HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1901-12-19, Page 2Ii.1. '3: Ike Signal ■ reataaab f/IgM! lffNebA y 11URXINM - R M. ■a••u.LICtfDLT. , • FWDAi, DFY.i 19, IWI. HARD ON 10.%IUY'b FAMILY. R7te life of Mrs, Tommy Atkins Is not nue to be envied. l4) pace tiulor there In a guod dual of shifting about anti dlecumfort, anti in war timer leer lot is sometimes a pitiable ane. The remo%al of the Scold Greys from Acutlaud to Aldershot, on the way to the areae of conflict In -&oath Africa, to commented on by tits West Lothian Courier (Bathgate, Scut - laud) In a way to ewlte pity. In- stead of Aflug in barracks the wives will rtcetve • Wi4rution Allowances. - At Bathgate 16 whew dud 4_ chit- ` drew are &sleeted, and the }aper Wtyc - lavmany- cuses the relutivem, despite Ulm wilhngue,w to lit -Ili, huve not tho here accuutm,tl:atsuu whereby to tinct thio Nuffcrrrs trues their pre - cartoon Iwsitiun. In lite caro of the wives of privates, and up to the rank of re'rgeaut, the higher -rated, selaratlun allowances to which They have been relegated us un alterna- tive to free quurterm, ete., inside tits barracks, will, It is alleged, not go far to cumlw•usute them fur the dis- comfort wl ich their remutal will cause. Tile new order ties entailed great I hardbhilm upon the women anti chil- dren, and tLot reason for their ejec- llon Is laird to understand, Wlneh It Is eOuRldered that after the regi- ment lulm left for Aldershot the bar- rarkd and married quarters will re- main unoccupied. Six out of the 18 families Mitre no home to proceed t4). and they will find It very dlffl- rult to live on their mengre sepnra- 114)a allowance, not wit tints titling thit It In the highest granted. The allow- ance Is from Is. Idto In 4d. a (lay, according to the rank of the husband, with .d. a day additional for each child. One of the harde*t cases is that ttf the wife nt a private who - bfin ctc fittte ehttdrPn to feed and - elnthe, and up to Tuesday morning she did not know where or how ,tile 'Was going to pass the night. An- other woman In a a1mNAr pre(lit•n- ment had four children. During the forenoon it start wag made In Hear. Intl otlt the b'longingv of the fam. illes who had homes to go to, the it)"tlon of those who were practi. Cally homrlr•es bring dPIRYPd tilt late} __ _--- --4 the day. AH; h tie-safrL. emmrt clear not tit -day,'• - In riddltion to tho,sPparntlon a1lowAnrw. tho wires I Will. of course, receive as much no their. i)rurbandm at (lie front can afford not of their 1w: lit. a day, !rt eren with that It Is Initiated out evlgtenest. 7110 pool(! Inn In eft".4"It n I:rent d-nl of talk in tips dimtrlet, and mach Nymfxtthy is being re. prelkmra,,. War hits not only the soldier -at thr front, but his aife_josa aeras at lame. In gain(, degree this is in- evitable, but when one rends of turning Mrs. Tammy end tier little one. out of empty barracks to hunt lodgingn as File may, one cannot but think there Is more blundering than goes on Between the 01'"eral'a head- quarters anti the outpomts. We should think Scottish Nvmttntlly would be . able to -make its Influence felt_-Je_ Lettttary circles. --- -- TJIV HI'.t1Ar BAIrriltNI)tiR. It-tlecrin nit repreffentattve to the Ohio Legislature iml &tare g fine prepared gated n bill far the exnminatioil and licensing of bur-teuderr. Ile went over its provl- Fiona %'Ill' the members of the Union the other night, and there was much discussiva reg:,rding the comparative merits of mixed and straight driuLs. In the course of the dlecusslon some members complained of the treatment they received fr(,m the ,,church peo- Ple." "We are 1 man beingn; "aid Mr. )dike Gold _ ". thc' bueinees agent of the notion, ••and if you peet- ple.wuuld Just recog lis ea wo such We could soon come an under- standing, and a large entage of tithe rt U-aauW_laasaeltsa Ambal mumu. But we aro omtru sed from society." Dr. Warner dent tbl" In part. lie thought that tile, tvemper- anee people were opposed to til evils of the liquor traffic, but not '•n w- earily" to the men engaged In It. ' s an assurance of tllis," he invited t bartenders to come to him chureh some Sunday and ho would guaran- tee that they would be treater! no courteously as other people. The Irur- Lenders decided to accept and to g4) In a body. A pretty fine-looking, body; we dare any, but likely to be stare! 4)t a little, perhupr, in that church. A Member of the unlun sold that big appligatbq_-_to,become w Member of iho Y. AL C. A. had been rejected op necount of his business, and asked Dr. Warner .to line bis influence to lir _ - dose the Assuoiatlon 10 make bar- keepers eligible to MPmbcrdhlp. Tito New York Sun remarks that bar-ke:,::aL,iOssafserr have, ads s rule; lung ___ ` bOere, tbay moat be, for the most - t:, and -sober altlsens. \''e have heard It Asserted that the . constant presence of liquor acts with many, &tai perhaps with must of them, cur n deterrent rather that a temptation ; that moat of them tlo nut drink during businews hours and Many of theca do not drink At all. In Ail respectable saloons they have to be neat, sober, polite, quiet. There Are black sheep Among them an in say other large claim of men, but It Id prMlable that both In manners and morals they are at least equal tit mows of their customers. For whatever there Is of tdbagreeable In lhMr business they Are not res- Wnslhie. If lltry. are "ostracised;' It iw because tide ostracisers unjually aaoribe to them an evil character. But It may be doubted it the New York barkwapere are conscious of any ostracism or would bather Ihrlr hands atr.,ut It If they were. They are In their buminPon as they would be In tiny other. Tihey would like nn sasler and a more prodllahin one. flet wI t to do 1 A man must live, Lod a barkeeper may be a p1uN,mu- r - --- Tr- ----------!!!5 Gam Game people think they are opponed to reciprocity when What they are Rt#ily oppnmeml te'b glrint something and getting little Or !totting In rp- tart. JOHNNY CAN1,4I'K'S TIPP16k. \Yliat dy our people drink? 'Itis annual report of the Inland Revelled Detartmeut gives um acme Idea u) what and how much a{,lriluuud and malt liquosw our people convolute, and how the record tallier with that Ll former years and with Biose of other evu n tr dew, Be•ginalug With wlue, anti taking the year 11!00 fur eumlarlrun with four countries other than our own tile ewamumptluo war as follows: Total ... Conawnplioa. Per hen UaaWl., "tons. Canada ......... ---- .1 United Kinw!0M... l:r,tilt3.tx)o 0.:s France... ... ... ... 9W.I58,Ow 1'5.4 German] .. .. 81,rt.Yl, 0O 1.4. Vatted States ('oil S5,3Iti,(K)O 0.11' Ganadhdns appear to favor winkle more than do the people of the United Khnt^toan or of Ute Vatted Stated. Gerwany drinks More wine, while F'ram•a' quite outdoes all the others combined. Of other countries, Por- tmg+d avernge•d about 20 gallons ,per )""ad, IRlraln ID Katlbns, Italy 18 gal- lons and Switzerland 15 gallons. The consumption in Austria-lluuatAry to a little ovor 3 gallons per head, lot Bel- gium lean than n gallon, and In Hul- land about the du'me as in the Unitcd K l n gd0an. Of beer our conevmptiun lute about doubled In a quarter of u century, but It is only a tithe of what It Ir 4t 'the United Kingdon, Germany and the United Stated, 'where beer W the miaplo drink, and it le considerably It," than in France, where the great MILM Of the people have twine as their stock beverage. Here are the figures: Conaumpiiou. Perhead tiallonr. Uwllun.. Canada (1601) ........................ 4.737 United Kingdom f l,"t ............1,`98,758,000 31.7 France tlixio)... 285,194,1100 a.' Germany ('99)• 1,527,878,1100 _T.S United States (1899) ...... ... 934,'210,000 13.:1 Tile consumption per head In the United States is only half that of Germany, which In turn Is less than that of the United Kingdom. In each of the three southern slated of Ger- manv, however, Bavaria, Wurtem- b erg and Baden, the conromption per head is greater tit" in the United Kingdom. Of other countries not !Deluded lire, Belgium leads with a cona«ntptlou In 1899 of nearly 47 gal - and per Bead, which, however, falls short of the Bavarian consumption r4 SA gallons per head. Nearly all throe figures allow evidence of a ten lencs to lncreaae In resent vpare- In Great Britain the average con• sunhption was, roughly, 2T gallons per head frotul LS85 to 1888. and in the Mixt two years rose to 30 gallunY per Neta- reulaining at or near thlepolut n}, to 1H95. BeeWe two cossump- ton. Canada's figure Is very small. Sl,irit,r, are not nearly so pupular tam a beverage am formerly. The con- getlaption is as follows: ('on,.umplloa, Perhead (%.illus" OAJIuw. Canada 11301) ............ 0.743 United Kingdows (1900) ... ... ... 45,890.00() 1.12 -mace tuwoF_,. = T11.4.-.! 0U -10 2 Germany' -(JIM). 1iT7,SW,OW I.a4 United staters ' (18119) ...... ... 8LOOH,000 1.0A Tie Inference to be drawn from _._----__-- _ -__ these f --- - _.. tree hit alai 1 Illy e that , p1 ha Canada la kr the tobereart country of all. Tie good work of reforming our drink - Int; habit• has gone on from -several directions, and the result is one that Js highly gratifying.- -. N.N++44•.• .&++++++++4i+ CURRENT COMMENT + +♦++N4N+t+4•++F?+t4ttat 9.+ If the Beers ease to do so they can relleve their frh'ada to the con- centration camps any day. Wi mal grain crop of li tnitaba thbr year Is estimated at 85,179,858 hu"hP1". Of this ri0,50'_,085 I, wheat. (Itnno%a IR not a land of famine. .Just Imagine President Roosevelt forbidding CAnaeia to send help to Britaln In Africa ! Oh, on I Roowevell \(k)ew not read the Monroe doctrine trough Rourke Cockran's specs. He t A fecal. i lniteed ,States free rural delly- ery_ _§tem In taw being extended to gerre bout 5,700,000 people. With - 'lin five a It Is Japed that 20,000,- 000 . Joy free delivery. A New,Y k woman seeks divorce (rota hey h nd 1)ernuso he tae taken to drl and «Leong other tliinge "reyWe ike Bible all night whets he is lntoz ated." these caus- ing her "moth pal grle'f and anxi- ety!' Work) she r her Halve him rend a French novas \ (Iftago is to have ti•Lm. 1 to est=ft lanndrpeaen hOw to wAs- nd s the (hlcngoang will rejolre Ip e nb"Ifell ar split Buttons torn out button holes and saw-etdgeol cJ are. lIaPpy Chicago I Senator Vest want 1, S, At chiata sent to a distant bland where they may have their fling. The Inland IN available, but the task of flnding the nnnrehititm rally not be an easy one. Titer" are GR7 cases of divorce pn- tered on dile Providence, ILI., docket. Unipso Jel,tics MOTPN more q,llekly than in romp U. S. mlsrler camps Rome of theme unhappy couples will have (frown ont of the marrying agn be - tarn their tarn cons". Dnrtholdl, the sculptor of the Wattle of Liberty. ling made n a,lot,nAl rflaestriArn etatun of Vercingetoric, tit,, hem of Gaal, wlllch is to be Ret Ill) at C•le•rmort-FPrtanel, 250 miles from Paris. Tire station Is 14 foot high nn.l iry fret long, And WPtghm four Iona. An it pnnnot bn ronoryal by rAtlrvm.d the experiment will he mn,ip of rnrrying it In one block by an sutortloblln Wagon from Paris. A ttove•ment W on foot In North I Herbert Ulattst,.n,+r main r Curullna, prompted by the tobacoo ! tion Is Pott, He hank, In bink de• 41valerm, to ertset a statue to Sir to the tame, built klmo&U a hou Walter Raleigh In ltnh Igh. Collection Ldtl4wtuace the seetrupold in boxrw are it, be pluceed In stores where strath of the golfer. lie Is &Jots a g tubitc:oo Is multi. bicyullrt. Perlatps It would be well to wir Kltchmier to leave a few Boers to the Mounted Rifles to bag. It woul be dlroomfiting to the boym to ar h rive Just as the --elude reason for Doe hunting hend been proclaimed. 1 When British rule shall be firm) emtnbllrhed In South Africa the spor 00 of shooting natives will be abolished f Tile mnactimunious, murderous Burrs 5 will have to face the same laws a J ure applied to other residents of th country, Anderson. S. C., tats an organ4s, tion for tine suppressioa of anarchy Last week It iwtd a lynching. IN Lila AD etklesce of the need fur the so ciety. or is it an Indication of t Method the organdaaliou intends to pursue la suppressing anarchy A clever Instance of title way I which the World Is progressing 1 like ataauuacement In the Athenaeum that the frown Prlaco of Siam I gluing to publish a volume of emray 4)u llw war of the Polish succem-dia. ar lite result of bid totadies at Ox- ford Uaivermity. The Utica and Little Falls, N. Y., choteme men are feeling the cunme- yuences of unfair dealings with the British consumer. Canadian cheese- makers and dealers should be warned by their experience and keep up the quality of their cheese. The business Is worth many millions yearly. A Sault Ste. Marie despatch eat. that X!Z,000,000 of English money 1:10,Z ets been raised to push the Clergue euterprides on loth shies luf the tit. ]Lary River, among which will [x "}risen Mlllr, equipped with special Eugltml. muchlaery, to manufacture steel tubes. Mr. Ciergue o%ideutly means to - make a spuou or spoil a burn. Germany Is beginning 4o object to the number of foreign stutientd In her uulveraitiev anti technical mchoold. Tits - latter hate protested that gumetlstng Mort bet done to keep foreigners out, as out of 11,311 students In tech- Illwl high schadd in 190J, 2,017, or MurO than a sixth, were foreigners, and of there 8:Hi were Itm)rians. Thr co'ndtruction bf a brunch from e MOtArt'de skull, whlun war In r Hyrtl's oodectlon, had teen `d posited In the museum at Z%I - SOmr years ago an attempt r muds, to substitute a spurious r but it was fulled. The Author y for liar nuthPnllcity of the I taw in Sahilty g aro a gravedf au engraver and the lute I Hyrtl, a Captain Dreyfus, wfao i+&s e at Cologoe, near Geneva, for time punt, Ica■ determined to I - Swltserland and make Lir how . Alraoe, where he was born. lie t spend the w•luler lit the Riviera, ter which he will definitely me !hu down In Alsace, devoting Lir Ili t literature and eadcatiflc pursuits. Ili An Alpine, Col., prospector, rod IN to him last dollar, la advertising 1 lady for rale as a means of rad m cash. A card ins,•rted by him t s local newtepnper reado as follows If I have the right to sell my when it becomes a corpse I ata tilt- market for ni yYWJy desiring o invemtment. If you know of a mar for much dealings, and you can m rale of my corpse, I will pay n commission. My iooty would mak. good skeleton. etorear OLioa skull gger' been mom,' Dave n aced ala body like fair - . MISCELLANEOVa, Jl'UK 1,,. Of the Rbty of`fydnry, of Austro• MT D. MoOMILlerDOT. A bubspsil at billion UUN winter -ink 0 at I,r(p.1c UMlvendly, of Germiny, anti (eovre, of Ste. C'unegusxle, in May Hanged for the Murder LIVIllg talkwl Of by the lllutu the T•rta• rA §■t+«rfpWaa ,*a', to adv f Sole erip.,...... Tk!'"momiks. •' ............ :' ya brWging French River and going u clutraoter that U furnimlaed by nuth_ (,Lrli►dg Club of that town, tell% Madame Lefebvre. .ng el.rs Ulan rix-eWy ranee. 'IL.rtl r George N. liahtach will 114)1.1 e,wblg over lits Inability to glvr were About 10,000 lre' round, Who had Pato double Ja Rocherter, N. Y.. Dee_ If. Ool,len, the IrIW Adv■rp•Vg &taw. ;a World's Uhnalptuurhlit pool luuru•a. meat 4n ilyr.wai a durlug price&, Lite building. lNut ane of them ttaa sitting duwp, III trOa the ate day*' go -as -you -please ,, walking LASW"datbwa - - •Aveet+waw.•, l•,, line tsnyLtttiy ever hinted that If the ,'.sly' part Of bobruary. Prof. otiv f..r fink& t."I'LlO I. yi 1 a o.sG Ueu. Jltchatdd011 clue altrthed urtut.. de- olosel,l at )FJtshugh Biull Saturday to Ix,a Jack Bennett 4)t 1'hihel.•i. .erg. WORLDAJ acr4)rr the line it is, duubtlul it : liar cent. of there watch- y Al IDtdn►ght. ith a w record of 85: ides and 10 In s •".&tIwrat, •vile. B'nkl., card. orals 94)« nae A pith'& Wl Owl. W. 'Ilhe ouuteat )rut six rwtxlr. was the re fart on the Schley ease should, condemned m in, a respite was gran ed until to -day. Aime Ueuftriou, with 1''red. 1'inutted will bu coach of the kull, ever• to mike hid came strung emaug Lot at Schley and Admiral Dewe Dewey and the law was ordered to take It Clifton Boat Club (13. 1.) again n, tit Icier that tine object of the court Walsh) r,tub)u. Lkwrgu ►'au Illorl, wilt, I BICVCLiN(i. enk u curtninty 4)l the race, atxt war as (vast po td succ,wd with the St l,.11 lslnnd Club'■ esdramou, is hka I) •rof. Wa1lUuur ,,d atelCaPberw won. Lost I. played In overnl ht xttlinto (A the race, 'wit" was' ly ( t pew l mVtt Vanuatu Indefinitely with this 1,6 L'auudlan rai.wnys Mmdlsun Square Garden, New York, O'Hugen, the eustrlerp cults mncde the favorite mi 3 to 1, and war j have dtchu,d+ ol,, l t o m•,k - t sum—t— Lot t to the m, i,hb list Dec. 14.-ltubert Walthour, of At- played for a killing. Tile Morris Avituratuu, , the Ontario) for ►110, had asked [4)r Ute host&, Ga., rude over the linlaidug lute, lulls length Ahmed of Lester Wit- stable, war next in demand at 8 to rerlundti.a, t,l the old club niters to curl. ca. 1'hr will, of Pittsburg, at twolve mlauter ten 1, while all the Other stabler re- ceived titre or lore support. Little former ruts way u faro and a third for `'utht ltl:ty,r,, 4)r two after u'utuek daturday eight. Behlad W'ddon nue to til war Bello ill nngg y Scout, fruits the stable of GeorgeC. Bennett, was returned tits winner by rick&, tyt ilio ruts, tr cwt flow extended to leas will Mount, the Loy from Memphis. Tenn.; twu lengths behuid Munro war Oscar A neck• nut because 1►e was the beet hitting, but because he wits the hest Ulan ten players. The to1'ogr:aoaf 111pres, showintf hhr at- liial)as'k, of New tuck, and five rmklou. Kaluma, this Tezar owned salary alar Ibat of iho dlfferout club. i n I dile leugtk- behind Baueuek, was Nat n to Butler, salt Boston. cult, melcured the dace by ten len the 1 disastr it wan n li"tecn Lea Liu" ince $8000. urn In i to 1'n►vl.teucg 8 fkJO. Byrut uMr That wan the way the mtz day rano day )title al day bt Ute talent ; only Dag favorite one (Xting • i1,Wt). Iltrtlo;d 9100, wore. tt•r . oa 190t gudW- Only five tenant fin- wiled, Of tete six,eelh that started managed to finish In front, Witiners— Automation 5-1, _. coo, BurrosI0 !f' Iltx+he+tetF 11•',. 701, '1'-T mt4) $ "'8'•'• Montreal i Inst Mulidny, Morning, and It wait ,Little Jack Horner 8-1, Uterp even, Little Scout 15-1, ,00 Jwk' White a groat friv.rtlt.• „a practically- a uahe-mdu sprint at the him Oura Gawp 100.1, Barbara Frellachio the T+,n.nto Bu ctwll Team in It l? and 1N98, has bepn gad, because tic five trams were tied fur first Ing pl&Oe. It was a Clow lfl•l. e 'of rlgnrd by MA an. Irr Barrow to play the outfL'1.1. n & sli ling to a gluriuud race. The more Note. the ru.t. CharleslaM racer utter to okay. A')olta• was trail d to. Cr,•y. and Irwin O(rnfemrod tint ha . at Ole finish war: I Oakland wMae•rso- 111loe i1 -to. O.d made n Idau,l,•r. WI61te waw with SymeuaM Inst y-. 'i Walttaur-McEachorn ... 4 I:agluud T -S, Ltsaella 6-1. Audrlwa 5----, r. but quit the grime when h„ wa. to ... on lhayu-wUruu ... ...... ... ... .2355 ♦ Homestead 8-'d. Diomed 7-1. jurM fn a street oar accidUat In the vet Newkirk-Mtauru i;= 4 ROWING ,Salt City. flabouck-Turville ..........." 2,555 4 ket •' Butler-Mcl.gurt BI Ke anis l's Ireland. R a INDOOR ASEBALII-. ... ... ... .....2,b55 4 Ktag-Samuel►,« ... ,,.2,355 4 1'thilad Iphl:a, Doc. 11J. -Thu Univer- The Waterduww Indoor bust+Loll hall-McLartsu ... ... ._ _. ..:2,4iG 9 alts 01 I'.ou"Jllmuilt will r.rud a Yur- drab mot on satunkty night alld '". a Frederick-Jaak . .. .. ..... 2 31. Y silty crew to competo next year at &nlikod for thr, seactln. PI(•ctlllg til;,. The record for 14_ hours it 2,738 til.• Henley Regatta and ut Dublin. f,41owing offfoerd Proahlent. Ur V lulls$# 4 lupe, iodide by l:harler Miller The Arrangew,-uts are. Lin the hands Itigh► Or, gt,r %'Ir,•-Pro4l, ot. MrF'14%n, 1,and R. A.; Manager, A. Rubxritstlt Frank Waller in 1898. of live Hun. Lord Brien, Lord ; o „ The final *print *bowed that 011,eL Ju•atloe of Ireland. and, It told taints, Dr. McC'lenallun ani F. SL„ neither Bal►cuck aur Butler was quite hoPe" materialize, th, race in Ire- __ -- - _ -------- 'Lit strong as line Others. Tile nue- 'title dprin: began with .Yat Butler land wBl have W precedent to college illotury. Ile had amt Imitations to Pe lv N The Signal tioVuldiotir aullug, nud the other tour closet' unity an Cornell, Harvard, . PENALTY uhuu't film. F'ur half a mile they all MIs- hlgan, C:olumLtn Find Yal,% 4)t til" `uruaLma§a ude tat about a 2.30 clip. Z'leen United Stated; McGill and Tt.nant°fY=RY THVftBAAY YORNINQ i broke out Into his spriat U ilve•tt-ItIN of Cmanda ; the 1.'WI " tud Jlet His Drain Gamely.-Isl)u to Save Hlnr Proved UrI■vrlliu dtut Deleryed tee F,ait ylatluu-11 Cr:ate Was a Banal One. Montreal, Qua., Dec. 13. -Joseph I flu lout\iho lead fur the ,Lxt11 h►p, Of the Rbty of`fydnry, of Austro• MT D. MoOMILlerDOT. - let Wltrud•.lwte It for the movetalr, I,r(p.1c UMlvendly, of Germiny, anti (eovre, of Ste. C'unegusxle, in May Hanged for the Murder .hen went 't4) the front again, and after that w r never headed. of Tae mcene ab, the finials Wits of a Oxford and C &mWkfte Universities. of England `aa PEDESTRI IS1M. T•rta• rA §■t+«rfpWaa ,*a', to adv f Sole erip.,...... Tk!'"momiks. •' ............ :' ya brWging French River and going u clutraoter that U furnimlaed by nuth_ muco e•horter route than that t4C all =on" ................... )a Madame Lefebvre. .ng el.rs Ulan rix-eWy ranee. 'IL.rtl Peter ileitis& eba. -=Fitter Oa,ysar. ................... 1 va e,wblg over lits Inability to glvr were About 10,000 lre' round, Who had Pato double Ja Rocherter, N. Y.. Dee_ If. Ool,len, the IrIW Adv■rp•Vg &taw. _ ___ price&, Lite building. lNut ane of them ttaa sitting duwp, III trOa the ate day*' go -as -you -please ,, walking LASW"datbwa - - •Aveet+waw.•, l•,, line tsnyLtttiy ever hinted that If arkd when the oruuge-colored match. which otiv f..r fink& t."I'LlO I. yi 1 a o.sG ll[tt}g)L[igd might nru'h iho raruers mW eater „f Bobby flamhaxd olosel,l at )FJtshugh Biull Saturday rl D+ i,,,v er Krtlif:ik.NitNll"Jer. Its/erwi lit RESIGNED TO HIS FATE. acr4)rr the line it is, duubtlul it : liar cent. of there watch- y Al IDtdn►ght. ith a w record of 85: ides and 10 In s •".&tIwrat, •vile. B'nkl., card. orals 94)« nae A tud Jlet His Drain Gamely.-Isl)u to Save Hlnr Proved UrI■vrlliu dtut Deleryed tee F,ait ylatluu-11 Cr:ate Was a Banal One. Montreal, Qua., Dec. 13. -Joseph I p . o or. _ Pat ng kept their muutlu clorOd. 111is It Iv clahatdl, w.11 stated eta a r A Beforo Walthour cull kl okumplete Ad,ert4etnrnt* of l0ket. rom.d, Str.lM world's record for n race Of t Phvtion. i•ro•at Mes.Jme. w'w.W at( one circuit Of Ito track after he 111101 over a L!O•lap track. Score Bu.tt„s. ("kins, . wa•,y , not o,st,we;ns s rt. n)amheld across the taps A Winnkr, he Golden, :132.10; Fahey, $I3.T;Ilam, br'•."""I"r`j1•a1s•ra=6 ,van grabbed! b euthus4asth; friend. 818.N; Herty, IlMllt; Carlwr h II,arre•,dal•a,el I.saaw•r •a w,3•, rot .6 R, y t, ii—iallo«. Sit or Jr a., Nr .r4 ural lifted from ills wheel while u 299; Loeselein, 281: Unknown, g int ire `W li ►soch. t r wt 1. about ten ='led an hour. Bobby=Bn.Ost: ilrare, 244.3: McGraw, port)"•.t/ tlMO .a est i iU` TmOmpeun, hie trainer, Ituggad uud 184.3; Guerrero, 182. PT014otw'he pet 4)4 I") b•.etlt t •14. ,►I lu'n Ind him l4) Mtn H'allhuur, to be clad or e.wntamr. t • 1.• n.a• d,w.i! ret ay.t,,.* fill. men( 41oA .',•est f a V r ll,. lr. ;r hugged by her. Tile lo,000 rpecta- Lo.,aty"11A tie.•"r.e.ti trw,n,aofp.l Its arm yells! freutkulty, ►lulu Bobby t:ewrge Nur tun Utr to IL►Is. vied, n•a» ba 1••rt as 1w,0.r a'.Ne•• l4) rrl.r)ary ,r•,l,Inr t+'w■ ltlaaey - _fe.-_,Thl3_.._llM1Ud.kIJyS •l_ York Dec. 18.-Ow1n1{ to a emnU D•r w2f,. V• ratio• f ,w,r s•. Y... D f t er c Lunge in tjie pGani of 6, rge Bill I... fin trttt*af row e• After lem'IuK hhr Pmbeuce o[ hhr[tilt, the litnnllan bihl:ardlat. lite►a&irvoi,atla•Ntvtteag,t,altrabv. O, wife Bobby went anti hugged los Mittel, between him n'dl Le•otnard - imrtuer. Ne Enchre•n. Whil" Wnitliour lluwiwun came to an end Friday ttuln■•fben Wb ka ro•Nv0 TVs Alwm.t of tva.'}mttingOu hills bathrobe, M4,-I,t at the Knickerbucker Ac:vl- d `.r YLw "a, t t u aisirrltdr .drir­ aj. Jt[t fury td' going l4) hhr ttalnlag yu:u- euty. Drookltrn. Sutton m:We quick txs•.,hlr, II, •-eArponlerb IMati6-T`saw the arriingements by- -rata to wpla•ar W". is r/. L 4kmdraa.boa - •w track, la'order to take it up in sec- In ono of the'plillarl academleg in tbM4as41isNew should Mst,.. liunr. Paris. and sallod for that city on n• Tae prlus the winners contended &iturday. 71,Ia Action did notal rt for were *even In number, no full,rws : vent bh.r fr,tn eumpleta g ills 1• t• U Tevs.l et nsmjl tri kit -Mon .n o. b'trat prize, $1,500 ; lkP, anti prizr, match ngaulst ll4)wlsuu, for tau itnl"eoll Lona) T.a,-silts ■■ Ag,e: or tit -T». to $I,no0; thin.! prize, 47,-,0: fourth blomkr of ted of UoA•rluk. Colaorw•, held a,.J prize, $500; fifth rise, (&lair. la layel o. One, wewawora. ht ►rlr.P, D 0350: sixth nw rche,leleol, were playe,I liatur- f•''4s1 pt•mv.••novar eM A11 ''v},a- I $2!:) ; seventh prise, #150, to day. !mails.. d to res•;., .vtrcrfrrt, addition the man ,gement agreed to Ln the afternoon Sutton was %Ir_ OmAL.elay the trainin eY aB era &,ander nm m stks.sire. K pe•nseg of nil tter{Otrs by a louse of '4)10 to lett. D. )ftull.Lia men who rematnel in the race the UIP style of game hi -Ing 1N -inch I►tlk- T ailulte'1 six days I/nc. two. diets lo. live redulLyL 9kls/ieMGtl7a BASIASALL- - - - -tmw block of pointe plaeo3 the tetst --- st §cors at 1,500 for Hotton amt 1,Ir.'4 FRIDAY, DE" 19,' 1901. P National Leuaue Divided. for his Opponent u N.:w York. D,c. ill.-.\. G. Spalding, - - TUAvtLIL 91111111011111. w wtr, clnt a _ m to fare been League Pre dG+ 1G./t0.ls I. 1. - +sofa of til" National l League 0 YRAND Tnt'),K RAILWAY. t^ t'nofew•4uIa1 Ramebnh C"luno at 1.8U' r I 1.u .;tltsek Satunlny Musing. amsumed Tfl 't IARK TS\ 1110 duiltw at 2 oclock baltutday' at- 1 11iE MARKETS A' W b t sines&. and tin. 1leata,ly s..owwl that tt M • m e Ib0 tattende to be nlas)lute master of ,11 4N ...•..•.•..••"...... M Ple. Ll Ad .......•Lt(ftlR......... A .q. tl)v situation. Spnithngw rluct.on waw , ► .0 ,r. 4)J ass yPm .... g a hserledt4,uel move, cert those who b carried It throuth believe that it Is Toronto r areler.` ' ar.t •:. Mail aa/ ,. 7.13 • "a e. 1 .................. I Dec. 18.-lteCelple of farm pro I) " .. SAM 1, TwcOty-fiye bnJiote-on the election due", Owing to tilt, oturut on v)tur- . .•"."". It n, r for Pre ident showed a deadlock, four day, were 1 e to four, with A. G. V;ht, cher•• b.•lug id a 8palaltrrg and N. (abet ::W hurrlirld of tteallt ural a Dl1t'rll§TRT. P E. Young 0111oming uandidates. So,len, fair delivery or Metter. .-twn and Di. Ntt'HOL3oN. 1. i).S.. of of ltu-rtoa, who had Innen Chairman, poultry. 1 r lixlt• up, after the ,!5th ballot and saki \YheAt-One hun.fred bushels of 1Geor,NC D svostal4 &thee Paasstt 00«. g be wanted to get to bed. It waw , goose at 87c. 0014 silica&. l .0m.. ore NONA% \q,rk s them 1 o'clock In tit tr--11r. thin Greek word meant "free." He nest Luplafne, was hanged to t Falls to the head of navigation on 7ru`nyreU Ytiil iTlls murTsfOlj II the Maganetewan lover b not a O'clock for the murder of Mudame L very big undertaking, but it is looked (eovre, of Ste. C'unegusxle, in May upon as tato Iwgianiag of a Grand the present year. the Trunk eztecddua to Sault lira -Marls, txeeulan was carried o without the alililkw t 4"Ji. aad- brWging French River and going u wits extinct 7 minutes after the to muco e•horter route than that t4C whleb broke the condemned man Nortlh Buy and the C. P. R. neck' Prior to the execution the co Mr.'CnrneRie is represented as nor downed mit-ft Wal the greater pa of him time 4 spiritual preparatio e,wblg over lits Inability to glvr and he was quite revigned to bs fu away the wealth that pours tit upou when the time Came. It wag thuug him. And so "Y of us could relieve, by 'Lome of him attendants that ilii a little tvithcstut lncgnrealepce plain" would break down at tile lag but the very reverse was the cit line tsnyLtttiy ever hinted that If L,ytUtloe never flinched, and dl"d In the tarttf pfnr-were putted out "ome manuer_AlIA1.911tht I0jilMOgty. tri ll[tt}g)L[igd might nru'h iho raruers scribed an "game."' The d.ite of the execution was fir In a regular way nn.l thus g•. to ret for Notember 25th, but as th Abut+o to whom they by right belong 7 counsel for the defence clulmetl t long-drawn-out divorco pro ve some tit► m new ev n tdeoce to otter r There will be no surprise felt If gUrdigg Insanity ll the family of th the re fart on the Schley ease should, condemned m in, a respite was gran ed until to -day. Aime Ueuftriou, with +tA hinted, bo a divided one, two defended Iaeplaine, was unable, how members stretching every point to ever• to mike hid came strung emaug Lot at Schley and Admiral Dewe Dewey and the law was ordered to take It dissenting. Mont people have an id,ta course. talplaine was executed for shoolin that tine object of the court Walsh) to death Madame Lefebvre, wit not be served If Schley did not get whom 113 laiged In Ste. Cunegond The murder wits particularly brutes tie worst of it. Even Cerverat re- its Laplalue &hill his victim while he ceived better treatment than!4ehlev, back, was turned !n the performanc the Provincial breweries arid tits#- of her domestic duties. It was on Jay Cooke's father was named Ironed that Laplalne was Jealous the Imaginary attentions of othe Eleuthcros at the suggestion of boarders In the house of hie bourdin evmcone wino happened to know that mistreat. p . o or. _ Pat ng kept their muutlu clorOd. 111is It Iv clahatdl, w.11 stated eta a r A Beforo Walthour cull kl okumplete Ad,ert4etnrnt* of l0ket. rom.d, Str.lM world's record for n race Of t Phvtion. i•ro•at Mes.Jme. w'w.W at( one circuit Of Ito track after he 111101 over a L!O•lap track. Score Bu.tt„s. ("kins, . wa•,y , not o,st,we;ns s rt. n)amheld across the taps A Winnkr, he Golden, :132.10; Fahey, $I3.T;Ilam, br'•."""I"r`j1•a1s•ra=6 ,van grabbed! b euthus4asth; friend. 818.N; Herty, IlMllt; Carlwr h II,arre•,dal•a,el I.saaw•r •a w,3•, rot .6 R, y t, ii—iallo«. Sit or Jr a., Nr .r4 ural lifted from ills wheel while u 299; Loeselein, 281: Unknown, g int ire `W li ►soch. t r wt 1. about ten ='led an hour. Bobby=Bn.Ost: ilrare, 244.3: McGraw, port)"•.t/ tlMO .a est i iU` TmOmpeun, hie trainer, Ituggad uud 184.3; Guerrero, 182. PT014otw'he pet 4)4 I") b•.etlt t •14. ,►I lu'n Ind him l4) Mtn H'allhuur, to be clad or e.wntamr. t • 1.• n.a• d,w.i! ret ay.t,,.* fill. men( 41oA .',•est f a V r ll,. lr. ;r hugged by her. Tile lo,000 rpecta- Lo.,aty"11A tie.•"r.e.ti trw,n,aofp.l Its arm yells! freutkulty, ►lulu Bobby t:ewrge Nur tun Utr to IL►Is. vied, n•a» ba 1••rt as 1w,0.r a'.Ne•• l4) rrl.r)ary ,r•,l,Inr t+'w■ ltlaaey - _fe.-_,Thl3_.._llM1Ud.kIJyS •l_ York Dec. 18.-Ow1n1{ to a emnU D•r w2f,. V• ratio• f ,w,r s•. Y... D f t er c Lunge in tjie pGani of 6, rge Bill I... fin trttt*af row e• After lem'IuK hhr Pmbeuce o[ hhr[tilt, the litnnllan bihl:ardlat. lite►a&irvoi,atla•Ntvtteag,t,altrabv. O, wife Bobby went anti hugged los Mittel, between him n'dl Le•otnard - imrtuer. Ne Enchre•n. Whil" Wnitliour lluwiwun came to an end Friday ttuln■•fben Wb ka ro•Nv0 TVs Alwm.t of tva.'}mttingOu hills bathrobe, M4,-I,t at the Knickerbucker Ac:vl- d `.r YLw "a, t t u aisirrltdr .drir­ aj. Jt[t fury td' going l4) hhr ttalnlag yu:u- euty. Drookltrn. Sutton m:We quick txs•.,hlr, II, •-eArponlerb IMati6-T`saw the arriingements by- -rata to wpla•ar W". is r/. L 4kmdraa.boa - •w track, la'order to take it up in sec- In ono of the'plillarl academleg in tbM4as41isNew should Mst,.. liunr. Paris. and sallod for that city on n• Tae prlus the winners contended &iturday. 71,Ia Action did notal rt for were *even In number, no full,rws : vent bh.r fr,tn eumpleta g ills 1• t• U Tevs.l et nsmjl tri kit -Mon .n o. b'trat prize, $1,500 ; lkP, anti prizr, match ngaulst ll4)wlsuu, for tau itnl"eoll Lona) T.a,-silts ■■ Ag,e: or tit -T». to $I,no0; thin.! prize, 47,-,0: fourth blomkr of ted of UoA•rluk. Colaorw•, held a,.J prize, $500; fifth rise, (&lair. la layel o. One, wewawora. ht ►rlr.P, D 0350: sixth nw rche,leleol, were playe,I liatur- f•''4s1 pt•mv.••novar eM A11 ''v},a- I $2!:) ; seventh prise, #150, to day. !mails.. d to res•;., .vtrcrfrrt, addition the man ,gement agreed to Ln the afternoon Sutton was %Ir_ OmAL.elay the trainin eY aB era &,ander nm m stks.sire. K pe•nseg of nil tter{Otrs by a louse of '4)10 to lett. D. )ftull.Lia men who rematnel in the race the UIP style of game hi -Ing 1N -inch I►tlk- T ailulte'1 six days I/nc. two. diets lo. live redulLyL 9kls/ieMGtl7a BASIASALL- - - - -tmw block of pointe plaeo3 the tetst --- st §cors at 1,500 for Hotton amt 1,Ir.'4 FRIDAY, DE" 19,' 1901. P National Leuaue Divided. for his Opponent u N.:w York. D,c. ill.-.\. G. Spalding, - - TUAvtLIL 91111111011111. w wtr, clnt a _ m to fare been League Pre dG+ 1G./t0.ls I. 1. - +sofa of til" National l League 0 YRAND Tnt'),K RAILWAY. t^ t'nofew•4uIa1 Ramebnh C"luno at 1.8U' r I 1.u .;tltsek Satunlny Musing. amsumed Tfl 't IARK TS\ 1110 duiltw at 2 oclock baltutday' at- 1 11iE MARKETS A' W b t sines&. and tin. 1leata,ly s..owwl that tt M • m e Ib0 tattende to be nlas)lute master of ,11 4N ...•..•.•..••"...... M Ple. Ll Ad .......•Lt(ftlR......... A .q. tl)v situation. Spnithngw rluct.on waw , ► .0 ,r. 4)J ass yPm .... g a hserledt4,uel move, cert those who b carried It throuth believe that it Is Toronto r areler.` ' ar.t •:. Mail aa/ ,. 7.13 • "a e. 1 .................. I Dec. 18.-lteCelple of farm pro I) " .. SAM 1, TwcOty-fiye bnJiote-on the election due", Owing to tilt, oturut on v)tur- . .•"."". It n, r for Pre ident showed a deadlock, four day, were 1 e to four, with A. G. V;ht, cher•• b.•lug id a 8palaltrrg and N. (abet ::W hurrlirld of tteallt ural a Dl1t'rll§TRT. P E. Young 0111oming uandidates. So,len, fair delivery or Metter. .-twn and Di. Ntt'HOL3oN. 1. i).S.. of of ltu-rtoa, who had Innen Chairman, poultry. 1 r lixlt• up, after the ,!5th ballot and saki \YheAt-One hun.fred bushels of 1Geor,NC D svostal4 &thee Paasstt 00«. g be wanted to get to bed. It waw , goose at 87c. 0014 silica&. l .0m.. ore NONA% \q,rk s them 1 o'clock In tit tr--11r. thin Greek word meant "free." He Fgfw-Dcllrertes of strictly new- ink! err" lµ ht, not enoo h to ) r morning, bot the "at'r-Two litto•irat ,twlrhPls "apt at Spalding Merl In the brnokly-n. Pitta. `47%c. nyears txpecienee went to Congress, two terms. twat was eventually tiafPatexl bPCAnee R (}t tt }{} ( ( ( LfF`1 '►. LOSES. bury(. Clule.agO And Philadelphia L'lubs Poultry-fNiirerirs warn fair at were reestLj and anziuw to IRayt following Ices: Cldrkens, Ili_ MAREN. Ir.P*. 'L.D.t[-'I11&fAL 106allaill.4 J ARil. recess nal eleectlon officers Inlledto ,flll e ilOjJ l-i Inenting on the Influence 4)4 ruhx and 8ah t30 five rcium. +incl ilii of Tib Elf• pev hair; tte Oi,86e To WWr-1 talop rw•rtj,twaPaPrr or t h. >stmsl twtk a defer- t-ffol"li Well ids outlandish name correctly. garet E. Rodney formerly of To ii ata nfrr(wentativPR of the Boston. New York. C,nrfnnatl and St. Louts Clubs pair; geese, td to 7c per Ib; tur- r a!dhques" la►■tads nmttaeem,all'wb Then he swore that his infant son mhould haus n acme that evrrvbrl Former Toronto Woman's d41 likewise. The chair ase than tat In by Cot. Rogers, of Philadelphla.I kryr, 8 to IOa per, lb. Butter -Prices easy at 18 to 28e per Ib Telephone No, as N Tt7RNRUL1 D.DI a -DF.1. y could manage. Accordingly he; had Fgfw-Dcllrertes of strictly new- ink! err" lµ ht, not enoo h to Husband Gets Divorce. titre future fins Pier christened J.ty, art IVall Iretb wevee on "lit or mimm.tr •, • «. pe•1a1 att•wtfwn sirs& tw t .• . sl. incl** of It's to 40.•. F{Mn. rive At 3 o'clock th)s mornint; he went or six wt,ets Ink1, were in the after the famous Chief Justice. Fltth Avenue Hotel, with with Iter) of file Ilpestena«tw, anA knocked oon N- F ----- M. Flammariun han b,rn Pill-ri- WILL RECEIVE NO ALIMONY Inenting on the Influence 4)4 ruhx and former President, [ have been e elected Yregblent. WashliCton, Dec. 12. -Mrs. Mar sexlip put 7'so butterfly larvae in garet E. Rodney formerly of To two Ire Caner, Tach *overe.l by n dif- canto, whose marital tnwbles lav frrenl colored glans. In open air and been Alred extensively In tlwcourt under plain Rinse the prop irtlon of received a very aelverrc decree to sexed was nearly equal. That was day to the District of Columbia Di UIe case too with light rml anti light vorco Court, presided over by Jae green 91480, but with deeper rolors Lice Haguer. it was the locale o nal in darknewa ti.e number of male" the long-drawn-out divorco pro became predominant in a marked de- ceedings, el and Justice Hagner grant her husband. Lieu tenaat-C'om gree. M. FlammarloWo supposition in mender Robert Burton !to(Iney Lhnt the colas Mlle -t the larvae anti United Statem Nary, retirett, .a di diminish their appetite. ,otte on him crow -bill to 11eT salt fo - .v. ! __— _ limited divorce. 1Ittritwr as , rnf'a rn,lwrw tremr nobody nil Intend to ran thitgps in the be interrat The court grant" the lleutennnt Under the Mauitobr► Liquor Act I cammanlpr absolute divorce because the Provincial breweries arid tits#- of the cruel treatment of the wit `tllleries Could go on (nl) binmt, neind and against for Act" of adultery prove lister. Their troubled began `their product" out of the Provllsae, few day" after their marriage In To inwy--to Rat Pnrtage or to the near- runic thtl two or three years ago l etit point In Asslniboin, whence they to film Iw g liable to n clown In the wreck f proceellnitR in the court have could be kip -shipped to Manitoba lx•en given puhlHt► nitnowt ad nna- Zero wlthalt Ipt or hindrance, the Ream. A The drer" Wn" womething of mlrprimp here in Washington. Un - act providing that nothing therein der much a stringent decree Mrs. cootainal ohne "nrfect bona fill- Itodnov grte rut alimony or oupport frAminctionm In liquor between a wh^torpr from the Ilentpnnnt-eom- "ll,won In the Province of Manitotri manrler hereafter. oli A perownore in country Province, tits ta' a foreign city •w6§ out At tilt, fair grourwi" Saturday afternoon. __ __ IRISH LABORERS PROTEST. country, anti the The gathering waw even larger than the Ulan this week kita been grind. IArgs shlpmenta of holiday prnv{ sof thin Act shall be con. ,err t•P tie Arm. Asalnat the Arro. struex] dtugly" +. track, ar10t they could not handle the for green of the Vatted be Mott'. A HAmlurg "rhool teacher recent) y orgrinisntlone I,on/Inn, Dec. lA.-Land and labor resulting from undertook to 111101 cwt what him pa_ extended the franchise ceirferred by Pilo knew abodt .common thing". the, lineal Government Act, onyR the Out of 110 cllllelrrn between 10 anJ ('ort corrPspondont of the Times, 18 yenra of Age, 58 had never seen Are effeKof to taborets of op_ of battling ngalnwt fn A (lurk of OtrrPp. Tu had never Ossa era& kirm. 111 toddle the [Snllo•1 !slash Le+>gtte ll, A violet growing. A0 find never heard continue" to fight Cnionintlk genes. A nlghtlnRAlP, 99 half novor ween the 11117. findm and landlords in partcuJar, It Itself attacked In inn rIRA nest a't find not tsrrn It Ore the rear by t:Ihnr nrg4hlzations. Reaolotlons stat, 49 hind nrtPr "ren n man ndoptP.d by iinllynear branph of the Plough. lip aolwPrto that while cit, f'Abor Asnoclatlon, '•rpgpertf„Ilyaaks nhlldren cony know shout thpetrrts atkl Its prenl'lenta, Maud” Oona" And mhrrrllk. exhibitions, mumplsms lean Pf"VIP. ftil orAlmightyGos'amaake, And "tore", hurmlreds of the slmplo st to onvn lrl.h 14bnrPre aryl Working- things In Ill" nrn mere words to men from elrtermlnntlon by greedy, , them that convoy no coherent Idea. swlritsh, pliroe-pro"d farmers and United Irish 1,604 pa," Mr. Spaldling gnt the, votes of Brack- lyn'lyn, (thfceg.► 1'1tteAmtrg and Phlla•' ", ig w r e n n sad Fgfw-Dcllrertes of strictly new- ink! err" lµ ht, not enoo h to Jo al seer". flatr)r aae•t7aed or, a, Dr. (NzflO'M i"rtserl. 0w14 wad r'tnal .. n. w) with I"'tt In vltlOrt, and m p- iso• www declared PIPo•tei. pf7 the demiMd PrLrea for thein were. firm at 37 art IVall Iretb wevee on "lit or mimm.tr •, • «. pe•1a1 att•wtfwn sirs& tw t .• . sl. incl** of It's to 40.•. F{Mn. rive At 3 o'clock th)s mornint; he went or six wt,ets Ink1, were in the isteeth Umrs ,f L' "s sew klask. !t t r Fltth Avenue Hotel, with with Iter) of file Ilpestena«tw, anA knocked oon N- F plchtliul at 25 to :10, pp ,low, 8-yat, of the farmers having hell eggs try,. "p"re --- LMonL, "I Y(rurlg•s door. When he tons arlmitterl Spalding said to the are ing every Market flay to, them oft an new-InLI. te CAH I itA..itAIM{#!t t -H tl.,i'.t elurc,lsdnaq ' 0' clank ttw),,d former President, [ have been e elected Yregblent. Iktm"llmes they are wirreerRinl. but 41 the In y res 11Ira1st4 ngawrst,Oj >lok Secrotaey and 'ITNtgnrP,r of the National Lipag a they will fi111 tit -does riot Pe)tntAAF-•Prtl:Cw O. JOHNSTON-itARIII-T10:: - + • •'Hr elerw, e.fe ,w, i•,.. of Professional Batseball Uuhs, and I kav" the nlrthority to demand jhe are firm at Tilt to 80c per hag. R.• loan. Umo«: city Hald.:t.w ri. :'I- A;:. •. Mrvpto el mlwrleh, t)r,t , papers and archlvew In your posses- - 0,11M I Before Young know Dreere,l h r- • °g f rMPs are flue at :8 to =5.25per eWt. Leetibdz tVhent HarkoN. - DROI!n ;W1r p 8 Ii snllal y`tlarra r• ►dant one go- Ind on, Spakling's lieutenant" haul Fotttrwttgf arts the cloWat rynotA Mwrtutnwte ib donr>srra asA t,» L ,M;<.t pickevl up n heavy trunk filled with tions at important centras to+Jsy: l►V rltOL'H rest. R O. Ii kYe drx lnnnnte that will have much heering on events to come. qhs trunk C.aat I MAX. New Yost »•••• •••••• ••••» ..... 8.15-8 (.hkotl>Yo _-- GAHRuw • t2AHftp* Ey. wnm enrrhxl away In triumph anti Spalding retired. ...... ...... .. + - T91L4 TrArdo :... 74:7=i Atwrwyt n tct/or■_ ids J. T. OaRnve, 4 '., a ar alt. At the afternoon meeting only the Spnlding "Irppt,rterw were, prrment, ........: R5 I-2 Duluth, No. 1 Nor ., 741-S 771-} fhtlnth, NO. 1 hard... T7 3-8 -- y.Firh. nR1idP Bo11T, Q C„ gAR- "!'FR, l rsailr or, xorvey F &nits trtd. ti b.^.t iAtt the league Wrht on with Ito imW"ples. and Mr. Spalding 1'orosto Idvs titooat lfar,gts. side cAn n■% equ.re. ktm,r t0 Ino, .t lowrwa•l.rM l!ap n SD (: pfr int- eel til" regains committees lie ' Having been edited Fred!- a:zpnrt cattle. 6110100, par OWL I I t4 M 5 a0 Aoae•dta.m..• , a lir on, t M) do vow. - i iCYI VEON k lion(, Will L bit eMtr ryr h0i Flu , eat dent of the \ntlonal Ler lin, M{: I not- Cr C.,L )' »'r to RutrA•rr nAaaq p,et•d........ bit tib, /fwd. I Moser ro esti SWAlmM10' g. 1. D t?K D li--- copied. and wish to may right iter► I'll, 1 SI on -i us a m, chnh•e ......... .......... J "s Io 1 :s - .v. ! __— _ I, that I will i)n Almrolute id14m. I tato d" rn""""0n.... Fly tit,, i . y 1Ittritwr as , rnf'a rn,lwrw tremr nobody nil Intend to ran thitgps in the be interrat ... .. U 100 d" stows . ................. i to to t Is do boom . ........... i rl new? attA an Hw.Ml•om site•• rs,.tip ase (InAborur 0' of the national game. Thor^ will Iw, ....... is a !a r 6r■. sort k•e➢ ............ a fid w 0 s0 do. Hotel. U,AmA6f.. ti tsrt• fentim to total aorro.ses at 4 par ewa tet6wt, Fannon no eomhinen or ellgnew, bill all f 4)w mnmt bw, on til" level nrxl nbnYA lx)nrd. 1110 IwmnA orw,tlum a sit to a IS et"ak.n,.l,tl. w 1.101 IES..... a O1 u a M do llgkt ...... .. f rl 4 a at )tuck cows. sack...,. .,...... soba as►o4. o, AARP, rt)T vg- t►r &lt like AMP IR whether A. (J. Lrlf; 34 w to ao M 811«D. awe Jta • "a and r• N•e a e0a,'.. aid or Andrew Freedman will re trlMln in istwc,tstll. F'reebmnn §•r owl ......., a Int to ! !a do. back. ............. too N 9 W do call■.. ..••••.. ,I kr JI. .4 tv,«rw,uee•• of ben. eM J•• 1 . w- -.4""n' I y„r,a A•paaltl,.r• M s an 4•wlwrrtAws h 0r mn."t go, n)d %It iiia frMnrl fir %all "tickm 'hit II U) to ! r)0 lamer, h lir Cwt ....... ;r...... a f0 w ! sa etae•rAta lar "time, rvit mt +est• tIIPg I•, the Int► •om J•stt•e. tlo rl irt of Arl,r to film Iw g liable to n clown In the wreck f l ur.., per It x4) .............. . I (q w 10 0) Bee., ch»foe• hast two,.......... § 121 to 00 , of , fer lMlarl•, lir Iw a.rr trAa mink N imt w•ea dI want to any furlheF t.11at 1 rPril•o t() aceopt a Felary or Bog•, fat, pilo OWL..... ._ i e: to oto Ilag•,lirbe, p•r owe.. .... 6 n,t a a tib I ( 1. AlibrawserrMn■•arv[ ,maealM. It••14saos •a! P. V. aYY - .Ni sill any emolunent for Yrw"ldept." setvbPs no Itrnd.trret'a on Trwdr. l It"a"""'t)wt __--__- -- --- -- --• I TNF: TURF. Wbo1"earle•tra,ln at Montreal the tdAt week ling hnon favorably nf- LOAxa AMM MMUSAXOa, Morlanrs #darn, 1'p. I fectod by the rhrtngea frim the mild I } ff(OWaT TO L tD-1 LA Rpt ANtNtYf a/ Irv. New Orissait IA., Dee, 14.-Onetot days at the opining of the week to the coed, wintry wt,athnr j.` of Priv"" te.••tr,•e1 sobr•t•ilsodoupm"an 4+w6"«""Ne+a"a the 14rgewt er,wdr that ever attend- r -I Ills racing In this which brought with It a better demand A#011 aagwev►tOmseb►, saw city •w6§ out At tilt, fair grourwi" Saturday afternoon. for OF&RAAwblt goats. TradA at Ib.im- AOt T101tkkt,•vt►. The gathering waw even larger than the Ulan this week kita been grind. IArgs shlpmenta of holiday '1'HOIAAII GUNDRY At'( TiONUVI Anit Vatnakem.4;ao'•alt,fb.t na(eewt(erviek nn opening dnv. Nineteen books Arww in, whish pathtl tPihAM for 1hA lr,ndg nn,l Rta- pies for rive carseat (IrmAnds of trade to i"'LtsrPart at 40 aft"/7. • _ - track, ar10t they could not handle the for aro bt(ng marlP, sari tits business up to the rini n to (h" Tdiaarm s) i . 1 ncNwil, ctrtj looney that WAR bet with them. The sudden eft& n In the y ntf lining car0wd a►w ter bright. Throw Is rt y (girds un ego 11.1 Cast MI aetd+terwht• •rI slam, n she aAs* tt..,d.rA"s » quit" n number of Iteratches In the art/ dlfferrnt teal demand for money and rates rtwMy. Bulkiness At Winnipeg has snMw, b. Is m s ee.r•I..o M shorn" .11uv. ,aso Atm aa( ,-i,w l @ N rase►, hat fortunately the iw't•n preliminary DPPIty, whterh waw to_ fist}" dwy'ts active on far this month. Nlinle- , !hairs► tmve been very balky. •tetwL•sw'a■ ``&sial est ern`` by teen t. him t seIeekt'.0.,earef•n,) ati•nd•A sa JC 11) I fonture, regnitPd In only one scratch, h, tlo WaddPli, Tr Ad1P wt PAcifle tmaR fx,Int R, 4" so- )1C. e`wa"ar AsrVne••r cast t t which ►enol ported ," have heW n the faynrlte. Thouw►ndm Tllm of dOIIArr were beret by her to Rradetroet's, Is more active. holkla , drslnnrl is one c.4,ilkA of -' isARRIAO■ tUOI minks. bwlnR this hila ige. Tit" 1nmb6b trade 4 wttildrawa, as ttatl ware looked upon I11sDtslat signs dd IMfvnl LANE, enc RR oe IIARRt ti we iter Y§irr► O.a itEv ,f wgM " ,'.,. 7. 1, f 11 t 'a S. y'm a It!, S••'L. •.. _. yX " e.a 4)i rl'k,kv " 4 .s+..3- " g