HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1901-12-19, Page 44 Ttlut.auat, Dec. 19, 1901. THE SIGNAL : GODERICH ONTARIO It Ought to be Easy.... to select Christmas Presents for leen, women and children with this beautiful store -full frotu which to choose. This store has g - the repuNlloa of fir , kreplaf the moat up•to date goods on the mallow. sad our selection for this Cbrlstmse time surp:.eses anytbluw e• have .ver sh▪ own. 11.444 our h.1 el Lb. naoy go" 1 thing* we bene to sbuw you, then come •ted er ermlae our stock. We don 1 press people te buy - feel free to examine our goods whether you buy or out. Ties, Collars :Cuffs. $Shirts, Handkerchiefs. Gloves. Gauntlets. eiuspenders. Umbrellas. Cuff-Llnks, Nook !Warta, Oardlgaa Jaoketfll, :Smoking Jackets. lists. Beast%f f11 p,.... Our stook of ladles' sad men's Furs le very edeol. What would meke a niter pnsmt for a lady than a aloe able Mal, mit Osllarette, or electric ..al Jeoket, a good fur Cap or a pair of Gauutlete for a mast a grey lamb Cap for the boy or girl' that our Non is the hsidquertsn for rood ,a reliable, ready -••wear Don't Forget olothlag. 1f von want a mane cots or eyerot, • boy's salt, teeter sr overcoat, you wltl rusks no mistake by bowleg your winds supplied ben, Prises Rfgflt W_ C_ Batista( tion Guaranteed rat Signal, U rosusMZD VKRY THURSDAY MORNING ■e R acWL acessr HODBR1011. THURSDAY. DBC. 19, 1901. ABOU r APPLES. THE Weekly Sun publishes some "fruit statistics" which should be of interest to orchardista in this county. It gives the total number of apple trees in On'ario as 9,948,000 ; number over fifteen years, 6,- 518,000; number under fifteen yeah. 3,- 430,000. Inertness in four years, 751,000. Huron oounty lead• in the number of trees of fifteen years and over, with 351,}17; Grey tomes next with 325,249, and North. umberland is third with 321,732. The oomtties that lead in number of trees under fifteen years are : Northumberland. 240,360; G rey. 182,048; Simco•, 189,114. In total number of trees Northumberland oounty leads,. with 562,000; Grey is second with 507,000, and Huron third with 490,000 Canada's exports of green apples in 1900 were 966,458 barrels, valued at 52,573.233, and of dried apples 4,181,0381be , valued at 9210,892. The Sun's statistics seem tc indi- cate that Huron is falling behind in the planting of new orchards. The apple crop has been a mune of eemaderabl. revenue in this county in the put, but neg'ect of the orchards sod failure to plant new stook will quickly affect this profit-making branch of the farmer's business. MORE COMMEN rS ON THE ELEC- TION. LEC- TION. Toronto Globe. Is would be much Metter for the beaten party to West Huron to acknowledge itself beaten, Instead of raising the hackneyed tory ot bribery end a.rruptlon. One reason Irby Mr. Darrow obi aimed so large • major- ity was that the people wanted to entree" their dl•appr•val of the furious attacks mad. on him by the Tory stompers. Mr. Garrew Is a man of somewhat sby and re- served manners, but he 1e h1,81y esteemed for kb ohar•eter and Witty, and the attack. made his friends rally around him. Abase dem not pay. Toronto Star. Bye elections are not as a rule mile Ind! •.Noes of public sentiment, and In Huron Otero was no doubt a good deal of looel sym• petby for ler. ()arrow, who announced dor tog tee campaign that this would be the last eoo•slon o° whioh he would appal to the electors for their support. Vet syntpatby for Mr. (Jarrow, strong though It may bays been, os. hardly .0500.1 for the large majority whioh be secured. It would seem to Indicate thee the 1;oversmeet was strong- er than Its oppot.ente imarioed or that the wares of the Cosservtiven bas not Mon . cob u le Inspire public confidante. Woodstock Sentinel Review The eleotlon of the Hou. Mr. Carrow, formerly Minister without portfolio In the Rose Goveremeet, is • decided vlotory for *be Ontario Government. Mr. Oarrow b • moo of high character and floe ability. He 1e one of tee ablest lawyers 1n the Legis- lature ; but be Is not • man who lovas te li• Moe, or who betimes himself about the arts thee many politicians aro supposed to use to plow the electorate. iii. op000ente have flafared themselves that Mr. Darrow was n et "popular." They knew that as a legal practitioner In • close oou ltnenoy, •red Ohroogh the events of 1a cumeroue fierce party Oro/glee, he had some dtffioulila and dangers to aocteod •game le 8'. oath'. palm that many osndidstas escape. On the other hood they were flattering them weal that to Major Beck they had lh• . treageet standard bearer who could be pot 1e the field, • men who had been worktop all the devices and arts of the merely Inoal politician tor yearn to early the eat. Theo et muse the Opposition wee flattering Itself that the Roes Goverament bad lost gronod, and thee this bye eleotlo° would prove It. The result must be in unusually keen die. appointment to Mr. W butney and 81s lotlow- en. It 1. a grater victory than trieods of the Goverameol expected. Some time sine" many Liberals enteralaed doubts of carrylog the seat , but the campaign darteg the past two weeks showed that Mr. Rot was .trooger with the people than ever Wort, and return. from the riding during the put few days predicted certain victory. It wee • igaare test of public optnion In • otos° and uncertain riding and enooees rests with the Roes Government. The result is • yiedlostfon of Mr. G w from the aesaulta of his opponents, and • tribute to him es the faithful repr.se°tative of te• riding. But the ohlet slgot6ca°ce of the return. Is lh• clear •vldeoc• that Mr. Roes Is stronger in the country than the Liberals have been for many year+. As West Huron has gone so Goearls. will go. The ('ou. ery . o1ve Opposition may rad the result of the coming Provincial eleotlon In the result of yesterday. DUNLOP. MONDAY, Deo. 17. Miss Cox, of Porter's Hill, was the guest of Miss Tichborne •od returned home Fri- day of last week. P. K. Williams, from Petoskey, Mlch., is home for Christmas and daring hts stay will see relatives and friends about here. John Cramming and Robert Oke will spend ohs winter in the forest of I. Edwsris. user Benmiller, oatting dose the big m•plen and other trees with their long sows and axes foto cordwood for the Uod• rloh merlon. As this bush was the scene of great oboppisg fate by hdw•rds and Carney last winter, 16 ie,expeated that John and Robert will go into the record breaking business' after the New Year, Don't cheese your gut goods until you have called on W. C. Gooug. I RESIGN. I aster think my oh.reater W u spotless as the snow, I tater Gook 'twos •fainters u A hawthorn bash in blew, But the stories they're trill°' Yeti hardly could believe. They say that I'm • horsethtef coos Theilepteee up for rave. Refers the -termination I Was 61 to lad in prayer, Bet slow that sad 000utoo I'm frequent made aware That 1 served a term in prises From oourt of lest wtre For bolting with the coppers from A helpless dee man's eyes. They nay that missing goods are oft Upon my person found, That neighbors look the henhouse when They see me ooml°' 'round. Tbae I yet was sober An hoar In all my life, And that I'm too familiar with A moral° party's wife. No I doodles to run for reeve, I rather would be free, A.obopplo' oordwood In the swamp Is good snoofb for me. The township will be loars and The voters all will grieve Us harming that I've shook the jou And will not run for rave. -The K han In The Donde' Banner. A HEALTHY WOMAN. Queen Victoria lived to a glori- ous old age, but the very best Dare was taken of her health. She nev- er suffered from headache,indiges- tion or dyspepsia, brought on in meet cages by negligence M one time or another. "Climax" Iron Tonic Pills cure such complaints. Each box contains ten days' treat- ment. Pride 26 cents, at all drug- gists, er mailed on receipt of price. Address: The Dr. Hall Medioine Oo., Kingston, Ont. Skates ! Skates 1 Skates ! No. 5 Acme Spring Skates, E E ell sizes,•40c. No. 10 Acme Spring Skates, 1.25 nickel plated, $1.25 Royal Hockey, 1,00 Perfection lIockey Ladles' Daisy, Perfect 1.:)11 Iik oc ey, 1.)(1 Majestic ' Dominion " 2.25 Lightning " :3.50 ,yea w uuu We have a full line of Hockey Pucks, Ankle Supporters, Shin Guards, llockey Sticks, Skate Straps, etc. A Nathan Ceder gives with every porcine. 1 N. D. ROUGVIE THE CASH HARDW&E STORE. ' $ ACROSS THE ATLANTIC. Ne 8. Auvust loth. Today we wen at liberty W ramp at our owe free will, our oeoiraot for golds and driver bevies{ expired. 1 .tatted for • •troll by myself, o otjeotive petal talus the palace ted minnow of the Louvre, where the beautiful In eaters is portr.yed by the mint emtosot &rtl•ta with brush and obteel. lis emu' there 1 bad to oroes sod remoras R volt stre•t, .red in vies • lug tine floe street 1 began to mu.0 sod ram• pare it with some et the beautiful one• sided streets 1 had pravlau•ly tele. Sev- eral times t had visited the seolud.d roc - dentist part of F fib avanur, New York, and admired the stately maus1oos of mil. boneless, wltb their (acute toward Get r.1 Perk, • park that nature and •rt Las com- bined to make ve y leiuldul, but 1 am loath to state that some of their stingy owners have obsour•J tee view with high tenors. The nut was Princes street, Ella• burgh, with tie palate shop• on one side, and tee ornamental grounds, Its hill aad Oats on the other. and the Calton bill with its monuments, the oracle Irowulog down from the summit of an Who; voloano - oature hat ecltpeed art la malice this doe . treat beautiful. Thiels no secluded street ; it Is the principal buslow street of the capital. The next was Piccadilly street, London. This handsome street extends from Pioeadllly Circus to Hyde Park, and is mostly a one sided .trot, with • soath- e rn Need" towed Green Park. The park is very level, ie well laid oat, and is shaded and adotoed with various ltude of trees and shrubbery. But the loungers that frequent this park belong neither to the middle glass nor to the upper ten. Now lot Riven. This elegant seceded street, where you can walk block alter block, the whole length of the street. sheltered from sun or rale, every bleak on this hoe street 1. built on the ams Dian, thehulldtoge are flve.tories In height, each the mot oounterpart of the others. All keds of first-olase stores are located here ; but you will aloe find "the oheapest boo's under the son" on Lila street. On the other side of the @crest there Is • double row of trees, of one variety, du and shape, and between them is the grate.* promen- •de In Pari, Between this doe promenade end the river ls looted the bsa0t tut Gar- den of the Tuileries. This great street and 1M annex, St. Antoine, extend the whole length of the city, to almost • straight Ione, and out Into the oou0try at seal end. G° this street or ao11so•nt thereto tee located the principal Icons of the city ; It is the heart, the mainspring, the business etreee of Parts, just as Ludgate Hill, h!Mt street end the Strand, extending from St. l'aud's Cathedral to Westminster Abbey, Corm the heart, the mainspring, the business centre of Loudon. Today it is • feat to the eyes, i1 not to the ars, for me, and as 1 omitted on Item or two In yesterday's notes 1 wilt inscribe them now. The first ohurob that we visit• ed yesterday sou the Madeleine, :vnd our guide says : •'1 will bays to give you the history of this ohoroh while we are outside, as this Is Assumption Jay," • bank holiday 1n Franc, and worship Is held in .1l the Roman Catholic churches today, aad they .re the great historic churches of Paris. This guide was floret sod full of humor, and told tradttlooal stories that 1 knew by his wink he did not believe !limey!! He bad bean telling es about Jt. Denis. the first bishop of rarte, anal how, when he was be- headed at Montmartre, he picked up his head and n.rrt.d 1t 1n his hands to St. Denis, distant shout six or seven milt., and then he etude with his bad to his hods o t8 , day. "Now," he says, "If you don't believe me, hurry on your sight-seeing and I'll lake you to St. Deal. and you can see for yooreelves.'' We were all unbelieving and consented to go In the •Iter0000. We were now about W enter the church, and he says . "{Vb.'s you weer the ohurob take your hat In yoar band, keep your eyes open and your mouth shut and follow me." The worshtop.rs were In groups, some kneeling, some 'banding, but they paid no •Wootton to ue. I wonder what our Protestant wog shippers no Canada would thick to see a petty of fifty men and women, all foreign - en, parading through tier obaroh during public worship. This church ie next to Notre 1)sme In fem.. 1ts foundation was told by Louis \V., In 1764, the building of the church wee begun fo 177'7, and it was not oomoleted until 1842, 'l'be foundation was oommenoed very large and reduced by steps to the desired size at twenty-three feet la height from the ground. Above tble the ohurob proper I. built. The Made- leine In shape resembles a Boge baro, with a yusrt•r p toh roof, without spire or any other ornament above the root ; 1a Moven 'Inas are 354 Net Ions, 141 feet wide and 100 feet high, and like the book of Eoglaed, It has not • window In Ito walls. It Ie well lighted from the roof. The overnice rests upon a double row of beautiful Corintblan column., eighteen on a gide, eixteeaon the portion and eight on the north end. and In the elehes of the colonnade are tbirty.four statues of saints. The tympanum, 126 feet in length, is ornamented with a relief con• trepleos twenty three feet high representing Christ as Jude" of the world. Th• figure of nus Saylor 1e seventeen feet hieh,on ole rode ni whioh I.rstirwnted the Anoel of Salvation. end on the steer the Angel of Justice., and the damned, with Mary Magdalene In the attitude of petitioning mercy for the unrighteous. .'. Bight of twenty-eight steps lands you ea the portion. 'Thine steps are about 150 feet long, and • pair of bronze doors 341 feat 10 height and Osteo, feet to breadth, with relief Illuetratiooe of the ten commandment., open into the speoious Audi. torlum, of whioh the wells and floor are of polished marble On each side, at frequent intervals, an marble group., representing tech Inrldeate a. Marriage of the Virelo, Baptism of Chrl.t, eto., statues of the twelve 'poetise, and about twenty statues of noted men. '181. 1e but a mote of the ornamentation of We great church. Na. poison I. Intended to erect 1t as • temple to v lotory, but did not live to sea It nom - plated. in the final ■frugal• ot the Com mane some heodreds of them took .a0otu eery to tbhs ohoroh, but they were all put to death on the epee. A drive of foot and a hall mllea outside the walls twinge as to St. Dmf., Here we withers. the affect of evolution and revotn ton. A chapel was built hers In 275. A. 1). As the cemeteries rolled on It became a ,hnroh, and now It 1s s grand o.thedral, with the image of Sr i)rnu ■tendfna y the door holding Ls hoed in his hanM. The loaner i. gorg.'u.ly 6eehvd in the highest style of art, and 11 14 the burial place of many of the kings of Fran^n During the Re,olullon, in 1793, moot of the tombs were dworated stud their o001.n destroyed by galc►hnte. The Nellie is ■tanned by twenty-two modern bridges within t8e walls of Paris, soolaetve of railway hrldees. They are meetly built o1 stone, • few ere of Iron, and soma of them •re yery ornamental. The streets are uniform ; all the b°lidiigs on a "treee are nearly slwaye the same heleht, lour, five and Dir, and a few are "even stories. Then are no sky.eerapere here barring the K.ffel rower, which I may say 1. • very els.aas cen.treotloe. The fares for the a.oeet are : from the ground to the flat plat form, 20 omits ; be the wooed platform, 376 feet high, 40 cents. The third and last DOCTORS AT SEA. May a matt has to abandon his dealt beacon of neuralgia. The tor - titre sometimes is alm"at unbear- able. E. C. Dean, city editor of the Daily British Whig, Kingston, Ont., metered with ne»vlagia in the head for twelve teesths. Six physician. failed to relieve him, but three bottles of Dr. Hall's Rheumatic Cure complebely cured him. Thum greet blood purifier is put np in bottles contenting tea days' treat meat. Price 90 rens at ell drug stores or Tie Dr. Hall Modicum a., i<f d iena. sty WttftfttItt1t11”1”1”111??????TtIttIfilltrrni EE SANTA CLAUS pronounces Bissell's Carpet Sweepers the very best Xmas Presents. They save labor, save carpets, save health and make housekeeping a pleas- ure. .f.•ima_.we.l.eewa_. 11101,11. Carving Bete (;.me Carver. Bon Roo Dishes Butter Dishes Butter Knive. Sugar Shells Napkin Rings 1 he Largest Stock in Huron County of Table and Pocket Cutlery. 1 Ladies' Hockey Skates Ladies Spring Skates kbas's and Boye' 'Skates Boys' Hockey Sticks Men'. Hockey Sticks Sate Strops Skate Fixtures What maker a more useful present for your husband than .. good reliab'e Razor or Shaving Set? We have the best. Air Guns and Rifles. r ?1 111 1u 111 1 1 u UlUl 1 u1 C We have some of the very Lent lines of Air Oulu and 22 calibre Riles. They are good presents fur the boys. Alla ME111101101•1110•011.11 Our Space is too Small to tell you everything we hav• that will make useful Xmas Present.,, but we invite you all to come and see our stock. It will be a pleasure to us to show you our goods, whether you buy or not, • Give Us a Call. # We Will Treat You Right. ALLANk....MCI VER, The I.eadliee, llar.doAre Firtu Honest Goods at Honest Prices. a a a a a 1 a platform ie 863 tat 81,8 ; fare, 80 cents Sundays and fetes, one hall of these fares. Total height, 985 fest. We did not visit the catacombs nor the sewers. and of tbey have Blume we did not see them. We had elven notice to hay. Cook's 'bus In walling at 3 r. sr. It was on time and we lett the *,are du Nord at 3:25 a to by express for Boulogne, made one stop at the olty of Amiens, had a good view of this historic olty and then rushed ala to Bou- logne, where we arrived to daylight. The boat was reedy to oil for Folkestone, and in two hours we were •gala on British oil, Io London at 12 mtimgbt, and snug in the Norfolk hotel at 1 a to We had ago so 15008 in eo abort a time that a seems to me like .wakeoibg out o1 a pleasant dream after radlog one 01 the wonderful stories In the Arabian Night... A. `AND, TO I:1 004TI91'ED ] Read 0001111.4 ad. in another oolmmc-It'. good Christmas sewn. Come to the spinsters' conventler, and see the old melds transformed roto beautiful young maidens before your own eye., at the (rand Open House early to January, THE LATE D. K.STRACHAN'S MACHINE AND BLACKSMITH SHOP UNDER NI''W MANAGEMENT. JAMES H. JOHNSTON, who had been with the late Mx. Ilrxucif tea Inc several yea's, and is thorousbly con versant wl.h all clay coot work th.t have teen done in the .hop, wishes to anomie, e ?hat he ha taken charge of the establish mat and will carry on the t uetnes. In ■ooh • roamer as to retial• the. wedence and patronage heretofore ex ended to the late owner, and will be pleased to levees many new customers as will favor him with their 1 • mtge. In addition to Snip Work, Ice l,ow,, street Waier.•g Wag- ons. Hor... Powers. etc he will contlnue- to do GKNgRAI. HLACH8MITIIISG and Itgi'AIIt WORK of all kind,. MA t'HINK TI ItNI'cO. GRILLING. PLAN 11.10, THREADING. and .II kinds of ma chine work done on elm. . notice. Ile has also .41.1 • first -also HRAZING I'I.ANT, and all work It that Iloe, including Bicycle repairing and Loafed of all kind.• can be attended to on short notice. Lawn Mow• ere sharpened. Prices w111 be found quite 1 reasonable. JAMKS H. JOHN'ITON, The late!). K. letraoban'. Machine and Black smith Shop, Victoria at.. tOoderloh. RELIABLE FURS_- E never did advocate shopping aviay from home when you could do as well there as anywhere. But there are things which, it stands to reason, one can buy better in a centre like Toronto is, and one of these is FINE RELIABLE FURS, because to get. the variety and to get the guaranteed qual- ity you must, go to the larger market, We are exclusive fur manufacturers. We make everything we sell, and we guarantee every- thing we make. We shall be pleased to welcome you to our showrooms -the largest and best alipointed in the Dominion -if you are passing our way, but if that's not pos- sible we'll be pleased to serve you through our Mail Order Department and promise you absolute satisfaction. • You can have a copy of our new 1901-2 Catalogue for the asking. We are making' a special feature of warm fur Jackets. LA )1ES' ASTRACHAN JACK ETA. -Our special.. $25 LADIF9' ASTRACHAN, COON AND WAi.f.ABY JACK - RTS... $25 t" $50 LADIES' ELECTRIC SEAL JACKETA.-Plain 30 h. 40 LADIES' RLiD(TRiC SKAI. JACKETS -Trimmed 45 t" 65 J. W. T. FAIRWEATHER & CO. 84 YONGE-ST. - TORONTO. CHRISTMAS WE have just put into 'stock a lot of fresh new goods for Christmas trade. A LARGE SHIPMENT : HANDKERCHIEFS -124 dorm et the ieHewleg proles: ho, 4t, bo, 8u, lou, 12 •, 15,, 18:, 20,. ?5a, 30s. Embroidered aad law sign. 76sgtee5.t value •ver seen here. MUFF=LERS. 10 °"hm°"'°"'1e LADIES' PARASOLS. mad, Iron 2 t, to 91 00, u0 for (Inseams trade, Irom 111,00 94 60. surpassed la value. Just the thief lot • Cbratmas t° a1. GENTS' UME3RL'LLAS. tramhee,somstblsg .wr,Imr m 9100 10 9'2 7s otion FURS. lap..lo..--9660, 10.00, 15.00, 17 00, 27.00, 30.00. htahh-From 92.00 to l' 00. Just 15 left, the Delano* our..esuss stook, whioh will be LADIES' COATS. sold .t pilose to °lar. Every one muss be sold at same price. Two for coatis left y.0. Ooe 25.00, the other 28.00, whioh b muob lees than real velar. A bis bergato for some two persons. W• wori%'Toronto last week and 'soured Letween 11400 00 and 9800 00 worth of goods suitable for the lemma to general stook at away down pees, wblob are so w sold at sway down prim. J. H. Colborne, 'Phone $6. Ooderich. Merry Christmas Is Coming ! • The Happiest Time of all the Year, . . And Your Attention is called W oar stuck. Perfumery-. In the greatest variety and finest values we have ever haul -10c to 94 00. Some III :,•tier Jewel, Hartel kerchief and (aura Cases. The tire et hoe of all -SEE THEM. Great values in Xmas Packages at 25c to $1 00 -Beauties at 9L50 to 92 00. NEW BULK ODOttB- Pink Peony (here only), Cnsrina Carnations, Czarina Violet., White Heather. Wiest Perfume genet 9a llama Venally. A DAINTY PERFUME 1S 1HE BEST GIFT. 15'e Invite You Gifts for Smokers A fine line of Case Pipe. -$1,00 to 9300. Nice Xmas Packages of Cigar.- $5oto9200. Cigar Caw, Cigarette Case., Smokers' Sets FINE TOILET BRUSHES IN EBONY, etc., NICE MIRRORS. GIFT PURSES, TOILET CASES, and other lines. NOTE: For that stubborn colli the bat treatment sea box a Lax•tive•Bromo Quinine and • bottled our White Pine and Tar. o W. C. GOODE, • Chemist, I10.1:;:c1112 B E D P'ORD BLOCS. Wm. Sharman, jr. BOOTS,,SHOES, RUBBERS. We have the large t stock of BOOTS, SHOES and RUBBER GOODS ever shown in Ooderich. It comprises goods of the following well-known makers J. & T. Bell, Walker -Parker Co , "Empress," The Victoria Shoe Co., The Slater Shoe Co , The Williams Shoe Co. and E. T. Wright & Co , of Rocla nd, Mass. In Rubbers we can give either the Canadian Granby, Berlin, or the Glove Goodyear Rubber, of New York. Wm. Sharman, jr. "GOOD RELIABLE GOODS AT FAIR PRICES," is our motto. Coal! Coal! Just Received 80 Tons Massillon Lump Coal, The beet Solt ('oal le the market for domestic purposes, also invent oars of Scranton Hard Coal NOW ARRIVING. ALL COAL WEIGHED ON THE MARKET SOALES. ' Sosroity of oars is likely a , Luse . coal famine daring the next two monthis, would therefore advise purchase of your (teal 005. Wm. Campbell. G•dericb, Nov. 13:8 1901. A Great Snap le our Meyer Seep. at fie. • pooed, o1 whioh we soli a barrel • week. Tile Isn't our only •nap, as ere natty everything that an be lotted to an •t, • to dote grocery store, and ear prlees are right. The farmer. Irony that they ora always get (rest a • snap for their predose. W• drew the line all se legitimate trade - everything goes : Olamwars or potatoes, garden staff er ekelmet able _Chino. We deal In all of them. T. G. TIPLING & 00., Redford bleak, 0whwlob. 1 Before Buying I see our line of HEATERS and RANGES.... We will save you money and give you the choice of the best lines on the Canadian market. Every Stove fully (;uarati to sol. Mill Wood FOR SALE The al ove ig cut Into stove wood tan.th awl will tett ttelivervtd to any part of the town the same day as ordered. ()Mery received by telephone or left at r'tddenon, 128 Cambria street, will receive prompt attention. 'Phone 98. PETER McEWAN. Gudsrhah, November 21st, 1819. 634a