HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1901-12-19, Page 5THE SIGNAL: GODERICH ONTARIO. ThiciumAT, Deo. 19, 1901. 15 W. Acheson & Son. Extraordinary Values in Christmas Goods. We place on Special Sale this week a large stock of Serviceable and Seasonable Goods for the Holiday Season, Handsome Novelties in Gloves, Handkerchiefs, Furs of all descriptions, Mess Suitings, French Flannels, French Prints, Serges and Cashmeres, etc., etc. [Adios' A.t:seban Coate, 27 and 30 holm j Tong, well lined and quilted. sod quality, g0anete•d, and in all stem, • Z: � spools! $25 Dost. Dellis( at..... $ Ltda.' Astrachan Lomb Capes, boo Fleetly curl, 30 lathes lone, full sweep Sud watt lined. regular $18.00, special C 00 D.mmb.r pries..... •p Lodes,' Oaperloss, Besse, 111 Mable, Wag, and Possum. sew styles Ia stook Ibis week lor the holidays. Cnildreo'a Ursy lamb Wedge Ceps, all WS"' rimier $2 25 sops E I.50 speelel 20 de/en Lida"' floe French Kid (Glove. io all sibs, 6t to 7 , in slur., tone, modes, gams, mauve, dome futeoere, quality recommended, • regular 11.00 63C glor.ip•olal price at per pair.... Perrin.' first quality Lodi's' Mooha Kid Glove'. lined with uotoerable silk, colors In pew grey .hada, sellas( at $2.00 per pair "Trefousse's" Kid Gloves In all new shads, tame and troy", l0 every size, 53 c 3. 7i, al per pair, epeeisty 1.25 INaPEOT/ON INVITED. W. Acheson & Son. PROVINCIAL AUTONOMY. A Oriels In the History of the North-West Territories. The 1'kaaalaa of the rslltleal Mel.. of the Territories • ...elle■ That Snorts the Whets Confederation Tisane' al Claims. el the Terrllorlea. Tau StcNAL bas reaolyd the following letter tram Mr. J. A tinges y,.1 Yorktoa, Asa. The Northwest Ter rltorles has •ppr« t hod • crisis to Ito history, one not amnion simply 1t. ow• dioramas. but hereto me mentons bearloge upon the future wsltare of Clematis se • whole. The great problem, which offers no easy .olut:oe, a that of °beadle` tbo statue of too greet Weet from that of Territories to • Provisos or Prey. Woos. Fastens lambda o•ooet etaod aloof Noes thio question and say, "N bat have I t, do with you! "-tor the Interests of the West are irrevocably untwisted with those of the Eat : and • Dolid Coohder•tioo scan be built only upon • solid foaodstloo o1 mutual b.lptulnees existing smoog the varl the Proneoa of that Calms. And when Ws loose coma op for discussion 1e Perla neat, it should b. •pproehed, eat with petty sed weltl.b ends le view, bet rather "in the earnest and oandld spirit of moo bound by the same loaresta, sono( • oom• mon sad, and loving the same o0n!ry.•" Toe gasetloa preesote itself ar the ootsa3, What masa bore operates, regains, the taking o1 each • radioed atop' Have not the Territories political Inetitutloes bearing clew. analogy to those what" salt L the several Proyl.ose of the D.mleion ? Prob. 'thy it would be well et own to note when In the powers of • Territorial Uoveroment tall short of those of • Previewer. 1 No power to borrow money oo public °relit. 2 Ire power to band and maintain els.- meeyoary Institution. .tub se hospitals, t oo... marines. „10. 3. No power to .dmlobler mimosa! law. 4 No delimit* subsidy frost the l)omtnloo Ge•eremest. 5 heooetrol of public lands. (g«N W,T. Aa. 1891) Of these, the townies question is the lath of a digerati' eabefdy to .degeate pr000rtioe to the hoanobel obllg••tomo of • rapidly growing 00.51.7. Representatives of r he T«- rltons' Uoyenmeat hive male' animal pal reenters to Ottawa to press upon the Gov, moment of Dead. the 0.oessit v ot granting lase and equitable fioanolal •e.let•omi fee too . .oily. dmleutr•tloo of local •ffaln sea d res British Columbia to the extent of 1e the Terrltortee-all to no ay.tl. $100.000 annually, to relmbo"e her for . The gestates might pertinently be asked : rocky strip of land doo.trd by that Prov le • coe0try of snob magoldmot pro. Ina to the budding of the Canadian Pa - portions, but 000tainin( • population olflo Railroad. As Ohre .re the only Prov - of poly 150,000 souk, is It right that • ems. loose enterleg Coofeder•tloo •nbeeguent true of Proviaotal sandlot should be to the British North America Aot, 1867, It teetered late, at the present time, tIndio. remains an Incontrovertible fact that the all future gsoa•tlooe and mho millions who original polloy of the Government has lase will 0o, taboo's Ihaee piatni! Wold le punned throughout with respect to frog• sot be better to remain seat present until • nodal ownership ot public hods But with what reply will the Territorial Government be confronted when asking that the owoenhip of publto lands be • primary moodiness ot any °egotistio°a looking to wards Provinotal statue for the West ? Simply 1 hat the 1)omi mho Government bought these lands from the Hodson Ray Co., for the peltry sum of $300.000, and they must be retained by the Dominion tor the rommoe weal of Canaria Rat did the Canadian Government buy thee. lands or simply quiet the olaime of the Hudson Bey Go.? And Is the ownership of them tate,' le the 1)omininn l,oy.rnment! Io the first Parllomeot of C.o.do, 1867, subsequent to the passing of the Brit eh North Amenna Aot, In • petition sent to the Qosen. praying that Report's Lend be added to Caned., the following clams cocoa : "Her Majesty under the authority of the Rupert's Land Aar. 1868, sooepted • surrender from the (loveroor and Company of Adventurer" of Esglsnd, trading into Hotlaoo'. Bay. of all the lands, territories, nghte, prtvtl.ge., liberties, Irssobl.a,powersand anthorltlee," and Her M•jmey's Government replied to I'rinoe Edward ld.od, v'a , $30,000 nIvo prayer In the following plana of Ian Keoondly, a per oaplt. grant of 'ahoy British North America Aot. 1870 "Where sent. --'n IIs of the right of the Panelio« ea le Durum*** of ►he -owe" fated io tb• Queen by the .f Id Aota, Her M•jsty, by sod with the adobes of Her own Honar- able Prlyj Council, ordered mad decant.' that from and alta the fiftieth day of July, 10470, Rupert's land sod the North Waters Territory ahold be admitted into and be• come part of the Domloton of Canada, and (voted power and authority to the Parll%- ment of Can.ds to legislate for the future anglers •n4 gond government et the Terrl- tories,".nd again by the Britoil' North America Aot, 1871, the Canadian Oovero• moot was "g1Yso power from time le time to woke provision tor the ediriatstratinl, pewee, order and good government of any territory not for the time heart 'minded In any Provinoe." And these are the only obtuse. open whish Ibe 1)omioloe (lnvernme01. bases its claim to the ownership of the public) Inds of the N W. T. Theta is • vast dig/winos between 'prnprletory rights' and 'legisla- tive jnriadtetloe.' If the Dominion Govern- ment notaries only legislative joridtot100 and get proprietary rights over the N. W. T., then may nes a jastuMsble Maim be made by the Territories, when seekteg Provincial recognition, for the entire ownership and theta' of yobbo lands within Its borders! And. 'nether, may not • well founded claim be mods for compensation for the 25,- 000,000 aortae of toddle and given by the tamales Government to enatdlcm the (: P. R.t and for less scenting to she Territories through the perp.re.l eoemptien frnm tax .floe of "The Canadian P00410 Hallway, and the stations and eaten grounds, work - theme, buil/Inge, arra and ether property, rolling stook and •ppurtoeanfaregaired and need for the nans0ruetlnn and working there- of, and the espial stook et the oemptey." and the almost perp.tesl eramptlen from taxation of the land grant to the above monelened Compeey ! This le no small arena' between the sggregate amount of debt so allowed and that sot0aDy aaumed. It will be readily conoeded that as alis T•nlori« bee beau peyinr bar share of liquidating toes publto debt* and u the Dominion bas assumed no debt for the Territories, or paid interest oo any equivalent thereto. a "trona plea will be made by the Territories whoa e«ktog Pro•Ioo1•I'tending for Dome equi- table settlement of title source of revenue. And fourthly, the control by the Prey - loos of Its public lands to be admiout•red by them as • soma of revenue. It w111 be no dittijult task to show abet the latter has always been an okoowledgd poltov by the Domloloo Government. Stroh was the be- lief of the lathers of Confederation. Ser John A. McDonald thus rape«« It (tee ('ofwleretlon Debates, page 40) : "It w111 be seen that the Local leg.ebturee bays the control of ell loo•I work. ; and it is a nat- ter of greet Importance and oats of the obl•f • • t t Federal talon and of d an « of h• Local Legislatures, the! each Province w111 have the power end mean. o1 developing its own resources, and •Idlog It" own promos. alter ata own feebloo end 10 Its own way." Mr. Galt thus Oboe himself on record : "It w.Il be observed thea in the plan proposed than are attain aurae of loel revenue, reserved to the Iooel governments, arising from territorial domain, land*, mines. oto. In the ease of Uaode, • leas sum will be received from these resource, but It may be that some o1 them, socb as the Muolol• pal Lova Fond, w111 beoome exhausted to coon: of time. W. may, however, plan. jest oowbdenoe to the development of our own resouraa sod report" to thee belief that we shell Sod In oar territorial domain, our rateable none. and our fertile lend., addl. teemed soothes of revenue far beyond the requirements of our public seryloe." Hos. (lee Brow. Jlkewla refers to the same topic : "Each Province 1. to bete Margo of Its own Crows lands, Crown aim• bar and Crowe minaret., sed will he hoe to teke such steps for derelopioc them as each deem" beet." But the British North Ameri- ca meryoa Aot, 1867, tea. 109, Is quite explicit "All land*, mise•, mineral., and royalties belonging to the several l'royino. of Co- ed., Nova Yost!• and N•w Bruoswlck at the Colon and all sums teen dos or pay able for such lands, mines, mineral., or royaltlea shall b•loog to the several Prot - loose of Ceterl•, Quebec, Novo Soothe and New Bruoewiok, on which the mine are .410.1s or arise, .sbleeI to hey trust exist- ing to respect the:eot and to any Interest other than that of the Previews to the saute.in 1873. when Prioos Edward lilted federated, an annual grant of $45.000 was flood for all time to Dome, because bat Province had no public land. A.alo, In 1870, Manitoba we. granted • pupate.' annual ■ualdy of $100.000 In lieu of public land*. Further, the Dominion Government greater popaluloa will warrant such • step tsing taken! Be all means, yea, if • sob slily will be granted oommen.orote with the nada of the Taritorl«. All meets have been tried ; no sorb subsidy has been granted, hence the eee-wrty for nesting I'ronooul sate" 1'.kle( as promisee thole no alternative remuoe but to the for Provincial sts0dl.a. We are enameled with two problem.: First. What should be the bails of that annual eobsldy granted to the sew Province or l'rovinoee? 8•000d, What would to an equitable •djustmea' with reepot to the robots lands, and what arrears are duo the Territorles ea pantie laude, given to om p.,,l.., and the exemption from taxation of these land., wblob hoe been a direct Inn to the people Ilvlog In these Territories! Regarding the forma, the Health North America Aot makes the fallowing prowls Ion. for Proviso's' revenues ; First, an an nu.l grant fro ►b. Dominloo Treasury for the support e' government. The maximum amount paid for this parpo. 1. 1.oetvd be Cetera vie $80 000 • and thetninimum by to collect their ewe ouetome duties-ln the mute of Ontario and Quitso to be rsckoeed 0i the popaluloa of 1861 (that of the former beteg 1.396.091,and the Ist'er,1,111,- 566) ; in the sus of the rem•inine Prot laces, to he reckood oo population as Mown by demonist sons, until the marl mum is malted oo whieb the per reale grant stn be drawn ; v.z , 400,000 'eels Noah se •gre.moot would work an evident Naito. to the Wooten( Province', When we consider the possibilities of their hieing the home. of montane .1 people. it is apt parse! that 400,000 should not be the maxi mum oo weloh the per espies grant maid be drawn Thirdly, the Dominion (lovernmene .s- eemed the publto debt of *soh Proylnes, Neutered Is developing the resources and opening up of the 0.001,7, The nature of these dehte 1a beat explained by Hon. A T. Gott (see Coelederetlon Debate.). Mr. Galt asii : "it is neo.«erg for as to reviser the liabilities of oath Provio,•s, the reasons why they were Incurred, the ohjate wbioh hats been 5011531 in do ng so, the Hoes. will sot f•11 to remark that the same pollee bed animated the lorislaturee of all the Provieae., or perhaps i should speak mon ecantt7 In syle/ them of Canada ((mobs seri (mtari° today). New Brnnewlna and Nnve Anetls The peblle,Aebt of •11 these I'rovlenee ha, with some .111018 ezo.p- tleos,hrse lsuerred fee pabllo Is.prev..tosts let.seded to develop the resources of the enenery, to &stem% Immirratlen and wealth to their reepentive s11Ma, t0 oheapae tea means whereby the predoets of their farms sore to be takes to market, and to refers the end of freight of articles "think eater tersely Into the eo0enmplios e1 their Into baste." This ohms* aloe made provision for equalis's/ the puhhe debt of arab Proviso., seamed by the Domlelaw, by the peyote.% te mks Provisoes of flys permit U0..07 ail- matter ; .gay 10.)11 Imprnysmenl dl.3r1ot, 'fiery school enema to We Nerthw•et I fools ia i3o hood alma gate us birth. Our scheme le to establish • Gaverninent that w111 seek 'o turn the tide el Surep•oo tint (redo. Into than northers bait of the American cootiotutt - that will strive to develop 1t• moat weird resouro« - and that w111 sodeovor to maintain liberty sod fiesta* and Christianity throughout the lead Tna wtole great suds of this Loafed• oration may not be retained to the bastions of many who now hear me. We Imagine not that mob • etruotuto mild be baht la • mouth or In • year. What we purpose sow is In lay the foundation of the striae tore -to sat an motion the government ma• °binary that will one day, we trust, extend from the Atlantic to the Pacific." Territories le tallug 1ta11 mere heavily to pay the lose le.ultl•g from these vamp tithe. Havlog dlsoused the money sad land grant, leo us out turn our •Oteetioe to bow that eha0g• of status may be effect ed. There are tour probat,be alternatives an dealing wito the future statue of the Terri- tories. errytorla. First scud preferably, • uunttuu•eloe t1f eztstloe 000dittuos with • greatly amp minted subsidy uuul suoh time se s but 5ulent populattuo would w0116n1 the taking of • redioal step toward Provincial rights. Secondly, the oreatiou of all that aerial lying tetween Manitoba and British l.'oluw- b!a-iuuluding the Distrc s of Aafniboio, Saka'.obewao, Alberta and Athabasca -in- to one Immense Pruvtuue. Thirdly, a00 1 - &tion of the severe part of rhes. d strmot. to Manitoba, and the .reotloo of the re- mainder luso • Waters Provinoe; fourthly. divalent of the abate mentioned dl.trluts Into two Provlaoe.. The first of these propositions may be bauiahed from our maidens view o1 prevtoua statsmeata that "all means have been tried ; no such suosidy ban beep granted-hes« the oeoesslty for seeking Provincial status." Tbat of the wooed 1. not so easily die polled. Premier Hwltaiu lase 000vloted himself to • oolioy of "Coo Previous " by repeated atatemente upon the public plat form ; but great and serious diiiioulties al- ready present tbemnlyee to such • .ol,1.100 -from the writer's new point --and es time programa these will invariably become more alarming, not only making for dieoord within the limas of math Provlaoe but orealt0g • strife between It and the rat of Canada. Let us follow thio policy to Ito logical ooaotasio0. Tr. tarot obetaole to be met would be the difficulty of •dmtui.tertng from one mitre the alleles of such • brood .re.. Tno.s distrtots lying mors remote from the oal•tt.l must of ooeulty lack that oboe supervision by the beads of depart- ments which le required. The system of loalllmpruyemsot •t present 11 euper•Ised from Regina. Self goveroise mugtolp.11- ties are few ; county government does 001 exist ; local improvement direction' are taxed directly from the capital. What will this mean who. the settlement of the country has multiplied the needs of local lmprovemeut ! The tnevitsbl• result will be Cha breaking down of our present cheap and etfioleot "yearn of Improvement, by its own weight, and the substitution of • more cumbersome, expensive and burden- some system .kin to that of Ontario. On chs other hand, t1 two Provinces' were creat- ed, It is •pper.nt that two capitals would always be 10 slower touch with the outlying distrtots ; becoe • more efftolent supervlsloo of loo&1 Imorotemeot, and therefore • coo- tlouanoe of • °heap and ethoi,nt system. Another great objotlon to the one Prov- inces of Interestsince scheme b the y orbiting between the Euiter0 and Western parte of the Northwest. The East le, and w111 ooUnue to be, • mixed fat ming 0000 - try, while the .N set l., sod will mentions to be, • rauchiog sod tooting onautry. The tate G, M. Dawson, head of the t.opograph• loaf survey for (;,,,d., says io his reports to the Government, 0000srolog Athaboo• sod pert. of Alberts, that It gives promise of bavlog the greatest petroleum fields In the world. Coal, iron, copper and gold have •Ireodv been bland. It well require vast mums of money In brldgtog deep river gores, to building spur railroads before these mines an be developed. Now, might there not be room for jealousy on the part .1 the F:atern half of the Territories If the Provincial Government spent large Sums of money In oauung these mines to be devel- oped, while Lob little Is needed to develop her reeourcee ot iertiUty of oil' Agin, expensive Irrigation works would be oar• hennery on aoou01 of the light ratolal! 10 the Weston hall to make It yield grain, which would be another source of discon- tent. further, the natural outlet for the cattle, dairy produota and grain of the western district is British Columb a, while th• 041111.41111 distriot hope. to bed an outlet for Its grain, cattle, mutton sod dairy pied - nos by way of Fort Churchill sod Hudson Bay to Etrope. Would then sot be resod for dtsa.tlibotioo of the Weetern part It the Provincial Uovernmen► should ex peed moneys la budding • railroad be Hudson flay, and sabstdtziog a line of steamers to ✓