HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1901-12-12, Page 5THE SIGNAL : GODERICII ONTARIO. W. Acheson & Son Fur Jackets, Coats, Collarettes, Muffs, .etc. OUR Astrachan Lamb Ladies' Coats for this season are of exceptionally fine and silky skins. Placing our order for thein last March we have secured a more than ordi- nary first choice. We guarantee every Lamb Jacket in our stock this season to give satisfaction, and all are cut in the best style. SPACIAL ASTRACHAN LAMB JACKETS, 27 and 30 limbs' loos at 0 36 Mabee leap( at 26.00 ASTRACHAN LAMB CAPES, intro long and full sweep, fu- more' main lined, at @peal.I .. , .14.00 MOUNTAIN BEAR CAPt*B, fall sweep Sad farmer' ends lined . 6.73 MEN'S AUSTRALIAN GOON GOATS. inlay size, 36 to 44, and well make, sad la sppearano. al- most .Real to Canadian Coo., speol.l •t 13.00 SEWN w•LLUBY FUK GOAT**, a great cholas and t t n every s se at Ii..00 to 17.00 MEN'S CALF COATS, mads el rich black .kion and reoommsnd- ed for treat warranted ac from 19.00 t0 23.00 INSPECTION INVITED. W. Acheson & Son. HURON COUNTY COUNCIL. ■berth of the metet•ber .esetea, t'.selad- .4 Mas W/ Womb. The county mu0ool met o0 Tbsrsday put- eosin useoan► to adjournment All the members wore present and the Warden was In the .6. r As application from the Heroes Poultry As tornados ler • grant was seat to the oleo. eutl.• oommlttos. A letter from the treasurer reopeotlog his securities glees to the oouoty wet »!erred to the mot mmmittm. Sheriff Reynolds asked the council to put in • telephone at the restdmae of R. Hen- derson. turnkey at the jail. Referred to county property committee ('oubty Commrottooer Ansley la 615 report stated that all the contracts awarded during the present year had been eatisl•otorlly campl.Ial. 10 compaoy web several per- eons ereons from Harm .od L.mbtun, he had ex- amb•d the Aux Swabia Rtrer st the boaad- sryef the counties of Huron snd Middle/at, and he was of the *pintos that • bridge should be erected there, and that the thyee monies' should oontrtbute to the ones. A good wooden bridge, nesting about $1.500, wool) be *ethane,. With the weary clerk, savored oouoolllon and others be had e xamined the proposed bridge site Memorise Colborne and 0 ier.ob tow..hlp.. Ta.y measured the stream and •z•mtned t6• looaliiy b mom• went and found 1t would ✓ equire • bridge about 360 feet long. 20 toot high and 16 feet wide -three spom. of 120 loot mob. loolodine tee anproacb.., the cast woad be about 49 000 '16.r• were two wooden bridges which should be re- pl•oed chetah the camlog year. One was culled the Stanley bridge. situated abut a mile and • It.lf west of Clinton over the Hayfield River Thl• bridge mould be of ea. atom, 110 ioot lour, and 16 fest wide, en seamrele abutments. The other bridge wee slu►ted over the north branch of the Mattland River between Upper •0d Lowor Ain/barn Trois bridge Mould be .1 ors. rpt*, 140 feet Ieng, with a roadway .bat... fess wide sad • sidewalk six feet wide. Both of these brtdyes should be o1 Steel, o0 mocrese abatm.otr. The oomml..lo.er re porton is detail the orders welob le had is - mod sista bis Joos report, amoestleg 1a all to 42,861 97. The lamest •atoeots were $137 60 to Daniel Gompbell for rebuilding t6. Chamber brtdere on the boundary Harm and Brum mumu.. (Hurea's halt of amt); 1650 to Frank Outtertdgs for neon voting s.d erecting tiro abutments for the Mitobell bridge on the boundary of Tan berry sad H•wlok ; $165.76 te P. Amens for lumber delivered as the Brussels bring•; $315 m %h. H•milt•o Br dg. Co for tweet - tog he superstructure el the Mitobell bridge on the b.osdary of Tarnberry sad Boyish ; 1271 70 to the Stratford Bridge Co. ler erSUor a steel bridge on the boundary of Howlok sad Wallace) (Heron eeuaty's hal/ of amt); $390 to Frank Got. amides S Huron Sooty'. mbar* 01 the .est of erecting two abutment' for • bridge en *6. bsaoduy el Rework and Wallsoa A deputation was beard la support of the selooi mentor' from H.lgrer. ; ales a defe- g•tlen opposed to said petluen. Dr, R hasty withdrew hie •ppllmtien for the position of fail surg.or. Th. sp..lai °immense recommended In favor of the °hammer of tho financial year of the house of refuge to end with I).00mb.r jet Ieeroad of January /et. .o that the re pert of the lo..it.tlee SNIT he pl.osd before 16. maned at the December mashie. to reforms. to the potatoes rowdier the boner guarding .f r•Ilw•y oreesto&5, oto the mmmist** r.00mm.oded that the Warders and clerk be InetruoIed to sifts the petition and forward 1► to the Huse e1 Commons. Tbo report was adopted. T6n hoses of refuge oommlttee spored that they had mat twin shoe the Jane ... Woe. On September 1206 they Ind vl.lted 16. beans and made a thorough lssspwtle0 sad toned everything satisfactory. As d lr.oted by the 000noil, they had porobaaed an organ from the Bell Organ Co. for $56, just one hall the cash prise of illsm lutea mina, Oa December 3-d they scala met and examined t6. 'Lamaist., earl found than the *0101 •roans for the year to date of &edit was $3,302 97. A number of remm. 00.01.66.p os minor matters were mad.. Tb. ropers was •doped. The repent of the anomie oommitte• re- .•rdleg • logo n.mber of 50000.1. was pared. Messrs Mltobell ud Alla. addressed *8. taoso111. the interest .f the Poultry .4.- ---_---_ -' lSlatlo.. vatDAT. The members wore all press•/ exoopt Mr. Bowman. who was eailed away on amount el stakeouts in his family. An application from A MaN•bb, pool. debt of the Welton pablfa library. for the meal &rust was sent to the •xeoue's Isom Mem, The edncutl.a c.mmit►.e reoommended the appelntmmt of the followleg arbldeers to •djsdle•te In the formation of • new w heel motion comprising parte of the town- ships of Morris and Kut Wawanesh : H. R. H eston, of Raster ; W. 8. MoKsroh.r, et Weenier ; and Immo Itrritta, of Varna. The report was adopted. 1•M mmmlttoo is mennm6lo0 with the balding of the new jell reeldeem reported that the bedding was pr•otlmlly wmpleted at the em..petaed In the contract, name- ly, the 15th day .f 0.1.6.,. The .oetreet with Buchanan' fk braes was I.r $2,800. the eeatr•oten reo.lvle& la •ddlelen the stone In the walls, whites the mmml6tee Mad so14 to the motraeten for $200, makla /h. ewe* .t the b.bldl.g rally 43,000, There wee sell doe the oentrsot•rs the nm of $562, aside, the oentrwl, and in eddltlen Mere were extra amounting to $49.35. There wet • ded,otloe for prime labor of r N0, Imv.or 4603 fib due to the wnlr.e- --.-.: Mr.. Elected° Bahia had been plotted la the 'all ting .s • met tri 111.50. R. Shuman had he....gaged to ..pert••end Ma above work *6 • met of $57, and 4A was du the S.aitse) for sever.) .enmmltaHen. with Mee. 'Tore wee saes* pointing t• has dose wee dm wig walls h tee early erecta, amid a sum @elholen* to sever thls work would be rotated est e1 the noes payable be 6he miatniettere. Tb• report wee adopted. Moved by Mr. Millar, se000ded by Mr. Heys, th•* Mr. Ansley, our englo..r, be u etruot•d b Lava the proper ootloes •galumt furious driving property placed oa our musty bridges, and hers the law raiment to this carried out, Referred to road sad bride. Smmittee. A supplementary report of the Bosom cammittee wee pawed. The .xwatlys o°mmlttae r000mmeuded s grant of $26 to the Huron Poultry Awooia- tien for the year 1902 They had examined lour applimtlooe for the posittob of jail . arseon and believed each of the applicants was qualified .o fill the po.ttlea No melon was recommended rein ding the request of A. A. Doaps fora threw months' limns. as auctioneer. It was rmommeoded that the treasurer's requites regardiog hes seoorltlse be granted ; that the county pay for ,b• maintename of llorenoe Kelly in St. John's Industrial Homo and tbat of Abe Brae to Victoria lndustnal Home ; sod 16.1 100 t onal ,rant. of 816 be made to the Welton pubho library for 1902. The report wee ps..d. The oounty property oommlttee reported that they bad visited the new jvileee reel. dittos Sed foued the building oocopled by *6. jailer and hie family and .ppareotly well .011.1 for t6• purpose. it was recon mended chat the applloetton for • telephone •t the residence of Turnkey Henderson be deferred to the Januar, amnion The oom- mltte. had examin'I the recutry office and found everything in good order. The courthouse also had been . .mired and forted to be w.11 oared for. The report was adopted. A forge delegation wetted oe the se.notl Se Iry the erection of • bridge syr the Msttland River betwe,o the townships of Gelb -woe and Uoderloh, and the following gentlemen sddrwsed the mental la favor of .sob sell..: M•..n. Johns, Burns, Jewell, Laithwaite., Beck, Holmes, M.P.. and Hill A tote was token o0 the appobatmeMI of • jail surgeon to soeoeed the late Dr. G. C. Shannon Dr Taylor reoeived the •p. pelatmeat. The nod sod bridge committee adyleed that the reoommeodatloe •1 the oniony .a• ginger regordine the W10gh.m and Stanley bridges be adopted and that tenders for the same be asked for and laid before he ooun- o i1 at the January .trios. Heprdler the A.z Sauble bridge un the boundary of Mid- dleton and Lambtoe, the committee ad 'lead that the report of the engineer he mmpted and that 6• be lnstrooted te report to the councils of Lropton and Middlesex. The oommlttee arftleed that the etat0te ngsrdtbg furious driving ever Monty bridges be seaweed. It wer recommended also that ►h. proposed bride* between the towseh(p. o1 Colborne and liodertob be bails ea oondi'ion that the townships make the roads sod t6• apprmohee a1 their own e x posee. The report was pawed •xoept the last Glasse, regarding lbs proposed new bridge between Colborne and Ooderlob townships. This olo.e was strook oat and the matter Laid over until the omit Juno nswloa, when ahs munoll may dolt the tomalley at which itis Proposed to build the bridge. Tbe following bylaws were road three times and pawed : No. 6, to appoint Alex- ander Taylor, M.1) , jell surgeon ; No. 7, Ns appoint arbitrators to the matter of the proposed onlole school section a6 Belgray.. Th• mused than adjourned to meet ea the fourth Tawday fa January ooze, w- °ording to astute. THE BUFFALO OF CANADA. Mr. Lewis. Ambition Far ON•rleh-Other Galton eefere the Tows t'worll This regular meet's, of the town menoll wee held on Friday evening last ani tram attended by all the member .xmpttng C.snelllor Caoteloo, who is .6111 told op as • result of lee unfortunate .mide8l. The treasurer's report for the month of November wee Si follows : ts.lanoe from °Motor $1,290 15 aaclIPTe. Teres .. ...... . ...47,149 32 Non-rseldeae taxes.... 85 66 Water rate* 145 40 Eliotrin rare. 324 60 Limoges 479 83 Rekrol grant 150 00 Maitland o.metery21 50 - - 8,360 91 $ 9,660 36 911111191111111eners. Malartor --------- 921 64 Printing It ah.$111$I0. 166 60 M•itl.ad asatetsry ... 1 1.10 Etre department 75 ---__ C. C. and 0. expenses4 00 Poblio works 299 47 -- Debenture Iamrmit1 625 00 4111, payable 2.500 00 Beek interest4.367 Waterworks mpleal . . 30 Waterworks m•Intea- anm 396 96 R.lsettl0light mahatma - shoe: 126 01 Rleotrlo Iighl °spina59'7 16 School soonest . 111 43 Elena °, Interest 630 15 Mt.mll•nseas 11 00 boost Improvement I• t t ... ..... IS 15 Gr•nolithlo walk..... 809 17 7,865 15 Rahnm $ 1,786 21 is.pweor Redd reported that grower son• amities for the summer hotel would soot *bent 3160, bed the etre.* gully asked tot at the career of Wellesley and Elgin streets would Dost *boat $25. Referred to mobile works onmml/tee. Apollonian@ from Rennet Weller and Mn. Robert Hyslop for reminten of taxes wore referred to the mart M rendes. A lengthy eemmnnlnatlon from R N. fowls was reed In whioh the writer bresri e forward a ..home to make Oedorroh the lower end of the deep testae rests on *b. lakes Mr. bowie ,tared that en November 14th the .team's@ 91rat6oen. ted Reeedal• were all the Suit leeether, th. R1.eda1. with wheat vee Uod.Mnh, and the Swath .ea* with wheal for Colhngweed. The Rosedale ►e.bd O.do,ka, selearled, flea wee book a► he hauls haters t6e rilrni►ooea stashed Colllogwood. What eras toe o.uto' From the ealraaoe of Sault River tilers se . Glair open lake 00*rse M Uudarlub, w4.roa• M. WHIMS to Collin/wood poems *ht low isleud. sod reefs of Cove isletd chaunal, whet. there 1e tog fifteen days out el thirty, and a snowstorm makes it let pueelble to enter. hundreds of MMoutaes of dollies had been lost this nominee by low water delays at the Lime Kilo oroeslag en Detroit River, whereto rimy little would gly• us twenty five feet of water. A big grain vessel should be able to bring 60,000 buah- e le more oora hue than to Buffalo, and this eons could be uolo•ded bete acid to mire half way to Montreal beton the sem• stemma mold ben• pasted hue sod rot through Lake St. Cher and Doi reit River. with milt 260 miles of inks Er.. to ore.. before she would roach Buffet*. A steamer should make three tripe here to two to Buffet°. Ws had • beery grade to the Mull', on the railway. but • freight track below the premise use &cid bsglonlo■ as Raeelord'a grove. with Ir•lyb► yards •t abs .11 yard at the creation, would remedy Orae, and no doubt proper application to the (hand 'Trunk on the part of the o•,00ll would bring this about. "W• should make efforts to bare our harbor the lower end of the deep water route. limitless you • out. bins whioh ,bows tbet Port Huron bee get the Idea and le'toting o0 1t, but there le plenty for us both. Tbers a one ►61ng that stands M our way and you. geutlemeo, as tear r.preseoktfves, should take stops oo bar• hie remedied. All very large stam- e n runnbog for • narrow merino. In • sea way amit bay• a breaks/alter outride, boo bind whlob they Gan elady themselves before a.aklog the piers. All ports of any 000etyueooe on the other it l• b*•• this long ago, end • brook want co.eog 175,000 or thereabouts • iew tbsns•od yards te the northwest of cur p.m* should sneerer ear purpose. Tem times are growing, money 1. plea.y; Uorernment is oonamphetns build lug • waterway at French River omelag fear mtlllou, and a o•o.l from Lake 8t. Clair to Lake Erie *mein/ ce much more. Surely $75,000 or $100.000 eon be spent bar.." &gr. Lewis also stated that as Ood.rloh hes the only harbor on the Cana- dian side of Lake Harou from the Mani- toollta to Susie that • boat of Soy size ma enter the project should be favored from • humane point of new. The lam lose of life would not ba.s 0000tred If the breakwater bad been there. Mr. Lewis suggested • 00mmt'tee to interview members of P.rlia• moot and other, to make proper appllcu coo lor and prew,t oar chime. The Gum. muoto.tloo was referred to the speotal committee. George Aohsoa asked for romt.eivo of taxes for six mooche oe hu build -u; an the Neu* whioh wee damaged by Are In Jul, last. Retorted to court e1 rerletoo. Atutber oummuntu•dot' fr..rn A. T. NuI- laad, of ldootreel, to whoa* band• the L•.e4. P.tut CJ. 0000001 1.r toateyal fur. *tithed the town wait platted fur oolleotloo, tat mated that 11 1,4. draft whorls he hal rent were null furtbwttb paid 66. matter would be placed In hu stltuttor'. bands. Mr. Martin mired, ,e000ded by Mr. Marten, that the draft be aoo.pted and ptyweot authorised. Mr. Koos objected file council had u.ver authorized the pur- .6..e of the paint. 1dr. Humber *Ise opposed payment of the mental' *out the matter should he to•..tdgated A vote wee taken, esti cooly Meseta M.rein end &gurney vetoed to pay the draft. Idee.r.. Humber, Konz and hafted voted Gay, and the woeoa was lose. Them was then mot to t8e epsolal nom metes with power to sot. An sppllcudou from the Huron Poultry tad Pet Steck A..00heen for • grant of 426 was rdwred to the epeeist committee with power tome An appliosWon from E. N. Lewis for • sewer oo Photon street wee referred to the public works mourn ttoo. Au •pplloatioa from the bre brigade for s pruit.d Spy of e11 town bylaws re- gardlog the Si. department was retorted t0 the fire oummlltee. A very satisfactory report by to. inspec- tor upon the bollen at the pumping station was reed Tae following s000a0ts were nterred to the tisanes oommtttm: H. L. Telford, batld4.* porob for sexton of m netery, $15; A. Mc1). Allan, hardware, 24o and 87.97; North., Nor.r 0o., Toronto, valve springs, 43 ; Uoderiob Kogioe sod Blorol. Go., re - merlin. eta., 461 60; Mania (Donnell, 1,000 brlok for wst.rworke, 17 30 ; W. 0. Goode, medicines (relief), $14 75 ; Qattara City Oil Co., 'Toronto, oil, 117 80 ; 4t,rdy Bros., relief, $2.20; Canadian General Eleouto Co., Termer', 114 58, 15.36 and 50a ; Tees SIGNAL, pressen, sod odes/Mena, $9.12; W Kirkbride, drying boss, $6, Frank Kerr Informed the ooaaoll in writing that his dor was poisoned on the 30th of Jane last, and he did not want "lo pay tomes for • dead dog." Referred to coutt of reyletoa. To. public worts oommittee recomm•oded that the encloser And the own of manias water and .ewer .ou,.ctloos for the summer betel acid report to the town ; that the ap- pllo.tton of P. MoCarthy for a Gatoil begin •1 the ooraer of Elvin and Wellesley street• be referred t* the street Inepeotor for report; and tbat • bylaw to prepared m.kieg as •llewanoe of half the Gott of oonetruoring tit• graoolitbeo welts on all roomer lot. uu the return sole, noels corner lots on the Square, The report •se adopted The Musa, oommittee r•mmmended the WEST HURON BYE -ELECTION. Returning OMoer Reynolds Declares Mr. (farrow Eleoted- Majority 290 Sher.5 Reynolds. r•'urelo• otfio.r for the bye•eleutlnn 'n We.t Huron last ..eek, to Saturday mit, Is • official declar.uon of the result. Ron J T. Oarrose'e majority u 290, as g yen by Tog Ftos i. 4.51 week. The total vote is 4.936, and an inanimation of the recrrde el the past thrge.l.01100. to- the Loral House.howe • •ready, 'bomb smell, Inors•se to ►6io total number e1 vette polled. Blow we gyre the vote to detail f .r the three eleetione-The g..rai dsetlo, of 1898. the by. el.ottnn of Vrcember, 1898, and Iee1 wok's contest. foiling 4abdlyl@loa - COUItRlOa. March,, '98 D• ember, '98 flslrrw Beek 44.r50w Book December, '01 (Janos Wok No. 1 Kirkbride'. shop 64 71 6r 72 61 71 2 Vadeao'e core •7 77 - 64 as 77 74 3 town Hail be 64 60 e6 1 57 -`4 Raaoimoa's shop ,sr --411---- 51 . a* 44 5 1'131114W shop .. 64 53 40 64 41 6 Hropby'. shop... . 70 82 65 56 91 55 7 Dennie herllle'a ..., 50 41 53 32 56 25 No. 421 439-18 422-66 356 CLINTON. , 1 T•wo Ha11..... .... ,. 2 Fergaeo*'. f•otor7. . ... 3 Rumball'a shop. .... .. 4 9tepbeos.a'.shop. .. . . -- 278-11 267 No. No. N.. 1 9 rstNNy teMsr.rT -q • 497-130 367 75 51 111 56 62 62 69 59 30779 228 EL1 TH, 41 66 46 55 46 -47. d4 56 103-16 87 112-16 96 111-23 WINeHAM. 1 Commies's shop...... 43 56 43 2 U 's ofiow 54 36 47 3 Towo Ha.1..... 47 61 43 4 John's shop .... 80 83 76 224 236-12 209 A4Hk1ELD. 1 Duogsaoob .. .. 47 72 49 79 2 School Hoare No. 9.. 67 97 64 3 Sohool Homes No. 6.. 59 64 69 4 Port Albert 38 65 34 5 School Home No. 2.. 86 35 93 28 6 Hugh Mol,tosh's81 25 82 23 7 Sohool Hous No. 12. 79 27 83 33 69 38 60 61 79 43 93 81 281-72 213 103 65 62 No. 1 Benmlll.r 2 Haltford 5 Smith's Hill 4 Lowborn N., 1 2 3 446-61 385 464-71 393 COLBORNE. 84 65 84 33 66 30 66 99 66 64 45 47 237 275-38 226 WEST WAWANO**H. Dengu000 60 67 Auburn 46 67 Town Hall. 27 62 4 8t, !Wens 77 37 6 Patron Hall. ,. 61 32 43 45 118 63 43 74 105 285.72 56 81 59 83 66 59 40 69 83 27 80 24 71 32 44469 375 69 89 61 5e 60 42 9e 66 90 40 68 34 265-39 263 36 227 60 71 43 6.3 29 65 75 42 63 26 61 67 51 70 33 61 75 3H 57 32 261 265-4 270-3 267 RAST WAWANOSH. No. 1 School Hose No. 10 70 2 School House No. 13 69 3 808001 House No. 9. 64 4 Jae. Dow, let 29, e. 10 52 62 72 35 35 277-9 268 61 53 72 41 72 73 72 69 70 41 65 4o 31 64 35 49 265-61 194 252-64 OODERICH TOWNSHIP, No. 1 Orange Hail, con, 4 35 dee 33 2 B W ilma's, lot 17, a. 7 27 63 24 b W 9boohlr'., out, 10. 42 74 4.5 104 227-123 102 BULLET?. No. 6 8ohm1 House N. 5.. 35 33 32 6 l.00deahoro 41 31 61 7 School Home No9. 58 26 134-44 90 198 263 78 185 94 36 70 3s 68 45 232-130 119 91 59 67 217.98 38 30 34 32 63 33 57 26 51 41 150-54 96 144 36 108 RRCA PITU CATION. Goderlek 422 556 497 367 Clinton 296 273 307 228 WMib echam 224 112 96 111 Its 209 281 213 286 .4.644.141446 4W513 444 675 Colborne 237 22.6 265 263 227 West Westmeath 261 270 267 277 26it East W'tw.,e.b ,.. 255 262 190 263 l8fi Oedetleh Township.... 104 102 232 119 217 Hallett 134 *0 150 96 144 1(tq 2463 '2465 2502 2457 26.38 2.348 'An spp..l being takes, the dwisloo of Juttlo. Oder at Oegeode Hall med• the vote • Me. The retort! of .polled, rejeeted and tendered b.11oee is as follows, by ma0lolpelilles : Spelled. Keleet.d. Tendered (iodeviek . 1 3 1 Cllstee 3 2 0 /Myth• 0 W Mebane ...*..,.vv..Trr•r.r a 2 0 AehA.ld 2 1 3 Gel bore* 1 0 0 Wen W•wanes' 0 0 0 Mast Waweneeh 1 9 1 Ooderlek T.w..bsp 0 1 HmIMN 0 1 0 421 439 278 267 103 R7 236 386 275 265 194 227 to 1/ 5 payment of • number of a000aats, and no g.rdaig J. Jerdmo'll a000uut reported that they found it tot ourteut, and rtyuseted eo tntervlew with Mr. Jardlue to have 1t ad uued, Adopted. Toe .pmol oumw:Nta . 11,1 for further time to uomples th• renews and ouo.olld atom of the bylaws, road asked oleo for power to prepay .td •detente for ogle debeatured to the automat at $22,465 09 to meet the most of :he granolithlu walk's so for cumul•1 d. Addopted. It was moved by kir. Humber, s.moded by Mr, Naltel, that the offer of the Ui.od Trunk Railway, through the board of trod., to build a new 5461100 to our town provided She present .asomm.at remalue as at pres- ent for a term of ten years be accepted, prodded the oumpaoy :roue a suitable depot to cost not lees then from $8,C00 w 110,000, and *ball the apaohl committee, of f8e moan. oll hay power 1a oouju00lton with the board of trsd• to osrry the matter on with • view to oompletieu. Mr Martin attuogly opposed the mono,. !t was the poor men, he said, woo •Iways had to m'ske up lor the •zemptlo,s emoted is such oases as this. Mr. Muroey pointed out that the matter had been brought be- fore two 61.T.R. officials • few day. before, and they h.d promised to present the oouuoil's posttloo In the matter to the gen - or.l manager; and any etteot from his ooa- foreous would be destroyed it t8s mot1on Wore passed. Mayor Wilson mid the mu tion ,ranted eremptioo from echoed taxes, whioh the G.T.R. oompany did out .xpsol. Finally an •me0dme,t wee passed that the mats[ be 1e11 to the speolai omelette. to .otto oo0junotton with the board of tr*de. Toe bylaw to prevent the spittle, oo and otherwise defaming of the gra0ollrl.lo dd.- walks la the Moro, wan read the third time and permed. There are three olauer$ to 16e byl.w : the first prosodfog that "co person shall spit on or otherwise define Ley ,ran ollthle:walk la the town of Uoderioh ;" the s.00nd providing • penalty of a the not •xceedlttg 45 and costa, to be touted If neoe..ary by distress and the sale of th• good, end ob•ttele of too offender,or, tatting nhtl, commitment to jail for not more than twenty-one days; the third enacting that the bylaw .6.11 come into toren lmm.dlately on the poising thereof. Mr. Humber yam notice that he would move to .mead bylaw No. 8 of 1875 in sev- ers) clauses whioh to specified. Mr Murrey inquired about the day 000- nsble'. position. A motion was paned leaving the (pennon of an appointment to the t (notion with the special committee. The Mayor was au►hor-d to execu•e t6• •.suw..ry Mud for the appeol in the nese of H..lmee v.r.u■ the town. lb. council then •dj MR. LAKE'S BACK. "Unsettle lieatlewsaa wile h•4 Little Mopes e1 a Caro 1. new well. PWq'Lt.vILLI, Oat.. Den 9 (Spmlal-l- T'home. L.ke, en aged and highly rapper, .4 (entlemeu of thle plane, vires I)udd'e Kid. ory Pitts the credit for touring him of • very bid ease . f k•.de.y troob'e and lame back Hi. back totted no that he ocutd h.rdly a up and his k donor gave him mu:h trouble Mr Lake is over sevooey ex years of age, .nd n• th.ou.ht he w-.. too .1.1 to be *urea However he raw an •dvertl..inert ie1t•ot• now a man old,r thou ns was bad Lund elle! and a cure ho ming Dodd's Kidney Ptlle, soh, d-.termi..ei to test them. The first box proved to his meelootlon that ogre wee possible pod mow M •14 well aid hearty JUST RECEIVED a large assortment \ of Xmas .Iierfumes.. The cheapest and best ever brought into Godench. , . Pare Wood Alcohol for burning in Spirit Lamps, &c. . . . Agent for the celebrated " Honest John " RUP- TURE TRUSS. F. JORDAN 9 MEDICAL HALL, Chemist and Druggist. BEA R IN MIND THAT THOU$DAT, Deo. 12, 1901. d R. B. SrlITtI'S STAND, NO. 3, JORDAN BLOCK cKim's BUSY Store. WHITE COTTON BARGAIN___,r, We secured about 1000 yards of very fine English Cambric, 36 inches wide, as flue as a Lonsdale, very even thread, good value tor 11c, but we got a big bargain by taking *11 • jobber had, and will sell it at li 1.2 c. White Cambric, well worth IIc, for, per yard 'roQuga.- W• bey about four dozen sample toques .1 .11 kinds. The pelo.. ate up to 75o each. W • will clam them r, w all . 25Cl at one pr1, TOWELS.- 10 dozen linen towels, Inured, ogler- 2 .d border, size 44.22- at per pair1k tic TABLE LINENS. - 98 ends table linens, .11 leogebo from li to 3 yards, soma are slightly .oiled or 1m °selet, being aeuosd., but most are perfeot goods, and the prim/aro from cue quarter to one third lees than the regular primes. BOYS' SUITS. - We found • manufacturer (or he found us) who wanted to ohm a lot of boys' two and three piece Butte. Most of them ars double breasted, of rood tweed end all well made. We got them at one price and per them on to you .t a big saying. ▪ ist ▪ 84c `BOYS' REEFERS.- W• must clear out our boys' reefers. Boys' navy reefer ter pea jecko:., d000h breads, wine bleak buttoned, mine braes, and all marked at . good reduction on oar already low prices, from 42 00 up, OVERCOATS. - w'e 41.v• too many and are wtlling b IGS rather lbw awry them over. 1V. M your lutenist to edit these before you pur- ohee•. They 46•.11 tate ..ansa'il and ap to date. At .ubemotloI reductions. JACKETS. -- They must be all cleared In • very .bet. time, and we think half prime will do tae work. MILLINERY. - Toe time 1. rotting short to olear thee. You want • new hat or your old Woe made over before Christmas. W• Gen surprise you In prices of the nervosa woods. Some prloes out to two end some lower. N7 N••+•+•+•+•4'•+•+•rf+N 4hW HP, The Binh of Ranges. "Duch'* nappy Thought" TT took•t 1oney, 1 Hands and Brains to perfect The Happy Thought Range, and it's the Range that ardent copiers have taken their cue from. : t 1 1 1 1 Happy Thought Retype are Slade in 6 different sizes tad 72 different styles. They have all the latest practical improve- ments such as the Corrugated Oven, Transparent Ovep Door. Upob tractable Oven Datn)?cr and aorongh System f Oven Ventilation. f 1 1 150.000 Canadian Cootie Reooma,end Them. APIi Write for illustrated pamphlet, ° MLaaataatsred by Happy Thought Their Cue +t •!R The Wm. Buck Stove Co., Limited, Brantford SOLD WE LEE & SHEPHARD, Goderich, CANTELON'S Pastry, Oyster Patties, Tarts, Slrt Bread and Cream Bolls, Mince Pies and Lady Fingers, Kisses, Macaroons, Maranges, Brandy Snaps, Etc. aro as good as the beet maclelin any city in Canaria. Cantelon leas the trade in WEDDING CAKES in fancy drowning and ornament ing and almond icing. tine him an ordor and your int. ietction will be assured. : D. CANTELON, WEST -8T. HELLO I THE OLD' RELIABLE. ALL KINDS OF COAL ALWAYS ON HAND , . ,ate SCP811IOIl g Co1 IN TAR MARKET All Coal weighed on the Market Scale& where you net Moe Ibe. fora ton. TIM. LEE. Orders 1•n til L238 81 9$3IP$d8D's Suns promptly attended to. YOWet Weather Shoes and Rubbers. yo to attend the Listowel Bannon College tor • term• t•tnde.ite me, enter at any time, either for liminess ora leho'thaod Course. hates reasonable. Send for Journal. C. A. !LBM LNG. Pro. ; A- 1. 4o1NTYRIC, See, Clothing I here put into stock •lino of Ready marls Clothing of Ant clave manufacture, and at price. to suit the times.. Ordered Clothing Is still my .pecia ty. A good range of cloths to .elect from ; and workmanship the beet to be had. 11 you need an overcoat this fall call and see me. A number of lengths of piece goods to be cleared out at coat, H. DUNLOP, West Serest 1 BROPILEY & SON -- TH. 1.1*D1wn - FU1*er(3►\ V.?tekorg wad er4er5 rarrenlly •/leaded te at all amen. slab' •r day. e.. b.. Iclillep ',dui Fire Iasrrarce Co. FARM AND ISOLATED TOWN PROP-ERTY INSURED Value of Property Iosnrel np to Jenrette, 1101 el.sytl.t►rS.. Orrit•gq. AND DIRgCTorui. J. R. Moisten, prey : T. Fraser, vine -ere,. Jia (oano97, N. pale. W. O. ltroadfott, J. Watt. Jae. Roane, J. O. Grieve, J Rene •Wa s. Alrrrtnfe; W Bro.4fng.dearn•th. Inepoe- tor Minima . T. R. AuH.y.,erTa,ou1sesorth, cretary. frowner. .1 W. Yen, Roltnestllle; James t•nmmingg K.moeddlle , It. McMiliso, 8ewforth . R Rtnith. Herta* Ile? hoid.rs ons par • emenient. a0d 561 th*ir Wards rvoelttt.d at Mr. Coate'. Clinton. or a.4 eLeh aa Brea' Paa* Clothing Stare, Sued. W1C have what you want attd w t rtl you need in our King- Shoes Quality King - Quality Rubbers They aro absolutely &A • the beat made.... . OUR Shoes are known for their Style, Pi , Comfort and Durability, and our Robber, for there Fit 01141 Shape, and being male of PURR GUM, will wear twies,a lone as ordinary rubber. We have a large att.ortment of) Ladies' Leggins, Overstuckings, Wool Soles, Etc !, , • -- -- These goals are the very beet good. that (honey nen bait The STUB PROOF RUBBERS for men aro here at last, anti we IRYIT)r 1 otfle1d. iteTtOlt, or, If you can't oall to tee them, drop us a card for catalogue. ST. GEORGE PRICE. `AN FOR KIND QUALITY 81101;S. #ANT A STPhkoflgR? Wo give one away with each ponnd of Pure Cream Baking Powder purchased from us. 50c a Ib. The step -ladder alone worth the price. Try a package of our Hop Tea -not a medicine, but a care. fully selected Indian and Ceylon Tea blended in a scientific manner with specially prepared Hops. Delicious and healthful. Now is the time to buy your Garden Seeds. We have a tall swstrtment. slrvYes f'i,Sj roe THE OROOItEN. Telephone No. 91.