HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1901-12-19, Page 1THREE "g A,B r' ADV' T8 ARS ACTIVE AG -tars WHIN PLAC< IN THE SIGNAL THS] LDADINQ' •NEW 73PAPE]R OF HURON OOTJNTY. LOOKr LABEL I lT SHOULD BE MARKED PAID FOR .. . 1902 FIFTY-FOURTH YEAR. -'2861 GODERICH, ONTARIO, CANADA : DECEMBER 19, 1901. D. M°GILLICUDDY, EDITOR• THE WEEKLY MAttntT REPORT UovWpo, Deo 18. 1901. Ran Wheat '1 7% to 72 rotor, Mealy. tally. par owl.... _100 to 300 rout, pates*. ser owl-..--_45010340 Bran, (1 Sola........-..- , 11 00 toll 00 Bhor4, t1 too -.-..-.. 16 00 1016 00 Screening's. per .wt 1 W to t 00 Ity,', per bosh 06010060 Buckwheat. per bush 0 66 to 0 55 Own, p boob ....._.. _... 10 b 0 40 Pf•e, P bash...._.... -e.... _ .. _... 75 to 0 yp Barley. per boob 60 to 010 Hwy, III tea 1 Potato... • bash,. Dew Obese.. tier lb..,. ., lass n. fresh oopked. 9 rtes..... Hides. ---,--....- Pelts Live Howe 1,reweed Hoge Bacon.. ....... _e.. -e„ Lad. per 10. loomed Reef, tore quad Linwood Beef. bled Cattle. Kapott • Ordinary 00 toll 00 30 to 0 3) 16 to 0 15 10 to 0 Il 17 to 0 17 60bl00 60 to 500 41 to 060 0010;75 1010700 17 to 0 le 15 to 016 13 to 14 00 to 5 50 00 to 6 51 75 to 0 60 00 to 3 t0 Public Notice. NOTICE OF APPLICATION TU PARLIAMENT. Notice 4 hereby vireo that spoliation will be made to the Legislative Assembly of the Province' of Ontario at the next Ssssloa there of for an Act to validate and confirm • bylaw of the Town of Goderlch. granting a loos of 610.000. for the purpose of &Minato establish lag • Stemma Hotel at tho mid town. and to authorise the issue and pay meat of debentures thereader. t;ARHOW t °ARROW. Solicitors for the Town of Oodrrlcb, the applicant Dated •t oodrleh the 25th November, 19)I ATTENTION. LADIES AND OENTLE- MEN ! Mrs. S. A. MD('OLL, In extending her thank 10 our olUa as generally. eek• tor a oonttoo Amos of their pat .oaage. Orden promptly at- tended to for making up new furs or remodel- ling them In any style, trreaments, etc . etc . turmalsd M her room.. 2.4 door Blake's Stook. o... roars and Montreal K Entnom o. Momtre•I et. 67 -St. BOsisttee COURT GODERiGH, NO. 32, C O F., hold their ranula mooting o 1 North Bt. 1st •od Ord Tuesday of seri mouth. Vblting bnthreo el 1•071 wdoma Music MISS COLBORNE, Tanbr Fibber lassie method, will re wig Beg studio. ahoy. Mr. Naftel'a inammell 4mllt,a .trool. Ivor Iotor melee apply Nthr at studio or at it 'lance. tit P.trlei'. street -44.1111$ CAMPBELL Org.s1N sod mwlcai director of North et Monodist church. and teacher of pianoforte, pips Dewa and tbeorl. w111 be Massed to re. cafes pupils. Instruction given either at Mudto or at pupil's home, as desired. Studio M Kneersod. Music More. N'wtal. 71tf For dale. VARY NOR BALL -LAT 14, SAY• .1: Dew.• Ooderteh tp„ 114 wren t13 cleared, bolare hardwood. with • large quantity of cedar on 1t1. In rood stats of cult) Tattoo. about 5.orea fell wheat and confider Milo fan plowing done. Comfortable brick house. large barn with stabling underneath. Arising shod and other outbul)d1Dge. About two scree orchard mostly winter fruit. Well wal.r.d- peter falling spring creek and two wells Steen mile* from t'lloto, and three from flay field. Poseeasion.tany time, ro.+a, able tome. ApDp`ly fur further Dartloulare 1to CHARLES 81110N8, 72 8t. David et., 440de r1sh. 6) In, LACK SALE, -THE EAST HALF OF ` the west half of lot 15, con. 7. West W- w►awh. Dom rlei.g 50 a, roe. Applyto HEN. WY FOWLER. Dungannon, or to Philip Holt. Barrister Ooderlch, $1'500 OR OrN TKKMS TU V witCAit11 will parob•w 08.0 large Mone boos with .fix. roomed .ddltloe,sltusted on Plotoe Street. Rolf an ..or. or land with all the outbuildings thereon thrown io Rot further particulars apply to THBO, J. MOOR - !IOUSL B•yfdd P. O. 30.17. FOR SA LE. -LOTS 95. 96, 117, 118, 119 and 118 In Hutohlaos's survey. all 1n hiOderloh. For particulate apply to PHILIP HOLT. Barrister. ko.. Oodericb. Mash lith,11100, r4-tf Medlea4 DW. F. CALLOW, PHYSICIAN mid 6.rweos, 0mm lo Rank of Com - mores baldly west side of Batiste. Night calls at resldeaee. Cola to. W. Poona 10. Insurance, ate. CHAS. E. SHAW, GENERAI. INSUR- ANCE ad real .ateta agent. Moe. tee door est of P. 0.. Goderloh, Agent for the leading mutual fire ineuraooe oomu•o1e, and leading stook amanita Mercantile and manufacturing risks et .west rano Call at omni. WR. R. ROBERTSON. Aoouotsnt and Insnraooe Agent. Hooka and .00066a made up. Bu1Minge rented and rent" oolleo(ed iplarnp. llesnraw in British and Csnadt.n Vw-telae Proudfoot & Hays' .mos, North port Bede, Ms. 42-17 J. T. NAFTEL, GENERAL IN• • SURANOE and !teal Estate ageat. Uf0. Aocideat and Plate Glass In*or.nce • 1 ed on mutual w oseb plan at owear rata ; own Me. Be , English sad Caaadlan comp•nlee rep' roe ed. Orli in next door to ()arrow R °arrow, Bar rb'er. Hamilton Stoat Notice TN TH U R(11 ATK COURT OF THE COUNTY OR HURON. Ja the molter of ilk Owardtaeahip of 144 in- fant rAil,trrn of Horace Newton tar of Mr r row,, of UoderirhM (, , in tfount y of Huron. Geer: man, fkreaaed. Notion la hereby given that rafter twenty days from Ithe first pnbllw'non of this notice. s pllwtlon will be made to the 8nrrowate Coon of the County of Huron. on behalf of the Toronto Goner' True Corporation, for an Order •ppointihg there'd Corporation Gnarl Ian of kitty Newton noel Irl Newton. infant Oblides, of the mid Horace Newton. deoaserd. Dole4 at onoh oom odsrthis 15th day or De THE TORONTO ORYERAL TRUST OOR- PORATION. by PRODU1 01 R HAYS their Solicitors. M(I RTGAOIC SALE 0i VALUABLE MtOPERTY IL TAE VILLAGE OR HAYFIELD. ('oder and by virtue of • peer al sole con 0al.ed In • wrtaln mortgage bearing date tho loth da) of Aegsat. A.U. 064) and lwhinh will d al he ero6uethe Ume of rale, then will be offend for tole by publle •none. by Joh. Fr Mutat. a,olloner, N Pollak." hotel, In the village of Hayfield. 1s tae canal.), er Butes oe A.a l6rds4. the 114. day of Janar7. A, 0. loot. el 12 s'o.ock seen. the tohowlag propene. gamely :stela anmbers nee a two In tho " t oys1, Me village of )%.y1,l4. In the Nts.a Huron, noatanteg *0 arm of land. •WS it •, lees Otero le a "tory-d • halt fr.iwraig boom about 10.30. with tram.• , frame taro *ad twable. 7h• . Then are about 41 sr a . This is a desired. property. _ 00, 't ,ty ism neat Ot the per ,b • M' 41.6 etat et the e within the) taloae. tar frty lan imply t. the &motion Jain (HOLT, V 0olleltor MI dor tri 1Msluslru, 1101. tis COUNTY COURT. A !arse lrsebet •rep►.ed of at the (ber'1 Y...e cast Week. The County Court opened on 'fueeday, Dw.mber 10th, before Judge Doyle with • lune number of ower on the dottier. The grand jury wee oompoeed u follows: Thos. Newman, Brussels. (torem.o) ; Alex- ander Cox, Goderich ; Richard Delbridg., U.twr.. ; Patrick Sulhv•u, Stephen ; Hy, Hamlltoe, MrKil1op ; Alfred Lowrey, Bru.- wl. ; Toes. Mille, Gr.y ; ROA Musgrove, Hluevaln ; Tina. Rob.rteoo, Colborne ; W. A. Kam Uoderloh ; Wsadell Hohmid/,Hey; W. H. W Ohs, Se0or:h ; Thor. H. Taylor, Weet W.w•nab. Then was ao criminal business before the Court ; so the labors of the grand jury were light. Tb.rs were twelve clvil cats on the dookel, of whloh four were to be DIA be. fore • ler v. The first of a6s jury oases w•e that of Roberteus ea. Lewis, to which Mr.. Joh. Kobertmo, of Uoderlcb, sued E N. Lai., lessee of tb. Bedford block, for dom.gns on account of an •ooldeot which .he su.taloed owing, It w.. allotted, to • defective Mair rather la said block. Mr.. Robertson to Juin last visited 1)r. Whltely's officio and when ,be w.s amino away a tong en the stairway to which abs woe bolding gave war and oho fen lo the bottom of she steps. Her am wits broken and .he sustaloed otb.r iojuri0 . J. 1'. Ostrow, K. L'.. was oouoesl for old.; W. Proudfoot for deft. Tho jary returned •verdict for the 4,3.04- 100, and tb. motto, w.. dismissed with costs. Donovan vs. Archibald wee an •ctioa for wages. J. T U.rrow, K.('., for plff ; Phlllp 11olf, H.C., for deft. Trial poet. poo.d. Fraser n. Mclennan.-Ao action fur bill of collo Philip holt, K.('., for p38 ; Was. Proudfoot for deft By oonwo0 0l oonnoml His Honor directed jadgmeot to t• e nteral for pill for $115 and oosts. Passmore v.. A.drewa et al.-Ao'ioa on • promissory note. Philip Holt, K C., to GRANDrnuNK CHRISTMAS AND NEW YEAR'A HOLIDAYS. Barna all station 1. Canada. also to De- trol., Mich.. and Pt. Huron. Mich. SINGLE FARE, Good going December 18 and 23. valid re turning on or before Da. 14. 1901. FARE AND ONE-THIRD. °cod going Dec. 20, Y2, 8. 0l. 10.11. 1n, 20, 31. 190, and Jan. 1, 1903, valid rsturniteg on or be- fore Jan. 3. 1911. BINDL1 FARE. Good going Deo. 31, 1901. •sd Jon. 1, 1931., valid returning of or before Jan. 1, 1801. SCHOOL VACATIONS. r.t.1 AND ONK TI•IRn. Good groins Dec. 7 to 11,19)1. valid retunieg on or before Jan. 10, 19)1. Purchase your tbkea at the town ticket agenny, which w111 enable you to step o0 board mrala on arrival at station. (RBoe hours, 6 A M. to 00 P M. M.0 DICK90N, R. F. LAWRENCE, O.T.R. Ticket Asset. PubIls Notion. IN THE BURROOATH COURT 01 THE ODUNTY OF HURON. IN THE MATTER Or THE ESTATE 01 TBOB. F. MeDILAN, DECEASED. Take both that all Dames Indebted to the estate of the late Thomas F. McLean. former - .y of the town of Oodrtob, to the count? of Huron. physician, who died on or •bn,t the 17th d■r of November. A.D. 1931. are request ed to nettle their Indebtedness with the under. eland forthwith. Dated 18th December, A. D.1901. e PHILIP HOLT. 1t golloltm for Ezeoatriz. IN THE SURKO(IATIC (BURT OF THE COUNTY OR HURON. IN THE MATTER Or T1IR GUARDIAN- SHIP Or THE INFANT CHILD OR MICHAEL HALEY DECEASED. Nat1m la hereby given that atter twenty days from the firm pa Iimtion of able notloe. appli- cation will he made to the Surrogate Court of the oounty of Huron fora order op pointing • guardian of Hary(art Haley. a daughter of the mild Mbhael J. Haler. decamped. Dated l8th Deoembet. A. 11.1911 PHILIP HOLT. 31 Solicitor for Applicant NOTICE I.1 HEREBY GIVEN THAT an •D Kation will be made at the nett si•wion of the hogulaturo of the Prevtnce of Outwit) for an Aot ts Inoorponte a company for the following purposes. among others . lel To construct. more, maintain and wor- st/tan urrMean electric railway. raitweye or radial railway system from • point in or near the town of erieh, to the county of Huron, to aha vlllogo of Ihingannoo, in alit county ; also with power to construct. equip, maintain and operates line of roll way from Carlow. In the township of Colborne, to • point in or near Auburn. in said count), ono thence t, • point In ornear the village of 1117th. and thence to Walton. on the northern gravel road. and thence through the township of McKillop to the town of Seaforth. •.d thence to the town of Clictoo, and thence through the tnwnahip of Ooderlch to the HaOeld road. and therm, to the town of odKio6 ; a l o with power to construct. equip, maintain mgt operate the fallowing branch lingo, vie. - north from the *Mage of myth to the town of Wi gham,north from Walton aforementioned to the village of Brussel". and thence north to the v-llage tf Wrezater : alto from a point where the sold railway oonneeta with the Raelefd road, thenee moth to the village of Oilfield. thence southerly throneth tna townships of Stanley. Hay and Stephen to • point at or neer Park- LIII. Chace through the coat; t M ddle t o I se to the city of London : also with power to con• Mruot, equip. maintain sad operate a line of til. way horn Dunlop, In the township or Col- borne. theno through the township of Ash field to a point in or near 06 s,xrlin", In the aunty of Brum. Goma to the village t Tie. Amon. In 'aid county, therm, to a point in or near Port Elgin. In sold oonh(7, (hence to • point In or near 33 „nhampton, In "stet county, and thane to a po'nt in or near .Viarton, In the soil county of Brae, and thane, to Owen Hound. In the county of (trey: also from the town of K.owr1'ns through the count, of Reno. to the town of Walkertm, In said e0nn• ly ; and upon a.1 over such street", highways end lade as may be authorized by the muni Malities, nompaoles or Individual" having )arisitlotlon over or owning the same. (t•I To enable the company to make a- rnna,me • he rrgaMing the nee or acquisition of etr0.0o highways and lands 504 to ezproprl• ate lands for the purpose" or the company. (r To enable t nomoany to 'motorman 'ebb. engulf.. thin eta*, bunds. franehiwea and aerate or. and to entnr Into tral4o or other .greem*nts with other eorporntton., pompon - lee or persona. !di To make Dements In paid tin stooks nr hood. for right of war. material, plant. mil - vest .took or other aerrle.e h,rthering the 1411 o mouafwlor0. sell or team electricity or eieet0n power to any pornas qt nnr0Ora (lona along any part of lis railway', atoll to nonetr.et anoperate telegraph and tele- phons systems In nonnertlnn with the rail way. Ifl To rswlve wulstanoo from mnninlpall time or individuals hr war of snbatdiM, bonus es on (h, gn*rantes of the nomiany's bonds or otherwise and for ether pnrpoore. cal To In,lI& we -Infra. own, .harts or lasso navigate sed we foam and other ,.,,els, and to hn11& anstred and msintsle all neOes0ry wharveleaad wmrshnnwr, pion and date, for 1st i),egeswwt the ,empa7. (hi T. s renbm land for the arrow of rnn .t,,etleifigoe spratin/ and with Dower to faradeel epsneo. howls at snob pl.r,0 upon On Hoeft railway of tho company an may ",ptatls4iisstiry I,atr+0 0 =tits Ilth da M tMnr•m hr. 0101, MJ 0. CAMERON. 110Hef/m for Applioaao. p'8 ; Wm. Proudfoot for deft. Trial poet - posed 1111 the Dela Juuts sittings of this Wart. The 0omod,iog masa were all on the 0oe- jury !tete Amens vs. Town of Seeforsh 000upted two days and a b.l! la the trial. twenty lire wtueeses bola er.mli ed. The ploianff we. William donut, of Safortb, whole horse fell and broke Its leg while bung driven over • praoollthio oraelag In the Lown of Sabath, The plaintiff oonteoded that the •pproaoh to to. crou;og Wee Dot la a proper cosdlttoo, al he wed the Dor poratloa for the loom of Me normo. 1'4 Me alar was lent to plaintiff. oonta0iou by the attire of the town oouaoil heel! in hay- ing the appro&ob properly graded shortly •iter the •octdent oocurrel. J. T. (arrow, K C , and R S. Hays (S.sforth) ware coun- sel fur plff ; Wm Proudfoot and J. L. KIl- lora (J..forth) ler toe debudant col plra- (lon. Him Honor pave judgment, for plain- tiff for $130, with full Gloat, Court waste. Promeedtogs Mayor/ for Shirty days. Qasbeo Bank ve, Cants.-Aotloa on • promluory now. Philip Holt, K C., fur pH's. ; E. Campion, K L., for deft. ,By con- sent onrent of oouo..l His Honor denoted that jadpmNl be aired for the plsioti?e for the mom of $376.15 wttb oasts. Quebec Bank v.. Centro e1 al. -Another ..tion similar to the above. Judgment for plaintiffs for the sum of $380.22 with ooete. Redcliffe vs. Tow. of Godertoh and Mo - Donald ye. Town of Goderfob, two anon. on .000.0 t of accidents 000urt ing o0 the streets of the town, were pestpoaed to the 25th of Japan,. Sperm vs Bowert0g was postpeeel to the first week iu January .hd Oran Egm)ed ys. Levy will Netl«I out of Court. Compton et al. v". Yeuog was a anon for the prim of sinking and awing • well, the defendant being W. F. Youog. a well- known farmer in Ibis township of Colborne, who claimed that the work hod not been done according to 000tr.00. W. 1'roodfoot for pift.; M. U. U.m.,on for deft. There were a lags amber of *1106.101 to tbht OM, sod • coaeledoa not below reached on Saturday an adjournment was mode to Moa• day, when the ono sae further adjour,ted to December ` r amt l3 d .111 o' utak. 'I be grad 'ary boogbh to the tchowiog promm t meat The jut on for our I,rd the Klug beg lays to patent as follows : They have examined the jail and find five prisoners thereto and one )ying dead. lbs room, are kept .lean. The prisoners have no complaleo to mike. The new resideom for tart jailer te a arm -loos, airy building and • credit to toe county. They further be leave to report, that they went to Clinton and 10001 the house of refuge, and found eave0ty-ss..n persona thereto and some of them poorly .lad. Mr. and hire. French .re well adapted tor the work allotted to them. All of which is respectfully submitted. THOM. Ncoo,M, Foreman. AROUND TOWN THE ELEVATOR CA.c.-A forge number of our citizens we In Woodstock this week In an*Nllae with /he anion of tbe town avian the Uodelloh Eleyator Co., whlob comes up at the non jury sorb„ being held there before Mr. Janice Ferlaeoo. Room. Mom Macros -Huron Chapter. No. 30, R. A M , eland eters as lcllows es T.ssday *yenta : P Z , Capt. L,weon ; X Z. F. J. T Nolte! ; H.. Jo., Book ; J., 1. Movers ; treasurer, A. Sanders ; &H., W. D. Tye ; 8.N , A. Koren ; P. S , 8. Biondi ; auditors, Compantoo. Elena and Natio!. REAL ESTAT. NALer -On Saturday the two lata on the aroer of Vioterla and Brook anon, with the ham and .table thereon, were sold to H. Rothwell, Toronto, for $970. The dwelling and two lot. on Kaye strati belonslog to the sown of the late Mr.. Jae Turner were sold the same ottoman, Jell. Duttow being the purchaser at $585. CHRISTMAS ART EXHIBITION AND SALE. - The Misses Hays sod Horton Intend ho'dlos • Christmas exhibition and .rt male of their work in water colors sod cbloa painting, oommeeclog on the afternoon of Friday. the 20th, and continuing on Saturday, the 21st. The work will be oo view at the room directly over the Huron and Brume Luso Company'. crit 30. INTERRED AT KINOSRRIDna -0o Motor day the death of John Martin 000urred, after • hngerleg Illness, at 1he home of lots brother, Joseph Martin, Maitland street. The deoessed as thirty four yeas of 546 and was unmarried. The remains were intern.] In the Klhgebrid,e mastery on Monday, after a .00,100 l0 S". Joseph's oburoh, Kleesbridgs. U O C. F•. Orrl••swt.-The 1 elec- tion of .lignin look plow 01 the mating of 0ederlob Coulson, No. 157, Marathon Order of Chosen Friend., on Thursday evenlns hat with the followieg malt : P C.C., A Neter ; C C., 1. E. Tom ; V.0 , lobo Sertmgeoar ; marshal, Norma MoAuley ; 1 (I., Harry Sturdy ; 0. C., Jos. Hropbey ; Aglow' to t:raod Ledge, A. Emote' ; alter. nate, H. W. Hall. Two SIM CHUa'Hn,-The 1'resbyterlans 01 Bayfield hove decided to build a new bar b ,ok r o oh. They bays D ooh r wed•dte nn the m.rke0 Notre of Hayfield and w111 great a modern straatero with capacity for 300 people. The Methodists of Hackett'" .ppolntmeot, osis Hotfoot oleo are to build a new brick ohuroh. .1. A. Fowler. aroht- toot, of town. 1e making the p0... lor both those new ohurohes. WORK 1'ROOREAAINO ON THE HI7805R Merit.. -A large staff of men le at work o0 the rammer hotel and on Tuad.y afternoon Den framework of the fire( story wee up •rel the partitions were being pot lo. The work .Oat. 5v.n-lel appeoraeo0. .nd M.na., `Imlth, who 1s super nbe*Aing the construc- tion, state, that the very neer if material le being noel. Tba work will b. loathed ahead as rapidly its posalbl., THe MARINR CTTY iNVINTiOATI0N -A d•apateh from Klogetoo states that a letter has been reoel,M from toe Minister of Maria, promising aid In the inanimation ooneerntne the (teeth of the fear sllore lost oft the sohower Marine ('Ity. pert of tha crew of the steamer India. The M,nbnr sets whether the relattvee of the deceased 'a,Ior1 want the Inv.ltlpation held In l,tbo wa nr Kreitman. Tb. r.ladyee ask that It be held at Kimg.trs. A Cnat.L&Nnl -Tog S1nNAI, Is regained ed to publish the following ohall.nge : The Signal Mock hockey club de hereby ohal- tage the Star Meek hockey glob to • friendly game of hookey at Mo Wee4.e0 rink et s time suitable to ail pantos. If fa. $ -.re ore unwilling to .reap" this ohal- lenge, the Signals are nprm for (haPengcs from all other blocks in town Genies tarred) Signed on heal, of The M1...I Sleek flukey Club. MONsy ORDRa. TO THS PR11.IrrtNp,- A eiroal.r ha Mon lamed by the I'eststRae Department at Ottawa notifying patted* tore that money orders may now be drawn upon matey order offing+. In the PhlNppla Iolanda, and nrden Imool in the Phillopfna )albedo Donn money order oNlo.. In Caned* may len paid ander the nasal rog.loi;nne. Tho rates of .06,00,0.10. chargeable es mosey ardor" drawn epee the Philippi.* Wade w the same as es mien gem the United Kingdom, Brltbb peeseeelons abroad, etc. A FOI1M10 RZlID1NT Or (ODERIcH.-The November iwu. of The lulusiti.. Heardar of Caned& antatus a well 0110strate 1 and •itrao1,re deacrlptlon of the Data of Brant• ford. Among the arms "wrote up" is that of M okls, Dymapt & Son, which has a branch of its busaeme l0 the Telephone City, "under the m0rtagemeut of Roe A. Kaaren, a woodsman wdl known ood hlphly .....ned for his Iboroughoeee and awe d•votluo to the luterwte of the firm." The gentleman named r • former well known rwldsol of l:oderlch. A Honor AUTuoasee -Oar of tho most readable of the aim book.. and one wbioh hu luro(,hed • tow planate hours to many doubtless, 'maul our readers, Is •'I.ord. of the ?krill." by Mau Ago.. C. Lout, A Bruaetleld oorrespuodeot remade the in• t tog foot that Mut Lout is a native of the townah•p of Stanley, where her family at outs time Ilved on. • farm. fhey alter• wards removed to N tooting, whet" It Is said the book was written, 'rhe orever autbotnee U .040001 to journalullo work for one of the New l'o:k paper,. Tits POULTRY Mduw.-'1'ners ww a well. attended m..tt.g of the poultry show board oo Tuesday .,.Ring, and progress was made in the preparations fur the show, which takes place the week after oat. The aunty council has made • grout of $25, sod the town oounoll also 1s exported to make • 000trlbutlon. The "bow dila season u open only to ta4only of aro., oot.tde facia' being barrel'. Apo sr change is that the system of jubgfsR by Potato 0e .wndo0d, ad the judging .111 be by com- parison. Eotrfee will be moaned up to Saturday, De umber 28th. A Gouflico BoY ON ToP.-Tho results of the janitor examinations at the Ontario (7ol- loge of Pharmacy were published on Solar, cloy, and we notice that the two (,oderlob students at tho Colltg., H. C. Dunlop and LOOK AT 1 YUL« LABEL and if you are in arrear pay up at once. Also, this iE the proper tione to renew your sub- scription for NEXT YEAR All remittancatt should he sent by poops' note, P.O. order or express order Address tf THE SIGNAL Goderich, Ontario Robt. Brown, were saooweful Mr. Dunlop Mends al the top of the list, tattoo; first place In firetolue honors. A Dungannon young man, \V. G. H. LYbyad, a fourth in the list. Mr. Dunlop was first In pharmacy (moludm, practical pharmacy) .Nd physio, with a hrgh sanding also In praotlwl chemistry. Loiter J. Roberteoo, of ('a. low, has passed the Baal ex.mlaatloa and ie now a fully qualified druggist. A 3cocttsseri, PROTOORAPAZR -The Ef- Bngham, Ill., Demoora thus Was to a inn of Jam.. Munroe, of this tows : C. R. Monroe, of Uodenuh, Oat•rin, Maids. one of the late graduates of the Illinois College of Pootograpby, left Wadnoday night for Valdosta, Georgia, where he has secured • fine Dodtton to the leading studio of the city. Mr. Munroe leaves • number of warm friends both f. the 1. L. P., where he grad- uated In the September alas, with high honor., and •l40 In this pity, who will re- gret his departure, but coogratul.te him h teeming .00h • good position. Mr. Mun- roe was employel of the London Asylum for the Insane until May lust. A ooTARR RATLWAY FCtlgML -Applin• Moo for a charter to build a railway from Woodstock to Uoderlcb via So Mary's, Es. .ter and Zurich le to be made at the reit leomi00 of Parliament, by a 0ompaay oom- poeed of prominent Woodstock and St. M.ry'. a0mtsliet0. There is oo doubt tis Ohater will be grouted. The propoeei lino will traverse the r chest farming s,otIno i0 Western Ontario and so ,coo 10 the charter is grated the lion will bo surveyed. The distance i" about seventy mile" and 1t le intended to have the road completed In time Io boodle neat 'ea.oa'. crop.. The D ew railway will at 1 great benefit to this action of the Province, more particularly to m.oafaoturing .entree like lot. May's, Woodstock and (ioderioh.-Zurloh Herald, Rltsovioo TO DURHAM -The Norwich Gazette woody" e1 n b Y e r g amount of • moieties held at that pia' for the purpose of bidd,ne good-bye to Rev. W. L. Newton, who for n numbso ot years was putor of the Baptist oongroyalon at Norwich •od who la now rrmov,nw to Durham. The r d gentleman 0. a brother of C. 0. Newton, of town. 1'he f.rawe11 gathering woe a large ose, and .moog those whn gave •ddre.... expressing their esteem of the deporting clergyman and their regret at his removal, were the Msehwdht, Anglia" and Presnyteri.n ml.taier■ n1 the town. Mr. Newton was preeentul with an address and a wen tidied sorrow, tate gift of 3.. contemn . torn, and Mr.. Newton was the reciplent of testimonlsls from the choir and mission had of the aura. Mr. Newton assumes lhn pastorate of the Baptist ohuroh .t Dar. ham. MODEL F•.14001, TERM C,AINRO, - The Model School tam closed on Msoordey, and nett Saturday the examiners will meet and dm,14e who are to he given oertl6mtee. Most ot the Model's hays procured school., as the following lint show" : 111." Dalton le to aeon at Cr Lambr,n county ; MP" Match/on! at '44 N. 5, Colborne Moo Kilpatrick at No 6, Ashdsld t MIs. Mary Trey at Erie. Hd4lmad cottony ; Miss Qn.rry at No. 1, Mso(fllltvray ; Moo Stirling at No. 4, 4 Onley ; Mesa McMalh In (10,00,1,0* township ; M1,uNmdlle. No. 4. Hoy ; Moe McFarlane, No. 12. West Ws- waesh ; Miss Gout, Ne. 2. Ora ; .rhes Downing, U.8 S. No. 12, (ray and Me Kollop; Mos Rthsi Farrow, No. 12, Ste- phen t -phen ; Mrs Ro) ernon, union school, Hay ad Hcephe.; H, I(sobana, Wlotbrop; IT, Eberhart, fort Albert ; W. 1. Moir, Hereward, Dofer;n aunty ; James Jnynt, No. 6, Ashfield ; W. I'aserner., No. 5, Morris ;Chas. L. Newton, No. 4, Colborne; WO*13•11, No, 6, (odwioh tsw..htp ; 1« Yee Helm..,Ille ; A. Cowan, No. 2, Mit. Teem Hui • CITY. -"Christian peepla have a). IoM arta "Dom a.fnf rl• at of aha ordinary theatre to the "obtain historical mnelo.l "tory of the Craw ..l.r this nom. of "rhe Hely City, of the Way of the Crew.'• This 050gse, .r1Shas) preened', was prsow/ed at the H,wmonvtlle opera house radios" I day night and • better plastid •ud;roue never left the bullehil. The uomp.uy ' twain It• own beautiful weary, and • 101600e ad ezqutalme voot! and loetrnmeot•l mudo, •000mpa.ted by lovely oo.tum.s and , Mage getting, oombowe to teecm•t, the eye and render attractive this atom, rod shored gem' Penmo00t to all anon superb sur ! rouodlogs and admirable artistic attreutive l neo 1e the impressive dlviue warrstdve ea to grand music and interpreted by a000m 1 platted valeta*. Tho singing was simply entrancing.' 'foe company will appear hero S.turday. December 2846, •od should be greeted by a crowded house, u 10 is mrtaia- ly one of the best to Amnrlm. Tlokets on sale Muod•y, at Porter'. Book are Rs• served 111(6 500. St • A SUOPIDINA -L KOsfvus MAN. -A recent issue of Toe London Free friss was adorn d with portraits of the Nordbelmer Comp.uy's repre.otatives in that city, one of the two also T. C. W right, son of the well known proprietor of The Point Farm. The Free Prean stye, la pert; "The Nord8amer Hao and Music Company have two most eowrprieioR r.pr..00t0tivee in Mr. 1. (', Wright and Mr. James J. Callaghan, troth of whom have their headquarters la this city. Through their effort., and their effort, alone, It may 6. said, the business of the firm In the W..t has reached proportions untquelled by any other piano maker,. Mr. Wright le the manager for London, and in placing him are the Nordhetmer Com - pony cannot foil to see that no mistake was madu, He 8.1 bora with the drat for over fifteen years, Mating 10 the Toronto ware• roto t, and subetyoently being lomted in Ottawa, Hamilton and London. Mr. Aright took ch. r4.In this oity when the oompany's brach was reopened .t No. 188 Dada' street, and he bas bad a wonderfully anoeeefil experience in that short time. Heb a s,0 of Mr. J. I. Wright, of the PoiO( Farm, Uoderiob, who 1. well-known 1, many Loido.ars." 1315 Tlrw* COUNCIL.. -A special mating of the down council was held on Friday evening for the trawe,00 of general busi- ness. There wen roam the Mayor and Committers Martin, Moray, Humber and Dole K A bylaw o 4 appointing Ina polling plans and deputy tetunaog ollimn tor the muni oipal erections wre read three time. •od passed. A report from Dr. Holm., meth loal health ohiuer, was read. lo alt htty• eight deaths were reported during the year, one of wbloh war from dtphtherla ad eight were from tnberoular trouble. 1 here were • few other case" of dipbtberto Ana typbo.d tryst, sit of which recovered, so that 0)r Holmes considered hattae.lf justified in oi.es top it as • Maltby year. E•.uhteen plumb. log and drainage oerml(6 were issued, main ing • total of 158 issued to present date. Mayor %Vilson reported dict 0o the 'dome of the eolietter het and the trattoria had du,ouot.d a note for $2 000 .t the Bank of 5footreal to provide bind. for the town'. sorely In the epp.at to the Supreme Court in the awe of Holmes vs. Oodericb. The council, by resolution, sodorsed the •colon of the Mayor and Downer, Mr. Humber asked for • definition of the teres "Done - lent trader." ad alter a dlecusaoo on this matter the ooadotl •djouroed. The statu- tory meeting was hold on Monday morntrg to receive the lo.,.).) statemeoo It woos ordered that200 coots. of the st.temeot he printed. LOCAL NEWS IN BRIEF". A good overcoat of the best materna and In the oorrsot style a . be hada Prot for a reasonable price. (:all and leave your meet - ore. • Ebony goods at Hick's Drag Store. There are Christmas perfume, wore at Hicg's Cares! Drug Store. Councillor John Knox is amine Mayor to the abionoe of Mayor Wilmn ai Wood - stook. The school of section No. 6, Uoderlcb township, was closed this week on amount of the prev.lenos of eo•rlet lever. Councillor C.otelon is rtadually recover- ing from the offeo0 of his recent &co'd.nt, rod 1s now ablo to be up for • little while each day. Mre. R J. 11. DeLong as paroh.00dthe property on St. Dayld'e street next to Wm. MoUra,b'., formerly belonging to the late D. C. H'.raohon. Reports from :Stretford ho.pttal are to the 0Qe,t that Mies Nellie Hartle. who aoderweot an operation therm, la getting along a nicety a could be expected. F. Barlow Holmes 1. attempting by loyal Injunction to prevent the town from givlmg the surety rrqutred for its appeal to the Supreme Court in the one of 'dolma vs. Towo of (ioderioh. A serious accident befell John Jardine while .hopping trees In the hush near Au• bora on Saturday. Oa of the tree, i0 falling 'truck another and glaooed off, fall- ing on .lardito and bream, his lett. The annual convention of Nilo S•bb•th School Auaiatleo will be held in the Methodist church ab Nle on the 23rd o1 January, 1902. There will be throe ses done-morolow, attermoon and evening - and • flretclue program of subjects of Interest to Sunday school workers has been prepaed. The following is •n atom from The Now York Journal of December 13th, r•ferrinr o a former reddest of (ioderioh: "At the Now York Sefesroom yesterday Herbert A. ,Sherman told, in forsolr,are, No. 24h M.r,or street, south..et corner of Third street, 25z100, ,or story brink store, to Arthur .I. Meurer, for $102,000." COMING AND GOING Mit. Lizzie Aohnon haa returned home. from Welland. Harare %etre'', ,t New York, is home for the Christina. hotidaye. Ca fro Dunlop in home from fb School Pharm'ry, TO:ontO for the NA• of ye. Mrs. 8. Crowe, tit Wlarto IS the guest of leer danphter, Mn. J. I'orbee, Eat street. Alfred W? Orson, of vis:ting him father, 01 street. Harold Two 4r, of town for • "bort time trotters. Mr. sad Mr,. K. Downing are .pending the 1;hrbtmee .o•.rn at Leamington with their daughter. Mrs. \1'. D ('nx. Mr.. (Ret',) F. W. Hol)Inrake, of Grimsby, with 6.r sot Is ependlog the hull. day season at the old home here, John McoVlear, of KMeya,West Virgl6h, is spending the U0rlstma season 0).8 his Meter, Mrs. Maly, Qua* strew. M se Hanwell, of Re• itferd, who had boon the Roost of Mr,. R. J. halt. for •ovo-o) month., rationed to her home/ ie Brantford on Monday. Mrs. (Dr.) Floral and son, after spending several mouths here with Mr.. If.rato'.par ante. Mr. aad Mrs. John Ralph, lett last wer k to r. j .in Dr. Herald as *2.hh, Ales. W Glenn Campbell, organist of North torero Methadon o;,nreh, hw horn eu8ering for tome Limo with militia, sad, not bong ahb to tent)66, his work, 1.11 last weak for hie home at Aylmer. We hope to we hint hook coos wltb folly ushered health. wren I, 0-, le re.n, Trefoil/sr York City, Is In tending to badness ANNOUNCEMENTS. Gift boxes Christmas olgan .t Hi',. You Dan gut good apples at the Maple Lal (Jtuary U, M. E1.Lt(rrr. Soma lovely brash solo and msaloore seta -bargains--at Hoot n Drug Stare. Choice oolleouou of oonfeotionery at bar- gain pries. for l'hrt.tme. at STawART'e Beautiful perfumes, glib pipes and olsars. up -to dare monloures, rte., at W. C. UooDS'S. Jet them. Don't forget to mall at HTIWART'a and haat thole palm or Baton tern sent to yvor best friend for Christmas. WANTED. - Dried apple", 8o ; turkeys, uadrawo, 9c. (;uh for butter and raw lure. U. E KiNu, W Ingham. Bagaius at STttwAOT'a, where you get six pounds of sew bur for 25a(6, also three wane of either pees, tomatoes or octal tor 2Sote. Oysters, alway. !rah, at the old reliable orator bowie. Victoria Reesaursoft, West. e t., 10 bulk or served •11 .tyles, Ice cream. fruit, confectionery, agora, •to. C. HLACK- * TONS, proprietor. Telephone 70. Remember the Christmas entertainment of Victoria street Methodist church Sunday school on Csrl.tmits night in the auditorium of the ohuroh. There will be a .holm pro• gram by the soholare, after which the protects will be distributed from the Christ, mas stall. Admission, 15a. Messrs. BUgRuw. & Soo and McKsncis A Howu.t. sell Herbagsum, which has b) was ot thousands of Canadian /armor., feeders and stockmen been proved to be the moot effective space for animal., and Iron its small feeds the cheapest aver sold. A book worth dollars to feelers furol.bod free with every doll•r'e worth sold. 3t .,o. w To Get PArgure.--We take pleasure ID wishing you the compliments of the season, 'and at the same time reminding you that our stook of holiday goo.1s le soormoue. We hays nearly a ton of atm ly, w don't he afraid to ask /or large quentl 151 and les prima. Nuts of .II kinds. 2 I6,. for 25,, fruits of all kinds. Io oranges we have bought heavily of all Mode - Cahfornl. navels, Mezloao,, and the old time Florida. -all ripe and sweet fruit. Prices from 20.• to 60J • dozen. Our stock 1e oompleto to every detail at the Maple Lest Grocery, 0. M. ELLtorr Hamilton street. BOOKS AND PERIODICALS• ClinisT0AA CANADIAN MA0000131. -Th. Christmas .ember of The Madre* M•E• e z:.s has a dtstlnotively native cover, Is which colored map's lava are the leading Intone, while ev.;y detail of the issue Is in keeping with the national ohar•oter of the publimtion. Tho drawings and photo- Uaau mr(6, th aiticgrap6sl.. a'Iared .torbyi..,oowitdlh Doeeeximption,and are. by Canadian writer. The Yukon to repro eem1d by ose writer, British Columbia by one, the Maritime Provloc.a by two, flue boo by two, Ontario Ot seven, and Caadt- ane Holo, lo the United Stares by two writers. The two oolored plater, one an in door and the other an out doer picture, . re typ,Dal of Canadian 111.. The story of the Yukon Rorer tragedy of Christmas Day, 1899, when three mea mysteriously dlsapp' ared, has atter been attar told than by Major Woodside In this lima. Edwy. Study"' bumoroae story 1s • m.gni6oent piece of work, and 1s as good as anything wbtob has •ppeored tuna the days of Sam Slick. John Inose' gory ..d drawings of the Range country wol,.. era most tater• eating. Albert R C.rm•n'e description of the British House of Commons a it appears to Cauadlao rare is •n excellent pen- p'oture, showing both taste and knowledge. 0. Merwr Adam, Duoo.n (*copbel' Scott, Mrs. Manning*, John A Ewan, Jobs A m Cooper, Noran Patter,on, Ro',ere Buckley •od Harold Sande .re among the other names, A new department entified "Od- d1t1.. and Curin.ttleo" hs worth ioveetigaa- tog. A short •rtlole by \erre. on '• Tin Acqul.itiv. Man " le something out of the ordinary, and must have been written by wins journalist with a co0dderable expert. ee00 at O'taw. and •o Intimate knowledge of the l.te Nicholas Flood 100710, M.P. Undoubtedly this is the most Imposing and most Interesting magazine number eyes *sued i0 this ooa0try. _ - *00.0 0•w.MMn. it la quite natural th.t • fire In a ootgh- hor'0 house should towr..t us more than tb" burning of • whole village In a country of tho itahga. eesograpby and pple 00 whloh we know little or nothing That !s why the local paper has .uoh • firm hold on Its subsortben, One mast take 1t beoeues oneed l0 is to immediately interestthe Dews But most people take several publications W meet the varied needs and taste. of a0 intelligent lamlly. Probably along with their looal paper one of the hlg metropolitan 4.11y or weekly newspapers am.. next In aosider•tion. Loge metropolitan papers [root s, The Mont root Witness, daily eiltioo at $3 and weekly at $1, for example, lay out to supply every Merest of a family, the news and edltorfat being baked up b) may Interesting features, such as stories, c o ks ryedrees m• k oR• }• o v work, } Dye', Children's, Homo Deportmants, agrloal0ur- •I, legal, med,o.l, eamismat'o, chew •nd many other speol.l department.. Than are *ante, however, that even 'hee big p•p•re. ly, se Flluatr.t ed by the .xpey 44 e6e pa illehert of the Wltoao441 he Doagalle lag ago ten, zed the ImporA 01 • young peoples neper. opOble for today reading. Toe 1Nonbe,n M' *.nger t 30 et. per •00001, ;ike The Willow., iitia been • household word all 0,•r Olanitlit .. long in anyone can remem bor. it seem. to meet 14 own sort of need well, as re claims • scowling etrottlat,nn of over fifty tbou.ad copies • week. But what 8.s Interested . eh of tae 11 a mewe d portage In journalism on the part .I the amshouse. Ahoarayear ago they hit, as amino have proved, on another need le ,prowl jneruallsm, It was 16. need .t a good ealsotlo which, Inc a dollar • year, and within the compose of the Malan man's tlmo lor reading, would apply the bent . rt:eles that appear during a week In the great pahllo•tion' of the world in 00oer•I. The newest pnhliration Is appropriately o•Iled World Wide. ft has surprised • tree) many people to hod how much of tt• moot Intoreotlnw and Informing marmot r.•ling they eon get In snnh email compose and for m small • print. There 1e probably no other enhotln published that would give ►b, ordinary reader, whose time tor rrnlinp is limited, tot same satisfaction. We tee It Mad that ever deme I0 wee started it has grown at the astonishing rata of nearly • thousand new anbeor(h.r. • math. The prloe is only wvsety 6vii nate to January lee, 1903. It pant arena* anti .f January iI b sirtwn roma and le tread every Fri daJ. Though, of nnura, we do not agree with everything In them, w. take • natant pawnor. in teferrleg to the publications of 'Mt Whams. echo., as sew newt bet •o knew'edre that tn,v deserve the *sown, In which Mev are held throughout the Dom 'n'n., The pnbloshsio haw hart their ways and they hors hold to them through thiek ad thin, T1alr potentiation' are p6rh. so olefin amd dignified ire It le pastille tto Aske Wei. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS - DEC. 19 K,s..li'a Carpet Sweepers -Alla. & Moe Iver 4 Chru0mw Goode -W. A. McKim 6 A•nonicemente-().o Stewart 1 W O. Goods ... 1 OS 8, E. Hick 1 Vlotorta.l, Methodist (;bank 8. 8 1 floltdey Goods -W. Aohee)oa & loos 6 Winter Term-Llvowal Business Oellyo, b Delioat• Hut Lasting -Jae Wilson 8 People Who Walt-Hodgeos Bros 8 Useful Christmas Prs.nte-MoKazle & Howell...... Holiday E*osniow-F. F Laramie-1 "The Holy Ulty"-Vlotorla Opsrs House, 8 To Our Petro.. -U. M. Elliott 1 Cbrlstmae Art Exblbltton-Miaow Hays and Horton 1 Free! Fres !- P. T. Hall. 8 brat Removal Sale -O. W. 'Thomson & Son .. 8 Morrgate Sole -P Hole 1 Notioe to Debtor -P. Holt 1 In the :Surrogate Court --P. Holt. 1 NOTICE. As Christmas Day fall. e. Wedosed•y of next wink, Tits StONA6 will >• printed [holiday area. Corresooed•.0s will there fore plow. nod In their budgets a day' earlier than usual. and ►dvertie.re also will /down outdo" the ohmage. WIGS ON THE GREEN IN TORY TORONTO. THE city of Toronto is in the throes of political and municipal turmoil (2.14051.1, HOPKINS not ouly wants OuvoR HowLAsD to be mayor for a second term. but he is .'w pulling wire. for the North Toronto Tory nomination for his'friend HOWLAND. In the latter loutisblo object he is aided and abetted by KUs5EL[ Slow. who is in • nal melting mood toward Mayor HOWLAND at present. HOPKIN. and SNOW, it is stated, have formed • faction of their own among the talk stocking members of the Tory party -those who went "o gentleman for mayor, don't ye know," and they .n also takiug the bunch into Provincial pontic.' and have applied to the motel Tory Dom• mltoee to obtain recognition. This would all be very nice, it it were not for the fact that the redoubtable ilr, Boorrru Nosatrr is not eliding down the cellar door with the Hora1N■ BNow•How• Loon combivatiom. The doctor is a poll. titian from the drop of the at, and stays with the Old Guard every time. He isn't • pink shirt waist politioun by any means. and doesn't want to go into ,:actions moral victoria only. The other kin -ire good enough for him and the large and in• duential section of the grand old party that follows in hie wake. In his laudable effort to stay with the old party, the old policy amd the old game of keeping political pouf. tions for working politicians only, he is ably assisted by W. F. MACLEAN, M.P., for list York, the dead game editor sportsman of The Toronto World, who, knowing how things now stand in North Toronto, so far .. the Tury candidacy ia concerned, h.. an ever•living and abiding faith that it would be no lead•pipe cinch for a five o'clock Use. Tory, but will require the hustling efforts of a etrenuoue politician who is able to work at the trade ten hours • day and sit up a1) night from the day he gets the convention '1,11.1 the last vote is polled. And .o it has come to pass that Mayor HOWLAND and his friends have bean notified b'got off the grans in North York, or take the Conwometicee. The consequenoee, as at presort outlined, are that W. F. MACLSAA, M.P., the stormy petrel of the 'Tory party in Toronto, will lock horns with Mr HOWLAND in a contest for the mayoralty. Up to .lato MACLSAN hu his ear to the ground awaiting the reply of the NNow-HorgLNs- HOWLAND outfit, and if that answer Isn't mighty soon And to the point, BILLY the Boy will declare war to the knife and the knife to the hilt, so far as the mayoralty of Toronto is concerned. All of this commotion in 0014 .bout North Toronto has bee. brought about by the effort that hat been mode by certain of the new COntervativw to throw G. F. MARTER, M.1'. P., out of the representation of North Toronto. It will bo remembered that on the retirement of MEREDITH, MARTIR wY chosen se the Conmervativf leader in the Local H outs. In a moment of weakness (ao thought his followers) MARTIR alae cult dattootol for prohibition and everything that the term impli,t, and when hiti party had time to gather itself and 0.toh its breath, it immediately deposed him from the le,dnrehlp and installed WHrTNr,, who troy telt ,wurod would act more like a leader who hail mond whiskey votes to keep straight and leas like* grave and reyentHf member of tho W.(3. T. U. M align stepped ,town and out, but retained hie seat on the Tory side of the House, although he ha not always acted in accord with his old time aatociales. This was particularly the case when the Coaservativea under WHtTNty opposed the •Build up Ontario" policy of the Root Administration. It is understood that MARraj will again accept • nomirta• tion In North Toronto as an independent candidate, and it io in the hope of defeating him that the silk•ttocking. under CAwnLL Bogota, and Rioa.LL HNnw, and the mina culottes under HILLY MACLEAN, Want to walk neer each other to conte.t YaRTa t't seat. Bums 1 Ceras t Vents Tender sora, painful oorn., soft soros, bleaches/ borne. Th. kind of towns Oat other remedies hays f.tled to cure- .,b►L'e • good many- yield golokly to Pai,.,n'p 1'.lefese (;ern Fatr•wor. Putnam's (;Os. Extractor has bee.. long lima .5 the best- ows., know, le foot leer hew 0. de it. At drugrlsta. Kron't beak .Ire 0..hewleg unto of the daintiest Chris mae cards this year ever ehnwa In Oowtwrt6b Their calendars areleeaeaHnl work, et art, It is • delightful pleasure to ea whet pt,tty earde es0 he aught for ler envelope Ineledeel. new sear 1inert of bye i" yes., well saluted. Their toy book,, gate.., leather good., limey taloa aro preelalmed psrt.0 iy lovely by all wbe hays sees *cm