HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1901-12-12, Page 7THE PRINCE
He Makes a Statesmanlike
Speech at Banquet.
1-ord Ball.bury Cares Nut for the
Contempt et Other Natioua While
they Have the Approve% of the
d oluules-&Lurebery rud elien her-
lalu Aloe fipeak.
Loxidon, Dec. 10.-11te city enter-
tained the Prluee and l rluaums u!
Haler this hftcrnuvu ut a luitclheuu
bt,cu 131 the Uu11dim11, uud pecrcutud
Liam web au uderusr ill cuugrutteu-
:lee on their ruccurslul tour of the
lsr.teut empire. The revtptioe war
made tett occurtuu of a uumuurtra-
L H to favor o1 tide (Uvermnient uu
E't lir. Ceambeirlutu, the Coluului Sec-
rrtury, tut well tie emplarulug the
b.yaldy el the coluuler mud their de-
Tttuu hrtuce of Britain.
Seised the
oppvrtuutty to make a hang, •tutee -
wallets *punch en the relative of tau
bread mother land to the coluntur.
overdoing about the Dumiteub, be.
ettel :
To Canada was burnt the eweaage
already conveyed to Aurtralit mei
New Zealand, of tlw tuutber tinter
teeing appreciation of the services
eeuuerod by its gallant OVUM. In the
puuruey from oceuu to ocean, mar-
, elluur lU Its comfort and urgunlru-
uom, we were enabled to sen lo ae-
Udug of its matchless, scenery, the
rlcuners of Its soil, and tbo boundless
psosibliltles of that vast and but
partly explored territory. Wu saw,
leo, the meccas which has cruwued
the efforts to weld Into oue commun-
ity the people* of its two great
Mr. t'hamberlalu war accorded a
tremendous reception when be rue:
to respond to Lord Roeebery's toast
to the culouler, but neither he nor
Lord Rorebery sold anything of in-
ternattonal Importance.
Lord Salisbury. alone, referred to
the topic of which everyone was
thinking. namely. England'r unpopu-
laret v abroad. Ile rend :
"No doubt It is true Just at this
Moment that wo hayo many memooll
wbo are not very reticent In ex-
pressing their opinion, bet on the
'other hand, to -day's celebration,
htcii 1s hugely doe to the nation
and co-operation of their Roynl
Highnesses. has shown that we po•-
-epee. In the support of our dletent
ktnemen an approval and a eanctlon
Which, to vise 1. ln,ltely more Im
portant than all the contempt end
_--__�►il the censure that we may receive
from other netlons."
Tile remark of the Pretnler was
_egreeted with prolonged cheering, ni-
ter which he continued, lnq: "1
cannot 'Omit. that they are. Fudges of
our reelect, or that wo can modify
our proceeding" In deference to their
opinion. What we los,k to aro the
*pinions of our own kinsmen. who be,
lame to emr own Empire. We have
reor-Ivnd front ell portions of that,
fi:aplre an indication that we have
test nothing In the opinion they held)
of the jostloe of our claim."
Recovered His Reason
After 25 Year.;
Isendon, Dec. 9. -The court. of Eu-
rope have their attention fixed upon
Reverie, --"ere one of the strongest
dramas In history Is being enacted.
since 1586 the throne of Bavaria hos
belonged to King Otto, but ten years
before thee the unfortunate Otto had
become Insane, and instead of his rul-
inK Id.. people he has needed constant
ears, teed- espervialoa. Ito never line
ben King except In mime, for while
the date of his nominal accession is
put at June 18, 1886. only three days
earlier his uncle, Prince Leopold. had
turd the task of government confirm-
ed to him. For Prince Leopold was
l:rgent during the latter part of the
lifetime of tate unhappy King Ludwig
II., who. like hilt brother, the existing
King, lost him reason. Fur et quarter
of a century King Otto has been one
n( the mord pitied men In Europe.
Without a lucid interval, so lar as 1s
publicly known, he his been eut:JOCt
to the care and restrictions usual in
the Cage of the Insane. Sometime*
Ids otalady has taken the form of
acute melancholia, at others of vio-
lence, or agate the wildest delusions.
\o.'trly all these years hie asylum tine
been the stately CAMP. of Furstenrlel,
end here he her passed bas days and,
nights unounsclou■ of all that has
lrnnspired in the world ; his mind a
blank, his Ilfe that of it Rip Van
Winkle asleep In the hills.
Might After Darkneet.
It la said now that reason has
resumed her sway In King" Otto`s
mind. and that he hoe *Wakened to
wtnity atter the lapse of over a
Quarter of it century of mantel
oblivion. Batt. of course, he knows
nothing of the events which have
's:curred during ills period of M-
emel. lie takes up the tale mit bin
li10 unit lila kingdom*. Jest where
it broke off 26 years ago. The
things that were last present in his
rand daring his days of sanity are
those which still occupy his atten-
tion. Madnrwn hoe left bile; mound
of mired at present, hut with 26
years of history missing from his
knowledge, lie nett after hit mo-
ther. Queen Marie, and hie
father, King Lonis Ii., bath of
whom, of courme, have long been
deed. He le not reenctont that he
it King. What will happen when
the true state of his otrcnmetaocee
is broken to him, how bit frail mind
will hear the shock, la not easy to
eonrrlve. it ons Imagine) when
the newt, of hit mir,uulous recovery
was fleet announced that the change
In the King'n ennrlltion one mnrnly
prehrle to hi. (Meth. Bet some
weeks have priciest without pry
chengn ter night hot the better.
-Peaelhll•tlae of Traub's'.
if King Otto's rneoeery ler per-
manent, of (Await bit title to the
('rows cannot he withstood Bat
this opens n door to grave poe011111-
f ties. Prinoe Leopold must termin-
nte its Recently, nn.e stall axle(.
ter the Ring to enjoy bit ewe. Rat
will the Beverlan court consent to
this? The King's uncle is one of the
grand old Well of Europe. Itsueutly
hie eightieth birthday' was cele-
4rated with Mullen.. eutlmela►m.
He commenced his regency at the
beat hated man in the land, but so
admirably har be dirohargel the
duties of bis hlgb office (but popular
prejudice and suspicion have glveu
place tb merited confidence, love,
and reverence. Pretreat is specially
cordial to Prince Leopold, who was
the find Bi, arian ruler since the
foundation of the German Empire to
unreservedly acknowledge blmrell as
a (derma!' prtnse Dort nod a Bever-
lan ruler afterwards. On the other
hand, the Otto of a quarter of a
century ago war, like hie brother,
Louis 1L, bitterly opposed to soy
such acknowledgment u( Bavarian in-
ferlurity. Therefore the quarter
arlrer wbether the Ravarlau Minis-
ters will care to entrust ooetro! of
their Welles to a mau NO frail men-
tally am Klug Otto, when to do so
meaty the depoettiou from power of
a man whose rule has been wholly
promotive of the State'. proeperlty
And, of course, the deslre and wll
of the Gorman Court will have to he
considered In' any change which may
be contemplated,
1.1014• W lie the bet enteenth ('eulury.
Englielenen will watch tbo pro-
gresr ut' events with keen Interest.
fur tt will not be forgotten that
Prince Ltwpold o grandfather of
Prince Rupert of Bavaria, whom the
enthurtirts of the White Rose League
style "Prince of Wales." The tildes:
won of tile Regent, Prince Ludwig,
married the Archduchess of Austria.
kite -Modena, who is the head of the
oder line of Stuart, and
who, so tho Legitimists say, would,
if all bad their .ane, been to -day Queen
Mary IV. of Erelanud. She 1& desoetkl-
ed from Henrietta Mary, eighth
daughter of Charles I. Prince Rupert.
her sun, to the ordinary course of
events, would hove become the King
of Bavaria, but the turn of affalrs
now threatened by the recovery of
the King suggests other poeslbliitlea
QuLD 110
Illinois Governor's Plea for
Women and Children
Insane Man ('limb• a Tree undertows
111mvelf-A Ratites h'amlly fre-
ar'ly-Druukeu Man Uses a Gun
on lila Family With Dire Resells
Springfield. I11., Dee. 9• -Governor
Yates last night Issued a proclanla-
tem caleng :.ttentioo to the desti-
tute and helpless condition of Boer
women. children and other non-com-
bntante now. confinexl in British nine
taw,' camp, In South Africa. and call-
ing upon all Charitably ditnosod and
humane citizen. of Illinois' to contrl-
bate money, medicine, food and cloth-
ing for time of tho sick and needy
prisoners In these Conroe.
1 n.hed a Tree to ?..1%..,t Illm.ell
Detroit, Mich., Dec. 9.-A special t
the Trib inn, from Holland. Mich
says: Nelson Culver, during a fit
temporary insanity, ran away Ironhome- at Hamilton and climbed t
the top of a tall tree. Whoa h
saw hia friends at the foot of th
tree trying to rezone hltn he blew
hit brains oat- 111s, body dropped t
the lower limb, of the trey and den
Bled there while hia life b'ozi ebbed
A Family '1 regedy.
Overcome Trying to Rescue
Her From Flames,
Mather It ea Betty -Nis Celli
Were Dropped Moms as U
Wilmslow to Save Pham -Ail More
or Less Hurl by the Mill and
Pittsburg Pa., Dec. 10. -Two
rout were buruwi to death and e
injured In a fire at Carnegie,
Ws morning. The fire occurred
a two-story frame building
Broadway, the ground floor of w
was devoted to a grocery store
by Samuel Klee, mud the rest of
!rouse was occupied by the fam
The flamer spread to rapidly t
the occupants of the upper ■t
were Shut off from the statrw
and Klee and hitt wife realized t
there was but one way to save
cltiklren, and that was to th
them from the window, it instil
of about twenty feat.
Ono by one the children w
brought to the front w•11lQ0w
dropped to the ground by the fat
All of them were more or les a
ourly injured, but nil escaped de
trout the flames, except Mary.
the time (tarry, the baby,
reached, not only was the fat
exhausted with his exertions,
the terrible conditions under wh
he worked, but the flame* were 1
narking his efforts Imposeible. W
he was able to get at Harry,
was found that the fire had titre*
reached him, and that the lit
one's face and feet and hands w
biistere(' and burned. Ile was rnatc
ed from the burning building Just
time. and it Is thought that
Will survive.
After remitting his baby, the fat)
looked around for his wife, wbom
had mimed from his side for so
time, Unable to find her, he called
to thorn whom be had saved for the
purpose of ascertalnlog if she had
Joined them. She had not, and the
husband became Minced distracted[
with fear and panic. It seems, bow-
' re r, that wb'le the father was resou-
erg the youngest and nSest helpless
child, she was making an attempt to
save the life of Mary. and In doing
-0 mere up her own life. The house
was entirely destroyed.
Later -The charred remains et the
mother and daughter were found In
the ruins elite by side. Both had
been overcoat° by the emote before
they could eocnpe from the room,
MEET LEFT 5160,116.
Over $100,000 Willed Public
° Toronto, Dec. 9. -Tile will of the
late Walter E. 11. Massey has been
°f fuel for probate, elle value of the
estate. real and personal, was fix-
') od at $760.118,17, moo was made
O up chiefly of stock In the Massey -
',Jerrie Company, Sawyer & Massey
Co., and the other curious interest,
0 I with which be was connected. and
Deutonla Park Faroe elle residence
on Jerrie street belougod to Mrs.
Massey, and the life Insurance was
payable to her arid the children.
Mr. Massey bequeathed 1.000
Starer of stock to the Massey -Har-
ris Company to various charitable
reel religious objects, a. follows:
}'lye -twentieths to Victoria Uni-
versity, Toronto.
Four -twentieths to the Missionary
Society of the Methodist Church of
lwo,twentleths to the trustees of
Central Methodlat Church, loronto,
for the improvement of the pro-
tVTwork,o-tweMieths to the Deaconess
0)m -twentieth to the 1•iperannua-
tion Fund of the Methodlet Church.
' One twentieth- To eutabheit *chot-
nrehips for worthy etu.lents In con-
nection with Victoria Univeraty,
to be known as "Walter Massey
Otte -twentieth to the Ontnrio Ag-
ricultural College, Guelph, to alai
farmepte sons aol elaugtuersattend-
ing the college who are deemed
One -twentieth to be applied for
Company,the benefit of the employeeeof Mas-
rey-flarrie Company, Limited.
One -twentieth to the Slek
s (2111-
dreh'Hospital, Toronto, to endow
and maintain a cot to be known an
the "Roth Lillian Cot,"
One -twentieth to the trueteet of
Rowton Unlveretty, Boston, Maes.
One -twentieth for city charitiet.
Mrs. Massey and the children re-
oelve,an annuity of $15,000. in care
(hero IN' a Dorgan above this In-
come, special provolone are made as
to such eremite, Including a provision
for further charitable donations.
Mr. Massey bequeathed $2.000 to
be divided amongst the employees of
his farm and the 'eremite In his
hotter, according to the merit and
length of service,
The reeidne of the estate, Including
Di'-tnnla Park Farm, It bequeathed
to Mrs. Massey alai the children.
The executors are hit wire, Mre.
ituplo D. Mareey ; hit brother, Mr.
Cheater D. Massey ; and Mr. John H.
The will wax ',tweed on the eighth
day of Auguwt, 11100, and wttnetsei
hy Mre. George If. Watson and J.
(lr vyson ,Smith.
Vain.. of Requests.
Ron. L. Melvin .lona., general man-
ager of the Mareey-Harris Oompany,
when seen Tait evening, state( that
the late Mr. Meseey had bequeathed
one-fifth of hit Interest In the Mme-
.ey-Ilarris Company to charitable
and rdlgions obJecte,
'What are .hares In the Mammy -
Harris Company worth 7' queried the
Ona hundred dollars per share,"
renllyd fk'natnr ,Tonne.
" Yee, but that Is the par value;
ea a matter of fast, the 'neck la
quoted at a mach higher figura, Is
it tmt 7"
"The stock Is not for *ale," said
Mr. Jones; "but 1100 a shore is a
fiat pries, and the 1,000 sharer be-
enenthed by Mr. Mangey represents
"What would be the earning power
of 1.000 shares of stock In tin Mae -
my Merl.. Company 7"
f ealttmt any IPSM that, as [het
mutter regulated by the colorise
Weir City, Kaneax, Dec. 9.- Ro-
maine Taubaux, a Frenchman, while
intoxloatef last night, shot and fat-
ally wounded J4. etre and son, Gir-
nuer Taubeue, and se: iou.ly wounded
two other sons, at his home In this
city. lie had Just returned from it
neighbor's huure, where n crowd had
Deco celebrating et, Barnahna' Day.
Ile threatener! to kill the whole fnm-
ily, and, seizing a double-barreled
shotgun. weir In tee net of firing at
hie vettetshen his eon Meatier appear•
ed on the scene, also armed with a
gen. Shooting begin at once, the sten
firing directly at his father, the
charge pste reno tiiItis clotb{a3i
but acing no InJery. Be cine -lite boy
could firs, again ho received a charge
from hie father's gun In the left side.
The elder Tnubaux then began sheet-
ing et everybody In eight. lits wife
received a charge of shot In the right
shoulder, tearing It away; his son
Emil had a hand shot M, and so-
other .on was badly wounded.
Grand Jury Upheld Burning
of a Negro
New Orlear, er, Lae Dec. 10.-JudgJewettJeett M. Thotnpeon, in opening the
district court In Washington Par-
t*,t, the *Cerin of the reeeet burning
of a negro at the stake, followed
by n riot at Ihalltown, where sev-
eral liven wero lost, called the atten-
tion of the grand juryvto these oc-
currences ;and etetJ It to take ac-
tion to maintain the goal name of
the commenity which had limn much
teemed. The Judge was particular -
Iv severe In denonncing the lynel-
Ing of Bill Morrison, the negro. which,
ho declared, had even the people of
Washington an nnnnvinhie notoriety
through the country at cruel, blood-
thtroty and nrntivlllzed.
The greed jury, however, refngrd
to take Judge Thompron's view of
the matter, and on the contrary they
brreight In the following report:
"At to the binning of the negro,
Rill Morrison. our invettigatii n sheave
thot It wee stone by the hetet olti-
iens of this moiety, 400 or r,00 In
nnmb,r. and tint they were wrought
np to It by the helmets crime
nommitlwl be the negro hrnte,
and tint they are beyond
tin reoh of the law. The men who
parttelpnttd In the bnrning were
among the beet cltlsene of the
°wintry'. have always been law-abid
Ing end nothing but an earnest de-
sire to protect those who are neer-
nit end dearest to then[. their
!coteries!,rle!coteries!,wives and daughters, would
move theto enm
ch ene.nre"
A. to the Balltown riot, the grand
prey reported that It oat entirely
the •nett 61' tea metros[ Meng-Ater,
it by the negro. Lott, whose rete
team erne the sister to the men.
Morrison. burned at the state.
le n
of isuAs.es, tad vattas frole year to
" apeaking approximately, what
would It amount to T"
"1 cannot say."
"The mock in 1b• company you
eel le not for sale. The 1,000 Metres
bequeathed by Mr. Massey will then
reain In the Itaeaey-Harris Com-
pany, and the saruluge will be ap-
portioned among the societies men-
tionsd in the will? Is that right, Mr.
" No," replied Mr, Jones; "that lm-
prearkon is erroneous. I lave not
noun the previsions of the will, but
the 1,000 share,, will remain in the
Mated company for a time only, and
/win then be sold, and the proceeds
handed over, together with the
amount earned by the stock."
What Mach Witt i ee.'i e.
Rrttmating the abater in the Ha.
my-Hearnmy-HearnCompany par value, the
beque'te to charitable, educational
and religious lustltutlous are as fol
Victoria University. 1'.5,000.
Methodist Church Misaloeary Soci-
ety, 120,000•
Central Metbodiet Church $10,000
!Weapons' work • 10.000.
Methodtet Obureh Superannuation
Fund. 15,000.
Walter Massey scholarships, Vic-
toria University, $5,000.
Ontario Agriculturist College, 18.000.
Employees of Massey -Harris Com-
pany, Limited, 15,000.
Sick Children's Hospital $5,000.
Boston Unneretty 15,000.
City charities $3,000.
The estate will yield about 150.
000 to the Province under the Bute
canton Duties Aet.
New York, Deo. 7. -Giovanna Re-
mit, anti DomenMtu Peron were
found dead In bed In their boarding
house to -day. They had been kill-
ed hy eseaphy; ihuwinating gas
Aurelio Beetle and Oeeppe Frac-
chea were overcome by the gas and
were taken to a heepital In a er11I-
oat eoaditlon.
Into a Canyon at the Fraser
River, B. C.
1 tie A.•eidrut (',used bye (tock-Mllde
Engineer and Firemen Instant I)
Klllyd - Took Plunge st the
" Drv11'• Playground "-Bedles of
Velme7ef_ Dec. 9. -Three hun-
dred and"tlllsty feet sheer down Into
the foaaleg torrent that forcer its
way theaegh the sharp -cut canyon
of the Fraser, after the town of Ly t
tan, was the awful plunge taken this
moritl.ag by a Canadian Pacific wert-
hound freight. The track bad been midden by a len elide, and In the
dark hour that precedes the dawn
the train had headed straight IoW
the chasm, where a safe track had
lien not many minute* before. Rap
pity, though remarkably, the train
war broken la 11.. plunge, the latter th
portion remaining on e rails pin-
eal by well tailag debris, plocaing the
nlyd-tctton In a Isarrvrw cut, and thus
conductor and brakeman saved their
Ili- etc
Engineer Randall and Fireman m
Pottruf(, of course, et instant death,
falling with their locomotive Into the
gulf that swallowed up the train.
lk,th were married men, and had
their home at North Bend, whence
Dame the flirt news of the fatality.
°Mein! AE count.
The official statement lensed this
Gown, by the railway authorities,
stated that the 111 -fated train.
which was an extra freight, In
charge of Conductor Harris, struck
the rock slide at 5.15, at quite the
widest part of the whole mountain where the train crawls, fly -
like, along the side of frowning pre-
cipitos cliffs, at whose feet ,the
Tawney River ebbs its way through 'Wastes astes of forbidding rocks.
The canyon begins melee miles above,
Jute paining Drynoek. As the rail-
way leaves the Thompson River, the
gorge rapidly narrows and deepens,
the walls of the cliffs on the oppo-
site sale forming a high escapement
through a break In which the peaks
of the ranges are '1elble.
At the "Devil's Playground."
Jt below Lytton. where theca-
tastroplie occurs, the canyon wid-
ens slightly to admit the Framer's
main trlbotary corning from the
north between great mountain
ridges, the place being locally
known as the "Devil's Playground."
Here it was that the locomotive,
hitting the masa of rock, not into
the citrons* searrying with it the five
foremost cars. Thousands of tons
of steel and heavy timber disappear-
ed In a twinkling, and In an teat/Intlater were the toys of grinding
rock and whirling water.. The
brakeman had walked back to the
caboose from the engine but ten
Whitten previous, and with the con-
ductor was providentially protected
by the 0.111 tantbling rock nipping
the train hi did -section.
The regular freight had permed the
spot lege than two hours before,while
the section patrol had been over and
toned ail sate Within an hour pre-
vious. The weather was clear and
frosty, and to this Is charged the
slide which caused the dbearter.
When the air le cool in these local -
Wee the rock cracks, and the track
being the only obstruction for any
part of the munntaln separating it-
self from the parent body, It mutt re-
eely• the deposit.
t'Ictln, ' poodles Reeoyered.
W'relking gangs am now at work,
and It is expected that traffic may flit
resumed within twelve hours..
Roth victim. of the occident have
home. at North Bend, the divl.lon
point. Randall all but met death n
yred vtr or so age near Rpataum, end
WAY brought hark to life chiefly
through the partite' attention of his
wife. Pottrnff formerly resided In this
city, and had been bot three week&
wedded. Both bottle. have horn re -
(mewed, horribly tnotifttel.
Dix, the New Whet.' n, W eeetng-
ton, emhetzler, hat again been re
mended In until m.
The numm
number of hammer Melt In To
mote this year an far Is 560 to
gather with a new large apartment
dwtww Their ens(, 1'neineling that of
t.h s eeart laser hoarse bas been neer
i I17 Of. 400 004
And Stops in the Middle
Waiting Room.
of Taylor, the erre oonaln, reported
that he overheard Mark* make them.
The Taylor* are the wealthteet
faintly In Weetmor'land county, and
the rlwutlng hall enured a aeuratioa.
Later -Herb rt I'farks,who shot and
killed W. 1'. Taylor, Jun.. and Willie
and bully wounded J. Q. Miff
ut t)akvale last night, left Freder-
rentericksburg tole morning at 10 o'oluck
for New York, tie we* uecompauled
„.by his brother, Ernest Marks, and his
brother -In-law, who a a lawyer.
Stiff Is still in the Emergency Hos-
pital In Washington, and his life is
hanging by a thread. A heroic oper-
ation will be performed to -morrow If
he laves through the night. His bro-
ther, Dr. Stift, of Richmond, is with
A statement made by Miss Rona
Taylor exonerates Marks completely.
Crazy Convict ![,capes to a Root end
tor burn. Howie Genies the DM -
veva -Serious Rlot. by Rludrnt. at
Louvals, Belgium.
Fraukfort, Deo. 10.-A large par
the headroom railway station
clnctr bore was wrecked tits mo
ing by the Orient express, the
brake, 01 which (Mimi to work.
train d*oi v.d into the station at
epee.[, Jumped the platform and ca
to a mtaudetill In tee middle of
waiting room, against the debris
a atone wall. A few of the peteeeng
were baldly bruised, but none was f
ally injured. The people about
station and In the waiting room h
remarkable escapes.
The 1 urklsh Mutiny.
New York, Dec. 10, -The Constanti-
nople correspondent of tho Loud
Timer says the garrison at Alec
which has nut beau paid for a lu
whsle, has mutinied. Ag It rem
Yukon Misters Vitag Away Metal
Costlier Time (cold.
Vancouver, B. C., Dec. )0.-C a
Hurter, Dominion Government Metal-
lurgist, of Vancouver, la respuuetble
t of for the statement that among the
pro- minion of dollars in Yukou gold
brought to him for purchase by the
ta- Oovornutent lige Beano was an abun-
a4-, dance of platinum. unknown to the
The mtnere. Hundreds of little nuggets
full of platinum were mixed with the
me ' °earro gold. Mr. Hurter, In an In -
the tervlew, gave it as his opinion that
ill the minors of the Yukon were throw -
lag away thousands of dollars' worth
of platinum daily. Hie representa-
at- time have reached the Dondnion
the Government, olio are sending an ex -
ad pert to the Klondike to Investigate.
Mr. Hurter says that platinum Is
heavier than gold, and eeoapes no-
tice by sinking to the bottom of the
riffle as heavy dust or tiny nuggets.
ou Thus the mtnere are deny throwing
la the priceless stuff away at every
money to pay the troops there was
runt from Cunrtuutinuple un Wel-
nerdny. 1lunured. of Turkish women
pensioners gathered oil Wuuue.day In
Attu prw;tuctr of the Porte, weeping,
rhrtekmug and demanding their Wee
Ti,,, t,rund 17zier dispersed them by
telling them they wuutd forfeit their
ominous II they did not (tease their
A Cressy Ilan's Act.
London, Deo. 10.-A convict at the
Pvxtievele Yri.un tws1u %assuaged to
elude the warden oar estaWuhed a
sure of a fort ouabroi on toe roof of
the 4trtltatI..u, au, for toe last thirty
hours oar darted all attempts to el/ -
lodge elm. Thousands of spectators
aro watching the slow and aiding
We prisoner by timely warnings of
the movements of air would be cap-
tors. Ladder* placed against the welt
aro promptly turowu down by the
occupant of the roof, whose reckless
movemeutr and wild laughter at tee
futile effort* of the warders are
thought to indicate insanity. The fu-
gitive has collected a large pile of
Antes, which he gleefully throws at
the head* of the officials who at-
tempt to sate the wall by meanie of
ladders until they are forced to re-
treat. At noon he was rtUl holding
the officials at bay.
Tbo convict eventually way nerved
Otto eubtdesion. He surrendered this
afternoon after defeating all at--
im by force. He
weere to aUurod lodge
finally to the ground by
tho offer of a dish of roast beef`
and pots toe..
Klt.ting In Belgium.
Brussels, Dec. 10. -There has been
moment rioting during leo past week
among the students of Louvain, In
Brabant. Yesterday these disorders
became serious. The student., emaeb-
ed the wtntbwe of bustnee• enlist)
lbrhmenta and In cited passers-bv.
They were charged and dl: perse.1 by
the police, and several students
were wounded and arrested.
Young Man in Self Defence
Shoots Four Regulators.
Washington, Dec. 10. -Two men are
dead, one is dying, and another, sup-
posed to be seriously wounded, le
missing, as a result last alight of an
attempt of the hour men, with an-
other, to punleh Herbert Marks, it
New York lawyer, for au alleged W-
indt to Miss Rose Taylor, too seven-
teen -year-old daughter of Dr. Tho -
Mee L. Taylor, of N'eetmorelaud
moiety, Ve.
W. P. Taylor was shot in the heart,
William Hef(lla was idiot In the sto-
mach, and diet In the huwldtal, and
J. Q. Stiff was shot through the neck
and paralysed from the head down,
alinde miis ssidynging. Goorgeman. W. Thompson 1s
The house is at Cedar Hill Farm,
a few maim from Oak Grove, Va. Wil-
liam lfefflin and J. Q. Stiff were
brought to the Emergency Hospital
here for treatment. Those who ao-
oumpaniel the wounded men sale
that Marks lnsnitntl Rose Taylor test
Sunday evening while elle was re-
turning (nom church at Oak Orove.
Five young men of the neighbor-
hood went to Marks house last night
to panel/ him for the Insult offered
to the girl. She bed Informed her
parent& and the news spread tike
wadlire. [thea the young men at-
tempted to enter the Peruse Mark.
opened fire upon them with a re-
volver. Tile fleet shot killed Taylor.
J. Q. Stiff was shot through the neck
and William Hsieh] received a ball
in the etemach. The attacking party
hastily withdrew.
11 fllln and Stiff were Immediately
started tor Waenkigton with the hope
of saving their lives through proper
meek"' attention. Ilefflln died this
evening shortly after reachieg the
Emergency 'teepee,. The Will that
passel through Stiffer neck shat
tered the amble! column, and the aloe•
hors Mtve little hope for hie recovery.
George Thompson, another mem
her of the party, has been meeting
Amen the occurrence, 111. friends be
Il've tent he wa• wounded, and, be-
errming delirious, wnnderr'd to the
wand* around Colonial Benoh, only
a few miles from the scene of the
Following the *hooting a deter
mined effort to nrrett Marke oat
made hy the Rherif(. Barricaded In
hie hrroee, Marko tontword to the
Sherif( that he thought the men who
attacked ht. Mots* wore hnrglars: Hr
Mem told the Rherlff that he wnutc
kill nny nee who attempted to en-
ter the fnrmh.nite, Mark. later war
rendered Ur) the eheelff mad www
tnkr„ to the enenty sent and niter
an examination to -dry was acquit-
It le rrettortotf that he has left for
bit home In New Tort.
He denied that he made any tee
ismitrr remark. to Miro Taylor. The
alleged remark* were Mea At a
church entertainment, eel a trilled
Chicago Anarchists Openly
Applaud Him.
1t Will Go Dlreelly to the Grand .fury
- Itouiiut is Br - marriage of it
('uuplr Who Were Divorced 40
'Veers Ago.
ChlCairo, Dna 6. -President McKin-
ley'e assarain was cheered publicly
In Chicago Ia.t night. Abraham
Haag._ the leader .of the "Beds" 1n
tlili Otty and editor o1 Free Society.
declared openly he could nut condemn
the assassin's act. 11e said that
as to personal merit he took second
place to Cwlgo14.s. The confor.ion
of Iaaa.k was accompanied by it scene
of tete:l,eo excitement. it war the
climax of the doliate on Soclail,m
vr. Anarchy, and caste molten the
audience of over LOOU had been
aroused thoroughly by old oratori-
cal denunchationse
"Hurrah for Cxolgoti," shouted a
man In the gallery, swinging his bat
above him head. Hiesee, Jeers. yeller
of applause and oat calls camo from
all parts of the house. Tete crowd
rose to Its feet and a riot was only
averted by the prompt action of the
Nurse Toppliu'• Corn
Rareestable, Mau, Dee. 10.- The
grand Jury of the Superior Court of
tiarnertable County came together
Ude forenoon to consider evidence
aga(r►*t Jane Tappan. Although the
accusal woman Liam been In the low-
er o,urt three times prepared to
answer the charge of having caused
the death of Man. Mary E. Gibbs, of
Gttnumet by te,ieening Tart Aug-
ust, on ench occasion a postpone-
ment has been granted and finally
the district attorney decided to
present the evklone to the grand
Jury direct.
Chief Jurtice Mason of the Super-
ior Court preekfed.
A It••tnantic MMarriage,
Valparaiso, Ind., Dec. 10. -The mar-
riage of J111111 M. Cturrier, of Valpar-
aiso, to Miss Laura M. Morse, of Chi-
cago. marks tide cloeo of an unusual
romance. The groom is an old and
prominent resident of this city, and
was dlvoreed from bit bride of to-
day mere than forty year's ago. He
In 70 year. old, elle 1. 72. Both have
grown children from marriage. tub-
eequent to their separation from
emelt other. -- -
WJIhe!mina's - Aide -de -Camp
Put in His Oar
Ameteednm. Dec. 9. -in spite of of-
flclal dentals, investigation. show
there In wubstnntial k,uneation for
the etory of a duel having been
fought between I'rinee Henry of the
Netherlands, hu.baad of gateau W11-
h'tmhie, and Major Van Tete, the
Queen's olds -.Ie -camp.
Itnppenrx that at a flintier at fret
Loo Her MnJetty wan hurt by nine
Inattention on the part or the Primo',
and .puke to him sharply. Prince
Henry retorted offlciouely, where-
rPnardinga Van Tets made the Impropriety n of remark
Prince consort's conduct. A quarrel
followed between the aide-de-camp
end the Prince, and a duel with
swords was fought rifler dinner. Van
Teti was wenn led. lin ha. since been
removed to Utrecht, to be operated
luereentnl Remelt of London Sur-
geon's Experiments.
London, Dee. 0.- The Burgeon In
the Retltgnn dnpartmant of the Lon-
don Skin Hiwpltel writes to the
prime that his experience with the
X ray. In case* of cancer of the
ince line bean elmiier to (hat of
Dr. ilutchins', o,i Atlantn. Ile firmly
bollen., 1n tits treatment, and ie
eclnvtiveed, atter emitting tt tar a
year to a variety of canoe that It
Oonitltntee the mors powerfni
agent toe the otlre of Cancer.
Canadians Will Have a Very
Extensive Kit.
Mariners WDI Base r Chance to Dis-
pose of 'Their Animals - Urltlsk
Liberals to Hume ( vuvertion o■
the War-Hubtuu.e to ewe Kitch-
ener and Milner.
Ottawa, Deo. t/.- The Canadian
Mounted Rifled are to be concentrated
at Halifax and but at Ottawa.
The Mounted Itlfies are to be taken
to South Africa un en Imperial trans-
port. A private message received in
Ottawa to -day conveyed the intel-
ligence that the tram ort Roslyn
Castle, returning from Cape Town
to England, had been intercepted at
Cape Verde and ordered to proceed
to Halifax without delay.
The kit which will be furnished to
the Mounted 1141es will be a some-
what exteaelve one, as the following
supplies have ioeen ordered by the
department : Horse blankets, great-
coat.., bunt/oder., kat bags, nose bags,
wade boots, brusher of all kinds, but-
ton mucks, binocular*, (laid service
cape, g,oves, and belt., dubbing,
drawers, frocks of tartan serge,
flied drerring, knives, forks, and
neon*, humane, housewives, pony
hate, spur., rezone head ropes, field
roper, :meting roper, canvas, obtuse
rlwuger, putteor, picket keg pegs,
rb.4tr, rock., saddlery, towel., huot-
picker., Itamlkerchiet., haversacks,
Jeremy s, camp kett,er, bootlace.,
weep knives, tfa mugs, forage nets,
trousers, clrcuar toots, waterproof
Sweets, etc,
Honing seems to have been
omitted by Col. Macdonald In drawing
up tie art. The badges fur the
tlwukler strapr will °amebt amply
of tho word ' Canada. Col. Evans'
choice. Thu other badge. will be it
emelt maple loaf for the oo,lar, and
a large one for the hat. Signaling
apparatue will also be tak.a along.
Prrnbas/ug Ilorses.
Toronto, Dec. 9, -Its, Walter iilar-
land Smith, of Toronto, wbo Is par-
cka.ing for the British Owernment
the (1(10 horses to be used by the
Canadian troops now being raised
for service in south Africa, says that
satisfactory progress ie being made.
In addelen to the putFhaaer made
at the repository on Adelaide street
west, he ear buying agent's in near-
ly every ouunty In the Province, the
desire being tr. gee the farmers
anti breeder. In every dietrlct a
chance to sell. While the majority of
the purses will be bought In On-
tario, he is oonaldertng the advis-
ability of buying two oar loads fMm
the Northwest with the Intention cid
lostituting a fair comparison with
tee bermes of this Province. Onoe
Landed In South Africa the western
horse. might shape very well, and
glee a.* much satisfaction at the
others. Mr. Nmlth does not antici-
pate the eflghtest difficulty In ob-
taining the required number of horses
and chipping them according to
agreement before the end of Decem-
ber. In spite of the fact that 11,000
to 12,000 horses have already been
bought In and shipped from this Pro-
vince. he estimates that there are
about 800,000 bootee to Ontario, and
the range of eelectlon ie therefore
still wide. Mr. Smith believes that
after the curse of the South Afri-
can campaign the Province will atilt
continue to supply tunny horse. to
the British army, and, as farmer•
and breeders are now pretty well
acquainted with the standard re-
qutrett, the trade will develop on a
satisfactory basis.
1.lherala and the War.
London, Deo. 9. -An attempt will be
made at herby to construct a Liberal
platform that wilt be acceptable to
the whole 141 that section of the na-
tion that cherlrhes the Weals of Mr.
Glndatune, The Liberal rtrateglste
see what they regard at an excellent
opportunity to outflank the Bovero-
ment on the South African question
by a vigorous forwent movement on
the 111MMb of Slr Ilenry Campbell-Ban-
nermnn'e recent speeches. They say
that ?dr Chamberlaires unconditional
enrrender of the idea to which the
Cabinet rlgudly adheres has not satis-
fied the country's conception of what
might be done. Clrcumetanees offer
the Opposition the fleet real chance
of policy-making they havo had
since the outbreak of the war. Nir
Henry Campbell -Bannerman advo-
cates the Immedlate announcement of.
definite pence tertos, the admission
of the Boers to the. Idmpire on the
Canadian baso, within a specifletl
perlo tl after the caseation of hostil-
ities, the restoration of cote:Mo-
tional government at the Cape, the
nbrogatlon of the potley of oonfleca-
tton and perpetual baelehment, the
taking of,promppt steps to correct tea
evils of the coneentrntlnn comps, and
the general substitution of reason
and conciliation for violence and vin-
To Rod the War•
Loddon, Dee. 9. -The Daily News
claims to hare good authority Dor
saying, nntwlthatandhng statements
to the contrary, that the Oovern-
ment It engaged In another informal
attempt to negotiate with the Boers
for the ending of the war.
Lord llobhou.e to Rae Kltrhener.
London, Dec. 9. -Lord Hohhoe.e,
the uncle of Mies 11obhou.e who Me-
lted Booth Africa and made some
sharp comments on the conditions In
the concentration camps, and who
wax deported on her recent return
to South Africa, has placed the case
of lite agree In the land's of eolleitor..
It It Intended to bring en action
a(tnhnet Lord Kitchener, Lord le /nor
and other,' onnnectee with Mtxt Hob-
hnnate'* detention and removal.
Tits will raise the a natltutlnnnl
gneettnn of how far it Rrttlyh enhp•et
can he deprived of liberty by martial
American capitntists are siamining
the pynitnfernns lends In Deeland,
with the view of pert -homing or lose -
leg them from the Government.
French (leery, barrl.ter, of Wind -
ser, bee been appointed Deputy Clerk
of the Crown, Clerk of the Onenty
Court, mad Rtglstrar of the Sorra-
write Court of F,asez, in alaee of the
Trask tate M. Maroon,