In the first heat of her erurprIse at the proponItion made to her. she hot divulged far more than Wm intended - the *morel whieh she had *acridly guarded for meny months before- linnd ; and though It was only to Aunt Letty late haul betrayed it - Aunt Letty who had hewn the de- proiltary of all her little joys and _Lroublen. Mace her day', or 1114k99.7, who had heard Mt her secrete hitherto, and was as true and ne nate an the rock of Gibraltar Iterif - yet that mho dwell have dieclooel her love to any orge-the love wainh up to that moment hod neither beset tolled of nor offered to her -was a came of burning shame. an1 an ern - weir upon whierh oho weld not look back without feelings' deepeert an - Stu. woe only a coutitry-breal girl, lacking' in mod ef the requirement* of fruslitonable society. but eha pro - sensed a refinement of character too often found wanting an the highest circles. Iler cheeks' and eye'', Douse(' to practice coo- etwilineint where all about them wax .lone openly, had fenliehly blurted (out her preference for her cousin before her aunt ; hut !gaggle wee (*.tritely finery with them for t ex PO, A wont' 11111,e igtorneil to let hipti repen the mune story when In tile peeve nee. fthe Wan tip to no Which a tloentn of the world will lot n man know he le narreeehie to her. foul who wont.' ItAiro tvonet1 her linen inittatted Into many tonnes that eke Mama between the members of the Belegrn len entre-11w who Noon no •nimetsim rind la many eitaedi .101rer, bet•ewning more Own lover!, .0 cinch other-lf triflers In wareli of mere ceetternent may he palled by mob a nano. rne be vont laved.) Latter Day Philosophy. No man ought to growl lf be has to liter someone eies•-• lathy ; the chance* aro the ortual Is n* trying to tha baby no it Le of lam. A woulan awe not know her power le ranee it lieu in her weakness. &tow we a ewe eh,: oil: not rovear wiwn he Jams his nose ligalnit the .elge uf an open door In the dark, deaf una 'tomb. Men wants lett little hero below ; the man e name. huwerer, tiot J. Partite:a Morgan. Don't wooed if yott have to got we anti bulld tite fire* these chilly morn- ing*, ; now', of the greatent men who rYPT lived have doge tbinge led ill Rues .a boy _id, 1,41e. 'Imre begins ',Ashby" iris -ivaire-elot--neet. he Is turf'? y. -Toledo Blade. Cows. Filipino Laundry Work. 1.1. S. ocijoarner la the Philip. ,% pit ei tray• in a recent letter to foe tis at bonito: '"I want to go De w you how bad. I send you on - and coil not beck front the laun- dry. T/1 1: the handkerchief cost and reetvenir. They don't pretend to get the dirt at of your clothes here. They take t nt down to the river. hard water n el partly salt, PrVille hem in. take hem out. lay • them bonnie. and with stones bat th m full of holm nd pound the but- ton off. Then t ery smooth them out ith a plank." REWAR The node learn too tb that le -tenths h Plage. and th tire Os ibis ooly the ntedeol trate meet. Hers color aeons direetly oho surface. of the spawn tient etrenalb by banal and aa•lating maitre In proprietors have no much POWIff. tlitt they offer Ono for any ewe that It fans to cu et taistimonlala eV' field by drilegt.t.. 7'sr. $100. of thls paper wig be plowed to • 1. at nowt one drtuaded Meows been aisle to cute in till its 1.1 Catarrh. Hatt. Catarrh ...Wire cure now known to ity. Cockrell being e comet - tree aeonetltutional treat - Cara 14 taken internally. th• blood and mist -one smd giving Maya - off ha work The tb 10, . Send for Ilat Thal cough s on Toledo, 0. You have used all sorts of cough reme- dies but it does not yield; it is too deep seated. It may wear itself out in time, but it is more liable to produce la grippe, pneumonia or a seri- ous throat affection. You need something that will give you strength and build up the body SCO1T'S EMULSION will do this when everything , else fails. There is no doubt I about it. It nourishes, I strengthens, builds up and makes the body strong and i healthy, not only to throw I 1 off this hard cough, but to I fortify the system against i run down or emaciated you further attacks. 11 you are I should certainly take this I nourishing food medicine. ,TT a bOWNE, luitoN DJ CAN ADA Mrs. Wlaslow's soothing Syrup should ways be seed for Mildest" Wetislas. It motor. the ebb& whew the eltilft: mires wind cell( and ts the beast remedy foralwrim it. Twelity- Atm meta* bottle. HOsINICtut SUGGESTION- WHY NOT folio. the leaders and oenrert your hum - newt Iota. ,0111pany This Shareholder.' Msn pas: •pprortal by Attorney -General; three dollars. l'ausada Hallway Nowa Companv. Winact., 10 nine. tram Ilan/Mos ea two eel way.. 12) scrim Is all. SS ehteh la in tricsitly posehis. III he said in nee parrol or divided into lots of 13 to ID &cm tc .tOt pur Jonatnas Corperust. u. box MO. Wino', + ONTARIO SCHOOL 1 FOR BOYS. Mighfleld Hamilton RVORY and RAILICIWRif ewe on the staff. Cloors Fur-, the late Konolor Turnerl. and several 11101Fe. of beautiftil ground. extending tO the top ot the mountain. Splendki home for boarders. Apply for prospectus to the Hear, Mastran 1149111011•.• College, Cambridge. TURKEYS WANTED We will nay you 0 rents per pound tor Plucked Turkeys, large or smali lots. We buy all kinds of Poultry. We pay frelaht nal wood elbeek or mouse order era soon as we receive the Poultry. Commission fderelowee, London, Ont. CAN'T BREAK THEM Kinard's Liniment Cures Colds, etc. _Del/Lies Droner,. on the new express train poetage "Just beck of the locomotivo"- Cleveland Plain Denier. "Can I bring you tip sorne luncheon, '' What Luncheon already ? Whe. It doesn't Poem more than fifteen minute. mime breakfast. came up 1" - MO thew, -Johnnie. what are you doing in that prolorve closet .foltnnle (with hie moral) fall)-Noth- Mother-Very well. loom It in the jar when yon ere thraugh --Jeeps. Ife-Ilgger.--1 Nee you've got a parrot. Thineemhoh- Yoe and hale tho wIneat Med 'yet ever new MeJlifger-fil ye n lot /4 Clever Thinmimhob-No. never says a thing. There where bri siftriwe hie THE CANADIAN RUBBER CO PAILS TUBS FOr sale by oil MADE OP EDDY'S NO HOOPS. NO JOINTC, NO SEAMS. NO LEAKS. INDURATED FIBREWARE are vastly reporter to the ordinary Woodenware articled for dornestM nee. TRY THEM. fire olans Med ars. wisdnen.- Philadelphia Press. ted or &telt. Panora inipeedbla Fee* 114..1.. 4 SECRETLY DRINK nt esseled Write SA M• IA Kleard's Liniment Carom INst•niper.