HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1901-12-12, Page 88 TUUabDAT, Dec. 12, 1401.
Sensible -
Christmas Gifts!
HAVE you decided on all your Present Giving t Visit
Our Store and let us help you. Never have we
shown such a large choice of suitable gifts and at such little
Handkerchiefs and Gloves.
The Best KID
O LOV E to Om met -
het, In blacks and
colon, at. $1.00
Special K 11)
GLOVE, to toe,
brown and
black, ae . .)0C
worth 750.
1000 H A N D•
you to choose from,
from 3 a-
tor..C to $ 1
initial., as
Dresses and Silks..
What makes • mors aooept ble presort than
• otos Milk Weise or a Dream Costume?
We Jars give you • nice Waist
or Skirt Length tor.. .... ... $1.00
Handsome Capes and
A Big Reduetlon in Panne on Ladles' lad
C5ildrsa's Oasts. How would they do
for a gift to your friends ' )
Lovely Capes from $3.00 to $25.00
Handsome Linens.
Lovely Centre
l'1ecos, Table
Lovers and Dollies,
all Lines, :bud
made, with besot*.
fol worked border.,
Bettoborg pieces
of all kiode,
from 15o to $ �) • 0
how if you went
to du the right thing give • nine Copertoe
or Rud- wcu's oust you much either
Rads from *1.00 to $1.).es
r'aserlaes ler *SAW to Cr SO
Latest Ties, 250
and 50o.
New Muffler, 25o
to $1.50.
New Shirts. 75c
and 960.
New Overcoat.,
New Satte,
latest Fenny V sat
Gents' P • n d
keroblele a a d
REMEMBER We still give the Coupon on the
Chairs. A few more dollar purchases may
bring one of those Chairs for Christmas.
Santa Claus
.umes oboe • year
to gladden our
blame end give
friends. chance to
ex pleas their good
willby g1, tog
Visit Our
Toy and
at the rear of
the Store. Every
thing th•re et
Little Prkae.
bargains is this depart-
ment. ('Icaring balance of
Hata at Half -Price.
Lovely waren Babies' or
Children's Bonnetsand Caps
going at half-price.
Don't Miss this Opportunity.
Smith Bro's & Co.
MONDAY. Dec 9.
Chu. Carey, of Sbepp.rdtoe, with his
family, have some to reside to our m'd,t
Mr. Direly will be Jas. Chbholm's foreman
Nor the rooming year.
Moamar. Deo. 9-.b.
Mrs. John Lustow,NUe.jis visiting friends
la this viololty end at Klolou.
Orr/is Middleton, 13th ooh , I. moving
1 els farm to the township of Ktolna.,
The Christmas .xamtattioo of school No.
5 will b. held Thursday afternoon. 19th
lost.. oommaotog et 1 r a. Perote and
all ostlers Intweswd to edaost',,o .r. oordi-
ally I.ylwd to •*tad.
Moiooy, Deo. 9:h.
Our townsmen. Mloha.l Tobin. was the
poll olerk la the late election and his fellow•
t.wo.msn. D. Calamine, was one of the
Reform sor■Ilseets.
The advent of • future soboler In our
sanest section on Friday night of lest week
M the oases of maim ooagretulsltons to Mr.
Rork(. Tab time It u t eon.
The sobered here will have an examination
and a program of songs, reolttlooe Loll
dialogues by the pupils on Wednesday efter
aeon osmmenolog at 1 o'clock. The sootal
talent of the section .re to help with the
mwloal aoleatinos Another new feature to
the program bore will he a Christmas tree,
Om first over hold In icor section does It
was formed. A good limo s expooted.
Everybody Is limited.
Trowel'. Deo. 3.
M1.. Jesuits Robertson, ot Wetmore. Me-
thod friss& bars this week,
Mn. Diehl, of Vacua, visited old Meads
here lass week. She .was formerly Miss
Maggie Tindall.
Mir Fannie Paterson, of Moorhen), mir
teed relatives In Blae,ale this week.
Andrew Burges end bride, of Botravaln,
Man , visited relatives here last week.
Mrs. Small and oblld, of WIngham,
spat Thobelviog Day at Jona Roby'..
Mr. MoKwen sad Miss Black have been
re foliaged as teachers to 150 pablio school.
Mrs. Wm. Messer sod MINIM Cora Ma
ear and Aggle Herbert visited friends to
Rrossole last week.
Mr. sod Mrs. Eugene Mol)oald, of
Wtngham, vl.tted at Aodrsw Holmes' en
Thanksgiving 1hy.
Mr. and Mn. Wm Sellers •tteoded the
f 1 of the former's easter, Mrs James
Stanley, Deer )(Inborn last week.
Henry MaHardy has returned trim Owes
Sound, where be was employed as engineer
In the Gederlob Lumber (Jo.'s mill there.
TUIODAT, Ds. 10th.
The trustees of M 8. Ne. .3 bays n•
engaged MIM Patterson at an biomass e1
The township oovooll will hold las last
mooting for the veer 1901 oo Monday 0.x1.
All who ars interested will govern Ibem-
selves e000rdlogly.
Oar Sabbath school lotions holding its
entertainment end Christmas tree tot Erb
day belong (Christmas, and ea the school is
under drill by the committee to obarve we
are looking forward to mos of the best a•
MtMlnoseau ever given In the village. All
are Invited.
Th. result of the °otos meeting of Smith's
Hill and Auburn Presbyterian rnogret•tloos
for the purpose of oalllog a mioi.ter resulted
Appleton, Si1verrareas fellowsTumor, onto•
rerelved telrty.fiva votes, Nlr. Wilson, of
, •
the Load.. Presbytery, sbltSy two. Th.
so.greptiom tbooabt it sot advisable to
proceed with • oall end asked the moderator
fur the hearing of more men.
Seel/liner, Nov. 301,13, 1901.
Miss liana Meollooeld le violin), fneode
in this rlolnity.
Rob Miller, of the l.od.rlob O. 1 , is
sp.odtog • few days at boom fhb week.
C. A. Tebbutt 1. *pestling lois 'I'oenk,-
glytsg holidays •I his home near elision.
The weal Tbaobesivtnt esrrlose were
hold to the Frothy Godes ubutub on Thurs-
Our twoher, Mr. T.bbutt, 1. bus ly se•
gaged lo priparies fur • public , aaminaUuu
end eobwl oonoert.
limo J. C. MeuLusald hes returned hum
'natio' friends to and arouod Grelph and
other points la that vlololty.
Wo are pleased to know that Mies K
Guest, of Uodertob, has been engaged to
Noon to the Fordyce school for 1902, sod
wish her emery success to bar uodertaklog,
The now Foolish oburoh In our village is
nearing oomphtloo. The opening srvloso
will W held on Sunday, lhoember 15tb.
Oa Monday °nolog then will be • sacred
song 00001(1.
We are sorry to know that Mir C. B
Gordon, who some time ago, while nursing
a typhoid fever o•s. Io Wloghem, beoeme
infected, is not'mprovlog as rapidly al her
many friends would desire and hops for.
Mamuaue.--oo Wednesday, November
27th, the home of U. F. 1'uun,blut was the
soon• of • nappy 'moot. when 511 eldest
demonism. Miss Bertha, was united a mar-
rlage to James Boothroo, leading salesmen
ot the Mcluosil est•bll.hm.ot. Tho ooze -
'Dotty was performed by Rev. Geo. Jewitt,
under • floral bank. The bride, mooned
by her (ether, looked very •ttraot'ye to •
wedding dress of white organdie, with long
milt, and carrying • bouquet ot white
rosea Mies Smltn. of Godenoh, played the
wedding march, and Miss Flossie Bootbro.,
Sow of the (room, acted as ring bearer,
end Lily Yaogble?, sister of the bride, as
maid of honor. Alter the oeremooy the
young couple were warmly 000gratalated by
the ae.emhleid quests, numbering about
fifty, after .51.0 all partook of the dinner'
that awaited. The newly wedded couple
are taking up their re.tdeoes In the hour
formerly 0000pled by W. Elder.
Jost •''old 1a the Head!
Bat If followed by another oold, or some
extra exposure, as treble to result in nasal
catarrh. Uoleq • rad4rl our. is obtauled,
the throat, bronchial tubes and finally the 1
lungs become affected. Nothing oared colds I P
so quickly and pleasantly as Cat•rrhozoo.
1'hs ioepeotor of mloes for Noy Sootla, i
Mr. Neville. says. ' Calarrbozobs is the D
best remedy I have Byer used. It cured me
of oat -turn of the heed and Or raise, and I am
pleased to recommend mob a satisfactory
remedy." Catarrto rano 1s • safeguard :
•q•tost mouths, oolds rod catarrh. It Dan
b i used while at work, hi the church, the
ire, or street ctrl. Simply Inhale Catarrh '
ozone and 11 mares. erica, $1.00 Small
sirs, 25 coats. Druggists or Polson & Co.,
Kingston, Cot.
Weak Mack and splal rotas.
Poise la the book Dumber their victims Is
thuueaads. Only very powerful and peas
feting remedies will roach these distressing
uomplaute, but Pol.ou's N,rvillo. 1e as sure
to ours from ea uytbfog m tbb wtrld eau
be sure. 'tub Nervlkto. oyer the erre parte
night and morotng, and see how gaiokly it
drives out the pals. Fly. times stronger
than auy other. Good for iotersal and
•:ferral use. Lary. bottles 253.
The enamel Christmas tree at herds
street Methodist church 1e being arreoged
for. The dote of the event will be lb.
Friday Alter Cbrbtmos Day.
MNeloo Hand oI North stows Metho•
dist ehurob will give an .iWttolomsot on
the evening of Thursday, January 2od. A
Ilene prusrom is being prepared. Particulars
At the preparatory service in Koox
buroh last Friday ev.niog, twenty new
numbers were added to 151 oommuoios
roll, amities an addition of forty -wen
during the year.
The pulpit of North street Methodist
church was 000upied oo Sunday by Rev.
I. H. Wollwto, of Sslortb, who delivered
two interesting end helpful dleoourees.
The pastor of the church, Rey. 0,. 1)101.1,
preached to Mr. Wallwlo's 000greg•ttoo at
Last week Knox oharob Y. I'. 8, 0. K.
elected the following misers and cooveo.rs
of committees for the Peet *ix mouths :—
Presldsol, Rev. Jas. A. Anderson ; 1st
ioa presidsot, Hugh Bahr; 'lad vis. pros'
debt, Nettle eowao; r.00rdlog esorstary,
Jeoois Nair.; oorrespoodloq esoretary, Lou
out Gibson; treasurer, Llzrls l:s0s, mis•
sionary-treasurer, Helen Summit. Coos
and ART s e o
e s •
Hand ps!o,e1 ii,uvrntr 1'.1.ndare
sod ('hri.'mss ('.role, entirely new.
20 per coot. off ed Gns China, Leath•
sr, Silver and Celiulctd hoods.
50 per cont. off all Toys, Games.
Loll. and 1' ours Bocks. GIIINi.
All parties getting their ale bills printed at
ibis oeise will here • fres ',olio. mooned Tty us for elegant and suitable pr
to Wallet ao to the time of ales. I'. will save you money.
SATVKDAY, Deo. 14. --Executor's sale of
bottrbold furniture and furnishing* bolrng- '
at the premises on Kays siren, nommen°
Ing at 1 o'clock. J. P. Baoo x, executor ;
fog to the wale of the lam Mrs. Turner, W i EM ER SMITH
TH08. OCNDRY, suotlootM.
Gift bezel 010o1.. cigars at Hi. A'S
In Bulk
We have a list of twenty
odors, the majority of these being
the very best, latest and rfhoicest
on the market, while the balance
are good old-fashioned odors
which always have retained and
always will retain their popu-
larity. By the ounce, these sell
at 15c, 25c, 40c, 50c, 75c and
$1.00 per ounce. Speaking of
Bulk fetfumes reminds us that
a Perfume Atomizer is not only
useful but a pretty adjunct of
the dressing table, and therefore
a suitable gift for any lady.
We have mostly all the odors,
and -all styles of tofaizere ai all
prices. See our Sachet Powders,
Leather Goods, Cuff and Collar
Cases, Dressing Caves, Ebony
Goods, Shaving Cases, etc. No
trouble to show the goods.
Prescription Drug Store
Telephone 45
Wedo not all stamps No Credit.
or postal nods
Mooili s
Clearing Sale of
J. H. WORSELL wishes his
many consomme a Merry Xmas and a
Happy New Year and would Intimate
that for the titmice) of the year he
will have, • (treat Clearing Sol. of
Heating and
Cooking Stoves.
Every Stove now to stook will be sold
at Whole,a'o Prior ti clear them
out before the New Year.
Cot tamales while they Isar....
J. H. Worsell
The oheop stove and furnace man
Menden Britannia
Bell Telephone Co.
Briers bermes • pleassre
with an EIT•NaioN DMA sot
In your officio. It brlogs buel-
nem. saves many sups and
valuable time.
Tie idl Telephoss G,
G1 (1. PORTER,
boost Manager.
Always tae BEST, elites the CHEAPEST, has bee remarked many them
about our store.
We aro in full swing displaying our Xmas, Goods, tad ono are Invited to Deme Is and
see Miens . It w1)1 sot be neisasry to probe« either, but It yea wish, we will pat
salsa uytblag yea may select until you de require It.
OUR ART OALENDARS, vmi swill go Into rapture* over. Nothing to sur-
pass them anywhere is Canada. Priest range from ., 6e to 12.50.
(AeIbis Store maty I
ANNUALS for this year—Boys' Own. Gids' Own, Mosday At Hawe, Leisure Floor,
(Jltatterttex, Choate, Heys of the Hatpin, (,0tld't Companion, Pres. Rn., st as
claim price. as anywhere 1. ('.nada
All the woo hooks, booed op Is .psaW Mtn sinless ler I ;hristes•s, and as ..rNeed
Over to thermoset velums. to sial from. Whore In i'anode nae you gat man to
safest from 05 yes, this it • teal Book Moore and not • BOO 115 one.
14lble.. Prayer Beek. and Sym. Reeks for all ebaren..
Is reliable. Their
trade mark, 1847y _ROGERS BROS., is known world
When you make a purchase of thi•I ware at McKenzie
ell's you have a guarantee that you get the best goods made.
A fresh assortment of the latest in design and make will Ire opened
out this week. These, with our present stock, will give a wide range
for choice of a gift that will be appreciated. Silverware always is ap-
preciated. What value is a gift if it is not appreciated?
It is difficult to give a description here : you must come in and see
toe yourself. We do not ask you to buy : it is our privilege to show
you goods. We hail intended giving a list of some of our leading
lines and prices, but our space is not large enough to allow us to do so
not a few special cut prices, hut our gctual regular selling prices.
We do not believe in making a cut prioe to entrap the public. We
are here to make money and a living, and to get the hest results we
have to sell theelargest possihle amount of goods. To do this we must
sell good goads at as small a margin as possible to pay us. We be-
11ere In eaeh article paying ire share, and not in selling one article at
cost and six other. at high prices.
This rule applies to our whole business.
Our customers therefore can rely on getting the best value. going,
for we do not intend to be undersold, nevertheless.
A full reap r1 the New Hymns Beek ler 9t George's Choral, ranging is pries from You are always the gainer by dealing with
be op. Ash to sae them.
Oar ri..sa. x No. 100 x. Covet x.... �..�.. �bn..,....
Oar Telepbrss is K. Covet Homes Square, Goderich.
The place to buy all Hardware cheap.
The Finest
Itaoglbg io Pelee. from 26o to $600
It'd a Pleasure to Show
F. M. DUNHAM, Phm. B.
Corner of West st. and the Square.
mitt** 000veoets : Look out, Mary Spines;
preysr meatlog, Hugh Belo; social, M.gcts
Murray; musto, Chi tstabel Andersen; driv-
,wer, Nettle Cowes; mtsioo•rv. Edith Wai-
mea; ylrltlnp, David Stoddart; Iltentor.%
Mary Morris.
A General
Clbo Kid.
low Hal.
11A011 SIPamo0CT.ow W TNN Smu *MOIL.
Years of
rightly applied, thorough
knowledge of the human foot and
its requirements, and up-to-date
methods are the causes of the
supremacy of
The Famous
Shoe for Women
These shoes have what the fashionable young woman wants—
the new leathers, latest shapes anti perfect ft .
Being the embodiment of perfection in material, workmanship amt
shape, they outclass all others In worth and wear. Those facts have
created a demand for them that dwarfs that of any other shoe ill America.
All styles for every use and occasion.
ONE PRICE $3s. 75
TELara*NE se. 18.
Deady for Christmas.
THIS Store is filled to overflowing with sensible and useful Holiday Gifts.
Every department has contributed its share, and for the next two weeks
you will find "Things for Christmas" a prominent feature all over the
store. We have spent time and money in selecting this Christmas Stock, and
getting it ready for your inspection. It is good any way you like to take it, and
for variety and wideness of choice has not a rival anywhere in ;town. We
want to emphasize two things, first, the qualities in all cases are absolutely re-
liable; second, that the values are the best that ready money can buy. From
now until Christmas business will be done at high pressure, and we can give you
better service if you can arrange to do your shopping in the mornings.
--Easily sent -by-nunl.in ey.
are the ideal "token of re-
membrance" for absent friends,
and always acceptable for a
friend near home. The linen
looms of Ireland, the embroi-
dery factories of Switzerland,
and the silk workers of far-
off Japan, have ach contribut
ed their share to what is one
the greatest showings of
ndkerchiefs ever made . in
town. There is a wideness of
choice that no other store here
can give, and you can find
something dainty and pretty
that will suit no matter what
price you want to pay.
Fancy Handkerchiefs.
Childrao'e fancy patterned Hand ker
oblate. greet variety of designs that
would please ire little oar. at
2 for fin, 3 for 10c and fro
Ladles' foov Mudie Hodk.rcblr h,
fanny embroidered and trimmed
with lass, at 53 and 10c
L*dt.s fanny Swiss Mudie Handker-
kerobisis. neat embroidery and 1•oo
edger, as Immense rang. of pa!,
terns, at 12,, 15o and 20o
Very fine quality Irish end 5.1..
Embroideried Hodkerobiefe, pun
Iloea and floe Swim Y.u•Ime, em-
broidery and Ito. edges, drzens s.1
beautiful designs to select from and
the best values we hams ever shown
•1 the price, *soh ...
Extra floe Llnem sod Swiss Merlin
tt•odkerohlefs. daio'y sod delicate
designs on the finest of linea and
lawn, groat variety of patteros and
not many of ono kind. each,
35e, 50o, 603 and 75o
Extra fine goality Embroidered
Handkerchiefs. beautiful design,,
not 'mots than two or three of •
pat taro, embroidered ani Moe
trimmed, at.. 11 00 and 11 25
Plain Handkerchiefs.
We buy our Plain Handker-
chiefs direct from the makers
in Ireland and you can depend
on their being pure linen.
Ladies' brio sti'0h.d Cambric Hand.
�tarshhh, Itics ffeeglrellry, !) Inoh
hem... . 5 c's each, or 6 for 250
Wise' pan 1.'nen hem stitched
Hondkerchi.f, fine rloally, narrow,
medium, and wide bents, each
151, 203 and 25o
Ladle' line Cambric) hem etltched
Handkerchiefs, linos hol.hed, hems
assorted widths 10, and 151
Silk Handkerchiefs.
Japanese Silk }fodkoroniele, hem
'atoned, embroidered Whale, earth 25o
Japans). MIS Handkernhiele,'ergs
sirs, fine quality, wide hem, sm.
brolderied Initials or pieta, each 50o
Oentlemea a Cambria Handkerchiefs,
hem slotted or plain, ()leer lines
finish, mon 5,, 10, and 15o
Geatsmen's onro Linen Hendker-
chief., plain or hem stitched, real
Irish hose, Ens sulpha, *soh
... 200, 25, and 30a
Linens for
Christmas Giving.
There is no housekeeper but
would be pleased with a dainty
piece of snowy linen ,as a
Christmas gift. Linens are
a hobby with us and -Ria pay
particular attention to that de-
partment. We have a show-
ing for Christmas that is weli
worth seeing, and if you are
interested in nice linen we in-
vite you to come and see it.
Fancy Towels.
Fancy Damask Towels, plain er with
tottered borders. plate or knotted
trait, handsome designs and soo1
qualities, •t each. _2E0, 353, 503 and 75e
Sideboard Drapes.
Sideboard Drapes, all the wanted
length., to plain, demsk or whits,
with colored centres, h.m-atitohed
or fringed ads, good gash:.s sod
n ice patterns. seen 253 to $1.00
Tray Cloths.
We bays • ole. assortment ot Trey
Cloths In damasks, both bem•
stitched and fringed, all sixes and
' hopes, m.dlsm and good qualities,
plain or with woven pattern*,
▪ .......25.,5., 403, 500, 75r sad 11 00
Damask and lined wire Doyllr•,
srlu•re, oval and round shapes, as
sorted sires, .t from.... . .. 103 to 357
Table Cloths.
Table (;lot hs with pore linen damask,
with or without nook Ins to match,
all sines, Dew and handsome pat-
terns $2.00 to $5 00
, A Ng assortment of Table Napkins,
I In medium and largo dace, good
qualities and patterns. per
desert ... $1.00 to $4.00
Rugs are often bought for
holiday gifts and now, when
' they are more in favor than
'ever, one would make a most
appropriate Xmas gift.
Re.onlble Smyrna Rugs, in •variety
of patterns, assorted color ootnbma.
done, email Eros, 45n to $1 25,
larger roe. In samematerlal, 11.25 to $3 50
Axminster Rap le • big range of
pattern., newest enter oomblo•-
Nnne, handsome devious, hearth
six. $2 50 to $3.50
Moquette Rage, small, medium sen
large sires $1 25 to $3 50
Mheep.kla Rags, well dyed, thickly
furred, yellow and crimson. retch
n M and $1.50
White Quilts.
Wo often sell good White
Quilts at Christmas time. This
season we have imported some
exceptionally handsome de-
signs, in good. (lualities, suit-
able for holiday gifts.
Yip qualities In White Bans (,lellte,
hasds.me desires, p•r4eotl now
rods $1.75, 18 50, to IM 60
Christmas Fars.
Many people select furs for= -
holiday gifts and nothing
makes a more welcome present --
for a lady than something good
in furs. Our stock of furs for
Christmas is very large, in it
jou will find almost every-
thing that is fashionable in
furs. Qualities are all abso-
Iutely reliable, and no inferior
furs of any kind can be had at
this store.
Ina Rhck Opoaaum Koff., trimmed
with bead wit r• s, thick siren
tor, good quality
Imitation Moak Ruff, ebopod, real
for. nicely trimmed with Sabi.
lade, each
Used quality Els. trte Meal Ruff, 27
limbos long, thlok seem liar, Irlmm•
ed with Sable Mlle, each $5 00
(Noy iamb Ruffs. eve■ earl, bead,
oleos and tall...... ....$3,25 and $4 50
Ohio Sable Ruff, thick busby fur,
aboped, good lengtb, 10 terve Sabi*
tail.. earth
Oslo Sable Ruff., extra large sloe,
thick clues fur, oloely trimmed
with tblok busby tsile,ehaped, loos
front, extra s,a'NI value, at.....
Alaska Sable Ruffs, made from *sleet-
ed skins, new goods Just reoalved
the last few wake, some vary hoe
proms to the lot, trimmed with
thick bushy Mile ..$10, $13, $15 and $20
French Coney Mut., well mods, til. k
fur, each
Fine quality Imitation Hear Mode
thick fur, well made, soh
$6 50
$1 50
$2 00
Ohio Sable Muff, No. 1 quelity, best
of trimmings, well mads, sotto
goad solo., at *soh
Heal Alaska Sable Maffe, made from
Oboist solaoted skim, very fine
agility, undyed, Mose thick tar
$10 to $14
alldr.o'.'Ore l g Cape, tiles eves
earl, quilted sago Untag, aok....$.75
Ma's Ta.ma.M. Baer ape, a ••p
that will wear well od haves good
appearance, each $3
Man's Imttotloo Otter Cep, dark fur,
leaks well, end wears well.. .
Mea'e Holleran Ceps. awry much like
• Persian Lamb, not quite as floe •
curl, estits lining. well made, each
Mo's Perlis. Iamb oar., ebelce so.
loot skin., bright om plea•ea
of linings, .a I $7.00 end $10.00
Ladies' Fur Jackets.
The Fur Jookete w• es1I aro •bsolatel1
reliable ; so mach faith have we to them
that we ase willing to p1.e any reasonable
guarantee ss 10 their quality, We bay
them from firms *he absolutely refuse to
make up Interior garments of soy kind.
Ladies' Astrachan ,laskete, 27 Inches
lona, high storm cellar, blank two -
dad. memorised Bolos. gond floe
outs, will wear well, mob. $21, 00
Ladles' Nook Astr•eh•. J.ek•t, 24
tribes Mg, high storm Dotter, '5'
tysssst maeed sell. il.I.g, mile
fli IWNs skies, aye° RI°M7 $30.00
soil, ..eb
Blank Aluminium Jaskets, fine even
and. blah storm seller and large
mossees, quilted satin lints.. en 01-
eeptlesally ped oat, 2M Mottos jll h(1
Meek A.tnohon 1.5.ts, very floe
quality. made tram «lest skim.
glory even earl, best quality sus
Italy. reveres, high sells. .. ...$i7.50