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^�-- -- r -I pretea.loams of lbs otan himself, the ,fes l� than of Ili me I HIBflLY COMMENDED REVOLVINO DININU TABLE.( ISSUE NO. 50, 1901
f(trrforeuce of Iter stePmoth■r, and 1ortane And U tiny m,strrrt ertotlun I r
per posior Gtlher's ready uoyplert•eat's deserves ties name of onstle, Crao- Commiss oner P.00res'e Ntory of • - �'"`
d ell ,sic-Jlyf that 1, wait
moon styli, war that !daces Built In the'rityi AT PARIS. i ties p•• lit Krnturky. KICK
d1l or ru d. 9 11. du, war tun much rlyIl. of tIle twcl(tli century. with t
rf n grail.woijuLn to teal early at e:treful regwrd to every lXocullahat fyrll IServtoe t'.,mmlesloner 1'eueter
n A NG
what it W o,•eurreI; to whWh setters- of the arel iltccIuro of that - I Irl telling a ucw 41II&Y• ,.•Whoa 1 W*" I alt
tion nn tntrure though un. at.
kuuw- perlosid. and back"d by a I litute Gevi,.grt for Keutuuky" he
ludue.l Jealousy of thio eoovorration noble pluntath,n. It stood Witt! A Canadian Praduct Which Wins l
lkt Witt •h was lis inK carr) d uu by the snout anal drawbrida i, on the brow I Muth Fafne at the Great atl'r, ''u►iJ wits lr ivvl.lug In the' Kick a dog and he bites you.
• ���� group upon 1,1141 ut►tum311. 10,110 It« of ou+s of the hl hart "adulation's Of --^ d_tU uliW u( the ety Of lust of the
rharh o: eacltrmeut-+•:cltemrnt the auxeses trowolug down spun the � ta►pualtiun ul IgOJ. ' tlwtu wltu 1,t p.t,tcy of prurlrtuturr
-47�� which w f Lova Pr'Ibmen I.
ru•1ed in rndlinl vullvy wullia d anal lhu Ater I i fr..w Wtv tvr►, Iva r:uypod •41, u He bites you and you kick hiin.
LrkrA, hind nut her reverlu been 1,n- vvhleh 'ran rippling thrungh Its wit itis wuuntuiu h u�u nate enc
�yT ' terra Le,I b the a,uud of been Ill -
which IAIt the- frown of Crcimirluewx, I his , gal NntrrrA a. m4 l.ahlblt eresan(i. 1, w.,e a ,l a rp•tilrl•y lvvlt- The more you kick the more
'/ P Y I Ilodil'sKiduryll,trt•rnl'hoedth«Ir tag y. •c' !.wt Ulu stat wears tUo
U , which foauseed her into the baa- Ilk, lila frowu of one pretelnlinb to t ,eturle. Ansu,tX lhr VI•Iwr. to the
Cony. b r angry, was but u mate-Urlleve, (roof e'apltrt - I(rtururrl a„rdlre fumhy, )e.Ww cuog ;aid B u:l, %.'go %ey he bites and the inure lie bit,,.,;
oma..-��w I At that sound I,ady F.th,•1'r un- fur 1,h•, hates itself was furuhshod In t uruatle.euner I Win a 1,r• anus,, }a- lucre r Lraly wit -up, bur v%.'go tits
ehet tears uhalatvad to fall. and thft u light, uxrdoru styles, :tad the lop- pr.iruce. wily it. .0 lit e,g•lt and fru 11fu tv
arms winch reeled on the W:n•'OW-Hill pro.tch to It lily thruugh u b_autl- luso u. Jay w:u ween lwksuQ lot u tilt: n101"e y04 kick. Each
Conimeiwool to trefroksle; for ttu• glrl tui (!awes-gut•tlen. Torouto, Ua•. L'. -I. -)Ir. J. big Uitts.wcut, ant 1 wuut•d to
knew intuit!+fly Hutt the presence G. Jor,Au,•, ant uV .C.+uuua'r Cuwadi- im-Liv till' -1111 u,.u►tur"ble over 111d tut- makes the Other worse.
hwe- h s:ow rtouJ treal.tr tier was All the gresuul IsdJr the matt was r.uuurr w tliu Narvr LAP,aritmahit o.a1(ortublr ruuga country. so I
_ nut tof (•Martel lk,aa
iubrntge. dodicAted to flowers :ed 11111410th -u
oth- retrawl to Itis huuso at 4103 Crtw- Lal.! tuI uutwJ uwnrr u1iJ rxuoteAl I A thin bodymakes thin
".11ont 1 A!me"'• W&i,l the rotes rh«v,us flow,,. the especial proporty I furl strcwt, tIltr coy, +►41.1 b fu•luf JAM lurltativu w uslgut '1'1113 U-1130
�''�_•_ � „A.,�pp�q„A„as of thou M.rqule d.+ Lacarr,te, of ]I[re. EltinDri.lRa; unJ the faces' lulers.tUlg rlur.or u[ We eaputlatee w1.! tau houses whet ceur purl nod blood. Thin blood makes 1
sj■ 's` TT`i` 'i`A. after a mr>nu-tit's pause. which were to be do,"I'v cern there Jualug Isla stay' In France• r.wph, ail uJ the toueutrl.l.ler d.-
_--- ' _--- '+ " Lady }a NPI C.trr must have were siaAing and contented as the I Hu wall luspr.isbcd w•tii the super- vel„1N.d wtvr.
1 ,unr•tntng very pl wwtnt t, m••litatu vall,•y they Qasod oa. { lu.,.y u. t,o.,.e t.aa,a-Ia 41 wu.0 ..1,u "wputi 1"Taw to flapper- we ub- thin body. Lach makes the
u{.... to pr, ter her own anuptny to }lar, if ba coin! taolP 1t, Mr. B••alt- i a.u.aj ..1...• ►..•, yen-•u_t.. u, law wu.h. stew! tlwl w ills lrid.Lj of the ki,-
- t 9 n + ! l„• wornl,ll, of Ler udmerous lad• bring + allowed no one abo it hila to l.T"J unug i.u.a �u...wa sane 0 u..ed sf mu Ulnar eft al wrgu t-rail-utxk, 0 other worse. If there is OI11
THS CARL DAUUTER rulrert• u ha tirvY avow' w+J wit sou w b wuc 4,rr a,naslar affair, tai tau dL(crrul J,hat �+
ppy ; viol leo was to L-i0`l a 1,l vv u ch ,u 1, u +waw ttrral• 1,l '!hint
Bis.: Lar:' war the enitnstic rrplc' u'a n. aMl co falthfnl a Christian, u,a.a' 4ala.RLr at.rur uu tunes C to be a change the hcl) must
811•• Is mill!Enttug un the tweet- "r•.uw)," Millar wt*o wvrr wur.uy. 1►irt vl 11, wsW uh rlgut, uuu the w,ly fi 1
with a temper ro wynto li s- W 1,t% him fault that l huJ to Aud wl,h th,i
nava+ of flair Gfe nn•1 tb" loco we boar that It war difficult to Ilse• with Lisa M''• .lue..luu teta.ril•, � purl-!nava +► flan • uu tau uutfJt tour that the •
II -___--__,-_ ._--- - _ I i+ aur ri ightx>r«, anti the truth and n1x1 out carob the iu0.ct1o0 of DIr w"r° ra)" o4_uat•u t.',wo.,•ua auJ l• come from outside.
y•�� yy j I -unset „f whist the w•exkl calif gar- nus !r sit haat at l4x►A• uta to the r::unutrJ 411 the m1.1Jle'uI the table
*C **+***t�4l4`O'd�**#**+*46*`p'* r rl•:y!y ire cwt +inch lh oKhts our- �ntlly rpirtt. iu.;t u"a wa•,o in 1'ur.r hu Was ln'errut,+u my r•.lull arY t4ir,-'Ir- Scott's Lluulsioitis the right
Ih l of to mak-• -we smamorell of eo:I- ( He was a universal philaill .alwt, a,.ry latwo Ltue.itea by the u.0 IjOjTittig, o.ap %% however, rank into
"But. don't you rons,idor fwr Just CHAPTER III. els Ir, awn*!stir ,•• exorcising benevolence ui a the's of that great U,aaa..laa was, a)v..ub hulLlsgoc.,,i vth.at mr b rt .achuul hcl . It breaks up such a
a little too stout for ber)uty I" in- : - I.Ady Ethel, 6avi19 ae•c ptnl the Monsieur pulinl a pastil ,n f:uwrr little ways which were never made J,l.tue,, 1'•.lr, Il.r wvrr, was %u,y try- lr.t411, 'luau ala Mr. 1'11 that Y t It p
qulred his listener. dubiously; and o1k,►r which (Mails! BAtabrt4g+ of- f cm If, at;•m nn -1 ant n -thing Ho pnbl;c, ep"tsd:ag fur more of Ids „yes wan mane ar.olt do,olandr uulail r,,V o theoiltotal! a wIlrt that sent it combination. First it sets the
far d hor, felt very awOumfurtable at had is•arct-1ea ,cc:ed U, ree;lve r, wealth oa tits relief of his fellow- lwu.oti anal utr..agt4, but Lu says: ruvu. an,ihg oil ice axis u1, n tclri till)
thea he soil thut•he Lad ocerrtep Ilam close vicinity earnest an )Answer to Ilia 111.3 qu^r- i orwit,trcues thrus on his uvvu cumforta; •-uurlu,C my slay W Paris lluund runt' aur wad, the me, who
stomach right. Then II elf
the houudi of m &king hime,•11 11--r br art war still leaving with tion. %ylt, n hr rep;i-*1 he teem id to nu,l never thankimig (filial au forvently D,xa•,'W r+;•uu..'y 1'i.,r ila,:,lual,lc, ru- gentleman ural to ma, sant, woe
! pearts•tly 'tageee.cblo, Kul Joc•liug I L-K!IXUatk>n At the thought that Ilia Larw-gruwn ryarne.4 tree. I for tau good tortuut ho' hAd Meat him, d•r%iug Blukaclso I.trlauc•y ulal lou- null.) ru a gravy
[lar 1, he grac clock. riches the blood. That
to carry esti tire di cuNNion any fur- py-,um d to arl,lre to tier luted, or 1 wannr►t allow th"re V so much 1,w when it had been the we.ans of lar- 1_;' t„p aly system geoutrady.• 4dett u1, gravy un the ►uouud dere,
tlipr. Meanwhile the nablrset -4 Hutt her fmtls'r whould encourngo ata fault to M+ 1•ruHl w•tu the wottel theria• religion or :alleviatln- 41111- a,.,. sit nhul0ai Vases l'astadiays tur.reet aha dish xlg,"I shy ii,tu uthrr strengthens the body and 11,
Qb-•ir rm,Fks bud gnln,d the (otter rWlenloun an }lea; anct rah'' wan d.• a C " p:,arutQ uLahes, uu4 at tIl,+ H. -w•• thus
den rt,troom. ; termlra•'d to any noUJnR tleat run}1 fLnrcl lasts Ethel.
rplM a tri>rr*miles before you reacht Cran- el
lrrthief wustrYtt�r auoteiri,idywlit
raft tar gnivy shouting about in nil begins to grow new flesh.
' .t cloud, mingled with nu ex re 1 r4,L. 11'Jr1tl• li mi, 1,J f r resin u1, of
Pr 'nether 1,h•• M,t4>n that he was In wrong's W, Slave been chatting
sent! tthnw Cantle, you drove thruuQts pro- !the wunA Da,s seer boon ru quickly thou okn4 uuJ •,mo of oar aunt.. A strong body makes TiCh
sl,•i of coistempt, pas" user her any way agreeable to tier. 1•t+lghing ,og thar, not making cur
filet• an she Rurveyal the group And so she contioned to lift be fore t,rived a eeaLVe, and-.. I P,'rty jil" log holt, a tool Mr. !lain- rlAct' A x cul given a furemurt "fn old nut tad the mutter. Lift oh
niton t - j►r�!gq__tax>r s;u.Al care otters idWu1J plac,s among ka.owu Curntivee allblood and rich blood I11dkeS-a
M fere en ng we n � coo of men char ec1_ with tUe iii a -_ ..---
i br noo want wttlJa ,CilWi;klliFfs:-'TU''I)btka'r-_1KiMWY. eels-'WIWmver itr---
qulckly to one 41J. all thuagh to t1f•11 atratne, while he gnsml tit her Pat friasnles" she Interrupted him, 1 u>relij . the . trroutu n nit wary- strongb/� - dC�1 m3TC5 the
avoti the bight ,>< It, aha ran nwdly Lhnt the was about 1,h•• ,,Aly rrmraUi!ng land- t(OIUCaI. g., round, rcuc:n,l out for u few u1, y
y1, from ube' thinking "whew In reality ►hwe I.c nut one sant Li ti car parts who refusal to I 97th. eaperleace of Mr. Jurdine Wilit the Ttu)u!e scudtnR unto . Ish in tap other better. This is the wav
straight upon it trill, dark mals: auo es•r all this was en lead. and he had of u1 who onr"r n straw fur the wel- sµ -•Opt the new haya•utting mail reap- ' Ikx1lu'r hidney Pi.ls in Parse. Liao cel the utl►cr rna w:lkiug a general
who wan frardai; against .lire wvtll at mll++ D:•tween himself an -1 his parr• of the oth,•r." C remind of lite Pntiro alias. Th: chil- Scott'sLmukion puts the thin
au,l contemplating her with grave P 1,R mihrei .all tautly a the mire ho lame of ruuao of thio icatrrt medl-
D f:-.1'11 ,the Drttcr. Bat at Inst he •• fky ycvr ihlt.k lin T' hg enld, in n � uo•m threw .0 many {,Wr [rich• who cal w e•ntlstX, Is significant. llrc•mi who had etuoA at our elbows r
earne,tness. v•. Anrrd to bend down to wpenk to low vast •• it 1 might ,Iwoik-1 row *1
, u',1 flail crtih• borLwas expressly to He as cwt a'asue Ili lewy
a unJOY- with ,ta.,ojwn to -laNow tat the start, body On its feet. Ow It Call
Ile started, seized a chair, 'and hrr, for people were ehatti"K to- vouch that there It one, at lets!, [L•ul work at Harvest time, out of went; of th,r bc,:aefite of this real
stamlaedngly ads �1 her if all" wolli•l g„lher on all aides, an I the-i!1•nce whore wbtrle heart-w•ho.e rvor h••;1, C ci the m^nl, u, n shut off Into the r
most take It; while Las1y Ethel, y tngrip'mwat. I tertelC, for many other of itte ac. et aloe b itself. No need
b•twren them had h,come opprol- -lou contrast In His vrightrc►r." qualnt'suces were using tlw- Rame 'taus carfare, cut lits ou lid wrilac n g }
mcarr.ly knowing what to answer- s„ -almost rpmarknb!-r. Hies tie hbor war silent. Her Au.l r►r laborers Wert better iwakl, oti their id, g• pin our huge of 1,h- (SCS - UE Inc.medic
atrcpt.J toe pruttereJ tuurlt•:y. 4x I cross and cattle b••tter kept' tna.l •fn• , ainr>rr them the Secretary al uqt laud, gr.ielri,,g nu edge of the,ML
ihwll yas b• at thin opera to -mor- Gee was still tttrved from him, for than on the !arm at Crnualiawa t to the Canadian .Commission. Mr. roectiving a o)nJ d,•.'k. [wetly much This picture repre•rnta
weN1 [fund hrrss9f the minnlr u1,-. lin• n1Qbt. hnAr Ethyl ?" ahs had sot ch.tngat bar first PG- lint there were penalties (or what AW. Pupult. wlrt Is an sathudastic as ytrl would a buzz raw, rxolaalmtd: , the Trade Ala,k of tin„ties
ter I" JJustis at .I of n seat, tit Ilio Ea rke41 her hea4 all htly as Ilia ala -,al ; but a Inlet rose before her , be -lever in Dooki'r Kidney little. •' •Nihon, wh,)a, toll sasses title mrd,
hark of which 111-3 seetr the R roma p olds would Coes Ver snehl tit- _ -�- I f
y :cies track her ear, bat rhe autower- -'yes which made this 'stars rhe t:aatt•.I 1,b„ those gey„I things. No 1 thw 11 n new Anbly, +sad tau it the I Eatu4ton and is on the
man of wlian rL« hail e1n,k• ,, with : w,
tllaut. as17 appearaote of Vassal at loot fit and iud .tinct;
tae's morn-Cotonet Sats_Uttd�e. Vas is,•r boort Leat 1,0 rnphtly that �a wtu, drank or Iur•x1 his wifto.I Water Two lull" Uerp. I Rrrt thine 1 trIta to ret her grin4l a tappet dererybattle.
tai now. at ►!10 alt of lir - low ax wnv a tinbbatli br vaWer. was M If thin surface of the globe wire a:r+a I east xs l [•vet tier tau mu.4 lar
yam' , "I aal tit sure O,sr enQaCw- rhe coalcl coral ire u-u,l atoll -m- talq•d at wart m t'rnn,hnwy . wqd perc ctl usnJ water w.wlJ curer It rt littlest Ori the strut. Easy (as hr oats Ssai for fee sample.
say readersof with deeto til l t mutt' toeuts at )rawest depend sou much p''1 lour thn,ha• This was the mu- Dy, the ,resents rule, Mr. Bembridge t t1w )depthtl.AWLY Net tiro thing lit e:ow•ly re- s SCOTT k BUW4E,
dreutr n few Iltia+ to the noti;rcY a lit .11.• had leen waft ug for for vm,i v"ry Particular about the be• two mdcr. Tutve, ngwril. The I,fea, rentltmen.
tl.ia gentlemoen, who wNl Platy no YP, papa- we, k.. that she hail watche.i, as
m,•nn putt In the otos whac4 cul- I ^� Oi3 doa Is.brtter. I trntt!' teawkrr of Ne se events ctrl the mem- I to tO blxr yo time„be nccw ye elm, TORONTO CANADA
Iso 7 li wvrr, recede esus! uyyru;u r lop- b•rr of tt1• awn family. Tth;v hall Y�atd's Ltulutent Curer Gorget In aye,! yu o.tn't mw3 rho first shut,'
to Ws. ! "Yes, int Is better: of all erects, preach and noe,lo, until hope de-
Vocaeas IIalnbr ,•very a ansfort to Mt luxury whl: b they Cows. - ••Morose the all -al war user we had Sec and jr. druggists.
(dices a meso nI L no worse ' fare„ IoW made her id_kpn with
thief}, but cue of the young -•et cot "TLP eartsoa's fart drawing; to fts and 1,y; wrxt mow, that it halvvme, r'vtrilrel, oral In all inM,crnt ams .e- gottms et+r1 t„ the tooPhtrlc thing, ---
or:rle In ttr• errclee of nrllllrry, wan Cl-;-- 3114 town 'll ba n"arty empty. Nhe telt all thuugh she ouuid nod m,nLr Liu- matter or 1,h,• httusP task A l'u,u'. tlueer I/Valory. !oral pytd coir til•: fat of the mvuutnln, _ _
ti,,, o•il,v cldld of a very w-•aithy BIT- I "'TP01"•• t;Pxt Wl. k. It th'rro :any Lo,►r to remain stilt nod listen. But It t1w•Prful and rrntiy part: tsar he. There Is a lxopri,tor of n p,'>(m- form." -.dew York ttttn-- - -__-- 1 ilea wleubw'. Rostbns 1, lI.e.ap .Lown .
sans merit strle.L with ro-spoet to their a tar cafe in a downtown eroA4 `eat" be used (a .kl:dreg f•ething. h «.ori,-.
mlrlgham manufacturer, who. flaw- . c'Gt:ic.: O! air men it yea on the v.•t she Icwn•.1 tooa-tier wh,l.• , `-"--- tie child..dt•u• use amus, earn, wind ,"14
Slag ;unaana! a fnlr� fortnae, haA tar c,rxrr this yehr!" frame alrtkag with notions emu- atteMtarter tit ehurrh nn.i prayers, rlrren who I,nsurJ, lar ch,e[hst , "d 4 the 6sel rera4dr far slaerks► Twmir -
maay �e:,r'H 1st refired from trade,1,,r1 • Ethel lifted h brown In se_ ami Ula tvay M which they mlw•et' lzranure o Wu.n and"butteraJ coin Ove erauabo-ties --_ -
p > tion, a d hrr lrwuUfuul Ince, Inrm
nil,] !Icon on an r•stato 4lliletr ht had .^.1,f, cto,1 aetoatshmen The man L1ntr Surulwys, rung 4, the ecNivrrtia• welch war struck from the mint in war aarwa of a bid Aare Or Olha
whi •h all traoP of pr.do ha,l (led. t one Lola maintamn l on that - I, RUIr FAIL N -TWO MILKS rltuM
purc11n►er1 over the border. woeli b> iaeA aQ tIt no Inca- turns,! up W the cold, pritrlunlau fl -me lbtir, says this \law )ark Mau and b; x(N1la►'3 LI)rIM6'QT. 1 rant^n -elws to
ranw•t� .ration.
Any. AMf hl« opinions „a th-so k co. The corn iot onlay a G:>- em,nt ♦ 1 got ef'v
Hit, sun, having @vino,, a atrong tatimi to Lir father's host a next, sales stwra nob 1,g he d:" ,eel (reel tw,L6 4ydney, C. R C. I' LAGft. i thein s re•r: hr der�br ek her swr� xl Lars.
amhitlon to serve Her MaTvty, Mr. c,r•-clad+-d.. Hey answer `,,was de:- Pr.•sently a hand came creeping Y• cr t pleas, tent It Its salts lit toy s'"
cosrWPrPd i{lmerlf , t�, guest a 1 relative alike,' I; a $-'5 cou.d not ba it. moil lh.. Vi menu -e olid windmill. two 1,h a..nd le
BrLibrldge bad lrv.•rewd with some asperity: Portly upon herr, a file and wb,te, which m3dn a c1, -!t to the, ovale to Y 1 waw o teal d local of voice pear, cherry and plum hr. •, alt bearteg ; v.
- jvsttflant In consent Ing tai►1s vsiMlis-e•-4 _-'-ljpt tfit we shnill b` tit tMow••1% rxrt eifrJR-nate Resod. on r,u vrly lr 11Ue. •--.._ nj-_}j�j$IYst-l.IitIXlr2tT. .._ ►lin.rs.yberrtati crrrwe,tr sadsruarLrrne•
and proud of seeing tits ahlW la a 1 - ill+ lel: b7 many as mmrwfMt et(a Wife the owner of cite Coln u- r lour aereaofferspe•. ell in bear .tote or calls
\!c •, I hope, this tins next week." which, even in the mtdrt of tier r«atralnt. At the same U CHAitLEi PLIJUMVR.
sltOn superior lit Isla own, had w^ titan ed hX tele shortly ort! after the ltvil vision: W4 awndw Iowa, and slat lusm; Mill
pprn "iLaru Jose sours rl.ltrtl keotlasnlT agltut on, "ter Cut/.1 nut help look- w,T,+ fou M1 a few (mn,t ,tin -rig Uirm l ) y Yarnkoath, sell latch or without r,,Atbals: Iorms sway for
forwnrdad Wes career by every meant .!Levo you ern tiles IAmtlPrm ors lug down w til foa.t adsu:res 1,s,,n• Kar he •hoe, u good lacrtsoa,asd quiet, .ale; po.acass a at cane.. For wni.
In Ids Trowel Perm^ Of the wB4Pst Anti mast acre- ! tlud fact. •tss rhd with Itis uwu lis or oils'. A Warner. bus hl Trenton
iKl:•".t th • h-+athwr V In bloom r' .td I very pre.uneptuuue T" whole- 1`000 Hf,l-1tm whom L'o'on, l BAInt>rI! i t g- i wage trml of fCClaUcn Rheuvtatiem
xL lirst _ -.1. 7aanuts Bainbridge lead 'ry�y1 p{ 1 oaanot the waryude, 1n whose English Ce . t•roue p r tuhty, brt>uZttt Dim a �t
TT � ; wI* �er�t1 to-ak Uomw with him to hlc futharm, by ]fl\ \RD'8 LIhIYEYT. _-- - _ -- --_- -_ -_
_ - not i inti R{ lft-il-i*odo-Ii'M-.Ii in T -' just sufficient of htr (fl4wrlauuQ ode, His bnsinr9ar>.rev►
aR ,era 1 have n • r haat Ilse slightest he re Lagerel house) wk> PAIm'rr•d the old mac. not B+trio, Nf1J. LEWIS 8. DUi'�.`R. ♦ OA¢R 1100T AVP tHe1C ollfltNlCtM
shy army, nal there were homer) deals 1,a orols Lilo border." native noroeut to maker the weals only for till enntim tits. trot 1,h- rigor 1f4' rapid y t it another cafe woe A tpl ont.ws•or ant*: .uxk .boat iN-•o a
w.c.9 ho. hall Iil.h, d h•-itrttly shpt Sat+ d-•llyored this loo enyNl that oiuiJ more carerdtiff than whca pro_.tel:k wblch h-• mwlntain-w1 th�•m. •opened by n ilial ognrcuy across ---____ twiaem itmrq- on =is.roo . rr•r. Adds.•/.
Le Csd mucase a more loom hl�eeeii- - tha street. new -comae • fin- ' aerstsseti".e► )tart• .tea Qtuwa /
pntiea It u a wrllAjrnnwn,fact stat j'aie a .t n tllgdr tnxr worthy to be \-
holy E:trl anawrrnf netts s vwn nm. y ru poltuc itq�rar+tftar ., piss! - -- - -
ennr ) cite w:wlijorn w tfadt tlAt wit«, himself first th^ir gain Tlpsasaa, ! '�;
nr-: 1, be found In tie- tw•st rshtl I m.l'rsl a long breath than by that Witt.rctlnre ►lee 1touW not bare c>( Ch" triaJa In u eel hill ...• •:. Gtnf on lAP Brain. 1)S)
who war w•htcxtt at Creush:,wa ex- 1,n Pxtrnorlinnry operation In a >
rwmr; rwd soft.- b•tanl It, nn•1 it lest• t1 Mr ala lob to iak:and ePp: far the •bnotloK Netsw and and that, what w aria it N:i•` (S ONTARIO SCHOOL
v,euir of 1,f.•• ga•rvin+, but it i• ,1�isr t tori 1,-Y, fcr It b'trny, 1 tit- in- .le hu*•rrnn 1,n, favorably lo- fh;l.twu. but, wth 1,l+ n-rurtumrl guipg to get It. Ili u., u:J was \ew York hospital r+centll wnrthe
as tndhtpvtahle• that they do not al- t,rwR wh(rrD the feaan,tfartnrPr•n son tP d Isar iAttinOe flint In no- d.stinctty defiant, a I the curter cuttlug through a m.au's alkali And
Ia.nerolrnrP. )f r. [Jrt'nDrllRe hwd of- flail Uresis p,rrdth,mr to b - is lord dared 1,c feel In wriest she thought, m matt 1,M' hind thrown hies divas- m, lis 1,N 1,h" rwtab:irh4 Cato Wal' the amusia(; of Wooi slut on the
d rosea and yelling Balnbru a -II- g , f•r«1 w tome lit the maulc•:e R1trr of rlt;ht kslu of lhi brulu. Hlr entire FOR BOYS.
I >g'' nMt It lar ai Der to say mart then d rm abwt i. r wwurt and LL. fritts anti !o hlr own url>I,an nlsas, gcJ tIlrir Lends w>Ivmu and staidperlmcu tta,t been nu ezrep;lov to shin IIItrttltlrvi. n hrr cbsrlY to Kat Arsl three two bad Ilr-d sa, lung at tha. LruuDlo was brew, right situ anal t• a were l,arnlyttKl.tbs rale: Jet !x had ontllred almost. ___!rhe last k I Lets 8e[ytl,uxJ, and buf "' ci 111meu1, pusbkooats Vv tea t1n> that the- ew cafe Two days mfttrr ttte rrim,tnl u1, the , HI hfleld - - Hamilton
Cranslfsaws (whish had been in the ' i<the retrrmbralice of Lt. Il. to the ecrrythlrtg coral. at4w1 wish rt," nv1 lheir" is more tfu►n one pernon war odx tied A esu vd of idl IBled slut Un• min caul 1 muvt hl.+ IPg, lbs ,
flat years of Ids mlatary enrrwr. thc-a, n,cwr of 1,h rxtrrmP nsAPnewr powasnlon of its prrr•nt owner fcx poach and waited teal ware• rut rtw Frndual left h1m ase!Ito-nlRhi whin arcroa a lir raw thinsacra tl{wrt twrntr yi>nrel an t .Lore P 7 f Rl'ORY sand nUL1CR['R\' m•r, on
them hind tw-en f+nlml riptrlte conrwe .,t fwr lip ••rho Nl;- saltiest, "You mart flru welfn ell the other," ars! hrs•ome Hong to happen. Thiry we. nut Inst to be rocowerul was the f,weethee•aff. Oom, Fnav,•u.aad ■ugentlemanly enovgrl to taunt forgive• say pinin tip eking, Cblun-I Ihes r -rig hnvwaat anti clotted wMf Mane rt and parcel of the homily d: cty{xotntrsl, 1; In the m.JJ of of ech, which wan n matter u1, l W
eq •=nlar•nt hn'IAinr rth• home of
Dim LI a covert allusluu to the call- Balnbrldgca; but the truth_1i111_ t ■(ye's, swtmmfnfg fp tomrs, told the ill,- awrnllg in strolled tku _ ell- drays, and was out p,rf••etly accost- th. Into rten.t^r Tarns,, and "ever,)
,Q .- M:sb Lrtt•in Lloyd ttx•tter known - f across nC b.aut.bo jr,,and. +•-,loading
tog of fide father, that tissue had "Yea,' softly need Llua he bit Ida 'trwtlL MOIitoe'ar Jt Margair was ,and t trmr from ncrnNa the ate_ I. tlahnt at Incl accounts. Mit the
pa+sed awmy, anti, at the present lips hArf and plaid M> more. correct. ae .runt Lf ti utast the might cwt end throwing n dttnlo starter o D I lothe topo(the founato.
mone•wt, there was not w(1 officer in M-vaawhUJ she ant, red with orfv teal liPrss:f deputed w rWtor, oft ,1,l- ¢ C 4 ti rgr ec bard no Doubt of tib en- Yplend ul koro for tu, fro r-.
tLs le:lgtli lar berrtdth d F.n¢Inn f who Ar b>uH eLamn and tannin, h rRrlf vie My' went oa' early, w►th til-• bar. ha ark.d hie sisal to hero tiro recovery. -' --
all a lover'■ fervor• ' wayay only that 'ways b o eltoin s share of her .ometlung to drink. 1,+o tha tura tunly for vrwpeMu. to the Haan
w.rikl not hnvr been proud to Nhnks inti*Ic, w:al'. she, won•1ern1 how she rhtrYN Mrs.
I'k-•ephtQ, nal the ,:hidco MureR )
Kt•4,111r1 snake her snap• from him, you base @watt my lora, that you ,;o alta Mn. ilaggli, gI the love of wood,. while lb.: crowd gay •) ami algin REWARD $100. J. If. L'ULLIVSI►V, M.A , >
Oolon•I Mlnbrklge by the hnnA, not derlrfsr• 1,t, that yon aOm-•tim-•r wtxld. rr,1 who would slrikc Ili,,. VV VV REWARD, IV v 4D
And this oda o had nut b•"n
of f:-: the c-nmd sr mgr! to Lnrraf" In, t>ioinoinR 1111;gin Headerw,n, sale► Tk realer+es/ till. weer will M p1•aA.d to x.41 Capin Mabemaele.l li.baiar ((
n6 t!ttnt of me and my a[f•ct n low not !law own n, fast b.ow. But no blow• wr•rn `S
fasted bar any lavish dlaplay car In- Ft(ad or Q -.114h, nail th y w,•rP 11 m unworthy of you n' eJtl;ti of thrill) among
w br m l r rtruck. Oa the contrary, during the iia n v.+t there is wt le• -t one drw.d.ddl.ea.e -,f Vic ell ' Couair casarsag.. 2
rain! Lt by n throng of sdlt'n skirts Victor, can yew -lit t It T ) afternoon the aware of the new that all rnnr b.+ been ahlr to carr n all Its
tT;neD'ition of tdetly asis anyefabalt�rnh titved )ad"; n,pluog-- ycxt IBC^ It, As you Ilvr ,,ire mvrmnreet n•prrowhfu ly , aad pet tine! darling u1, the h, usehr,IJ. The Cala tuck the aura^ coon which hl+ or. •, euaiy {w itis aro m1�!tkno"arts ' t t
1 fliers," ant went oil. l>re• flu+n hr 1,r at rinwn, nal Intl q Iles Want+ vt.l with rack other w'hlch rival lead u«,d Ill the nyoratuz, nn J, tbeaa.dl• frtiternity. Csurri,t••in■amn•,1 ! --_.___ -_ .. ___
Is -lin wroaght solely by himself arid Hla,ulol Walt On and c lexis t11-ir It .ce
r•ctly firltrlg Lhwt she must itw tlm flreR kiss which she lis Wit,king across the riser! lreataxl 'a,+rm.ldi s.ellsrutnarem+t rurinoalrrewt
bin b havlor. way O1, the meet, wb:le Maggie r•eturnoalm -tit H it O llNi h Care 1. utku, lnlernwl L,
I tr►et, 9Rtomns Bsinb:ldga was n ivy p>enPtttttg D7 ce+lvhl from any man except In turn' TURKEYS
apology: tett i have, never Leen n•PA latirgr. Uitlr affection with eels the warmth all tug dine upas lin. bhsd and inurna.
gentleman; and when turd Cleviwlon Tit(- of"atlon was repeated the nir(.re-of,br yavm thereby de"c rot ng fns
onBsA him so ha only pat:! m natnrnt to this Lxyntry, ymr Her . i 11awP !louse! . Anil their ws■ n :Onw pamsn of n very geoutnc heart. next day, ami ev,-ry d:ry -for foa"dnt on • f t d1 --ii . awl wivine the pa•
Ili] my -i ltP In n town and have nn' twr••n 1,D m. wldlr tr„•y st+ant lock- Aunt Itrt 1,y trO.ut'eel that .tin Lf►d thirty years. Mrauttm'• Lite piers. tir�t.trea■th by nihtins plh•oone,;tut n
tr:hits, to his mind nn1 m,nonrn. fnitcy for trees.. aril Rrnee, rind nil e1 togeth-r, and looktne in Paoli wtructel titre In drawing, mu,L:, of mon,y grew worn and aids and Alid&A hating Net h. el•Inghewo,k The
willob Ittt who knew the men wgnld that Kort car thing flow Inton+Ply other's cyrs. rTfirl French, w11le Mrs. Bain- the twp men grew worn nod old. powr sip.iihey o r0na Hundr.lcrtidLror I ANTED
haws been rendv to acknowledge Jne. For It has Twv nmP IIerP : Th••sP win_ Det 411, hall re.arved to is reelf
LItt13 b1 little, wltlxrat a►yuy for- 11 ' My drvrltnX"' communo"d ttr• mar• 1,h,, Arwrtb,n or her a too. At last till- proprietor of the for anyra•ethatit/ loco.. �iendfm!lest
general a Lica- u(,s•tl•nonlal•. We will ply you U cptif• per
down one s^Wer les , f. n t,Ilel i' ani! Dslw Irror4ntfy . tart at that mo- newel oafe die.!, and the Other us mind fur 1•Irck.d Park e, lame
Waal pushing or eager desire for In- w1!teont fnrLDrr prpLter, ,Ile At w• !rl m-•rit tb••rr waw n .latDln rx mmn ion tlKrn, atW mn 1 s her a gurJ Iw u•e lav dlulef nxwrner at 61s funeral. I A+dew. F J. cHE. .V t c'o., Toledo• O. p 3
trtrduotlor to those above Llai. he (,um her rent. anti ci mm3 tics! to 1r aM1 n••e lie�mman. ttr' - o'd I,y druyri,t.. or antra lot@. we buy lin klo,1.
N montf Ifrg oaewpaAtN of 'h" draw- And when it warp Alt uv -w hat part - of Poultry. Me pay frelmhr ."it
hart ■cantly Werke ills way upward ntgP her wny toward the other "nes 1,.ig room . and F.thnL Casing timid- itj Arv!ere;y f, cad.no card the• battered quarter in •t enfa .void check or asonee order nes
In society until he not only enrrtal of thin apartment. wom n iva•f fro ere:y im!ag:nn 1 that. RCtT FARM FOR as,_ O,.g Or TH
.y from live wheltor of hrr lower w .ince and vowel never to part with finest In 1,h. Nle wow ►•snlosutw, at •cos as we receive lite Poultn.
won of high birth back with him each Colon^t Bn:nrari-'gP Iorlted rifler her arms. wntciwvl the crowd R!re wayrra,hif the tirol they haf all the lip- L
your to sand the shouting season at In troubint mlirnce. At n^ ,this IImP quhfta, eafabillty of Imparting G, It tills rid a of the linty erpornllls9 wa" lillmoern� n nn is of Thl.laou tinofniss,,
sp to perrrall tie- entraaor of Dr. Chat , him from on,' who had been troth r* bA>M17R1. L. LEWIS IG r (► ,
Cranshaws, brit, what in far more i,%- woul.l hits" sprung forward to mera who n red d-•dr„un or grain- til b rni,ioeiveol the tn•arrnwtbn they heal wowiy pees hen. wIs Heol Ir one pan rt or
worth 1,r! not P, foamid hinnself D rSrv7ate hor onlpr+ cx accoml,any tier pP a I Ltv•m.wlvP4 rwcelvwL-wNc!i idea had fur rival and hila friend, d1vM@dlabntsnflSro lq a•w ec .alt Commission alrrrhra a,
7 ing the far-+Pner of her stepmother. i trees) rRri,ngthaned b7 Mr Caln par
widoome IfJri►rt at their Lanes In re- nr�o Ps the r.«•m : ten' at til^ present 1 JOS&Ih Ikf. ie w Wedded L.•Nnn A00VA Loadou, 1,)m.
Olt. hnwb I" she said In her prior_ I Jeamw (erpraur, P. Q !saes Pea. trona
tarn, and On the v1siting-114t of ranch loom •nt heaww� l fining th-1 her as pope br)IRP'n effete expressed d1A1ikP to Mlnard'e Liniment Ceras Distemper. OasaeM
lwtulers of fmahhon as the F.trl and Jwei b -en etfrr.tpd t' avaolt hit U,>w Prise, "what can D� the reneun that boarding sidiools,for yottnig lmilea. _i`_ - _ __--
lir. Cbaihn,•re tins b•P:e sent for at and th'4r own elf aellnatfon to In -1
Ocri stir■ of Clevedon.
Awl he www too UP. rot n o
hor. Si hr rPmainwi hPnln,l in -he
[Ilia time of night y My father meet
t-nshx,e a wtrwnarar low govPrn"* to
Conversational Don'ts
el••nrl" to 1114 Runt ant mother, Anti
Not 11, b not to bi supposed that
Ocelot I3 o n tdRa carnal any ithaktb,
Mimi. Ixxltl,.n or rise hast found films,
"loo, no." hr nnawerPil. aoothlfiRly.
family (feel-. If there had been .
fwr, tri• more ■ to ehrate, Lt„
alrl y
Above all, 1,h nut try to erform the
fnulb ntUrrs vvilile ctstvcrehaJi
ring T.aht.•s aar"mtla Ir-rlsetea lirret v It,
nbrit him by which It might b • ro -
but mn h n sw a�'v hvtrt.
11f"a.nwhilr l.a'y Eh --I gained b•e
"there la no ehnnoe of that. Rthgle .
argiud, It wsml.l be, different, sand
hits, of
with th-•:m by c,vtYt r^•narkw. If
n m'arnlr♦ In not rv.nfluing the girl's
oogalswl tlhtt Ile war not of artrto-
o('lect In raeAldng atmulwtest. an,1
1,•t and once hear yo•t may that ,res
th. ►r dut rhwpa, to ri«ture the•
y P•
you do title yon will b000me, a worse I
orntlo bath; on the contrary, him
lonsmeri mit ,4 the drawing-rm,m Intr>
rrtlern my love I"
lncunvrnl,•'ce ; Mut Little itn
bare than Al. 1,D •others lN,t t, Rr.b r.
"elrs"' lint an wpp^rtl to Mr. Pain -
was n far finer looking man than
Ilk wldP bnla,ny ene:•wwl with Ri-tNn,
"111+-a•eR; ynai knew 1 do," Phe ut- !
rl ' sural Gtr txwl•tq of Aunt T,Ptt
D,a't try to give Aly digs Its c"nvir-
, many of the sprigs of nobility by
Use windowm of . whit -!i haul hen
tarPrl. hnrrlally, nw ■h" di-ongn4«d
and Aunt LCsel,• eombinel tanst b^
-sattiu{. Titles in rAng to atamp you
^ Tint nerompliahed enough !" he
wham hr was eurrcrr.sfed; nod him
tJrrowvt open to PAmit the Pvpnlnr;
h,r"lf from hiss clasp; "bit, Vic-
s11f:►-'1^tit to shake hrr acronlpli*hmi
ns pr ivIncird, and what -son think In
manm•ra, tho,igh rather grave ,loud
tale. It was a lovely WgI l th- dntk
tor. dearoet, let the go Neel Dr.
a• It was nerpmeary ah- should ill.
cl-vr•r r-,pisrtee 14a,mntimes only tm-
I•Pnrl anti wrtrP. Amit new, nml what
■il •ut, were eg«ral to the best of them.
blu^ runs, 4r was stuc'.d^4 with stars,
C'hnlm-•rs Ir leading Leafy Cipve•Inn
Acrcr,3-tgly "1.1:tf • Mn9¢1n," having
b'•eu through tdir routine of morn-
Iwrtinence, and nev you get older It
chi unusual hr•Jght _ and bulk ami
b1`orlaiKl Iito n Miler from Usti lm+lutn
ash Lyre ItRbt br"ze, which Kcwrcnly
slirr,-c1 the li tse'on ff,nvrrs trained
train the room. I nm r,^rtaln that
PeemP harm line happened to my
1^.Q i-Nmesna wDrn an^ frit so ittormsArt.
will rleyeW�► Into w.nfrneM O_i_spee011,
Det over npulo�e for I. ing+ Ibat
IrwNrre nnrl i ad111MIA Ifo Vinery to ArP
I` sa.i, bert ath wWJi he had passe]
neain«f the rrtsement IliPw rP-
and rz^nvwl the Ramr- whenever she
you have mate nn error In. kemem-
ervaral yitirs cd service. the Lrs.tthy
frratlingly npon her hpate,l face
Plh^ darted from him m she spot,.
ft"Irr*I Lo fl4h In th' river ,w rid•
bear It anal avuld the fault In tbP
utvx ntnmliint-+e1 blvcnl wJHCh h • had
,ln 1 nark. Asir p1en•A troth her
enrryts>: h•r f1 uh,vt fee. nn'l twat-
her pony. rx nrrompany hrr noel•
tunnel the farm, www at ely[htern
+i� derlr.cl from a r"., to :vi ich Ilex+try
wall uaknown, not wj ,t it@.•1f In Ilia
rrmq ttf•on the w!Mlow-14111 and
Leanest n+ fwr we «hr
(;sl -•yaw nil marks for comm,nt nil
y"are of age ahhat as unaronoultUh-
Dant Lemma anything. .itlmt bear
1t and look out for the next time.
1 1nwcalir_ xmbA._t,Uc1x. h-•tir attdheard.
�itr}� wM1P aon"thing --trey--oltkw w
tlrrmiRh tfin crowoL•A rmm�: art no
oesictaymi her vs am.eew, cur vested the
`�1 a 6Lri an IL was possible to f1nA
In her 0MVI n of it►w•
Try to tell tilt truth-1acuuvrrentiun.
(j' Arid ft6• wl►1t - teeth. ilim ryca, n -it
lit•Re, Mit searching• were of a dark
soh romp In her thr„At.
rthol Carr was angry -Mit mors
a -mann of tier vinible Merin.
Bte ride ami flesh. anA
it very had no h si fie have rich
nrut, b4mem nor haw t r have witch
brown; hie nose wits prumin tit; amf
with the force of o''m.erriatanoes
For the Ih�ot alae wniah walk!
w ?term wpfRw,l ling
hind the
ark nvpllv)rt
ft n mart tine! walk nvPr the m,nrm
n good memory.
ata munth (edtli(A-Rh them IattPr f n-
thwn beraelr. Win knew ehP hAd
ill it hr iRll thei
heed, utile rhes s,rial it wl'a(eolnes
,aslant: but liar knowledge
Don't tntk nb•sat Yourself tit All and
in-" Vent ernsp-,ml wt " n hravy erwwi-i-
ts•:hp) clean eat nn -1 drrt(ded As 1-,
alvoken rAdAY to n QVintintitav WhO
�vi'nksrnf fnNl Fart of Clove- -
nfwa vr•r,v iming nrrl nhP And no Id,•n
saw tittle nes' Ifniwible About your hnR-
bslir 1, ehildrm nnA ser -
i Ili, elutraetrr, If title tales to to tPll
hwA anv Pr glvrn liar the sllahtert
enuow M ofF•uce, unloss n allent and
,Icoi's henrt complaint hind reach -Id
ni' prcw,I,.(. nR Fr••nnh. ,x tit fln¢rr-
your y4sir
anytdirw It "my hn Ifft to rl-kit
for St,glf.
sesprret[ul ndtrrifatAn curuhf Tw Ip-
Itw rlimnx, anal ills nit^minnt+ ha -1
f mad Mm M LTR chiFT brat 1^ft him
Ing n i•1 c, of clamAn,tl mnrto: ah•,ve
tit!. Rhe Dart OPyPr mit In what I4
Da't talk sh6p of any sort. Don't
terprrtss1 as aucta list idle did not
In hie nrm-
talk about your lar your bills.
Mara • tier own pridn tie the reai►nn.
-D"nepf.illy repowtng
ao,xl acelety, and hoe very
Ilun't talk abint t`bel faultw of olh, r
SOZODONT for 1,h• TEETH 25e
1+1rr ronadd,,,-1 hor t.hwvtor hand
(Men fun:eKl talx>n her by the ntrannl
Phnir-bit nevpr to wrskr agnin thin
mile of the grnvg.
minty noth,nA nr til- ways miss MA n-
n„rs of file fashlonahlp wnrhi were
Dat folk tan ahrit clothow.
derived from file remarks •h,+ Oros-
na an
AvoM.prrwtrLnlitlea and efltlrlsst■ tit
____.__ - ____
atonally hearo fall frcvn Ib- title of
your noy•inintanene flielther meat
-- Cmnwiww ('aw1K or Cirnnmltnws, as hrr rousin n r• I f t
flaw art t f M Minh r6lR, was r ,m n a r atm you Rn ntamt llko a clOttwpirntor, -_,_-__.- -_-
w , o r
Rrweerwfly ea1L•d, wan mltaatwl on tlig
Once or twice colonel Ralnbri,tirm
final rnmm-n'Pd on \ingg`P'« dnfi-
working ,your eytbroww and giving
-- - -
yonttlwl, moorst w little north of thn
el••nrl" to 1114 Runt ant mother, Anti
the hnprr+gl in that yah fire, a mina
of Procrit Inform„tlna. Don't, over-
CURSE OF th.tnaseforliquorann be removed prrtarnrntl� 413
cw„inty of Ro urRh
Thw noucellat rlrsh,a wrP navally
than the two ircwst rrentnrre !iwA
lo,•k d at one another, and roan.
mnnlcnrp )•tins hnncM and )et t�air
m•innrxw gel rr,gRnl tit the Page r
ring T.aht.•s aar"mtla Ir-rlsetea lirret v It,
Auplwraed to iw dlwmwtlefb•d wllh any-
mrnral to fr•Ar that th y land made
Alr,vr nil, d(ni't be any of t►terae k(pd
rc+amen ti prlI}} ��rr••et eralwd, Are nA atA fA
DRINK iv.t iK ;Rk, .w,tsr.tra1oc1pno"Ndw •r•r "%1'A SECRETLY
thing to reAkin In nmler w castle or
n m'arnlr♦ In not rv.nfluing the girl's
of burgs.
R1CtlCU 4�O.. I rdan street Tomato. out.
n ecwet . hint It w,an riot th, fault
Witentken to rnmA time m,we rom-
of Me RainbrlARo thast lila pawns-
I,etpnt to con,1not It than them-
__ _ ___._
Ndnn bore that lAgh rwenmfing name,
"elrs"' lint an wpp^rtl to Mr. Pain -
for it lead nellit" tw•pn built nor
hr1,ig,• tnrarl•shl,r most with th,, enmP
Itapllged by hlatwrlf.
reply. I
Ile 1,t.. t.cowled.
id, land boi4rc It wA It P,no-1 velth
^ Tint nerompliahed enough !" he
Ism many hnndre,la of Pd},inln¢ merest,
hind hrw-n than
wn,ol•I PtclAtm "Tell Th,•mwm to
' Hearing n fnlnt re+tle In the dark
nn4 nnzlO,t,e at to
mlMl hl. own hit. lnPs+. TDA ehil,i film
till, the Plicer ,-lstpr, ripponlog tl,e
alter IG pretenttfA►n titla. MiL find-
I•Pnrl anti wrtrP. Amit new, nml what
.voting man hail wm^ IPnned over the
Ing thwt the pinog was ton well
nwrr, wmll,l yai hnvo? We hnvp M,
hilustrnnle Anil called out:
krw,wn Ip Acimll of seruh a ehnnfte,
n,•cr1 fo- French (x O"mAn on fit•
, Rill, Renate, have, yon landed
Xufferrwt tt to r,•rrxttn as lip fnrnmr
owner hnrl 1, rt to For We Miss-
IrwNrre nnrl i ad111MIA Ifo Vinery to ArP
him T,.
'Bern wa+ w deep to nlehrwl a11PneP
hrtlRe wises In till fid y1,+ n ayr,af hnm-
M"Rgi" mlcinq In the rvri•ty wh •ro
Ur•y fire neeied I,et no toe
for Paw^ moments. it wnn broken by
-- - -
i btP nnif r,•ttring fusion. d,mirnnw of
1 M+•htnq aures than to at"I'd
onnt nt
wl'ri th- atnifon of IIfP In whish
(;al IIAr
Aho hPaltntIvig. constralned voice of
all. ro,rng Min:
CURSE OF th.tnaseforliquorann be removed prrtarnrntl� 413
fatbttrt: r, Arai pato f of no!h
plrtrPd Ila, the girl will sin
Bho halt ! '-EmhanRP
ring T.aht.•s aar"mtla Ir-rlsetea lirret v It,
chitty there. or i am much m r 1
rc+amen ti prlI}} ��rr••et eralwd, Are nA atA fA
DRINK iv.t iK ;Rk, .w,tsr.tra1oc1pno"Ndw •r•r "%1'A SECRETLY
SOtLJDO1i Tooth Powder 25a
ITh ha nr.ettn"rl .
1(tnard's i.ivintent (^prem M thariw
R1CtlCU 4�O.. I rdan street Tomato. out.