HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1901-12-12, Page 44„ Tuutiasor, Dec. 12, 1901. se▪ s.ss•etessrr abw& flood out 141 of the many good tillage we have to show you, then Dome and a w ise *as clock. W. doe "t proem people M buy -feel fres to .Lamle* our goods whether yea bay or not. It Ought to be Eas yeti se to select Christmas Presents !or men, women and children with this beautiful store -full from which to choose. This store has gained tits reputation of keeping the most up•te data goods e° the asark•i, and our seleonen for this Christmas M.. supet.es tuythlos we ham" ever Ties, Collars.:Cuffs, Handkerohlets, Gloves, Gauntlets. !Suspenders, Umbrellas, Cuff-L1nks, Neck tltoarls, CardliCan Jaoketa, Smoking Jaoketa. Hata. Beautiful Furs. -Oar stook el ladies and man'. Fun isvery seieS. What would unske a .lose prospect for s lady than a nlos sable KW. haft, suite.*., or electrlo seal J•oket, • good fur Cap or • pslr of Ueoatleta for a leas ee a grey lamb Oap for the boy or girl/ Don't Forget that oar store 4 the hudgsart.n for reed, reliable, reedy•to wear Mottling'. If you west a mat)', suitor overcoat. • boy's salt, rester gig overseas, you will make se mistake by hums year wadi *applied hen. Prleea Right Batlataetton Guaranteed. W. C_ PRS A�.1 v'. eii EVERY TIURB AY MORNING iT h leaelLLIOM .T 9ODiRICH. THURSDAY. DtC. 12. 1901. THE RESULT IN WEST- HURON THE result in the recent contest in West Huron proves conclusively that in this historic political battleground the electors remember Rues. The fight was carried on by the Liberals on the line of *'Rosa and good government" And picayune WOOS were relegated to the bow -wows. '1'M Curies, un the other hand, confined them• selves to personalities and tittle-tattle. with She result that the close of the poll found them sadly in the rear. In the Wt two elections in this riding Mr. Baca fought the fight practically single- handed and alone, and his weeknees ap pealed to the electors and brought him within an ace of the goat This tame it was different both in the conduct of the cam- paign and the result. The entire Conserv. ative "Cabinet" was in the riding. sol. WHITNLT was in command, and with him were Messrs. For, MATHISoN, HtiL$. CAaeCAL-LIN and WARDELL. A large num ber of meetings were held in the interest of She Coseer atiee candidate, and in this way Mr. BOCK lost the vote that had been with him when he was unassisted is pre rims contest., when he had no ". tm ' work in hi. favor, Another fact that contributed to the In. crew in Hon. J. T. OARaow'S majority was that he had been so relentlessly pur sued in the court* by his opponenta. There was, in the opinion of many, some reason why a protest should be entered atter the exceedingly close contest of March 1, 1898. but the continuance of legal persecution atter the election of December, 1899, alien Med whatever feeling had existed on that point, and caused electors who had formerly opposer! Mr GAanow, or who had abstained from voting at the previous elec tions, to turn out os. Dec. 4th of this year sod place themeless on record in favor of the Liberal candidate. This was partici. holy :the case when Mr. GAsaow pro claimed that it was not kis intention to con tinue in political life after the present sea 6100. but that he did want an assurance trom *the people of West Huron that he still had the oonfidet)oe that they had re- posed in him in former years. and that Mr. Ewe had merely obtained a catch vote in March, 1899. The above were the reasons which led the electors to show unanimously that in so far as West Huron is concerned there is no retrograde movement in Liberalism and that the people "Remember Koss." the riding" for JAaas C0L100001 PAT - ?Samoa in 1892! - Would The Stu bayous believe that at is right for a Tory to &vuvas' and work strenuously for the election of hie candidate, and wrung for for a Liberal to do likewise for his standard bearer ! - The Mail and Empire came out a tow days after the election with • hying editori• al on the Conservative landslide in this riding, A. W. WRIGHT must have reached Toronto below The Mail went to press. - Now that the bye•election (or the Legislative Assemb:y is over let us all get together and select the lieu best qualified to make Goderich forge ahead in 1902. Let progress, not politics, be the watch- word. - The West Huron young Liberal who started to vote at the Dominion bye elec- tion of 1896 has had a busy and a successful time. He has been able to cast his ballot at seven ;elections during the six years. and he has not loot hie vote on a single occasion. - That western breakwater. which r being advocated by E N. Lewis, i.certginly a project that should commend Steel/ to thoughtful man, not only amongst mariners bol amongst landsmen. The attention of the Government should be called to the matter at An early day. -The fact that there were only twelve rested ballots in last week's election may be connected with the further fact that we have had eleven Parliamentary election* in this riding within the past twehe years. If praettoe makes perfect, the West Huron elector ought to know how to vote. - CAraott. Warden Hot?, Mao ager SApspaas, Alderman MARTIN, "Ad- miral" MCGILLICUDDY and several others are mentioned by numbers of the Reform party of Goderich as "sure winners" to succeed lura._ Qasaow when his term expires. So says The Star. We are glad to see that our contemporary recognize* the exist- ence of so much Parliamentary timber on the Liberal side of the fence. - Those people to whom "French domin- ation" ie a perpetual nightmare may be comforted somewhat by the musue returns from the Province of Quebec. The total population of Quebec is 1,645,572, or 117,• 042 more than in 1891. The French in the Province number 1,307,980, as against 1,186,346. ten years ago, an increase of 121,634, An examination of these figures will show that, in epite of the comparative ly Urge birth rate among the French Cana• dans, the percentage of increase in their numbers during the past decade is not quite as large as that of the total population of the Province. - Apropos to:t.hediscussion over the new SNAP SHOTS, railway station which it is proposed that • -The Star lut week took three columns Goderich shall have is the following from to say what might have been said in three The Sudbury Journal : "The C P.R. wait. words : "We feel sore." ingroom at the eo-called station here have ing heroine utterly unfit for women or children to terrain in, a subecription list was circulated among the business men one day this week for the purpose of miming means to mend the railway company to ..Our Tory friends are busy naming Grit erect • rnitable shelter. Over $200 we. eandidatee for the June election. Well, subscribed in a few hours. It is expected they have the voters' het to esMot from, that the company will at learnt give a free site for the inteoded structure." Having contributed so liberally to the building of spasm in The Star when the Tories "stole both the C.P.R and the O T,R., it in rather -We very much fear that our esteemed contemporary, The Star, is in danger of degenerating into a scold. -Did anyone ever read a line of virtuous Skates! Jkates Oa - No. 6 Acme Spring Skates, all sizes, No. 10 Acme Sprint; Skates, nickel plated, Royal Hockey, Perfection Hockey, Ladies' Daisy, Perfect Hockey, Majestic ' Dominion " Lightning " 4(I('. $1.25 1.00 1.25 1.50 1.50 2.25 2.26 3.50 We have a full line of Hockey Pucks, Ankle Supporters, Shin Guards, &Jockey Sticks, Skate Straps, etc. I Ions= Weedy gives wick every punkin. N. D. ROUGVIE, THE CASH HARDWARE STORE THE SIGNAL : GODERIOH ONTARIO toobad that the people should be called upon to °gist these railways in keeping their equipateut in deceit ool dition ECHOES OF 1 HE VICTORY. Toronto Uloba le re-eleetleg Mr. liarrow, West Heron her kepi In the Legislature • sena whose ability •.d treadtb of vow doss tt honer. Kincardine Reporter. 1)ld you hear of Brek'e d000 1.'' Many • heart 'twill break to two ; Better for him stay awe' Thu to venter hook *gala. Toronto Star. The result la the Foos of thee, otrcum• marrow may be t.kea as a pronounced ee doreattoo of the Row Gov.ram.ut. it unity also be accepted as a rebuke to the wales ot abuse employed by the C.neervatlyse Io the riding London Adverd.sr. The result to West Huron 4 mute than • straw to Mr. Roe' favor, Is le • whole amok. At the previous election Mr. Oar row's m•jorlty was forty -Bre A similar proporliea•w advanoe will liter' Mr Row a tbemplog majority at the ooming genual election. Seafurth Expositor. The Rom Gover°meot le growing in pub Ile favor aad popularity daily, sod Its result in Nest Huron 1. simpiy Inclina- tion of what It will be to the Provisos next sprieg, if the good wort 4 kept up aui .. fatal =tetras 1e made between this and that time. In 11t• meantime the whole Liberal party In the Provloce is Indebted 10 Mr. Darrow and its friends for their piuoky and saeoes•ful Sght. Stratford Beaoou. W. oewgratutw Mr. Carrow, • high- minded aad ioueolantloas politicise, on el, grm) vlaory. It 4 creditable to t5• tidier that they should elect such • nwweotative. Thr elotory is else weloomed se an assur- mu that the Rea Uoverume°1, which steeds for intelliewwir, Integrity and prog- rem an the administration of Provincial affairs, will be .u.talo.d In their appeal to the country. 1)u MoGdllouddy'a rooster again decor- ates file front pare of Tin ooutauu 510 11aL, with the pie feetben intact. That rooster has does service 1a • rood many sleottoes la West Huron. Long may he crow ! Wlogham Times The West Huron election 4 of the post and the same might be said of tie Comerv- attyt party 10 Ibis rldieg, esp.rlally as long as they hays oo other polloy than deounol- •tion. Tbs majority 1s evidence that the people woos (latrow se their representative. It i., further, evidence that the .!sown •I• an iorellrgent people and Dao nae that the Kole l:ov.r°ment has a progressive policy. that whet) a business is tuoobuful it 1e not well to Grange manager. or .mpleyw. The majority should put the charge of our ruption sat of the yusstlo0, 1t 1s some - thee mon than boodllog that has made snob a turnover. It 4 t5* exprwion of an Intelligens electorate. °tiotoe New Kra. Those areleles In The Goderloh Star last week were apparently' more than the people of Geduld' could stand -and no wonder. W• bars no fault to find with the three erliegen from Loodos. Windsor and Strat- ford who soled as U0 Live serutleeers In town, but we know what would have boon said If the Liberals had brought them in. lfths Ceaservativis party bad presented to Id *Or Hunk the •mount of Its legitimate expenditure l° t h . o•mp•Igo, and alloaef blm to stay at home, how mach tetter it would have been. And notwithstanding the amotlet that has been put no at differ• sit times by bis friends, the party is mitt indebted to Mr. fleck, for he hat .aorifo d himself and bit lot•reate on the altar of hit part y. FROM OUR EXCHANGES. Aewker New Memnon t. Kiefer Advocate : Mr. KWh. Spears, w ho recently resigned his position to the grist mill bets, has soo.pted a positlo° as miller In Ooderloh and left Tuesday evening tor that town. Durins Mr. Spear.'. r.et- deoo* here be has made mac► warm friend* who will regret to hear of hie departure Irom town. Se tatter It eke Derl•w.. Toronto Star : The bye election In Weal Hnroa is beteg carried on with great *ern - *stases The weekly papers of the county, better papers than which are not to be found to the Dominion, are devoting almost se much epee to It es the big olty dailies to a g.o.ral campsite. A Pioneer. Clinton New Era Mr. Joseph Whitely, ex 1 God•rioh township, bot now • resident ot the oounty town, was here on bottoms on Friday. He oan very properly lay claim to beteg one of the pioneers of this dtstrlot, having moved Into Uoderloh township lo the year 1832. The family, 000tt.tteg of hie pareate and seven child's'', drove from Hamilton to the Huron trot by or -team, Mr Whitely describing the rood aa the roughest kind of bush corduroy, and he Nye se he looks mak be wooden that every bot., le hie body was not broken. After settling oo the 7th concession of God.rlch township for • fart mouths, the earrouodiop were so uoossnoisl that Mr. Whitoly eeacluded they had made a mistake, sed determined to move to the States. but Providence interfered; Mrs. N blwly wee taken sick, •od, being unable to receive a doctor, 167 111 for eeverel menthe. Oo her recovery her husband decided that he would remain, having become r.00nolbed re his oirromstaooes, and he bad oc- casion to regret his d.otaoo. torW hit.ly Is yet an soave, energetic, mac bf 78 years, with a good many yeses vet to hie credit. ELOQUENCE. Linesresp.oetnlly inscribed to Ilea, F, L Latchford, Ottawa, Lice perfume of mooted flowery is a true man's eloquence ; Gal's shame 4 upon hie forehead, Ail his sets bespeak rare eases. Hu ye delights le all that's good, fits heart Beata for all that's true. His bongos ettsreth naught but truth, And gives all good men the r doe - The leve .f nature 8lle hie heart, (lode hand .verywhere h. as.. Whatever trials oome to him H. bean with the greatest este. '1'5.e 1•e s• with meet grawlsl hearts Thank Clod for the pore and true Who Gy to govern oar lord land, And with grave their hearts Imbue. ICIA,IM. A. SRIMIIIn.. liodsrioh, Lee. 3rd, 1901. MUNICIPAL COUNCILS. A.R►I RI,11. ('000011 met November 9.b, members •11 or.unt. Mhatea of previous meeting read and approved. Moyed by Wm. Hunter, seconded by Jobs Mets$yr.: whereas It I. Prepaid by Ws Greenhill Leine soy Com. psay 1e estahRM • cemetery se the north ,set of lot Ne. 12 le the 13 h eonowsion, meters divisbn of the township of Ashhdd, Us tin mane, e1 Hares, sed said oompaey have requested this °maned to drnolare that tbsetabliebtaant thereof le set ehjaetiee. able, be 1. therefore reeolv.d,end It 1. here. by remelted, by t5• mnefetpal noneoll of 1M township of A*5C.Id the, ti. euahliskmvet of snob cemetery would to no way be eb- itetleeshl., sled that having regard to the patio Utmost the said cemetery may be safely wtabllshwl. A lugs somber of ao. mute were esamlo.d anti pall, all of which will apprer la a few weeks to the basso! al etata.tan► Conned adjourned to meet *gale on December 16th, seeerdiny M etet- eta. Wu. Nmrw,os, i:oMM, n TOWN`ietl'. Des. 2, met tour. Y.w m mmtmtt tit tit m m rem m m m m EE The Busy HARDWARE STORE Is doing an enormous business In tXmas Cutlery EE "d Silverware. E OUR STOCK of Table and Pocket Cutlery is cow vomp'ete. and you would do well to see our goods Our stock is composed of some of the beet makes of goods ever imported, and ee are selling at the vpry closest prioea ever offered the Goderich public. Silverware : 1847 Rogers Knives and Forks in sots, triple plata Knives and Forks, Tea, les ort and Table Forks ot the very best makes, Tea Spoons, Table Spoons. Dessert Spoons, Hatter Dishes, lion Bon fishes, Berry Spouus, Crumb Trays. Sugar Shells, Butter Knives, and many other handsome and useful articles. Tabic Gt1ery of all Kinds gild Makes at Close Prices.... What makes • more useful present for your husband than a good relub:e Razor or Shaving Set? We have the beet. Bissell's E Carpet Sweepers-.. ttllta.. Make labor lighter, save the carpet's, .ave your health, and rusk,' houaekeepieg a pleasure HANDLE EVERYTHING from a needle to an anchor, and have the beat assorted stock of General Hardware, Silverware and Cutlery in Huron County, and we are contideut that we eau save you money if you deal with us. Mon' Buy Your Xmas Presents until You See Our Stock. ALLAN_Lliciffi, EThe Busy Corner Hardware. Ifour+t Cools at Honest Inc.ic. mostug were read sad p.med. Bylaw Na road - passed. A motion that the aomlostieo ter reeve and tour coaeeli- lon be 5.1d to Wilton's Had, Holmeseille, on the last Monday in December, nod that the polls°t pieces and deputy returning otlioere be Lb. wine u lastyeer, was passed. Rood dlvistos No. 33 was replaced same se formerly. The fedi:de ne aocounte were Dahl . For gent -W. Cloogh, *22.32; boo Pearson, 87 98: P. Shiite. *5 40; Ju. Hay, $11.16; W. March, 12880; Tees Jewett, $3.18; Ju. tonne' . 817.16; D. Johnston. *18; K. Camplon, 123.70: J. Fraser, *5.10: Thos. Betties, *6 081 U, Seaoem, 16.72; D. J. Burne, $4 80; U. Grigg, $33.99(1; W. Crooke, 2 46; N Rathwell, 83 90; J. Jarvis, :3.24; J. Porter. $6.60; W. J. Currie, *20.64 Conned •dio,rned to meet os. the 1615 day of December.-NIxoa tSTtraDT, Clerk, 0.,.,; Corest Ceras: Dhooversd at nut; a remedy that 1s son, safe and paioleu. Putnam's Painless Cora and Wars Ertractor sever faIle, never mines pain, Der •vee this slightest disoom fort. Buy Putnam* Cora ELtr°ctor, and beware of the many obeep, den , and flesh saU.g subotitates In the market THE LATE a a a a a a a a -relr a A _r a jCIJRISTMAS WE have Just put into stock a lot of fresh new goods for Christmas trade. A LARGE SHIPMENT HANDKERCI t1EFS. 124 dos.. s.1 15 lonewtaa price : 7Lo, 4o, 5t, 8u, 100, 12 •, 150, 18o, 20), 260, 30a Mmbroldered and loos edges. The grealsst yalue seer seen here. MUFFLERS. i a. oibm`r. osd.11e, LADIES' PARASOL.S. m.d unpinned 1• ►aloe. Jut the Hoag Is. a Christmas presses. GENTS' UMBRELLAS• frame: something newntury ruiner , es $11.00 to 82.76 union FURS. Cw 12 aped00&.-- 6 60, 10.00, 16.00, 17 00, 27,00, 30.00. Raft. -From $2 00 �r Just 15 left, the bateau of our season's stook, wblob writ bs LADIES' COAT.. sold a/ prigs' to Dear. Every ono most be sold .t sees pries. Two fur coats left yak One 26.00, the other 28,00, whlob is muob l... Ikan real value. A bag terga') for some two persons. W. were 1n Tornow lost week sod .,oared b.twew *400 00 and $1500 00 worth of geeds suitable for the sessoo 1• general nook at away down price, whlok are to 0s .old •1 away down prloes. us. for Christmas trade, trona *1.00 to 54 bU J. H. Colborne, Goderich. Merry Christmas Is Coming' + The Happiest Time of all the Year, .. , And Your Attention is ealled to our stock Perfumery-. In the greatest variety and finest valuer we have ever had -10o to *4 00. Some in Loather int. Hand kerchief and Glove Gi.us, The thirst line of all -SEE THEM. Gnat values in Xmas Packages at 25o to $1.00 -Beauties at *1 50 to 22 00. NEW BULK OitORS- Pink Peony (ben only), (:urine larnation,, Czarina Violets, White Heather. Largest rerfa.ae Sleek In Waren Ceuly, A DAINTY PERFUME IS TNI•: BEST 01 FT. Gifts for Smokers A fine line of Case Pipes -81.00 t., 81300. Nice Xmas Packages of Cigars - li5cto*200. Cigar Case. Cigarette Smokers' Sete FINE TOILET BRUSHER IN K11ON3', etc., NICE MIRRORS. OIFr I'URso.s, TOILET CASES, and other linos. NOTE: For that stubborn coli the best treatment is a box of Laxstive-Bromo-Quinine and • bottle of our W iib Pine and Tar. _ We yc e l W. C. G00DE, a Chemist, BEDFORD siocx. D. K.STRACHAN'S MAINE AND BLACKSMITH SHOP UNDER NEW MANAUESIKNT. JAMES H. JOHNSTON, who had been with the' are Mie, 8Tre*CHAw Lor several years, and is thoroughly cot) - versant wlih all oda es of work thee Dere nes° does 1n the shop, wishes to aneor-tce that be has taken °barge of tree establish meet ar 1 w111 carry on the taslnem to such • manner as to rataib •le c .edd•see wormed.anwormed. heretoforesx. coded to the lateown.r, and will ' pleased to have as many new customers as w111 favor him with their ratronsge. in eddttton to Ship Mork, las flows, Street Waering Wee - one, Home Powers, ,to , he w111 routine*. to do MINERAL HLACKSMITHIXG and 1tZPAIR WORK of .11 kledt. MA- CHINE TURNING, DRILLING, PLAN ING, TQRILADING. aad all kinds of ma ohloe work done on short notice. He has also added a Orst-class BR/ ?LNG PLANT, and all work In that hue, including Bicycle repainng and brakes of all ktodm, CIO be stteoded to oo short notice. Iowa Mow. ere sharpened. {'rices will be found quite reasonable. JAMES A. JOHN+TON, The late D. 1.• Htracba°'e Meobine aad Moot smith Shop, Victoria K,. GodeHoh. RELIABLE URS 404141••••• E never did advocate shopping away from home when you could do as well there as anywhere. But there are things which, it stands to reason, one can buy better in a centre like Toronto is, and one of these is FINE RELIABLE FURS, because to get the variety and to get the guaranteed qual• ity you must go to the larger market. We are exclusive fur manufacturers. We make everything we sell, and we guarantee every- thing wo make. We shall be pleased to welcome you to our showrooms --the largest and hest appointed in the Dominion -if you are passing our way, but if that's not pos- sible we'll be pleased to serve you through our Mail Order Department and promise you absolute satisfaction. You can have a copy of our new 1901-2 Catalogue for the asking. We are making a special feature of warm fur Jackets. LADIES' ASTRACHAN JACKETS. -Our "psetal....... $25 1. DIPJ$' ASTRACHAN, COON AND WALLABY JACK• ETA $25 t. $50 LADIES' ELECTRIC SEAL JACK RT8.-PLM 30 to 40 45 to 65. LADIES' KLiECTRIC MEAL. JACRSTS -Trimmed J. W. T. FAIRWEATHER & 84 YONOE-ST. - :TORONTO. Call and In. spect. Sharman, jr. BOOTSI�HOES,4„,S____RUBBERS. We have the kite t stock of BOOTS, SHOES aid RUBBER GOODS over shown in Goderich, It comprises goods of the following well-known makers : J. & T. Bell, Walker -Parker Co , "Empress," The Victoria Shoe Co., The Slater Shoe Co , The Williams Shoe Co. and E. T. Wright & Co., of Rocland, Mass. In Rubbers we can give either the Canadian Granby, Berlin, or the Glove Goodyear Rubber, of New York. Wm. Sharman, .it. "GOOD RELIABLE GOODS AT FAIR PRICES," is our motto. Coal! Coal! June Received 80 Tons Massillon Lump Coal, The beet Soft Coal 1. the market fie domestic corpses', also severs! oars 1/ Scranton Hard Coal Now ARRIVING. ALL COAL WEIGHED ON THE MARKET SOALES Soareity of care 1. likely to .'nom • coal famine daring the next two mo.thi., would therefor* advise purohw of ynar (1o.1 now. Wm. Campbell. ooderioh, hoe. 13th 1901. A Great Snap-. ie ear Glover Neap, at be a of ankle!e wsoli a hsrrel a week. Isn't star coaly .mp, as we tarry everything Ib.t ena be loved in an so- to dap mese] eters, and ear prier are right. The tanners kite. that they tae way• get from vs a map ter their rodeo*. W• draw the Ilse at se I amass Bred. - .verylhtag goes : Q or pMtees, elides staff or ekdprs kaki* Masa. W. deal la all of them. T. G. TIPLING & 00., Redford bleak, Qederfeb. 1 Before Buying I see our lige of....4• NEATENS RAN6ES.... We will save you money and give you the choice of the best lines on the Canadian market. Every Stove fully Oaarnnteed. . . LIB BHEPlARD, (70DRIL11,11. Mill Wood FOR SALE The al eve is cat into stove wood len4th and will be delivered to any part of the town the sante day as ordered. Orders received by telephone as left at 'voidance, 128 Cambria street. will receive prompt attention. Phone 98. PETER McEWAN. (4,ueriob. November 1ls1, 1*GO Wass